Image Intensifier
Image Intensifier
X I O P M Preliminary Scheme of the HCAL ICCD Readout Bingliang HU Xi'an Ins=tute of Op=cs and Precision Mechanics of CAS Contents X I O P M I. Introduc=on of XIOPM II. Brief introduc=on on the HCAL ICCD III. Requirements IV. Preliminary Scheme V. Cri=cal Test VI. Schedule of Mission 2 X I O P M I. Introduc2on of XIOPM Introduc=on of XIOPM X I O P M Xi'an Institute of Optics and Precision Mechanics , CAS, Founded in 1962, One of the largest institutes of CAS in Northwestern China. A comprehensive scientific research base XI’AN SVOM mission Chinese Lunar Exploration Program (CLEP) 4 X I O P M II. Brief introduc2on on the HCAL ICCD Brief Introduc=on X I O P M CsI light transmission and collec=on Direct Coupling PD, APD, SiPM: Complicated system, high power consump=on Granular CsI Crystals Wavelength ShiKer Fiber MAPMT, SiPM: high power consump=on CCD: No single photon detec=on EMCCD, EBCCD: no ns gate control ICCD: no above problems, but premature Performances of Digital 3D imaging detector contrast with the tradi2onal scheme Digital 3D imaging detector The tradi2onal scheme larger field of view smaller field of view lower power consump2on higher power consump2on imaging detec2on not imaging detec2on 6 Brief Introduc=on X I O P M wavelength shifting fiber One Way Detection System data channel Calorimeter Image Processing System wavelength shifting fiber Image Intensifier One Way Detection System Optical coupling component data channel High Frame Rate CCD low-‐light super fast imaging detec2on system One Way Detec=on System can obtain the signal from 30~40 thousands of wavelength shiKing fibers, the Low-‐Light super Fast Imaging Detec=on System is consisted of four ways. 7 X I O P M III. Requirements Requirements X I O P M Requirements of low-‐light super fast imaging detec2on system Spectral response range 450nm-‐600nm CCD detector frame frequency >400fps Weak light detec=on requirements 100 photon/µs/fiber Strong light detec=on requirements 2000 photon/µs/fiber Image intensifier =me delay ≤5ms The quantum efficiency of image intensifier the second-‐genera=on products>15% The clear aperture of image intensifier the second-‐genera=on products≥Φ75mm The shueer =me of image intensifier ≤1µs The coupling efficiency of coupling system relay lens≥5%; op=c fiber plates≥50% The precisely synchronous delayer ns to μs delay implementa=on, ns scale delay accuracy The number of the WLSF 120-‐ 160 k 9 Analyses of System Requirement X I O P M According to the requirements of system technology, it has to be compli mented by the cri=cal par=als to meet all requirements as following: CCD: Ø High frame rate and large format CCD Image Intensifier: Ø Photocathode switching -‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐ shueer Ø Fluorescence =me -‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐ =me delay Ø Micro channel plates-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐ weak light enhanced Aerospace Environment : Ø Mechanics and heat in the space environment 10 X I O P M IV. Preliminary Scheme Preliminary Scheme X I O P M Cathode Triggered Intensifier Op=cal Coupler High frame rate and large format CCD Concept of ICCD readout system high-‐speed ga=ng image intensifier with single cathode manages to sa=sfy and realize the requirement of 100 photon/us “low-‐light detec=on” according to the overall indicator; 12 Preliminary Scheme X I O P M PMT or Image Intensifier ? One Image Intensifier = Mul2-‐Channel PMT 13 Preliminary Scheme X I O P M Why Image Intensifier ? photocahode switching weak light enhanced =me delay l photocathode switching-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐ shueer l fluorescence =me-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐ =me delay l micro channel plates-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐ weak light enhanced 14 Preliminary Scheme X I O P M Time diagram 15 Preliminary Scheme PMT TriggerInput TriggerOutput RS232 12V System Structrue 12V Precision Synchronization Control 5V X I O P M 0V 5V 0-5V Trigger Input 12V GM200-3P Cathode Gating Module 0V(Black) 5V(Red) GateOutput +50v/-200V SMA MCPIn WP830 MCP/ScreenControl 0-5V(Orange) MCPOut Screen 16 Preliminary Scheme X I O P M Parts Selection Parameters: 75mm, P43, MCPs, S20, fiber faceplate I/O 17 Preliminary Scheme X I O P M System Performance Step1. Photons amplica=on of II N gain = Twindowf ×η pc × N MCP ×η ps × Twindowb (1) Twindowf = Twindowb = 0.6 η pc = 0.15 Anode efficiency N MCP = 1500 MCP Gain Photons/electron η ps = 200 Step2. The output of photon number N photon = N input × N gain (2) N input = 100 ~ 2000 18 Preliminary Scheme Step3: coupling with Fiber Taper or Relay Lens S photon = N photon ⋅ηt1 ⋅τ ft ⋅ηt 2 (3 − 1) ηt1 , ηt2 and τft is fiber taper efficiency ηt1 = 0.3,τ ft = 0.8,ηt 2 = 0.9 S photon = N photon × Eopt (3 − 2) Eopt is relay lens efficiency Eopt = 0.05 Step4: electrons produced by CCD S electro = S photon ⋅ QECCD (4) QECCD = 0.6 X I O P M Preliminary Scheme SNR = 20 log X I O P M Selectro 2 2 NS photon + N circle + N electro NS photon = S electro / Pnum / SNRII Pnum = 16, SNRII = 30 N circle = 200 N electro = S electro / Pnum signal to noise ra2o of the overall system Relay lens coupling Fiber Taper coupling 100 photon 22dB 2000 photon 29.4dB 100 photon 28.3dB 2000 photon 29.5dB 2 (5) Preliminary Scheme X I O P M Two types of coupling Weight: ~120 kg, Size: 450×450×670 (mm) -‐-‐-‐-‐4 units Relay Lens signal to noise ra2o of the overall system Relay lens coupling Fiber taper coupling 100 photon 22dB 2000 photon 29.4dB 100 photon 28.3dB 2000 photon 29.5dB Size: 600(L) x 460(W) x 350(H)mm Weight: 50Kg Taper -‐-‐-‐ 4 units The boeleneck of the overall system SNR is at the image intensifier whose SNR is about 30. 21 Preliminary Scheme Relay Lens Coupling The fundamental considerations of the optical design are listed as below: 1. Telecentric in the object space; 2. Telecentric in the image space; 3. The distor=on of the relay lens shall be designed to be less of 0.5% (rela=vely), or compensate the distor=on brought by the image intensifier(if it is determinable); 4. The magnifica=on of the relay lens is -‐0.25; 5. The uniformity of RMS is required, the RMS radius of each FOV shall be no larger than 90 micrometer. X I O P M One problem bothers us is the coupling efficiency of the relay lens. From the schematic shows left, we can see that the object space NA determines the amount of light to be collected. In the relay lens coupling scheme, the 75mm 2th generation image intensifier provided by Photek 22 will be used to accomplish the light signal collection. Preliminary Scheme X I O P M Relay Lens Coupling Considering both of relay lens performance and space application requirements, a preliminary design result is shown as below: Design Result Object space NA 0.15 Magnification -0.25 Object height 75mm The reason we use a curved object plane is to compensate the Petzval field curvature. As the object plane bend towards the relay lens, the Petzval surface is moving along with it, as shown in the schematic below. Also, the curvature of the object plane affects the aperture o f t h e l e n s significantly PS: the object plane is the output window of the II. and the curve can be achieved by adding a concave plate or reforming the window itself signal to noise ra2o of the overall system Relay lens coupling 100 photon 22dB 2000 photon 29.4dB 23 Preliminary Scheme Taper Coupling Weight:~ 