Dear Team Aquaphor Member - Home Page


Dear Team Aquaphor Member - Home Page
Dear Team Odwalla Member,
Congratulations and welcome to the 2011 Team Odwalla sponsored athlete team.
You are now one of two hundred individuals concentrated in California, New York
City, Boston, and Miami in what we hope to be a growing effort to spread the
Odwalla story across the endurance community. You have aligned yourself with a
brand that has a strong affinity toward the preservation of the environment and who
shares your passion for athletics and community service. Based on your athletic
accomplishments and sphere of influence, we are very proud that you will be
representing Team Odwalla in 2011.
As a Team Odwalla member, we look forward to hearing about your results and
accomplishments and encourage you to share your successes with us. We love
receiving photos of team members wearing their apparel while training, competing at
races and out in the community, so please send LOTS of pictures and share your
stories in your monthly communications with us.
Now that the sponsorship has officially begun, take some time to review the contents
of your Welcome Manual. This will be your go-to-resource for everything regarding
the sponsorship. Inside you’ll find valuable information pertaining to brand/product
information and details on how the sponsorship works. In addition, there is
information about how to submit reports, pictures and testimonials. Please note that
athletes are required to submit race results at the end of every month and at least
one testimonial throughout the season.
As an official sponsored athlete you will receive a monthly eNewsletter providing
sponsor information, sponsorship updates and athlete profiles. We also will share
information about Odwalla’s involvement in local events. The majority of our team
communication will be done via e-mail, so please be sure that we have a working email address that you check frequently. Please save in your contacts so that these e-mail messages
are not blocked. If your e-mail address changes, please notify us immediately.
We look forward to a successful season!
Shannon Iberger
Team Odwalla Ambassador Program Manager
 Program Overview ..............................................................…...4
 Team Goals and Individual Requirements………………………5
o Athlete Checklist …………………………………………..6
o Races……………………………………………………….7
o Product Sampling…………………………………………8
o Social Media and Volunteer Events….………………….9
o Photography……………………………………………….10
 Program Benefits:
o Welcome Kit………..……………………………………..11
o Apparel Exchange Form………………………………...12
o Active Advantage…………………….………………….13
o Support……………………………………………………14
o Prizes/Incentives………………………………………...15
Media Incentive Information……………………15-17
Additional Media Opportunities/Training …..…18
 Odwalla Information…………………………………………...19-25
 Contact Us………………………………………………………26
Team Odwalla Sponsorship Information
Team Odwalla is a closely-knit band of athletes who are focused on achieving
athletic excellence, improving their communities and encouraging environmental
efforts. These 200 unique runners, triathletes, and cyclists possess a strong passion
for their sport and are dedicated to not only representing Odwalla in their races, but
as brand ambassadors in their local communities and daily lives.
Selected athletes have at least three races on their 2011 event calendar, a proven
passion for their sport and an enthusiasm for spreading the word on training tips and
brands they stand behind.
The sponsorship will run from February 15, 2011 through December 15, 2011.
Athletes who complete all of their requirements will receive “preferential selection”
for the 2012 sponsorship.
Welcome Kit stocked with high-end apparel for training and racing:
o Tech Tee
o Running Singlet, Running Shorts
o Tri Top, Tri Shorts
o Vented Running Hat, Visor (by request)
o Casual Jacket
Athlete manual with all the information you’ll need for the sponsorship
Odwalla bar samples and free juice coupons for you and your friends to enjoy
Odwalla coupons and collateral to share with friends and training partners
Cash incentives and killer prizes for additional event/promotion assistance
A new group of training teammates and friends
A team manager dedicated to helping you succeed
The pride and satisfaction of representing a company you believe in
So now’s the time! Get out to your local health club, sign up for a half marathon,
volunteer at your local 5k and start doing all you can to spread the word about
Odwalla. Congratulations again on making the team.
Overall Team Goals:
We call it “Team Odwalla” for a reason. As a unit, we’ll strive to increase awareness
of Odwalla’s delicious products by sharing Odwalla’s story with the endurance
community and our social networks.
