Specifications GMGB Molsieve l3X-LTG
Specifications GMGB Molsieve l3X-LTG
Molecular Sieves l3X-LTG are crystalline alumino silicae with SiO2, Al2O3 as 2i1. I! is fonned by an exteDsive cross linking of AlO.1 and SiO4 tetrahedra, .esulring in a unifonn pol€ opening of 1.O nln. GMCB Danufactures 13X LTG 'nolecular sieves nl L\e lbrm of extruded pellets and spheres by the State of the An technology in iis plant at Mehsana (Gujdat India). The products comfonably confonn to the specifications specified in the Bureau of Indian Standdds : BIS 1.121l:199.1.GMGB uses clays from its own nines iD the manufactlre of this pr'oduct, ensuring better control and unifonnily in lhe quality of tbe final product. The micro-porous crystalline structure of I3X-LTG coupled with selective adsorytivity. high adsopdion capacity and ability to be rcgenerated at substantially lower tempeture. mates them especial attractive for Air Sepantion Units designed fbr low energy consumption. Specifications GMGB Molsievel3X-LTG Nominal Dia :10Ao 1Ao = 103 cm 1,5 mm dia cylindrical pelets 3.0 mm dia Cylindrical Pellets 2-4 mm spheres Unit Range Typical Range Typical Range EquilibriumWater Adsorption Capacityat 30 deg.C 157,RH a/o 21.526 22.5 21.5-26 23.\) 23.0-27 25.5 '75Vc RH To 21-29.5 21.5 21-29 2'7.5 26-29.5 28.0 Vo 21.5-26 22.5 21.5-26 23.0 230-210 EA 19.0- 20.5 19.02t.5 6-12 20.-5 0.020.25 0.15 Thermal Stability afrer 600 Deg.CEquilibriumWater AdsorptionCapacityat 30 Deg.C& 157,RH CO?Ads. Capacityunder760 Illm Hg. & at 30 Deg.C Crushing Stength (Active) Attrition Loss on Tumbling Free Moisture(Max.) Bulk Density Bed Crushing Strength 2r.5 Kg. 5.0 m-25 20.5 Vo 3.0-7.0 0.020.15 % 1.5 gms/ 0.580.64 0.6 0.580.64 0.6 0.64-0;7 0.66 Vo 80-90 8.t.0 80-90 86.0 80-90 85.0 0.1 8.0 1.5 0.02-0.25 {J.1 1.5 Packing : Molecdar SievesGMGB l3X-LTC are packedfor indusrrialusein airrighrMS drums under hot conditionswith proper sealingarangemenrso rhai there is no ingressof moisturcduring storageandtransport.StandardPacking: 200/210Lit. drum size 570 x 860 (H) mm. Lile : MOL.SIEVES 13X-LTG hasinfinite shelf life. when storesin packedconditionThe active sewjce life wouid depend,however.on th€ operatingconditions of the plant, actual application,and the usageby the customer. Loading : MOL.SIEVES I3X-LTG doesnot require any specialprecartion or procedure dunng loading.However,the healthof the grjd supponis to be checked,and the vesselis to be cleanedof dust,foreignpaticles. etc.beforethe adso$entis loaded. During actualloading,the materialshouldbe pourcdcaretully lbroughfunnet and chute so as to avoid dusiing and attrition due to impacr of free fall. The drums shouldbe kept in ihe coveredshed.In caseof prolongedexposureof the adsorbenr to moisture dudng storage/ loading. it may requie prolongedrcgenerationat higher temp€ratweto restoreits tull adsorptivecapaciqr. ',#6ilgiEvB ltfldrrqlrrxll,{{q'rgr4rlrxr {ufl Material SafetvData : The productassuchis neitherinflanrmable,non toxic. Overall,ir is nor hazardous. Repeatedexposuremay iritate skin. eyes and respiratorysysrem.The