City of Los Angeles Youth Ambassador Program


City of Los Angeles Youth Ambassador Program
City of Los Angeles
Human Relations Commission (City HRC)
Youth Ambassador Cohort
Attention high school
students, ages 14-17:
If you are eager to create
change, become an effective
leader, learn about policy,
legislation and exercise your
voice, then apply to the Nationally
recognized & Award Winning Los
Angeles Youth Ambassador
(Y.A.) Program today!
(The Nation’s Leading Model for Youth Engagement)
The Y.A. Program is in its 5 year, it’s a citywide nonpartisan effort, it is one of the
one of the more engaging and most comprehensive youth engagement programs
in the nation. It galvanizes the support of the Mayor, City Council, City
Departments, Congress, the White House and the
private sector to create a initiative that brings positive
life changing experiences to youth populations.
Our exclusive program helps promote youth involvement
in three targeted areas: leadership, civic engagement, and volunteerism.
(We Provide Outstanding Community Service Opportunities.)
We bring together teens from all socio-economic backgrounds in a year-long program of
activities and workshops, culminating in a 5-day trip to Washington, D.C., where YA’s meet with
congressional leaders, White House administration and tour the
historical foundations and institutional structures that make up our great nation.
Through workshops, field trips, travel, and volunteer events, Y.A. Program teens learn about
policy, legislation, the civic process, and how our local, state, and federal governments operate.
They practice leadership, innovation, advocacy, and develop relationships with other youth
groups to promote civic activities.
Janice Hahn
Representing the
44th District of
Room at the
White House
Each year our committee selects a number of students from a pool
of public and private high school applicants throughout Los Angeles.
The selected teens (called Y.A. Cohorts) are invited to participate
in a year of monthly workshops to learn about civic engagement,
volunteerism, government, the history of Los Angeles, and human relations.
Y.A. Cohort members find out how to identify needs in their communities,
manage projects, plan events, and how to effectively work with
government agencies.
Some exciting topic areas in the Y.A. Program eight-month workshop include:
Introduction to Government: An insider’s guide to how local,
state, and federal governments really work.
L.A. History (1781 to present): Explore how Los Angeles has evolved and transformed
politically over the years.
Civic Engagement: Examine real-life examples showing what it takes to collaborate,
organize, and facilitate a project through layers of government to get results.
Social Justice & Organizing: Define the areas of need in your community and develop
the skills to become engaged and make a difference.
Human Relations: Find out how to manage groups, solve conflicts, motivate others, and
assess human dynamics.
STEM: Meet directly with top level executives, programmers & engineers at Google,
have discussions through Google Moderator, Google +, tour and discuss career paths
over lunch. Sit down with White House Executive staff and highlight your passions for
Science & Technology.
Domestic Issues Debate: ask a liberal speaker and a conservative speaker to share
their views and positions on current issues you are concerned about and that impact
your community.
Global Warming/ Climate change: How can we turn the corner towards climate
Legislative Process: What is Legislation? How does citizen input reflect in the process?
Learn what point in the process do members of the public have access to take part in
shaping legislation.
The Role of Citizenship in Sustaining Democracy: Explore different action that
citizens can take to impact their communities and shape the course of public decision
making (Cooperative Civic Commitment, Oppositional Civic Commitment.)
Health & Wellness: Explore sound approaches to health and obesity in your community
(Farmers markets, Policy, Advocacy, and Outreach.)
Creative Government-Business Alliances: Work directly with businesses to find
innovative ways to work with government agencies.
Fashion/Apparel: Learn how to dress for formal, semi-formal and business casual
functions from the best designers and tailors in the fashion industry.
Check us out on ABC 7:
The Youth Ambassador documentary film is coming this fall, Directed and
Produced by Award-Winning Filmmaker’s, Winston A. Abalos, Deborah Mozer.
Youth Ambassador’s
Honored by Councilmember Joe
YA’S join Mayor Eric Garcetti,
Councilmember Joe Buscaino at a
press conference in DTLA.
The Youth Ambassador Program is a highly competitive program. The City HRC staff,
commissioners and partnership base review all applications very thoroughly.
Although grades and academics are important, we look beyond numbers and focus on
leadership characteristics, initiative, and ambition. Our goal is to equip our Youth Ambassadors’
with the proper tools needed to become our next generation of leaders.
Applicants should be:
No younger than age 14 and no older than age 17 at the start of the program on
September 24, 2015.
A student in the Los Angeles public or private school system. Foster Youth, Homeschooled children are also encouraged to apply.
Able to pay travel and program fee cost of approximately $2,500 for program services,
and travel, or meet the financial aid/ sponsorship assistance requirements.
Available for an in person interview prior to the first workshop
Must be a resident of the City of Los Angeles
We encourage you to fill out the application included in this packet and begin your path to
leadership. You will be challenged like never before, you will meet others from diverse
backgrounds, advocate on behalf of your community as the youth voice, and learn what it takes
to be a leader.
Reminder: Make to make sure that your application is complete before you submit it.
Section 1: Completed by you, and includes:
Three essays and a bonus question
Two letters of recommendation (see application form for details)
Your documented attendance record for the previous school year (2014-2015)
Section 2: Completed and signed by a parent or legal guardian.
