Hutto High School Course Selection Guide
Hutto High School Course Selection Guide
HUTTO HIGH SCHOOL COURSE CATALOG 2015-2016 Hutto High School Course Catalog 2015-2016 Table of Contents Admissions Classification Requirements Grading Policy Advanced Placement GPA Graduation with Honors Schedule Changes STAAR Dual Credit Courses Graduation Requirements Endorsements Programs of Study Course Offerings: English Language Arts Mathematics Science Social Studies Foreign Languages Academic Electives ROTC Fine Arts Ag, & Animal Science Transportation Business Education & Finance Information Technology Human Services Hospitality & Tourism Career Development Health Science Law Enforcement Engineering Physical Education/Health Registration Forms 2| P a g e 3 4 5 5 6 6 7 8 9-10 11-12 13-14 15-32 34 38 42 47 51 52 54 55 63 65 66 67 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76-77 Hutto High School Course Catalog 2015-2016 Contact Information Hutto High School 512-759-4700 Web Page Facebook Admission A new student at Hutto High School shall report to the registrar’s office accompanied by a parent or adult guardian. Please bring the following documents with you at the time of registration: Proof of residency in the district. This can be lease agreement, proof of home ownership, or utility bill. Copy of student’s birth certificate. Complete immunization records from previous school. Copy of student’s academic record from the previous school. Copy of his or her STAAR EOC Student Report from the most recent test administration. (other state test if from out of state) Copy of his or her social security card Students Transferring from Schools Outside of the United States General Procedures 1. Students will be enrolled in the 9th grade unless they enter with documentation of coursework acceptable to Hutto High School. 2. Awarding of credit will be determined by Hutto High School administration after review and translation of all documentation. Students without Formal Records: 1. If transcripts cannot be translated, or there is no formal documentation, students must take credit –by-examination tests offered through either the University of Texas or Texas Tech University for exams not available through the district. 2. If a student chooses to take credit-by-exam tests offered through the University of Texas or Texas Tech University in lieu of district approved courses, for which credit-by-exam is offered, including electives, he/she will be eligible to receive credit. Admission of Students from Home Schooling Programs General Procedures 1. Credits earned through non-accredited home schooling programs are NOT accepted by the district. 2. Students must provide documentation of enrollment and completion of non-accredited home schooling courses in order to take credit-by-exam for prior instruction. 3| P a g e Hutto High School Course Catalog 2015-2016 Awarding of Credit For classes already taken [prior instruction]: the credit-by-exam must be scored at 70 percent or better. For classes that have NOT been taken [no documentation of prior instruction]: the credit-by-exam [accelerated exam] must be scored at 90 percent or better. Semester System Hutto High School operates on a standard semester plan with each school year being divided into two parts. A student earns one – half credit for each semester of each class successfully completed. For 1 credit courses (year- long such as English 1) a student can earn credit with a yearly average. That means if a student has only earned a 65 in the first (fall) semester, he/she must earn a grade of 75 in the second (spring) semester, to receive a unit of credit for the year. Each semester grade must be a 60 or above to average. 65 + 75 = 140 2 (2 semesters) = 70 If the yearly average of 70 is not met, the student will only receive credit for the semester passed with a grade of 70 or better. Awarding of Credit A student enrolled in Hutto High School will only be granted credit for classes taken on campus, through dual credit classes, or credits earned through locally-developed Credits-By-Exam and CBEs or correspondence courses taken from an approved organization. The school year consists of two semesters of 18 weeks each. One-half credit is awarded for the successful completion of a one-semester class. For example: A student, who passes Health during the first (fall) semester, receives one-half credit toward graduation, provided a grade of 70 or higher is earned. Grade Level Classification 9th [Freshmen]: promoted/placed from 8th grade 10th [Sophomore]: earned 5 credits 11th [Junior]: earned 11 credits 12th [Senior]: earned 17 credits These classifications are based on the number of credits actually completed prior to registration the first day of the school year. Early Graduation Students planning to graduate in less than four years must submit a letter of intent with parent signature. Students must develop and submit approved graduation plans to the counselor by midyear of their sophomore year in order to develop an appropriate graduation plan. Students who declare early graduation after the midyear of their sophomore year will be handled on a case-by-case basis. Early graduated cannot graduate early on the foundation/minimum plan. 4| P a g e Hutto High School Course Catalog 2015-2016 Subject Load for Students Students in grades 9 - 12 are required to be enrolled in a full load of classes each semester. Off-periods are not a right and will be at the discretion of the Counselor and Administration. Students who plan to work off campus during the school day must be enrolled in a career and technology work – based learning program. State Credit Courses All courses that are to be counted toward graduation must be state approved. All students are expected to complete the Recommended High School or Distinguished Achievement Plan with a “C” or better average. Only under certain circumstances and with administrative approval will a student be considered for graduation under the minimum plan. Physical Education Substitutions The District shall allow students to substitute certain physical activities for the 1.0 required credit of physical education. Such substitutions shall be based on the physical activity involved in: 1. Drill team, marching band, and cheerleading during the fall semester. 2. Athletics The District shall award state graduation credit for physical education for appropriate private or commercially sponsored physical activity programs conducted either on or off campus, upon approval by the Commissioner of Education. (See also EHAC) 05-22-2007 Grading Procedures Grading procedures for the 15-16 academic year can be located online and in the student handbook. College Board: Advanced Placement Hutto High School Pre-Advanced Placement and Advanced Placement courses are considered open enrollment courses and available to all students. Students who demonstrate outstanding academic performance in a particular subject should strongly consider enrolling in one or more of these advanced courses. The courses seek to provide the more academically talented students with opportunities for creative thinking and problem solving. In addition, these courses allow them to undertake college level academic learning that may qualify them for college credit, advanced placement in college, or both. PreAdvanced Placement and Advanced Placement courses receive weighted GPA credit when the student sits for the AP exam. Advanced Placement courses prepare the student to take the AP exam which may result in college credit being granted. Students should check with the college to determine if credits are accepted. AP Courses are developed by the College Board and are designed to provide college level studies for high school students using college level materials and strategies. Amount and depth of material requires students to read and write extensively in and out of class. Rigor of material requires students to develop advanced reasoning and problem-solving skills. AP & Pre-AP classes may require a summer project. Complete summer project information will be posted on the HHS website and given to enrolled students before the end of the school year. AP classes are fast paced and extremely demanding of both a student’s time and effort. Past experience has shown that many students who take multiple AP and/or pre-AP courses and are involved in 5| P a g e Hutto High School Course Catalog 2015-2016 extracurricular activities sometimes find themselves overwhelmed as a result. Consequently, students and their parents are encouraged to take into consideration their commitments to other activities when making AP and Pre-AP course selections. The decision on the number of Pre-AP/AP classes should be an individual decision based on the schedule and interest of each student. Students in AP courses may be required to purchase their own textbooks and/or materials. AP and Pre-AP Grading Policies Student performance is evaluated on rigorous standards appropriate for the grade and content of the course. Courses are weighted when figuring grade point average for class rank; however, actual grades earned will appear on all report cards and transcripts. Students in AP classes will remain in these classes for the first six weeks of the class. At the end of the first six weeks, to initiate a change out of an AP class, a conference must occur between the student, his/her parent/guardian, the student’s teacher, and the Assistant Principal. If the course is dropped and the student switches into a regular class, the un-weighted grade transfers to the new class. Who Should Take AP and Pre-AP Classes? Hutto HS requires a PAP/AP agreement to be completed by students interested in taking PAP/AP classes to ensure appropriate placement and academic success in all subject areas. The following criteria will be reviewed: 1. Interest in intense exploration of the course material 2. Appropriate study skills 3. Strong personal commitment to accomplishing objectives and requirements of course. Gifted and Talented Program for High School Students In Hutto ISD, the needs of Gifted and Talented students are met in several ways. In the four core subject areas – Language Arts, Mathematics, Science and Social Studies – and Languages other than English, identified gifted students will be enrolled in Pre-Advanced Placement and Advanced Placement courses with gifted instruction being provided by teachers trained in both Gifted Education and Advanced Placement methodologies unless a waiver is completed. Identified gifted students may choose to participate in the Distinguished Achievement Program (DAP). Please refer to the section on the DAP program. Beginning with the class of 2018, please refer to the section on Performance Acknowledgements. Although not formally identified, students gifted in athletics, dance, art, graphics, computers, music, drama, speech and leadership may choose to participate in any of the district’s outstanding elective programs. Grade Point Average Semester grades in English, math, science, and social studies (core subjects) and Foreign Language will be used to calculate a student’s grade point average (GPA). Correspondence and credit by exam grades are entered on transcripts but not calculated in GPA. All grades are recorded numerically except credits earned through credit recovery. Those credits are entered on the transcript with “P” for passing – thus demonstrating completion of the course. Pass/Fail courses will not be calculated in grade point average. Transfer grades are recorded from transcripts and are given the numerical equivalent according to the grade scale of the sending school. If none is provided, the following conversion is used: A+=98, A=95, A-=92, B+=88, B=85, B-=82, C+=78, C=75, C-=72, D=70, and F=65. 6| P a g e Hutto High School Course Catalog 2015-2016 The final semester grades of the senior year will be determined by averaging the fourth and fifth sixweek’s grades to arrive at the last semester average. All Pre-AP, AP, Dual Credit, Human Anatomy/Physiology, Medical Microbiology/Pathophysiology, Engineering Math, and PAP courses taken in Middle School for High School credit) semester grades will be multiplied by a factor of 5. All regular core classes will be multiplied by a factor of 4 and all applied or resource classes will be multiplied by a factor of 3. A failing semester grade (less than 70) receives 0 points, but the semester is still used in the semester class totals. Example: Pre-AP, AP, Dual Credit, Accelerated Math Classes…...5 points X 85 (sem. grade) = 425 Regular Class...4 points X 85 (sem. grade) = 340 Basic Class.…..3 points X 85 (sem. grade) = 255 425 + 340 +255= 1020/3=340/100= 3.40 G.P.A. Graduation with Academic Honors Valedictorian and salutatorian honors are determined at the end of the fifth six-week grading period of the senior year. The student with the highest cumulative GPA will be the valedictorian and the student with the second highest cumulative GPA will be the salutatorian. To be considered for the honor of valedictorian or salutatorian, a student must have completed the Recommended or Distinguished Achievement Graduation Program and must have been continuously enrolled in Hutto High School for the two years preceding graduation. Students who have earned a cumulative grade point average of 90 or above AND have completed at least 8 credits (16 semesters ) of PAP, AP, and/or Dual credit classes will be designated as Honor graduates in the senior class. Schedule Changes Students must choose their courses carefully and with the advice of their counselor and parents to minimize the need for a change. The master schedule is built to accommodate the classes originally chosen by the student. A copy of the courses requested will be provided to the students at the end of the school year. Any course request changes must be made before the end of the Spring semester, for the following school year. During the first five (5) class days of a semester, students may drop and add classes with a written request by the parent and approved by an administrator based on class availability. These changes will be limited to students needing to repeat a failed course, changes resulting from a change in graduation plans, or correcting a scheduling error. The changes will not be recorded on the student’s academic record. Students who add classes during this time will be responsible for all makeup work required by the teacher. Students cannot add a course after the first ten days of the first six weeks of the semester. Senior students with no off-campus periods in their schedules may drop a regular course within the first six weeks of the semester without academic penalty. AP and Pre-AP course schedule changes will be limited to those who meet the general schedule change requirements and conditions with the following exceptions: Students may request to move from an AP or Pre-AP class to an equivalent regular class after the first six weeks of the first semester on a space available basis. Students in an AP or Pre-AP class who earn a grade of 75 or below for a six-week grading period may request a schedule change to an equivalent regular level class and/or student will receive Academic 7| P a g e Hutto High School Course Catalog 2015-2016 Supervision for the next six weeks. Changes will be limited to the beginning of the following six-week period on a space available basis. Students who fail an AP or Pre-AP class for two consecutive six-week grading periods during a semester with a grade below 70 will be removed from the class and placed in an equivalent regular level class at the beginning of the following six-week period. Students who develop a documented medical condition or experience extenuating circumstances as determined by the principal may be removed from the class by the principal on a space available basis. Students not completing an entire semester of an AP or Pre-AP class will not receive weighted credit. All other schedule changes will be limited to those requested by an ARD committee, 504 committee, LPAC committee, teacher, or counselor with the approval of an administrator. STAAR – State of Texas Assessments of Academic Readiness All students are required to pass a series of comprehensive high school exit exams called STAAR. The STAAR program is 5 end-of-course [EOC] assessments, which students will take as they complete the course. EOC exams are: Algebra 1 Biology English 1 English 2 US History Any Senior that has not received passing scores on any EOC exam will be required to take an EOC remediation class. Alternative Credit Opportunities Correspondence Courses Students may earn a maximum of 2 of the total units required by the state through correspondence courses. Prior approval of counselor or administrator must be obtained for enrollment. Students may be enrolled in only one correspondence course at a time. Credit by Examination for Acceleration Students may take exams for courses in which no prior instruction has been received. A score of 80 must be achieved. District sponsored examinations are administered by the campus. Students should contact a counselor for registration information and testing dates. Students must score 80% in order to be accelerated. If a student chooses to take credit-by-exam tests offered through the University of Texas or Texas Tech University in lieu of district approved courses, for which credit-by-exam is offered, including electives, he/she will be eligible to receive credit. Credit by Examination with Prior Instruction A student must have had prior formal instruction in a semester course to be eligible to gain credit by examination. Credit by examination may not be used to gain eligibility for participation in extracurricular activities. A score of 70% or above is required on the credit by examination tests. 8| P a g e Hutto High School Course Catalog 2015-2016 College for All: DUAL CREDIT TEMPLE COLLEGE: Credit Obtained Through Dual and Concurrent Credit Program The College for All concept enables high school students, starting their 11th grade year to earn college credits prior to their high school graduation. The benefits of a College for All program are: Increase the number of college credits students can obtain while in high school. Make higher education more accessible, affordable, and attractive by bridging the divide between high school and college. Provide needed guidance and support for the transition of motivated students to higher education. Dual enrollment courses are college-level courses taken by high school students to concurrently receive high school and college credit. Students may earn dual credit for classes approved by the Board of Trustees. Dual credit courses are considered a part of the student’s high school class schedule when taken during his or her junior or senior year. Dual credit courses are included in the calculation of a student’s GPA. They are considered weighted courses and weighted credit will be awarded. The following grading scale will be used if numeric grades are not submitted by the professor: A+ = 98, A=95, A-=92, B+=88, B=85, B-=82, C+=78, C=75, C-=72, D=70, and F=65. If the student makes a grade lower than a “C” in the class, the student may be removed from the Dual Credit program and may reapply the following academic year. If the student is not successful in a Dual Credit class, the student will be removed from the Dual Credit program for the remainder of the school year. Enrollment for High School Students: 1. Attend Dual Credit Orientation at Hutto High School. 2. Temple College general admission application. 3. Dual Credit/Early admission registration form with HS transcript and EOC scores. 4. Entrance Exam: Students must take and pass TEMPLE COLLEGE’s entrance exam (TSI) and meet the regular college admission requirements. The fee for this test is $25. The student is responsible for the payment of this fee. Cost and Transportation: Tuition for a 3-hour class at Temple College is $189*. The District will pay $164* toward each Dual Credit class. $25 is the responsibility of the student and parent for each class. HISD will pay for a maximum of 2 classes per semester. Student may enroll in additional classes; however, the $189* tuition is their responsibility. Temple College offers several payment plans to assist with tuition. Applications will be in the Guidance Office. Transportation will need to be provided by the student or parent. Courses will be offered at Hutto High and/or at the East Williamson County Higher Education Center in Hutto. Students are responsible for purchasing all textbooks and materials required for Temple College courses. The tuition fees do not pay for textbooks. *Tuition is subject to change and cannot be guaranteed by HISD. 9| P a g e Hutto High School Course Catalog 2015-2016 JUNIOR YEAR COLLEGE COURSE ENGL 1301 Comp 1 and ENGL 1302 Comp 2 HIST 1301 US History and HIST 1302 US History II MATH 1314 College Algebra and MATH 2412 Pre-Calculus SPCH 1315 Public Speaking SOCI 1301 Intro to Sociology PSYC 2301 Gen Psychology SPAN 1411 Beg Spanish I and SPAN 1412 Beg Spanish II HS COURSE COLLEGE HOURS 6 HIGH SCHOOL CREDIT 1 Credit US History 6 1 Credit Pre-Calculus 7 1 Credit Communication Applications Sociology Psychology Spanish 3 3 ½ Credit 3 3 8 ½ Credit ½ Credit 1 Credit COLLEGE HOURS HIGH SCHOOL CREDIT English 4 6 1 Credit Economics Government Pre-Calculus 3 3 7 ½ Credit ½ Credit 1 Credit Statistics Environmental Science Communication Applications Sociology Psychology Spanish 3 3 4 1 Credit 1 Credit 3 ½ Credit 3 3 8 ½ Credit ½ Credit 1 Credit English 3 SENIOR YEAR COLLEGE COURSE ENGL 2322 British Lit I and ENGL 2323 British Lit II ECON 2301 Principles of Macro GOVT 2301 American Government I MATH 1314 College Algebra and MATH 2412 Pre-Calculus MATH 2342 Statistics ENVR 1301/1101 Environmental Science SPCH 1315 Public Speaking SOCI 1301 Intro to Sociology PSYC 2301 Gen Psychology SPAN 1411 Beg Spanish I and SPAN 1412 Beg Spanish II 10| P a g e HS COURSE Hutto High School Course Catalog 2015-2016 Hutto High School Graduation Requirements: Students graduating 2016 & 2017 State Approved Courses English Mathematics Science World Geography World History U. S. History Government Economics Communications [Speech] Physical Education or PE Equivalent Technology Applications Fine Arts Foreign Language Subtotal of state required credits: Number of Credits required to Graduate from Hutto High School: Elective Course credits: Minimum High School Program 4 Credits 3 Credits 2 Credits 1 Credit 1 Credit 1 Credit ½ Credit ½ Credit ½ Credit 1 Credit 1 Credit 1 Credit No Credits Required [ 16.5 Credits] Recommended High School Program 4 Credits 4 Credits* 4 Credits 1 Credit 1 Credit 1 Credit ½ Credit ½ Credit ½ Credit 1 Credit 1 Credit 1 Credit 2 Credits [21.5 Credits] Distinguished Achievement Program 4 Credits 4Credits** 4 Credits 1 Credit 1 Credit 1 Credit ½ Credit ½ Credit ½ Credit 24 Credits 7.5 Credits (2 Credits may be from locally developed courses) 26 Credits 4.5 Credits (Credits may not come from locally developed courses) 26 Credits 3.5 Credits Plus 4 Advanced Measures 1 Credit 1 Credit 1 Credit 3 Credits [22.5 Credits] *Math credits must include Algebra 1, Geometry and Algebra 2 **Math credits must include Algebra 1, Geometry, Algebra 2, and a math class from the following list: Pre-Calculus, AP Statistics, AP Calculus, or co-enrollment in an approved college math course Distinguished Achievement Program Advanced measures are those items that meet the two standards included in 19 TAC §74.13(a) (3): they reflect student performance at a college or professional level and are assessed by external evaluators. Students must earn at least 4 advanced measures in any combination. The items adopted by the State Board of Education as meeting those standards are as follows: Original research and/or project (no more than two) Judged by a panel of professionals in the field that is the focus of the project; or conducted under the direction of mentor(s) and reported to an appropriate audience And related to the required curriculum set forth in §74.1 relating to Essential Knowledge Skills Test data where a student receives: A score of 3 or above on a College Board Advanced Placement examination; A score of 4 or above on a International Baccalaureate examination; A score on the PSAT that qualifies a student for recognition as a commended scholar or higher by the National Merit Scholarship Corporation; as part of the National Hispanic Scholar Program of the College Board; or as part of the National Achievement Scholarship Program for Outstanding Negro Students of the National Merit Scholarship Corporation. The PSAT score may count as only one advanced measure, regardless of the number of honors received by the student. College Courses College academic courses and tech-prep articulated college courses with a grade of 3.0 (B) or higher. For the most current State and Local Graduation Requirements, please refer to the Hutto ISD website at Any changes in State legislation, Local policy, or TEA updates regarding high school graduation plans (specific coursework and/or credits) will be published on our website if and when they become available. 11 |Page Hutto High School Course Catalog 2015-2016 Graduation Requirements: Students graduating 2018 & beyond Distinguished Level of Achievement Graduation Plan – 26 credits Student must fulfill the Graduation requirements of at least 1 of the 5 Endorsements below and successfully complete Algebra 2. Foundation + Endorsement Graduation Plan – 26 credits STEM BUSINESS & INDUSTRY PUBLIC SERVICE ARTS & HUMANITIES MULTIDISCIPLINARY STUDIES 4 English – ELA 1, 2, 3, & one advanced English 4 English – ELA 1, 2, 3, & one advanced English 4 English – ELA 1, 2, 3, & one advanced English 4 English – ELA 1, 2, 3, & one advanced English 4 English – ELA 1, 2, 3, & one advanced English 4 Math – Algebra 1, Geometry, Algebra 2 & one advanced math 4 Math – Algebra 1, Geometry & two advanced math 4 Math – Algebra 1, Geometry & two advanced math 4 Math – Algebra 1, Geometry & two advanced math 4 Math – Algebra 1, Geometry & two advanced math 4 Science – Biology, Chemistry, Physics & one advanced science 4 Science – Biology, IPC or Chemistry or Physics & two advanced science 4 Science – Biology, IPC or Chemistry or Physics & two advanced science 4 Science – Biology, IPC or Chemistry or Physics & two advanced science 4 Science – Biology, IPC or Chemistry or Physics & two advanced science 4 Social Studies – World Geography, World History, US History, Government (.5) & Economics (.5) 4 Social Studies – World Geography, World History, US History, Government (.5) & Economics (.5) 4 Social Studies – World Geography, World History, US History, Government (.5) & Economics (.5) 4 Social Studies – World Geography, World History, US History, Government (.5) & Economics (.5) 4 Social Studies – World Geography, World History, US History, Government (.5) & Economics (.5) 2 LOTE or Computer Programming 2 LOTE or Computer Programming 2 LOTE or Computer Programming 2 LOTE or Computer Programming 2 LOTE or Computer Programming 1 Physical Education 1 Physical Education 1 Physical Education 1 Physical Education 1 Physical Education 1 Fine Arts 1 Fine Arts 1 Fine Arts 1 Fine Arts 1 Fine Arts 4 Electives in STEM Pathway 4 Electives in Business & Industry Pathway 4 Electives in Public Service Pathway 4 Electives in Arts & Humanities Pathway 4 Electives in Multidisciplinary Pathway 2 Additional Elective 2 Additional Elective 2 Additional Elective 2 Additional Elective 2 Additional Elective Foundation Graduation Plan – 22 credits* 4 English – ELA 1, 2, 3 & one advanced 2 LOTE or computer programming 3 Science – Biology, IPC or Chem. /Physics & one advanced 1 Physical Education 3 Math – Algebra 1, Geometry & one advanced 1 Fine Arts 3 Social Studies – World Geography or World History 5 Electives US History, Government (.5) & Economics (.5) *Student can only declare Foundation Plan after sophomore year. Requires administrative approval. State Assessment(s) Required for Graduation English 1 English 2 Algebra 1 12 |Page Biology US History Performance Acknowledgements Outstanding Performance: Dual credit coursework, bilingualism/biliteracy, AP, PSAT SAT, ACT-Plan or ACT. Certification: Nationally or internationally recognized business or industry certification or license. Hutto High School Course Catalog 2015-2016 Requirements Endorsement Graduation Plan Overview (Class of 2018 and beyond) This section of the Course Guide is designed to provide you with information about the new Texas Foundation Endorsement Graduation Plan which takes effect for the Class of 2018 and beyond. The purpose of the State’s change to the new graduation plan is to provide students greater flexibility and choice in the selection of courses that will best prepare them for their individual postsecondary goals. Employers and leaders in the Texas workforce have encouraged career oriented training and certification at the high school level to help meet their growing demands. Eighth graders are required to choose one of five endorsements as outlined in the graduation plan. The five endorsement areas are: Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM) Business and Industry Public Services Arts and Humanities Multidisciplinary Studies The earned Endorsement(s) will be reflected on the student’s official transcript at the completion of their high school career. How are the Endorsements organized? As you use this guide, you will see recommended Pathways (or coherent sequences of courses) organized by career clusters within each of the Endorsements. A career cluster is a grouping of occupations and broad industries based on commonalities. These career clusters are part of the Achieve Texas College and Career Initiative that is designed to help students (and their parents) make informed education decisions. It is based on the idea that the education of the 21st century should combine rigorous academics with relevant career education. When schools integrate academic and technical education, students can see the "relevance" of what they are learning. The Pathways allow students to study a particular field in depth and help to facilitate a seamless transition from secondary to postsecondary opportunities. Personal Graduation Plan and Naviance: Your student and a HISD school counselor/administrator will discuss high school course selection and your child’s Personal Graduation Plan as it relates to his/her unique interests and future career goals. This meeting benefits your child’s school success and also satisfies state law, which requires an individual meeting with each parent about their Personal Graduation Plan. HISD will be implementing Naviance to facilitate this process. Please check for information throughout the year. Your involvement in the process of helping your student prepare for high school is critical. We hope this Endorsement Guide will be a valuable resource in this exciting journey! 13 |Page Hutto High School Course Catalog 2015-2016 14 |Page Hutto High School Course Catalog 2015-2016 15 |Page Hutto High School Course Catalog 2015-2016 16 |Page Hutto High School Course Catalog 2015-2016 17 |Page Hutto High School Course Catalog 2015-2016 18 |Page Hutto High School Course Catalog 2015-2016 19 |Page Hutto High School Course Catalog 2015-2016 20 |Page Hutto High School Course Catalog 2015-2016 21 |Page Hutto High School Course Catalog 2015-2016 22 |Page Hutto High School Course Catalog 2015-2016 23 |Page Hutto High School Course Catalog 2015-2016 24 |Page Hutto High School Course Catalog 2015-2016 25 |Page Hutto High School Course Catalog 2015-2016 26 |Page Hutto High School Course Catalog 2015-2016 27 |Page Hutto High School Course Catalog 2015-2016 28 |Page Hutto High School Course Catalog 2015-2016 29 |Page Hutto High School Course Catalog 2015-2016 30 |Page Hutto High School Course Catalog 2015-2016 31 |Page Hutto High School Course Catalog 2015-2016 32 |Page Hutto High School Course Catalog 2015-2016 Course Offerings 2015 -2016 33 | P a g e Hutto High School Course Catalog 2015-2016 ENGLISH LANGUAGE ARTS English 1 1 Credit Grade 9 Prerequisite: None Course Description: This course continues the study of grammar and techniques of writing. A focus on extended reading and literature is emphasized to gain comprehension skills and develop vocabulary. Process writing is a major component of this course, especially in expository and persuasive modes. Independent reading is encouraged to develop affective appreciation and reading strategies. Literature units will include various literary modes of short story, modern and Shakespearean drama, the novel, poetry, non-fiction, and Greek mythology. There is an introduction of research skills. Pre-AP English 1 1 Credit Grade 9 Prerequisite: None Course Description: Strong attention will be given to the development of composition skills with vocabulary development and outside reading complimenting each unit of study. Literary emphasis and study will include the short story, novel, drama, poetry and be supported by composition. There will be an introduction of research skills and style analysis. Dialectical journals are used extensively for students to show depth of thought and assist them in analyzing literature. AP & Pre-AP classes may require a summer project. Complete summer project information will be posted on the HHS website and given to enrolled students before the end of the school year. English 2 1 Credit Grade 10 Prerequisite: English 1 Course description: English 2 is a review and continuation of basic grammar and composition, with increasing emphasis on sentence and paragraph development. Students continue to study all major genres; short stories, poetry, modern and Shakespearean drama, non-fiction, and the novel. Through literature, analysis of plot and characterization are studied, in addition to the study of vocabulary. Pre-AP English 2 1 Credit Grade 10 Prerequisite: English 1 Course description: This is a course in which students will review writing skills and extend their knowledge of vocabulary, the short story, novel, poetry, and drama. Strong attention will be given to the development of composition skills and will support all literature study. Outside reading will be essential to classroom participation. This course prepares students for entry into the Advanced Placement and dual credit courses offered in their junior and senior years. AP & Pre-AP classes may require a summer project. Complete summer project information will be posted on the HHS website and given to enrolled students before the end of the school year. 34 |Page Hutto High School Course Catalog 2015-2016 English 3 1 Credit Grade 11 Prerequisite: English 2 Course Description: Basic study of English composition techniques is emphasized along with chronological study of a variety of American literary works from various genres and periods in American Literature. Written papers are based on themes and concepts found in the literary works studied and research skills are reinforced. Vocabulary building continues to be a major focus. Preparation for the Exit Level TAKS is a course component. AP English Language & Composition 1 Credit Grade 11 Prerequisite: English 2 Course Description: This course engages students in becoming skilled readers of prose written in a variety of periods, disciplines, and rhetorical context. Students will strive to become skilled writers who compose for a variety of purposes. Students will also become aware of the interactions among writers’ purpose, audience, expectations, and subjects through reading and writing. They will understand the way generic conventions and resources of language contribute to effectiveness in writing. Subsequently, they will compose critical assays analyzing the literature. AP & Pre-AP classes may require a summer project. Complete summer project information will be posted on the HHS website and given to enrolled students before the end of the school year. Note: The student will have the opportunity to take the Advanced Placement English Exam in language and composition. College credit can be achieved by demonstrating competence on the AP exam with a score of 3 or better on a 5-point scale. American Studies (AP English 3 & AP US History) 2 Credits (2 period class) Grade 11 Prerequisite: English 1 & 2, World Geography, and World History. Must have a B average in prerequisite coursework and passed all EOCs. Course Description: This course combines AP US History and AP English Language to create a daily two period cultural experience enabling student to simultaneously explore the connections between literature and history. Student will explore the history of the United States with special emphasis placed on the study of rhetorical styles and structures of important historical documents and readings. This course focuses on the cultural accomplishments as manifested in art, architecture, literature, music, and other visual media. Students will learn and practice the craft of writing through various products, specifically focused on the essay formats necessary for success on both the AP US History and AP English Language exams. US Literature of all genres will be incorporated into the curriculum within the structure of the historical study, and used as a method of enhancing the depiction of historical time periods. At the culmination of the class, students can take both the AP US History and the AP English Language exams in hopes of earning college credit. English 4 1 Credit Grade 12 Prerequisite: English 3 Course Description: This course provides the student an opportunity to review and strengthen written composition skills. Emphasis is placed on specific concepts and skills in both language and writing. Additionally, this course provides the student with a survey of British Literature, ranging from Beowulf to modern prose, poetry and drama. The research paper is also a major component. 35 |Page Hutto High School Course Catalog 2015-2016 AP English Literature & Composition 1 Credit Grade 12 Prerequisite: English 3 Course Description: This course is designed to engage students in the careful reading and critical analysis of imaginative literature. Through the close reading of selected text, students deepen their understanding of the ways writers use language to provide both meaning and pleasure for their readers. Students will consider a work’s structure, style, and themes as well as the use of figurative language, imagery, symbolism and tone; subsequently they will compose critical essays analyzing the literature. AP & Pre-AP classes may require a summer project. Complete summer project information will be posted on the HHS website and given to enrolled students before the end of the school year. Note: The student will have the opportunity to take the Advanced Placement English Exam in literature and composition. College credit can be achieved by demonstrating competence on the AP exam with a score of 3 or better on a 5 -point scale. Creative and Imaginative Writing ½ credit Grade 11-12 Prerequisite: English 1 & 2 Course Description: The senior level creative and imaginative writing class is an advanced writing intensive course that allows high school students to develop increased skill, creativity, and versatility as writers. In the class, students will be provided the time to write independently and to share and critique their writings with others. In their efforts to perfect selected pieces of work, students will be expected to demonstrate an understanding of the recursive nature of the writing process, applying the conventions of usage and the mechanics of written English. Throughout the year, students will study and create a variety of genres such as essays, short stories, poetry, and drama. As a means of extending their knowledge of effective techniques and forms of writing, students will critically examine models of various types written by professional authors. In addition, students will learn the procedures for preparing and submitting original works for publication. Research and Technical Writing ½ credit Grade 11-12 Prerequisite: English 1 & 2 Course Description: The study of technical writing is designed to develop skill necessary for writing persuasive and informative texts. This rigorous composition course asks students to skillfully research a topic or a variety of topics and present that information through a variety of media. All students are expected to demonstrate an understanding of the recursive nature of the writing process, effectively applying the conventions of usage and the mechanics of written English. The students’ evaluation of their own writing as well as the writing of others ensures that students completing this course are able to analyze and discuss published and unpublished pieces of writing, develop and apply criteria for effective writing, and set their own goals as writers. 36 |Page Hutto High School Course Catalog 2015-2016 Dual Credit English The following courses may be taken from Temple College [Hutto Campus]: Composition 1301 and 1302 6 Hours College Credit 1 High School Credit 1301 (1st Semester) Course Description: College course title is Composition I. This course consists of an intensive study of the principles of writing, analysis and discussion of expository selections, theme writing, collateral reading, and grammar. 1302 (2nd Semester) Course Description: College course title is Composition II. This course is a continuation of English 1301. Emphasis is placed on critical thinking and argument theory through reading, analyzing and writing about various issues. Research writing is required. Composition 2322 and 2323 6 Hours College Credit 1 High School Credit 2322 (1st Semester) Course Description: College course title is British Literature I - A survey of British Literature from the AngloSaxon period to the Eighteenth Century. Students will study works of prose, poetry, drama, and fiction in relation to their historical, linguistic, and cultural contexts. Texts will be selected from a diverse group of authors and traditions. 2323 (2nd Semester) Course Description: College course title is British Literature II - A survey of the development of British literature from the Romantic period to the present. Students will study works of prose, poetry, drama, and fiction in relation to their historical and cultural contexts. Texts will be selected from a diverse group of authors and traditions. 37 |Page Hutto High School Course Catalog 2015-2016 MATHEMATICS Algebra 1 1 Credit Grade 9 Prerequisite: None Course Description: This course will expand existing quantitative skills to include algebraic and symbolic reasoning. Emphasis is placed on the relationship between equations and functions, problem-solving skills, linear functions, and the use of graphing technology. Other topics include systems of linear equations, quadratic, and other nonlinear functions. Mathematical Models with Applications 1 Credit Grade 10 or 11 Prerequisite: Algebra 1 Course Descriptions: This course focuses on creating and using models (from algebra, geometry, probability, and statistics) to solve real-life applied problems involving money, data, chance patterns, music design, and science. Geometry 1 Credit Grade 9 or 10 Prerequisite: Algebra 1 Course Description: This course includes basic geometric concepts, including the study of points, lines, planes, angles, parallel lines, polygons, an introduction to trigonometry and the proving of theorems. Pre-AP Geometry 1 Credit Grade 9 or 10 Prerequisite: Algebra 1 Course Description: This course will include Geometry concepts, as well as higher level thinking skills which are necessary to be successful in Pre-Calculus and Calculus. Topics will include algebraic and geometric representations of functions (quadratic, square root, exponential, etc.), expanded algebraic and geometric reasoning and logic, spatial reasoning, 2D and D figures and their properties, and linking geometric relationships and ideas to real world situations. Students will be expected to complete higher level thinking projects in each unit for major grades. AP & Pre-AP classes may require a summer project. Complete summer project information will be posted on the HHS website and given to enrolled students before the end of the school year. Algebra 2 1 Credit Grade 10-12 Prerequisite: Algebra 1 and Geometry Course Description: This course broadens the concepts mastered in Algebra 1 and Geometry as a way to express and analyze relationships by performing symbolic manipulations augmented with today’s learning tools, such as graphing calculators. The course will include concepts such as rational expressions, quadratic functions and equations, irrational and complex numbers, products and factors of polynomials. 38 |Page Hutto High School Course Catalog 2015-2016 Pre-AP Algebra 2 1 Credit Grade 10-11 Prerequisite: Algebra 1, and Geometry Course Description: This course will cover the study of mathematical structure, quadratic functions, quadratic relations, conic sections, systems of equations, numerical methods, and higher degree polynomials. In addition, more emphasis will be given to algebraic proof of theorems. Higher levels of understanding, such as relationship of ideas, analysis, synthesis and evaluation, will be stressed. AP & Pre-AP classes may require a summer project. Complete summer project information will be posted on the HHS website and given to enrolled students before the end of the school year. Advanced Quantitative Reasoning 1 Credit Grade 12 Prerequisite: Algebra 1, Geometry, and Algebra 2 Course Description: This course is designed for students who like word problems and can think at the synthesis level on Blooms taxonomy. This course is an engaging, relevant, and rigorous course that provides students with an alternative to Pre-AP Calculus or AP Statistics after Algebra 2. It provides a strong background in statistics, as well as addressing interesting and important topics in finance, discrete math, trigonometry, and other areas of mathematics, and it uses what students have learned in algebra and geometry to model and to solve a variety of problems. Pre-Calculus 1 Credit Grade 12 Prerequisite: Algebra 1, Geometry, and Algebra 2 Course Description: This course uses symbolic reasoning and analytical methods to represent mathematical concepts and the relationship among them by using functions and limits. Connections are made to geometry, probability, statistics, trigonometry, and calculus to model physical situations and solve real-life problems. This course is recommended for college-bound students. Pre-AP Pre-Calculus 1 Credit Grade 11 Prerequisite: Algebra 1, Geometry, and Algebra 2 Course Description: The focus of this course is advanced topics in Algebra and preparation for the first semester of Calculus. Students will continue the study of variables and functions. This study will include exploring, analyzing, modeling and graphing data resulting in non-linear patterns, parent functions and inverse relationships, applications of various functions and their inverses, conic sections and their applications, trigonometric functions and identities, vectors, parametric functions, polar equations, sequences and series, and limits of functions. AP & Pre-AP classes may require a summer project. Complete summer project information will be posted on the HHS website and given to enrolled students before the end of the school year. AP Calculus AB 1 Credit Grade 12 Prerequisite: Pre-Calculus Course Description: This is a rigorous course that explores functions, graphs, limits, derivatives, and integrals. AP Calculus AB allows students to learn Calculus at a slower pace and in a more individualized environment than will be experienced in a university class. The course prepares students for the College Board AP Examination from which they may earn college credit. It is mandatory for all students in this course to take the AP Exam upon the completion of the course. Students are expected to take the AP Exam at 39 |Page Hutto High School Course Catalog 2015-2016 the end of the course. Graphing calculators will be used in this course. AP & Pre-AP classes may require a summer project. Complete summer project information will be posted on the HHS website and given to enrolled students before the end of the school year. AP Calculus BC 1 Credit Grade 12 Prerequisite: AP Calculus AB Course Description: This rigorous course covers all the topics in Calculus AB, but is more extensive. Students cover the additional topics of vector functions, polar coordinates, and Epsilon-delta proofs. The course prepares students for the College Board AP Examination from which they may earn college credit. It is mandatory for all students in this course to take the AP Exam upon the completion of the course. Students are expected to take the AP Exam at the end of the course. Graphing calculators will be used in this course. AP & Pre-AP classes may require a summer project. Complete summer project information will be posted on the HHS website and given to enrolled students before the end of the school year. AP Statistics 1 Credit Grade 11, 12 Prerequisite: B or Better in Algebra 2 or Pre-Calculus Course Description: This course introduces students to the major concepts and tools for collecting, analyzing, and drawing conclusions from data. This course combines mathematics with the writing skills required to complete university level courses. It is mandatory for all students in this course to take the AP Exam upon the completion of the course. Graphing calculators will be used in this course. AP & Pre-AP classes may require a summer project. Complete summer project information will be posted on the HHS website and given to enrolled students before the end of the school year. AP Computer Science 1 Credit Grade 11-12 Prerequisite: Algebra II and Computer Science I Course Description: This course is designed for students who are preparing for the College Board AP Computer Science Exam. It is mandatory for all students in this course to take the AP Exam upon the completion of the course. Students who score 3 or higher on this exam may receive college credit. Topics include advanced data structures, sorting and searching algorithms, dynamic memory allocation, algorithmic analysis and object-oriented programming. Students will be expected to complete a large scale program such as a graphical animation over the course of the semester. This course will also relate concepts learned in class to the real world and can count as a fourth math credit. AP & Pre-AP classes may require a summer project. Complete summer project information will be posted on the HHS website and given to enrolled students before the end of the school year. Engineering Mathematics 1 Credit Grade 11-12 Prerequisite: Algebra II Course Description: Engineering Mathematics is a course where students solve and model robotic design problems. Students use a variety of mathematical methods and models to represent and analyze problems involving data acquisition, spatial applications, electrical measurement, manufacturing processes, materials engineering, mechanical drives, pneumatics, process control systems, quality control, and robotics with computer programming. 40 |Page Hutto High School Course Catalog 2015-2016 HHS MATH CHART AQR ENGINEERING MATH GEOMETRY AP STATISTICS ALGEBRA 1 ALGEBRA 2 PRE-CALCULUS MATH MODELS AP COMPUTER SCIENCE AP CALCULUS AB AP CALCULUS BC 41 |Page Hutto High School Course Catalog 2015-2016 SCIENCE Biology 1 Credit Grade 9 Prerequisite: None Course Description: This course presents a systematic approach to the basic principles of all living forms in general. Studies of cell biology, genetics, zoology, botany and human biology are included. The use of scientific method in gathering and processing data is emphasized especially regarding living organisms, their life processes, and their relationship to each other and their environment. Pre-AP Biology 1 Credit Grade 9 Prerequisite: None Course Description: This course takes the same concepts covered in Biology to a higher level. The course is designed to challenge the student to higher levels of acquiring scientific knowledge, resolving open-ended experiments and mastering application-type tests. Students are expected to be capable of independent work. Outside reading, projects and summaries are required. AP & Pre-AP classes may require a summer project. Complete summer project information will be posted on the HHS website and given to enrolled students before the end of the school year. Integrated Physics and Chemistry (IPC) 1 Credit Grade 10 Prerequisite: None Course Description: This is an introductory course in the physical sciences with emphasis in physics and chemistry. Concepts include the scientific method, phases of matter, the periodic table, chemical bonds, elements and compounds, chemical reactions, motion, forces, energy, electricity, magnetism, light and sound with emphasis on application of these concepts and principles to daily life. Chemistry 1 Credit Grade 10 or 11 Prerequisite: Biology and/or IPC, Algebra 1 Course Description: This course includes a study of measurements skills, atomic structure, and the periodic table, bonding stoichiometry, states of matter and kinetic theory, solutions, acids, bases, and equilibrium, and simple chemical and nuclear reactions. Mathematical relationships of chemical reactions and mathematical descriptions of gas behavior are studied under experimental conditions and in problem-solving situations. The course includes laboratory experiments designed to reinforce course content. Pre-AP Chemistry 1 Credit Grade 10 or 11 Prerequisite: Biology or IPC, Algebra I Course Description: This course is designed to introduce the student to the qualitative and quantitative aspects of a first-year chemistry program. An in-depth study of the mathematical applications will be stressed. The course will emphasize the theoretical concepts of molecular bonding, thermodynamics, kinetics, and equilibrium. The descriptive aspects of the periodic table will be dealt 42 | P a g e Hutto High School Course Catalog 2015-2016 with throughout the course. AP & Pre-AP classes may require a summer project. Complete summer project information will be posted on the HHS website and given to enrolled students before the end of the school year. Physics 1 Credit Grade 11 or 12 Prerequisite: Algebra 2 or concurrent enrollment Course Description: This course introduces basic concepts of physics, including Newtonian mechanics, conservation of energy and momentum, thermodynamics, wave phenomenon electricity and magnetism and modern physics. Enrollment in Pre-calculus is highly recommended. AP Biology 1 Credit Grade 12 Prerequisite: Biology, Chemistry Course Description: This course will be designed to prepare a highly motivated student for the continuance of a science education in a college atmosphere. The student will be exposed to a variety of topics that will develop the how’s and why’s behind biological phenomena. Students in this class will have the opportunity to take the College Board AP exam. AP & Pre-AP classes may require a summer project. Complete summer project information will be posted on the HHS website and given to enrolled students before the end of the school year. AP Chemistry 1 Credit Grade 11 or 12 Prerequisite: Biology, Chemistry, Algebra 2 or concurrent enrollment Course Description: This course is laboratory-oriented, college freshman-level chemistry course of theoretical chemistry concepts. Laboratory experiments emphasize student analysis of laboratory data and documented reports. Students in this class will have the opportunity to take the College Board AP exam. AP & Pre-AP classes may require a summer project. Complete summer project information will be posted on the HHS website and given to enrolled students before the end of the school year. AP Physics 1 1 Credit Grade 11 or 12 Prerequisite: Biology, Chemistry, completion of or concurrent enrollment in Algebra 2 Course Description: This year long course is an in-depth study of the elementary concepts of physics comparable to a first semester non-calculus college course. Students will receive preparations for the AP Physics II exam if they choose to seek college credit or placement. Topics to be studied include: measurement, vector quantities, vector arithmetic, motion (single and multiple dimensions), Newton’s laws of motion, energy, momentum, collisions, rotational dynamics, simple harmonic motion, wave motion, electrostatics and basic electric circuits. Course work includes problem solving and laboratory experiments. AP & Pre-AP classes may require a summer project. Complete summer project information will be posted on the HHS website and given to enrolled students before the end of the school year. 43 | P a g e Hutto High School Course Catalog 2015-2016 AP Physics 2 1 Credit Grade 12 Prerequisites: AP Physics 1 and completion of or concurrent enrollment in Pre-Calculus Course Description: This year-long course is an in-depth study of the elementary concepts of physics comparable to a second semester non-calculus college course. Students will receive preparations for the AP Physics II exam if they choose to seek college credit or placement. Laboratory techniques are developed to further student’s ability to pursue a career in an engineering or physicsrelated field. Students will study advanced physics topics such as fluid mechanics,; thermodynamics; electricity and magnetism; optics; and atomic and nuclear physics. AP & Pre-AP classes may require a summer project. Complete summer project information will be posted on the HHS website and given to enrolled students before the end of the school year. AP Physics C 1 Credit Grade 12 Prerequisites: AP Physics I and completion of or concurrent enrollment in Calculus Course Description: This college level course is designed for students who intend to major in math, physics or engineering. The intensive study of mechanics, electricity and magnetism is based upon the first university physics course required of students who enter any of these fields. This is a calculus-based course. Students will receive preparation for the AP Physics C exam if they choose to seek college credit or placement. Laboratory techniques are developed to further students’ ability to pursue a career an engineering related field. Students will study advanced physics topics such as dynamics, kinematics, energy, momentum, circuits, fields, and magnetism. AP & Pre-AP classes may require a summer project. Complete summer project information will be posted on the HHS website and given to enrolled students before the end of the school year. Anatomy & Physiology of Human Systems 1 Credit Grade 12 Prerequisite: Biology, Chemistry Course Description: In this course students conduct laboratory investigations, use scientific methods during investigations, and make informed decisions using critical thinking and problem solving. Topics will be presented through an integration of biology, chemistry, and physics. Students will study the structures of the human body systems and will investigate the body’s responses to forces, maintenance of homeostasis, electrical interactions, transport system, and energy systems. Dissection is required. Food Chemistry 1 Credit Grade 11-12 Prerequisite: Supply Fee: $10.00 Course Description: This laboratory course provides foundational training in the areas of food science and technology. Content addresses food science principles, nutrition and wellness, food technology, world food supply, and career options in nutrition. Instructional topics include diet-related disorders, diet appropriate to the life cycle and other factors, therapeutic diets, chemical and physical changes that affect food product quality, technologies used in food processing and product development, food safety and sanitation standards, market research, legal issues, and food policies. Laboratory activities utilizing research methods related to current issues in food science, technology, and nutrition are included. 44 |Page Hutto High School Course Catalog 2015-2016 Advanced Animal Science 1 Credit Grade 11-12 Prerequisite: Small Animal Management, Biology, Chemistry Course Description: Students will attain academic skills and knowledge related to animal systems in regards to career opportunities, entry requirements, and industry standards. This course examines the interrelatedness of human, scientific, and technological dimensions of livestock production. Instruction is designed to allow for the application of animal science through field and laboratory experiences. Forensic Science 1 Credit Grade 11-12 Prerequisite: Biology and Chemistry Course Description: This course uses a structured and scientific approach to the investigation of crimes of assault, abuse and neglect, domestic violence, accidental death, homicide, and the psychology of criminal behavior. Students will learn terminology and investigative procedures related to crime scene, questioning, interviewing, criminal behavior characteristics, truth detection, and scientific procedures used to solve crimes. Using scientific methods, they will collect and analyze evidence through case studies and simulated crime scenes such as fingerprint analysis, ballistics, and blood spatter analysis. Students will learn the history, legal aspects, and career options for forensic science. Earth and Space Science 1 Credit Grade 11-12 Prerequisite: Biology and Chemistry Earth and Space Science is based on Earth's system in space and time. The approach has three themes of Earth in space and time, solid Earth, and fluid Earth. In each theme are included the strands of systems, energy and relevance. Natural and human events and their effect on Earth's systems will be studied within the context of the three themes and strands. Medical Microbiology ½ Credit Grade 11-12 Prerequisite: Biology, Chemistry, and Physics (Physics may be taken concurrently) Students explore the microbial world, studying topics such as pathogenic and non-pathogenic microorganisms, laboratory procedures, identifying microorganisms, drug resistant organisms, and emerging diseases. Must be taken with Pathophysiology to count as an advanced science credit. Pathophysiology ½ Credit Grade 11-12 Prerequisite: Biology, Chemistry, and Physics (Physics may be taken concurrently) Focuses on disease processes and how they affect humans, as well as prevention and treatment of disease. Students will differentiate between normal and abnormal physiology. Students will conduct laboratory and field investigations using scientific methods, critical thinking, and scientific problem solving. Must be taken with Medical Microbiology to count as an advanced science credit. 45 |Page Hutto High School Course Catalog 2015-2016 AP HHS SCIENCE CHART BIOLOGY CHEMISTRY PHYSICS BIOLOGY CHEMISTRY PHYSICS IPC ADVANCED SCIENCE OPTIONS ANATOMY & PHYSIOLOGY EARTH & SPACE SCIENCE ADV ANIMAL SCIENCE FORENSIC SCIENCE MEDICAL MICRO & PATHOPHYSIOLOGY 46 |Page Hutto High School Course Catalog 2015-2016 SOCIAL STUDIES World Geography 1 Credit Grade 9 Prerequisite: None Course Description: This course includes physical, political, cultural, and historical perspectives of the world examining the physical and human aspects of our world and people and their cultures. Students are introduced to the scientific methods of geographers that help them understand our complex world. The themes of location, place, human/environmental interaction, movement, and regions provide the framework for studying and researching the contemporary world. Pre-AP World Geography 1 Credit Grade 9 Prerequisite: None Course Description: This course will emphasize the student’s critical thinking and analytical skills through various projects including interpretation of primary and secondary source materials. Students will use their knowledge of spatial relationships, systematic physical and human processes and the interaction between people and their environment to make intelligent decisions as citizens. AP & Pre-AP classes may require a summer project. Complete summer project information will be posted on the HHS website and given to enrolled students before the end of the school year. World History 1 Credit Grade 10 Prerequisite: None Course Description: This course provides students an overview of the history of humankind. The major emphasis is on the study of significant people, events, and issues from the earliest times to the present. Traditional historical points of reference in world history are identified as students analyze important events and issues in western civilization as well as in civilizations in other parts of the world. Pre-AP World History 1 Credit Grade 10 Prerequisite: None Course Description: This course extends World History Studies to include reading and evaluating literature and journal articles, utilizing multiple resources in preparation of research projects, analyzing the cause/effect and relationship of events in various time periods, comparing and contrasting historical and modern events, interpreting the philosophies of Adam Smith, Karl Marx, Plato, and others, and synthesizing thoughts on the impact of technology. AP & Pre-AP classes may require a summer project. Complete summer project information will be posted on the HHS website and given to enrolled students before the end of the school year. 47 |Page Hutto High School Course Catalog 2015-2016 U. S. History 1 Credit Grade 11 Prerequisite: World History, World Geography Course Description: This course will study the history of our country from 1877 to the present. There will be a brief review of earlier United States history and geography. The course will look at the political, economic, and social changes in the United States during that time period. AP U. S. History 1 Credit Grade 11 Prerequisite: World History, World Geography Course Description: This course is for students who display a high level of competence and interest in the field of history. The course covers Pre-Colombian to present day. The students will prepare to take the College Board United States History Examination and possibly receive college credit. AP & Pre-AP classes may require a summer project. Complete summer project information will be posted on the HHS website and given to enrolled students before the end of the school year. American Studies (AP English 3 & AP US History) 2 Credits (2 class periods) Grade 11 Prerequisite: English 1 & 2, World Geography, and World History. Must have a B average in prerequisite coursework and passed all EOCs. Course Description: This course combines AP US History and AP English Language to create a daily two period cultural experience enabling student to simultaneously explore the connections between literature and history. Student will explore the history of the United States with special emphasis placed on the study of rhetorical styles and structures of important historical documents and readings. This course focuses on the cultural accomplishments as manifested in art, architecture, literature, music, and other visual media. Students will learn and practice the craft of writing through various products, specifically focused on the essay formats necessary for success on both the AP US History and AP English Language exams. US Literature of all genres will be incorporated into the curriculum within the structure of the historical study, and used as a method of enhancing the depiction of historical time periods. At the culmination of the class, students can take both the AP US History and the AP English Language exams in hopes of earning college credit. U. S. Government ½ Credit Grade 12 Prerequisite: None Course Description: This course is designed to include the study of the organization, function and administration of our three branches and agencies of the National Government, including a survey of the Federal Constitution. AP U. S. Government ½ Credit Grade 12 Prerequisite: None Course Description: This course will provide students with an analytical perspective on government and politics in the United States. The course will involve both the study of general concepts used to interpret U. S. politics and the analysis of specific case studies. Students will also engage in an in-depth study of the various institutions. All AP & Pre-AP classes require a summer project. 48 | P a g e Hutto High School Course Catalog 2015-2016 Complete summer project information will be posted on the HHS website and given to enrolled students before the end of the school year. Economics ½ Credit Grade 12 Prerequisite: None Course Description: This course focuses on the pervasive impact of economics on the lives of people. Economics emphasizes the basic principles of production, consumption, and distribution of goods and services in the United States and a comparison with those of other countries. AP Economics ½ Credit Grade 12 Prerequisite: None Course Description: This course provides students with a learning experience equivalent to a typical college introductory macroeconomics course. Students are given a thorough understanding of basic economic principles that apply an economic system as a whole. The course places particular emphasis on the study of national income and price-level determination, and also develops students’ familiarity with economic performance measures, the financial sector, stabilization policies, economic growth, and international economics. AP & Pre-AP classes may require a summer project. Complete summer project information will be posted on the HHS website and given to enrolled students before the end of the school year. AP Psychology/SRD 1 credit Grade: 11-12 Prerequisite: none Course Description: The course is designed to give the opportunity to students to engage in intellectual, critical, and a creative process of thinking skills from class discussions, individual projects, and lab work. This course requires extensive e reading, research, and writing responsibility from the student. The goal is for students to be prepared to take the AP college level examination and nature the student’s interest in learning psychology. Students learn psychological facts, principles, and phenomena associated with each of the major subfields of psychology. Students also learn the methods psychologists’ use in their diagnosis and treatment of psychological disorders. AP & Pre-AP classes may require a summer project. Complete summer project information will be posted on the HHS website and given to enrolled students before the end of the school year. Psychology ½ Credit Grade 11-12 Prerequisite: None Course Description: This course includes the systemic and scientific study of behavioral and mental process with reference to human beings and animals. Psychology concentrates primarily on individuals as compared to groups or society as a whole. Students will learn about the history of psychology, research techniques, learning, personality development, sensation, perceptions, life-span development, mental disorders, and therapies. 49 |Page Hutto High School Course Catalog 2015-2016 Sociology ½ Credit Grade 11-12 Prerequisite: None Course Description: This course includes the systematic, scientific study of human social behavior. The focus assumes group rather than individual perspective and relationships. Using current documents, students will study components of history of sociology, research methods, culture, social control, gender, race, and age demographics, and issues. Special Topics in Social Studies World Religions: Special Topics ½ Credit Grade 11-12 Prerequisite: World Geography, World History Course Description: This course provides an historical, critical, and comparative study of the world’s major expressions of religious experience, namely Hinduism, Buddhism, Judaism, Islam, and Christianity. Additional topics may include contemporary religious issues, other religions of the world, and approaches to religious plurality. Dual Credit Social Studies The following courses may be taken from Temple College [Hutto Campus]: U. S. History 1301 and 1302 6 hours College Credit 1 High School Credit 1301(1st semester)—Course Description: College course title is United States History I. This course is a general survey of the United States from the period of discovery through the Reconstruction. 1302(2nd semester)—Course Description: College course title is United States History II. This course is a continuation of History 1301. This course is the study of the history of the United States since the Reconstruction to the present time. U. S. Government 2301 3 hours College Credit ½ High School Credit Course Description: The College course title is American Government I. This course surveys the origin and development of the U. S. and Texas constitutions, federalism, interstate relations, political parties, interest groups, political campaigns, and elections. There is emphasis on the legislative, executive and judicial systems of local, state and federal governments. Economics 2301 3 hours College Credit ½ High School Credit Course Description: College course title is Principles of Macroeconomics. An introduction to the fundamental principles underlying economic problems; special emphasis on the aggregate economics analysis; determinants of national income and business cycles; money and banking; fiscal and monetary policy; inflation and unemployment; economic growth. 50 |Page Hutto High School Course Catalog 2015-2016 LOTE NOTE: 2 foreign language credits are required for the Recommended Program and 3 foreign language credits are required for the Distinguished Achievement Program. Credits must be in the same language. NOTE: 2 foreign language credits are required for ALL graduation plans beginning with the class of 2018. Spanish I 1 Credit Grade 9-12 Prerequisite: None Course Description: This course introduces the basic language skills of listening, speaking, reading, and writing. Students will learn vocabulary and grammatical structures necessary to communicate in everyday situations. Students are expected to take an active role in all oral activities. A variety of projects, films, songs, and student presentations will reinforce language skills and introduce various aspects of Hispanic culture. Spanish II 1 Credit Grade 9-12 Prerequisite: Successful completion of Spanish I Course Description: This course reviews the basic structures and vocabulary learned in Spanish I and continues with additional structures and vocabulary. Videos, role playing, and projects are used to reinforce language skills and to continue the study of Hispanic cultures. Continued development of basic conversation skills is an important part of the class and is encouraged through creative oral activities. Pre-AP Spanish III 1 Credit Grade 10-12 Prerequisite: Successful completion of Pre-AP Spanish II or Approval of Spanish instructor(s) Distinguished Achievement Program Requirement Course Description: This course emphasizes increasing proficiency in oral and written communication skills. This course is designed to prepare the students for AP Spanish IV and requires more outside reading and oral practice than Spanish III. Students will be required to work in the language lab weekly and active participation is a requirement. The study of culture will be integrated into the course through the use of video segments, art, music, and authentic texts. AP & Pre-AP classes may require a summer project. Complete summer project information will be posted on the HHS website and given to enrolled students before the end of the school year. AP Spanish IV 1 Credit Grade 11-12 Prerequisite: Successful completion of Pre-AP Spanish III or Approval of Spanish instructor(s) Course Description: This course is designed to improve students’ abilities to understand and express themselves in Spanish. Proficiency in all four language skills (reading, writing, listening and speaking) will be refined. Students will become increasingly comfortable working with authentic materials, be able to analyze literary works and discuss topics of current interest in Spanish speaking communities. This course prepares students for the College Board AP Spanish Language examination, which consists of multiple choice questions on listening comprehension, vocabulary, structure and reading comprehension, as well as free-response sections in writing 51 |Page Hutto High School Course Catalog 2015-2016 and speaking. AP & Pre-AP classes may require a summer project. Complete summer project information will be posted on the HHS website and given to enrolled students before the end of the school year. AP Spanish V 1 Credit Grade 11-12 Prerequisite: Successful completion of AP Spanish IV or Approval of Spanish instructor(s) Course Description: Spanish V- AP is planned to provide students with an introduction to Peninsular and Latin American literature. Students will be expected to focus on literary, poetry, and text analysis, and be able to explicate diverse genres of literature as well as wide variety types of discourse. The expanded timeline will enable students to trace the history of Spanish prose from Don Juan Manuel to modern times. This course prepares the student to take the Spanish Literature Advanced Placement Exam. The expected outcome of this course is developing Intermediate high/Advanced proficiency. This course is conducted in Spanish. ACADEMIC ELECTIVES Professional Communication [Speech] ½ Credit Grade 9-12 Prerequisite: None Course Description: Professional Communication blends oral, written and graphic communications in a career based environment using the skills and knowledge in technology applications for future success in career and college. Students will expand their skills to write, read, edit, speak, listen, and use software and graphics, as well as internet research. This is a state mandated course and is required for graduation. Journalism 1 1 Credit Grade 9-12 Prerequisite: None Course Description: This course is designed to teach students the fundamentals of Journalism in both publishing and broadcasting. Students will learn to write Journalistic styles of news writing, editorial writing, feature writing and headline writing. This course will also cover the laws and ethics of journalism as well as the history of journalism and its impact. Students will learn how to cover events by conducting interviews and taking pictures. Students will receive in introduction of news and yearbook design. Yearbook Production I, II, III 1 Credit Grade 10-12 Prerequisites: Course Instructor Approval, Completion of Application, BIM Course Description: An applied course that is designed to teach students about the steps involved in creating and publishing a high school yearbook. Students apply techniques of layout by designing pages and by writing copy, cut lines and headlines, as well as by cropping pictures using desktop publishing software. The students sell advertisements to local merchants, gaining knowledge of the business community. Students will be required to cover events and work outside regular school hours. 52 | P a g e Hutto High School Course Catalog 2015-2016 Debate I, II, III 1 Credit Grade 9-12 Prerequisite: Course Instructor Approval Course Description: This course emphasizes concepts of debate, critical thinking, argumentation, and public speaking. It is also designed to help students become interested in current public policy—both national and international. Students will have the opportunity to compete in UIL competition, if selected as a member of the school’s debate team. (A full year of debate can satisfy the speech requirement.) PALS Peer Assistance Leadership 1 Credit Grade 11-12 Prerequisite: Leadership Position at Hutto High Application Process Fee: PAL Program Course Description: The PAL® Peer Assistance Leadership Program is a school-based, peer-to-peer youth development program for students in grades 4-12 built upon a philosophy of students helping students. Established in 1980 by the Orange County Department of Education, the PAL program addresses the underlying causes of violence, tobacco, alcohol, and drug use by youth. The program encourages PAL students and their peers to make healthy life decisions and provides opportunities to create a supportive and safe school environment. PAL supports students’ healthy lifestyles by building resiliency and assets through youth leadership, mentoring, conflict resolution, cross-age teaching, peer helping, service learning, and prevention activities. The PAL program can enhance and support all student leadership programs in schools. SAT / ACT Preparation 1/2 Credit Grade 11-12 Prerequisite: None Course Description: This course focuses on the verbal skills needed for success on the SAT and ACT. Software is available, and class time will be provided for students to use the computer lab. Material to be purchased by the students includes a vocabulary book. Student Aide 1 Credit [Local only] Grade: 12 Prerequisite: Application and Assistant Principal Approval Course Description: Student clerk in administrative, Guidance, Library and laboratory areas. The class provides valuable work experience for a senior that has achieved all credits for graduation. 53 | P a g e Hutto High School Course Catalog 2015-2016 AIR FORCE JUNIOR ROTC Air Force Junior ROTC is designed to allow cadets to enter at any given point. The courses are not grade-specific. Each year, a different course will be offered. We will be offering AFJROTC3 for the 2015-16 school year. Aerospace Science and Leadership Education I: AFJROTC 1 1 Credit Grade 9-12 Prerequisite(s): Approval of Aerospace Science Instructor. This course is a science course designed to acquaint the student with the aerospace environment, the principles of flight and navigation, and human limitations to flight. In addition, the course provides leadership experiences that help to develop positive attitudes toward authority, responsibility, and self-discipline. There is also concentrated study on the history of the American flag and the customs and courtesies rendered to it. Aerospace Science and Leadership Education II: AFJROTC 2 1 Credit Grade 9-12 Prerequisite(s): Approval of Aerospace Science Instructor. This course is predominantly a historical perspective of the role of the military throughout the history of the United States with emphasis on aerospace developments and their influence on National Policy and objectives worldwide. Leadership hours stress communications skills and leadership principles. The student is afforded opportunities to hold positions of greater responsibility in the planning and execution of cadet corps projects. Also, instruction is given in Lifetime Wellness. Aerospace Science and Leadership Education III: AFJROTC 3 1 Credit Grade 9-12 Prerequisite(s): Approval of Aerospace Science Instructor. This is a science course which discusses principles of propulsion systems, fundamentals of rocketry and its application to spacecraft, principles underlying space travel, and various management techniques and principles with emphasis on stress management, financial management, and managing others. In addition, the course covers systems of government and the government of the United States. Also, instruction is given in Lifetime Wellness. Aerospace Science and Leadership Education IV: AFJROTC 4 1 Credit Grade 9-12 Prerequisite(s): Approval of Aerospace Science Instructor. This course introduces students to the world’s cultures through the study of world affairs, regional studies, and cultural awareness. The course delves into history, geography, religions, languages, culture, political systems, economics, social issues, environmental concerns, and human rights. It looks at major events and significant figures that have shaped each region. The leadership portion provides exposure to the fundamentals of management. We discuss many leadership topics that will benefit students as well as provide them with some of the necessary skills needed to put into practice what they learn during their time in AFJROTC. 54 |Page Hutto High School Course Catalog 2015-2016 Art Art Media & Communication 1 Credit Grade 9-12 Prerequisite: None Supply Fee: None Course Description: This course introduces the elements and principles of art, with emphasis on creative visual problem solving. Students design, develop and create original art by working in various electronic media. Art 1 1 Credit Grade 9-12 Prerequisite: None Supply Fee: $10 Course Description: This course introduces the elements and principles of art, with emphasis on creative visual problem solving. Students design, develop and create original art by working in various 2D and 3D media. Art 2: Survey 1 credit Grade 9-12 Prerequisite: Art I, Art Media & Communication, Teacher Recommendation Supply Fee: $10 Course Description: This course further develops the elements and principles of art with an emphasis on creative visual problem solving. Students design, develop and create art by working in various 2D and 3D media. Photography 1 1 Credit Grade 10-12 Prerequisite: Art 1 Supply Fee: $10 Course Description: Students will learn the fundamentals of digital photography with an emphasis on the elements and principles of design and composition. Students must have their own digital cameras with adjustable exposure and focus. For the processing and enhancement of digital photographs, students will learn the basics of Photoshop. Students will also learn about the history of photography and how it has evolved into the digital realm. Supply fee will go towards batteries for cameras and printing. Drawing 1 1 Credit Grade 10-12 Prerequisite: Art 1 Supply Fee: $20 Course Description: This course focuses on two-dimensional media, including pencil, charcoal, colored pencil, pastels, and ink. Students in this class will express their thoughts and ideas creatively, while challenging their imagination, fostering reflective thinking, and developing disciplined effort and problem-solving skills. Drawing from life, figure drawing, drawing from the imagination, and drawings based on historical periods in art will be emphasized. Careers in art will also be discussed. 