Heflebower - Hawker Brownlow Education
Heflebower - Hawker Brownlow Education
Dr Tammy Heflebower Session Handouts ASOT Institute (The Art and Science of Teaching) Sunday 15 May 2016 BRISBANE HILTON HOTEL BRISBANE www.hbconf.com.au 03 8558 2444 03 8558 2400 conferences@hbe.com.au Conference Schedule Presenters Gavin Grift DAY ONE – Saturday 14 May CONFERENCE OPENING SESSION ONE 8.15 a.m. 8.30 a.m. – 10.30 a.m. MORNING TEA 10.30 a.m. – 11.00 a.m. SESSION TWO 11.00 a.m. – 1.00 p.m. LUNCH 1.00 p.m. – 2.00 p.m. SESSION THREE 2.00 p.m. – 4.00 p.m. DAY TWO – Sunday 15 May SESSION ONE 8.30 a.m. – 10.30 a.m. MORNING TEA 10.30 a.m. – 11.00 a.m. SESSION TWO 11.00 a.m. – 1.00 p.m. LUNCH 1.00 p.m. – 2.00 p.m. SESSION THREE 2.00 p.m. – 4.00 p.m. Gavin Grift is executive director of Hawker Brownlow Professional Learning Solutions. With experience as a teacher, assistant principal and educational coach, Gavin’s passion, commitment and style have made him an indemand presenter of keynotes, seminars and in-school support days. As a speaker, Gavin connects with national and international audiences on topics ranging from Cognitive Coaching and quality teacher practice to professionall learning communities and learning-centred leadership. Dr Tammy Heflebower Tammy EdD, is the senior scholar at Marzano Research. She is a highly sought-after school leader and consultant with vast experiences in urban, rural and suburban districts throughout the United States, Canada, Europe and Australia. Dr Heflebower has served as an awardwinning classroom teacher, building leader, district leader, regional professional development director, adjunct professor, and national and international trainer. Tom Hierck Tom Hierck has been an educator since 1983, in a career that has spanned all year levels and included many roles in public education. His experiences as a teacher, school leader, department of education project leader and executive director have provided a unique context for his education philosophy. Tom is a compelling presenter, infusing his message of hope with strategies pulled from the real world. Eric Sheninger Eric Sheninger is a senior fellow and thought leader on digital leadership with the International Center for Leadership in Education. Prior to this, he was the awardwinning principal of New Milford High School in New Jersey. As an innovative educator, bestselling author and sought-after speaker, Eric’s work focuses on leading and learning in the digital age as a model for moving schools forward. This has led to the formation of the Pillars of Digital Leadership, a framework for all educators to initiate sustainable change that transforms school culture. Dr Janelle Wills Published in Australia by Janelle (PhD) is the director of Marzano Institute Australia. She is the lead training associate for High Reliability Schools, The Art & Science of Teaching and other Marzano topics. Personally trained by Dr Robert Marzano, Janelle specialises in long-term school improvement. With over 30 years of teaching and leadership experience across all sectors of schooling, she has a strong commitment to continued learning that enables her to remain both informed and innovative in her approach. This handout was created by Hawker Brownlow Education for the proceedings of the Hawker Brownlow 13th Annual Thinking & Learning Conference. All rights are reserved by Hawker Brownlow Education. It is a violation of copyright law to duplicate or distribute copies of this handout by any means for any purposes without prior permission in writing from Hawker Brownlow Education. Professors and workshop presenters must first secure written permission for any duplication rights. For copyright questions, permission requests, or information regarding professional development contact: Hawker Brownlow Education P.O. Box 580, Moorabbin, Victoria 3189, Australia Phone: (03) 8558 2444 Fax: (03) 8558 2400 Toll Free Ph: 1800 334 603 Fax: 1800 150 445 Website: www.hbe.com.au Email: orders@hbe.com.au © 2016 Hawker Brownlow Education Printed in Australia CODE: BRITHB0201 0516ii A message from Hawker Brownlow Education We hope that you have found these conference papers and the accompanying sessions useful. Please be aware that the contents of these papers are the intellectual property of the speaker and no reproduction for any purpose is authorised. We urge you to take care of this