Annual General Meeting Report - Vietnamese Women`s Association


Annual General Meeting Report - Vietnamese Women`s Association
Vietnamese Women’s Association In NSW
Annual General Meeting Report
Celebration of 27 years
serving the Vietnamese women
and their families in NSW
P.O Box 256 Cabramatta NSW 2166
53 Tarlington Parade, Bonnyrigg NSW 2166
Table of Contents
Management and Staff of the VWA/NSW
Minutes of the 24th Annual General Meeting
President Report
Coordinator/ Project Officer’s Report
Groups & Activities
Early Childhood & Tiny Mai Group Project (CDSE)
Play Group for children with special needs
Treasurer’s report
Financial Reports 2008-2009
Mission Statement
Thank you notes
Vice President (Anh Linh)
Treasurer (Lan Phuong)
President (Thanh Quach)
Vice President (Bich Thuy)
Secretary (Anh Thu)
Former Treasurer (Bich Lien)
Anh Tran (Advisory Member) Therese Dang (Advisory Member) Ton Nu Ly (Advisory member
Executive members:
Thanh Quach
Anh Thu Tran
Bich Thuy Pham
Lan Phuong Tran
Bich Lien
Anh Linh Pham
Vice President (External)
Treasurer (Resigned)
Vice President (Internal)
Advisory and Ordinary members:
Huynh Anh Tran - Kim Ngoc Dang - Ton Nu Ly – Thanh Hue - Bui Thom
Phuong Thao Tran
Jenny Tran
Tan Le
Hanh Nguyen
Victoria Baldin
Thao Nguyen
Co-ordinator/Project Officer
P/T Aged care Project Worker
P/T CDSE Aged Care Group Co-ordinator
P/T CDSE Early Childhood Project Officer
P/T Bookkeeper
Hanh Vu
Victoria Baldin
Han Huynh and
Kim Van
Date: Saturday, 3rd September 2011
Time: 12.30pm – 4:30pm
Venue: Cabravale –Leisure Centre, Broomfield Street Cabramatta, 2166
Minutes taker: Gloria Vy Nguyen
Present: 65 attendants – Anh Thu Tran, Lan Phuong Tran, Therese Kim Ngoc Dang, Thanh
Quach, Bich Lien Tran, Bich Thuy Pham, Anh Linh Pham, Thao Do, Phuong Thao Nguyen,
Hanh Vu, Angelia Bao Han, Vinh Xuan Tran, Maria (SBS), Mai Duong, Nhu Tuyet Tran,
Minh Lan Pham, Gloria Vi Nguyen, Yen Tuyet Nguyen, Nguyen Thi Nhien, Tran Thanh
Huong, Quynh Pham, Dao Lan, To Nu Ly, Nhi Luong, Hong Nguyen, Ngoc Lan Tran,
Thanh Thuy To, Hai Dang, Dang Ngoc Anh, Mai Ngoc Que, Thanh Hang Ngo, Grace Ngo,
Thuy Lan Nguyen.
Last Minutes was adopted: Move: Thuyen Ngoc, seconded by Anh Tran
1. Australian and Vietnamese anthems & Minute of Silence (MC Anh Linh)
2. VWA President’s Report – The report was tabled and presented by Yen Tuyet Nguyen.
The President highlighted all achivements in the last two years and the difficulties facing the
Assosciation after the funding cut. She also thanked all members, staff and volunteers who
have strongly supported the MC members to overcome the difficulties, and encouraged the
new elected members to continue maintain and develop the organisation.
3. Service Report presented by Anh Thu Tran – SGP Community Development Worker –
Report was adopted by the AGM participants
4. Financial Report - Presented by the Treasurer – Lan Phuong Tran
5. Resignation of Management Committee Term 2009-2011
6. Election of New Management Committee for 2011-2013:
Six MC members were elected: Tran Bich Lien, Tran Thi Anh Thu, Lan Phuong Tran, Bich
Thuy Pham.Thanh Quach, Tran Nhu Tuyet. Tran Như Tuyet withrew at the end of the
First meeting of new Management Committee was decided to be held on 08/09/2011, at 53
Tarlington Parade, Bonyyrigg 2177 when all MC positions would be voted between 5
members (President, 2 Vice-President, Secretary, and Treasurer).