product gershot as it is tusl exposedto atmospheredue !o adsorptionof moisture. Regeneration: MOL Sieves13X-LTG shouldbe regeneratedtiemally or by evacuationwidr simultaneouspuge. For thennalregeneration,the adsorbentmay by heatedro 110 - 120 deg.Cfbr removal of CO2. For sirnulianeousremoval of H2O and CO2, theadsorbent shouldbe heatedto 160-200de9.C. Howevertheexactregeneration condition (temperature,purge gas flow. etc.) dependson the application, feed qurlity and other operatingconditions. 't'r'l,li6['3iHira"{,5'{,,lTg'TJ'g5ii3lg3T8,ifr'' ABpucatlarsL 2. 3. 4. 5. Simultaneousremovalof Moisture and CO2 from feed an or Alr Separation / CryogenicPlant. rvlercdprdn, rero\il fromgaseou\ \rerm\. Processair drying ofdew point lessthan (rninus) 60 deg.Cfor suphonation plant. Swe€teningof Natural Gd5 Removal of H2S liom gaseousstreams. CujaratMulti GasBaseChemicals Pr1.Ltd. MarketingOffice r Opp. ONGCNagar,Palavasna, Nlehsana-384003. (NodhGujarat),INDIA Tel.No. :+9'l 2762-225566,225577 Fax No. : +91 2762-225544 E-mail : gujaratmulti@gmail.com manekmin@sancharnet.in f-= l tvl C-11,3rd Floor,KishnaC.S.H.Ltd,Subhash Road, NearGaruare HouseVilePafe(East)Mumba400 057 Ph.: +91-22-268351 30,32979944, Fax No.: +91-22-26a35a7 E-mai: molsieve@qmgb.net, silica@grngb.fet 8-B,Navdeep Aparlments, B/hC. U. ShahColLage, NavjlvanPressRoad,AshrcmRoad,Ahmedabd-14 Tel.No.: +91-79-2754431 I, Fax: +91-79-27 544314 Website: www.gmgbc.in BRANCHES; KOLKATA,DELHI,CHENNAI,INDORE.HYDERABAD& SINGAPORE. Molecr ar Sieves GMGB 5A are crystalline alumino silicate wrrhSiO2.Al2O3as 2:1.Il i. lormedb) an e\tenci\ecross linking of AlO4 and SiO4 tetahedra,resultingin a unilbm pore openingof 0.5 nm. GMGB manulactres 5A molecularsieves in the folm of extrudedpellets and spheresby the Stateof the Art technology in its plant at Mehsana (Gujamt-India) The productscomfortablyconfom to the specificationsspecifiedin BIS 142171994.Specifically the Buleauof IndianStandards: it has very high water adsolption capacity, and mechanical strength,and at the sametime very low attrition loss. GMGB usesclaysflom its own minesin the manufacturcof this product, ensuringbetter control and unifomity in the quality ofthe final product. Specifications GMGB Molsieve5A LAo= 103 cm Nominal Dia | 5Ao Form : Cylindrical pellets & Spherer 3,0 rnm dia 1.5 mm dia pellets Pellets Cylindrical cylindrical Tl?ical 2-4 mm spheres Range Typical Unit Range Typical Range Equilibrium water Adsorytion Capacityat 30 deg.C 157oRH Io 18-22 20.5 r8-22 20.5 18.022.t) '7 5VoRE Vo 2l-25 23.0 2l-25 23.0 21.0-25.0 23.0 a/o t8 22 20.5 18-22 20.5 18.0-22.0 20.0 Kg. E. 3.07.0 11-22 4.0 20.0 8-15 10.0 20.0 3.0-8.0 5.0 t'7.0-22.0 20.0 0.2 0.02-0.3 Themal Stability after 600 Deg.CEquilibriumwater AdsorptionCapacityat 30 Deg.C& 157oRH Crushing Stength lActjve) CO, Ads. Capacity 760 mm Hg. at 30 Deg.C Attrition Loss on Tumbling Frce Moisture (Max.) Bulk Density Bed Crushing Strength Vo 0.02-0.2 0.1 0.02-0.3 t.) 1o gms/cc t.70-0.80 0.?5 Vo 11-22 80-90 84.0 0.70-0.80 0.75 80-90 86.0 20.0 0.1 1.5 0.75-0.8s 0.81 85.0 80-90