The success of the 2011 Team Odwalla program depends entirely on open
communication between our sponsored athletes and the Team management. We
are here to support you and to make your experience as a Team Odwalla sponsored
athlete a rewarding, fun, and exciting opportunity.
The six overall goals of the program are:
Compete in 600 or more races worldwide (3 per athlete)
Participate in 200 or more volunteer / charity / fundraising events (1 per
Educate our athletic and social networks on the benefits of Odwalla products
Encourage use and drive traffic to Odwalla’s website and Facebook page
Increase sales at local retailers with coupon redemption and drive to retail
Maintain an awesome team website with current photography and team
Individual Requirements:
In order to reach the team goals, each athlete must meet their individual
requirements. I trust many, if not all of you, will far exceed them.
Attend One Mandatory training call
Participate in at least 3 endurance events in your branded apparel
Participate in at least 1 volunteer/charity/fundraising event of your choice
Distribute Odwalla samples and coupons at races, while training and during
community events
Submit recap reports for each race, event and sampling opportunity you
Speak to your athletic and social networks about Odwalla and their
environmental initiatives when appropriate
Proudly wear your Team Odwalla apparel when applicable (training, racing
and everyday activities)
Join the Odwalla Facebook and Twitter groups to share pictures and stories
o Facebook:
o Twitter:
Encourage others to use as a resource and to join Odwalla’s
Facebook page and follow them on Twitter
We designed this checklist to help you complete all your Team Odwalla
requirements before December 15th, 2011.
Questions, comments, concerns? Email
 Attend Mandatory Training Call
 Submit Profile Photo in Odwalla Apparel
 Complete Race # 1
 Submit Race # 1 Recap
 Complete Race # 2
 Submit Race # 2 Recap
 Complete Race # 3
 Submit Race # 3 Recap
 Participate in Odwalla media training call/messaging (only necessary if you
anticipate you will have opportunities to speak directly with representatives of
the media)
 Complete Charity/Community Service Activity
 Submit Community Service Recap
 Submit Product Sampling Form (optional)
 Participate on the Team Odwalla Facebook Page
 Complete Mid Program Survey
 Complete Post Program Survey
 Have a Blast with the Sponsorship
Race Recaps:
As a Team Odwalla Athlete you are required to complete at least three (3)
endurance events before December 15th, 2011. After each race, you’ll need to
submit a recap form, which houses valuable feedback. Of course, we want to know
how well you did, how great you felt and how the team apparel helped your
performance. But we also want to hear any feedback you received from the crowd
regarding the Odwalla brand and its products.
You’re the eyes, ears and face of this program. Let us know what people say about
Odwalla’s products, packaging and environmental initiatives. Each week, we’ll
compile the team’s comments and send it to Odwalla to implement into their
marketing strategies. Your opinions and experiences will make a difference.
You can access the reporting links through the team website (keep reading!).
We encourage you to submit your recap within 48 hours of the event so the details
are fresh in your mind, although it’s hard to forget cheers like “Go Odwalla Go!!”
We also urge you to share your race calendar with teammates so they have the
opportunity to join you at the start and/or finish line. Races are usually more fun
when you have a running buddy somewhere along the course.
Lastly, we recommend you use Internet Explorer as your browser and prepare your
answers and photos ahead of time to avoid “timing out” when you submit your recap.
Sample Recap Questions:
1. Race Details: (Name, Type, Location, Distance, # of Participants)
2. Your Performance: (Overall Finish, Odwalla Feedback, # of Giveaways)
3. Photos: (Of You In Action, In Your Apparel, At the Start Line, With Friends)
Product Sampling:
As a member of Team Odwalla, you have the chance to distribute product samples
and coupons to your athletic and social networks in your local community. These
bars are meant for personal use as well as distribution at local races, training
sessions, gym and at community events. You’ll be receiving (3) product shipments
throughout the season. Please read the following guidelines below to help you
choose the best way to distribute your allocated samples.
