Acta Diurna Newsletter 4.indd
Acta Diurna Newsletter 4.indd
C M Y K 100 90 80 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 Y 100 90 80 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 K 100 90 80 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 C M Y K 1 C M Y K C M Y K ACTA DIURNA Un i v e r s it y of B e l g r a d e Fa c u lt y of L aw Ne w s l e tt e r No. 4 , O c t o b e r – D e c e m b e r 2 0 0 9 140th anniversary of the birth of Slobodan Jovanovic T he winter semester of the academic year 2009/2010 was an opportunity to remind us of some of the renowned professors wh ho used to teach at the Faculty of La Law. Earlly in December the Facultyy m maarked 14 1400 years since the birth of Sloboda dan n Jo Jovanovic, a giant of ou ur soci cial al sstu tudi dies, one of the mos ostt pr presti tigi giou ouss pr professo sorss and deans of the Faculty of Law. On that occasion, an exhibition dedicated to Sl Slob obodan d Jovanovi J ic (18 (1869 69–195 1958) 8),, arra ar rang nged ed by Ol Olga ga Kra Krasi sicc-Ma Marj rjan nov ovic ic,, took to ok p pllacee in th the Fa Facu cult l y’ss li libr brar ary. y. It fea eatu tured d 25 posteers doc ocu umenti ting ng t os th ose de deci cisi s ve p peeriods ds iin Jo Jova vano ovi vic’ cs life li fe aand d wo orkk wh which h de deffine ned hiis enligh hte teniing rol olee in SSer erbi biaa an and d hiss significant influence on further development of the Serbian culture, particularly law and history. The exhiibi biti tion on included a large number off ph hot otog ograph phs which have never before been be en on di disp pla lay, y as well as rare editionss of Jovan ti anovvic i ’s books carefullyy prres eserveed by the h Faculty’s library. It wass iina naug ugur urated d on December 4, Inauguration of the exhibition marking the 140th anniversary of Slobodan Jovanovic’s birth C M C M Y K Y K 1 100 2 90 80 70 60 50 40 30 2009 – Slobodan Jovanovic’s birthday, by Vice Dean Prof. Dr. Zika Bujuklic. Following a speech by Prof. Dr. Jovica Trkulja, the audience was addressed by Mr. Djordje Pavlovic, a relative of Slobodan Jovanovic, due to the kindness of whom the exhibition organizers were allowed access to the rich archives of the Pavlovic family. Events marking the 140th anniversary of Slobodan Jovanovic’s birth included the presentation of the book “Slobodan Jovanovic: Reflections of His Contemporaries”, which took place on December 8, 2009. The book, edited by Prof. Dr. Jovica Trkulja and Mr. Marinko Vucinic, comprises reviews and letters written on different occasions between 1902 and 1958 by eminent historians, philosophers, diplomats, and politicians who were dedicated to analysis and theoretical research of the works of Slobodan Jovanovic.n 2 10 M 100 Y 80 K 30 K Editor-in-Chief Prof. dr. Đorđe Ignjatović Managing Editors Ljubinka Kovačević, Ljiljana Marić Prepared and Printed by Dosije studio If there is an article or photograph that you would suggest to be included in the Newsletter, please email Ljubinka Kovačević at, or contact Ljiljana Marić for the activities of a certain month until the end of that month. ISSN 1820-3981 100 90 80 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 Exhibited items included first and rare editions of Jovanovic’s books carefully preserved within the Law Faculty’s library Content Publisher University of Belgrade Faculty of Law For Publisher Prof. dr. Mirko Vasiljević 2 20 1 140th anniversary of the birth of Slobodan Jovanovic 3 Honouring Russian professors who taught at our faculty from 1919 to 1950 3 Faculty of Law students’ new success in FDI Moot Competition 4 Faculty of Law – first higher education institution in Serbia to provide scholarships for its students 4 Academic year 2009–2010 officially opened at all study programmes 5 Faculty’s Publishing Centre at the 54th International Belgrade Book Fair 6 New Courses 7 Seminar Marks 30th Anniversary of the Adoption of UN Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination against Women 7 Lecture on the occasion of 200 years of the institution of Ombudsman in the world 8 Seminar to honour Dr.Thomas Meyer 8 Scholarly and professional gatherings and lectures abroad 10 Honours and Awards 11 Professional development abroad 11 Cooperation with other national and foreign faculties 11 Publishing activity 12 Students activities 100 90 80 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 M 100 Y 80 K 30 K 100 90 80 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 3 Honouring Russian professors who taught at our faculty from 1919 to 1950 “A s an expression of gratitude to Russian professors for their contribution to the advancement of scientific thought and the reputation of the Faculty of Law”– these are the words written above the names of 12 Russian professors on the commemorative plaque unveiled on December 10, 2009 at the Law Faculty. The ceremony was held in the presence of a large number of guests, professors, associates, and students of the Faculty. The plaque was unveiled by H.E. Ambassador of the Russian Federation to Serbia, Mr. Alexander Vasilevich Konuzin, and the Dean of the Faculty of Law, Prof. Dr. Mirko Vasiljevic. Ambassador Konuzin pointed out that this event was yet another important link in centuries-long friendly cooperation between Russia and Serbia. Both Dean Mirko Vasiljevic, and Prof. Dr. Sima Avramovic, in their respective speeches, made the point that in this way the Faculty of Law wanted to pay a debt of gratitude to Russian intellectuals, our professors, and also Commemorative plaque was unveiled by H.E. Ambassador Mr. A. V. Konuzin, and the Dean of the Faculty of Law, Prof. Dr. M. Vasiljevic. to remember the overall scientific, cultural, and spiritual influence of the Russian intelligence on Serbia after the First World War.n 3 Faculty of Law students’ new success in FDI Moot Competition O ur faculty team comprising students Marija Skundric and Velimir Zivkovic, won the third place at the 2009 Foreign Direct Investment International Moot Competition, held within the Frankfurt International Arbitration Center (FIAC) facilities on October 22–24. Marija Skundric also shared the 2009 Thomas Waelde Advocacy Prize, competing with other 90 participants. Thanks to her, as well as the outstanding performance of the other member of our team, Velimir Zivkovic, our faculty was the highest ranked participant at the preliminary rounds. However, the arbitrators’ decision in semi-finals was in favour of the American Pepperdine University Law School, which also won the 2009 FDI Moot final. Our students Our students with the King’s College London team 3 100 4 90 80 70 60 50 40 30 were prepared for this competition by Ugljesa Grusic and Marko Jovanovic, our faculty teaching assistants, while Prof. Dr. Vladimir Pavic and Milena Djordjevic, Teaching Assistant, took 20 10 M 100 Y 80 K 30 K 100 part in the FDI Moot Competition as arbitrators. The 2009 Foreign Direct Investment International Moot Competition was organized by the German Institution for Arbitration (Deutsche 90 80 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 Institution for Schiedgerichtsbarkeit – DIS), Centre for International Legal Studies and Suffolk University Law School.n Faculty of Law – first higher education institution in Serbia to provide scholarships for its students A 4 s of 2009–2010, the Faculty of Law will be providing scholarships for its 80 low-income undergraduate and master students. In this way, our faculty has become the first among higher education institutions in Serbia using its own funds to provide scholarships for its students. Contracts were presented to the scholarship recipients in the Faculty’s conference hall on December 1, 2009. The ceremony was opened by Prof.Dr.Mirko Vasiljevic, Dean of the Law Faculty. Mr.Zarko Obradovic, Serbia’s Education Minister, and Prof. Dr. Neda Bokan, Vice Rector of the University of Belgrade, congratulated the students who received the first scholarships.n Scholarship presentation ceremony Academic year 2009–2010 officially opened at all study programmes T 4 he opening ceremony of the 2009–2010 academic year for undergraduate students was held in the “Radomir Lukic” amphitheatre on October 1, 2009. The ceremony organized to welcome over 1500 newly enrolled students was attended by various renowned guests. The students were welcomed to the higher education environment by Justice Minister Snezana Malovic, Education Minister Zarko Obradovic, Faculty of Law Dean Prof. Dr. Mirko Vasiljevic, and Student Vice Dean Filip Bojic. The academic year 2009–2010 master’s degree programme was officially opened in the “Toma Zivanovic” amphitheatre on October 26, 2009. Prof. Dr. Mirko Vasiljevic, Faculty of Law Dean, Prof. Dr. Zika Bujuklic, Vice Dean for Curricula, and Prof. Dr. Oliver Antic, Head of Master Studies, gave the opening remarks and welcomed students, presenting the basic outline of the study programmes, as well as the students’ rights and duties. Master in European Integration Programme was opened on November 2, 2009. The opening address on behalf of the Faculty’s governing body was