booklet. Replacement copies will not be made available either during or after this conference. CONTENTS SUNDAY 15 MAY The Art and Science of Teaching Institute SESSIONS 1 TO 3 (All Day) SESSION 1 (8.30am–10.30am) SESSION 2 (11.00am–1.00pm) SESSION 3 (2.00pm–4.00pm) Session 1–3 The Art & Science of Teaching Great teachers are made, not born. National and international research shows unequivocally that quality teaching has the greatest in-school impact on student learning than any other factor. Quality teaching is a key tenet of Dr Robert J. Marzano’s best-selling book The Art & Science of Teaching, which is based on four decades of educational research. Through the Art & Science of Teachers teachers are provided with clear guidelines as to what constitutes effective practice. When introduced as a school-wide instructional framework, the Art & Science of Teaching framework provides a common language of instruction for teachers from F–12 enabling collegial dialogue and reflective practices. It provides school leaders with an effective tool for giving precise feedback and coaching support to teachers. 1 TAMMY HEFLEBOWER SUNDAY 15 MAY 2016 SESSIONS 1–3 #-/)$)*#$)" )?6).0/2/ 6HFGK -=((6 *4- )$*-#*'- /((6=# *4-D(-7)*-.-#=*( D/((6(-' 2 © 2016 Hawker Brownlow Education. All rights reserved. BRITHB0201 Proceedings of the Hawker Brownlow 13th Annual Thinking and Learning Conference, 14–15 May 2016 TAMMY HEFLEBOWER SUNDAY 15 MAY 2016 SESSIONS 1–3 !< • )-./)-(4*-&*-$)./-20*))/#+*4-* *((*)$)./-20*)'')"2"= -))$)..)0',2.0*)./*"2$'..*).$")= -)/#/#-."()/.*3-6'..*)= 5+-$)>'-)JG$)./-20*)''()/.*- $(+'()/0*)$)/#'..-**(= *#" # ! !!! !#"!"$ !$#! %!! )+ , !)', #--$0')/-3)0*).BC< •.6./(*$)$3$2''-'-)$)""*'.*))/ /*./2)/&)3'20*)//#'..-**(: .#**':)$./-$/'3'. •).2-$)"03/#$)"$)3-6'..-**( •2$'$)"&"-*2)&)*4'"*-''./2)/. +8'(,+!LJKP&+8'(+,+!>(& © 2016 Hawker Brownlow Education. All rights reserved. BRITHB0201 Proceedings of the Hawker Brownlow 13th Annual Thinking and Learning Conference, 14–15 May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–3 © 2016 Hawker Brownlow Education. All rights reserved. BRITHB0201 Proceedings of the Hawker Brownlow 13th Annual Thinking and Learning Conference, 14–15 May 2016 TAMMY HEFLEBOWER SUNDAY 15 MAY 2016 SESSIONS 1–3 -' ! &&%*&(5)-4+ -)$)"*'.3.=03$0. -)$)"*'. 03$0.*-..$")()/. • --&'-,(5!-,-3'-, • ,$,(+%+'"' 5"%%$'(5(+%-((> )+( +,,"(',,-3'-,+ ,$-(("%7-(&(4 • ,"+3-3+,--( (&)-'"',3#-+> -(5+%+'"' (%> • !7++".%(+ 1' -(-!'<3--!7+'(- -!'> +8'(,+!LJKP&+8'(+,+!>(& © 2016 Hawker Brownlow Education. All rights reserved. BRITHB0201 Proceedings of the Hawker Brownlow 13th Annual Thinking and Learning Conference, 14–15 May 2016 5 6 Score 0.0 Partial success at score 2.0 content, and major errors or omissions regarding score 3.0 content With help, partial success at score 2.0 content but not at score 3.0 content Even with help, no success Score 0.5 With help, partial success at score 2.0 content and score 3.0 content Score 1.5 Procedures: The student will match the times with the correct clock, trying to beat the egg timer. Materials: cards with different times to the five minutes; cards with digital clocks showing different times to the five minutes; egg timer The student will perform basic processes, such as: tell and write time from digital clocks to the nearest five minutes (2.MD.7) identify the hands on an analog clock count by 5s to 60 tell time to the hour, half-hour, and quarter-hour Beat the Timer Center Activity: • nearest, analog, clock, digital, minute, time, a.m., p.m. • • • • Sample Activities: No major errors or omissions regarding score 2.0 content, and partial success at score 3.0 content Procedures: Periodically during the day, the student will tell and/or write the time, also indicating what he/she is doing at particular time of the school day. The student will recognize or recall specific vocabulary, such as: Score 2.5 What Time Is It? • tell and write time from analog clocks to the nearest five minutes (2.MD.7) Materials: analog clock in the classroom Sample Activity: The student will: In addition to score 3.0 performance, partial success at score 4.0 content solve real-world problems involving elapsed time write correct digital time from an analog clock and the reverse Score 3.5 • • The student will: In addition to score 3.0 performance, the student demonstrates in-depth inferences and applications that go beyond what was taught. SUNDAY 15 MAY 2016 Score 1.0 Score 2.0 Score 3.0 Score 4.0 Grade 2 Time MEASUREMENT, DATA, STATISTICS, AND PROBABILITY TAMMY HEFLEBOWER SESSIONS 1–3 O © 2016 Hawker Brownlow Education. All rights reserved. BRITHB0201 Proceedings of the Hawker Brownlow 13th Annual Thinking and Learning Conference, 14–15 May 2016 TAMMY HEFLEBOWER SUNDAY 15 MAY 2016 SESSIONS 1–3 -*$)6'. *- )$0*)/*5#$$0)"'3'I+-*-():$)?