Please submit your application as follows:
1.) Certified Mail (Postmarked on or before September 24th 2015)
2.) Email: ( Subject: YA Application 2015-2016)
Attention: Sheldon Cruz,
City of Los Angeles
200 North Spring Street
City Hall Room 2111
Tel: (213) 308-7609
Y.A. Cohort Founder,
Since 2010
Google Engineer Staff Quotes:
Lily Yuan, Account Solutions
“The kids were so BRIGHT and
asked fantastic questions! I had a
ton of fun participating in the
Jason Carr, Account Executive –
Media Entertainment
“I was extremely impressed with
the enthusiasm, knowledge and
drive of the students from the
Youth Ambassadors program.
The program and staff are doing
great service for these students
by encouraging thought
leadership as well as instilling a
desire to see these students
grow and hopefully become
future Googlers!”
• 100% of Y.A.’s are accepted into
four-year colleges
• A total of 61 youth representing all
(15) Council Districts have been
admitted into the Cohort
• 100% retention rate
• 90% of Y.A.’s are interested in
public service
•100% of Y.A.’s complete 100 hours
of community service/volunteer
hours by the time they graduate from
high school
• 100% of Y.A. alumni join our intercollegiate consortium
• Youth Ambassadors are more likely
to get admitted into the University of
their choice than their counterparts
because of their strong community
service & civic-engagement portfolio.
Our Youth Ambassadors have
been either accepted or have
enrolled in the following
UC Berkeley, Los Angeles, San
Diego, Santa Cruz
Georgetown University
Dartmouth College
Loyola Marymount University
Cal State Northridge, Long Beach,
University of Southern California
University of Hawaii
Mount Saint Mary University
Dillard University
Pacific Lutheran
The Youth Ambassador Cohort Initiative has successfully serviced all
(15) Council Districts, within the City of Los Angeles’ geographic area
each year, including outreach to all 1,270 LAUSD schools within the
city line and its student body population of 907,019.
City of Los Angeles
Human Relations Commission (City HRC)
Youth Ambassador Cohort
Student’s Full Name:___________________________________________________________
Date of Birth:_________________________________________Grade:___________________
City:____________________________ Zip Code:____________________________________
High School:__________________________________________________________________
Organizations (school clubs, etc.)_________________________________________________
Academic recognition (awards, honors, etc.)_________________________________________
Volunteer work:________________________________________________________________
Phone Numbers (mandatory)
(Home or landline):_____________________________________________________________
(Cell phone): _________________________________________________________________
Please answer the following questions:
1) In 300 words (typed or written) tell us (300 words is the minimum requirement): Why
you would like to participate in the Youth Ambassador Program?
2) In 300 words (typed or written) tell us: What problems or issues currently exist in the
community where you live? How would you help solve or change these problems if you
3) In 300 words (typed or written) tell us: How would you define leadership? Please
provide an example of leadership in action and what it meant to you.
If you were to host a dinner party and could invite five leaders, dead or alive, who
would they be and why?
IMPORTANT ! Don’t forget to provide the following with your application (Incomplete
Applications will not be accepted):
RECOMMENDAT IONS—Two (2) letters of recommendations from a teacher, guardian,
employer, organization head, or any qualified adult that can tell us why you deserve to be a
candidate. We want to hear examples of your passion, responsibility, and willingness to make a
difference. Please make sure to have your recommenders write on their official letterhead
and/or include their contact information. ATTENDANCE RECORD—An official record or notice
from your school administration confirming your solid attendance record.
The City of Los Angeles Human Relations Commission would like to determine financial needs
in order to help make this trip affordable for all candidates. The survey responses are strictly
Please check all that apply:
I am able to pay the full program cost of $2,500 for my child’s trip to Washington, D.C.
I am able to contribute a portion of the cost, approximately $_________________.
I need a partial scholarship or a minimum of $_________________ to make this trip
I am able to donate to help fund another student. I can donate $_________________.
I am able to help with fundraising and/or volunteering my time or resources.
All parents or guardians, please answer the following:
1) I will arrange for transportation for my child to and from special events that are mandatory for
the Y.A. Program. Yes____ No____
2) I am willing to provide feedback about the Y.A. Program for evaluations, marketing, public
relations, public service announcements, and other promotional purposes. Yes____ No____
3) I am available to volunteer, at least once, for the City of Los Angeles Human Rights
Commission Angel Award Gala honoring the Y.A. graduates. Yes____ No____
Parent or Guardian Full Name (PRINT):
Parent or Guardian Signature
Phone Numbers
(Home or landline):_____________________________________________________________
(Cell phone): _________________________________________________________________
Important Dates:
Open Enrollment Begins August 31st, Get Ready!
August 31st 2015 thru September 24th 2015: Open Enrollment
October 9th: 1st Mandatory Orientation Breakfast, 8am-10:30am, City Hall
November 7th: Workshop Series 1 Begins, L.A. History (1781 to present):
November – June: Y.A. Workshops in session
November - June: Complete mandatory volunteer assignments.
Spring Break 2016 (March 19, 2016 – March 25, 2016): Washington, D.C., 5-Day Trip
June 2016: Final Y.A. Workshop and culmination event
Students that receive a passing score on their applications will be required to participate in a
mandatory oral interview session.
Please submit your application as follows:
3.) Certified Mail (Postmarked on or before September 24th 2015)
4.) Email: ( Subject: YA Application 2015-2016)
Attention: Sheldon Cruz,
City of Los Angeles
200 North Spring Street
City Hall Room 2111
Tel: (213) 308-7609
Y.A. Cohort Founder,
For further information regarding your interest in supporting and/or participating in the Youth
Ambassador Initiative, please direct all questions and inquiries to Y.A. Founder, Sheldon Cruz
at (213) 308-7609, or by email at: