Alumni Directory by Name 1894-1924
Alumni Directory by Name 1894-1924
AMERICAN SCHOOL OF OSTEOPATHY ALUMNI 1894-1924 This list was compiled from the alumni list printed in the 1926 Osteoblast. It undoubtedly contains errors, and information should be verified in other sources before use. For example, Augusta T.Tueckes, Class of 1913, does not appear; she may be the Theresa A.Trieckes in the Osteoblast listing (and thus included here). A list of known errors will be added to the end of this document as they are discovered. In addition, a list of students known to have started but not graduated is appended. Revised 04/24/2007 Debra Loguda-Summers Curator * See also JAOA June 1924 page 750-767 for additional image of the graduation class of 1924 (ASO) and all the other schools. ASO Alumni 1894-1924 2 Museum of Osteopathic Medicine 800 West Jefferson St., Kirksville, MO 63501 Last Name, First Name, Middle Intial, Graduation Year, Date of Death if known Museum of Osteopathic Medicine 800 West Jefferson St., Kirksville, MO 63501 AMERICAN SCHOOL OF OSTEOPATHY ALUMNI 1894-1924 (Compiled from list in 1926 Osteoblast) Aaronson Abbott Abbott Abbott Abeel Abell Abernethy Abernethy Abernethy Abild Abramson Achorn Achor Adam Adams Adams Adams Adams Adams Adams Adams Adams Adsit Agee Agnew Ahlquist Airey Akers Albright Albright Aldrich Alexander Alexander Alexander P.V. E.S. Ellen E. Maude G. C.W. W.Pearl Hallie M. J.U. Mrs.M.F. Isabel E.C. K.L. N. S. J. M. Annie M. Arvilla P. C.A. E. E.B. Lester F. W.J. Walker W. Walter C. Marie Neely P.M. E.I. O.P. Grace S. C.C. Grace J.Bert W.H. Anette M. C.J. G.A. 1906 1923 1903 1923 1919 1903 1900 1900 1900 1909 1922 1905 1913 1907 1902 1923 1907 1920 1924 1903 1903 1923 1898 1899 1907 1913 1904 1916 1898 1900 1900 1912 1911 1915 4-22-63 9-61 D 7-8-61 D D D D 7-66 D 2-21-39 12-66 6-20-28 1965 11-24-74 7-4-57 7-18-61 5-11-75 1-2-67 12-18-55 9=6-61 5-18-49 1-12-69 3-9-57 D 1930 11-26-37 11-9-60 Alexander Alexander Alexander Alison Alkire Allabach Allabach Allaback Allback Allen Allen Allen Allen Allen Allen Allen Allen Allen Allen Allen Allen Allen Allen Allison Allison Allison Allyn Alspach Ament Ames Ammerman Ammerman Ammerman Ammerman I.W. J.R. S.D. J.S. Margaret M. F.F. L. Louisa L.B. A.E. Anna M. Bertha Spiegel Bridget A. Carolyn D.S. H.J. H.W. I.G. L.C. L.W. Margaret B. Susan H. W.E. Adele Jeanette A. John S. Angie M. Mary E. L.G. A.B. L. Margaret L. T.W. W. 1917 1921 1923 1905 1913 1913 1900 1901 1912 1913 1908 1904 1904 1913 1905 1913 1913 1917 1913 1903 1923 1909 1913 1901 1904 1905 1905 1908 1903 1917 1896 1909 1919 1896 7-18-78 5-65 3-1-65 D D D 3-24-59 7-14-71 D 3-9-54 1-30-37 D 7-13-55 1948 11-29-45 D D. 7-16-56 D D 11-45 D 7-80 1-46 2-75 7-65 ASO Alumni 1894-1924 Amos Amussen Amussen Anderson Anderson Anderson Anderson Anderson Anderson Anderson Anderson Anderson Anderson Anderson Anderson Anderson Andrews Andrews Andrus Antes Apgar Aplin Apperson Apperson Appleby Apthorpe Apthorpe Arand Archer Archbold Armand Armor Virginia L. H.S. J.S. Anna D. Anna U. C.J. Charlotte M. D.L. J.E. John H, J.K. Muriel C. P.A. R.L. T.V. West C. E.C. R.E. W.H. F.L. O.W. Anna K. F.B. Sarah E. Anna Edna M. W. C.A. W.R. L.F. R.H. Gladdis 4 1902 1907 1907 1905 1902 1914 1905 1921 1899 1901 1919 1923 1918 1916 1912 1925 1919 1915 1910 1905 1917 1903 1902 1902 1909 1905 1905 1907 1-11-39 5-14-55 D 12-66 5-8-66 D 4-13-62 12-10-67 1-9-37 1968 9-16-55 7-3-82 1-17-52 1-16-56 5-2-53 6-12-75 1-74 1954 12-73 D 5-26-33 2-6-38 D 5-43 2-16-54 6-27-58 7-15-37 1912 D 1921 2-10-53 1906 12-31-53 1902 1-8-34 Armstrong Armstrong Armstrong Arnold Arnold Arnold Arnold Arthand Ash Ashby Ashcroft Ashcroft Ashley Ashlock Ashmore Ashton Ashton Ashton Aspley Aten Atherton Atherton Atherton Atkins Atkins Atkinson Atkinson Atkinson Atkinson Atkinson Atkinson Atkinson Atkinson Blandh A. H.W. Janet M. R.B. Ruth S. W. H. W.M. D. Mary E. Mary E. Edna E. R.G.Jr. R.M. H.T. Edythe F. Bevan F.H. T.E. Robert W. R.G. A.Maude D.C. W.E. W.A. W.E. B. E. Clyde D.A. F.H. Grace J.A. James F. J.T. 1914 1914 1913 1900 1914 1903 1901 1900 1897 1909 1909 1909 1918 1899 1901 1923 1912 1918 1906 1918 1906 1907 1914 1901 1904 1911 1924 1917 1917 1903 1923 1903 1904 7-1957 3-3-59 D 12-6-49 2-20-64 D D 5-77 xxxx 11-5-53 7-66 2-3-55 D D D 12-1986 D 8-23-51 1-28-34 1-56 5-17-35 9-12-75 3-15-56 6-20-64 D 7-16-43 6-27-64 ASO Alumni 1894-1924 Atkinson Atwood Atty Auberle Austin Austin Avery Avery Avery Aydelotte Axtell Ayers Babbitt Bachman Badgett Bagley Bagley Bailey Bailey Bailey Bailey Bailey Bailey Bailey Bailey Bailey Baird Baird Baird Bairstow Bakehouse Baker Baker W.C. D.S. Norman B. F.V. I.M. Isabel E. Aurelia H. F.E. F.H. W.F. Hazel G. F. H.M. Eric B A.J. Louise M. R.A. D.A. Frances A. H.E. H.F. M.B. M.W. Raymond W. S.L. W.E. B.D. Minerva Nora Pherigo W.R. Clara Adam Anna E. 5 1923 1916 1899 1917 1913 1906 1901 1910 1905 1909 1917 1905 1915 1923 1915 1902 1914 1916 1911 1898 1913 1922 1897 1904 1915 1912 1918 1904 1909 1914 1907 1906 1903 4-8-79 6-26-49 D 1-13-56 4-6-52 3-1940 12-10-33 2-1962 10-5-57 6-2-15 3-1978 9-29-54 8-68 1928 5-8-53 D 6-39 1-15-46 4-45 D 12-10-58 D 3-25-66 1-51 D 5-18-50 3-28-63 5-50 2-4-54 2-19-74 Baker Baker Baker Baker Baker Baker Baker Baker Balance Baldwin Baldwin Baldwin Balfe Balfe Balfe Ball Ball Balance Ballert Ballew Ballmer Balmat Bammert Bancroft Bancroft Bandeen Bandel Bandel Banker Banker Banker Banker Banker C.F. C.L. F.D. H.N. H.U. J.E. R.P. W.H. C., Jr. B.B. Henry K. Helen M. Anna B. Mary E. Sarah L. C.D. Dalton E. Charles Jr. A.E.Jr. W.H. Perry A. D.W. Rena A. Claude M. J.R. S.G. C.F. Marthine C.F. J.B. J.H. Louise A. Minerva K. 1904 1916 1911 1903 1906 1900 1911 1918 1902 1916 1918 1902 1907 1906 1912 1906 1917 1902 1914 1912 1924 1915 1904 1904 1919 1922 1899 1902 1907 1904 1917 1904 1907 8-1-63 2-5-76 D 3-40 6-15-61 4-20-61 D D 8-4-68 8-12-36 10-2044 3-20-48 8-25-73 D D 7-22-67 D 6-8-77 6-17-57 3-27-57 5-14-67 4-19-50 2-24-33 ASO Alumni 1894-1924 Banning Barbee Barbee Barbee Barber Barber Barber Barber Barber Barbour Bardiner Barger Barger Baringer Barker Barker Barker Barker Barker Barker Barker Barker Barker Barker Barker Barnard Barnard Barnes Barnes Barnes Barnes Barnes Barnes J.W. G.R. J.F. Lottie Catron A.Gertrude C.W. E.D. H.N. Isabel O. J.A. W.L. Eva L. Maude F. R.L. Clara M. F.M. J.S. J.W. Lena Mabel V. Nannie T. Pearl Agatha M. A.O. R.M. Sonorah D. Florence Minnie F. Charles D. C.W. C.W. F.A. Joanna M. N.B. 6 1898 1913 1906 1907 1923 1912 1895 1895 1911 1924 1901 1909 1909 1916 1905 1902 1901 1905 1902 1916 1900 1916 1913 1908 1908 1916 1916 1899 1900 1914 1917 1913 1904 D 10-30-54 D 1-13-59 D 8-9-18 9-23-61 5-16-55 D D 12-19-78 D 1-20-66 8-19-60 D D 9-20-73 1-9-55 D D D D 3-6-50 3-6-50 4-19-70 8-14-57 10-14-56 Barnes Barnes Barnes Barnett Barnicle Banning Banning Barr Barr Barr Barr Barrett Barrett Barrick Barricklow Barrows Barstow Bartholomew Bartholomew Bartlett Bartlett Bartlett Bartley Bartley Barton Barton Barton Bashaw Bashaw Bashline Bashor-Yinger Bassett Bates O.W. P.J. S.D. Sophia Heinemann Ed A. Barbara E. John E. Annie M. F.J. Lula A. M.A. C.D. G.W. J.E. J.P. Florence J. M.B. E.J. G.C. Fred O. Jr. Laura F. M.F. F. R. M.B. E.G. Lynette R. Minnie H. Clara L. J.P. O.O. Mary V.C. Nora H. 1916 1903 1899 1904 1924 1898 1898 1903 1903 1901 1901 1900 1915 1916 1921 1906 1915 1900 1923 1926 1903 1923 1904 1907 1904 1904 1918 1904 1901 1907 1924 1920 1901 10-28-55 D 9-22-72 D 7-10-40 12-6-47 9-24-19 4-35 5-25-81 8-18-56 D 3-47 2-20-59 D 11-19-57 3-14-81 D 11-12-76 9-22-68 12-62 5-1-62 12-27-83 1963 7-3-49 ASO Alumni 1894-1924 Bathrick Bathrick Bathrick Bauer Bauer Baugher Baughman Baughman Baum Baumgras Baxley Baxter Bayer Baymiller Beacham Beadon Beall Beall Beall Beall Beall Bean Bean Bean Bean Beard Beard Beaton Beattie Beatty Beatty Beatty Beatty P.L. Rosalind Rose M. Mary Paul B. L.G. J.H. J.S. J.D. G.O. Harold M. O.D. Frank B. Minnie M. E.B. Florence Clara P. E.C. F.J. F.J. I.N. Arthur S. E.H. F.M. Merion S. F.O. Martha D. H.M. M.H. A.H. Blanche M. C.H. Dale C. 7 1902 1902 1903 1903 1925 1904 1904 1900 1912 1906 1926 1912 1924 1907 1923 1914 1900 1900 1900 1917 1900 1904 1910 1915 1907 1924 1902 1915 1918 1903 1917 1918 1924 D D 6-46 11-11-38 1-17-51 6-18-52 12-18-35 8-27-72 12-17-39 8-5-52 1-16-72 8-68 12-16-20 D D D 1-30-39 7-23-38 12-16-59 8-72 8-3-60 2-80 2-11-56 D 6-26-38 6-52 8-12-68 12-7-64 7-29-71 Beatty Beaumont Beaven Beaven Beaven Beaver Bebout Becker Becker Becker Becker Becker Becker Becker Beckett Beckett Beckham Beckler Beckler Beckner Beckwith Bedford Bedent Bedell Bedley Bedwell Bedwell Beebe Beeman Beeman Beeman Beere Beets I.M. C.H. E.H. L.M. W.C. Olga C. Esther M. A.D. A.F. B.H.T. Coral Blue Ethel L. Marea T. Quinn H. Linda Hardy Oliver F. J.J. H.S. Jennie K. elma Harbert Annette H. Elizabeth J. Lucius Minnie M. H.E. Mary G. T.C. Isadore A. E.E. L.M. R.H. G.E. J.C. 1903 1917 1898 1900 1901 1906 1912 1921 1920 1910 1910 1913 1921 1926 1899 1905 1899 1911 1911 1902 1904 1915 1904 1903 1904 1913 1913 1902 1898 1908 1902 1902 1904 6-26-35 D D D D D 3-25-64 1-14-77 D 12-15-53 D 10-1-40 D 5-21-36 1926 11-23-48 D D 3-41 11-2-67 4-19-16 5-12-53 12-28-34 4-5-49 8-10-08 5-15-39 ASO Alumni 1894-1924 Beets Bell Bell Bell Bell Bell Bell Bell Bell Bell Bell Bell Bell Bell Belle Benedict Benedict Benedict Benedict Benneson Bennett Bennett Bennett Bennett Bennett Bennett Bennett Bennett Bennett Bennett Benning Benson Bereman W.E. A.R. Annie W. C.E. D. Allie Eleanor H.H. H. R. J.A. J.H. L.J. L.M. Mary C. R.W. Adaline A.May A.V. E.P. H.L. H.K. C.E. Carrie A. Fannie C. J.W. LeGrande M. M. Elsie M.G.E. S.M. T.L. W.H. Lily M. W.R. F.A. 8 1899 1913 1915 1918 1909 1906 1912 1903 1901 1917 1912 1924 1906 1906 1895 1905 1911 1917 1917 1900 1903 1904 1904 1904 1923 1923 1905 1915 1911 1906 1901 1911 1911 D 1-3-19 1-4-27 10-11-52 5-8-77 10-14-76 D 1944 2-78 7-15-54 3-14-86 8-5-35 6-30-28 10-24-15 D 11-68 11-22-72 12-30-57 4-14-48 D D D 12-46 11-4-60 12-67 11-27 D 1-47 9-74 q Bereman Bereman Berger Berger Bergin Bergland Bergland Bergstrom Berkstresser Bernard Bernard Bernhardi Berry Berry Berry Berry Berry Berry Berry Bersinger Berston Beslin Beslin Beslin Best Bethune Betourney Betts Betts Betts Betts Betts Betzner H.C. J.W. Grace C. T.P. P.J. Pearl V.A. E.L. A.F. H.E. Le Roy L.A. A.E. A.E. C.D. G.S. J.M. Lou Nellie M. Raymond M. H.R.L. Anna M. F.P. M.G. A.E. W.H. L.W. Charles Steele F.A. Laura S. Lida Henderson W.E. H.L. 1923 1906 1900 1900 1906 1902 1902 1923 1918 1897 1897 1922 1902 1916 1904 1904 1915 1907 1907 1924 1923 1915 1907 1908 1907 1924 1920 1903 1916 1922 1903 1921 1911 3-2-41 3-25 D 3-59 11-8-29 3-24-52 9-27 9-9-63 1908 D 1-5-61 7-67 3-21-70 D 10-26-18 D 11-17-70 2-28-70 4-6-66 7-64 2-20-53 2-10-72 4-15-72 ASO Alumni 1894-1924 Bibb Bickford Biddison Bienemann Bierbower Bierbower Bigsby Bigsby Bigsby Bigsby Billington Billington Bingham Bird Birdsong Birdsong Briscoe Bishoff Bissell Black Black Black Black Black Black Black Black Black Blackford Blackmer Blackman Blackwell Blackwell Della C. E.S. M. J.C. Alice Margaret K. Edgar Frank L. Glenn E. Myron H. H.T. T.G. L.J. A.A. Edith J. R.F. M.L. F. Ella F. A.L. C. C.A. Eloda M. H.W. H.W. J.R. Linnie K. Marion McClerry C.D. J.W. Charles J. R.N. William A. 9 1902 1904 1923 1908 1911 1913 1895 1902 1918 1901 1900 1920 1910 1894 1923 1923 1906 1900 1904 1915 1907 1909 1916 1917 1923 1918 1918 1923 1913 1909 1903 1917 1911 1-49 4-18-75 D 2-27-49 D 7-27-40 11-19-22 D 10-20-53 D D D D 3-18-51 3-18-53 12-28-52 12-24-58 8-11-55 5-11-76 D D D 8-5-60 11-26-56 D Baldwin Blair Blakeslee Blanchard Blanchard Blanchard Blanchard Blanchard Blanchard Blanchard Blankenship Blankinship Blauvelt Bledsoe Bliss Blocker Blocker Bloom Blue Blue Blunck Boals Bock Bock Boddy Bodenhamer Bodine Bodle Bodwell Bodwell Boggess Bohannon Bohannon H.K. J.S. C.B. A.F. C.A. J.F. Lucie S. S.W. Sada Farmer Sylvina C. J.F. H.W. Robert O. J.W. C.W. Bolling L. Mary B. Essie U. Coral E. E.L. Mathilde F.S. F.C. Leo H. Melissa A. W.E. R.H. J.H. D.M. R.C. Emma B. Eunice B. F.D. 1918 1901 1913 1905 1906 1908 1906 1900 1901 1910 1917 1912 1924 1900 1904 1903 1903 1904 1910 1915 1911 1919 1919 1924 1919 1920 1900 1904 1899 1899 1908 1913 1900 D 1-7-78 D 7-72 D 7-72 D D 12-13-56 10-21-46 2-3-34 12-31-36 12-30-10 5-4-51 D D 8-31-55 D 2-9-34 10-6-76 7-28-57 4-50 10-13-91 D D D 10-5-49 3-24 D ASO Alumni 1894-1924 Bohm Bohnsack Bolam Boles Boles Boles Bolles Bolles Bolles Bolmer Bolt Bolton Bolton Bond Bone Bone Bone Bone Bond Bonshire Bonta Booth Boren Borough Borough Borton Borton Boston Boswell Boulware Boulware Bousum Bowden W.H.S. Anita E. Julia S. A.E. Florence A. Louisa S. E.Janet Jenette N.A. J.E. William J. Pearl Watson R.A. Marth L. C.A. Clara M. J.F. Myrtle A. Martha L. Maude C. Mrs.Cecile E.R. H.T. Lova D. S. P.S. S. George R. J.L. F.A. M.T. J.G. Mary J. 10 1921 1914 1908 1904 1909 1905 1924 1894 1898 1917 1923 1915 1908 1917 1913 1916 1905 1919 1917 1915 1900 1900 1916 1913 1913 1916 1912 1901 1901 1909 1916 1921 1904 9-13-71 10-8-63 D 3-19-58 7-10-16 D 10-31-83 2-23-30 D 4-12-56 11-9-79 6-2-34 D 12-1-56 D D 1-51 1-12-34 9-53 8-5-58 11-46 4-16-54 D 12-23-63 11-10-58 7-27-70 D Boweker Boweman Bowen Bowen Bower Bower Bower Bowers Bowers Bowers Bowers Bowersox Bowker Bowker Bowlby Bowman Bowman Bowman Boyce Boyd Edward E.L. Margaret E. W.D. J.H. Mary R. R.A. Alice C. Catherine H.D. H.M. U.S.G. Ellsworth Edward L.M. C.H. Edwin L. J.A. Dora P. Ethel 1902 1902 1906 1901 1899 1903 1902 1902 1901 1902 1914 1906 1900 1902 1913 1917 1902 1918 1905 1915 D 5-1946 D D 10-9-33 1931 3-11-08 6-27-36 D 1-10-58 5-6-44 9-25 8-6-38 1-16-73 D D 5-576 Boyd Boyden Boyer Boyer Boyer Boyer Boyes N.W. C. G.R. Minna R. T.A. W.B. E.H. 1917 1922 9-13-47 1903 1955 1903 D 1915 9-13-37 1916 2-2-57 1899 4-1917 Boyes Boyes Boyle Boyles Boyles Mabel S. Marian A. C.C. J.A. L.G. 1914 5-81 1911 1917 5-28-58 1895 2-16-29 1900 12-24-10 ASO Alumni 1894-1924 Bozarth Brackett Braden Bradfute Bradley Bradley Bradley Bradt Brady Bragg Bragg Bragg Brain Brais Brais Braithwaite Brake Brake Brandon Brandman Brann Branner Breden Breeden Breese Breitenstein Breitzman Brekke Brenholtz Brenz Brewer Brewington Brewster Minnie A. C.W. A.E. G.A. Anna M. Josephine B. O.E. Nellie G. L.P. D.A. E.E. J.A. Clara R. Addie R.W. E.J. E.E. Isabella J. M.A. Randolph E. E.C. Louise M. Willamine L.C. A.E. C.W. E.J. Anna W.C. L.E. Augusta Mary Margaret Craigie Elizabeth 11 1917 1910 1900 1916 1923 1903 1903 1918 1924 1902 1901 1904 1906 1919 1919 1914 1907 1907 1916 1911 1911 1912 1907 1918 1922 1921 1903 1918 1923 1902 1901 1913 1911 D 8-27-40 9-24-19 1-28-65 6-21-57 D 11-1-18 1932 D 10-25-55 3-31-32 D 3-22-58 11-16-67 D D 1-19-59 5-10-45 7-19-83 2-25-25 11-30-51 D 12-70 D D 11-13-58 Brewster Bridges Bridges Bridges Brigham Bright Bright Brimble-Combe Brink Brinkerhoff Brinser Briscoe Briscoe Briscoe Bristol Broadston Brock Brodbeck Broderick Brooke Brooks Brough Brough Browder Brown Brown Brown Brown Brown Brown Brown Brown Brown G.A. G.A. Helen C. J.P. Eleanor George E.A. S.H. C.A. C.Allen V.W. John E. Bertha Martin L. W.S. Harry L. J.H. W.W. O.E. Katherine A. C.S. Joanna M. Irene M. Mrs.T.M. U. M. A.F. A.J. Alice M. C.E. Edna B. F.H. Florence G.E. H. I. 1907 1919 1919 1903 1916 1919 1903 1902 1924 1912 1907 1900 1906 1906 1903 1920 1898 1914 1907 1915 1906 1924 1924 1900 1909 1901 1916 1915 1904 1915 1901 1904 1924 9-5-51 11-14-67 D 2-25-40 9-11-39 5-12-61 12-2-65 10-18-77 D D 4-21-54 D 8-26-83 D 6-81 D D 12-7-38 3-4-48 7-55 D 6-23-17 1-32 ASO Alumni 1894-1924 Brown Brown Brown Brown Brown Brown Brown Brown Brown J.C. J.G. J.W. L.A. L.D. L.S. Mabel Morgan N.E. Neco-Lena Snedal Brown Brown Brown Brown Brown Brown Brown Brownback Browne Browne Brownell Browning Brownlee Bruce Bruce Bruce Bruce Brugh Brundage Brunsman Brunson Bryan Bryan Bryson Nora M.R. R.H. S.E. Sarah Snavely W.C. W.H. W.S. G.G. E.M. L.E. F.W. M.P. Annie M. Alma L. Armista M. J.B.O. W.H. S.A. C.L. A.R. C.H. A.L. D. H. Ida Kartowitz 12 1914 1924 11-13-92 1900 D 1914 9-11-08 1919 9-70 1898 1907 1917 10-16-68 1905 9-281909 1908 1915 3-23-53 1917 1901 1-25-57 1908 1902 D 1918 1913 5-22-54 1900 3-14-48 1917 1-27-58 1901 11-6-34 1902 D 1905 D 1903 7-8-30 1906 9-24-19 1903 1901 1916 10-15-33 1898 3-46 1916 9-2-56 1918 1902 4-7-25 1905 1-29-47 1904 7-2-72 Bubeck Bubeck Buchhert Buck Buck Buckmaster Buckmaster Buckmaster Buckmaster Bucknam Budd Budd Buddecke Bueler Bueler Buffalow Buffum Bullard Bullard Bullas Bumpus Bumpas Bumpas Bumpus Bumstead Bunker Bunting Bunting Burdette Burdick Burdue Burgess Burgett F.G. R.G. Vera C.H. R.O. Nettie Furrow O.L. R.M. R.P. H.L. A.M. Amy M. Bertha A. C.M. E.L. O.T. G. H. J.R. Veva E. Grace E. Albert Joseph Elizabeth V.W. John F. G.W. L.A. J.E. C.C. H.S. G.F. R.H. Donald W. Addie E. C.E. 1916 7-35 1916 7-66 1917 5-85 1924 1945 1917 1-9-81 1897 D 1900 D 1897 12-13-48 1898 12-13-48 1909 D 1923 11-11-51 1918 1904 \ 1914 12-7-38 1917 2-11-42 1912 2-9-75 1901 D 1900 3-2-52 1920 1901 10-18 1901 D 1901 D 1899 4-39 1907 7-65 1906 4-10-39 1917 1-23-68 1902 D 1900 D 1903 8-18-48 1907 12-16-59 1924 12-69 1905 D 1919 D 6-1925 ASO Alumni 1894-1924 Burk Burke Burk Burkhardt Burner Burnett Burnett Burnett Burney Burnham Burnham Burns Burris Burrus Burrus Burt Burton Burton Burton Burton Burtt Burtt Burtt Bush Bush Bush Bush Bush Bush Bush Bush Bushart Buster Millie A.M. Louis John E.M. Ethel L. D.M. F.G. J.C. A.M. C.W. R.P. Norbert C. J.I. Loula M.C. Emma T. B.O. G.F. J.C. W.H. M.C. N.J. Veronica B. C.M. E.A. Ernest W. Evelyn R. F.L.Jr. Ida E. L.E. L.M. E.E. Willi L. 13 1910 1898 1915 1915 1902 1918 1910 1911 1910 1909 1915 1924 1899 1901 1907 1904 1900 1898 1898 1909 1924 1918 1918 1911 1914 1905 1903 1920 1904 