The Montreal Protocol
The Montreal Protocol
The Montreal Protocol on Substances that Deplete the Ozone Layer 20th Anniversary Photo Book “Celebrating 20 years of progress in 2007” Ozone Secretariat United Nations Environment Programme The Montreal Protocol on Substances that Deplete the Ozone Layer 20th Anniversary Photo Book “Celebrating 20 years of progress in 2007” Ozone Secretariat United Nations Environment Programme Foreword Montreal Protocol Photo Book Celebrating 20 years of cooperation in 2007 The Montreal Protocol on Substances that Deplete the Ozone Layer celebrated its twentieth anniversary on 16 September 2007. Over the years, thousands of delegates and national implementers of the Protocol have made a genuine contribution to its continuing success. Furthermore, as Achim Steiner, Executive Director of the United Nations Environment Programme, once told the Parties to the Protocol, the cohesive nature of the participants in the Montreal Protocol process has been one of the reasons for its success. Indeed, longterm participants in the process often refer to “the Protocol family” when speaking of the group of Parties and entities involved in ozone protection. This photo book constitutes a first attempt to bring together the broader ozone family in a manner designed to enhance the cohesive spirit that already exists. The use of photos will help participants to put a face to a name more easily in their ozone-related interactions. For the purpose of this first edition of the photo book, individuals are listed in the following categories: Parties, United Nations agencies or programmes, assessment panels, international non-governmental organizations, non-governmental organizations, industries and observers and, lastly, Nobel laureates and other distinguished members of the ozone community. The Secretariat will endeavour to update the photo book regularly. Furthermore, we intend to post a version of the photo book on our website. In the meantime, we encourage all delegates who wish to amend any of the information presented, or who wish to be included in the next edition, to inform the Secretariat by writing to: The Secretariat wishes to thank all the individuals and institutions that have contributed to making this first photo book possible and hopes that you will enjoy this commemorative publication as much as we have enjoyed putting it together. Marco González Executive Secretary Ozone Secretariat III IV Carlos H.E. Ahmad Ballares Shah Karim Olomi Deputy Director General Coordinadora Oficina Programa Ozono, National Environmental Protection Agency Subsecretaría de Promoción del Desarrollo Sustentable Darulaman Road Secretaría de Ambiente y Desarrollo Sustentable inside Ministry of Energy and Water - Compound Maipu 116 - piso 10 NEPA office Buenos Aires 1084 Kabul City 25000 Argentina Kabul Afghanistan Tel : + 54 11 4348 8413/567 Fax :++93 54799 11 4348 8274 Tel: 565 458 E-mail E-mail: Website : Mr. Lic.Zahid LauraUllah Beron Hamdard Director International Environmental Affairs (Division) Coordinadora Oficina Head ofPrograma Afghanistan Ozono, Ozone Programme National Environmental Subsecretaría de Promoción Protection del Desarrollo Agency Sustentable Secretaría de Ambiente y Desarrollo Sustentable Kabul Maipu 116 - piso 10 Afghanistan Buenos Aires 1084 Tel: + 93 799 565 458 Argentina E-mail: / Tel: + 54 11 4348 8413 Fax: + 54 11 4348 8274 E-mail: Pablo Ms. Lahrech Canziani Zakia Coordinatrice du Bureau Ozone Algerie Coordinadora Oficina Programa Ozono, Ministere de l ‘Amenagement du Territoire et de l’Environnement et du Tourisme Subsecretaría Rue des Quatre deCanons Promoción del Desarrollo Sustentable Secretaría Les Tagarins de Ambiente y Desarrollo Sustentable Maipu 116 - piso 10 Alger Buenos Aires 1084 Algerie Argentina Tel: + 213 2156 1439 / + 213 2156 2536 Fax: + 213 2156 1439 / + 213 2156 2536 Tel: + 54 11 4348 8413 E-mail : Fax: + 54 11 4348 8274 E-mail: Mr. Ruben Tango Piacentini Formoso Focal Point of NOU of Angola Coordinadora Oficina Programa Ozono, National Direction of Environment Subsecretaría de Promoción del Desarrollo Sustentable Ministry of Environment and Urban Affairs Secretaría de Ambiente y Desarrollo Sustentable Angola Maipu 116 - piso 10 Buenos Aires Tel: + 244 2221084 310 60 / 244 923 812 471 Argentina Fax: + 244 222 310 560 E-mail: Tel: + 54 11 4348 8413 Fax: + 54 11 4348 8274 E-mail: 1 Ms. Denise Christopher Licensing Clerk Licensing Department Industry & Commerce Division Ministry of Finance & Economy P.O. Box 1550 Redcliffe Street St. John’s Antigua and Barbuda Tel: + 1 268 462 1542 Fax: + 1 268 462 1625 Ms. Corah Charmaine Hackett Communications Coordinator Assistant Ozone Officer Industry & Commerce Division Ministry of Finance and Economy P.O. Box 1550 Redcliffe Street St. John’s Antigua and Barbuda Tel: + 1 268 562 1609 Fax: + 1 268 462 1625 E-mail: H.E. Raul Alfredo Estrada-Oyuela Ambassador Prades 1333 Buenos Aire 1011 Argentina Tel: + 54 11 842 6582 Fax: + 54 11 842 5797 E-mail: Lic. Laura Berón Coordinadora Oficina Programa Ozono, Subsecretaría de Promoción del Desarrollo Sustentable Secretaría de Ambiente y Desarrollo Sustentable Maipu 116 - piso 10 Buenos Aires 1084 Argentina Tel: + 54 11 4348 8413 Fax: + 54 11 4348 8274 E-mail: 2 Ms. Ana Maria Kleymeyer Advisor to the Secretary International Environmental Affairs Secretaria de Ambiente y Desarrollo Sustenable San Martin 451 Buenos Aires Capitol Federal 1084 Argentina Tel: + 54 11 4348 8292 E-mail: Ms. Marcia Levaggi Embassy of Argentina in South Africa Ministry of Foreign Affairs 200 Standard Plaza 440 Hilda St. Hatfield Pretoria 28 South Africa Tel: + 27 12 342 4041 Fax: + 27 12 430 3521 E-mail: H.E. Aram Harutyunyan Minister of Nature Protection Ministry of Nature Protection 3rd Government Building Republic Square Yerevan 10 Armenia Tel: + 374 1052 1099 Fax: + 374 1058 5469 E-mail: Ms. Asya Muradyan Head of Division of Land and Atmosphere Protection Department of Environmental Protection Ministry of Nature Protection 3rd. Government Bldg. Republic Square Yerevan 375010 Armenia Tel: + 374 1054 1182 Fax: + 374 10541183 E-mail: 3 Mr. Patrick McInerney Director Ozone and Synthetic Gas Team Department of the Environment and Water Resources G.P.O. Box 787 Canberra ACT 2601 Australia Tel: + 61 2 6274 1035 Fax: + 61 2 6274 1610 E-mail: Mr. Tom Parnell Program Manager Operational Science and New Technologies -Australian Quarantine and Inspection Service Department of Agriculture, Fisheries and Forestry G.P.O. Box 858 Canberra 2601 ACT Australia Tel: + 61 2 6272 5974 Fax: + 61 2 6272 3745 E-mail: Dr. Barry Reville Assistant Secretary Environment Protection Branch Department of the Environment and Water Resources G.P.O Box 787 Canberra ACT 2601 Australia Tel: + 61 2 6274 1622 Fax: + 61 2 6274 1164 E-mail: Mr. Paul Krajnik Chemicals Ministry of Environment Stubenbastei 5 Vienna A-1010 Austria Tel: + 431 515 22 23 50 Fax: + 43 1 515 22 73 34 E-mail: 4 Mr. Johann Steindl Chemicals Ministry of Environment Stubenbastei 5 Vienna A-1010 Austria Tel: + 43 1 515 22 23 39 Fax: + 43 1 515 22 73 34 E-mail: Dr. Ismail Mohammed Al-Madani Vice President-Public Commission for the Protection of Marine Resources, Environment & Wildlife (PCPMREW) Director General-Environment & Wildlife Affairs Government of the Kingdom of Bahrain P.O. Box 32657 Isa Town Kingdom of Bahrain Tel: + 973 178 751 00 / 178 742 90 Mobile: + 973 396 032 32 Fax: + 973 177 849 34 / 17836117 E-mail : Mr. Jaffar Ahmed Salman Senior Environment Specialist & National Ozone Officer Environmental Control Directorate P.O. Box 32657 Isa Town Kingdom of Bahrain Tel: + 973 1787 5168 Fax: + 973 1787 5168 E-mail: Mr. Satyendra Kumar Purkayastha Senior Officer Ozone Cell Department of Environment E/16 Agargaon Sher-e-Bangla Nagaz Dhaka-1207 Bangladesh Tel: + 880 2 912 4005 Fax: + 880 2 912 9005 E-mail: 5 Dr. Khandaker Rashedul Haque Director General Department of Environment Ministry of Environment and Forest E-16 Agargaon Shere-e-Bangla Nagar Dhaka-1207 Bangladesh Tel: + 88 02 8112461 -Office / + 88 02 8333999 -Residence Fax: + 88 02 9118682 E-mail: Ms. Emma Beckles National Ozone Officer Environment Unit First Floor SP Musson Building Hincks Street Bridgetown St Michael Barbados Tel: + 1 246 467 5700 Fax: + 1 246 437 8859 E-mail: Mr. Bambiza Aleksandr Head of Department State Control for Protection of the Ozone Layer Ministry for Natural Resources and Environment Protection Kollektornaja, 10 Minsk 220048 Belarus Tel: + 375 17200 6261 Fax: + 375 17200 5113 E-mail: Mr. Jozef Buys Chargé de Mission Directorate General for Development Cooperation Ministry of Foreign Affairs Karmelietenstraat 15 B-1000 Brussels Belgium Tel: + 32 (0) 2 501 4897 6 Mr. Ulrik Lenaerts Attache Service Environment and Sustainable Development Federal Ministry of Foreign Affairs Rue des Petits Carmes 15 Brussels 1000 Belgium Tel: + 32 2 501 43 74 Fax: + 32 2 501 37 03 E-mail: Mr. Martin Alegria Senior Environmental Officer Department of the Environment Department of the Environment 10/12 Ambergris Ave. Belmopan City Belize C.A. Tel: + 501 822 2816 Fax: + 501 822 2862 E-mail: / Mr. Gustave Kwami Hounsah Coordinator National Ozone Office Benin Point Focal suppléant Ozone Chef Service Gestion des Risques Environnementaux Direction Générale de l’Environnement Ministère de l’Environnement et de la Protection de la Nature 01 B.P. 3621 Cotonou Benin Tel: + 229 21 31 20 65 Mobile: + 229 95 05 36 02 / 97 65 72 82 Fax: + 229 21 31 50 81 E-mail : H.E. Dasho Nado Rinchhen Deputy Minister of Environment National Environment Commission P.O. Box 466 Thimphu Bhutan Tel: + 975 2 326 588 Fax: + 975 2 321 707 / 323 385 E-mail: 7 Mr. Ritu Raj Chhetri Chief Legal Officer & National Ozone Officer Legal Ozone National Environment Commission P.O. Box 466 Thimphu Bhutan Tel: + 975 323 384 / 334 951 Fax: + 975 323 385 / 334 953 E-mail: Mr. Alex Suarez National Coordinator Ozone Governmental Commission Land and Environmental Planning Viceministry Development Planning Ministry Av. Mcal. Santa Cruz esq. Oruro 1092 Plazuela del Obelisco Edificio ex Comibol La Paz Bolivia Tel: + 591 2 231 03 77 Fax: + 591 2 231 03 77 E-mail: Dr. Senad Oprasic Head of Department Department of Environmental Protection Ministry of Foreign Trade and Economic Relations Musala 9 Sarajevo 71000 Bosnia and Herzegovina Tel: + 387 33 55 2365 Fax: + 387 33 20 6141 E-mail: Ms. Azra Rogovic-Grubic National Ozone Unit Officer Senior Adviser Sect.of Natural Resources, Energy and Environment Ministry of Foreign Trade and Economic Relations Musala 9 Sarajevo 71000 Bosnia and Herzegovina Tel: + 387 33 55 2365 Fax: + 387 33 20 6141 E-mail: / 8 Mr. Balisi Gopolang Principal Meteorologist National Ozone Office Department of Meteorological Services P.O. Box 10100 Gaborone Botswana Tel: + 267 395 6281 Fax: + 267 395 6282 E-mail: Ms. Keitumetse Monaka Assistant Ozone Officer Meteorological Services Ministry of Environment Wildlife and Tourism Metsimotlhaba Road P.O. Box 10100 Gaborone Botswana Tel: + 267 395 6281 Fax: + 267 395 6282 E-mail: Ms. Bianca Abreu Advisor Division for Environmental Policy and Sustainable Development Ministry of External Relations Esplanada dos Ministérios Bloco H, Anexo II, Sala 204 Brasilia 70170-900 Brazil Tel: + 55 061 3411 92 89 Fax: + 55 061 3411 92 88 E-mail: Mr. Ruy Góes Leite de Barros Director Secretariat of Climate Change and Environmental Quality Department of Climate Change Ministry of the Environment Esplanda dos Ministérios Bloco B Gabinete 8º Andar Brasilia 70-068-900 Brazil Tel: + 55 61 4009 12 15 Fax: + 55 61 4009 17 59 / 4009 17 60 E-mail: 9 Ms. Magna Luduvice Ozone Unit Coordinator Ozone Unit- Department of Climate Change Ministry of the Environment Esplanada dos Ministérios Bloco B 8 Andar Brasilia 70068-900 Brazil Tel: + 55 61 4009 10 17 Fax: + 55 61 4009 17 59 / 4009 17 60 E-mail: Mr. Claudio Nishizawa Regulation and Sanitary Surveillance Specialist ANVISA Ministry of Health Sepn 515 Bl.B 1SS Sala 26B Brasília 70770 502 DF Brazil Tel: + 55 61 3448 12 09 Fax: + 55 61 3448 14 35 E-mail: Ms. Irina Tsanova Sirashka Senior Expert Global Atmospheric Processes Department Ministry of Environment and Water 22 Maria Luiza Blvd. Sofia 1000 Bulgaria Tel: + 359 2940 6640 Fax: + 359 2980 3926 E-mail: Mr. Racine Donzala Kwambwole Ingénieur Energie et Froid 01 B.P. 1465 Ouagadougou 01 Burkina Faso Tel: + 226 50 34 41 52 Mobile: + 226 70 26 10 48 E-mail: 10 Mr. Alain Edouard Traore General Secretary 06 B.P. 10.062 Ouagadougou Burkina Faso Tel: + 226 503 070 39 E-mail: Mr. Victor Yameogo Coordonnateur du Programme de pays Ozone Bureau Ozone Direction Générale Ministry of Environment and Life Frame Work 03 B.P. 7044 Ouagadougou 03 Ouagadougou 7044 Burkina Faso Tel: + 226 5030 63 97 /+ 226 70 20 64 84 Fax: + 226 5031 81 34 E-mail: Website: Mr. Khieu Muth Secretary of State Ministry of Environment #48 Samdech Preah Sihanouk Tonle Bassac Chamkarmon Phnom Penh Cambodia Tel: + 855 23 219 287 Fax: + 855 23 219 287 E-mail: Mr. Sokharavuth Pak Pollution Control Department Ministry of Environment 48 Samdech Preah Sihanouk Tonle Bassac Chamkarmon Phnom Penh Cambodia Tel: + 885 23 22 2439 Fax: + 885 23 98 7880 E-mail: 11 Mr. Enoh Peter Ayuk Director of Standards Control & Coordinator of Ozone Programme Ministry of Environment and Protection of Nature Yaounde Cameroon Tel: + 237 996 910 25 Fax: + 237 2222 11 06 E-mail: Mr. Philippe Chemouny Manager Montreal Protocol Program International Affairs Branch 10 Wellington Gatineau K1A 0H3 Canada Tel: + 1 819 997 2768 Fax: + 1 819 994 6227 E-mail: Ms. Cecile Cleroux Assistant Deputy Minister Environmental Stewardship Branch Environment Canada 351 St. Joseph Blvd Gatineau K1A 0H3 Quebec Canada Tel: + 1 819 956 9500 Fax: + 1 819 953 9452 E-mail: Ms. France Jacovella Executive Director Chemicals Management Environment Canada 351 St. Joseph Blvd Gatineau K1A 0H3 Quebec Canada Tel: + 1 819 956 5263 Fax: + 1 819 994 0007 E-mail: 12 Ms. Margaret Kenny Director General Chemicals Sector Environmental Stewardship Branch Environment Canada 351 St. Joseph Blvd. Gatineau K1A 0H3 Quebec Canada Tel: + 1 819 934 4960 Fax: + 1 819 994 0004 E-mail: Ms. Nicole Ladouceur Director General Multilateral and Bilateral Affairs International Affairs Branch Environment Canada Canada Tel: + 1 819 994 4404 Fax: + 1 819 994 6227 Ms. Silvia Maciunas Legal Officer Oceans and Environmental Law Division Department of Foreign Affairs and International Trade Lester B. Pearson Building 125 Sussex Dr. Ottawa Ontario Canada Tel: + 1 613 992 1990 Fax: + 1 613 992 6483 E-mail: Mr. Pierre Pinault Chief Montreal Protocol and LRTAP Chemicals Sector Division 351 St. Joseph Blvd. Gatineau K1A 0H3 Canada Tel: + 1 819 953 1143 Fax: + 1 819 953 8963 E-mail: 13 Ms. Nancy Seymour P.Eng. Controls Development Engineer Chemicals Sector Division Environment Canada 351 St. Joseph Blvd. Gatineau K1A 0H3 ON Canada Tel: + 1 819 994 1109 Fax: + 1 819 994 0007 E-mail: Mr. Manuel Adilson Cardoso Fragoso National Coordinator of the Programme Ozone General Direction of Environment Ministry of Environment and Agriculture. B.P. 115 Praia Cape Verde Tel: + 238 261 1654 / 8984 Mobile: + 238 992 0858 Fax: + 238 261 7511 E-mail: Mr. Alladoum Mbanghoguinan Point Focal Ozone Ministere de l’Enseignement Superieur Faculte des Sciences Exactes et Appliquees Université de Ndjamena Ndjamena B.P. 1027 Chad Tel: + 235 622 1933 Fax: + 235 529 748 E-mail: Mr. Ricardo Alen Deputy Head of Mission Embassy of Chile P.O. Box 45554-00100 Nairobi Kenya Tel: + 254 20 445 2950 / 1 Fax: + 254 20 444 3209 E-mail: 14 Ms. Haijun Chen Project Officer State Environmental Protection Administration No.115 Xizhimennanxiaojie Beijing 100035 China E-mail: Ms. Kun Pan Department of Treaty and Law Ministry of Foreign Affairs No.2 Chao Yang Men Nan Ave. Beijing 100701 China Tel: + 86 10 659 632 54 Fax: + 86 10 659 632 57 E-mail: Mr. Kaixiang Wang Deputy Director Foreign Economic Cooperation Office State Environmental Protection Administration Xizhimennei No115 Xicheng District Beijing 100035 China Tel: + 86 10 885 757 68 Fax: + 86 10 885 770 42 E-mail: Mr. Lirong Yang Deputy Division Chief SEPA State Environmental Protection Administration 115 Xizhimennei Nanxiaojie Beijing 100035 China E-mail: 15 Ms. Mengheng Zhang Deputy Chief Department of International Cooperation State Environmental Protection Administration 115 Xizhimennei Nanxiaojie Beijing 100035 China Tel: + 86 10 6655 6515 Fax: + 86 10 6655 6513 E-mail: Mr. Javier Camargo Adviser International Office Ministry of the Environment, Housing and Territorial Development Calle 37 No. 8-40 Bogota Colombia Tel: + 57 1 332 3604 Fax: + 57 1 332 3426. E-mail: Mr. Jorge Enrique Sanchez Segura Ozone Officer Dirección de Desarrollo Sostenible, Viceministerio de Ambiente Ministerio de Ambiente, Vivienda y Desarrollo Calle 37 No. 8-40 Bogota Cundinamarca Colombia Tel: + 57 1 332 3638 Fax: + 57 1 332 3638 E-mail: Mr. Said Hachim Oussene Coordinateur et Point Focal Ozone Direction de l’Agriculture et de l’Environnement B.P. 41 Moroni Comoros Tel: + 269 761 961 / 343 255 Fax: + 269 735 630 E-mail: 16 Mr. Mario Patrice Mackoloki Point Focal Direction Générale de l’Environnement 106 Rue Mpangala Ouénzé Brazzaville Congo Tel: + 242 8141 36 / + 242 6624 014 / 7606 506 Fax: + 242 8141 36 E-mail: Ms. Enid Chaverri Tapia Montreal Prococol Focal Point 2004-2006 Executive Secretary of the Organizing Committee of the 4th CoP to the Vienna Convention and 8th MoP to the Montreal