+/# J=F $)-).)++'$0*)./#/"*4#/4. /2"#/$)'.. *- *(%*---*-.*-*($..$*).-"-$)")6*/# I=F $)*-(0*))>*-+-*...BC /#/4-5+'$$/'6/2"#/ *- *(%*---*-.*-*($..$*).-"-$)"/# H=F /$'.)+-*...(%*---*-.*-*($..$*). -"-$)"/#(*-*(+'5$.)+-*... *- $/#:+-0'&)*4'"*.*(*/#.$(+'- G=F )*(+'5/$'.)+-*... *- 3)4$/##'+:)*2)-./)$)"*-.&$'' F=F (*)./-/ +8'(,+!LJKP&+8'(+,+!>(& © 2016 Hawker Brownlow Education. All rights reserved. BRITHB0201 Proceedings of the Hawker Brownlow 13th Annual Thinking and Learning Conference, 14–15 May 2016 7 TAMMY HEFLEBOWER SUNDAY 15 MAY 2016 SESSIONS 1–3 3$)"./2)/./-&+-*"-..*)/#$- *4)'-)$)""*'.-.2'/.$)AAAAN $)-.$)./2)/#$3()/= *")$7)'-/-*4/# +8'(,+!(+-(+7LJKN<555>&+8'(+,+!>(& 8 Q © 2016 Hawker Brownlow Education. All rights reserved. BRITHB0201 Proceedings of the Hawker Brownlow 13th Annual Thinking and Learning Conference, 14–15 May 2016 TAMMY HEFLEBOWER SUNDAY 15 MAY 2016 SESSIONS 1–3 2' ! %*(--3)-/,+ © 2016 Hawker Brownlow Education. All rights reserved. BRITHB0201 Proceedings of the Hawker Brownlow 13th Annual Thinking and Learning Conference, 14–15 May 2016 9 TAMMY HEFLEBOWER SUNDAY 15 MAY 2016 SESSIONS 1–3 .' ! # !!!%*(.5)13+ +8'(,+!LJKP&+8'(+,+!>(& 10 © 2016 Hawker Brownlow Education. All rights reserved. BRITHB0201 Proceedings of the Hawker Brownlow 13th Annual Thinking and Learning Conference, 14–15 May 2016 TAMMY HEFLEBOWER SUNDAY 15 MAY 2016 SESSIONS 1–3 '*-03)/--*"0*) !-!+)+(,,-3'-?,',5+7,$"' %(+.4*3,.(',5!"!)+(&)--! ,-3'--(+-('-!'-3+('#3,..(',(+-!"++,)(',>!-!+&" !-,$ @!7(7(3%"4-!--(-+3;A"'(++-(,.&3%-,-3'--()+(4"4"'-( ,3))(+-!",(+!+('%3,"('>,('-!,-3'-?,+,)(',<-!-!+,$,-!,-3'- -( '+-'"C-!',--&'->+'"C-!',--&'-!,' '+-<-!-!+ ,$,-!,-3'-"!(+,!&" !--!"'$"+'-%7(3--!(+" "'%('%3,"('> $.2..$*)2.0*).< K> (+5!-,)"('-'-(+5!'&" !-@%(+.4 '-++( .('A5(+$5%%; L> !--!+.(',5(3%',3+-!--!",,-+- 75,"&)%&'-.4%7' "'-%7; +8'(,+!LJKP&+8'(+,+!>(& © 2016 Hawker Brownlow Education. All rights reserved. BRITHB0201 Proceedings of the Hawker Brownlow 13th Annual Thinking and Learning Conference, 14–15 May 2016 KJ 11 TAMMY HEFLEBOWER SUNDAY 15 MAY 2016 SESSIONS 1–3 /' ! !!%*(14)41+ +8'(,+!LJKP&+8'(+,+!>(& 12 © 2016 Hawker Brownlow Education. All rights reserved. BRITHB0201 Proceedings of the Hawker Brownlow 13th Annual Thinking and Learning Conference, 14–15 May 2016 TAMMY HEFLEBOWER SUNDAY 15 MAY 2016 SESSIONS 1–3 )06$)"$($'-$0.)$-). +8'(,+!(+-(+7LJKM&+8'(+,+!>(& © 2016 Hawker Brownlow Education. All rights reserved. BRITHB0201 Proceedings of the Hawker Brownlow 13th Annual Thinking and Learning Conference, 14–15 May 2016 KL 13 TAMMY HEFLEBOWER SUNDAY 15 MAY 2016 SESSIONS 1–3 (&)+",('-+"6 )/)/(*-*(+-$)" EEEEEEEEEEEEEEE'EEEEEEEEEEEEEEE+,"&"%+3,-!7(-! 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BRITHB0201 Proceedings of the Hawker Brownlow 13th Annual Thinking and Learning Conference, 14–15 May 2016 TAMMY HEFLEBOWER SUNDAY 15 MAY 2016 SESSIONS 1–3 %% # $ # $ ! ! • cutting-edge research concrete strategies sustainable success cutting-edge research concrete strategies sustainable success Example ample cutting-edge research concrete strategies sustainable success cutting-edge research concrete strategies sustainable success $ # " A Concept Pattern could look like this $ " cutting-edge research concrete strategies sustainable success cutting-edge research concrete strategies sustainable success = +8'(,+!(+-(+7LJKM &+8'(+,+!>(& © 2016 Hawker Brownlow Education. All rights reserved. BRITHB0201 Proceedings of the Hawker Brownlow 13th Annual Thinking and Learning Conference, 14–15 May 2016 KN 15 TAMMY HEFLEBOWER SUNDAY 15 MAY 2016 Frayer Model SESSIONS 1–3 Summarizing and Note Taking Essential characteristics Non-Essential Characteristics topic Examples Non-Examples cutting-edge research concrete strategies sustainable success cutting-edge research # # # $ # # " # " # " # " # " ! ! # 16 sustainable success cutting-edge research concrete strategies concrete strategies sustainable success cutting-edge research concrete strategies sustainable success '5(+,3&&+", %"', (+%555>5(+%>'- 6(555>- 6(>(& +)!"