Developing Leadership in Young Men A


Developing Leadership in Young Men A
A C a t h o l i c S c h o o l i n t h e M a r i a n i s t Tr a d i t i o n
D e v e l o p i n g L e a d e r s h i p i n Yo u n g M e n
“I hope you’ll join us in making
this new member of our
Moeller Family feel welcome.”
Dear Moeller Family,
I'M PLEASED to announce to you that a president has been
hired for Moeller High School: William E. Hunt, who currently is a director of development for the University of Dayton.
As you may know, we have been studying the presidentprincipal model for several years. After careful deliberation
and in conjunction with our new long-range strategic plan,
the Advisory Board and I made the decision to move Moeller’s governance structure in this direction to further
strengthen the school’s mission and vision and to ensure Moeller’s long-term viability.
We believe you’ll be impressed with our new president’s stellar qualifications. Bill has 17 years of experience working with
alumni, donors, faculty, and staff at the University of Dayton. He has served as UD’s director of annual giving, director of alumni
programs, director of alumni relations, and a director of development.
During that time Bill demonstrated measurable leadership in establishing alumni and volunteer connections with the
university. He engaged more than 7,500 university alumni and friends in 34 nationwide chapter cities through his planning,
marketing, and implementation of approximately 360 annual initiatives and events. He successfully cultivated volunteers,
leading 13 volunteer leadership conferences and managing approximately 120 alumni and community volunteers annually
through a variety of programmatic initiatives that served to build and maintain lifelong relationships with the university.
As a human resources leader, he managed a board of directors responsible for the strategic direction of the university’s
National Alumni Association and in a role prior to his UD years he developed an employee feedback process that enabled the
staff to build process improvements, implement suggestions, and recognize individual contributions. He also created systems
that helped maintain staff continuity and retain a high level of customer service.
As UD’s director of alumni relations, Bill successfully administered an annual $1.1M operating budget and negotiated
merchandising contracts that ensured an annual revenue stream of more than $150K for the university’s National Alumni
In his role as a director of development for the university, he designed and implemented a $2M leadership gift strategy to
support three fundraising initiatives, and as director of annual giving his peer-to-peer solicitation plan increased leadership
annual gifts by 8%.
In addition to his extensive experience in university management and advancement, Bill has a background in business and in
marketing, formerly serving as a regional manager for Pepsico and as a director/manager for the Carlson Marketing Group. He graduated from the University of Cincinnati
with a B.A. in pre-management and from the University of Dayton with an M.B.A.
in management.
Most importantly, because of Bill’s many years
at UD, he has a keen understanding of and
dedication to the Marianist Charism, which
is central to our culture. His years of
commitment to our Catholic mission
and its principles, combined with his
successful development experience at the
college level, make him uniquely qualified
for this inaugural role at Moeller.
I hope you'll join us in making this
new member of our Moeller Family feel
welcome. His acceptance of this important role marks a new beginning for our
school and is something to celebrate as
we move into our 50th anniversary year.
Yours in service,
Blane Collison, Principal
VO L UM E 1 4 • N UM B E R 2
S UM M E R 2 0 1 0
w w w. M o e l l e r.o rg
cover story
Editor’s Note: When we were looking for students to feature on our cover for the “Now”
version, I asked the administration for “amazing grad” suggestions, and the result was
the students depicted above (plus one “amazing” junior). Each one is worthy of his own
feature article, but space limits us to four of the above who earned Moeller’s highest
honors (see page 3). However, I can give you at least one reason why these students
were consider so “amazing.”
8 1999-2000
10 2000-2001
12 2001-2002
14 2002-2003
16 2003-2004
18 2004-2005
20 2005-2006
22 2006-2007
24 2007-2008
26 2008-2009
Pictured above, from left: Front Row: Peter Bruns, Valedictorian (p.3); Spencer Hidy,
Fr. Chaminade Award recipient (p.3); and Josh Morelock, scholar/varsity basketball
player on team that went to state. Middle Row: Drew Fladung, musician/four years
of OMEA superior ratings; C.J. Anderson, lacrosse/football athlete — signed to play
college football; Neil Fredrickson, co-founder of WMOE (new Moeller Web-radio
station); and Nick Lefke (only junior), new MACH 1 director who’s already earned
600 hours of community service. Back Row: Cameron Braig, captain of Golf
Team/basketball student coach and team’s “Man of Moeller” award recipient;
Troy Suter, Salutatorian and Gold Shield Award recipient (p.3); and Josh Burandt,
Man of Moeller Award recipient (Moeller’s highest honor) and school captain
(school’s highest elected leadership position) — see page 3.
IN MAY, MOELLER LAUNCHED a new website — —
to keep you up to date
with all our 50th
Anniversary activities
and much, much more.
For example, you’ll
• Unfolding news about
the July 24 Summer
Celebration on campus,
featuring the Cincinnati
Pops Orchestra playing
movie themes, Toast
(The Band) playing
music covering all of
Moeller’s decades (1960-2010), and “A Taste of Moeller.” This event officially
kicks off our 50th Anniversary celebratory year!
• The Moeller Veteran’s Memorial Wall news, which includes our most up-todate military listing of Moeller Family members and information about the
July 24 groundbreaking ceremony.
• The 40th Anniversary magazines that contain our previous “Moeller
through the Decades,” featuring a year-by-year “snapshot” of life at Moeller
as viewed through The Templar (the school yearbook). In this issue we
continue the series as part of our 50th Anniversary celebration (see page 7).
• A calendar of the latest 50th Anniversary activities.
• How to get involved in this once-in-a-lifetime celebration! With all the
various events now being planned throughout the year, we hope you’ll
choose to join us!
Another goal of this website is to
provide a great place for alums and
friends to post Moeller stories —
several “tales out of school” are
already available, along with podcast interviews of notable alums by
our WMOE Web-radio broadcasters.
We also plan to scan all the yearbooks and make them available for
you to view online. Our hope is this site lives on far beyond 2010!
So join us this year as Moeller reaches a golden milestone. We look forward to
connecting — or reconnecting — with you!
Moeller Magazine is an official publication of Archbishop
Moeller High School for alumni, parents, and friends.
Comments and questions are encouraged.
Archbishop Moeller High School
c/o Johanna Kremer
9001 Montgomery Road
Cincinnati, OH 45242-7780
Peg Ashbrock, Moonbeam Productions
Jim Stofko ’85
Bill Balbach ’72
Cindy Neuhaus
Blane Collison, Principal
Bob Niehaus ’65, President
Fr. Larry Tensi
Charlie Blum
Ted Catino ’79
Therese Esswein
Jim Hubbard
Pete Kimener
Leon Loewenstine
Dan Neyer ’77
Sally Nugent
Mark Rippe ’72
Blane Collison, Principal
Chris Wilke, Dean of Academics
Carl Kremer, Dean of Students
Bro. Ron Luksic, S.M., Dean of Student Life
Layout & Design: June Pfaff Daley, Daley Design
Printing: Larry Kuhlman ’81, Bramkamp Printing
Distribution: Ginny Bauer and Chris Anne Gaier
Johanna Kremer, Communications Director
P.S. You can now follow us on Facebook or Twitter — search “Celebrate
2 • SUMMER 2010
©2010. All rights reserved. Archbishop Moeller High
School is owned and operated by the Catholic
Archdiocese of Cincinnati and adheres to its policies.
...for academics
Four ‘House’ Leaders Receive Highest Honors
BURANDT ’10 of Trinity House
earned Moeller’s highest honor
— the Man of Moeller Award,
which is presented to the
senior who exemplifies the
type of graduate the school
aims to develop. “Josh is a
clear role model and respected
by his peers and the faculty,”
said Principal Blane Collison,
“which is why they elected
him our school leader. Josh
best represents our five
Marianist principles — he is
an outstanding student, service
leader, social justice advocate,
community builder, Eucharistic
minister, and athlete…”
Burandt will play football for
the University of Chicago.
Quiroga House was this year’s
Valedictorian. He was also a
National Merit Scholar and
captain of the Academic Team.
Additional academic accolades
include the Greider Memorial
& Scholar Athlete Award, the
Michelson-Morley Award for
Math & Science, and the Zoo
Book Award. Besides being a
brilliant student, Bruns served
as a volunteer for Matthew 25
Ministries, attended a summer
trip to West Virginia, and
played on the varsity rugby
team that won the state
championship. He will attend
Texas A & M.
TROY SUTER ’10 of Pillar
House earned two of Moeller’s
highest honors. He was
Salutatorian and recipient of
the Alumni Association’s Gold
Shield Award, which is given
to the graduate who excels
academically, demonstrates a
solid spiritual life, serves others,
and is an active participant in
co-curricular activities. Suter
was the president of the
National Honor Society and
received numerous academic
honors, including the Bausch &
Lomb Honorary Science Award
and John Massarella Award.
He participated in more than a
dozen co-curricular activities
and held several leadership
positions. In addition, he was
selected to be one of this year’s
graduation speakers. Suter will
attend the University of Notre
SPENCER HIDY ’10 earned
Moeller’s highest service
leadership honor — the
Blessed Father Chaminade
Service Award. Hidy accrued
more than 500 service hours
and countless hours working
for MACH 1 (Moeller
Advocates for a Common
Hope), a group dedicated to
social justice efforts in Overthe-Rhine. He served as the
director his senior year and
chaired MACH 1’s first rummage sale that raised nearly
$8,000 to support one of the
group’s recent initiatives,
Choices Café. In addition, Hidy
has served as a camp counselor,
a youth coach, a tutor, a
Eucharistic minister, a canned
food drive coordinator, and a
youth volunteer on summer
service trips. He will attend
The Ohio State University.
Class of ’10 National
Merit Scholars
CLASS OF 2010 National Merit Scholars, from left:
Peter Bruns, Thomas DeVore, and Christian Cagle.
Bruns was this year’s Valedictorian (see more above);
DeVore served as a captain of the Varsity Soccer Team
and a big brother for the Corryville Little Buddies
Program; Cagle was a Pillar House Captain, a MACH 1
volunteer, and an accomplished artist.
...for leadership
Main Event Gala Nets Record Profit
A P&G representative demonstrates how
the Pur water filter packets work.
Moeller Haiti
Relief Efforts
Haiti in January, the Moeller
Family mobilized immediately and
formed the Student Committee to
Help Haiti. The students decided
to put their efforts into one initiative: getting the people of Haiti
fresh water. With the help of
Maurice Williams, a faculty member who used to work at P&G, the
students collected funds for Pur
packets. “A packet of Pur can turn
a puddle of muddy water into
potable water in minutes, providing 100 days of fresh water to
someone in Haiti,” explained
Williams. The students donated
more than $7,000. “The first 90
days after a disaster are the most
critical for savings lives,” said
Williams. “We received a thank
you from Procter and Gamble’s
nonprofit charity, Children’s Safe
Drinking Water. Moeller’s donation
is providing safe drinking water for
3,923 people in Haiti for 90 days.
To put it another way, each (student) touched four lives in Haiti.”
Students also collected bottled
water, promoted direct donations
to the Red Cross and Catholic
Relief Services, and volunteered at
Matthew 25 Ministries. On January
23, 2010, Moeller's Haiti relief
efforts were featured on the front
page of the “Local News” section
of The Cincinnati Enquirer.
4 • SUMMER 2010
MOELLER HAS much to celebrate as the school
begins to commemorate its 50th year. The Main
Event’s Silver Anniversary Gala netted $292,000 — a
record profit. “The Moeller Family continues to generously support our students — even more in times of
economic difficulty,” said Principal Blane Collison.
“It’s one of the special blessings of being part of this
Marianist community.” The support became most evident during the auction’s Fund-A-Need opportunity.
This year’s greatest need was direct tuition assistance,
Principal Blane Collison (far left) and Marcia Lechner and Betsy
and an anonymous donor offered to match whatever
Morgan (far right) flank some of the Men of Moeller who will
was raised during this event. As auctioneer Lance
benefit from the generosity of the Main Event’s guests.
Walker opened the support level at $5,000, paddles
went up throughout the room. “By the end, it seemed as
though every guest had supported our Fund-A-Need at some level,” said first-year Main Event
Coordinator Marcia Lechner. “It gave me chills. It was such a powerful statement and an incredible gift —
the gift of a Moeller education. Altogether, the Fund-a-Need raised $136,000.”
YPC Warms
Bro. Flaherty’s ‘Irish Corner’
IN AUGUST 2010, Bro. Robert Flaherty, S.M.,
will celebrate his 50th anniversary as a
Marianist Brother. To commemorate this
jubilee event, Guidance Counselor Paul
Smith initiated the construction of a
special corner of the “Mary” courtyard to
honor Bro. Flaherty's 50 years of service to
the Society of Mary and 47 years of service
to Moeller. “Having worked with Brother for
so many years, I have seen many wonderful
Bro. Flaherty relaxes on his
bench in the new “Irish
things that he has done for others,” he said.
“More than you can ever believe, and he has Corner” of the courtyard.
done that without bringing attention to himself.” So, with the financial
backing of the faculty, administration, and staff, “Smitty” hired a contractor to design what he called the “Irish Corner” outside the back
doors of the school leading out to the courtyard, complete with
pavers, a wrought iron bench and street light, a large rock containing a
plaque, an engraved floor paver with a shamrock, and beautiful potted
plants and landscaping. “Brother took care of the courtyard for years.
It was his baby, and he did a fantastic job. He loves the courtyard.” To
also honor Bro. Flaherty’s service to the school, he was named
Moeller’s 50th Anniversary Honorary Marianist Chair.
COUNCIL (YPC) Reveals HeartWarming Statistics: Sally Nugent,
the YPC parent coordinator, said,
“In four years, we've invested
more than $33,000 in our community. We've done projects at 25+
non-profits, thereby touching
more lives than we could imagine.
Overall, 25 students (not counting
YPC), have applied for a grant and
then led a project (leadership
development), and more than 250
students have worked on the various projects, many of them using
that project to earn their required
service hours and thus stay on
track to earn their diploma... The
council's work touches more lives
than we can ever imagine. And
our students are learning the
importance of life-long giving. Maybe not always cash, but always
with heart, and probably with sweat equity.”
The 2009-10 YPC Board Members, from
left: Front Row: Sally Nugent (YPC
Parent Coordinator), Alex Parra '11,
John Harbaugh '11, Michael Riney '12,
Cameron McCluskey '11, and Paul
Krehbiel '10. Back Row: Troy Suter '10,
Michael Blum '11, Andrew Blum '11,
Steven Anderson '12, Scott Nugent '12,
Pat Hunt '11, Max Wood '10, Brian
Gilronan (Pastoral Ministry Community
Service Director).
Crusader Briefs
AWARD: Martin Hollatz ’10
received a 2010 YMCA of
Greater Cincinnati
Character Award that
exemplifies the four character values of caring, honesty, respect and responsibility.
Jesse Hayes ’11, Scott Nugent ’12, and Jason
Waller ’12 were chosen to attend the
National Youth Leadership Conference in
Washington, D.C. Danthen “Danny” Dority
will attend the NYLC this summer. In June,
Jason Waller ’12 attended the National
Student Leadership Conference at the
University of Chicago on “Mastering
Leadership,” and Scott Nugent ’12
represented Moeller at the Hugh O’Brian
Youth Leadership Seminar, which was
held at Wright University.