What we’re looking for:
- Sampling opportunities that provide one (1) on one (1) interaction
between yourself and other athletes.
- Creative ways that you are able to interact with athletes and support
- Distribute product samples to athletes and peers in your community.
- Photos showing the distribution of samples
Product Sampling Report Requirement:
After you have completed your product sampling activity, we recommend you submit
a Product Sampling Report back to team management. This is a great way to share
the authentic feedback you received.
Remember, you are the eyes, ears and face of the program. The feedback you
provide is invaluable. Each week, we’ll compile the team’s comments and send it to
Odwalla to implement into their marketing strategies. Let people know their opinions
and experiences will be heard.
We recommend you use Internet Explorer as your browser and prepare your
answers and photos ahead of time to avoid “timing out” when you submit your recap.
Sample Recap Questions:
1. Event Details: (Date, Location, # of Samples, # of Participants and Summary)
2. Odwalla Feedback (Comments, Questions, Concerns and Reactions)
3. Photos: (Of You, Of the Participants, Of the Location, Of the Samples)
Also be sure to let us know if your event received any media attention (see media
incentives and prizing section.)
Volunteer & Charity Fundraising:
Each Team Odwalla member must complete at least one volunteer and/or charity
fundraising activity before December 15th, 2011 by selecting one of the three
methods listed below:
1. Volunteer for a Charitable Organization’s Activity
2. Compete in a Race for a Charitable Organization
3. Volunteer at a Race for a Charitable Organization
You are welcome to select and support any organization you please. We just want to
see you follow Odwalla’s lead and give back to the community. We want to see lots
of photos from your event, which will be even better if you can wear your branded
Odwalla gear. If not, no worries. You will need to submit a recap for your event so
pay close attention to the event name, date, location and beneficiaries.
If you experience difficulty finding suitable activities in your area or have questions
regarding this portion of the program please email us at
Social Media:
In an effort to raise general awareness of Odwalla products, we are asking Team
Odwalla athletes to help drive people toward Odwalla’s home page, Facebook page
and Twitter account.
You’re already out there racing, sampling and spreading the word in person. So why
not share your story online? Post some photos on the team Facebook page and
encourage your teammates to join you at a local race. Invite your friends and family
to become fans online to follow your team’s activities. Post an Odwalla link on your
personal page so your friends and family can check out the company that’s become
so integral to your racing life.
We will offer generous incentives throughout the season to encourage and track
your social media efforts. Think fame and fortune by way of featured athlete profiles
and monetary rewards.
Photography Tips:
Team Odwalla photos are paramount to the success of the program. Photos
showcase your activities, highlight your achievements and provide exciting new
website content. Let’s start developing good habits right away.
1. Share your experience: Photos say more than
words. If you win an award pose on the podium
or with your prize. If you meet a teammate or
group of people take a picture with them by
your side. Show us the weather, scenery,
crowds, anything to help us get in the moment
with you.
2. Sport your apparel: We want to see you
rocking your gear. It’s the best way for people
learn you’re on the team. Wear it with pride on
and off the race course.
3. Showcase the product: Smiles are great. But
nothing goes better with a group photo than a
clear shot of the product. We want to see
people enjoying the samples or coupons. It’s
even better if you can be in the shot decked out
in your branded apparel.
4. Send us a link: Cameras break, malfunction
and get left behind. Luckily, most races are crawling with paparazzi. If you
can’t capture any race images, please include in your recap the link to the
race or photographer website. Race photos are expensive, but if we like one
enough we’ll buy it and send you a copy.
Welcome Kit Overview:
“When you look good, you feel good. When you feel good, you race good.”
We kept this in mind when designing the 2011 Team Odwalla apparel package.
We’ve put together a great apparel package for the 2011 season that will ensure
team members stand out amongst the crowd.
As an Odwalla Athlete it is important that you wear branded apparel during training
and at competitions. Wear your apparel with pride.