(+ '"8+, o !0)=BB+(%( 7>(&B +)!"(+ , o !0)=BB555>3)%>(&B +)!"(+ '"8+ +8'(,+!(+-(+7LJKM &+8'(+,+!>(& KO © 2016 Hawker Brownlow Education. All rights reserved. BRITHB0201 Proceedings of the Hawker Brownlow 13th Annual Thinking and Learning Conference, 14–15 May 2016 TAMMY HEFLEBOWER SUNDAY 15 MAY 2016 SESSIONS 1–3 (,-!"%+'%"$-()%75"-!&(%,<"'%3"' &(%+,< .'$+-(7,<&(%!(3,,<',(('>"$5",<&(,-,"'.,-, "'-+-5"-!&(%,>(54+<-!"+&(%"'-+.('",(3-( ',,"-7F'&7"-(-!"+!"%!((%"'-!&:G<,-! ',,"-7F'&7"-(-!"+!"%!((%"'-!&:G<,-! (+ "' ('5,"'",+*3'-%7)''-('-!-! 4%()&'-(&(%,>!'7(3-!"'$(3-"-<"-",,7-( 3'+,-'-!"&)(+-'(&(%,"',"'> !-,)+-,(()+.4%+'"' +(& +(3) 5(+$; •T*.$03)/-+)) ,!%)',,+7; •T)$3$2'*2)/$'$/6 ,-!++*3"+"'"4"3%)+(+&'; •T,2'-0$+0*) (5*3%",-!)+.").('; •O$(2'/)*2.)/-0*) !-)+'-(-!%,,",(4+-%7.4- ('; !0)=BB555>$ '('%"'>(& © 2016 Hawker Brownlow Education. All rights reserved. BRITHB0201 Proceedings of the Hawker Brownlow 13th Annual Thinking and Learning Conference, 14–15 May 2016 17 18 " ! " SUNDAY 15 MAY 2016 ! TAMMY HEFLEBOWER SESSIONS 1–3 KQ © 2016 Hawker Brownlow Education. All rights reserved. BRITHB0201 Proceedings of the Hawker Brownlow 13th Annual Thinking and Learning Conference, 14–15 May 2016 TAMMY HEFLEBOWER SUNDAY 15 MAY 2016 SESSIONS 1–3 *(+-$.*)/-$. -3'-,"'.7%&'-,-!75",!-((&)+'5+"--!&--!-()(!(%3&'"' +">6-<3,"' &-+"6%"$-!('(%%(5"' <,-3'-,"'.70+"3-,-!75",!-( (&)+'5+"--!&"'-!+(5,>!'<"'!%%<,-3'-,+(+"'(+&.('+%- -(!0+"3-(+!%&'->"'%%7<,-3'-,,3&&+"85!--!7%+'7 (&)+"' -!%&'-,> +8'(,+!LJKP&+8'(+,+!>(& © 2016 Hawker Brownlow Education. All rights reserved. BRITHB0201 Proceedings of the Hawker Brownlow 13th Annual Thinking and Learning Conference, 14–15 May 2016 KR 19 TAMMY HEFLEBOWER SUNDAY 15 MAY 2016 SESSIONS 1–3 0' ! #!!%*&(42)53+ )*4'"++'$0*)..*). 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T When asked, students describe the importance of generating and testing hypotheses about content. T Teacher organizes students into groups to generate and test hypotheses. T When asked, students explain how groups support their learning. T Students use group activities to help them generate and test hypotheses. How Am I Doing? Organizing students for cognitively complex tasks 4 Innovating 3 Applying 2 Developing 1 Beginning I adapt and create new strategies for unique student needs and situations. I organize students into groups to facilitate working on cognitively complex tasks, and I monitor the extent to which group processes facilitate generating and testing hypotheses. I organize students into groups to facilitate working on cognitively complex tasks, but I do so in a somewhat mechanistic way. I use the strategy incorrectly or with parts missing. +8'(,+!LJKP&+8'(+,+!>(& © 2016 Hawker Brownlow Education. All rights reserved. BRITHB0201 Proceedings of the Hawker Brownlow 13th Annual Thinking and Learning Conference, 14–15 May 2016 0 Not Using I should use the strategy, but I don’t. LJ 21 TAMMY HEFLEBOWER SUNDAY 15 MAY 2016 SESSIONS 1–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© 2016 Hawker Brownlow Education. All rights reserved. BRITHB0201 Proceedings of the Hawker Brownlow 13th Annual Thinking and Learning Conference, 14–15 May 2016 TAMMY HEFLEBOWER SUNDAY 15 MAY 2016 SESSIONS 1–3 Generating and Defending Claims Introducing the Concept of Claims and Support Even though people make claims and provide support quite naturally, it is important to introduce the concept of claims and support to students so that they might engage in this actively more consciously and rigorously. At first, it is enough to introduce the idea that a claim is simply something one believes to be true. Students should be able to provide reasons for their beliefs and be able to provide evidence for those reasons. Reasons and evidence for claims are referred to as support. Teacher Actions • Explaining and exemplifying claims or beliefs • Explaining the relationship between claims, reasons, and evidence • Exemplifying reasons and evidence Desired Student Responses • Being able to explain and exemplify claims • Being able to explain and exemplify reasons and evidence • Generating claims with accompanying reasons and evidence Extra Support • Providing students with practice exercises in which they identify claims, reasons, and evidence Extension • Asking students to find examples of claims with reasons and evidence in the media Frames