1914 1912 1900 1900 10-47 D 12-39 7-64 1-31-60 6-2-89 D 10-29-59 8-12-22 5-19-52 1-2-41 D 4-18-41 2-27-40 D D D D D 10-69 5-4-58 9-13-83 7-18-74 12-02 2-21-61 6-11-66 D 8-4-23 Butcher Butcher Butcher Butin Butler Butler Byars Byerrum Byers Bynum Byrne Byrne Bywater Bywater Cadwell Cady Cady Cahill Cain Cain Cain Cain Caine Caldwell Caldwell Caldwell Calisch Callahan Calland Callaway Callaway Calvert Calvert F..M. Lelia Bell O.L. F.H. H.G. Ruby L. W.R. C.E. Jeanne H.R. J.F. Jennie Belle J.W. Mary F. W.E. D.F. J.D. J.B. Asa D. Emma E. P.R. R.W. A.B. Della B. E. W. Roy L H.F. Kate t. O.M. A.N., Jr. J.L. A.K.S. E.H. 1906 1904 1901 1911 1924 1914 1902 1922 1908 1900 1901 1903 1904 1904 1906 1906 1907 1918 1900 1905 1900 1902 1911 1902 1906 1920 1914 1913 1905 1901 1904 1905 1911 D 3-4-12 7-14-57 9-14-59 5-84 6-18-68 9-21-42 D 9-20-48 D D 6-16-40 3-18-72 6-1-62 9-7-66 D 3-9-55 9-27-27 5-29-49 10-31-57 6-16-40 5-15-69 10-11-71 6-11-41 5-50 D 7-6-50 7-15-52 ASO Alumni 1894-1924 Calvert Cameron Camp Camp Campbell Campbell Campbell Campbell Campbell Campbell Campbell Campbell Campbell Campbell Campbell Campbell Campbell Campbell Canfield Cannon Cannon Cannon Cantrell Capers Card Carel Carel Carey Carey Carle Carle Carleton Carleton Esther W. E.M. C.A. Philip A.D. C. A. Chas A. Cora Cristopher A. Edward N. F. H.H. Ida S. Mabel L. Martha J. Minnie S.S. William E. C.B. Ernest M. M.E. S.T. Sarah E. R.L. F.C. E.G. Edith L. Eliza M. G.R. Elizabeth Newbury R.L. Fannie T. Margaret B. 14 1902 1907 1904 D 1905 1898 1938 1913 3-9-54 1900 1921 1924 1-21-57 1903 1903 1921 1917 1-51 1910 8-24-39 1921 D 1914 1918 12-75 1905 1904 1900 2-5-60 1911 10-18 1911 1916 7-31-63 1906 4-7-47 1917 5-76 1911 8-1-49 1911 1911 1905 1924 1910 6-5-50 1910 1974 1908 1-5-54 1904 1927 Carlin Carlisle Carlow Carlow Carlson Carlson Carlson Carlton Carney Carpenter Carpenter Carpenter Carr Carr Carrico Carrico Carroll Carroll Carroll Carruthers Carson Carson Carson Carson Carstarphen Carter Carter Carter Carter Carter Carter Carter Cary W.R. H.W. Eva I. F.G. E.A. E.J. Myrtle R.P. E.B. Fannie E. Ida M. George H. Lewis E. W.H. C.J. J.C. Adele B. C.C. L.J. Iva M. A.B. Florence V. H.L. W.W. E.T. Chas G.R. H.H. J.A. Lillian L. Mrs.Georgia A. W.C. P.P. 1915 1902 1908 1908 1904 1912 1903 1908 1910 1901 1903 1901 1923 1918 1914 1920 1906 1916 1921 1912 1918 1917 1909 1916 1899 1900 1901 1901 1916 1911 1899 1900 1909 8-7-38 D D D 8-67 6-6-17 D 12-44 8-1946 D 6-3-61 10-20-77 7-5-68 4-7-51 12-18-37 D 6-25-49 1-31-69 D 5-15-81 4-50 3-17-34 8-15-49 2-10-49 D 7-11-34 5-19-34 10-28-56 6-21-56 10-14-46 10-3-53 7-2-56 ASO Alumni 1894-1924 15 Cary Case Casey Casey Cashman Cassel Cathcart Catlow Catron Cavanah Caylor Caypless Chadwell Chadwick Chafee Chafee Chamberlin Chambers R.D. C.M. E.M. Edmire Cabana Chester F. Emily M. N.H. Jessie L. H.B. L. L. J.H. M.E. P.T. H.L. G.D., Jr. Lenna Prater I.I. Etta O. 1906 1899 1906 1906 1906 1918 1917 1906 1904 1912 1906 1908 1902 1913 1900 1905 1918 1898 12-19-26 D 11-2-41 Champlin Champlin Chance Chandler Chandler Chandler Chandler Chapdelaine Chaplin Chapman Chapman Chapman Chapman C.A. Etta E. P.S. Alfred J. C.H. Ethel Brown Ruth E.E. A.W. Adah H. Emma M. Frank J.G. 1912 1912 1901 1913 1911 1902 1911 1921 1915 1899 1901 1899 1915 8-2-59 12-8-66 7-19-59 Chapman Nora 4-15-62 9-24-49 8-26-58 5-16-32 8-9-60 10-16-09 D D 6-5-72 10-26-25 3-5-51 12-66 D 9-18-55 10-25-86 9-12-54 D 8-18805-3-47 1898 D Chappell Chappell Chappell Chappell Chappell Chappell Chappell Chappell Chappell Chappell Charbonneau Charbonneau Charbonneau Caruthers Chase Chase Chase Chase Chase Chase Chase Chase Chatfield Chatfield Chatfield Chatterton Cheatham Cheesbrough Chemark Cherrill Chesney Chester Childress A.G. E.C. E.E. G.G. Laura N. Minerva Nannie J. W.C. Walter G. W.F. A.E. Jessie L. U.A. Iva May Alma C. C.S. Emma A. J.P. Jennie M. Julia J. L. W.B. C.O. H.W. L.T. H. W.E. Edna J. Katharine E.N. Nina M. T.E. 1922 1899 1915 1899 1917 1900 1904 1918 1904 1907 1918 1918 1923 1912 1919 1917 1900 1901 1912 1911 1899 1899 1901 1901 1903 1923 1900 1910 1903 1914 1900 1920 1911 2-20-40 9-45 4-28-47 5-16-33 4-6-60 D D 2-4-48 3-47 12-6-36 2-14-66 1-26-56 D 11-5-19 D 4-14-40 5-28-85 D D D D D D 5-26-34 5-14-17 3-13-79 ASO Alumni 1894-1924 Childs Childs Chiles Christastie Christenson Christie Christie Christy Chubb Church Church Church Clapp Clark Clark Clark Clark Clark Clark Clark Clark Clark Clark Clark Clark Clark Clark Clark Clark Clark Clark Clark Clark Bessie C. W.S. H.L. F.J. Mrs.C.H. Marguerite G. W.W. Isabel Catherine M. A.G. Ellen H. J.W. C.D. A.B. Blanche A. C.A. C.N. C.R. D.J. D.L. E.D. E.K. Edna F. Elizabeth L. F.D. F.W. G.D. G.H. H.M. Ida Fox J.F. J.J. Jessie G. 16 1902 1909 1901 1924 1900 1901 1901 1909 1913 1906 1907 1914 1905 1901 1900 1912 1912 1915 1917 1898 1917 1914 1905 1910 1910 1912 1919 1916 1911 1903 1913 1918 1917 8-13-19 1945 4-73 D 2-16-40 7-10-83 6-17-40 6-9-54 D 3-28-51 9-3047 2-10-94 Clark Clark Clark Clark Clark Clark Clark Clark Clark Clarke Clauss Clay Claypoole Clayton Clayton Clayton Cleary Cleary Cleary Clement Clements Clifford Cline Clinton Clore Close Cloud Clouse Cluett Cluett Clymer Coady Coan M.E. Nella B. R.F. R.T. Robert H. Sophia Hemstreet Velma L. W. W.H. G.B. E.S. Mollie B. Charlotte L. B.W. Chas. S. G.F. C.C. C.S. G.W. H.W. K.J. J.R. C.O. Mary W. W.A. Effie A. A.W. Dorah H. F.G. Theresa A. J.W. J.H. J.J. 1899 1913 1921 1904 1924 1903 1913 1900 1906 1903 1923 1902 1918 1924 1901 1899 1901 1913 1902 1912 1906 1906 1902 1906 1910 1904 6-22-55 11-12-80 3-22-60 10-67 9-12-37 1952 D 5-56 D 1-11-56 2-25-33 1-27-48 D 2-2-34 D 10-21-69 12-18-51 10-17-49 3-4-59 1907 1-31-31 1898 D 1896 D 1918 3-3-70 1914 D 1921 5-2-78 ASO Alumni 1894-1924 Coats Cobb Cobb Cobb Cobb Cobb Cobb Cobble Cochran Cockrell Cockrell Cockrell Cockrell Coe Coffer Coffey Coffey Coffland Coffman Coffman Coffman Coffman Coggins Coghill Coke Colburn Colby Colclasure Cole Cole Cole Cole Cole H.R. Ethelyn M. G.A. H.M. James E. Myrtle C. Sarah T. W.H. Myrtle Morrison C.W. I. Marthena M. R.G. Charles M. G.T. Eva K. Opal E. Florence K. Alice F. J.F. J.M. K.W. L.B. Sadie R.H. Robert M. Irving W.E. A.E. B.L. Bertha E. Bonnie Z. E.A. 17 1917 1904 1907 1900 1904 1921 1901 1902 1906 1895 1909 1907 1913 1896 1901 1913 1916 1905 1899 1906 1903 1899 1904 1921 1903 1901 1903 1905 1911 1906 1917 1918 1912 4-19-74 12-10-43 1-31-54 12-25-40 7-5-72 D 11-29-36 8-2-65 D 12-21-51 D D 12-15-47 6-8-59 10-31-35 5-5-69 D 6-4-09 9-25-58 D 11-23-48 10-22-33 5-39 D 12-67 D 12-18-66 5-22-40 6-3-18 12-16-47 Cole Cole Cole Cole Cole Coles Coles Coles Colley Collicott Collier Collier Collier Collier. Collier Collier Collier Collier Collins Collins Collins Collins Collins Collins Colpitts Coltrane J.B. J.D. M.D. O.C. W.A. Amanda Christianson Charles W. J.L. Irving Retta Charles W. E. Edith John R. Lillie K. J. Erle Myrtle Catron R. S. Anna E. H.E. I.W. Louisa J. P.R. T.J. Romaine S. Ella D. Commerford Compton Compton Compton Compton Comptom Mary E. C.S. Catherine P. Emma M. J.R. Mary 1901 D 1913 11-30-40 1898 D 1911 11-24-62 1902 D 1915 7-29-71 1923 1915 1903 1904 1899 1906 1901 1901 1906 1900 1905 1902 1900 1914 1903 1913 1912 1901 1924 1911 3-16-52 3-15-48 12-67 12-53 3-31-35 D D 4-1-42 D D D D 1-5-60 9-23-67 1117-33 1914 1918 10-21-73 1906 1933 1904 1940 1902 D 1902 6-45 ASO Alumni 1894-1924 Comstock Comstock Conant Conard Conger Conger Conkel Conklin Conklin Conklin Conklin Conklin Conner Conner Conner Conner Conner Conner Conner Conner Conner Conner Conner Conover Conover Conrad Conway Cook Cook Cook Cook Cooke Cooke Edgar S. Sarah H. Mrs.B.Raes S.E. Alice M. Emily A. Maude Celia J. H.L. H.W. Ida M. Marion C.H. D.L., Jr. H.L. Harriet M. J.S. L.J. Mary A. R.W. Sallie M. William E. W.J. Edith L. R.H. Lulu F. H.J. C.C. C.F. George T. W.G. H.H. H.T. 18 1911 1908 1900 1905 1908 1903 1902 1905 1909 1905 1905 1923 1901 1898 1899 1902 1902 1922 1898 1900 1900 1904 1896 1917 1909 1904 1917 1915 1905 1904 1906 1917 1912 6-9-29 D 4-46 3-3-58 D D D 6-25-68 11-46 3-28-55 12-23-76 D 7-4-50 D D 5-7-17 10-8-53 1946 2-16-33 2-9-48 8-48 7-9-56 11-16-47 D D 1-19-71 4-79 11-8-45 10-44 D 3-25-52 2-20-52 Cookson Coomber Coon Coon Coon Coon Coon Coonfield Coons Coons Cooper Cooper Cooper Cooter Cooter Cooter Coplantz Copper Coppernell Corbin Corbin Corbin Corbin Corbin Corkill Corkwell Cormeny Cornelius Cornelius Cornelius Cornell Cornett Cornforth E. Helen E. Thayer A.S. B.D. F.F. J.F. Mary E. G.W. Jessie M. W.N. Edith F. Imogene Berry R.M. A.B. James L. W.V. R. Lydia N. Oriennie C.E. John Houser M.E. P.T. W.S. Lena C. F.E. H.J. C. Mary B. R.M. L.L. Jessie Willard Mary 1900 1902 1905 1904 1903 1905 1905 1902 1900 1899 1907 1905 1904 1923 1905 1920 1910 1903 1904 1896 1904 1901 1904 1898 1906 1902 1906 1901 1901 1921 1914 1903 1922 D 10-26-62 12-7-42 2-16-54 D D 9-1-48 9-6-57 D 9-7-23 12-2-56 8-10-29 12-45 3-18-58 10-22-70 11-27-35 4-17-54 1918 D D 8-34 8-16-57 7-3-49 3-45 1-14-67 4-20-61 D 12-28-59 12-28-59 2-16-67 6-61 ASO Alumni 1894-1924 Cory Coryell Cosner Cota Cottingham Cottrell Cottrell Cottrille Coulson Coulter Couplin Cournyer Courts Covert Covey Covey Covey Cowell Cowger Cowgill Cowgill Cowherd Cowherd Cowley Cowman Cox Cox Cox Cox Cox Cox Cox Cox W.M. R.S. E.H. Rose V.P. J.S. M.K. W.Harvey G.C. R.P. A.C. J.H. Lillian J. Clara M. Florence A. G.E. H.P. C.G. R.H. H.R. R.E. D.S. R.V. Flora Satterlee Earl L. F.W. George W. M.B. Martha S. Mary M. R.C. R.C. W.T. 19 1914 4-4-30 1909 6-12-57 1903 11-69 1902 6-27-40 1903 3-31-64 1900 5-30-59 1905 7-31-58 1924 6-25-54 1911 1906 D 1918 1-46 1911 11-16-35 1906 12-45 1901 D 1902 D 1910 1900 1-5-68 1919 6-4-32 1918 3-24-60 1904 7-22-54 1906 D 1919 7-31-55 1919 4-3-70 1908 11-15-66 1924 1916 1923 1949 1921 1-17-29 1907 6-45 1905 1906 2-9-17 1917 D 1913 4-20-55 Coyle Cozart Crafft Craft Craft Craig Craig Craig Craig Craig Craig Crain Crain Crain Crain Cramb Cramb Cramb Cramb Cramb Cramb Cramb Cramb Cramer Crampton Crampton Crane Crane Cranston Craven Craven Crawbuck Crawford Ida M. J.A. Maria C. A.D. Florence Britt A.S. D.H. I. I.F. W.F. W.T. C.J. Elizabeth P. O.R. W.L. A.B. A.J. Carrie Ashlock E.M. J.L. L.K. Lulu L. Tena C. O.H. C.C. Carrie A. Gertrude F. Jessie M. Adele Doane Jane W. M.B. W.E. C.F. 1904 1917 1910 1919 1911 1896 1903 1902 1910 1903 1919 1913 1913 1917 1919 1903 1905 1903 1901 1901 1903 1905 1901 1910 1901 1901 1916 1912 1900 1898 1901 1917 1923 7-72 4-28 11-19-70 D 11-12-47 6-6-32 D D 1-29-55 10-20-53 8-5-39 D D 10-47 D 10-13-19 4-4-50 1933 D 4-50 11-9-48 9-1-80 ASO Alumni 1894-1924 Crawford Crawford Crawford Crawford Crehore Crenshaw Crenshaw Crysler Creswell Crews Crews Crider Crocker Crofoot Crofton Cromer Cromie Crooke Crookshank Crosby Crosby Crosser Crossland Crossman Crouch Crow Crow Crow Crow Crow Crowley Crowley Croxton D.D. J.S. Sara V. W.F. Mary A. J.H. Mrs.M. Harriet Lena Gena L. Gena Lowndes Emma Black D.C. F.A. Henrietta L.C. J.H.Jr. Martha B. I.A. C.E. C.R. H.L. Emma C. Mary G. C.N. Bertha D. E.C. Elizabith M. Louise P. Lydia E. Forrest G. R.G. C.H. 20 1900 1900 1904 1899 1912 1899 1897 1908 1899 1918 1924 1913 1911 1905 1904 1912 1904 1901 1916 1917 1923 1916 1906 1911 1902 1916 1901 1901 1901 1909 1903 1906 1913 4-8-56 D 6-11-65 4-23-59 3-16-48 11-5-56 4-2-60 1966 1-24-54 12-20-65 5-5-55 8-3-47 D 9-15 4-62 10-1-79 12-28-35 D D D 1-31-37 D 2-5-48 D D 9-2-10 Crozier Crum Crum J.R. J.W. R.S. 1919 4-22-63 1911 1914 7-21-57 Crutchfield Cruzam Crysler Cubbage Culbertson Culley Culley Cullins Cullins Cully Cunningham Cunningham Cunningham Cunningham Cunningham Cunningham Cunningham Cunningham Cupp Curl Curl Currence Currence Currence Currie Curry Curry Curry Curry Curtin W.E. A.E.Jr. Harriet B.H. Eliza M. Albert B. E.W. J.A. Nellie Emeline A.B. A.M. C.J. Clarence E. J.D. J.R. Nellie V. R.E. H.C. L.F. Loretta Lewis B.C. Dora L. Nellie V. W.P. Alta Corbin Ella G. Etna K. W.B. Katharine E. 1911 1914 1908 1903 1903 1904 1901 1901 1903 1900 1905 1901 1914 1924 1901 1902 1901 1911 1899 1900 1902 1901 1901 1901 1917 1898 1904 1900 1904 1907 5-2-55 12-17-56 9-12-56 12-10-47 D 7-27-58 1940 3-26-57 10-22-55 4-87 11-29-81 3-10-51 D 3-5-37 D 8-58 7-7-60 4-24-49 1-47 2-26-50 D 5-64 3-30-57 6-28-42 ASO Alumni 1894-1924 Curtis Curtis Curtis Curtis Curtis Custis Custer Dailey Dafter Dakin Dale Daley Dalrymple Dalton Dameron Dameron Dandy Dangler Daniel Daniels Daniels Daniels Daniels Daniels Daniels Danks Dann Dannin Darling Darling Darrow Darrow Dashiell C.C. Dora A. Frederick G. J.L. R.H. Warren W. Melvin D. Charles E. Emma T. R.S. W.E. C.I. H.R. Leone Malinda E. Tella Helen A. J.H. O.L. A.H. Edna C. F.G. Henry L.R. R.R. E.G. Harvey J. Albert G. C.G. W.E. Anna A. C.R. Eleanor R. 21 1923 1901 1901 1910 1921 1924 5-37 1905 1914 1914 1899 1900 1906 1906 1903 1899 1904 1919 1909 1905 1906 1901 1901 1906 1906 1902 1899 1923 1897 1921 1905 1905 1908 1963 1932 D 7-4-76 5-15-52 2-19-65 8-9-34 6-20-53 D 8-23-56 5-22-66 3-17-51 3-17-71 11-9-57 D D 9-2-66 4-23-60 5-74 D 8-29-63 D 11-7-57 10-2656 D 1-7-57 Daugherty Daugherty Daugherty Davenport Davidson Davidson Davidson Davidson Davidson Davis Davis Davis Davis Davis Davis Davis Davis Davis Davis Davis Davis Davis Davis Davis Davis Davis Davis Davis Davis Davis Davis Davis Davis A.E. Daisy B. Eliza Bert M. E.S. G.L. J.E. Julia G. Mary H. A.P. Amy Reams Anna S. Annie L. Belle C. Caroline Chance Clara A. D.L. D.W. E.E. E.P. F.C. F.S. G.R. Geraldine Rahn Gertrude Stauffer Grace M. H. H.L. Hulda J.W. Lillian B. Mabel E. O.E. 1905 1914 1905 1900 1923 1915 1919 1915 1922 1894 1915 1924 1909 1917 1916 1901 1905 1902 1910 1917 1906 1894 1912 1906 1903 1901 1901 1921 1899 1910 1901 1918 1899 9-26 4-39 D D D D D D D 3-73 ASO Alumni 1894-1924 Davis Davis Davis Davis Davis Davis Davis Davis Davis Davis Davis Davies Davies Davenport Davison Dawes Dawes Dawson Dawson Dawson Dawson Day Day Day Day Day Day Day Day Dayton De Shazer De Tienne Dean O.P. P.E. P.R. R.E. R.L. R.L. Sarah M T.L. Warren B. W.E. Zella R. Catherine E. Owen P. Frederick S. L.G. W. W.C. F.J. H.M. J.G. Minnie F. A.E. C.H. E. F. J. O. James W. L.E. Mary W. Sadie M. Frank E. J.D. Maude O. H.S. 22 1910 1901 1906 1920 1905 1908 1901 1905 1901 1901 1921 1902 1910 1905 1923 1906 1904 1911 1904 1908 1900 1906 1913 1905 1903 1924 1910 1907 1906 1903 1901 1902 1914 D 11-15-60 D D 3-9-84 1-24-64 3-3-60 D D D 1919 12-22-69 D 3-13-59 4-11-47 D 11-22-47 1-7-36 Dean Deane Deane Dearing Mertie M. Alice M. J.W. Mary Markey Deason Deason Decker Deegan Deeming Deeming Deeming DeFrance De Fox DeGraff DeGroot DeJardine DeJardine Delahan Delaney Dellinger DeLoach DeLong DeLong DeMois DeShazer Demarest Demeron Deming Deming Deming Denniston Denniston Denniston J. Laura J. Eva G. Grace E. C.O. P.J. W.J. Josephine John M.H. F.B. C. Edith J. Wm. P.A. L.J. Mignon A. Laura R.L. F. A. John D. E.M. W.L. Edith A. H.V. L.C. Daisy D. E.L. J.W. 1902 1914 1913 1900 1928 3-6-86 1213-60 1910 2-25-46 1913 1-75 1913 7-66 1902 1898 D 1919 8-28-60 1900 4-30 1900 D 1903 D 1916 5-22-57 1902 4-5-47 1911 9-8-59 1911 D 1899 6-25-36 1916 5-21-57 1910 12-19-60 1900 D 1904 D 1915 1-9-73 1904 6-15-51 2-28-64 1915 4-19-67 1901 7-66 1903 D 1905 1902 9-68 1901 D 1901 6-8-57 1917 8-8-48 ASO Alumni 1894-1924 Densmore Deputy Deputy Deputy Deputy Derck Dersam Detienne DeTienne Detwiler De Vaughn Deveny DeVinny DeVries Dewitt DeWitt DeWolfe Dickey Dickey Dickson Dickson Dickson Dickson Dieckmann Dietrich Dietz Dilatush Dill Dill Dill Dillabough Dilley Dillon O. Anna W. H.E. J.W. U.O. J.E. Kathryne E. H.G. J.A. E.S. Thos J. A.L. F.V. Emma B. B. T. Emma G. Winifred P. Myrtle M. O.L. D.W. Edith J.H. W.H. Louisa Pauline J. P. F.A. C. W. Emma B. H. A.H. Sarah L. Dot 23 1898 1903 1903 1923 1905 1909 1907 1899 1904 1911 1906 1924 1917 1905 1903 1905 1910 1914 1914 1914 1900 1900 1919 1902 1912 1910 1915 1901 1906 1913 1906 1908 1913 D D 8-9-33 9-16-38 12-40 D 1956 D 11-40 1-29-68 6-21-54 10-66 4-11-56 1917 5-30-62 1944 3-5-73 8-23-63 10-29-79 2-17-65 4-23-65 10-24-75 D 8-17-63 D D 1963 1919 1-8-45 3-12-80 D 1925 Dillon Dillon Dinsmoor Dinsmoor Dinsmoor Dinsmore Dinsmore Dixon Doane Dobbins Dobson Dobson Dodge Dodge Dodson Dodson Dodson Dodson Dodson Dodson Dodson Dodson Dodson Doe Doll Doll Domann Donahue Donahue Doneghy Donley Donovan Dooley H.G. J.A. G. Laura B. S. Alta Curry Ora J.W. Adele (Cranston) C.D. W.D. W.N. Celia M. P.J. A.T. C.A. C.L. Coston Ella O. Grace S. J.T. J.W. J.W.N. A.H. G. Sarah K. Anna A. J.Edw. M.E. A.I. J.B. D.D. L.Willett 1898 1902 1904 1903 1900 1898 1898 1901 1900 1924 1902 1901 1906 1921 1898 1905 1901 1898 1899 1924 1901 1898 1902 1923 1914 1914 1905 1900 1898 1899 1924 1912 1904 D 1-20-46 6-30-48 D D D 4-50 3-25-59 1934 12-45 D 3-24-60 1-8-40 D 12-46 D D 3-25-56 D 5-23-34 12-7-37 11-28-34 6-6-14 D 2-3-86 12-24-35 7-49 ASO Alumni 1894-1924 Dooley Doran Doron Doron Dorrance Dorrance Dorrance Dougherty Dove Dovesmith Dowdall Dowell Dowell Dowlin Downer Downey Downey Downey Downey Downing Downing Dowing Mary Williams Downes Downs Downs Dozier Dozier Drake Drake Draper Drennan Drennan Dressell 24 Wayne A.E. C.B. C.L. H.J. Julia K. Marie S. E.P. C.E. Edith E. L.V. N.W. R.T. Mae L. L.A., Jr. C.N. D.H. E.C. S.W. D.N. J.E. John T 1907 1924 1924 1912 1914 1906 1903 1906 1911 1908 1918 1916 1917 1905 1902 1902 1904 1916 1911 1903 1899 1903 1902 1975 H.A. L.E. J.K. W.R. J.T. Seward L. C.L. Q.L. T.L. W.E. 1903 4-6-39 1904 1903 2-3-52 1905 D 1901 D 1903 D 1916 12-8-57 1916 6-21-75 1899 D 1901 D 9-13-35 7-38 7-9-56 D 3-11-69 3-17-70 D D 10-22-59 D D D D 6-11-63 12-17-55 6-40 Dressell Drew Drinkall Drost Drost Drummond Dudley Duffie Duffield Dufur Dufur Dufur Dugan Dugan Duglay Dunbar Duncan Dunlap Dunn Dunning Dunnington Dunnington Dunnington Dunnington Dunseth Durett