ICCCI Chinese School Newsletter
ICCCI Chinese School Newsletter
如果您希望您的孩子能够象您一样讲流利的中文, ICCCI Chinese School Newsletter 印城华夏文化中心中文学校通讯 能够交上一些背景相似的小朋友, 能够更多地了解祖宗文化, 能够掌握语言上的竞争优势, 如果您希望能够交上一些背景相似的成人朋友, 能够互相交流在印城工作,生活的经验和体会, 或者愿意教授中文, No 3, January 25, 2006 请到中文学校来。 Appreciation Night for Teachers, School administrators, and PTO Committee Members ICCCI president Steven He and the ICCCI Chinese School Principal Yiting Yang organized a Christmas party at the Little China restaurant on December 17, 2005 in appreciation and recognition of the Chinese school teachers, administrators, PTO committee members and their families. It was a fun filled evening with food, dance, Karaoke, and kids’ activities. Teachers and School Administrators Front Row Left to Right: Yiting Yang; Ming Yu; Qingwen Zhang; Xin Tu; Changhong Li; Hong Gao; Elaine Yeo. Back Row Left to Right: Xuhao Yang; Liyan Chen; Su-an Zhang; Yuying Wang; Xiaoyan Yang; Yunfu Wang; Steven He 春节联欢会 Chinese New Year Celebration 时间 When: Sunday, 29 Jan 2006, 2:00 pm - 8:00 pm; 地点 Where: Lawrence North High School, 7802 Hague Rd., Indianapolis, IN 46256 , 节目 Program: 儿童游戏 Children’s Program (2:00 pm – 4:30 pm), 晚餐 Dinner (4:30 pm– 6:00 pm), 表演 Performance (6:00 pm – 8:00 pm), 购票 Ticket: Dinner and Performance: Adult $10.00, Child $6.00, Performance only: $3.00, 购票 Ticket: Elaine Yeo (823-7363), Wendy Lee (826-8634), Diana Yung (297-7825) Indianapolis Chinese Community Center Inc (ICCCI) Chinese School Newsletter , January 25, 2006, Issue No. 3, Page 1 Snapshots from the Christmas party, Photographs by Yong Gao 2 0 0 5 Sc h oo l Yea r C on c l uded w it h a Per f or ma n c e Ext r a va g a n z a The Chinese School ended 2005 with a year end performance by all the classes and every student. The performance was held on Sunday December 18, 2005 at Carmel High School. The following is the program of this event. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. Level 11 – Two Poems, 诗歌朗诵: 高尔基的海燕, 白居易 的琵笆行 (Teacher: Yu Min) Pre-School – Two Songs, Happy New Year, Little swallow, 歌曲: 新年好, 小燕子 (Teacher: Huang Qiuying) Level 1 – Two Songs, 儿 童 对 歌 , 猜 谜歌 (Teacher: Zhang SuAn) Level 2 (a) – Textbook Reading, Songs: The Alarm clock, Happy Birthday, 课文朗读, 歌曲: 小鬧鐘﹐ 生日快樂 (Teacher: Wang YuYing) Level 2 (b) – Text Book Reading, 课文朗读 (Teacher: Han Pu) Level 3 –Tongue Twisters, 绕口令(2 首), (Teacher: Wang Yunfu) Level 4 – Poems: Geese, Quiet Night Thinking, 诗歌连唱: 咏鹅, 静夜思 (Teacher: Zhang QingWen) Level 6 – Text Book Reading, 课文朗读表演 (Teacher: Yang XiaoYan) Level 6 – Tongue Twister, 绕口令 (Teacher: Tu Xin) Level 8 –Comedy (Teacher: Chen LiYan) K1 – Two Songs: Three Mice, Happy New Year, 歌曲: 三 只老鼠, 新年好 (Teacher: Peng Ying) K2– Poem: Geese, Song: GongXi GongXi, 诗歌朗诵: 咏 鹅, 歌曲: 恭喜恭喜 (Teacher: Gao Hong) Dance Class: Teacher: Bei Yaping and Lu Chengdan Indianapolis Chinese Community Center Inc (ICCCI) Chinese School Newsletter , January 