delivered by Prof. Dr. Zika Bujuklic, Vice Dean for Curricula. Students were then welcomed by Prof. Dr. Dragica Vujadinovic, Head of this master programme which is taught in English. Courses encompass Public and Private Law fields, as well as economic, political and sociological aspects of the European Union. GGG GGG GGG 100 90 80 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 M 100 Y 80 K 30 K 100 90 80 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 5 5 Welcoming new generation of undergraduate students The opening ceremony of the doctoral studies in the 2009–2010 academic year was held on November 2, 2009. Thirty-four students who enrolled in doctoral-level courses were welcomed by Prof. Dr. Mirko Vasiljevic, Dean of the Faculty of Law, Prof. Dr. Gaso Knezevic, Head of Doctoral Studies, and Prof. Dr. Zika Bujuklic, Vice Dean. GGG The Faculty of Law of the University of Belgrade annually offers professional development continuing education programmes in various legal areas. The programme aimed at improving professional knowledge of notaries public is organized for the seventh year in a row. The courses started on October 16, with 39 students attending them this year. Prof. Dr. Dragor Hiber is the Head of the programme, while Prof. Dr. Mirko Vasiljevic is its Coordinator. GGG The Professional Development Programme on the issues of terrorism, organized crime and corruption was opened on November 25, 2009, fourth year in a row. The students were addressed by the programme coordinators Prof. Dr. Zoran Stojanovic, and Prof. Dr. Djordje Ignjatovic, both full professors at the Faculty of Law, as well as Dr. Dragan Simeunovic, Full Professor at the Faculty of Political Sciences, and Dr. Goran Ilic, Associate Professor at the Faculty of Law.n Faculty’s Publishing Centre at the 54th International Belgrade Book Fair T he University of Belgrade Law Faculty participated for the third time at the International Belgrade Book Fair which took place from Oc- tober 26 to November 2, 2009, bringing together some 800 exhibitors and more than 150,000 visitors. At this 54th book fair, the Faculty of Law had its own stand where its publications were daily advertised and presented and their authors were present, which drew much attention from visitors. 5 100 6 90 80 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 M 100 Y 80 K 30 K 100 90 80 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 The central promotional event of the Publishing and Information Centre took place on October 30, 2009, which boasted the presence and participation of the Law Faculty Dean, Prof. Dr. Mirko Vasiljevic, Mr. Slobodan Gavrilovic, “The Official Gazette” Manager, Prof. Dr. Jovan Arandjelovic, Consulting Editor of The Collected Works of Mihailo Djuric in 12 books, Prof. Dr. Sima Avramovic, Editor-in-Chief of the journal Annals of the Faculty of Law in Belgrade, and Prof. Dr. Jovica Trkulja, the Publishing Centre’s Manager.n The Publishing Centre’s bookstand at the 54th Book Fair New Courses 6 A course on Comparative Environmental law, taught by the Visiting Professor Neil Mitchell (Neil R. Mitchell, B.S. Ch.E., J.D., Texas, Illinois, Michigen, American and International Bar Associations, American Chemical Society), was held at the Faculty of Law in November, 2009. The course was organized by Prof. Dr. Stevan Lilic, in cooperation with his colleagues at the Center for International Legal Studies in Salzburg, Austria (, and it was attended by 22 students. GGG An optional course on the Internet Law, held during the winter semester, was opened by Professor Thomas Koenig from the Northeastern University of Boston through an internetdelivered video lecture in the Faculty’s conference room, fully equipped with state-of-the-art technology. Lectures were delivered by a number of our faculty members, including professors and teaching assistants, as well as by internet law attorneys. 