pueblo necaxa
pueblo necaxa
MEXICO RECENT ACQUISITIONS BOOKS, MAPS, PHOTOGRAPHS & EPHEMERA JANUARY, 2013 MARGOLIS & MOSS P.O. Box 2042 / Santa Fe, NM 87504 (505) 982-1028 mmbooks@comcast.net margolisandmoss.com A MANUSCRIPT HACIENDA PLAN. TLAXCALA. 1876. 1. PLANO DE LA HACIENDA DE STA. ANA RIOS. PROPIEDAD DEL SENOR DON MANUEL HARO Y TAMARIZ. (Tlaxcala, 1876). A large, hand-drawn plan for this impressive Hacienda, located in the Huamantla district of the State of Tlaxcala. Drawn and surveyed by Fernando de Rosenzweig. The plan measures 19 x 26 inches and is linen backed. Some small tears and light foxing. The engineer and dra,sman is most likely Ferdinand von Rosenzweig, also known as Fernando de Rosenzweig. He was an officer in the Austrian military and served under Emperor Maximilian I of Mexico. He was married to the Hungarian princess Catarina Radzivil de Atavia who was a lady in the court of Empress Carlota of Mexico. During his service to the Emperor, he traced and build the famous Mexico City avenue Paseo de la Emperatriz, now renamed Paseo de la Reforma. During the post-Maximilian era, he built several other structures such as the Necaxa Ridge, which was Mexico City’s first source of electricity. Haro y Tamariz was a prominent family in the Pueblo region for many years. A beau6ful plan for this hacienda, not far from the city of Puebla. $1,800. AN EARLY MEXICAN LITHOGRAPH. 1854. 2. TERCER CALENDARIO DE SIMON BLANQUEL, PARA EL ANO DE 1854, AREGLADO AL MERIDIANO DE MEXICO. Mexico: Manuel Murguia y Compania, 1854. 62 pages. With a folded lithographed fron6spiece. Printed blue wrappers, 5 ½ x 3 ½ inches. Split at spine. The large lithograph measures 9 x 11 ½ inches on a 12 x 15 inch sheet. Titled “La Creacion” it is a complex composi6on showing the Garden of Eden. The lithographer is named, but the printed signature is light and indecipherable. This lithograph was reproduced on page 87 in “Mexicanos en su 6nta: Calendarios.” $225. ARTWORK BY ERNESTO GARCIA CABRAL 3. CORALITO YUCATECO. (Mexico, circa 1930). A piece of decora6ve sheet music, with words by Ricardo A. López and music by Miguel Lerdo de Tejada Jr. Cover designed by Ernesto Garcia Cabral and four pages of music. 12 ¼ x 9 inches. A fine, bright copy. Ernesto Garcia Cabral (1890 – 1968) was a talented cartoonist and poster illustrator. He executed a large number of cinema posters and lobby cards during the 1930’s and 40’s and his work o,en appeared on the covers of “Revista de Revistas.” A book on Cabral was published 1n 2008 by Editorial RM. $75. ARCHIVES OF PHOTOGRAPHS OF BENECIO LOPEZ PADILLA, GOVERNOR OF COAHUILA, 1941 – 1945. 4. A group of 112 photographs of Benecio Lopez Padilla and ac6vi6es in Coahuila during his governorship, 1941 – 1945. Most images are 5 ¼ x 7 inches, though a few range in size up to 13 ½ x 11 inches. 24 images are cap6oned on the verso in pencil or typewriHen. A few show signs of removal from albums, but most are in fine condi6on. Benecio Lopez Padilla was born in Zaragoza, Coahuila in 1890. He was a miner, who organized the workers in the mines of Nueva Rosita and became Secretary of the Mines in 1909. He joined forces with Madero in 1910 and was a signer of the Plan de Guadalupe. He stayed in the military and was promoted to major general in 1937 and in 1941 took over as head of the general staff of the War Department. As Governor of Coahuila (1941 – 1945) he supervised the finishing of the Piedras Negras Sal6llo highway, founded the School of Law, the Superior Normal and Industrial School for Women, and inaugurated the State Public Library Múzquiz Manuel Blanco. He died in Mexico City in 1969. Some of these images show: Lopez Padilla with President Avila Comacho; groups of campesinos in Monclova and Sal6llo, legisla6ve photographs; the giving out of agrarian rights in Monclova; and personal photographs of dinners, weddings, and other events. An interes6ng view of mid-century Coahuila. $650. A MAGNIFICENT LARGE ATLAS FOR THE STATE OF VERACRUZ, 1905. 