Untitled - Austin Montessori School


Untitled - Austin Montessori School
Thank you for your interest in Austin Montessori School.
Established in 1967, Austin Montessori School has grown, under the direction of founder Donna Bryant Goertz,
to be a thriving community of children, parents, faculty, and staff on three Austin campuses. Austin Montessori
School is internationally known in Montessori circles as an exemplary school, and is the oldest and largest Austin
area school recognized by Association Montessori Internationale (AMI).
The faculty includes 15 AMI-trained professionals, and the school strongly invests in their continuing education
and personal development. This long-term commitment to staff development enriches the children’s experience
in the classroom and contributes to an exceptionally low faculty turnover. In addition to AMI Montessori training
credentials, guides in the Upper Elementary and Adolescent Community hold advanced degrees in disciplines
ranging from anthropology to classics to computer science.
Austin Montessori School provides an integrated, inclusive, highly personalized educational environment for
children from 18 months to 15 years old. Individual classes are specifically designed to meet the developmental
needs of the age range they serve: 2
Youngest Children’s Community 18 months - 3 years
Children’s House
3 - 6 years
Early Elementary
6 - 9 years
Upper Elementary
9 - 12 years
Adolescent Community
12 - 15 years
The Montessori Movement
On January 6, 1907, the first “Casa de Bambini” opened in San Lorenzo, a slum quarter
Montessori education, based upon the scientific
of Rome. Fifty children, aged three to six, were part of an astounding revolution in
discoveries and observations made by Dr. Maria
education begun by Dr. Maria Montessori.
Montessori, is an approach to human development
Maria Montessori lived from 1870 to 1952. She was the first female Doctor of Medicine
designed to support the development of every child’s
in Italy. Through her initial work with handicapped and socially deprived children, she
began to develop her unique educational philosophy. As a result of her further study,
observation, and experimentation, she found the principles of her method to be quite
applicable to all children. She has had an impact on the field of education in general and
full potential. It is often referred to as “Education as an
Aid to Life”. Montessori educational programs are offered
for children from conception to maturity. Montessori
professionals also work to support the needs of children outside the classroom setting,
the way we understand and teach children today.
with a particular emphasis on parent education and community outreach programs.
Sixty years later, in September 1967, Donna Bryant Goertz opened Austin Montessori
Montessori is the single largest pedagogy in the world, with over 8,000 schools
School in an abandoned WWII army barracks on the campus of St. Edward’s University.
spanning six continents. Seventeen children, aged two and one-half to five, and one assistant formed the founding
The Montessori Movement is recognized as having begun on January 6, 1907,
class of a Montessori institution that develops the potential of children, and which offers
when Dr. Montessori opened the first Casa de Bambini (Children’s House) in Rome.
the city of Austin and surrounding areas a model in education that is not easily matched.
Since that time, Montessorians have worked around the globe to “Champion the
From the old building at St. Edward’s University, Austin Montessori School has grown
Cause of all Children.” The movement celebrated its centennial year worldwide
from seventeen to over three hundred students on three Austin campuses. Today, Austin
during 2007. Montessori School is internationally known in Montessori circles as an exemplary school
The main focus of the Montessori approach is to realize Dr. Montessori’s ultimate
and is the oldest and largest Austin area school recognized by Association Montessori
aim: “to place all the children in our world at the centre of society and to assist
Internationale (AMI). The Association Montessori Internationale was founded in 1929 by
them in becoming the transforming elements leading to a harmonious and
Dr. Maria Montessori to maintain the integrity of her life’s work.
peaceful humanity.”
A child’s spirit then seems to be suspended between existence
and self-realization. A child is a discoverer. He is an amorphous,
splendid being in search of his own proper form.
–Dr. Maria Montesorri, 1966, The Secret of Chidhood, p 99
Areas of Activity: The environment is
organized into areas of activity that support
exploration in areas of development, including
sensorial and motor skills, language, food
preparation and sharing, practical life, nature,
gardening, and creative expression.