Durham Durham Durnan Durrett Durrett Dwiggins Dye W.S. H.A. E.J. Goldie G. L.C. J.J. C.S. W.M. Bessie A. E.D. J.Ivan Nannie Mayme Foncannon R.C. H.A. R.J. J.G. Mimmie A. Wade J.J. B.L. E.V. R.H. W.P. R.C. Carrie F. Alfred Duke J.D. W.L. J.M. Carrie F. W.E. A.M. 1902 1915 1913 1904 1904 1906 1912 1899 1898 1902 1899 1899 1899 1899 1913 1906 1905 1905 1903 1912 1904 1915 1901 1907 1918 1903 1914 1914 1908 1904 1903 1900 1921 D 10-69 11-5-58 4-5-65 9-47 D D D 6-7-30 9-58 4-6-60 11-11-35 2-20-67 D 12-45 D 11-13-73 7-3-55 3-3-55 12-19-54 D D 7-2180D ASO Alumni 1894-1924 Dye Dyer Dyer Dykes Dykes Eades Eales Ealy Eastman Eastman Easton Eaton Eberle Eccles Echols Ecker Ecker Eckert Eckert Eckert Eddy Eddy Eddy Edling Edmiston Edmund Edmunds Edson Edson Edwards Edwards Edwards Edwards Mildred M. Betty Rose Mary M. A.L. L.M. J.B. I. J. W.S. E.H. H.P. M.W. F.A. Cassandra C.M. R.M. F.L. Myrtle L. D.F. G.J. W.H. G.D. J.T. W. Ada L.P. H.C. J.M. Bessie Anna V.H. A. A.P. C.R. Eliza 25 1915 1908 1902 1904 1911 1918 1903 1918 1896 1901 1903 1900 1901 1921 1907 1907 1907 1912 1899 1899 1917 1908 1914 1907 1916 1918 1900 1911 1911 1901 1918 1904 1903 D 1-1-51 8-28-35 6-19-35 12-23-53 8-75 D D D 4-50 10-1-77 11-28-78 2-18-40 1942 4-50 1-69 1926 1925 D 7-25-67 7-24-63 12-29-45 1933 9-16-61 D D D 5-7-36 5-45 Edwards Edwards Edwards Edwards Edwards Edwards Edwards Edwards Edwards Edwin Eichhorn Eiler Eimert Eimert Eisminger Eisminger Eitel Elam Elder Elder Eldridge Elkins Eller Ellinger Elliot Elliot Elliott Elliott Elliott Elliott Ellis Ellis Ellis Ella Emma H. F.O. Irene J. J.C. J.D. R. T.C. W.B. H.G. E.L. F.S. F.J. Mabel A.B. J.W. Lenia C.R. Olive R. A. Edith DeSollar R.K. G.S. Frances M. M.G. M.S. W.E. J.W. J.W. W.B. W.S. C.W. H.P. Irene Harwood 1909 1911 1905 1901 1901 1911 1915 1917 1904 1916 1915 1917 1906 1906 1904 1904 1914 1903 1915 1901 1916 1915 1902 1924 1900 1900 1901 1906 1913 1898 1902 1899 1898 1919 9-6-70 1940 6-13-34 6-7-67 D 1964 10-17-80 11-69 D D 9-2-62 D 3-16-58 D 1-5-63 6-23-08 2-14-60 12-4-54 D 1-24-54 10-22-57 9-14-32 D D D ASO Alumni 1894-1924 Ellis Ellis Ellis-Moore Elmore Elmore Elmore Elsea Ely Ely Ely Emeny Embrey Emerson Emery Emery Emery Emley Emmett Emry Eneboe Englehart Englehart Engler Engler-Frick English English English English English English Ennis Ennis Eoff Mrs.S.E. O.D. Elva A. Nannie A. R.R. W.H. H.J. A.L. Kate R. W.E. Harry W. M.C. P.S. H.W. Mary G. Ruth E. T.J. John Mary Lena F.A. W.F. N.W. Ruby V. D.A. Fanny Stoner L.H. M.A. R. R.F. E. S.A. F.M. 26 1900 1922 1906 1912 1900 1905 1902 1898 1905 1898 1897 1919 1911 1897 1911 1924 1911 1902 1911 1898 1903 1903 1916 1915 1913 1911 1905 1904 1909 1913 1904 1904 1924 4-1-62 D 7-64 D 3-18-49 11-45 D 1-11-61 D D D D D 3-76 2-46 1918 D D 3-59 4-13-63 12-70 6-2-80 D 2-2-76 D 7-25-55 D 5-6-38 Epperson Susie O. Erford Eroh Eroh Ervin Ervin Erwin Erwin Erwin Erwin Erwin Eskridge Estes Estes Estlack Estlack Estlack Etter Evans Evans Evans Evans Evans Evans Evans Evans Evans Evans Evans Everal Everitt Everly Ewing W.F. Calvin Mae E. M. Elnora W.B. Bertha H. E.P. H.C. M.J. Minnie Bowersox E.M. E.C. G.R. A.E. Katharine H. M.M. P.L. A.L. Cecilia H. Eben E. Geneivieve V. Harryette S. J.G. Jennie Lois Lovie M.Paine Margaret Nellie M. Vera Lacy R.E. E.C. H.J. C.B. 1901 D9-1556 1901 6-7-60 1901 8-30-52 1901 D 1904 1904 1914 1908 D 1910 2-10-57 1914 3-23-62 1908 11-24-47 1909 9-58 1906 10-74 1909 4-1959 1912 D 1907 1911 1907 4-7-31 1922 2-22-86 1899 4-13-33 1910 1927 1904 D 1903 1916 6-29-82 1911 1901 D 1923 8-16-63 1903 5-19-62 1901 1928 1919 5-31-66 1923 2-6-55 1913 12-18-29 1913 D 1920 7-7-84 ASO Alumni 1894-1924 Ewing Ewing Ewing Ewing Ewing Faddis Fagan Fager Fahrney Failing Faires Falk Falkner Farber Farbstein Faris Farley Farley Farmer Farmer Farmer Farnham Farnsworth Farnum Farnum Farquharson Farquharson Farquharson Farr Farren Farris Farrington Farrington Elizabeth B. Ernest H.V. Mary M. Mary S. C.Elmira C.L. Emma C. M.S. E.J. L.B. Mary F. Jasper C.V. W.E. L.E. Earl L. R.M. F.C. G.C., Jr. J.F. J.M. A.M. C.E. S.M. C.L. Gertrude M. Lester M. B.H.C. Mary E. W. B. Adelaide P. Mary E. 27 1900 1902 1900 1909 1902 1911 1902 1902 1912 1918 1917 1913 1901 1902 1922 1913 1924 1906 1899 1901 1899 1909 1915 1908 1917 1917 1905 1924 1913 1915 1902 1904 1904 D 8-17-39 D D 8-74 8-30-39 D 6-69 2-15-66 8-28-56 D D 11-20-60 D 4-5-82 10-64 4-2-61 D D D 3-29 10-11-76 6-28-52 1-49 12-49 8-21-53 6-26-48 1930 3-1-54 D 3-29-29 Farthing Fassett Fast Faucett Faulk Faulkin Fawver Feather Feather Fechtig Fechting Feidler Felder Fellhauser Fellows Fergueson Ferguson Ferguson Ferguson Ferguson Ferguson Ferguson Ferguson Ferrell Ferry Fetzer Field Fields Fifield Finch Finley Finfrock Fink Mary A. F.J. L.E. E.L. Minnie I. H.J. Mary P. Effie B. Harriet F. L.R. St. Geo L.G. Homer B. Mrs.Louetta E. W.B. Jennie W. C.B. D.M. Emily G. Hazel L.L. R.B. R.B. Hellen M. Nellie M. J.L. H.M. Perle E. W.M. F.D. Charles D. R.M. Jessie R. 1920 1900 1924 1902 1914 1901 1918 1905 1903 1907 1905 1912 1924 1915 1900 1924 1916 1916 1915 1923 1915 1911 1923 1921 1909 1916 1917 1902 1913 1899 1904 1916 1903 5-8-56 D 7-24-60 D D 12-30-54 10-31-32 4-27-54 4-50 12-26-72 9-5-43 11-59 8-27-63 11-25-75 10-29-33 6-2-79 11-11-67 1-66 8-72 3-75 1919 D 7-3-79 5-19-61 7-72 ASO Alumni 1894-1924 28 Fish Fisher Fisher Fisher Fisher Fisher Fisher Fiske Fitch Fitch Fite Fitsgerald Fitsgerald Fitts Fitts Fitzharris Fitzwater Flack Flakner Flannagan Fledderman Fleming A.V. A.H. A.Jr. C.S. J.E. Lamont H. Nellie M. F. Nellie Stewart J. L.G. F. Lena F. T.F. P.J. William D. W.O. J. Louisa C. H. F.B. 1917 1898 1896 1906 1919 1905 1904 1904 1921 1906 1915 1902 1902 1903 1903 1900 1903 1902 1901 1904 1906 1909 Fleming Nora 1916 Fleming Fletcher Fletcher Haight Fletcher Flick Fletcher Flint Flockton Flory Anna Belle C.F. Elsie V. W.A. G.C. Mary M. Annabelle E.L. Priscilla Nellie M. 5-28-55 D D 5-17-28 D 6-22-55 1-29-72 9-26-50 7-6-68 D 1950 5-47 9-24-58 D D 4-2- 62 4-2275 1902 2-27 1900 1925 1905 1898 D 1911 5-66 1904 11-12-55 1918 2-74 1920 1903 Floyd Floyd Floyd Floyd Floyd Flton Flynn Fogarty Fogarty Fogle Foley Foley Foley Follett Foncannon Foncanon Ford Ford Ford Ford Forehand Foreman Forquer Forrest Forsee Forster Forward Foss Foster Foster Foster Foster Foster A.B. Amy M. Lillian May M.H. Minnie B. Edwin J J.P. J.P. Julia A. W.E. H.P. L.Alice W.K. Elizabeth A. J.F. Mayme Ada Aura B. Roberta W. W.J. D.C. O.C. J.W. M.Gertrude E.W. H.E. Laura W. Martha M. A. C. A.E. Cora W. F.B. J.C. 1906 1909 1905 1919 1904 1900 1914 1913 1901 1907 1918 1917 1917 1907 1911 1899 1903 1911 1902 1901 1921 1916 1900 1905 1907 1917 1899 1906 1901 1917 1917 1898 1906 D 3-19-58 D 2-24-33 D D 8-12-65 10-7-54 3-27-82 D 1-30-58 9-46 927-56 6-27-69 2-27-53 D 2-69 1-50 10-17-48 D 4-1-36 7-26-71 12-22-49 7-31-34 8-1-49 1919 D ASO Alumni 1894-1924 Foster Fouch Fout Fouty Foutz Fowler Fowler Fowler Fowler Fowler Fox Fox Fraker Francis Francis Francis Franklin Frappier Fraser Freas Fraser Freck Frederick Frederiksen Freeland Freeman Freeman Freeman Freeman Freeman French French Frey Mary Mabel G.E. Henry Milton Cordelia C.L. Cora M. H. J.C. Rebecca M. Ida M. J.D. F. Gertrude Stauffer J.E. T.H. Elizabeth E.L. H.M. Marthe J. J.M. Elmer H. Flora A. F.E. J.E. A.E. Carrie E. E.A. F.A. H.M. A.G. E.B. Julia V. 29 1911 1911 1898 1906 1906 1901 1915 1915 1902 1913 1903 1903 1910 1903 1903 1916 1914 1921 1906 1903 1915 1922 1901 1916 1918 1905 1903 1913 1924 1913 1904 1901 1900 5-5-53 D D 4-7-48 6-15-59 D D 12-25-62 D 5-11-74 D D 4-19-71 10-47 3-20-66 D 1-27-38 7-6-72 10-18-36 1926 D D 6-27-61 2-15-48 4-46 12-29-59 D Friend Friend Froage Frost Fryett Fryette Fulford Fulham Fuller Fuller Fuller Fuller Fuller Fuller Fulton Fulton Furman Furman Furnish Furry Gable Gable Gable Gable Gable Gable Gaddis Gage Gage Gahan Gahan Gair Galbreath J.H. Lillian G.B. H.P. S.J. H.H. H.J. C.V. A. Caroline Griffin G.S. J.L. Marguerite Nellie S. G.H. Stella Correll Donald W. Mattie A. W.M. Frank I, C.A. Ella Ticknor Hattie M. J.F. Mary L. R.J. C.J. F.S. F.W. E.J. Leo M. E.Florence Annie M. 1906 1908 1900 1915 1900 1903 1910 1905 1914 1911 1923 1921 1924 1914 1913 1915 1924 1913 1900 1903 1906 1906 1903 1902 1906 1915 1907 1898 1901 1918 1924 1910 1904 6-23-39 D D 7-10-55 1921 D D 5-50 1-3-58 8-82 7-28-59 5-6-62 8-1-55 7-7-80 6-21-65 11-14-51 5-3-52 11-19-48 D D 1918 12-7-50 7-15-49 D 1920 3-10-61 4-50 10-46 ASO Alumni 1894-1924 Gallagher Gamble Gamble Gamble Gamble Gamble Gamble Gandier Gano Ganoung Gants Gants Garard Gardiner Gardiner Gardner Gardner Gardner Gardner Gardner Garlinghouse Garmroth Garretson Garrett Garrett Garrigues Garring Gartrell Gartrell Gass Gass Gaston Gates Dollie H. F.E. G.A. Gertrude H.L. H.W. Mary E. M.H. C.H. J.F. Mrs.S.L. S.L. Edward W.D. Warren L. C.R. Emma G. Fannie G. Jennie M. W. A.J. K.W. J.H. C.K. M.E. L.L. C.K. I.D. S.C. L.D. P.Y. Roland E. A.O. 30 1909 1901 1906 1900 1907 1900 1906 1908 1904 1904 1913 1912 1901 1922 1901 1916 1904 1911 1922 1915 1910 1917 1916 1912 1899 1908 1904 1915 1914 1906 1903 1924 1901 D D 1923 D 3-2-12 D D D 3-41 6-28-54 12-31-32 7-31-65 1-3-58 5-30-51 D 7-15-70 1-15-26 6-24-32 6-20-74 8-11-53 5-13-69 D D 1922 2-22-49 7-13-53 9-69 5-17-51 D D Gates Gates Gates Gay Gayle Gaylord Gaylord Gazda Gazda Gearhart Gebhardt Geddes Geeslin Gehrke Gehrke Geisse Gelander Gentry Gentry George George George George Gerard Gerardy Gerber Gerdine German Gervais Getchell Getty Geyer Getzlaff Gertrude L. Mary A. O.B. Louise Kerrigan Bertie L. Ethel G. J.S. J.A. Myrtle M. J.D. O.C. P.W. Florence M. Albert C. C.E. Anna E. A.A. B.F. C.N. E.D. Eva H. Lizbeth D. E.D. H.H. Jessie Lycan L. Van Horn W.R. W.A. Charles E. Blanche M. Edwin M C.P. 1904 1900 1903 1912 1900 1913 1896 1909 1906 1911 1899 1907 1904 1907 1898 1914 1915 1921 1898 1904 1918 1903 1917 1901 1914 1907 1901 1902 1898 1907 1908 1910 1913 3-7-57 D 9-10-49 D D D 1-8-63 D D D D D 1950 2-18-56 12-64 D 3-20-35 9-2-55 D 2-11-34 1-27-41 12-22-57 D 1-28-05 7-23-69 D D D ASO Alumni 1894-1924 Gibbon Gibbons Gibbons Gibbons Gibbons Gibbs Gibson Gibson Giddens Giddings Giddings Gidley Gies Gifford Gifford Gilchrist Gilchrist Gildemeyer Gildersleeve Gillespie Gillespie Gillett Gillman Gillum Gillum Gilmore Gilmore Gilmore Gilmour Gilmour Gilmour Gilmour Giltner Helen D.A. J.E. Laura M. Mabel V. H.K. C.C. P.W. W.S. Helen M. Mary J.B. Frederick A. H.M. Wm.E. Elizabeth L. H.C. W.H. Jessie E. J.A. Joannah Lea J. Carrie A. G.N. N.W. G.I. Margaret Penfold S.J. E.R. G.H. J.R. R.B. E.E. 31 1923 1913 1906 1914 1916 1901 1914 1908 1914 1899 1905 1912 1914 1904 1924 1913 1914 1916 1899 1911 1907 1912 1900 1917 1917 1922 1912 1912 1898 1900 1900 1908 1901 11-30-59 D 5-6-64 D 4-67 4-17-79 4-9-65 10-9-4 10-9-40 4-11-61 4-45 D 10-6-61 D D 2-1-55 D 5-54 4-20-60 D 10-14-78 1-17-73 2-13-51 11-24-36 D D D 8-17-34 Giltner Giltner Givens Givens Gladman Gladman Glargon Glascock Glascock Glasgow Glasgow Glasgow Glasgow Glassco Glaze Gleason Gleason Glenn Glenn Glenn Glenn Glenn Glezen Glosser Glover Gnadinger Gobel Goben Godwin Godwin Goehring Goetz Goetz R.H. W.J. Belle J.P.O. D.V. Julia M. Corinee A.D. H.W. Ada C. Alvah M. J.C. J.L. G.M.Jr. L.A. B.L. Jennie C. F.H. H.A. H.V. H.W. J.O. R.A. T.V. N.C. Emma K. Bertha A.S. C.L. Brown Mrs.Emma F.L. E.W. H.F. 1915 1903 1909 1910 1915 1906 1902 1903 1904 1901 1899 1901 1901 1914 1917 1915 1907 1904 1903 1923 1922 1903 1902 1923 1915 1904 1913 1900 1899 1899 1907 1898 1898 7-16-36 D D 5-45 12-70 4-68 1-43 12-25-60 D D 2-26-80 6-1875 1931 D 5-66 1924 D D 7-13-78 7-1-38 9-4-17 D 11-20-61 D D ASO Alumni 1894-1924 Goff Goldberg Gonong Gooch Gooch Good Good Goode Goodell Goodell Gooden Gooden Goodfellow Goodman Goodpasture Goodpasture Goodrich Goodrich Goodrich Goodrich Goodrich Goodspeed-Dole Gordon Gordon Gordon Gordon Gorrell Gorin Gorrell Gosden Gorsline Gossman Gottreu W. P. Cora Powell Eva A. Frederic O. G.J. E. M. G.W. G.M. J.C. A.E. Alice E. Walter V. A.A. C.O. W.C. B.O. Elizabeth F. J.K. L.J. L.M. Almeda J. F.A. H.L. L.E. W.C. H.A. Jas. W. William E. Fannie J.R. W.A. W.E. 32 1905 1901 1901 1924 1908 1910 1910 1905 1906 1905 1910 1907 1909 1894 1902 1914 1915 1912 1912 1899 1906 1901 1916 1918 1912 1914 1918 1904 1923 1909 1918 1906 1916 2-24-81 D 8-19-73 8-46 11-26-55 4-26-52 3-4-58 3-16-66 D 8-13-48 D D D 5-31-60 11-19-79 3-2-52 4-1-76 2-3-75 10-14-62 11-40 7-5-71 D 1-6-46 D !-22-55 Gould Gourdier Grace Graffis Graham Graham Graham Graham Graham Graham Graham Graham Graham Graham Grange Grant Grant Graves Graves Graves Graves Graves Gravett Gravett Gravett Graw Gray Gray Gray Gray Gray Gray Gray Stuart M. C.H. J.J. Fannie & T. J. C.M. C.R. F.F. F.W. Fannie M. G.E. G.W. R.F. R.H. Thos. M. Josephine Halverson Leanora R.D. A.C. Frances J.W. M. W. H.H. Marguerite B. W.A. W.W. C. C.W. E.J. Estella J.E. Mattie Wilson W.D. 1923 1915 1922 1906 1901 1914 1913 1911 1901 1900 1900 1903 1904 1902 1923 1915 1909 1903 1915 1905 1900 1904 1897 1901 1901 1917 1905 1903 1908 1903 1914 1918 1915 7-23 12-40 6-74 D 12-7-49 9-17-77 2-17-66 7-22-53 4-3-36 D 2-20-42 10-31-28 1-31-52 D 11-5-67 1-13-36 11-36 1912 8-27-36 D 11-7-58 11-15-03 7-17-51 8-46 9-7-57 7-2-54 10-22-57 D 12-22-51 D ASO Alumni 1894-1924 Greathouse Gregg Green Green Greene Greene Greene Greene Greene Greene Greene Greenlee Greenlee Greenlee Greeno Greenwood Greenwood Grieves Griffin Griffin Griffin Griffith Griffith Griffith Griggs Griggs Grim Grimsley Gripe Grisso Groenewoud Groenewoud Groenewoud P.A. Mary C. Charles Stanley L.J. Emile F.J. G.J. Hirman A. Myrtle A. Bone W.D. W.E. A.C. Isadora McKnight Sophia E. Angie W. Emilie V.H. M.J. C.A. C.W. U.M. D.T. F.V. H.W. H.R. Lizzie O. Martha Wilson F.N. O.H. S.B. A.S. J.C. Jennie K. 33 1912 1904 1905 1922 1900 1906 1898 1904 1919 1900 1898 1909 1910 1909 1901 1916 1900 1909 1911 1900 1909 1915 1916 1914 1912 1907 1904 1902 1912 1917 1922 1909 1910 12-66 4-15-58 4-10-75 D 4-18-19 D D 3-6-75 D D 10-31-47 D 1913 D 1927 D 5-3-71 8-12-60 D 10-24-75 1961 1-13-37 11-14-62 1-16-43 7-13-56 11-22-26 D 1-13-40 1-13-40 Gross Gross Grossman Grossman Groth Groth Grothouse Grow Grow Grow Grow Grow Grosinger Guilbert Guilbert Gulliland Gulmyer Gumbert Guseman Guseman Guthrie Hackleman Hadley Hagestad Haggard Hagler Haight Haight Haile Hain Hain Hain Hain Albertina M. Olga H. E.S. S.L. A.C. G.W. E. Dora W. J.A. O.P. W.S. W.W. Frederick Laura A. S.C. Effie L. J. Chester J.E. Bertha C. P.G. Marian E. A.M. Anna Ida Torkelson C. Ottie Maxey L.L. Nettie Olds Florence R. Grace E. H.S. Marian Kerns Nancy Meek 1910 1923 1924 1916 1910 1909 1914 1916 1903 1915 1911 1911 1924 1918 1918 1912 1911 1918 1916 1916 1912 1918 1901 1915 1897 1904 1909 1904 1901 1903 1914 1921 1912 10-2-60 1963 7-25-56 7-12-56 D D D 9-47 D D D 12-6-29 7-7-63 D D 3-8-48 6-28-34 6-7-50 12-31-32 11-40 D D 10-1-57 ASO Alumni 1894-1924 Haines Hale Hale Hale Haley Haney Haley Hall Hall Hall Hall Hall Hall Hall Halladay Halladay Halladay Hallam Halliday Halllam Hallock HalversonBratcher Hamilton Hamilton Hamilton Hamilton Hamilton Hamilton Hamilton Hammond Hammond Hammond Hammond 34 F.M. Emma B. J.H. Mary E. J.E. Rhoda C. S.M. Beth V. E.L. Elmer T. G.S. Jane Wilson Mida M. W.C.Jr. H.H. H.V. J.E. Eudora V. R.S. Lulu R. L.K. Josephine 1914 1903 1914 1903 1900 1909 1909 1904 1913 1906 1904 1918 1904 1904 1917 1916 1920 1903 1900 1902 1910 1923 D 2-25-65 2-15-66 D 9-6-39 Amanda N. F.W. Lulu B. R. A. R.E. W.B. W.C. C.H. C.J. C.W. L.D. 1906 D 1905 10-16-51 1900 D 1905 12-8-66 1904 7-45 1900 D 1907 D 1902 D 1924 6-70 1917 10-13-60 1924 4-9-80 3-3-32 10-17-12 3-21-62 D 2-11-55 1-3-59 2-7-56 2-13-57 D 1-3-56 11-5-67 Hampton Hancock Hancock Hancock Handley Handy Haney Hanna Hanna Hannah Hannah Hannah Hannah Hansen Hansen Hansen Hansen Hansen Hanson Hanson Harbaugh Harbaugh Hard Harden Harden Hardin Hardin Harding Harding Harding Harding Harding Harding G.E. C.H. H.W. J.C. Max C. Anne Thompson J.F. F.W. R.W. Annie W. B.F. E.E. H.C. Cora M. Dena E.N. H.S. Mildred C.P. S. D.D. C. F.M. Mary E. E.E. F.L. Ella M.C. C.H. E.F. J F. Margaret Rogers Mrs.Ada S.O. 1915 1918 1912 1905 1924 1903 1901 1896 1912 1901 1896 1904 1902 1900 1916 1903 1918 1919 1910 1906 1923 1917 1913 1904 1902 1924 1899 1916 1902 1913 1912 1900 1917 12-27-71 D 1923 9-4-34 8-29 11-13-95 8-16-12 10-15-33 2-7-39 1926 3-40 4-9-71 5-26-72 7-64 10-46 12-3-66 1-70 2-6-37 7-47 D 1-23-70 7-4-37 6-19-87 9-9-64 11-2-74 1-45 D ASO Alumni 1894-1924 Harding Hardison Hardy Hardy Hardy Hardy Hardy Hardy Harker Harker Harkins Harkins Harlan Harlan Harlan Harlan Harlan Harlan Harmon Harner Harper Harper Harper-Woolson Harrington Harrington Harrington Harrington Harrington Harrington Harris Harris Harris Harris W.C. F.B.F. A.C. Clara Honora C. J.H. T.C. W.T. G.L. W.C. Elizabeth R. Marie H. Elizabeth E.L. F.J. P.E. W.F. W.L. A.H. Grace D. Charles S. Josephine Leone A. Alice A. J. Carrol J.S. L.S. Marion K. W.W. A.J. B. Bess C.W. Clara E. 35 1900 1914 1911 1901 1919 1898 1907 1917 1912 1912 1911 1910 1898 1901 1901 1898 1904 1896 1923 1917 1901 1906 1908 1915 1904 1903 1916 1921 1899 1906 1900 1915 1906 7-50 1-9-72 D D 7-7-59 11-10-80 10-16-62 9-8-51 5-9-54 8-7-55 D D 5-24-57 D 6-10-50 D 1962 11-45 D D 12-16-32 D D 5-13-86 D 11-29-47 4-46 2-26-56 Harris Harris Harris Harris Harris Harris Harris Harris Harris Harris Harris Harris Harris Harris Harrison Harrison Harrison Harrison Harshman Harry Hart Hart Hart Hart Hart Hart Hart Hart Hart Hart Hartford Hartford Hartford David S. E.C. E.L. E.P. Eula L. Francis W. H.I. H.M. H.O. Isabel L.A. M.B. N.E. W.E. Cornelia F. J.H. L.C. Margaret Hawk Nelia B.A. Autrey W. E.B. Ida J. J.R. Julia L. L.M. Mae Van Doren R.C. S.W. T.E. B.C. C.B. Elizabeth K. 1901 1913 1903 1921 1901 1904 1918 1898 1917 1902 1911 1898 1901 1900 1902 1912 