5. CARTA GENERAL DEL ESTADO DE VERACRUZ-LLAVE. Mexico: Comision Geografico-Exploradora, 1905. Lithographed 6tle, two double leaves of text and charts, plus twelve double page colored maps showing sec6ons of Veracruz state. 24 x 14 ½ inches. Pictorial blue-green cloth; covers lightly rubbed, on the verso of the covers is remnants of a label, with tax stamps. A fine, crisp copy. First edi6on. Later a second edi6on of nine maps were issued in 1919. A splendid highly detailed series of maps, printed at the “Talleres de la Comision Geografico-Exploradora.” OCLC locates five copies. $1,850. INDEPENDENCE MEMORIAL BROADSIDE PUBLISHED BY VANEGAS ARROYO. 6. VIVA EL GLORIOSO 16 DE SEPTIEMBRE DE 1810. Mexico: Testementaria de Antonio Vanegas Arroyo, 1926. A large broadside issued on 6ssue paper and showing a portrait of Father Hidalgo, the patriarch of Independence. Below is the text for a Na6onal Hymn of Mexico. The portrait and hymn is printed in black, on three color bands (green, white and red) represen6ng the Mexican flag. The broadside measures 19 ½ x 15 inches, and is chipped on the edges. Published by the firm of the famous Mexico City printer, Vanegas Arroyo, this memorial broadside celebrates the Independence of Mexico from the Spanish empire. $350. THE SCARCE FIRST EDITION, PUBLISHED BY THE T.G.P. 7. ESTAMPAS DE LA REVOLUCION MEXICANA. 85 GRABADOS DE LOS ARTISTAS DE TALLER DE GRAFICA POPULAR. Mexico: “La Estampa Mexicana”, 1947. Printed paper porQolio with 84 loose prints on colored paper plus the cover print. 16 x 11 inches; spine on porQolio lacks two inch sec6ons in two places and has been taped by a previous owner; the cover has small stains and paper tears; internally excellent. This copy is numbered 18 of 550. The porQolio contains twelve pages of text, being a prolog and a descrip6on of each plate. There are then 84 original linoleum cuts by the ar6sts of the T.G.P. The 85th print is the cover print by Ignacio Aguirre. The ar6sts include Luis Arenal, Alberto Beltran, Arturo Garcia Bustos, Leopoldo Mendez, Francisco Mora, Pablo O’Higgins, Mariana Yampolsky, Alfred Zalce and others. “Estampas de la revolucion Mexicana was a collec6ve effort by the en6re membership of the Taller and also included work by some of the guest members who came from the United States and other countries. Jules Heller recalled that the members of the Taller worked on the prints in the evenings, as a group. Photographs of the Revolu6on and the post-revolu6onary period by Casasola and his photographic team were put on the wall, and the Taller invited historians and writers to talk about Mexican history and poli6cs. In this s6mula6ng atmosphere, the ar6sts selected images from the wall and put their ini6als next to them. They then made preparatory drawings inspired by the photographs put their work on the floor for other members to cri6que...Because ar6sts and intellectuals in Mexico s6ll held to the idea of the con6nuing revolu6on, the prints for Estampas de la Revolucion Mexicana actually covered the area from the Revolu6on up to the 1940’s. Some6mes two ar6sts would work on the same print, one drawing the image and the other doing the actual engraving…” – Caplow. LEOPOLDO MENDEZ. REVOLUTIONARY ART AND THE MEXICAN PRINT. Page 197. The process of crea6ng the porQolio took two years and produced 550 copies, containing 46,750 prints. Two thirds were sold in the year of publica6on, with ten percent presented to progressive cultural organiza6ons all over the world. Uncommon on the market. Not listed in ABPC for the last 30 years. $2,500. TWO MANUSCRIPT SURVEYS OF LAND IN SINALOA 8. PLANO DE LOS TERRENOS DE SANTA-ANITA. LEVANTADO POR IGNACIO L. ROCHA, INGENIERO. (Casa Blanca, 1888). A handsome manuscript plan, in color, of the towns of Santa Anita and Vien6cuartro, and their surroundings, in the State of Sinaloa. 18 x 23 ½ inches, on a fine waxed paper; with some folds. $425. 9. PLANO DE LOS TERRENOS DE LA LIMA. (Culiacán, 1889). A manuscript map showing the pueblo of La Lima and Lima de Arriba, now incorporated into the city of Culiacán, Sinaloa. 