6 Comparative Environmental Law course attendants with Professors Neil Mitchell and Stevan Lilic GGG As of November 23, 2009, a Comparative Constitutional Law course has been held as an additional course within the European Integration mas- ter’s programme. It was taught by Prof. Thomas Fleiner, Dr.ius., Professor Emeritus of the Fribourg University, Switzerland, and foreign member of the Serbian Academy of Sciences and Art, as well as by Prof. Lidija Bas- 100 90 80 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 M 100 Y 80 K 30 K 100 90 80 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 7 ta Fleiner, Ph.D., former University of Fribourg Professor and Permanent Guest Professor of the Political Science Faculty of Belgrade. The course attracted not only this and last-year European Integration master’s programme students, but Constitutional Law doctoral programme students as well.n Attendants of the Comparative Constitutional Law course with Prof. Dr. D. Vujadinovic and Prof. T. Fleiner, Dr. ius. Seminar marks 30th anniversary of the adoption of UN Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination against Women T he University of Belgrade Law Faculty, in cooperation with UN agencies and financially supported by the European Commission, organized on December 21 a seminar dedicated to the UN Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination against Women, aimed at marking 30 years since the adoption of this im- portant convention. Prof. Dr. Dragica Vujadinovic, the meeting’s moderator, pointed out in her opening speech that Gender Studies were introduced at our faculty last year. Birna Thorarinsdottir (UNIFEM) focused on the international framework for women’s human rights, while a number of domestic experts in women’s human rights tackled various topics, ranging from analyses of the text of the Convention to the role of Committee on the Elimination of Discrimination against Women to the issues of domestic violence, stereotyping, and double discrimination.n 7 Lecture on the occasion of 200 years of the institution of Ombudsman in the world O n December 23, 2009, a lecture “The Institution of Ombudsman in the Republic of Serbia – Experiences and Challenges” was delivered at the Faculty of Law in order to mark 200 years since the establishing of the institution of ombudsman in the world. On behalf of the Faculty management team, the audience was addressed by Vice Dean, Assistant Prof. Dr. Marko Djurdjevic, while Assistant Prof. Dr. Marko Davinic, who opened the meeting, spoke about the history of the institution of ombudsman which originated in Sweden in 1809, its spreading to other European and world countries, and various forms of ombudsman institutions in comparative systems and our country. The meeting also featured as speakers Mr. Sasa Jankovic, first Protector of Citizens/ Ombudsman in Serbia, Belgrade’s Ombudsman Dusanka Gacesa, and Belgrade University Ombudsman Assistant Prof. Dr. Branko Rakic. Discussion followed and numerous questions posed by Law Faculty professors and students were thoroughly answered by the guest speakers.n 7 100 8 90 80 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 M 100 Y 80 K 30 K 100 90 80 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 Seminar to honour Dr. Thomas Meyer O n December 6, 2009, the University of Belgrade’s Law Faculty, in cooperation with the Association of Jurists of Serbia, hosted a two-hour seminar in honour of Dr. Thomas Meyer, Head of the GTZ Legal Reform Project for SEE, so as to mark his successful career and long-standing cooperation with colleagues and institutions within the Region, temporarily wound up at the end of 2009. It was an opportunity for Dr. Meyer’s closest colleagues to evaluate his work in Serbia, as well as for the promotion of two collections of his works – “The Spirit of Change, Reflections on Civil Law Reform”, published by the Faculty of Law, and “Liber Amicorum Thomas Meyer” published by the Kopaonik School of Natural Law and the Association of Jurists of Serbia. Although it was held on Sunday, the seminar gathered a large number of jurists from Belgrade and Serbia, as well as professors and fellows from law faculties of Podgorica Sarajevo, Zagreb, Skopje and Tirana. The opening addresses were given by Prof. Dr. Mirko Vasiljevic, Dean of the Faculty of Law, and Prof. Dr. Slobodan Perovic, Editor-in-Chief of the Kopaonik School of Natural Law. n 8 At the seminar honouring Dr. Thomas Meyer Scholarly and professional gatherings and lectures abroad T he Sixth Jurists’ Symposium was held at the Faculty of Law of Banja Luka on October 1–2, 2009. The conference was attended by Prof. Dr. Mirko Vasiljevic and Prof. Dr. Zika Bujuklic, Dean and Vice Dean of the 8 Law Faculty of Belgrade respectively, as well as by professors Dr. Slobodan Perovic, Dr. Momor Milojevic and Dr. Jovica Trkulja. GGG Teaching Assistant Milena Djordjevic, LL.M., participated at international conference on arbitration law: “The Perfect Arbitration”, organized by the International Commerce Chamber in London on October 21, 100 90 80 70 60 50 40 30 2009. On this occasion, Ms. Milena Djordjevic also visited her colleagues at the Queen Mary School of Law in