City of Aurora November 7, 2014 Krista Thomas
City of Aurora November 7, 2014 Krista Thomas
________________________________________________________________________________________________________ City of Aurora Planning Department 15151 E Alameda Parkway Aurora, Colorado 80012 Phone: 303-739-7250 Fax: 303-739-7268 November 7, 2014 Krista Thomas At&T Mobility 188 Inverness Drive West, Suite 400 Englewood, CO 80112 Re: Second Submission Review - AT&T AT NEW BEGINNINGS CHURCH - SITE PLAN AMDT Application Number: DA-1731-01 Case Number(s): 2004-6003-04 Dear Ms. Thomas: Thank you for your second submission, which we received on Friday, October 17, 2014. We reviewed it and attached our comments along with this cover letter. Since several important issues still remain, you will need to make another submission. Please revise your previous work and send us a new submission on or before Friday, November 21, 2014. Note that all our comments are numbered. When you resubmit, include a cover letter specifically responding to each item. The Planning Department reserves the right to reject any resubmissions that fail to address these items. If you have made any other changes to your documents other than those requested, be sure to also specifically list them in your letter. Your estimated Planning Commission hearing date is tentatively set for Wednesday, January 14, 2015. Please remember that all abutter notices for public hearings must be sent and the site notices must be posted at least 10 days prior to the hearing date. These notifications are your responsibility and the lack of proper notification will cause the public hearing date to be postponed. It is important that you obtain an updated list of adjacent property owners from the county before the notices are sent out. Take all necessary steps to ensure an accurate list is obtained, to include checking with adjacent builders if development activity and/or sales are taking place on properties adjacent to your site. As always, if you have any comments or concerns, please give me a call. I may be reached at 303-739-7266. Sincerely, Stephanie Stevens, Planner City of Aurora Planning Department cc: Jim Sayre, Planning Department Richard Fenton, NSA Wireless, Inc., 22010 Crow Canyon Place, Suite 355, San Ramon, CA 94583 Margee Cannon, Neighborhood Liaison Mark Geyer, ODA Filed: K:\$DA\1731-01rev2.rtf ________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Second Submission Review SUMMARY OF KEY COMMENTS FROM ALL DEPARTMENTS Based on community input, this application will be reviewed and approved at a Planning Commission Public Hearing tentatively scheduled for January 14, 2015 at 6pm (see Item 3A). Please provide colored renderings and a colored landscape plan with your next submission for inclusion in your Planning Commission report. Address community comments and concerns (see Items 1A and 10). Provide a new landscape sheet with required information set forth in the Landscape Reference Manual (see Items 4F and 4G). Landscape screening is needed for the trash enclosure and equipment structure (see Items 4B and 4C). Provide materials and color details for the trash enclosure, stealth CMRS tower/church steeple, and equipment structure (see Item 5A and 5B). Revise architecture to a more appropriate scale (see Item 5C). Address remaining comments from Real Property, Life Safety, and Forestry (see Items 6, 7, and 8). PLANNING DEPARTMENT COMMENTS Reviewed by: Stephanie Stevens / / 303-739-7266 / PDF comment color is teal. 1. Community Questions Comments and Concerns 1A. Please address the community comments that were received with this submission; comments are attached at the end of this letter. Additional comments from the 1st review that were received after the previous comment letter was sent have also been included. Out of the 54 comments (47 written, 3 phone, 4 phone/written) that were received, 7 were in opposition of the proposal. Two neighborhood meetings have been held to address community concerns; these meetings took place on January 27, 2014 and September 16, 2014. The revised submission addressed many of the previous neighborhood concerns identified in the first meeting including: elimination of the generator, reduced size of the structure, and relocation of equipment structure to be further from the High Line Canal, residential homes and playground. It should be noted that alternative locations were explored, declared unsuitable, and a description of the “good faith effort” was provided with this submission, but concern remains. 1B. Please review and respond to the informational memo from Xcel Energy (see Item 9). 2. Completeness and Clarity of the Application 2A. Revise title as shown on redlines. 2B. Add required information to cover sheet (legal description block, signature block, amendment block, site plan notes, and data block). See site plan manual: 2C. Add titles to all sheets as shown on redlines. 2D. Call out all easements on the Site Plan. 2E. Add note regarding relocation of trash enclosure to the site plan sheet as shown on redlines. 2F. Label site details throughout the plan set (building, stealth CMRS tower/steeple, equipment structure, playground, parking, etc). 