25, 2006, Issue No. 3, Page 2 More snapshots from the year end performance. Photographs by Yong Gao C o mmun it y Out r ea c h by IC C C I Sc h o o l St uden t s: Per f or ma n c e a t Ret ir emen t Residen c es On December 17, 2005, two performances were conducted by ICCCI students at the Summer Trace retirement residence and Sunrise retirement residence, both are located in Carmel. The first performance, at Summer Trace, was a recital concert provided by piano students of Catherine Gao and a flute student of Yifan Zhang (next page photo: top left). These students were Sara Bochek (played Sugar Plum Fairy, Rudolph), Briana Trusty (Polka, Jingle Bells, Balloons), Emily Bochek (Deck the Halls, Get Ready Rock), Jonathan Chen (Indians, Donkey, Horse Sense, Jingle Bells), Christel Richard (Amazing Grace, March, Greensleeves, Fandango), and Kevin Shen (Pachelbel’s Canon, flute). Indianapolis Chinese Community Center Inc (ICCCI) Chinese School Newsletter , January 25, 2006, Issue No. 3, Page 3 The second performance, at Sunrise Residence, was co-conducted by the ICCCI school student String Ensemble and the Carmel High School Key Club. The Chinese school administrator Elaine Yeo, PTO activity committee chair Xiaohua He, and the president of Carmel High School Key Club Catherine Gao coordinated this event. The String Ensemble group (photo below, bottom right) consisted of Jane He, Sasha Wee, Misha Wee, Annie Zhang, Min Zhang, Tingting Lu, and Tian Yang. The music that the Ensemble group played included the Chinese folk song Kang Ding Qing Ge (康定情歌), and Christmas music Silent Night, and Deck the Halls. From the Carmel High School Key club, Catherine Gao played Rachmaninoff Prelude No.5 (piano), Luke Xie (photo below, top right) played Bach Cello Flute (first movement), and the Cascione sisters (Miranda, Stephanie, and Andrea) (photo below, bottom left) played a Church Hymn. Photographs by Yong Gao Talent Recognition Monica Cheng, an ICCCI student, won the first place award in the Midwest Piano Competition in Level 2 (age group 11-14) on 15th January 2006. Congratulations, Monica! Indianapolis Chinese Community Center Inc (ICCCI) Chinese School Newsletter , January 25, 2006, Issue No. 3, Page 4 IC C C I ma de pr esen t a t io n s a t In dia n a po l is In t er n a t io n a l F est iva l f o r t h e 5 t h Yea r For five straight years ICCCI has taken a leading role in local Chinese community of participating in the International Festival exhibition. The purpose for ICCCI to join this multi-culture event is to showcase the Chinese culture and present ICCCI and Chinese School to the community. In this past International Festival held on November 3-6, 2005 at Exposition Hall of Indiana State Fairgrounds, ICCCI organized two booths – culture booth and Chinese food booth. We had a very successful culture display and fund raising activities. Our culture booth won