Do not wear branded apparel during any activity that would jeopardize the integrity
of or bring shame to Odwalla. This will result in immediate termination of the Athlete
Agreement. All team members receive the following custom branded team gear:
Hat or Visor
Casual Jacket
Technical T- Shirt
Women’s Running Singlet
Women’s Running Shorts
Men’s Running Singlet
Men’s Running Shorts
Tri Top
Tri Short
If your gear does not fit and you would like to exchange it for another size, please fill out this form and
ship the apparel and form to:
TOP Marketing Group
Attn: McDara O’Brien/ Team Odwalla
1332 Baur Blvd.
St. Louis, MO 63132
IMPORTANT: Athletes are allowed ONE exchange shipment each so be sure to try on everything as
soon as you receive your kit. Exchanges will be processed for 3 weeks after kits are delivered and
will not be processed after that. Apparel exchanges are on a first-come first-serve basis, so try to
mail in your exchange as soon as possible.
If you have any questions or concerns, please email us at
Athlete Name________________________________________________________
Apparel Piece Returned________________________________________________
Current Size__________________ Size Requested__________________________
Apparel Piece Returned________________________________________________
Current Size__________________ Size Requested__________________________
Apparel Piece Returned________________________________________________
Current Size__________________ Size Requested__________________________
Apparel Piece Returned________________________________________________
Current Size__________________ Size Requested__________________________
Return Mailing Address (No PO Box) _____________________________________
If your requested size is available, we will ship the item(s) out within 2-3 weeks. If we are out of your
requested size, we will ship the next best available size or will return your original shipment. Active is
not responsible for shipping costs from the athlete to the apparel exchange destination.
Active Advantage Membership
As an official Fitness Advisor, you will receive special discounts through our network of official
team partners. Partner offers are for sponsored athletes only, unless otherwise indicated*.
We would like to welcome you with an exclusive 40% discount on our Active Advantage
Active Advantage is a membership program that gives you access to benefits
honored by our many partners. The benefits are unique and are not available on the open
Here are some of the key benefits available to Active Advantage members:
Savings on hotels and rental cars at Choice Hotels, Wyndham Hotel Group properties,
Enterprise, Avis, and Budget;
Discounted movie tickets at AMC/Loews Theaters and Regal/Edwards/ United Artist
Member discounts at GNC,, Peet’s Coffee & Tea, Circuit City, and
Barnes and Noble
Free training plans!
Monthly Giveaways (including event entries!)
Visit us at to get your
discounted membership today.
Use Coupon Code: AA40ATHLETE
*codes are monitored; please do not share these codes
As a Team Odwalla member you have three outlets to help you succeed:
1. Team Odwalla Ambassador Management
2. Teammates
3. Reporting Site
Team Odwalla Ambassador Management:
Team Odwalla athletes have a management team dedicated to ensuring each athlete
successfully meets their requirements.
Please reach out with any comments (you’re loving the experience), questions (did you
submit all your recaps) or concerns (you recently developed an injury.) Also contact us if
you have opportunities to interact with media and we will discuss appropriate
messaging and training based on the outlet.
Our office is open Monday – Friday from 9 a.m. – 5 p.m. PST. We will try our best to
respond to your emails and phone calls within 72 hours; unless it’s the weekend then
we’ll talk to you Monday.
We love hearing from our athletes. Don’t hesitate to contact us for any reason.
You have 199 other runners, triathletes and cyclists in Boston, Miami, New York City,
San Francisco, San Diego, Orange County, and Los Angeles all wearing the same
apparel and spreading the word about Odwalla. Feel free to reach out to them to train,
race or sample together.
Reporting Site:
Username: odwalla
Password: ambassador11
Prizing Incentives:
Each month you’ll have the opportunity to win prizes by competing in team challenges.
Our contests will vary each month so be sure to read the eNewsletter for more details.