2G. Add trash enclosure detail. 2H. Revise labels of “church steeple” to read: “Building-mounted Stealth CMRS tower/church steeple”. 2I. Provide separate sheets for the site plan and landscape plan. 2J. Address remaining redlined comments on Site Plan set. 3. Zoning and Land Use Comments 3A. Based on Section 146-405(H) of the Zoning Code, a determination has been made by the planning director that the proposal for a CMRS tower within a residential zone district produces a significant change in character of the church. Further, this application will be reviewed and approved by the Planning Commission at a Public Hearing tentatively set for January 14, 2015 at 6pm. Please be sure to send notices to adjacent property owners and post signs on the site at least 10 calendar days prior to your Planning Commission date. Template for notices can be found here: Signs will be provided to you by your case manager. Please provide colored renderings and a colored landscape plan with your next submission for inclusion in your Planning Commission report. 4. Landscape Design Issues Reviewed by: Kelly K. Bish RLA, LEED AP/ / 303-739-7189 / PDF comment color is bright teal. 4A. Provide details/elevations of the proposed trash enclosure with material call outs and dimensions. 4B. Provide an evergreen tree screen around the trash enclosure on the north side between the enclosure and the residential properties. 4C. Provide an evergreen tree screen around the back or south side of the proposed 10’ pre-manufactured equipment shelter adjacent to the residential properties. 4D. Provide details/elevations of the proposed pre-manufactured equipment shelter. Please indicated colors, dimensions and materials. 4E. Provide a plant chart that depicts the name and quantity of plant material being removed and the plant material being replaced. It appears as if Common Hackberry trees are being installed as replacements for the Pear, Southwest Pine and Bur Oak. There’s no indication of the quantity or species of shrubs being removed vs. those being installed as replacements. 4F. Provide an actual plant schedule. The plant schedule should include the common and botanical names of the plant material being installed, the size and quantity. Refer to the Landscape Reference Manual for an example of the required Plant Schedule. See Section IV – Legends, Plant Lists and Index Maps 4G. Provide the standard landscape notes and/or the information requested by the standard landscape notes as listed in section 2.13 of the Landscape Reference Manual. 4H. Provide a separate sheet in your plan set for the landscape plan and remove landscaping from the site plan sheet. 5. Architectural and Urban Design Issues 5A. Provide a detail of the trash enclosure which denotes dimensions, height, and exact materials being proposed. Materials should match the building architecture and color. Please ensure the area allotted for the enclosure is adequate and does not impact access to adjacent parking spaces. Proper screening of the enclosure is also required. 5B. Please add a materials legend to the building elevations providing details regarding the materials and colors being used for the stealth CMRS tower/church steeple and equipment structure. “Color and finish to match church building” will not suffice. Previous materials used on the building are included on the recorded Site Plan for New Beginnings Worship Center, Case Number 2004-6003-00 and include primarily stucco with a stone base. A table of the materials is provided below: 5C. The massing of the proposed stealth CMRS tower/church steeple appears to be out of scale with the existing building and is very monolithic in shape. Please taper the top portion or provide breaks in architecture below the antennas if tapering cannot be achieved to illustrate a more appropriate scale. REFERRAL COMMENTS FROM OTHER DEPARTMENTS AND AGENCIES 6. Real Property Reviewed by: Darren Akrie / / 303-739-7331 / PDF comment color is magenta. 6A. Please ensure permanent structures are located outside of easements. 6B. Please label the proposed utility easement for the underground conduits as “private” if it is to be maintained by AT&T. If dedicated as public to be maintained by the public service company, this easement will need to be dedicated by separate document. Please contact Maurice Brooks at 303-739-7294 or to start this process. 6C. From the site plan that you provided, it appears that the proposed bollards around the equipment structure are encroaching within the existing fire lane and utility easement. Please provide a zoomed extend of this with dimensions to easement. If any bollards are within the easement, a license agreement will need to be obtained. Please contact Jeff Hanna at 303-739-7327 or to start this process. 7. Life Safety Katie Quintana / / 303-739-7631 / PDF comments color is blue. 7A. Show property lines and distances to structures, drive aisles and playground area. 7B. A separate building permit is required for installation of antenna assembly, equipment, and structure. Please contact Katie Quintana to acquire necessary permits. 