4B the Cannoneer, September 25, 2014
4B the Cannoneer, September 25, 2014
the Cannoneer VOLUME 52 NUMBER 37 Inside Published for the Fort Sill Oklahoma community SEPTEMBER 25, 2014 Gold standard Excellence award Page 2A Superb service Page 2A Day of caring Page 2B News briefs Photo by Marie Berberea The All-Army Men’s team erupts in celebration after defeating the All-Marines Men’s team 19-15 to win the Armed Forces Softball Tournament Sept. 18 at Cannoneer Complex here. The Soldiers won the tournament for the third year in a row, the first three-peat for the All-Army men’s team. For story, more photos, see Page 3B. Drill sergeant’s 50th The public, and especially all former drill sergeants, are invited to a ceremony celebrating the 50th anniversary of Army drill sergeants Sept. 27 at 9 a.m. at Polo Field. The 434th Field Artillery Brigade will have close to 5,000 basic trainees on the field for the ceremony. Lunch and Learn Great Plains Technology Center is hosting a Lunch-andLearn Series with speaker Chearlene Glover-Johnson, PhD. Classes are: Components of the Business Plan, continued Oct. 14; Smart Business Operations Management (how being efficient affects the bottom line) Oct. 30; Nov. 4 and 13; Growing a Business - Planning for Growth Dec. 2 and 11. Register online at www.signmeup.com/102788For call 580-250-5556. Garage sale A Postwide Garage Sale is Sept. 27 from 8 a.m. to 1 p.m. on the 1-78th FA (BOLC) parking lot located on Crane Avenue ( near the corner of Sheridan and Miner roads). Permits are $20 each. All sellers must have a permit. Permits are available at Adventure Travel in the Welcome Center, 4700 Mow-Way Road. For more information, contact FMWR at 580-442-2025. Register to vote The deadline to register to vote in the 2014 federal elections is fast approaching. Now is the time to register and request absentee ballots. For more information, go to the Federal Voting Assistance Website www.fvap.gov, contact the installation voting office at 580-442-0148, or see unit voting assistance officers. Tree spraying Directorate of Public Works pest control crews will spray Fort Sill trees daily from 7:30 a.m. to 4 p.m. in the following areas. Dates may change due to troop training, high winds or weather. People are reminded when crews are in your area try See BRIEFS, Page 5A Contacts james.a.brabenec.civ@mail.mil Phone: Advertising: (580) 442-5150 (580) 357-9545 Airstrikes continue against ISIL in Iraq, Syria Compiled from U.S. Central Command News Releases TAMPA, Fla. – U.S. military forces have continued to attack Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant terrorists in Iraq and Syria, using a mix of attack aircraft, bombers, fighters and remotely piloted aircraft to conduct eight airstrikes Sept. 22-24, U.S. Central Command officials reported. -- Two airstrikes west of Baghdad destroyed two ISIL armed vehicles and a weapons cache; -- Two airstrikes southeast of Irbil, Iraq, demolished ISIL fighting positions; Soldier posts suicide attempt to Facebook By Marie Berberea A Facebook post. Two cut wrists. Time is the enemy. Retired Command Sgt. Maj. Jeffery Powell saw one Facebook post Aug. 31 that sent him frantically searching for a former Soldier. “He had cut his wrists, I mean about that far on each wrist,” said Powell, gesturing slashing his forearm. “It wasn’t horizontal it was a vertical cut, so I knew it was pretty serious. He posted one word ... Goodbye.” Powell said he was checking his Facebook that day like he typically does to stay in touch with friends and family. He expected the normal string Shown above is retired Command Sgt. Maj. Jeffery Powell’s plea for help on Facebook after his former Soldier posted pictures of a suicide attempt. Another Soldier responded shortly after on Powell’s message that they were able to get to the Soldier in time and save him. of photos and status updates, but when his former Soldier shared his last call for help he took action. “I saw that some people had Defense Department officially releases Fort Sill from UC mission By Fort Sill Public Affairs The secretary of defense (SECDEF) recently signed an order terminating the memorandum of agreement (MOA) that existed between Fort Sill and the Department of Health and Human Services (DHHS) since early June of this year. The MOA had required Fort Sill to provide support to temporarily house unaccompanied children (UC) from Central American countries. SECDEF had previously approved the use of Department of Defense facilities until Jan., but that was to address an emergency need that, at present, does not exist. The decision was based, in part, on a decline in the number of UC being apprehended on the southern border of the United States and expanded capacity to care for children in standard shelters, which were significantly less costly. Fort Sill provided facilities to DHHS that housed children from June 7 to Aug. 8. All UC who were cared for at the temporary shelters have either been transferred to standard UC program shelters or released to sponsors while they await immigration proceedings. The support mission provided a successful example of interagency cooperation in response to a humanitarian crisis. Gauging from the high volume of organizations and individuals volunteering to provide donations and support, it also revealed the compassionate nature of the local community on- and off-post. 5A Sill cinema 1B Wild Side 3B 3B Pet of the Week already commented on it so I hit the comments and some were like ‘Thinking about you man,’ but See SUICIDE, Page 3A Editor’s note: Some information courtesy Drug Enforcement Agency Sept. 25 from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. people may return expired, unused and unwanted prescription drugs, in pill or patch form, to collection bins at the Fort Sill Main Exchange and the commissary. Co-hosted by the Army Substance Abuse Program and the Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA), this will be the ninth event in three years for people to rid their households of potentially dangerous drugs. Doing so may also help prevent pill abuse and theft. The importance of this event for Soldiers can be found in Army regulations. According to recent changes made to Army Regulation 40-51, “Medical Review Officers and Review of Positive Urinalysis Drug Testing Results,” controlled substances can only be used up to six months from the prescription date. The mountain of turned-in medications continued to grow in April as Americans brought in 390 tons of pills for disposal. The eight disposal days combined have eclipsed 4.1 million pounds, or 2,100 tons of unwanted medications. See DRUGS, Page 4A Absentee voting week begins Sept. 29 The week of Sept. 29 through Oct. 6 has been designated as Absentee Voting Week for the armed services. This is the time set aside to encourage military members and voting age family members to complete and return their absentee ballots they received from their states. Service members or their family members who have not received absentee ballots or have not requested them from their home voting district may vote using the Federal Write-In Absentee Ballot (FWAB). It is a write-in backup ballot that can be completed for any federal election. The ballot can be completed by using the FWAB online assistant on the FVAP website, www.fvap.gov.The website will provide all the information needed for completing and submitting the FWAB. It even provides voters with a postage paid envelop that can be printed and used to return the ballot at no expense to the voter. The FWAB may be used to vote on the federal offices (Senate and House of Representatives) in every state. Some states allow the FWAB to be used for voting on state and local offices, and initiatives as well. Contact the state election commission for more information on what offices the FWAB may be used for. The deadline to return completed FWABs varies by state, so contact the state election commission to ensure the ballot is returned prior to the deadline to be counted. Service members or their family members who need additional information should visit unit voting assistance officers. They may also call the Fort Sill Installation Voting Assistance Office at 580-442-0148. Upcoming FMWR events Index Leave sharing Things to do Sports beat Intramural standings -- An airstrike in Syria, northwest of Qaim, damaged eight ISIL vehicles; -- In two airstrikes conducted Sept. 22 as part of the operation over Syria, one crippled an ISIL armed vehicle and the other knocked out an ISIL armed vehicle southwest of Dayr Az Zawr; and -- An airstrike northwest of Baghdad yesterday pulverized an ISIL armed vehicle. All aircraft left the attack areas safely, CENTCOM officials said. To date, they added, CENTCOM has flown 198 airstrikes across Iraq against ISIL, and along with partner nations, an additional 20 airstrikes against ISIL in Syria. Drug Take Back Day is today Oktobertfest Oct. 3, 5 p.m. to midnight at Patriot Club 4B Fall Festival: 5K zombie obstacle course, zombie paintball, pump- 5B kin patch, zombie movie marathon Oct. 18, 12-4 p.m. at Lake Elmer 5B Thomas Recreation Area 2A the Cannoneer, September 25, 2014 Fleet management wins excellence award Story, photo By Jeff Crawley A group of DA civilians who help keep Soldiers in the fight were recognized for excellence with an Army chief of staff award. The Tank Automotive Command (TACOM) Fort Sill Fleet Management Expansion won the 2013 Combined Logistics Excellence Award for superior performance of duty in maintenance excellence resulting in improved combat readiness. It competed Armywide in the medium category. “It’s the employees who made this happen. They are the guys who turn the wrenches day-in and dayout,”said Robert Griffin, Fort Sill FMX director. “I take great honor in being here while they pulled it off.” Maj. Gen. John Rossi, Fires Center of Excellence and Fort Sill commanding general, presented the award and his certificate of appreciation to the 115 TACOM workers Sept. 17, outside the FMX facility at 2420 Babcock Road here. Maj. Gen. John Rossi, Fires Center of Excellence and Fort Sill commanding general, talks with TACOM Fort Sill Fleet Management Expansion employees outside the FMX facility here about the chief of staff award they won Sept. 17. The Tank Automotive Command won the 2013 Combined Logistics Excellence Award for superior performance of duty in maintenance. The FMX mission is to support Training and Doctrine Command Soldiers with equipment repair ensuring all is ready to go so they can train, said Bob Harry, FMX equipment specialist. This equipment ranges from tracked and wheeled vehicles to artillery technician.The unit was runner up for the award in 2012. The areas the TACOM excelled in included mission accomplishment, effective resource managment, innovative logistics management, and Soldier quality of life, according to the award plaque. pieces to trailers to generators and radios — over 13,000 pieces. The recognized employees are all civil service and perform field-level maintenance which is just below direct support, said Griffin, who is a retired chief warrant officer maintenance Some of the achievements of the TACOM were: n Maintained an operational readiness rate of 97 percent; n Improved Operational Readiness Rate by 8 percent across FMX; n Met TRADOC training requirements 100 percent of the time; n Improved shop operations with new tools boxes, work benches, computers and special tools; n Provided 8,562 pieces of equipment to support 35,541 TRADOC students; n Executed $688,000 in deferred maintenance to achieve standards; n Reduced shop stock by 137 lines which resulted in a cost savings of $1.4 million; n Procured new oil dispensing system resulting in a cost avoidance of $57,000; n Battery charging system produced over $40,000 in cost savings; n Reduced radar sections shop stock lines to accomadate system upgrades resulting in a cost savings of $613,000; and n Enrollment of equip- ment into the low usage program producing a cost savings of over $664,000. What did it take to win? “I’ve got a great bunch of guys who are dedicated and committed to the job,” Griffin said. “I always show them how we’re doing compared to other installations, so we kind of challenge ourselves.” He noted that many of the employees are retired Soldiers.”When they fix something and it goes out the gate, they know that it is safe to operate.” Rossi thanked the gathered employees and told them that competing against everybody in the Army and achieving an award of this magnitude is a big deal. “You’re doing things right,” the general said. “What you do everyday is absolutely critical.” Rossi said TACOM is at the pinnacle. “It’s just like the World Series or the Super Bowl. What’s the hard thing? Not winning it, but a repeat,” he said. “I want to repeat. You want to repeat.” Sill Army Community Service perfects accreditation standards By Jeff Crawley Fort Sill’s Army Community Service scored 100 percent during a DA-level accreditation survey Sept. 8-12 here. Inspectors looked at 10 ACS programs, including a couple services that involved joint work with Reynolds Army Community Hospital. The accreditation ensures ACS is in compliance with Army regulations, and that the needs of Soldiers and families are being met, said Brenda Spencer-Ragland, Fort Sill Family and Morale, Welfare and Recreation director. “What this underscores is that we got it right when it comes to truly working together as an installation, working together as program managers and working with community partners,”she said. Standards The seven-person accreditation team from Installation Management Command reviewed documentation for 150 standards for services which are required by DoD instructions or law, called Category 1; and 58 standards set by Army regulations, called Category 2, said Jean Mills, ACS director. Examples of Cat. 1 standards were: ACS has a Family Action Program manager, and has a Volunteer Managment Program. If ACS were to miss one Cat. 1 standard its accreditation is deferred and it is given about three months to correct it. Inspectors then come back to the installation to re-evaluate the standard and if it still has not been met ACS could loses it accreditation, Spencer-Ragland said. For Category 2, standards were given point values and ACS had to score at least 95 percent to receive accredita- Col. Noel Cárdenas, Reynolds Army Community Hospital commander; Jean Mills, Fort Sill Army Community Service director; Cynthia Rome, DA Accreditation Team inspector; and Tom Kelly, Fort Sill deputy to the Garrison commander, pose with the accreditation recommendation ACS received Sept. 12 here. ACS, which uses RACH services for a couple programs, scored 100 percent during the accreditation survey Sept. 8-12. tion. An example of a Cat. 2 requirement was that the installation Family Advocacy Program ensures FAP services are planned, administered and evaluated in a collaborative manner. This standard was worth two points. Fort Sill scored the maximum number of Cat. 2 points (290). “Basically they (inspectors) look at the proof of every- thing we’ve done,”Mills said.