Media Coverage Incentives:
We recognize that with the help of your Odwalla sponsorship, you may have an
opportunity to garner publicity for yourself, training group and/or community
organization. To ensure you receive the maximum benefits from this sponsorship,
please review the media incentive guidelines below to learn the amounts for different
media types. If you anticipate having a media opportunity that goes beyond a simple
Odwalla team mention or logo appearance, you will need to participate in a brief media
training/key message call to ensure appropriate messages are delivered. After all, as a
Team Odwalla member, you are an extension of the brand.
Note: Media Coverage Incentive Forms are available on the team website.
Media Coverage Guidelines:
If Odwalla is positively mentioned in a quote from you, or in an article about you, or if a
LEGIBLE picture of the sponsor’s logo appears with you, we will pay you as outlined below.
When you submit materials for cash rewards, please submit a clean original copy of your
mention or photo with Odwalla highlighted. All exposures must be positive, tasteful, suitable
for family viewing and positively promote Odwalla.
Each team member can earn up to an additional $1,000 in cash rewards during the
sponsorship term. Additional money only can be earned with the written consent of Odwalla
and The Active Network, Inc. Media coverage MUST BE submitted within six (6) weeks of it
being published, aired or posted online in order to claim cash rewards, and must also be
within the 50 U.S. states to be eligible. Submissions for the 2011 season will not be
accepted after December 15th. We reserve the right to lower cash reward percentages or
reject submissions completely based on the quality/legibility of the Odwalla logo on the
material submitted.
I. Local Newspaper or specialty community publication (e.g. North County Times, Sunset News)
Mention of Sponsor Name:
Logo appears in photo: Full name visible:
Logo appears in photo on front page of specific section:
Cover picture or story with sponsor:
II. Metro/Regional newspaper over 300,000 circulations or regional specialty publication (e.g. LA
Times, SF Chronicle, New York Times)
Mention of Sponsor’s Name:
Logo appears in photo: Full name visible:
Logo appears in photo on front page of specific section:
Cover picture or story with sponsor:
I. Local T.V. (other than network TV) III. National Cable (ESPN, Prime Ticket, Sportschannel)
Mention of Sponsor’s Name
Mention of Sponsor’s Name $150
Logo appears in telecast:
Logo appears in telecast:
II. Local Network (ABC, NBC, CBS)
Mention of Sponsor’s Name
Logo appears in telecast:
IV. Major Network (ABC, NBC, CBS)
Mention of Sponsor’s Name $300
Logo appears in telecast:
I. Online media outlet* (Online only news Websites)
Mention of Sponsor’s Name:
Logo appears in photo: Full name visible:
Cover picture or story with sponsor
Appears on front page of Web site:
*Web sites must be media outlets, not blog or social media Web sites, etc. Individuals must print
out the Web page containing the article – including the home page of the site and the date the
article appears – and mail this with the incentive form. Payment requests with just the Web link
will not be considered.
I. Radio Network (ABC, CBS, NBC, NPR, etc)
Mention of Sponsor’s Name
II. Local Radio Stations (see specifics by city, market, population)
DMA 1-10 (Designated Market Areas – assigned to counties, per population, market size: N.Y.,
L.A., etc.)
Mention of Sponsor’s Name
DMA 11-20 (Portland, San Diego, Charlotte, etc)
Mention of Sponsor’s Name
All other DMAs
Mention of Sponsor’s Name
REPEAT EXPOSURE: Repeat exposure on the same media outlet is paid accordingly:
1: original showing - full amount
2: second showing - half the original amount
3: third showing - one fourth of the original amount
REPEAT EXPOSURE BY DIFFERENT MEDIA OUTLET: If an article, comment, link, etc. is
taken from one media outlet and used on another (i.e. Interview on FOX Thursday is reported
online or in print or AP article is reported on Online news, Blogs, social media and other print
publications), it is considered only ONE Exposure. Athlete is only compensated for original
exposure, not the multiple repeat exposures on other media outlets. The original exposure of the
content is the only media outlet exposure the athlete is compensated for.
determined on a case-by-case basis.