The Secretary will be also appointed as a Public Officer of the VWA/NSW.
7. Subcommittees were set up from the volunteers:
Tourism – Mai Duong Thao Nguyen, Lan Phuong
Social – Vinh Xuan Tran
Finance – Hai Dang, Dang Ngoc Anh
Education – Vi Nguyen
Entertainment – Tran Thanh Huong, Quynh Pham, Dao Lan
Media – Vi Nguyen, Ton Nu Ly
8. Advisory Committee
Dang Kim Ngoc, Tran Huynh Anh, Pham Anh Linh, Pham Minh Lan , Thao Do, Nguyen Thi
Nhien , Nguyen Thi Yen Tuyet
9. SBS: Maria Tran, from SBS gave talk about the Vietnamese Film named “Once upon a
times” which would be produced in 2012. The film will promote the Vietnamese families
through telling their story about their own experiences of immigration to Australia. Maria
also requested for the full support of the Vietnamese Women’s Association and the
Vietnamese community in Cabramatta to help this project succeed.
10. AGM closed at 4.30pm after the Refreshment and Entertainment
“DV Break Families” Book Launch at Bach Dang Restaurant
The time has come again for us to review our the work we have done and celebrate our achievements
in the community. I am pleased to write my first report as president and hope that you find the
updates on the work we do relevant and useful.
The last 12 months has been a fantastic learning curve for me as I immerse myself in the Vietnamese
Community as president of VWA in NSW. I have learnt alot and learnt also that there's alot more to
learn. I have found the Vietnamese community to be a generous one which embraces new ideas and
change allowing us to advance and progress rapidly in modern Australia.
We started the year with our collaboration with our involvement at the 2012 Tet Festival at Fairfield
Showground. VWA shared a stall with AWW and provided information to the community on our
current programs and initiatives. This was a successful collaboration which ensured we were able to
reach out to the thousands of women who attended the event. We intend to have a presence again this
year and look forward to your continuing support.
Not long after, we held out annual Mothers day gala at Maxims restaurant at Bankstown to a crowd of
200 people. It was attended by the Mayor of Bankstown, Khal Asfour and was a successful night.
Feedback from those in attendance was it was a truly entertaining night with lots of dancing and
entertainment enjoyed by all. We raised just under $2000 which will go towards improvements to our
Bonnyrigg office.
We were also lucky enough to work in partnership with NSW Police Cabramatta Local Area
Command on a project to educate women on the impacts of domestic violence in the community. Our
efforts created the 'DV Break Families' booklet, a bilingual resource for women who are victims or
impacted by domestic violence. The booklet provides valuable information on the types of domestic
violence women (and men) may encounter and more importantly provides victims with valuable
information on how to break the cycle of domestic violence to gain physical, emotional and financial
independence. The booklet is available at our office and also local agencies in the area, including at
Chris Hayes MP Member for Fowler's office and Cabramatta Police station.
This year also saw VWA step into the World wide web with the creation of our website, to be
launched soon. You will find information about our programs and services as well as resources
available in other parts of the community. More information on our website will be available soon.
Looking back at the achievements we have made, we would not have be able to do any of those
without the tireless support of volunteers in the Vietnamese community who give their all to assist
when called upon, giving up their time and effort to ensure things go smoothly. There are too many to
name, however, I'm sure you know who you are, and we thank you.
Looking forward, there is still work to be done to try and secure ongoing government funding and
grants to further progress VWA, as well as think of creative and innovative ways to move our
organisation into the future, whilst continuing to support the women of NSW.
