Interview no. 813 - DigitalCommons@UTEP
Interview no. 813 - DigitalCommons@UTEP
University of Texas at El Paso DigitalCommons@UTEP Combined Interviews Institute of Oral History 1-28-1994 Interview no. 813 Rosa Kondo Honda Follow this and additional works at: Part of the Oral History Commons, and the Social and Behavioral Sciences Commons Recommended Citation Interview with Rosa Kondo Honda by Victor M. Macías González, 1994, "Interview no. 813," Institute of Oral History, University of Texas at El Paso. This Article is brought to you for free and open access by the Institute of Oral History at DigitalCommons@UTEP. It has been accepted for inclusion in Combined Interviews by an authorized administrator of DigitalCommons@UTEP. For more information, please contact gF TEXASAT EL PASO IJNIVERSITY INSTITUTEOF ORALHISTORY EI,.JEE: INTERVI : INTERVIEI,IER PROJECT: Rosa Kondo llonda Victor M. Macias Gonzilez World War II DATE OF INTERVIEW: January 28, T E R M SO F U $ E : Unrestricted T A P EN O : 813 T R A N S C R I PNTO : 813 TRA|.,ISCRI BERr Michelle L. L994 Gomilla : ETJEE S 0F INTERVI CAL S'/l'lCIFSI BI06RAPHI American citizen of Japanese and Mexican ancestry; born on February 28, 1915 in El Paso, Texas; daughter of a Japanese national/proprietor of a grocery store in South El Paso; grew up during the Great Depression; attended Bowie High school; married Julio Honda on February 20, 1938, a Japanese citizen residing in Cd. Juirez, Chihuahua, Mexico; lived i n C d. J n a l r e z u n t i l early L942; expelled from Cd. Jutrez after bornbing of Pearl Harbor and incarcerated in Mexico City with other Japanese. OF INTERVIELJ: SI,.h4T,IARY Recalls her experiences as one of the few non-Mexicans enrolled at Bowie High School; social acti-vities; economic conditions during the Great Depression; El Paso movie theatersl evidence of discrimination against Mexic6ns by Anglos; reaction of Japanese conmunity to bornbing of Pearl Harbor; discusses confiscation of her U.S. identification card by U.S. officials during an attempt to cross the international border to visit her parents in El Paso; subsequent expulsion to Mexico City; Recalls hardships endured while in the Mexican capital; living conditions, lreatment by Mexican officials of Japanese detainees; private Japanese school in Mexico City; Reflects on Japanese assimi-lati-on into Mexican society; views of the Mexican people. Length o{ Intenview: I Hour. 20 Min. Length o{ Transcript 46 Pages fnterview with Rosa Kondo Eonda By Victor l{. llacias GotziLez ilanuary 28, 1994 Esta es una entrevista enero, de mil con 7a sefiora Rosje novecientos Good morning. questions. biographical and then Okay. teII descent to start first Rosa Kondo Honda. and she came by accident the Texas. with a couple of d9e, parents. My mother to de your name, your about your bit veintiocho paso, El you can state If us a little My name is y cuatro, noventa Werd like Honda, eI was of Mexican United States. When? Oh, it must have grandparentsr sisters. been around So she considered But, anlrway, there grandrnother And the and the She grew t9O7. the was onry girl- uncles you know, they know what kind of mines he worked, either or gold, silver here. rooking Not here [New Mexico]. wanted states some rniners in El Paso but He was just to at home. came to of my mother worked but El came in the it was mines- open up the went to chihuahua, that mines. mine. Mexico. wourd come and work between Deming and silver starting somebody who knew what mountainstayed. for reft and or whatever. And somebody from the united They were her brothers and my mother- He was in mining, r donrt as one girl Paso because the husband of the grandmother here. up with to to open up a mine. dynamiteso r d.onrt He was my great-grandfather. city the hirl or know how long Anyway, he was killed. He the he and her grandmother, And my mother EI Paso to the death see if of the they grandfather. much money- but they they settlement that they money and they mine. were not going to a penny, to stay had and her about 9 or here daughter, they 10 years When they and old. had too And were they work. of found It out out was of the But my mother So she was sent and her for some kind and my mother. and my great-grandmother Mexico recompense get to owners of the they of came to came to El Paso. tried get aunt, think the grandmother, in So I don't with and was only some kind had money- and they some papers had get could and her daughter back stayed to here EI Paso. So, afterwards, or 1907. That was the way ny mother States. Islhe started my mother came and I think to met my father got and here What was your H: Maria M: And your father? H: His name was Yashi motherrs Bobadillo in the United married and we all name? Kondo. Henry Kondo. And my father same wdyr not because they were in desperate He just was i n 1 9 0 8 be born. M: real stayed it didntt rike the tradition came the need or anything. or customs of the Japanese people. He had an older brother because dge, f guess, brother even if he is and he had to be under the father was there, supposed to be the 2 boss, at his tal older certain or whatever, of the farnily. And discipline Thatrs he and everything. why he came to Francisco. in thitl He says for everyone father didn't responsible is Any ny the United he was there that it. like He came to States. for and r,,rhen the San earthguake San Francisco. 1905? So that came must be around that to EI Paso tuberculosis. think, But dt that donft How did H: My father they clirnate was of tuberculosis, the dry climate, I of tuberculosis. hin to read and speak English. and speak English. But of rny mother never So that Iearned was one to speak meet? f guess it around waitress. met. (chuckles) was working El Paso. sorneplace they the afraid And... M: south fear very was a lot An1n'ray, he came to read hin. was why he [that's] you know, and there know who taught for English. the tine. he knew how to advantage he Ibecause] Japan[ts] because of the I And I think And he knew that, very much like I guess, was tirne. there. I donrt And they got as a cook in was [on] married in 3rd and E1 Paso [Street]- And my mother know what. a restaurant But, was the dishwasher anyway, and I was the thatrs or where first-born. I had an older... M: Did you have older H: I had an older born. My rnother sisters? sister....Yes, had a child of everyone I by another was the marriage. first- So I was the first store ny father said, one that without was the your your face doing all in the your How were sit My mother, housework of care hair, He was the and washing she was so busy think, I six with us. and have breakfast your combing we had the because on the table teeth, and hands.rr the You know, one who took rrYou cannot brushing father M: my father. one of and then kids helping my store. brothers and sisters What were called? their names? H: sister My older Juana Padillo two years is Santoscoy. Honda. I a Mexico. My younger married older Then, is And then rny oldest brother. The was Robert next Alfredo brother another So your parents your family? of met, they What did My great-grandmother from am- Kondo Judrez, Kondo Flores. was named Henry Kondo. Kondo and the other years or eleven one after was there Reynundo Kondo. got married. they f Ciudad named Margarita narne is was very And her name is Rosa- which My brother son and his I am. citizen And then ten years Kondo. was born itrs Japanese sister than What was the reaction think? opposed to my mother marrying a Japanese man. What did I was not [out] to they a very things. read- book like- say? curious When I and when I first found what was it? person, you started out I f think know, reading- could [I read was] in trying because to find I loved and understand fourth or