Media Incentive Form (INVOICE):
Date Submitted:
Social Security Number (required):
Organization Name:
Summary of Submitted Materials
*All fields must be completed below to qualify for cash incentives
Media Outlet (Name of
Circulation of Media
City/State of
newspaper, TV station,
Media Outlet
Published etc. – example: San Diego (How many readers or
Union Tribute
viewers? Call the outlet
or check their media kits
aired, etc.)
online - required)
Mail with ORIGINAL article (or TV/Radio tape or transcript) to:
Active Network, Attn: Kasey Gillmore
10182 Telesis Court, Suite 100
San Diego, CA 92121
Additional Media Opportunities
As a member of Team Odwalla, we encourage you to wear your gear proudly and work to
get photographs, and the Team Odwalla name, into local publicity. However, if you have
media contacts you would like to leverage, or anticipate additional opportunities with
reporters to deliver detailed messages about Odwalla, then we need you to participate in a
media training call to discuss appropriate messaging. During the call, we will share tips,
interview guidelines and key messages as well as some of the areas to avoid.
Please contact Team Management to schedule a training call or to discuss specific
opportunities in your area.
Team Odwalla Talking Points
As you interact with your peers, local community, etc., you will have opportunities to
share information regarding your membership with Team Odwalla. Following are
some suggested talking points you may find helpful when telling others what
interested you in joining the Team and why you are passionate about Odwalla.
Suggested Talking Points on Odwalla:
I’m proud to partner with Odwalla this year. Odwalla is a company that gets it. They
have been green from the beginning.
Odwalla uses bottles that are 100 percent recyclable in curbside programs, including
the caps. In March 2011, Odwalla will transition all of its single-serve bottles to new
PlantBottle™ packaging, They also installed innovative fuel cells in their Dinuba
production facility, which will help reduce the company’s environmental footprint.
One of Odwalla’s guiding principles from which the company was founded nearly 30
years ago, is to respect the Earth. Our team of athletes believes the same and
encourages our fans to follow suit.
Odwalla also understands the crucial role trees play in our world and is doing its part
to make a difference.
o This summer, they are launching their fourth annual Plant a Tree program
where they are allowing web site visitors to choose which state parks across
the country will receive approximately $100,000 worth of donated trees from
o Check out the link at and choose where you want them to plant
trees – there’s no cost to you.
Generating awareness is so important and I’m always looking for ways to share
ideas and get people fired up about making a difference – from protecting our water
to reducing your carbon footprint to planting trees.
There are so many things people can do to make a difference in the world such as
[Insert your recommendations] and also buy products from companies like Odwalla
that truly are committed to supporting the environment.
If you’re looking for more information on Odwalla, you can check out
and you can follow them on Facebook and Twitter.
o The “Where to Buy” section of the website includes a store
locator for helping find Odwalla products
o The “Products” section of the site includes nutritional information for all of the
different flavor beverages and bars.
Suggested Talking Points on Team Odwalla:
As part of this sponsorship program, I am now one of two hundred individuals
concentrated in California, New York City, Boston and Miami in what Odwalla hopes
to be a growing effort to spread the Odwalla story across the endurance community.
I saw this as a great opportunity to team with a company that supports
environmentalism and is having an impact on the local community.
The Odwalla Athlete Team Sponsorship Program is a sponsorship program
developed by The Active Network, Media + Marketing, a full-service, integrated
marketing and consumer promotions agency and division of The Active Network, Inc.
A technology provider to sports and activity organizers, The Active Network also
operates (, a leading online community for active
lifestyle consumers; and eteamz (, a widely-used Web site
building service for teams, leagues and organizations.
More Background on Odwalla
Odwalla, Inc. delivers nourishment coast to coast with the Odwalla family of juices, juice
drinks, smoothies, protein drinks, and nourishing food bars. Odwalla has been making juices
and innovating in the natural health beverage category for 30 years. Its nourishing
beverages and food bars are available in natural food stores, select supermarkets and
specialty outlets throughout the country. To learn more about Odwalla products and
Odwalla’s commitment to the environment, please visit or, or call 1.800.ODWALLA.