Kind regards,
Thanh Quach
Quý chị em thân mến,
Nay thời điểm lại đến để chúng ta nhìn lại những việc đã làm và để ghi nhận các thành quả đã thực
hiện trong cộng đồng chúng ta. Tôi rất vinh dự được viết ra đây bản tường trình đầu tiên của tôi trong
vài trò Chủ Tịch Hội và mong rằng quị vị thấy rằng những việc Hội phụ nữ đã thực hiện rất hữu ích
cho phụ nữ.
Mười hai (12) tháng qua đã là một kinh nghiệm học hỏi thật tuyệt diệu đối với tôi vì tôi đã hòa mình
trọn vẹn trong vài trò Chủ Tich Hội Phụ Nữ Việt Nam Tự Do tại NSW. Tôi đã học hỏi được rất nhiều
và cũng hiểu được rằng còn rất nhiều điều cần học hỏi thêm nữa. Tôi đã khám phá ra rằng cộng đồng
người Việt là một cộng động rất rộng lượng luôn sẵn sàng đón nhận những ý kiến mới để mau mắn
nhập cuộc với các tiến bộ nhanh chóng trong xã hội Úc ngày nay.
Chúng ta bắt đầu năm nay với việc hợp tác với các hội đoàn trong Hội Chợ Tết Nhâm Thìn 2012 tại
Fairfield Showground. Hội Phụ Nữ Việt Nam Tự Do NSW đã thực hiện một lều thông tin cùng với
Hội Phụ Nữ Á Châu Nơi Làm Việc để phổ biến tin tức, sinh hoạt và những dự án của Hội. Đây là một
dịp quý báu để Hội đến với hàng ngàn phụ nữ đã tham dự hội chợ. Tết năm nay, Hội dự trù cũng sẽ
hiện diện tại Hội Chợ qua một gian lều nữa và mong quý chị em tiếp tay thực hiện.
Không bao lâu sau Hội Chợ Tết, Hội đã tổ chức Ngày Các Bà Mẹ (Mothers' Day) rất thành công tại
một nhà hàng ở Bankstown, quy tụ hơn 200 quý khách, với sự hiện diện của Thị Trưởng Bankstown,
ông Khal Asfour. Sau buổi dạ tiệc, nhiều vị tham gia đã chia sẻ niềm hân hoan do chương trình văn
nghệ và khiêu vũ thật đặc sắc. Hội đã gây quỹ được gần $2,000 để xung vào việc sửa chữa văn phòng
Hội tại Bonnyrigg.
Ngoài ra, Hội chúng ta đã hân hạnh cùng hợp tác với ông Đồn Trưởng Đồn Cảnh Sát Cabramatta
trong một chương trình hướng dẫn phụ nữ về các hậu quả của tệ nạn bạo hành gia đình. Nỗ lực này
của Hội đã cho ra đời cuốn tập sách " Vấn đề ưu tiên gia đình: Yên Vui và an Toàn cho chính mình và
con cái". Tập sách nhỏ này giúp hiều biết về các kiểu bạo hành mà người phụ nữ cũng như nam giới
chịu đựng trong khung cảnh một gia đình, và nhất là giúp các nạn nhân biết cách giải quyết vòng luẩn
quẩn của bạo hành gia đình để đạt được sự tự chủ về phương diện tinh thần, thể chất, tình cảm và tài
chánh. Tập sách nhỏ này có sẵn tại văn phòng Hội cũng như vài văn phòng xã hội trong vùng, ngay cả
tại văn phòng ông Chris Hayes, Dân Biểu vùn Fowler, và đồn Cảnh Săt Cabramatta.
Cũng trong năm nay, Hội đã bước vào thế giới vi tính toàn cầu với một trang nhà sẽ được khánh thành
nay mai. Quý vị sẽ tìm thấy thông tin của Hội về các chương trình và dịch vụ của Hội cũng như các
tài liệu về các dịch vụ cần thiết. Trang nhà của Hội ngày càng phong phú hơn.