The Youngest Children’s Community
The child from birth to three years is a sensorial explorer facing important developmental issues of
Great care is given to provide an environment
that is safe both emotionally and physically, that
invites extensive exploration, that offers hands-on
activities, and that engages the child in receptive
separation and attachment, autonomy, and functional independence. A small, close, caring community,
and expressive language.
led by an adult who is educated and trained to guide them, gives the children the opportunity to follow
At Austin Montessori School, these early years
the sensitive periods of this stage of development and accomplish its developmental milestones.
are given the recognition and respect that their
Many areas of activity are needed for the child to satisfy the internal demands of this age. Activities
profoundly formative role in human development
concentrating on food, clothing, language, movement, the senses, and the hand are given utmost care
demands. For detailed information, see our website
in their provision because they are both of primal interest and core importance to the children.
at www.austinmontessori.org.
The concept of an education centered upon the care of the living
being alters all previous ideas. Resting no longer on a curriculum,
or a timetable, education must conform to the facts of human life.
–DR. Maria Montessori, Clio Press Limited, 1994, The Absorbent Mind, p 12
Areas of Activity: Areas of activity of the
children’s house level are practical life, sensorial
exploration, language, mathematics, cultural
subjects, and self expression. The extensive sets
of Montessori materials in each of these areas are
designed to appeal to the children’s deep interest
and to inspire repeated activity. The children’s
absorbent minds take in vast amounts of
The Children’s House
information and grasp sophisticated relationships
The Children’s House—or Casa de Bambini, as named by Dr. Maria Montessori — is a gathering of
by sensitive periods, the children experience
children from three to six years who live and learn together in a prepared environment that offers
great joy in educating themselves. They reveal
choices of individual activities that aid the child’s work of “self construction.” The Montessori
characteristics seldom recognized as typical of
guide cultivates in the children the ability to choose freely, to sustain focused and concentrated
young children. Over the three-year cycle, children
attention, to think clearly and constructively, and to express themselves through language and the
develop expertise, become leaders of their
arts. Through the active development of the will and the satisfaction of their authentic needs, the
community, and manage the daily affairs of their
children become self-disciplined and socially cohesive.
and principles wholly and effortlessly.
Guided by their human tendencies and driven
All other factors... sink into insignificance beside the importance
of feeding the hungry intelligence and opening vast fields of
knowledge to eager exploration.
DR. Maria Montesorri, To Educate the Human Potential, p 7
As the child’s mind, will, and self-discipline
mature, it becomes possible for the child to
undertake ambitious projects requiring the
integration of knowledge from across the
curriculum and well-developed collaboration
skills. The Elementary Guide then becomes more
and more a consultant to the children, helping
them organize and find resources to meet both
the requirements of local curriculum standards
and the challenges of their self-initiated projects.
Areas of Study: The “Great Stories” are
told near the beginning of each school year, and
The Elementary Years
In the Elementary Communities, the children continue to work more concretely, exploring and
discovering through the Montessori materials. As the ability to think abstractly matures, the sequences
of lessons lead more and more into work on paper and into self-initiated research projects. The
each one serves to introduce a major branch of
human knowledge from which the Guide will be
presenting formal lessons. These areas include
geography and physical science, biology, history
and anthropology, language and the arts, and
Montessori materials then become tools which the children can use to refresh their memories of earlier
The aesthetic expression of language found
work or to explore creatively some advanced extension of an earlier study. For example, the material
in plays, poems, and literature is considered
that younger children use to learn the rudiments of arithmetic are reinterpreted to learn algebra and
systematically through exercises that advance
extended to learn arithmetic in non-decimal bases.
levels of comprehension and deepen empathy.
…this is the time, the ‘sensitive period’ when there should develop the most
noble characteristics that would prepare a man to be social, that is to say,
a sense of justice and a sense of personal dignity.