“If we say we’re doing so many classes every quarter, they have to see sign-in sheets and the evaluations from the classes. They look at all of our SOPs (standard operating procedures) and make sure they’re signed, they look at our memorandum of agreements with community agencies.” Evaluators reviewed ACS’s Information and Referral service, FAP, Exceptional Family Member Program, Financial Readiness Program, Employment Readiness Program, Relocation Readiness Mobilization and Deployment service, Army Volunteer Corps Program, Army Family Action Plan and Army Family Team Building.Two of its newer programs (Survivor Outreach Services and Soldier and Family Assistance Center) do not yet have accreditation criteria, Spencer-Ragland said. Every program had at least two banker boxes full of hardcopy documentation of the program’s overall management for the inspectors’ review, Mills said. Reynolds, too RACH was involved in the accreditation because the Family Advocacy Program uses it for treatment of its clients, and the EFMP uses the hospital for the enrollment screening and medical treatment of its customers, Mills said. At the hospital, inspectors looked at things such as case review, as well as how ACS and Reynolds worked together. For the EFMP review, evaluators spoke with clients and commanders to see how ACS was providing services in community recreation, youth services and school services. The evaluators not only looked at programs’ standards, but how they contributed to the bigger picture, SpencerRagland said. “They’re looking how our strategic plan at ACS is linked to the overarching MWR strategic plan to the garrison to the mission commanders, and are we aligned with the mission commanders,”she said. Preparation Pre-owned $$ 212 Good Credit Bad Credit No Credit 2013 DODGE CHARGER 2011 KIA SOUL $$ 3 6 $$ 4 1 2 1 2004 CHEVY EXT CAB 2014 DODGE DART RALLY /M O /M O /M O #527 #394 #953 #544 SUPER SPORTY $$ 212 $$ 17,950 $$ 19,950 SUPER CLEAN 2013 TOYOTA PRIUS C 2004 VW BEETLE /M O #329 $$ 17,950 50 MPG LOADED $$ 212 2013 DODGE CARAVAN /M O $$ 11,950 35 MPG $$ 199 2014 CHEVY MALIBU /M O #123 $$ 4,950 SUNROOF LOADED $$ 285 2014 CHEVY IMPALA LT /M O $$ 5,950 LOADED LS TRUCK $$ 333 2014 CHEVY SILVERADO CREW /M O #574 #226 $$ 16,950 30 MPG $$ 285 /M O 2013 RAM QUAD CAB 20+ MPG LOADED $$ 272 $$ 27,950 2012 CHRYSLER 300 LIMITED /M O ACS accreditation happens every three years. Mills knew when the inspectors would be here and staff preparations started in May. “I said we are not going to wait to the last minute, and we are not going to be here at midnight the night before,” she said to her program managers. “We had seven new staff members who had not been through an accreditation. You can imagine how nervous they were if they missed one standard and had caused the whole ACS to not be accredited,”Mills said. Still, ACS had the A-Team in place and Spencer-Ragland mentioned half a dozen names including Mills. Once all the materials were together, Mills and SpencerRagland did an in-house inspection. They both agreed that scoring 100 percent was team effort that not only included permanent staff, but contractors and term employees. “There is no one on ACS staff who is not dedicated,” Spencer-Ragland said.“I’m proud of the team, I’m proud of Fort Sill — we have great teamwork across the installation.” Gore Blvd. Church of Christ 6235 W. Gore Blvd., Lawton Sunday 9,10 & 6. Wed - 7:30 Bible authority for all we do ALL WELCOME 536-5552 FIRST PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH WORSHIP 10:45am SERMON TITLE SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER 28, 2014 #792 #921 $$ 17,950 $$ 296 2010 CHEVY CAMARO /M O #206 #591 30 MPG LOADED $$ 165 $$ 23,950 2013 DODGE AVENGER /M O $$ 23,950 V8 LOADED $$ 296 LOADED LEATHER CHROMES $$ 22,950 2003 FORD EXCURSION 2014 CHEVY CAMARO /M O " YOUR LABOR Deadline for submissions is close of business Thursday, a week before publication. 4105 E. Gore 580-919-0383 Braids, Military Cuts, IS NOT IN VAIN " Guest Speaker Edwina Reddick 1302 SW A Avenue 8 $ 00 Relaxer & Flat Iron Style Only $50 til Dec. 2014 UNITARIAN UNIVERSALIST CHURCH OF LAWTON #129 ONE OWNER 8K MILES $$ 199 $$ 24,950 #920 RED SUPER SPORTY 2011 CHEVY EQUINOX LS $$ /M O 165 $$ 13,950 $$ 16,950 TOUCHSCREEN LOADED 2014 CHEVY SONIC $$ 24,950 LOADED LEATHER LIMITED $$ #056 40 MPG #347 2007 AVALANCHE LTZ 4WD /M O #038 LOADED FWD #106 $$ 13,950 177 $$ 4,950 2013 CHRYSLER 200 LX 816 W. Gore www.uulawton.org 248-1755 /M O New Hope C.O.G.I.C. #749 #077 V8 LEATHER LOADED $$ 17,950 LUXURY SPORTY $$ 14,950 2.49% 72 mos., 20% Down WAC. 580-280-4000 LAWTON 52ND & CACHE 52ND Call or come b y! 5116 NW Cache Rd. Sunday: 9:30 AM Adult Religious Education 10:30 AM Children’s Religious Education 10:30 AM Video Sermon - “Facing Change” by Rev. Dr. Marlin Lavanhar All Souls Unitarian Church, Tulsa 1502 SW Monroe Ave • (580) 355-3237 Sunday School – 9:30 a.m. • Morning Worship - 10:45 a.m. Sunday Evening Bible Study/Worship Service - 6:30 p.m. Wednesday Bible Study & Youth - 7:30 p.m. “Now the Lord is that Spirit, and where the Spirit of the Lord is there is liberty .” 2 Corinthians 3:17 Pastor Michael Cross Google New Hope COGIC Lawton. (Streaming Live) the Cannoneer, September 25, 2014 Volunteers learn new way to CARE Story, photo By Staff Sgt.Timothy Hughes 75th Fires Brigade As normal duty hours for most Fort Sill Soldiers wound down, 15 75th Field Artillery Brigade members received training Sept. 17, on what might be the toughest job supporting their unit deployed to a hazardous duty zone. The group, which consisted mostly of spouses of Soldiers, took one step toward becoming casualty response (CARE) team members by attending an hourlong course, facilitated by a member of the Army Community Service’s (ACS) mobilization and deployment manager office. “It is important for family members to know what their duties and responsibilities are as an Army to take care of the loved ones who were lost and their families,” said Willie Byrd, ACS instructor. The attendees were taught the key components of what is required of a CARE team member and the proper procedures to care for bereaving family members. “Every situation is different,”said Kimberly Pittman, a CARE team member candidate and spouse of Sgt. Maj. Adrian Pittman, operations sergeant major, 3rd Battalion, 13th Field Artillery. “You just have to listen there is no one set way to handle it.” The Department of Defense and the military community have continued to adapt its notification and care program procedures to adapt to new situations and today’s technology. In comparison to the first Gulf War, Chaplain (Maj.) Kevin Niehoff briefs casualty response (CARE) team members on how they may work together during a casualty notification and CARE team project Sept. 17, during training at the 75th Field Artillery Brigade. concepts such as the Worldwide Web and social media platforms are now available to a virtually global audience. News cycles are now 24 hours and information can be dispersed at the push of a button. According to Byrd, during the second phase of Operation Iraqi Freedom, a downed helicopter incident that resulted in the deaths of Soldiers assigned to Fort Sill tested a previously unchallenged [against modern technology] family notification and care process. He further explained local and global news outlets received information about the incident and reported it prior to the Soldiers being notified. Byrd also said during the initial phases of the Global War on Terrorism, which consisted of Operation Noble Eagle, Operation Enduring Freedom, and Operation Iraqi Freedom, the concept of a CARE team had not been developed. WINDOW SALE “We didn’t have CARE teams, we just had committee groups,”he said. The Department of the Army has continually built upon its notification procedures by using feedback given to it from units that submit after action reviews. Like the Army, Pittman, who previously served as a CARE team member with 2nd Battalion, 4th Field Artillery, said she plans to draw on her past experience in her potentially new role within the ‘Tough As Diamonds’ Brigade. The Corvias Military Living clerk said it is important, while working as a CARE team member, to know the potential mindset of the individuals that you will help assist. The initial course will be followed by a screening of the CARE team candidates by the unit’s commander. “Completing this course does not mean that you will be selected,” said Byrd. “Your commander will thoroughly screen you prior to you being selected.” Suicide From Page 1A nobody was saying ‘Where are you?’ Nobody. Seven or eight people had already responded and it’s great to say how are you, but now it’s time to dial 9-1-1.” Powell deployed with the Soldier several years ago as the former 2nd Battalion, 5th Field Artillery sergeant major. They were friends on the social networking site, but Powell didn’t know where he was currently stationed. “Here I am, I’m trying to figure where in the world this guy is at. I was like what do I do? We need to do something now, right now.” After asking around Powell determined the Soldier was overseas. He called an Army division hotline and it gave him the number to the area coordinator. As he was calling, he posted his own Facebook status asking for help. “I need my Army family to reach out and find where [he] is at and get his unit to put their arms around him soon! I’m talking right now, too! He may be in serious danger and I’m worried about his emotional state right now. He may have tried committing suicide. He Faith Attorney George Miller Former Military • Free Estimate TOLL FREE 1-888-692-3444 “Do something. Don’t assume someone else is going to take action. You take action.” retired Command Sgt. Maj. Jeffery Powell needs to know we care. Find him now!” Powell said while he was doing all he could to reach the Soldier, another battlebuddy was doing the same thing. Less than five minutes later after Powell’s post a reply said, “We got him sergeant major. I called the hotline and got (emergency medical service) enroute to him ... He’s en route to the hospital and is stable and should be fine.They say they got to him in time.” Powell said the suicide attempt came after a failed relationship and the Soldier was wanting someone to take notice of him. “We did. I just wish he wouldn’t have done it.” He said all the Soldiers who deployed with him were the first to respond and it even caught the Soldier’s brother offguard. “It’s that Army thing. It’s that deployment thing ... That was a serious suicide attempt. He took the pictures right after he cut himself. They were pretty deep cuts. “If he wouldn’t have posted those pictures nobody would’ve known,” said Powell. He said the noncommissioned officer in the Soldier’s unit told Powell he was the second person to call about the suicide attempt and check on the well-being of the Soldier. Powell said that’s what he would hope for. “Do something. Don’t assume someone else is going to take action. You take action.” Information for help The Red Cross has a locator service and can assist if someone finds themself in a similar situation. Fort Sill Red Cross office: 580-558-2132 or phone 877272-7337. If you are having thoughts about suicide, call 9-1-1 and get immediate help. Fort Sill emergency number is 580-442-2426. Fort Sill Well Being Center 3415 Miner Road 580-442-4205 or 580-442-2691 Photo by Sgt. Joe Dees 248-7687 • 24 Hours www.soonersidingwindows.com 3A • Adoption • Felony • Misdemeanor • Name Changes • DUI • Bogus Checks • Auto Accidents • Bankruptcy Ch 7 • Traffic Tickets • Stop Garnishment • Probate • Wills • Divorce • Family Law 1111 West Gore • A Debt Relief Agency by Bankruptcy Code. Chaplain (Maj.) William Glenn, 214th Fires Brigade chaplain, addresses a crowd Sept. 17 at the Fort Sill monthly interfaith prayer luncheon. The lunch helps people get acquainted and discuss issues that impact the area’s religious communities and ways to work together. Chaplain (Col.) Matthew Pawlikowski, Fort Sill Garrison chaplain, said the idea is simple, “Good things happen when people get to know each other.” Religious community members hope by meeting and getting to know one another they can create stronger bonds and work more closely to assist Soldiers, their families and the greater community. Sun Effects Tubular Skylights • 5 Colors • Solar Skylights $240.00 • Standard Labor $325.00 • Operates Completely Solar Free • Lifetime Warranty 101 E. Gore Blvd. 355-0860 4A the Cannoneer, September 25, 2014 Take back Spc. Nolan Hatch Spc. Leslie Smith Spc. Ryan Zent Pvt. Andrew Ayala Soldiers of training cycle By 434th FA Brigade F Battery, 1st Battalion, 31st Field Artillery will graduate 180 Soldiers Sept. 25 at 10 a.m. at the Hilton Garden Inn, 135 NW 2nd St. in Lawton. The Drill Sergeant of the Cycle is Drill Sergeant (Staff Sgt.) Shanay Clark. Soldiers of the Cycle are: Spc. Nolan Hatch, Saint David, Ariz., Distinguished Honor Graduate; Spc. Leslie Smith, Swansea, Ill., Lesh Leadership Award; Spc. Ryan Zent, Alpine, Texas, High Basic Rifle Marksmanship; and Pvt. Andrew Ayala, Queens Village, N.Y., High Physical Training. C Battery, 1st Battalion, 40th Field Artillery, will graduate 180 Soldiers Sept. 25 at 1 p.m. at the Hilton Garden Inn. The Drill Sergeant of the Cycle is Pvt. Benjamin Wright Pvt. Rebecca Schaefer the Cannoneer ® The Cannoneer is an authorized publication of the Department of Defense. All editorial content is prepared, edited, provided and approved by the Fort Sill Public Affairs Office. Contents of the Cannoner are not necessarily the official views of, or endorsed by the U.S. government or the Department of the Army. Opinions expressed by writers Avoid the Rush Come in Early Monday-Friday Still Open 7 Days A Week Mon.