16 ½ x 17 inches, on a fine, waxed paper, with some folds. $385. A STINGING SATIRICAL LOOK AT THE SECOND WORLD WAR. 10. Bernal, Antonio Arias. ALBUM HISTORICO LA II GUERRA MUNDIAL. (Mexico: Caral y Caral, circa 1946). 56 hand-colored caricatures of the heroes and villains of World War II. Each is represented by a playing card, with 52 cards and four Jokers. Text in English on the interior of the porQolio. 15 ¼ x 11 ½ inches. Housed in the original cloth backed board porQolio; porQolio rubbed, first leaf lightly age darkened. From the text: “Ignacio Carral Icaza conceived, and Antonio Arias Bernal finished the drawings on this Historical Album. Arias Bernal, sensa6onal Mexican caricaturist, is exclusive ar6st for the magazine ‘Mañana.’” No copies online or in the auc6on records; OCLC locates seven copies in United States libraries. $1,800. THE ONLY MONOGRAPH ON C. B. WAITE, PHOTOGRAPHER. 11. Montellano, Francisco. C. B. WAITE, FOTÓGRAFO. UNA MIRADA DIVERSA SOBRE EL MÉXICO DE PRINCIPIOS DEL SIGLO XX. Mexico: Editorial Grijalbo, 1994. 221 pages. Profusely illustrated from photographs. 10 ¼ x 10 ¼ inches. Pictorial wrappers; a fine copy. Waite was a California photographer who went to Mexico in 1896. He opened a studio in Mexico City and for the next seventeen years produced a large body of work depic6ng the daily life of the Mexican people. A prolific photographer, there are 3,440 of his Mexican images in the Na6onal Archives of Mexico. His commercial work was reproduced in books, pamphlets, postcards, numerous periodicals, and promo6onal literature. $120. PLAN OF THE BATTLE OF PUEBLA, CINCO DE MAYO, 1862. ISSUED BY ANTONIO GARCIA CUBAS. 12. DE LA BATALLA QUE TUVO LUGAR EL DIA 5 DE MAYO DE 1862… (Mexico: Ministerio de la Guerra, 1862). A baHle plan plus text on 6ssue paper; the armies of Mexico and the French are denoted in separate colors. 10 ½ x 16 inches. Chipping in the margins. Possibly a separately issued map, published soon a,er the baHle. The final line of text states: “Libertad y Reforma. Cuartel general en Puebla, a 9 de Mayo de 1862 – I. Zaragoza – C. Minsitre de la Guerra. – Mexico.” The plan was “formado en vista de mandando public por el Ministerio de la Guerra, por Antonio Garcia Cubas.” This baHle was a great victory over the French forces invading Mexico. The French army eventually overran the Mexican army in subsequent baHles, but this victory provided a significant moral boost to the Mexicans, who yearly celebrate the victory on the holiday of ‘Cinco de Mayo.’ $385. ENGLISH SPEAKING MEXICO AT THE BEGINNING OF THE REVOLUTION. 13. THE ACOSTA DIRECTORY OF THE ENGLISH SPEAKING RESIDENTS OF THE REPUBLIC OF MEXICO FOR 1910. Mexico: Francis J. Acosta, 1910. 331 pages. Illustrated with numerous pictorial adver6sements. 9 x 6 ¼ inches. Green pictorial cloth; inner hinges star6ng. First and only edi6on (OCLC locates two copies). From the 6tle-page: “A directory of the English speaking residents of the whole republic of all na6onali6es, mining companies, planta6ons, government departments and officials, diploma6c corps, and informa6on about churches, banks, clubs, cemeteries, foreign representa6ves, hotels, railroads, steamships, postal rates, stamp law, public lands, telegraphs, street cars, socie6es, office buildings, express companies, social register, etc. etc.” $350. A SALTILLO HISTORY. 14. Robles, Vito Alessio. SALTILLO EN LA HISTORIA Y EN LA LEYENDA. Mexico, 1934. 254 pages + 54 pages of adver6sements. Illustrated from photographs, plus a folding map of Sal6llo, the BaHle of Buena-Vista and a Sketch of the BaHle at Angostura (another name for Buena-Vista). 