Mr. White`s Highlights - West Ottawa Public Schools


Mr. White`s Highlights - West Ottawa Public Schools
As an IB Candidate School
Mr. White's Highlights
Volume 8 Issue 06
November 19, 2012
* We are very proud of all the students who made the Honor Roll for the 1st
marking period. It takes consistent quality effort to accomplish this. Thank
you for continuing to support your children as they move through their educational journey.
* Over the last couple of weeks our building took part in a canned food drive.
Grade level competitions took place to see who could collect the most food.
This is just another way our staff empowers our students to have a positive
impact on their community.
* Thank you to Mrs. Boersema's Job Squad. They show quality effort every
Thursday as they collect all of the recyclable products in our building.
* Please be reminded that we will have Thanksgiving Break beginning
Wednesday, November 21 and will resume school on Monday, November
26. We wish you a very happy and safe Thanksgiving.
Attendance Reminder to
Please notify the Attendance Office at 786-1000 if your student is
going to be absent from school on
days before and/or after Thanksgiving Break or the Holiday
Break. We also have a voicemail
available 24 hours a day for your
convenience at 616-786-1000.
During November, the counselor Mrs. Harris has been busy meeting with 6th grade social studies classes for a two day
anti-bullying seminar. Students watched a humorous film entitled, Bullies are a Pain in the Brain and identified strategies that work to deflect bullying behavior. Students also identified myths about bully behavior and strategies that
don't work to stop bullying. Day one also focused on building empathy for targets of bullying and helping students
understand that as a group, bystanders have enormous power to stop bullying. Day two used a series of Youtube clips,
music and an important video about Cyberbullying published by the Michigan Attorney Generals' office task for on
cyber safety and cyber bullying. Students learned about the long term impact of bullying on targets, bystanders and the
bullies themselves. Students were also taught tools to use if they are bullied, witness bullying or are have engaged in
bully behavior. The district wide assertive response to bullying "Stop-Walk-Talk" procedure was reviewed and practice as students had the opportunity to role-play with Mrs. Harris how they would stand up to bullying! Great job 6th
November 8th, 30 8th grade girls from Harbor Lights and 26 8th grade girls from Macatawa Bay attended the 13th annual Girls Dream Fair. The Dream Fair is an all girls career event that exposes young ladies to the many exciting career opportunities that exist today. We met engineers, photographers, law enforcement professionals including a crime
scene investigator as well as college representatives. The day concluded with keynote speaker Maranda inspiring the
girls by sharing her career path as well as the quote, "Pursuit without passion is trivial." Maranda was gracious enough
to do an interview for our video productions class as well as have her picture taken with many of our girls. She also
interviewed two of our students about their experience at the Dream Fair. Our footage may be part of an upcoming
segment on her show, Where You Live.
Coming in December the 8th graders will update and expand their EDP which they created last year in 7th grade. We
will use the Career Cruising website to complete an in-depth interest inventory and researched possible career and educational options after high school. Each student is given their own personal username and password so they may save
their work. The EDP is updated yearly and is also part of the high school career preparation curriculum.
IB Diploma Program Update
West Ottawa High School is proud to offer the highly regarded International Baccalaureate (IB) Diploma Program. The Diploma Program is a
two year international academic program for juniors and seniors.
Entrance into the Diploma Program (DP) requires planning out classes in
advance so that students are properly prepared. If you are the parent/
guardian of a middle school student and you would like to know more
about the DP and courses needed to prepare for the DP, attend one of these
informational meetings:
Monday, Dec. 3 at 11:00 a.m. in room A201 at the North HS
Monday, Dec. 3 at 7:00 p.m. in the LGI Room at the North HS
For more information, contact the IB Diploma Program Coordinator-Mrs. Corban Van Dam (616.738.6818 or
The Harbor Lights School needs a cover designed for its yearbook. We would like students to submit entries in the yearbook
cover contest.