for Claims and Support One of the easiest ways to help students generate claims and support is to provide them with sentence prompts like the following. Claim: I believe that . Reasons: I believe this because . Evidence: My evidence for this is . Students can complete these sentence stems and share them with the whole class or in small groups. At the primary level, students might use versions of the prompts such as the following. Claim: My new idea is . Reasons: I think this because . Evidence: What I actually saw was . These stems are designed to be used with things students can actually observe, such as what happens to a plant growing in the classroom, the behavior of ants in an ant colony, or the habits of birds nesting in a tree outside the classroom. LL MARZ ANO COMPENDIUM OF INSTRUCTIONAL STRATEGIES 5 © 2016 Hawker Brownlow Education. All rights reserved. BRITHB0201 Proceedings of the Hawker Brownlow 13th Annual Thinking and Learning Conference, 14–15 May 2016 23 TAMMY HEFLEBOWER SUNDAY 15 MAY 2016 SESSIONS 1–3 Generating and Defending Claims Presenting the Formal Structure of Claims and Support When students are familiar with the general concept of claims and support, the teacher can provide them with the more formal distinctions. Specifically, at a formal level, support for a claim should include grounds, backing, and qualifiers. • Grounds—initial reasons for a claim. Students should provide grounds that answer the question, Why do you think your claim is true? • Backing—additional information about grounds that helps establish their validity. Backing is more specific, in-depth evidence, such as research-based data, expert opinions, and facts. • Qualifiers—exceptions to claims. The number of qualifiers needed for a claim can help determine the certainty of a claim. Teacher Actions • Explaining grounds, backing, and qualifiers to students • Asking students to provide grounds, backing, and qualifiers for their claims • Asking students to explain why their claims are valid Desired Student Responses • Providing grounds, backing, and qualifiers for their claims • Explaining why their claims are valid Extra Support • Telling stories about famous claims and labeling the different kinds of support presented for them as grounds, backing, or qualifiers Extension • Asking students to find other people who have made claims similar to their own and having them compare their support with other support given for that claim Technology Tips • Have students use Internet search tools to locate reputable online resources to back their claims. 24 © 2016 Hawker Brownlow Education. All rights reserved. BRITHB0201 Proceedings of the Hawker Brownlow 13th Annual Thinking and Learning Conference, 14–15 May 2016 TAMMY HEFLEBOWER SUNDAY 15 MAY 2016 SESSIONS 1–3 7 REPRODUCIBLE Diagramming an Argument Name: Date: Class: Claim: Grounds: Grounds: Grounds: Backing: Backing: Backing: Backing: Backing: Backing: Qualifier(s): Qualifier(s): Qualifier(s): LN Marzano Compendium of Instructional Strategies © 2016 Marzano Research © 2016 Hawker Brownlow Education. All rights reserved. BRITHB0201 Proceedings of the Hawker Brownlow 13th Annual Thinking and Learning Conference, 14–15 May 2016 25 TAMMY HEFLEBOWER SUNDAY 15 MAY 2016 SESSIONS 1–3 1' !%*&(54)--2+ +8'(,+!LJKP&+8'(+,+!>(& 26 LO LO © 2016 Hawker Brownlow Education. All rights reserved. BRITHB0201 Proceedings of the Hawker Brownlow 13th Annual Thinking and Learning Conference, 14–15 May 2016 TAMMY HEFLEBOWER SUNDAY 15 MAY 2016 #-..&()6,2.0*).=*./ /#-,2.0*).-//#'*4./ *")$03'3'@&)*4)./:-'':*- &)*4'"= SESSIONS 1–3 */''./2)/.-*2)/'/* -.+*)/*'',2.0*).=#-. -,2)/'6''*)3*'2)/-.:)/#. 3*'2)/-.*).0/2/.'/"-*2+* ./2)/.= D#/-6*22--)/'6*$)"$)6*2-'..-**( /#/-...#.//()/9 D#/$0*)'./-/"$.($"#/6*22.9 #-./6+$''64$/'../#)*).*) !-.&$)",2.0*)*-''$)"*) ./2)//*).4-=#-.4$/3)'.. 0(*-.+&$)"!-/#./2)/#. ).4-= #-.*!)+/$)*--/).4-. 4$/#*2/+-*$)";/#6-,2)/'6).4- /#$-*4),2.0*).= +8'(,+!LJKP&+8'(+,+!>(& © 2016 Hawker Brownlow Education. All rights reserved. BRITHB0201 Proceedings of the Hawker Brownlow 13th Annual Thinking and Learning Conference, 14–15 May 2016 27 TAMMY HEFLEBOWER SUNDAY 15 MAY 2016 SESSIONS 1–3 3' !$! %*&(-/-)-04+ +8'(,+!LJKP&+8'(+,+!>(& 28 © 2016 Hawker Brownlow Education. All rights reserved. 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SESSIONS 1–3 %%! &%(!&&!!'& &(&% (!$% '% "$!'$%- o o !' & $ !%- o $ %&' &"$!