–DR. Maria Montessori, 1973, From Childhood to Adolescence, p 101
An environment is prepared to meet the
cognitive, social, and physical needs of
adolescents so they can continue their individual
Adolescent Community
Areas of Study: The curriculm consists
of Self Expressions: music, language, and the
arts; Psychic Development: ethical education,
mathematics, and language; and Preparation for
Adolescents begin a concerted search for their personal gifts, potentials, and skills.
Adult Life: The study of life and living things,
The adolescent is on a search for himself. Dr. Montessori stressed the importance of
the study of human progress and the building
treating adolescents as adults, not as children. She recognized that the adolescent’s
up of civilization, and the study of the history of
self-concept was fragile and needed protection.
Austin Montessori School recognizes the value of work, both intellectual and
Just as each level of Montessori education
practical, that is valued by the community as an avenue to self-construction and an
springs from the previous phase of development
enriched sense of self worth. An integrated approach is used in this environment in
and flows toward the next, the adolescent years
order to engage students in the pursuit of ideas and expertise, encouraging them to
are planned to give a strong foundation for the
become better thinkers, problem solvers, and responsible informed citizens.
maturing individual’s life ahead.
Austin Montessori School Mission Statement
The mission of Austin Montessori School is to guide the intellectual, social, and
emotional development of each child along a path towards his full and unknown
potential. We strive to cultivate compassion and respect, independence and
belonging, and freedom and self-discipline, in rich academic and social environments
that are designed for each plane of development and honor the complementary needs
of the individual and the group. We value an educational setting that is inclusive,
recognizes the authentic nature of the child, and nurtures a reverence for the organic
order of the universe. Through parent and staff education, we work to develop a family and school culture
that preserves and protects a healthy childhood. Our aim is to serve children
possessing an ample range of temperaments and a variety of learning styles and rates.
At the same time, we seek to avoid pathologizing and labeling the normal range of
children’s behaviors and differences in learning. We are dedicated to Dr,Montessori’s
mission of world peace through human development.
Guiding Organizations
Association Montessori Internationale (AMI):
Notable Concepts
Austin Montessori School is
recognized by the Association Montessori Internationale (AMI). Dr. Maria Montessori founded AMI in 1929
to further her life’s work in its original integrity and completeness and to guide its development and
For the integrity of the classroom community, the fullness of the program, and
the needs of the individual child, a three to four year commitment is essential at
both the Children’s House and Elementary levels. We call it “coming full cycle”
application in the interests of all children.
and recognize it as one of the gold standards of Montessori education. During
AMI USA: The Association Montessori Internationale of the United States brings the principles of Dr.
the process of a full cycle, a child is empowered during each of the respective
Maria Montessori to the education of children, to help them attain their full potential in our multicultural
society. The goals of AMI/USA are to promote the growth of Montessori education as formulated by Dr.
Montessori in both private and public schools to promote the development of teacher training and assist in
establishing training facilities to foster public understanding of the Montessori pedagogical principles and
years to receive the assistance and support of other children during the first
year, to both give and receive assistance and support during the mid-cycle year,
and, finally, in the full-cycle year, to act as a role model and leader of the selfmanaging community of children. The children in each of these communities take
in new knowledge and experience through their own activity, assimilate it through
practice among families and communities to collaborate with AMI affiliated organizations; and, to maintain
sharing it with others, and integrate and consolidate it by offering their broad
effective fiscal and organizational strength. Refer to www.montessori-ami.org for additional information.
knowledge to the broader community.
North American Montessori Teacher’s Association is a membership organization open to
parents, teachers, and anyone else interested in Montessori education. NAMTA provides a medium of
An AMI trained Montessori Guide directs each of the prepared Montessori learning
study, interpretation, and improvement of Montessori education through its publications, audio-visual
environments. Staff regularly attend professional conferences and workshops to
collection, electronic communications, conferences, and research and service projects throughout North
expand their knowledge and broaden their experience. Classroom management
America and the world. NAMTA endeavors to provide real services in response to the needs of teachers,
specialists and accreditation consultants of Association Montessori Internationale
schools, and parents. Refer to www.montessori-namta.org for additional information.
regularly observe the Guides’ work with the children.