London, involved with our Faculty of Law in a two-year cooperation project of translating Serbian court and arbitration decisions into English. GGG 20 10 M 100 Y 80 K 30 K 100 At the invitation of the European Federation of Public Service Employees (EUROFEDOP), on October 22–24, Prof. Dr. Branko Lubarda took part in a conference which was held in Bratislava and focused on „The (added) value of public services in a time of economic crisis – The Lisbon strategy”. He presented his paper on codes of behaviour and the influence of economic crisis. At the invitation of the Kokkalis Foundation, Prof. Dr. Boris Begovic delivered a lecture titled “Corruption, Lobbying and State Capture: Comparative Analysis of Welfare Effects” at the Harvard University JFK School of Government on November 2, 2009. GGG At the invitation of Dr. Marc Plattner, Prof. Dr. Boris Begovic delivered a lecture on the “Influence of the Fi- 50 40 30 20 10 On November 12, 2009, Dr. Dusan Popovic, Assistant Professor, delivered a lecture on the “Relationship between Competition Law and Electronic Communications Law: Between the Control of Competition and the Introducing of Competition” in Paris to members of the Center for Bussiness Law and Economic Disputes. GGG Prof. Dr. Boris Begovic took part in a conference on “Improving the Quality of Democratic Governance and Economic Growth”, which was organized by the Center for International Private Enterprise and held in Washington, D.C. on October 27, 2009. Professor Begovic presented his comments on the paper titled “What Is a Market Economy and How Does It Work?” 60 GGG GGG GGG 70 held on November 5–6, 2009. Milena Djordjevic, LL.M. presented the paper titled Some issues regarding application and interpretation of the CISG in Serbian arbitral practice co-authored with Prof. Dr. Vladimir Pavic. On October 29, Prof. Dr. Boris Begovic gave a lecture at the Freeman Spogli Institute for International Studies at Stanford University at the invitation of Professor Larry Diamond. The lecture titled “Democracy, Compulsory Redistribution and Economic Growth” was a review of preliminary theoretical results of his latest research. Teaching Assistant Marko Jovanovic participated in the international Investment Law conference held in Frankfurt on October 22, 2009. The conference was organized by the German Arbitration Institution (DIS) and hosted by the Frankfurt International Arbitration center. 80 nancial Crisis on the Economies of Central and Eastern European Countries” at the International Forum for Democratic Studies in Washington, D.C. on October 28, 2009. Professor Mitchell Orenstein from Johns Hopkins University presented comments on his paper. An exhibition called “The Road to Higher Education”, which took place at the University Library of the Republic of Srpska in Banja Luka on October 22, 2009, was coorganized by the “Dositej Obradovic” Foundation and the Publication Centre of the Faculty of Law in Belgrade. The exhibition was opened by Dr. Zoran Mirkovic, Professor of the Faculty of Law in Belgrade. GGG 90 GGG On November 2 and 3, 2009, Dr. Dusan Popovic, Assistant Professor, delivered lectures at the University of Szeged Master Studies Programme co-organized with Jean Moulin University Lyon 3. The lectures focused on harmonization of the national law with the EU law. GGG Teaching Assistant Milos Zivkovic took part in the Seventh Session of the Roundtable “Flexibilität, Sicherheit und Effizienz der Grudpfandrechte in Europa”, organized by the Association of German Pfandbrief Banks (Verband Deutscher Pfandbriefbanken, VDP) and held in Berlin on November 5 and 6, 2009. GGG Teaching Assistant Milena Djordjevic participated in an international congress on Contract Law and International Commercial Arbitration organized by the La Rioja University Law Faculty in Logroña, Spain, and 9 GGG GGG Prof. Dr. Zoran Mirkovic, representing the Faculty of Law, delivered a lecture on Dositej Obradovic and the Belgrade Higher School (1808– 1813) at an event celebrating Dositej’s lecturing at the Evangelical Lyceum in Modro, Slovakia. The event took place on November 19, 2009, and was organized and cosponsored by Serbia’s Ambassador to Slovakia, Mr. Danko Prokic, and the Dositej Obradovic Foundation. 