-Fri. 9-8, Sat. 9-6 • Sun. Noon-5 1766 NW 82nd Street Lawton, OK Pvt. Devin Dew Drill Sergeant (Sgt. 1st Class) Dwayne Philpot. Soldiers of the Cycle are: Pvt. Rebecca Schaefer, Bellefontaine, Ohio, Distinguished Honor Graduate; Pvt. Benjamin Wright, San Antonio, Watson Leadership Award; Pvt. Devin Dew, Texarkana, Texas, High Basic Rifle Marksmanship; and Pvt. Ashley Castellanos, Arcadia, Calif., High Physical Training. Pvt. Ashley Castellanos From Page 1A The take back initiative addresses a vital public safety and health issue. Medicines that languish in home cabinets are highly susceptible to diversion, misuse and abuse. Rates of prescription drug abuse in the United States are alarmingly high, as are the number of accidental poisonings and overdoses due to these drugs. Studies show a majority of abused prescription drugs are obtained from family and friends, including from the home medicine cabinet. In addition, Americans are now advised that their usual method for disposing of unused medicines flushing them down the toilet or throwing them in the trash poses potential safety and health hazards. The DEA is in the process of approving new regulations that implement the Safe and Responsible Drug Disposal Act of 2010, which amends the Controlled Substances Act.The intent is to allow an ultimate user (a patient, their family member or pet owner) of controlled substance medications to dispose of them by delivering them for disposal to entities authorized by the attorney general. The act also allows the attorney general to authorize long-term care facilities to dispose of their residents’ controlled substances in certain instances. People who intend to bring unused drugs for disposal are reminded to not bring liquids, needles or sharps. The service is free and anonymous, and no questions will be asked. For those who have liquid medication that they want to return, currently take back days do not accept these medications. The Food and Drug Administration recommends pouring the liquid into a plastic container or sealable bag and mixing in used cat litter or coffee grounds. Also, people should remove or conceal any personal information on medication bottles before throwing them away. More information is available on the FDA website, www.fda.gov by typing in “disposal of prescription drugs” in the A to Z index box at the top of the page. There are several safe ways to dispose of sharps (needles). In most cases, the sharp container may be turned into the doctor’s office or pharmacy where purchased or mailed to a collection site as identified by medical professionals. The American Syringe Exchange Network also maintains a program where people can dispose of old needles. Call them at 253272-4875 or visit www.nasen.org. herein are their own. The editorial content of this publica- ed with the U.S. Government or the Department of the Army tion is the responsibilty of the Fort Sill Public Affairs officer. under exclusive written contract. Bill Burgess, Jr. and Brad Burgess, co-owners. Publisher Commanding General The appearance of advertisements in this publication, to Maj. Gen. John Rossi include all inserts and supplements, does not constitute an Public Affairs Officer Darrell Ames Jr. endorsement by the Department of the Army of the products or Cannoneer staff services advertised. Editor James Brabenec Everything advertised in this publication must be made Photojournalist Marie Berberea available for purchase, use or patronage without regard to the Photojournalist Jeff Crawley race, color, religion, sex, national origin, age, marital status, Contract journalist Leah Lauterberg physical handicap, political affiliation or any other non-merit Contributing journalist Glen Wampler factor of the purchaser, applicable federal, state or local laws. A confirmed violation or rejection of this policy of equal For news tips and feature items, contact: the Cannoneer, 652 Hamilton Ave. Rm. 200, Sheridan Hall, Fort Sill, OK 73503- opportunity by the advertiser will result in a refusal to print 5100, or call (580) 442-5150. Deadline to submit announcement advertising from that source. For business and advertising matters, contact The Lawton and other information is close of business Thursday before the Consitution, P.O. Box 2069, Lawton, OK 73502, or call 580-353following Thursday’s issue. Printed every Thursday as an offset civilian enterprise publi- 0620. For classified ads, call 357-9545. cation by Lawton Media, Inc., a private firm in no way connectCirculation 12,000 weekly. VA Streamlined Refinance • Lender Pays Closing Costs • No Appraisal • No Credit Check • 30 Days to Close • Skip at least 1 Mortgage Payment • Minimal Paperwork Do you currently have a VA home loan with a variable rate or is your fixed rate above 5%? Call us today to get started on a VA streamlined refinance without the hassle of appraisal costs and lender fees. We can get you a quote quickly and with no credit check, there is nothing to lose except that high interest rate! We are a local, family owned business in Broken Arrow with years of experience in working with veterans to save them money and time! Call us today at 918-449-9838 to get your quote started today! We can help -call today for a free initial consultation. Practice: • Criminal Law • Court Martials • Personal Injury • Admin. Discharges • DUI/Tickets • Divorce/Family Law • Auto Accidents James R. Willson Maj. Ret. ATTORNEY AT LAW 632 SW D Avenue • 248-8886 (24 hours) Terms Available 741 W New Orleans Broken Arrow, OK 74011 PH: 918-449-9838 FAX: 918-512-4870 NMLS# 127991 the Cannoneer, September 25, 2014 And they’re off! Photo by Marie Berberea Command Sgt. Maj. David Carr, Fort Sill Garrison CSM, and his horse inch off the line Sept. 8 as the post CSMs try to corral their horses for a photo opportunity at the Field Artillery Half-Section stables. Command Sgt. Maj. Brian Lindsey, Fires Center of Excellence and Fort Sill CSM, led the staff ride around post to build esprit de corps among the senior noncommissioned officers. Leave sharing The Voluntary Leave Transfer Program allows civilian employees to donate annual leave to other civilian employees. Submit forms to the Civilian Personnel Advisory Center, Bldg. 4700 Mow-Way Road, fifth floor. For more info, call CPAC staff members at 580-442-5134.The following are approved for the program: Brandie Phillips and Denise Stevens sfrom the 6th Air Defense Artillery Brigade. Anita Deloney from the 428th Field Artillery Brigade. Laurie Sweetser from the 434th Field Artillery Brigade. Robert Kalchik from TACOM-FMX. Samuel Hedge from Directorate of Emergency Services. Gary Anderson from Directorate of Public Works. Francisco Campos from the Directorate of Training, Development and Doctrine. Nashay Nicole Lorick and Mark Winburn from the Directorate of Human Resources. LaGayla McGahee from Fires Center of Excellence. Gregory Brewer and Thomas VanDevender from the Directorate of Plans, Training, Mobilization and Security. Elizabeth Aponte-Cruz and Amy Evans from Dental Activity Command. LaTonya Adger, Karina Barrett, Bamah Beckman, Christopher Bereza, Deborah Black, Sharee Caplinger, Heather Christianson, Wanda Cooke, Samantha Curtis, Denise DeJesus, Julia Dennis, Beatriz Elias-Castro, Tammy Gaskin, Ashlea Holliday, Roselyn Holmes, Melissa Hunt, Christina Hurst, Daskisha Lawrence, John Loose, Loleetaa Magee, Dorothy McCoy, Alice McDonald, Joe McDougle, Maria McGee, Joseph Mulligan, Robin Russell, Robert Shields, Kimberly Singletary, Lisa Singleton, JoAnn Sorenson, Brenda Sweatt, Janeth Thomas, Jacqueline Turner, Linda Tyer, Natalie Wallace, Shelly Wells and Adrienne Whitson from Reynolds Army Community Hospital. Briefs From Page 1A to avoid it as much as possible. People who have vehicles parked in spray areas should rinse their vehicles as soon as spraying crews depart. Over spray could possibly spot some colors of paint, particularly if paint does not have clear coat and hasn’t been waxed in a while. For more information, call John Williams, pest control supervisor, at 580-4425723. Oct. 6-9 and 14 0000-1000 areas; Oct. 14-16 and Oct. 20 1400-2300 areas; Oct. 20-23 and Oct. 27 2400, 3200, 3300 and 3400 areas; Oct. 27-30 and Nov. 3 3500-5700 areas; Nov. 3-6 and Nov. 10 25003100 and 4000-4700 areas; Nov. 10-13 5900, 6000, 6100, 6600, 6700 and 6900 areas as well as any areas unsprayed due to postponement. ASAP training Upcoming Substance Abuse Program class dates are Oct. 21 and 22; and Dec. 9 and 10. Class times are 9 a.m. and 1:30 p.m. Although classes are open to military and civilian personnel, the morning class meets the required two-hour annual ASAP training for civilians. The Tuesday afternoon class is for supervisors only. The Wednesday afternoon class covers a wellness topic selected by the presenter, and is open to everyone. Classes are held in the Armed Force Reserve Center, Bldg. 3955. No pre-registration is required. For more information, call 580-442-6289. Recruiting lawyers The Office of the Judge Advocate General is accepting applications, due no later than Nov. 1, for the Army’s Funded Legal Education Program. For information on qualifications and applying, contact the Staff Judge Advocate at 580Army 442-2685. 5A 6A the Cannoneer, September 25, 2014 36th Annual Retiree Appreciation Days Post welcomes those who served tal and flu shots. Retirees get so much information here, that when they leave here today they could sit Fort Sill welcomed over down and read for days,” 500 military retirees and their families for the annual said Winburn. One vendor,Veterans of Retiree Appreciation Days Foreign Wars Chapter 5263, (RAD), a three-day event helps connect retirees to that began Sept. 18. Activities kicked off with VFW chapters worldwide in an open house, which wel- their home areas. comed visitors from across Representative Don Fenter spoke briefly on the mission the region, some as far of the VFW at the RAD away as Little Rock, Ark., open house. and southern Texas. “We are providing inforCoordinated by the Fort mation to the military — Sill Retirement Services Office, retired Lt. Col. Allen active or retired — and their families, about veterans Shell, Fort Sill Retiree benefits they need to know Council co-chair, said the about. We talk about the event is recognized as “the biggest retiree appreciation importance of veterans organizations and ... why event in the entire Army.” people should be a part of With approximately veterans organizations,”said 29,000 retired military members in the Oklahoma- Fenter. With over 1,000 active Arkansas area, RAD was a members of the Fort Sill chance for many to return to a familiar place and find chapter, the goal of VFW Chapter 5263 is to let veterold friends. ans and their families know One such couple, Mary Patchell and Leonard Cane, about the VFW. That goal also seeks to tell who they has attended the event for the 12 years they have been are, what they do and ways they can help retirees. together. Local to the comMedical benefits and munity, they said retiree screenings also provide a days give them the chance large benefit to the retiree to stay updated on their community. Services proretiree benefits, learn new vided by Reynolds Army information concerning Community Hospital during those benefits, and also to the open house included eye meet up with old friends. exams, flu shots and dental Cane said, the biggest screenings. Spc. Reva Marie benefits of the open house Wong and Staff Sgt. Julissa are to,“keep my medical Torres, from Dental Activity, shots up to date, and when were on hand to offer oral we need to talk to legal.” cancer screenings as well as For Patchell, a widowed to help many newly retired spouse of a retired veteran, the event helps her get new military members with the information that she would- transition process to their n’t otherwise have access to. dental benefit status. While at the open house, Vendors from the LawtonFort Sill community catered retirees could sign up for next-day activities. to the retirees by offering Two tours were offered: information across a wide one to the Fort Sill Museum range of topics. and the Old Post Mark Winburn, Fort Sill Retirement Services officer, Quadrangle and the other said the vendors who come to the Holy City in the to the RAD open house are Wichita Mountains Wildlife Refuge. After the tours, all about giving retirees retirees could dine at the access to services and proStaff Sgt. Juan Garcia grams they might typically Dining Facility. not have access to. “They will unload the “It could be anything busses and offer them the from nutrition, medical chance to go to lunch issues, canes (for walking assistance), TRICARE, den- with active-duty Soldiers, Story, photos By Leah Lauterberg Retirees and family members browse information booths provided by more than 75 vendors who displayed their products and services at Rinehart Fitness Center during Retiree Appreciation Days Sept. 18-20. The annual three-day event, which honored military retirees, included tours of Fort Sill, lunch with Soldiers and time to update medical, legal and administrative matters. “We are providing information to the military — active or retired — and their families, about veterans benefits they need to know about. We talk about the importance of veterans organizations and ... why people should be a part of veterans organizations.” Don Fenter Veterans of Foreign Wars Chapter 5263 member because (the retirees) love talking to them,”said Winburn. The day ended with the retiree appreciation banquet at the Patriot Club where retirees were treated to a special performance by the 77th Army Band Bagpipers, “Costello’s Own,”and guest speaker Maj. Gen. John Rossi, Fires Center of Excellence and Fort Sill commanding general. “We couldn’t do this without the support of the Fort