55 |Page Hutto High School Course Catalog 2015-2016 Painting 1 1 Credit Grade 10-12 Prerequisite: Art 1 Supply Fee: $20 Course Description: This course focuses on two-dimensional wet media, including ink, watercolor, acrylics, and printmaking techniques. Students in this class will paint from life, figure paintings, painting from the imagination, and paintings based on historical periods in art will be emphasized and careers in art will be discussed. Sculpture 1 1 Credit Grade 10-12 Prerequisite: Art 1 Supply Fee: $20 Course Description: This course will focus on three-dimensional media, including ceramics, jewelry, fibers, stone, and found object sculptures. Students will express their thoughts working from life, figure sculpting, sculpting from the imagination, and sculptures based on historical periods in art. Ceramics I 1 Credit Grade 10-12 Prerequisite: Art 1 Supply Fee: $20 Course Description: This course will explore and develop basic skills in the creation of 3-D forms and pottery of clays. Students will progress through idea development with wheel work, hand building, molds and casting processes. With an emphasis on studio production, this course is designed to develop higher-level thinking, art-related technology skills, art criticism, art history and aesthetics. Drawing 2 1 Credit Grade 11-12 Prerequisite: Drawing I Supply Fee: $20 Course Description: This course is an extension of Drawing I, improving upon skills and media used in that course. Students will rely on their perceptions of the environment, developed through increasing visual awareness and sensitivity to surroundings, memory, imagination, and life experiences, as a source for creating artworks. Emphasis will be placed on the study of specific art styles or historical periods, analyze an art career, and begin creating their own portfolio. Painting 2 1 Credit Grade 11-12 Prerequisite: Painting I Supply Fee: $20 Course Description: This course is an extension of Painting I, improving upon painting skills and media used in that course. Students will continue to study specific art styles, analyze an art career, and create their own portfolio. 56 |Page Hutto High School Course Catalog 2015-2016 Sculpture 2 1 Credit Grade 11-12 Prerequisite: Sculpture I Supply Fee: $20 Course Description: This course is an extension of Sculpture I, improving upon sculpture skills and media used in that course. Students will continue to study specific art styles, analyze an art career, and create their own portfolio. Ceramics 2 1 Credit Grade 11-12 Prerequisite: Art 1 Supply Fee: $20 Course Description: This course is an extension of Ceramics I will explore and develop basic skills in the creation of 3-D forms and pottery of clays. Students will progress through idea development with wheel work, hand building, molds and casting processes. With an emphasis on studio production, this course is designed to develop higher-level thinking, art-related technology skills, art criticism, art history and aesthetics. AP Studio Art 1 Credit Grade 11-12 Prerequisite: Art 1 and any Specialized Studio Art Class Supply Fee: $20 Course Description: This is an advanced placement course and offers the same level of rigor as college level work. There is a portfolio due in May (instead of an AP exam). The AP program offers three portfolios: drawing, 2-D Design, and 3-D design. The portfolios share a basic, three-section structure, which requires the student to show a fundamental competence and range of understanding in visual concerns (and methods). Each of the portfolios asks the student to demonstrate a depth of investigation and process of discovery through the concentration section. In the breadth section, the student is asked to demonstrate a serious grounding in visual principles and material techniques. The quality section permits the student to select the works that best exhibit a synthesis of form, technique, and content. Students will be required to create 24 college-level artworks, and will critique their own and fellow students’ work throughout the year. AP & Pre-AP classes may require a summer project. Complete summer project information will be posted on the HHS website and given to enrolled students before the end of the school year. 57 |Page Hutto High School Course Catalog 2015-2016 Theatre Arts Theatre Arts 1 1 Credit Grade 9-12 Prerequisite: None Course Description: This course is an introduction to the study of theatre. Students will develop an appreciation of play production and Theatre by exploring the following areas: acting, technical theatre, design, directing, playwriting, theatre history, play analysis and acting for camera. Through hands-on activities students explore mime, voice, diction, improvisation and demonstrating application of skills through performance. Theatre Arts 2-Children’s Theatre 1 credit Grade 9-12 Prerequisite: Theatre 1 Course Description: This course is intended for students considering Theatre education, elementary education and professional theatre and will focus on performing plays intended for Families and children. Story lines will be drawn from history, literature, folk and fairytales and real life issues important to young people. The semester will culminate in a touring performance for elementary students in our district. Theatre Arts 3-Comedy and Improvisation 1 credits Grade 10-12 Prerequisite Theatre 1 Course Description: This course is intended for students who enjoy thinking on their feet and are interested in any field requiring communication skills. Students will explore the elements of comedy and learn a variety of theatre games and improve structures .If you enjoy shows like “whose line is it anyway” this course is for you. The semester will culminate in a comedy workshop/ performance Theatre Arts 4-Stage Combat/ Theatrical Movement 1 Credit Grades 11-12 Prerequisite: Theatre I Course Description: This is a practical, activities based course designed to help students move with ease and freedom. The stage combat part of this course will focus on how to safely choreograph different struggles that an actor may encounter on stage. Movement will focus on body alignment and spatial awareness. Technical Theatre 1 1 Credit Grade 9-12 Supply Fee: $15 Course Description: Students in Technical Theatre I focus on theatre safety and the design and construction process of sets, costume, sound and lighting. Students study principals of theatrical design such as unity, balance, proportion and color through hands on applications in classes and productions. 58 | P a g e Hutto High School Course Catalog 2015-2016 Students will learn basic carpentry and basic sewing techniques using tools and applicable materials. Students will also participate in an introduction to lighting, sound, make-up, and hair-styling while demonstrating the job responsibilities of traditional crew and support staff as part of their assignments. Technical Theatre 2-Stagecraft 1 credit Grade 10-12 Supply Fee: $15 Prerequisite: Technical Theatre 1 Course Description: A more in depth study of the technical aspects of Theatre. This project-oriented course surveys the different technologies for costumes, set construction, lighting, and sound. Students will learn proper safety procedures and construction skills that will help them on and off stage. Technical Theatre 3- Lighting and Sound Design for the Stage 1 credit Grades 11-12 Prerequisite: Technical Theatre 2 Supply Fee: $15 Course Description: This course places a special emphasis on Lighting and Sound Design for the Theater. Students will study how lighting and sound effects can enhance live performances while learning about the design process. We will be doing hands-on projects that require students to understand and use different technologies available for lighting and sound design. Technical Theatre 4-Facility Management 1 credit Grade 12 Prerequisite: Director Approval Supply Fee: $15 Course Description: This course is designed for students interested in learning about managing a professional performance space. Work hands on with directors to learn about scheduling events, budgeting, and facility maintenance for the Performing Arts Center. Students will be expected to assist with events that take place in the PAC. Theatre Production 1-4 1 Credit Grade 9-12 Prerequisite: Director Approval Supply Fee: $20 Course Description: This course develops and presents one or more theatrical productions, receiving acting or technical assignments for each specific production. The course emphasizes development of artistic self-discipline and concentration, collaboration in creation and performance, and analysis and evaluations of productions. Extensive extracurricular participation in theatre department productions and rehearsals is required. 59 |Page Hutto High School Course Catalog 2015-2016 Band Band I – IV Concert Band/Symphonic Band/Wind Ensemble 1 Credit Grade 9-12 Band Fee: Instrument purchase or rental Please be advised that additional fees may be incurred throughout the year. Participation in summer band is required. Prerequisite: None Course Description: This course requires rehearsing extensively outside regular class hours. Performances are given regularly for band competitions, athletic events, parades, pep rallies, contests, and shows throughout the year. Students will receive 1/2 PE waiver each fall for Marching Band. Jazz Band I - IV 1 Credit Grade 9-12 Band Fee: Instrument purchase or rental Please be advised that additional fees may be incurred throughout the year. Prerequisite: Director’s approval/audition, plus co-enrollment in Concert or Symphonic Band – unless playing one of the color instruments. Course Description: This group studies and performs a variety of literature, including swing, jazz, and rock. The group will perform at concerts, adjudicated festivals, and various civic associations. Special emphasis is placed on developing improvisation skills and ensemble playing. Membership requires a high degree of musical skill and personal discipline. Choir Music Theory I 1 Credit Grade 11-12 Prerequisite: Teacher Approval Course Description: This full year course includes the basic fundamentals of musicianship, theory, musical materials, basic terminology, ear training and sight-singing procedures. It also integrates interval studies and identification with simple melodic and harmonic dictation. A basic knowledge of the piano keyboard is recommended. Piano 1 Credit Grade 10-12 Prerequisite: None Course Description: This course concentrates on developing fundamental playing techniques. Basic keyboard skills are achieved through music reading and listening, analyzing and playing chord accompaniments, and performing a variety of literature for piano. Students need to practice the piano on a daily basis on their own time, not during class time. If you do not have a piano, students may practice before or after school, or during lunch in the piano lab. Mandatory recital at the end of the year for all students enrolled in the course. 60 |Page Hutto High School Course Catalog 2015-2016 Piano 2 1 Credit Grade 11-12 Prerequisite: Piano 1 Piano Fee: $20 due first week of school for practice book. Course Description: This course expands on developing and polishing playing techniques. Keyboard skills will be expanded upon by music reading and listening, analyzing and playing choral accompaniments, and adding to an already existing variety of music. Students need to practice the piano on a daily basis on their own time, not during class time. If you do not have a piano, students may practice before or after school, or during lunch in the piano lab. Mandatory recital at the end of the year for all students enrolled in the course. Mixed Choir I - IV 1 Credit Grade 9-12 Prerequisite: None Please be advised that if your child decides to participate in the All State Choir Contest or individual UIL solo events additional fees will be incurred. Course Description: Members of this choir begin the development of vocal techniques, music reading, and listening skills. Students develop self-discipline and leadership skill as they learn to work as a part of a group. Students are strongly encouraged to audition for All-District, All-Region, and All-State Choir. They are also encouraged to participate in UIL solo-ensemble contests at region and state levels. Concerts are presented throughout the year. Any student interested in joining choir, and who has not been a member of the Hutto High School Mixed or Treble Choir during the previous school year, needs to register for this class. Important Note: All choir students are required to participate in rehearsals and performances before and after school. Students must take the specific choir class both semesters in order to receive state fine arts credit. Treble Choir II - IV 1 Credit Grade 10-12 Prerequisite: Instructor Approval, Audition, and at least one previous year in a Hutto High School Choir Course. Please be advised that if your child decides to participate in the All State Choir Contest or individual UIL solo events additional fees will be incurred. Course Description: Students in this course are experienced vocal musicians. These students continue their skill acquired in Choir I. They further develop their vocal techniques, music reading and listening skills, learn music history and literature through performance, and explore careers in music. These choirs may perform in UIL and other concert and sight-reading contests. Students may audition for district, region, and state choir. Students may also participate in UIL and other solo ensemble contests at the region and state levels. Concerts are presented throughout the year. Show Choir II - IV 1 Credit Grade 10-12 Prerequisite: Director’s approval/audition, plus co-enrollment in Mixed or Treble Choir and at least one previous year in a Hutto High School Choir. Please be advised that if your child decides to participate in the All State Choir Contest or individual UIL solo events additional fees will be incurred. 61 |Page Hutto High School Course Catalog 2015-2016 Course Description: Students in this course are experienced vocal musicians. They also possess the ability to move to music. Skills such as movement and vocal jazz/pop techniques are developed in this class. This Choir will be a touring choir and will perform at various venues in the community. Fees for choir can cost from $20-50. This may include, but not limited to: choir and pink out t-shirts, USB drives (for music files), dry cleaning fees of formal uniforms. PLEASE NOTE THAT STUDENTS WILL HAVE THE OPPORTUNITY TO WORK OFF THESE FEES BY PARTICIPATING IN VARIOUS CHOIR FUNDRAISERS. Dance/Hi-Steppers Dance I 1 Credit Grade 9-12 Dance Fee: $25 Costume Fee Prerequisite: None Course Description: This course introduces the beginning principles of dance with an emphasis on historical and cultural awareness, flexibility, body awareness, fitness principles, dance technique, artistic diversity, and the choreographic process. Dance styles include, but are not limited to ballet, modern, contemporary, Broadway, novelty, jazz, hip-hop, tap, high kick, and pom. Strength and flexibility will be taught as well. Dancers will be invited to perform in the Spring Show recital. [a minimal costume fee will be required]. Drill Team Prep 1 Credit Grade 9-12 Dance Fee: $25 Costume Fee Prerequisite: Some dance experience is preferred, but, not required. THIS COURSE MAY ONLY BE TAKEN ONCE FOR CREDIT. Course Description: This course is similar to Dance 1 but with an emphasis on skills required for Hi-Stepper tryouts. In preparation for auditions, this course will be taught at a more rigorous pace than Dance 1. Students are expected to have previous dance experience and/or the desire to learn at a fast pace. This course will introduce the beginning principles of dance with an emphasis on historical and cultural awareness, flexibility, body awareness, fitness principles, dance technique, artistic diversity, and the choreographic process. Dance styles include, but are not limited to ballet, modern, contemporary, Broadway, novelty, jazz, hip-hop, tap, high kick, and pom. Strength and flexibility will be taught as well. Dancers will be invited to perform in the Spring Show recital. [A minimal costume fee will be required]. Dance II - IV 1 Credit Grade 10-12 Dance Fee: $35 Costume Fee Prerequisite: Dance 1 or equivalent experience and Director Approval. Course Description: This course introduces the beginning principles of dance with an emphasis on historical and cultural awareness, flexibility, body awareness, fitness principles, dance technique, artistic diversity, and the choreographic process. Dance styles include, but are not limited to ballet, modern, contemporary, Broadway, novelty, jazz, hip-hop, tap, high kick, and pom. Strength and flexibility will be taught as well. Dancers will be invited to perform in the Spring Show recital. [a minimal costume fee will be required]. 