Vv gioi thieu chuong trinh hoc bong.compressed
Vv gioi thieu chuong trinh hoc bong.compressed
B() GIAO f)l,JC Vi\. 1:);\0 '1',,,:-0 CO' QOAN [)f~I Dn;:N T~l TP. He) CII! MINH C' , ,,0: ~>'v:Giiri thieu trinh "Hoc bong \1(1Trc ghip tat' chlnh" bdc C'lf nhdn vc:i r: Cao Clio Vi('n Doi hoc QUt$c gia c}/y.l/ctfopore (lv'LlS) nam hoc 2016 - 2017, r,Jt~1 ~..; c}odSd -r: Kin" Bit;: C()NG IJOA xA HOI CHt) NGHIA VIl~T NAM D()c I~p - TIf do - Hauh pluic Tp. Hi} Chi Minh, ngay 21 thang 04 natn 2015 Cac SO' Oiao due Duo tao Cac trlJ'()'ng D:.li hoc, Cao d~ng, THf'T, Vll l). Narn 2015 IiI nam thu 16 Vi911 8Qi hoc Quoc gia Singapore (NUS) ella Chinh pi1LI ly0n sinh irng vien Vi~t Narn di h9C cac chuong trinh "Hoc bong va Tro giup iai chlnh" bac CU nhan va Cao h9C, NClIl1 nay, thong qua dai dien tuyen sinh tai Vi¢t Narn la C6ng ty 119'PDiem, NlJS ti0p tuc gioi thieu r()ng rai cac chuong trJnh trcn t~ti 'rPIlCI'.,t lIb N(li v,l nhi~Ll tinh tblnh kMc. Cilc d1LrO'ngtrlnh I1flJ baa gc3n1: i 1, V2 b:}c Cli nhan, d6l tlf~lng tLly~n sinh h'l hqc sinh dang hqc Ic'rp 12 V,1 ngtroi cHI t(~t nghir;:p TFIPT C{lC ngLlnh dilO ({to bao g6m hm1 300 chuyen ng(lnh tll' Kinh doonh, Kl1o(1 hqc k:fJ1/11I(ll, Khoa hoc .x-a h(jj vel nhdn v(ln. Y - Nlla • DU'(rc, Kidn {rLle, CIt' nhdn (la n,e,t'rnh (Yale-NU5; ,,' 2. V2 b,)c Sal! c1,}i hqc cnWc sT, Ti6n sl). dbi tlT<,mg tuy0n sinh 1(1sinh vien nnm cu(~i de tru('rng ci<,li h\)c, ngubi d;} t(3t nghi9P a'.li 11Qc v,\ eli ifm1, C{IC ng<.\nh chiC)t'.lO gflln hern 20 chuyen ng,'rnh Ill' C61lg ngh{>th6ng lin, QU(ll1 tri kinh doanh, Khoa hpc tl/ nhidn, Khoa hqc k)~'Lilll(I/, Khoa hpc xci h(Ji vel nh(ln van ... D~ chw1n bi tuySn sinh cho dc cl1U'<Jngtrlnh tren, b5.t cH1u ttT {h,ing 04 cl2n th(1ng 12 n~im 2015, Cong ty llc.rp Di2'm se d0n ti0.p XllC v6i C<1CSe')'Giao d~lc V(l [),10 tZlO, citc trLrcmg rl1P']" tnrcmg dsli hqc, cao c1(~mga TPHClVL H<'l N(Ji V(:1 C~lC tinh, tht'mh ph(~ d~ ph6 bien lh6ng tin cho de d(~ituqng trong di';l1 tuy6n sinh, D6ng thai t6 chLIe c{le buC)j bil() C,lO u;li die di0m cong d)ng cho ph!,1 huynh va HSSV. Klllh c1~ nghi C1.lc S6 Giito d!,lc vil 8,\0 t{lO, C{ICtnrcrng 'lTIVI', dZli 11<,)(',cao dCmg t(;IO di0u ki~n elf Cong ty HtlP f)i~m ph6 bien sau r(mg thong tin Clmcmg t1'lnh "II9C b(\ng Trq giLlj) tfti ch1nl1" bi~c CLl' nhan va Sau d()i hqc etta NUS. Tnln lr()ng kinh chilO, :Vo'i /flt(i Il: ,Vim Liflt IT,' Ph()ng lIe-QT -NUS \~) 'Z_/. National University of Singapore Van phorrq d<;lidi~n Ban Tuyen sinh NUS tal Vi~t Nam 192 Ly Thai To, Q.3, TPHCM www.nus.edu.sg Tel: 38337747,38337748 - Fax: 38354518 www.vietnamcentrepoint.edu.vn/nus TPHCM ngay 20/10/2015 Kinh giei: BAN GrAM Hr~u NHA TRUONG V/v: De nghi gilip thong baa Chuang trinh "H9C bong & Tro gillp tid chinh" cua Vi¢n Dui h9C Quae gia Singapore (NUS) defl phu huynh, h9C sinh va th'ay co quan tam. Chung toi chan thanh cam an Quy tnrong da quan tam va h6 tro chung toi trong viec quang ba cac chuang trinh HQc bong va Tro giup tai chinh h~ CU nhan cua NUS trong nhfrng nam qua. Day la Vien dai hoc cong lap duoc thanh lap til nam 1905, bao gam cac nganh dao tao ve Kinh doanh, Khoa hoc, Ky thuqt, Xii h{ji, IT, Y, Nha, Ducc ... Nam 2015, NUS duoc Bao Times (Anh) xep hang thtr 24 trong Top 100 truong dai hoc hang dau the gi6i. Til nam 1999, NUS da va dang tuyen sinh chuang trinh HQc bong va Tro giup tai chinh bac CU nhan tai Viet Nam. Nha truong co chuang trinh Hoc bong toan phan ASEAN danh cho ung vien Vi~t Nam tri gia trung binh han 40,000 do Sin/ nam, cling nhieu che dQ hoc bong, trQ' giup tai chinh da d(,lng va linh hO(,ltcho sinh vien quac teo Til 15/10/2015 den 1/1/2016, NUS b~t dau nh~n cho chuang