$%%! $ !%- o # !! $ o $& %'%%! $ !%- o . %%! &%(!&&!! & & $&/ "'&*"$ %- o " o " o o !)"$& " &(&%- o o o " o " o o +"!&%% $&! &%& &%%- o o o o . %%! &%(!&&!&(&%&'%&*'&! &"!& &- o o ! %#' %!$'% $!'$%- o o o &! %"%- o o o o *"&&! %- o o " o " o , &'% © 2016 Hawker Brownlow Education. All rights reserved. BRITHB0201 Proceedings of the Hawker Brownlow 13th Annual Thinking and Learning Conference, 14–15 May 2016 33 TAMMY HEFLEBOWER SUNDAY 15 MAY 2016 SESSIONS 1–3 A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z MM 34 © 2016 Hawker Brownlow Education. All rights reserved. BRITHB0201 Proceedings of the Hawker Brownlow 13th Annual Thinking and Learning Conference, 14–15 May 2016 TAMMY HEFLEBOWER SUNDAY 15 MAY 2016 © 2016 Hawker Brownlow Education. All rights reserved. BRITHB0201 Proceedings of the Hawker Brownlow 13th Annual Thinking and Learning Conference, 14–15 May 2016 SESSIONS 1–3 35 TAMMY HEFLEBOWER 36 SUNDAY 15 MAY 2016 SESSIONS 1–3 © 2016 Hawker Brownlow Education. All rights reserved. BRITHB0201 Proceedings of the Hawker Brownlow 13th Annual Thinking and Learning Conference,14–15 May 2016 TAMMY HEFLEBOWER SUNDAY 15 MAY 2016 © 2016 Hawker Brownlow Education. All rights reserved. BRITHB0201 Proceedings of the Hawker Brownlow 13th Annual Thinking and Learning Conference, 14–15 May 2016 SESSIONS 1–3 37 DR TAMMY HEFLEBOWER RESOURCES Dr Tammy Heflebower is senior scholar at Marzano Research in Colorado. Previously, Dr Heflebower has served as a classroom teacher, building-level leader, district leader, regional professional development director and national trainer. She has also been an adjunct professor of curriculum, instruction and assessment at several universities. A prominent member of numerous educational organisations, Dr Heflebower has been president of the Nebraska Association for Supervision and Curriculum Development and president-elect for the Professional Development Organization for Nebraska Educational Service Units. Coaching Classroom Instruction Robert J. Marzano, Julia Simms • 9781743306741 This book includes 280 research-based classroom strategies, organised under 41 elements of effective teaching, to help coaches move teachers through the five levels of Marzano’s teacher progress scale. Contains additional resources for the text, including reproducible copies of the comprehension questions from the guide, 41 web-only resources taken from Marzano’s website that supplement the lessons found in the text, and a list of additional resources for reflective practice. MRL6741 • $39.95 Robert J. Marzano, Tammy Heflebower • 9781743305249 Becoming a Reflective Teacher demonstrates the importance of reflective practice – an essential component in developing expertise in teaching. Robert J. Marzano and his colleagues present researchand theory-based strategies that combine a model of effective instruction with goal setting, focused practice, focused feedback, and observations and discussions of teaching to improve the instructional practices of all P–12 educators. MRL5249 • $39.95 Collaborative Teams That Transform Schools: The Next Step in PLCs Robert Marzano, Tammy Heflebower, Jan Hoegh, Phil Warrick, Gavin Grift, Laurel Hecker, Janelle Wills • 9781760017484 Collaborative Teams That Transform Schools: The Next Step in PLCs is groundbreaking. It offers teachers and school leaders a practical, comprehensive model for building successful professional learning communities (PLCs), drawing from the extensive research and experience of its authors to present a clear and compelling look at the future of PLCs. Beginning with essential theory, the authors then detail the practical steps that collaborative teams can take to transform their schools. If you are an educator in the process of developing your school as a PLC, this book is an invaluable resource. MRL7484 • $35.95 The Classroom Strategies Series: Complete Library (Set of 8) This series offers in-depth research-based instructional strategies that can be used in the classroom to enhance student achievement. Classroom teachers as well as building- and district-level administrators will benefit from sharing the knowledge in this library and building capacity as a staff to implement strategies for school improvement. 