11Kg Size:286 (L)× 236 (W) ×320 (H)mm Structure of Single Unit Structure of the System signal to noise ra2o of the overall system Taper coupling 100 photon 28.3dB 2000 photon 29.5dB X I O P M Preliminary Scheme X I O P M CCD Performance Descrip2on Parameter Value or Description Architecture Back illuminated 1024 x 1024, vertical frame transfer Pixel Size: Optical Fill Factor Frame Rate Spectral Response Quantum Efficiency 25 µm×25 µm 100% ≥500fps 400nm-700nm 73% 77% 75% 69% ≥50% Readout Noise <40e- rms Full Well Signal ≥500,000 e- Possible Binning 4×4 45% 25 According to the technical requirement of the system, the CCD performance parameters are mapped out preliminarily. Preliminary Scheme X I O P M CCD Performance Descrip2on Signal Processing Circuit The focus plane circuit is composed of four modules: à Voltage Regulator Focus Plane Circuit Video Signals CCD Signal Output Stage A/D Several low dropout linear regulators are used to supply the power for different voltage requirements of CCD sensor and CCD drivers. CCD Sensor à CCD Driver CMOS drivers with high speed and high capaci=ve drive capability are used to convert the TTL =ming signals to level-‐shiKing driving clocks. Driving Clocks FPGA à CCD sensor CCD Driver Timing Signals The custom designed CCD sensor is the core component of focus plane circuit, which converts the light signal to electric video signal. à CCD Signal Output Stage Power Supply For insula=ng and protec=ng CCD sensor, a triode emieer-‐follower circuit is applied as the output stage to Signal Processing Circuit Unit. Voltage Regulator Func2onal Block Diagram of Focus Plane Circuit Successful Experience-‐-‐-‐ in satellite for CAST Ø 1024 x 256 pixels and up to 720fps; Ø OM7560 is applied as CCD signal processor; Ø ISL7457 is used as CCD driver VCC + + 12 16 Tming Signal 11 SNV54ACT04J 10 2 1 5 ISL7457SRHVF 15 Driving Clock 4 9 DGND V-bias DGND 3 14 ISL7457SRHVF 26 Preliminary Scheme Ground Test Module CAMERA LINK Data acquisi2on card PC IE X4 CCD Image Intensifier RS 232 Data rate: > 7.8GbPS Transmiwng frequency: 119200bps Image Data Acquisi2on Signal Proper2es Signal Name PC Interface Requirements X I O P M Digital signal Control Signal Part Digital signal Video signal, Image intensifier gain Stored signal, adjus=ng signal , image Mode selec=on intensifier =ming delay signal Transmission Mode CAMERA LINK RS232 & CAMERA LINK Performance Camera interface 2 Base or 1 Medium CCD Format Base or Medium Camera Link Pixel clock Bits per pixel MAX 85 MHz 8、10、12、 14、16 BUS SoeWare PCIe x4 Sapera LT, 32/64-‐bit Func2onal requirement 1. Receiving the vidio signal from the CCD Camera and stored in the PC disk ; 2. Through the RS232 interface to send to the image intensifier gain adjustment and delay adjustment signal ; 27 3. Communica=on and CCD Camera ;4. The video signal is displayed in the PC . Preliminary Scheme Image Display Soeware’s Role in System X I O P M The soKware receives images by accessing the acquisi=on card on computer, then stores the images to high-‐speed disk array. The soKware access images stored on disk and displays them on the screen. In addi=on, the soKware controls image intensifier and CCD camera through COM port. Image Display Soeware UI UI contains a menu bar, toolbar, status bar, logging window, control panel and display area. Toolbar contains COM port sewngs. Status bar is used to display image info. Logging window is used to show running state and info. Control panel is used to control image display, CCD camera and image intensifier. Display area is used to show images and pixel values. 