19’S FAITH WORKS: Fox 19’s “Faith
Works” featured Moeller’s MACH 1 students
and their work in Over-the-Rhine with
Choices Café. This two-minute segment is
available at the following link:
MACH 1 also held a rummage sale in May,
raising nearly $8,000 for their social justice
leaders Justin Liggett ’11 and John
Harbaugh ’11 and religion teachers Paul
Kindt ’90 and Anthony Corder went to
Representative Boehner’s office and gave a
presentation that urged political leaders to
sign legislation in Congress to stop the
Lord’s Resistance Army in Northern Uganda
from abducting children. In the spring, the
u4u-sponsored iDance raised nearly $5,000
for UNIFAT, the elementary school in
Uganda they support. The dance was
attended by almost 1000 teens. Jake Haigis
’12 will be going to Uganda this summer as
part of u4u’s ongoing support of the UNIFAT
school in Northern Uganda.
Max Wood ’10 led a C2C drive at Moeller
and collected $827 worth of supplies. Wood
also appeared in an episode of “Make Peace
with Nature,” a syndicated public affairs TV
program dedicated to exploring environmental issues.
Moeller musicians earned a
“superior” rating
at the OMEA
District 14 Solo and Ensemble Contest:
Drew Fladung, Leo Kessler, Adam Logeman,
Bruno Rozzi, Bobby Brudnicki, Logan
Adkins, Gabe Fidder, Matt Reiniger, Michael
Madden, and Drew Klosterman. In addition,
the Percussion Ensemble had an outstanding
performance at the Ohio State Percussion
Festival, and Moeller’s top ensemble was
selected to be showcased in the evening
concert; musicians Drew Fladung ’10 and
Nikki Arbino (MND ’10) were chosen to
perform in the Honors Ensemble.
seniors Brian Markgraf and Josh Burandt
(recipient of the 2010 Man of Moeller
Award) were featured on a news segment
regarding the “stop bullying” campaign that
they created and implemented. They are
two leaders on the Northeast Community
Challenge’s Youth Coalition.
MESSAGE OF PRIDE: Showing their class
pride, the Class of 2010 had the following
quote painted over the glass doors to the
original school entrance, just outside the
Spirit Shop: “Through These Doors Walk
The Men of Moeller.”
...for leadership
House has just won their third
Marianist Cup in five years!
LEAGUE RECORD: The JV Academic Team
completed their season with a league best
record of 7-0. The varsity team of Captain
Peter Bruns, Troy Suter, Alex Parra, and Jack
Schlueter ended the season with a record of
6-1 in the GCL North division. (Moeller’s
only loss was by a single point to Fenwick.)
Varsity also won the GCL preseason
House System Director Ed Jamieson and Fr. Tom Kreidler
Receive Founder’s Award: “Both Ed and Fr. Tom are very
deserving of an award that honors those individuals who
promote the Marianist Charism and whose efforts help
strengthen the Characteristics of a Marianist Education
here at Moeller, enlivening Fr. Chaminade’s vision for
Catholic Marianist learning,” said Principal Blane Collison.
Pictured, from left: Bro. Flaherty, S.M., Fr. Thomas
Kreidler, Ed Jamieson, and Blane Collison.
Kids accepted a check from the Moeller
students for $4,500. During the year, the
varsity football players sold T-shirts for
the Homecoming football game, and the
school’s Houses competed with a penny
war. The monies raised were divided
between the Bubba Hoctor Fund at 5th/3rd
Bank and CancerFree Kids. Bubba Hoctor, a
senior football player at Moeller, is battling
cancer. CancerFree Kids is an organization
that supports research at Children’s
Religion Teacher Jim Champlin was recently
re-elected to Reading City Council.
...for success
New Rugby Team
MOELLER’S TWO-YEAR-OLD rugby program won
the state championship on June 5, beating Parma
19-7. They finished the season undefeated, posting a
17-0 record. “Rugby has been a great addition to
Moeller,” said Athletic Director Barry Borman ’64.
“Doug Rosfeld ’97 has done a great job, along with
administrative assistant Kim Hauck, in putting
together a first-class program in just two years.
I have never seen kids have more fun playing a
sport... The expectations for our team are the same
as they are for any other program in our school. Doug has
surrounded himself with several coaches who bring a unique
expertise to the program. The team practices hard and prepares
thoroughly for each opponent. To achieve what they have in the
past two seasons is remarkable. In the first year of the program,
the team finished an outstanding fifth in the state tournament.”
2009-10 Athletic Season:
A Year to Celebrate
By Barry Borman ’64, Athletic Director
THE YEAR BEGAN with football starting the
season 9-0, the best start in 20 years and
qualifying once again for the state tournament. Golf not only captured the
GCL title but went on to finish sixth in
the state tournament. Winter sports
were spectacular, with hockey making
it to the Sweet 16 of the state tournament, while wrestling again won the GCL
and went on to finish 6th at the state meet.
Basketball, which was supposed to be in a
“rebuilding year,” went to the state championship game.
Swimming, coming off its best season in history last year, followed
up this year with an outstanding 13th place finish. Moving into the
spring we trailed St. X in the All-Sports Trophy by nine points but
quickly made up that deficit by finishing first in the league in both
volleyball and baseball. Volleyball went on to finish second in the
state tournament, while baseball made it to the Final Four for the
third straight year. And the year was capped off with a rugby state
championship. I am not sure that any other high school could celebrate a better school year. We had eight different teams finish at the
Sweet 16 level or higher in state tournament play. Every varsity team
finished in the top 10 in the Enquirer City Polls. Certainly all of our
athletic teams — and especially our senior athletes — made major
contributions to the rich traditions of Moeller High School.
6 • SUMMER 2010
Borman particularly commends the rugby fans for their support.
“There were several hundred people who followed the team to
Columbus to watch the rugby Crusaders capture the title,” he said.
“Like all the other athletic programs in our school, rugby is quickly
laying a foundation of excellence that is contributing to the rich
traditions of our school.”
Now, after 50 years (1960-2010), Moeller’s storied “Tradition of
Excellence” includes 24 state team championships in six different
sports: football (7) volleyball (6), baseball (5), basketball (3), lacrosse
(2), and rugby (1). In addition, the Crusaders added two state runner-up titles this year — one in basketball and one in
volleyball — for a total of 15 in six different sports: football (4),
wrestling (3), basketball (1), golf (2), lacrosse (2), and volleyball (3).
Another team accolade includes a trip to the Final Four for the
baseball team. The team’s pitcher, David Whitehead ’10, recently
was awarded the Ohio Gatorade Player of the Year.
Brennan, Kevin
Baseball/Capital University
Grau, Tyler
Baseball/Wittenberg University
Hutchinson, Tyler
Baseball/Campbell University
Jones, Patrick
Baseball/Xavier University
McAlpine, Ethan
Baseball/University of Cincinnati
Sunderman, Robby
Baseball/University of Dayton
Thamann, Kevin
Baseball/University of Dayton
Whitehead, David
Baseball/Elon University
Smith, Corey
Baseball/Football/Wittenberg University
McKenzie, Griffin
Basketball/Xavier University
Sauerland, Kyle
Basketball/Wilmington College
Aubin, Jeff
Football/Centre College
Burandt, Josh
Football/University of Chicago
Galvin, Nick
Football/Western Michigan
Gatio, Anthony
Football/Ohio Dominican
Hendrix, Andrew
Football/University of Notre Dame
Kassem, Ali
Football/Western Michigan
Klever, Adam
Football/Wittenberg University
Mize, Garrett
Football/University of Charleston
Rosselot, Andrew
Football/Wittenberg University
Rush, Marcus
Football/Michigan State
Schaffer, Adam
Football/Gannon University
Schneider, David
Football/Ball State
Smith, Jonathan
Football/Lindsey Wilson College
Stricker, Jordan
Football/Ohio Dominican
Tanner, Jeff
Football/Miami University
Visagie, Tyler
Football/Wittenberg University
Busam, Joe
Lacrosse/College of Mt. St. Joseph
Foos, Patrick
Swimming/College of Charleston
Hammerstein, Logan
Swimming/Bryant University
Corrill, Jake
Wrestling/University of North Carolina
Hammer, Drew
Wrestling/Ohio University
Harger, Pierce
Wrestling/Northwestern University
Lotz, Garrett
Wrestling/College of Mt. St. Joseph
ids are kids,” said alum Bruce Buckley ’67,
father of six Moeller graduates, “and there
are many similarities. Today’s kids have a higher
standard of living and have travelled more, but
they still do many of the same things we did.”
Alum Greg Stanforth ’67, current Art &
Photo Department chair and father of one
Moeller grad agrees. “Today’s kids are no
different than the kids in the 1960s — only
the times have changed. If we could have
traded places with them, I think our actions would certainly mirror one another.”
“Today’s students have many more distractions than we had when we went
through Moeller, but fundamentally they
are very similar,” said Joe Meale ’65,
current Science Department chair and
father of two Moeller grads, James ’90 and
Douglas ’94. “There have been no major
changes to the psyche of the teenager
since the ’60s.”
While all three agree that teens are
much the same, they also believe that the
world teens now live in is not. The
sons of the “Greatest Generation” grew up
in a much different world than the young
“Men of Moeller” today. But what they all
share in common is their Marianist heritage. “Moeller has done a good job of
retaining the traditions while keeping up
with the times,” said Buckley.
The following pages chronicle the
traditions and experiences of the Men
of Moeller during the last decade. This
feature is a continuation of a series —
“Moeller through the Decades” — that
began when the school celebrated its 40th
birthday. We published four issues of the
magazine (then called “Windows”) as part
of our anniversary celebration, and each
issue depicted a decade in the life of
Moeller students as captured by their
yearbook, the Templar. Now, writer Peg
Ashbrock (mother of Jonathan ’12 and wife
of Dave Ashbrock ’74) has researched the
past 10 years of the Templar and provided
you with a year-by-year “snapshot.” Even
if you weren’t a student then, you’ll find
things haven’t changed that much… As
the proverb goes, “The more things
change, the more they remain the same.”
*Despite the attire, students “now” look much
the same as students “then.” While ties were
part of the everyday dress code in 1962 (when
the photo on the left was taken), sport coats
were only worn on special occasions, like for
Mass (much like today).
Dan Ledford ’66, Principal
Bro. Ron Luksic, S.M.,
Assistant Principal
Bro. John Habjan, S. M.,
Dean of Academics
Carl Kremer, Dean of Students
Jason Ahlers
David Angelo ’91
Tom Ash
Bill Balbach ’72
Ginny Bauer
James Bauer
Dick Beerman
Gustavo Benedetti
Richard Bohné
Barry Borman ’64
Debra Brandt
Forest Brandt
Bill Braun ’72
Tom Brinkman
Bob Browning ’83
Michael Cameron
Carol Campbell
Dianne Carlson
Christian Cashman
Debi Cass
Dan Cloran ’88
Cary Collinsworth
Bob Crable ’78
Jim Crone ’65
Bob Dunlap
Tim Erdmann
Dave Faller
Bro. Robert Flaherty, S.M.
Chris Anne Gaier
Jeff Gaier
Donna Griffith
Kim Hauck
Tim Held
Connie Hindersman
Matthew Hodgson
Bob Hotze
Ed Jamieson
Jeffrey Karpanty
Ken Keener ’65
Elena Keyser
Paul Kindt ’90
Sister Judy Klei, R.S.M.
Steve Klonne
Bill Kohus ’69
Bob Kolkmeyer ’75
Jerry Kombrinck
Johanna Kremer
Rev. Michael F. Leshney
Bro. Howard Lohrey, S.M.
Concepcion T. Mason
Joseph Meale ’65
Jim Metz ’71
Frank Minnick
Todd Naumann ’91
Cindy Neuhaus
Kathy Patterson
Melissa Phebus
Kathy Poulton
Daniel Ragland
Britt Raymond
Neal Ryan ’85
Keith Schaeper
Kenneth Schlotman
Dan Shannon
Donald Shields
Paul Smith
Greg Stanforth ’67
Ken Stoll
David Traxler
Bob Tull
Keith Valerius ’90
Kari Vaughn
Bob Velten
Bro. Charles P. Wanda, S.M.
Mike Ward ’86
John Yost
8 • SUMMER 2010
Under Construction
CHANGE WAS the news. Not only a
new decade but a new millennium
began at Moeller. The constant sounds
of construction filled the halls, resulting in
remodeled classrooms, the opening of the
computer lab, and the dedication of the
new Science and Technology Wing.
This marked the end of the first
phase and the beginning of future
construction at Moeller. The
much-anticipated groundbreaking
took place on the new south wing and
main entrance that would completely
change the face of the campus. The
freshman class became the first to use
computers in all their classes. Many
students added a trip to the new
Information and Technology Center (ITC)
as part of their school day to get some
much-needed computer time.
Groundbreaking on new south wing and main school
entrance will forever change the Moeller campus.
New Library Technology Center debuts.
Amid all the changes, a
timeless tradition: Sean
Finnerty ’00 and his date
at Prom.
State-of-the-art computing,
circa 2000.
WITH THE TURN of the century,
Moeller students expanded globally
with peace and justice issues.
Meghan Watkins startles Mark Magner and
Student Government called for a
Paul Bunch in the spring musical, Bye Bye Birdie.
“new crusade” and focused on
blood drives, elections, grub days,
intramurals, rallies, mixers, and
charitable events. The spring musical, Bye Bye Birdie, provided moments of drama and laughter. Fundraising for the many
CONTINUING A STRONG tradition of athletic
construction projects included the Main Event, the Fall Raffle,
excellence, Moeller’s Football Program received
and the Volleyball Bash, a student-played tournament in the
a preseason national ranking. ESPN Sports even
Activity Center. With gas prices “rising” to $1.80 a gallon, the
came to campus to record a show about the
parking lot changed from muscle cars to economy models.
tradition of Moeller Football. Coach Kombrinck
and the Cross Country Team marked the first
“Big Moe” Cross Country Team to ever go to
state, placing 10th in the 16-team field. Golf
won the GCL; Nick Wunder and Coach Rick
Bohne received Player and Coach of the Year
honors. In basketball, junior Matt Sylvester was
named GCL Co-Player of the Year. In swimming,
both the 200 medley and 400 IM qualified to
state. Wrestling ranked 6th nationally, 2nd at
state, and won the GCL and many regional tournaments. Nick Lukens became state champ
(171 lb.) and Joe Zinkan was state champ (140
lb.). Bobby Lyons finished as state runner-up
(145 lb.). In baseball, the Crusaders were sectional, district, and regional champs, but lost in
the state semifinal. Moeller’s Track and Field
Team placed 9th in the state; Rob Paffe was the
GCL Field Athlete of the Year. He set a new
school and GCL record in winning the long jump
(22’ 1 ¾”). Drew Walter (PV) and Mike Munoz
(SP) were also GCL champions. In the regional
championships, Paffe took first with a new
Moeller leap of 22’ 7”. The 4x800m relay of Ken
Dunbar, Brad Neumann, Pat Sullivan, and Brian
Ehlers set a school record (8:05.2), as they qualified to state. Senior Ken Dunbar set yet another
school record in placing 4th in the 3200m with a
time of 9:18.8. The second and fourth place
finishes of Mike Munoz (discus) and Brent
Walter (PV) gave Moeller seven state qualifiers.
Volleyball won the district, but lost in the
regional semifinal.
A new millenium begins.
AOL Buys Time Warner
for $162B — largest-ever
corporate merger.
Coach Kombrinck and the
Varsity Cross Country Team
are the first to ever go to
Playstation 2 debuts.
New Faculty/Staff Members
Administrative Assistant
Administrative Assistant
Dan Ledford ’66, Principal
Bro. Ron Luksic, S.M.
Assistant Principal
Bro. John Habjan, S. M.
Dean of Academics
Carl Kremer, Dean of Students
Jason Ahlers
David Angelo ’91
Tom Ash
Bill Balbach ’72
Jim Balbach ’77
Ginny Bauer
James Bauer
Dick Beerman
Gustavo Benedetti
Richard Bohné
Barry Borman ’64
Debbie Brandt
Bill Braun ’72
Bob Browning ’83
Michael Cameron
Carol Campbell
Dianne Carlson
Christian Cashman
Debi Cass
Dan Cloran ’88
Cary Collinsworth
Nick Corey
Bob Crable ’78
Alberto Delgado
Bob Dunlap
Tim Erdmann
Dave Faller
Bro. Robert Flaherty, S.M.