8. Forestry Reviewed by: Jacque Chomiak / / 303-739-7178 / PDF comment color is purple. 8A. Label the species of trees to be removed. 8B. There will be three trees impacted by the addition of a CMRS Church Steeple to the New Beginnings Church site. Below is the list of those trees and the required mitigation. It is indicated that all trees will be relocated to other areas of the site, but this will likely not be successful for at least two of the trees. Bur oak does not transplant well, and likely not survive the relocation process. The pine is in a state of decline. I was not able to determine if there is a disease present in the tree, but it is definitely in a stressed state observed by the sap that is exuding from the trunk. The pear tree may be transplanted, but it will require a minimum of a 100” tree spade, and the area it is growing may not allow a spade into the space. A tree spade operator should be consulted. Any tree that is removed from this site should either be replaced within the landscape or be mitigated through payment to the Tree Planting Fund. Any trees that are preserved on the site during construction activities shall follow the standard details for Tree Protection per the current Parks, Recreation & Open Space Dedication and Development Criteria manual. The Tree Protection notes shall be included on the plan. The caliper inches that could be lost are 20”, but only 13” would be required for planting back onto the site. The mitigation value is $2,487.00. NOTE: Mitigation values based on International Society of Arboriculture’s Guide to Plant Appraisal. Species, diameter, condition, and location factors were included in the assessment. TREE # SPECIES 5 BASIC VALUE $ 1,815.50 $ 3,173.96 $ 926.65 20 $ 5,916.10 DIAMETER 1 Bur oak 6 2 Pear Southwest white pine 9 3 Total SPECIES VALUE CONDITION VALUE LOCATION VALUE 85% 70% 78% 70% 80% 80% 80% 40% 75% MITIGATION VALUE $ 842.57 $ 1,421.93 $ 222.39 $ 2,486.90 COMMENTS MITIGATION INCHES 4 7 2 13 9. Xcel Energy Siting and Land Rights Right of Way & Permits 1123 West 3rd Avenue Denver, Colorado 80223 Telephone: 303.571.3306 Facsimile: 303. 571.3660 October 31, 2014 City of Aurora Planning Department 15151 E. Alameda Parkway Aurora, CO 80012 Attn: Stephanie Stevens Re: AT&T at New Beginnings Church – 2nd referral, Case # DA-1731-01 Public Service Company of Colorado (PSCo) has reviewed the plans for AT&T at New Beginnings Church – 2nd referral and has no apparent conflict. Please be aware PSCo owns and operates existing natural gas and electric distribution facilities within the subject property. The property owner/developer/contractor must contact the Builder's Call Line at 1-800-628-2121 and complete the application process for any new gas or electric service, or modification to existing facilities. It is then the responsibility of the developer to contact the Designer assigned to the project for approval of design details. Additional easements may need to be acquired by separate document for new facilities. As a safety precaution, PSCo would like to remind the developer to call the Utility Notification Center at 1-800-922-1987 to have all utilities located prior to any construction. If you have any questions about this referral response, please contact me at (303) 571-3306. Donna George Contract Right of Way Referral Processor Public Service Company of Colorado 10. Community Comments Name: Valeria Malveaux Organization: 1997 Akron St Address: Apt 102 Aurora CO 80010 Phone: 303-359-7060 Email: Comment: I am excited to have the new AT&T tower. It will provide more coverage for your cell phone. I am aware that the neighborhood has some concerns, however AT&T has always worked to research and provide environmentally safe technology. The tower is high enough off the ground that the small percentage of radio waves is less harmful than the microwave people have in there home. I am in support of this new tower. Let's move ahead with technology that can be beneficial to this community. -----------------------------------------------------------------------Name: Ernestine Jackson Organization: 9262 E Mansfield Ave Address: n/a Denver CO 80237 Phone: 720-435-7196 Email: Comment: I live in Denver but am frequently in the area for business reasons and to worship and to attend classes. I am in support of the AT&T Cell Tower build and implementation for better service in this area. There are cell towers mostly everywhere and with what I have read regarding issues concerning health and safety there are none, according to documented and proven cases. Having this tower in the area would be a great asset to the community. -----------------------------------------------------------------------Name: Patella Robinson Organization: 12661 Randolph Pl Address: Denver co 80239 Phone: 303-371-2468 Email: Comment: I agree we need this AT&T Cell Tower! It will better the community and services. I agree that the AT&T Cell Tower will be of great service to the residents in the area and better service for all. -----------------------------------------------------------------------Name: Jeffery A Jones Organization: 1599 Williams St. Apt 207 Address: Denver Co 80218 Phone: 720-877-4012 Email: Comment: I would