Protocol-Costa Rica-1996 Ministry of Environment and Energy Costa Rica Tel: + 506 233 4533 - Ext. 165 Fax: + 506 223 5086 Ms. Shirley Soto Montero Focal Point for the Montreal Protocol Ministry of Environment and Energy Costa Rica Tel: + 506 233 0356 - Ext. 103 Fax: + 506 257 1839 - Ext. 106 E-mail: Ms. Snjezana Ilicic Senior Advisor Directorate for Environmental Managament Air protection Department Ministry of Environmental Protection, Physical Planning and Construction Republike Austrije 20 Zagreb 10 000 Croatia Tel: + 385 1 3782 444 Fax: + 385 1 3782 157 17 Dr. Daniel Rolph Schneider Assistant Minister Directorate for Environmental Management Ministry of Environmental Protection, Physical Planning and Construction Ulica Republike Austrije 14 Zagreb HR-10000 Croatia Tel: + 385 137 82154 Fax: + 385 1371 7135 E-mail: Dr. Jose Antonio Diaz Duque Vice-Minister Ministry of Science, Technology and Environment Capitolio Nacional Prado y San Jose Habana Vieja C.P 10 200 La Habana Cuba Tel: + 53 7 867 0621 / 0627 - 0629 Fax: + 53 7 867 0600 E-mail: Mr. Nelson Espinosa Director Oficina Técnica de Ozono de Cuba Ministerio de Ciencia Tecnología y Medio Ambiente Calle 20e/18a.y 47 Miramar Municipio Playa La Habana 10300 Cuba Tel: + 53 7 202 5543 / 202 9585 Fax: + 53 7 204 4041 E-mail: Dr. Jirí Hlavácek Deputy Director General for International Relations Director of the Department of Multilateral Relations Adviser to the Minister on International Environmental Affairs Secretary of the Government Council for Sustainable Development Working Group for the UN Commission on Sustainable Development Member of the Czech Commission for UNESCO Ministry of Environment of the Czech Republic Vršovická 65 100 10 Prague 10 Czech Republic Tel.: + 420 2 6712 2838 / + 420 2 6712 2827 Fax: + 420 2 6731 0015 18 H.E. Didace Pembe Bokiaga Ministre de l’Environnement President du Bureau de la 18e Reunion des Parties au Protocole de Montreal 15 Avenue Papa Ileo No 15 Commune de la Gombe Ville de Kinshasa Democratic Republic of the Congo Tel: + 243 818 122 916 E-mail: Mr. Justin Tshikudi Muepu Coordinateur et Point Focal Bureau National Ozone Chef de Division Surveillance Continue de l’Environnement Ministère de l’Environnement Av. Papa Ileo No. 15 Kinshasa Democratic Republic of the Congo Tel: + 243 818 122 916 E-mail: Mr. Frank Jensen Head of Section -Chemicals Ministry of the Environment Danish Environmental Protection Agency Strandgade 29 Copenhagen 1401 Denmark Tel: + 45 7254 4423 E-mail: Mr. Mikkel Morten Aaman Sorensen Expert Pesticides Division Danish Environmental Protection Agency Strandgade 29 Copenhagen 1401 Denmark Tel: + 45 7254 4505 E-mail: 19 Mr. Dini Abdallah Omar Directeur de l’Environnement Direction de l’Environnement Ministère de l’Habitat et de l’Environnement 2091 Djibouti-Ville Djibouti Tel: + 253 35 10 20 Fax: + 253 35 48 37 E-mail: Mr. Jeff Jno. Baptiste Environmental Awareness and Ozone Officer Environmental Coordinating Unit Ministry of Agriculture,Fisheries and Environment Roseau Fisheries Complex Dame Mary Eugenia Charles Blvd. Roseau Dominica Tel: + 1 767 266 5256 Fax: + 1 767 448 4577 E-mail: Ms. Kongit Haile-Gabriel MEA Projects Manager Environmental Coordinating Unit Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries and the Environment Roseau Fisheries Complex Dame Mary Eugenia Charles Blvd. Roseau Dominica Tel: + 1 767 266 5256 Fax: + 1 767 448 4577 E-mail: / Ing. Juan Tomas Filpo National Ozone Unit Chief National Ozone Programme Under Secretariat of Environment Management Environment and Natural Resources Secretariat Av. 27 de Febrero / Av Tiradentes Edificio Plaza Merengue Suite 202 Santo Domingo Distrito Nacional Dominican Republic Tel: + 1 809 563 5560 / 1 809 472 0626 Fax: + 1 809 472 0631 E-mail: 20 Mr. Walid Elsammak Project Manager NPP and Chiller Project Refrigration EEAA - Egyptian Enviromental Affairs Agency 30-Misr Helwan El-Zyrea Rd. Maadi P.O. Box 11728 Cairo Egypt Tel: + 20 2 525 6452 Fax: + 20 2 525 6490 E-mail: Dr. Ezzat Lewis Hannalla Agiby Director National Ozone Unit Egyptian Environmental Affair Agency Ministry of State for Environmental Affairs 30 Misr Helwan El-Zyrea Rd. Maadi P.O. Box 11728 Cairo Egypt Tel/Fax: + 20 2 381 763 90 Mobile: + 20 1 221 814 24 E-mail: / Mr. Iviti Nsuga Demetrio Point Focal Ozone Ministère de la Pêche et Environnment Malabo Equatorial Guinea Tel: + 240 250 200 E-mail: Mr. Viktor Grigorjev Head of Bureau Ambient Air and Radiation Safety Bureau Environmental Management and Technology Department Ministry of Environment of the Republic of Estonia Narva mnt 7A Tallinn 15172 Estonia Tel: + 372 626 2986 Fax: + 372 626 2801 E-mail: 21 Mr. Andres Kratovits Director General International Cooperation Ministry of the Environment Narva mnt 7A Tallinn 15217 Estonia Tel: + 372 6262 841 Fax: + 372 6262 845 E-mail: Ms.Valentina Laius Senior Officer Environmental Management and Technology Department Ministry of the Environment Republic of Estonia Narva mnt 7A Tallinn 15172 Estonia Tel: + 372 6262 978 Fax: + 372 6262 801 E-mail: Mr. Dula Shanko Lebeta Deputy Director General National Meteorological Agency P.O. Box 20231/1000 Addis Ababa Ethiopia Tel: + 251 1 661 5779 Fax: + 251 1 662 5292 E-mail: / Mr. Marios Avraamides Policy officer Industrial Emissions & Protection of the Ozone Layer Directorate-General Environment European Commission Brussels B-1049 Belgium Tel: + 32 229 529 12 Fax: + 32 229 987 64 E-mail: 22 Mr. Peter Horrocks Policy Officer Industrial Emissions & Protection of the Ozone Layer Directorate-General Environment European Commission Office: BU-5 02/178 Brussels B-1049 Belgium Tel: + 32 229 573 84 Fax: + 32 229 987 64 E-mail: Mr. Alexandros Kiriazis Assistant Industrial Emissions & Protection of the Ozone Layer, Directorate-General Environment Brussels B-1049 Belgium Tel: + 32 229 949 62 Fax: + 32 229 987 64 E-mail: Ms. Kalina Lewanska Assistant Policy Officer Industrial Emissions & Protection of the Ozone Layer Directorate General Environment European Commission Brussels-1049 Belgium Dr. Nicola Notaro Legal Adviser Environmental Agreements & Trade Directorate-General Environment European Commission Brussels B-1049 Belgium Tel: + 32 229 904 99 E-mail: 23 Dr. Philippe Tulkens Policy Officer Industrial Emissions & Protection of the Ozone Layer Directorate-General Environment European Commission Office: BU-5 02/179 Brussels B-1049 Belgium Tel: + 32 229 863 23 Fax: + 32 229 987 64 E-mail: Mr. Thomas Verheye Deputy Head of Unit Industrial Emissions & Protection of the Ozone Layer Directorate-General Environment European Commission Office: BU-5 02/176 Brussels B-1049 Belgium Tel: + 32 229 596 39 Fax: + 32 229 987 64 E-mail: Mr. Marcus Wandinger Policy Officer Industrial Emissions & Protection of the Ozone Layer Directorate-General Environment European Commission Office: BU-5 02/183 Brussels B-1049 Belgium Tel: + 32 229 873 91 Fax: + 32 229 987 64 E-mail: Ms. Marianne Wenning Head of Unit Industrial Emissions & Protection of the Ozone Layer Directorate-General Environment European Commission Office: BU-5 02/166 Brussels B-1049 Belgium Tel: + 32 229 559 43 Fax: + 32 229 888 68 E-mail: 24 H.E. Lavinia Bernadette Rounds Ganilau Minister for Labour, Industrial Relations, Tourism & Environment P.O. Box 2216 Government Building Suva Fiji Tel: + 679 330 9155 Fax: + 679 330 3532 E-mail: Mr. Shakil Sanjeev Kumar ODS National Coordinator Department of Environment Ministry of Labor, Industrial Relations & Environment 2nd Floor Harm Nam Building Suva Street G.P.O.Box 2109 Suva Fiji Tel: + 679 331 1069 Fax: + 679 331 8098 Mobile: + 679 997 5408 E-mail: Mr. Leif Backman Research Scientist Middle Atmospheric Research Earth Observation Finnish Meteorological Institute P.O. Box 503 Helsinki FIN-00101 Finland Tel: + 358 5040 50752 Fax: + 358 9192 93146 E-mail: Ms. Eliisa Irpola Senior Advisor Chemicals Unit Finnish Environment Institute P.O. Box 140 Helsinki FIN-00251 Finland Tel: + 358 40 532 8435 Fax: + 358 204 902 591 E-mail: 25 Ms. Katri Suomi Senior Advisor Environmental Risks and Waste Issues, Environmental Protection Unit Ministry of the Environment P.O. Box 35 FIN-00023 Finland Tel: + 358 2049 07326 Fax: + 358 9160 39346 E-mail: Mr. Jukka Uosukainen Director General Ministry of the Environment P.O. Box 35 FI-00023 Finland Tel: + 358 2049 07720 Fax: + 358 9160 39388 E-mail: Ms. Sara Viljanen Legal Adviser International Affairs Unit P.O. Box 35 Helsinki 00023 Finland Tel: + 358 2049 07402 Fax: + 358 9160 39388 E-mail: Mr. Marc Antoine Martin Secrétaire Général Fonds Français pour l’Environnement Mondial 5 Rue Roland Barthes Cedex 12 Paris 75598 France Tel: + 33 1 53 44 33 74 Fax: + 33 1 53 44 32 48 E-mail: 26 Ms. Béatrice Vincent Secrétariat du FFEM / French GEF Secretariat 5 Rue Roland Barthes 75598 Paris Cedex 12 France Tel: + 33 1 5344 3943 Fax: + 33 1 5344 3248 E-mail: Mr. Albert Rombonot Conseiller Technique Coordonnateur Programme Ozone Ministère de l’Environnement B.P. 9336 Libreville Gabon Tel: + 241 31 75 06 Fax: + 241 73 01 48 E-mail: Website: Mr. Alhagie Sarr ODS Programme Officer National Ozone Unit Department of Forestry and the Environment National Environment Agency PMB 48 No.5 Fitzgerald Street Banjul Gambia Tel: + 220 422 8056 Mobile: + 220 986 6975 Fax: + 220 422 9701 E-mail: Mr. Mikheil Tushishvili Head- Air Protection Division Ministry of Environment of Georgia 6 Gulua Str. 0114 Georgia Tel: + 995 32 727 228 Fax: + 995 32 727 228 E-mail: 27 Ms. Katja Becken Policy Adviser Federal Environment Agency Wörlitzer Platz 1 Dessau 06844 Germany Fax: + 49 340 2104 3407 E-mail: Dipl. Ing. Rolf Engelhardt Alternate Federal Ministry for the Environment, Nature Conservation and Nuclear Safety Division IG II 1 Fundamental Aspects of Chemical Safety Chemicals Legislation P.O. Box 120629 53048 Bonn Germany Tel: + 49 (0) 22 899 305 2751 Fax: + 49 (0) 22 899 305 3524 Fax-Box: + 49 (0) 22 899 10 305 2751 E-mail: Dr. Volkmar Hasse Programme Manager GTZ-Proklima Private Bag 18004 Klein Windhoek Windhoek Namibia Tel: + 264 61 273 501 Fax: + 264 61 253 945 E-mail: H.E. Walter Johannes Lindner Ambassador & Permanent Representative to UNEP & UN-HABITAT Embassy of the Federal Republic of Germany in Nairobi Riverside Drive 113 Ludwig Krapf House P.O. Box 30180 Nairobi 00100 Kenya Tel: + 254 20 4262 100 E-mail: 28 Dr. Christian Meineke Head of Division IG II 1 - Fundamental Aspects of Chemical Safety Federal Ministry for the Environment P.O. Box 120629 Bonn 53604 Germany Tel: + 49 228 305 2730 Fax: + 49 228 305 3524 E-mail: Mr. Georg vom Kolke Alternate Environment and Sustainable Use of Resources Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development Dahlmannstr 4 Bonn 53113 Germany Tel: + 49 228 535 3754 E-mail: Mr. Jonathan A. Allotey Executive Director Environmental Protection Agency P.O. Box MB.326 Accra Ghana Tel: + 233 021 662 693 / 664 697 / 8 E-mail: / Mr. Emmanuel Osae-Quansah Deputy Director Head-National Ozone Unit Chemicals Control Management Centre P.O. Box 326 Accra Ghana Tel: + 233 21 66 7374 E-mail: 29 Ing. Agr. Erwin Enrique Gomez Delgado Coordinador Nacional del Proyecto de Eliminación de Bromuro de Metilo Unidad Tecnica de Ozono Ministerio de Ambiente y Recursos Naturales 20 Calle 28-58 Zona 10 Guatemala Ciudad Guatemala Tel: + 502 242 305 00 - Ext. 1026 Mobile: + 502 543 22 629 E-mail: / Mr. Claudio Riedel-Telge Advisor Ministry of the Environment Guatemala Tel: + 502 217 920 Fax: + 502 233 5048 E-mail: Mr. Quecuta Injai Coordinateur du Bureau National Ozone Point Focal Conv. Vienne et Protocol de Montréal Direction Générale de l’Environnement Bissau B.P. 399 Guinea-Bissau Tel: + 245 660 5183 Fax: + 245 201 753 E-mail: Mr. Joao Raimundo Lopes General Director of Environment Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment Predio Damino - Bairro Militar Bissau 399 Guinea-Bissau Tel: + 245 25 62 39 / 8 Fax: + 245 20 58 81 E-mail: 30 Ms. Nicole Yolette Altidor Point Focal - Convention Ozone et Protocole de Montréal Directrice - Promotion des Ressources pour l’Environnement et le Développement Durable Ministère de l’Environnement 181 Haut Turgeau Port-au-Prince Haïti Tel: + 509 244 7642 / + 509 449 4037 Fax: + 509 245 7360 E-mail: Dr. Fritz Nau Ozone Officer National Ozone Unit Cadre de Vie Ministère de l’Environnement 181 Haut de Turgeau Port-au-Prince Haiti Tel: + 509 2447643 / 5517052 Fax: + 509 2457360 E-mail: / Dr. Rev. Juvenalis Baitu Permanent Observer Mission of the Holy See to UNEP & UN- HABITAT P.O. Box 14326 Nairobi 00800 Kenya Tel: + 254 20 20 2975 E-mail: H.E. Archbishop. Alain Paul Lebeaupin Apostolic Nuncio to Kenya & Permanent Observer to the UNEP & UN-HABITAT P.O Box 14326 Nairobi 00800 Kenya Tel: + 254 20 444 2975 Fax: + 254 20 444 6789 E-mail: 31 H.E. Mayra Mejía del Cid Minister of Natural Resources and Environment 100 Metros al sur del Estadio Nacional Tegucigalpa 504 Honduras Tel: + 504 2357833 Fax: + 504 232 62 50 E-mail: Mr. Róbert Tóth Senior Counsellor Air, Noise and Traffic Department. for Environmental Development Ministry for Environment and Water Budapest H -1011 Hungary Tel: + 36 1 457 3300 Fax: + 36 1 201 3056 E-mail: Ms. Heidrun Gudmundsdottir Scientific Officer Environmental Regulation Division, Environment & Food Agency of Iceland Sudurlandsbraut 24 Reykjavik 108 Iceland Tel: + 354 591 2000 Fax: + 354 591 2010 Dr. Duraisamy Arumugam Director Ozone Cell Ministry of Environment and Forests Core 4 B, 2nd Floor India Habitat Centre Lodhi Road New Delhi 110003 India Tel: + 91 11 2464 2176 Fax: + 91 11 2464 2175 E-mail: 32 Dr. Sachidananda Satapathy National Program Manager Sector Phase Out Plan Unit Ozone Cell Ministry of Environment and Forests Core 4 B 2nd Floor India Habitat Centre Lodhi Road New Delhi 110003 India Tel: + 91 11 2464 1687 Fax: + 91 11 2463 5794 E-mail: Dr. Ketan Shukla Deputy High Commissioner Deputy Permanent Representative to UNEP & UN-HABITAT High Commission of India Harambee Ave. Nairobi Kenya Tel: + 254 20 223184 E-mail: Ms. Anita Shukla India Focal Point High Commission of India Harambee Ave. Nairobi Kenya Tel: + 254 20 22 71 91 E-mail: Mr. Sukiman Aldin Head of Division Directorate of Import Department of Trade Jalan Miridwan Rais No.5 Jakarta Indonesia Tel: + 62 21 385 8194 Fax: + 62 21 385 8194 E-mail: 33 Mr. Ardian Budhi Nugroho Third Secretary for Economic Affairs Embassy of Indonesia Menegai Rd. Upper Hill P.O. Box 48868 Nairobi 00100 Kenya Tel: + 254 20 271 4196 / 7 / 8 Fax: + 254 20 271 3475 Ms. Mutia Ekasari Chemical Engineer Product Development Pertamina Research & Laboratory Pulo Gading Jakarta Timur Jakarta 13920 Indonesia Tel: + 62 21 460 9311 Fax: + 62 21 460 9314 E-mail: Ms. Rifana Erni Arjakusumah Head of R & D Agency Ministry of Industry Jl. Gatot Subroto Kav. 52-53 Jakarta 12950 Indonesia Tel: + 62 21 525 1132 Fax: + 62 21 521 4326 E-mail: Mr. Kurnia Hanafiah Head of Division Environment Division Resources, Environment and Energy R & D Ministry of Industry Jl. Gatot Subroto Kav. 52-53 20th Floor DKI Jakarta Indonesia Tel: + 62 21 525 2746 Fax: + 62 21 525 2746 E-mail: 34 Dr. Purnama Hidayat National Project Coordinator for Phase-Out of the Use of Methyl Bromide in Grain Storage in Indonesia Department of Plant Protection Bogor Agricultural University IPB Campus Darmaga Bogor 16680 Indonesia Tel: + 62 251 629 364 Fax: + 62 251 629 362 E-mail: / Ms. Endang Pratiwi Assistant Deputy for Climate Change Impact Government Official-National Ozone Unit Ministry of Environment Jalan-DI- Panjaitan KAV 24 Kebon Nanas Jakarta 13410 Indonesia Tel: + 62 21 851 7164 Fax: + 62 21 8590 2521 E-mail: / Mr. Wilman Rajiman Project Manager Indonesia Halon Bank Soekarno-Hatta International Airport P.O. Box 1303 Bush 19130 Cengkareng Indonesia Tel: + 62 21 550 8430 / 5508591 Fax: + 62 21 550 8470 E-mail: Mr. Dauna Rianto Head of UNDP Sub Division Multilateral Technical Cooperation Division Bureau for International Technical Cooperation State Secretariat Office 3rd Building 4th Floor JL. Veteran No.17-18 Jakarat Pusat 10110 Indonesia Tel: + 62 213 846 495 Fax: + 62 213 846 495 E-mail: / 35 Ms. Sulistyowati Assistant Deputy for Climate Change Impact Control Ministry of Environment JL. Panjaitan Kav. 24 Kebon Nanas Jakarta 13410 Indonesia Tel: + 62 21 851 7164 Fax: +62 21 859 02521 E-mail: Ms. Endang Supraptini Region and Sectoral Cooperation Ministry of Industry JL. Gatot Subroto Kav. 52-53 Jakarta 12850 Indonesia Tel: + 62 21 525 3278 Fax: + 62 21 525 3278 Dr. Agus Wahyudi Director Resources Env. Ministry of Industry JL. Gatot Subroto 52-53 Jakarta Indonesia Tel: + 62 21 525 2746 Fax: + 62 21 525 2746 E-mail: Mr. Nugroho Wahyu Widodo Head of Intelligence Customs Intelligence Enforcement and Investigation, Intelligence JL. Ahmad Yani Jakarta Timur Indonesia Tel: + 62 816 137 4799 Fax: + 62 21 489 0972 E-mail: 36 Ms. Tri Widayati Head of Sub-Section National Ozone Unit Ministry of Environment Jl. D.I. Panjaitan Kav. 24 GED. A Ikebon Nanas Jakarta 13410 Indonesia Tel: + 62 21 851 7164 Fax: + 62 21 859 02521 E-mail: / Ms. Astutie Widyarsantie Ministry of Environment of Indonesia Jalan D.I. Panjaitan Kav. 24 Kebon Nanas Jakarta Timur 13410 Indonesia Tel: + 62 21 851 7164 Fax: + 62 21 859 02521 E-mail: / Mr. Ebrahim Haji-Zadeh National Project Manager Ozone Layer Protection Unit Department of Environment Environmental Research Center Pardisan Park Hakim High Tehran P.O. Box 4665 Tehran 146 3919 111 Islamic Republic of Iran Tel: + 98 21 88 26 1116 Fax: + 98 21 88 26 1117 Mr. Mohammad Zareian Deputy Permanent