Nhìn lại những thành quả Hội đã đạt được, chúng tôi thấy không thể nào thực hiện được như trên nếu
không có sự tiếp tay không ngừng của các chị em thiện nguyện đã luôn có mặt khi cần, và không quản
ngại cống hiến thì giờ, công sức để mọi việc đều diễn ra trôi chảy. Các chị em thiện nguyện đông quá
để chúng tôi có thể kể tên ra đây. Chúng tôi xin chân thành cảm tạ.
Nhìn về tương lai, còn biết bao nhiêu việc phải làm để giữ vững những tài khoản của chính phủ,
những việc làm để thực hiện những sáng kiến của chị em để Hội ngày càng phát triển, và đồng thời
vẫn tiếp tục những công việc hỗ trợ chị em phụ nữ tại NSW.
Thân mến
Thanh Quách,
Chủ Tịch Hội PNVN/NSW
By Thao Nguyen
Time is going by and this year Vietnamese Women’s Association in NSW is once again
celebrating and holding its 27th Annual General Meeting. The organisation has incessantly
serving the Vietnamese women and their families in the last 27 years though the organisation
has lost the funding provided by Department of Immigration and Citizenship in June 2011.
The lost of core funding means the Vietnamese Women’s Association is unable to provide
support to newly arrived Vietnamese women and must withdraw its settlement grant program
service. However, funding lost has not stopped the organisation in continuing its mission of
serving the community in general and Vietnamese women separately based on its name and
title. Therefore, the Vietnamese Women’s Association Management Committee had created
an administrator/coordinator position to employ an employee working five hours per week to
manage all administration tasks of the organisation.
We could say that the organisation had passed through a year with full of challenges and
difficulties without the presence of fulltime staff and limited resources. However, VWA has
continued to demonstrate our capacity in stepping forward to confront with all difficulties and
overcome obstacles in our mission to develop more programs and activities that would bring
benefit to our members and community.
We were delighted and proud to have collaborated with Quynh Truong from Multicultural
Team of Cabramatta Police Station in developing the Domestic Violence bilingual booklet
“Your happiness and safety of your family are your priorities” raising awareness on family
violence and its impact upon victims, children and perpetrators in which such sensitive issue
is legally recognised and seen as a serious criminal matter in recent years.
We also hold a Mother’s Day Gala Dinner to create an opportunity for our organisation’s
members and interested community members joining us to celebrate this special event with
their family and especially “their mothers”.
We had been also successful in obtaining more economical resources for the Association
through lodging funding submission with Fairfield City Council CDSE 2011. The
organisation had received four small grants with a total of $35,000 to run four yearly projects
during the financial year of 2011-2012. As we could see, the Association was still busy in its
mission of serving community and its members despite being under staffed and experiencing
economical restrain. I was taling three (3) projects which will be reported in details, and
provided daily admin/co-ordination service through 5 hours/week.
I take this opportunity to thank the VWA management committee which had given me an
opportunity to gain more experiences and acquired more skills while working in such a
challenging and demanding position. I also acknowledge the assistance, contribution and hard
work done by our management committee, volunteers and partnership workers.
Special thanks to our funding bodies: St Johns’ Park Bowling Club and Mekong Panthers
Club. Without your supports, the Vietnamese Women’s Association would not be able to
achieve the outcomes as reported. We look forward to working with the local Council to
improve the community access of Vietnamese families in Fairfield LGA through the new
CDSE fundings in 2012.
By: Thao Nguyen
This project aimed to teach the Vietnamese women living within Fairfield Local Government
area with selected English words relating to women health issues. This was a wisely
opportunity for Vietnamese women with none or limited English to learn this special English
course which was initiatively designed to teach them with English words about body parts
and related common health issues in women.