like to have the cell tower. I believe it would be beneficial and helpful for the community! There would help the atmosphere with better and clearer reception and revenue for the church.The technology has come a long way! -----------------------------------------------------------------------Name: Tyrone Craft Organization: Address: Phone: Email: Comment FileID: 186103 http://intraweb:80/DevelopmentPlanReviewAD/MyProjects/ViewFile.aspx?FileID=LOlf+ P1xZEE= Comment: I'm in support of AT&T installing a Phone Cell Tower upon the church property. I believe that the cell tower will enhance the cell phone services within our community. It is very vital to the community especially those with at&t service plans. We do not want to come against anything that will help someone in need of 911 services. We are a church that believes in helping others therefore, my vote is YES on moving forward with plans to install the Cell Tower on our property. Thank you -----------------------------------------------------------------------Name: Natalie Harper Organization: Address: Phone: Email: Comment: I am in favor of this project at this location. The tower would greatly benefit the surrounding area with much needed improvement of cell phone reception with better access to emergency services. -----------------------------------------------------------------------Name: Regina Springer Organization: 14903 E. Exposition Ave Unit B Address: Aurora Co 80012 Phone: 303-755-5027 Email: Comment: I am for the cell phone tower as long as, it doesn't have any safety or health issues, and does not interfere with New Beginnings Church. If there is a small chance that it will affect these three: 1) safety 2) health and 3) the church I am not for it. Overall and with the information I have on it I am for it. -----------------------------------------------------------------------Name: wendy smittick Organization: 17395 E. Caspian Place Address: Aurora co 80013 Phone: 3035002085 Email: Comment: I am interested in having the cell tower at the church. -----------------------------------------------------------------------Name: Sandra Coleman Organization: 15970 E Ford Pl Address: Homeowner Aurora CO 80017 Phone: 303-755-1997 Email: Comment: As a community member, active I in affairs of my church N BCW, I an in favor of this cell tower and feel that the impact on the community will be minimal. -----------------------------------------------------------------------Name: Karon Wilson Organization: 5546 halifax court Address: denver co 80249 Phone: Email: Comment: I am in support of AT & T Cell Tower. It is much needed in this area to help balance and receive all on-going technologies for now and the future -----------------------------------------------------------------------Name: Helen Allen Organization: 7592 S Sicily Way Address: Aurora CO 80016 Phone: 303-690-6500 Email: Comment: I Helen Allen support the building and implementation of the AT&T Cell Tower to be located at 750 N Chambers Road. After carefully researching and considering all the pros and cons, I'm convinced there is no health issues with the completion and ongoing existence of this tower. There is no documentation for the past decade to prove to the contrary. We want and need this tower in our neighborhood! Thank you! ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Name: Tiffany Williams Organization: 12483 E Tennessee Circle Address: New Beginnings Cathedral of Worship Unit B Aurora CO 80012 Phone: 720-857-9598 Email: Comment: I am in complete support of the building and implementation of the AT&T Cell Tower! This tower will greatly benefit reception for cell phones and internet use! The cell tower and service will also enhance the ability of children to do homework more efficiently without the hassle of having slow or no service on nights where the internet is an important part of their grade(s)!! After researching and considering all the pros and cons - there are no health and safety issues with the completion and ongoing existence of this tower at this site. Please make this plan a reality because we need and want this tower in our neighborhood!! Thank you in advance for your time and consideration!! God bless you ALL!! -----------------------------------------------------------------------Name: Jacques Moore Organization: 17929 e. Ohio cir. Address: auror CO 80017 Phone: 9139081497 Email: Comment: I am in sport of the building and implementation of a guilty and T cell phone. This tower is documented Two and Half Men benefit greatly cell phone reception. I am in support of the building and implementation of the at&t cell tower. -----------------------------------------------------------------------Name: Letisha Washington Organization: Address: Phone: Email: Comment: I am in support of the building and implementation of the AT&T Cell Tower. This tower is documented to enhance and benefit greatly cell phone reception and use in this area, particularly 911 emergency services to the residents in the service area. After researching and considering all the pros and cons - there are no health and safety issues with the completion and ongoing existence of this tower