Fr. Jeff Fulmer
Chris Anne Gaier
Jeff Gaier
Bridget Gallagher
Donna Griffith
Kim Hauck
Tim Held
Connie Hindersman
Matthew Hodgson
Bob Hotze
Ed Jamieson
Ken Keener ’65
Elena Keyser
Paul Kindt ’90
Sister Judy Klei, R.S.M.
Steve Klonne
Kevin Kohls ’88
Bill Kohus ’69
Bill Kohus Jr. ’98
Bob Kolkmeyer ’75
Jerry Kombrinck
Johanna Kremer
J.B. Lind ’93
Bro. Howard Lohrey, S.M.
Joseph Meale ’65
Jim Metz ’71
Frank Minnick
Todd Naumann ’91
Bruce Nelson
Cindy Neuhaus
Pat Niehaus
James O’Keefe
Kathy Patterson
Kathy Poulton
Daniel Ragland
Britt Raymond
Neal Ryan ’85
Charles Rybak
Ken Schlotman
Dan Shannon
Paul Smith
Greg Stanforth ’67
Ken Stoll
David Traxler
Bob Tull
Keith Valerius ’90
Kari Vaughn
Bob Velten
Bro. Charles P. Wanda, S.M.
Mike Ward ’86
Dr. Mary Ellen Williams
Dave Yelton
John Yost
10 • SUMMER 2010
New Perspectives
WITH A SUCCESSFUL beginning to the
new millennium, Moeller students and
staff were in a state of prosperity and open
to a positive perspective on the new
decade. The school wrapped up the extensive recent construction and remodeling of
the building and the Moeller Family felt a
new outlook. Student Government
President Matt DePetro summed up the
optimism with his quote in the yearbook:
“Dream, Believe, Become.”
Walls of the new south wing
construction going up.
Moeller lost a dedicated and
respected teacher this year:
Jim Crone ’65.
Christmas on Campus is a meaningful annual tradition.
PASTORAL MINISTRY events affected students in new and
more meaningful ways as they searched to understand their
changing world. Through Kairos, retreats, and mission trips,
Crusaders lived their beliefs with new experiences. For the
first time, Moeller’s Homecoming was held off campus at the
Cintas Center. Sports rallies topped themselves with bigger
stunts, including Jude Hueber and Erik Stoermer rappelling
from the ceiling of the gym to destroy a 6x5 Elder Panther
head. The spring musical, Kismet, exposed a new world view.
MOELLER continued to
garner new honors.
In football, the
team finished
as GCL cochamps, ranked
#1 in Harbin
ratings, and
became the
Brent Walter sets the bar high
20th team to
with his record vault.
advance to state
playoffs. The last
basketball game was played in the “old gym”
as the Brisben Family Education Center construction sped along. The team won GCL and
sectionals, with Matt Sylvester being named
GCL Co-Player of the Year and Coach Kremer
named GCL Coach of the Year. In swimming, the
200 medley of Ross Bittner, Rob Magnus, Evan
Herdemann, and Michael Taylor qualified to
state. Wrestling continued to dominate on a
national level, earning its ninth consecutive GCL
title, with eight athletes winning their weight
class. Senior Joe Zinkan was GCL Wrestler of the
Year and Coach Jeff Gaier was named Coach of
the Year. Zinkan became Moeller’s fifth state
champ in the 140-pound weight division.
The team won the sectional and district
tournament and finished the year as state
runner-up. Bowling made its GCL debut, and 60
students came to tryouts for Moeller’s inaugural
team. Moeller Boxing grew from a club sport to
a team this season. Track set the bar high, with
a new varsity record in the 4x800 and 4x1600
meters; Brent Walter set a new pole vault record
for varsity, GCL, and regional competitions.
Volleyball became the No. 1-ranked team in the
city, with senior Chris Pennekamp selected to
the First Team All-State. Jeff Silber was the first
Moeller volleyball player to be named to the
Fab-50 list of the top athletes in the nation.
“Hanging chad” decides
US presidential election.
Nintendo Game Cube
Wikipedia goes live.
Dave Lemen
going for a pin.
New Faculty/Staff Members
1st Harry Potter
film, Harry Potter
and the Sorcerer’s
Stone, released.
Tech Support
Dan Ledford ’66, Principal
Bro. Ron Luksic, S.M.,
Assistant Principal
Bro. John Habjan, S. M.,
Dean of Academics
Carl Kremer, Dean of Students
Jason Ahlers
David Angelo ’91
Tom Ash
Bill Balbach ’72
Jim Balbach ’77
Ginny Bauer
James Bauer
Justin Bayer ’97
Dick Beerman
Gustavo Benedetti
Richard Bohné
Barry Borman ’64
Debbie Brandt
Bill Braun ’72
Bob Browning ’83
Michael Cameron
Carol Campbell
Dianne Carlson
Debi Cass
Cary Collinsworth
Bob Crable ’78
Alberto Delgado
Bob Dunlap
Greg Edwards
Lisa Ellis
Tim Erdmann
Dave Faller
Bro. Robert Flaherty, S.M.
Chris Anne Gaier
Jeff Gaier
Bridget Gallagher
Donna Griffith
Kim Hauck
Tim Held
Jennifer Heisel (nee Wiesman)
Connie Hindersman
Matthew Hodgson
Kraig Hoover
Doug Horst
Bob Hotze
Ed Jamieson
Ken Keener ’65
Jim Kelly
Elena Keyser
Paul Kindt ’90
Sister Judy Klei, R.S.M.
Steve Klonne
Kevin Kohls ’88
Bill Kohus’69
Bill Kohus Jr. ’98
Bob Kolkmeyer ’75
Jerry Kombrinck
Johanna Kremer
David Lapham ’94
J.B. Lind ’93
Bro. Howard Lohrey, S.M.
Joseph Meale ’65
Jim Metz ’71
Frank Minnick
Mike Moroski
Todd Naumann ’91
Kim Navaro
Bruce Nelson
Cindy Neuhaus
Pat Niehaus
James O’Keefe
Kathy Patterson
Bob Pieper
Andy Pokupec
Kathy Poulton
Daniel Ragland
Britt Raymond
Neal Ryan ’85
Charles Rybak
Keith Semrad
Dan Shannon
Paul Smith
Greg Stanforth ’67
Jim Siciliano
Ken Stoll
Bob Tull
Keith Valerius ’90
Bro. Charles P. Wanda, S.M.
Mike Ward ’86
Fr. Terry Weik
Dr. Mary Ellen Williams
Dave Yelton
John Yost
12 • SUMMER 2010
Forging Ahead
THE WORLD STOOD still September 11, 2001. It was a confusing and
emotional time nationally and at Moeller. As students struggled, they
turned to their Marianist heritage to help them understand. The
Marianist prayer that begins and ends each day was one source of
comfort: “May the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit be glorified
in all places through the Immaculate Virgin Mary.”
Called together as a family,
Moeller remembers
teacher and coach
Jim Metz ’71.
The Moeller Family also suffered a more personal loss with the death
of Jim Metz ’71, a beloved teacher and coach.
Students relax and take time to appreciate the gifts of a Moeller education.
The Marianist prayer that begins
and ends each day was one source
of comfort: “ May the Father, and
the son, and the Holy Spirit be
glorified in all places through the
Immaculate Virgin Mary.”
Clockwise to right: The Brisben Family Education Center houses classrooms, a board room,
athletic offices, the Spirit Shop, Hall of Fame, locker rooms, and an elevator, in addition to the
magnificent gym. Hundreds tour the dedication in October of the O’Conner Center.
Science classes at
Moeller go to
THE MEN OF MOELLER forged ahead, with service and
outreach taking on a larger profile as more students chose
to take service trips as far away as the Solomon Islands
and as close as Over-the-Rhine. With the advent of the
X-Block, Moeller introduced a new journalism program and
resurrected The Crusader. The Science Fiction Film Club
was introduced. Kiss Me Kate entertained packed audiences.
And the “Arting Crusaders” broke the million-dollar mark
in competitive art scholarship offers.
Evan Herdeman (to left) set new school records in
both the 100 fly and 100 backstroke.
Moeller’s Swim Team sent
four to state.
More than 700 students help inaugurate the new basketball gym in a double overtime loss to St. Xavier.
KEVIN O’CONNOR was the chief benefactor of
a new wrestling and weight training center. The
Brisben Family Education Center was dedicated
and housed a magnificent gym, classrooms (with
air conditioning!), the Athletic Offices and Hall
of Fame, the new Spirit Shop, and more.
This year Moeller played its first basketball game
in the new gym. Crusader Soccer was the GCL
champ, with player Bobby Trybula named Player
of the Year and Coach Hurley named Coach of
the Year for the fourth time in seven seasons.
Moeller’s Swim Team sent four to state, and
Evan Herdeman set new school records in
both the 100 fly and 100 backstroke. Wrestling
bounced back to win sectionals and qualify nine
for the districts, where they placed second as a
team, with four heading on to state competition.
Tennis qualified two to the sectionals. The Track
Team was district champs, and 10 Crusaders
qualified for regional, where they placed sixth.
Three placed at state: Sam Sharp (11th in 800M
run), Ben McGrath (9th in discus), and Brent
Walter (3rd in pole vault). For the first time, a
boxing team sprouted the Crusader logo as they
held the inaugural boxing contest on school
grounds. Bowling also made its debut, finishing
sixth in the regional. The Ice Hockey Team skated on to the third round of the state playoffs.
Volleyball was GCL co-champs and district
champ, with Nick Meyer named GCL Player of
the Year and First Team All-State. Coach Greg
Ulland was the recipient of the Ohio Coaches
Award for Special Achievement.
Osama bin Laden
accepts responsibility
for attack.
Operation Enduring
Freedom begins in
The spaceship Odyssey
discovers ice on Mars.
New Faculty/Staff Members
Dan Ledford ’66, Principal
Bro. Ron Luksic, S.M.
Assistant Principal
Bro. John Habjan, S. M.
Dean of Academics
Carl Kremer, Dean of Students
Jason Ahlers
Tom Ash
Bill Balbach ’72
Jim Balbach ’77
Ginny Bauer
James Bauer
Justin Bayer ’97
Dick Beerman
Gustavo Benedetti
Richard Bohné
Barry Borman ’64
Debbie Brandt
Bill Braun ’72
Bob Browning ’83
Michael Cameron
Carol Campbell
Whitey Campbell
Dianne Carlson
Debi Cass
Bob Crable ’78
Alberto Delgado
Tim Erdmann
Dave Faller
Bro. Robert Flaherty, S.M.
Dr. Stephen Frech
Chris Anne Gaier
Jeff Gaier
Bridget Gallagher
Donna Griffith
Tim Held
Jennifer Heisel
Diane Hoctor
Doug Horst
Bob Hotze
Ed Jamieson
Jim Jewell
Jane Kagy
Conin Kecher
Jim Kelly
Ed Keener
Ken Keener ’65
Elena Keyser
Paul Kindt ’90
Sister Judy Klei, R.S.M.
Kevin Kohls ’88
Bill Kohus ’69
Bill Kohus Jr. ’98
Bob Kolkmeyer ’75
Johanna Kremer
Dave Lapham ’94
Bro. Howard Lohrey, S.M.
J.B. Lind ’93
Joseph Meale ’65
Frank Minnick
Michael Moroski
Todd Naumann ’91
Bruce Nelson
Cindy Neuhaus
Pat Niehaus
James O’Keefe
Kathy Patterson
Kathy Poulton
Daniel Ragland
Britt Raymond
Neal Ryan ’85
Dr. Charles Rybak
Keith Schaeper ’93
Jason Schlotman
Dan Shannon
Paul Smith
Greg Stanforth ’67
Louise Stinson
Ken Stoll
Bob Tull
Keith Valerius ’90
Bro. Charles P. Wanda, S.M.
Mike Ward ’86
Dave Yelton
John Yost
14 • SUMMER 2010
Ledford Leaves
BY DEFINITION, the word “champion” has three meanings. As a
noun, a champion is a person who has defeated all opponents in a
competition or series of competitions; as a verb, a champion is a
person who fights for or defends any person or cause. And as an
adjective, champion means “first rate.” Any version fits the Men
of Moeller.
For eleven-and-a-half years, Principal Dan Ledford ’66 was Moeller’s
champion: he pioneered the student laptop program; he initiated an
aggressive capital improvement; he nurtured outstanding Pastoral
Ministry programs; he supported innovative academic initiatives;
and he was an avid patron of Moeller’s theater program.
His legacy is already renowned.
Principal Dan
Ledford ’66
was Moeller’s
After nearly 12 years as principal,
Dan Ledford turns in his keys.
Members of the Men’s Chorus led the rest of the graduating class in the
singing of the “Alma Mater” at the closing of the Baccalaureate Mass.
Moeller students are champions
in the classroom as well.
The $2 million
senior art
CHAMPIONING a cause, Moeller students, parents,
and staff rolled up their sleeves to build a Habitat
for Humanity House. The 40th class to graduate
from Moeller began a new tradition: Instead of a
professional singer, members of the chorus led the
rest of the class in singing the “Alma Mater.” The 200
graduates achieved just under $6 million in scholarship
offers, with five senior art students responsible for
$2 million alone.
“First rate” describes the comprehensive and expanding
Pastoral Ministry Department. Performing arts offers
the championship Marching and Jazz Bands, the Men’s
Chorus, and performances of The Odd Couple, Hello Out
There and A Funny Thing Happened on the Way
to the Forum.
Moeller students show their theatrical talents.
invades Iraq and
initiates “shackand-awe”
Cross country qualified
three for state, only the
second appearance ever
in the state tournament.
Football finished 4th in
the Harbin and became the
21st team to appear in state
playoffs. The golf team won
sectionals, placed 2nd in
districts, and finished 5th in
state. Soccer senior Bobby
Trybula was named First
Team All-State, while senior
goalie Matt Mangano
recorded a school record 10
shutouts. Basketball won
the GCL, sectional, district, regional and state championships. Junior Josh Duncan was named GCL Player
of the Year and MVP of the state tourney; Josh was
joined on the All-Tournament Team by fellow juniors
Andrew Brackman and Bubba Walther. Coach
Kremer won the Dick Berning Coach of the
Year award for the sixth time in 11 years.
In bowling, senior captain Craig
Tokarsky rolled a perfect 300 game —
the first in the history of the league.
In swimming, senior Rob Magnus won
the GCL in the 100 breaststroke for
the fourth time; freshman Matt
Angelini qualified to state in the 100
backstroke and placed 16th. In
wrestling, the team won the GCL and
moved on to a third place in sectionals.
wins state
Pictured to right: Junior Ryan Lukens becomes the
sixth Moeller wrestling champion in the school’s history.
New Faculty/Staff Members
Athletic Department
Administrative Assistant
Finishing someone’s dream, Moeller students, parents, and staff
build a Habitat for Humanity house for Mrs. Belinda Reeves and
her two grandchildren.
Eight wrestlers moved on to districts, three to
the state tournament, and junior Ryan
Lukens became the school’s sixth state
champ. The Lacrosse Team’s Joe Lynch
was named All-American; Coach
Shannon was named Coach of the
Year. Track and Field won the GCL
— the first time for the track team
in 22 years. Four athletes were GCL
champs: freshman Ben Sharp
(100m), junior Sam Sharp (800m),
junior Zach Smith (SP), and senior
John Harper (discus). Coach Ken
Kohls was named Coach of the Year.