1914 1908 1906 1917 1905 1906 1906 1914 1899 1898 1901 1917 1901 1913 1917 1921 1921 11-18-54 7-24-63 1-40 6-45 D 12-29-50 6-3-39 12-27-83 9-66 4-20-58 D D 7-16-70 12-10-76 11-15-62 D 2-84 3-18-48 7-66 9-9-34 D ASO Alumni 1894-1924 Hartford Hartford Hartford Harth Hartley Hartner Hartupee Hartupee Hartwig Hartwig-Ivey Harvey Harwood Harwood Hasham Haskin Haskins Hassell Hassell Hassman Hastings Hastings Hastings Hastings Hastings Haswell Hatch Hatcher Hatfield Hathorn Hathorn Hathorn Hatton Haven I.J. W.I. Wm. C.P. P.B. C. C.W. Wm.N. Lulu C. Josephine L. S.A. J.F. Mary E. Mary M. G.W. Jessie L. Nellie Stinewall J. G.E. F.E. G.R. J.H. J.H. T.E. G.A. C.G. Percy W.M. C.C. J.D. Mary M. J.O. Tryphena 36 1898 1900 1897 1916 1916 1915 1895 1897 1905 1905 1922 1904 1902 1900 1901 1918 1905 1905 1903 1905 1916 1911 1914 1910 1908 1908 1902 1905 1900 1914 1914 1894 1910 10-6-46 4-22-74 12-23-25 D D 8-15-66 2-15-78 9-45 1-46 7-19-55 D 11-4-51 1-21-46 D D 11-15-35 D 3-11-75 Haviland Haviland Haviland Hawk Hawes Hawes Hawkes Hawkins Hawkins Hawkins Hawkins-Jayne Hawley Haworth Hay Hayden Haydon Hayes Haynes Hays Hays Hayward Hayward Hayward Hazard Hazzard Hazzard Head Heagney Healey Healy Hearst Hebberd Heberer Johanna I. Nora Estell P.E. Sara Mae L.B. N.C. C.L. A.L. C.R. Laura I. E.Martha J.W. H.G. G.W. B.L. H. H.W. Hester C. Lola L. R. John D. Kathleen Mayo R.W. C.C. Charles D.G. R.B. W.H. Estelle D. F.H. Ethel L. Emma A. Elizabeth 1921 1906 1921 1904 1903 1905 1909 1913 1913 1908 1918 1914 1917 1906 1910 1901 1902 1921 1900 1910 1900 1915 1914 1899 1897 1921 1921 1903 1914 1915 1904 1913 1905 D 4-1945 6-72 7-61 D D 1919 D D D D 10-10-64 D 6-68 D 9-18-60 8-51 D D D D 2-21-78 7-5-59 2-20-41 1921 D ASO Alumni 1894-1924 Heck Hedegaarde Hedgepeth Hedgpeth Hegwer Heggen Heggessy Heine Heinl Heinl Heiny Heising Heisley Heisley Heist Heist Heist Heist Held Heldt Heldt Helmecke Helmer Helmer Hempt Hemstreet Henderson Henderson Henderson Henderson Henderson Henderson Henderson H.H. Adelaide V. T.H. C.E. Dewia E. Anfin S. James F.R. F.C. Ida E.M. J.D. Marie D. O.F. Susie Coon Albert D. Edgar D. Lenore M. Mary L. Bertha West C.H. Robt.C. Gertrude G.J. J.N. L.T. F.E. E.E. F.M. J.H. J.W. John J. Lucy V. M.W. 37 1919 1905 1914 1905 1916 1905 1907 1899 1918 1918 1905 1921 1904 1905 1905 1902 1905 1902 1897 1920 1924 1924 1896 1899 1924 1903 1903 1905 1907 1896 1924 1905 1914 11-30-34 3-7-68 11-14-52 5-27-55 3-19-64 12-66 4-30-65 3-46 6-20-55 5-15-39 4-24-32 7-28-60 D 2-7-55 7-5-35 3-31-86 D 7-64 3-19-77 9-12-37 11-8-51 D 1-14-41 12-7-29 D D 10-21-62 Henderson Hendrick Hendrickson Henke Henke Henry Henry Henry Henry Henry Henry Henry Henseley Herbert Herbert Herbert Herbert Herbst Herdman Herman Herman Herrick Herring Herrold Herron Hess Hess Hess Hester Hester Heydenburk Heyenga Heyer W.T. J.C. Glenn C. Clara E. Ada Keller Aurelia S. E.H. J.L. Mary P. P.R. Rose A.S. Allie B. Eric V. Lula J. Martha M. E.G. Sara F. A.M. J.C. W.E. Georgr D. S.Alletta J. A. C.F. J.H. L.T. G.M. J.M. R.D. P.H. F. 1917 1917 1901 1909 1909 1904 1901 1902 1907 1921 1906 1899 1913 1917 1903 1903 1917 1901 1907 1903 1901 1902 1901 1913 1905 1912 1917 1914 1904 1899 1917 1903 1903 12-11-70 6-21-62 D 2-4-51 5-47 1028-53 11-2-56 12-7-54 2-19-52 D 5-23-52 3-10-63 D 7-27-59 9-18-79 D 5-15-17 4-16-37 D 2-2-52 D 10-12-59 D 12-19-29 D D 12-4-68 11-11-35 ASO Alumni 1894-1924 Heyer Hiat Hibbets Hibbs Hickman Hickman Hickman Hicks Hicks Hicks Hicks Hickson Hiett Higelmire Higgins Higgins Hildreth Hildreth Hill Hill Hill Hilliard Hilliard Hillman Hillriegel Hinshaw Hirschman Hiss Hitchcock F.C. E.C. U.M. A.P. Julia L. L.D. W.H. Betsey B. Celesta R. Ella Ray F.T. F.C. Alva S. J. Ada C. Corinne M. A.G. Hazel Waggoner J.D. Kate C. Paul Annie E. W.F. L.E. R.W. Lois J.A. J.M. Harriett A. Hively Hoag Hoagland Hoard J.L. H.C. C.O. B.O. 38 1901 1914 1898 1896 1903 1899 1902 1905 1899 1904 1915 1912 1900 1924 1914 1902 1894 1917 1894 1901 1924 1907 1907 1922 1917 1902 1917 1914 1911 8-20-47 1-4-67 5-53 D D 1927 1933 D D 7-17-42 4-46 3-4-57 2-15-08 D 7-8-87 9-26-39 7-69 8-3-40 6-17-55 1972 3-3-47 3-26-74 3-22-72 3-23-1833 1901 D 1913 3-24-54 1901 1902 1-26-58 Hoard Hoard Hobbs Hodge Hodges Hodges Hoefner Hoefner Hoefner Hoefner Hoefner Hoefner Hoecker Hoffman Hoffman Hoffman Hoffman Hoffman Hoffman Hofsees Hoggins Hoisington Holbert Holcomb Holcomb Holgate Holgate Holland Holland Holland Hollands Hollcroft Holliday Mary T.H. Ada Irene G.E. C.O. P.L. B. Edna W.F. J.H. Lavinia Mrs.Ida M. V.C. Mary T. A.T. C.H. C.W. Helan Peloubet Nettie E. S.W. J.W. Josephine H. G.S. E.D. E.JR. Maude B. F.C. Mabel F. Addie J. J.E. S.O. A. W.H. C. 1900 1912 1924 1903 1905 1901 1903 1917 1900 1903 1900 1909 1913 1917 1905 1924 1915 1908 1916 1898 1904 1903 1904 1906 1906 1900 1902 1903 1902 1914 1913 1909 1915 1925 3-14-49 7-2-51 D 10-16-40 2-3-29 5-20-65 D 9-63 2-23-55 1-74 12-9-53 9-71 D 2-9-64 D 10-9-58 2-47 1-28-55 D D 10-78 D D 6-25-69 ASO Alumni 1894-1924 Hollingsworth Hollingsworth Hollis Hollister Holloway Holloway Holloway Hoffman Holm Holme Holme Holmes Holmes Holmes Holmes Holsclaw Holske Holt Holt Holt Honnald Honska Hoogbruin Hook Hook Hook Hook Hook Hook Hook Hook Hook Hooland Edna C. F. A.S. Minnie C. J.L. Lucy P. P.D. Helen Peloubet J. E.D. T.L. F. Herman R. Lydia H. T.C. J.F. Marie M. E. L. G.E. G.E. J.R. H.H. L.P. A.E. C.O. H.B. H.C. J.H., Jr. Lottie R. M. R. Virgil A. Luella 39 1900 1900 1912 1904 1904 1909 1902 1915 1906 1901 1898 1907 1911 1910 1919 1902 1916 1902 1914 1918 1916 1907 1923 1900 1898 1916 1901 1901 1901 1900 1911 1898 1913 D 7-64 D D 1-28-61 1-14-74 7-3-33 8-18-50 6-20-54 4-14-49 4-4-41 D 2-18-40 3-40 1927 12-8-59 3-12-79 12-28-65 4-19-66 12-21-49 5-5-74 D 2-15-41 D 5-71 D 1919 10-9-65 D Hoover Hopkins Hopkins Hopkins Horan Hord Horn Horn Horne Hoselton Hostetler Hoskins Houf Houghton Houriet House House Houseman Houseman Houseworth Hovland How Howard Howard Howard Howard Howard Howard Howard Howard Howd Howe Howe M.W. C.E. F.C. H.P. F.P. W.S. G.F. Mary B. T.B. Nancy M. J. C. R. J.E. H.W. Alice E. Catherine E. E.S. M.S. Blanche E.G. F.G. Luella Frederic J. C.G. E.S. E.W.S. G.W. Grace Bales Mary J. W.T. W.W. A.O. Alice E. Delavan D. 1915 1923 1916 1924 1918 1904 1907 1907 1907 1915 1905 1911 1902 1904 1912 1906 1920 1903 1904 1914 1913 1924 1911 1913 1904 1917 1912 1917 1909 1912 1913 1907 1914 8-15-65 D D D 6-12-12 2-10-39 3-25-31 8-5-63 D 1918 D 1962 D 4-30-68 D 1953 8-80 3-7-56 D D D D 11-9-53 1-73 8-15-58 6-20-59 D ASO Alumni 1894-1924 Howe Howe Howe Howe Howell Howells Howells Howells Howerton Howerton Howes Howes Howes Howes Howick Howick Howland Howley Howley Howze Hoxsie Hoye Hoyle Hoyle Hoyt Hoyt Hubbard Hubbard Hubbard Hubbard Hudelson Hudson Hudson Frances A. Frederick J. Viola D. W.S. R.D. A.P. Mary S. W.B. Mattie Coleman T.J. Anna W. L.A. P.G. R.W. A.B. Evangeline L.H. A.N. E. Evelyn B. B. Emma Carrie Slater H.P. Lottie Barbee Payson W. Lula Nora Wise Theodora W. W. M.F. F. Francis Dameron 40 1905 1924 1908 1916 1903 1911 1911 1899 1903 1908 1920 1906 1916 1918 1901 1901 1906 1905 1907 1905 1910 1902 1906 1915 1907 1905 1910 1924 1906 1904 1898 1904 1899 9-11-31 D D 6-13-64 D D 10-28-54 2-70 8-19-32 D 6-19-49 D 10-9-50 11-22-76 3-3-45 4-12-35 D 12-12-51 8-19-48 4-17-69 12-30-47 11-8-73 D D 1918 D Hudson Hudson Hudson Hueftle Hueftle Huffman Huggins Hughes Hughes Hughes Hughes Hughes Hulburt Hulett Hulett Hulett Hulett Hulett Hulett Hull Hull Hull Hull Humbert Humphries Humphries Huneryager Hunt Hunter Huntington Hunziker Hurd Hurd G.C. Rose A. T.P. H.G. W.C. T.P. Margaret V. A.L. Anna Cynthia H.A. Frank L. W.J. R.G. A.S. C.E. C.M.T. G.D. M.F. Marcia Ella C. Lucy W.N. W.P. F.C. E.R. Ruth E. I.C. C.B. Eva M. J.L. F.C. Grace L. M.C. 1902 1911 1899 1923 1924 1903 1922 1912 1924 1905 1904 1922 1920 1898 1896 1897 1900 1897 1898 1906 1911 1924 1912 1915 1911 1917 1916 1903 1904 1904 1916 1917 1911 D 7-64 5-11-40 D 9-10-58 1926 D 10-27-55 4-47 D D 1918 10-29-04 7-15-56 6-7-61 D 1-2-63 12-16-78 10-27-62 7-25-79 D 8-46 5-21-67 8-4-36 1925 11-28-72 ASO Alumni 1894-1924 Hurd Hurd Hurd Hurst Hurst Husk Huston Huston Hutchinson Hutchinson Hutchinson Hutchison Hutchison Hutson Hutt Hutt Hutton Hyatt Hyatt Hyde Hyde Ice Iehle Iehle Ihde IIgenfritz Ilgenfritz Ilgenfritz IIgenfritz Illing Illing Illinski Imbrie Nettie M. O.R. T.R. Anna H. R.H. N. Gaylord Grace Kathryn L. C.b. H.F. Mollie Caroline E. R.W. Clara E. H.D. Lydia C. D.F. Frank E. J.E. Leslye W. R.D. Adaline W. H.R. C.J. Gertude H.F. M.N. Rowena Wyatt Fannie Blackford H.E. A.X. R.M. 41 1911 1911 1915 1901 1919 1904 1898 1901 1901 1915 1897 1921 1915 1914 1924 1917 1916 1904 1901 1903 1902 1914 1908 1908 1918 1900 1898 1900 1900 1913 1912 1902 1922 11-9-64 3-19-55 2-23-52 4-8-73 12-16-57 3-6-39 D D 5-18-53 D 4-23-60 4-14-57 12-17-70 1-27-87 1-10-66 D 3-3-47 D D D D D 10-18-48 D 6-12-24 D D 4-10-60 3-25-79 10-22-39 D Ingalls Ingham Ingham Inglis Ingraham Ingram Inlow Inwood Irani Ireland Irish Irvin Irwin Irwin Isabell Ives Ives Ives Ivie Jackson Jackson Jackson Jacobs Jaeger James James Jameson Jameson Jamison Jamison January Jaquith Jaquith C.B. E.N. Eunice L. W.D. Elizabeth M. G.R. C.F. Garfield A.B. E.M. H.L. C.W. Cristine L.S. Sid A.H. Cora L. G.G. W.H. Charlotte M. J.W. W.C. W.K. H.F. G.J. I.L. B.W. H.V. C.E. R.E. C.F. H.E. L.E. 1906 1915 1915 1911 1901 1911 1915 1911 1913 1902 1915 1917 1911 1904 1903 1916 1902 1905 1903 1915 1916 1916 1912 1902 1917 1913 1907 1907 1899 1901 1922 1901 1917 1932 7-67 6-54 D D D D D 10-73 6-21-54 12-19-68 11-4-56 2-15-34 D 7-17-30 D D 4-13-63 7-4-58 9-6-56 6-2-35 D D 7-31-38 12-29-47 1932 D 4-7-53 5-30-83 ASO Alumni 1894-1924 Jay Jayne Jayne Jefferson Jeffery Jelks Jelsma Jennings Jennings Jennison Jensen Jepson Jewell Jewell Jocelyn JoDon Johanson Johnson Johnson Johnson Johnson Johnson Johnson Johnson Johnson Johnson Johnson Johnson Johnson Johnson Johnson Johnson Johnson E.L. Alta B. C.O. J.H. J.C. A.A. H.P. C.H. Louise F. Hattie Ida S. Ruth B. J.W. R.C. D.I. M.Mary P.E. A.B. A.C. A.E. A.H. A.W. B.F. C.J. C.L. Clara W. D.G. Eric B. Effie Roach Frank J. F.E. Florence B. G.E. 42 1914 1918 1918 1898 1912 1914 1905 1902 1899 1901 1912 1908 1912 1915 1895 1915 1910 1917 1915 1917 1897 1915 1916 1908 1905 1922 1909 1924 1909 1916 1921 1916 1905 10-2-58 11-26-84 8-28-73 7-13-60 7-20-56 1912 1-10-64 D 3-22-56 D 6-5-36 D 5-46 4-28-53 10-17-49 11-20-79 7-64 4-18-56 8-3-59 1-1-58 D D D 11-6-53 9-10-45 12-10-82 D D Johnson Johnson Johnson Johnson Johnson Johnson Johnson Johnson Johnson Johnson Johnson Johnson Johnson Johnson Johnson Johnson Johnson Johnson Johnson Johnson Johnson Johnston Johnston Johnston Johnston Johnston Johnston Johnstone Johonnott Jolly Jones Jones Jones G.L. H.C. Harriiet I. H.T. Ida B. J.K. J.S. Jessie b. Julia A. Lou E. Luerna G. Martin O. Mary R. N.A. N.S. O.E. P.A. P.J. R.H. Veva Chalfant Virgil C. B.E. Elizabeth J. Eric B. F.J. R.B. W.H. Isabel B. W.W. Benjamin S. A.D. C.W. Doris P. 1916 1907 1904 1909 1914 1898 1912 1901 1906 1916 1904 1924 1908 1906 1898 1912 1903 1922 1916 1913 1923 1912 1918 1924 1916 1906 1898 1908 1905 1924 1913 1921 1913 1-23-66 9-24-26 6-45 12-45 1-17-40 5-45 5-13-54 3-5-44 7-48 12-15-65 1919 4-73 4-9-65 1926 D 1921 D 4-4-33 9-10-52 1928 8-1-71 3-26-52 2-12-37 D 1913 7-16-87 D ASO Alumni 1894-1924 Jones Jones Jones Jones Jones Jones Jones Jones Jones Jones Jones Jones Jones Jones Jones Jones Jones Jones Jones Jones Jones Jones Jones Jones Jones Jordan Jordan Joss Judd Jurage Juvenal Kaelber Kagay E.D. Etha F.E. F.S. G.C. H.J. J.E. J.L. John Wesley L. Laila Schaeffer Louise M. Mabel M. Martha C. Martha E. P.K. R.M. Sarah Sarah E. T.D. Uramia T. Vera Derr W.H. W. Stanley Wallace W. L.E. O.L. W.I. W.H. Annees H. H.R. F.M. Lorena 43 1901 1911 1904 1905 1916 1895 1918 1918 1902 1903 1904 1914 1924 1914 1912 1918 1911 1903 1912 1899 1903 1911 1900 1902 1901 1913 1918 1902 1911 1913 1918 1924 1908 D 5-14-39 D D 2-1-56 D 10-5-37 3-21-60 3-12-48 D 5-27-67 5-11-58 11-14-57 D D D D D D D D 4-30-30 D 6-22-50 9-73 1938 D 6-68 7-16-40 7-17-80 D Kahler Kahler Kaiser Kaiser Kalb Kalbfliesch Kamp Kampf Kampf Kane Kane Kani Karney Kartowitz Kassmir Kattenhorn Kattman Kaucher Kauffman Kaufman Kearney G.R. Virgene W. F.J. I.R. C.E. E.L. Philip E.J. F.H. E.P. J.E. Bernice W. Isabelle H.F. G.J. Fannie C. Bertha Elva George C.H. J.J. J. Keating Keckler Keefer Keeler Keen Keen Keene Keesecher Keethler J.F. J.W. F.E. E.E. Elizabeth V. J.L. Walter Raymond P. A.M. Keiningham Keith R.R. A.M. 1921 D 1922 1903 1910 1914 1-20-79 1901 1905 5-26-60 1907 1907 1918 1915 1923 8-2-67 1902 10-36 1903 1915 D 1901 D 1915 12-2-60 1916 1914 2-6-76 1906 2-1-67 1914 5-1949 1921 1918 7-14-85 1911 11-73 1904 9-4-37 1915 1915 1924 11-9-71 1923 4-17-60 1912 7-1267 1913 1902 3-9-53 ASO Alumni 1894-1924 Keithly Kell Keller Keller Keller Keller Keller Kellet Kelley Kelley Kelley Kellogg Kellogg Kellogg Kellogg Kellogg Kelly Kelly Kelly Kelly Kelly Kelsey Kelsey Kelsey Kelso Kemp Kenaga Kendall Kennedy Kennedy Kennedy Kennedy Kenney R.E. R.J. Ada B. F.B. O.C. Rose Y. W.G. N.Maude Laura Lova O.L. H.G. H.R. J.H. S.M. W.E. Jean M. Margaret M. O.S. V.L. Walter C. C.C. Elizabeth J. Mary Jackson Sophronia B. E.C. Minerva H. Juila P. H.L. R.V. S.A. S.Y. C.F. 44 1921 1922 1904 1910 1906 1917 1911 1908 1920 1913 1917 1898 1904 1900 1900 1901 1912 1924 1918 1917 1924 1904 1910 1900 1900 1910 1904 1914 1900 1900 1898 1900 1909 1-4-86 10-28-53 5-21 D 12-66 8-2-51 11-79 2-13-78 D 3-11-56 D 3-2-42 D 9-17-60 9-17-60 12-50 D 5-19-49 D 3-17-32 6-6-35 D 6-14-43 Kenney Kent Kenton Kenton-Blanchard Kenzie Kerlin Kern Kerns Kerr Kerr Kerr Kerr Kerr Kerrigan Kesler Kesler Ketchem Ketter Kew Keyes Keyes Keyes Keyte Keyte Keyte Kibler Kibler Kiblinger Kidder-Stetson Kidwell Kidwell Kidwell Kieft Helen E. Larmoyeux O.H. F.R. Elizabeth E. J.W. Anna E. L. J. T.J. C.V. F.A. F.E. J.A. Myrtle Harlan Louise Mae B.H. Gertrude Lavina A. Carl W. A. Ida Peterson Leslie S. W.J. I.A. I.H. Mary W. J.M. Joseph W. S.B. Edith F. J. Mae V. Alvin P. Frankie 1910 1905 1907 1907 1909 1904 1894 1923 1899 1909 1904 1900 1900 1912 1915 1915 1921 1905 1905 1900 1904 1900 1900 1902 1904 1899 1899 1917 1915 1906 1905 1902 1921 4-18-48 5-22-51 D D D 10-28-66 2-27-57 4-30-33 1918 D 5-11-36 11-28-56 10-22-87 7-74 D D 7-2-66 5-45 D D 12-13-33 8-28-53 3-16-60 5-45 9-6-49 D ASO Alumni 1894-1924 Kieth Kilbourne Kilgore Killoren Kilman Kilts Kilts Kimball Kimmel Kincade Kincade Kincaid Kincaid Kincaid Kincaid King King King King King King King King King King Kingery Kingsburg Kingsbury Kingsbury Kinney Kinney Kinney Kinsell Archibald M. O.C. M.J. Frances E. J.E. Nellie P. Wm.H. S. J.P. Paul R.M. Abigail E. D.H. F. Julia N. Alfred B. A.M. A.W. E.D.JR. H.F. R.M. R.Q.Jr. Roderick H. T.M. Virginia Gay C.B. Charles W. L.C. L.C. Blanche F. Helene Larmoyeux Lecta F. Helen R. 45 1902 1904 1900 1917 1917 1901 1901 1900 1914 1924 1921 1914 1899 1912 1911 1901 1897 1922 1905 1899 1919 1918 1924 1899 1912 1916 1901 1901 1923 1915 1910 1913 1908 3-9-53 D D D D 1-2-83 D D D 10-46 11-20-49 12-22-22 11-24-61 D 11-7-74 D 8-7-72 7-20-56 11-1-56 D 1-30-52 D 12-65 D 4-5-81 D Kinsey Kinsinger Kint Kintz Kirk Kirk Kirk Kirkbride Kirkham Kissinger Kitchell Kitson Kitting Kjerner Klein Kline Kline Klippelt Klumph Klusmeyer Knapp Knapp Knauss Knauss Knight Knight Knight Knisell Knowles Knowles Knowles Knowlton Knox C.W. J.B. M.R. A.J. H.E. M.G. W.A. H.C. C.L. L.A. A.W. Matie R. R.C. S. C.S. C.A. D.M. J.R. C.C., Jr. E.A. H. L. L.I. Joseph W. S. M. Delia G. J. J.R. Chas. G. Henry L. Jerome Ross C.P. Edward M. 1917 1900 1923 1912 1902 1904 1917 1910 1902 1901 1912 1911 1923 1900 1901 1912 1901 1913 1898 1917 1905 1903 1903 1901 1907 1904 1914 1920 1902 1900 1902 1915 1900 1-8-71 9-5-36 D D 5-8-70 2-14-52 7-29-60 D 1-19-75 10-13-49 6-4-81 9-19-60 1921 1924 8-23-53 D 9-17-42 1968 D D 7-20-55 5-8-77 7-25-40 D 10-12-56 6-36 ASO Alumni 1894-1924 Knox Koelling Koester Kohler-Martin Koons Koontz Krauss Kreighbaum Kretschmar Krill Krohn Kroll Kuhnle Kuhnley Kurth Kurtz Kyle Lacy Lacy Lacy Lacy Lacy Ladd Lade Laib Laickliker Lake Lake Lake Lamb Lamb Lamb Lambert J.F. W.J. W.H. Clarice W.N. Effie G.H. W.F. Howard J.F. G.W. J.F. Fred W.F. W. D.P. C.T. Bertha P. H.N. J.C. P.F. Vera I. R.D. Mary D.E. R.S. Agnes G. F.B. L.B. Anna Conner H.E. W.B. L.C. 46 1902 1910 1907 1924 1905 1895 1918 1921 1899 1910 1904 1923 1924 1913 1911 1907 1898 1901 1910 1901 1917 1919 1923 1924 1916 1924 1907 1907 1921 1903 1917 1917 1916 3-21-59 1918 1-28-82 D 4-10-56 7-64 12-27-56 D 9-2-40 4-9-58 12-13-47 7-15-59 3-21-73 11-29 5-6-65 D D D 4-20-51 12-13-63 D 6-3-68 D D 4-20-70 7-62 1-24-62 Lamp Lampton Lancaster Landenberger Landes Landes Landes Landes Landis Landrum Lane Lane Lane Lane Lane Lane Lange Langlitz Lapp Larimore Larimore Larkins Larkins Larmoyeux Larsh Larson Larter LaPere LaRue LaRue Lash Lash Lathrop H.M. W.E. Minnie E. Emma Agnes V. H.E. M. S.R. H.L. B.F. Chas.Allen Cora C. Elizabeth H. G.H. I.T. M.A. E.V. Dorothea J. Irene k. Corinne E. T.B., Jr. E.E. F.B. Julia A. Mercy M. C.L. E.R. Oscar R. C.M. J.B. Franziska Nickenig S.R. Bessie G. 1923 1904 1914 1916 1898 1900 1898 1895 1912 1911 1901 1903 1911 1903 1902 1917 1918 1918 1911 1907 1900 1906 1906 1913 1905 1914 1906 1925 1923 1914 1912 1917 1907 1921 4-10-69 9-34 4-46 5-31-39 D 9-27-33 2-74 12-19-54 5-6-39 11-5-47 D 2-13-78 D D 10-11-65 2-4-60 12-65 2-3-77 2-67 9-45 8-27-53 5-4-82 11-14-60 ASO Alumni 1894-1924 Lathrop Lathrop Lathrop Lattig Laugeman Laughlin Laughlin Laughlin Laughlin Laughlin Laughlin Laughlin Laughlin Laughlin Laughlin Lawrence Lawrence Lawrence Lawrence Lawrence Lawrence Laws Lay Layne Layne Leadbetter Learner Learner Leavenworth Lechner LeDahl-King Lee Lee Ethel N. G.F. P.L. M.W. Arthur