trinh nay. ha sa dll tuyen clla ung vien Vi~t Nam Do v~y, chung toi kinh de nghi nha truang giup pho bien thong tin tuyen sinh NUS cho hoc sinh. Chung toi xin gUi kern thea day Thu gi6'i thifu cua Van phong dqi difn B{j Giao dlfC va Dao tqo tqi TPHCM, b{j tai lifu NUS va poster (A4) thong tin ve chuang trinh de nha truCmg ti~n su dl,mg trong vi~c thong bao. Chung toi mong dng v6i Sll giup do Clla Quy truang, se co nhieu hoc sinh biet den NUS va trung tuyen VaGtwang nay. Can b{jlien lqc: Tran Thi Di€m Hong, difn thoqi: (08) 3833 7747 - 0937036380. Tran Huu Phuc Tien Truong d(,lidi~n Ban Tuye'n sinh NUS t(,liVi~t Nam. NUS HUONG nAN BIEN BON TUYEN SINH ONLINE 2016-2017 ~~:~:'e~,slty Th1Jc hien bci Vi~t Nam HQ1>Di~m Dai dien duy nhit Ban Tuyen sinh NUS tai Vi~t Nam: http://vietnamcentrepoint.edu.vn/nus (Ddy fa van ban huong ddn, khong thay thi cho mdu don tren mang. Cdc thong tin ben duoi chi fa thi du) • • • Dia chi don online: http://www.nus.edu.sg!oam/apply/internationaliapplications/WYA-applicationform.htmI Dia chi upload gifty to-thuoc h6 so tuyen sinh: https:llmyaces.nus.edu.sg!uasonline/Login Dia chi lien M n@ugflp problems trong di€n don va upload: askadmission@nus.edu.sg 1. Personal Particulars MlNHHOANG Full Name * (Type in your full name in the same sequence as printed on your Passport, Birth Certificate, or Identification card) (Ghi h9 va ten theo cach ghi tren khai sinh hade passport Vi?t Nam) Given Name/ First Name * [HOANG Ghi ten (m9t chii) Note: Click here for guide on how to key in Given Name ] Family Name/ Last Name/ Surname * [~~~.-~ Ghi ho (m()t chic) - chii:cu6i cung Note: Click here for guide on how to key in Family Name ~-- - __ __ _ j (dd/ mmI yyyy: ego31/03/1998) Date of Birth * Gender * Citizenship * Passport Number (To be filled in by non-Singapore Citizen. If you are a Malaysian, please enter your 12-digit Malaysian UC number). Niu aa co Passport thi ghi velD,chua co khong ghi. Marital Status * Race / Ethnic Group * Chon chii:phil hop vO'iton giao cua minh. Religion* 2. Contact Information (Thong tin lien h?, viit nguyen ten Viet Nam, khong dich ra tieng Anh) • Postal Address * • (D;a chi gui thu) BlocklHouseNo. Street name/Building Narne (Fen duong, Niu dia chi nha binh thuong thi ghi ddy ail thea each ghi Vi¢t Nam. Niu dia chi (J nha cao tdng (khu chung cu, din h()) thi ghi rii ten block (kh6i nhizllo nha), toa unit number cua din ho), :=========================== (e.g. APT ELK 42) Unit No. ~- ten kh6i nha, neu co. (You do not need to fill in "Singapore" here if you are providing a Singapore address) State/City Country * (Mil s6 bll"Uai?n, niu biit ghi vao). Postal Code Email * (Please ensure your alternate email is different from the above) Alternate Email (Email dl! phong, beit bu()c co!) l~ J [~~~~~ [84 Home Telephone* Country Handphone [84 Area.. _J Country Number ~~245** Area Number ..J (Please do not fill in country & area codes for Singapore number; for the 'number' field, please do not put hyphen or leave space inbetween numbers, ego Contact number should be keyed in as 12345678) Country: rna nuac Vi¢t Nam; Area: mil tinhlthanh; Number: s6 ai¢n thoc;tidi a9ng. (S6 di d9ng bo s6 0 o· ddu. Vi d¥: 0936524524 thi chi cdn ghi 936524524 3. Academic Qualifications (Trinh ap h9C vein) Cach ghi aiim theo English style: dung dau cham thay cho dau phily ad chi phdn adm le, thi du: 9,5 --+ 9.5 Secondary Education (THCS) Name of Secondary School DON Examination (Chi ghi ndm hoc xong lop 9) Phlin Subject dU'mtilly khong clin ghi vi t~i Vi?t Nam khang con thi Tat nghi?p THCS. Subject Marks / Grade Obtained Maximum Marks / Grade Possible English The above information is required to ascertain that you satisfy specific course pre-requisites. You may not have offered some of these subjects therefore information is not compulsory. Please leave the space blank if you have not taken the above subjects. High School Education (THPT) Please ensure that your high school month and year is not the same as your secondary school. Name of High School [UJONG THE V1NH Country Province/city ... j .