Led by nine regional qualifiers, the team
2nd in the district, and three
qualified and finished at state: John
Harper (3rd), Ben McCrath (6th), and
Zach Smith (8th). Volleyball won the
district, regional, and finished second
at state. Nick Meyer was GCL and State
Player of the Year; Robbie Klein was
First Team All-GCL and Third Team
Social Studies
Space shuttle
Columbia disintegrates just before
Sara Hughes upsets
Michelle Kwan at Salt
Lake City Olympics;
Apolo Ohno wins gold
in speed skate.
Kelly Clarkson
becomes first
“American Idol.”
Collison Arrives
Blane Collison, Principal
Bro. Ron Luksic, S.M.
Assistant Principal
Bro. John Habjan, S.M.
Dean of Academics
Carl Kremer, Dean of Students
Chris Albrecht ’77
Tom Ash
Bill Balbach ’72
Jim Balbach ’77
Ginny Bauer
James Bauer
Dick Beerman
Gustavo Benedetti
Richard Bohné
Barry Borman ’64
Debbie Brandt
Bill Braun ’72
Bob Browning ’83
Anthony Brumfield
Stephanie Brundage
Michael Cameron
Carol Campbell
Whitey Campbell
Dianne Carlson
Debi Cass
Douglas Connell
Bob Crable ’78
Mary Dees
Alberto Delgado
Tim Erdmann
Dave Faller
Bro. Robert Flaherty, S.M.
Chris Anne Gaier
Jeff Gaier
Bridget Gallagher
Kim Hauck
Tim Held
Christian Heisler
Jennifer Heisel
Diane Hoctor
Doug Horst
Bob Hotze
Ed Jamieson
Jim Jewell
Jane Kagy
Jim Kelly
Ed Keener
Ken Keener ’65
Elena Keyser
Paul Kindt ’90
Sister Judy Klei, R.S.M.
Kevin Kohls ’88
Bill Kohus ’69
Bill Kohus Jr.’98
Bob Kolkmeyer ’75
Johanna Kremer
Bro. Howard Lohrey, S.M.
J.B. Lind ’93
Terry McCafferty
Bro. Roy McLoughlin, S.M.
Joseph Meale ’65
Frank Minnick
Michael Moroski
Todd Naumann
Bruce Nelson
Cindy Neuhaus
Pat Niehaus
James O’Keefe
Ryan Patterson
Kathy Patterson
Andy Pokupec
Kathy Poulton
Daniel Ragland
Britt Raymond
Neal Ryan ’85
Jason Schlotman
Michael Shaffer
Dan Shannon
Brian Sheeran
Greg Stanforth ’67
Louise Stinson
Ken Stoll
Bob Tull
Bro. Charles Wanda, S.M.
Mike Ward ’86
Derek Williams ’91
Maurice “Skeeter” Williams
Dave Yelton
John Yost
16 • SUMMER 2010
THE 2003-2004 was a year of hellos and goodbyes at Moeller. The
Moeller Family welcomed new Principal Blane Collison, but bid farewell
to Dean of Academics Bro. John Habjan, S.M., who left to take on the
assistant directorship of Marianist education. After 38 years, Bro. Charlie
Wanda, S.M., retired officially but still was active
consulting with art students. Sr. Mary
Donata also retired after nine years of
service to the Moeller community. And
it was goodbye to tight quarters in
the Art & Photography Department
as well, after claiming a new home
in the former faculty lounge.
Photo to left: New Principal Blane Collison
spent time meeting students. Photo to
right: After 21 years, Bro. John Habjan,
S.M., leaves Moeller to assume a leadership
role with the Marianist community.
Students can’t
wait to try the
Bro. Ron Luksic, S.M., and Moeller
students learn commitment and service
on a mission trip in Mexico.
2003-2004 was
a year of hellos
and goodbyes
at Moeller.
All-school Mass begins Lent on campus.
Led by Coach Mike Cameron, the Moeller
Baseball Team showed who’s #1.
Honduras, Appalachia, Georgia,
and an Urban Plunge in Overthe-Rhine introduced seniors
to service opportunities with
a global perspective. At the
opening Mass, Father Tedesco
urged students to say ‘YES’ in
the same fashion that Mary did.
“We Stand with Mary” became
the motto for the school year.
Inspirational speaker Matthew
Kelly spoke on ‘being the best
version of yourself,” and all
students received his book
The Rhythm of Life. The Men’s
Chorus continued to grow and display their singing
talents, “Arsenic and Old Lace” entertained, and
winter’s bright spot became a night at the IMPROV,
selling out performances every night .
3rd in the Harbins and was the
22nd consecutive team to reach
the playoffs. In cross country,
Luke Beuerlein set a school 5K
record, was the district champion, and then moved on to state
and placed sixth. The golf team
was GCL, sectional, and district
champion, and they placed third
in the state. Basketball won the
GCL, sectional, and district but
lost in the regional finals. Andrew
Brackman was named the Player
of the Year for the GCL, the city,
Southwest Ohio and state. Josh
Duncan was First Team All-GCL,
All-City, All-District, and Second
Team All-Ohio. Bubba Walther
was First Team All-GCL, Honorable Mention All-City
and All-District. In swimming Matt Angelini set new
district records in both the 200 IM and the 100 backstroke and was the lone state qualifier, placing 9th in
the IM and 10th in backstroke. The wrestling team was
GCL, sectional, and district champs; the team finish 8th
in the state. Baseball won the GCL, sectional, district,
regional, and state championships. Cameron
Satterwhite was the GCL Player of the Year; Andrew
Brackman was Ohio Player of the Year and the LaRosa’s
Male Athlete of the Year. In tennis, Thorsten Bendowski
qualified to district. The track team again won the GCL,
with 10 athletes named GCL champions.
Summer Olympics in
Athens, Greece
Both Moeller baseball
and volleyball teams
claim state titles.
Volleyball captured their
third state title in six years.
Luke Beuerlein was selected GCL Runner of the Year.
Track won district and qualified to regional in 12
events, where they were second with nine athletes
moving on to state. D.J. Hlovchiec was 4th in pole
vault. The 4x800m relay team of Luke Beuerlein, Danny
Frost, Matt Hook, and Sam Sharp set a new school
record. Volleyball was GCL, district, regional, and
state champion. Robbie Klein was named Player of the
Year in the GCL, the city, the Southwest district, and
the state. Mark Wimmers was First Team All-GCL, city,
and Southwest Ohio, as well as Third Team All-Ohio.
Head Coach Greg Ulland was GCL, Southwest Ohio,
and state Coach of the Year.
New Faculty/Staff Members
Boston Red Sox win
World Series.
Mel Gibson’s blockbuster hit, The
Passion of Christ,
sparks controversy.
Saddam Hussein
Cafeteria Manager
2004-2005 MOE-OLOGY
Blane Collison, Principal
Mike Rakel ’70
Dean of Academics
Carl Kremer, Dean of Students
Bro. Ron Luksic, S.M.
Dean of Campus Life
Julie Abraham
Chris Albrecht ’77
Bill Balbach ’72
Jim Balbach ’77
Ginny Bauer
James Bauer
Dick Beerman
Debbie Belza
Gustavo Benedetti
Richard Bohné
Nick Borchers
Barry Borman ’64
Sally Bowron
Bill Braun ’72
Bob Browning ’83
Anthony Brumfield
Michael Cameron
Carol Campbell
Whitey Campbell
Debi Cass
Jim Champlin ’72
Bob Crable ’78
Alberto Delgado
Gail Dorsey
Tim Erdmann
Dave Faller
Bro. Robert Flaherty, S.M.
Chris Anne Gaier
Jeff Gaier
Bridget Gallagher
Geoffrey Girard
Kim Hauck
Jennifer Heisel
Christian Heisler
Tim Held
Doug Horst
Bob Hotze
Ed Jamieson
Jim Jewell
Jane Kagy
Ed Keener
Ken Keener ’65
Jim Kelly
Elena Keyser
Paul Kindt ’90
Sister Judy Klei, R.S.M.
Kevin Kohls ’88
Bill Kohus ’69
Bill Kohus Jr. ’98
Bob Kolkmeyer ’75
Johanna Kremer
Bro. Howard Lohrey, S.M.
J.B. Lind ’93
Bro Ron Luksic, S. M.
Karen Matuszek
Bro. Roy McLoughlin, S.M.
Joseph Meale ’65
Frank Minnick
Michael Moroski
Todd Naumann ’91
Cindy Neuhaus
Bruce Nelson
Andy Pokupec
Kathy Poulton
Daniel Ragland
Britt Raymond
Connie Ring
Rob Rogers
Joe Rouse
Neal Ryan ’85
Jason Schlotman
Michael Shaffer
Dan Shannon
Patrick Sheeran
Paul Smith
Greg Stanforth ’67
Ken Stoll
Bob Tull
Edith Vicario
Mike Ward ’86
Derek Williams ’91
Maurice “Skeeter” Williams
Troy Woolery
Dave Yelton
John Yost
Beth Zilch
18 • SUMMER 2010
Our Marianist Charism
ACCORDING TO the yearbook, “Moe-ology” is defined as
“learning together to become champions, working together as a team, and striving to be the best.” Perhaps English
teacher Mike Moroski summed it best: “It’s reaching far
out of the classroom and into the arts, social justice, athletics, spirituality, friendship, and family.” It’s the Marianist
Charism in action.
Yellmen (clockwise):
Brian Schumacher,
Tyler Corcoran, Chris
Schuh, T.J. Shreve,
Nick Gruter, Tim
Mauntel, Justin
Barton, and Greg
An important characteristic of the Marianist Charism is the
presence of “Family Spirit.” This year the Moeller Family
welcomed alumnus Mike Rakel ’72 as the new dean of
academics, and they mourned the death of teacher and
coach Thomas Ash who lost his fight against brain cancer.
“Moe-ology” is defined
as “learning together to become
champions, working together as a
team, and striving to be the best.”
Moeller mourns the loss of
teacher and coach Tom Ash.
Opening the school
year with a traditional
welcoming Mass,
dedicating the school
year to the Virgin Mary.
Latin teacher, Mr. Ken Stoll, is pictured with some of the
Bro. Charlie Wanda, S.M., designs glass panels depicting the five Characteristics of a Marianist Education.
Mercurio (Alex
Haverkos) and Tybalt
(Dan Wasson) battle
in Romeo & Juliet.
THE FINE ARTS took center stage this year as Bill
Braun ’72 provided the woodwork and Bro. Charlie
Wanda the glass carvings to create Moeller’s new panels by the main stairwell featuring the five Marianist
Characteristics. The old gym evolved into a multipurpose theatre space with an extended stage, new carpet,
sound panels, and newly painted walls. And the new
theatre used the space well, hosting the fall play, Romeo
& Juliet, a winter one-act play, “The Ugly Duckling,”
and the spring musical, 1776.
The Marianist principle of teaching for service, justice,
and peace was evident as visitors from Bangladesh
enlightened the Moeller students about sweat shop
conditions in their country. Guest speaker Milton
Creagh touched the student body with his call to
action: “America needs you.” Furthering the Marianist
Characteristic to educate for adaptation and change,
the junior class leaders prepared to roll out next year’s
new House System. The mission of this new student
governance system is to further enhance pastoral care
and leadership skills and to deepen relationships within
the Moeller community.
FOOTBALL FINISHED #4 in Harbins and became the
23rd team to qualify for state. District cross country
champ Luke Beuerlein moved on to state where he finished third. Golf won their sectional, placed third in
district, and finished as state runner-up. The basketball team won the GCL, sectional, district, and regional,
but lost to rival St. Xavier in the final four match.
Bowling won two sectional matches to qualify for
regionals. The Crusader Ice Hockey Team also made it
to the final four. Swimmer Matt Angelini became
a three-time GCL All-Star; four swimmers qualified for
districts, and Matt moved on to state setting new
records in his 200IM and 100 backstroke. Moeller
Wrestling won GCL with every wrestler placing in the
top three; they also won sectional and district, and 11
advanced to state where they placed 4th. Baseball won
the sectional and district but lost in the regional final in
a tense battle with Princeton. In track, Luke Beuerlein
won both the 1600 and 3200m runs and was named
GCL Runner of the Year for the second consecutive year.
Derico Murray placed first in 110 and 300 hurdles and
the 4x100 relay. At districts, Luke won the 3200m run
and Derico the long jump. Luke, Derico and pole vaulter
Chris Walter moved to state; Luke placed 2nd, Chris 4th,
and Derico 7th. Volleyball swept the GCL, district,
Pope John Paul II
Tsunamis kill a quarter
of million people in
Southeast Asia.
Bangladesh women pose with a supportive student body after
relating their substandard working conditions in the Walmart sweat
regional, and won state for the second consecutive
year. Mark Wimmers was a First Team selection in the
GCL, the city, Southwest Ohio, and the state. Chris
Lovett made GCL First Team, Southwest Ohio Second
Team, and Honorable Mention All-Ohio.
Nintendo releases its
DS Handheld game.
New Faculty/Staff Members
Main Office
Grants/Main Event
Special Education
Main Office
George Bush
defeats John Kerry
in controversial 2004
2005-2006 OUR HOUSE
Blane Collison, Principal
Mike Rakel ’70
Dean of Academics
Carl Kremer, Dean of Students
Bro. Ron Luksic, S.M.
Dean of Campus Life
Julie Abraham
Chris Albrecht ’77
Bill Balbach ’72
Jim Balbach ’77
Ginny Bauer
James Bauer
Dick Beerman
Debbie Belza
Gustavo Benedetti
Richard Bohné
Nick Borchers
Barry Borman
Sally Bowron
Bill Braun ’72
Bob Browning ’83
Michael Cameron
Carol Campbell
Whitey Campbell
Debi Cass
Jim Champlin ’72
Bob Crable ’78
Alberto Delgado
Jeanie DeTemple
Gail Dorsey
Tim Erdmann
Dave Faller
Bro. Robert Flaherty, S.M.
Todd Forman
Chris Anne Gaier
Jeff Gaier
Bridget Gallagher
Debbie Geiger
Geoffrey Girard
Kim Hauck
Jennifer Heisel
Christian Heisler
Tim Held
Doug Horst
Bob Hotze
Janet Huff
Ed Jamieson
Jim Jewell
Ed Keener
Ken Keener ’65
Jim Kelly
Elena Keyser
Paul Kindt ’90
Sister Judy Klei, R.S.M.
Kevin Kohls ’88
Bill Kohus ’69
Bill Kohus Jr. ’98
Bob Kolkmeyer ’75
Chris Kowalski
Johanna Kremer
Bro. Howard Lohrey, S.M.
Karen Matuszek
Bro. Roy McLoughlin, S.M.
Joseph Meale ’65
Frank Minnick
Michael Moroski
Todd Naumann ’91
Bruce Nelson
Cindy Neuhaus
Trish Niehaus
Andy Pokupec
Kathy Poulton
Daniel Ragland
Britt Raymond
Connie Ring
Rob Rogers
Doug Rosfeld ’97
Joe Rouse
Neal Ryan ’85
Lori Sams
Jason Schlotman
Michael Shaffer
Dan Shannon
Paul Smith
Greg Stanforth ’67
Ken Stoll
Alex Thompson
Bob Tull
Edith Vicario
Mike Ward ’86
David Wheat
Derek Williams ’91
Maurice “Skeeter” Williams
Troy Woolery
Dave Yelton
John Yost
Chris Zerges ’83
Beth Zilch
20 • SUMMER 2010
Building Family Spirit
A NEW TRADITION graced the Moeller campus
this year with the introduction of six “Houses”:
Eveslage, Pillar, Quiroga, Trinity, Zaragosa, and
Zehler. The new House System’s goals are to
provide more individualized pastoral care, to
create leadership opportunities, to strengthen
students’ interpersonal relationship skills, and to
build community within the Moeller Family.