W. B.S. Belle C. Clara J. E.H. G.M. Genevieve H.T. Marguerite L. N.D. W.R. C. E.M. J.W. Rhoda J. W.S. W.T. Helen A. T.H. Florence W. L.E. Laura L. Munroe Grace C. H.W. R.J. V.C. Emma M. H.T. J.H. 47 1907 1907 1907 1921 1905 1895 1904 1911 1903 1900 1900 1913 1901 1902 1898 1917 1913 1920 1902 1906 1913 1910 1913 1923 1923 1903 1910 1910 1916 1923 1918 1904 1907 4-66 12-8-60 5-29-34 D 10-28-59 D D 12-2-53 7-15-48 10-49 1-16-34 D 1940 9-1-57 D D D D D 4-13-10 9-13-35 5-74 D Lee Lee Leeds Leeper Leer Minnie R. W.W. G.T. C.L. B.R. 1913 6-26-63 1916 1951 1906 2-25-52 1907 D 1918 Leigh Leischner Leitch Leitch Leiter Lemaster Lemasters Lemon Lendsey Lentz Leonard Leonardo Leopold LeRoy LeRoy LeRoy Leslie Leslie Leiter Levegood Levy Lewis Lewis Lewis Lewis Lewis Lewis Lewis Emma Hoye Martha R. Alma B. O.S. John Henry F.E. Lee Ida E. Davis Lynnie R.A. Elizabeth E. Marie B. H.C. B.R. E.H. V.E. G.W. J.G. J.H. R.R. C.M. Benedicta M. Bertha M. Cora Hemstreet H.W. J.L. J.L. Mary A. 1902 1902 1901 1906 1905 1917 1901 1900 1900 1922 1917 1913 1918 1923 1895 1923 1902 1902 1905 1910 1915 1918 1918 1902 1914 1898 1915 1913 1-12-51 12-30-54 1-47 4-13-41 D 11-22-73 1-39 D D 9-17-60 4-16-47 6-15-50 10-29-56 D 9-12-47 12-24-36 7-12-48 4-54 12-17-56 10-28-51 12-79 2-20-60 D 3-13-51 4-19-62 D ASO Alumni 1894-1924 Lewis Lewis Lewis Lewis Lewis-Campbell Lichter Liffring Licklider Lightsey Ligon Ligon Lillard Lilley Lincoln Lincoln Linder Linder Lindsay Lindsay Lindsey Lindsay Lindsey Lindsey Linebarger Linhart Linhart Linhart Link Link Link Link Linnell Linss Mary L. R.G. W.B. W.O. Agnes M. S.W. Eugene R. Ralph Samuel D.T. Ellen L. G. A. H. Roy Clara B. F.C. Charlotta I. J.F. A. C.B. E. L. Linnie O.E. R.E. H.A. C.C. E.N. E.W. E.C. J.J. Mabel A. W.F. J.A. Anna B. 48 1904 1900 1919 1904 1914 1903 1901 1924 1912 1900 1900 1907 1924 1906 1900 1902 1900 1903 1903 1904 1900 1919 1924 1911 1900 1915 1914 1902 1911 1911 1899 1901 1912 D D 12-14-79 D D D 9-14-63 5-4-65 D D D D 2-28-85 5-2-30 D D D 1-16-62 D 5-64 3-13-75 7-23-74 1-30-79 3-20-56 1965 5-2-58 3-11-61 D 7-38 7-9-53 Linville Lipman Lippincott Lippincott Little Little Little Little Littlejohn Littlejohn Livengood Livingston Livingston Lloyd Lockaby Locke Lockie-Borwn Lockman Lockwood Lodwick Lodwick Loeffler Lofgreen LofgreenMuhleman Logan Logan Logan Logan Logue Long Long Long Long W.B. H. A.A. Howard A. A.J. C.W. Clara U. D. D. J.M. B.L. L.R. Susan Patterson J.W. J.F. Orella Sara W.M. Jane E. Idris S. W. Katharine A. A.J. Edith 1900 1917 1912 1916 1911 1898 1911 1914 1900 1900 1913 1907 1907 1909 1919 1901 1901 1915 1906 1919 1903 1905 1913 1913 D D 5-27-37 11-14-83 5-17-54 C.E. Chas L. L.H. Mary Lou J.S. F.W. G.F. G.P. J.H. 1924 4-11-82 1906 D 1921 4-3-73 1921 3-67 1911 D 1906 4-4-34 1918 12-10-75 1905 4-5-35 1906 6-30-51 5-3-49 3-20-62 D 12-8-47 7-64 1-26-54 12-17-50 11-35 D D D 12-15-54 2-6-57 10-72 D ASO Alumni 1894-1924 Long Long Longan Longpre Lonving Loofbourrow Loofbourrow Loose Loper Lorbeer Lord Lorch Lord Lorenz Loring Loudon Loudon Loudon Love Love Love Lovell Loving Loving Loving Lown Lowry Lowry Lucas Lucas Ludden Luft Luiten J.W. R.H. S.W. E.L. W.B. D.J. W. E.E. Matilda E. T.L. E.M. O.W. G.B. C.E.. Margaret L. G.E. H.M. Marian M. C.D. Mary Spaunhurst S.R. F.A. A.S. F.A. Wm B. Anna B. Belle P. J.O. F.N. T.C. J.B. C.G. Maria A. 49 1899 1905 1904 1901 1901 1905 1907 1914 1905 1906 1909 1923 1909 1899 1910 1899 1903 1899 1901 1905 1903 1910 1904 1915 1901 1906 1907 1902 1913 1907 1900 1909 1918 10-28-44 2-31-55 11-29-49 D 8-12-52 3-3-47 7-13-39 D 8-7-68 10-4-52 D 5-12-60 5-2-65 D D D 6-23-55 12-7-62 D 7-20-61 D 1-5-61 11-23-53 D D 6-30-55 11-24-46 D Luke Lukens Lumley Lumsden Lund Lurch Lusk Lutz Lux Lyda Lyda Lyda Lyda Lyda Lyda Lyda Lyke Lyke Lyke Lyman Lyman Lyman Lynch Lychenheim Lynd Lynd Lyne Lynes Lynn Lyons Lyon Lyon Lyons D.Mae Caroline E. Leila E. C.A. J. O.W. C.M.Jr. Adda M. L.L. E.L. E.R. G.V. Helen D.F. J.L. L.W. W.L. C.H. S. Winnifred B. Elva J. Florence G.P. C.A. Morris N.R. W.B. S.T. Lillian M. Ollie A. Amy S. Helen Ives Louis A. W.E. 1923 1901 1909 1906 1912 1923 1913 1911 1915 1910 1906 1900 1911 1899 1900 1899 1903 1909 1913 1909 1911 1906 1917 1903 1904 1901 1901 1916 1903 1904 1903 1903 1904 4-4-50 D 10-15-40 8-49 8-2-36 11-4-61 D D 2-10-54 D 8-17-72 D 1926 11-29-67 1-22-56 6-27-47 D 7-48 D D 6-46 D 3-1-50 1-17-32 ASO Alumni 1894-1924 Lytle Mabis-Duell Macauley MacCollum MacCracken MacCracken Macdonald MacDonald Macdonald Macdonald Macdonald Mace MacGilliard MacGregor Machin Machin MacKinnon MacKenzie-Hohn MacKenzie MacLean MacLennan Mackie Macomber-Moore MacRae MacRae Maddox Magee Magers Magers Magers Magill Magoun Magoun C.R. Caroline M. D.B. Edna M. Daisy B. F.E. G.A. J.A. M.P.L. N.J. W.K. O.A. A.E. Ge. W. Kate A. Miller Clarence E. C. Mary John Margaret H.W. Lillian S. Hohn N. Lenora M. H.H. F.E. Florence Lucille J.A. Mary J. E.G. H.I. Helen C. 50 1903 1906 1898 1904 1913 1913 1920 1904 1912 1922 1912 1902 1904 1910 1894 1894 1905 1918 1917 1910 1904 1907 1924 1906 1905 1917 1911 1904 1914 1901 1901 1924 1924 7-64 D D 2-15-78 6-49 3-3-47 D 4-24-29 1-47 D 11-7-68 D D D 11-14-35 5-22-56 10-19-36 6-18-59 1-30-53 4-24-32 5/20/67 12-14-57 D 1965 D 12-24-81 1-75 Magruder Mahaffay Mahaffay Mahaffay Mahaffay Mahaffy Mahler Mahoney Maier Malcomson Malone Malone Malone Malone Malone Malone Malone Malone Maloney Maltby Manatt Manatt Manby Manchester Manchester Manchester Manchester Manchester Mandeville Manhart Manhart Mangum Mann Clara H. Andrew D. C.W. Clara I.F. J.H. C.F. L.F. B.B. Emily Alice G. E. E.P. Georgia A. J.A. J.H., Jr. Lillian B. W.T. Mary J.W. E.L. E.S. C.J. F.F. F.P. H.A. Margaret F. R.G. J.E. C.K. Katharine F. John C.M.Jr. 1906 1897 1897 1900 1900 1902 1909 1924 1901 1912 1917 1903 1916 1917 1908 1901 1914 1915 1902 1902 1903 1901 1916 1923 1910 1922 1923 1916 1901 1917 1918 1907 1913 7-8-56 D 3-47 11-1-29 D 6-14-47 8-11-36 D D D D 4-12-53 D D D D D 4-24-62 5-3-82 12-21-51 5-52 D 4-21-65 7-64 D 3-37 D ASO Alumni 1894-1924 Mansfield Mansfield Mantle Manuel Marcy Margreiter Markert Marple Marseilles Marseilles Marseilles Marsh Marsh Marshall Marshall Marshall Marshall Marshall Marshall Marshall Marshall Marsteller Martin Martin Martin Martin Martin Martin Martin Martin Martin Martin Martin B.R. T.B. Pauline R. J.E. Nellie L. J.L. W.W. John H. F.F. Mrs.M.A. W.M. Fern M. R.W. B.E. Elizabeth J.B. F.J. J.S.B. L.C. L.J. Helen Giddings W.H. C.L. Caroline B. Clara E. E.H. F.C. F.H. G.A. Grace Stanford H.B. H.B. Hattie Carver J.S. 51 1900 1898 1905 1911 1909 1919 1911 1901 1917 1904 1904 1923 1902 1916 1905 1902 1905 1910 1900 1899 1905 1899 1901 1897 1903 1907 1912 1902 1917 1905 1921 1910 1904 6-18-34 7-21-34 12-45 1-5-57 1964 4-16-51 D D 2-18-52 2-23-51 8-18-55 D 4-1-86 D 2-24-63 D D 12-59 7-14-55 D 11-13-53 1-15-54 D 1-23-53 D Martin Martin J.W. L.D. 1906 1899 Martin Martin Martin Martin Martin Marts Martz Mason Matheson Matsler Matson Matteson Matthews Mattocks Mauer Maughan Maurer Mawson Maxey Maxfield Maxfield Maxwell Maxwell Maxwell Maxwell Maxwell Maxwell Maxwell Maxwell Maxwell Maxwell Nina R. O.F. R.A. R.H. Walter Tina M. D.I. H.B. Mary Ashley Julia B. J.E. N.D. S.C. E. Anna L. C.N. Minnie E. Gertrude B. C.N. J.F. J.H. Avis Bodle Elizabeth E.O. Elizabeth G.C. H.L. M.L. Melvin Ross M.R. Simmie M. 1920 1916 1923 1917 1924 1904 1915 1907 1909 1904 1903 1899 1898 1905 1904 1921 1918 1904 1902 1921 1909 1902 1900 1910 1900 1902 1903 1901 1917 1917 1903 1950 6-27-48 1-7-57 5-65 1928 D 8-3-40 D 10-47 D 2-20-68 9-5-40 8-7-34 D 1-19-70 7-13-63 D D 10-30-46 2-29-60 1-26-29 1-40 7-11-38 D ASO Alumni 1894-1924 May May May May May Mayer Mayers Mayes Mayes Mayes Mayhugh Mayhugh Mayhugh Mayo Mayrome McAllister McAllister McAllister McAlpin McAnally McAnally McAnelly McArthur McBeath McBeath McBride McBride McBride McBurney McCabe McCall McCall McCall B.E. Ella L.A. Leanora Grant (Mrs) S. R. H.M. Rebecca B. Florence M.T. W. Alice B. E. C.W. N.B. Kathleen Delphine B.F. Joanna C. Mary Cramb D.E. Inez Wells L.N. Ivy M. Effie Gulliland Ruth N. T.L. Pheobe Smith R.N. R.S. Myrtle T. R.W. G.A.W. Hattie H. T.S. 52 1898 1900 1916 1915 1898 1901 1909 1897 1897 1909 1899 1899 1912 1915 1901 1901 1911 1901 1900 1906 1923 1912 1912 1912 1912 1901 1911 1924 1899 1917 1918 1903 1905 7-12-53 D D 8-2-66 D D 5-29-37 D 6-47 1923 11-15-59 3-17-63 3-15-33 7-25-43 5-22-84 D D 2-11-75 4-12-85 2-13-62 D 1925 D D 5-5-53 D 6-30-57 D D D McCarthy McCarthy McCartney McCaslin McCaughan McCheyne McClain McClanahan McClanahan McClanahan McClay McClearn McCleery McCleery McCleery McClelland McClung McClure McCoach McCole McColloch McCollum McConkey McConnel McConnell McConnell McConnell McConnell McConnell McCord McCorkle McCormack McCormick Hettie C. J.A. L.H. J.A. R.C. Vina Beauchamp Hattie R. J.L. Mabel T.S. E.L. Roberta B.H. L.S. W.S. Bessie B. R.M. W.H. G.M. G.W. M.R. C.W. Lena Agnes Darling C.P. Eva M. W.A. Zora A.S. Zuie A. J.J. J.P. 1912 1912 1898 1911 1913 1902 1915 1903 1900 1901 1916 1902 1914 1924 1917 1900 1900 1914 1907 1912 1924 1919 1921 1919 1897 1896 1901 1899 1901 1914 1913 1911 1906 D D 1-37 D 3-21-57 D 2-14-79 D D D 2-18-58 D 7-21-75 12-31-81 D D 11-5-49 10-20-72 D D 9-20-57 3-31 1-13-39 D D D D 11-6-55 D 11-21-54 ASO Alumni 1894-1924 McCowan McCoy McCoy McCoy McCoy McCrary McCrary McCrary McCully McCullough McCune McDaniel McDaniel McDaniels McDonald McDonald McDougal McDougall McDowell McElwee McFall McFall McFarland McFee McGalliard McGarr McGavock McGavock McGavock McGee McGeorge McGinnis McGonigle D.C. C.K. Florence L. L.C. T.S. B.J. J.R. Lena S. Maggie S.D. Caroline C. A.C. Fannie Anna C.P. Grace S. William Kelman Louella Colvin J.R. Merton G.W. L. Francis (Watson) A.H. Mrs.L.C.K. Arthur E. Emma Annie H. J.E. R.E. J.H. Florence J.C. F.S. 53 1912 1898 1901 1911 1904 1915 1903 1905 1899 1916 1916 1902 1906 1917 1917 1912 1907 1902 1901 1918 1917 1900 1907 1899 1904 1901 1902 1902 1897 1899 1900 1903 1911 D D 4-1-57 11-12-70 1946 D 3-17-61 D D D 12-28-53 1952 D 1-1-47 2-64 D D 6-28-56 D D D 11-7-68 D 2-4-53 D 1-2-24 2-41 2-15-60 McGowan McGregor McGuerty McGuerty McGuire McHerron McHolland McIntosh McIntosh McIntosh McIntosh McIntyre McIntyre McIntyre McIntyre McKay McKay McKay McKee McKee McKeehan McKenzie McKenzie McKinley McKinney McKinney McKinney McKnight McKoin-Hansen McKone McKone McKone McLain A.L. D.T. Frank J. Lillian S. F.J. J.D. F.N. Aylett R. E.N. Nita Helen G.A. A.J. Henry B. George M. H.H. Mary S. N.P. T.A. J.A. Senore Kilgore W.A. A.L. C.T. Carrol A. C.H. Clara D. Lulu M. Isadora Mildred C. Ida M. Louise D. M. H.C. 1917 1919 1924 1924 1902 1913 1908 1901 1917 1902 1923 1914 1899 1906 1899 1906 1919 1919 1902 1902 1898 1899 1917 1923 1905 1908 1907 2-18-43 12-9-68 6-6-49 8-31-85 D 11-29-55 D D 7-56 D 2-46 D 3-26-29 D D 2-10-68 D D 2-5-40 10-1-66 6-46 D 10-36 1-31-44 5-31-10 1919 1905 9-28-49 1902 1918 1904 D 1898 D ASO Alumni 1894-1924 54 McLaughlin McLaughlin McLean McLelland McLeod McMahan McMains McMains McMains McManama McManis McManis McMasters McMillan McMillen McMillian McMurray McMurray A.H. Fannie McDaniels H.R. C.A. Katherine F. B.S. Grace R. H.A. H.C. W.C. J.V. Lulu Stoltenberg Lester A. L.C. J. A.F. N.F. Ida M. 1906 1906 1912 1899 1905 1912 1904 1904 1901 1899 1905 1905 1904 1901 1904 1901 1900 1900 D McNary McNeal McNeff McNeil McNeil McNeil McNeil McNicoll McPhail McPheeters McPike H.R. Christena V. Mary L. J.W. Jean M. Mary A. Neta H. D.Ella A.M. W.P. J.K. D 4-1-59 D 9-23-71 10-10-44 6-11-56 D D 11-52 3-41 D 2-28-57 D D 11-2009 1917 11-25-65 1906 9-16-37 1923 10-1-70 1907 3-2-34 1907 1900 1962 1902 1898 D 1914 10-19-57 1914 D 1902 D McPike McQuary Mary S. H.E. 1904 1-15-60 1903 8-5-38 McQuary McRae McRae McReynolds McRobertsWilliams McShirley McWilliams McWilliams Mead Meade Meader Meador Meals Meaker Mearns Medaris Medaris Meek Meek Meeker Meeks Meeks Meeks-Davis Megrew Meitz Meleski Melick Melvin Mendenhall Mercer Mercer Merkley Merkley H.L. I.W. J.N. W.D. Sarah E. 1903 1900 1906 1923 1908 Ella D. A.F. R.A. C.D. Alba Emma L. A.P. Gladys Stanleigh Reeve John Thomas C.E. W.O. Mary I. Nancy K. S.R. G.P. W. Nellie J.L. L.J. Kern/s Mary M. Ida Simmons A.S. M.S. G.A. W.L. Edna E.H. 1916 1904 1912 1913 1914 1915 1916 1924 1904 1921 1912 1916 1923 1912 1904 1900 1900 1900 1906 1894 1912 1907 1901 1910 1918 1902 1903 1900 D 3-56 D D 3-16-49 11-67 9-3-48 11-21-34 3-6-57 11-12-54 12-1-75 D 1-17-80 12-11-66 D 3-18-76 D D D 9-36 D 2-2-71 D D D 1-8-53 6-20-38 ASO Alumni 1894-1924 Merkley Merkley Merkley Merner Merrill Merry Mervine Messerschmidt Messick Messick Messick Messick Meyer Meyer Meyer Meyer Mearns Michaels Micholls Mickle Micks Micks Middleditch Middlesworth Mikel Milford Millard Millay Millay Millenbaugh Miller Miller Miller George J.R. W.A. H.B. E.J. Ellen M. I.W. Helena L. C.W. Effie M. Margaret E. O.W. F.J. G.K. O.E. Paul F. J.T. Peter J.S. G.E. Celia M. Garfield G. Sarah H. Elma D. C.E. E.S. F.P. D.L. E.O. G.H. A.L. Adaline P. Ambrose 55 1903 1906 1901 1922 1905 1915 1914 1917 1912 1906 1905 1912 1910 1918 1900 1924 1921 1904 1923 1914 1905 1905 1905 1914 1916 1899 1900 1921 1904 1916 1901 1903 1924 12-21-48 8-31-40 8-13-48 10-27-70 D 12-28 12-12-61 D 12-40 9-19-40 10-12-66 D 2-20-79 8-1939 2-51 6-7-70 11-9-65 4-27-58 D 9-26-51 11-871 9-12-62 5-8-69 1-24-55 D D Miller Miller Miller Miller Miller Miller Miller Miller Miller Miller Miller Miller Miller Miller Miller Miller Miller Miller Miller Miller Miller Miller Miller Miller Miller Miller Miller Miller Miller Miller Miller Miller Miller Bertha L. C.L. C.Z. Delbert E. D.F. Elizabeth U. F.C. F.L. Florence C. G.R. Grace E. H.I. H.L. H.T. Isabelle W. Joseph D. J.R. L. C. L.C.F. L.E. L.W. Louella B. M.H. M.V. Minnie S. O.S. P.H. Robert H. R.L. R.N. Sara A. S.H. S.W. 1924 1912 1900 1908 1908 1904 1898 1917 1901 1923 1913 1914 1918 1909 1906 1906 1918 1901 1922 1904 1902 1918 1918 1903 1903 1904 1905 1900 1912 1918 1923 1898 1903 2-20-87 8-1-57 D 4-22-35 11-2-53 1-2-55 3-25-79 3-14-69 1-28-68 12-25-29 2-13-41 D 11-7-75 D D 8-29-34 9-47 3-14-69 3-30-62 10-12-36 5-13-70 D ASO Alumni 1894-1924 Miller Miller Miller Miller-Hoover Milliken Milliken Mills Mills Mills Mills Mills Mills Mills Mills Mills Milner Milstein Minear Minear Minear U.T. W.B. William Claire Mapel Charles F.M. Anna M. C.J. D.A. E.M. L.W. Mary E. Maude S. W.H. W.S. Clara L. O.R. A.N. J.F. J.F. Minear Mingus Minnis Mitchell Mitchell Mitchell Mitchell Mitchell Mitchell Mitchell Mitchell Mitchell Mitchell N.O. C.A. Joseph C. Carrie E. Carolina Virginia E.B. Frank H. F.L. I.L. Lavonia B. Jennie C. M.A. R.M. 56 1901 1901 1912 1900 1903 1899 1912 1914 1903 1901 1921 1912 1902 1916 1900 1901 1916 1900 1899 1911 4-26-47 6-3-68 1966 D 2-46 1-18-63 D 2-2-68 9-29-69 D D 6-19-67 D 10-24-39 3-3072 1899 D 1898 D 1904 12-46 1906 1905 1925 1909 1904 3-2-32 1924 8-17-59 1917 D 1905 1-19-59 1905 1926 1905 D 1904 10-16-39 Mitchell Mitterling Mitterling Moats Mochrie Moffatt Moffet Moffet Moffet Moffett Moffett Mogaard Molesworth Molesworth Monks Monroe Monroe Montague Montague Montague Montague Montano Monteith Montgomery Montgomery Mook Moomaw Moomaw Mooney Moore Moore Moore Moore W.B. E.S. Marian E. E.M. Elizabeth F. A. Mattie J. T.C. T.I. Clara B. G. John P. C.E. Lenore K. James C. G.T. J.R. C.C. E. H.C. W.C. Helen L. T.O. G.L. Jane L.C. Bertha F. K.B. W.E. A.C. A.T. Antoinette B.F. 1906 1911 1911 1918 1916 1903 1908 1908 1918 1901 1901 1904 1903 1902 1905 1901 1916 1921 1903 1903 1903 1919 1922 1919 1921 1917 1909 1909 1911 1895 1916 1914 1923 2-10-37 1-16-67 D 10-23-37 12-74 D 12-30-48 11-4-54 5-23-34 D 3-41 D 9-12-51 1-12-81 9-23-49 10-26-65 10-13-67 5-27-55 5-12-65 2-28-78 5-75 D 10-65 ASO Alumni 1894-1924 Moore Moore Moore Moore Moore Moore Moore Moore Moore Moore Moore Moore Moore Moore Moore Moore Moore Moore Moore Moore Mooring Morell Morelock Morelock Morelock Morelock Morelock Morgan Morgan Morgan Morgan Morgan Morgan C. D.V. E.A. E.M. Eleanore G.W.Jr. Frederick Emmett H.J. Hezzie C. Ida F. J.H. J.H. K.F. Margaret L. Nora E. R.D. R.J. Sara A. T.R. Vena Herbert Cordelia K. C.E. Daisy E. E.W.R. Josephine Katherine I. Nellie M. Emma J. Lallah Mary E. R.M. S.H. T.L. 57 1910 1910 1913 1913 1904 1912 1902 1912 1902 1905 1903 1917 1913 1917 1906 1907 1923 1914 1914 1909 1900 1918 1906 1906 1903 1905 1906 1916 1907 1902 1903 1898 1920 12-50 9-16-36 12-22-56 9-17-79 D 7-47 1929 3-10-41 5-18-62 8-12-62 4-24-49 3-20-53 10-36 12-51 11-9-53 D D D 6-3-68 7-64 D 1-11-58 D 5-31-61 Morgan Moriarty Moriarty Moriarty Morlock Morrell Morris Morris Morris Morris Morris Morris Morris Morris Morris Morris Morris Morris Morris Morris Morris Morris Morris Morris Morris Morris Morrison Morrison Morrison Morrison Morrow Morrow Morse Urania Geraldine J.J. Lucile M. S.P. Carle Emerson B.F. Blanche Whitlow Chester H. C.J. D.E. E.B. Elizabeth H. Emma C. F.W. G.E. H.D. J.B. J.T.L. James I. L.O. Margaret Wilson P.S. S.G. Sarah F.W. T.C. D.N. J.F. J.G. Martha A. A.D. C.B. P.A. 1903 1924 1904 1924 1917 1918 1899 1922 1905 1917 1901 1896 1900 1904 1910 1913 1902 1903 1898 1924 1910 1921 1911 1904 1906 1900 1906 1909 1904 1904 1901 1909 1911 D 8-29-73 9-17-55 9-27-76 1-6-68 D 9-64 D 11-17-29 11-9-61 D D 2-5-40 D 1-52 5-29-49 D D D 4-4-41 1-14-54 D 5-12-52 4-1-54 11-17-38 1936 ASO Alumni 1894-1924 Morse Morton Moseley Moseley Mosely Mosely Mosely Moses Moses Mosher Mosher Mosier Mosier-Babcock Mosley Moss Mossman Mossman Most Most Motsinger Mott Moulton Mount Mourie Moyer Moyer Moyer Moyer Mullen Mullen Mullenbrook Mullenix Mullins Sarah E. H.B. A.G. V.C. C.P. G.B. J.R. Lucy J. R.F. A. S.G. E.J. Mamie C. Lutie B. J.M. H.A. Nellie L.H. W. N.H. W.C. G.W. Florence M. W.S. Adella C.E. J.G. L.Edna A.R. H.C. J.L. Hazel