fifth a when I read ny first [grade] the Knights learn that from guess, H: got Paso. liked got year. Then they M: Thatrs H: Yes. M: What kind store a job late nines- to at to thel And And f close would father to my make me worked in the City stayed is with in E1 a company- I there for about Thatts a when he [Street]. now? What were the people was it? Did you live hre didn't When they how long- EI Paso again. [Park] took places. donrt Silver back of one that or f l-11-9 South Stanton Chanizal [in school it. couId. that several and they Do you rernember? was the your here- in of a neighborhood Yes, we lived father stayed returned where the around? and married to I was more to myself, read as a cook in they was the opened the as. I and they... married it Arthur surprised because I wasnrt sister. to parents Then he found think H: I No, he was working first I guess, people. or how did And f was very as many books other the And when your store get nor to my older because of was King read the whole book and understand on f used to sister unaware M: Round Tab7e. more to myself, younger I the f could then was left of book and it the in store. that like area? So that's why my care of us and knew if we were get in on time going home or whatever. WeIl, school there I went to, were i_00 percent I think, Mexican I was the 5 only people. one tinl Even the the first grade, when I went to high Jones names like Anglo did [or] you go to, M: What school H: Bowie. M: Bowie, oh. H: Bowie, Bowie High School. or forced SpanishreaIly, to Paso. And, Mexican [and] like What did H: I beg your M: What did H: My father with the time, used to farnily 100 percent take very us take us, [out] of South people the El were we all in the brightly. And he always that in order who....Because or whatever, not He always to [of] us riding the we were the where thought afraid We had, you know, all had friends, car. you know, near the mountains And on Sundays they took [friends] Ouring Sunday. which he was very tuberculosis- other every us riding have enough sunshine I guess. two in fun? And he took and we had picnics. or was unnecessdrY, pardon? the sun was shining we had to So it fun? you do for had a car. spoke So everyone English. Spanish-speaking. months he would winter today- like well, because we were living said, I you do for M: speak speak English with fstudents] EI Paso tHighl? what we spoke at home. thatrs But Wilson. And we were not- to encouraged were several there school those. and all L6pez, Martlnez, name besides had another one that only And f was the was the Aoy School. which in family such and there get that sick all the the car and one a large was always persons two or three with was just Thatrs Your parents, H: Yes, M: In that the H: looking? were there. were the Japanese parents respect, said, ily father rules and we went by what he said, I So you were a growing to go cents. fifty Thatrs the to or the by what ny wasnrt high school. to So they a lot of kids class enough peopleThey just was in sometimes L93o from boys and girls- had to quit and on it go to Bowie because they they couldnrt or school. think going was cents twenty-five have a high school untiI....I And cents twenty-five didntt eY go. couldnrt Then later So, eat or a coat, of shoes, have the graduating go to my age who couldn't supplies. school What Depression. any changes? have a pair school. the didnrt cents. there anything Paso in But they why we didnft first all by Japanese tradition you know, they used to ask us for grammar school fifty El Did you notice like? because they didnrt sornetimes, the up in There were a 1ot of kids sweater in from or whatever. customs, school (chuckles) not say we were raised So Itll said. put one that was the like Oh, yes. any different parents? Mexican were conditions H: always Well, or M: hrere they yes they mother horne games. and playing and dancing, radio, at it. about M: the parties w€ had two or three When we €trehr older, which us. that because to school didnrt send in have their children f without principal a knew lot kids of but he would for three us a very sell pennies out have a cafeteria, missed in the around there food. afford was sa-l.chich6n (bologna) M: TeIl high school reason. I never I it thought know why I think there have dates would and the without any it- beans and a bun were not they least, and we didnrt r think late. everyone, for I even my father. We never We even had a turkey. when the of rest [to buy one]. let is with aII people the What they ate most they could afford. How did dating. other girls. I wasntt you movies I said, for boys what I in interested thought. permit sister there I who But we me. on Sunday once My younger and I But anyway, But boys around wouldnrt in whatever Japanese attractive. because my parents be there. the Thatrs was a boy very the Like true. I was part from school. us go to boys would but it was because from the were working- they school cafeteria. popular was not had a boyfrj-end didnrt our until because thatrs want to say it was different I donrt because husband? I donrt WeII, school know how he got about when you started me a Iittle meet your the on Thanksgiving couldnrt And something pIace, first hard time lacked a turkey at wdy, We were paying was a very we never [But] to school. good bowl of chile was a sophornore when we got So it went because that food. the hiqh in was- I dontt So, what he did breakfast. giving when we were that realized go to So they didntt anything. But it. in awhile was the one that arranged everything. Sunday we were going around the dating we had. whatever, with the boys the go with us to be ready rnovies. his that That was Japanese, boys. Mexican [or] But he those boysrrl anything. was much older the thing Iove than we were- was that him, or like that, because all have somebody to thought for him, the or going to...because with. (chuckles) thinking about thought, States that with according f or three was just something just wanted to I him and so he arranged hin in twice on I that I didnrt could a Japanese come into I wasnrt in Mexico. know what I the United rny husband because I was an American citizen. to what times rrTherers I to the law no States.rr thought And I didn't a tradition told knew, that thought that had to that in the United consulate But they I I just get husband left I could States. in Ju6rez your But An)rway, my father in Mexico. rnaybe later in me. place he was living in the first from my husband and live United Thatts want to go and live f didnrt It had boyfriends, want to. didn't was a man- he there he was married. anything. girls go out old and he was interested me to marry my husband. I years I heard that I was seriously family. I us to guess my father, I But rrhen I was twenty-two r€r tell you knowr sdy rrl donrt want you to invite didntt, or walk want didntt would to the movies and the boys would and would there They get And papers But I went two and they never told come into the me, you know, hanging, and some papers could or something else. r€, ttWhy are really, because the to What year H: I beg your M: What year? H: t-938. M: Let the United M: Ah, H: Eureka, your get has said never husband that told across no Japanese States?r' was this? theatres No, no, and they there to Department pardon? me ask you a question H: over you trying Inmigration can immigrate M: times two or three And I went did you go to? about What movie theatres. Alhambra? What was the no. movie narne? Bureka? Eureka! yes! And what was the one? other The Palace, I think. M: The Pa1ace... H: And the M: Texas Grand Theater. Yes, Texas. Oh yes, No. the name of that forgot one... Texas Grand Theater. Were the Did I movies in they English in discriminated considered in Spanish? English. say