7 1/4 x 4 1/2 inches. Pictorial white wrappers; light wear. First edi6on. $75. MEXICAN SHOWGIRLS AND CINEMA STARS OF THE 1920’S. 15. A group of 14 large photographs signed with the monogram CIF (Compania Industrial Fotografica). Each portrait is of a Mexican showgirl in costume. They are dated 1923 – 1925. Each image is a sepia toned silver gela6n print, measuring 10 ¾ x 7 inches. Included are four photographs of Celia Montalvan (who stared in five movies from the 1920’s through the 1940’s); four photographs of Celia Padilla (who shocked Mexican audiences in some of her costumes); and single images of Mimi Derba (pioneer of Mexican Cinema), Nelly Fernandez, Maria Tubau, Amparito Guillot, Emma Duval and Carmen Gale. The photographic firm CIF was popular throughout the 1920’s, offering crisp views of Mexico City, portraits of notables, and a large array of postcards. $385. PAVING THE STREETS OF TORREÓN 18. A group of four silver gela6n photographs, by L. Berumen, showing the newly paved streets of Torreón, State of Coahuila. Circa 1920. Each is 7 ½ x 9 ½ inches and is cap6oned in the nega6ve. Verso shows the remnants of being removed from an album. Most likely issued as promo6onal images by the company Pavimento “Willite.” The cap6ons read: Pavimento “Willite”. Av Juarez, Oriente * Pavimento “Willite.” Av. Juarez Poniente * Vease material empleado en pavimento “Willite.” Av. Morelos Poniente. * Vease material Empleado. Pavimento “Willite.” Av. Morelos. Poniente. Clear, aHrac6ve images of this northern Mexican city. $425. A BAN ON SMOKING IN THEATRES AND HOUSES OF ENTERTAINMENT. 17. PREFECTURA POLITICA DE MEXICO. Mexico, Noviembre 24 de 1863. A broadside, signed in the print by Jose M. de Garay, Secretario general de la Prefectura. Text in Spanish. 13 ¾ x 9 inches; light staining. At the instruc6ons of the federal government, in order to maintain the laws of morality and decorum in theatres and other houses of entertainment, the secretary and his agents have the authority to enforce those laws and if the laws are not clear they have the authority to decide them, also smoking is prohibited in halls, galleries and boxes used by these shows, with a penalty of a five peso fine or eight days in jail. $120. 18. THE RUBBER OF COMMERCE… THE CONSOLIDATED UBERO PLANTATIONS COMPANY. (Boston, 1902). 49 pages. Illustrated. 6 x 3 1/2 inches. Pictorial wrappers. The Ubero rubber planta6on was located at the Isthmus of Tehuantepec. A handsome promo6onal pamphlet. $85. 19. Chabat, Carlos. DICCIONARIO DE CALÓ. EL LENGUAJE DEL HAMPA EN MEXICO. Guadalajara, 1956. 119 pages. 7 x 4 3/4 inches. Pictorial wrappers. First edi6on. A dic6onary of the slang spoken by the Mexican underworld, wriHen by the director of the Police Academy, Guadalajara. OCLC locates only the Biblioteca Nacional in Mexico. $90. A MEXICAN ORCHESTRA IN GERMANY & SWITZERLAND IN 1927. 20. NATIONAL ORCHESTRA OF MEXICO. A scrapbook containing photographs, newspaper clippings, and leHers pertaining to the tour in Germany and Switzerland of the tradi6onal Na6onal Orchestra of Mexico during 1927. 9 1/2 x 12 1/2 inches. Dark brown simulated leather; string 6ed; light wear. The scrapbook was made for Walter Sapora, the impresario for the orchestra, with his business card and a photograph of him on the front cover. The approximately 25 photographs show the musicians and individual portraits of the singers, plus a portrait of Ernesto Mangas, the composer and leader of the orchestra. A handsome tribute for this Mexican troup on their European tour. The last two leaves show Walter Sapora at his re6rement dinner in 1960. $650. GUERERRO HEALTH REPORT FROM A MEXICAN DOCTOR, 1940’s 21. Six typed pages (carbon copies) with 22 mounted original snapshot photographs. The thin pages have been crudely removed from a loose leaf notebook, with minor loss of a few words of text. The notebook belonged to a Mexican doctor who travelled with his wife in rural Mexico. The text and pictures relate to a sec6on of Guererro around the famous lacquer working village of Olinala. They describe the living condi6ons, diet, water problems, and health issues of the people in these remote and almost inaccessible towns. Accompanied by a duel passport for Doctor Fernando Campos y Mosquera and his wife, Alicia Aguirre de Campos, dated 1942. $375.