The contest rules are:
1. Harbor Lights students only.
2. Use 8 ½” x 11” white paper
3. We will only accept vertical designs that are 11” high.
4. Use a black fine marker or black ink.
5. Student made computer designs will also be accepted.
PATS has traditionally hosted
an after school party for our
new Harbor Lights 6th graders. It is a fun way for the students to get to know each other better. We are tentatively planning this event for the end of November,
but are looking for a 6th grade parent willing to coordinate the event. Please call Jan Wehrmeyer @ 3925034 if you are interested.
We have quite a few items on our Lost &
Found table. Please remember to check for
your items prior to Thanksgiving Break. All
items left behind will be donated to a
local charity.
6. Students may submit more than one entry.
7. Entries must be turned in to the Student Center by 3:30 p.m.
on Friday, November 30, 2012.
8. Put your name on the back only.
9. The cover should have Harbor Lights Middle School and
2012–2013 written on it.
10. The cover should portray Harbor Lights Middle School and
what it stands for.
Staff members will vote on the entries.
I would like to announce the 26th annual Holiday greeting card competition which is open to all West Ottawa students. I invite all
students to share their artistic talent and submit an entry for our holiday greeting card competition.
The drawing selected for first place will be used on the front of our holiday greeting card that will be sent to all West Ottawa employees from the West Ottawa Board of Education.
The original artwork may be done in black and white or color on an 8-1/2 x 11 sheet of white paper.
The competition involves the front of the card only.
Each entry must have the student’s name, grade, and school printed on the back in order to be considered.
All entries are due to your school’s office by Tuesday, November 20, 2012.
The artist of the entry selected will be invited to the December Board meeting to receive 25 copies of the card. The artist will also
receive a $50 gift certificate to Barnes and Noble Bookstore.
Thomas K. Martin
Superintendent of Schools
Respect, Responsibility and Quality Effort
One student from each grade level is chosen each month for going above and beyond our building expectations.
6th Grade
Jordan Ringler
7th Grade
Lesley Vargas
8th Grade
Francisco Javier Aguilera
1. What is your motivation for
working hard in school and meeting the school wide expectations?
Getting a good grade to get into a
good college.
1. What is your motivation for working
hard in school and meeting the schoolwide expectations?
It’s all based on my teacher. I focus more
on school than friends.
2. How do you show quality effort on a
daily basis?
I try my best and focus on my schoolwork.
3. In what ways does being responsible
help you be successful in school?
I always bring my planner home to see if I
have any homework! I also ask questions.
4. Being respectful is an important lifelong skill. How do you show respect at
Harbor Lights?
I don’t talk when the teacher is talking and
I try to pay as much attention in class as
1. What is your motivation for
working hard in school and meeting
the school wide expectations?
Because I like to study and I like
2. How do you show quality effort
on a daily basis?
I study for quizzes and tests.
3. In what ways does being responsible help you to be successful in
Helping other students, study, bring
my stuff.
4. Being respectful is an important
lifelong skill. How do you show respect at Harbor Lights?
Respecting my teacher and students.
2. How do you show quality effort
on a daily basis?
I do my best work on everything.
3. In what ways does being responsible help you be successful in
I get good grades for good school.
4. Being respectful is an important
lifelong skill. How do you show respect at Harbor Lights?
I listen to whoever is talking in class
(the teacher) and do my work.
Audience needed. See what awaits you in high school. The WO Drama Club and Boosters are hosting a talent show,
Friday, January 25th at 7:30 pm at the Cafe Apollo, aka the South HS Cafeteria. $2 cover charge, concessions available.
We are very excited to be participating in the Toys for Tots toy drive again
this year. This is a 6-8 all school fundraiser and we’d love for everyone to
be involved. Toys for Tots is a local service project put on by the Marines,
who collect toys for needy families in our community. Students and parents
wishing to participate are asked to bring a new, unwrapped toy to your student’s homeroom teacher. We’re collecting toys for infants through teens, so
don’t forget to purchase toys for those “older” kids, too! This is an excellent
opportunity for students and families to demonstrate that we're a caring
community here at Harbor Lights. Working together, as with the can food
drive, we CAN make a difference! Thanks for your support!
Have you ever been peer pressured into something?