Sill command team and the Lawton community,”said Shell. Rossi added a few touch- es of his own for the event that Shell and Winburn said made all the difference for the attendees. The location change to Rinehart Fitness Center offered ample space for better ease of access, free shuttle cart service assisted many to the location from far parking lots, and the tour busses were handicap accessible. Going a step further, Winburn said,“this year, this is the first time we’ve ever done it, General Rossi is going to have a Combat Life Saver Soldier, who is a medic, ride in each of the busses in case there’s any Leonard Cane and Mary Patchell of Lawton attend Retiree Appreciation Days here, something they’ve been a part of for over 12 years together. The three-day event offered them a chance to stay updated on retiree benefits, receive information on products and services that benefit them, and to meet up with old friends. kind of problems with the retirees, then we’ve got an active-duty Soldier on board.” These small details, he said, help make the experience more enjoyable for those who attended. To end the three days of activities, many retirees attended the Buffalo Burger Cookout, Sept. 20, hosted by Lawton Co-op and Fort Sill Morale, Welfare, and Recreation. Due to weather concerns, the cookout happened at Honeycutt Fitness Center. Post leaders cook up final event to thank retirees A child tries his best to hit the giraffe in the strongman game at the 33rd Annual Buffalo Burger Cookout Sept. 20 at Honeycutt Fitness Center. The threat of severe weather forced the event indoors from its normal location in Co-op Park, part of Fort Sill’s annual Retiree Appreciation Days. Photos by Capt. Charlie Dietz Maj. Delia Ihasz, 168 Brigade Support Battalion, and Command Sgt. Maj. Richard Fisk, 1st Battalion, 14th Field Artillery, cook burgers on one of the five large grills at the 33rd Annual Buffalo Burger Cookout Sept. 20 at Honeycutt Fitness Center. Unit leaders throughout Fort Sill volunteered to cook the hamburgers and serve food to Soldiers, civilians, retirees and their families, the final activity in Retiree Appreciation Days for Fort Sill. Children bounce on one of many inflatable houses at the 33rd Annual Buffalo Burger Cookout Sept. 20 at Honeycutt Fitness Center. The cookout was free for Soldiers, civilians, retirees and their families and marked the final event of Retiree Appreciation Days here. Ciera MacKenzie entertains the crowd at the 33rd Annual Buffalo Burger Cookout Sept. 20 at Honeycutt Fitness Center here. MacKenzie, an Army family member, has performed at many Fort Sill functions. Off-Duty the Cannoneer September 25, 2014 Soldier Show delivers entertaining night Photo by Leah Lauterberg (Top) Pfc. Kiari Mhoon and Staff Sgt. Lynette Collier sing a rendition of John Legend’s “All of Me” during the Army Soldier Show. The musical number accompanied a skit about the loss of a Soldier during a somber moment of the program Sept. 22 at Polo Field. Photo by Monica Wood (Left) Soldiers in the Soldier Show sing original lyrics to the tune “Royals” by Lorde. The 16 cast members performed a number of song and dance routines which commemorated the indomitable strength, character and resiliency of Soldiers. Things to do MacBeth onstage See Shakespeare’s play “Macbeth” Thursdays through Saturdays, today through Sept. 27, at the Myriad Botanical Gardens Water Stage, 301 W. Reno Ave. in Oklahoma City. See www.oklahomashakespeare.org for more information on tickets or call 405235-3700. Farmers Market The Lawton Farmers Market, featuring locally grown produce. is open Saturdays from 7:30 a.m. to 1 p.m. at Great Plains Coliseum, 920 SW Sheridan Road. See the group’s Facebook page for more information. Photo by Monica Wood Over 2,000 people settle in for an evening of entertainment Sept. 22 on Polo Field for the Army Soldier Show. The show, nationally sponsored by GM Military Discount and locally sponsored by USA Discounters, USAA and IHG Army Hotels, was themed “Stand Strong,” and focused on Army Values and programs including Survivor Outreach Services, SHARP training and suicide prevention. Photo by Leah Lauterberg Sgt. Amy Hargis, Spc. Amanda Spear, Pfc. Bryan McNeill and Pfc. Melinda Douglas dance to the song “Everything is Awesome” for a skit about long-distance communication in the Army during the Army Soldier Show Sept. 22 on Polo Field here. Cowboy Heritage The National Cowboy and Western Heritage Museum is inducting members into the Rodeo Hall of Fame Sept. 26-27. The Rodeo Hall of Fame Weekend begins Friday evening with cocktails and conversations at 5:30 p.m. Saturday morning features book signings with Gail Woerner and John McBeth at 10 a.m. Panel discussions begin at 10 a.m. with “Bringing the Sport of Rodeo to Television” with Randy Bernard, followed by “In the Rearview Mirror,” a look back at rodeo featuring 2014 inductees at 11 a.m. The museum is located in Oklahoma City’s Adventure District at the junction of I-44 and I-35. For more information visit www.nationalcowboymuseum.or g or call 405-478-2250. See THINGS, Page 2B Photo by Monica Wood In a skit about suicide prevention and the Army’s ACE program, Spc. Enjolee Williams (center) portrays a suicide attempt that Pfc. Bryan McNeil and Spc. Abighail Mary prevent as they sing “Say Something,” by Great Big World as the Army message - Ask, Care and Escort - scrolls up the stage. Photo by Leah Lauterberg Soldiers highlight the theme of this year’s Soldier Show, “Stand Strong” singing one of a montage of upbeat songs. The tunes, which included an Army adaptation of “Lean on Me,” demonstrated the strong network of support Soldiers find within the Army. Paid Advertising 3801 N.W. Cache Rd., Lawton, OK (580) 699-3555 Family Dining 5-8 with purchase of an Adult Meal Childʼs Meal Free (must request special) Military & Cameron University Students & Facility 10% Discount Live Entertainment Friday & Saturday Night % 10 Off 3801 N.W. Cache Rd. Lawton, OK Senior Day Every Tuesday 10% Discount Lunch 1 Coupon Per Person. Not valid with other discounts. No Facsimiles Expires: 10/31/2014. We do fundraisers, benefits, catering, banquets & parties. Call for Information. COUPON COUPON BIG BOY & WINGS PIZZA & STIX 20” PIZZA w/ 2 TOPPING & 10 HOT WINGS $ 99 22 + Tax FAT BOYS PIZZA & WINGS 250-0000 Expires in 30 Days • All You Can Eat Buffet Dine In or Take Out • Party Room Available Over 100 Food items Featuring: Crab Legs • Shrimp • Mussels Oysters • Fish • Sushi & Jumbo Fruit Bar • Mongolian Grill American • Steak & Seafood Open Daily 99 749 1049 10 $ Lunch (Adults) $ Dinner Sunday & Holidays $ (Adults) 4102 NW Cache Road 580-354-9991 14” PIZZA w/ 1 TOPPING & STIX $ 99 9 + Tax FAT BOYS PIZZA & WINGS 250-0000 Expires in 30 Days 2B the Cannoneer, September 25, 2014 ‘Big Deuce’ Soldiers help in community Story, photos By Jeff Crawley Soldiers from B Battery, 2nd Battalion, 2nd Field Artillery “Big Deuce” participated in the United Way of Southwest Oklahoma’s 20th Annual David Hegwood Day of Caring Sept. 19, performing community service at four locations around Lawton. At the Center for Creative Living, a nonprofit senior center near Cameron University, about 20 Soldiers assisted with landscaping, minor construction and cleaning. “What’s happening here is priceless, it’s a God thing,” said Lorene Miller, the center’s executive director. “I’ve been so touched that I’ve cried with happiness.” In addition to the center, battery Soldiers volunteered at C. Carter Crane Shelter for the Homeless,Teen Court and Brocklund Elementary School performing similar projects, said Capt. Timothy Davis, B/2-2nd FA commander. Between eight and 10 Soldiers volunteered at those agencies. Lt. Col. Adam Cobb, battalion commander, challenged his Soldiers to make a difference in the community, and this was how the battery responded, Davis said. “Community service goes hand-in-hand with selfless service, an Army Value,” Davis said. “The Lawton community supports the Army, and I want to instill the importance of giving back in Soldiers.” The Soldiers worked sideby-side with 10 volunteers from Goodyear and 14 volunteers from Home Depot, which provided the supplies, Miller said. Pfc. Compton Johnson, age 22, a field artillery data Soldiers from B Battery, 2nd Battalion, 2nd Field Artillery remove dead shrubbery at a senior center during United Way of Southwest Oklahoma’s 20th Annual David Hegwood Day of Caring Sept. 19. In addition to the center, battery Soldiers volunteered at the C. Carter Crane Shelter for the Homeless, Teen Court and Brocklund Elementary School with landscaping, minor construction and cleaning. specialist, said volunteering got the Soldiers out of their combat-training element. “Coming out here interacting with people we don’t know or see everyday was fun, different and uplifting,” Johnson said. “It’s a beautiful thing to give back.” Agencies had to apply and were screened by United Way to qualify for the day of caring. United Way matched agencies with the volunteer Soldiers, Davis said. Miller noted the center has about 40 of its own volunteers and they are all over the age of 70. Although they do much for the center which sees 1,000 seniors monthly, they couldn’t have done the landscaping and construction that the volunteers performed. “Our volunteers aren’t young enough and spry enough to do the things they’re doing,”she said. A couple projects were the replacement of an aging flagpole that was part of a Veterans of Foreign Wars memorial on the center’s grounds and the moving of a horseshoe pit. Miller said she expected the volunteers to be center until about 4 p.m. A hot dog lunch was provided and the volunteers had a chance to meet the seniors. Davis said the battery has more community service projects planned. “One of our co-op partners is Geronimo Road Elementary School, and we are looking to tutor kids in math and reading,”he said. Things From Page 1B Stockyards Stampede Stockyards Stampede is a family fun event with the purpose of educating the public on historic values held true to the American cowboy. It’s happening Sept. 27 at the Historic Stockyards City in Oklahoma City from 9:30 a.m. to 6 p.m. Enjoy food from authentic chuck wagons, see a therapeutic horseback riding demonstration, learn how to square dance, hear a live performance from prestigious blue grass bands, watch a blacksmith forge metal with fire, and more. For more information about the stampede, call 405-235-7267. Fire Dept Fundraiser The Cooperton Volunteer Fire Department is having a donation dinner Sept. 28 from 11 a.m. to 3 p.m. at the town’s community activity Best Place to Take a Leak Soldiers from B Battery, 2nd Battalion, 2nd Field Artillery cut the grass at the Center for Creative Living during the United Way’s Day of Caring Sept. 19. About 50 Soldiers from “Big Deuce” spent the day giving back to the community at four facilities around Lawton. center. The meal consists of buffalo burgers (real ones donated by Gen. Tommy Franks) and drinks. Proceeds will go toward new equipment and improved support to fire district partners. Take Highway 62 west for 25 miles, turn north on Highway 54 for 18 miles. Oktoberfest Celebrate Fort Sill’s Annual Oktoberfest Oct. 3 at Patriot Club. Doors are open from 5 p.m. to midnight with free admission. Enjoy authentic German food and beverages, games and festivities, and a chance to win a flight for two to Cancun and other great prizes. For $20 you can purchase the Oktoberfest special which includes a souvenir Stein and a beverage. A family readiness group is also running a Backerei and Sweet Shop. Army band concerts Fort Sill’s 77th Army Band will play a series of free concerts from 7-8 p.m. at the Lawton City Hall conference room, 212 SW 9th St. Concert dates are: Oct. 9, jazz band; Oct. 16, New Orleans band; Oct. 23, brass quintet; and Oct. 30, jazz band. Car show New Location 1314 N. Sheridan (South of old location on your way to Walmart) 1601 NW Sheridan 580-353-2055 Monday-Friday 7:30 am-5 pm The annual Car Cruz and Burnout in Walters, Okla., is Oct. 4. Car enthusiasts will compete in 24 categories for cash prizes. The event also offers kids activities, food vendors and live entertainment. In conjunction with the event, a citywide garage sale will be held. Kick Boxing No VIP Enrollment Fee For Military Pro-Cuts offers professional cuts and styles with great service at reasonable prices! Come Check Out Our New Location! Walk-ins Welcome 580-357-1952 BOOT CAMP Every Saturday 9-10am VIP MEMBERSHIP Mon. - 5-6 p.m. Senior Day 55 & Up Every Wednesday Abs Class with Stability Ball Wed. - 5-6 p.m. Spinning Classes Tues. - 4:30 p.m. Fri. - 4:30 p.m. includes access to everything; including unlimited tanning & 1/2 price on products. With the exception of protein drinks No Contracts... No Commitments! Month to Month Membership. Can cancel after 1st payment. You do not have to be a member of Freedom Fitness to buy personal training VIP Members can bring in a guest every day FREE OF CHARGE. Guest is permitted access to the facility as long as the member is present. 