9 GGG On November 16, Prof. Dr. Boris Begovic was one of three opening speakers at the conference titled “Twenty Years since the Fall of the Berlin Wall: What Have We Learned for Future Reforms”, coorganized by the Center for International Private Enterprise (U.S.A.) and the Ukrainian Center for Independent Political Research. On the second day of the conference, Professor Begovic delivered a speech on “Eleven Myths about Corruption”. GGG Serbia’s Ambassador to the United Kingdom, our faculty member Professor Dejan Popovic, held a lecture at the Belliol College, University of Oxford, on November 26, 2009. After the lecture on “European Traditions and Prospects of Serbia”, attentively followed and discussed by students of this leading world university, Ambassador Popovic was invited to a dinner at the Hall of the College, attended by members of the faculty. 9 100 10 90 80 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 M 100 Y 80 K 30 K 100 90 80 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 Honours and Awards A 10 t a ceremony organized during the 54th Belgrade International Book Fair on October 27, 2009, the University of Belgrade’s Faculty of Law was presented a Certificate of Appreciation for successful collaboration by the “Official gazette”. On behalf of our faculty, the Certificate was received by Vice Dean for Curricula Prof. Dr. Zika Bujuklic. our professors with long-standing experience in arbitration, such as Prof. Dr. Mirko Vasiljevic, Prof. Dr. Vesna Besarovic, Prof. Dr. Dragor Hiber, and Prof. Dr. Vladimir Pavic, but Assistant Professor Dr. Marko Djurdjevic, Assistant Professor, Dr. Vuk Radovic, Teaching Assistant Milos Zivkovic, LL.M., and Teaching Assistant Milena Djordjevic, LL.M., as well. GGG GGG The “Miodrag Jovicic” Fund Board, installed in 2000 in order to preserve the memory of late Academician Miodrag Jovicic and enhance research in his scientific areas of expertise, organized a ceremony at which the 2009 award was given to Dr. Budimir Kosutic, Full Professor of the University of Belgrade Law Faculty. The ceremony took place on October 16, 2009, when the Laureate delivered a lecture themed “Europeization of the Word Constitution and its Contradictions”. Dr. Tatjana Jovanic, Assistant Professor, has been appointed as a member of the Editorial Board of Regulatory Law Review (Revue du Droit de la Régulation), a new international law journal the first number of which is expected in the first quarter of 2010. GGG Professor of the University of Belgrade’s Faculty of Law Dr. Mirko Vasiljevic, has been elected a member of the Republic of Srpska’s Academy of Arts and Sciences. On that occasion, Professor Vasiljevic delivered a speech on “Law, Justice, and Economy” in the Festive Hall of Banski dvor in Banja Luka on October 22, 2009. GGG At the University of Belgrade Council’s meeting held on December 8, 2009, Dr. Sima Avramovic, Full Professor of the Faculty of Law, was elected president of the University Council. GGG Prof. Dr. Gaso Knezevic was elected Chairman of the Foreign Trade Court of Arbitration at the Serbian Chamber of Commerce for the second time in a row at the Chamber’s Assembly session on December 23, 2009. On the same occasion, a new list of the Court’s arbitrators was accepted, comprising not only the names of 10 GGG The Law Faculty’s Moot-Court Centre has been receiving a large number of letters and expressions of approval and praise from their foreign colleagues regarding the organization of the arbitration conference, and the Belgrade Open Pre-Moot Competition, which both took place in March, 2009. One of such letters was published in the Center for International Legal Education’s journal at the University of Pittsburgh School of Law ( CILEnotes2009Final.pdf, p. 2), in October, 2009. It is a new recognition for our faculty’s endeavours and work aimed at improving this subject-matter programme, preparing students for international competitions in this area, and organizing seminars and conferences on Arbitration Law.n 100 90 80 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 M 100 Y 80 K 30 K 100 90 80 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 11 Professional development abroad T eaching Assistant, Svetislava Bulajic, LL.M., has won, among 745 applicants, the European Commission’s scholarship for one-month academics exchange programme involving eight European and 12 Western Balkans universities (Erasmus Mundus External Cooperation, Basileus – Balkans Academic Scheme for the Internationalisation of Learning in cooperation with EU universities). Ms. Bulajic spent the month of October, 2009, at the Sapienza University of Rome where, in collaboration with Prof. Dr. Fulco Lanchester and Prof. Dr. Fernanda Bruno, she prepared and taught a short course on Constitutional Developments in Western Balkans for PhD students of the Sa- pienza University