Representative Permanent Mission of the Islamic Republic of Iran to UNEP & UN-HABITAT Nairobi Kenya Tel: + 254 20 711 257 / 2710 873 Fax: + 254 20 713 966 / 2728 686 37 Mr. Aharon Serry Focal Point Montreal Protocol Hazardous Dust Division Ministry of the Environment P.O. Box 34033 Jerusalem Israel Tel: + 972 2655 3936 Fax: + 972 2653 5960 E-mail: Mr. Corrado Clini General Director Department for Environmental Research and Development Italian Ministry for the Environment, Land and Sea Via Cristoforo Colombo 44 Roma 00147 Italy Tel: + 39 572 281 02 / 03 / 04 Fax: + 39 657 228 173 / 75 E-mail: Ms. Federica Fricano Department for Environmental Research and Development Italian Ministry for the Environment, Land and Sea Via Cristoforo Colombo 44 Roma 00147 Italy Tel: + 39 06 5722 8148 Fax: + 39 06 5722 8173 E-mail: Ms. Giuliana Gasparrini Director V. Division Department for Environmental Research and Development Italian Ministry for Environment, Land and Sea Via Cristoforo Colombo 44 Rome 00154 Italy Tel: + 39 06 5722 8150 Fax: + 39 06 5722 8172 E-mail: 38 Mr. Alessandro Giuliano Peru Expert Italian Ministry for Environment, Land and Sea Environmental Research and Development Via Cristoforo Colombo 44 Roma 00147 Italy Tel: + 39 06 5722 8166 Fax: + 39 06 5722 8172 E-mail: Mr. Giancarlo Piatti Under Secretary of State Italian Ministry for Environment, Land and Sea Via Cristoforo Colombo 44 Roma 00154 Italy Tel: + 39 06 5722 5625 / 16 / 61 Fax: + 39 06 5722 5670 E-mail: Ms. Giovanna Piccarreta Diplomat Italian Ministry of Foreign Affairs Piazzale della Farnesina 1 Roma 00194 Italy Tel: + 39 06 3651 4606 Fax: + 39 06 3691 2333 E-mail: Mr. Ciro Pignatelli Secretary Head of the Under Secretary Italian Ministry for the Environment, Land and Sea Via Cristoforo Colombo 44 Roma 00154 Italy Tel: + 39 06 5722 5625 / 16 / 61 Fax: + 39 06 5722 5670 E-mail: 39 Mr. Riccardo Savigliano Expert Italian Ministry for Environment, Land and Sea Environmental Research and Development Via Cristoforo Colombo 44 Roma 00147 Italy Tel: + 39 06 5722 8124 Fax: + 39 06 5722 8172 E-mail: Mr. Giuseppe Vanella Expert Environmental Research and Development Italian Ministry for Environment, Land and Sea Via Cristoforo Colombo 44 Roma 00147 Italy Tel: + 39 5722 8124 E-mail: Ms. Anastasia Calnick Director Pollution Control Environmental Management Division Ministry of Health and Environment 16A Half-Way-Tree Road Kingston 5 Jamaica Tel: + 1 876 960 5632 Fax: + 1 876 920 7267 E-mail: Ms. Nicol Walker Project Manager National Ozone Unit National Environment and Planning Agency 10 Caledonia Ave. Kingston 5 Jamaica Tel: + 1 876 754 7540 Fax: + 1 876 754 7599 E-mail: 40 Mr. Kiyoshi Katsuyama Director Ozone Layer Protection Policy Office Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry 1-3-1 Kasumigaseki Chiyoda-ku Tokyo 100-8901 Japan Tel: + 81 3 3501 4724 Fax: + 81 3 3501 6604 E-mail: Mr. Shinichiro Miki Director Chief Research Analyst Asahi Research Center Co. Ltd. 1-1-1 Uchisaiwaicho Imperial Tower 17F Chiyoda-ku Tokyo 100-8550 Japan Tel: + 81 3 3507 2406 Fax: + 81 3 3507 7834 Mr. Takeshi Mizuno Deputy Director Ozone Layer Protection Policy Office Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry 1-3-1 Kasumigaseki Chiyoda-ku Tokyo 100-8901 Japan Tel: + 81 3 3501 4724 Fax: + 81 3 3501 6604 E-mail: Mr. Masayuki Nakaniwa Section Chief Plant Protection Division, Food Safety and Consumer Affairs Bureau Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries 1-2-1 Kasumigaseki Chiyoda-ku Tokyo 100-8950 Japan Tel: + 81 3 3502 8111 Fax: + 81 3 3502 3386 E-mail: 41 Mr. Yuki Okada Official Global Environment Division, International Cooperation Bureau Ministry of Foreign Affairs 2-2-1 Kasumigaseki Chiyoda-ku Tokyo 100-8919 Japan Tel: + 81 3 5501 8245 Fax: + 81 3 5501 8244 E-mail: Mr. Mitsuhiko Shinomiya Deputy Director Global Environment Division International Cooperation Bureau Ministry of Foreign Affairs 2-2-1 Kasumigaseki Chiyoda-ku Tokyo 100-8919 Japan Tel: + 81 3 5501 8245 Fax: + 81 3 5501 8244 E-mail: Mr. Ghazi Al Odat Ministry Adviser Head of Ozone Unit Ministry of Environment P.O. Box 1401 Amman 11941 Jordan Tel: + 962 552 1931 Fax: + 962 553 1996 E-mail: Mr. Samson Bokea Research Assistant Coordinator National Environment Management Authority Ministry for Environment and Natural Resources P.O. Box 67839-00200 Nairobi Kenya Tel: + 254 20 60 55 22 E-mail: 42 Dr. Kennedy Inyega Director Research and Planning Ministry of Environment and Natural resources National Environment Management Authority P.O. Box 67839 Nairobi 00200 Kenya Tel: + 254 20 609 700 E-mail: Prof. Daniel Mukunya Professor Kenya Methyl Bromide Project Ministry for Environment and Natural Resources P.O. Box 25698 Nairobi 00603 Kenya Tel: + 254 722 51 33 58 E-mail: Prof. Eunice Mutitu National Specialist Ministry of Environment Methyl Bromide Alternatives Projects P.O. Box 49250 Nairobi 00100 Kenya Tel: + 254 20 31 7883 Fax: + 254 20 221 097 E-mail: Prof. James L. Ole Kiyiapi Permanent Secretary Ministry for Environment and Natural Resources BHIF Building Ragati Road P.O. Box 30126 Nairobi 00100 Kenya Tel: + 254 20 2730 808 / 2710120 Fax: + 254 20 271 3654 43 Dr. Godfrey Olukoye Senior Lecturer Department of Environmental Science Kenyatta University P.O. Box 43844 Nairobi 00100 Kenya Tel: + 254 20 810 901 12 E-mail: Mr. Mbaka A. Omwega Principal Procurement Officer Ministry of Environment and Natural Resources P.O. Box 30126 Nairobi Kenya Tel: + 254 20 273 0808 E-mail: Mr. Riibeta Abeta Ag. Climate Change Planning Officer National Ozone Unit Environment and Conservation Division Ministry of Environment, Lands and Agricultural Development P.O. Box 234 Bikenibeu Tarawa Kiribati Tel: + 686 28000 Fax: + 686 28334 E-mail: Ms. Marii Marae Environment Inspector National Ozone Unit Environment & Conservation Division Ministry of Environment, Lands and Agricultural Development P.O. Box 234 Bikenibeu Tarawa Tarawa Bikenibeu Kiribati Tel: + 686 28000 Fax: + 686 28334 E-mail: 44 Dr. Soud Al-Rashed Director of Noise and Air Pollution Monitoring Department Chairman National Ozone Committee Environment Public Authority P.O. Box 24395 Safat No. 13104 Kuwait Tel: + 965 482 1278 Fax: + 965 482 0599 E-mail: Ms. Nada Aldabashi ODS Control Officer Air Pollution Monitoring Department Environment Public Authority P.O. Box 24395 Safat 13104 Kuwait Tel: + 965 482 1278 Fax: + 965 482 0599 E-mail: Mr. Yaqoub Almatouq Refrigeration Expert Refrigeration, Mechanical Engineering Department Ministry of Social Affair and Labor P.O. Box 67215 Bayan 43763 Kuwait Tel: + 965 482 1278 Fax: + 965 4820 599 E-mail: Mr. Amanaliev Mars Head of NOU State Agency on Environment Protection and Forestry of Kyrgyzstan 720055 Bishkek 2/1 Toktonalieva St. Room 10 Kyrgyzstan Tel: + 996 312 548 852 Fax: + 996 312 548 853 E-mail: 45 Mr. Thevarack Phonekeo Deputy Director of International Cooperation Division Ozone Depleting Substances (ODS) Officer Water Resources and Environment Agency (WREA) P.O. Box 2279 Vientiane Capital City Lao PDR. Tel: + 856 21 24 3702 Mobile: + 856 20 569 5022 Fax: + 856 21 24 3700 Eng. Georges Akl National Focal Point Lebanese Ministry of Environment Lazarieh Center P.O. Box 11-2727 Beirut Lebanon Tel: + 961 197 6555 - Ext.452 Fax: + 961 197 6530 Ms. Layal Attieh Ministry of Environment Lazarieh Bldg. Ryad Al Soleh Beirut 11-2727 Lebanon Tel: + 961 658 0033 Fax: + 961 198 1534 E-mail: Ms. Rola El Sheikh National Focal Point Service of Prevention from Technological Impacts & Natural Disasters Agency Directorate General of Environment Ministry of Environment Republic of Lebanon Lazarieh Bldg. Ryad El Soleh Beirut 11-2727 Lebanon Tel: + 961 197 6555 - Ext. 434 Fax: + 961 198 1534 E-mail: 46 Agr. Eng. Youssef Farah Agricultural Site Engineer Project UNDP-Methyl Bromide Alternatives Project Ministry of Environment Lebanon Tel: + 961 197 6555 - Ext. 472 Fax: + 961 197 6531 E-mail Eng. Marlene Freiwat Mina Site Engineer Phase out of Methyl Bromide for Soil Fumigation in Strawberry Production in Lebanon UNIDO Lebanon Tel: + 961 332 9109 E-mail: Ms. Silva Garabedian Administrative Assistant Project UNDP-Methyl Bromide Alternatives Project Ministry of Environment Lebanon Tel: + 961 197 6555 - Ext. 472 Fax: + 961 197 6531 E-mail: Mr. Garo Haroutunian Project Manager UNDP-Methyl Bromide Alternatives Project Ministry of Environment Lebanon Tel: + 961 197 6555 - Ext. 471 Fax: + 961 197 6531 E-mail: 47 Dr. Berj Hatjian Director General of Environment Ministry of Environment Lazarieh Bldg. Ryad El Solh Beirut 11-2727 Lebanon Tel: + 961 197 6555 - Ext. 500 Fax: + 961 197 6530 E-mail : Mr. Mazen Hussein Project Manager National Ozone Unit Ministry of Environment Lazarieh Bldg. Ryad El Solh Beirut 11-2727 Lebanon Tel: + 961 197 6555 - Ext. 432 Fax: + 961 198 1534 E-mail : Agr. Eng. Mohamad Kabbara Agricultural Site Engineer UNDP-Methyl Bromide Alternatives Project Ministry of Environment Lebanon Tel: + 961 197 6555 - Ext. 472 Fax: + 961 197 6531 E-mail: Agr. Eng. Georgette Lahoud Agricultural Site Engineer UNDP-Methyl Bromide Alternatives Project Ministry of Environment Lebanon Tel: + 961 197 6555 - Ext. 472 Fax : + 961 197 6531 E-mail: 48 Ms. Lama Mghames Assistant Project Manager National Ozone Unit Ministry of Environment Lazarieh Bldg Ryad El Soleh Beirut 11-2727 Lebanon Tel: + 961 197 6555 - Ext. 476 Fax: + 961 197 1534 E-mail: Agr. Eng. Richard Riachy Agricultural Site Engineer UNDP-Methyl Bromide Alternatives Project Ministry of Environment Lebanon Tel: + 961 197 6555 - Ext. 472 Fax: + 961 197 6531 E-mail: Dr. Nada Sabra Project Manager Phase out of Methyl Bromide for Soil Fumigation in Strawberry Production in Lebanon UNIDO Ministry of Environment Lazarieh Center P.O. Box. 11-2727 Beirut Lebanon Tel: + 961 197 6555 - Ext. 473 Mobile: + 961 373 69 67 Fax: + 961 197 6530 E-mail: Ms. Joumana Samaha Administration & Communication Assistant National Ozone Unit Ministry of Environment Lazarieh Bldg. Ryad El Solh Beirut 11-2727 Lebanon Tel: + 961 197 6555 - Ext. 476 Fax: + 961 198 1534 E-mail: 49 Mr. Adel Yacoub Focal Point Agency Ministry of Environment Lebanon Tel: + 961 197 6555 - Ext. 456 Fax: + 961 197 6530 E-mail: Eng. Antoine Yaacoub Site Engineer Phase out of Methyl Bromide for Soil Fumigation in Strawberry Production in Lebanon UNIDO Lebanon Tel: + 961 338 6684 E-mail: Mr. Bruno Tseliso Sekoli Director in the Ministry of Natural Resources Meteorological Services Ministry of Natural Resources Options Building P.O. Box 14515 Maseru 100 Lesotho Tel: + 266 2231 7250 Fax: + 266 2232 5057 E-mail: Mr. Najmadeen Jalutah Milood Head of Health, Environment & Safety Department General People Committee for Industry and Minerals P.O. Box 83584 Tripoli Libyan Arab Jamahiriya Tel: + 218 21 362 Mobile: + 218 91 374 1354 Fax: + 218 21 362 0092 E-mail: 50 Dr. Aleksandras Spruogis Secretary of the Environmental Ministry of the Republic of Lithuania Jakšto 4/9 Vilnius LT-01105 Lithuania E-mail: Dr. Aloysius Kamperewera Deputy Director Environmental Affairs Department Ministry of Lands and Natural Resources P/B 394 Lilongwe 3 Malawi Tel: + 265 1 771 111 Fax: + 265 1 773 379 E-mail: Mr. Peter Mmora Ozone Officer Environmental Affairs Department Ministry of Lands and Natural Resources Private Bag 394 Lilongwe Malawi Tel: + 265 1 771 111 Fax: + 265 1 773 379 E-mail: Ms. Kalsom Abdul Ghani Director Air Division Department of Environment Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment Level 1-4 Podium 2&3 Lot 4G3 Precint 4 Federal Government Administrative Centre Putrajaya 62574 Malaysia Tel: + 60 3 887 12317 Fax: + 60 3 888 4151 E-mail: 51 Ms. Aminah Ali Assistant Director Ozone Protection Section Air Division-Department of Environment Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment Level 1-4 Wisma Sumber Asli No. 25 Persiaran Perdana Precint 4 Putrajaya 62574 Malaysia Tel: + 60 3 887 12000 Fax: + 60 3 888 4800 E-mail: Mr. Ahmad Rizal Khalit Principal Assistant Secretary Conservation and Environmental Management Division Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment Level 6 Wisma Sumber Asli No. 25 Perdana Blvd. Federal Government Administrative Centre 62574 Putrajaya Malaysia Tel: + 60 3 888 61139 Fax: + 60 3 888 84473 E-mail: H.E. Ahmed Abdulla Minister of Environment, Energy and Water Ministry of Environment, Energy and Water Fen Building 3rd floor Ameenee Magu Male Maldives Tel: + 960 333 1695 Fax: + 960 333 1694 E-mail: Mr. Bamoussa Konate Ministère de l’Equipement de l’Aménagement du Territoire, de l’Environnement et de l’Urbanisme B.P. E:3114 Mali Tel: + 223 22 92 410 Fax: + 223 22 95 090 E-mail: 52 Dr. Sacko Modibo Coordinateur National Ozone Mali B.P. E 3114 Bamako Rue 415 Porte 191 Dravéla Bolibana Mali Tel: + 223 229 28 04 / 229 24 10 Fax: + 223 229 50 90 E-mail: / Mr. Ould Selme Mohamed Abdellahi Ozone Officer Ministry of Environment B.P. 170 Nouakchoit Mauritania Tel: + 222 290115 Fax: + 222 464 0908 E-mail: H.E. Anil Kumar Bachoo Minister Ministry of Environment & National Development Unit 10th Floor Ken Lee Tower Barracks St. Port Louis Mauritius Tel: + 230 208 1944 Fax: + 230 211 9455 E-mail: Mr. Yahyah Pathel Division Environmental Officer Coordination and Project Implementation Division Department of Environment Barracks St. Port Louis Mauritius Tel: + 230 211 3198 / 230 918 9254 Fax: + 230 210 6687 E-mail: 53 Mr. Sateeaved Seebaluck Permanent Secretary Ministry of Environment & National Development Unit 10th Floor Ken Lee Tower Barracks St. Port Louis Mauritius Tel: + 230 212 7181 Fax: + 230 212 8324 E-mail: Ms. Ana María Contreras General Director General Direction for Air Quality Management Environment and Natural Resources Secretariat Av. Revolucion 1040 Mexico Tel: + 52 55 5624 3552 Fax: + 52 55 5624 3583 E-mail: H.E. Juan Carlos Cue Vega Ambassador of Mexico to Kenya Mexico’s Permanent Representative to UNEP & UN-HABITAT Head of Delegation Embassy of Mexico P.O. Box 14145 Nairobi 00800 Kenya Tel: + 254 20 418 3009 Fax: + 254 20 418 1500 E-mail: Mr. Ives Enrique Gomez Salas Director de la Agenda Gris Dirección General Adjunta de Acuerdos Ambientales Multilaterales Mexico’s Ministry of Environment and Natural Resources Ciudad de Mexico Mexico Tel: + 52 55 5628 0600 - Ext. 12206 Fax: + 52 55 5628 0694 E-mail: 54 Mr. Gerardo Guiza Vargas Deputy Permanent Representative to UNEP Embassy of Mexico P.O. Box 14145 Nairobi 00800 Kenya Tel: + 254 20 418 3009 E-mail: Mr. Agustín Sánchez Coordinator Ozone Protection Unit General Directorate for Air Quality Management Environment and Natural Resources Secretariat Av. Revolución 1425 Col. Tlacopac San 1040 Mexico Tel: + 52 55 5624 3552 Fax: + 52 55 5624 3583 E-mail: Mr. Kandhi A. Elieisar Assistant Secretary Asia, Pacific, Africa and Multilateral Affairs Dept. of Foreign Affairs P.O. Box PS-123 Kolonia Pohnpei FM 96941 State of Pohnpei Micronesia (Federated States of) Tel: + 691 320 2641 Fax: + 691 320 2933 E-mail: Ms. Dulamsuren Dashdorj Senior Officer National Ozone Authority Mongolia Government Building 11 Room 901 Sambuu Street 11 P.O. Box 38 Ulaanbaatar 211238 Mongolia Tel: + 976 11 312 458 Fax: + 976 11 312 320 E-mail: 55 Prof. Adyasuren Borjigdkhan Tsokhio Director National Ozone Authority Ministry of Nature and Environment Room #901 Government Building 11 Freedom Square P.O. Box 38 Ulaanbaatar 211238 Mongolia Tel: + 976 1131 2458 Fax: + 976 1131 2320 E-mail: Mr. Chouibani Mekki Chef de Division des Contrôles Techniques et Phytosanitaires DPVCTRF Minsitère de l’Agriculture B.P. 1308 Rabat 10000 Morocco Tel: + 212 37 299 931 Fax: + 212 37 297 544 E-mail: H.E. Castro Andre Luciano Minister of Environment Ministry of Environment Maputo 2115 Mozambique Tel: + 258 21 486 360 Fax: + 258 21 466 245 Mr. Leonardo Manuel Sulila Ozone Officer & National Focal Point Environmental Audit Department Ministry for Coordination of Environmental Affairs Av. Acordos de Lusaka Maputo 2115 Mozambique Tel: + 258 2146 5141 Fax: + 258 2146 6245 / 2146 5141 E-mail: 56 Mr. Ko Ko Aye Head of Branch National Commission for Environmental Affairs (NCEA) Ministry of Forestry Office Building No.28 Nay Pyi Taw Myanmar Tel: + 95 (0) 67 405 383 Mobile: + 95 (0) 9 516 4015 Fax: + 95 (0) 67 405 012 E-mail: Ms. Saara Hamunyela Assistant Ozone Officer Ministry of Trade and Industry National Ozone Unit, Industrial Planning 54 Robert Mugabe Ave. Windhoek Namibia Tel: + 264 61 283 7278 / 235983 Fax: + 264 61 22 1729 Mr. Philip J.J. Drost Senior Legal Counsel Ministry of Housing, Spatial Planning and the Environment Rijnstraat 8 P.O. Box 20951 Internal postcode 670 Den Haag 2500EZ Netherlands Tel: + 31 70 339 2381 Fax: +31 70 339 13 06 E-mail: Mr. Maas Goote Coordinating Senior Legal Counsel Directorate International Affairs Rijnstraat 8 P.O. Box 20951 The Hague 2500 EZ Netherlands Tel: + 31 70 339 5183 Fax: + 31 70 339 1306 E-mail: 57 Ms. Merle van der Voorde Policy Advisor European Cooperation, Economic and Environmental Cooperation Department Ministry of Foreign Affairs P.O. Box 20061 The Hague 2500 EB Netherlands Tel: + 31 70 348 6921 Fax: + 31 70 348 4985 E-mail: Mr. James Andersen Policy Officer Environment Division Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade Private Bag 18901 Wellington New Zealand Tel: + 64 443 984 42 E-mail: Ms. Jayne Beggs Policy Adviser Ministry for the Environment P.O. Box 10362 Wellington New Zealand Tel: + 64 443 976 00 Fax: + 64 443 977 03 E-mail: Mr. Nik Kiddle Deputy Permanent Representative to the UN Permanent Mission of New Zealand