4413 NW Cache Road • 580-248-1300 Hours: Monday thru Thursday 4:30 am - Midnight • Friday 4:30 am - 10:00 pm Saturday 8:00 am - 7:00 pm • Sunday 11:00 am - 6:00 pm NEWLY REMODLED See our fabulous new interior 32 Draft Beers r 50+ Bottled Bee Weekly Drink Specials NFL Sunday Ticket ’s 45 + T V EENS & 4 BIG SCR n All Games Show FAMILY DINING Follow us on the web at and TWITTER OPEN DAILY 11AM 517 E. Gore 357-3080 Next to Cracker Barrel www.mikessportsgrille.com the Cannoneer, September 25, 2014 3B All-Army men three-peat champs Story, photos By Marie Berberea Eighteen Soldiers, a veteran and a civilian walked off the field at Cannoneer Complex Sept. 18 taking home the gold medal for the All-Army Men’s team. The team etched its place in Army history as the first to win the Armed Forces Softball Tournament three years in a row. “It’s hard to put this into words ... It’s 12 years waiting for this moment,” said Victor Rivera Collazo, an emotional coach. “When I got the phone call to coach this team one of the things was to revamp the program; to come in and change the culture, to change the atmosphere, and to develop a winning program. I think we exceeded that by what we did today.” The Soldiers fought hard to come back after allowing the All-Marine Men’s team to take the lead going into the last inning. “The Army team has always had a lot of fire. We were down last year by 14 runs and came back and won,”said Staff Sgt. Kenneth Turlington, from Camp Humphreys, Korea. Eleven runners crossed home plate in the seventh inning and a catch by Sgt. John Keene, from Joint Base Elmendorf–Richardson, Alaska, sealed the victory. Spc. Marshall Woods, from Schofield Barracks, Hawaii, said they went into the tournament with their sites set on winning. “One of the big things we talked about was getting a three-peat under Vic. Nobody in the men’s history has done that for the Army so we wanted to do that not only The All-Army Men’s team congratulate one another following a teammate who just scored a run. It was the first three-peat for the All-Army men at the Armed Forces Softball Tournament. Staff Sgt. Kenneth Turlington, Camp Humphreys, Korea, delivers a pitch during the Armed Forces Softball Sgt. 1st Class Kevin Watkins, Fort Carson, Colo., flies high Tournament Sept. 18 at Cannoneer Complex. Turlington has to make a catch against the All-Marine Men’s Softball team been a part of the All-Army Men’s team for the past three Sept. 18 at Cannoneer Complex. winning tournaments. for Vic, but for all the other crazy because men’s slow been a part of the previous calm yourself down somepitch softball, how simple is two winning tournaments. times,”said Turlington. All-Army alumni.” Staff Sgt. Dane Miller, 2nd it? But we go through the They said they were able to Rivera Collazo said their Battalion, 18th Field trial camp and then the tour- take over by staying loose. hard work paid off and he Artillery, said he was proud naments that we play in and “A lot of us have played could not have picked a betto represent Fort Sill for the the selection process and pretty big ball, been in a lot ter place to display it than on second year in a row in the then all these games: nine of big tournaments, but this Fort Sill. games back-to-back. It’s is by far the most emotional tournament. “I was in artillery so to do “It makes everything that very exciting to win the and physical tournament it on my home turf was icing we went through worth it. gold.” that you can play in because on the cake,” said Rivera Returning players, every play matters, every at Collazo. It’s very emotionally draining believe it or not. It sounds Turlington and Woods had bat matters so you’ve got to He said it will be a chal- lenge to continue the winning legacy with new Soldiers, but he looks forward to it. “Most of the guys I coached in the previous 11 years they’re gone.That generation is gone. This is a brand new generation. Only two of the guys have been with me all three years. Some came last year and we have seven guys this is their first year. So it’s very special. I have four guys who never won a gold medal and they came back for that purpose.” He said bringing together Soldiers from all over the United States as well as from overseas to work together on the diamond is one of the best experiences he asks future commanders to allow their Soldiers to have. He said it instills pride they take home with them in their respective ranks. “You have more plus allowing Soldiers to come here and participate in something as special as this. When they go back to their unit they become better Soldiers and work harder because they want to continue to come back to this program,”said Rivera Collazo. Turlington agreed. “It’s been one of the best experiences. The All-Army Softball Program has kept me in the Army.” Four Soldiers will continue on to compete in the AllArmed Forces Men’s Team coached by Rivera Collazo. “Coach has been one of the best coaches I’ve ever had — playing college ball all the way through little league. Being under (retired) Command Sgt. Maj. Vic Rivera has been an honor.” Sports beat Golf tourney The Lawton Philharmonic benefit golf tourney is Sept. 29 at 1 p.m. at Lawton Country Club. Registration begins at 10 a.m. with lunch following at noon. The four-person scramble costs $100 per person. First prize is $100 plus season tickets to this year’s philharmonic concert series. Other cash prizes are long and straight drives, and closest to the pin. People may also register online at www.lawtonphil.com. For more information, call 580-5315043. Fitness events http://fitnessinactionseries.com lists fitness competitions in Southwest Oklahoma. Upcoming races are: The 8th Annual Spirit of Survival run is Oct. 5 at 7:30 a.m. at Elmer Thomas Park in Lawton. The race raises funds for cancer research and clinical trials. All proceeds benefit the Cancer Centers of Southwest Oklahoma and cancer research worldwide. The event features an individual and two-person half marathons, a quarter marathon, a 5K and a mile fun run. To register and for more information, go online to www.spiritofsurvival.com. The chip-timed Oklahoma Vision 5K Run is Oct. 18 at 9 a.m. at 9 a.m. at Elmer Thomas Park in Lawton. Proceeds benefit the Oklahoma School for the Blind athletic program, Oklahoma Leader Dog programs and blindness prevention and education locally. The Lawton Walkers will host a 5- and 10-K volksmarch Oct. 4, beginning anytime between 9 a.m. and noon, at Frederick, Okla. The start point is the old swimming pool area on Dahli Street. It’s free unless people want to purchase awards for completing the march. Everyone is welcome including well-behaved, leashed pets. Children under age 12 must be accompanied by an adult. Refreshments will be available for purchase. For more information, call 580355-8804 or email rlodmo2@att.net. Arena soccer Soccer enthusiasts meet Wednesdays and Fridays at 6 p.m. at the Butner Field roller hockey rink for pick-up matches. People interested in joining this group should call Gerardo Ledesma at 469-396-2157 for more information. Tennis anyone? A tennis group, open to anyone with access to Fort Sill, meets Wednesdays from 6-9 p.m. (or later) at the courts next to Butner Field on Quinette Road.Tennis players of all abilities are welcome. For more information, call Sgt. 1st Class Amy Phillips at 580-442-5349. 3-mile Thursdays Lawton’s free fitness event continues the first Thursday of each month. The downtown tours in one- or two-mile distances, or a 5K route are led by local celebrities, and merchants offer discounts and specials to participants who show their registration bracelets. Runners, walkers, joggers and shoppers are welcome to participate. Search the Internet for “fitness in action series” for other fitness events in the local area. Intramural standings Commander’s Cup (Through 12 events) 428th FAB 1,435 31st ADA 1,220 30th ADA 1080 214th FiB 840 FCoE 675 434th FAB 665 75th FAB 645 MARDET 190 DENTAC 130 MEDDAC 100 Intramural football As of Sept. 11 NFC Team W H 4-3 ADA 7 H 2-2 FA 7 15 Trans 5 L 0 1 1 A 2-6 ADA 3-13 FA E-3-2 ADA MARDET OSJA H 3-2 1-30 FA 1-31 FA B 1-14 FA A 3-6 ADA A 2-2 FA A 3-2 ADA 0 6 H 214th H 428 BDE AFC 761 EOD OTD 69 FSC 168 BSB H 75 5 3 4 4 4 5 3 3 3 2 2 2 2 3 3 3 4 3 3 4 5 5 0 0 6 8 6 7 5 4 3 0 1 1 1 2 B 2-2 FA 3 2 1-40 FA 3 2 E 4-3 4 4 2-4 FA 4 5 B 3-6 ADA 3 4 H 30 3 5 578 FSC 2 5 95th AG 1 4 B 3-2 ADA 1 4 1-78 FA 1 4 H 434 1 5 B 2-6 ADA 0 6 NFC Sept. 16 1-31 FA 24, A 3-6 ADA 18 15 Trans 7, H 428 ADA 0 H 3-2 ADA 7, H 214 0 Sept. 17 3-13 FA 7, A 2-2 FA 0 MARDET 28, 1-30 FA 24 H 2-2 FA 16, OSJA 7 Sept. 18 A 2-6 ADA 41, H 3-2 ADA 27 H 4-3 ADA 39, A 3-2 ADA 7 B 1-14 FA 7, H 428 0 AFC Sept. 16 OTD ,7 H 75 0 168 BSB 7, 578 FSC 0 1-78 FA 7, B 2-6 ADA 0 Sept. 17 B 2-2 FA 19, B 3-6 ADA 13 E 4-3 ADA 20, 578 FSC 19 H 30 13, H 434 6 Sept. 18 2-4 FA 28, B 3-2 ADA 7 761 EOD 7, 95 AG 0 OTD 27, 69 FSC 26 NFL Sunday Ticket 22(HI-DEF) TV ’ s Not a bad seat in the house FREE WiFi $1.50 Long Necks $2.75 25 oz. Mugs $6.50 Pitchers 8 Beers on Tap Chele s Club 609 SW Sheridan Rd. Over 4,000 sq. ft. of Quality Furniture & Accessories New Items Arriving Daily Let Us Showcase & Sell YOUR Home Furnishings & Accessories Follow Us On Facebook Open: Tues-Sat 10am-5pm $ 500 Sales Manager Military Appreciation Rebate For active duty or dependents Herb Easley www.HerbEasleyVW.com 1125 Central Freeway, Wichita Falls, TX. 940-723-6631 • 1-866-232-8859 4B the Cannoneer, September 25, 2014 Can you tell me ... Family briefs PWOC kickoff The Protestant Women of the Chapel (PWOC) invites women in the Fort Sill community to their Fall Kickoff, Oct. 1 at 9:30 a.m. at Quarry Hill Chapel, 6008 Gordon Street on Fort Sill East. The program features praise and worship, a short devotion and presentation of four new small group Bible studies offered this fall. A catered lunch will also be served. For more information, contact sillpwoc@gmail.com or visit them on Facebook at PWOC Fort Sill. in first through fifth grades. Den meetings are Mondays from 6:30-7:30 p.m. For more info, contacts are Tony Lawrence, Cub master, at 580-7139674 or Lisa Villarreal-Hughes, committee chair, 580-713-2501. Infant massage Attention parents with infants. Learn tools that help with bonding, reduces fussiness, increases digestion, circulation and muscle tone in infants. The New Parent Support Infant Massage group meets Wednesdays from 11 a.m. to noon at the Graham Resiliency Training Campus. Parents who have a little one, from Girl Scouts birth to crawling, and would like to learn Fort Sill Girl Scouts is for girls, kinder- infant massage as a tool to soothe their garten to seventh grade. Scouting for older baby, should stop by. For more info, see girls is also available. For more information, www.facebook.com/Fort-SillACS. call Pam Zaccheus at 580-354-9828 or Augelica Burrell at 405-528-4475, ext. 7977. Newcomer brief Newcomer briefings are Tuesdays at 12:30 Rinehart pool p.m. at the Graham Resiliency Training Rinehart Fitness Center’s swimming pool Campus auditorium. It is open to newly is open Mondays through Fridays from 5 assigned Soldiers and family members to help a.m. to 8 p.m., and Saturdays and Sundays acquaint them with Fort Sill. For more inforfrom 8 a.m. to 7 p.m. mation, call 580-442-2360. Photo by Capt. Jeffrey Caslen Fort Sill young folk didn’t need to figure out how to get to Sesame Street as many of their favorite characters dropped in Sept. 12 to get a Muppets-eye view of Fort Sill. “The Sesame Street USO Experience for Military Families” took the stage at Sheridan Theater to a full house. Young fans got to see, touch and dance with the gigantic “stuffed animals.” Unique to the show, Katie, a 6-year-old Muppet military family member, related to the same issues many young folks in the audience have experienced, such as deployments and PCS moves. Sill cinema The theater is at 3260 Sheridan Road near the Impact Zone and Truman Education Center. Admission is $5 for adults, $2.75 for children younger than 11 and free for children younger than 6. Fridays are dollarmovie nights. The 3-D movies are $7 for adults and $4.75 for children. A military ID is required for ticket purchase. Movies can change without notice.The 24-hour movie infoline is 580-353-5623 or visit www.shopmyexchange.com/ReelTimeTheatres/MoviesFtSill.htm. Boy Scouts Calling volunteers Fort Sill Boy Scouts Troop 173 offers The American Red Cross at Reynolds boys ages 11-17 outdoor fun. Call Brett Army Community Hospital seeks volunLewis, scoutmaster, at 580-284-1538 for teers to work three to four hours a week. more information on getting into scouting. Orientations are the fourth Monday monthly at 9 a.m. For more info, call 580-442-3950. Help with kids The youth center is open Fridays till 10 AFTB classes The Army Family Team Building program, p.m. and Saturdays from 2-10 p.m. For more staffed by volunteers, educates, trains and information, call 580-442-3927. empowers Soldiers, family members and Cub Scouts DoD civilians in the knowledge, skills and See FAMILY, Page 5 Fort Sill Cub Scout Pack 183 is for younger boys meets Teri, a young girl under the control of violent Russian gangsters, he can’t stand idly by. Armed with hidden skills that allow him to serve vengeance against anyone who would brutalize the helpless, McCall comes out of his self-imposed retirement and finds his desire for justice reawakened. If someone has a problem, if the odds are stacked against them, if they have nowhere else to turn, McCall will help. He is the equalizer. Friday Sept. 26, 6 p.m. Saturday Sept. 27, 2 p.m. The Equalizer (R), 131 min. The Equalizer (R), 131 min. (First run, regular admission price.) McCall is a man who believes he has put his mysterious past behind him and dedicated himself to beginning a new, quiet life. But when McCall Saturday Sept. 27, 6 p.m. The Equalizer (R), 131 min. Sunday Sept. 28, 2 p.m. The Equalizer (R), 131 min. Bowman Ministorage Military Discount • Car Wash • Oil Change • Convenience Store Unit Sizes: 5X10 10X10 10X20 10X25 10X30 Weekly Specials Great Deli Meals 7009 NW Cache Lawton, OK 580-536-6531 2-C 2nd & Lee Blvd. 8:30 AM-5 PM, Mon.-Sat. 353-1596 or 357-0465 c-ball ‘04 map page 29470 6 Cameron Baptist DISCOVER THE DIFFERENCE! 1701 Cache Road 353-7496 Mindy B. Pritchard Insurance Agency N-4 Carl's Military Surplus & More 353-3100 2615 NW Sheridan Rd. M2 Exciting activities for EVERY member of the Family! 