Photo to right: Faculty members chosen to be House Deans:
Mike Moroski, Bruce Nelson, Karen Matuszek, Rob Rogers, Jim
Champlin, and Ed Jamieson.
Yellmen prepare to rally the troops before
the football opener.
The “Houses” of
Eveslage, Pillar,
Quiroga, Trinity,
Zaragoza, and
Zehler, are
Students and faculty member Gustavo
Benedetti are pictured with Fr. Emil
Cook in Honduras on their mission trip.
Eric Lang and William Glaser make
their mission obvious at the Moms’
Club Fashion Show.
What’s a western theme chorus
without a cactus or two?
“HOME” BECAME a more global concept, with 10
international exchange students attending Moeller and
eight Crusaders heading overseas for classes. The concept
of “House families” was felt more deeply as students
worked to create a better environment on service trips
to Georgia, Honduras, La Chinantla, Pedras Negras,
Mexico, Glenmary Farms, Kentucky, and Over-the-Rhine.
Throughout the year Crusaders lent a hand to Hurricane
Katrina victims, feeding the hungry at the annual Food
Drive, the Blood Drive, and wrapping up the ReSTOC
project on Republic Street. Special guests this year
included members of the Invisible Children organization,
Marvin Lewis, and Vietnam veterans who shared their
stories. My Three Angels, A Night at the Improv, and the
musical Grease trod the boards in the theater, while the
Men’s Chorus performed a fall concert of western music
and a spring event featuring American folk songs.
Hurricane Katrina
A powerhouse group: Gerry Faust,
Bro. Ron Luksic, and Pete Rose. Rose
was the Stag’s featured speaker.
FOOTBALL AGAIN qualified for playoffs. Golf won sectionals, placed 2nd at districts, and moved to state, finishing 4th. Soccer won the GCL, and Steve Wujek was
selected to the First Team All-GCL, All-City, and Third
Team All-State. John Bentley and Jon Myers were also
First Team All-GCL. Bowling set a school record in a
match with Fairfield, and Jake Maciulewicz set a school
record for a three-game series.
Wrestling also won the
GCL for the fourth
consecutive time
and 10 wrestlers
won their weight
class. They won sectionals, and
all 14 qualified to
districts. Nine
moved on to state,
and eight placed in
the top eight; Coach
Gaier was honored
as the State Coach
of the Year.
Steve Wujek outran most opponents
Swimmer Matt
this season as he made The Enquirer’s
Angelini was named
All-Star Team, Division I, and Third
German Cardinal
Joseph Ratzinger
is elected Pope
Benedict XVI.
GCL Swimmer of the Year. He was a First Team All-GCL
performer in both the 100 fly and 100 backstroke and
qualified for state in the 100 backstroke and 200 IM.
Brian Howell was the 200 IM champion. The ski
team again placed first in the high school race.
Baseball won sectional and districts. The lacrosse team
qualified to the Flight ‘A’ state semi-final match; Mitchel
Frey and Sean Finegan were named to the Second
Team All-Ohio. Volleyball romped through the season
winning GCL, district, and regional, but ended with a
loss to St. Xavier in the finals. Dan Brandel was named
First Team All-GCL and All Southwest Ohio; Ryan
Strizak received First Team GCL honors and Second
Team Southwest recognition.
Xbox 360 unveiled.
Team All-State.
New Faculty/Staff Members
Business Office
Special Education
Social Studies
Blu-ray disc format
is released in the US.
2006-2007 MISSION ’07
‘To Be the Best’
Blane Collison, Principal
Mike Rakel ’70,
Dean of Academics
Carl Kremer, Dean of Students
Bro. Ron Luksic, S.M.,
Dean of Campus Life
MISSION ’07 was the year of setting the goal to be the best
on all fronts: sports, academics, leadership, and spirituality.
The new House System enhanced this mission.
Julie Abraham
Chris Albrecht ’77
Bill Balbach ’72
Jim Balbach ’77
Ginny Bauer
James Bauer
Dick Beerman
Debbie Belza
Gustavo Benedetti
Richard Bohné
Barry Borman ’64
Nick Borchers
Bill Braun ’72
Bob Browning ’83
Michael Cameron
Debi Cass
Jim Champlin ’72
Bob Crable ’78
Alberto Delgado
Jeanie DeTemple
Gail Dorsey
Tim Erdmann
Dave Faller
Bro. Robert Flaherty, S.M.
Todd Forman
Chris Anne Gaier
Jeff Gaier
Bridget Gallagher
Debbie Geiger
Geoffrey Girard
Jennifer Heisel
Christian Heisler
Tim Held
Doug Horst
Bob Hotze
Ed Jamieson
Jim Jewell
Ed Keener
Ken Keener ’65
Jim Kelly
Elena Keyser
Paul Kindt ’90
Sister Judy Klei, R.S.M.
Kevin Kohls ’88
Bill Kohus ’69
Bill Kohus Jr. ’98
Bob Kolkmeyer ’75
Johanna Kremer
Bro. Howard Lohrey, S.M.
Karen Matuszek
Patrick McLaughlin ’96
Bro. Roy McLoughlin, S.M.
Joseph Meale ’65
Frank Minnick
Michael Moroski
Todd Naumann ’91
Bruce Nelson
Cindy Neuhaus
Trish Niehaus
Andy Pokupec
Kathy Poulton
Daniel Ragland
Britt Raymond
Connie Ring
Kathy Robinson
Doug Rosfeld ’97
Jason Schlotman
Michael Shaffer
Dan Shannon
Paul Smith
Greg Stanforth ’67
Ken Stoll
Alex Thompson
Bob Tull ’86
David Wheat
Derek Williams ’91
Maurice “Skeeter” Williams
Troy Woolery
Bob Wynn
Dave Yelton
John Yost
Chris Zerges ’83
Beth Zilch
22 • SUMMER 2010
Showing off some newly acquired carpentry
Students “best dressed” at Moms’ Club Fashion Show.
The House System
continued to grow and
this year marked the
debut of the House
Once again the “Arting” Crusaders are best at the Montgomery
Kiwanis Art Show.
Coach Cameron with Barry Larkin, Coach Paul Smith, Buddy Bell, and
Ken Griffey, Jr.
Tim Erdmann holds class with the mighty Rockies as his backdrop.
THE HOUSE SYSTEM continued to grow, and
this year marked the debut of the House symbols. Science teacher Tim Erdmann introduced
a new elective where students could spend
part of their summer getting hands-on biology
experience in the Colorado Rocky Mountains.
More students traveled on service trips to
Piedras Negras, Honduras, Liberty (Kentucky),
Slidell (Louisiana), and Nicaragua. Social
justice efforts continued through UNIFAT
(the Ugandan school that Moeller students
help support), and Shantytown. MACH 1 (Moeller Advocates for Community Housing) began. Moeller’s Theater
Department presented A Night of One Act Plays, The Faces of Improv, and the musical The Baker’s Wife.
Global warming
becomes a pressing
environmental concern.
Dean of Academics Mike Rakel left Moeller to return to active teaching. And, after 39 years at Moeller as the
“winningest” coach ever in Ohio Division I Baseball, Mike Cameron retired as head baseball coach but continued
to be department chair for physical education and health.
Basketball and
volleyball win state
MISSION ACCOMPLISHED in sports this year. Moeller
won the third GCL All Sports Championship in its
history! At the district golf meet, Mark Reinhold
captured medalist honors and earned Second Team
All-State. The team headed to state for the fifth consecutive year, and Coach Bohne was named The Enquirer’s
Division 1 Coach of the Year. Football again made it to
the playoffs for the twenty-fifth time. In cross country,
Brad Meyer and Holden Marsh went to regional, and
Brad to become the third Moeller runner to qualify to
the state meet twice. In soccer, Jon Myers and Joe Huhn
were First Team All-GCL. Jon was also First Team AllCity and Third Team All-State. Basketball became the
GCL, sectional, district, regional, and state winners.
Troy Tabler was a First Team selection (All-GCL, All-City,
All-Southwest Ohio), Second Team All-State, and named
as the Division 1 Tournament MVP. Quinn McDowell
was First Team All-GCL and All-City, Third Team AllDistrict, and First Team All-Tournament. The team was
ranked #16 in the nation and became state champions again. Volleyball marked their fifth state championship in 12 years. In bowling, a second place
in sectionals qualified the Crusaders to
district, with Jake Maciulewicz qualifying
to state. He was named as one of only
29 bowlers in the nation invited to a
tournament at season’s end. Wrestling
won GCL, sectional, and district, with
10 wrestlers moving on to state and
finishing second. Germane and Frank
Becker both captured a state title.
In swimming, Brian Howell became an
All-Star in three events — 200 IM,
Junior Brian Howell
100 backstroke, and 400 free relay.
wins the 200 IM at state.
New Faculty/Staff Members
Social Studies
Joe Albers, Kevin Koenig, and Mike
Krone were also First Team selections. At sectionals, Moeller
qualified nine to the
district, and Alex
Jackson, Kevin
Mike Krone,
Sanders, and Brian Howell
moved on to state, where
Brian became only the
fourth Moeller swimmer to
capture a state title winning
the 200 IM. Crusader
The seniors have earned
hockey made it to the
their success and will be
state playoffs. In track
recognized as having one
and field, Ched Cherry
of the greatest seasons in
and Joe Hook advanced
Moeller history. Tony Rack
’07 is pictured above.
to state. After winning
the GCL, sectional, and
the district, baseball lost in the regional
semifinal. Tom Belza, Dan Burkhardt, and Alex
Wimmers were named to the All-Ohio First
Team, the All-GCL, All-City, and All-District
First Teams. Tom was the GCL Player of the
Year. Coach Cameron was named Coach of
the Year at every level, including state. The
2007 team was #1 in the state in the final
baseball coaches’ poll. The lacrosse team
won the Flight ‘B’ competition in the Midwest
Lacrosse Invitational, and advanced to the state
semifinals. Sean Finegan was named to both the
All-Midwest and All-State First Teams; Jarred Bowman
was First Team All-Midwest and Second All-State; Corey
Bauer and Rudy Bublitz were Second Team All-State.
Volleyball finished their season undefeated (29-0)
and won their fifth state championship. Dan Brandel
and Lee Meyer were both First Team honorees at every
possible level. Lee was selected as the Player of the Year
in the GCL, Southwest Ohio, and the state.
Wii is introduced in
Sunday Night Football
premieres on NBC.
Pirates of the
Caribbean is the
top-grossing film.
2007-2008 ON THE MOVE
Blane Collison, Principal
Carl Kremer, Dean of Students
Bro. Ron Luksic, S.M.
Dean of Campus Life
Chris Albrecht ’77
Bill Balbach ’72
Jim Balbach ’77
Ginny Bauer
James Bauer
Dick Beerman
Debbie Belza
Gustavo Benedetti
Richard Bohné
Barry Borman ’64
Bill Braun ’72
Bob Browning ’83
Michael Cameron
Carol Campbell
Whitey Campbell
Debi Cass
Jim Champlin ’72
Bob Crable ’78
Alberto Delgado
Jeanie DeTemple
Gail Dorsey
Jim Elfers
Tim Erdmann
Dave Faller
Bro. Robert Flaherty, S.M.
Chris Anne Gaier
Jeff Gaier
Bridget Gallagher
Debbie Geiger
Brian Gilronan
Geoffrey Girard
Clayton Graham
Dennis Gray
Jennifer Heisel
Tim Held
Doug Horst
Bob Hotze
Ed Jamieson
Ken Keener ’65
Jim Kelly
Greg Kelly
Elena Keyser
Paul Kindt ’90
Sister Judy Klei, R.S.M.
Kevin Kohls ’90
Bob Kolkmeyer ’75
Bill Kohus ’69
Bill Kohus Jr. ’98
Johanna Kremer
Bro. Howard Lohrey, S.M.
Karen Matuszek
Pat McLaughlin ’96
Bro. Roy McLoughlin, S.M.
Joseph Meale ’65
Frank Minnick
Michael Moroski
Todd Naumann
Cindy Neuhaus
Trish Niehaus
Bruce Nelson
Andy Pokupec
Kathy Poulton
David Prenger
Daniel Ragland
Britt Raymond
Connie Ring
John Rodenberg
Matt Rooks ’98
Doug Rosfeld ’97
Jason Schlotman
Michael Shaffer
Dan Shannon
Paul Smith
Greg Stanforth ’67
Ken Stoll
Alex Thompson
Bob Tull
Edith Vicario
Mike Ward ’86
David Wheat
Patty Wilken
Derek Williams ’91
Maurice “Skeeter” Williams
Troy Woolery
Bob Wynn
David Yelton
John Yost
Chris Zerges ’83
Beth Zilch
24 • SUMMER 2010
Field of Dreams
BIG TRUCKS WERE on the move
as ground was broken behind the
Activity Center for the Gerry Faust
Athletic Complex that will house
a football practice field, track and
field areas, and game and practice
space for soccer and lacrosse teams.
All classrooms on the east side of
the second floor were refurbished.
A volunteer moving crew of
students helped unload the
much-anticipated delivery truck
of full-size desks.
Construction underway at the soon-to-becompleted Gerry Faust Athletic Center.
Momentarily speechless, there were
too many people to thank by name
as Gerry accepted Moeller’s (gifts).
The Gerry
Faust Athletic
breaks ground.
Academic Awards Day
Tragically Moeller lost two students,
Jordan Bessey and Richard “Andy”
Carter, over the summer.
WHILE PHYSICAL IMPROVEMENTS were key, spiritual ones dropped into place as well.
In social justice, students were introduced to three aspects of poverty: local, global, and
rural. More than 100 upper classmen hit the mission trail to Over-the-Rhine, Slidell
(Louisiana), Peru, Piedras Negras (Mexico), and Liberty (Kentucky). Crusaders participated in exchange programs in Spain, Australia, and Namibia, and welcomed international
students from Germany, Japan, Italy, and Brazil. Choices Café opened in Over-the-Rhine
as an outgrowth of MACH1 to rousing success.
Technology moved forward with new
tablet computers for teachers and an
improved NetMoeller. In freshman
After a little spackling and
physical education classes, new heart
paint, voila, Choices Café
rate monitors heighten awareness of
cardiovascular fitness. The English
Department added required summer
reading for all students, and campus-wide
efforts got underway to go paperless. England in 1892 was the
setting for the fall drama Charley’s Aunt; Civil War America
provided the context for the spring musical Shenandoah.
Oxford University, 1892, setting for Charley’s Aunt,
the fall drama.
Gas prices hit $4 a
Tragically Moeller lost two students and members of the football
team, Jordan Bessey and Richard “Andy” Carter over the summer.
In response, the Buckle Up for Bessey program was initiated.
FALL SPORTS MOVED quickly toward
success. Soccer players Brian Cron and
13 swimmers qualified to districts setting
Quinn McDowell were named First
four new school records; seven swimmers
Team All-GCL. Golf finished second
qualified to the state meet. Baseball firstin GCL, won sectional, placed second
year head coach Tim Held led the team
in district, and finished second at
to GCL championships, with Pat Curtin,
state, with Ben O’Bryan and Andrew
Ross Oltorik, Brent Suter, and Greg
Dorn earning All-State honors. Football
Williams selected as First Team All-GCL
made it to the second round of
performers. Pat was named the GCL
regionals. Basketball won the GCL,
Player of the Year. Coach Held was
sweeping all league opponents
the GCL Coach of the Year. They
and was the AP poll state
won the district and regional to
champs. Michael Davenport and
advance to the state final four.
Quinn McDowell were both
Lacrosse finished a regional
Facing off against St. Xavier.
named All-Ohio All-Stars; Coach
runner-up in the state tournament.