This special English course gave them a chance to improve their communication in English
and increase their confidence as well when they are able to describe health problems
themselves if they have any concerns about their wellbeing. Women health is very important
and crucial in the health industry in which government is always looking for ways to improve
the health and well being of women therefore this special English course will make a great
contribution in helping women to look after themselves more seriously by giving them a
chance to learn and increase their knowledge on their body and related health issues in
Along with the English course there are two women health programs which will also be
organised to provide participated women with information on women health and looking after
themselves and being healthy at all time. In addition this project also wants to encourage
women to keep active during their daily lives by participation in physical activities or doing
Activities and programs:
1/ The core activity of the project is English for health course which was starting on
Wednesday, 26th October and would prolong for 25 weeks until early May, 2012. The class
was running on every Wednesday morning from 10am to 12pm during school term at
Cabramatta Community Centre.
The participants were taught about how to describe their health concerns through learning
simple English language which is used in the medical context. There were many people
calling in to register for this special English course. But only 20 people were accepted for the
class after short list for quality purpose and safety issue. The class room could not
accommodate more than 20 people. The weekly average attendance was over 13 participants
for each week lesson.
2/ The health education program of “Living with choices” had been organized between 3rd
November to 8th December, 2011. The program had six sessions and was running on every
Thursday morning from 10am to 12pm at Cabravale Senior Hall located at Corner of Mc
Burney Road and Railway Parade, Cabramatta.
The program focused on teaching and guiding participants on how to live healthy and enjoy
their lives because everyone has a right to live happy and cheery through choosing
appropriated ways of dealing and handling things in everyday life. The participants were
empowered and improved in their self-esteem. Their decision making were increased at the
end of program. 20 people participated and completed the first health education program.
3/ The second health education program of Nutrition with 6 sessions which was organized
and run in early February to middle of March, 2012. This program provided participants with
information on healthy diet with good nutrients for body. Participants learnt about daily diet
and intake food and its related health problems. They also learnt about the benefit of eating
vegetables, fruits and choosing water as main drink to prevent some common health problems
such as overweight, high blood pressure. There were 30 people participated and completed
this nutrition health education program.
4/ Two physical exercise classes had been organized in August to October, 2011 and
February to March, 2012 for women interested in doing some extra exercise to improve their
general physical health and wellbeing. Total of 45 people participated in these two exercise
Outcomes and impacts:
The English for health class was crucial and very special to teach participants with
simple English language using in health area so that they can learn to describe their
health problems.
The educational material using in English class was very useful and beneficial for
participants in their everyday life. The workbook and handout materials were simple and
easy to follow and put into practice in their normal life and specially contribution in to
improve their communication skills in speaking English.
Participated women in two health education programs were very interested in gaining
new knowledge and learning new things specially relating to health matter. Therefore
they joined the education and programs and committed attending the class until program
Venue, date, time and resources were also important factors that had also contributed to
the successful of this project. Convenient date & time, accessible venue for participants
utilising either private or public transport.
The project was widely promoted to community members and services. As result many
clients called in and were referred to project’s English class, programs and activities.
Beside the 115 people who were directly receiving from this project then their family and
friends who would also be benefited. The participants can pass on the provided information,
handout from English class and health education programs for their family members, friends,
relatives or anybody that they come across and thus the number of people indirectly benefited
will be double, triple or many, many which could not be counted and recorded specifically.
Indirectly benefitted people can use the handout from English Class, health education
programs to find out information about nutrition and diet in relation to health concerns. If it
happens then they will pay more attention on healthy eating to avoid risk of developing some
common illnesses that can be avoided by having healthy diet with good nutrition and drinking
plenty of water.
Majority of participants were new to the service. They were either referred by other
organisations/services or registered themselves for the program after seeing the advertisement
on the Vietnamese newspapers or SBS Radio program.