355-4854 Senior Pastor, Mike Teel 2621 C Ave Lawton 9 Locations and 22 ATMs • Lawton • Duncan • Walters • Chickasha • Elgin We Make Dog Tags "Best Little Surplus Store in Town" 9:15 Traditional Worship 9:15 Bible Study (all ages) 10:45 Contemporary Worship arvest.com 250-4500 SUTHERLAND LUMBER LAWTON, OKLAHOMA 1001 S.E. First Street (2 blocks north off Lee Blvd.) Phone 248-7437 S-9 Auto • Home • Life • Commercial • Annuities (580) 248-6286 Office (580) 357-4000 Fax (580) 351-8564 Cell mpritchard@farmersagent.com 305 NW Sheridan Suite B-1 www.cameronbaptist.com the Cannoneer, September 25, 2014 Archery hunts only days away ‘Fall’ in love The 2014 archery deer season begins Oct. 1, followed by elk archery season which opens Oct. 4. It is the greatest time to get out and have some fun in the field. Usually we get some cool mornings, you may hear elk bugling, leaves are starting to change and then there is that smell of fall and yet no freezing temperatures. It’s a great way to start off the big game hunting seasons. For those who will soon take to the field, the first priority for all archers is to be competent with your bow. That means plenty of time practicing and not just pulling your bow out of the case the evening before the hunt. Get out there and make sure you know where it hits at different ranges. Second priority is to be selective on the shot you take. Sure it may be your once-in-a-lifetime chance, but it isn’t worth taking a bad shot. Few animals are taken by archers trying to make neck shots, or “Texas Heart shots”with a bow.Wait for the perfect shot that Photo by Cannoneer staff This 4-year-old male Yorkshire terrier is among the animals available for adoption at the Fort Sill Stray Facility. The facility is open Mondays through Fridays from 8-11 a.m. and noon to 4 p.m. It is closed on weekends. Pets adopted will be vaccinated, microchipped, fecal checked and heartworm or feline leukemia tested. Adoptions are open to the public, and fees are nominal and vary according to the needs of the pet. The stray facility is in Bldg. 832 Macomb Road (at Condon Road) across the street from the Veterinary Treatment Facility. For more information, call Andy Anderson, animal care taker, at 580-442-3340. Pets available for adoption are also listed on www.petfinder.com/shelters/OK285.html. The website may not list all pets currently available for adoption at Fort Sill, so check with the facility. Wild Side By GLEN WAMPLER allows you a good chance at the vitals. Even with perfect shot selection and a good shooter a lot of things can go wrong, such as unseen limbs, wind drift, an animal “jumping the string” or even “buck fever.” Try to take as many variables out as possible so you don’t just rely on luck. Once you get close enough for a shot, you sure don’t want to miss your trophy or worse make a bad shot and leave a wounded animal lost in the field, possibly left to die. Every lost animal is one less for all of us to enjoy hunting. In the past several years, we have had way too many of these happening. Do your best to reduce wounding animals. Deer and elk hunters must have an Oklahoma hunting license, a Fort Sill hunting permit and an Oklahoma license for the species being hunted unless exempt by law. Don’t wait until the last minute to purchase permits and be sure to have your Fort Sill Sportsmen Safety Class card and a state license before coming to buy your Fort Sill permit. Sportsmen Services doesn’t sell state licenses any more so get yours online or at a local sporting goods store. A point of note would be that although the state has opened archery season to crossbows for everyone, Fort Sill has not changed. The only ones allowed to hunt with crossbows are hunters over age 60 and hunters with permanent disabilities to the extent they cannot use a regular bow as certified by a physician. Octoberfest fun next on tap for Sill families Family By Monica Wood FMWR Marketing Oktoberfest, a free event open to the public, returns to Fort Sill Oct. 3 from 5 p.m. to midnight at the Patriot Club. After viewing the official keg tapping at 6 p.m., enjoy authentic German food including schnitzel, bratwurst, brotchen, sauerkraut, German potato salad and assortment of snacks. Concessions will be available for purchase in the Sheridan Room. Satisfy your sweet tooth and support your family readiness group at the German Backerei and Sweet Shop in the main ballroom from 6-11 p.m. Complete the Sportsplatz games, throughout the club for a chance to win a flight for two to Cancun and other prizes. The 77th Army Band will perform during the fest. They plan on incorporating songs and dances including “Ein Proseit,”and the “Chicken Dance”to get the crowd involved and events such as log sawing. “We will have a $20 Oktoberfest special which includes a souvenir beer stein and your first beverage.There will be lots of German beer such as Spaten Oktoberfest, Paulaner Oktoberfest and domestic beers to include Coors Light, Shiner Bock and Third Shift.There will also be Jello shots, Apflekorn shots, Jaegermeister shots and Blue Nun Wine,” said Michael Borden, business operations chief. The event will be throughout the club and there will be full service bars in the Backbone Lounge and the Lanyard Bar. “Oktoberfest is traditionally a time of celebration, and the event at the Patriot Club will offer everything to enjoy socializing with old and new friends including games and music and all your favorite German food,” said Borden. The event is made possible through sponsorship from local companies. “This year, we are privileged to have some wonderful sponsors on board to assist us in producing a quality event for the Soldiers and families here at Fort Sill,” said Andrew Duffy, Family and Morale, Welfare and Recreation sponsorship coordinator. “We want to extend our appreciation to Southwest Sales-Coors, USA Discounters, Fort Sill Federal Credit Union, Trail of Fear Haunted Scream Park, Milo Gordon Auto Mall, Fairfield Inn & Suites and our media sponsors KLAW 101, Z-94 Rock, and MY 107.3 FM.” the Cannoneer Classifieds Houses For Sale Commercial For Machinery 220 Lawton 110 Sale or Lease 180 FOR SALE: John Deere Real Estate Wanted 3907 SANTA FE, 4 bdrm., 1.5 ba., new flooring, paint, priced to sell, $79,900. 580-2845152 for pics. 100 USDA SEEKS OFFICE SPACE – USDA seeks approximately 5000 SF of leased office space within Lawton for up to 10 years. Cannot be in a flood plain. Must be handicap accessible, with outside or connected storage and 30 reserved parking spaces plus truck/trailer turnaround. Contact Terry at 405742-1226 by 9-302014, with your Expression of Interest. Houses For Sale Lawton 110 HOUSE FOR SALE 116 BELL DR, LAWTON 405-735-6276. BY OWNER, Old Town North, lg. corner lot, with 4 rentals, great investment property. Call 972-740-8091. Seller finance avail. WANT TO BUY A HOUSE? BEEN TURNED DOWN. Good Credit, Bad Credit or Low Credit Score Please call Leonard at 580647-9682 or 580355-3222. Colonial Realty of Lawton, LLC, 1103 SW C Ave, Ste 9. 506 SW Sapp Circle, Lawton, Ok. 73505. Large 3 bdrm., 2.5 ba., formal living/dining, eat in kitchen with large breakfast bar, stainless steel appls., plenty of cabinet and storage space. Wood floors throughout downstairs, carpet upstairs in bdrms., ceramic tile in kitchen and baths. In garage tornado storm shelter. Located in the Blys-Pointe Subdivision, park just around the corner. 580678-7917. HOUSE IN TURTLE CREEK AREA. Loan assumption 3 1/4% int. rate 580-695-4360 Houses For Sale Duncan/Area 125 CALL AMY AT 585-5094 swoknews.com Call Classified to sell your unwanted items. 357-9545 Cemetery Lots 185 Houses For Sale Wichita Mt. 160 1992, Model 4455 row crop tractor, 2WD, with cab & air, 15 spd. power shift trans., 3 SCVES., run through shop, new paint and int., new rear tires. 580-281-0043. 2 SPACES Sunset Memor- Feed & Seed 222 ial Gardens, in Garden FERTILIZED Blue Stem, of Last Supper. $1075 round bales. Delivery ea. Call 415-971-8810. avail. 585-7776. FOR SALE: 2 OUTSIDE Mausoleum Crypts, Sunset Memorial Gardens. 405-818-9124. ELGIN REAL ESTATE AUCTION Land For Sale 205 2-5 ACRE home sites. Owner Fin. N, S, E, W of Lawton. 580-569-2679. All real estate advertised in this newspaper is subject to the Federal Fair Housing Act, which makes it illegal to advertise any preference, limitation or discrimination based on race, color, religion, sex, handicap, familial status or national origin, or intention to make any such preferences, limitations or discrimination. This newspaper will not knowingly accept any advertising for real estate which is in violation of the law. All person are hereby informed that all dwellings advertised are available on an equal opportunity basis. 5 ACRES with water meter, 120th & East HOME For Sale in Elgin Gore. 580-695-8176. School District. 3 bdrm., 2 138 ACRES, NW 1/4ba. & shop on 5 acres. 24-5-10, Cyril Township, Tackle Box Road & 4 Caddo County, OK. To complain of discrimination, call HUD toll-free Mile Road. 512-1203. $2750 per acre. 580- at: 1-800-669-9777. 458-0227. Houses For Sale Miscellaneous 165 GRANDFIELD 3 BDRM., 2 ba., 1300 sq. ft., fenced back yard, cellar, attached covered carport, shop, across from Elementary school, $45,000. 580-5121238, 580-479-5677 CHURCH FACILITY 536-0575 For Rent, RESTAURANT with equipment, 3000 sq. ft., close to Ft. Sill. 512-2401. RETAIL or office spaces 1817 Gore, 1400, 1900 or 3300 ft. 512-3020. 40X50 3 bay garage with office, AC, air compressor, $650 one year lease. 512-4500. 1200 SW. FT. office or retail, $1000 per mo., 2610 SW Lee Blvd. 5362098, 591-1345, 2489999. 1301 W. GORE, office space for rent. Dentist Retiring. 875 sq. ft., corner location, $800 bills pd. Call 583-2270. From Page 4B behaviors to help them be mission ready. Classes are free and offered at Bldg. 2719 Bragg Road. Class registrations can be taken up to a day before class, if space is available. Free child care is available though it is limited. Children must be registered with Child,Youth and School Services, 580-442-3927, prior to care. Child care reservations must be made three weeks before class. Hourly child care The Alice Grierson Child Development Center offers hourly care for children 6 weeks to age 5 and a parttime preschool and toddler program. The center’s hours CALL JOANN AT 585-5041 Unfurnished 255 swoknews.com are 7:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. for hourly care and 9 a.m. to 2 p.m. for part-time programs. Grierson also offers before and after school care for the Lawton Public Schools program and full day toddler care. The services are offered from 5:30 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. Parents must register with Child, Youth and School Services to use the center. Call 580-442-3927 for more information. Story time Preschoolers and their parents are invited to story time and craft outings Wednesdays at 11 a.m. and Thursdays at 2 p.m. at Nye Library. For more information, call 580-442-2048. Apartment/Duplexes Apartment/Duplexes Unfurnished Unfurnished Unfurnished 255 Unfurnished 255 Houses 275 Houses 275 2 BDRM., 2 ba., 2 car MOVE IN Special 1 or 2 gar. with opener, fenced bdrm. duplex, $370yd. No Pets. 536-3421, $450/ $300. 512-5135. 678-9629, 536-5479. Apartment/Duplexes Furnished 250 1 BDRM., 1 ba., all bills paid, CHA, $500/$200. 353-0510, 536-9048. ELMWOOD APTS-$99 off 1st mo. rent with 1 yr lease. 1 Bdrm. furn., $375. 1 bdrm. unfurn., $325. 536-0014. ALL BILLS PAID, month to month, studio & 1 bdrm., furnished or unfurnished. $375- $550. No pets, can not and will not rent to smokers, all ages, next to Mall, free laundry, 40 station satellite TV, & background check. Lawtonian Apts., Call 9am-6pm. 581-3000 for appt, or see at www. lawtonian.net Apartment/Duplexes Unfurnished 255 1817 NW 82ND ST., clean and safe, 1 bdrm., 1 ba. apt., $475/ $400. 580-351-4935. Buy It… Sell It… Find It… ARBOR APTS. 2 bdrm., 2 ba., $625; CHA, DW, laundry facility. 248-2322 CRYSTAL POINTE APTS. 1 bdrm., 1 ba., $525; full size washer, dryer, CHA, DW. 248-2322 DEPOSIT ONLY special, 1-2 bdrm., CHA, all elec., on site laundry/security. 248-rent (7368). 1 BDRM., 1 ba., all bills paid, CHA, $500/$200. 353-0510, 536-9048. NEW 2013, 1, 2 &3 Bdrm. duplex, elec., water, gas, & cable pd., washer/dryer included. $335- up bi-weekly. (580)830-0603. 1 & 2 Bdrm Apts $300 & $399 and ONLY $99 DEPOSIT! (12 mo. lease/qualified applicant). The Allesio, Lawton. Brand new flooring and appliances, on-site laundry, pool, pet friendly (some restrictions), 5% military discount. Call 580-699-3880. EHO Unfurnished Houses 275 108 NW 40th., 3 bdrm., 1.5 ba., CHA, den, deck, shed, $700. 355-0808. 1218 OZMUN, 2 bdrm., No CHA, $350/$350. 580-695-0448. 1416 BELL, 4 bdrm., 2 ba., $675/$675, no Section 8. 580-695-0448. 2525 NW 17th Street. 4 bdrm., 2 ba., $700, 2 living areas. 536-9116. 2810 NW 16th., 3 bdrm, 1 ba., $500/ $500. No Section 8. 695-0448. 3 BDRM., 1.5 ba., CHA, 2 car, $700/$700. 5122401. NO PETS. 403 NW 57th., 4 bdrm., 1½ ba. $700/$700. Just remodeled. 695-0448. 1208 SW 24TH., 4 bdrm., 1½ ba., $700/ $700. Just remodeled. 695-0448. Cellar. 1226 NW OZMUN, 3 bdrm., 1 ba., 1 car gar., fenced yard, $575/ $500. 512-5279. 1306 NW Andrews, $525/$300; 1409 NW Andrews, $625/$300. 405-381-3530. 1 BDRM., 1 ba., 905½ NW Euclid upstairs apt., appls., water pd. $450/ $250. 580-595-1997. 2 & 3 BDRM. mobile homes; plus other homes for rent. Section 8 Welcome. 580-917-2467. 2 BDRM., 1 ba., clean/ fresh paint, close to Cameron, 2424 SW B. $475/$500. 353-6994. 2 BDRM., CHA, small, extra nice, new carpet, paint, 1503 NW Euclid, $450. 591-2603. 3 BDRM., 1.75 ba., fenced, CHA, 2 car gar., 67th/Columbia, $775/ $600. 591-0522. 3 BDRM. OR 2 AND DEN, CHA, large, nice, clean, $650 (water pd.), 1416 NW Euclid. 591-2603. 4611 SE ELLSWORTH, 3 bdrm., 1.5 ba., 2 living areas, garage, $850/ $500. 580-585-7214. 4 BDRM., 3 ba., office, lots of room, $895/ $400. Call to see 580695-2053. 606 COLUMBIA: 4 bdrm., 2 ba., appls., 1 car gar., $750/ $750. 580-246-8142. 812 1/2 SW McKinley clean 2 bdrm, 1 bath, fenced yard. $500/ $500. 580-917-6885. 826 SE 40TH: 3 bdrm., 1¼ ba., $750/ $500, avail. now. 580-2801407, 580-514-3064. EXTRA NICE 3 bdrm., CHA, range, carpet. 248-4987/284-5300. Available NOW! NEWLY remodeled, 2305 NW Denver, 3 bdrm., 1 ba., duplex, $475/$475. 695-0448. NEWLY remodeled, 2307 NW Denver, 3 bdrm., 1 ba. duplex, $475/$475. 695-0448. NEWLY remodeled, 2318 NW Denver, 3 bdrm., 1 ba., $475/ $475. Duplex 695-0448 NEWLY remodeled, duplex, 1644 NW 27th, 3 bdrm., 1 ba., $475/ $475. 695-0448. 1702 NW LIBERTY Nice, clean 3 bdrm. 2 ba., $700/$700. 580492-5980. 1707 OZMUN: 4 bdrm., 2 ba., CHA, $700; several 3 bdrm., 1 ba., $500up. Owner, 585-2921, 536-2316. 