to UN Case Postal 334 Genève 1211 Switzerland Tel: + 41 22 929 0350 Fax: + 41 22 929 0374 E-mail: 58 Ms. Robyn Washbourne Policy Advisor Environmental Issues - Effective Markets Branch Ministry of Economic Development P.O. Box 1473 Wellington New Zealand Tel: + 64 447 428 76 Fax: + 64 447 02533 E-mail: Mr. Sani Mahazou Secrétaire National Ozone Chef Division Lutte contre les Pollutions et Nuisances Direction de l’Environnement Ministère de l’Environnement et de la Lutte contre la Désertification B.P. 578 Niamey Niger Tel: + 227 20 733 329 Fax: + 227 20 732 784 / 735 591 E-mail: Ms. Julia Aduke Afolabi Assistant General Manager (Chemist) Ministry of Energy PHCN Plot 441 Zambezi Crescent Abuja Nigeria Tel: + 234 0 413 5567 Fax: + 234 803 307 4872 E-mail: Mr. Abdulkazeem Bayero Assistant Director/ Project Coordinator National Ozone Office Department of Pollution Control and Enviromental Assessment Federal Ministry of Environment Housing and Urban Development Abuja Nigeria 59 Mr. Boniface Chibueze Oguobi National Agency for Food and Drug Admin and Control P.O. Box 1061 Oshodi Lagos Nigeria Fax: + 234 9524 1104 / 80230 63555 E-mail: Dr. Oludayo Olusegun Dada Director Pollution Control & Environmental Health Department Federal Ministry of Environment, Housing & Urban Development Abuja Nigeria Tel: + 234 807 2277 770 / + 234 941 36317 Fax: + 234 413 6317 / + 234 941 35971 E-mail: Ms. Nkechinyere Ezie National Agency for Food and Drug Admin and Control P.O. Box 1061 Oshodi Lagos Nigeria Fax: + 234 9524 1104 / 803 303 7563 E-mail: Mr. Idi Mohammed Maleh Chief Environmental Scientist National Ozone Office Department of Pollution Control and Environmental Assessment Federal Ministry of Environment, Housing and Urban Development P.M.B. 468 Garki Abuja Nigeria Tel: + 234 9 413 5971 / + 234 803 3310 8784 / + 234 702 785 6800 E-mail: 60 Dr. David Bola Omotosho Deputy Director Pollution Department Ministry of Environment 444 Aguiyi Ironsi St. Abuja Nigeria Tel: + 234 9 52 32930 / 234 80311 5459 E-mail: Ms. Alice Gaustad Head of Section Climate and Energy Section Department of Industry Norwegian Pollution Control Authority P.O. Box 8100 Dep Oslo 0032 Norway Tel: + 47 22 57 3400 Fax: + 47 22 67 6706 E-mail: Dr. Sophia Mylona Senior Adviser Section for Climate and Energy Department of Industry Norwegian Pollution Control Authority P.O. Box 8100 Dep Oslo 0032 Norway Tel: + 47 22 57 3761 Fax: + 47 22 67 6706 E-mail: Mr. Faisal Al- Farsi Electrical Engineer Air and Noise Pollution Ministry of Environment P.O. Box 323 Oman Tel: + 968 9988 2929 Fax: + 968 2469 2706 E-mail: 61 H.E. Faisal Saleh Hayat Makhdoom Syed Federal Minister Ministry of Environment Enercon Building Sector G-5/2 Islamabad 44000 Pakistan Tel: + 92 51 922 4174 Fax: + 92 51 922 4890 E-mail: Mr. Maqsood M Akhthar Deputy Programme Manager Ozone Cell National Ozone Unit Ministry of Environment 5th Floor Enercon Building Sector G-5/2 Islamabad 44000 Pakistan Tel: + 92 51 920 5884 Fax: + 92 51 920 5883 E-mail: Mr. Khizar Hayat Joint Secretary (International Cooperation) Ministry of Environment Government of Pakistan Enercon Building Sector G-5/2 Islamabad 44000 Pakistan Tel: + 92 51 920 2558 Fax: + 92 51 920 7425 E-mail: Ms. Portia K. Franz Executive Officer Palau Environmental Quality Protection Board P.O. Box 8086 Koror 96940 Palau Tel: + 680 488 1639 Fax: + 680 488 2963 E-mail: 62 Ms. Lineth Micheel Arcia Martinez Environmental Assessment Specialist Environmental Quality Protection Environmental National Authority Apartado C-0843 Balboa Ancon Panama Tel: + 507 500 0855 Fax: + 507 500 0859 E-mail: Mr. Gregory Lenga National Ozone Officer National Ozone Unit Department of Environment & Conservation Green House Unit P.O. Box 6601 Boroko National Capital District Papua New Guinea Tel: + 675 325 8166 Fax: + 675 323 0847 E-mail: Ms. Carmen Mora Directora Asuntos Ambientales Jefa Oficina Tecnica Ozono Dirección Asuntos Ambientales Viceministerio de Industria Ministerio de la Produccion Jr. German Schreiber 198 Lima 27 Peru Tel: + 51 1 415 1139 / 415 1111 - Ext. 102- 106 Fax: + 51 1 415 1111 - Ext. 103 E-mail: / Mr. Dario Sabularse Ph.D. Deputy Executive Director Office of the Executive Director Fertilizer and Pesticide Authority FPA Bldg. BAI Compound Visayas Avenue Diliman Quezon City 1128 Philippines Tel: + 63 2 920 0068 Fax: + 63 2 920 0068 E-mail: 63 H.E Humberto Rosa Secretary of State for the Environment Ministry for the Environment, Spatial Planning and Regional Development Rua de “O Século” 51 1200 - 433 Lisbon Portugal Tel: + 351 21 323 2500 Fax: + 351 21 323 1658 E-mail: Ms. Maria Margarida Arraiolos Cândido Technical Secretary General Directorate Portuguese Environment Agency Rua da Murgueira n.9/9A Zambujal Amadora 2611-861 Portugal Tel: + 351 21 472 82 03 Fax: + 351 21 471 9076 E-mail: Dr. Maria Margarida Cardoso Rodrigues da Silva Deputy General Director General Directorate Portuguese Environment Agency Rua da Murgueira n.9/9A Zambujal Ap.7585 Amadora 2611-865 Portugal Fax: + 351 21 472 82 19 E-mail: Mr. Waleed Al-Emadi Ozone Office Manager Focal Point Vienna Convention & Montreal Protocol Supreme Council for Environment and Natural Reserves Qatar Tel: + 974 443 7171 Mobile: + 974 551 0989 Fax: + 974 441 5246 / 974 436 9015 E-mail: / 64 Ms. Iulia Bogatu Counsellor Chemicals Directorate Ministry of Environment and Sustainable Development B-dul Libertatii nr 12 Bucharest Romania Tel: + 40 21 317 40 70 Fax: + 40 21 317 40 70 E-mail: Ms. Elena Dumitru Head of Unit General Directorate for Soil, Subsoil & Waste Management Ministry of Environment and Sustainable Development 12 Libertatii Bdv. District 5 Bucharest Romania Tel/Fax: + 40 21 316 0298 E-mail: / Ms. Rodica-Ella Morohoi National Ozone Unit Coordinator Chemicals Management Directorate Ministry of Environment and Sustainable Development 12 Libertatii Bdv. Sector 5 Bucharest Romania Tel: + 40 21 316 0298 Fax: + 40 21 316 0298 E-mail: / Ms. Ekaterina Nosacheva Leading Specialist Department of Environmental Control Taganskaya St. 34 Russian Federation Tel: + 7 495 267 5224 E-mail: 65 Dr. Iakov Shatrov Chief of Laboratory TSNIIMASH of Russian Space Agency Pionerskaja St. 4 Koroljov 141070 Moscow Region Russian Federation Tel: + 7 495 513 53 25 Fax: + 7 495 513 46 20 E-mail: Ms. Maria Volosatova Deputy Head of Unit of Ecological Expertise Department of State Environmental Policy Ministry of Natural Resources of the Russian Federation B. Gruisinskaya 4/6 Moscow Russian Federation Tel: + 7 495 718 0230 Fax: + 7 495 124 2811 E-mail: Ms. Giselle Amédée Ozone Assistant Ministry of Economic Affairs, Economic Planning, National Development & Public Service 1st Floor PricewaterhouseCoopers Building Castries Saint Lucia Tel: + 1 758 451 8746 Fax: + 1 758 453 0781 E-mail: / Ms. Donnalyn Charles Sustainable Development & Environment Officer Ministry of Economic Affairs, Economic Planning, National Development & Public Service 1st Floor PricewaterhouseCoopers Building Castries Saint Lucia Tel: + 1 758 451 8746 Fax: + 1 758 453 0781 E-mail: / 66 Ms. Janeel Miller National Ozone Officer Ministry of Health and Environment Saint Vincent and the Grenadines Tel: + 1 784 458 4933 E-mail: Ms. Tumau Faasaoina Ozone Officer Climate, Research and Application Meteorology Division Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment P.O. Box 3020 Apia 685 Mulinuu Samoa Tel: + 685 775 1043 / + 685 208 55 Fax: + 685 208 57 / 231 41 E-mail: Ms. Reine Marie Coly Badiane Adjointe aux Coordinateur du Programme Ozone Ministère de L’Environement et de la Protection de la Nature 106 Rue Carnot Dakar Senegal Tel: + 221 33 822 6211 Fax: + 221 33 822 6212 E-mail: Mr. Sylla Ndiaye Cheikh Deputy Director of Environment Ministry of Environment and Nature Protection B.P. 6557 Dakar Senegal Tel: + 221 822 6211 Fax: + 221 822 6212 E-mail: 67 Mr. Dorde Jovanovic Assistant Minister Ministry of Environmental Protection 91 Dr.Ivanna Ribanna St. Belgrade Republic of Serbia Tel: + 381 11 21 60956 / 2158 759 Fax: + 381 11 21 58793 E-mail: Mr. Miroslav Spasojevic Assistant Director Ministry of Environment Protection Bul. Omladinskih Brigada 1 Belgrade 1100 Serbia Tel: + 381 11 31 31355 / 3225 888 Fax: + 381 11 31 31355 / 3225 888 E-mail: Mr. Will Agricole Director General National Meteorological Services Ministry of Environment, Natural Resources and Transport P.O. Box 1145 Victoria Mahe Seychelles Tel: + 248 670 400 Fax: + 248 610 647 E-mail: Ms. Inese Jeannine Chang-Waye Ozone Coordinator Ozone Unit Ministry of Environment and Natural Resources P.O. Box 1145 Victoria Mahe Seychelles Tel: + 248 384 070 Fax: + 248 384 078 E-mail: 68 Ms. Rebecca Loustau-Lalanne International Conventions Unit Department of Environment Ministry of Environment and Natural Resources Botanical Gardens P.O. Box 445 Mahe Seychelles Tel: + 248 670 595 Fax: + 248 610 638 E-mail: Dr. Rolph Payet Special Advisor to the President Environment State House Victoria Seychelles Mr. Lubomir Ziak Director Air Protection Department Ministry of the Environment Nam. Ludovita Stura 1 812 35 Bratislava Slovakia E-mail: Mr. Abdullahi Hussein Adviser to Minister of Environment Legal Department Ministry of Environment Government Of Somalia Mogadishu Benadir Somalia Tel: + 252 5 932 190 E-mail: 69 Mr. Abdullahi Mohammed Issa Director of Planning and Disaster Management Somalia Focal Point Ministry of Environment and Disaster Management P.O. Box 40886 Nairobi 0100 GPO Kenya E-mail: Mr. Victor Loate Assistant Director Air Quality Management & Ozone Layer Protection Ministry of Environmental Affairs and Tourism Private Bag x447 Pretoria 0001 Gauteng South Africa Tel: + 27 12 310 3744 Fax: + 27 12 320 1167 E-mail: Mr. Samuel Manikela Acting Director Air Quality Management & Ozone Layer Protection Department of Environmental Affairs and Tourism Private Bag X 447 Pretoria 0001 Gauteng South Africa Tel: + 27 12 310 3911 Fax: + 27 12 322 2682 E-mail: Mr. Moral Gonzalez Alberto Tecnico Superior Experto SDG Calidad del Aire y Prevención de Riesgos Plaza San Juan De La Cruz s/n Madrid 28071 Spain Tel: + 34 91453 54 06 Fax: + 34 91534 05 82 E-mail: 70 Dr. W. L. Sumathipala Director National Ozone Unit Coordinator Montreal Protocol National Ozone Unit (NOU) Ministry of Environment and Natural Resources 104 Robert Gunawardena Mawatha Battaramulla Sri Lanka Tel: + 94 11 287 1764 Fax: + 94 11 288 7455 / 2875381 E-mail: Dr. Abdel Ghani A. Hassan National Ozone Coordinator Ministry of Industry Khartoum Sudan Tel: + 249 1 837 656 01 / 837 876 17 Fax: + 249 1 837 614 68 E-mail: / Mr. Cedric Nelom Director Environmental Monitoring and Enforcement National Institute for Environment and Development in Suriname Onafhankelijkheidsplein 2 Paramaribo Suriname Tel: + 597 520 043 - 6 Fax: + 597 520 042 E-mail: Mr. Mboni Dlamini Senior Environmental Officer Swaziland Environment Authority P.O. Box 2652 Swaziland Tel: + 268 404 6420 Fax: + 268 404 1719 E-mail: 71 H.E. Elisabet Falemo State Secretary Ministry of the Environment Tegelbacken 2 Stockholm 103 33 Sweden Tel: + 46 8 405 13 33 Dr. Husamuddin Ahmadzai Principal Executive Officer Dept. of Enforcement and Implementation Swedish Environmental Protection Agency SE-106 48 Stockholm SE 106 48 Sweden Tel: + 46 8 698 1145 Fax: + 46 8 698 1602 E-mail: Ms. Nina Cromnier Director Division for Ecomanagement and Chemicals Ministry of Environment Tegelbacken 2 Stockholm 103 33 Sweden Tel: + 46 8 405 20 56 Fax: + 46 8 613 30 72 E-mail: Ms. Ingela Karlsson Legal Adviser Ministry of the Environment Division for Legal Services 103 33 Stockholm Sweden Tel: + 46 (0) 8 405 10 00 E-mail: 72 Ms. Sofia Tapper Desk Officer Division for Ecomanagment Strategies and Chemicals Ministry of the Environment Tegelbacken 2 Stockholm 103 33 Sweden Tel: + 46 8 405 24 19 Fax: + 46 8 613 30 72 E-mail: Ms. Najah Al Hamwwi Information Officer NOU Ministry of Local Administration and Environment Mazrra St. Damascus Syrian Arab Republic Tel: + 963 11 331 4393 Fax: + 963 11 331 7393 E-mail: / Mr. Khaled Klaly Coordinator National Ozone Unit Ministry of Local Administration and Environment Mazrra St. Damascus Syrian Arab Republic Tel: + 963 11 331 4393 Fax: + 963 11 331 4393 E-mail: Ms. Utchalee Namvong Agricultural Scientist Department of Agriculture Ladya Bangkok 10900 Thailand Tel: + 66 2 02 579 7986 Fax: + 66 2 02 579 7986 E-mail: 73 Mr. Soodsakorn Putho Director Treaties and International Strategies Bureau Department of Industrial Works Ministry of Industry Rama VI Road Ratchathevi Bangkok 10400 Thailand Tel: + 66 2 202 4123 Fax: + 66 2 202 4015 E-mail: Ms. Nareeta Supradist Diplomat Development Affairs Division Department of International Organisations Ministry of Foreign Affairs Sri Ayudhaya Road Bangkok 10400 Thailand Tel: + 66 2 643 5000 Fax: + 66 2 643 5080 E-mail: H.E. Dzelil Bajrami Minister Ministry of Environment and Physical Planning Drezdenska 52 Skopje 1000 The Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia Tel: + 389 2 3066 930 Fax: + 389 2 3066 931 E-mail: Mr. Marin Kocov Manager of the Ozone Unit Ministry of Environment and Physical Planning Drezdenska 52 Skopje 1000 The Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia Tel: + 389 2 3066 929 Fax: + 389 2 3066 929 74 Ms. Emilija Kupeva-Nedelkova Assistant National Ozone Unit Ministry of Environment and Physical Planning Drezdenska 52 Skopje 1000 The Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia Tel/Fax: + 389 2 3066 929 E-mail: Mr. Komi Akpé Agbossou Consultant National Enseignant Chercheur à l’Ecole Nationale Supérieure d’Ingénieurs (ENSI/UL) Spécialité Electronique de Puissance B.P. 8087 Lomé Togo Tel: + 228 946 94 55 / 915 98 98 E-mail: / Mr. Yawo Dandjesso Gestionnaire Comptable Bureau National Ozone B.P. 4825 Togo Mobile: + 228 930 25 87 E-mail: Mr. Amèvi André Degue Inspecteur des Douanes Direction Générale des Douanes Togo Tel: + 228 223 00 75 / 227 24 34 Mobile: + 228 914 30 48 E-mail: 75 Mr. Amona Kossi Domepha Coordonnateur du Bureau National Ozone Ministere de l’Environnement et des Resources Forestieres Direction de l’Environnement B.P. 4825 Lomé Togo Tel: + 228 222 6897 / + 228 221 3321 Fax: + 228 221 0333 E-mail: Mr. Palakipawui Kpenguie Direction de l’Environnement B.P. 4825 Togo Mobile: + 228 990 81 56 E-mail: Mr. Batoulim-Na Bognowé Worou Responsable de la Normalisation Direction de l’Industrie B.P. 383 Lomé Togo Tel: + 228 221 22 89 Mobile: + 228 939 99 02 Fax: + 228 221 05 72 E-mail: Ms. Marissa Gowrie National Ozone Officer Environmental Policy & Planning Unit Ministry of Public Utilities and the Environment 16-18 Sackville St. Port of Spain Trinidad and Tobago Tel: + 1 868 624 6024 Fax: + 1 868 625 7003 E-mail: 76 Mr. Youssef Hammami Ozone Office of Tunisia Tunisia Tel: + 216 71 233 600 Mobile: + 216 98 688 873 Fax: + 216 71 232 811 E-mail: Dr. Hassen Hannachi Chef de Department de l’Evaluation Environnementale et de la Depollution Directeur du Bureau Nationale d’Ozone Agence Nationale de Protection de l’Environnement Ministère de l’Environnement et du Développement Durable Centre Urbain Nord 15 Rue 7051 Cite Essalem 2080 B.P. 52 le Belvedere-Tunis Tunisia Tel: + 216 7123 1813 Fax: + 216 71 231960 E-mail: Mr. Senol Ataman Coordinator Technology Development Foundation of Turkey (TTGV) Cyberpark B-Block K.5 Bilkent-Ankara Turkey Tel: + 90 312 265 0272 - Ext. 350 Fax: + 90 312 265 0262 E-mail: Web: http:\\ Ms. Hatice Rezzan Katircioglu Air Management Department Ministry of Environment and Forestry Sogutozu Cad. No:14/E Bestepe Ankara 6560 Turkey Tel: + 90 312 207 6295 Fax: + 90 312 207 6446 E-mail: 77 Ms. Marianna Pursiyanova Administrative Assistant National Ozone Unit Ministry of Nature Protection 5 Bitarap Turkmenistan Srt. 2nd Building Room 96 Ashgabat 744000 Turkmenistan Tel: + 993 12 357 091 Fax: + 993 12 357 493 E-mail: H.E. Jesca Eriyo Minister of State for Environment Ministry of Water and Environment P.O. Box 20026 Kampala Uganda Tel: + 256 414 222 514 Fax: + 256 414 505 941 E-mail: Ms. Margaret Aanyu Environment Impact Assessment Officer Ozone Desk Officer Environment Monitoring and Compliance P.O. Box 22255 Kampala Uganda Tel: + 256 41 251 064 5 / 8 / + 256 772 436 576 Fax: + 256 41 257 521 E-mail: / Mr. Psariov Georgiy Head of the State Ecological Inspectorate 82-A Turgenevska St. Kyiv 04050 Ukraine Tel/Fax: + 380 44 484 0472 78 Dr.Shevchenko Oleksandr Head of Departament Fulfillment of the International Agreements of the State Ecological Inspectorate 82-A Turgenevska St. Kyiv 04050 Ukraine Tel/Fax: + 380 44 206 3181 Dr. Saad Al Numairy Environment Advisor Federal Environment Agency United Arab Emirates P.O. Box 5951 Abu Dhabi United Arab Emirates Tel: + 971 2 633 0044 Fax: + 971 2 633 5330 E-mail: Ms. Elizabeth Chrominska Policy Adviser Ozone Layer Protection Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs Zone 3F Ergon House 17 Smith Square London SW1P 3JR United Kingdom Tel: + 44 207 238 3163 Fax: + 44 207 238 3341 E-mail: Mr. Stephen Reeves Team Leader - Ozone/F.Gases DEFRA Zone 3/A3 Ashdown House 123 Victoria St. London SW1E 6DE United Kingdom Tel: + 44 20 7082 8168 E-mail: 79 Mr. Adrian Roberts Deputy Director Department for Environment, Food & Rural Affairs DEFRA 3-8 Whitehall Place London SW1A 2HH United Kingdom Tel: + 44 20 3014 3123 Fax: + 44 20 3014 3170 E-mail: Ms. Mary Issa Mushi Permanent Representative to UNEP & UN-HABITAT Tanzania High Comission P.O. Box 47790 Nairobi 00100 Kenya Tel: + 254 20 311948 / 311950 Fax: + 254 20 218 269 E-mail: Mr. Japhet Kanizius Ndija