Liaisons and partnerships:
The Project has been liaised and partnership with the following agencies to provide
information and provide assistance and support for the targeted group:
Asian Women At Work
Bilingual Community Educator
A special thanks to the St John’s Park Bowling Club which had provided funding to run this
project for Vietnamese women not only to help increasing their knowledge and strengthening
their physical health, but also improving their English language skills as well. The assistance
and contribution from partnership organisations and participants’ dedication to participate
and involve with this project are also acknowledged and appreciated.
By Thao Nguyen
The project “Increasing Vietnamese Community Knowledge on Australian Aged Care
System and Services” was funded by St John Park Bowling Club through Fairfield City
Council under 2011 CDSE Program. It was developed to provide the Vietnamese people at
aged of 55+ and carers with information of Australian Aged Care systems and Services
which is very complex and required lot of preparation and assessment to be completed prior
to offering or receiving a service.
The project aimed to assist the target group and their carers gaining more knowledge and
understanding on Australian Aged Care System and how to access it when they are actually
needed or under circumstances that their carers are unable to care for them anymore. Then it
is time for them utilisation of the aged care services.
Moreover, in recent years many Vietnamese people have migrated to Australia under carer
visa subclass category for family reunion to undertake the role of caring and looking after an
elderly or disability person. Then they would be benefit by understanding more about Aged
Care service in Australia as well as looking for support service according to their needs
through involvement and participation in this project’s activities and programs.
Activities and programs:
Two Aged Care Support Service Trainings were organised between November, 2011 and
March 2012. Each training course had four sessions that provided participants with an
explanation on Australian Aged Care System and its operation as well as support services
for elderly people living alone at home. There were so many people registered for these
trainings. However only fifty five (55) people were accepted to attend these training
courses because based on the Aged Care training manual and policy that each training
group only allow 15 to 18 participants.
The Aged Care Service information session was organized on 23rd March 2012. In this
session some Aged Care Support Services were invited to provide participants with
information about their services and to answer questions raised by participants in relation
to access, utilization as well as assessment of eligibility. The services were invited was
Home and Community Care, Meal on Wheel, South Western Community Transport.
An excursion to Sydney Aquarium was organized in late March to provide participated
clients an opportunity to travel to Sydney to see the under living things and enjoy a
Outcomes and impacts:
The project was very fortunate to have more than 60 people interested in this course.
Therefore, the project worker had to discuss with the working party members to find a
prober solution to address the high demand from community members. As result, 25
people were chosen to attend the first training in late November, 2011 and another 33
people attended the second training in late February, 2012.
The limited of economical resource allocated for hiring the Bilingual community educator
to deliver the training to participants on Aged Care System. Therefore many people were
not accepted for the training because the training places for two workshops which had
been fully booked.
Cross-cultural issues are always to be considered when working with people for Cultural
and Linguistic Diversity Communities. Cultural differences and language barrier usually
prevent people to access and utilize of existing services. Although, this participated target
group of Vietnamese elderly and their carers to overcome this problem and gain
confidence to exercise their rights. Because they had learnt how to access the available
service by using telephone interpreter service which would assist them to services through
translation of their thoughts, needs and wants.
Liaisons and partnerships:
The project had been liaised and worked in partnership with the following agencies and
services to deliver information and provide assistance and support to the targeted group:
Asian Women At Work
Bankstown Immigrant Women Health Centre
Vietnamese Australian Volunteer Association
Bankstown Multicultural Aged Care Service
The constantly collecting of comments and feedback from participants was positive and
valuable to evaluate and implement of this project. As result the Vietnamese Women’s
Association had logged another submission on Dementia with Fairfield City Council’s 2012
CDSE Program.
As a project officer I am taking this opportunity to thank the St John’s Park Bowling Club for
their financial assistance to run this project and also best regards and thanks to all partnership
organisations and services had involved and worked with us to make this project successful.
By Thao Nguyen
The DV Breaks Families Project aimed to raise awareness of crime prevention and domestic
violence issues affecting Vietnamese families resident in Cabramatta. The project also
wanted to enhance the relationship between the Police and the Vietnamese community. This
project was partnership with Cabramatta Police and funded by Triglav Panthers – Mekong
Club under Fairfield City Council 2011 CDSE.