the second place creativity award, and our food booth raised a fair amount of much needed fund for our school. In addition, our dragon, lion and red ribbon dance received warm acclaims from the large crowd of audiences at the festival. The following volunteers are recognized for their contribution to ICCCI’s successful participation of this festival. Wednesday (November 2, 2005) booth set up: Min Lu, Yiting Yang, Steven He, Xiaohua He, Tony Zhang, George Zeng, Elaine Yeo, Zaocheng Xu, Zhihong Chen, Chendan Liu, Misha Wee, Youyan Zhang. Thursday: Fei Shen, Zhihong Chen, Yiting Yang, Xiaoying Teng, Qingwen Zhang, Ying Peng, Effie Zhou, Jen Zhao, Patricia Cao, Yangsheng Zhang, Weirong Li, Cao Hong. Friday morning: Danhui Xie, Steven He, Xiaoying Teng, Xinzi Tao, Ying Peng, Qinyuan Lou, Grace Li, Weigou Xu, Yong Gao, Bob Clay, Rachel Shi, Miao Xu's parents. Friday afternoon: Rosie Zhang, Sherry Guo, Steven He, George Zeng, Alex Ahang, Cindy Zhang, Yiting Yang, Sasha Wee, Misha Wee, Xuewei Gu. Saturday morning: Juan Wang, Yiting Yang, Steven He, Zhiying Zhang, Ying Xiong, Sheng Zhang, Jing Zhou, Tom Zhang, Sulan Chi, Yangsheng Zhang, Chaoyu Xie, Jason Ho, Chendan Liu, Xiaohuang He. Saturday afternoon: Margaret Li, Xunquiu Du, Yongyong Chen, Youyan Zhang, Renhua Li, Angela Li, George Zeng, Yiting Yang, Ben Dai, Bach Zeng, Jirong Lu, Steven He, Juang Wang. Sunday: Helen Huang, Lihong Li, Yu-Hua Hui, Muneu Rund, Robert Rund, Rachael Rund, Wherly Hoffman, Qi Wei, Steven He, Elaine Yeo, Jiannong Dai, Chendan Liu, Yiting Yang, George Zeng. Dragon, Lion and red ribbon dance team: Keyue Chen, Youyan Zhang, Yiting Yang, Min Lu, Rosie Zhang, Keyun Qing, Xunqiu Du, Tian Yang, Xiaohua He, Sherry Lu, George Zeng, Faming Zhang, Steven He, Charles Lin, Gao Hong, Chendan Liu, Yaping Bei, Sailang Liang, Tao Wang, Rachil Shi. Indianapolis Chinese Community Center Inc (ICCCI) Chinese School Newsletter , January 25, 2006, Issue No. 3, Page 5 新年典故 - 年的来源 现代民间习惯把过春节又叫做过年。其实,年和春节的起源是很不 相同的。 相传,中国古时候有一种叫“年”的怪兽,长年深居海底,每到除夕才 爬上岸吞食牲畜伤害人命。因此,每到除夕这天,村里的人都逃往 深山,以躲避“年”兽的伤害。 这年除夕,正当村民们上山避难时,村外来了个白发老人。老人对 一户老婆婆说只要让他在她家住一晚,他定能将“年”兽驱赶走。众人 半夜时分,当“年”兽闯进村准备肆虐的时候,发现老婆婆家门贴大红纸,屋内独火 通明,突然院内还传来“砰砰啪啪”的炸响声,“年”浑身战栗,再不敢向前走了。 原来,“年”最怕红色、火光和炸响。这时,婆婆的家门大开,只见院内一位身披红 袍的老人在哈哈大笑。“年”大惊失色,狼狈逃蹿了。 第二天是正月初一,避难回来的村人们见村里安然无恙,这才恍然大悟,原来白发 老人是帮助大家驱逐“年”兽的神仙。 欣喜若狂的村人们为庆贺右祥的来临,纷纷换新衣戴新帽,到亲友家道喜问好。这 件事很快在周围村里传开了,人们都知道了驱赶“年”兽的办法。 从此每年除夕,家家贴红对联、燃放爆竹;户户烛火通明、守更待岁。初一一大 早,还要走亲串友道喜问好。这风俗越传越广,成了中国最隆重的传统节日。 http://jadeeyepolls.bluehyppo.com/contest/hyppo_cny05/history.htm Contributors of this Issue: Yong Gao, yonggao@sbcglobal.net Sherry Zhao, sherry_zh4@hotmail.com Lihong Li, lihong102@hotmail.com Yiting Mi, yiting_mi@conseco.com Editors of this Issue: Yong Gao, yonggao@sbcglobal.net Sherry Zhao, sherry_zh4@hotmail.com Indianapolis Chinese Community Center Inc (ICCCI) Chinese School Newsletter , January 25, 2006, Issue No. 3, Page 6