__[NAM_. __DlN_" ]1 VlETNAM Examination From __;] ~ ¥earTacen To t;~~ ;l] ~3 Please select the group that you belong to o a) I have completed the high school final examination. (D6i tuong aa thi t6t nghiep THPT) o b) I will be completing the high school fmal examination after I March. (D6i tuong dang h9Clop 12) If you have select (b), please indicate the month that your actual result will be available [?LJ~ :,,:J 2016 H9Csinh lop 12 ghi VaGaidm trung binh h9C kY 2, lop 11. I. VIETNAMESE LITERATURE 2. ENGLISH / FRENCH 3. MATHEMATICS 4. PHYSICS 5. either BIOLOGY or CHEMISTRY (enter the better grade) 6. either HISTORY or GEOGRAPHY (enter the better grade) } Ghi tliim mon nao co tliim cao nhat. Please ensure that the information you enter is accurate as your admission outcome will be adversely affected by inaccurate information Examination Results Subject English/ French LlfU Vietnamese Literature Y: 1. n6i tuong aa thi t6t nghiep THPT thi ghi VaGaidm cdc man thi (aiim ghi tren giay chung nhdn t6t nghiep tam thoi). 2. H9C sinh khong h9C tieng Anh trong chuang trinh chinh khoa ma h9C mot ngoai ngii khac, thi vdn co thi du' tuyen NUS. Nhung trong don, h9C sinh cdn ghi VaGaidm ngoai ngii nay trong cot aiim English! French, va ghi ro aa theo h9C ngoai ngii:nao trong h6 sa goi ain. Tuy nhien, neu duac moi di thi, h9C sinh vdn phili thi man Anh van la man bilt bupc. Voi dBi tU'Q'DgJ6'p 12 chuong trinh Vi~t Nam, NUS khong yeu cftu co diem IELTS, TOEFL, SAT, AP, ACT nhung ban co the ghi van cac diem nay n~u da:thi va co thanh tich cao. VOl dBi tU'Q'Dgda co bllng THPT, diem IELTS hoac TOEFL la phan ghi b~t buoc. Neu chua co k€t qua lELTS hoac TOEFL thi ghi exam date da tham du hoac du kien. Additional Information Ma'rlcs I Grade Obtained ~ELTS (P.lease rnplJi:the score for Academic L L.. 1 (Pfease enter Overall band component scare only) .~::._J ._,__ testing only) ,m _ [~-J {Please enter Wr.ilingcomponent scare only} c=J (Please enter Read,inqcompooent scare only) Internet TOEFl.. EL1119 IMIUET SAT Critical Reading Math Writing I Evidence-Based Reading and Writing SAT Subject Tests ACT Composite Score Advanced P'aoement CAP) students who are offering the Indian standard 12 qualification may fill in their IIT/AIEEE (if applicable) below: AIEEE Rank state Rank lIT Rank 4. University/ Tertiary Education (Chi danh cho d6i tU(J11g dO.co bang THPT) Are you a current / former (regardless of whether you have or have not graduated) student of the National University of Singapore (NUS), Nanyang Technological University (NTU), Singapore Management University (SMU), Singapore University of Technology & Design (SUTD), Singapore Institute of Technology (SIT), SIM University (UNISIM) and/or any other tertiary institutions (except polytechnics in Singapore)? (Please click here for more information) a Yes aNo Note: 1. If your answer to the above question is 'Yes', piease DO NOT use this form. Instead, you would belong to the category of "Transfer Applicants", and you would have to apply under this category of application. More details can be found at: http://www.nus.edu.sg/oam/apply/transfer/admissionreg!BYA-admiss.ion.html 2. You may like to note that any false declaration to this section may render this application invalid and NUS may at its discretion withdraw any offer of admission made to you on the basis offalse declaration Are you a current/ former student of any other university or tertiary institutions? aYes ONo If you have chosen YES to the above question, please provide your academic results as follows ~~~X,~,,~!t~· ;§Q.b~II:ff!