Carl Kremer was named State
Sean Finegan, Anderson Morgan, and
Coach of the Year. Moeller
Jake Hubbard were honored as First Team
wrestling sent six competitors to
All-Midwest selections; Sean was accorded
state and finished in the top 10
All-American honors as well. Track tied for second
for the sixth consecutive year. Eric Gobin claimed four
in GCL, 4th in the district, with eight athletes qualified
GCL titles. Ice hockey reeled off 14 straight wins en
to the regional. Holden Marsh took fourth place and
route to the regular season crown. In swimming, Brian
finished ninth at Columbus. In volleyball, Mark Shipp
Howell was named GCL Swimmer of the Year. A record
and Vinnie Palopoli were First Team and Honorable
Dow Jones fell 370
points starting the
Fidel Castro steps
down as ruler of Cuba.
New Faculty/Staff Members
Pastoral Ministry
Pastoral Ministry
Physical Education
Main Event
China prepares to
host the 2008
Summer Olympics.
2008-2009 OUR STORY
Helping with plumbing, shelter, and gardening halfway around the world in Peru.
Blane Collison, Principal
Chris Wilke,
Dean of Academics
Carl Kremer, Dean of Students
Bro. Ron Luksic, S.M.,
Dean of Campus Life
Bill Balbach ’72
Jim Balbach ’77
Ginny Bauer
James Bauer
Dick Beerman
Gustavo Benedetti
Richard Bohné
Barry Borman ’64
Bill Braun ’72
Bob Browning ’83
Michael Cameron
Carol Campbell
Whitey Campbell
Debi Cass
Jim Champlin ’72
Anthony Corder
Bob Crable ’78
Alberto Delgado
Jeanie DeTemple
Dan Dever
Gail Dorsey
Jim Elfers
Jeannette Elliott
Tim Erdmann
Dave Faller
Bro. Robert Flaherty, S.M.
Chris Anne Gaier
Jeff Gaier
Bridget Gallagher
Brian Gilronan
Geoffrey Girard
Clayton Graham
Dennis Gray
Jennifer Heisel
Tim Held
Doug Horst
Bob Hotze
Ed Jamieson
Jim Jewell
Jenifer Johnson
Ken Keener ’65
Greg Kelly ’03
Jim Kelly
Elena Keyser
Paul Kindt ’90
Sister Judy Klei, R.S.M.
Kevin Kohls ’90
Bill Kohus ’69
Bill Kohus Jr. ’98
Bob Kolkmeyer ’75
Johanna Kremer
Bro. Howard Lohrey, S.M.
Karen Matuszek
Matt McLaughlin ’05
Pat McLaughlin ’96
Joseph Meale ’65
Frank Minnick
Michael Moroski
Todd Naumann ’91
Bruce Nelson
Cindy Neuhaus
Andy Pokupec
Kathy Poulton
Dave Prenger
Daniel Ragland
Steve Ranieri
Britt Raymond
Connie Ring
John Rodenberg
Matt Rooks ’98
Doug Rosfeld ’97
Jason Schlotman
Michael Shaffer
Dan Shannon
Paul Smith
Dawn Spitznagel
Greg Stanforth ’67
Jim Stofko ’85
Ken Stoll
Bob Tull
Edith Vicario
Mike Ward ’86
David Wheat
Patty Wilken
Derek Williams ’91
Maurice “Skeeter” Williams
Bob Wynn
Dave Yelton
John Yost
Chris Zerges ’83
Beth Zilch
26 • SUMMER 2010
Writing a Bestseller
EVERYONE HAS a story to tell. At Moeller,
it’s more than a story of success. It’s a story
of the everyday and the exceptional, all
built from the Marianist education foundation. It’s the beginning of a “bestseller”...
Junior Neil Fredrickson and
senior Jonathan MacDowell
at one of the inaugural
WMOE broadcasts.
Moeller is
more than
a story of
Coaching icon
Gerry Faust
stands in front of
the multipurpose
field bearing his
Moeller seniors are all smiles on graduation day.
IT’S A STORY of service, where the waiting list is long for
students interested in service trips to hurricane-ravaged
Louisiana, or the Urban Plunge in Over-the-Rhine, or to
Philippi (West Virginia), Piedras Negras (Mexico), Peru,
or Glenmary Farms. The Think Pink rally to raise money
for the ProScan Pink Ribbon Center in Over-the-Rhine
suggested by Kim Hauck, Moeller’s athletic department
Mike Moroski and right-hand man Martin Hollatz ’10 at the
spread to other
Choices Café Grand Opening.
GCL schools —
LaSalle, Elder, and
St. Xavier. It was more than a story when Connie Ring, math teacher and
the leader behind the Unified for UNIFAT movement, led a 10-day trip to
Uganda to explore the needs of the UNIFAT school that Moeller and
other Cincinnati-area schools sponsor.
Will Tardio ’07 and Connie Ring interview a
student at the UNIFAT school in Uganda for
their documentary.
Barack Obama
elected President
of US.
Moeller is also a story of the arts, from the performances of Don’t Drink
the Water, a Night at the Improv, and Joseph and the Amazing Technicolor
Dreamcoat, to the successful continuation of the nationally recognized
arts department, to the WMOE radio pioneers and award-winning
publications (The Crusader and The Templar).
Basketball and
volleyball win state
was dedicated to coaching legend
Gerry Faust, including a multipurpose field and the Kremchek
Family Training Center. John
Rodenberg became Moeller’s fifth
head football coach leading the
team to the playoffs. Cross country ran to regionals where they
placed 8th. The golf team drove all
the way to state top four for the fifth
time in six years. Basketball tied for first
in the GCL and went on to state play. In ice
hockey, Nate Han was honored as both the
SWOHSHL and the The Enquirer Player of the
Year. Team member Eric Smith set an OHSAA
record with six goals in a single game.
Wrestling again won GCL, was 2nd in the
district, and 9th in the state tournament.
Jake Corrill and Pierce Harger battled to third
place. Swimming enjoyed the best season in
Joe Albers wins
two gold medals
at the state
the history of the sport. Crusaders were
runner-up in the Southwest Classic,
runner-up in the GCL, champions of
the sectional, runner-up in the district, and finished third in the state
championships. Six swimmers earned
All-American recognition. Joe Albers,
GCL Swimmer of the Year, took the
gold in the 200IM and 100BR. Tennis
placed 2nd in GCL. The baseball team
collected a GCL, a district, a regional, and
a state championship. In track, Jeremy
Duncan won both the 100 and 200 dash events
in the GCL. Junior Ali Kassem placed second in
the shotput. Six athletes
qualified to the regional. Volleyball again
claimed their sixth state title for this
program in the short 14 years of its existence.
Rugby made its first appearance as a Moeller
team and posted an undefeated regular season
and placed fifth in the state tournament.
H1N1 breaks out.
Michael Phelps
dominates Summer
Olympics in Beijing.
New Faculty/Staff Members
Pastoral Ministry
Student Support
Physical Education
Alumni & Development
Dean of Academics
Lehman Brothers
files for bankruptcy
and becomes
catalyst for
financial crisis.
Veterans Memorial Groundbreaking
TO HONOR MEMBERS of the Moeller
July 24 at 50th Anniversary ‘Summer Celebration’
Family who have served honorably in
the military services, the school is
building the Moeller Veterans Memorial, which will be
Pat Monahan ’66 (left) and Tim Waechter
located at school’s main entrance by the flag poles. The
speak to the Moeller students during the
Veterans Day Program.
groundbreaking for this memorial will be held Saturday,
July 24, the same day Moeller will officially kick off the
school’s 50th Anniversary with its Summer Celebration.
The project will be completed in the fall and dedicated on
Veterans Day this November.
Three men have led this project: Alumni Pat Monahan ’66
(SSG Monahan served as an Army Infantry Squad leader in
Vietnam Central Highlands in 1968-1969); former football
coach Tim Waechter (CPT Waechter served as an Intelligence
Officer and target acquisition specialist in Vietnam from
1969-1970 and as a basic training company commander at
Ft. Knox from 1970-1972); and alumnus Doug Burwinkle ’90,
who designed the memorial. Burwinkle is a senior project
manager for Reading Rock, Inc.
The Moeller Veterans Memorial will consist of an engraved
wall surrounded by personalized pavers. All Moeller graduates
veterans’ name, class (or years served at Moeller if faculty or
and faculty/staff/coaches (serving four years or more) who
staff), rank, military branch, years served, and primary duty
served honorably in the military will have their names
station. See sample below:
engraved on the wall. The memorial wall will include the
Patrick Monahan SSG
US Army 1967-1969
US Army 1969-1972
Thomas Kenny SP4
US Army 1967-1969
1982-2000 Tim Waechter
Moeller Family veterans
pose for a picture after
the 2009 Veterans Day
Program. On November
11, 2010, the school will
dedicate the Moeller
Veterans Memorial.
28 • SUMMER 2010
Listed on the page to right are those members of
the Moeller Family currently listed in our database.
“Unfortunately, our database is incomplete, and we need to
collect all the above information from our veterans,” said
Associate Development Director Ginny Bauer. “We’re asking
all our alums and faculty/staff members who served in
the military to contact me, so we can make this memorial wall
as accurate as possible.” Bauer can be contacted by e-mail at or by calling the Moeller Advancement
Office at (513) 791-1680, ext. 1300.
Stephen M. Ackman ’76
US Army
Michael H. Albrinck ’64
US Army
Mark Andrew Angel ’92
US Military
Joseph M. Armacost ’68 US Army
Daryl C. Asbrock ’72
US Air Force
Adam David Asbrock ’01 US Marine Corp
Eric Scott Asbrock ’02
US Military
Timothy M. Aspery ’73
US Air Force
Stephen J. Auckerman ’77 US Air Force
Michael R. Back ’67
US Army
Christopher Michael Baltes ’06
US Marine Corp
Brian Michael Barnhorn ’77 US Navy
Justin Donatus Barton ’05 US Army
Michael Christopher Beiting ’02
US Army
Michael Christopher Beiting ’02
US Army Reserves
Thomas Andrew Berger ’94 US Army
Todd Berkel ’85
US Air Force
David Logan Besuden ’03
Source Intelligence Analyst
Daniel C. Binzer ’64
US Army
Robert E. Blatz ’64
US Marine Corp
Daniel Earl Boeh ’98
US Air Force
Jay Boehmke
US Army
Robert P. Boehner ’67
US Army
Kenneth D. Boggs ’88
US Army
US Army
Michael A. Brill ’67
US Army
Jason Paul Brisken ’02
US Marine Corp
James Carl Broussard ’93 US Army
John G. Bruening ’82
US Navy
David R. Bucheit ’68
US Navy
Dennis G. Buchert ’64
US Army
Rick R. Burbrink ’66
US Air Force
John E. Buse ’83
US Air Force
Steven C. Cade ’81
US Navy
Benjamin Thomas Callahan ’93
US Air National Guard
Joseph James Carroll ’99 US Army
David Eric Chappell ’98
US Army
Brian Michael Chesko ’99 US Air Force
David M. Ciesko ’85
US Air Force
Michael A. Clark ’79
US Army
Francis Patrick Clement ’93 US Air Force
US Navy
Christopher Aaron Colweck ’99 US Army
John Joseph Connolly ’99
Ohio Army National Guard
Mark C. Cook ’79
US Army
James E. Dafler ’68
US Marine Corp
Daniel Dalrymple ’96
US Army
Frank J. D'Andrea ’66
US Army
Jeffrey M Danielson ’83
US Navy
Ronald Deal ’84
US Army
Ronald Deal ’84
US Military
Ryan Kenneth Dees ’05
US Military
Richard P. Deiters ’64
US Marine Corp
Philip Michael DeNicola ’01US Navy
Dennis Dirr ’66
US Army
Mark C. Dittrich ’88
US Air Force
Nicholas G. Dopp ’87
Ohio Army National Guard
Marc H. Dopp ’87
US Air Force
Neil B. Douglas ’90
US Marine Corp
US Army
Kyle Alan Dunphy ’02
US Marine Corp
Jordan Trent Duvall ’05
US Marine Corp
Daniel R. Duvelius ’67
US Army
Memorial brick pavers can be purchased online at
and can honor any military veteran,
family, friend, etc. “Paver sales will
provide important funding for the
memorial,” said Waechter.
“We are also in need of volunteer
contractors. Please contact the
Advancement Office if you can help.”
Matthew James Dwyer ’05 US Army
Edward G. Ennis ’67
US Navy
Christopher Alan Erdmann ’00 US Air Force
Christopher Alan Erdmann ’00
US Coast Guard
Daniel Joseph Evans ’82 US Air Force
Donald Greg Fehr ’70
US Air Force
Edward J. Finke ’64
US Army
Charles J. Fitzpatric ’65
US Army
Charles J. Fitzpatric ’65
US Coast Guard
William L. Fitzpatric ’64
US Marine Corp
William P. Foote ’64
US Air Force
Terry Forrester ’64
US Navy
Shawn M. Francisco ’86
US Air Force
Timothy M. Frank ’64 US Naval Academy
Michael P. Fritz ’82
US Army
Martin Bernard Fuerst ’92 US Navy
Stephen G. Gahr ’87
US Navy
Dean J. Gaier ’07
US Military Academy
Gary R. Glassmeyer ’68
US Navy
Mike Glynn ’96 Ohio Army National Guard
Michael J. Goldschmidt ’93 US Military
Brian Goodhart ’96
US Marine Corp
Michael R. Gottschall ’70 US Air Force
US Air Force
Jason Ashkey Griffis ’89 US Army
Patrick C. Griffis ’91
US Military
Glenn Griffiths ’66
US Army
John Patrick Gunning ’90 US Army
Raymond J. Haas ’64
US Air Force
Mary A. Hamiter
US Navy Reserve
Todd M. Hamiter
US Navy Reserve
Charles P. Hammock ’69 US Army
F. Christopher Hartman ’84 US Navy
Patrick A. Hassert ’86
US Army
US Army
Steven M. Haygood ’67
US Air Force
Stephen W. Heck
US Air Force
US Marine Corp
John E. Herbert ’81
US Coast Guard
Chris S Herman ’84
US Air Force
Terry W. Herweh ’65
US Army
Michael P. Hilvert ’90
US Navy
Rick G. Hittner ’81
US Air Force
Daniel W. Hockensmith ’89 US Coast Guard
Timothy M. Homan ’90
US Military
Sherry J. Hornberger
Lt. Women's Army Corp
Louis G. Hornberger ’65
US Army
David Edward Horwitz ’89 US Army
Paul S. Hossenlopp ’83
US Army
Eric E. Hounchell ’87
US Naval Academy
Michael Kane Huber ’02 US Army
Matthew Kurtis Huber ’03 US Army
James Michael Huber ’00 US Marine Corp
William M. Huber ’69
US Navy
Todd Paul Huffine ’95
US Marine Corp
Michael Edward Huffman ’01
US Marine Corp
Chris Hugenberg ’80
US Air Force
US Military
John Hutzel ’66
US Army
William G. Jackson ’67
US Navy
Bradley C. Jacobs ’86
US Air Force
Eric D. Jaspers ’82
US Navy
Andrew Harold Johantgen ’98 US Navy
Urban P. Jones ’67
US Army
Scott M. Keelan ’07
US Navy
Kenneth C. Keener ’65 US Army Reserves
US Military
US Army
US Army
Robert A. Keyser ’71
US Coast Guard
Kevin Mark Kimener ’98 US Marine Corp
Bradley Alan King ’91
US Army
Terry L. King ’87
US Naval Academy
Kevin W. Kissel ’83
US Marine Corp
Robert G. Klei ’64
US Air Force
William Kleiman ’68
US Navy
Michael T. Kloenne ’81
US Air Force
Martin Klotz ’74
US Marine Corp
Russell F. Klug ’66
US Air Force
Herman Kneuven ’74
US Army
Ryan Melink Knight ’97
US Army
Leonard John Koebbe ’81 US Navy Reserve
Alexander J. Koehler ’07 US Marine Corp
Jeffrey John Kohus ’00
US Navy
US Air Force
A preliminary rendering of the Moeller Veterans Memorial is drafted.