Saying no to peer pressure may be hard, very hard but, saying no is worth it. Saying no can help you and
as well help influence others around you to say no. No can be a very powerful word that students should
learn to use when being pressured. Friends could try to influence you to skip school, bully someone, or
even doing drugs. If you are pressured to do any of those things, you do have the choice of your own answer. But do understand any choice you make will have consequences. Doing any of those things will
NOT benefit you nor make you “fit in” or become one of the “cool kids.” Doing that stuff isn’t cool! It
affects you in the long run and could ruin your future and career. It could take you down the wrong path in
life. Being pressured to do things is never good. I myself have been pressured to do things; I would say no
and think of other, better things to do, which is what all of you should do.
Never give into peer pressure, giving in is never good; it ruins things, people’s image of you and your selfimage.
Kayla Stancil
Below are some useful links to Harbor Lights website:
Harbor Lights Website:
Harbor Lights Daily Announcements & Weekly Video Announcements:
Parent Portal:|&NodeID=335
Food Service:
Staff Directory:
Harbor Lights
Weightlifting Club
1. A 7th or 8th grade student of Harbor Lights, Men and Women
2. A positive attitude
3. A wanting to become a stronger and better athlete.
1. First meeting ROOM 144 (Mr. Bosch’s Science Room)
2. Other meetings all will be in the weight room
1. Door locks at 3:00
2. 11-19-2012 (Monday)
What we will do:
1. Go over expectations
2. Gather information about the students joining.
3. Develop a schedule.
"Aut Viam Inveniam Aut Faciam"
“I shall either find a way or make one”
6th Grade
TJ Atsaphanthong
Jared Aulick*
Joccelynne BarreraGaldamez
Branden Beltman
Maggie Bentley**
Collin Berghorst*
Kaitlyn Bishop*
Trenton Black*
Sydney Bolt*
Liam Boone*
Samuel Bremer
Madalene Brinkman*
Tymmothey Broekhuis
Grace Bruins**
Thomas Buis**
Deven Calanchi
Frieda Campos*
Elizabeth Carrillo Garcia
Austin Castillo
Citllalik Castillo*
Tyler Chau**
Logan Chavez*
Macy Christiaans*
Savannah Coleman*
Sonja Collins*
Noelani Crame
Elijah Currie*
Keenan Currie
Ithira Dabandon
Hannah Daniel*
David Dannels*
Brandon Davis
Brayden DeCoste*
Zachary Denuyl
Mallory Dornbush*
Natalie Dunn**
Macey Dykema*
Jada Ellis*
Rachel Elms*
Sergio Estupinan*
Jason Fairfield
Madison Fershee
Benjamin Fought*
Marcella Frissora**
Gianni Gamez-Salas*
Abraham Gaona
Alyssa Gibson*
Jireh Gibson**
Aaron Glovier*
Brianna Gomez
Sarai Gomez-Canchola*
Alexandra Gonzales
Beatriz Gonzalez
Roberto Gonzalez*
Donna Gonzalez Larios
Justin Grasmeyer*
Sydney Groteler
Ashley Grotenhuis*
Linus Gugino**
Camryn Gustman
Faith Haley