Ass. National Ozone Officer Mining Engineer Environmental Pollution Control Division of Environment Vice President’s Office P.O. Box 5380 Dar es Salaam United Republic of Tanzania Tel: + 255 22 212 5297 / 211 3857 Fax: + 255 22 212 5297 / 211 3856 E-mail: H.E. Claudia A. McMurray Assistant Secretary for Oceans, Environment and Science United States Department of State 2201 C Street NW Washington DC 20520 United States of America Tel: + 1 202 647 1554 80 Mr. Ross Brennan Stratospheric Protection Division U.S. Environmental Protection Agency 1200 Pennsylvania Ave. N.W. Mail Code 6205J Washington DC 20460 United States of America Tel: + 1 202 343 9226 Fax: + 1 202 343 2338 E-mail: Mr. Badrul A. Chowdhury MD. PhD Director Division of Pulmonary and Allergy Products US Food and Drug Administration 10903 New Hampshire Ave. Bldg 22 Room 3316 Silver Spring MD 20993-0002 United States of America Tel: + 1 301 796 2300 Fax: + 1 301 796 9728 Mr. Dave Godwin Alternatives and Emissions Reduction Branch Stratospheric Protection Division United States Environmental Protection Agency 1200 Pennsylvania Avenue NW Mail Code 6205J Washington DC 20460 United States of America Tel: + 1 202 343 9324 Fax: + 1 202 343 2363 E-mail: Mr. Richard Keigwin Director Biological and Economic Analysis Division Office of Pesticide Programs U.S. Environmental Protection Agency 1200 Pennsylvania Avenue NW (7503P) Washington DC 20460 United States of America Tel: + 1 703 308 8200 Fax: + 1 703 308 8091 E-mail: 81 Mr. Jeffrey Klein Office of the Legal Advisor US Department Of State United States Government 2201 C Street NW Room 3535 Washington DC 20520 United States of America E-mail: Mr. Tom Land Manager of International Programs Stratospheric Protection Division United States Environmental Protection Agency 1200 Pennsylvania Ave. NW Mail Code 6205J Washington DC 20460 United States of America Tel: + 1 202 343 9185 Fax: + 1 202 343 2362 Ms. Cindy Newberg Stratospheric Protection Division United States Environment Protection Agency 1200 Pennsylvania Ave. N.W. 6205J Washington DC 20460 United States of America Tel: + 1 202 343 9729 Fax: + 1 202 343 2337 E-mail: Mr. Daniel Reifsnyder Deputy Assistant Secretary for Environment & Sustainable Development Bureau of Oceans, Environment and Scientific Affairs (OES) Department of State Room 3880 2201 C.St. N.W. Washington D.C. 20520 United States of America Tel: + 1 202 647 2232 Fax: + 1 202 647 0217 E-mail: 82 Ms. Elisa G. Rim Economist Office of Pesticide Programs Biological and Economic Analysis Division United States Environmental Protection Agency 1200 Pennsylvania Ave. NW MC 7503P Washington DC 20460 United States of America Tel: + 1 703 308 8123 Fax: + 1 703 308 7042 E-mail: Mr. John Thompson Division Director Office of Environmental Policy Department of State 2201 C Street NW OES/ENV Room 2657 Washington D.C. 20520 United States of America Tel: + 1 202 647 9799 Fax: + 1 202 647 5947 Mr. Roberto Marvid Consultant Ozone Unit National Environment Directorate (DINAMA) Ministry of Environment Galicia 1133 Floor 3 Montevideo CP 11100 Uruguay Tel: + 598 2 917 0710 - Ext. 4301 Fax: + 598 2 917 0710 - Ext. 4321 E-mail: Ing. Luis Santos Coordinator National Ozone Unit National Environment Directorate Ministry of Environment Galicia 1133 Piso 3 Montevideo CP 11100 Uruguay Tel: + 598 2 917 0710 - Ext. 4306 Fax: + 598 2 917 0710 - Ext. 4321 E-mail: 83 Ms. Nadejda Dotsenko Chief Main Department of Air Protection National Coordinator Ozone Office State Committee for Nature Protection of the Republic of Uzbekistan 5 Mustakillik Sq. Tashkent 100017 Uzbekistan Tel: + 998 71 139 4823 Fax: + 998 71 120 7129 / + 998 71 139 1494 E-mail: Ms. Naila Rustamova Senior Specialist Air Pollution Control Dept. State Committee for Nature Protection of the Republic of Uzbekistan 5 Mustakillik Sq. Tashkent 100017 Uzbekistan Tel: + 998 71 139 4195 / 4823 Fax: + 998 71 120 7129 E-mail: Mr. Jesus Castillo Golding Director General Calidad Ambiental Ministerio del Poder Popular para el Ambiente Centro Simon Bolivar Torre Sur El Silencio 1010 Caracas Venezuela (Bolivarian Republic of) Tel: + 58 212 408 1116 Fax: + 58 212 408 1118 E-mail: Mr. Fresnel Gustavo Diaz Araujo Director Calidad Del Aire Dirección General de Calidad Ambiental Ministerio del Poder Popular para el Ambiente Centro Simon Bolivar Torre Sur Piso 28 El Silencio 1010 Caracas Venezuela (Bolivarian Republic of) Tel: + 58 212 408 1133 Fax: + 58 212 408 1136 E-mail: 84 Ms. Carmelina Flores de Lombardi Biologist Ozone Unit: Fondoin Av. Libertador E.c. Los Cedros Piso 5 La Florida 1050 Caracas Venezuela (Bolivarian Republic of) Tel: + 58 212 731 3932 Fax: + 58 212 731 0015 E-mail: Mr. Nguyen Khac Hieu Deputy Director General International Cooperation Department Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment No. 83 Nguyen Chi Thanh St. Hanoi Viet Nam Tel: + 84 4 974 3195 / 773 6103 Fax: + 84 4 974 3200 / 835 2191 E-mail: Mr. Luong Duc Khoa Ozone Coordinator National Ozone Unit Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment 45 Tue Tinh Str. Hanoi Viet Nam Tel: + 84 4 974 3195 / 974 3196 Mobile: + 84 90 403 4408 Fax: + 84 4 974 3200 E-mail: Website: Ms. Kim Quy Nguyen Thi Government Officer International Cooperation Department Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment 83 Nguyen Chithanh Hanoi Viet Nam Tel: + 84 4 877 35083 Fax: + 84 4 835 2191 E-mail: 85 H.E. AbdulRahman Fadhel Ali Al-Eryani Minister of Water and Environment Ministry of Water and Environment Hada Street P.O. Box 19237 Sana’a Yemen Tel: + 967 1 418 283 Fax: + 967 1 418 285 E-mail: Mr. Faisal A. N. Bin Ali Gaber Director National Ozone Unit (NOU) Environment Protection Authority (EPA) Ministry of Water and Environment (MOWE) Al-Zubairi Street Next to Baghdad School P.O. Box 19719 Sana’a Yemen Tel/Fax: + 967 1 203 714 Mobile: + 967 711 266 061 E-mail: / Ms. Hayat Ghaleb Ahmed Ali Technical Assistant National Ozone Unit (NOU) Environment Protection Authority (EPA) Ministry of Water and Environment (MOWE) Al-Zubairi Street Next to Baghdad School P.O. Box 19719 Sana’a Yemen Tel/Fax: + 967 1 203 714 Mobile: + 967 711 923 969 E-mail: / Mr. Salah Mansoor Nasser Al-Hasani Administration Assistant National Ozone Unit (NOU) Environment Protection Authority (EPA) Ministry of Water and Environment (MOWE) Al-Zubairi Street Next to Baghdad School P.O. Box 19719 Sana’a Yemen Tel/Fax: + 967 1 203 714 Mobile: + 967 711 112 109 E-mail: / 86 Mr. Mathias Banda Coordinator - National Ozone Unit Environmental Council of Zambia P.O. Box 35131 Lusaka 10101 Zambia Tel: + 260 1 25 4023 / 59 Fax: + 260 1 25 4164 E-mail: H.E. Francis Dunstain Chenyayimoyo Nhema Minister Ministry of Environment and Tourism Zimbabwe Government Head Office Private Bag 7753 Causeway Harare Zimbabwe Tel: + 263 4 701 681-3 / 701691-2 Fax: + 263 4 702 054 / 252673 E-mail: / Mr. George Chaumba Ozone Manager National Ozone Unit Ministry of Environment and Tourism Private Bag 7753 Causeway Harare Zimbabwe Tel: + 263 4 701 681 / 2 / 3 Fax: + 263 4 701 551 / 252 673 E-mail: 87 88 United Nations Agencies or Programmes Dr. Laurent Granier Program Manager Global Environmental Facility POPs and ODS 1818 H Street NW Washington DC 20433 United States of America Tel: + 1 202 473 9034 Fax: + 1 202 522 3240 E-mail: Dr. Gilbert M. Bankobeza Senior Legal Officer Ozone Secretariat United Nations Environment Programme United Nations Avenue Gigiri P.O. Box 30552 Nairobi 00100 Kenya Tel: + 254 20 762 3854 / 4285 Fax: + 254 20 762 4691 / 92 / 93 E-mail: Ms. Ruth Batten Administrative Officer/Fund Management Officer Ozone Secretariat United Nations Environment Programme United Nations Avenue Gigiri P.O. Box 30552 Nairobi 00100 Kenya Tel: + 254 20 762 4032 / 3849 Fax: + 254 20 762 4691 / 92 / 93 E-mail: 89 Ms. Melissa Bettocchi Consultant Ozone Secretariat United Nations Environment Programme United Nations Avenue Gigiri P.O. Box 30552 Nairobi 00100 Kenya Tel: + 254 20 762 5067 Mobile: + 254 727 049 471 E-mail: / Ms. Linda Bomu Secretary The Secretariat for the Vienna Convention and its Montreal Protocol Ozone Secretariat United Nations Environment Programme P.O. Box 30552 Nairobi 00100 Kenya Tel: + 254 20 762 4213 Fax: + 254 20 762 4691 / 4692 / 4693 Ms. Tamara Curll Monitoring and Compliance Officer Ozone Secretariat United Nations Environment Programme United Nations Avenue Gigiri P.O. Box 30552 Nairobi 00100 Kenya Tel: + 254 20 762 3430 Fax: + 254 20 762 4691 / 92 / 93 E-mail: Ms. Ann Gachingiri Programme Assistant (Fund) The Secretariat for the Vienna Convention and its Montreal Protocol Ozone Secretariat United Nations Environment Programme P.O. Box 30552 Nairobi 00100 Kenya Tel: + 254 20 762 3660 Fax: + 254 20 762 4691 / 4692 / 4693 E-mail: 90 Mr. Marco González Executive Secretary Ozone Secretariat United Nations Environment Programme United Nations Avenue Gigiri P.O. Box 30552 Nairobi 00100 Kenya Tel: + 254 20 762 3885 / 48 Fax: + 254 20 762 4691 / 92 / 93 E-mail: Mr. Paul Horwitz Deputy Executive Secretary Ozone Secretariat United Nations Environment Programme United Nations Avenue Gigiri P.O. Box 30552 Nairobi 00100 Kenya Tel: + 254 20 762 3855 / 3851 Fax: + 254 20 762 4691 / 92 / 93 E-mail: Ms. Betty Kamanga Administrative Assistant The Secretariat for the Vienna Convention and its Montreal Protocol Ozone Secretariat United Nations Environment Programme P.O. Box 30552 Nairobi 00100 Kenya Tel: + 254 20 762 3849 Fax: + 254 20 762 4691 / 4692 / 4693 E-mail: Ms. Martha Leyva Communications Officer Ozone Secretariat United Nations Environment Programme United Nations Avenue Gigiri P.O. Box 30552 Nairobi 00100 Kenya Tel: + 254 20 762 5129 Fax: + 254 20 762 4691 / 92 / 93 E-mail: 91 Ms. Lora Manasseh Secretary Secretariat for the Vienna Convention and its Montreal Protocol Ozone Secretariat United Nations Environment Programme P.O. Box 30552 Nairobi 00100 Kenya Tel: + 254 20 762 3851 Fax: + 254 20 762 4691 / 4692 / 4693 E-mail: Ms. Martha Adila Mulumba Computer Information Sys. Assistant Ozone Secretariat United Nations Environment Programme P.O. Box 30552 Nairobi 00100 Kenya Tel: + 254 20 762 3800 Fax: + 254 20 762 4691 / 4692 / 4693 E-mail: Website: Mr. Gerald Mutisya Database Manager Ozone Secretariat United Nations Environment Programme United Nations Avenue Gigiri P.O. Box 30552 Nairobi 00100 Kenya Tel: + 254 20 762 4057 Fax: + 254 20 762 4691/ 92 / 93 E-mail: Mr. Julius Njenga Documentation/Publications Clerk Ozone Secretariat United Nations Environment Programme United Nations Avenue Gigiri P.O. Box 30552 Nairobi 00100 Kenya Tel: + 254 20 762 3845 Fax: + 254 20 762 4691 / 92 / 93 E-mail: 92 Ms. Nabintu Ntakobajira Secretary Ozone Secretariat United Nations Environment Programme P.O. Box 47074 Nairobi 00100 Kenya Tel: + 254 20 762 4285 Fax: + 254 20 762 4691 / 92 / 93 E-mail: Website: Ms. Jacqueline Nyanjui Secretary Ozone Secretariat United Nations Complex Block U Room 333 Gigiri P.O. Box 47074 Nairobi 00100 Kenya Tel: + 254 20 762 3611 Fax: + 254 20 762 4691 / 92 / 93 E-mail: Ms. Ida Kanorio Nzomo Information Assistant Ozone Secretariat United Nations Environment Programme P.O. Box 30552 Nairobi Kenya Tel: + 254 20 762 3848 Fax: + 254 20 762 4691 / 7624692 / 7624693 E-mail: Ms. Megumi Seki Senior Scientific Affairs Officer Ozone Secretariat United Nations Environment Programme United Nations Avenue Gigiri P.O. Box 30552 Nairobi 00100 Kenya Tel: + 254 20 762 3452 / 4213 Fax: + 254 20 762 4691 / 92 / 93 E-mail: 93 Mr. Joseph Wanjiku Messenger/Clerk Ozone Secretariat United Nations Environment Programme United Nations Complex Block U Room 317 Gigiri P.O.Box 47074 Nairobi 00100 Kenya Tel: + 254 20 762 5552 E-mail: Mr. Ahmed Djoghlaf Executive Secretary Secretariat of the United Nations Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD) 413 St. Jacques St. Suite 800 Montreal Quebec H2Y 1N9 Canada Tel: + 1 514 287 7002 Fax: + 1 514 288 6588 E-mail: Website: Mr. Erie S. Tamale Programme Officer Biosafety Division Secretariat of the Convention on Biological Diversity 413 Saint-Jacques St. Suite 800 Montreal Quebec H2Y 1N9 Canada Tel: + 1 514 2882 220 Fax: + 1 514 2886 588 E-mail: Mr. Worku Damena Yifru Legal Affairs Officer Bio Safety Division Secretariat of the Convention on Biological Diversity 413 Saint-Jacques St. Suite 800 Montreal Quebec H2Y 1N9 Canada Tel: + 1 514 2882 220 Fax: + 1 514 2886 588 E-mail: 94 Ms. Bouthena Bendahmane Administrative and Fund Management Officer Multilateral Fund Secretariat 1800 McGill College 27th floor Montreal QC Canada H3A 3J6 Tel: + 1 514 282 1122 Fax: + 1 514 282 0068 E-mail: Website: Mr. Manolo Castro Registry Clerk Multilateral Fund Secretariat 1800 McGill College 27th floor Montreal QC Canada H3A 3J6 Tel: + 1 514 282 1122 Fax: + 1 514 282 0068 E-mail: Website: Ms. Patricia Chau Secretary Multilateral Fund Secretariat 1800 McGill College 27th floor Montreal QC Canada H3A 3J6 Tel: + 1 514 282 1122 Fax: + 1 514 282 0068 E-mail: Website: Ms. Julia Anne Dearing Information Management Officer Multilateral Fund Secretariat 1800 McGill College 27th floor Montreal QC Canada H3A 3J6 Tel: + 1 514 282 1122 Fax: + 1 514 282 0068 Email: Website: 95 Ms. Laura Duong Reports Assistant Multilateral Fund Secretariat 1800 McGill College 27th floor Montreal QC Canada H3A 3J6 Tel: + 1 514 282 1122 Fax: + 1 514 282 0068 Email: Website: Mr. Ansgar Eussner Senior Monitoring and Evaluation Officer Multilateral Fund Secretariat 1800 McGill College 27th floor Montreal QC Canada H3A 3J6 Tel: + 1 514 282 7853 Fax: + 1 514 282 0068 Email: Website: Mr. Eduardo Ganem Senior Programme Officer Multilateral Fund Secretariat 1800 McGill College 27th floor Montreal QC Canada H3A 3J6 Tel: + 1 514 282 1122 Fax: + 1 514 2820068 E-mail: Website: Mr. Sheng Shuo Lang Deputy Chief Officer (Economic Cooperation) Multilateral Fund Secretariat 1800 McGill College 27th floor Montreal QC Canada H3A 3J6 Tel: + 1 514 282 1122 Fax: + 1 514 282 0068 E-mail: Website: 96 Mr. Jack Lee Administrative Assistant Multilateral Fund Secretariat 1800 McGill College 27th floor Montreal QC Canada H3A 3J6 Tel: + 1 514 282 1122 Fax: + 1 514 282 0068 Email: Website: Ms. Cecilia Concepcion Mercado Programme Officer Multilateral Fund Secretariat 1800 McGill College 27th floor Montreal QC Canada H3A 3J6 Tel: + 1 514 282 1122 Fax: + 1 514 282 0068 Email: Website: Mr. Alem Mulum Associate Information Network Officer Multilateral Fund Secretariat 1800 McGill College 27th floor Montreal QC Canada H3A 3J6 Tel: + 1 514 282 1122 Fax: + 1 514 282 0068 E-mail: Website: Ms. Connagh Nation Secretary Multilateral Fund Secretariat 1800 McGill College 27th floor Montreal QC Canada H3A 3J6 Tel: + 1 514 282 1122 Fax: + 1 514 282 0068 E-mail: Website: 97 Ms. Maria Nolan Chief Officer Multilateral Fund Secretariat 1800 McGill College 27th floor Montreal QC Canada H3A 3J6 Tel: + 1 514 282 1122 Fax: + 1 514 282 0068 E-mail: Website: Mr. Andrew Reed Senior Programme Officer Multilateral Fund Secretariat 1800 McGill College 27th floor Montreal QC Canada H3A 3J6 Tel: + 1 514 282 1122 Fax: + 1 514 282 0068 E-mail: Website: Mr. Stephan Sicars Senior Programme Officer Multilateral Fund Secretariat 1800 McGill College 27th floor Montreal QC Canada H3A 3J6 Tel: + 1 514 282 1122 Fax: + 1 514 282 0068 E-mail: Website: Ms. Frida Velarde Secretary Multilateral Fund Secretariat 1800 McGill College 27th floor Montreal QC Canada H3A 3J6 Tel: + 1 514 282 1122 Fax: + 1 514 282 0068 E-mail: Website: 98 Ms. Elina Yuen Programme Assistant (Chief Officer) Multilateral Fund Secretariat 1800 McGill College 27th floor Montreal QC Canada H3A 3J6 Tel: + 1 514 282 1122 Fax: + 1 514 282 0068 E-mail: Website: Mr. David Abbass Public Information Officer Clean Development Mechanism Sustainable Development Mechanisms UNFCCC (Climate Change Secretariat) P.O. Box 260 124 Bonn 53153 Germany Tel: + 49 228 815 1511 Fax: + 49 228 815 1999 E-mail: Ms. Alla Metelitsa Programme Officer Methodologies, Sustainable Development Mechanisms UNFCCC (Climate Change Secretariat) Haus Carstanjen Martin-Luther-King Str. #8 Bonn 53175 Northrhine Westfalia Germany Tel: + 49 228 815 1622 E-mail: Mr. Halldor Thorgeirsson Director Sustainable Development Mechanisms UNFCCC (Climate Change Secretariat) Martin-Luther-King Str. #8 Bonn D-53175 Germany Tel: + 49 228 8151 615 / 1424 Fax: + 49 228 8151 999 E-mail: 99 Dr. Suely M. Carvalho Chief Montreal Protocol -Chemicals Unit Prinicipal Technical Advisor -Chemicals Environment & Energy Group Bureau for Development Policy United Nations Development Programme 304 East 45th St.