no Mexicans I think or that can come in the Mexicans at Iagainst] because me a Mexican so I could that we or anything time never go could go anywhere l-ike that? were really in. They and nobody told us anything. There was one tine when I was working. I was working at, M: The Caple's H: That it? only and she progressed there handy girl a higher to or whatever. I took because they sent everything there the back like mostly [tests] took reports because specirnens doctors the did they I got married. until there to started and my sister laboratory medical ttDo you want to go and work there?rr said, anywayt Wellr Building? was the working name of next to Kressrs... was the building it I name was, rr.rhat r,'ras the the I think research job. And she So I went. It the results of the for analysis. and I on that. was And would bring So I worked Before I worked at J.c. Penney[ rs] as a clerk. M: of A lot the old were working exil.iados those in department stores. H: You know, when I was in high Yes. us a very told secretary jobs to WeII, tdol. and open.rr Well, I started because my hands are very I just sister, left it and she took knew that. I dictation So what never It shorthand. and typing. she worked are there no know what she wanted us and rny fingers took rrDonrt you was hard for are So short. my older But So she rnore or she didntt me have to less type or or anything. happened discriminating because I dontt short said, tslhe typing teachers one of the to take typing. shorthand But where get thing. discouraging shorthand taking start school at against the you? Kress Building where they were beg your pardon? H: I M: You said H: Oh, I forgot. I that felt, people say those you want to you want to....I with working floor of the building. There was a boy, when we were with people colored guess f tn so I cannot thinking, So, I you up. the by the going not donrt us later people colored was opened the ttltm What he told take us there the to go out but So elevator. boy woman said, elevator. the take to elevator.rr that there. ftWell, her, know, I boy took us tras that he you tre way You have to walk the [up] rl stairs. (laughter) iQu6 bien! you But, in for as soon as the we were going she thought up and she stayed told And then in. third and he was on the elevator just or nothinlt know what. who managed the the And so, w€ went door, youtre like donrt a doctor or whatever, for so bad when feels And we were waiting waiting lady. another you feel that things cry, We were know, it know....You donrt I tine and the only time That was the first Yes. you. against were discriminating they know, almost cried Iittle and I was....You something insulting considered but I donrt you and to be....In not from the makes you it people. know....And south[ern United to because the Mexicans, she thought she was an Anglo. States] L2 nothing. yourre like hide place, If yourre like get to feel want the first colored feel sorneplace. I I fonly itts they a] very are I was Mexican, guess she came M: Toca! iGringa WeIl, go back to letrs when you got 1938 to rnarried. H: I got rnarried M: In H: In the Catholic Although for into really into convert for lessons Christianity about or or two a Catholic. but f wanted to please religion, the sagrada so I went through was ilY mother Yes, Church. f wasntt my rnother had to Church? Catholic the 20, 1938. on February and my husband coraz6n He went Catholic[isn]. weeks three before we got married. M: me ask you a litt1e Let was Japanese-Mexican. H: about your bit You said he Where was he from? He was a Japanese from Japan. in husband. He had come to Mexico, f think, L925. What was he working What was he doing? with? [He owned] a grocery store. In Judrez? In JuSrez. What was the Alianza. r name of donrt it? know if the Victoria is still there- the movie. Si, sl, corner It the of diez was across time. On [the] [Cine] There y seis Victoria de septiembre the Victoria raras another L6th of [movie but store it there. located and Francisco wasntt September [Street]? 1_3 theater on the Maderol. the Victoria at that In Madero [Street]. [Francisco] jewelry an old Therers there. [store] Yes. just you sel1, And what did groceries? Groceries. you got And after yes. with trouble in did United States. in fanily lived time, Jnlrez a lot of things the p]ace, first small all groceries, their and had to clothes, their my that at know, So everybody come from Mexico. didntt AII was no roads and there city me I was born citizen. And you states. united was a very depend on El Paso for In the let couldnrt they me- that the Thatrs Mexico. tinl was an American I States. United the live with what they the come into go to had to I weII, there? live you went to married and everything. When the it but was true, that saying that want Japanese. we couldn't the Mexican sell Alt because they the it because left because and everything, and everYthing. Did you have difficulty gettinq 74 supplies the was worthless customers living they with depended so much on the aI1 their were store, away because do any business to we had stayed, anything. on El Paso- for and clothing people be taken they a Japanese into who went think dontt because our customers would card So, even if were afraid, States- any person crossing their didntt they tifl a1I we lost I was a rumor. there War started to sell? United food H: January for Explain H: After and they And they M: Sort H: Yes. of couple their had a child about a year year of the that, eight to were having they thought The Americans was all were about there child. eating had....Just The party was. I think married or another. sornething spying? the house and got the ten men in- Guarnici6n thern, there to who were with soldiers in the were one or Lwo American soldiers who went to Mexican other and searched aII the house and detained know what you call I donrt it in English- la de 1a Plaza. M: La Guarnici6n H: So they took de la Plaza. them there and they stayed there for about two or weeks. M: Detained? H: Yes, they were detaj-ned. wasnrt it got the brought and they That was all of Most they But a few people So, according three three And this ten men- in one house. for or married. were concentrated- a meeting two the first invited they Paso. wanted to celebrate Japanese food. but El got when I Japan. from wives old time go to but bachelors men htere the around couldntt War ended I the rnore detail' bit Give ne a little that. Japanese week- we left the last tinl Judrez City. Mexico M: On March- February. [and] in We stayed December. was in War it the After No. there so I didntt I donrt know what because know. And we couldnrt, J.5 my husband you know, were Americans us. watctring and... So we didnrt M: the that afraid we were because phone one another but we didnrt We had telephones telephone. came and took when people So you were at the party men the all away? H: Yes, M: What about H: No, the men and they the all and took What haPPened? women? And then women htere 1eft. the people Japanese were- ancestry, I donrt rumors, that and towns border really believe Japanese store or anything. just people the that When they General at the inmigraci6n the United leave JuSrez, everyone has to will the have to like know, they believe of charge a to went Itrs that. and rumors heard were So I went leave. [office] and I talked towns?tt 1eave. leave. rl 16 He said, Everyone with we are to the to hirn and I but I canrt know if they retained- have to But I want to border if see and they Irm an American citizen States. you whoever was in men- and they we a1I that but Supposed to move from But to the pay too much attention. those saying rrl,isten, afraid took started said, people, But I didntt were So I didntt everything. that on everyone be spying would