~ . I , p b . . . . " .... .. " ... " R I R 8 .t; 5. Outstanding Achievements (Dl;ic biet) f)iin va-o chi tiit cac giai thutmg, thanh tich dat duoc ngoai diem s6 hoc tdp tai tnarng. Nhdt la- cac giai thuong cdp quoc gia hoac quoc ti. Luu y, neu ghi va-o thanh tich nao thi khi nop h6 so phai co gidy xac nhdn thanh tich do kem theo. Admission to NUS is highly competitive. While good examination results enhance your chances of gaining admission, NUS also seeks suitable candidates with other outstanding academic/non-academic achievements. This section provides an opportunity for you to list your other achievements. You may choose not to fill in this section if you do not have any such achievement. The list below are some activities that we may take into consideration. You should especially indicate achievements in the International Science Olympiads competitions. You may leave it blank if you have not participated in any of the indicated Olympiads. (min chi tiit cdc thanh tich vi kj; thi Olympic ;r.~=-u~ac~te::...;'n:.:e::.!.:u:!..!::.:co:::.:' .....!f)::::e::::..;.:::.tr~6~'n:ogL' !.!:ne::.!.:u:!...:!:kh:.:o~An.!t.g~co:::.:'.L) ActiVity 1 Level of achievement Subject' Level From" To" Name of contact: person (if available) Position of contact: person Telephone number Fax number L L_ --., ... 1 Please provide other relevant details under "Activity 2 and 3". Top student awards achieved in the country, national team sportsmen and exceptional rank in top university entrance examinations generally are helpful in this section. Participation in activities and achievements at intra school, house or class level (eg best student, most courteous, science/arts!cultural projects) do not, usually, have a strong bearing on the outcome of your application. You may also elaborate on your involvement and achievements in these activities in an essay in this section. You must submit the relevant records to support the information you have provided. Activity 2, 3: Hay diJn chi tiit cac thanh tich trong cac kY thi Olympic quoc gia, Olympic chdu A, van chuang/ am nhac, thi thao ... (co trong danh sdch lift ke). Activity 2 Levelof achievement Nameof activity/ organisation/employer" Level PositionHeld From" To" Nameof contact person (if available) Positionof contact person Telephone number Fax number Activity 3 Level of achievement Nameof activity/ organisation/employer* Level PositionHeld From" To" Nameof contact person (if available) Positionof contact person Telephone number Fax number N~u co nhtmg thanh tich khac ngoai phin neu tren, ban co thS goi gi§y tirlien quan cac thanh tich qua upload file ho~c biru di~n cho Ban TuySn sinh NUS. . Essay (Bai vdt gioi thieu nhiing aiim noi troi, thanh tich him than) This section is an opportunity for you to elaborate on the information you have provided earlier. You may discuss a special talent, a personal experience or an activity that you have been involved in that is relevant to the course you are applying for admission. As your essay is limited to only 2000 characters (including punctuations and space), do present your ideas in a focused and thoughtful manner. Phan nay khOng bilt bu~c phili lam: Nha truong chi khuyen khich cac ban co thanh tich cao hoac nang khieu a(lc biet viit co dong mot doan van 