62 |Page Hutto High School Course Catalog 2015-2016 Hi-Steppers 1 Credit Grade 9-12 Expect Hi-Stepper Fees Prerequisite: Audition, Director Approval, Financial Obligations. Dance 1 or previous dance experience is encouraged Course Description: Hutto Hi-Steppers are a precision dance/drill team that performs year round at pep rallies, football, basketball, and community events. The drill team competes in the spring and hosts an end of year recital, Spring Show. The team attends Officer and Team camps in the summer. Students and parents will have personal costs and are expected to be part of fundraising & community activities throughout the year. This is a year-round commitment with many before school, after-school, and summer activities and practices. Auditions are held each December for the following year’s team. Students will receive 1/2 PE waiver each fall for Drill Team CAREER AND TECHNICAL EDUCATION Agriculture & Animal Science Principles of Agricultural Science 1 Credit Grade 9-12 Prerequisite: None Course Description: This comprehensive course is designed to introduce beginning students in agriculture science to global agriculture. The course includes instructional units in agricultural career development, leadership, communications, cultural diversity, industry description, research, plant and animal science concepts, and mechanical systems. Opportunities will be provided for some hands-on learning experiences and a chance to enter district competition in leadership and judging teams through membership in FFA. Small Animal Management 1 Credit Grade 10-12 Prerequisites: Principles of Ag Science Course Description: This course will emphasize the care and management of small animals and veterinary procedures involved with common domestic and laboratory species. Units included are: animal behavior, animal diseases, animal welfare, large animal procedures, companion animals and small animal care. Animals included are: dogs, cats, rabbits, guinea pigs, fish, reptiles and birds, just to name a few. Large Animal Management 1 Credit Grade 10-12 Prerequisites: Principles of Ag Science Introduces veterinary skills and procedures used on livestock, anatomy of livestock, genetics and reproduction, and diseases that can affect all livestock animals. Animal species to be addressed in this course may include, but are not limited to beef cattle, dairy cattle, swine, sheep, goats, and poultry. 63 | P a g e Hutto High School Course Catalog 2015-2016 Veterinary Medical Applications 1 Credit Grade 10-12 Prerequisite: Small Animal Management Course Description: This course teaches you the basics of being a veterinarian and prepares you for the job expectations in the future. In this advanced animal science course, students will explore the field of veterinary medicine. Students will study the role of a veterinarian and veterinary technician in the diagnosis and treatment of animal diseases. Topics to be discussed include: veterinary terminology, anatomy and physiology, pathology, genetics, handling and restraint, and physical examinations along with common surgical skills. Students will engage in a variety of laboratory activities and will participate in shadowing and/or other school-to-work experiences. Advanced Animal Science 1 Credit Grade 11-12 Prerequisite: Small Animal Management Course Description: Students will attain academic skills and knowledge related to animal systems in regards to career opportunities, entry requirements, and industry standards. This course examines the interrelatedness of human, scientific, and technological dimensions of livestock production. Instruction is designed to allow for the application of animal science through field and laboratory experiences. Wildlife, Fisheries and Ecology Management 1 Credit Grade 10-12 Prerequisite: Principles of Ag Science Course Description: This course is designed to examine the importance of wildlife and outdoor recreation with emphasis on using scientific knowledge to study wildlife and natural resources. Also included in the course are sections covering boater education, angler education, and hunter education. Students are also given the opportunity to develop leadership skill through the FFA organization. Agricultural Mechanics and Metal Technologies 1 Credit Grade 10-12 Prerequisite: Principles of Ag Science This course focuses on power, structural, and technical agricultural systems. Tool operation, electrical wiring, plumbing, carpentry, fencing, concrete and metal working techniques are studied. Students will investigate career opportunities, entry requirements, industry certifications, and industry expectations. Agricultural Facilities Design and Fabrication 1 Credit Grade 11-12 Prerequisite: Agricultural Mechanics and Metal Technologies Prepares students for careers in mechanized agriculture and technical systems, related to agricultural facilities design and fabrication. Students explore career opportunities, entry requirements, and industry expectations. 64 |Page Hutto High School Course Catalog 2015-2016 Transportation, Distribution, & Logistics Principles of Transportation, Distribution, and Logistics 1 Credit Grade 9-12 Prerequisites: None Course Description: This introduction course will allow students to gain knowledge and skill in the transportation, distribution, and logistics industries. Students will also gain knowledge in basic maintenance and repair of vehicles. Small Engines 1 Credit Grade 10-12 Prerequisite: None Course Description: This course is designed to allow students to develop skills related to small engine operation, repair, and maintenance. In this class students will have the opportunity to learn the theory of engine operation, both 4-stroke engines, including major overhaul and tool identification and proper usage are addressed. Automotive Technician 1 2 Credits Grade 11-12 Prerequisite: Small Engines is recommended and teacher approval Course Description: Explore the 17 elements of the automotive field. The student is expected to practice approved procedures and pass all elements of the instructional program. Related areas of instruction include carburetion, complete motor overhaul, fuel injection, automotive computers and transmissions. Students will develop personal traits important for employability. NOTE: This course may assist students working toward ASE (Automotive Service Excellence) student certification. Advanced Automotive Technology 2 Credits Grade 11-12 Prerequisite: Auto Tech I and teacher approval Course Description: This course is recommended for students interested in a rewarding career in automotive service and repair. In this course, students will learn the function of the major automotive systems and the principles of diagnosing and servicing these systems to learn the why and how of basic automotive systems and repair practices. Other major components of instruction will focus on engine performance and suspension and steering, which are required elements in the NATEF certification process. 65 |Page Hutto High School Course Catalog 2015-2016 Business and Finance Principles of Business, Marketing, and Finance 1 Credit Grade 9-12 Prerequisite: None Course Description: In this course, students will gain knowledge and skills in economics and private enterprise systems, the impact of global business, marketing of goods and services, advertising, and product pricing. Business Information Management I 1 Credit Grade 9-12 Prerequisite: None Course Description: This course covers technical skills to address business applications needed for college and the work force. Students will apply their knowledge to create word-processing documents, develop a spreadsheet, formulate a database, and make an electronic presentation using Microsoft Office programs. Business Law 1 Credit Grade: 10-12 Prerequisite: None Course Description: Business Law introduces law and the necessity of the legal system that governs business operations in our society. This course prepares students for future business ownership and also for college prep in studies for business majors. Students analyze significant issues of business and industry relating to legal environment, ethics, torts, contracts, financial instruments, personal property, sales, warranties, and more. Money Matters 1 Credit Grade 10-12 Prerequisite: None Course Description: This course focuses on consumer practices and responsibilities, the money management process, decisionmaking skills, impact of technology, and preparation for careers in business and finance. Accounting 1 Credit Grade: 11-12 Prerequisite: None In Accounting students investigate the field of accounting including how it is impacted by industry standards as well as economic, financial, technological, international, social, legal and ethical factors. Students engage in recording, classifying, summarizing, analyzing, and communicating accounting information. This course will provide students with experience for post-secondary level course work. 66 |Page Hutto High School Course Catalog 2015-2016 Information Technologies Principles of Information Technology ½ Credit Grade 9-12 Prerequisite: None Course Description: Principles of Information Technology will develop computer literacy skills to adapt to emerging technologies used in the global marketplace. Students will apply word processing, spreadsheet, database, presentation, and publishing technology using Microsoft Office 2010. Students will implement personal and interpersonal skills as they experience project-based learning to prepare them for a rapidly evolving work & academic environment. Principles of Audio and Video Production ½ Credit Grade 9-12 Prerequisite: None Course Description: This course is a basic introduction to the equipment and techniques of video production. Students gain basic knowledge and experience with hands-on assignments involving video cameras, video and audio editing, writing and special effects. Audio and Video Production 1 Credit Grade 10-12 Prerequisite: Principles of Info Tech and Principles of Audio and Video Course Description: This course is an instructional, analytical, and artistic approach to the complete process of making videos. This involves script writing, recording, and editing the video. You will also learn about the many different aspects of film making. You will use Movie Maker, Premiere Pro, After Effects, and Adobe Flash. This class will give you skills to support the cable channel and the Hippotron. Advanced Audio and Video Production 1 Credit Grade 11-12 Prerequisite: Audio and Video Production Course Description: Students will learn advanced video concepts while working on major projects. In addition to developing advanced knowledge and skills needed for success in the Arts, Audio/Visual Technology, and Communications career cluster, students will be expected to develop an advanced understanding of the industry with a focus on preproduction, production, and postproduction activities. The class will provide the campus with necessary video production services. Smaller projects will serve as supplemental material for the students’ professional portfolio. Web Technologies 1 Credit Grade 10-12 Prerequisite: None Course Description: This course focuses on the fundamentals of web design principles and "front end" web development. Students will use HTML, CSS, Java Script, and Jquery to create web systems. Basic programming concepts, such as functions, loop processing, and conditions will be introduced through Java Script and Python. This class is encouraged for students interested in taking Computer Science. 67 |Page Hutto High School Course Catalog 2015-2016 Digital and Interactive Media 1 Credit Grade 10-12 Prerequisite: None Course Description: Digital Graphics is an introductory course in digital design, typography, and imaging techniques. The student will use the Adobe Creative Suite to produce and edit digital designs as well as to incorporate design principles and commercial art fundamentals. Students will create digital and multimedia such as logos, posters, interactive multimedia, and web pages. 2-D animation will be introduced in this course. Students will develop the basic knowledge, necessary for computer digital illustration. Students will prepare for Photoshop, Illustrator, and Flash Adobe Certifications. Graphic Design 1 Credit Grades 10-12 Prerequisites: Principles of Information Technology AND Principles of Audio and Video Production Course Description: This course provides training for entry-level employment in the graphic design field. Instruction includes basic components of graphic design and the development of the creative process from concept to finished product. Students will learn traditional techniques as well as current computer software technologies. Career opportunities will be explored. Careers in graphic design and illustration span all aspects of the advertising and visual communications industries. Advanced Graphic Design 1 Credit Grades 11-12 Prerequisites: Graphic Design This course is a continuation of Graphic Design and Illustration providing students with hands-on experience working from concept to finish in a variety of formats. Students gain advanced knowledge of current computer software and techniques while applying them to class assignments and freelance jobs. Computer Science 1 Credit Grade 11-12 Prerequisites: Algebra I, Web Technology Course Description: This course introduces you to programming terminology and current programming languages. You will strategically plan your solutions and utilize acceptable programming standards to solve problems in current programming languages. You will utilize flowcharts, logical conditions, loop processing, and functions into your solutions. This course is recommended for students interested in pursuing a career in software development or computer programming. AP Computer Science 1 Credit Grade 11-12 Prerequisite: Algebra II and Computer Science I Course Description: This course is designed for students who are preparing for the AP Computer Science Exam. It is mandatory for all students in this course to take the AP Exam upon the completion of the course. Topics include advanced data structures, sorting and searching algorithms, dynamic memory allocation, algorithmic analysis and object-oriented programming. Students will be expected to complete a large scale program such as a graphical animation. This course will also relate concepts learned in class to the real world and can count as a fourth math credit. AP & Pre-AP classes may require a summer project. Complete summer project information will be posted on the HHS website and given to enrolled students before the end of the school year. 68 | P a g e Hutto High School Course Catalog 2015-2016 Human Services Interpersonal Studies ½ Credit Grade 9-12 Prerequisite: None Course Description: This course provides an overview of the relationships that exists between individuals and among family members and how they significantly affect the quality of life. Individuals use knowledge and skills in family studies and human services to enhance personal development, foster quality relationships, promote wellness of family members, manage multiple adult roles, and pursue careers related to these fields of study. Child Development ½ Credit Grade 9-12 Prerequisite: None Course Description: Do you like children? Are you interested in a career working with children? If you answered “yes”, then this course is for you! This course focuses on knowledge and skills related to the development, care, guidance, and protection of children. Instruction addresses the principles of promoting the physical, emotional, social, and intellectual development of children. Other topics include parenting rights and responsibilities, pregnancy, and prenatal care and development. Sports Medicine I 1 Credit Grade: 11-12 Prerequisite: Instructor Approval Course Description: This course provides the opportunity for the study and application of the components of sports medicine including organization and administration, prevention, recognition, evaluation, immediate care of injuries, rehabilitation and management skill, taping and wrapping, first aid/CPR/AED, emergency procedures, nutrition, sports psychology, anatomy and physiology, therapeutic modalities, and exercise. Sports Medicine II 1 Credit Grade: 11-12 Prerequisite: Instructor Approval Course Description: Course provides a more in depth study and application of sports medicine careers, organization and administration. Certifications include Heartsaver, CPR/AED, First Aid and Basic Life Support. Students will participate in outsideof-class time homework working with athletes and athletic teams. 