-Room FF-970 New York 10017 United States of America Tel: + 1 212 906 6687 Fax: + 1 212 906 6947 E-mail: Website: Ms. Cecilia Corpus Finance Assistant Finance Unit BDP/Global Environment Facility United Nations Development Programme 304 East 45th Street New York 10017 United States of America Tel: + 1 212 906 6379 Fax: + 1 212 906 6998 E-mail: Mr. William Kwan Deputy Chief Montreal Protocol Unit/Chemicals United Nations Development Programme 304 East 45th Street FF-969 New York 10017 United States of America Tel: + 1 212 906 5150 Fax: + 1 212 906 6947 E-mail: Ms. Norzilla Mohamed Programme Associate Environment and Energy Cluster UNDP Malaysia Wisma UN Block C Damansara Office Complex Jalan Dungun Damansara Heights 50490 Kuala Lumpur Malaysia Tel: + 60 3 209 59122 - Ext. 3311 Fax: + 60 3 209 52870 E-mail: 100 Mr. Anil Bruce Sookdeo Programme Specialist/Regional Coordinator Montreal Protocol and Chemicals Unit UNDP Regional Centre in Bangkok 3rd Floor UnitedNations Service Building Bangkok 10200 Thailand Tel: + 66 2 288 2718 Fax: + 66 2 288 3032 E-mail: Mr. Jacques Van Engel Programme Coordinator Montreal Protocol Unit Energy and Environment Group Bureau for Development Policy United Nations Development Programme East 45th St. FF-972 New York 10017 United States of America Tel: + 1 212 906 5782 Fax: + 1 212 906 6947 304 Mr. Achim Steiner Executive Director United Nations Environment Programme United Nations Avenue Gigiri P.O. Box 00100-30552 Nairobi Kenya Tel: + 254 20 762 4001/ 2 Fax: + 254 20 762 4275 / 4608 E-mail: executiveoffice Mr. Jeremy Bazye Regional Network Coordinator-French speaking Africa OzonAction Programme ROA/UNEP P.O. Box 30552 Nairobi G.P.O 00100 Kenya Tel: + 254 20 7624281 Fax: + 254 20 7623165 E-mail: 101 Mr. Yamar Guisse Programme Officer (RMP Implementation) Programme Assistant UNEP/ROA-Ozone Unit United Nation Environment Programme ROA P.O. Box 30552 Kenya Tel: + 254 20 7623909 Fax: + 254 20 7623 928 / 20 7623 165 E-mail: Ms. Ann Kanithi Programme Assistant UNEP/ROA-Ozone Unit United Nations Environment Programme P.O. Box 30552 Nairobi 00100 Kenya Tel: + 254 20 762 4280 Fax: + 254 20 762 2165 / + 254 20 762 3928 E-mail: Mr. Theodor Kapiga Officer in Charge UNEP/EO/QAS & CSS P. O. Box 47074 Nairobi 00100 Kenya Tel: + 254 20 762 3661 E-mail: Mr. Atul Bagai Regional Coordinator (Networking) South East Asia and Pacific Regional Office for Asia and the Pacific United Nations Environment Programme Compliance Assitance Programme United Nations Building 2nd Floor Block B Rajdamnern Nok Ave. Bangkok 10200 Thailand Tel: + 66 02 288 1662 Fax:+ 66 02 288 3829 E-mail: 102 Ms. Ludgarde Coppens Policy and Enforcement Officer Regional Office for Asia and the Pacific United Nations Environment Programme Compliance Assitance Programme United Nations Building 2nd Floor Block B Rajdamnern Nok Ave. Bangkok 10200 Thailand Tel: + 66 02 288 1679 Fax: + 66 02 288 3829 E-mail: Mr. Thanavat Junchaya Regional Coordinator (Networking) Southeast Asia and Pacific Regional Office for Asia and the Pacific United Nations Environment Programme Compliance Assitance Programme United Nations Building 2nd Floor Block B Rajdamnern Nok Ave. Bangkok 10200 Thailand Tel: + 66 02 288 2128 Fax: + 66 02 288 3829 E-mail: Ms. Pattra Mahattanawongwarn Programme Assistant Regional Office for Asia and the Pacific United Nations Environment Programme Compliance Assitance Programme United Nations Building 2nd Floor Block B Rajdamnern Nok Ave. Bangkok 10200 Thailand Tel: + 66 02 288 2082 Fax: + 66 02 288 3829 E-mail: Mr. Balaji Natarajan Programme Officer-Methyl Bromide Regional Office for Asia and the Pacific United Nations Environment Programme Compliance Assistance Programme United Nations Building 2nd Floor Block B Rajdamnern Nok Ave. Bangkok 10200 Thailand Tel: + 66 02 288 1136 Fax: + 66 02 288 3829 E-mail: 103 Mr. Hu Shaofeng Programme Officer-Refrigerant Management Plan Regional Office for Asia and the Pacific United Nations Environment Programme Compliance Assitance Programme United Nations Building 2nd Floor Block B Rajdamnern Nok Ave. Bangkok 10200 Thailand Tel: + 66 02 288 1126 Fax: + 66 02 288 3829 E-mail: Ms. Charuwan Tintukasiri Programme Assistant Regional Office for Asia and the Pacific United Nations Environment Programme Compliance Assistance Programme United Nations Building 2nd Floor Block B Rajdamnern Nok Ave. Bangkok 10200 Thailand Tel: + 66 02 288 1495 Fax: + 66 02 288 3829 E-mail: Ms. Pacharin Udompornwirat Programme Assistant Regional Office for Asia and the Pacific United Nations Environment Programme Compliance Assitance Programme United Nations Building 2nd Floor Block B Rajdamnern Nok Ave. Bangkok 10200 Thailand Tel: + 66 02 288 1131 Fax: + 66 02 288 3829 E-mail: Ms. Artie Dubrie Oficial de Programa Politicas y Aplicacion - Programa Accion Ozono Programa de las Naciones Unidas para el Medio Ambiente Oficina Regional para América Latina y el Caribe Clayton Ciudad del Saber - Avenida Morse Edificio 132 Corregimiento de Ancón - Ciudad de Panamá Panama Tel.: +507 305 3100 / 305 3161 Fax: + 507 305 3105 E-mail: 104 Dr. Basel Al-Yousfi Deputy Regional Director Regional Office for West Asia United Nations Environment Programme P.O. Box 10880 Manama Bahrain Tel: + 973 178 12780 E-mail: Mr. Abdulelah Al Wadaee ODS Regional Network Coordinator Compliance Assistance Programme (CAP) Regional Office for West Asia (ROWA) United Nations Environment Programme P.O. Box 10880 Manama Bahrain Tel: + 973 178 12760 Direct / Main: + 973 178 12777 Fax: + 973 178 25110 / 1 E-mail: Mr. Ayman El-Talouny Programme Officer Compliance Assistance Programme (CAP) Regional Office for West Asia (ROWA) United Nations Environment Programme P.O.Box:10880 Manama Bahrain Tel: + 973 178 12777 Ext. 765 Fax: + 973 178 25100 / 1 E-mail: Mr. James S. Curlin Capacity Building Manager UNEP Division of Technology, Industry and Economics OzonAction Branch 15 rue de Milan 75441 Paris Cedex 09 France Tel: + 33 1 44 37 14 55 Fax: + 33 1 44 37 14 74 E-mail: Website: / 105 Ms. Samira de Gobert UNEP Division of Technology, Industry and Economics OzonAction Information 15 Rue de Milan Paris 75441 Paris Cedex 09 France Tel: + 33 1 44 371452 Fax: + 33 1 44 37 1452 E-mail: Ms. Anne-Maria Kristiina Fenner Information Officer UNEP Division of Technology, Industry and Economics OzonAction Branch 15 Rue de Milan Paris 75015 France Tel: + 33 1 44 371454 Fax: + 33 1 44 371474 E-mail: Dr. Suresh Raj Capacity Building Manager OzonAction Branch Division of Technology, Industry and Economics Tour Mirabeau 39-43 Quai Andre Citroen Paris 75739 France Fax: + 33 1 44 377611 E-mail: Mr. Shende M. Rajendra Chief OzonAction Branch UNEP Division of Technology, Industry and Economics 15 Rue Milan 75441 Paris Cedex 09 France Tel: + 33 1 4437 1459 Fax: + 33 1 4437 1474 E-mail: 106 Mr. Nahruddin Alie National Officer UNIDO Jakarta-Indonesia Menara Thamrin 10th floor JL MH Thamrin kav 03 Jakarta 10250 Indonesia Tel: + 62 21 3141 308 - Ext. 604 Fax: + 62 21 3907 126 Mobile: + 62 812 917 9674 E-mail: Mr. Georgios Anestis Vienna International Centre Wagramer Strasse 5 P.O. Box 300 Vienna A-1400 Austria Tel: + 43 1 269 0260 Fax: + 43 1 269 2669 E-mail: Mr. Mohamed Derrough UNIDO United Nations Industrial Development Organization Vienna Austria Tel: + 43 26 026 /36 72 Mobile: + 43 0676 91 27 869 E-mail: Ms. Marcela Gonzalez Nolazco Local Project Coordinator Multilateral Environmental Agreements Puente De Tecamachalco 26 Col. Lomas de Chapultepec D.F. 11000 Distrito Federal Mexico Tel: + 52 55 552 05301 E-mail: 107 Dr. Tamas Grof Multilateral Environmental Agreements Branch UNIDO P.O. Box 300 Vienna International Centre Wagramerstrasse 5 A-1400 Wien Austria Tel: + 43 1 260 264 714 Fax: + 43 1 213 464 714 E-mail: Mr. Sidi Menad Si-Ahmed Director Multilateral Environmental Agreements Branch Programme Development and Technical Cooperation Division United Nations Industrial Development Organization Vienna International Centre Wagramer Strasse 5 P.O. Box 300 Vienna A-1400 Austria Tel: + 43 1 26 026 3782 Fax: + 43 1 26 026 6804 E-mail: Mr. Moses Ajibade Finance Specialist UNON/BFMS/TREASURY P.O. Box 67578 Nairobi Kenya Tel: + 254 20 762 3590 Fax: + 254 20 762 3614 E-mail: Ms. Elaine Feister Environment Department The World Bank 1818 H St. N.W. Washington DC 204333 United States of America 108 Ms. Mary-Ellen Foley Environment Department The World Bank 1818 H St. N.W. Washington DC 204333 United States of America Mr. Steve Gorman GEF Executive Coordinator & Team Leader POPs/MP operations Environment Department The World Bank 1818 H St. N.W. Washington DC 204333 United States of America Ms. Katherine Sierra Vice President Sustainable Development The World Bank 1818 H St. NW Washington DC 20433 United Sates of America Tel: + 1 202 473 6795 Fax: + 1 202 522 2961 E-mail: Ms. Ellen Tynan Environment Department The World Bank 1818 H St. N.W. Washington DC 204333 United States of America 109 Mr. Viraj Vithoontien Senior Regional Coordinator MP/POPs Operations Environment Department The World Bank 1818 H St. N.W. Washington DC 20433 United States of America Tel: + 1 202 473 6303 Fax: + 1 202 522 3258 Dr. Tim Meredith Senior Adviser-Chemicals Department of Public Health and Environment World Health Organization Avenue Appia 20 CH-1211 Geneva 27 Switzerland Tel: + 41 22 791 4348 Fax: + 41 22 791 4848 E-mail: Mr. Rudy van Dijck Chief Division of Conference Services United Nations Office at Nairobi P. O. Box 67578-00200 Nairobi Kenya Tel: + 254 20 7623313 /7623364 E-mail: 110 Assessment Panels Environmental Effects Assessment Panel - EEAP Dr. Anthony L. Andrady PhD Program Manager Engineering Technology Division RTI International Durham NC 27709 United States of America Dr. Carlos L. Ballaré Principal Research Scientist and Associate Professor IFEVA (CONICET) and Facultad de Agronomía Universidad de Buenos Aires Avenue San Martin 4453 (C1417 DSE) Buenos Aires Argentina Prof. Janet F. Bornman Director International Global Change Institute-IGCI University of Waikato Private Bag 3105 Hamilton 3240 New Zealand 111 Dr. Martyn Caldwell Program Director Ecosystem Science Division of Enviromental Biology U.S. Natonal Science Foundation Arlington Virginia United States of America Dr. Thomas P. Coohill PhD Professor of Biophysics Siena College Loudonville NY 12211 United States of America Dr. Anthony P. Cullen Distinguished Professor Emeritus School of Optometry University of Waterloo Waterloo Ontario N2L 3G1 Canada Website: Assoc. Prof. Frank R. de Gruijl PhD Skin Research Lab Dept. of Dermatology Leiden Univesity Med. Ctr. (postal zone S2P) P.O.. Box 9600 2300 RC Leiden The Netherlands 112 Prof. Nils Ekelund Professor in Plant Physiology Department of Natural Sciences Mid Sweden University 851 70 Sundsvall Sweden Dr. David J. Erickson III Senior Staff Member Computational Earth Sciences Group Oak Ridge National Laboratory Oak Ridge TN 37831 United States of America Dr. Ernesto Fernández B. Professor of Organic Chemistry Faculty of Pharmacy University of Valparaiso Av. Gran Bretaña 1093 Valparaiso Chile Dr. Donat P. Häder Institut für Biologie Lehrstuhl für Ökophysiologie der Pflanzen Friedrich-Alexander Universität Staudtstr. 5 91058 Erlangen Germany Tel: + 49 9131 852 8216 Fax: + 49 9131 852 8215 E-mail: 113 Dr. Rainer Hofmann Lecturer in Plant Biology Agriculture and Life Sciences Division Lincoln University P.O. Box 84 Lincoln 7647 New Zealand Tel: + 64 3 325 3838 - Ext. 8202 Fax: + 64 3 325 3843 E-mail: Website: Prof. Dr. Mohammad Ilyas Visiting Professor University Malaysia Perlis Kangar Malaysia Assoc. Prof. Kostas Kourtidis Lab. of Atmospheric Pollution and Pollution Control Engineering of Atmospheric Pollutants Dept. of Environmental Engineering School of Engineering Demokritus University of Thrace 12 Vas. Sofias Str. 67100 Xanthi Greece Tel: + 30 25410 79383 Fax: + 30 25410 79379 Prof. G. Kulandaivelu Senior Professor & Head School of Biological Sciences Madurai Kamaraj University Madurai 625021 India E-mail: / 114 Prof. H.D. Kumar Retired Professor Banaras Hindu University 214 Saketnagar Naria Varanasi-221005 India Dr. Lawrence E. Licht Professor of Biology York University Toronto Ontario Canada Dr. Janice Longstreth PhD DABT President TIGRR The Institute for Global Risk Research LLC 9119 Kirkdale Rd. Suite 200 Bethesda MD 20817 United States of America Tel: + 1 301 530 8071 Fax : + 1 301 530 1646 Dr. Robyn M. Lucas National Centre for Epidemiology and Population Health-NCEPH College of Medicine and Health Science The Australian National University Canberra 0200 Australia 115 Prof. Mary Norval Professor Emeritus Biomedical Sciences University of Edinburgh Medical School Teviot Place Edinburgh EH8 9AG Scotland Dr. Masaji Ono National Institute for Environmental Studies Onogawa 16-2 Tsukuba 305-8506 Japan Dr. Rajeshwar P. Sinha Associate Professor Centre of Advanced Study in Botany Banaras Hindu University Varanasi-221005 India Prof. Raymond C. Smith Geography Department & Institute for Computational Earth System Science University of California Santa Barbara Santa Barbara California 93016 United States of America 116 Dr. Keith R. Solomon PhD Fellow ATS Centre for Toxicology 2120 Bovey Building Gordon Street University of Guelph Guelph ON Canada N1G 2W1 Tel: + 1 519 824 4120 Fax: + 1 519 837 3861 E-mail: Dr. Ruben Sommaruga PhD Head of Laboratory of Aquatic Photobiology and Plankton Ecology Institute of Ecology University of Innsbruck Technikerstr. 25 Innsbruck A-6020 Austria Tel: + 43 512 507 6121 -Office / + 43 512 507 6145 or 6197 -Lab Fax: + 43 512 507 6190 E-mail: Website: Dr. Ann E. Stapleton Department of Biology and Marine Biology University of North Carolina Wilmington 601 S. College Wilmington NC 28403 United States of America Tel: + 1 910 962 7267 E-mail: Website: Prof. Åke Strid Prof. Biochemistry Head of Department Dept. Science & Örebro Life Science Center Örebro University SE-70182 Örebro Sweden Tel: + 46 19 303 603 Fax: + 46 19 303 566 117 Dr. Barbara Sulzberger PhD Editor-in-Chief Aquatic Sciences Eawag Überlandstrasse 133 P.O. Box 611 8600 Dübendorf Switzerland Tel: + 41 (0) 44 823 54 59 Fax: + 41 (0) 44 823 53 15 E-mail: Website: Prof. Yukio Takizawa Professor Emeritus School of Medicine Akita University 1-1-1Hondo Akita 010 Japan Advisor-National Institute for Minamata Disease 4058-18 Hama Minamata Kumamoto 867-008 Japan Prof. Alan H. Teramura Professor and Chair Department of Botany University of Hawaii St. John 105A 3190 Maile Way Honolulu 96822-2279 Hawaii Tel: + 1 808 956 3930 Fax: + 1 808 956 3923 Dr. Ayako Torikai UNEP-EEAP Materials Life Society- Japan 2-6-8 Nihonbashi-kayabacho Chuo-ku Tokyo 103-0025 Japan 118 Dr. Craig E. Williamson Department of Zoology 212 Pearson Hall Miami University Oxford Ohio 45056 United States of America Tel: + 1 513 529 3180 Fax: + 1 513 529 6900 E-mail : Website : Assoc. Prof. Stephen Wilson Department of Chemistry University of Wollongong Australia Tel: + 61 2 4221 3505 E-mail: Dr. Robert C. Worrest PhD Senior Research Scientist Associate Director - Washington Operations CIESIN Columbia University (MS-302) 12201 Sunrise Valley Dr. Reston Virginia 20192 United States of America E-mail: 119 120 Scientific Assessment Panel - SAP Dr. Daniel L. Albritton Retired Chemical Sciences Division NOAA Earth System Research Laboratory 325 Broadway R/CSD Boulder Colorado United States of America Dr. John Anderson Center for Atmospheric Sciences Department of Atmospheric and Planetary Sciences Hampton University Hampton VA 23668 United States of America Tel: + 1 757 727 5106 Fax: + 1 757 727 5090 Dr. Antti Arola Senior Research Scientist Finnish Meteorological Institute Yliopistonranta 1 F P.O. Box 1627 Kuopio FIN-70211 Finland 121 Dr. Elliot Atlas Division of Marine and Atmospheric Chemistry Rosenstiel School of Marine and Atmospheric Science University of Miami 4600 Rickenbacker Causeway Miami FL 33149 United States of America Dr. Pieter J. Aucamp Ptersa Environmental Management Consultants Telephone: + 27 12 365 1025 Fax: + 27 0866 483 149 E-mail: Dr. John Austin Editor JGR Atmospheres NOAA Geophysical Fluid Dynamics Laboratory Princeton Forrestal Campus Rte.1 201 Forrestal Rd. Princeton NJ 08542-0308 United States of America Tel: + 1 (609) 452 6537 E-mail: Dr. Gnon B. Baba GTVD (Laboratoire de Gestion Traitement Valorisation des Déchets) Département de Chimie Faculté des Sciences Université de Lomé B.P. 1515 Lomé Togo Tel: + 228 225 50 94 Mobile: + 228 922 37 65 Fax: + 228 221 85 95 E-mail : / / 122 Assoc. Prof. Alkiviadis Bais Laboratory of Atmospheric Physics Aristotle University of Thessaloniki 541 24 - Thessaloniki Greece Tel: + 30 2310 998 184 Fax: + 30 2310 998 090 E-mail: Dr. Mark P. Baldwin Vice President & Senior Research Scientist Northwest Research Associates 14508 NE 20th St. Bellevue WA 98007 3713 United States of America Dr. Leonard A. Barrie Director Atmospheric Research and Environment Programme World Meteorological Organization 7 bis Avenue de la Paix BP2300, 1211 Geneva 2 Switzerland Tel: + 41 (0) 22 730 82 40 Fax: + 41 (0) 22 730 80 49 E-mail: Dr. Germar Bernhard Atmospheric Physicist / Co-PI NSF UV Monitoring Project Biospherical Instruments Inc. 5340 Riley Street San Diego CA 92110-2621 United States of America Tel: + 1 (619) 686 1888 - Ext. 175 Fax: + 1 (619) 686 1887 E-mail: Website : 123 Mr. Donald R. Blake Professor of Chemistry University of California Department of Chemistry 570 Rowland Hall Irvine CA 92697 2025 United States of America Tel: + 1 949 824 4195 Fax: + 1 949 824 2905 E-mail : Ms. Nicola J. Blake Assistant Researcher Department of Chemistry University of California Irvine CA 92697 2025 United States of America E-mail: Dr. Mario Blumthaler Institute of Medical Physics University of Innsbruck A-6020 Innsbruck Austria Fax: + 43 512 507 2860 Dr. Greg Bodeker National Institute of Water and Atmospheric Research (NIWA) Private Bag 50061 Omakau Central Otago New Zealand 124 Prof. Dr. Rumen D. Bojkov Special Advisor to the Secretary-General on Ozone and Global Environmental Issues WMO - Retired (2002) Lossnitzgrund Str. 8c 01445 Radebeul by Dresden Germany Tel: + 49 351 833 6074 E-mail: Dr. Geir O. Braathen Senior Scientific Officer Environment Division-AREP World Meteorological Organization 7 bis Avenue de la Paix BP2300 1211 Geneva 2 Switzerland Tel: + 41 (0) 22 730 82 35 Fax: + 41 (0) 22 730 80 49 E-mail: Dr. Peter Braesicke NCAS-Climate Centre for Atmospheric