1719 NW 50th, 3 bdrm., 1.5 ba., 2 car garage, firepcae, storage shed, privacy fence, $775/ $775, 580-695-0448. Apartment/Duplexes Apartment/Duplexes Apartment/Duplexes Apartment/Duplexes Unfurnished 255 Unfurnished 255 Unfurnished 255 Unfurnished 255 CLASSIFIED Affordable, quiet, and convenient apartment living await you at Raintree Apartments. Come see your new home today! Unfurnished 255 TIRED OF SPENDING ALL YOUR MONEY ON BILLS REGENCY APARTMENTS First Month RENT FREE Now leasing one and two bedroom apartments! Furnished and unfurnished units • Total electric • Centrally located • Just minutes away from Ft. Sill RENT, CABLE, INTERNET AND WATER STARTING AT $559 Apartment/Duplexes Unfurnished 255 For archery deer hunters the limit is two deer on Fort Sill, but remember you may only take one deer on any given day. Archery season will start either sex on all ranges and will change as the harvest quotas are met. These changes will be posted in memorandums at Sportsmen Services. Let me remind folks with kids about the upcoming youth deer hunt, Oct. 11-12, and the youth waterfowl hunt Oct. 18-19. Be sure and pick up a flyer at Sportsmen Services with all the specific requirements. Whether you harvest an animal or not your kids will remember these hunts for a lifetime. Our next Fort Sill Range Safety classes are Sept. 29 at 6 p.m. and Oct. 18 at 9 a.m. in the Natural Resources Classroom in Building 1465. If you plan to hunt or use Fort Sill range lands for any recreation this class is required and these are the last two before deer and elk archery seasons open. Call Sportsmen Services at 580442-3553 for information. 357-9545 THE LAWTON Classified - Easy To Use. CONSTITUTION AUTO BARGAIN Apartment/Duplexes Apartment/Duplexes 3 Lines, One Month ONLY $29- Each Additional Line $7.67. Ad copy must include price. If your vehicle has not sold within the first month, you may request another Lake/Vacation FREE! Prepayment Property 175 month required before FREE LOT 40, Schoolhouse month is given. Price may Slough. Spot, deck, ramp. be changed TWICE withSerious inquiries. Call in the two month period! Visa, Mastercard and 580-704-9005. Discover Gladly Accepted. Commercial For THE LAWTON CONSTITUTION Sale or Lease 180 AUTO BARGAIN 7500 SQ. FT. 3 Lines, One Month ONLY $29- Each Additional Line $7.67. Ad copy must include price. If your vehicle has not sold within the first month, you may request another month FREE! Prepayment required before FREE month is given. Price may be changed TWICE within the two month period! Visa, Mastercard and Discover Gladly Accepted. 1716 CACHE RD., retail or office, recenly remodeled, 1500 sq. ft., $700 or 3000 sq. ft., $1200. Call Bob, 353-5876. TIMBERGATE ADDN., 1906 Woodcrest Dr., Manufactured Duncan, OK. 4 bdrm., 3.5 Housing 190 ba., 2 car, 2458 sq. ft., inground pool, shop. $191,000. Call 405- SOLITAIRE 3 bdrm., 2 ba., on 2.5 acres, CHA, 4 872-5057. horse stalls, 2 large sheds, fenced, many Houses For Sale 580-284Elgin 130 upgrades. 5256. ELGIN: ‘98 Oakwood mobile home, 3 bdrm., 2 ba., on 2 lots, 318 4th St., $22,000. 536-8323. Tues., Oct, 14, 12 noon 315 1st St. 1204 sq. ft. +/- with shop on 5 lots. 580-492-5260 bridgesauction.com 5B NO APPLICATION FEES FOR MILITARY Donʼt Delay Call Today 580-248-5800 20 NW Mission Blvd. • 580-248-5800 LAWTON’S LARGEST SELECTION OF NICE HOMES! One and two bedroom apartments to choose from plus all the amenities you would expect from one of Lawtonʼs finest apartment communities We Need Nice Rentals. House Not Renting? Call us for FREE Rental Analysis! Lease with option to purchase homes available We Our Tenants! RENTALS 1152 NW Cache Road 580-353-3533 www.lawtonrentals.com 1401 SW B Ave 355-8540 6B the Cannoneer, September 25, 2014 Unfurnished Unfurnished Help Wanted Help Wanted Help Wanted Houses 275 Houses 275 General 350 General 350 Professional 365 SECURITY GUARDS 6107 EUCLID, 3 bdrm., 1 REPUBLIC LOANS Maintenance supervi1 TO 5 BDRM houses. ba., nice location, $550/ $250. 536-5116. 2213 NW Smith clean 3 bdrm, 1 bath, nice yard and storage shed. $600/$600. Call 580917-6885. 2338 NW WILLIAMS, 4 bdrm., 3 ba., lg. kitchen & dining area, fenced back yard, $700/ $300. 512-0847. 2509 NW 38TH PL., nice, clean 3 bdrm., 1.5 ba., 1 car gar. CHA, privacy fence, $635. 580351-4935. 3204 FOOTMAN LN., 3 bdrm., 1.5 ba., 2 car gar., CHA, util rm., $750, no pets. Call 580917-3158. 3 BDRM., 1 ba. CHA, newly remodeled, fenced backyard, washer dryer hookup, $600/$600. 580-514-9134. 4821 NW LINDY, 3 bdrm., 2 liv. areas, CHA, carport & gar., large back yard. 355-7880, 704-3511. 512 NW 58TH., 3 bdrm., 1.5 ba., stove, refrig., new DW, CHA, 1 car, $675/ $675. No Section 8. 580-355-7243. 5334 NW CHERRY, nice 3 bdrm, 1.5 ba., all appls., fans, AC, privacy fence, 1 car gar., $675/$675. 357-4191. NICE 3 bdrm., 1 ba., 1 car gar., fenced back yard, carpet, ceiling fans, 5815 NW Cherry $650/$500. 678-5566. NICE 2 BDRM. Duplex, Near Ft. Sill, Fenced, Hook-Ups, Gar., Extras! $450/$300. 512-4100, 529-2409. 1208 SW 60TH ST., nice clean 3 bdrm., 1¾ ba., 2 car gar., new carpet, wood floors and paint, CHA, $850. 580-3514935. CARRIAGE HILLS Addn., 123 SE Surrey Ln. Remodeled 3 bdrm., 1.5 ba., FP, 2 car gar., fenced, $850/$850. Call 581-7000. FOR RENT OR SALE- 3 bdrm., washer, dryer, cellar, fenced front and back, large kitchen and patio, NO PETS. $500/ $400. 248-1980. 408 NW 54TH ST., 3 bdrm., 1 ba., CHA, bonus room, stove, refrig., fenced, $725/ $725, 1 yr. lease. Avail. now. 580-355-7243. No Section 8. SE LAWTON, 3 bdrm., 1.75 ba., stove, built in microwave, disposal, refrig., hookups, new kitchen floor, new carpet, $825/$600. 919-5685 or 919-5681. RENT HOUSES: 2, 3, 4 BDRM., PETS ALLOWED, SECTION 8 & MILITARY OK. 580-919-8725. MOVE IN SPECIALS! NO CREDIT CHECK! Homes, apts., efficiency. Lawton & surrounding areas. Colonial Realty, 355-3222 Open Most evgs til 7. 4724 SE Sunnymeade, 4 bdrm., 1.75 ba., 2 car gar., $900. 605 SW 62nd St., 3 bdrm., 1.75 ba., 2 car gar., $875 a mo. 580-919-8725. THE LAWTON CONSTITUTION AUTO BARGAIN 3 Lines, One Month ONLY $29- Each Additional Line $7.67. Ad copy must include price. If your vehicle has not sold within the first month, you may request another month FREE! Prepayment required before FREE month is given. Price may be changed TWICE within the two month period! Visa, Mastercard and Discover Gladly Accepted. CALL JOANN AT 585-5041 swoknews.com Section 8 okay. 2487099 (motel office), 284-1000, Mike. Out of Town Rentals 285 2 BDRM., 1 ba., duplex, in Elgin. No Pets. 585-0551. CACHE, 3 bdrm., 2 ba., detached gar., CHA, $650. 580-569-2679. CHATTY- 3 bdrm., 2 ba., FP, CHA, 1 car gar., $500/ $500. 357-7637. 5645 MCINTOSH RD., 2 bdrm. apt, with lakeside view, $600/$600, water paid, 1 yr. lease. 6951788. Lost And Found 320 LOST: black & white male cat, no tail, near 16th & Cache Rd. 357-9193. Help Wanted General 350 AVON- Start your own business for $15. Call Vickie, 595-9185. EXP. PRESSER WANTED. CALL 704-9387 RESIDENTIAL FRAMERS. Must have own transportation. 284-8229. APARTMENT MANAGER position open. Apply in person, 3011 E. Gore Blvd., Lawton, OK. BARTENDER NEEDED. Apply in person, Chele’s, 609 S. Sheridan noon-7 PM. BELLAIRE APTS hiring maintenance. Apply at 622 SW Bishop Rd. Bring references. NOW HIRING exp. waitress, full or part time. Apply at 6744 NW Cache Rd., 704-8993. WONDER YEARS, a 3 Star Facility, is now hiring qualified teachers. Apply in person, 1804 NW 52. Y2KIDS now hiring for Director, Cook and Master Teacher in Elgin. Call for info. 580-492-6260. EXPERIENCED cook needed, execllent pay & benefits, also waitstaff needed. Serious inquiries only. Call 248-4039. NOW hiring-Servers & Bartenders for Tiny Mae’s Bar & Grill. Call 580-492-5559 or Fax resume to: 492-5442. PIZZA TIME Now Hiring Drivers:: $10-$14 per hour. Hourly+ commission+ tips. Apply at 1705 NW Cache Rd. Armed Services YMCA is currently hiring a Master Teacher, full time. Starting pay $9.50 per hr. with benefits. Must have a CDA or higher. Apply in person, 201 SW 4th St., Lawton. Mon.- Fri. 96. EOE. Armed Services YMCA is currently hiring a parttime Child Care Worker, Starting at $8.00 per hr. Hours are 5:30 a.m. to 10:30 a.m. Apply in person, 201 SW 4th St., Lawton. Mon.- Fri. 9-6. EOE. MILO GORDON HONDA has immediate opening for Technician. Dental and health insurance available. Pick up application in person, Milo Gordon Honda 5010 Cache Rd. No phone calls. PART TIME Laborer. Must have valid OK ID, must be able to lift and carry up to 100 lbs. or more. Properly fitted clothing and neatly groomed appearance a must. $9 per hr./ delivery. Email contact info, if interested to: bjmoving@yahoo.com needed. Active and Military Retirees welcome. Please fax resume to 580-357-7894 or fill out application at 1103 SW C Ave Ste 3, Lawton, OK 73501 WANTED: Part time piano accompanists for church choir at First Presbyterian Church, Duncan. Some benefits. If interested, mail or bring resumes to FPC, 704 W. Ash, Duncan, OK 73533. or you may call 580-2555769 for info. EOE. MUST have a clean driving record & basic understanding of Electricity. No fear of heights, hard work & getting hands dirty. Drug Free, No Drama! Mechanical Skills are a plus. Send contact information to: needsignhelp@ gmail.com GOODWILL INDUSTRIES is accepting applications for an Activity/Youth Aide. Conducts and documents daily activities with participants, assists with lunch time duties. Must pass background and drug-screen. Flexible/part-time. Apply online at www.Goodwillsont.org Safe & Sound is accepting applications for Door-to-Door sales. Must be a self-starter and have your own transportation. Commission only-great compensation. Set your own hours-must be available to work some evenings and weekends. Apply in person at 3414 NW Cache Rd, Suite B, Lawton. MAINTENANCE SUPERVISOR POSITION open at large apartment community in Lawton. We offer a competitive salary and benefits package. Onsite living desirable but not required. Prior apartment maintenance exp. preferred. Must pass drug screen and background. Apply in person at The Invitational Apartments, 4645 W. Gore. RON NANCE Enterprises is seeking a qualified, reliable and experienced full time janitor to work Mon thru Friday (8am to 5pm). If you are a team player and feel you got what it takes to take on our professional buildings janitorial work come to 1 SW 11th Street Suite 210 to fill out an application. No phone calls please. Salary based on experience. FULL TIME MAINTENANCE WORKER Needed Immediately! Apply in person Best Western Plus Lawton Hotel Experience a plus! Must be able to pass background & drug screen 9 AM-5 PM, Mon.-Fri NO PHONE CALLS EOE HOUSEKEEPERS.... HOUSEKEEPERS.... HOUSEKEEPERS Great pay along with advancement opportunities for those who are willing to work hard. Apply in person BEST WESTERN PLUS LAWTON HOTEL 1125 E. Gore Blvd. Must be able to pass background & drug screen 9 AM-5 PM, Mon.-Fri., NO PHONE CALLS EOE THE LAWTON CONSTITUTION Auto Bargain 3 Lines, One Month ONLY $29- Each Additional Line $7.67. Ad copy must include price. If your vehicle has not sold within the first month, you may request another month FREE! Prepayment required before FREE month is given. Price may be changed TWICE within the two month period! Visa, Mastercard and Discover Gladly Accepted. CALL DEBBIE AT 585-5156 djung@swoknews.com is looking for an energetic & smart individual to fill the position of traveling cashier. Must be willing to travel to our offices in Oklahoma. If you have experience in phone collections, cashiering and/or related fields, we would like to talk to you. Please apply in person, 20 NW 67th St., Ste. D, no phone calls please. EXPERIENCED CDL TRUCK DRIVERS, T & G Construction, Inc. and Southwest Ready Mix are currently accepting applications for experienced CDL Truck drivers, Successful candidate must be highly motivated. Drug screen and criminal background check required. We offer excellent pay and benefits including health, dental and 401k. Applications are available online at: http://www.tngconst.com or at the following business location: 800 SE 1St Street, Lawton, OK 73501. Equal Opportunity Employer. THE LAWTON CONSTITUTION is looking for Independent Contractors to deliver newspaper routes. There are over 100 independent contractors presently distributing The Lawton Constitution throughout Lawton & Southwest Oklahoma. A large percentage of our independents have held contracts with us for many years and find they can use the money they earn from their route as either their sole source of income; or an an additional income on top of their full time job. The average profits earned by our carriers is over $1000 per month. Additionally, many of our carriers use their routes as a way to exercise, where they actually make money while exercising. Imagine that- making money to exercise! Applications available at 207 SW “B” Ave., 8 AM4 PM or call 353-6397 TODAY! swoknews.com Help Wanted Sales 355 THE LAWTON CONSTITUTION AUTO BARGAIN 3 Lines, One Month ONLY $29- Each Additional Line $7.67. Ad copy must include price. If your vehicle has not sold within the first month, you may request another month FREE! Prepayment required before FREE month is given. Price may be changed TWICE within the two month period! Visa, Mastercard and Discover Gladly Accepted. CALL AMY AT 585-5094 swoknews.com Help Wanted Office/Clerical 360 AREA church seeks secretary great communication, writing and phone skills, proficient in MS Word and MS Publisher. Quickbooks experience preferred. Should posses characteristics reflective of a committed Christian, strong work ethic. Monday thru Thursday 8:304:30. Pay based on experience. Some benefits available. Fax resume, cover letter to 1888-441-0626. Experienced Bookkeeper Accounts Payables and Accounts Receivable experience in a modular accounting system Ability to do purchase orders, payroll, month end processing and general ledger posting Typing and Ten key experience a must Able to multi-task and function in a busy office environment Competitive Professional Pay with expanding growing business - Family owned. Offers health insurance, 401K, paid vacation and all major holidays. Send resume to PO Box 481, Lawton OK 73502. Help Wanted Help Wanted Help Wanted Help Wanted General 350 General 350 General 350 General 350 sor/coordinator needed for large property management company. MUST have exc. customer service, computer and follow up skills. Attention to detail is key. Need working knowledge of general property maintenance and calculating estimates. Send resume’ to lawtonmanagement @gmail.com. Data Entry Position Clerical position that includes: Processing out-going records Filing & Alphabetizing records Archiving records Mailing, Faxing, Scanning, and Emailing records Exp. & Requirements: •Applicants must have immaculate organization skills •Applicant must work quickly and efficiently as material is time sensitive and as workload assigned must be completed daily •Applicants must work diligently and in a ethical matter and have experience in dealing with confidential information Miscellaneous 575 Boats/Motors/ Automobiles 720 Marine 640 2000 CHEVY CAMARO, PARACORD, all colors, flags, knives, Ghillie suit, ammo boxes. Carl’s Military Surplus, 2615 NW Sheridan. 