The official site of Odwalla, features detailed information on the company,
including their purpose, product information, and where to purchase Odwalla products. also features a unique look at FreshologyTM, the thoughtful process in which
Odwalla’s refreshing juices are created. Visit the site to discover how Odwalla pursues the
perfect juices and nourishes people everywhere while adhering to their principle of
respecting the environment.
Featured Athlete
Odwalla stands behind their athletes; not only are you working hard to achieve your athletic
goals, you also care about your community. To Odwalla, you are a star! Odwalla will be
incorporating athlete information on to highlight the team’s achievements
throughout the year and to show the world just how inspiring you are. Odwalla also
showcases one dedicated athlete each month who exudes Odwalla spirit. Share this bit of
knowledge with your family and friends and encourage them to check
You can also follow Odwalla on Facebook and Twitter ( Get
involved with the rest of the team and stay up to date with Odwalla news and product
More Cool Stuff About Odwalla:
Odwalla Brand History
Odwalla began with three friends, a few boxes of oranges, and a simple vision: make great
juice, do good things for the community, and build a business with heart. Today, 30 years
later, Odwalla is still doing just that – adding nutritional bars to its repertoire – and striving to
nourish the rest of the world as much as it nourishes individuals.
Tapping music as the inspiration, the company’s playful name was born from a favorite
musical piece performed by the Art Ensemble of Chicago. In that special song-poem,
Odwalla was a leader who guided “the people of the sun” out of the “gray haze” – just as the
company’s delicious products help humans break free from the dull mass of over-processed
foods so prevalent today.
Freshology™ is a very special term coined by Odwalla. It describes the company’s
understanding that great fruit makes great juice. That’s why they use the finest, freshest,
juiciest fruit they can find. Throughout the seasons, they “follow the fruit.” As different
varieties ripen across the country, they choose only high-quality fruit from high-quality
growers to ensure that every Odwalla is a tasty treat that nourishes your body, mind and
More information on all of Odwalla’s products can be found at
Primary Usage Occasions: Nutrition, Meal Replacement, Snack
Berries GoMega Pink Poetry
Primary Usage Occasions: Nutrition, Meal Replacement, Workout Recovery
Super Protein
Super Protein
Super Protein
Vanilla Al’ Mondo Protein Monster Protein Monster Chocolate
Red Rhapsody
Super Protein
Primary Usage Occasions: Nutrition, With Food, Refreshment
Orange Juice
Carrot Juice
Primary Usage Occasions: Nutrition, Meal Replacement, Snack
C Monster
B Monster
C Monster
Mo’ Beta
Wholly Grain
Primary Usage Occasions: Nutrition or Snack
Chocolate Chip Peanut
Banana Nut
Berries GoMega
Strawberry Pomegranate
Super Protein
Primary Usage Occasions: Nutrition or Snack
Sweet & Salty Peanut
Sweet & Salty Almond
Chocolate Chip Trail Mix
Primary Usage Occasions: Nutrition or Snack
Chocolate Chip Peanut
Berries GoMega
Banana Nut
Sweet & Salty Almond
Odwalla Environmental Initiatives:
For almost 30 years, Odwalla has been a leader in environmental sustainability. For us, it’s
not about the trends or the times. It’s just who we are.
Odwalla’s mission is to nourish people everywhere and adhere to its guiding principle of
respect for consumers who rely on them for great-tasting, nourishing beverages and bars,
and respect for the earth on which we all rely for holistic nourishment. Odwalla simply
wouldn’t be Odwalla without taking care of Mother Earth and giving back to the communities
that have given so much. Following are just a few of the ways Odwalla is doing just that.