Science Cambridge University Chemistry Department Lensfield Road Cambridge CB2 1EW United Kingdom Dr. Bram Bregman Air Quality - Climate Modelling TNO Business Unit Built and Geosciences Section Enivironment, Safety and Health P.O. Box 342 7300 AH Apeldoorn The Netherlands Tel: + 31 55 549 3107 Mobile: + 31 6 303 77 020 E-mail: 125 Prof. Dr. J. P. Burrows PhD Institute of Environmental Physics and Remote Sensing IUP/IFE University of Bremen - FB1 Postfach 330440 28334 Bremen Germany Tel: + 49 421 2184548 Fax: + 49 421 218 4555 E-mail: Website: Dr. Neal Butchart Leader Stratospheric Processes Research Met Office FitzRoy Road Exeter Devon EX1 3PB United Kingdom Tel: + 44 (0) 1392 886 251 Fax: + 44 (0) 1392 885 681 Dr. André Butz Institut für Umweltphysik University of Heidelberg Germany Dr. Pablo O. Canziani Director Equipo Interdisciplinario para el Estudio de Procesos Atmosfericos en el Cambio Global Pontificia Universidad Católica Argentina + CONICET Ramon Freire 183 1426 AVC Capital Federal Argentina Tel: + 54 11 4551 4909 126 Dr. Lucy J Carpenter Department of Chemistry University of York (UK) York YO10 5DD United Kingdom Ms. Marie-Lise Chanin Director of Research Emeritus at CNRS Service d’Aéronomie du CNRS/IPSL. B.P. 391370 Verrières-le-Buisson France Prof. Martyn Chipperfield Institute for Atmospheric Science School of Earth and Environment University of Leeds Leeds United Kingdom Dr. Natalia Chubarova Faculty of Geography Moscow State University Vorobyovy Gory GSP-2 119992 Moscow Russia Tel/Fax: + 7 495 939 2479 / 495 939 2337 127 Dipl. Met. Hans Claude Deutscher Wetterdienst Meteorologisches Observatorium Hohenpeissenberg Albin-Schwaiger-Weg 10 82383 Hohenpeissenberg Germany Tel: + 49 (0) 8805 / 954 170 Fax: + 49 (0) 8805 / 954 230 Dr. Eugene Cordero Associate Professor Department of Meteorology San Jose State University San Jose CA 95192-0104 United States of America Tel: + 1 (408) 924 5188 Website: Prof. Derek Cunnold Professor Georgia Tech School of Earth & Atmospheric Sciences Georgia Tech Atlanta GA 30332 0340 United States of America Prof. Dr. Martin Dameris Deutsches Zentrum für Luft und Raumfahrt DLR- Institute of Atmospheric Physics Oberpfaffenhofen D-82230 Wessling Germany Tel: + 49 8153 28 1558 Fax: + 49 8153 28 1841 E-mail: Website: 128 Dr. John S. Daniel Physicist National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration Earth System Research Laboratory Chemical Sciences Division 325 Broadway Boulder Colorado 80305 United States of America Dr. Philippe Demoulin Scientist Institut d’Astrophysique et de Géophysique Allée du VI Août 17 - Bâtiment B5a Sart Tilman B-4000 Liege Belgium E-mail: Dr. Marcel Dorf Institute for Environmental Physics University of Heidelberg Im Neuenheimer Feld 229 69120 Heidelberg Germany Tel: + 49 6221 546315 Fax: + 49 6221 546405 Ms. Anne R. Douglass Atmospheric Scientist Atmospheric Chemistry and Dynamics Branch NASA Goddard Space Flight Center Code 613.3 NASA GSFC Greenbelt MD 20771 United States of America 129 Dr. Kalju Eerme PhD Senior Research Associate of the Tartu Observatory-Estonia Tõravere 61602 Tartumaa Estonia Tel: + 372 7410 258 Fax: + 372 7410 205 E-mail: Dr. Andreas Engel Institute for Atmosphere and Environment Johann Wolfgang Goethe University Frankfurt Altenhöferallee 1 D 60438 Frankfurt/Main Germany Tel: + 49 69 798 40259 Fax: + 49 69 798 40262 Website: Dr. Christine A. Ennis Research Scientist Cooperative Institute for Research in Environmental Sciences and Chemical Sciences Division NOAA Earth System Research Laboratory 325 Broadway R/CSD Boulder Colorado United States of America Dr. Carynelisa Erlick Senior Lecturer Department of Atmospheric Sciences The Hebrew University of Jerusalem Jerusalem 91904 Israel Tel: + 972 2 658 4974 -Office Fax: + 972 2 566 2581 E-mail: 130 Dr. David Etheridge CSIRO Marine and Atmospheric Research Private Bag 1 107-121 Station St. Aspendale Victoria 3195 Australia Tel: + 61 3 9239 4590 Fax: + 61 3 9239 4444 E-mail: Dr. Wayne Evans Research Scientist North West Research Associates 14508 NE 20th St. Bellevue WA 98007 3713 United States of America Dr. David W. Fahey Earth System Research Laboratory National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration Boulder CO United States of America Dr. Uwe Feister Senior Scientist Deutscher Wetterdienst Business Area Research and Development Meteorological Observatory Lindenberg – Richard Aßmann Observatory Am Observatorium 12 15848 Lindenberg Germany Tel: + 49 33677 60 143 Fax: + 49 33677 60 147 Website: 131 Dr. Wuhu Feng Institute for Atmospheric Science School of Earth and Environment University of Leeds Woodhouse Lane Leeds West Yorkshire LS2 9JT United Kingdom Dr. Lawrence E. Flynn Physical Scientist NOAA/NESDIS/STAR Sensor Physics Branch World Weather Building 5200 Auth Rd. Camp Springs MD 20746 United States of America Tel: + 1 301 763 8136 - Ext.131 Fax: + 1 301 763 8580 Assoc. Professor Ian Folkins Diploma Coordinator Dept. of Physics & Atmospheric Science Dalhousie University Halifax Nova Scotia B3H 3J5 Canada Tel: + 1 902 494 1292 Fax: + 1 902 494 5191 E-mail: Website : Dr. Piers Forster School of Earth and Environment University of Leeds Leeds LS2 9JT United Kingdom 132 Dr. Paul Fraser Team Leader – Greenhouse Gases CSIRO Marine and Atmospheric Research Private Bag No. 1 Aspendale Victoria 3195 Australia Ms. Stacey M. Hollandsworth Frith Science Systems and Applications Inc. NASA GSFC Code 916 Greenbelt MD 20771 United States of America Mr. Jan Fuglestvedt CICERO P.O. Box. 1129 Blindern N-0318 Oslo Norway Prof. Marvin A. Geller Professor of Atmospheric Science Stony Brook University 111 Endeavour Hall Stony Brook NY 11794 5000 United States of America 133 Dr. Andrew Gettelman Scientist Earth and Sun Systems Laboratory National Center for Atmospheric Research 1850 Table Mesa Dr. Boulder CO 80305 United States of America Dr. Peter Gies Senior Research Scientist Ultraviolet Radiation Section Australian Radiation Protection and Nuclear Safety Agency 619 Lower Plenty Road Yallambie VIC 3085 Australia Tel: + 61 3 9433 22 11 Fax: + 61 3 9432 1835 E-mail: Dr. Nathan Gillett Climatic Research Unit School of Environmental Sciences University of East Anglia Norwich NR4 7TJ United Kingdom Dr. Marco A. Giorgetta Dept. Atmosphere in the Earth System Max Planck Institute for Meteorology Bundesstr.53 20146 Hamburg Germany Tel/Fax: + 49 (0) 40 41173 358 / 298 134 Dr. Sophie Godin-Beekmann Service d’Aéronomie Institut Pierre Simon Laplace CNRS/UPMC/UVSQ UPMC 4 Place Jussieu 75252 Paris Cedex 05 France Dr. Florence Goutail Service d’Aeronomie /IPSL /CNRS Route de Verrieres 91370 Verrieres le Buisson France E-mail: Dr. Julian Gröbner Senior Scientist Physikalisch-Meteorologisches Observatorium Davos World Radiation Center (PMOD/WRC) Dorfstrasse 33 CH-7260 Davos Dorf Switzerland Prof. Serge Guillas Assistant Professor Georgia Institute of Technology School of Mathematics 686 Cherry Street Atlanta GA 30332-0160 United States of America 135 Prof. Joanna D. Haigh Imperial College London SW7 2AZ United Kingdom Dr. Didier Hauglustaine EUROCORES Programme Coordinator European Science Foundation (ESF) Life, Earth and Environmental Sciences (LESC) 1 Quai Lezay-Marnésia BP 90015 F-67080 Strasbourg Cedex France Tel: + 33 (0) 3 88 76 21 89 Fax: + 33 (0) 3 88 37 05 32 Mr. David J. Hofmann Director Global Monitoring Division Earth System Research Laboratory 325 Boulder CO 80305 United States of America Tel: + 1 303 497 6966 Fax: + 1 303 497 6975 E-mail: Website: Dr. Lon L. Hood Senior Research Scientist Lunar and Planetary Laboratory University of Arizona 1629 E. University Blvd. Tucson Arizona 85721 United States of America Tel: + 1 520 621 6936 136 Dr. Charles H. Jackman Physical Scientist Atmospheric Chemistry and Dynamics Branch Code 613.3 NASA Goddard Space Flight Center Greenbelt MD 20771 United States of America Dr. Geert-Jan Roelofs Institute for Marine and Atmospheric Research Utrecht (IMAU) Utrecht University Princetonplein 5 3584 CC Utrecht The Netherlands Tel: + 31 30 253 2821 Fax: + 31 30 254 3163 E-mail: Dr. S. Randolph Kawa NASA Goddard Space Flight Center Code 613.3 Greenbelt MD 20771 United States of America Tel: + 1 301 614 6004 Fax: + 1 301 614 5903 Dr. Jack A. Kaye Assoc. Director for Research Earth Science Division Science Mission Directorate NASA HQ, Mail Suite 3F71 Washington DC 20546 United States of America Tel: + 1 202 358 2559 Fax: + 1 202 358 3172 E-mail: 137 Prof. Aslam Khan Khalil Professor of Physics and Director Environmental Science and Resources Program Department of Physics Portland State University P.O. Box 751 Portland Oregon 97207 United States of America Tel: + 1 (503) 725 8396 E-mail: Dr. Malcolm Ko Lead Scientist Science Directorate NASA Langley Research Center MS 401 21 Langley Blvd. Hampton VA 23681 2199 United States of America Dr. Peter Koepke Meteorolog. Institut University of Munich Theresienstr. 37 80333 Muenchen Germany Mr. Paul Krummel Senior Project Scientist CSIRO Marine and Atmospheric Research Private Bag No. 1 Aspendale Victoria 3195 Australia 138 Prof. Janusz W. Krzyscin Professor Institute of Geophysics Polish Academy of Sciences 64 Ksiecia Janusza Street 01-452 Warsaw Poland Tel: + 48 22 6915874 Fax: + 48 22 6915915 E-mail: Dr. Michael J. Kurylo Program Scientist for Atmospheric Composition Earth Science Division- Code DK Science Mission Directorate National Aeronautics and Space Administration Headquarters Washington DC 20546 United States of America Tel: + 1 202 358 0237 Fax: + 1 202 358 2770 E-mail: Dr. Ulrike Langematz Institut für Meteorologie Freie Universität Berlin 85 Carl-Heinrich-Becker-Weg 6-10 12165 Berlin Germany Tel: + 49 30 838 711 65 Fax: + 49 30 838 717 E-mail: Dr. Habil. Mark G. Lawrence Modelling Group Leader Max Planck Institute for Chemistry Department of Atmospheric Chemistry Postfach 3060 55020 Mainz Germany 139 Dr. Shari A. Yvon-Lewis Assistant Professor Dept. of Oceanography Texas A&M University 3146 TAMU College Station TX 77843 United States of America Tel: + 1 979 458 1816 Fax: + 1 979 845 6331 Mr. Nathaniel Livesey Microwave Atmospheric Science Team Mail Stop 183-701 Jet Propulsion Laboratory 4800 Oak Grove Dr. Pasadena California 91109 United States of America Tel: + 1 (818) 354 4214 ( & voice mail) Fax: + 1 (818) 393 5065 E-mail: Website: Prof. Ayite-Lo N. Ajavon Co-Chair Scientific Assesment Panel (SAP) Atmospheric Chemistry Laboratory FDS/Universite de Lome B.P.: 1515 Lome Togo E-mail: / Prof. Manuel López-Puertas Instituto de Astrofísica de Andalucía (CSIC) Granada Spain 140 Dr. Dan Lubin Research Physicist and Senior Lecturer Scripps Institution of Oceanography UCSD 9500 Gilman Drive La Jolla CA 92093-0221 United States of America Tel: + 1 858 534 6469 Fax: + 1 858 534 7452 Dr. Richard L. McKenzie NIWA Lauder PB 50061 Omakau Central Otago 9352 New Zealand Tel: + 64 3 440 0429 Fax: + 64 3 447 3348 E-mail: Mr. Emmanuel Mahieu Institute of Astrophysics and Geophysics University of Liège Allée du 6 Août 17 (B5a / P44B) B-4000 Sart-Tilman Liege Belgium Tel: + 32 4 366 97 86 Fax: + 32 4 366 97 47 Ms. Eva Mancini Associate Researcher Dipartimento di Fisica Universita’ L’Aquila Via Vetoio 67010 Coppito L’Aquila Italy Tel: + 39 0862 433 118 Fax: + 39 0862 433 033 E-mail: 141 Dr. Celine Mari Laboratoire d’Aérologie CNRS Toulouse University Observatoire Midi-Pyrenees 14 Av. Edouard Belin 31400 Toulouse France Tel: + 33 561 332 754 Fax: + 33 561 332 790 Dr. Mack McFarland Environmental Fellow DuPont Fluoroproducts Chestnut Run Plaza 702/2330-A 4417 Lancaster Pike Wilmington DE 19805 United States of America Tel: + 1 302 999 2505 Mobile: + 1 302 521 3752 Fax: + 1 302 999 2816 E-mail: Mr. Richard McPeters Principal Investigator Earth Probe TOMS NASA Goddard Space Flight Center Code 613.3 Greenbelt MD 20771 United States of America E-mail: Dr. Pauline M. Midgley German IPCC Coordination Office IER University of Stuttgart Hessbruehlstrasse 49a 70565 Stuttgart Germany Tel: + 49 711 685 878 76 / + 49 711 685 878 00 142 Dr. Stephen Montzka Research Chemist NOAA Earth System Research Laboratory Boulder Colorado United States of America Dr. Jens Mühle Scripps Institution of Oceanography University of California 9500 Gilman Dr. # 0244 La Jolla San Diego CA 92093-0244 United States of America Mr. Ray Nassar PhD Candidate Department of Chemistry University of Waterloo Waterloo ON N2L 3G1 Canada Tel: + 1 617 496 1945 Prof. Michael J. Newchurch Professor University of Alabama in Huntsville 320 Sparkman Dr. Huntsville AL 35805 United States of America 143 Dr. Paul A. Newman NASA’s Goddard Space Flight Center Code 613.3 Greenbelt MD 20771 United States of America Prof. Ole John Nielsen University of Copenhagen Department of Chemistry C514 Universitetsparken 5 DK-2100 Copenhagen Ø Denmark Tel: + 45 353 203 31 Fax: + 45 353 203 22 Prof. Nzioka John Muthama Department of Meteorology University of Nairobi P.O. Box 30197 Nairobi 00100 Kenya Prof. Emeritus Lars Olof Bjorn Department of Cell and Organism Biology Lund University Solvegatan 35 SE-223 62 Lund Sweden E-mail: 144 Mr. Samuel Oltmans Chief Ozone and Water Vapor Group NOAA Earth System Research Laboratory Global Monitoring Division NOAA/ESRL 325 Broadway Boulder Colorado 80305 United States of America Prof. Panos Papagiannakopoulos Laboratory of Photochemistry and Kinetics Department of Chemistry University of Crete P.O. Box 2208 71003 Heraklion Crete Greece Prof. Dr. Thomas Peter ETH Zurich, Institute for Atmospheric and Climate Science Universitaetsstrasse 16 8092 Zurich Switzerland Tel: + 41 44 633 27 56 Fax: + 41 44 633 10 58 E-mail: Website: Ms. Irina Petropavlovskikh GMD NOAA/ESRL United States of America Tel: + 1 303 497 6279 Fax: + 1 303 497 6546 E-mail: 145 Prof. Dr. Klaus Pfeilsticker Institute for the Physics of the Environment (IUP) University of Heidelberg INF 229 D-69120 Heidelberg Germany Tel: + 49 6221 546 401 Fax: + 49 6221 546 405 E-mail: Dr. Rubén Piacentini Director Institute of Physics Rosario CONICET - National University of Rosario Rosario Argentina Website: Assoc. Prof. Giovanni Pitari Associate Professor Dipartimento di Fisica Universita’ L’Aquila Via Vetoio 67010 Coppito L’Aquila Italy Tel: + 39 0862 433 074 Fax: + 39 0862 433 033 E-mail: Prof. Dr. Ulrich Platt Institute for Environmental Physics University of Heidelberg Im Neuenheimer Feld 229 69120 Heidelberg Germany Tel: + 49 6221 546 339 Fax: + 49 6221 546 405 146 Prof. Gilles Poulet Directeur Adjoint du LPCE Laboratoire de Physique et Chimie de l’Environnement 3A Avenue de la Recherche Scientifique 45071 Orléans Cedex 2 France Tel: + 33 (0) 2 38 25 52 62 Fax: + 33 (0) 2 38 49 46 72 E-mail: Dr. Michael J. Prather Dept. of Earth System Science UC Irvine Irvine CA 92697 100 United States of America Tel: + 1 949 824 5838 Fax: + 1 949 824 3874 Website: Prof. John Pyle Centre for Atmospheric Science Chemistry Department Cambridge University Cambridge CB2 1EW United Kingdom Tel: + 44 (01223) 336473 Fax: + 44 (01223) 336362 E-mail: Dr. S. Ramachandran Physical Research Laboratory- Ahmedabad-India Space and Atmospheric Sciences Division Physical Research Laboratory Navrangpura Ahmedabad 380 009 India Tel: + 91 79 2631 4664 Fax: + 91 79 2631 4900 147 Prof. V. Ramaswamy Professor NOAA/ Geophysical Fluid Dynamics Laboratory Princeton University United States of America Assoc. Prof. Cora E. Randall Associate Professor Laboratory for Atmospheric and Space Physics & Dept. of Atmospheric and Oceanic Sciences University of Colorado 392 UCB Boulder CO 80309-0392 United States of America Dr. William Randel Director Atmospheric Chemistry Division National Center for Atmospheric Research P.O. Box 3000 Boulder Colorado 80307 United States of America Dr. A. R. Ravishankara Director Chemical Sciences Division NOAA Earth System Research Laboratory 325 Broadway R/CSD Boulder Colorado United States of America 148 Dr. Thomas Reddmann Institute for Meteorology and Climate Research Research Center and University of Karlsruhe P.O. Box 3640 76021 Karlsruhe Germany E-mail: Dr. Claire Reeves School of Environmental Sciences University of East Anglia Norwich NR4 7TJ United Kingdom Dr. Markus Rex Alfred Wegener Institute for Polar and Marine Research P.O. Box 60 01 49 14401 Potsdam Germany Tel: + 49 331 288 2127 Fax: + 49 331 288 2178 E-mail: Dr. Robert Rhew Assistant Professor Department of Geography University of California 507 McCone Hall #4740 Berkeley CA 94720-4740 United States of America Tel: + 1 (510) 643 3579 / Lab (510) 643 6984 Fax: + 1 (510) 642 3370 Website: 149 Prof. Alan Robock Director-Meteorology Undergraduate Program Associate Director-Center for Environmental Prediction Department of Environmental Sciences Rutgers University 14 College Farm Road New Brunswick NJ 08901-8551 United States of America Tel: + 1 732 932 9800 - Ext.6222 Fax: + 1 732 932 8644 E-mail: Website : Dr. Eugene Rozanov Physical and Meteorological Observatory World Radiation Center and Institute for Atmospheric and Climate Science Swiss Federal Institute of Technology Dorfstrasse 33 Davos Dorf Switzerland Prof. Ross J. Salawitch Professor Department of Atmospheric and Oceanic Science University of Maryland Comp. & Space Sci. Bldg College Park MD 20742 United States of America Mr. Ben Santer Physicist Program for Climate Model Diagnosis and Intercomparison Lawerence Livermore National Laboratory P.O. Box 808 Mail Stop L-103 Livermore CA 94550 United States of America 150 Mr. Toru Sasaki Utsunomiya Local Meteorological Observatory 