Matthew Heckman
Brycen Hemmeke
Betsy Hernandez*
Simon Hillebrands*
Connor Hotary
Kathryn Hotchkiss*
Leigha Hudd
Joanna Huerta*
Ryleigh Hyma*
Cory Ives*
Tania Jarquin Arroyo
Kallyn Johnson*
Sydney Jonas*
Chloe Karp*
Noah Kars
Jared Kaylor*
Matthew Kemp*
Kevin Khounsaknalath
Sity Kim*
Clara Klein*
Sydney Kloosterman*
Joseph Kramer*
Danielle Kuiper*
Olivia Lambert
Alex Lamberts*
Kayla Lebster*
Analisia Levario*
Gisselle Lopez
Isaac Lopez
Odalis Lopez
Elicia Lozano
Jaiden Luna*
Hana Lynn
Riannon Maher
Gracey Maike
Mitchell Manosack*
Alia Mares
Ricardo Martinez
Ian McConkey
Gabriela Medina
Morgan Miller*
Raveena Mishra**
Nicole Modders*
Husn Mohsen
Joseph Monetta**
Emily Moore
Nathan Moored
Isabella Moralez-Booker*
Jared Murphy
Amy Nguyen*
Kathy Nguyen**
Nikki Nguyen
Alex Nuan**
Sarah Olney*
Skyler OverKamp
Delaney Overman**
Malachai Parent
Dominic Penaloza
Kieanna Phetvorasack
Natalie Piehl**
Hannah Piersma
Zoe Prins*
Grace Pustover
Zoe Quinn*
Laura Ramirez*
Benny Rathana*
Derek Ratsabout
Kayley Reynolds*
Heather Riemersma*
Jordan Ringler*
Keila Rios Loredo
Collin Robbins*
Valeria Rodriguez-Gallardo
Christian Rottier
Victoria Roubos*
Natalie Saetern
Olivia Salas*
Brennar Schopp**
Taylor Schott*
Jurhon Somsanith
Jolene Soriano*
Khadin Soto*
Thiphanat Souvanhnasy
Abigail Sprick**
Christian Stam*
David Stanley**
Ryan Storteboom**
Iris Swarthout**
Cameron Taskey
Madelyn Taylor*
Kyle Thackthay
Mackenzie Thomas*
Mason Timmer*
Charisse Timmreck*
Mireya Torrero-Alvarado*
William Trammell*
Samantha Uribe*
Cella VanHeest**
Cecilia VanLoo*
Maggie VanTil*
Madelyn VanWieren**
Ryan VanWyk
Aric Varenhorst*
Abigail Veldhof*
Gabriella Villanueva*
Matthew Weimer*
Jurrien Wilson*
Anisa Wolfe
7th Grade
Mikaela Adkins*
James Allen
Kira Alvarez
Jocelyn Anaya
Alyssa Anderson**
Roman Anderson*
Ian Anwiler*
Taylor Auby*
Christian Avalos
Deegan Baker
Saul Balderas*
Cole Becker*
Paris Bedford*
Noah Benavidez*
Zoe Berghorst
Maria Betancourt
Christian Bigelow*
Braden Book*
Justin Brading
Tyler Brading*
Braxton Brandt*
Madelyn Brandt*
Peyton Bremer**
Melissa Bright*
Julia Burkholder*
Starmayne Burton
Alondra Campos
Nicole Cano Ballinas*
Suzanna Cantu
Nicole Castagna
Liam Cavanaugh*
Sean Cavanaugh*
Sarah Chapman
Nicolas Christiaans*
Allison Cook*
Isabella Correa*
Alexandria Coy*
Desiree CuddingtonPetznik*
Tyler Dalpe
Jonathan Davis
Katia De La Cruz
Jose De La Garza Ramos
Kayli De Leon
Tulsa Dean
Daniel deforest**
Jose Del Angel Ruiz
Nathan Deland
Fatima DeLarosa
Logan DeRidder*
Brenden Dewys*
Alex Dils*
Otto Dryfhout
Samuel Duckworth**
Kaleb Dykema*
Adam Dykens
Brynn Edwards
Lizzie Eguiluz**
Alicia Elizondo**
Alex Essink**
DeJaun Evans*
Calin Firlit**
Colbey Fisher*
Tucker Fritz
Alejandra Gallegos Ordaz*
Alina Gamez
Stephanie Ganzi**