Japanese coastline. the all that of Japanese- anyone who had an ancestry the not really we heard But by runors know what was happening. -..You well. decided, I get the paper so I didntt I didntt know, rumors start. everything- searched go back to supposed to ttYes, eventually Japanese ancestry ralasnI t Mexico at war was from the happening So -I but I stay even if wasntt have to leave. I I A11 by myself stay in husband because after[wards] the Japanese men who were detained- hand on my see about Irll of stupid (chuckles)- right I can stay? So why should Paso. He put his knew I was young and kind I knew that was whatever so And you know he said, this]. [like ttOh, you donrt leg and he said, time that States. United rrWel1-rr and f was sitting you.'r at sense in that rrWhy should said, I can go back to EI left my Judrez?rr So I detaineeswere told, with eight the rrwerll or ten give you a week. rl What the Mexican government ttRio dicen, government knew soon as the you eight men put sjn [t]he[y] could or M: The party H: No. M: When was the H: I think something yourre in eight So the Mexican make money you itrs the ttW€'ll were told, going to So just do know. So as employee. days you have to was on December 6th or it mar.rr days you have to go. whatever and....But wanted was money. Como up the money they days and in eight business business with leave.rr give put your So... 7th? party? was at around So you had to We left that pescador not the Mexican government, [Itts] your revuelto really first week of March or second week, there. leave by Apri1. the by April? And I remember that 1-7 it was April because when we went to Mexico....And, wanted to send us to E1 Perote Veracruz. Japan. [a jail governmentl They had ambassador an and the they in the port fortress but because Mexico was not guess he kind Mexico...I you before, told P.O.W. ts were kept The German and ftal-ian the Mexican f like there by in war with from ambassador of helped us so that of we wouldnrt be sent to the... M: Perote. H: Perote. They just wanted to concentrate us in tal certain pIace. End of Beginning M: The question Tape One, Side A of Tape One, Bide B I have is did all the Japanese from Ju6rez leave at the same tine? H: No. They didn't. There were about rt was just eight or ten about maybe thirty couples and the peopre. rest were bachelors. M: Did they H: Yes. Maybe that charge of us over all not find take the children was an arrangernent supposed to take out whatever where to we had. away, really, also? by whoever the Japanese that anything leave our except few were leaving. our crothes, [pieces Everybody sord the[ir] because we wanted to J_8 was taking leave of] so we had to furniture stores. and the we were [or] They gave it only people who wanted to buy it- they knew they just sold whatever us and everybody they And did you first take to could they take advantage of get. could [Cd. ] Chihuahua and then... No. Directly? No, we went directly. At that tirne it took two days. En tren? En tren. And we went on second-c1ass. give Did they No. you food? (chuckles) were telling people The Mexican government or employees but we had to pay a certain us to leave amount to leave. Do you remember? M: How much? H: Seventy-five pesos for M: Thatrs of money then. H: One thing time a lot that I that where they American I want to make straight you that told thought with I guess, who didntt want the the meeting soldiers officially, each one of us. us is that it on the first house soldiers went into was being held, there were two So that made it the Mexican soldiers. that when the was the United border town States and not the government the Mexican government. M: Who was giving orders H: I donrt I never asked. M: Did H: No, they they know. look to whom? American? knew they Did they were American 1_9 have American uniforms. uniforms? M: They were green... H: Because soldiers... M: So they gave you eight things H: No. and they you to Everybody was on his neither the expect M: took days government anything. When the day leave. the train Everyone together, sold of Mexico. They never came did people help us- do so we didntt government American their or how? The government didntt own. But the eighth to didntt either. come knocking your to door? H: No. We went voluntarily. the General Looking On the Like and he said, back, I think eighth I said, rrEventually, that was the day everyone, I went and talked to everyone has to go out. rl best a1I thirty thing that we did. of you... peopIe... About thirty Together? Together, Went to Yes. and there... the train? And there Looking at were soldiers in the train, Mexican... you? Yes. Guarding you? Guarding you. But they didnrt push you on the train... No, but they were guarding we got M: off So you got the train, on the train us, I guess, at the 20 just seeing where we left or if or whatever. station. you had to pay for your own food? Yes. pay for You had to your own ticket? Yes. You had certain because you had to spend a lot costs of money. Yes. And then two days you arrived [in] in Mexico? Yes. What happened WeII, in those you know, United like States. Mexican- was the my father too? The middle the of rniddle offices. you He was, about. to They told of the know, had he f cross- Iooked tried us to meet at where they did? the to she just the to say see my father And [to] bridge. was some kind watching us to And any to see understand that they Japanese. They didntt what didnrt want I was Japanese. 21 see what it of me to and my son and I me So just cross official. we were English paper was. want inmigration of government speak in kind had the was there My father And we were supposed to through in tirne she crossed, leave bridge- And there [us]. could and raised bridge? the understand because was born Do you know what they And we met. were there. I only When we decided and say goodbye. In said, I Because my mother and that goodbye. two days? that that talking so he could was passed gave me to because the border I \das just grehr up I thinking know, during tell- us the First from now on we were not going peace horrified or was, And the other that and here sell supplying infornation was thinking Let donrt Well, the something going the of were people selling get [that] made r or thingsjust knew most oF to was Depression else l-ife that as much neither of really that them to, information to interested in everybody were trying What happened in in their so hard just was and not Japan or anything. so they of had no desire give I anything. said, they So be any war, suffer f was I things. worst Like I of the They were so busy raising anyone to They do that. those two days train? have food. to to War or the because me ask you a question. f was going But that to Japan because we had to work a better we didnrt of I guess, think when you were on the H: knew- books remember. hrars and those ones. El Paso. during about had come for guilty something, I it one and everything Japan. and donrt was not war, the history the League of Nations any fear the f in and working you know, that that's any terrible. in a war are the ones that ones, Japanese Ju6rez kids know, people innocent as the without you the there [said] you know, f about the pact be to have any wars because sornething. read when I read about that wouldnrt War [V{WI] was something when I whatever, there your school years, that....You KeIIogg M: that sick I thought that because when the things if train I ate stopped and they were not very 22 something there sanitary, I guess, and- neither people M: How did H: You know, left rny boy- hirn anything. you? treat the Mexican there give I didntt people were a lot had nothing of people there to against us. When we us goodbye and tell good luck. M: people How did