2000 10/ tl! (khoang 400 chit) vi ban than: tai nang d(lc biet, kinh nghiem ca nhdn, hoac mot hoat dong nao ao aa tung tham gia, lien quan din nganh ngh€ dang 10/ VaG NUS. Biiy khangphili la bili lu~n, khang tlOi hoi cac ban phili viit hay, chung tai chi yeu cau cdc ban gim thi~u v~ bOn thiin va cac thanh tich (niu co) m~t cach chi tiit va di hiJu). ,:' [?J!OO ] chars remaining Exemptions and Scholarships (Cdc truong h9P duoc miln thi t6t nghiep THPT va ail co h9C bong dai hoc) Applicants who have been exempted from high school graduation examinations or have been awarded a full scholarship to a university, may provide details in this section. If not applicable, you may leave it blank. (Danh cho tmg vien duac miln thi t6t nghiep THPT hodc dat duoc h9C bong toan phdn vaa dai h9C trong va ngoai nuoc. Dd trong niu khong phai hai truong h9P tren.) University admitted to and course High &:hopl exarninetions exempted from Name of Scholarship attained Year Name of contact: person (if available) Position of contact: person Telephone number Fax number 6. Choice of Courses (Chon nganh theo nguyen v9ng) Phan (a): tid chon cac chuang trinh mot bang czr nhdn va liet ke thea thu tv U'Utien; tidy lQ phan biit bulk phili iliJn. Phan (b): chi aiJn VaG khi muon h9C chuang trinh Hai bang (Double Degree). LU'Uy, ban dang IcY chuang trinh Hai bang nao thi it nhdt mot trong 2 nganh ao phai duoc aiJn VaGphdn (a). Niu muon chon chuang trinh 2 bang Quem tri kinh doanh + Ludt hoac Kinh ti + Ludt thi trong phdn (a), nganh Ludt phai la nguyen vong I hoijc 2. Phdn chU'ong trinh Hai bang chi aU'r;rcxet khi bgn ail trung tuydn VaGm9t trong hai nganh. Sau khi trung tuyin, niu tlgt yeu cdu, b(;m se aU'r;rcmixi phong vdn tli tlU'r;rcchdp nhc;inh9C hai bang. LU'Uy chU'ong trinh hai bang co tinh c(;mh tranh rdt cao. ChU'ungtrinh hai bdng chi th1!chiin sau nam thu nhiit. There will be TWO parts in this section: (a) and (b). In (a), please tell us your choice of Single Degree courses in order of your preference. You must complete (a) before you proceed to (b) to indicate your interest in the Double/Concurrent Degree programmes. You need to complete (b) only if you are interested in the double/concurrent degree programmes. a) Single Degree Courses State your choice of course in order of preference. We will consider your choice in the order that you have indicated. For example, if you do not qualify for your first choice, we will consider you for your second choice and so forth, at no disadvantage. You may choose fewer than 5 choices but do not repeat the choices. For the latest update on courses, please refer to http://www.nus.edu.sg/oam/courses/course.html. 1stChoioet 2ndChoioe 3rdChoioe 4thChoioe • • • • • • • • .... .... .... .... 5thChoioe Note: For each choice, there is a Drop-Down-Menu comprising all single-degree courses which NUS offers Application for the Music course should be filed separately. Please refer to the Yong Siew Toh Conservatory of Music (NUS) website at http://music.nus.edu.sg Students must indicate Dentistry as their first or second choice if they wish to be considered for admission to this course. Students must indicate Medicine as their first or second choice if they wish to be considered for admission to this course. Students must indicate Nursing as their first, second or third choice if they wish to be considered for admission to this course. Students must indicate Architecture as their first, second or third choice if they wish to be'considered for admission to this course. Students must indicate Industrial Design as their first, second or third choice if they wish to be considered for admission to this course. Students must indicate Law as their first or second choice if they wish to be considered for admission to this course. For applicants who wish to apply for the Graduate LLB programme, please opt for "Law (3-year Law for university graduates)". You must ha.vecompleted or are completing your degree by end June 2015 and are able to enroll in AY20 15-2016. Please refer to website at . http://www.nus.edu.sg/oamiapplv/international/interviewsIRYA-interviews.html for the Referee Report Form. b) Double/Concurrent Degree Programmes (Phdn Iva Ch911chU'ong trinh hai bang, khOng blit bU9CpM; ghij Please fill in this section if you are interested in a double/concurrent degree programme. Note that: 1. If you wish to apply for a double/concurrent degree programmes, you must include at least one of the faculties/schools offering the 2. 3. 4. double degree programme as one of your choices in (a). The faculties / schools offering direct admission to double/concurrent degree programmes are Arts & Social Sciences (for Economics), Law and Science (for Life Sciences). To be considered for the Business Administration & Law, Business Administration (Accountancy) & Law, Economics & Law, or Law & Life Sciences, double degree programmes, you must have listed Law as your first or second choice in the selection of a single degree course in (a). For more information, please click here To be considered for NUS-Sciences Po Double Degree Programme, you must have listed Arts & Social Sciences (NUS) and Arts (Sciences Po) as your first or second choice of double degree programme. Additionally you are required to read carefully its application procedures, including the application window, at http://www.lIsp.nus.edu.sg/nus-sciencespolinfo/applv.html. You will be evaluated for admission to a double/concurrent degree programme if you are successful in gaining admission into a faculty /school that offers one of the double/concurrent degree programmes. Some double degree programmes require a selection interview. Only shortlisted candidates will be informed to attend the interview(s) for the double degree programmes. You may be shortlisted for one or more interviews if you indicate more than one choice for your Double Degree Programme options. Please note that Double Degree Programmes are highly competitive. If you are interested in more than one double/concurrent degree programme, please select the programmes in order of preference. 1st Choice '" Chu y: Nha truong khuyen khich chi nen apply Double Degree Programmes (DDP) sau khi co kit qua h9C tdp ndm tM- nhdt. Khong cdn thie: phai chon h9C hai bdng neu thdy minh cdn chudn bi them. 2ndGhoice 3rdGhoice 4th Choice Note: For each choice, there is a Drop-Down-Menu comprising: • Arts & Social Sciences (NUS) and Arts (Sciences Po) (H9C Xii h9i & Nhiin van tai NUS & Phap) • Business Administration & Law (Quan tri kinh doanh & Luat) • Business Administration (Accountancy) & Law (Quan tri kinh doanh (chuyen nganh K~ toan) & Luat) • Economics and Law (Kinh t~ h9C & Luat) • Law and Master in Public Policy (Luat & Chinh sach cong) • Law and Life Sciences (Luat & Sinh h9C) 7. Employment History (Qua trinh di lam toan thai gian niu co) Please indicate only if you have at least one year of full time work experience. Name of Company Position From To 8. Disabilities and Special Needs (Danh cho nhiing nguoi thiiu nang va cdn giup ao' a(lc biet) Have you had or do you have any communicable diseases, mental illness, colour blindness, and/or disabilities (including but not limited to chronic illnesses, visual or other physical constraints or limitations) which mayor may not cause you to require special assistance or facilities while studying at the University? o Yes ONo If yes, please provide details below and submit medical documents and/ or other supporting documents. If you require any form of special assistance and/or facilities if admitted into the University, please provide the details below. L .