38 Robert J. Marzano, Tammy Heflebower • 9781742392325 As the 21st century unfolds, P–12 teachers and administrators must lead the cultural shift required to ensure their students can survive and thrive in the changing world. Teaching & Assessing 21st Century Skills presents a model of instruction and assessment based on a combination of cognitive skills (to succeed academically) and conative skills (to succeed interpersonally) – necessary skills for living and working in the highly varied and quickly changing knowledge economy of the 21st century. MRL2325 • $39.95 Becoming a Reflective Teacher MRL7000 • $250.00 Teaching & Assessing 21st Century Skills The Highly Engaged Classroom Robert J. Marzano, Debra Pickering • 9781742397634 Student engagement is a central aspect of effective teaching. This text offers an in depth understanding of how to generate high levels of student attention and engagement to maximize learning potential. The Highly Engaged Classroom includes real classroom examples and strategies for achieving high engagement based on comprehensive research. Strategies range from capturing attention by connecting lessons to students’ interests, to incorporating physical movement to lift energy or to further understanding. MRL7634 • $35.95 Building Background Knowledge for Academic Achievement Robert Marzano • 9781741016888 In Building Background Knowledge for Academic Achievement, Robert Marzano shows how a carefully-structured combination of two approaches - sustained silent reading and instruction in subject-specific vocabulary terms - can help overcome the deficiencies in background knowledge that hamper the achievement of many children. 104017 • $29.95 A School Leaders Guide to StandardsBased Grading Tammy Heflebower, Jan K. Hoegh, and Phil Warrick, Mitzi Hoback, Margaret McInteer, Bev Clemens • 9781760012861 A reliable framework for analysing student learning and providing students and stakeholders with effective feedback on student progress. This guide not only articulates significant research supporting standardsbased grading as an accurate, precise, and effective way to report academic strengths and weaknesses but also shares applicable anecdotes from educators implementing its components. MRL2861 • $27.95 © 2016 Hawker Brownlow Education. All rights reserved. BRITHB0201 Proceedings of the Hawker Brownlow 13th Annual Thinking and Learning Conference, 14–15 May 2016 A Six-Step Process For Teaching Vocabulary DVD Robert J. Marzano • 9781743301814 This program demonstrates how teachers use a six-step process recommended by Robert Marzano in his book Building Background Knowledge for Academic Achievement: Research on What Works in Schools to teach academic vocabulary in the primary or secondary years. It also compliments the Building Academic Vocabulary Teacher’s Manual. The DVD menu is split into primary and secondary titles, with each of the six steps able to be navigated individually or as a whole process. 605169 • $165.00 A Handbook for The Art & Science of Teaching Robert J. Marzano, John Brown • 9781742391472 Implementing the action steps from the The Art and Science of Teaching is much easier when you use this in-depth resource for workshops, professional learning communities, teacher training and self-help. Hundreds of samples, guidelines, checklists and activities help teachers in all year levels and subjects become instant experts on Marzano’s breakthrough framework for effective instruction. A series of 25 modules equips any teacher with a logical planning sequence to ensure you: establish learning goals and track progress, help students interact with new knowledge and develop effective relationships. 108049 • $27.95 A Handbook for High Reliability Schools Robert J. Marzano, Phil Warrick, Julia Simms • 9781760012779 Usher in the new era of school reform with A Handbook for High Reliability Schools. In this invaluable manual for whole-school improvement, Dr Robert J. Marzano and his co-authors help you to transform your school into an organisation that takes proactive steps to prevent failure and ensure student success. Using a research-based five-level hierarchy along with leading and lagging indicators, you’ll learn to assess, monitor and confirm the effectiveness of your school. This revised Australian edition of A Handbook for High Reliability Schools has been adapted by Dr Janelle Wills, director of the Marzano Institute Australia, to align with Australian educational policies and practices. MRL2779 • $29.95 Formative Assessment & Standards-Based Grading