H. J.M. 58 1903 D 11901 D 1904 D 1913 1924 1903 1903 1906 1915 1914 1906 1903 1901 1918 1900 4-50 1903 1903 1909 1904 11-24-32 1904 1913 1923 1919 1921 1900 1916 1915 1900 1916 2-73 1923 12-17-68 1914 D 1917 1898 D Mullins Mumma Mumma Mumma Muncie Mundie Mundis Munger Munn Munro Murfin Murphy Murphy Murphy Murphy Murphy Murphy Murphy Murray Murray Murray Murray Murry Murry Musick Murschler Muttart Muttart Myers Myers Myers Myers Myers M.W. F.W. M.E. G.H. C.H. Carrie M. L.A. W.R. A. W.H. J.C. Annie R. C.J. E.C. H.C. J.W. O.H. Verna B. C.H. D.R. J.H.Jr. Sara Miller Anna B. P.H. Augusta P. Oscar C. Anna B. C.J. C.B. Edna H. Ella Lake E. W. L.A. 1900 1918 1902 1916 1910 1909 1917 1910 1906 1916 1902 1912 1916 1909 1915 1907 1910 1910 1904 1920 1902 1923 1901 1901 1900 1904 1902 1902 1923 1921 1905 1905 1904 2-24-61 3-5-68 5-5-76 2-11-63 5-19-49 1-57 D 3-51 11-29-67 7-20-56 2-22-24 D D D D 4-29-56 D D 2-24-54 2-37 7-27 12-15-85 10-27-38 11-30-67 11-66 ASO Alumni 1894-1924 Myers Myers Myers Mylander Myles Myrick Nason Nay Nazor Neal Near Neel Neff Neff Neilson Neinstedt Nelson Nelson Nelson Nelson Nelson Nesbet Neumann Neville Nevins Nevitt Newburn Newbury Newcomer Newland Newman Newman Newton Ollie H.P. R.K. R.R. L.R. Anna C. E.W. G.F.Jr. W.F. G.S. G.C. J.L. J.R. R.W. Shirley C. N.J. G.V. C.L. H.E. Loretta B.L. Margaret Larue Ammernam N.L. R.E. J.J. J.L. Zeula A. Julia M. Mabel G. Elizabeth Laura P. W.A. Celia J. V.W. G.H. 59 1905 1923 1905 1917 1912 1912 1917 1904 1901 1918 1904 1924 1910 1921 1915 1898 1902 1896 1906 1909 1-22-57 1-71 D 3-2-70 6-45 2-6-80 2-11-49 10-3-35 8-17-52 12-68 D D D 6-9-78 D 9-30-50 9-51 7-28-49 D 1924 6-5-57 1900 1921 3-41 1907 D 1903 D 1911 D 1918 1910 6-5-60 1905 1924 D 1905 1923 8-22-56 1907 D Newton Nicholas Nicholl Nicholl Nicholls Nichols Nichols Nichols Nichols Nichols Nichols Nicholson Nicholson Nicholson Nicholson Nickenig Nickerson Nielsen Nielson Nies Nies Nikolas Niswander Noble Noble Noel Noestine Noland Noland Nolkemper Noll Noonan Noonan R.W.E. Rebecca S. T.H. W.S. or W.H. John S. A.D. Annie McCaslin Augusta Mary Fox P.S. W.W. Edith Brown F.M. Laura Pearl Franziska Grace P. Hans Julia K. C.H. Edna W. Kathryn J.M. A.J. Lillian W. T.G. Florence A. G.L. Lou Tway Faith S. G.L. Myrtella Wheeler W.E. 1906 1906 1907 1905 1923 1907 1906 1906 1912 1910 1912 1914 1913 1911 1905 1912 1907 1904 1905 1921 1922 1907 1913 1904 1905 1917 1899 1901 1901 1916 1915 1903 1903 D 12-11-74 5-31-68 8-17-64 3-5-52 4-66 D D 2-4-51 D 2-65 D D 3-3-71 2-25-58 3-18-43 2-75 9-22-69 2-22-58 12-23-57 3-7-49 12-63 4-24-68 D ASO Alumni 1894-1924 Norman Norris Norris Norris Norris Norris Northern Northrop Northup Northway Norwood Norton Notestine Nourie Novinger Novinger Noyes Nuckles Nuckles Nudd Nudd Nugent Nyberg Nye Nye Oaks O'Brien O’Brien O'Bryan Ockerblad O'Connor O'Connor Oden P.K. F.L. Fay A. Harley D. H.N. Kate L. R.J. W.N. Anna E. R.A. R.R. C.C. Mrs. F.A. Walter S. S.J.T. W.J. Mary Eleanor G.T. R.H. Bessie Bessie Emma M.O. D.C. R.E. Edith M. Elizabeth K. Matthew C. M.E. Ethyl Williams J.J.Jr. Kathlyn L.E. 60 1901 1910 1919 1903 1923 1901 1908 1898 1915 1909 1903 1906 1899 1921 1900 1898 1901 1906 1899 1918 1923 1900 1910 1911 1914 1923 1921 1902 1911 1914 1920 1907 1902 D 7-14-66 5-55 9-14-79 5-1-49 7-64 D 12/17/77 8-20-56 6-53 D 2-22-58 1-27-49 D D 3-12-32 10-31-55 5-20-60 4-49 D 3-12-48 7-14-63 6-8-48 4-6-55 D 10-11-32 3-6-55 D O'Donnell Ogden Ogden Ogle Oglesby O'Hagan O'Keefe Oldeg Oldeg Oldham Oldham Olds Olds Oliphant Oliphant Oliphant Oliver Oliver Oliver Olmsted Olney Olney Olney Olson Olson O'Neall O'Neill O'Neill Oneland Opdycke Opp O'Rourke Orr B.M. Natalie Natalie J.M. H.L. J.D. L.E. A.J. H.W. J.E. Mrs.J.E. F.C. F.W. Adath P. Lorna A. Marion A. G.E. Olive G. W.R. C.N. A.H. Belle H. La Vina E. A. J.E. W.Q. Margaret T.H. Sarah C. Florence M. S.R. V.A. O.A. 1906 1922 1923 1914 1909 1905 1916 1916 1915 1899 1899 1915 1911 1900 1902 1902 1906 1905 1907 1916 1916 1902 1918 1906 1904 1901 1912 1906 1904 1912 1916 1918 1907 11-17-70 5-41 10-28-68 4-21-54 4-17-67 D D D 1-52 5-18-70 9-3-59 4-46 D 7-1-54 7-74 D 6-45 7-13-49 7-24-54 D D 5-29-59 3-3-41 D 3-41 ASO Alumni 1894-1924 Orr Orrison Orrison Orth Osborne Osenbaugh Osgood Oswald Oswalt Otey Otey Ottis Outhier Ovens Overfelt Overfelt Overstreet Overstreet Overstreet Overton Overton Overton Owens Owen Owen Owen Owen Owen Owen Owens Owens Owens Ownbey Viola Eurie K. L.A. H.C. J.H. Mrs.M.E. Lizzie E. May C. A.M. J.J. J.M. Edgar B. Rowena A.N. G.G. L.B. B.F. C.M.Jr. Merle J.A. J.H. Sylvia R. Albert N. D.D. E.M. H.L. Harriett S. J.E. W.E. Chas.R. Florence W. Mrs.C.R. R.E. 61 1908 1916 1910 1923 1895 1899 1906 1916 1905 1905 1905 1912 1900 1903 1909 1900 1900 1913 1924 1903 1904 1903 1903 1897 1898 1906 1905 1897 1905 1899 1918 1899 1917 9-19-62 8-16-36 11-18-34 1974 D 11-46 D 10-10-48 D 1-47 D D 12-20-72 6-3-74 2-37 1968 1-20-36 3-5-58 8-19-32 D D 5-20-58 2-13-49 6-28-73 D 4-4-84 Ownby Ownby Page Page Palmer Palmer Palmer Palmer Palmer Palmer Pape Parcells Parcells Pardee Parenteau Parfitt Park Parker Parker Parker Parker Parker Parker Parker Parker Parker Parker Parker Parker Parker Parker Parks Parks W.D. W.W. Fred L.E. C.R. E.R. H.D. Mary King R.A. Walter William E.H. J.W. M.L. F.A. Carrie P. J.W. R.L. E.A. E.H. E. Tracy F.A. F.A. F.D. G.M. Grace C. I.L. J. Page John W. Mary C. Nellie Haynes R.F. Fannie G.W. 1909 1900 1924 1917 1903 1923 1916 1903 1924 1912 1911 1902 1900 1904 1905 1913 1912 1917 1911 1901 1906 1911 1895 1914 1910 1915 1905 1897 1915 1908 1911 1902 1904 11-19-60 6-68 D D 5-21-52 1-68 2-2-36 D D D 5-11-53 D 1954 D D 11-5-76 D 11-30-38 5-15-69 D D D 1-29-48 D 10-1-49 D ASO Alumni 1894-1924 Parks Parrish Parsley Patterson Patterson Patterson Patterson Patterson Pattie Pattin Paul Paul Paul Pauls Paul Paul Pauly Pauly Pauly Payne Payne Payne Payne Peacock Pearl Pearson Pearson Pease Pecinovsky Peck Peck Peck Peck K.A. E.V. N.Estelle Arthur E. W. Henry E. J.W. R.D. Martha J.P. A.C. A.H. Cathryne S. Peter Daniels Theo W.E. G.W. Lona E. W.F. G.H. George Mabel W. Mabel W. J.Jr. D.E. H.Dale Minnie E. H.L. A.E. E.K.I. J.F. Mary Noonan P.M. 62 1914 1903 1922 1901 1907 1895 1911 1921 1923 1916 1906 1900 1908 1915 1905 1911 1901 1901 1904 1912 1924 1912 1924 1917 1912 1924 1903 1911 1906 1913 1912 1902 1901 D D 6-10-47 3-7-55 D 4-26-60 10-12-58 6-70 8-69 D 4-29-55 10-23-70 D 11-11-71 2-17-41 D 5-5-49 D 6-7-53 4-19-53 7-1-64 D 1-10-62 2-46 4-27-49 1-17-63 D 12-47 Peckham Peckham Pedersen Peebles G.M. H.E. E.C. R.B. Peel Peery Peet Peet Peet Peirce Pellett Pellette Pemberton Pemberton Pendarvis Pendleton Pengra Penland Pennock Pennock Pennock Pennock Pennock Penrose Perkins Perkins Perkins Perrett Perrin Perry Perry Perry Perry Lucy K. Mary W. H.Capitola H.V. T.J. Harvey James H.L. E.F. Lulu B. S.D. O.E. G.H. C.A. H.E. Abbie J. D.S. Daisy F. L.N. Paul Henry J.T. F.C. Myrtel V. Wm. C. Mary E. G.W. C.W. L.D. Mary Witton R.M. 1921 1902 4-19-60 1919 1902 D11-658 1901 1-11-48 1909 7-5-33 1904 D 1924 1964 1904 12-5-40 1918 D 1898 1909 5-17-57 1901 12-47 1900 12-18-30 1904 D 1897 D 1915 D 1902 D 1901 D 1901 12-10-62 1906 1904 D 1914 12-23-30 1907 7-8-49 1924 4-72 1901 1901 D 1909 9-9-44 1904 D 1906 4-41 1916 D 1909 7-5-33 1917 6-16-55 ASO Alumni 1894-1924 Person Petermeyer Peters Peters Peters Petery Peterson Peterson Peterson Peterson Peterson Peterson Peterson Peterson-Keyes Petree Pettefer Pettefer Pettit Pettit Pettit Pettit Pflueger Phalen Phalen Pheils Pheils Phelan Phelps Phelps Phelps Phelps Phelps Phelps Agnes E. A.C. Chas F. F.F. Helga S. Wm. E. A.W. C. C.A. E.O. J.M. Mrs.Jennie D. R.H. Mrs.Ida E. Martha A. Maude A. Beth E. H.J. Inez T. R.W. A. Ruth A. W.H. E.H. E.T. Jennie E. C.C. Fannie J. Grace T. H.C. John W. Mabel Blake 63 1905 1917 1904 1900 1903 1903 1899 1920 1898 1910 1920 1899 1916 1899 1904 1915 1915 1919 1901 1916 1919 1916 1904 1903 1912 1905 1914 1906 1903 1907 1905 1900 1902 9-26 3-17-61 5-45 D 3-30-64 2-28-35 12-16-67 D D 12-53 12-24-59 D 2-17-74 6-41 1-5-56 D D 1-8-65 D 12-80 11-24-32 D D 3-22-54 2-5-52 9-30-37 D D Phelps Phillippe Phillips Phillips Phillips Phillips Phillips Phippin Pickens Pickerell Pickhardt Pickler Pickler Pierce Pierce Pierce Pierce Pierce Piercy Pigott Pinney Pinnock Piper Piper Pippinger Pirtle Pitt Pitts Pitts Pixley Pixley Plamer Plant Thomas G. Hester T. Beatrice H. J.M. Gussie J.W.H. K.B. C.E. Mabel A.L. R.J. E.C. R.S. E.G. F. H.J. M.Margaret Nellie M. G.F. Adalyn K. L.C. P.H. A.S. F.A. Cora Minnie Harmon W. S. Anna B. Eugene Anna D. I.D. W.W. E.A. 1903 1906 1911 1911 1904 1902 1911 1905 1904 1912 1915 1895 1906 1918 1902 1918 1918 1906 1914 1903 1919 1914 1905 1905 1912 1905 1920 1901 1901 1908 1914 1912 1905 4-41 6-16-48 D 5-10-63 12-10-58 7-11-37 6-46 5-30-36 9-23-85 3-21-67 3-11-33 2-46 2-15-68 D D 8-8-61 1-26-34 1-7-64 6-7-38 7-36 10-8-63 2-21-51` 1-20-58 D 4-9-59 5-35 D ASO Alumni 1894-1924 Platt Platt Platt Pleak Pleak Pleak Pleak Plummer Plummer Pluss Plymell Poage Pocock Pocock Pohl Poland Poland Polley Polley Pollock Pollock Pollock Polly Polmeteer Polmeteer Polmeteer Pontius Pool Poole Poole Pool Poore Popplewell E.D. Frances R. Dana H. J.J. John J. S.M. Ella Bissell F.M. Margueret E. G.W. J.F. H.J. J. H.A. Frank L. L.L. A.A. Mabel C.S. Edith W. Lissa M. P.W. E.C. Frank Ina Barker G.A. E.L. I.C. Margaret M. W.O. Marion W. J.H. 64 1917 1904 1910 1903 1902 1923 1902 1904 1906 1903 1910 1899 1911 1918 1924 1906 1923 1900 1900 1914 1920 1913 1904 1902 1894 1902 1904 1905 1904 1903 1901 1923 1921 1-29-69 D 12-24-35 11-15-50 D D D D D 8-64 D 6-23-37 9-17-56 5-23-74 1965 4-17-37 D 12-17-57 11-21-55 D 2-6-58 1-3-53 9-25-79 5-23-56 Porter Porterfield Posey Potee Potter Potter Potter Poulter Poulter Poulter Pound Povlovich Powell Powell Powell Powell Powell Powell Powell Powell Powell Powell Powell Powers Powrie Pratt Pratt Pratt Pratt Pray Prentice Prescott Prescott A.H. G.D. T.W. C.G. C.W. Minnie E. W.A. Allie O. Estelle E. R.E. G.C. C.A. Anna B.K. Charlotte I. Cora E.S. Ernest S. G.B. Jennie Betts R.B. W.S. Vera B. Ada W. J.D. C.T. Edwin J. F.P. Mary E. C.I. Virginia Graham A.Z. Mayme Tuttle 1910 1923 1904 1923 1921 1898 1897 1910 1909 1909 1910 1919 1900 1924 1924 1901 1909 1901 1909 1923 1900 1912 1920 1903 1923 1923 1911 1906 1904 1924 1903 1909 1908 10-42 5-75 5-50 3-41 8-31-74 5-21-56 D 9-7-77 8-22-70 D 5-24-60 11-8-53 4-29-52 7-16-22 4-75 3-3-35 7-16-72 D 8-27-37 D D 9-24-80 8-28-40 1-20-59 5-1-57 ASO Alumni 1894-1924 Pressly Prewett Prewett Price Price Price Price Price Price Price Price Price Price Price Prickett Prindle Printy Printy Printy Priseler Proctor Proctor Proctor Proctor Proctor Proctor Proctor Proctor Propst Propst Propst Prudden Puckitt Mason W. J.M. J.W. clara M. Emily Hyer Emma A.H. George R. H.A. J.A. J.P. Mildred H. O.W. R.L. W.E. O.B. R.H. J.M. Josephine Sylvia Ethel N. A.C. Alice C.W. Clara L. E.R. Florence B. G.J. Mehitabel Cecil M. J.A. Z.Z. M.A. J.U. 65 1898 1902 1902 1901 1901 1901 1901 1909 1901 1919 1901 1917 1901 1902 1898 1909 1916 1903 1906 1912 1900 1897 1900 1899 1903 1903 1907 1902 1924 1922 1900 1912 1916 3-3-46 D 3-30-54 D 8-4-38 10-3-48 D 12-25-47 4-25-58 D 6-23-66 3-29-59 D 12-1-37 11-62 D D D D 7-11-36 D 11-18-55 10-7-42 D 12-12-26 7-72 4-15-57 D 10-18-80 1928 Pugh Pugh Pultz Pumphrey Pumphrey Purdom Purdom Purdom Purdy Purdy Purkitt Purnell Putman Putman Quade Quick Quintal Radcliff Rader Rader Raderbaugh Raffenberg Raindge Ralston Ramsey Ramsay Ramsey J.M. Minnie Megrew F.G. Irvin L. Louise H. Hezzie Carter Theodosia Zudie Julia A. V.W. Leah Emma D.P. H.A. Selma L. R.T. J.A. Harry K. G.B. Nannie L.N. W.M. E.L. H. J.L. F. Earl Elizabeth Evelyn Lee 1901 1901 1924 1924 1918 1902 1902 1910 1916 1910 1918 1904 1900 1900 1918 1906 1899 1920 1914 1914 1923 1906 1911 1915 1918 1924 1917 2-10-29 3-14-51 7-20-63 10-24-64 9-17-54 3-10-41 1920 12-5-33 4-81 1-2-58 Ramsey Ramsey Randall Randall Randolph Rankin F.E. J.E. Ada C. D.M. Edward Florence 1918 1907 10-23-49 1907 D 1923 1908 D 1907 12-44 12-22-89 1-31-69 D 4-10-59 D 9-47 5-26-73 10-53 D 2-69 11-2548 ASO Alumni 1894-1924 66 Rankin Rankin Rannells Rape Rattray Ratzlaff Ratzlaff Rau Rauch Rausch J.T. N.H. W.B. E. Gertrude B. Helen N. Helena N.A. Marie K. Charles F. L.A. 1897 1916 1916 1919 1923 1924 1919 1907 1924 1917 Ray Ray Ray Ray Ray Ray Ray A.D. C.D. C.N. C.T. E.C. Mary L. T.L. 9-10-70 4-30-30 7-18-78 12-2368 1900 1-17-67 1899 6-14-35 1909 12-66 1904 1965 1905 12-40 1909 1-53 1898 12-7-55 Raymond Raymond Raymond Raymond-Fordyce Raynor Rea Reade Reade Reagan Ream Ream Reckley Record Rector Rector H.B. Margaret T. Mildred L. Annie M. E.E. F.G. G.W. G.W. T.E. Helen M. Howard M. Mary D. Blanche B. B.N. Emma 1913 1916 1916 1916 1913 1914 1916 1917 1900 1924 1924 1907 1913 1902 1904 2-27-63 5-14-34 D 6-74 8-10-36 9-4-56 9-14-59 D 5-4-67 5-43 D D 7-19-81 D 6-23-62 9-15-42 Rector Redfield Redford Reed Reed Reed Reed Reed Reed Rees Reese Reese Reese Reese Reesman Reesman Reesman Reesman Reesor Reeve Reeves Reeves Regan Reger Reichert Reid Reid Reid Reid S. Dora W. M.E. A.G. A.I. Cordelia M. Daisy Williams R.A. W. J.T. Bertha K. D.H. T.R. W.E. A.J. B.F. E.S. R.G. J.A. Orilla M. Gertrude O. W.T. Lou B. L.C. E.W. A.M. Anna G. C.C. Eva Greene Reid Reid Reid Reid G.W. J.F. M.J. T.C. 1916 1899 1916 1920 1907 1900 1901 1908 1900 1899 1916 1902 1916 1905 1900 1900 1902 1919 1901 1911 1905 1924 1901 1918 1913 1906 1902 1899 1905 2-16-41 2-29-36 D 12-14-79 2-52 D D D D 7-10-48 9-13-59 7-4-67 3-7-68 D 12-29-70 3-12-44 D 5-23-68 7-46 7-16-66 1-37 9-11-60 10-2870 1901 11-23-39 1901 2-27-53 1916 9-16-66 1912 6-1-59 ASO Alumni 1894-1924 Reid Reid Reiff Reigart Reilly Reinbeck Reincke Reinecke Reinhart Reiter Remington Rennick Rennick Renshaw Rerucha Reuber Reuter Revare Reynolds Reynolds Reynolds Reynolds Reynolds Reznikov Reznikov Reznikov Rhoades Rhoads Rhoads Rhoads Rhoads Rhotchamel Rhynsburger W.E. W.H. Hetty M. M.G. P.A. F.L. C.H. H.J. C.W. R.L. E.J. Blanche B. Minnie L. Della V.V. H.E. Mary E. E.G. B.A. D.I. E.R. J.F. L.F. Alexandra Anna J.N. Millie Aaron W. Bertha Lacy C.J. George B. Clara W.J. 67 1901 1916 1922 1918 1917 1923 1923 1912 1915 1916 1917 1917 1918 1901 1914 1918 1917 1923 1921 1910 1914 1898 1923 1913 1912 1916 1905 1901 1901 1908 1901 1900 1898 12-7-58 5-24-62 7-22-63 3-29-60 4-17-75 12-30-47 3-7-78 10-4-70 5-28-37 12-1-75 7-21-83 2-54 8-30-54 4-27-58 8-23-48 3-24-40 8-22-53 5-1-55 12-4-55 3-19-79 D D D D D Rice Rice Rice Rice Rice Rice Richard Richards Richards Richards Richards Richards Richardson Richardson Richardson Richardson Richardson Richardson Richarson Richmond Rickart Rickenbach Rickett Rider Ridley Rieger Rieger Rieger Riel Rieman Riemer Rifenbark Rifenbark Bert E.A. Harriet F. R. D. R.W. W.L. G.T. C.H. C.L. P.T. S. D. T.K. C.L. Flora M. H.J. Ira F. V.M. W.H. Julia E. R.P. E.G. J.H. J.D. C.L. C.J. Daisy D. J. Theodore Audrey T.F. Martin L. L.P. L.I. R.D. 1912 1902 1903 1914 1917 1899 1918 1908 1911 1913 1902 1911 1901 1915 1903 1901 1916 1905 1914 1912 1895 1924 1922 1897 1913 1902 1905 1918 1913 1924 1916 1915 1912 12-44 D 6-7-57 D 9-48 D 1945 10-12-61 9-16 D D 1918 D 3-8-51 7-7-38 1945 5-21-70 4-21-49 10-19-60 4-15-48 D 12-23-55 D 3-14-65 11-18-37 D 6-12-78 1963 3-12-93 6-24-72 4-47 ASO Alumni 1894-1924 Rieger Rightnour Riley Riley Riley Riley Riley Riley Riley Riley Riley Riley Riley Rimol Ringel Ringler Ringler Ritter Roades Robb Roben Roben Roberts Roberts Roberts Roberts Roberts Roberts Roberts Roberts Roberts Roberts Roberts T.Audrey S.R. B.F. Bertha Chloe Carlock G.W. Georgia Campbell H.L. Myrtle C. James A. J.W., Jr. Nannie B R.J. Anna E.C. S. Frances Mary J. Florence G. L.G. M.G. W.B. Alice W. Arthur B.C. B.F. D.B. F. G. F.S. Herb E. H.L. H.V. I.M. 68 1918 1900 1900 1900 1899 1904 1921 1899 1911 1900 1901 1902 1918 1915 1916 1904 1904 1923 1914 1912 1913 1918 1921 1901 1901 1900 1908 1911 1913 1905 1916 1916 1915 D 11-12-38 6-15-40 D 9-25-54 D 12-7-60 D D D 4-23-65 10-15-76 D 3-31-57 8-7-59 3-15-58 D D D 10-4-63 8-3-50 4-7-68 10-3-35 D D D 10-9-39 7-9-49 D D Roberts Roberts Roberts Roberts Roberts Robertson Robertson Robertson Robertson Robertson Robertson Robinett Robinson Robinson Robinson Robinson Robinson Robinson Robinson Robinson Robinson Robison Robson Robson Robson Robuck Robuck Rochester Rockwell Rockwell Roddy Roddy Roddy J.W. Mary E. Mrs.K. Shelton E. W.L. A.E. Grace C. Harold M. J. L.D. O.C. J.H. C.E. C.F. Ida Ira W. J.W. L.A. M.C. Mina A. S.C. Lou M. E.W.R. Joanne B. T.T. J.H. S.V. Emma Dana B. Lula A. E.A.K. G.H. R. 1918 1916 1900 1924 1900 1905 1918 1924 1905 1901 1906 1914 1911 1915 1919 1903 1906 1913 1904 1903 1903 1904 1906 1906 1913 1906 1913 1900 1903 1906 1914 1914 1912 10-14-55 D 5-70 4-5-56 10-11-47 D 3-23-50 2-45 5-14-57 8-74 D D 12-2-55 1-28-84 D D 4-26-63 4-1-45 1-9-54 D D 5-27-76 D 9-2-55 7-28-59 5-19-52 3-2-56 10-3-56 ASO Alumni 1894-1924 69 Roddy Roderick Rogers Rogers Rogers Rogers W. J.S. A.W. B.M. C.E. C.R. 1917 12-21-37 1915 D 1906 D 1916 3-12-77 1911 1-10-45 1900 D Rogers Rogers Rogers Rogers Rogers Rogers Rogers Rogers Rohacek Rohacek Rohweder Roland Roleke Rolston Rolf Romig Roop Root Root Root Rosch Roscoe Roscoe Rose Roseberry Rosebrook Rosecrans Margaret F. Elmer Duncan Effie L.W. Ida M. Johnny B. R.W. W.A. W.L. Eugenia Armstrong W. H. A.A. Helen A. John LeRoy H.G. Kathryn A. Ethel D. F.E. J.A. Sadie M. Fanny M. P.E. Everet C.A. R.W. Saphronia Grace E. 1912 1903 1906 1910 1904 1908 1899 1907 1903 1903 1921 1900 1912 1915 1911 1907 1912 1906 1901 1906 1904 1912 1906 1912 1921 1902 1905 1-45 D D 8-28-51 4-29-58 D 4-18-54 5-30-51 7-20-60 1-4-78 D D 10-51 5-13-34 D 6-6-64 6-9-58 2-69 7-7-49 1927 1-19-52 Rosenau Rosencrans Rosengrant Ross Ross Ross Ross Ross Ross Ross-Dyer Rossman Rothfuss Rothrock Roulston