Jasmine Garcia*
Jocelyn Garcia
Thalia Garcia*
Megan Gehrke
Jessie George*
Hannah Gerrits*
Jennavieve Gilliam*
Daniel Gonzalez
Graham Gould**
Nicolas Greendyke*
Samuel Gruenler**
Diego Guzman
Aleah Hahn**
Emma Halverson**
Cody Hann
Natalie Harten*
Sofia Herrera
Reese Hoegen
Daniel Hoffswell*
Jon Hofmeyer
Jenna Horner**
Hunter Ihrman**
Taryn Johnson*
Erin Jones**
Kynsi Jones
Allena Juarez
Mario Juarez*
Nhathsakoun Khounsombat*
Ariana Knox
Madelyn Kobylski**
Andrew Kriger
Kathryn Kross
Alec Kuipers*
Katelyn Kuzmanko*
Alexander Ky**
Britney Ky**
Alyssa Lacey*
Makaya Lathers*
Anthony Le
Nathan Leak
Jae Baek Lee*
Whisper Lee
Peter Lehmann**
Citlali Leija*
Anna Linderman**
Hannah Lindstrom*
Makenna Litteral*
Erick Lopez-Benavides
Erin Magennis*
Edgar Mandujano
Ivan Marin*
Ayden Martin*
Daniel Mauger**
Margaret McCoy*
Jose Medina*
Avery Meiste*
Anna Miller
Rudi Miller**
Sydney Mireles*
Kaitlyn Mitas*
Madison Mitchell*
Rodtana Mok
Alexis Moore*
Stephanie Mosteller*
Martin Napoles*
Maggie Neuman**
Annie Nguyen**
Alex Null
Andrez Olivares
Sophia Ort**
Hannah Otteren**
Jadan Ouankeo
Maelin Oudemolen*
Dillon Palmer
Maricar Pangan
Mia Patchin**
Drew Pedersen**
Jessica Perkins*
Trent Perkins*
Abigail Pierce*
Isabel Polanco
Alyssa Prange*
Maria Price*
Aaron Pung*
Julian Raad-Barrios*
Emma Rauckhorst**
Logan Reimink*
Olivia Reiner*
Christian Ries*
Avery Rios*
Emilio Rivera*
Evan Roach*
Alexis Rodriguez
Nancy Roman
Emilio Rosales-Torres
Lauren Rosenberger*
Abigail Rosiak*
Amanda Rouwhorst
Jacindah Rowe*
Jessica Roxbury**
Gavin Ruth
Anna Saewert**
Tyson Saing
Marcos Saint-Felix Rodriguez*
Derreck Sakun
Crystal Santoyo
Laura Sayvongsa
Matthew Schackow*
Zachary Scholten*
Anna Schwander**
Sean Seguin*
Destiny Sharpe
Benjamin Shumaker**
Jasmit Sidhu*
Andrew Sihavong*
Sokhavary Siv*
Isabel Snoap**
Felicia Solomon**
Andres Solorzano**
Kyle Stam*
Brendan Stoel*
Meghan Sullivan*
Lauren Sweeney**
Hayden Taylor**
Jack Taylor**
Sarah Tenharmsel*
Morgan Terpstra*
Jessica Thies*
Gloria Thomas*
Kathryn Timmer*
Ellerie Tinholt**
Jacqueline Torres Barrera
Carissa Tracy*
Lauren Travis
Marco TurrubiartesVasquez
Melissa Urieta*
Riley Vaara**
Jayden VanMaurick
Jayla VanMaurick
Jaylen VanMaurick*
Mia VanValkenburg**
Lesley Vargas*
Emma Vasche
Armando Vera*
Sandra Villarreal
Myariah Vixayphone
Phinkeo Vongkaysone
Michael Walsh*
Jasmine Waters*
Nicholas Wehrmeyer**
Aaron Weimer**
Benjamin Werkman*
Gerrit Wiegerink**
Kyle Wiersma*
Jacob Wiggins
Austin Williams**
Teegan Wolcott*
Madison Wollenzier**
Allisa Woods
Anna Wuerfel**
Austin Yen*
Thomas Yonker*
Patricia Zamudio*
Brooke Zimmerman*
8th Grade
Dylan Agema*
Francisco Aguilera Lopez*
Katalina Anongdeth*
Sydney Archer*
Ann Arthurs*
Jamesohn Bader*
Devon Balint*
Johana Ballinas
Foster Barnett