TAAPS: Austin Montessori School is accredited by the Texas Association of Accredited Private Schools
The Montessori Guide possesses a deep sense of respect for the child’s total
(TAAPS), which is a TEA endorsed State accrediation agency. TAAPS is a member of TEPSAC, the State
governing body of private school accrediation associations.
Coming Full Cycle
being. The Guide observes each child’s needs, introduces the child to appropriate
learning materials, and provides guidance throughout the learning process. The
child is the focal point of the classromm, not the Guide. Montessori teachers allow
for a child-motivated pace, which fosters learning, retention, and creativity.
Planes of Development
The transformation of children from birth
to adulthood occurs through a series of
developmental planes. Montessori practice
changes in scope and manner to embrace the
child’s changing characteristics and interests.
• The first plane of development occurs from
birth to age six. At this stage, children
are sensorial explorers, constructing their
intellects by absorbing every aspect of
their environment, their language and their
• From age 6 to 12, children become
conceptual explorers. They develop their
powers of abstraction and imagination,
and apply their knowledge to discover and
expand their worlds further.
• The years between 12 and 18 see the
children become humanistic explorers,
seeking to understand their place in society
and their opportunity to contribute to it.
• From 18 to 24, as young adults, they
become specialized explorers, seeking a
niche from which to contribute to universal
Referenced from: http://www.montessori-ami.org
South Campus
Jones Road/ Sunset Trail
Jones Road/Sunset Trail Campus
5006 Sunset Trail
Austin, Tx 78745
Great Northern Campus
6817 Great Northern Blvd.
Austin, Tx 78757
5677 Oak Blvd.
Austin, Tx 78735
North Campus
Great Northern
From Mopac (Hwy 1). Exit Hwy 360 South.
Right at the Lamar/Westgate Exit.
Continue Right on to the 290 frontage road
towards Westgate. Left on Westgate.
Right on Jones Road. Right on Sunset Trail.
Main office is located on Sunset Trail
2 blocks on the left.
GAines Creek Adolescent Campus
Oak Boulevard
Mopac South
Monterey Oaks
Oak Blvd.
Sunset Tr.
Our Adolecent Community at Gaines Creek campus is located in Oak Hill just West of Monterey Oaks Blvd. on Hwy 290.
Jones Rd.
Both of these campuses also offer a commons program for early arrivers and children who stay after school.
three Children’s Houses, two Early Elementary Communities, and two Upper Elementary Communities.
The Great Northern campus has two Children’s Houses and one Early Elementary Community.
Hwy 360
The Main campus is located on Jones Road/Sunset Trail. This campus has two Youngest Children’s Communities,
Hwy 360
Shoal Creek
Austin Montessori School encompasses three campus locations.
From Hwy 290 West.
Exit Monterey Oaks/Industrial Oaks. Continue
West on service road. Pass through the
intersection at Monterey Oaks. Pass Oak Acres
shopping center. Just past Oaks Blvd. the next
drive is the AMS parking lot. AMS is located on
Oak Blvd, however please park in the lot just
off of the service road.
Campus Locations
From Mopac (Hwy 1).
Exit Spicewood Springs/Anderson
(go East to Anderson Rd.). Right on Shoal
Creek (first light). Right on Foster (first stop
sign). Follow Foster around as it turns left on
to Great Northern. Left on Stoneway which is
just past the walkway bridge. AMS is on the
corner of Great Northern and Stoneway.
Hwy 290 W.
5006 Sunset Trail
Austin, TX 78745
(512) 892-0253 ph
(512) 891-9875 fax