Achievements of this project have been highlighted as follow:
The media release and community awareness campaign on Family Violence and its
affects had been published weekly on Vietnamese newspaper from early May to end of
June 1012 to attract community attention on this sensitive and subtle matter and its impact
upon family life and people involved.
- Three women focused groups had been formed to test the information of booklet and
asked for their contribution of ideas based on their own real experiences between March
and May, 2012. There were total of 30 participated women attended and involved in these
focused groups.
- The seminar on DV Breaks Families and launch of bilingual information booklet on
Domestic and Family Violence “Your happiness and the safety of your family are your
priorities” was held on the 3rd July 2012 with total of 80 people attended.
- The seminar’s speeches presented by distinguished guest speakers from the Parramatta
Family Court, police and specialized support services for victims of domestic violence to
deliver valuable information in relation to family violence and requirement legal process.
Specially, there was a special guest who was a victim of domestic and family violence to
share her experience and suffer when living with an abusive partner.
At last, 1000 bilingual information booklets on family violence and legal process were
produced and printed to be available for community utilization. At the seminar and book
launch, 200 hard copies of booklet had been taken by participants and representative support
The electronic version of this booklet has been uploaded on the website of the Vietnamese
Women’s Association for online viewers as well and for those who love searching for
information online. Please go to for further information.
Outcomes and impacts:
The significantly positive point of this project is that the bilingual information resource was
produced and be available for people who need such crucial and sensitive information and
specially information in relation to support provided by police.
Unfortunately, the project could not deliver any directly casework support to
clients/customers who are seeking for assistance and help with matters relating to family
problems and at risk of being abused. Although, all clients did made contact with the project
for support with family problems and domestic violence issues had been directly and
immediately referred to appropriately supported family services for further assistance.
In general the available printed information resource booklets on family issues and safety of
women and family are important and essential for community. People can use this
information to find out more and think about what they should do to protect and keep their
family safe from family violence.
Liaisons and partnerships:
This project had been liaised and worked partnership with following people and organisations
Quynh Truong (Multicultural Officer) – Cabramatta Police Station
Mai Duong (Early Parenting Educator) – Fairfield Child & Family Service
Thi Nguyen (Bilingual Support Worker) – SWS DV Court Support Scheme
Bich Thuy Pham (Settlement Grant Program) - Asian Women At Work
Trong Dang (Gambling Counsellor) – Vietnamese Community in Australia
Khoa Nguyen (Health Education Officer) – SWS Drug & Alcohol Service
Kim Hong Huynh - Vietnamese Australian Volunteer Association
Nhi Luong (Family Worker) – Bright Future Program/Benevolent Society
Hanh Vu (Special needs child worker) – MyTime/Carer Support Group (VWA)
Dr Bach Nga Vu (Psychologist) – One Fullness Counselling Service
The project had successfully completed with the seminar on Domestic violence and launch of
bilingual information booklet in which 80 people attending this special function. Although
this project would not be feasible happening without financial support provided Triglav
Panthers – Cabramatta Branch therefore one behalf of Vietnamese Women’s Association I
would like to send a sincerely thanks to the club and specially for provision of us with
funding to make this success is possible and also thanks to all the attendees attending and
participating in the launch in early July as well as all workers and volunteers involved with
this project.
Aged Care groups
Understanding Australian Aged Care & Support
1st & 2nd Training Programs
English class for health
Nutrition class
Health educationprogram
“Living with Choices”
Women health education program
By Hanh Vu
The Project is funded by the Community Relation Commision, and the Panthers Club. The
fundings was enabling the Early Childhood program run both playgroup activities and
welfare assistance for Vietnamese children with special needs and their caregivers so that
they can:
Regain and rebuild confidence in caring for their children so that they can think
positive and be independence in their actions and decision making process of their
daily lives.