No. Well, everyone, the cross. take community? was the really didntt had a crossing crossing what the Americans right They were know. card- so they that the in Mexico City say it was realized and rvhat thought were they that They needed that American that it was card to government would embassy. They had reserved ones. stayed what happened? Were there there? There were some people waiting lucky they They card- were doing. afraid And when you arrived Yes. Did away. it officials H: they mostly, protecting M: in good? bad [or] H: react in a hotel We had a litt1e a hotel for for us, I guess from the for us. But we were the more money than about eight days the rest, and we had so we to pay everything. you had to M: oh, H: Yes. M: Not the H: No. M! Okay. you? pay everything? Japanese And what What did government? happened the in those Japanese officials 23 days? say? What did they teII H: we had no contact with know, way the with put thatrs the a little the it's Who was your H: There than leader anyone else there to H: They decided like apartrnent after and they person that about that. Like a vecindad all says, by chairs. And that's all the apartments apartment. room there other so, for decided were going they all bachelors where I group that the give built was Iiving rent and the food and We was some They rented about that tirne one of them and another kitchen an we went. had. living at and hippies a table was very convenient 24 to that [meals]. were And we had the me, it qo and pay to get our food from restaurants And I took one. out? we couldnrt where we had our were two bedrooms. somebody was go and everything money ran women and they But guess, say in last from our own money. together- and the had the us where to we were supposed to prepared He had more money f comitnr or whatever [or] giave whatever we, a week that So they and live a vecindad? the there told fto. one that when your and having Like Raul and he was the pay everything a] hotel things took or whatever, and whatever name of you survive And how did each someone group? the rneet us and they M: three They trust schooling So when we got we had to [for of was a man by the everything. all Japanese are. person on that was somebody erse r^ official. M: but rt I guess, more, trust thern. and the ten in there couple dining because I didntt have to go upstairs wasnrt very everyday trijoles, bread, and coffee. wanted something rich children. weII, was the breakfast I didntt tine breakfast sweet who and anybody it or brJ-ng it or beans were so the in... M: Protein. H: Protein. we had So we always to thing. -the boil the thingr that milk to take And it an had because we were hospitals were it another here, I to find and I to in knew where [for] that he had nilk The doctor United to go less didnrt than a year- know anyone. So, someone who, according after and 25 where to the Mexj-co- he had to have We didnrt know about [on] He But States. a week to what everybody he was operated weak. child. But when we went nehr there. was a good doctor....And States a healthy the was And so that He was very live. here and everything. We were same nilk. he wasntt must have been about anyone. trying operation operation was the that JuSrez weak when he was born. Anln^ray, when we left, already And was a special going he wasntt that my son and rnilk. I needed to corne to the United because he was very was saying eggs for And in rnilk. my son. for bought have pasteurized We didn't another oh, know that he and bread- would have to pay for else At that What we had for a boIiTToThat my child, like But I guess and... healthy was whatever. the except everyone amount everyday certain [a] was Everything or anything. We were supposed to pay there. for or downstairs [of] said, in Mexico City. was a very So that spending without from that something Iike because the and f never and doctor would we were here to have those was It everything. it that have inagined bills would be was four or that. after But five months living living looking We have to thern there call name right bought but it they room that rrWedonrt my husband, a litt1e for didnrt it whatever or little gave us was on the What they for outside remember canrt I a little have any place to go on So we started store. but....Well, was titl have money just Anlnnray, we found now. they stores not I think do changarrito- is oh, same conmune or the in this. like about, for staying I told called, the us for our own money and having hospital the time hard and we store us to and live. The just it had They had no sanitary... water. Facilities. So we had to go out and go into a....They ure had to open to go to the bathroom. or five four place and we moved to room and a kitchen So that's the So we stayed Then my husband months. about place other how we went through and at and the place and a bathroom all those door that had a big four there another found least for years only it the had a store. that the War was on. And what happened? anything H: No. from the Did you hear anything Japanese On June the 25th, from the government, embassy? I think, 26 or 24th, Mexico declared war. So the with M: like Something permission. guess, (chuckles) M: about (chuckles) they were And in were mordida'so it city without any without Well' States- f didnrt f was I was the one that United the the us permission. was one thing. was raised f give wouldn't of changatrito open a litt1e there workingr. was what own. You, yourselves, go out We couldntt that. and they the were connected that jail. We couldntt permission jail. had your own little of your charge on our So we were left ernbassy. So you almost in H: the and a1I the people left ambassador think to me that never occurred wanted. there Did things? anti-Japanese any they do War. It anything? Mexico declared Not even after H: No. M: Why do you think H: I think with didn't I guess, something that, States- United the do anything? really Mexico wasnrt that was just they war. that's interested It]he[y] all. in the wanted to cooperate So thatrs why ttlhetyl war. declared How do you think they took the and the Italians Germans to Perote? Like f said, didnrt because there was an ambassador. Thatrs why they send thern. Not even after the Not even, Not after no. I Do. think, you War? know, Mexico declared when Japan 27 war against went to attack Japan, Pear1 Harbor, the Germany and the English I they found Mexico they detained something, City. donrt In the city limits detained M: Were there people H: No, I donrt M: What fighting Germans. with So thatts They were afraid. know. But Maybe we were left in to go anyplace. we were free or anything. you at watching, you already the then. I We werentt did had gone with and they guess, why, were Italians I dontt do together times? think as so. Did you for parties a community? do any parties? H: No. M: It H: No, was... It no parties? was sad times, at that anything. time, it The only Japanese wasnrt thing that were concentrated of weddings. appropriate happened was- into Boys net girls Mexico and they started there all the were a lot getting married. groups? M: So there were other H: Oh, y€s, yes. M: How rnany do you think there H: At least from outside hundred City- because or one hundred- were? Mexico City. At least one people. M: So you think H: Japanese. M: And what happened to the children? H: My son was three years before So, at first, we left. there were five old. hundred Japanese? Were they He was three 28 I was not going years to school? about interested in a month trying to find about to out where tal five. So everybody send their M: You set H: Yes. M: Oh, it H: But when all children was already to or whatever, saying that until he was were going they a Japanese school. the people was very pick work