•.•.•.. __.... __ ~ .. .• • ._ .. . •. ~ .•_..•_ ... • . ..• ~:!::.; liOOO_..J chars remaining Note: This information will enable the University to develop a complete profile of an applicant and determine whether he/she might need additional resources in his/her studies. The University does not, however, guarantee the provision of special aid (financial or otherwise) to any student. 9. Next-of-Kin Information (Thong tin vi nguoi than trice h¢) Please provide a contact person in case of an emergency. Name of Next-of-Kinl Guardian ~ Relationship with Applican~ Occupation " ;::=:============~ Telephone ., Har.dphone I Pager (cotm1Jy & area ood'es are required only for non-Singapore ..-~) . Numbef Next-of-kin: Cha hoac me hoac anh hoac em hoac va/chong. Guardian: nguai giam h{3neu ban than m6 coi hodc duoc cha me giao cho nguoi khac trong coi duoi 18 tuJi. 10. Personal Identification Number (Lapassword ai truy cap mang thong tin hai chieu true tiep voi Ban Tuyin sinh NUS. Bao g6m 8 IcY Enter an Admission PIN (8 alpha-numeric characters) (case sensitive}" IRe-enter your Admission PIN (8 alpha-numeric characters) (case sen,sitive)=!< tv (chii va s6), thi sinh til chon) (8 alptta>ftJRleric charactesse.g. gwWg254x) Please keep your PIN confidential. Your PIN is important and you will need it to access the following online facilities related to this application. • • • • • Uploading of supporting documents Online status enquiry Online reply to NUS' offer of admission Online appeal E-Payment via Credit Card. 11. Application Fee (Cach tra I¢phi nop don) A non-refundable application fee ofSGD20 is payable. Please select one of the following modes of payment o o o Credit card (Visa and MasterCard only. Payment can be made immediately via the web link located at the acknowledgement page after submitting your application.) (Chi chap nh~n the tin dung quae ti) Bank draft/cheque made payable to 'National University of Singapore' NETS at the Office of Admissions, NUS (Chi lip dung ({IiSingapore) * Payment must be made by the application closing date. Applications withoutfull payment will not be processed (Lf phi n{ip dan phai thanh todn va bdo cho NUS, ttl nhat la ngay 0110112016thi ha so mai i/1C{1C xet dUyft) 12. Financial Aid (H6 tro tai chinh, co muon dang kY khongr) NUS offers Financial Aid schemes such as loans, bursaries and work-study opportunities in order to help financially needy students meet their study expenses in NUS. Do you intend to apply for Financial Aid offered by NUS to support your studies in NUS? o Yes ONo 13. Other Information . (Niu da bi ra toa hoac pham t(3ihinh Sl! hodc bi dinh chi h9Ctdp hoac bi du6i h9Cthi ghi vao) Chu y: N€u khting co thi khOng ghi vtlO. Have you ever been convicted of an offence by a court of law or a military court (court martial) in any country or are there any court proceedings pending against you anywhere in respect of any offence? Are you currently, or have you ever been, charged with or subject to disciplinary action for any type of misconduct, scholastic or otherwise, at any educational institution? Are you currently, or have you ever been, under investigation or subject to enquiry in respect of any misconduct, scholastic or otherwise, at any educational institution? If your answer to any or all of the