John Kowalski ’80
Ohio Army National Guard
James M. Kowalski ’75
US Army
Kenneth E. Kowalski ’88 US Army
US Army
Mark A. Kreiner ’70
US Army
Dennis C. Ladrigan ’64
US Army
Russell C. Lambert ’66
US Army
Andrew Thomas Lang ’98 US Army
Nicholas Andrew Latzy ’91 US Navy
Harry Leggett ’66
US Army
George William Leugers ’98
Ohio Army National Guard
Sean D. Leugers ’96
US Marine Corp
Randall Alvin Linnemann ’00 US Army
John B. Luhan ’65
US Navy
Mark Patrick Lynch ’97
US Army
Mark P. Lynskey ’77 US Air National Guard
John Benjamin Madden ’05
US Marine Corp
Brian W. Malloy ’65
US Army
Ronald Malloy ’70
US Army
Richard Manne ’64
US Army
Robert Marasco ’68
US Air Force
Jeffrey Michael Mauntel ’02 US Navy
Timothy Raymond Mayer ’97 US Navy
Kevin T. McCarthy ’78
US Navy
Dennis J. McFadden ’67 US Marine Corp
Marc Benjamin McMannon ’97 US Air Force
John C. McPhillips ’64
US Army
Robert J. Meister ’89
US Air Force
US Marine Corp
John A. Michel ’85
US Army
Danny W. Miller ’89
US Army
Gerard Benson Moore ’02 US Marine Corp
Jerome T. Morick ’84
US Navy
Todd B. Morris ’82
US Army
Paul F. Mountel ’90
US Navy
Douglas D. Mrusek ’96
US Marine Corp
Joel Richard Mueller ’04 US Military
Justin Naish ’99
US Marine Corp
James B. Nees ’79
US Air Force
Clifton D. Nees ’83
US Air Force
Martin A. Nees ’81
US Army
Jeff J. Neuman ’94
US Air Force
Thomas W. Nicholson ’86 US Air Force
Andrew Jerome Niebuer ’98 US Army
Mark Lee Niehaus ’05
US Marine Corp
Stephen Bernard Niehaus ’98 US Military
Kevin O'Driscoll ’64
US Air Force
Josef Otmar ’08
US Marine Corp
William J. Palermo ’88
US Navy
Timothy J. Palmer ’72
US Army
Thomas Adam Parker ’91 US Army
Patrick B. Paul ’96
US Marine Corp
Jeff P. Pearson ’87
US Air Force
Mark W.C. Pegram ’77
US Air Force
Grant G. Perry ’99
Ohio Army National Guard
US Navy
David John Pierre ’92
US Navy
Charles Joseph Porowski ’04
US Marine Corp
Daniel R. Porta ’93
US Air Force
Douglas C. Proffitt ’84
US Air Force
Jeffrey Purtee ’71
US Navy
Robert Francis Radwan ’90
US Army Reserves
Jason Gabriel Ranz ’00
US Army
Larry A. Ray ’83
US Air Force
Terry J. Ray ’83
US Air Force
Brandon E. Reder ’99
US Navy
Michael K. Reeder ’08
US Marine Corp
Matthew Joseph Reno ’98 US Army
US Marine Corp
James W. Rinschler ’66
US Marine Corp
David H. Rios ’89
US Navy
John R. Rivers ’64
US Army
Brian Michael Ross ’92
US Navy
Daniel Rudolph ’84
US Army
Patrick Daniel Ryan ’01
US Marine Corp
Richard L. Santel ’65
US Navy
James W. Schaffer ’84
US Air Force
Roger J. Scherman ’73
US Air Force
Robert W. Scherman ’67 US Army Reserves
William P. Schlie ’05
US Army
Ronald R. Schloss ’64
US Army
US Army
Steven Schreiber ’95
US Marine Corp
Ronald P. Sexton ’88
Ohio Army National Guard
Steven Sexton ’84
US Army
Daniel P. Shea ’66
US Army
Donald E. Shelton ’67
US Air Force
George M. Smith ’80
US Air Force
Shane Kennedy Smith ’06 US Marine Corp
William R. Speigle ’90
US Marine Corp
Carl A. Spiess ’65
US Air Force
Gregory Owen Stanforth ’67 US Navy
Joshua P. Stauffer ’88
US Army
William John Staun ’98
US Army
Kevin J. Stenger ’79
US Army Reserves
David Strull ’84
US Coast Guard
Joseph Stuhlreyer ’67
Ohio Army National Guard
Andrew John Stuhlreyer ’65 US Army
Ronald Wayne Stump ’00 US Marine Corp
Michael J. Sturgis ’86
US Marine Corp
Mark David Sullivan ’76
US Navy
Matthew Kenneth Takanen ’03 US Air Force
James G. Taphorn ’68
US Army
John J. Tappel ’76
US Air Force
Clifford Raymond Taylor ’66 US Marine Corp
Thomas Joseph Teuschl ’87 US Navy
Philip A Thierauf ’87
US Navy
David E. Thole ’85
US Air Force
William R. Toft ’68
US Navy
Richard M. Toms ’83
US Navy
Thomas N. Topmiller ’64 US Army
Robert J. Trapp ’67
US Army
Erik O. Traynham ’98
US Marine Corp
US Marine Corp
Michael E. Uecker ’65
US Air Force
Christopher J. Uecker ’98 US Air Force
Kurt J. Vogel ’79
US Air Force
Thomas Vunak ’96
US Air Force
Timothy E. Waechter
US Army
Luke D. Walker ’98
US Army
David M. Wallace ’90
Ohio Army National Guard
Steven A. Wenstrup ’66
US Army
Ronald A. Wernke ’77
US Navy
Albert J. White
US Army
Mark J. Williams ’96
US Army
Michael D. Wise ’93
US Marine Corp
Gary J. Woebkenberg ’69 US Navy
Jeffrey R. Woll ’69
US Naval Academy
Robert H. Wood ’66
US Army
Lonny C. Yaegel ’75
US Air Force
Daniel L. Young ’64
US Air Force
Joseph W. Zinkan ’01
US Marine Corp
*All capital letters indicate deceased
Picturing the Future
MARC REISEN ’02, assistant professor at the University of
Cincinnati College Of Art, Design Architecture & Planning,
created renderings depicting proposed renovations to the
current Gallenstein Activity Center and main building, a side
expansion that would include a new Performing Arts Center
entrance. “These renderings are for people to dream and
have a visual of what we could look like!” said Advancement
Director Debbie Geiger.
“The renderings above and to the right depict the entrance to the new Performing
Arts Center from the south side of our campus,” said Bill Braun ’72, Moeller’s facilities director. “The Center would include a new home for the Music Department
by providing rehearsal space for our band, percussion, choral, and theater programs.
Its placement within the architectural ‘footprint’ positions it directly adjacent to a
newly renovated auditorium (see rendering below right.) The Center would also
include an expansion of the cafeteria on the lower level to provide for more
meeting space and more flexible lunch scheduling.”
Photo above: “The renovated auditorium would provide seating for 500, as well
as work space for the production of stage scenery and ‘flyspace’ for the rigging
of scenery and back drops,” explains Braun.
Photo to left: During the speaker series, Advancement Director Debbie Geiger
placed the renderings on easels so the guests could get a glimpse of a future
Moeller. The rendering above depicts a newly renovated Gallenstein Activity
Center (AC). “The rendering of the AC shows a new entrance on the north side
leading into a new locker room complex and a renovated practice area,”
explains Braun.
30 • SUMMER 2010
Alumni Speaker Series Opens 50th Anniversary Year
WHEN BRUCE BUCKLEY ’67 became Moeller’s
50th Anniversary Chair last fall, he knew one
initiative he wanted to personally implement —
an alumni speaker series. He and Advancement
Director Debbie Geiger enlisted the help of alumni
chairs for each decade and solicited notable
alums as speakers. “I thought a speaker series
would be a unique venue to reconnect with some
of our alumni base,” says Buckley. “We also
wanted to use these events as a way to get guys
thinking about the 50th Anniversary celebration.”
“Each event has had its own unique flavor,”
said Buckley. “We couldn’t be happier with the
success of this series.” Geiger agrees. “All the
speaker events have been amazing,” she said.
“We plan to make this an annual tradition!”
In February, House Minority Leader John Boehner ’68 spoke to a full-capacity audience, with former Principal Dan Ledford ’66 providing the introductions. “Dan introduced John as only Dan can
do,” says Buckley. “His sardonic wit let everyone know John may be the House Minority Leader in
Washington, but here he was just another Moeller grad. John spoke from the heart about what
Moeller means to him and how he used the values he learned at Moeller during the course of his
career.” Pictured: The Class of 1968 attendees.
Business executive and entrepreneur Adam Molina ’96 was the
“Decade of the ’90s” guest speaker. “We were very proud to have him
here,” says event chair Nick Hodge ’94. “Adam is Global Head of
Business Development for 1798 Global Partners, a hedge fund started
with Adam’s help in 2007. Prior to this Adam held senior executive
positions in New York City at several large capital markets and hedge
fund firms. He had first-hand experiences to share related to the credit
crisis, hedge funds, politics, globalization, 9/11, and Enron.” Pictured,
from left: Bruce Buckley ’67; Nick Hodge ’94; 50th Anniversary honorary chair, Bro. Robert Flaherty, S.M.; and Adam Molina ’96.
The January speaker series unofficially kicked of the 50th Anniversary activities, with Paul Keels
’75, the “Voice of the Ohio State Buckeyes,” and new TV announcer for the Reds, headlining the
luncheon event at the Montgomery Inn. “Paul got us off to a great start,” says Buckley. “He did a
wonderful job of connecting his days at Moeller with his broadcasting career. The guys in attendance had a great time. We knew after this event the series
was going to be a success.” Pictured: Paul Keels ’75
took time out to be interviewed by Moeller’s
WMOE broadcasters (from left: Neil
Fredrickson ’10 and Drew Fladung’10).
This podcast and many more can be
speaker event for the 2000’s grads,
found on Moeller’s new 50th webevent chair Kevin Zilch ’06 will focus on
bringing members of the 2000 decade together at the July 24 Moeller Summer Celebration
held at the Gerry Faust Sports Complex from
6-11:30 PM. For more information or to order
tickets, call (513) 791-1680, ext. 1233, or go to
In May, Lt. Col. David Thole USAF (Ret) ’85, a Purple Heart recipient,
was the “Decade of the ’80s” guest speaker. Lt. Col. Thole served 20
years as an F-16 fighter pilot and was chosen in 2001 to be one of 10
initial pilots for the F-22, the world’s most lethal combat aircraft. He
retired in 2009 as Chief of the Weapons and Tactics Branch, Air Combat
Command, Langley AFB, VA. He has been awarded the Purple Heart,
Meritorious Service Medal, and Arial Achievement Medal. “David took
a different approach,” says Buckley. “He used a slide presentation to
explain his career in the Air Force, while interspersing photos of his
Moeller football teammates. It was very entertaining.” Joe Novello ’85
served as event chair.
Moeller #1 in the
Nation in All-Americans
Michael Munoz ’00
went on to lead the
Tennessee Volunteers
to the Southeastern
Championship and
won the Draddy
Trophy as the nation's
top scholar-athlete.
IN 1963, PARADE identified the top high school football players
in the nation, kicking off its first annual PARADE All-America
High School Team. Since then, the magazine has honored 2,395
players from 1,725 high schools across the country. Many of
these athletes went on to outstanding careers in college and the
NFL. But after 47 years, which high school has produced the
most PARADE All-Americans? The answer may surprise you.
See the 10 most honored high schools of all time...
1. Archbishop Moeller High School Crusaders,
Cincinnati, Ohio
Number of PARADE All Americans: 24
Read entire article online:
Moeller Surprises Coach Gigliotti
with New Athletic Conference Center
PATRICK WRIGHT ’84, chair of the Maryland
Institute College of Art (MICA) Department of
Video and Film, won an Academy Award for the
short documentary, “Music By Prudence,” a film
that followed a band of disabled
Zimbabwe teenagers and their
singer, Prudence Mabhena.
Wright served as the coPatrick Wright ’84
producer and associate
his Oscar with
editor. “We couldn’t be
more proud of him and
Derek Wiesehahn.
the honor he brings to
our family,” said his
nephew, Philip Marsh ’10,
a recent Moeller grad.
MOMENT during the Hall of
Fame luncheon in February,
former Moeller coach and
educator, Phil Gigliotti,
learned that the locker
room where he spent
17 years leading young
athletes now had a corner
suite bearing his name,
the Phil Gigliotti Athletic
Conference Center. “This
The Gigliotti Project Leadership: Front row, from left: Bro.
space allows for
Flaherty & Gerry Faust. Back row, from left: Tom Fitz, Barry
Borman ’64, Phil Gigliotti, Kim Hauck, and Keith McCluskey ’79.
study and provides a
great meeting place for our Moeller Crusaders,” said Alumni & Development
Director Jim Stofko ’85.
Phil Gigliotti, spent 17 years educating and coaching the Men of Moeller,
beginning in the fall of 1963. He is best known for his 16 seasons with the
football program as Coach Faust’s top assistant. However, he spent several
seasons developing other Moeller sports. His leadership expanded the track
program from 28 members in 1965 to 126 athletes two years later. In 196768, he was the head coach of the wrestling program, and the team achieved
its first meaningful records. He also coached swimmer Dave Schipper, who
earned Moeller’s first individual state title, winning the 50-yard freestyle in
1973. “This is certainly a fitting tribute for Phil who touched the lives of so
many people when he coached and taught at Moeller,” said Athletic Director
Barry Borman ’64. “In addition, Phil has continued his relationship with our
school and our football program as he continues to contribute to the growth
and development of Moeller student athletes.”
32 • SUMMER 2010
Wins an Oscar
“Winning an Oscar
is something I have always
dreamed about, like getting married and
having a wedding” he recently told writer Joyce
Kaffel ( “But I really
believed I would get married… The Oscar was a
Wright became a filmmaker because “he
wanted to learn, to venture out of himself and his
narrow slice of reality, to expand his vision and
relate it to others,” he said on his MICA website.
To date, his film topics include HIV/AIDS, clergy
sexual abuse, and controversial political commentator Ann Coulter. His films have screened internationally, and his piece on Ann Coulter, Is It True
What They Say About Ann?, is currently on DVD.
A number of his shorts are also exhibited in fine
art galleries throughout the country, such as New
York City’s Artist’s Space. MICA originally hired
Wright to develop a video major at the university.
His video department now has 40 undergraduate
majors who produce a variety of films — from
narrative to documentary and from motion
graphics to Web-based multimedia projects.
McLaughlin ’72 and Winterman ’80 Honored at Father-Son Mass
alumni and future Men
of Moeller gathered in
March for the 10th
Annual Alumni FatherSon Mass. Following the
Mass, the Moeller Alumni
Association presented
the Barry Borman
Alumni Father Award to
Pat McLaughlin ’72 and
Rob Winterman ’80.
Rob Winterman ’80
Pat McLaughlin ’72
along with his son
Matt McLaughlin ’05
2010 Sports Hall of Fame Awardees
Scott Schaffner ’87
Football & Baseball
Schaffner led the Crusaders
to the 1985 Football State
Championship. He stands 5th
in career passing yards (3249),
5th in single-season passing yards (1650 in
’86), and 4th in career touchdowns (27).
A gifted runner and passer, he had 60%
completions for two seasons. Schaffner was
an equally valuable member of the Moeller
Baseball Program for three seasons. He was
inducted by Coach Jeff Liebert.
Mike Kamphake ’97
Kamphake was All-Ohio, twotime All-GCL, and ranked 6th
in all-time career rushing yards
(2700 at six yards per carry). He
was 7th in career scoring (188 points), 3rd in
single-season rushing (1494), holds the singlegame record for most attempts (46 vs.
Princeton), and has the longest run from
scrimmage (95 yards vs. Covington Catholic).
Kamphake also was a four-year varsity letter
winner in track. He was inducted by his
father, Ed Kamphake.
Andrew Brackman
Baseball &
As a senior, Brackman was the
State Player of the Year in both baseball and
basketball. During his senior season in baseball he combined with Ben Hunter to pitch a
no-hitter vs. Fairfield. That year, his ERA was
.58, and he was 4th in career wins with a 19-1
record, 5th in career strike-outs (189), and 3rd
in shut-outs (6). In basketball, Brackman was
selected First Team All-GCL as both a junior
and senior. He was also 5th in career scoring
(942 pts.) and selected State Player of the
Year. Brackman was inducted by Coach Mike
Josh Duncan ’04
Duncan was a three-year
varsity starter and GCL
Player of the Year as a junior.
He was also First Team All-GCL
as both a junior and senior, as well as MVP of
the state championship game. His career
records include the following: 1st in free
throws (354), 3rd in scoring (1306 pts.), 4th in
rebounds (625), and 4th in 3-point shots
(100). Duncan was inducted by Coach Carl
Coach Pat Orloff
Orloff served as an offensive line coach under
Coaches Faust, Bacigalupo,
and Klonne from 1978-1997.
During that 20-year span he also committed
many hours to the weight lifting program for
the football team. Coach Orloff was inducted
by Coaches Faust & Gigliotti.
Bill Balbach ’72
Michael Habbeger
Student Service
Along with the Hall of Fame
inductions, the Michael Habbeger
Student Service Award was presented to Bill
Balbach ’72 who served as the team manager
for football, a statistician for basketball, and a
manager for track.
Sports Stag Features UC’s New
Head Football Coach Butch Jones
THE 2010 SPORTS STAG featured new University of Cincinnati Head Football Coach
Butch Jones. Hall of Fame Coach Phil Gigliotti recognized the 2010 Moeller Hall of Fame
inductees, and the 1985 Moeller State Championship Football Team was honored, with
Coach Steve Klonne giving a recap of that memorable season. Former Colerain
and now current UC Coach Kerry Coombs spoke about Moeller’s great
tradition and how Coach Faust inspired his success at Colerain.
“Coach Butch Jones impressed the crowd with his
inspiring words and solid character principles
that made us all proud to cheer for
our hometown Bearcats,” said
Alumni Director Jim Stofko ’85.
“Coach Jones won the crowd
almost instantly when he told
everyone how excited he was
to soon be sending his son to
FOR MORE INFO on these and other upcoming
50th Anniversary or alumni events, please visit, Moeller’s new 50th
Anniversary website, which also features alumni stories,
podcasts, magazines, and more! This website design was
donated by alumnus Steve Pope ’87 of epop Studio
(, and the content editor was
Moeller parent Peg Ashbrock of Moonbeam Studio.
(Coming soon – all Moeller yearbooks online!) You
can also check Moeller’s website at
or contact Advancement Director Debbie Geiger at or Alumni & Development
Director Jim Stofko ’85 at or
call (513) 791-1680, ext. 1330.
34 • SUMMER 2010
JULY 24, 2010
Moeller Summer Celebration, featuring
the Cincinnati Pops, Toast (The Band)
& A Taste of Moeller
SEPTEMBER 12, 2010
50th Anniversary Combined School Mass at
Cathedral (McAuley, LaSalle, Moeller)
OCTOBER 4, 2010
Moeller Crusader Classic Golf Outing at
Hickory Woods Golf Course and O’Bannon
OCTOBER 7, 2010
50th Anniversary Student Mass Celebration
OCTOBER 8-9, 2010
Homecoming Weekend – Moeller vs. Elder,
Alumni Reunions for those Classes ending in
0’s or 5’s (‘65,’70,’75,’80, etc.)
Tailgating Party at Martino’s on Vine
DECEMBER 5, 2010
Family Mass
JANUARY 19, 2011
Founder’s Day
Sports Stag
APRIL 9, 2011
50th Anniversary Celebration Gala for the
Main Event
APRIL 15, 2011
Closing Mass at Moeller
MAY 2011
Reds Game — Moeller Day at the Ballpark
Please update your information (i.e. current news,
special events or activities, and honors). Contact
Ginny at (513) 791-1680, ext. 1300, or e-mail
(See picture to right.)
Suzy Crowe and
Chris Bauer ’88
married March 21,
2009, and reside in
Silverthorne, CO. (See picture to left.)
Volle, Mike ’64 and his wife
Kathy have three children:
Tony, Matt, and Andrea.
Mike retired from Procter &
Gamble after 30 years. He
now does a lot of handyman
work for his son Matt’s
business. They have eight
bir ths
Congratulations to the following couples:
Monyca &
Uecker ’98,
son, Luke,
January 28,
2010. Capt.
Chris and Major Monyca are
pilots in the US Air Force
currently stationed at Vance
AFB in Enid, OK. Chris is the
son of Joe Uecker ’73 and
Patty (MND ’73). Joe is the
Ohio House Representative,
66th District. (See picture to
Haverkos, Mark Paul ’74
is a veterinarian living in
Oldenburg, IN. He and his
wife Connie have two children: Chaske and Mehdi.
Tepe, Tim ’74 is a graduate
of Xavier University and Chase
College of Law. He has worked
in the insurance industry for 31
years. He and his wife Dianne
have four children.
Matanguihan, Gregorio ’79 was a
senior non-commissioned officer
with the Army. He and his wife
Judith Ann have three children:
Elizabeth, Maria, and Gregorio IV,
and a grandson, Gregorio V. He is
vice president of Crusade 1 LLC, a
business-to-business transportation support company.
Kollman, Ken ’84 is a professor
in the department of political
science at the University of
Michigan. He and his wife
Colleen have four children:
Kathleen, Patrick, Paul, and Anne.
Moeller extends its best wishes to
the following graduates and faculty
who have/will “tie the knot”:
Nicole M. Koesters and Heath M.
Geiger ’94 married March 6, 2010.
Heath is a senior
sales manager for
the Kroger Company.
Biederman, Tom ’64
served for four years in
the Air Force (one year in
Vietnam). He and his wife
Sandy have two children,
Jennifer and Jeff, and one
grandson. Tom has worked
for Duke Energy (CG&E) for
22 years and currently
serves as the Joint LinesCATV coordinator.
Keller, Richard J. ’74 and
his wife Marie have four
children: Michelle, Peter,
Richard, and Peggy. He is
VP of engineering for
Integrated Protection Services.
Voellmecke, Steve ’84 was
one of the judges at the
2009 NCAA Swimming and
Diving Championships at
Texas A&M University.
Steve and his wife Shannon
have two children: Aidan
and Simone. (See pictures
Shannon &
Dan Byerly
’93, son,
July 1, 2009.
Hounchell, Eric E. ’87 received
his bachelor’s degree from the
US Naval Academy and spent
six years as a captain in the US
Marine Corps. He presently lives
in Cornwall, Vermont, and is
vice president of operations for
Revision Eyewear in Burlington,
Vermont. Eric is married to Julie, a
family nurse practitioner, and they
have three children: Joe, Jack, and
(See picture to
Layne & Patrick McLaughlin
’96, son,
Brooks Lee
December 2,
2009. Brooks
joins his two
older brothers, Patrick Thomas and
Jack Curtis. (See picture to
Colleen & Kevin
Weinkam ’98,
son, Brayden
(Brady) Carter
February 12, 2010.
(See picture to
Ali & Josh
Deckard ’99, son,
Whitman Spencer,
December 16,
2009. (See picture
to right.)
Kristina & Chris
Erdmann ’00,
son, Connor
Jacob, March
faculty member
Tim Erdmann.
(See picture to
Lisa and Nick
Borchers (past faculty), son,
Isaiah, December 20, 2009.
Stauffer, Josh ’88 entered active
duty in the military exactly two
weeks after graduation from
Moeller. His unit, the 684th
Medical Unit deployed in April.
Major Joshua P. Stauffer is the
commanding officer of a unit of
approximately 88 members. He
is a US Army registered provider,
nurse practitioner, and was awarded his master’s of nursing last
June from Otterbein College.
Bell, David
’90 is now
skipper of
the Carolina
the Reds
AA farm
team. (See
picture to left.)
Daggy, Matt
’95 recently
joined Dr. Tim
at the
Summit Woods
of Beacon
Orthopaedics and Sports
Medicine. Matt was the
first Beacon fellowship
trained sports medicine
physician. (See picture to
Wimmer, Kevin ’95 graduated
from the Art Academy of
Cincinnati and was hired as design
director for LPK (Libby Perszyk
Mariani, Andrew ’97 graduated
from the University of Cincinnati
in 2003 with a bachelor of science
in education, majoring in health
promotion and community health
education. He graduated from the
Northwest Ohio Consortium for
Public Health (joint accredited
program between the University
of Toledo and Bowling Green
State University) in August 2009
with a master’s in public health
Rosfeld, Doug ’97 returned to
Moeller to teach economics and
history in 2005. He founded
Moeller’s new rugby team two
years ago, and the program has
already become a city power and
state contender. The team went 91 their first year and finished
5th in the state. This year the
team went undefeated (16-0)
and headed to the state finals.
Wellinghoff, Brian ’97 lives in
St. Louis, MO, and is a director of
the L3 Journey (Living Legacy of
Leadership) for Barry-Wehmiller
Companies, Inc.
Babcock, Chris ’04 recently graduated flight school for the US
Navy after having attended Notre
Dame on a ROTC scholarship.
His primary training was in a
fixed wing airplane, and
his advance training was
in helicopters. Now
“winged,” he will be
assigned to a squadron
Geiger, Christopher
’04 graduated from
the University of Dayton
in 2008 with a business
degree, majoring in
marketing with a minor in
communications. Chris is
employed with Unilever
as a sales analyst in
Cincinnati, Ohio, and is
attending grad school at
Thomas More College.
(See picture below.)
Oeters, Steven ’04
has recently been
designated by the
FAA as a check
instructor, allowing
him to evaluate
pilot applicants.
Steve is a certificated flight instructor
for Parks College
of Engineering &
Aviation at Saint
Louis University
(St Louis, MO).
He provides
flight training for
student, private,
instrument, and
commercial pilots.
Murray, Rico
’05 was
signed by
the Cincinnati
Bengals as
a free agent.
Rico, who
graduated from Kent State,
played in all four Bengals
preseason games. He made
his NFL debut on Dec. 13,
2009. (See picture above.)
Schutte, Ben ’05 is a
senior graphic design
major with the University
of Cincinnati. As part of a
service learning experience
during his sophomore year,
Ben traveled with the
University Honors Program
to Kentucky’s Appalachian
Mountains to complete
a course examining
Appalachian culture and
intercultural communication. The trip had such an
impact that he traveled
back last year and helped
rehabilitate a home for a
family with a special needs
child. This spring he travels
to Flatgap, KY, to build or
rehabilitate homes for
underserved residents.
(See picture above.)
36• SUMMER 2010
Tennant, Matt ’05 was
drafted 27th in the 5th
round of the NFL draft by
the New Orleans Saints.
The Saints traded their
fourth-round pick in 2011
to the Jacksonville Jaguars
to select center Tennant of
Boston College. (See picture
Iacovone and his business partner were finalists in the West Virginia Statewide
Collegiate Business Plan Competition. They were one of three chosen to be in
the running to win $10,000 to help build their business prototype.
Stroeer, Chris ’06
graduated with a B.B.A.
in accounting and
business prelaw from Ohio
University and was honored with the Outstanding
Graduate for Excellence in
Leadership and Scholarship
as the top pre-law major.
In the fall he will be
attending Ohio State
University’s Moritz College
of Law, where he received
a Moritz Academic Merit
Scholarship. “The education and the discipline he
gained while at Moeller
have helped in making
Chris a fine young man,”
said his mother, Jan
Stroeer. “His dad (Lou)
Iacovone, Dominick ’06
graduated in May with his
bachelor’s and master’s in
business administration in
four years. He is the first
to accomplish this at the
University of Charleston
since the founding of their
MBA program. He studied
in China last summer and
served two internships
in his three-and-a-half
months in Shang Hai.
Iacovone also excelled on
the university’s football
team, a Division 2 program
that ranked 19th in the
nation. He holds the
record for starts and
games played in a
four-year career, has been
honored three times as an
All-Conference Player, and
is second overall on the
team’s tackles for loss and
sack records for a career.
(See picture above.)
Motz, Mark ’06 was one of nine
UD students in December who
made the formal commitment to
live the Marianist Charism as a
Lay Marianist.
in memoriam
We express our condolences and
deepest sympathies to the families
and friends of these and other
members of the Moeller Family
who have passed on:
Archiable, Dan ’65
Aubin, Art
Baer, Terence N.
Billups, David ’67
Brown, Scott ’88
Burke, Dolores
Case, Timothy ’71
Cussen, Shawn ’93
Dillhoff, Joseph III
Einspanier, Bernie
Elias, John
Fahrig, Bro. Don
Gilliland, Fern
Goodhart, Ray “Goodie”
Greiwe, Nick ’04
Gunning, Edda
Hammock, Virginia
Hammons, Jon “Doug”
Hanley, Christopher D. ’71
Harmeyer, James R.
Honerlaw, Thomas ’77
Jeffers, Janet Rich
Juenger, Altura
Juenke, Donald ’85
Kroger, Joseph
Lehmann, Cam ’85
Lehrter, James
Leshney, Gloria Ann
Mahon, Elizabeth Anne
Marino, Peter
Mescher, Joe ’66
Miller, Donna
Monzel, Jeff ’81
Morgan, Michael ’66
Nolan, Dorothea Scheuermann
O’Keefe, James
Osher, Jamie
Pflum, Jacqueline
Prell, Rita
Romes, Lawrence
Rotte, Tyler ’92
Sawyer, Ryan
Schlosser, Louise
Schmitt-Vickers, Jan
Schnitzler, Donald, II
Schoen, Fr. Thomas
Spillman, Mike
Sussli, Teresa
Thorne, Michael ’99
Weber, Mary
West, Joy
Whitton, Darryl ’81
Wilken, Nora
Wood, Hazel
Wurtz, James ’64
Zimmer, Vikki
and I are very proud and
thank the Moeller Family
for being a part of our
family.” (See picture above.)
Lindsey, Germane ’07 became
Moeller’s first NCAA Wrestling
All-American. As a junior at Ohio
University, he earned AllAmerican status on his second
trip to the NCAA tournament.
Melson, Ryan ’07, a junior
defender for St. Joseph’s College
Soccer, is currently second on the
team in scoring. He lead St.
Joseph’s to a 2-1 upset of #1
nationally ranked NCAA Division
2 NKU on Sept. 25, 2009.
Martin, Cadet Timothy Michael
’09 has been named to the dean's
list for the fall semester at the US
Military Academy. To earn this
distinction, he maintained a 3.0
average in all courses.
We apologize for any omissions.
If there is anyone who has passed
away or who needs to be remembered in our next issue of Moeller
Magazine, please contact Ginny
Bauer, (513) 791-1680, ext.1300,
or e-mail