around where home. And most of the because And then for] tine at he went to the and he had to have a him back. the last bus But lived one to it near be taken 9:30 p.m. or not going to workrfr because back of to eat. the bus and he hadntt So, I said, rrNo. rr had So he went two months. a Mexican private Yes, to a little of more pupils. he came home around ttNo, itrs said, about man who drove and he was the or anything school were a lot hirn up and take the we lived be asleep any supper came there from where we lived The bus would he would there. rrJr1l send my son to the Japanese school.rf far 10:00 p.m. and I established there. didntt [to started was [a school] So, rrWellrrr I said, bus. [was], up a Japanese school? There already And it school school school? that was not too far away from where we lived. M: And there H: No. M: He was fine? H: No. The only teacher Paso- was no trouble thing was very that strict. when we came back with your son? he cornplained And you from 29 the [about] was that know when he came to War- he already the EI knew the nultiplication And he table knew [Elementary pushed was how up to six to five The Mexican H: WeII, up third grade those things- to they schools taught States them a 1ot they United school. donrt. States. of went the that they But he year first went about four school. was a very things Aoy more advanced. bit It old. to grade. and he just You know, In Mexico, He inrnediately in the Mexican years six in the first were a little was a private it Spanish. and he started months in Mexico M: in School] because he knew all or read and he was only I small guess they the in go very when you start, school slowly start but United in the teaching you everything. M: What do you remember? Did he say anything Japanese school, the anything that culture Mexican was particular? they do? school? Did they from the Did you remember do any Japanese classes? Oh, y€s, Okay, yes. what f donrt did know- I think very sad. died and they donrt from different He said, he was four- but he came [home] one day rrYou knoru what? had a funeral The son of and we were know what he was supposed to do. Japanese. He started you know, he called to his Which means? He called Thatrs in... father bow like father his the supposed He started teacher to. . . . rrf to count Japanese people. oka-san. father the oka-san? in And, M: In Japanese? H: fn Japanese. M: Oh, good. itrs something. Japanese I thought Itrs looking cultural things? y€s. fine. H: WelI, M: This teats H: Itrs supposed to be good. very good for M: Oh, it H: Therers M: I thought H: No. M: Okay, M: It stopping So he was learning You know, he was in kindergarten or a lot of green tea is so.... good. very sornething a littl-e it you read that Haventt or another? something other was my cookie so there was a lot children That has tea and rice. than... had fallen [that] (Iaughter into... of Japanese culture that being eI dicho. lejos Porfirio Mexico. to do anything to you lived (laughter) said that. was that I de I'I6xico. . .tl tan cerca de los Let me see, when, you know, when I care. were going they . .ttPobre de Dios, fDiaz] The thing if didnrt remarks) Como dice ff ...Tan like Did anyone say wrong or... The Mexican government was almost was popular that you were in Mexico City. while about (inaudible for was has both. anything No. machine (Iaughter) with H: the Estados Unidostr. Yes, thatrs Don unfortunate do you have any questions? found out I was living I wasnrt here in Mexico City, in the interested United I found out that 31 it in States. Mexico But had culture, it was very different pretty very there at that was the loved from where r had rived. ord tirne. buildings everything circumstances about that recorlections. r loved I and the it. Japanese all [of] people. in old that Anything the Japanese people that f under the good had very r miss is the happens to one of get together just and r know, City, was you know, churches you Mexico things city when r went. And, lived one of the the it Mexico and try unity of them, to help one way or another. You know, in Mexico City for the store. car. So rny husband, (cigarettes). cigarros And I didnrt did was to that took what calr was- of very everything to The took gave the aid the anybody gets Japanese and, you know, anything Japanesesick or woman who is because of one in the after were itrs things pick to up some The first have to hit worry or why they are would go could feel so one about for whatever and everything. they they paid hirn a clinic- they thing And he was the who there by a it So I something together. around give Those are the the other to help things If a man that r was the same way here in El paso but it though, them hospitar. missed because....and War there boy and that's against certain way home he was hit late. hirn to first have to do anything the went so r didnrt do. And they and they didnrt And on the know until going everything. one day, one of the Japanese men. care am I we had to go for very the same thing. few Japanese. About 80 percent 32 In Ju5.rez, of the Japanese stayed in M: They stayed H: Yes. M: Not very H: No. that [for] everything government- said, or land was virgin. they gave all could get said, ttW€ did reaIly forced and they writing all going through the sent clear a kind of right time thing. leave. nonths tt Chihuahua. The Do you know to had to So, Those people, aI1 the was an isolated live live working for really, hardships they without little So, looking tinl there anlrway, Because we left they back, I before they they were they were place. sierra? No, someplace between Chihuahua City it. some you know, whatever and saying because it to sent a barn could. Mexican and land. Everybody way they them, of the had a very hard tine. us to the the cities were governrnent about two or three They just any pay. people whichever for or they coastlin€sr,t They had to first or the the the But when the government, now the border to wanted pay even if government There was no rooms. there that rrYou have to leave those there and they we had to alright States belonged altogether. did here you tisl tell from our pocket. that sleep f want to United seaports the well. who had family was....We the property that left whoever- In people thing group stayed very in Mexico City. was just to....One or are doing many came back? ft the and they Mexico and....ItIl But anlrway, everybody was, yOU know....The 33 think about Japanese men had Mexican wives. were there. And they hard to breathe. M: And They when teIl with their know husbands and they rroh my goodness, me rater, Why didnrt you did reft it was end of we leave before....?rl things were okay at the everything? H: when r read that Hiroshima- sai-d, r here anymore. they said, you could Your for over. over. rr rrn not so r wrote And r did. me and they and we had the me or citizen?rr M: rrm going cross border stopped rrThe war is heard going arrested and they father, From the took me in just was he to stay and you know, train, a car somebody and we crossed bags and everything. me or anything. about my parents rrWel1, come to Ju6rez and maybe we could, was waiting the r just they had bornbed Hiroshirna- They never r'American They said, 1et rne go. interned? Did they take your the War started they try to father? No. My father had l-eft was lucky. about 3:00 Angeles. My brother a trouble and they They stopped said, every or 4:00 were going hj-m on the EI Paso.'r to El So thatts thing one that was helping the to that F.B.I. the there way but The only so often in was living ttAs soon as you get are back in only That day that one of they to go to Los and he had some kind see if they just could herp questioned paso qo and report of hirn. him and that you what he did. my brother