Rouner Rouze Rowland Ruby Rude Ruddy Ruenitz Ruff Rudolph Rumelhart Runions Runyen Runyon Runyon Rupert Russell Russell Russell Russell H.A. W.G. Ella M. A.I. B.L. C.A. C.E. J. A. Nelle E. Betty W.F. C.W. Carl E. S.T. George S. Elizabeth H. Nina T. E.E. C.C. T. J. Mary Pittman H. Maude A.H. G.L. M.R. Agnes Nellie A. S.H. Ina Browne B. C.G. H.L. Hazel S. 1923 1919 1905 1903 1921 1899 1902 1902 1921 1908 1914 1909 1924 1918 1924 1906 1913 1915 1907 1903 1905 1922 1917 1918 1917 1917 1902 1899 1901 1914 1915 1906 1914 4-73 D 12-1-35 12-62 9-2-79 11-26-58 D 1-30-51 3-12-64 12-31-37 9-81 8-27-69 1960 11-6-35 1-7-50 1-46 9-72 11-21-59 5-24-62 10-5-60 9-27-59 8-27-53 D D 3-1-64 D ASO Alumni 1894-1924 Russell Russell Russell Russell Russell Russell Rust Rust Rust Rust Rutherford Rutledge Ryals Ryel Ryerson Ryon Sabin Sackett Saddon Sage Sallander Salmen Sammet Samuels Samuels Sanborn Sanborn Sanborn Sands Sanderford Sanford Sanford Sanner Maud G. P.R. R. R.G. Sarah E. William J.W. C. D. C.G. Maude O.J. Fred D. Emily H.B. Jennie A. E.R. O.H. H.W. E.W. Lizzie N.L. R.P. H.C. D.C. C.T. H.R. E.E. Genoa A. R.W. Maude B. H.G. C.F. V.T. E.E. 70 1904 1916 1904 1915 1906 1923 1906 1903 1907 1905 1924 1905 1904 1913 1905 1902 1900 1902 1901 1908 1916 1918 1914 1906 1901 1916 1908 1907 1915 1917 1912 1913 1901 D 6-19-75 1-22-55 D 12-18-70 10-2-33 D 1919 1-4-69 D D 2-78 7-40 2-2-55 3-5-55 D 2-2-86 11-10-39 8-14-39 11-6-63 5-50 2-21-73 2-18-76 12-39 1918 5-31-52 D Sanders Sappington Sargent Sargent Sash Sash Sash Sash-Symmonds Sasville Satterlee Sauder Saunders Saunders Saunders Savage Savage Sawtelle Sawyer Sawyer Sawyer Sawyer Sawyer Sawyer Sayre Scaife Scaife Scarlott Schabinger Schaefer Schaefer Schafer Schaffer Schaepe Esther E. Virginia D. Violet B. Violet B. Elizabeth Helen M. Lela M. Ida M. E.M. Nettie E. C.H. A.B. F.K Frances P. Elizabeth P. J.A. C.D. Bertha E. Bula Cameron Charlotte P. H.W. Leanora S. W.F. G.C. L.G. Martha E. Edwin L. P. P.B. R.F. Louise E. H.F. Florence D. 1908 1902 1923 1924 1901 1923 1921 1910 1905 1908 1913 1916 1919 1908 1924 1910 1912 1902 1911 1909 1912 1915 1914 1917 1913 1904 1924 1913 1914 1915 1918 1919 1911 D D D 1944 8-26-39 4-53 6-67 7-19-69 D 1-21-73 7-25-71 D ASO Alumni 1894-1924 Schaub Schefer Schenck Schick Schildberg Schilling Schillinger Schils Schindler Schley Schlingman Schmelzel Schmelzel Schmid Schmidt Schmidt Schmidt Schmidt Schmitt Schmunk Schmunk Schoettle Schoffield Schofield Schofield Schoonmaker Schoonmaker Schoonmaker Schreck Schreiner Schrock Schrock Schultz Minnie R.E. Jeanette Herche W.T. E.T. F. Josephine Allie B. E.I. W.C. Wm. A. Bertha Turk G.F. E.L. C.R. Emma R. J.J. Martha J. F.L. Ida Zellweger P.B. Mary T. Elizabeth V. jennie M. T.M. Ammie B. M.J. P.D. L.H. J.S. J.B. Mary G. W. 71 1901 1915 1913 1923 1914 1909 1912 1906 1918 1918 1903 1906 1907 1904 1917 1901 1901 1918 1914 1902 1906 1902 1899 1906 1902 1914 1923 1917 1923 1910 1903 1901 1923 D 6-39 3-22-87 4-2-48 10-5-58 1-17-36 D 5-5-61 7-28-60 12-10-35 D 2-13-40 D Schultz Schumacher Schwartz Schwartz Schwartz Schwentker Scivally Scivally Scobee Scober Scothorn Scott Scott Scott Scott Scott Scott Scott Scott Seaman Seaman Sears Sears Sears Seay See Seibert Seitz Sellars Sellars Sellards Sellers Sellin W.H. E.L. H.H. J.L. J.P. J.O. Beulah G. Johnnie L. J.D. I.E. S.L. Fay G.D. H.A. J.H.B. Loa E. Roberta Sells T.M. W.E. Fanny W.J. Effie M. Harriet Pauline Thomas G. S.D. O.C. Anna E. A.H. Anna Stanley Dorothy D. M.K. Pearl Bowman 1915 1911 1917 1919 1919 1907 1908 1908 1906 1900 1908 1909 1915 1914 1906 1901 1918 1901 1906 1900 1899 1919 1910 1910 1914 1900 1899 1904 1913 1901 1903 1918 1902 8-8-79 1-62 D 4-13-72 6-12-54 D 2-27-36 D 6-3-69 D 4-1-46 1-31-54 1-30-55 2-16-83 8-28-52 9-3038 1925 1924 7-15-69 10-21-65 12-6-59 6-10-63 D 12-30-58 7-57 ASO Alumni 1894-1924 Semon Semones Sermon Servoss Severson Severy Sevier Sexton Sexton Seymour Shackelford Shackleford Shackleford Shackleford Shackleford Shackleford Shackleford Shackleford Shade Shafer Shafer Shambaugh Shank Shannon Shannon Sharon Sharp Sharp Sharp Sharp Sharpe Shaver Shaw R.R. A.H. R.R. Mary M. Katherine C.L. R.E.L. E.C. W.H. Alma E. Earl U. A. E.H. Hazel V. James R. J.W. Jennie N.H. A.O. Alma Scholesser C.L. D.A. Jane C. F.W. Mabel Wartig T.L. Edna B. F.J. L.Blanche M.H. Elizabeth R.E. C.L. 72 1913 1913 1924 1917 1898 1904 1902 1919 1907 1915 1917 1897 1897 1918 1897 1900 1900 1900 1919 1912 1911 1911 1906 1918 1918 1900 1905 1912 1912 1905 1913 1924 1916 8-3-59 4-29-67 10-13-64 D D 12-35 11-77 1-3-36 8-31-60 5-65 D D 10-19-72 D D D D 7-14-60 1981 4-30-75 3-12-77 2-1-48 10-16-32 10-22-67 12-29-61 5-11-70 Shaw Shaw Shaw Shaw Shaw Shaw Shay Shearer Sheehan Sheldon Sheldon Sheldon Shellenberger Shellenberger Shellenberger Shenefelt Shepardson Sheperds Sheperd Shepherd Shepherdson Shepherdson Shepherdson Shepler Shepler Shepler Sheppard Sheppard Sherburne Sherburne Sherburne Sherfey Sheridan D.H. E.L. Everett Fred E. Minnie A. Nora E. W.G. F.L. T.J.G. Carolyn Susie A. T.W. J.M. M.B. N.W. R.B. G.B. Mary M. B. L.K. Ida J. W.L. W.V. F.L. Mary Maurice Webster J.E. R.A. F.W. H.K. Mary C.W. Adah M. 1898 1913 1924 1924 1912 1916 1922 1908 1899 1906 1905 1900 1916 1921 1913 1914 1915 1906 1904 1916 1919 1916 1924 1924 1924 1915 1911 1898 1899 1900 1911 1905 D 11-25-84 D 5-18-76 D D D 4-24-53 3-24-44 3-11-41 11-9-66 9-19-63 7-16-51 6-24-37 12-4-37 9-4-33 12-4-37 12-19-82 7-6-63 D 1-55 D 5-15-40 D D ASO Alumni 1894-1924 Sheridan Sheridian Sherman Sherriffs Sherrill Sherrill Sherrill Shibley Shifflet Shifflett Shike Shipman Shipman Shoemaker Shoemaker Shook Shook Shorb Shorey Short Shortridge Shoush Shoush Shove Shrum Shugrue Shugrue Shultz Shuman Shumate Shupe Shupert Sickles Margueret B. Lillian Balance Anna K. Mary C.M. Emma M. G.P. Alice Patterson C.E. Ella J. Ray K.W. Wesley C. G.O. P.A. R.L. R.O.S. F.Nellie J.L. G.A. Rosette F.M. F.M.Jr. Florence I. M. F. Laura F. R.W. Louise D. C.R. Grace Mary E. N.J.H. 73 1903 8-26-39 1902 1901 1910 3-23-55 1910 4-1-34 1911 11-12-35 1920 2-22-58 1895 D 1903 8-3-60 1910 3-81 1905 3-27-67 1908 8-30-53 1902 10-1-54 1901 7-7-42 1904 D 1914 3-30-76 1906 1922 1901 D 1915 2-22-49 1910 D 1902 5-28-34 1913 1902 D 1899 8-6-49 1917 1912 1910 6-70 1913 D 1903 D 1909 9-10-61 1907 1-7-65 1904 D Sieburg Siegert Siehl Siehl Sigler Sigler Sigler Sigler Sikkenga Siler Siler Siler Simkins Simmons Simmons Simmons Simmons Simons Simons Simpson Sims Sinclair Sinclair Sinclair Sinden Sinden Sinden Singer Sinsabaugh Sippy Sisson Sisson Sisson C.G. Anna M. M.Elizabeth W.H. C.M. H.R. V.B. W.D., Jr. A.L. Edna J. M.D. O.A. Belle C. C.B. H. F. Ida M. L.Grace J. James C. Hazel Axtell Mary L. Arthur D. Julia Sarratt P.S. A.B. Dorothy Gould H.E. Frances H. E.D. A.H. Ada B. E. Effie 1903 1914 1913 1915 1899 1900 1906 1900 1919 1914 1914 1904 1906 1915 1898 1902 1915 1916 1910 1917 1907 1910 1905 1917 1917 1907 1907 1905 1923 1897 1901 1900 1898 12-28 8-12-73 3-22-70 5-27-55 3-31-36 4-22-50 7-15-54 4-10-54 6-6-62 D D 1-10-37 8-4-34 D 1963 9-17-58 6-17-52 10-12-57 D D 7-30-37 6-30-79 7-23-68 11-23-50 7-5-76 11-46 8-29-66 3-62 ASO Alumni 1894-1924 Skeels Skeen Skene Skidmore Skyburg Slack Slater Slaughter Slaughter Slaughter Slavin Slayden Slocum Slocum Sluyter Sluyter Smalley Smallwood Smallwood Smiley Smiley Smith Smith Smith Smith Smith Smith Smith Smith Smith Smith Smith Smith S.Mabel G.S. J.H. J.W. Hilga Annie Roberts Wm. F. Hattie J.T. M.S. J.L. R.H. H.I. Laura E. E.G. E.R. M.W. G.S. Harriett Frances Elizabeth M. W.M. A.H. A.M. A.N. Allie M. Anna M. Anna M. Annie O. B.P. Bessie M. C.D. Carrie E. Moores C.G. 74 1921 1900 1916 1905 1903 1906 1905 1911 1910 1907 1899 1905 1920 1920 1913 1915 1924 1907 1908 1921 1898 1911 1912 1907 1899 1902 1904 1923 1900 1904 1917 1908 1917 10-26-81 10-9-50 1-8-33 D 3-13-48 10-22-69 9-68 2-9-61 10-11-52 5-7-52 6-70 10-2-56 2-24-70 4-72 8-24-81 11-28-34 D D 9-18-70 2-6-56 1-20-63 D D D Smith Smith Smith Smith Smith Smith Smith Smith Smith Smith Smith Smith Smith Smith Smith Smith Smith Smith Smith Smith Smith Smith Smith Smith Smith Smith Smith Smith Smith Smith Smith Smith Smith C.S. C.T. Carrie Moores D.C. E.C. E.H. E.R. Elizabeth E. Ernest P. F.C. F.H. F.J. Francis J. F.L. F.P. F.P. G.P. Georgiana B. H.C. H.H. H.R. Helena F. Isabelle B. J.E. J.M. J.M. J.M. J.O. J.P. J.R. Julia L. K.K. L.D. 1913 1898 1908 1901 1902 1910 1908 1913 1897 1908 1900 1914 1916 1910 1902 1904 1912 1906 1911 1901 1901 1902 1907 1903 1903 1905 1907 1905 1911 1908 1909 1899 1900 1-20-54 9-22-47 5-20-70 D 1-19-63 5-22-55 D D 8-24-32 8-30-73 7-19-68 10-10-11 4-15-67 6-46 4-15-58 4-12-78 5-18-48 D 4-30-73 1-5-55 6-45 D D 7-29-46 D D ASO Alumni 1894-1924 Smith Smith Smith Smith Smith Smith Smith Smith Smith Smith Smith Smith Smith Smith Smith Smith Smith Smith Smith Smith Smith Smith-Bull Smock Smoot Smoot Smyth Smythe Snapp Snapp Snare Snare Snare Snavely L.H. LeRoy E. Lindy B. M.A. Mary E. N.A. N.M. O.E. Phoebe A. Hook R.B. R.G. Roberta W. T.N. V.B. V.B. W.J. W.P. W.S. W.V. Wilbur L. William Grace L. Anna Esther M.A. W.P. L.B. a.J. J.W. C.J. J.P. W.P. J.W. 75 1917 1898 1897 1907 1906 1903 1924 1903 1901 1918 1914 1912 1915 1904 1918 1899 1912 1905 1909 1897 1894 1906 1924 1924 1905 1905 1903 1910 1914 1905 1906 1907 1900 6-6-64 1940 9-28-35 5-31-11 D D 11-21-50 D 12-82 D D 2-20-58 D D D 12-3-47 4-16-12 2-13-61 D 9-26-44 8-28-09 11-27-09 D D 10-10-29 8-21 8-27-20 Snavely Snedeker Snedeker Snedeker Sneed Snethen Snider Snyder Snyder Snyder Snyder Snyder Snyder Snyder Snyder Snyder Snyder Snyder Soden Soldner Sommer Sommers Sommers Sorensen Sorenson Souder Southworth Sowers Sowers Spafford Spalding Spalding Spangler P.B. F.S. H. O.O. G.F. Cora E. C.K. B.J. C.W. Cora E. Edna F.D. G.H. J.C. J.E. Mary F. Mary F. W.W. Charles H. W.H. Chas G.W. Mattie Corbin Louis C. Margaret R.L. Bertha B. H.E. L.E. M.R. Jennie L. T.W. C.B. 1904 1903 1901 1905 1920 1917 1920 1915 1915 1906 1924 1917 1921 1916 1901 1919 1923 1907 1923 1915 1898 1896 1899 1905 1904 1917 1907 1909 1915 1908 1915 1911 1913 D 7-67 10-25-32 12-27-37 5-10-40 D 1-20-75 6-15-81 3-24-58 D 3-25-80 6-72 11-9-72 D D 8-12-57 D D D 1963 D D D 10-7-54 D D 5-9-63 ASO Alumni 1894-1924 Spangler Spangeberg Spates Spates Spaunhurst Spear Spear Speegle Spence Spence Spence Spence Spencer Spencer Spencer Spencer Spencer Sperry Sperry Spicer Spicer Spicer Spicer Spickmore Spill Spiller Spitler Spohr Spore Sprague Sprenger Springer Springer H.L. Caroline Aughey Virginia Edwin M. J.F. D.A. Frances E. Andrew A. Alice N. H.D. P.S. Thomas H. Daisy E. H.C. J.H. J.J. J.M. C.M. Myra E. D.F. E.W. Ella M. Nettie L. A.C.C. W.E. Sammie E. J.F. C.B. E.H. J.H. J.W. R.S. V.L. 76 1898 1908 1901 1903 1900 1901 1902 1902 1906 1914 1907 1906 1906 1915 1917 1900 1924 1906 1902 1905 1916 1914 1905 1898 1901 1914 1915 1909 1923 1917 1920 1923 1905 D D 3-24-40 11-30-53 D D D 12-24-35 9-11-72 D D 10-5-73 3-15-51 1-24-74 3-5-71 1946 7-8-48 4-22-59 3-4-53 1-15-38 2-5-52 8-15-66 8-2-51 7-14-47 D D 12-14-58 Springmire Spring-Rice Squire Squires Srofe St.John St.Pierre Staff Staff Stafford Stahr Stanford Stanford Stanley Stanton Starbuck Starbuck Stark Starkwather Starkweather Starr Starr Starr Starr Starr Stauber Stauffer Stauffer Stearns Stearns Steele Steele Steele Fannie L. Theodosia M. R.N. C.J. Bessie M. F.M. R.K. G. L.E. Florence D.M. C.F. Elizabeth R.P. J.H. D.W. M.B. R.A. Louisa A. R.L. C.W. E.G. Helen F. J.F. P.T. C.F. Grace H. L.S. C.H. M.W. E.L. E.M. F.A. 1902 1906 1911 1914 1909 1910 1919 1900 1911 1900 1914 1912 1902 1904 1913 1901 1917 1913 1910 1904 1915 1904 1902 1902 1903 1924 1907 1902 1901 1908 1915 1918 1908 10-1-49 D 12-14-54 6-30-53 7-21-26 1945 7-1-58 D D 9-22-73 10-4-19 9-4-19 7-15-11 2-4-56 5-29-17 6-70 D 1922 7-12-23 D 11-13-54 D D 7-16-23 5-17-36 6-46 8-14-19 1-15-51 2-26-69 ASO Alumni 1894-1924 Steele Steen Steere Stelle Stelle Stephens Stephens Stephens Stephens Stephenson Stephenson Stephenson Stephenson Stephenson Stephenson Stephenson Stern Stern Stern Stern Sterling Sterrett Stevens Stevens Stevens Stevens StevensHenderson Stevenson Stevenson Stevenson Stevenson Stevenson Stevens-Rausch 77 W.W. F.N. M.L. R.D. T.Y. Genoa D. J.H. M.L. R.L. C.I. G.M. Harriett F. Lottie E. R.D. T.C. W.C. Marie Rose Reznikov Rose T. S.M. Clara C. R.R. C.A. Grace Leona K. Raush C.B. Eva 1895 1906 1904 1905 1911 1907 1904 1899 1906 1905 1924 1905 1905 1918 1900 1905 1916 1916 1906 1914 1904 1917 1907 1924 1916 1914 1902 D 6-24-42 6-26 8-24-12 12-15-60 D Edith I. G.M. Henrietta A. J.F. Richard G. Leona K. 1916 1-40 1918 3-25-67 1901 2-1-12 1901 1927 1903 5-14-52 1916 12-28 6-19-69 5-18-52 D 2-18-63 12-02-39 8-28-46 D D 3-47 7-6-11 6-19-51 D D 8-12-75 1963 4-26-67 Steward Stewart Stewart Stewart Stewart Stewart Stewart Stewart Stewart Stewart W.A. C.E. C.H. Carrie B. Clara B. Elmina F.E. Frank J. H.D. H.H. 1913 1903 1916 1905 1918 1903 1903 1901 1905 1918 3-3-27 8-24-41 D D Stewart Stewart Stewart Stewart Stewart Still Still J.A. J.J. L.K.R. Nellie V. W.W. A.Jeff Andrew Taylor (Founder) B.F. Bessie U. C.E. E.C. Ella D. Eugene U. Fred Fred M. Geo.A. H.M. H.T. J.M. Mabel J. S.S. T.C. 1908 1895 1894 1894 1897 1924 1894 1924 1905 1894 1894 1895 1911 1895 1897 9-13-49 8-25-16 7-6-55 D D Still Still Still Still Still Still Still Still Still Still Still Still Still Still Still D 3-30-33 12-16-58 11-1460 1902 D 1918 5-4-59 1898 1921 1906 D 1924 3-11-83 1897 12-12-17 D 6-23-78 11-23-22 D D D D D D ASO Alumni 1894-1924 Still Stiles Stingle Stockton Stockwell Stoddard Stoel Stoffer Stokes Stokey Stoltenberg Stombaugh Stone Stone Stoner Storm Story Stotler Stott Stout Stout Stout Stover Stover Strait Strance Stratton Strauss Stravens Strayer Streeter Strickland Strickland V.F. John Abram Nettie O. Martha J. Ida B. Kate H.M. F.M. James Homer Laura E. Anna L. Dennis E. F.G. J.C. A.B. Julia F. E.G. Mary Faires J.R. A.L. Helen Messerschmidt O.G. O.O. S.H. H.H. C.W. Grace C. D.G. Madeline Vera A. W.A. Cordelia K.S. 78 1921 1906 1904 1903 1904 1909 1907 1922 1924 1909 1912 1923 1904 1902 1913 1901 1913 1912 1901 1917 1917 12-84 12-27-32 1901 1913 1909 1900 1913 1904 1916 1903 1913 1906 1899 1915 11-1-41 1953 10-31-67 1937 7-24-51 7-13-54 1-14-32 D 8-23-36 1-9-75 10-16-69 8-64 2-11-46 5-51 11-24-64 10-6-88 11-13-56 4-51 9-14-48 3-18-49 12-81 1-31-41 4-16-62 D 3-17-64 Stroh Strom Stroman Strong Strong Strother Strother Strowd Strowd Struble Struble Strum Stryker Stryker Stryker Stuart Stubblefield Stuhlman Stukey Stukey Sturmer Sturmer Sturmer Stuver Sudekum Sullivan Sullivan Sullivan Sullivan Sullivan Sullivan Summers Summers C.H. Rebekka Mary F. E.V. L. V. J.A. J.O. E.Alice T. J.H. C.D. Robert M. Charlotte Anna K. C.N. W.R. J.S. Hallie H. P.H. Grover C. Henry L. Louis G. Viola B. W.N. H.Jr. A.T. Clara E. H.B. J.H. Mary Kelley R. E.J. F.J. 1915 1910 1922 1897 1904 1899 1899 1918 1918 1905 1908 1906 1904 1913 1910 1900 1917 1923 1923 1923 1922 1924 1924 1906 1909 1906 1901 1900 1896 1898 1912 1916 1922 7-1-28 D 11-19-50 9-9-94 7-2-66 3-14-08 4-4-52 8-11-58 D 10-67 D D 4-25-67 5-69 10-19-80 8-30-26 10-24-48 4-5-60 4-8-77 9-45 6-48 6-18-57 8-14-19 7-25-35 D 4-1-64 11-16-75 ASO Alumni 1894-1924 Sutcliffe-Lean Suter Sutherland Sutherland Sutherland Sutton Sutton Sutton Swan Swan Swanson Swartz Swartz Sweek Sweek Sweet Sweet Sweet Sweet Sweet Sweetman Swett Swett Swift Swift Swift Swift Switzer Switzer Swope Syler Sylvester Symmes Dora H. R.E. Celia Bowker Mary W.G. Emilie V. H.W. Lillian A. C.Nelson W.E. Bessie M. Laura E. W.C. Nora Kneisel W.O. B.V. B.W. H.A. Ralph A. Wilford N. F.H. B.A. W.W. A.A. I.H. L.J. N.L. C.R. R.H. C.D. H.B. J.W. H.O. 79 1912 1899 1900 1914 1900 1910 1909 1921 1898 1898 1917 1903 1903 1908 1910 1901 1901 1923 1901 1924 1906 1899 1900 1911 1914 1909 1907 1899 1904 1908 1915 1904 1916 6-4-86 7-5-56 9-23-54 10-4-60 D 5-6-63 1966 10-27-63 5-21-21 11-3-55 10-5-40 D 3-2-40 4-4-19 3-8-57 12-31-69 2-25-49 4-16-78 4-27-76 2-19-85 2-10-71 1928 D 2-77 7-27-17 Symmonds Symmonds Symonds Taber Tabor Taliaferro Tallman Talmadge Tandy Tanner Tappan Tarr Tarr Tarrant Tasker Tasker Taylor Taylor Taylor Taylor Taylor Taylor Taylor Taylor Taylor Taylor Taylor Taylor Taylor Taylor Taylor Taylor Taylor E.E. W.A. V.C. Mary E. L. C.C.Jr. T.N. Katharine A. R.T. C.W. Emeline A.J. J.W. C.W. Cora Newell Dain L. Althea L. C.E. Elizabeth S. F.C. F.H. H.J. I.E. Ina L. J.C. L.H. Lily F. Lorena B. Maude W. Meritt E. P.S. S.M. T.L. 1916 1901 1921 1901 1909 1918 1923 1904 1910 1902 1900 1908 1905 1919 1904 1904 1912 1903 1913 1913 1918 1923 1907 1916 1912 1897 1910 1922 1911 1905 1916 1903 1901 2-9-73 3-16-51 4-3-55 D 8-10-26 D D D 1-26-62 D 2-17-57 D 9-15-45 6-6-63 3-27-70 10-18-67 D 1927 12-13-73 D 10-4-19 12-70 10-9-58 12-72 D 12-16-11 ASO Alumni 1894-1924 Taylor Teall Teall Teall Tebbetts Tedford Tedford Tedrick Temple Templeton Terrell Terrell Terrell Terry Tete Tevebaugh Thaison Thawley Thayer Thayer Thayer Thibaudean Thiele Thomas Thomas Thomas Thomas Thomas Thomas Thomas Thomas Thomas Thomas Vernon B. C.C. Mrs.C.C. Frank L. G.W. A.C. Julia M. C.A. S. J.W. A.P. Bennora C.M. Leanna M. Henry Inez Adellina E.Q. Edna H.A. Helen E. Viola F.G. Bertha L. Courtnry C. F.G. Frances H. F.M. H.R. H.W. L.E. Lelia M. M.E. 80 1924 1899 1899 1918 1907 1913 1911 1913 1907 1918 1901 1902 1904 1923 1900 1900 1915 1902 1906 1902 1902 1913 1908 1902 1923 1904 1909 1900 1918 1915 1915 1899 1910 D D 2-73 9-73 D 3-8-69 8-1-34 D D D 1-24-75 5-7-73 D 2-15-23 D D 3-29-62 10-26-62 11-30-15 12-13-67 12-40 9-2-36 D 10-12-20 D 3-16-58 10-28-82 D D Thomas Thomas Thomas Thomas Thomas Thomasson Thomasson Thoms Thompson Thompson Thompson Thompson Thompson Thompson Thompson Thompson Thompson Thompson Thompson Thompson Thompson Thompson Thompson Thompson Thompson