Maintain well-being of children with special needs and the caregivers
Gain an understanding of relevant disability, welfare and health services and
improving their accessibility to existing services.
Achievements of this project have been highlighted as follow:
The average of participants attended each week is 12-15 families (12-15 mothers and
6 children). These families are the regular and active members of the group.
On top of playgroup activities provided on regular basis, parents/carers are being
supported by the Project Worker/Early Childhood Educator. The Project officer are
constantly making referrals for parents and carers to the local support services and
provide welfare assistance and social activities for Vietnamese Women in the LGAs.
There are 30 sessions of playgroup provided throughout the years. Some extra
activities such as workshops, social meetings and excursions are organised for those
who are available during school breaks.
Outcomes & Impacts
The Project employs a qualified Project officer/Early Childhood Educator and she is capable
to work with children 0-5 years that have behavioural problems/developmental delays and
The Special Needs Play Group has a comprehensive 30-sessions program and the caregivers
have different beneficial activities through the following sessions:
7 Triple P sessions: Improvement of Parenting skills in challenging behaviour in
children ( Learning Links is directly involved)
3 Art Therapy sessions: Assistance of Parents how to communicate and understand
how children with disability express their emotions, needs and wants and themselves
through art and drawing
Gentle exercise class: Assistance of parents how to develop positive relationship with
children through body movement s and dancing.
Self care workshop: Specialist provides information sessions to clients on ie: How to
manage your stress , mediation, tai chi
Children learn to interact positively with each other and their parents. Also how to
play appropriately with toys and their environment so that they can grow into their
full potential.
Parents meet others to share their experiences and break isolation by talking their own
language. Parents have gain confidence and forming friendships in the group.
Liaisons and partnerships:
The Project has been liaised and partnership with the following agencies to provide
information and provide assistance and support for our target group:
Family Advocacy Services for disability
Learning Links, Parent Support Group.
Bensoc (Benevolent Society) in Bonnyrigg
Catholic Care in Cabramatta
Transcultural Mental Health Services
New Horizons
South Western Sydney Local Health District
The Spastic Centre for speech therapy and Occupational therapist
A special thanks to the Triglav Panthers Club which had provided financial assistance to
VWA to deliver those beneficial and interested activities for carers and children with special
needs. All contributions and supports provided partnership workers and volunteers are also
acknowledged and appreciated. Our organisation is looking forward to work and deliver more
useful programs in the future for this special target group of clients.
Tiny Mai & My Time Vietnamese Special Needs Play Group
53 Tarlington Pde. Bonnyrigg
P.O.Box 256, Cabramatta NSW 2166 ABN: 318 639 979 93
Email: Webside :
I, Lan Phuong Tran, Treasurer of the Vietnamese Women Association, hereby certify that:
I attended the annual general meeting of the Association held on 10th September 2011
and was elected at the meeting.
I am authorized by the attached resolution of the Management Committee to financial
report since.
The following annual audited statements of the SGP and CDE Projects were
submitted to the members of the Association, and will be presented at the AGM 2010,
on 17th July 2010.
Date, 09th November 2012
Lan Phuong Tran
Treasurer of
Vietnamese Women’s Association in NSW Inc.
53 Tarlington Pde Bonnyrigg ABN: 318 639 979 93
P.O.Box 256, Cabramatta NSW 2166
Tel: (02) 9723 2022 - Fax : (02) 9723 3033
Email: Website:
To create a caring, supportive environment for Vietnamese women
and their families in NSW in which they will be empowered to:
Participate in decision-making that affects their health and their wellbeing
Exercise their freedom to choose a lifestyle, which enables their skills,
ability and self-confidence
Uphold and promote multiculturalism whilst maintaining their
traditional culture
Thank You
Many thanks to all the individuals and organisations
who have supported the VWA/NSW for many years.
A very special thanks to Advisory, Managerment Committee and Staff
Members, Volunteers for their dedication and commitment to our service