Hunter Bedford*
Steven Bocks*
Jessica Bonzelaar*
Garrett Borgman*
Kelby Bosma**
Kayla Bouaphan
John Bounthapanya
Jessica Bracamonte*
Brigitte Brault**
Brandon Burie*
Mackenzie Burke*
Sydney Burke*
Jacob Butler*
Elizabeth Campau*
Spencer Carl*
Yazmin Castillo*
Savannah Chadwick
Sarin Chea**
Rose Chiv*
Jacinda Cole*
Dominick Compton
Paige Cook
Yuritzi Cruz*
Elizabeth Dalpe*
Bohdan Damstra*
Adam Davies
Cole Dekker
Taylor DeRidder*
Justin DeVree
Claudette Diaz
Brande Dishinger
Quincy Doenges*
Luis Enriquez*
Nicholas Essenburg
Erik Estrada
Madelynn Farrell**
Cameron Flanagan
Alexandra Flores
Jaqueline Frias Gonzalez
Nicole Fuglseth
Samantha Gager*
Lauren Galien*
Kristen Gallup
Ethan Garcia*
Rachael Glovier
Andrew Gnegy*
Zaire Gray
Haley Groteler**
Megan Groters*
Zachary Grube
Michael Heckman*
Magdalen Heerspink*
Leah Heidema*
Mckenzie Hoegen*
Jada Holmes
Nicholas Hopp*
Evan Hotary
Madeline Hunter*
Katrina Inthavong*
Rachel Ives*
Isaac Jimenez*
Nathaniel Johnson
Hannah Kamper*
Megan Ketner*
Nathan Kloet*
Tyler Knipe*
Jennifer Kohl
Jared Kremkow*
Kasidy Kuzmanko*
Isaac Laman**
Courtney Lambert*
Nicholas Lamberts
Nikolai Lasavath*
Saydee Lim*
Shaun Lohman*
Noemy Lopez*
Melissa Lopez Cisneros*
Cassandra Louangchandavong
Joshua Lowell*
Thiaseng Ly
Jesse Lynn**
Aubrey MacDonald*
Zosia Mackey*
Alexis Manning*
Alan Martinez
Christina Martinez*
Oscar Martinez*
Reagan McCaw*
Isabelle McConkey*
Alexander Miller*
Alyssa Misiak**
Austin Mongar*
Rebekah Monroe
Kyle Moody*
Alec Morris*
Trent Moyer
Toni Mulder*
William Mulder
Hunter Myrick*
Kipp Nemchauv*
Laura Ngaoluangrath
Dannie Nguyen*
Taylor Nieboer
Myah Nyeboer*
Katherine O'Brien*
Connie Ok
Yednekachew Osburn
Marian Pawlowski**
Mitchell Peters*
Alan Phan
Nikki Phothisan
Raina Piersma*
Destiny Pryor-Harper*
Kaleb Pung
Jocelyn Racelis*
Angelica Ramirez*
Cristian Ramirez
Angie Ramos
Tiffany Ratsavong
Sydney Reynolds*
Lezley Rodriguez
Elsy Rojo*
Emeline Root**
Maggie Rosales*
Leslea Rose**
Sara Sawyer*
Grace Scheerhorn
Matthew Scheneman*
Jonathan Schmeling
Danielle Scholten*
Owen Schott
Eric Schuch*
Lucas Sharar**
Kashayla Sidhu*
Joseph Sigler**
Brock Smalldon*
Chase Spooner*
Braden Stansby
Jacob Stryker
Kyra TerVree*
Cody Thammavongsa**
Bryce Thomas
Lady Thorpe
Max Thorpe*
Angela Ti
Jesus Torres
Ana Torres Monzon
Lonya Tran*
Mikaylin Trombley
Emma Tubbergen*
Kyle Unger
Kelsey Vanderby
Jacob VanderZwaag*
Kelsey VanDyke*
Jacob VanTubbergen*
Brianda Mireya Vazquez
Riley Veldheer
Jonathan Veliz
Elizabeth Vera*
Iris Villanueva*
Alexis Vongphrachanh
Sammantha Vongphrachanh*
Emma VonHoltz*
Taylor Waldschmidt
Liam Walits*
Taylor Weenum*
Andrew Whitaker*
Matthew Wight*
Thomas Wodarczyk*
Sarah Yonker*
Cassandra Zack
Adriana Zamudio
* Denotes a 3.5 or above
** Denotes a 4.0 G.P.A.