at this site. The technology over the past couple decades has proven to be safe with absolutely no documented or proven cases to the contrary. We want and need this tower in our neighborhood! -----------------------------------------------------------------------Name: Marcile Purnell Organization: 3615 Ivanhoe St Address: Denver CO 80207 Phone: Email: Comment: I am definitely in favor of the construction of the tower on NBCW property. I'm in agreement with building the cell tower on the premises of New Beginnings church. I think the cell tower would benefit the church and the neighborhood. These cell towers are all over the city and pose no danger to the health of our community. It would increase cell phone reception. Please approve the cell tower on the New Beginnings property as it will be a blessing to mankind both naturally and spiritually. I'm very interested in having this tower because I think it will be a blessing to our congregation. Thank you for considering our request. -----------------------------------------------------------------------Name: Eldred Harris Organization: 146 s. Fraser circle Address: aurora co 80012 Phone: 7202777581 Email: Comment: I am in support of the building and implementation of the AT&T Cell Tower. This tower is documented to enhance and benefit greatly cell phone reception and use in this area, particularly 911 emergency services to the residents in the service area. After researching,there are no proven health or safety issues with the installation and implementation of existing towers in the state of Colorado or at this site. The technology over the past couple decades has proven to be safe with absolutely no documented or proven cases to the contrary. We want and need this tower in our neighborhood! -----------------------------------------------------------------------Name: Traci Brewer Organization: 24144 E 4th Dr Address: Aurora Co 80018 Phone: 3038842713 Email: Comment: I want to provide my support for the intended cell phone tower on the property belonging to New Beginnings. This will help to provide much needed revenue for the church which provides outreach & assistance to many in this neighborhood but also this region. This cellular tower is NOT the 1st in the area, but will be in addition to many ALREADY in the area, to provide better coverage for all. -----------------------------------------------------------------------Name: Elma Butler Organization: Address: Phone: 303-945-5979 Email: Comment: I fully support the building and implementation of the AT&T Cell Tower in consideration. I believe it is correctly documented to enhance and benefit greatly the cell phone reception and use in this area. Especially, for the 911 emergency to the residents in the service area this new Tower will provide. I also have researched and considered all the possible pros and cons and find that there are no health or safety issues with the completion and ongoing existence of this tower at this site. I too have discovered the technology over the past couple of decades has proven to be safe with absolutely no documented or proven cases to the contrary. I want and believe we need this tower in this neighborhood! -----------------------------------------------------------------------Name: James Butler Organization: Address: Phone: 303-945-5979 Email: Comment: I fully support the building and implementation of the AT&T Cell Tower in consideration. I believe it is correctly documented to enhance and benefit greatly the cell phone reception and use in this area. Especially, for the 911 emergency to the residents in the service area this new Tower will provide. I also have researched and considered all the possible pros and cons and find that there are no health or safety issues with the completion and ongoing existence of this tower at this site. I too have discovered the technology over the past couple of decades has proven to be safe with absolutely no documented or proven cases to the contrary. I want and believe we need this tower in this neighborhood! -----------------------------------------------------------------------Name: Pamela Williams Organization: 1221 S. Idalia St. Address: Aurora CO 80017 Phone: Email: Comment: I whole heatedly am in favor of AT&T building a cell tower in our community. The benefit of a cell tower would greatly improve cell & Wi-Fi connectivity. I've checked out the process for erecting a cell tower and am confident that no harm would come to the members of our community. This tower would benefit the entire community within its range of transmission. -----------------------------------------------------------------------Name: Dorcas Washington Organization: 19448 E 60th Place Address: Aurora CO 80019 Phone: *404) 573-3483 Email: Comment: I am in support of the tower at New Beginnings -----------------------------------------------------------------------Name: evelyn samuel Organization: 9111 east eastman ave Address: nbcw denver Colorado 80231 Phone: Email: Comment: I am in support of the building and implementation of the At&t cell tower because this area is in a great location where there high traffic and emergency and safety of cell