28 Preliminary Scheme X I O P M ICCD Calibra2on Program 3 Steps: Ø Sensi=vity calibra=on、Imaging quality test of the CCD Ø Sensi=vity calibra=on、Imaging quality test of the Image Intensifier tubes; Ø Sensi=vity calibra=on、Imaging quality test of the ICCD. Screening Can Lamp Aperture slot Shutter ICCD stage L Guide rail Optical table Imaging quality Parameters: 1. Limi=ng Resolu=on 2. Modula=on Transfer Func=on (MTF) 3. Signal To Noise Ra=o (S/N) 4. Blemishes (dark spots, white spots, chicken wire) 5. Output Brightness Uniformity 7. Useful cathode diameter 8. Image Alignment 9. Distor=on 12.Magnifica=on 14.Fixed paeern noise Schema2c Diagram of ICCD Calibra2on Sensi2vity calibra2on Parameter: 1. Luminous Sensi=vity 2. Radiant Sensi=vity 3. Satura=on Level 4. Equivalent Background Input 5. Gain Purpose: Establish the quan=ta=ve rela=on between the input illumina=on and the output DN of the ICCD. Key devices: Standard light source, MTF tester, Illuminometer X I O P M V. Cri2cal Test Cri=cal Test X I O P M System for Coupling Op2cal-‐taper with CCD Monitor Computer system Capture card Steppingmotor control console Fixed platform Optical image system Fixed platform Optical-taper I/O Stepping motor Fig . Original CCD Working stage coupled with CCD object picture Ø The system for coupling op=cal fiber-‐taper with CCD is based on image processing technique by using image-‐evalua=on func=on . Ø By experiments, it is proved that a higher accuracy is achieved. This method successfully resolves the problem how to obtain the best efficiency of coupling during the coupling process. Ø At present, we have completed CCD coupled with the fiber taper which applies in the laboratory, and we are op=mizing the system to meet the mechanical shock, heat shock and other space environment. Cri=cal Test X I O P M Aerospace Environment Analyses : Ø The finite element analyses(FEA) of the mechanical structure and Heat in the space environment; Ø The analyses of magne=c in the space environment; Ø The choice of the materials. Test : Ø Mechanics and heat in the space environment; Ø Magne=c in the space environment Fig. X direc2on Fig. Y direc2on X I O P M VI. Schedule of Mission Schedule of Mission ID 1 2 3 任务名称 负责人员 开始时间 完成 国产像增强,光锥的 2012-082012-07-30 王博,张宏健 17 采购 光锥的光纤定位方案 张宏建,王博,石大 2012/7/30 2012/9/11 研究 莲 持续 时间 2012/7/30 2012/8/15 13d 4 胶合定位软件仿真 刘满林,张宏健 (配合) 2012/7/30 2012/8/9 9d 5 关键器件的落实(指 王博,张宏健,皮海 标,渠道,购买) 峰,王乐 2012/8/6 2012/9/20 34d 6 1/4原理样机的详细 设计及研制方法 王博,张宏健,皮海 峰,刘永征,李勇, 刘满林,石大莲 2012/8/6 2012/9/5 23d 7 详细设计审阅 胡老师,王乐,白永 林,高晓惠等 2012/9/5 2012/9/7 3d 8 电子元器件的采购 武琪敬 2012/8/8 2012/9/18 30d 9 CCD开窗工艺设计 王耀祥 2012/8/7 2012/8/28 16d 10 开窗工艺评审 王乐,高晓惠组织 2012/8/29 2012/8/31 3d 11 胶合工艺设计 张宏健,王博,刘永 征 2012/8/16 2012/9/7 17d 12 胶合工艺评审 王乐,高晓惠组织 2012-09-10 2012-0912 3d 13 结构件的投产 李勇,刘满林 2012/8/24 2012/11/1 50d 像增强器,光锥, CCD胶合工艺摸索 力学验证实验CCD成 像电路投产,调试 1/4原理样机CCD成 像电路投产,调试 张宏健,王博,刘永 征 2012-08-24 2012/11/1 50d 地检设备研制 16 17 18 19 刘永征,皮海峰 2012/8/24 刘永征,皮海峰 2012/9/24 2012/12/11 57d 武琪敬,李然 2012/8/21 张宏健,王博,刘永 胶合实验系统联试 征 胶合效果的力学验证 张宏健,王博,刘永 实验 征 2012/10/2 2012/10/9 8/12 8/19 2012年 09月 8/26 9/2 9/9 9/16 2012年 10月 9/23 9/30 10/7 10/14 10/21 10/28 2012年 11月 11/4 11/11 11/18 11/25 2012年 12月 12/2 12/9 12/16 12/23 12/30 2013年 01月 1/6 1/13 1/20 1/27 32d 张宏建 15 8/5 15d 定制耦合调整平台 14 2012年 08月 7/29 X I O P M 28d 36d 2012-10-02 2012/10/17 12d 2012/10/18 2012/11/7 15d 20 1/4原理样机联试 张宏健,王博,刘永 系统总体指标验证 征,张晓荣 (总体关心的指标) 2012/11/19 2013/1/18 45d 21 项目验收,研制资料 王博,张宏健,皮海 整理 峰,刘永征,武琪敬 2013/1/15 2013-0129 11d 34 Schedule of Mission Phase D Phase C Phase B 2018 2020 2014 Phase A Phase 0 2016 Phase E launch X I O P M 2012 Phase A Phase B Phase C Phase D Phase E System Concept Defini=on – System Specifica=on Development-‐ Preliminary Design Produc=on-‐ Cri=cal Opera=on Design & First Ar=cle Configura=on 35 X I O P M ALL ARE WELCOME TO XI’ AN
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