Heritage Mass - Ken`s-REVISED-SATB - NYMetro
Heritage Mass - Ken`s-REVISED-SATB - NYMetro
726 HrnrrRcr Mess 727 Lono, HRvr Mency ()=ca.e6) Descant 7t very lightLy )-_l-/ Ki - have ri-e, son. \-- mer have mer - Lord, *ft nw Chri - ste, have mer - cy. Soprano,/,4lto i - t6 *f e-li-i-son. ^nw Christ. ,---l-..-- Christ, have T Tenor/Bass ri-e, have mer Music Heritase Mass; Owen Alstott, b. j94Z O 197A. - e-16 cy. OCp AIt rights reserved_ p Lord, I - have Sol'.t- mer cy. HERITAGE MASS LORD, HAVE MERCY Owen Alstott Lord, have mer cy. mer cy. Lord, Christ, have have mer cy. Music © 1978, OCP. All rights reserved. GLORY TO GOD ## 4 & 4 œ & & ## ## Glo - ry to God in the high œ œ œ œ œ ## Œ œ & # & # œ œ. œ œ œ J glo - ri - fy ˙ œ œ ˙. œ œ œ . œ œ . œj J œ j œ œ œ œ œ O God, al - might - y w œ œ œ œ œ œ ˙. œ sins of the world, sins of the world, Œ œ œ œ of the œ œ peace to œ œ œ œ ˙ Son, ˙ œ œ œ ˙ œ œ œ On - ly Be - got - ten Son œ est, and on earth œ Je - sus Christ, œ œ œ ˙ œ œ a - dore you, œ œ œ we give you thanks for your great glo - ry, œ œ. ˙ Lamb of God, & œ - œ œ J We praise you, we bless you, we you, œ # & # œ œ ˙ ## œ Lord God, heav’n - ly King, Lord & ˙. peo - ple of good will. we ## œ. œ œ œ œ œ Owen Alstott œ Fa - ther, œ œ have mer - cy on Œ œ œ œ w w us; re - ceive our prayer; w Fa ˙ - Lord œ œ œ w ther. ˙ God, œ you take a - way the œ œ œ œ œ you take a - way the œ œ œ œ œ œ you are seat - ed at the 30103877 728_HERITACT NlASS Soprano Ako Lord Je-sus Christ' On - ly Be-got t-_v - ten Lord Son, God, Tenor mp >-J Lamb -l of God, -'--./ Son of the sins of the world, sins of the rvorld, have you take a-waY mer-cYon re - ceive us; oul prayer; you take a-way the you 7? seat-ed at the right hand of the Fa-ther, the ale {\.--l have mer - cY on us. HERITACE MASS-7?8 For you a-lone are a - Ione are the the Ho - ly One, - lus Al - tis - si - mus: a-lone are the Most so Je - sus cum San-cto Sp{-ri-tu in the glo with the Ho - ry Melody ellargando 916 - ri-a De - i men. allargando crcsc. Fa allargcndo cresc, lctt. All .ithts rcsered- Used with pemission, Music H€rib8e Mes$ Gren AtsIotr, b. 19,17, @ 1987. 2flf9, OCP, All rithts re*red. Ten O2010 f HERITACE MAS5 729 Hory Brightly! () = ca. IAE) 'an - ctus, Ho-ly, Ho-ly, Dd - San Lord Cod of hosts. Heav'n and earth mi- are f De - nt4s us Sd ba - Ho - oth. Soprano Ako lun of your Ho g1o - san - nal sdn Ho-san-na Tenor f in ex-cdl -trr hrgh -. - -\*--l - sis. nd - mi-ne Dd - mi - q est. T Blessed is he who comes in la of the name the HERITACE MASS_729 in ex-cdl Lord. Ho Ho-san-na in 'f TeilO 2,0,0, tCEt. A[ ri8hrs r*red, Used wrth permllsion. Mueic Herb8eMrs Oretr Alston, b.l94Z O 1620, Zmf, OCe. the hlghV est. flt ,igt 15 reered. r Mueic Used wrth perml O 1620, Zmf, OCe. Herb8eMrs Oretr Alston, b.l94Z flt ,igt 15 reered. Wr PRocuIM YoUR Draru () = 730 ca. 120) We pro-claim your Death,O Lord, Un un - til Iert O 2010, lCf t. Ati rights youcome a - - til you come you come, rewed. pro-fess your Res - ur - rec-tion Uled wirh permission, r&, ,aoae, OCe 46 ,i5g,6 Mlslc lreraase Mrr$ Oren At3lon, b, !q,r, 6 gain. a *"*"6. HERITACE MASS 731 {) WnrN Wr Ear Tnls BRrno = ca. 120) Descant When we eat this Soprano/Alto When we eat Bread this \--: cup' rhris pro - pro - O U Lord, claim your claim your un - til you come a- gain. you come a gain. I-\. Text O 2010, ICEL. All rithts reserved. Used rvith pe.missionMusic: Heritate Mass; Oreo Alsrati, b. 1947. @ rge8, i0o9, OCp. All rithts reserved. HERITACE MA Savr Us, SAvloR Come and 73 Come save and save Soprano/Alto Sav - for by ior of the for world, Res-ur-rec-tion your set us set us by you cresc. Cross and Res - you rec - tion ur have :- iiee. cresc, Text @ 2010, ICEL. All rights resewed. Used with pe.mission. Mosic Herirr8e Mrss; Owen Alslotl, b. 1947. O 2009, OCP, All ri8hts reserued. AiVteru (J = ca. !AB) A - ryp Mssic Herilage rrren, nf Ma55; Owen Alstoll, b. 1942 6 '1988, OCP. Al! rithls re*.ved. HERITACE MASS 734 () = Lenag oF CoD ca. t08) Descant De-i, a - way mi-se-rd - re the no - bis. of the have world. mer - cy on us. De-i, Lamb Sass of you God, a - way the ,*p HERITACE MASS_734 mi-se-rd - re of the no - bis. have world, mer - cy A t-----?-- .of Lamb God, a-way vou ------ ttto/to cresc, sub. do-na no - bis pa yt rall. e dim. l-€/ sub.p rall.edim. g U slns of world, cresc. grani sub. 7t peace. r'all. e clim. Music He.ilage Mass; Owen Alstoit, b. i947, O 1978, OCp All rights reserv.d.
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