Faculty of Political Sciences. GGG Prof. Dr. Zoran Mirkovic visited the Free University of Berlin from November 22 through 29, 2009, within the academic exchange programme.n Cooperation with other national and foreign faculties P rof. Dr. Arturo Molina Gutiérrez, Head of the Mexico City Campus of the Instituto Tecnológico y de Estudios Superiores de Monterrey, one of the most renowned Latin American universities, visited our faculty on October 5, 2009, accompanied by Serbia’s Ambassador to Mexico, Mr. Zoran Stanojevic. The guests were received by Dean Prof. Dr. Mirko Vasiljevic, and Vice Dean for Curricula, Prof. Dr. Zika Bujuklic. GGG Participants of a joint Tempus project (Master Programme in Intellectual Property Law) from Skopje and Belgrade, met at the Faculty of Law on October 21, 2009. On behalf of the grant-holder, University of Skopje Law Faculty, the meeting was attended by Prof. Dr. Mirjana Polenak and Assistant Professor Dr. Goce Naumovski, while the University of Belgrade’s Faculty of Law was represented by Prof.Dr.Vesna Besarovic, Prof. Dr. Slobodan Markovic, and Assistant Professor Dr. Dusan Popovic. The guests also met separately with Vice Dean Prof. Dr. Zika Bujuklic. GGG At the invitation of Prof. Dr. Rajko Pirnat, Dean of the Faculty of Law at the University of Ljubljana, Prof. Dr. Dragan M. Mitrovic visited the capital of Slovenia from December 16 through 18, 2009, where he rep- resented the University of Belgrade Faculty of Law at a celebration of the 90th anniversary of that university. GGG Since last November, Dr.Dragor Hiber, Full Professor at the Faculty of Law in Belgrade, and Teaching Assistant Milos Zivkovic, LL.M., have been teaching a course of the International Master Programme in Land Management at the Faculty of Civil Engineering in Belgrade. The master programme, based on a Tempus project, was coorganized by our university and the universities of Ljubljana, Helsinki and Stockholm.n 11 Publishing activities T he last quarter of 2009 was marked with a number of new titles published within various library registers and editions by the Law Faculty’s Publishing and Information Centre. The “Textbook” section (“Udžbenici”) received six new titles: Trade Law, Eleventh revised edition, by Prof. Dr. Mirko Vasiljevic; Company Law, Fourth edition, by Prof. Dr. Mirko Vasiljevic; Civil Procedural Law, Third revised and enlarged edition, by Prof. Dr. Aleksandar Jaksic; Criminal Procedural Law, by Prof. Dr. Milan Skulic; The Law of Obligations, Fourth edition, by Prof. Dr. Oliver Antic; Family Law and Children’s Rights, Fifth edition, by Prof. Dr. Marija Draskic. The “Monographs” library (“Monografije g j ”) was enlarged by: Fault-Based Liability in the Law of Delict, by Assistant Professor Dr. Marija Karanikic Miric; The Spirit of Change. Reflections on Civil Law Reform, by Dr. Thomas Meyer. The “Manuals” register (“Priručnici”) was enriched with two new manuals for the bar examination: Judicial Organization Law, Second revised edition, by Prof. Dr. Goran Ilic; and Constitutional Law, Second revised edition, by Prof. Dr. Ratko Markovic; as well as with a book by Prof. Dr. Milan Skulic titled Main Novelties in the Criminal Procedural Law of Serbia – Amendments to the Criminal Procedure Code, and Provisions of the Law on International Legal Aid in Criminal Matters. 11 100 12 90 80 70 60 50 40 30 20 The Criminal Procedure Code, with an introduction written by Prof. Dr.Milan Skulic, and The Criminal Code, with an introduction by Prof. Dr. Zoran Stojanovic to its fourth edition, were two fresh additions to the register of “Original Legislation and Regulations”. “Legislation Comments” embraced two new titles: Comments on the Law on International Legal Aid in Criminal Matters, by Prof. Dr. Momcilo Grubac, Prof. Dr. Goran Ilic, and Dr. Miodrag Majic; and Comments on the 10 M 100 Y 80 K 30 K 100 90 80 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 Law of Litigation (based on the Litigation Act of 1976, including its later amendments), by Prof. Dr. Borivoje Poznic. One new book has joined the “Crimen” n library section: Comparative Criminal Law/ Droit pénal comparé, by Jean Pradel, while the „Constitution and Constitutional Concepts“ library register was enriched with Collective Rights and Positive Discrimination in the Constitutional Legal System of the Republic of Serbia edited by Prof. Dr. Miodrag Jovanovic. “Scientific Heritage of the Faculty of Law in Belgrade” register embraced a new book titled Slobodan Jovanovic: Reflections of His Contemporaries, edited by Prof. Dr. Jovica Trkulja and Marinko Vucinic. The Faculty’s Publishing Centre has also published the journal Annals of the Faculty of Law, No.2/2009, as well as its special edition: “Sixty years of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights”.n The European Law Students Association (ELSA) and the Student Parliament at the University of Belgrade Law Faculty, supported by our faculty, organized a seminar on the “Importance of Lobbying in Today’s Society”. The seminar was held at the Faculty of Law on December 9–12, 2009, and it had a regional character as it brought together over 70 students from Slovenia, Croatia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, and Macedonia, joined by 70 students of our faculty. Speeches by a number of renowned national experts followed the welcome speech by Prof. Dr. Mirko Vasiljevic, Dean of the Law Faculty, who opened the seminar. GGG Student activities T 12 he fourth generation of students attended a seminar introducing them into the hands-on legal experience offered by the Legal Clinic for Refugee and Asylum Law, coorganized by the Faculty of Law and the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees. The seminar took place on October 30, 2009. It was hosted by members of Praxis, a non-governmental organization, who presented a number of examples from real life to the students, including various forms of providing legal aid to internally displaced persons and members of minorities in Serbia and Kosovo. Following the seminar and their winter semester classes, the students had an opportunity to join Praxis legal mobile teams in their field activities and provide legal assistance and advice to refugees and displaced persons. A humanitarian concert titled “A Song as a Gift” was held in the Amphitheatre V at the Faculty of Law in Belgrade on October 3, 2009. The concert was coorganized by the student humanitarian foundation A Smile as a Gift and the Faculty of Law in order to raise awareness regarding pediatric malignancies in our country, and especially to draw attention to difficulties encountered by ill children and their parents coming from Kosovo and Metohija. GGG GGG The European Law Students Association (ELSA) organized a meeting on “White Schengen – A Road to Europe” at the Faculty of Law on November 25, 2009. The introductory speech was delivered by Mr. Bozidar Djelic, Minister of Science and Technological Development in the Government of the Republic of Serbia. During the meeting, most important aspects of the visa liberalization process were debated. GGG The seminar on lobbying gathered 140 students from Serbia and the region, as well as a number of renowned guests 12 100 90 80 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 M 100 Y 80 K 30 K 100 90 80 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 13 13 Faculty of Law students visiting Kosovo and Metohija enclaves The Student Foundation A Smile as a Giftt organized on December 7 through 23, 2009, the fourth annual campaign in a row to collect Christmas gifts for children living in the most threatened enclaves of Kosovo and Metohija. The Faculty of Law students were joined this time by students of other University of Belgrade faculties, due to which the number of gifts amounted to two thousand. The Foundation’s activists visited Kosovo and Metohija on December 25–27 and went to several enclaves. They visited the Library of Gracanica, People’s Kitchen in Prekovac, schools in the villages of Slivovo, Bostane and Jasenovik in the municipality of Novo Brdo, the villages of Straze, Koretiste and Stanisor belonging to the municipality of Gnjilane, the monastery of Draganac, a Home for Disabled Children near Gracanica, the town of Kosovska Mitrovica, the villages of Suvo Grlo, Banje, Crkolez, Osojane, and Vidanje, where non-Albanian population lives in extremely unfavourable conditions. They also visited a school in Cernica, the villages of Strezovce, Ajnovce, and Recani within the municipality of Kosovska Kamenica, a mixed school in Kosovska Kamenica, as well as St. Nicholas’ Church at Gnjilane.n CIP – Каталогизација у публикацији Народна библиотека Србије, Београд 378(497.11) ACTA diurna : билтен Правног факултета Универзитета у Београду / уредник Ђорђе Игњатовић. – 2004, бр. 1 (октобар) – . – Београд (Булевар краља Александра 67) : Правни факултет Универзитета у Београду, 2004 – (Београд : Досије). – 29 cm Двомесечно. – Наставља традицију билтена који је излазио у периоду од 1990–1997. године под истим насловом ISSN 1820-3981 = Acta diurna (Београд) COBISS.SR-ID 118246156 13