Thompson Thompson Thompson Thompson Thompson Thompson Thompson Thompson Maude B. R.F. R.M. W.H. W.T. Alice M. W.S. Fanny A.E. Anna I. Bertha H. D. E. Cecile O.W. D.O. Dessa B. Elizabeth M. G.E. Gladys D. H.B. H.E. I.N. J.A. J.W. L.G. L.N. Lillian L. Lucy F. M.S. Mary S. Nora L. Pearl E. T.G. W.H. 1903 1899 1910 1903 1901 1904 1904 1909 1909 1902 1907 1902 1916 1905 1907 1902 1906 1916 1902 1907 1902 1898 1907 1916 1917 1907 1901 1914 1901 1904 1924 1915 1910 D D D 4-25-52 D D 4-13-26 9-13-46 4-30-56 8-18-80 D 8-24-59 1948 11-26-38 D 3-7-33 2-29-52 9-21-59 1925 3-27-43 8-74 8-27-65 2-6-53 D 1-84 4-21-54 D ASO Alumni 1894-1924 Thorburn Thorburn Thorington Thorn Thornburg Thornbury Thornton Thornburg Thorsen Thwaites Tibbals Tiberghein Tieke Tieke Tiemann Tilley Tilley Tilley Tillman Tillyer Tindall Tindall Tindall Tindolph Tinkham Tinnen Tipton Titsworth Titsworth Tobin Todd Tome Toole Muriel Staver T.R. W. F.E. Mamie Harter H.A. F.R. Harry Alvey Marie H. W.G. J.W. E. M.Elsa W.H. W.F. C.E. M.R. R.U. J.V. Bell A.W. H.F. Viola C. L.W. Anna G. H.D. Maude L. Eliza A. R.F. L.Mabel Elizabeth Harvey G.B. Clemintine P. 81 1913 1911 1901 1910 1894 1901 1914 1901 1905 1913 1916 1904 1905 1918 1914 1915 1917 1921 1924 1913 1908 1907 1907 1902 1917 1922 1923 1909 1909 1915 1900 1915 1907 D D 3-17-71 D 10-15-56 1965 10-11-70 D D 6-3-60 D D 6-46 1947 8-28-45 12-14-65 7-64 D 5-12-60 2-57 1-24-47 Tordoff Tordoff Torres Town Towne Townsend Townsend Townsend Trabue Tracy Tracy Tracy Tracy Tracy Tracy Trask Trask Trask Traughber Traver Treble Treichler Treichler Treleaven Trench Trenhold Trenholm Treshman Trevitt Trevitt Trieckes Trigg Trimble Edith M. Mark Jr. R.M. Florence M. A.D. E.E. G.A. J.R. Josephine A. Elvira F.L. H.L. Isabelle R. J.R. R.D. E.E. Mary A. R.E. W.F. Ethel K. J.M. Ammie M. C.L. H.T. Jeanette M. Francis H. A.M. Frederick W. Cora W. Edith Theresa A. O.S. G.C. 1924 1924 1921 1916 1917 1902 1906 1917 1905 1903 1899 1914 1914 1911 1916 1917 1902 1902 1900 1906 1906 1912 1911 1917 1903 1905 1898 1901 1908 1913 1913 1913 1906 3-1-78 9-21-65 D 11-2-58 4-23-61 D 12-17-66 8-18-50 7-24-57 D D 9-14-71 D 11-1-56 10-16-79 D 7-20-40 D 7-23-66 D 7-66 5-12-60 12-26-59 8-9-15 8-9-15 6-51 2-23-41 D 12-27 8-12-66 ASO Alumni 1894-1924 Trimble Trimble Trimby Triplett Triplett Triplett Triplett Trowbridge Trowbridge Trowbridge Troy Troyer True. True. Trueblood Trueblood Truhlar Tucker Tucker Tucker Tucker Tucker Tueckes Tufts Tull Tull Tunnell Turfler Turley Turley Turk Turman Turnbull H.B. Hessie H. J.C. L.B. M.E. Neva T. William B. Jennie V. L.R. S.M. William E. H.B. Minnie W. W.F. J.O. Mary J. Robert E. A.R. C.H. E.E. H.E. Mary S. Augustus T. Clarisa B. G.W. H.B. H.E. F.Anna H.I. M.L. Bertha T. Schmeltzel B.D. J.M. 82 1921 1911 1917 1902 1923 1900 1903 1906 1906 1901 1898 1916 1907 1910 1902 1902 1923 1903 1906 1903 1903 1903 1913 1905 1895 1900 1915 1902 1905 1902 1906 12-6-80 8-1-72 3-15-55 3-41 1920 7-11-25 1-47 1966 D D D D 1-17-62 D 2-28-34 D 2-5-66 7-31-48 1934 12-18-11 D 1916 4-27-70 1913 3-14-52 Turnbull Turner Turner Turner Turner Turner Tuttle Tuttle Tuttle Tuttle Tuttle Tuttle Tuttle Tuttle Tuttle Tweed Tweed Twitchell Twoner Tyler Tyndall Tyree Ulrich Ulmer Underwood Underwood Underwood Underwood Underwood Underwood Urbain Urbain Urban Marie G. D.B. Francis M. Nettie M. T.E. W.W. Allice D. Arthur H. Clara S. Eva M. G.H. J.C. Lamar K. Mayme K. Mildred H.N. Laura A. Ionia C. R.M. C.D. Jean M. J.M. N.A. Florence A. Covey E.B. H.R. Horton Fay J.A. R.E. W.H. Mary A. V.P. Grace D. 1913 1915 1908 1898 1898 1915 1905 1905 1920 1910 1902 1912 1904 1908 1918 1917 1917 1909 1924 1919 1900 1917 1916 1902 1898 1898 1896 1901 1914 1899 1900 1900 1907 D 12-12-60 8-16-61 6-45 D 8-3-47 D 10-8-59 7-26-80 7-12-16 D 1967 D 1948 4-18-60 4-10-58 D 5-5-53 D D D 6-23-49 D 2-6-35 5-4-71 D D D 6-20-51 ASO Alumni 1894-1924 Urban Ure Ure Ussing Utley Vallentine Vallier Vallier Vallier Vallier Van Brakle Vandegear Van Der Voort Van De Sand Van Deusen Van Doren Van Doren Van Duzer Van Duzer Van Halteren Van Horne Van Nortwick Van Osdol Van Patten Van Vleck Van Vleck Van Winkle Van Winkle Van Wyngarden Van Wyngarden Vance Vance Vance H.L. Sallie H. W. R. Agnes Ralph E. R.J. A.E. R.A. S.W. T.H. J.A. Leo Paul C. W.B. Harriett L. Frank Sara M. Hawk Anna F. C.M. G.W. Helen Irma H. O. Ernest M. A.E. R.A. A.J. Eunice Evelyn J. R.W. A.T. C.H. D.H. 83 1907 1906 1906 1906 1911 1918 1905 1897 1903 1901 1911 1919 1922 1902 1902 1903 1904 1903 1918 1906 1900 1917 1910 1904 1912 1917 1911 1918 1919 1918 1907 1903 1906 10-26-50 7-45 3-28-53 7-25-18 D D 8-30-54 9-21-60 3-12-52 12-5-51 6-19-68 D 3-71 D D 7-13-61 D 5-13-65 D D D 10-26 5-20-48 3-18-70 8-22-71 10-11-81 2-11-79 5-3-67 D 5-9-65 1-1-52 Vance Vance Vandegaer Vanderburgh Vanderburgh Vanderburgh Vandervoort VanDoren VanDoren Van Wyngarden VanHorn VanVelzer Vastine Vastine Vaught Veazie Ventress Ventress Verhey Vermillion Vernon Vernon Vincent Vincent Vincent G.T. J.A. L. A.Mary E. Rose B. Winfield P.C. F. Mae H. R. W. Helen M. Kathryn H.J. H.M. C. Ella B. Bertha L. K.C. Marie C. Delphine B. A.W. J.H. Ella Euna J. W.H. 1898 1899 1919 1905 1905 1905 1922 1903 1904 1918 1900 1923 1903 1900 1923 1906 1910 1910 1918 1921 1899 1900 1901 1910 1901 5-31-19 D Vogel Voight Von Gunten Von Pertz Voorhees Voorhess Vorhees Vosseller T.A. E.J. R. B.R.T. H. J.M. Ralph D. C.D. 1917 D 1905 D 1915 2-21-78 1914 D 1923 1911 D 1923 D 1915 D 11-22-56 6-6-56 5-3-67 D D D 8-2-52 2-45 8-2-66 5-18-51 11-10-09 D D D ASO Alumni 1894-1924 Vowles Vreeland Vyverberg Waddell Wade Wageley Waggoner Wagner Wagoner Wagoner Wagoner Wait Waite Waitley Wakefield Wakefield Wakeham Walbridge Waldo Walker Walker Walker Walker Walker Walker Walker Walker Walker Walker Walker Walker Walker Walker B.S. John A. K.T. Florence E. L.L. C.C. J.N. Lily E. Elizabeth E. G.F. H.C. W.O. W.H. Francelle R. Etta C. W.H. Jessie A. Lena Woods W.E. C.A. C.N. Caroline Daisy F.P. H.M. Helen E. James Clark J.C. J.F. J.J. J.L. L.H. Mary A. 84 1920 1910 1903 1905 1918 1906 1905 1902 1909 1904 1917 1899 1899 1921 1903 1907 1909 1904 1910 1898 1909 1907 1901 1903 1906 1902 1929 1903 1901 1905 1911 1908 1900 2-28-55 11-9-65 11-3-56 4-17-07 7-66 9-59 2-10-33 D 12-62 8-19-47 6-5-69 3-24-33 D 8-26-60 D D 12-22-36 2-74 D D D 10-30-72 7-26-49 12-16-54 D 2-24-48 D 11-28-56 1-7-52 Walker Walker Walkup Wall Walls Wallace Wallace Wallace Wallace Wallace Waller Waller Waller Waller Wallin Walling Walling Walmsley Walmsley Walrod Walsh Walsh Walters Walters Walters Walters Walton Walton Wanger Wanless Wanless Warburton Ward O.M. R.I. Marie Buie Zella W. Louis L. D.B. H.C. H.H. Iva M. M.R. A.O. Frances M. G.B. Olive C. Lena Bessie B. Effie E. A.G. Olive Moulton B.E. Alma Breeden F.K. H.G. J.M. L.H. Mary R.H. R.W. Viola Evelyn U. R. J. R. E.A. 1908 1901 1901 1907 1907 1920 1903 1916 1906 1906 1913 1902 1909 1906 1910 1906 1914 1907 1920 1900 1918 1904 1916 1915 1919 1906 1920 1911 1917 1898 1900 1904 1913 1-46 3-12-53 1-39 D 9-21-60 11-15-39 D 7-26-63 D D D 1-24-27 5-2-53 D 7-31-62 D 2-4-64 8-73 9-18-79 1-2-53 2-5-39 11-8-62 7-24-60 12-30-54 9-53 D 8-7-73 ASO Alumni 1894-1924 Ward Ward Ward Ward Ward Ward Wardell Harriet Frederick M.L. Maude E. R.S. Rhoda E. Stephen Thomas Sarah C. Warden Warner Warner Warner Warner Warner Warns Alice J. G.Y. J.R. Maud L. S.E. W.G. H.O. Warren Warren Warren Warters Washburn Waters Waters Waters Waters Watkins Watson Watson Watson Watson Watson Watson Watson Watson-Ferris F.H. Fannie Laybourn G.S. R.V. Daisy E. A.R. E.B. E.C. Grace P. H.E. Daisy E. G.S. Mary Herbert Nellie M. T.J. W.F. W.M. Ruth E. 85 1901 4-7-55 1894 D 1911 1915 1918 2-22-54 1908 1906 4-14521952 1912 1922 2-23-59 1897 D 1910 8-18-29 1906 3-1-52 1916 5-19-77 1914 7-1016 1902 1904 1900 1918 3-47 1905 12-17-76 1899 3-25-51 1904 8-19-47 1911 D 1906 D 1910 10-66 1916 2-3-53 1917 4-45 1913 D 1902 11-3-52 1900 1900 D 1900 1913 11-2-55 Watters Watters Watters Watts Weaver Weaver Weaver Weaver Webb Webb Webber Webel Weber Weber Weber Weber Webster Webster Weed Weed Weegar Weeks Wegner Weidlein Weidlich Weir Weitzel Weitzel Welch Welch Welch Welch Welch Eula Godby L. Howard Jerome Moore Audrey E. C.R. Charlotte W. E.E. H.B. H.D. W.J. F.G. E. A.C. Caroline L. H. Winifred G. E.H. G.V. Beatrice Jemmette D.L. P.L. C.H. E.J. F.H. E.L. L.R. L.A. Ruth E.K. A.E. H.W. Luther Winfield O.F. R.R. 1917 1-25-83 1919 1-2-53 1915 1919 1-31-85 1912 10-20-60 1912 1913 5-11-62 1915 7-55 1913 D 1901 D 1900 D 1919 D 1909 10-20-66 1913 D 1923 6-9-72 1918 1917 10-11-67 1904 12-30-35 1916 D 1915 1-1959 1907 1-22-66 1913 1924 D 1910 9-12-55 1923 2-21-52 1906 8-6-30 1920 3-80 1924 1924 1917 7-19-61 1901 1-17-40 1906 2-47 1914 11-16-66 ASO Alumni 1894-1924 Wellons Wells Wells Wells Wells Welker Welsh Wendel Wendel Wendel Wendell Wendelstadt Wenger Wenger Wenig Wenig Wentworth Wentworth Werkheiser Wernicke Wert Wesner West West West West West West West Wester Westfall Westfall Westfall Glen C.E. Emma R. G.A. Lloyd W. Clarence A. L.W. Alvin W. C.A. B.F. C. E.F.M. H.U. J. Addie Holland G.E. Alda C. H.J. A.E. Clara M.O. Tillie Charlotte B. H.C. John Allen Jessie .M. Ralph Larabee William W.R. Pauline Sears D.C. E.E. E.H. 86 1924 1899 1904 1906 1904 1917 1901 1926 1916 1918 1900 1905 1899 1901 1903 1905 1918 1907 1903 1901 1913 1903 1901 1907 1902 1905 1904 1900 1910 1910 1901 1898 1910 D 2-10-37 9-16-59 12-31-82 7-8-59 2-21-61 2-12-53 D 4-22-32 3-24-55 9-24-53 9-20-20 10-29-65 D 4-64 D D DD 10-4-49 2-17-53 1963 Westfall Westfall Westfall Westgate Weston Weston Wetzel Wetzel Whallon Wheat Wheeler Wheeler Wheeler Wheeler Wheeler Wheeler Wheeler Wheeler Wheelock Whibley Whipple Whipple Whitacre Whitcomb Whitcomb Whitcomb Whitcomb Whitcomb Whitcomb White White White White K.M. T.M. W.R. G.R. Blanche S.B. C. W.L. Grace E. Dora C.G. G.A. G.B. G.D. J.D. J.E. Jennie Y. Sarah E. J.E. G.M. Alice P. R.A. H.S. C.H. G.M. H.P. Harriet R. Nellie V.O. Annette M. B.H. B.R. Bertha O. 1921 1901 1910 1912 1900 1916 1910 1923 1913 1903 1899 1899 1906 1899 1899 1910 1906 1904 1905 1908 1911 1913 1913 1900 1902 1900 1907 1900 1907 1903 1902 1909 1904 6-17-68 1-14-41 D 3-7-77 1-3-51 11-18-71 12-15-58 11-28-58 9-19-55 D D 1-23-40 D D 10-10-39 5-14-19 11-18-62 11-5-52 3-5-59 D 1-4-52 12-30-11 11-22-27 D 6-15-58 D D ASO Alumni 1894-1924 White White White White White White White White White Whitehead Whitehead Whitfield Whitfield Whitfield Whitlow Whitmer Whitmore Whitmore Whitney Whitney Whitney Whittaker Whittacre Widney Wiebe Wieland Wieters Wietzel Willard Willard Willard Willard Willard C.B. E.C. G.H. J.L. Lloyd V. M. W.H. W.L. W.N. Harriet A. J.S. H.A. I.Jay Olive S. Blanche E.B. J.P. O.M. C.F. Isabella T. Ralph H. Esther H. S. G.C. J.V. Clara G. Julia L. A. Alice Nevada Asa Earl S. Jessie Hobart William Dawson 87 1905 1902 1919 1902 1924 1910 1899 1913 1900 1902 1911 1906 1915 1916 1922 1920 1911 1915 1901 1905 1924 1899 1913 1916 1914 1916 1920 1920 1898 1900 1899 1903 1900 D 8-24-73 8-21-68 1969 D 10-9-58 D 10-16-49 9-24-82 D 12-10-34 1-6-68 10-2-84 3-15-66 9-11-61 D D D D D D D 11-10-50 D 5-21-59 D D. Willbanks Willbanks Wilcox Wilcox Wilcox Willcox Willcox Wilderson Wiles Wiles Wiles Wiley Wilke Wilker Wilkes Wilkes Wilkin Wilkin Wilkins Wilkins Wilkins Wilkins-Clements Wilkinson Willard Willard Willard Willard Willard Willbanks Willbanks Willcox Willcox Willcox Norman Edward James Clara B. F.F. Nellie S. Wm. Arthur Harold Hatch W.H. A.M. Clara H.S. A.S. G.C. C.A. Grace E. Jennie E. Anna R. Thomas John J.H. L.W. Zeo Zoe Gertrude Mildred Alice N. Asa M. E.S. Jessie Hobart W.D. E.J. N.B. H.H. L.J. W.A. 1922 1916 1904 1902 1902 1901 1904 1899 1900 1902 1902 1903 1910 1917 1901 1901 1904 1900 1903 1905 1905 1905 1916 1898 1900 1899 1903 1900 1916 1922 1904 1898 1901 12-12-71 8-15-60 8-31-27 D 7-15-70 D 8-28-16 D 7-52 6-8-40 D D 1-7-62 7-11-16 7-6-11 D D D ASO Alumni 1894-1924 Willett Willey Williams Williams Williams Williams Williams Williams Williams Williams Williams Williams Williams Williams Williams Williams Williams Williams Williams Williams Williams Williams Williams Williams Williams Williams Williams Williams Williams Williams Williams Williamson Williamson Mabel J.O. A.J. B.P. C.E. C.E. Clara H. C.J. D.S. E.D. E.L. Elmer Edith Littlejohn G.W. H.E. Juliette Kate Grant Lynnie Lindsay L.M. M. Edith Maude G. Mayme Olive B. Pearl R.A. R.A. Richard E. R.H. R.K. S.B. W.E. Alice L. J.A. 88 1912 1918 1899 1906 1900 1916 1904 1905 1897 1910 1922 1912 1902 1916 1917 1907 1900 1900 1918 1914 1909 1907 1919 1900 1899 1916 1902 1900 1898 1912 1900 1907 1907 D 6-11-37 D 11-13-56 12-31 7-30-49 D 12-20-37 1912 D 1940 5-18-79 9-37 9-1919 4-11-64 D 12-4-69 D 7-19-54 D D D 3-1-48 D 12-8-43 Williamson Willis Willis Willis Wills Wills Wilmoth Wilske Wilson Wilson Wilson Wilson Wilson Wilson Wilson Wilson Wilson Wilson Wilson Wilson Wilson Wilson Wilson Wilson Wilson Wilson Wilson Wilson Wilson Wilson-Milna Wilt Wimp Winch J.G. C.E. E.M. F.E. Alice R. H.C. Thomas C. C.A. A.L. C. E. Homer E.W. Elizabeth V. G.K. G.N. G.S.H. Helen Rice Jeannette W. J. G. L.K. Margaret E. Margaret M. N.D. P.A. P.T. R.B. S.W. T.N. W.C. Grace D. M.L. Ursa A.W. 1914 1905 1914 1915 1915 1914 1924 1906 1903 1912 1923 1918 1901 1916 1924 1910 1915 1901 1911 1921 1913 1921 1909 1912 1918 1908 1905 1898 1901 1910 1918 1911 1917 6-27-56 2-19-56 5-8-71 1-6-69 D 8-58 8-2075 3-67 D D D 7-1916 8-13-61 5-45 D 3-20-53 12-13-77 12-9-60 12-49 D 7-24-66 11-5-18 D 10-13-40 ASO Alumni 1894-1924 Wingard Wingerter Wingfield Winkelman Winkelman Winn Winslow Wintermute Wintermute Wirt Wirt Wise Wise Wise Wismer Wismer Wistrand Witham Withington Witmer Witmer Witt Wodetzky Wohlferd Wolfert Wolf Wolf Wolf Wolf Wolf Wolfe Wolfe Wolfe A. Charlotte W. Portia J. A.F. Lila Broadhurst S. W. E.S. Mabel G. Minnie F.C. J.D. H.T. Hugh P. Nora K. Rose Tillie Lilian J.R. L.B. E.Louise Frances M. P.A. Florence J. C.A. Wm. J. Frances M. G.B. Geraldine Stevens R.M. T.W. A.E. C.A. J.M. 89 1900 1912 1913 1915 1915 1905 1913 1916 1919 1910 1898 1912 1924 1924 1909 1903 1903 1912 1924 1904 1906 1916 1901 1912 1906 1905 1903 1920 1912 1905 1905 1902 1909 4-1-57 12-14-79 12-27-48 1-30-64 D 6-19-48 1969 11-8-73 6-26-17 6-23-17 5-29-17 4-73 11-4-12 2-11-60 11-9-70 4-22-60 5-22-17 7-15-55 3-28-30 D 5-19-37 D 10-46 Wolfe Woltmann Woltmann Woltmann Wood Wood Wood Wood Wood Wood Wood Wood Woods Wood Wood Wood Woodhull Woodin Woodleton Woodmansee Woodruff Woodruff Woodruff Woodruff Woodruff Woodson Woodward Wood-Wilson Woolery Woolson Worley Worley Wormer Sarah A. F. H.C. Katherine Elizabeth E.L. E.P. Eva F. F.P. Ina T. J.F. Nathaniel H. R.B. W.A. W.A. S.C. Elsie S. Grace A. J.O. C.H. E.L. E.V. F.F. J.S. T.H. Clara B. Ethel M. H. C. O.W. W.H. Frank M. 1915 1900 1900 1902 1905 1921 1899 1921 1907 1902 1900 1905 1905 1900 1905 1912 1900 1917 1924 1901 1902 1906 1910 1916 1914 1903 1904 1899 1899 1909 1911 1903 1905 D 3-26-59 10-28-67 D 8-19-52 3-46 1932 D 12-25-18 7-5-52 D 5-18-38 D 7-64 12-13-55 12-27-71 D 12-6-20 10-19-45 D 9-2-35 10-10-77 1-55 ASO Alumni 1894-1924 Worrall Worrell Worth Worth Wren Wright Wright Wright Wright Wright Wright Wright Wright Wright Wright Wright Wright Wright Wright Wright Wright Wright Wright Wright Wright Wright Wrigley Wurth Wurth Wurth Wyatt Wyatt Wyckoff J.E. J.D. Bernice O. Gladys R. C.L. Catherine A. Clarence C. E.H. E.P. G.E. Gladys R. H.E. H.E. H.J. Ida M. L.G. Lottie E. Lydia H. Lucy A. N.H. P.B. Raymond L. S.E. T.R. W.E. Lina J. Ida Davis Ida Davis William F. B.F. Jane V. A.B. 90 1904 1911 1923 1923 1905 1913 1913 1901 1916 1912 1913 1924 1911 1914 1924 1908 1901 1917 1910 1903 1918 1914 1924 1905 1924 1918 1903 1900 1912 1902 1914 1916 1901 3-28-41 5-17-17 1-7-56 7-23-51 3-11-41 6-7-59 D 9-15-69 5-1-31 D 4-12-48 5-18-20 10-11-75 D D 8-13-57 6-26 D 8-21-58 5-27-16 6-10-53 5-14-71 9-19-56 Wyckoff Wyckoff Wyckoff Wyckoff Wykle Wynne-Hoefner Yanders Yewell Yinger Yoder Yoder York Yost Young Young Young Young Young Young Young Young Young Young Young Young Youngquist Yowell Yowell Yung Yung Zercher Zeigler Zimmerman Anna L. B.R. Grace L.E. Eva E. Ionia K. H.H. A.S. E.L. G.H. J.A. Effie E. Alice H. A.H. A.M. A.W. Cinderella Clarence W. Evelyn L. F.L. F.P. Johanna John R. Lillian G. Martin D. Ida W. Elizabeth O.Y. Gertrude C. P.H. Mary A. Mrs. I. J. 1919 1918 1898 1898 1922 1907 1914 1903 1923 1906 1917 1905 1904 1901 1917 1902 1902 1904 1909 1917 1902 1908 1900 1910 1902 1903 1899 1899 1914 1914 1917 1911 1901 9-19-56 D 3-9-57 4-30-55 8-31-49 10-24-64 4-9-71 6-18-57 1955 D 7-1-51 2-3-61 7-10-86 D 5-66 4-27-25 7-11-59 D 12-4-59 9-7-52 1-6-17 11-27-61 ASO Alumni 1894-1924 Zimmerman Zimmermann Zuspan Zuspan Zuzpan W.A. C.A. Arba Gordon N.A. Farris W. 91 1924 1913 1934 1924 1923 D Museum of Osteopathic MedicineSM 800 West Jefferson St., Kirksville, MO 63501 AMERICAN SCHOOL OF OSTEOPATHY ALUMNI 18941924 (Compiled from list in 1926 Osteoblast) ERRATA 1. Augusta T.Tueckes (1913) is not listed.Theresa A.Trieckes, who is listed but who does not appear in other College records, may be the same person (Theresa Augusta? Augusta Theresa?). 2. A.M. Willard (1898) is actually Alice Nevada Willard. A.M. Willard (1900) is Asa Willard. 3. Charles Hazzard (1897) was omitted from the list, perhaps because of confusion with C.C. Hazard (1899), whose first name was also Charles. 4. W.F. Harlan mistakenly appears on the 1926 list as W.F. Harden. 5. Virgil A. Hook (1898) was omitted from the list. 6. Theodosia Purdom (1902) was listed as “Purdoni” and Zudie Purdom (1910) was listed as “Purdon.” 7. Mary Edith Ashby (1909) was not listed. ASO Alumni 1894-1924 93 STUDENTS WHO DID NOT GRADUATE (partial list) Ellis Ivy M. 1917 Jan
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