Robert J. Marzano • 9781742394916 Learn everything you need to know to implement an integrated system of assessment and grading that will enhance your teaching and your students’ learning. Dr Robert J. Marzano details the specific benefits of formative assessment – assessment that is used during instruction rather than at the end of a course or unit. Marzano explains how to design and interpret three different types of formative assessments, how to track student progress, and how to assign meaningful grades, even if a school or district continues to use a traditional grading system. MRL4916 • $35.95 The Art & Science of Teaching Robert J. Marzano • 9781741705102 Author Robert J. Marzano presents a model for ensuring quality teaching that balances the necessity of research-based data with the equally vital need to understand the strengths and weaknesses of individual students. Filled with charts, rubrics and organisers, this methodical, user-friendly guide will help teachers examine and develop their knowledge and skills, so they can achieve that dynamic fusion of art and science that results in exceptional teaching and outstanding student achievement. 107001 • $23.95 Effective Supervision: Supporting the Art and Science of Teaching Tony Frontier, David Livingston, Robert Marzano • 9781742391465 Find out what it takes to create a teacher supervision and evaluation system that’s more apt to lead to higher student achievement, including: *Five school-level conditions that are essential to systematically developing teacher expertise. *Four domains of teaching practice that provide a focus for instructional improvement. *Five ways to provide teacher feedback that avoids the pitfalls of a checklist approach. 110019 • $29.95 Proficiency Scales for English and Mathematics Standards David Yanoski, Jan Hoegh, Julia A Simms, Phil Warrick, Robert Marzano, Tammy Heflebower • 9781760012878 Whether you are actively engaged in implementing a Marzano Institute initiative in your school or simply need guidance when it comes to measuring student learning, this book can help. Designed to supplement your existing practice, it contains over 110 proficiency scales that will bring new rigour and focus to your teaching and assessment practice, as well as aid in creating unique proficiency scales for the Australian Curriculum. MRL2878 • $38.95 Vocabulary Games for the Classroom Lindsay Carleton, Robert Marzano • 9781742396217 Get your students excited about vocabulary learning with these thirteen fun games designed for students at all levels. Puzzle stories, category creators, word harvests and much more make learning easy and fun. The step by step approach clearly explains the design, set up, materials and directions for each game, and an extensive appendix is filled with vocabulary terms that are considered critical based on educational research by the Marzano Institute. This Revised Australian edition offers sample questions, suggestions and examples to help you teach each game. MRL6217 • $40.00 © 2016 Hawker Brownlow Education. All rights reserved. BRITHB0201 Proceedings of the Hawker Brownlow 13th Annual Thinking and Learning Conference, 14–15 May 2016 39 ORDER FORM Qty Code Title Price MRL2779 A Handbook for High Reliability Schools 108049 A Handbook for The Art & Science of Teaching Code Title $29.95 110019 Effective Supervision: Supporting the Art and Science of Teaching $29.95 $27.95 MRL4916 Formative Assessment & Standards-Based Grading $35.95 $27.95 MRL2878 Proficiency Scales for English and Mathematics Standards $38.95 $165.00 MRL2325 Teaching and Assessing 21st Century Skills $39.95 $39.95 107001 The Art & Science of Teaching: A Comprehensive Framework for Effective Instruction $23.95 MRL7000 The Classroom Strategies Series Complete Library MRL7634 The Highly Engaged Classroom MRL6217 Vocabulary Games for the Classroom MRL2861 A School Leader's Guide to Standards-Based Grading 605169 A Six-Step Process For Teaching Vocabulary DVD MRL5249 Becoming a Reflective Teacher 104017 Building Background Knowledge for Academic Achievement $29.95 MRL6741 Coaching Classroom Instruction $39.95 MRL7484 Collaborative Teams That Transform Schools: The Next Step in PLCs $35.95 Qty Price $300.00 $35.95 $40.00 Total (plus freight) $ Attention ................................................................ 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