above questions is 'No', please click 'No' below. ONo Or If your answer to any or all of the above questions is 'Yes', please click 'Yes' below and also provide a full statement of the relevant information in the box below and/or on a separate sheet of paper (and attach the relevant documents). o Yes. i 100 I chars remaining Phc1nnay dn d9C kjJ, niu d6ng y thi click vaa Continue 14. Declaration (Uri cam kit) Ihereby declare that all information provided by me in connection with this application is true, accurate and complete. I understand that any inaccurate, incomplete or false information given or any omission of information required shall render this application invalid and NUS may at its discretion withdraw any offer of acceptance made to me on the basis of such information or, if already admitted, Imay be liable to disciplinary action, which may result in my expulsion from NUS. And Ihereby authorise NUS to obtain and verify any part of the information given by me from or with any source (such as Ministry of Education), as it deems appropriate. Ideclare and warrant that for any personal data of other individuals disclosed by me in connection with this application, I have, prior to disclosing such personal data to NUS, obtained the appropriate consent from the individuals whose personal data are being disclosed, to permit NUS to collect, use and disclose such personal data for purposes related to this application, as set out fully in the Personal Data Notice & Consent. Iagree that all such information provided by me in connection with this application may be disclosed to authorised NUS personnel or third parties on a need-to-know basis for purposes related to this application, as set out fully in the Personal Data Notice & Consent. Third parties include (i) the Ministry of Education, other government agencies or statutory bodies or non-government agencies authorised to carry out specific Government services or duties and (ii) persons or organisations providing students with financial aid D Ihave read and agree to the terms and conditions contained in the Personal Data Notice & Consent. Iagree to receive marketing, advertising and promotional information from NUS via postal mail, electronic mail, SMS or MMS and/or fax. o Yes 0 No I agree to receive marketing, advertising and promotional information from NUS at my telephone number provided above via voice call / phone call. o Yes 0 No THEO DOl HD SO r~ ..····,,; ... ·n"_';.Y~JI!"'''~'''''.'' ••''''•••~'''Pc4'''-'' , I "j ,1 "'... I ; ! 1 . ., BIEN 'BON (Tii15/10/2015 ~1/1/2016) '" TRUO( KHISIEN BON • • • Vaa web flok: WWWJlusJ!du.S!jfoam/appIY{ioternatioMIOlPplications/W'f:A· appli(iltiootorm.html· In dan ra lam lM tren gi~y • Toan bQ dan danh chtt IN (CAPITAL) • GO eM vi~t khOng d~u • KhOng dich !ieng Anh dl1l chf glli thll • . • {)1~1lxong ohM vim (J CONTINUE' • {)l~n sai ->may bao 1m-> di~h fai • m~ndong ••,. iuu roAN Ba flaN ONLINEfa file •• > nh~nv~o e SUBMIT Ghi oM 56 APPliCATION NUMSER6: sO PIN • scan gi~Vttl hi) SCI ra (ile POFhoac lPG. Xem hlfdng d~o ~i link: www.nus.edu,SJJ(oam/dQc~/I!lStruction~ Uploading 201~.pdf ....,. nen thilnh Ille .RARho~( .ZlP.lUUkhOog qua 2.MMolde( . • 1(11009<~o gm ohleu file ~ip folder (bOg luc. Nell gmJ~n !LtC1t nhieuI~n • ChQn J trong2 ca.ch: al G(1i{rile tuy~n:Upload loan bQ h~ sa tren web khi di~n. dun bl G(1i qua btJU dien cho Bah tuy~nsinh NUS • Mudn b6 sung!jiay t(1 saungay 1/1, ti~p tvc gal upload hOQcqua • btJUdr~n l~ phrxet ~qn:20 dO Sin ( tra bang the Undvng ho~( Bank draft) Thttl1l)g xuyenv~oaCCO,unt theo dtli thOng bao tOa ,NUS v~hb su, k~t qu~mOlthi, trongtuy~nh~(.ktli~u n~i