my father men would 34 morning at that saystime- go there. he was the tisl that They would close the everybody store and who was Iin] they the family go and search everything know what in they a regular every three M: ( Inaudible) H: Yes. way- but this months or every thatfs man doing for four told coming here thatts WeII, States. couldget his it fear every and they month. or tupl- wourd dontt so often- It was about or whatever. that photograph. so often?rr an F.B.I. man rWhat He said, rWe11, He said, you They werer of people went into But we know we didnrt all have so.... EI paso? came back to m my v husband couldnrt at first, But later at1 was every why he on I tried by ny American everything citizen[ship]- papers. And you came over Yes. And you opened a business... A store but us and seeing what kind so you all Wellr Yes. to there- me afterwards the Japanese homes and everything. anything them rnonthsr my husbandrs my son-in-Iaw, know, watching living was not it Because my father line in the house and see what....I were searching came and showed hin is would on Santa Fe Street. What was it t s narne? El Nido de los Pobres. EI Nido de los Pobres? (Iaughs) 35 come into and found he could the United out cross that over he and H: Thatrs a very, she came that very old building building. My mother was there and it says that was called when El Nido de Los Pobres. M: So you never H: No. changed the narne? (chuckles) End of Aeginning Your children Tape One, of Tape Tro, became educated B Side Side A here in the United States? Yes, yes. And what Javier are their Honda. Did they names? And ny daughterts marry of them. a teacher- and my daughter [S]he has a very both best for working for She had a scholarship? H: That for they My daughter the school- hers government. the had a scholarship on the west coast. M: day that is working good position. single. schools [was] My son is single? They are both the Irma Honda. Japanese? No, neither Theyrre name is girls only. were trying [to]. The girls college for gir1s. didn't She had a scholarship... And she was telling to make it want it to one of co-ed and so me the other and nobody wanted it stayed just a M! What happened H: It M: Destroyed? M: Destroyed. M: What was it H: There to the Japanese that like before was a Iot of nobody rearly everything had the unity, had a very like part like wanted to not a thatvery boy that too they of used to and the understand, together. but that father. much. things that was that they I get didnrt only- f r knew of we were On my motherrs But guess I seeing someone eating motherrs and ate farnily the three like a long time, meals friends and he didntt everyone. because of one of my brotherrs 37 donrt rnind you know, and he never for of f He someone else for person There were always said, us- they him. eat Irm o1d- f rm sayinq, compassionate liked I with side to was enough food now that was a friend everybody and, we had plenty because there one thing was there ny people help tif I anyone....My anything rike there I guess- because we were the were others- liked ourselves. went afterwards was afraid, one didnrt discrimination, [hin] remember ever besides but Japanese, Everybody didn't Thatts They were stuck guess in E1 Paso there only said, to get together tried unity. f and everybody or whatever, you know, that, War? changed. American people, just here? was... were so few Japanese that- the community said Thatrs rrWell, hy father he ours. never said There was a and he said, ttNo, I donrt want to go eat at And he stilr sit my father him with everybody ate (laughter) H: You know, before or twelve of to really, meet and talk. M: Did you speak in H: No. M: Oh, nobody speaks Japanese? H: No, not M: No? H: No. (chuckles) fn the teach the the Japanese family Yes, itrs Japanesel. and they had, And the girls the Japanese. litt1e to do with and was like ciLizen were about ten Japanese, some and had halfa social was about we thing to, it. English? nobody speaks Japanese. I very interesting Chinese but the Japanese dontt There was a family think, there because the Chinese were three in Judrez girls [teach at the War they they Chinese? told them they went to Mexico City. couldnrt the one time and two boys. were coming here to one of the catholic So when we left Also saTchich6n.rr children. children during that Casino Japon6s? And that Japanese or in children but same thing so there half do is used to we had a Japanese-American ourselves- What we had, you know, the Some of them were 100 percent like they my mother w€ had very I was one of the oldest htere meetings. thing ', .. .en mi casa puto f got marriedr kids. them hin me about that the Japanese from Judrez. club. give and Can you tell The only remembers that and como dice M: league- home. cross schools over. M: Oh, Japanese. H: And both parents- their to Japan with you all, saying but her just know, (Chuckles) H: And, you know, they they were Iike the Japanese food. not interested r heard- Everybody and I girls- the in Japan, they knew what were they were Eng1ish. rl them didntt taquitos Jandl their learning. They liked their and assimilated? of had married The only H: The name, yas. thing years Mexican girlsJapanese now is ago in Mexico a1I married (chuckles) 7os chismes. something. van a casar I of the (laughter) not the name? think one girls. of them mexicana.r 39 about liked around was, three sons, to visit- I was tell me I didntt man who was married was Mexico And there And we went to And what the man was saying con ninguna he died and he had three Mexican this in Japanese girls. but City- Japanese My brother-in-Iaw know him but my husband didsons. did because most- what My husband had a brother- and [they] one. really, second generation the M: two one of Some of Yes, in Mexico they completely, todo They in H: another to her after. parents Completely think, were spoke Japanese to their M: four father- (Iaughs) carnitas. or the girl, the whispering never and f talked rnother- I would answer in M: all mother rrYou know what? she said, [and] the And one of the girls, Japanese. went f fm sorry. and had twenty-two tttlis hijos or no se y 7o cuando 7o fuimos a sentar there M: iIVo qu6 no! Ah, questions? H: I well. So, (interruption) What was the Harbor? you learn Like my parents said, I the brothers about during they had left, that party get married. that there came in- it had Extra. bombed Pearl didn't taste silent. Were you in H: Shock and, country we ate, or that them. Pearl girl in men. the and f went to We were just Japan think very they it thadl the surprised was going I, you know....But I shock? and all just But sti1l, that. The party looked at the 40 rrWell, thought, I was living was just food or in Itrl [an] another over as soon as whatever, the just food and to happen. you know, I... bad but to men ltrere out caLled donrt that day And when they they said I went that afternoon-and tirne So we ate. And I all who was going And the four Afternoon Anyway, Los Angeles where it imagine anything citizen." or at anything. [Iike] was very M: American Harbor. to together- Sunday. Japan. 