353-3100. THE LAWTON CONSTITUTION Classified Advertising Department offers No refunds or rain checks for Garage Sale ads affected by inclement weather. swoknews.com 73501 450 A HOUSE FULL RESALE Big Thrift Store. Mon.-Fri., 10-6, Sat., 10-4. Avon in stock. 1821 W. Gore. THE LAWTON CONSTITUTION AUTO BARGAIN 3 Lines, One Month ONLY $29- Each Additional Line $7.67. Ad copy must include price. If your vehicle has not sold within the first month, you may request another month FREE! Prepayment required before FREE month is given. Price may be changed TWICE within the two month period! Visa, Mastercard and Discover Gladly Accepted. CALL JOANN AT 585-5041 73505 Preferable for applicant to work afternoons and evenings STORK’S NEST. Maternity Clothes. Cribs, Baby items. 2610 NW Lee. Call 248-9999. Help Wanted Medical 370 HOPE FAMILY CLINIC is now hiring Therapists. On site supervision provided. Send resume Attn: Patricia Hughes at: hfcok@yahoo.com or fax 580-357-3867 MEDICAL Assistant/Secretary for Doctor’s Office needed. Full time position. Must be available to work overtime. Experience and references a must. Fax resume to: 248-1108. TEN OAKS Seeking Certified Nursing Aides. We are looking for part time CNA’s. Must have state certification to qualify. Great team environment, great pay and benefits! Please apply at the community at 3610 SE Huntington Cir., Lawton, OK EOE. FRONT DESK RECEPTIONIST Now accepting resumes for a Full-time Front Desk Receptionist. MUST Be upbeat, professional, caring, self-motivated and multi-tasker. Strong telephone and computer skills required. Send resume to A189, P.O. Box 2069, Lawton, OK 73502 Montevista Rehabilitation and Skilled Care is searching for an Assistant Director of Nursing. The ADON will be responsible for supervising charge nurses and other caregivers, ensuring that clinical systems and programs are functioning as intended, and overseeing the care of residents. Competitive salary and a comprehensive medical, dental, vision and life insurance plans, plus 401(k) retirement plan with a company matching contribution. Must have an Oklahoma RN license and 2+ years of nursing facility experience with a solid understanding of clinical operations and regulatory compliance. Management or staff development experience preferred. Submit your resume with salary history via fax to 580-5362003 or in person at 7604 NW Quanah Parker Trailway, Lawton, OK 73505. No phone calls please. EOE. Drivers 385 VAN DRIVER NEEDED. APPLY IN PERSON, 631 SW E Ave. Want To Buy 590 WANTED DEAD OR ALIVE Any 3 wheel or 4 wheel scooters. Call or bring them to Kingdom Medical, 1824 NW 52nd St., 580-355-1511. THE LAWTON CONSTITUTION Auto Bargain 3 Lines, One Month ONLY $29- Each Additional Line $7.67. Ad copy must include price. If your vehicle has not sold within the first month, you may request another month FREE! Prepayment required before FREE month is given. Price may be changed TWICE within the two month period! Visa, Mastercard and Discover Gladly Accepted. CALL DEBBIE AT 585-5156 djung@swoknews.com Fort Sill 465 Thrift Shop Ft. Sill When shopping garage sales remember us. Open to the public. 1713 Gruber Rd. Open 9-1 Tues.- Fri., 9-2, Sat. 355-8731. No Checks. Furniture 540 CASH IN 30 MIN For anything of value. From a lamp to whole ESTATE Traders, 699-3685. Appliances ‘07 SPORTSTER 1200 Custom, loud, 5900 mi., $6,000. 699-8540. ‘12 HARLEY Road Glide, 6900 mi., $16,500. 580284-5152 for pics. 2004 KAWASAKI 1600 Classic, white, 40,000 mi., lots of extras, $5000. 580-480-0078. NICE Classic ‘93 Honda Shadow, VT 1100cc, factory red/white, with fairing, 27,800 mi., $4000. 585-0553, 595-4879. 2013 Red/Black Harley Davidson XL883N, less than 60 mi. (NEW-4 mos old) with extras-$9550 OBO. Call owner at 580-647-3798. Vehicles Wanted 715 Automobiles 720 Recreational Vehicles 635 I BUY RVs and Trailers Call 405-620-5760 ‘06 SILVERBACK, 33 ft. 5th wheel, 3 slides, 2 AC, sleeps 10, $17,000. Call 580-695-1782. silver, T-Tops, leather int., $1900. Call or text (580)647-8004. 2010 CHRYSLER Town & Country, V6, 58,860 mi., great cond., $13,000. 580-512-3610. 2011 CHEVY MALIBU LT, 4 cyl., 35,295 mi., front wheel drive, $13,000. 580-512-6033 or 580512-3610. Motorcycles & Pickups/Vans/ Accessories 700 Sport Utilities 725 $$ BIG CASH FOR $$ Cars Running or Not 580-280-9363. 455 ‘05 RAV4, 91K miles, cold air, loaded, $8900 obo. 580-284-5764. ‘06 CIVIC EX, 95k miles, 2 dr., auto., smoke free, $7500 OBO. 917-3436. ‘01 DODGE DURANGO, 95K, $3,500 as is, sound eng. 580-215-8465. ‘01 TOYOTA Tacoma, 5 spd., 4WD, 137,500 mi. $8500 obo. 492-4899. ‘99 GMC Yukon, 128K miles, leather & loaded, $3200 OBO, 678-6121. ‘09 DODGE Ram 1500, 4.7 V8, 88k mi., $15,000 obo. 357-4998 or 919-9584. ‘04 CHEVY Silverado 2500, 150k mi., $10,000 obo, well maintained, new tires. Call 580-585-8618. ‘07 HONDA ODYSSEY EXL, 95,000 mi., one owner, well maintained, $12,100. 580-7048906. ‘91 FORD F150 extended cab, 1/2 ton, 300 HP, 6 cylinder, auto., 108K miles, blue, fuel injected, good tires, too many new parts to list, call for complete details, always had gentle care by two older owners. $2300 OBO. Must see to appreciate. 580-549-4528. Pictures available @ kirk8191@yahoo.com THE LAWTON THE LAWTON CONSTITUTION CONSTITUTION AUTO BARGAIN Auto Bargain Boats/Motors/ Marine 640 3 Lines, One Month ONLY $29- Each Additional Line $7.67. Ad copy must include price. If your vehicle has not sold within the first month, you may request another month FREE! Prepayment required before FREE month is given. Price may be changed TWICE within the two month period! Visa, Mastercard and Discover Gladly Accepted. 3 Lines, One Month ONLY $29- Each Additional Line $7.67. Ad copy must include price. If your vehicle has not sold within the first month, you may request another month FREE! Prepayment required before FREE month is given. Price may be changed TWICE within the two month period! Visa, Mastercard and Discover Gladly Accepted. I BUY BOATS Call 405-620-5760 CALL AMY AT 585-5094 swoknews.com CALL DEBBIE AT 585-5156 ‘11 KEYTONE Hideout, bunk house, 1 slide, tub, good cond., $19,000. OBO. 252-339-1908. ‘91 HOLIDAY Rambler motor home, 31’ class A, exceptionally clean, all the bells and whistles, $11,999 OBO. 925864-9428. djung@swoknews.com BUSINESS AND SERVICE DIRECTORY 357-9545 Mon.-Fri. 7:30 am - 5:00 pm 3 Lines - $4.50 once per week. Each additional line is $1.50 545 MALT’S QUALITY APPLS. 811 SW LEE, 355-7514 Good used appliances. MAYTAG Centennial washer, 2 yrs old, exc. cond., $225. 695-3008. MAYTAG side by side refrig., 4 yrs. old, like new, $400. 695-3008. Pets - Lawton 550 NOTICE:The City of Lawton requires a Breeding/ Advertising/ Transfer (BAT) permit number included in unaltered pet advertisements distributed within the Lawton city limit. For information call the Animal Welfare Division, 581-3219. swoknews.com Pets/ Out of Town 555 Help Wanted Trade/ Technical 377 MILITARY spouses can train for a new career for FREE with MyCAA funding. Train online in healthcare, technology, or administration and prepare to earn $30,000-$50,000/yr. Visit CareerStep.com/spouse today! CAR KADDY, brand new with brakes, $1500. BIRD CAGE, 6’x4’ corner unit, $800 new, $500 OBO. 6500 AMERICAN Generator, $1100 new, used for one week, $500 OBO. 3/4 HORSE Power Water Pump, above ground, brand new, $300 new, $150 OBO. 8’x12’ STEEL Building, wired for electricity, vertical door, $1600 and you move. 580-5121997. swoknews.com This is a part-time position that could lead to full-time position as needed Email resume & reference contacts lmd4111@yahoo.com FOR SALE: UTILITY TRAILER, 4x8, great condition, with wood bed and 15” tires, used only a few times. $650, firm. Call 357-1870. Leave message if no answer. See by appt only. Photos of trailer can be emailed upon request. 2008 SUN TRACKER, Party Barge/2007 Trailer. Starting bid $15,000. 580-353-2124 ext 184. AKC GERMAN Shepherd puppies, teens, and adults, Import European lines. Black and red, and sable. Full health guarantee windridgek9.com 580-450-0232 Pet Services/ Supplies 560 TLC PET grooming by Patty. 30 yrs. exp. Pickup & delivery avail. Call 585-7484 Brick Work Foundation Repair Cleaning Service Handyman Internal Medicine Physician (Oncologist/ Hematologist) needed in Lawton, Oklahoma to deliver cancer and blood disease care to the citizens of Southwest Oklahoma. Applicants must have an M.D. or medical equivalent. Will accept an educational equivalency prepared by a qualified evaluation service. Must have completed an Internal Medicine Residency program and either have or be eligible for medical licensure in the State of Oklahoma. Must have legal authority to work in the U.S. Send resume/references to: Taylor Farmer, SPHR, Human Resources, ATTN: Cannoneer, Comanche County Hospital Authority, 3401 W. Gore Blvd., Lawton, OK 73505. EOE. Painting BEST PAINTING. Quality GERMAN Housecleaning, ALL your home improve- service, price, free est. daytime & caregiving at ment needs. Rodney Phil Clark 695-7558. night. 280-1182. Gyring 574-3750. HONEST, affordable, professional workmanship KIM’s HOUSECLEANING. HANDYMAN: hauling guaranteed. Rerefences avail. Call and more. 22 yr. exp. Steve Biby, 574-0015. 483-7624, 351-7214. Carpentry, free est. Call 580-340-2690. Remodeling Computers HANDYMAN’S Handyman. One call does it all! HAVE a new Computer Screens, Windows, Doors, or TV? I can install it. Call Cabinets, Painting, RoofLonnie 583-0765. ing, Drywall, Tile, Fencing, Hauling, Lawn care. Free est. Call Dave 355Concrete 9686. BECERRA’S CONCRETE Construction. Staining, stamping, sidewalks, driveways and slabs. Free Est. 580-215-3398. NEED A HANDYMAN? Call 591-1371. Painting, fencing, hauling, carpentry, roofing NEED remodeling done? COLTEN GLOVER CON- Floors, tiles, sheetrock, STRUCTION- all types of textures, concrete slabs, PET CREMATION AT concrete. 591-3717. driveways. 591-2463. CLASS A CDL driver. RAINBOW BRIDGE . Home every night, 1386 SE 1st. St., Lawton, MEDRANO CONCRETE, NICOSIA & SON, 25 yrs. Carnegie, OK. OK 73501. 580-351- floors, drives, walkways, exp. Painting, drywall & Call 580-654-1718. patios. Free est. 704- repair, decks, fencing, 8280. hauling, house cleanouts, 4299. Miscellaneous 575 UNLEVEL or cracking remodels. Free est., lic. & ins. Guar. to be cheaper. concrete. Rebonding. Sal 580-354-6262. 1500 SQ. FT. Bruce’s Call 580-585-2367. hardwood flooring, NO JOB to big or small, $2,000. 50 sq. ft. marall types of construction, ble, $75. 574-8654. Doors free est. Call Tommy 580-695-5403. CASH Paid for salvage vehicles, any size. Bill of GARAGE Door Repair Business sale OK. FREE towing. Commercial, Residential. WE HAUL IT Opportunities 415 483-5985, 583-3235. Sales. Redneck Door Co. we haul trash and 580-284-1913 relocate treasures. We LIQUOR BAR WE HAUL IT pick up and deliver in FOR SALE we haul trash and town and surrounding Fencing 580-695-8338 relocate treasures. We areas You call, We pick up and deliver in NICE complete bar equip town and surrounding $0 EST., AN AFFORD- haul. 580-699-3685. for sale. Bar stools, areas You call, We ABLE Fence: unbeatable chairs, tables, too much haul. 580-699-3685. prices. 12 yrs exp., lic. & Home to mention. 357-5354. insured. 580-585-0091. Help Wanted Help Wanted Professional 365 Professional 365 Lawn Care 0$ EST. Wayne’s Lawn ALP BRICKWORK: brick, block, patchwork, GOLDSTARR Construc- Care. Mowing, weed Call Lonnie, 483-6291. tion. Lifting, leveling eating, edging, light tree trimming, hedge trimhouses, buildings. Call ming. Quick efficient, 536-4466. affordable. Call Carpet/Flooring (580)695-0952. Please leave message. Guttering A LOOSE or wrinkled carpeting? New carpet THE TRIM MAN, lawn serand hardwood flooringvice and tree trimming, D & B GUTTER WHITE’S FLOOR COV591-3315. 5”, 6” Seamless ERING. 585-2367. Insured, Free est. 580-678-8898. Mold A LOOSE or wrinkled carpeting? New carpet GOLDEN RULE: WATER AND MOLD and hardwood flooring5” 6” & half round RESTORATION. Mold estWHITE’S FLOOR COVSeamless Gutter. ing. 580-585-2367. ERING. 585-2367. Free est. 512-2966. ACCURATE FENCE :We build and repair all types fencing. Insured. Call 580-591-3717. BEST BUILT FENCING, residential, commercial. Free est. 512-3672, 248-3381. Improvement RG Quality Construction Remodels, Additions, Repairs. 574-3750 Residential & Commercial Home Repair BUDGET FENCE CO. WATER OUT/DUTILS 580-678-2599. Construction Free estimates for Fire and water restorarepairs to sagging gates, loose posts or broken tion. All insurance claims. Call 580-536-3649. pickets. Guaranteed lowest price for complete fence replacement. Lawn Care Credit Cards Accepted. JONES FENCING LLC, build, repair, chainlink & wood. Free estimates. Call 284-4494. 0$ EST. Lawn Care. Mow, weed eat, bag, etc. Military & Sr discount. 580695-7215/583-2122. BATHROOM & Kitchen Remodeling, window replacement, metal roofs, painting, etc, licensed & insured. Drake Construction, 580-280-2855. NO JOB to big or small, all types of construction, free est. Call Tommy 580-695-5403. Roofing ALL PRO ROOFING Full Construction Co. (580)353-6581/ (940)631-0470 Lawton, OK 73505 Keith Lavender (580)585-1355 Call for all your roofing needs. Tree Service BRANCH OUT Tree Service. Tree lifts, stump grinding, dump truck/ chipper. Insured, free estimates. Owner Chance 580-678-9737. BUDGET TREE SERVICE; Licensed and Insured; Free Est. Credit Cards Accepted. 678-2599. COMPLETE TREE SERVCIE Tree & Stump removal/ trim. Lowest price guar. Free Est. 580-512-8976. F & W TREE SER. 353-2993 FREE EST 60’ BUCKET TRUCK, STUMP GRINDER, CHIPPER. INSURED. EST LAWTON 1985 SW OK Tree: Arborist, Pruning, removal, stump grinding. 6784645. Tutoring Sylvan Learning Center 580-351-9100 sylvanlearning.com
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