phone usage would greately benefit the community and local residence. This is located on a property where people feel safe and secure and theres unity humility honesty and faith building so I can't think of a more perfect place for this location -----------------------------------------------------------------------Name: craig mcvay Organization: 1232 moore street Address: new beginnings cathedral of Worship lakewood Colorado Phone: Email: Comment: I am in support of the at&t cell phone tower that will enhance thecell phone especially 911 calls to help residents. After some research on pros and cons I believe this will help the community. I get tired of dropped calls. -----------------------------------------------------------------------Name: DONNA GEORGE Organization: XCEL ENERGY PUBLIC SERVICE CO - CONTRACT ROW PROCESSOR Address: 550 15TH ST, SUITE 700 DENVER, CO 80202 Phone: 3035713306 Email: User FileID: 300904 http://intraweb:80/DevelopmentPlanReviewAD/MyProjects/ViewFile.aspx?FileID=qrhC9 OGXHIs= Comment: AT&T at New Beginnings Church-2nd referral - DA-1731-01 - PSCo No Conflict letter -----------------------------------------------------------------------Name: Ervin Martin Organization: 4930 Titan Ct. Address: Denver Co 80239 Phone: 303-375-7912 Email: Comment: I support and I'm in agreement for having the AT&T Cell Tower! It has not proven to be a hazard to any ones health and livelihood. I believe this would enrich the communities in the surrounding area with better and clear receptions in any services. This is a good opportunity and advancement. I truly support the tower!! I am in agreement with the AT&T Cell Tower! I truly feel that this would be a great asset to the community in that it would increase reception in all 911 cells,and that there would be no affects to anyone's health or risks. This tower is much needed! -----------------------------------------------------------------------Name: Ramona Brown Organization: PO Box 472442 Address: Aurora CO 80047 Phone: 720 971-6377 Email: Comment: This comment is in support of the building and implementation of AT&T Cell Tower. I believe that this tower will enhance and benefit the area for better cell pone reception and use. After attending the meetings and researching I've consider all the pros and cons and there is no health or safety issues. The technology has been improved over the last past decades and I want the tower in our neighborhood where I attend church. -----------------------------------------------------------------------Name: David Washington Organization: 19448 E. 60th Place Address: Aurora CO 80019 Phone: 404-915-4757 Email: Comment: I support the proposed plan to build a cell phone tower on the New Beginnings Cathedral of Worship Church site. This tower is documented to enhance and benefit greatly cell phone reception and use in this area, particularly 911 emergency services to the residents in the service area. After researching and considering all the pros and cons - there are no health and safety issues with the completion and ongoing existence of this tower at this site. The technology over the past couple decades has proven to be safe with absolutely no documented or proven cases to the contrary. We want and need this tower in our neighborhood! -----------------------------------------------------------------------Name: sandra brown Organization: 21456 E. 51st place Address: Denver CO 80249 Phone: 720-690-9112 Email: Comment: Ian in support of the building and implementation of the AT&T Cell Tower. This tower is documented to enhance and benefit greatly cell phone reception and use in this area, perticularly 911 emergency services to the residents in the service area. After researching and considering all the pros and cons-there are no health and safety issues with the completion and onoing existence if this tower at this site. The technology over the past couple decades has proven to be safe with absolutely no documented or proven cases to the contrary. We want and need this tower in our neighborhood! -----------------------------------------------------------------------Name: Brenda Clark-Dandridge Organization: 20226 E College Pl Address: Aurora CO 80013 Phone: 303-960-6888 Email: Comment: I am excited b the opportunity my church has to be selected for the building and implementation of the ATT Cell Tower. To date, my research shows this tower will enhance and benefit greatly cell phone reception as well as 911 services in the area. I have also been made aware that there are no health and safety issues with the completion and ongoing existence at this site. We want and need this tower in our neighborhood. -----------------------------------------------------------------------Name: Geneva Washingtonm Organization: 19448 E 60th Place Address: Aurora CO 80019 Phone: 404-993-4193 Email: Comment: I am in support of the building and implementation of the AT&T Cell Tower. This tower is documented to enhance and benefit greatly cell phone reception and use in this area, particularly 911 emergency services to the residents in the service area. After researching and considering all the pros and cons - there are no health and safety issues with the completion and ongoing existence of this tower at this site. The technology over the past couple decades has proven to be safe with absolutely no documented or proven cases to the contrary. We want and need this tower in our neighborhood! -----------------------------------------------------------------------Name: Shirley Swain Organization: 14390 E Marina Dr. #506 Address: Aurora Co. 80014 Phone: 7202012636 Email: Comment FileID: 186103 http://intraweb:80/DevelopmentPlanReviewAD/MyProjects/ViewFile.aspx?FileID=LOlf+ P1xZEE= Comment: I am in support of the building and implementation of the AT&T Cell Tower. This tower is documented to enhance and benefit greatly cell phone reception and use in this area, particularly 911 emergency services to the residents in the service area. After researching and considering all the pros and cons there are no health and safety issues with the completion and ongoing existence of this tower at this site. The technology over the past couple decades has proven to be safe with absolutely no documented or proven cases to the contrary. We want and need this tower in our neighborhood! -----------------------------------------------------------------------Name: Terrell Clark Organization: Address: Aurora Colorado 80013 Phone: Email: Comment: I am in support of the building and implementation of the AT&T Cell Tower. -----------------------------------------------------------------------Name: Jerry Burns Organization: Address: Colorado carpet Care LLc Phone: Email: Comment: I am in support of the building and implementation of the AT&T tower. This tower is documented to enhance and benefit greatly cell phone reception and use in this area. After researching and considering all the pros and cons there are no health and safety issues with the completion and ongoing existence of this tower at this site. The technology over the past couple decades has proven to be safe with absolutely on documented or proven cases to the contrary. We wand and need this tower in our neighborhood -----------------------------------------------------------------------Name: Betty Ausley-Poe Organization: Address: Phone: Email: Comment: This writing, request is in support for the erection & employment of the proposed AT&T cell tower at 750 N Chambers Rd. This tower will improve cell phone clarity, usefulness and service to all. It will be an asset to the entire neighborhood. for all. It will be an asset to the community. -----------------------------------------------------------------------Name: Maria Orona Organization: 15437 E 7th Cir Address: Aurora CO 80011 Phone: 303-305-8808 Email: Comment: We do not accept more hazard and unhealthy stuff in our community. There are enough open spaces around for them to set up the tower. -----------------------------------------------------------------------Name: Detrice Brown Organization: 5571 Killarney St Address: Denver CO 80249 Phone: Email: Comment: I am in support of the building and implementation of the At&T Cell Tower. This tower is to enhance and benefit greatly cell phone reception and use om this area, particularly 911 emergency services to the residents in the service area. After researching and considering all the pro's and com's there are no health and safety issues with the completion and ongoing existence of this tower at this site. -----------------------------------------------------------------------Name: Sherry Clark Organization: Address: Phone: Email: onestopcf@gmail.comm Comment: I am an Aurora resident for 13+ years. After must thought and considerable I believe the cell tower would be a benefit to the area and I am in full support of it successfully being installed. -----------------------------------------------------------------------Name: Susie Barnes Organization: Address: Phone: Email: Comment: I support the AT&T Cell Tower. We all know the benefits we all will expect to receive. It has been documented the pros and cons but nothing has been clearly stated that this tower is in any way a hazard to anyone health. AT&T has went to extra lengths to keep the tower from looking out of place it will enhance the grounds at the church. I am for the tower at this site, as it will benefit us all. Better 911 service, cell phone reception, better reception to all in the area. -----------------------------------------------------------------------Name: Brittany Griffin Organization: Address: Phone: Email: Comment: I am in support of the building and implementation of the AT&T Cell Tower. This tower will not only provide better connectivity (cell phone service, internet speed, etc) to the surrounding schools and organizations around the neighborhood, but also for those who work from home. NBCW wants and needs this tower in our neighborhood because it will allow better service and coverage for our students/teachers that we currently educate and staff out of our church. -----------------------------------------------------------------------Name: Marilyn Strother Organization: 5543 Iran St Address: Denver CO 80249 Phone: 720-331-0939 Email: Comment: I am in support of the building and implementation of the AT&T Cell Tower. I believe this tower will be a great asset in the Aurora Commumity. The reception in this area is very poor, calls consistently dropping. I feel it would also be a great asset, due to a few schools in the Aurora area.There needs to be immediate response if emergencies occur in the Aurora School District. We need this tower in our neighborhood. -----------------------------------------------------------------------Name: Gerald Brewer Organization: 24144 E 4th Dr Address: Aurora CO 80018 Phone: 3035882694 Email: Comment: There's already a cellular tower across right across Chambers street from the church, and there are many in the area, especially just south of 6th. There is no reason that the church should not also have a tower on the land that the church owns. -----------------------------------------------------------------------Name: LARRY BOYD Organization: 3212 PONTIAC ST Address: DENVER COLO 80207 Phone: 7203666257 Email: Comment: As a long time member of New Beginnings, I fully support the installation of the AT&T Tower. The facility will greatly enhance and benefit the residents and schools in the surrounding community. More Importantly, 911 call service will be improved, which is vital to the safety & health of a community.Based on my research & experiences, there are no documented cases of unsafe technology from cell phone towers. We need and want this tower!! Thank you. -----------------------------------------------------------------------Name: John Eberhardt Organization: 18170 E Asbury Dr Address: Aurora CO 80013 Phone: 3036684344 Email: Comment: I am in support of the building and implementation of the proposed AT&T Cell Tower at this address, 750 N. Chambers Rd., Aurora CO. After researching and reviewing pertinent information regarding cell towers in close proximity to residential neighborhoods, I can find no good reason to prohibit such a facility. The enhancements to the surrounding neighborhood with regards to greater cell phone coverage, particularly with 911 service availability can only be of great benefit to the residents. I don't believe there are any health or safety issues that would adversely affect the residents. The technology has been proven to be very safe in that regard and I have not been able to find any documentation to the contrary. -----------------------------------------------------------------------Name: Angela Choyce Organization: 11104 E. Linvale Dr. Address: Aurora CO 80014 Phone: 7202663889 Email: Comment: I am in support of the building and implementation of the AT&T Cell Tower. This tower is documented to enhance and benefit greatly cell phone reception and use in this area, particularly 911 emergency services to the residents in the service area. After researching and considering all the pros and cons - there are no health and safety issues with the completion and ongoing existence of this tower at this site. The technology over the past couple decades has proven to be safe with absolutely no documented or proven cases to the contrary. We want and need this tower in our neighborhood! -----------------------------------------------------------------------Name: Bruce Poe Organization: 459 N. Irvington St. Address: Aurora Co 80018 Phone: Email: Comment: I am fully in support of the building and implementation of the AT&T Cell Tower. This tower is documented to enhance and benefit greatly cell phone reception and use in this area, particularly 911 emergency services to the residents in the service area. After researching and considering all the pros and cons - there are no health and safety issues with the completion and ongoing existence of this tower at this site. The technology over the past couple decades has proven to be safe with absolutely no documented or proven cases to the contrary. This tower will function much like a lighthouse. With the antennas a safe distance above any persons or wildlife. The stealth design will ensure that there will not be an eyesore scaffolding type tower to "ugly up" the neighborhood. We want and need this tower in our neighborhood! -----------------------------------------------------------------------Name: Lewis Brown Organization: 18142 E Ida Place Address: New Beginnings Cathedral of Cathedral Centennial CO 80015 Phone: 7209715614 Email: Comment: I am in support of the building and implementation of the AT&T Cell Tower. this tower is documented to enhance and benefit greatly cell phone reception and use in this area, particularly 911 emergency services to the residents in the service area. After researching and considering al the pros and cons - there are no health and safety issues with the completion and ongoing existence of this tower at this site. The technology over the past couple decades has proven to be safe with absolutely no documented or proven cases to the contrary. -----------------------------------------------------------------------Name: JULIO ITURRERIA Organization: Address: Phone: Email: Comment: Thanks for the opportunity to review this proposal, however Arapahoe County Planning does not have a comment at this time. ------------------------------------------------------------------------