4:OO or 5:00 showed us] I couldnrt I knew it to got We all to the three You know, And [they any Chinese... EI Paso. every for were giving was about paper. the you, were about the have people of in week to visit I told they here every, She was going hunting- reaction you do about my parents. the like me see, about this? and sisters- twice 1et werenrt Sundays were spent with He said, (chuckles) some questions had How did (laughter) there. Hay esta 7a mexicana." iVe! "iVe! was a Mexican girl and everybody because went home. none of the only ones there out their Iaughed or make money- and he left call men went Ju6rez paper just I was a doctor to go to someplace Where they it. with know why, he was a good doctor he didnrt they the came in because there who- I donrt in the You know, in in Ju6rez Itfs women were the and they something so much when I read it know. surprise tbigl and my husband and myself....The (laughter) rifles. was a very women- because rabbits hunting so it the- and I donrt stolen or sell but I donrt know what second-hand things... M: La segundas? H: No, no not they call segundas. [1a] it. It has a name. and buy second-hand....He know, [to] things whatever, donrt work with like that. his some kind sending....And I was a doctor left of to look he had in to fix know what his radios house. So they H: He was a spy. would with Japan knew what kind of want to pay. Mexican and she said she wasntt going to pay. think she paid so he had to weeks or whatever it was that 41 the stay a1I they stayed. I a man he The wife was So I dontt time- or and was say he was a spy? WeI1, he didnrt and He had, $ras. ( laughter) M: you herramienta, for communication because I donrt where he liked, So he liked hands. what I anlrway he would go there WeIl, So he went and thatts know, Es un mercado- three M: So people paid H: Yes, that was why they wife was Mexican and said, anyway, the he stayed station. others. If Hiroshirna all that M: Yes. H: We went father here Japan. was from because to And I when I they Japanese.rr they to needed that? How did Or how did is And, the was thinking gone anything, but fron the like I they be different. him through all this to me very treated of Japan, very strict Everybody visit come He came When we ny fatherts discriminating. [against] they think couldn't I rm home and understand we1l. I guess, [there]. has to 42 I and my he didnrt we went to my husbandrs they Itrs about south brother. because You know, part Japanese think anything. older going of very said, money or me [we11]. The southern the cities. the with the not going to be discrininated So when we went, treated hirn to now? want to be under his ttNo, I tr have But him more than but from what I heard they were very said, took they would go and leave Yokohama. Japan I relatives the to soldiers were watching My husband because he didnrt went the and Nagasaki. had happened, to going But what he was doing. you knew react Today? and f think paying. tbyl ttNo, Itm not the train people H: go out- could there he left You mentioned of out? And the soldiers and watch him, M: get to be the itrs more open than Nobody is supposed to same and follow the even Japanese people- in their get children foreigners because they in In Japan. of (chuckles) them. of or Mexico very In the around there The people didn't find treated that to infl-uence the they rest were very rrlrm ashamed kids they dontt discriminate. they werel a kid. government a few of coTonias. them who had doctors about It was the look one thing 43 elders When they something. They just so that's people. My son They were a group of them. at that girls of kids who tried are everybody I or nice. are very were nice had a they the way the boys and the make the difference. the were because There were two or three different anything hi-rn than didnrt There Revolution. so....But the in....There lived Spaniards. was mostly come before we City Mexico so my heritage know that Itrs and whatever. bad things of Mexico a lot because I Mexicanrrr ernployees and not the people. the It being read a lot of you know, thatts And I have read civilization high a lot out The other [have] too and Irm not going to say' my heritage thatts And I I know. But, f have to know what. considered are have a 1ot of problems. have found and I Japanese things about they and then in Japan and studied were not trained them and....So ridicule kids school they because lot a years three two or about for come to live the families and everything- States United the here they have opened factories now that States in the United think because anything felt never And I more open. a little itrs I south the in But everything. and follow same rules found. as kids tif United the you know....At like, get couldntt that all those but they were treated there was more M: More egalitarian? H: Yes. M: Let H: (laughs) What do you think rne go back. felt you the To te1l because sorry for was sufferingpeopte were War, okay, WeIl, out found in than Mexico in ry Chinese Itn that the So thatrs free. is what happened. care people. innocent Just were killedwas war. If the way I about the Chinese it as I A lot but I was innocent. reason, But that Hiroshirna? children, and finished, the looked at in Ju6rez it. and the EI Paso. in H: I know very M: Did you ever... H: No. M: Nothing? H: Nothing. Even the were and they innocent question last there about I didnrt truth, whatever women, and everything. M: I a way, in open society an] lof So, same. and States. United of the Spanish They were talking the same. were treated people black were several there and movies, and the restaurants, In Mexico, things. they I the into people black was the there tirne, that in were no There equal. is because everybody States here than in Mexico more of democracy I found I think littte You know, at that Koreans. Chinese. about the tine They donrt 44 Japan was in war with l-ike the Japanese and I China. know. way they the of because discriminated the that know, everything, thank M: WeIl, H: And I wanted and they just you very much. a lot because Iot of people the donrt just every sometimes in something at like there but and my daughter, and that they papers that 78 and I it hear both have good jobs think I Now I here in and that in have that [and] my son and ny children, the United States they donrt have to For me, itts have maybe two or 45 and they bad things too. things They bad. whatever are know there rrffo Mexicanos, very I a sign- therers the They just and come in and a innocent was te1ls good can happen time thatts are And to that at But I be a record and in Arizona an educati-on 9ot China you are innocent Japanese depend from us nor us depend on them. Irm and f tm glad my husband i-s living changed completely. his Even if that. bad things. the get the does- person. the country he could at that history from it. still it in happened. because we are wonrt, heard that know, I look take know what looked know if entrantt, donrt suffered they way Iike....You donrt people it You to this I want of thought, saw that. thing. hope that I doing were they say this know, avoid....You again. what Japanese, to just But some people thern. with relationtshipl close very a find way the who understood could they everything, and lived they But people [against]. were And they and everything. lived badly They were treated a Iot. been reading Irve I said, Like three very years good. but Irm M: happy right now. Letrs hope for very.. . H: I beg your M: Letrs or ten hope for ten or twenty look [more years]. You know how they look very young.... H: Itrs M: Of course H: They work very hard. M: They work very hard. H: Like not true. not, of course rny husbandrs doesnrt retire they have traffic. to attack afternoon on their he worked until where they from heart the morning- iQu6 tr6.gica! H: No. they want own self. And my he was 72 but he used lived disease. and at Did you want to therers a lot Instantly- three say anything can make a copy and take it. rnuch. H: Yes, y€S, okay. M: Okay, P: This Iet is So if of he had otclock in the he was dead. M: I in know how come Mexico or anything. depend And then And he died a heart donrt I security I think smoke a lot. not. brother. have any social brother-in-1aw, to Japanese pardon? say Japanese people to [more years]. twenty me turn the end of it off. the End of interview Tape Two, Side A 46 Well, about thank this? you very