Soil To Soul: Odwalla has helped plant 360,000 trees in U.S. State Parks between
2008 and 2010. Odwalla also has made multi-year donations to the Organic Farming
Research Foundation and Conservation International, and Odwalla’s plant and 45
distribution centers make numerous donations to local organizations in communities
all across the USA.
People To Planet: For more than 10 years, Odwalla has permitted a local farmer to
use 20 acres of Odwalla land free of charge in order to grow and maintain a peach
Waste Not: Of the 143 million pounds of citrus that comes into the Odwalla plant in
Dinuba, California 0%, goes into a landfill. The only items that leave the plant for the
landfill is trash that cannot be recycled – typically less than 1%. Plastic and
cardboard are baled and sent to be recycled. Odwalla bottles are HDPE and
recyclable (cap too!). Approximately 10% of an Odwalla bottle is composed of virgin
re-grind material to reduce waste.
Green Energy: Odwalla purchases Green Energy units from the utility company.
Green Energy – derived from sources like wind, solar and geothermal systems, is
more expensive than that derived from fossil fuels. Although this Green Energy might
cost more, Odwalla thinks it’s worth it in order to encourage further development of
green energy sources. Plus, the boiler used in Odwalla’s Dinuba plant is extremely
efficient and actually earns NOX credits that could be sold. However, Odwalla
doesn’t sell these credits because they want to foster a community where everyone
is encouraged to change how their energy is generated.
Conservation: Odwalla uses a $1.8 million anaerobic digestion system on waste
water resulting from the juicing process. The end result is that over 99% of the bio
burden (waste biological material) is reduced – eliminating waste by-products that
city systems do not have to treat and that do not negatively impact the environment.
Plant a Tree Program Information:
The Odwalla Plant a Tree program is a partnership with state parks across the country to
support Mother Earth and help with reforestation efforts. The Odwalla Plant a Tree program
allows the company to support an initiative that helps maintain a healthy environment for
generations to come. It’s part of Odwalla’s continuing commitment to nourish the body, mind
and spirit.
Since the program’s inception in 2008, Odwalla has donated 360,000 trees to state park
systems throughout the United States. Through this unique program, people are
encouraged to visit www. and choose one of the park systems where they
want a tree planted.
We’ll definitely want your help in spreading the word and getting involved, and we’ll be sure
to share program information and details on how you can make a difference as soon as they
are available.
Team Odwalla Ambassador Management
c/o Active Network
10182 Telesis Ct.
Suite 100
San Diego, CA 92121
Dedicated Email:
Dedicated Phone: (858) 605-4768
All Inquiries
Kasey Gillmore
Shannon Iberger
Team Management
Sponsorship Coordinator
Sponsorship Manager
E-mail address
Important Web sites
Reporting Site
Odwalla Web site
Odwalla Facebook
Odwalla Twitter
The Active Network Login: odwalla
Pswd: ambassador11
Remember, we are here to support you as much as possible and will try our best to answer
your questions, comments and concerns within 72 hours Monday-Friday 9-5 PST.
Best of luck this season!!
About Active Network Media + Marketing
Active Network Media + Marketing is a full-service, integrated marketing and consumer
promotions agency and division of The Active Network, Inc., helps brands develop authentic
relationships with active consumers through innovative programs that reach this influential,
yet fragmented, demographic. Media + Marketing’s direct access to the active consumer
market, through the resources of The Active Network, its unique understanding of consumer
behavior and its strategic, consultative approach, set the agency apart. The agency excels
at creating high-yield, integrated marketing platforms with a portfolio of services that
includes event and mobile marketing; brand sampling; database marketing; peer-to-peer
marketing; sponsorship activation; online advertising and Web site services; youth sports
marketing; trade marketing; municipal marketing; strategic consultation and more. Active
Marketing Group was ranked among the top-ten fastest growing promotions agencies in the
nation by PROMO Magazine. Headquartered in San Diego, with offices in Boston, New York
and Huntington Beach, Calif., the agency serves a client base that includes Unilever, Timex,
Kraft Foods Inc., and Choice Hotels International, among others.