69 |Page Hutto High School Course Catalog 2015-2016 Hospitality and Tourism Lifetime Nutrition and Wellness ½ Credit Grade 9-10 Prerequisite: None Supply Fee: $10.00 Course Description: Are you curious about how the food you eat impacts your health and performance. Students will learn about the world of food and learn tips and techniques that can be utilized immediately. Areas covered include safety and sanitation, essential nutrients, kitchen management techniques, healthy eating guidelines, and much more. Students will gain valuable hands-on experience during food labs. Dollars and Sense ½ Credit Grade 9-10 Prerequisite: None Course Description: This course focuses on consumer practices and responsibilities, the money management process, decisionmaking skills, and impact of technology. Travel and Tourism Management ½ Credit Grade 9-12 Prerequisite: Principles of Hospitality & Tourism is recommended Field trips are integral to this course providing valuable hands-on and real world experiences. Participation is required. Course Description: Do you love to travel? Always dreamed of going to Paris or Rome? Want to enter the travel industry so you can travel for FREE? The Travel and Tourism course provides the student with an understanding of one of the largest industries in the world. Specific applications include the evolution of the tourism industry, destination geography, airlines, international travel, cruising, travel by rail, lodging, and touring and travel agencies. Hotel Management ½ Credit Grade 10-12 Prerequisite: Principles of Hospitality & Tourism Course Description: This course focuses on knowledge and skills needed to pursue staff and management positions available in the hotel industry. The course will focus on communication, leadership, management, HR, technology, and accounting. Restaurant Management 1 Credit Grade 10-12 Prerequisite: Principles of Hospitality recommended Course Description: This specialty course will emphasize the principles of planning, organizing, staffing, directing, and controlling the management of a variety of food service operations – table, buffet, and fast food. It will provide insight into the operation of a well-run restaurant by requiring students to write menus, develop, deliver, and critique presentations; infer how scientific principles are used in the restaurant industry; analyze various marketing strategies for a restaurant or food venue; demonstrate use of technology applications to perform workplace tasks; prepare complex multimedia publications; demonstrate knowledge and use of point-of-sale systems; investigate quality-control standards and practices; and understand the importance of health, safety, and environmental management systems. 70 |Page Hutto High School Course Catalog 2015-2016 Food Chemistry 1 Credit Grade 11-12 Prerequisite: Supply Fee: $10.00 Course Description: This laboratory course provides foundational training in the areas of food science and technology. Content addresses food science principles, nutrition and wellness, food technology, world food supply, and career options in nutrition. Instructional topics include diet-related disorders, diet appropriate to the life cycle and other factors, therapeutic diets, chemical and physical changes that affect food product quality, technologies used in food processing and product development, food safety and sanitation standards, market research, legal issues, and food policies. Laboratory activities utilizing research methods related to current issues in food science, technology, and nutrition are included. Culinary Arts I and II 2 Credits Grade 11-12 Prerequisites: Nutrition & Wellness and Instructor approval required Supply Fee: $40.00, includes chef coat and hat ServSafe certification Fee: $20.00 Course Description: This course will stress advanced techniques and skills including more independent planning and preparation of meals, field trips to area restaurants, and opportunities to compete in regional, state, and national contests sponsored by FCCLA. In addition, students may compete in Texas Cup Cake Wars at the region and state levels sponsored by the Hospitality Educators Association of Texas [HEAT]. Students will also learn to prepare, flavor, and present a multitude of traditional, ethnic, and gourmet dishes to include: soups, appetizers, main entrees, and desserts utilizing a variety of cooking methods. Students will also help manage and operate a school restaurant and café along with opportunities to book banquets and cater social events. Career Development Career Preparation 2-3 Credits Grade 12 Prerequisite: By application only in the semester prior to the start of the new school year. Students must apply for acceptance in spring semester prior to preceding school year. Admission is only during pre-registration. Students may not enter Career Preparation at Spring Semester of their senior year. Students who are unable to work during an athletic season may still enroll in Career Preparation; however, they will only receive a ½ credit for that semester. Fees: FCCLA Membership $16 and Spring Luncheon $20 Course Description: This course provides students in senior year the opportunity to explore an occupational area through classroom instruction and on-the-job-training. Working in a TEA approved career cluster; students will acquire knowledge and skills essential to one’s success in today’s ever-changing work force. Enhanced by additional studies in the classroom, this course will serve to develop individuals possessing an array of transferable skills enabling them to better prepare themselves for a competitive job market. 71 |Page Hutto High School Course Catalog 2015-2016 Health Science Principles of Health Science & Medical Terminology 1 Credit Grade 9-12 Prerequisite: None Course Description: In the first semester of this course, you will learn specifics about the health care industry including therapy, diagnostic, and health support services; and biotechnology research and development. In the second semester students will be introduced to the structure of medical terms, including prefixes, suffixes, word roots, combining forms, singular/plural forms, plus medical abbreviations and acronyms. Students will achieve comprehension of medical vocabulary appropriate to medical procedures, human anatomy and physiology, and pathophysiology. Health Science I 1 Credit Grade 10-12 Prerequisite: Biology. Application and Instructor approval required Course Description: Are you interested in becoming a nurse, medical assistant, technologists, or even doctor? As the demand for health care providers expands, there will be a huge demand for health care workers. Texas will need as many as 138,000 registered nurses in the next 10 years with an average annual salary starting at 40,000 dollars. In this course, you will learn specifics about the health care industry including Students will have an opportunity to experience actual hands-on learning by interning in various clinics as well as apply meaningful classroom instruction in the school clinic. Medical Microbiology ½ Credit Grade 11-12 Prerequisite: Biology, Chemistry, and Physics (Physics may be taken concurrently) Students explore the microbial world, studying topics such as pathogenic and non-pathogenic microorganisms, laboratory procedures, identifying microorganisms, drug resistant organisms, and emerging diseases. Must be taken with Pathophysiology to count as an advanced science credit. Pathophysiology ½ Credit Grade 11-12 Prerequisite: Biology, Chemistry, and Physics (Physics may be taken concurrently) Focuses on disease processes and how they affect humans, as well as prevention and treatment of disease. Students will differentiate between normal and abnormal physiology. Students will conduct laboratory and field investigations using scientific methods, critical thinking, and scientific problem solving. Must be taken with Medical Microbiology to count as an advanced science credit. Anatomy & Physiology of Human Systems 1 Credit Grade 12 Prerequisite: Biology, Chemistry Course Description: In this course students conduct laboratory investigations, use scientific methods during investigations, and make informed decisions using critical thinking and problem solving. Topics will be presented through an integration of biology, chemistry, and physics. Students will study the structures of the human body systems and will investigate the body’s responses to forces, maintenance of homeostasis, electrical interactions, transport system, and energy systems. Dissection is required. 72 |Page Hutto High School Course Catalog 2015-2016 Practicum in Health Science 1 (Clinical 1) 2 Credits Grade 11-12 Prerequisite: Health Science, Application and Instructor approval required Fee: $50 Course Description: This course is designed to give students practical application of previously studied knowledge and skills. Practicum experiences can occur in a variety of locations appropriate to the nature and level of experience. Practicum in Health Science 2 (Clinical 2) 2 Credits Grade 12 Prerequisite: Practicum in Health Science 1, Application and Instructor approval required Fee: $50 Course Description: This course is designed to give students practical application of previously studied knowledge and skills. Practicum experiences can occur in a variety of locations appropriate to the nature and level of experience. Law, Public Safety, Corrections, and Security Principles of Law, Public Safety, Corrections, and Security 1 Credit Grade 9-12 Prerequisites: None Students will be introduced to professions in law enforcement, security, corrections, and fire and emergency management services. Students will examine the roles and responsibilities of police, courts, corrections, private security, and protective agencies of fire and emergency services. The course provides students with an overview of the skills necessary for careers in law enforcement, fire service, security, and corrections. Law Enforcement I 1 Credit Grade 10-12 Prerequisites: Principles of Law, Public Safety, Corrections, and Security Students will study an overview of the history, organization, and functions of local, state, and federal law enforcement. This course includes the role of constitutional law, the United States legal system, criminal law, law enforcement terminology, and the classification and elements of crime. Students will investigate career opportunities in the law enforcement field. Law Enforcement II 1 Credit Grade 11-12 Prerequisites: Law Enforcement I Students will develop the knowledge and skills necessary to prepare for a career in law enforcement by building upon the concepts established in the Criminal Justice I course. This course includes the ethical and legal responsibilities, operation of police and emergency telecommunication equipment, and courtroom testimony. Students will investigate career opportunities in the law enforcement field. 73 | P a g e Hutto High School Course Catalog 2015-2016 Forensic Science 1 Credit Grade 11-12 Prerequisite: Biology and Chemistry Course Description: This course uses a structured and scientific approach to the investigation of crimes of assault, abuse and neglect, domestic violence, accidental death, homicide, and the psychology of criminal behavior. Students will learn terminology and investigative procedures related to crime scene, questioning, interviewing, criminal behavior characteristics, truth detection, and scientific procedures used to solve crimes. Using scientific methods, they will collect and analyze evidence through case studies and simulated crime scenes such as fingerprint analysis, ballistics, and blood spatter analysis. Students will learn the history, legal aspects, and career options for forensic science. Engineering Concepts of Engineering and Technology/Robotics 1 Credit Grade 9-10 Prerequisite: None Course Description: Provides an overview of the various fields of science, technology, engineering, and mathematics and their interrelationships. Students will use a variety of computer hardware and software applications to complete projects in the areas of hydraulics, robotics, computerized drafting, design and bridge building, prototype development, operation of computer numerical controlled machines, biotechnology, and many other areas. Students will have the opportunity to work in design teams to develop products and systems that solve rea-world technological problems. Engineering Design and Problem Solving 1 Credit Grade 10-12 Prerequisite: Concepts of Engineering and Technology Course Description: Introduces students to what engineering is, what engineers do, and how engineering shapes the world around them. This is a design-based course, where students will learn the concepts of engineering design and problem solving by completing a series of projects throughout the year. The intention of the tis course is to teach engineering design through a practical and real world approach to problem solving. 74 |Page Hutto High School Course Catalog 2015-2016 PHYSICAL EDUCATION Team Sports I, II, III ½ Credit Grade 9-12 Prerequisite: None Course Description: This course helps students acquire the knowledge and skills necessary to develop health-related fitness and an appreciation for teamwork and fair play. The focus of this course is on developing competencies in team sports that can be incorporated into physically active lifestyles. Individual Sports I, II, III ½ Credit Grade 9-12 Prerequisite: None Course Description: This course helps students acquire the knowledge and skills necessary to develop competency in selected individual sports that can be enjoyed for a lifetime. Athletics—Men & Women 1 Credit Grade 9-12 Expect an Athletic Fee Prerequisite: Approval from Athletic Directors Course Description: This course includes competitive UIL sanctioned baseball, basketball, cross country, football, golf, power lifting, soccer, softball, swimming, tennis, track, and volleyball. Cheerleading 1 Credit [PE Waiver] Grade 9-12 Cheer Fee: $1200. These fees as well as any additional fees including competition can be offset by borrowing a school uniform vs. buying, fundraising, and keeping items from previous years Course Description: Cheerleading class is an opportunity for the squad to practice, learn routines, plan pep rallies, and prepare for other activities throughout the fall semester. Cheerleading class is limited to the students who made the cheerleading squad the previous spring semester. NOTE: University Interscholastic League rules prohibit a student from enrolling in both drill team or cheerleading and athletics at the same time. 75 |Page Hutto High School Course Catalog 2015-2016 REGISTRATION FORM FOR: _____________________________________________________ Class of: 2016 2017 2018 LAST NAME FIRST NAME 12 11 10 Endorsement*: ___________________________________________________ * (CLASS OF 2018 ONLY) ENDORSEMENTS Fall 1. ENGLISH REQUIRED SUBJECTS Spring 1. 2. MATH 2. 3. SCIENCE 3. 4. SOCIAL STUDIES 4. Fall 5. ELECTIVE SUBJECTS Spring 5. 6. 6. 7. 7. 8. 8. Fall 1. FIRST CHOICE 2. SECOND CHOICE STEM Business & Industry Public Service Arts & Humanities Multidisciplinary ALTERNATIVE CHOICES Spring 1. 2. Parent Approval: ______________________________________________________________ We approve the course selections above and understand that if an elective choice is not available, one or more of the alternate choices will be used. Additional Instructions: Instructor approval must be obtained for the following courses: CAREER PREP, CULINARY, DEBATE, PALS, THEATRE PRODUCTION, CHOIR, ATHLETICS, YEARBOOK, BAND, ROTC, HI-STEPPERS, and CHEERLEADING. 76 |Page Hutto High School Course Catalog 2015-2016 Freshman REGISTRATION Last Name: ___________________________________ First Name: _______________________________ You MUST circle 1 endorsement AND select a Plan of Study Endorsement: STEM Business/Industry Public Service Arts/Humanities Multi-Disciplinary Studies Plan of Study (Pathway): _______________________________________________ Core Subject Areas – circle 1 per core subject: Language Arts English 1 Pre- AP English 1* Math Algebra 1 Geometry Science Biology Pre-AP Biology* Social Studies World Geography Pre-AP World Geography* Pre-AP Geometry* *Summer Assignments for Pre-AP courses. Assignments will be distributed to HMS and FMS by May and will be available on the HHS Website. Electives - students must select 4 PE/Band: Band 1 (1.0) ROTC 1 (1.0) PE (1.0) Boys Athletics (1.0)* Girls Athletics (1.0)* Foreign Language: Spanish 1 (1.0) Spanish 2 (1.0) Fine Art: Art 1 (1.0) Choir (1.0) Academic and Career and Technology Electives: Hi-Steppers (1.0) *Sport: Art Media & Communication (1.0) Theatre Arts (1.0) Cheerleading (1.0) Art 2 (1.0)* Theatre Arts 2 (1.0)** Dance (1.0) Tech Theatre 1 (1.0) *[Art 1 credit is required for Art 2] **[Theatre Arts 1 credit is required for Theatre Arts 2] Concepts of Engineering/Robotics (1.0) Debate (1.0) Journalism (1.0) Interpersonal Studies/ Child Development (1.0) Principles of Ag Science (1.0) Principles of Business, Marketing and Finance (1.0) Principles of Health Service (1.0) Principles of Law Enforcement (1.0) Principles of Information Technology/Audio and Video (1.0) Principles of Transportation (1.0) Alternates: From the electives NOT circled above, write in 2 alternate choices in your order of preference. 1st Alternate: ____________________________ 2nd Alternate: ____________________________ _____________________________________ _____________________________________ Student Parent Parent Approval: We approve the course selections above and understand that if an elective choice is no available, one or more of the alternate choices will be used. 77 |Page
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