1-4 Akebono-cho Utsunomiya Tochigi-pref 320-0845 Japan E-mail: Mr. Yasuhiro Sasano Director Center for Global Environmental Research National Institute for Environmental Studies Tsukuba Ibaraki 305-8506 Japan Dr. Cornelius Schiller Forschungszentrum Jalich Dept-ICG-I Germany Tel: + 49 2461 615 272 Fax: + 49 2461 615 346 E-mail: Website: Ms. Robyn Schofield Telegrafenberg A43 D-14473 Potsdam (Building A43-122) Germany Tel: + 49 331 288 2160 Fax: + 49 331 288 2178 E-mail: 151 Prof. Dr. Ulrich Schumann Deutsches Zentrum für Luft und Raumfahrt DLR- Institute of Atmospheric Physics Oberpfaffenhofen D-82230 Wessling Germany Tel: + 49 8153 28 2520 Fax: + 49 8153 28 1841 Website: Prof. Dr. Gunther Seckmeyer Institute of Meteorology and Climatology University of Hannover Herrenhaeuser Str.2 D-30419 Hannover Germany Research Associate Laboratory for Atmospheric and Space Physics (LASP) University of Colorado UCB 392 Boulder CO 80309-0392 United States of America Prof. Theodore G. Shepherd Department of Physics University of Toronto 60 St. George St. Toronto Canada M5S 1A7 152 Dr. Keith P. Shine Department of Meteorology The University of Reading Earley Gate P.O. Box 243 Reading RG6 6BB United Kingdom Tel: + 44 (0118) 378 8405 Fax: + 44 (0118) 378 8905 E-mail: Dr. Isobel J. Simpson Research Scientist Department of Chemistry University of California 573 Rowland Hall Irvine CA 92697-2025 United States of America Dr. Björn-Martin Sinnhuber Institute of Environmental Physics University of Bremen Otto-Hahn-Allee 1 28359 Bremen Germany Dr. Miriam Sinnhuber Institute of Environmental Physics University of Bremen Otto-Hahn-Allee 1 28359 Bremen Germany 153 Mr. Chris Sioris Visiting Scientist Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics 60 Garden Street Cambridge MA 02138 United States of America Dr. Pavla Skrivankova Czech Hydrometereological Institute Remote Sensing Section Na Sabatce 17 143 06 Praha 4 Czech Republic Tel: + 420 244 033 271 Fax: + 420 244 032 442 E-mail: Dr. Susan Solomon Senior Scientist NOAA Chemical Sciences Division Earth System Research Laboratory Boulder CO 80305 United States of America Prof. Johannes Staehelin Institute for Atmospheric and Climate Science Swiss Federal Institute of Technology Zurich Switzerland E-mail: 154 Prof. Knut Stamnes Professor of Physics Stevens Institute of Technology Department of Physics and Engineering Physics Light and Life Laboratory Hoboken New Jersey 07030 United States of America Dr. Wolfgang Steinbrecht Senior Research Scientist Meteorological Observatory Hohenpeissenberg Deutscher Wetterdienst - German Weather Service Germany E-mail: Website : Dr. Andrea Stenke Institut fuer Physik der Atmosphaere DLR Oberpfaffenhofen 82234 Wessling Germany Dr. Susan Strahan University of Maryland Baltimore County NASA Goddard Space Flight Center Code 613.3 Greenbelt MD 20771 United States of America 155 Dr. William T. Sturges School of Environmental Sciences University of East Anglia Norwich NR4 7TJ United Kingdom Dr. Masaaki Takahashi Center for Climate System Research University of Tokyo 5-1-5 Kashiwanoha Kashiwa Chiba 277-8568 Japan Tel: + 81 4 7136 4380 Fax: + 81 4 7136 4375 Dr. Simone Tilmes Advanced Study Program Fellow National Center for Atmospheric Research Boulder CO United States of America Dr. Cathy Trudinger CSIRO Marine and Atmospheric Research PMB 1 Aspendale Victoria 3195 Australia E-mail : 156 Prof. Jan C. van der Leun Ecofys Netherlands P.O. Box 8408 NL-3503 RK Utrecht The Netherlands Tel: + 31 30 280 83 61 Fax: + 31 30 280 83 01 Prof. Costas Varotsos Lab. of Upper Air Dept. of Applied Physics University of Athens Faculty of Physics University Campus Bldg Phys 5. 15784 Athens Greece Tel: + 30 210 727 6838 - Office Mobile: + 30 6977 445 044 E-mail: Dr. Guus J.M. Velders Netherlands Environmental Assessment Agency (MNP) European Air Quality and Sustainability P.O. Box 303 3720 AH Bilthoven The Netherlands Tel: + 31 30 274 2331 Fax: + 31 30 274 4433 E-mail: Website: Dr. Marc von Hobe Forschungszentrum Jülich ICG-I: Stratosphäre D-52425 Juelich Germany Tel: + 49 2461 614 620 Fax: + 49 2461 615 346 E-mail: 157 Mr. Tim Wallington Environmental Sciences Team Leader Ford Motor Company 2101 Village Road Dearborn MI 48121- 2053 United States of America Mr. Darryn Waugh Environmental Sciences Team Leader Ford Motor Company 2101 Village Road Dearborn MI 48121-2053 United States of America Dr. Ann R. Webb Centre for Atmospheric Sciences School of Earth Atmospheric and Environmental Sciences University of Manchester Sackville Street Building Sackville Street Manchester M60 1QD United Kingdom Dr. Mark Weber Institute of Environmental Physics University of Bremen FB1 P.O. Box 330 440 D-28334 Bremen Germany E-mail: 158 Prof. Ray F. Weiss Distinguished Professor of Geochemistry Scripps Institution of Oceanography University of California San Diego La Jolla California 92093 0244 United States of America Tel: + 1 858 534 2598 E-mail: Mr. Paul Wine School of Chemistry and Biochemistry Institute of Technology 901 Atlantic Dr. NW Atlanta Georgia GA 30332-0400 United States of America Mr. Eun-Su Yang Research Scientist Earth System Science Center-NSSTC Department of Atmospheric Sciences University of Alabama in Huntsville 320 Sparkman Drive NSSTC 3067 Huntsville AL 35805 United States of America Dr. Margarita Yela González Department of Earth Observation, Remote Sensing and Atmosphere Atmospheric Research and Instrumentation Branch INTA (National Institute for Aerospace Technology) Crta. Ajalvir Km 4 28850 Torrejón de Ardoz Madrid Spain Tel: + 34 91 520 1220 Fax: + 34 91 520 1317 E-mail: 159 Prof. Shigeo Yoden Professor of Meteorology Department of Geophysics Kyoto University Kyoto 606-8502 Japan Tel: + 81 75 753 3932 Fax: + 81 75 753 3715 E-mail: Prof. Emeritus Rodolphe Zander Institute of Astrophysics and Geophysics University of Liege 17, Allee du 6 Aout Liege 4000 Belgium Dr. Joseph M. Zawodny SAGE III Project Scientist NASA Langley Research Center MS-475 Hampton VA 23681 2199 United States of America Tel: + 1 (757) 864 2681 160 Technology & Economic Assessment Panel - TEAP Dr. Emmanuel Addo-Yobo Department of Child Health School of Medical Sciences Kwame Nkrumah University of Science and Technology/Komfo Anokye Teaching Hospital P.O. Box 1934 Kumasi Ghana Dr. Radhey S. Agarwal Professor of Mechanical Engineering Indian Institute of Technology Delhi New Delhi - 110016 India Tel: + 91 11 265 91120 Fax: + 91 11 265 26645 Dr. Fatima Al-Shatti Coordinator-Waste Management Environment Department Kuwait Petroleum Corporation P.O. Box 43337 32048 Kuwait Tel: + 965 49948 71 / 73 Fax: + 965 499 3561 161 Dr. Stephen O. Andersen TEAP Co-Chair Director of Strategic Climate Projects Climate Protection Partnerships US Environmental Protection Agency Mail Stop 6202J1200 Pennsylvania. Ave. N.W. Washington DC 20460 United States of America Dr. D. D. Arora Consultant The Energy and Resources Institute (TERI) 204 Shubh Apartments Worli Mumbai 400 018 India Tel: + 91 22 2495 4665 Fax: + 91 22 2495 4665 Mr. Paul Keith Ashford Co-Chair Foams TOC Managing Director Caleb Management Services Ltd. The Old Diary - Cromhall Wotton-under-Edge Gloucestershire GL12 8AA United Kingdom Tel: + 44 1454 269 330 Mobile: + 44 777 411 0814 Fax: + 44 17774 110 814 E-mail: Dr. Paul J. Atkins Chief Executive Officer Oriel Therapeutics P.O. Box 14087 Research Triangle Park NC 27707 United States of America 162 Mr. James A. Baker Delphi Corporation 200 Upper Mountain Road Lockport NY 14094 United States of America Tel: + 1 716 439 3466 E-mail : Dr. Jonathan Banks Chair QPSTF 10 Beltana Rd. Pialligo ACT 2609 Australia Tel/Fax: + 61 2 6248 9228 E-mail: / Dr. Chris H. Bell Specialist Research Consultant Fellow Central Science Laboratory Sand Hutton York YO41 1LZ United Kingdom Tel: + 44 1904 462 104 Fax: + 44 1904 462 111 Mr. Fred Bergwerff CEO EcO2 BV James Wattstraat 6 3281 NK Numansdorp The Netherlands Tel: + 31 186 65 10 10 Mobile: + 31 653 82 19 32 Fax: + 31 186 65 78 44 E-mail: 163 Mr. Steve Bernhardt Honeywell 101 Columbia Road Morristown 07962 New Jersey United States of America Tel: + 1 973 455 6294 Fax: + 1 973 455 3222 E-mail: Prof. Mohamed Besri Department of Plant Pathology Institut Agronomique et Vétérinaire Hassan II B.P. 6202 Rabat Instituts Morocco Tel/Fax: + 212 37 778 364 E-mail: Dr. Olga Blinova Federal State University Enterprise Russian Scientific Center for Applied Chemistry 14 Dobrolubov Ave. St. Petersburg 97198 Russian Federation Tel: + 7 812 499 9567 Fax: + 7 812 703 0748 / 7 812 703 0639 E-mail: Dr. Sidney Stuart Braman Division of Pulmonary, Sleep & Critical Care Medicine Rhode Island Hospital 593 Eddy Street APC Bldg. Room 708) Providence RI 02903-4970 United States of America 164 Mr. Fareed I. Bushehri Programme Officer UNEP/ROWA P.O. Box 10880 Manama Bahrain Tel: + 973 178 12770 Mobile: + 973 360 44855 or 396 61161 Fax: + 973 178 25110 / 1 E-mail: / Prof. Yingyun Cai Vice-Director Institute of Respiratory Diseases Zhongshan Hospital Fudan University Fengling Road 180 Shanghai 20032 China Mr. James M. Calm Engineering Consultant 10887 Woodleaf Lane Great Falls VA 22066-3003 United States of America Tel: + 1 703 636 9500 Fax: + 1 775 655 3474 E-mail: Dr. Nick Campbell Environment Manager - DFL Fluorochemicals Member of Medical TOC Corresponding Member of CTOC 420 Rue d’Estienne d’Orves Colombes 92700 France Tel: + 33 1 49 00 84 76 Fax: + 33 1 49 00 53 07 E-mail: 165 Dr. Hisbello Campos Centro de Referencia Prof Helio Fraga Ministry of Health Av. Rui Barbosa 40 / 1802 Rio de Janeiro - 22250-020 Brazil Ms. Penelope Canan Professor Department of Sociology College of Science 4000 Central Florida Blvd. Orlando 32816 Florida United States of America Tel: + 1 407 803 8487 Fax: + 1 407 823 3026 E-mail: Mr. Jorge Caneva Member MTOC Favaloro Foundation Argentina Dr. Aocheng Cao Professor Department of Pesticide Institute of Plant Protection-CAAS Beijing 100094 China Tel: + 86 10 6281 5940 Fax: + 86 10 6289 4863 E-mail: 166 Mr. Christer Carling Consultant M Sci Pharm Backvägen 8 Dalby SE 24010 Sweden Mr. David Catchpole Halons TOC Co-Chair Technical Consultant Petrotechnical Resources Alaska Anchorage Alaska United States of America Tel/Fax: + 1 907 868 3911 Dr. Fabio Chaverri Regional Institute of Toxic Substances Studies. Universidad Nacional Heredia Costa Rica Tel: + 506 277 3584 Fax: + 506 2773583 E-mail: / Prof. Guangming Chen Head/Professor Institute of Refrigeration and Cryogenics Zhejiang University China Tel: + 86 571 8795 1680 Fax: + 86 571 8795 2464 167 Mr. Seunghwan (Charles) Choi CEO & Representative Director Hanju Chemical Co. Ltd. 953-1 Docksan-Bondong Geumcheon-Gu Seoul Korea E-mail : Dr. Michelle M. Collins PhD, P.E. ,Q.E.P. President EECO International United States of America E-mail: Mr. Tom Cortina Executive Director Halon Alternatives Research Corporation 2111 Wilson Blvd. 8th Floor Arlington Virginia 22201 United States of America Tel: + 1 703 524 6636 Fax: + 1 703 243 2874 E-mail: Dr. Sukumar Devotta Director National Environment Engineering Research Institute Nehru Marg Nagpur 440 020 India Tel: + 91 712 224 9999 Fax: + 91 712 224 9900 E-mail: Website: 168 Dr. Mike Devoy Senior Vice President Global Medical Development Schering AG Sellerstraße 31 13342 Berlin Germany Mr. Mokhtarud-din Bin Husain Principal Assistant Director Post Entry Quarantine Department of Agriculture Beg Berkunci 209 P.Pos UPM 43400 Serdang Selangor Malaysia Ms. Ariane Elmas Saade Tokten Lebanon UNDP UN House Riad Elsolh Lebanon Tel: + 96 1 36 806 30 E-mail: Dr. Abraham Gamliel Lab. for Pest Management Research Inst. Agricultural Engineering ARO Volcani Center Bet Dagan 50250 Israel Tel: + 972 3 968 3452 / 972 3 968 3505 Fax: + 972 3 960 4704 E-mail: 169 Mr. Alfredo T. Gonzalez President Pestcon Pest Management and General Services Corp. Philippines Mr. Andrew Greig Managing Director & Principal Engineer Protection Projects Inc. P.O. Box 1033 Houghton 2041 South Africa Mr. Antoine Haddad Member MTOC Chiese Farmaceutici Italy Prof. Saad Hafez Plant, Soil and Entomological Sciences Parma Research & Extension Center 29603 University of Idaho Parma Idaho 83660 United States of America Tel: + 1 208 722 6701 - Ext. 237 Fax: + 1 208 722 6708 E-mail: 170 Mr. Kiyoshi Hara Advisor Japan Polyurethane Industries Institute 229-13 Arai-cho Hodogaya-ku Yokohama 2400053 Japan Tel: + 81 45 383 0366 E-mail: Dr. Eamonn Hoxey Quality & Compliance WW Johnson and Johnson The Braccans London Road Bracknell Berkshire RG12 1BW United Kingdom Mr. Matsuo Ishiyama Corporate Advisor-Nohmi Bosai Ltd. Board Auditor-Fire and Environment Protection Network (Halon Bank of Japan) Advisor-Japan Fire Extinguishing Systems Manufacturer’s Association 4-7-3 Kudan-minami Chiyoda-ku Tokyo 102-8277 Japan Tel: + 81 3 3265 0259 Fax: + 81 3 3265 0348 E-mail: isiyama @ Dr. Mike Jeffs Secretary General/ALIPA Sector Manager ISOPA 20 years Ave. E Van Nieuwenhuyse Laan 4 Brussels B-1160 Belgium Tel: + 32 676 7476 Mobile: + 32 473 60 55 71 Fax: + 32 676 7479 171 Mr. Zhou Kaixuan Member HTOC General Administration of Civil Aviation of China 155 Dongsi Street West Dongcheng District Beijing 100710 China Tel: + 86 10 6409 1321 Fax: + 86 10 6403 3087 E-mail: Mr. Fred J. Keller CARRIER Corporation 7310 W Morris Street Indianapolis IN 46231 United States of America Dr. Asad Ali Khan Emeritus Scientist Indian Institute of Chemical Technology Council of Scientific & Industrial Research Tarnaka Hyderabad – 500 007 A.P. India Tel: + 91 271 931 39 / 271 936 26 E-mail: Prof. Javaid Khan Section of Pulmonology The Aga Khan University Stadium Road P.O. Box 3500 Karachi 74800 Pakistan 172 Dr. Michael A. Kishimba PhD Associate Professor in Chemistry Chemistry Department University of Dar es Salaam P.O. Box 35061 Dar es Salaam United Republic of Tanzania Tel: + 255 22 241 0244 Mobile: + 255 787 110 388 Fax: + 255 22 241 0244 / + 255 22 241 0038 E-mail: / Prof. Dr. Ing. Juergen Koehler Institut für Thermodynamik Technical University of Braunschweig Hans-Sommer-Str. 5 38106 Braunschweig Germany Tel: + 49 531 391 2625 Fax: + 49 531 391 7814 Website: Dip. Ing. Holger König CTO -Chief Technology Officer Member RTOC Holger Koenig Jäggi/Güntner (Schweiz) AG Industriestrasse 23 CH-4632 Trimbach Switzerland Dr. Lambert J. M. Kuijpers TEAP Co-Chair Refrigeration TOC Co-Chair Technical University Pav B24 P.O. Box 513 5600MB Eindhoven The Netherlands Tel: + 31 49 247 6371 Fax: + 31 49 247 6369 E-mail: 173 Mr. Geok Kwang Boo Director Fire Safety & Shelter Department Singapore Civil Defence Force 91 Ubi Avenue 4 HQ Singapore Civil Defence Force 408827 Singapore Dr. George Lazarovits Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada/Agriculture et Agroalimentaire Canada Southern Crop Protection and Food Research Ctr. 1391 Sandford St. London Ontario Canada N5V 4T3 Tel: + 1 519 457 1470 - Ext. 293 Mobile: + 1 519 494 2042 Fax: + 1 519 457 3997 E-mail: Dr. Nahum Marbán-Mendoza PhD Departamento de Parasitología Agrícola Universidad Autónoma de Chapingo Km 38.5 Carretera México Texcoco Chapingo-Estado de Mexico C.P. 56230 Mexico Tel: + 52 01 595 952 1500 - Ext.6271 Ms. Michelle Marcotte Co-Chair Methyl Bromide TOC Marcotte Consulting Inc. 10104 East Franklin Ave. Glenn Dale Maryland 20769 United States of America Tel: + 1 301 262 9866 Mobile: + 1 301 204 2399 174 Mr. Nasser Mazhari Member MTOC Sina Darou Laboratories Company Iran Mr. Steve McCormick Survivability Engineer US Army TACOM United States of America E-mail: Mr. Abid Merchant Consultant 1408 Clive circle Wilmington DE 19803 United States of America Tel: + 1 302 764 1808 Fax: + 1 302 761 4169 E-mail: / Dr. Robert Meyer Director Office of Drug Evaluation II U.S. Food and Drug Administration 10903 New Hampshire Ave. Bldg. #22 Room 3214 Silver Spring MD 20993 United States of America 175 Dr. Melanie Miller Consultant TouchDown Consulting Ave. Etang Decellier 19 La Hulpe 1310 Wallonie Belgium Tel: + 32 2 652 5455 Fax: + 32 2 652 5456 E-mail: Dr. Andrea Minuto Associate Professor University of Torino Regione Rollo No98 Albenga (SV) 17031 Italy Tel: + 39 011 670 8538 - University Head Office Tel: + 39 0182 554 949 - Field Station E-mail: Mr. Takashi Misumi Senior Researcher Quarantine Disinfestation Technology Section Research Division Yokohamaplant protection station MAFF 1-16-10 Shin-yamashita Naka-ku Yokohama-231-0801 Japan E-mail: Mr. Hideo Mori Regulatory Affairs Department Otsuka Pharmaceutical Co.Ltd. 224-18 Hiraishi-Ebisuno Kawauchi-cho Tokushima 771-0182 Japan 176 Dr. Ing. Petter Neksa Senior Research Scientist SINTEF Energy Research Energy Processes Kolbj. Hejes v. 1D Trondheim 7465 Norway Dr. Kazufumi Nishi National Agriculture and Food Research Organization (NARO) National Institute of Vegetables & Tea Science Kusawa 360 Ano Tsu Mie 514-2392 Japan Tel: + 81 59 268 4641 Fax: + 81 59 268 1339 E-mail: Mr. Hezekiah Okeyo Assistant Director of Industries Ministry of Trade and Industry P.O. Box 30418 Nairobi 00100 Kenya Tel: + 254 20 31 5001 Fax: + 254 20 215 815 E-mail: Mr. David Okioga Coordinator & Focal Point Kenya Ozone Office National Environment Management Authority Ministry of Environment and Natural Resources P.O. Box 30126-00100 Nairobi Kenya Tel: + 254 20 512 123 / + 254 20 2730808 Mobile: + 254 722 867 651 Fax: + 254 20 512123 / + 254 20 2710015 E-mail: / 177 Dr. Tunde Otulana Vice President Clinical Affairs Aradigm Corporation 3929 Point Eden Way Hayward California 94545 United States of America Ms. Claudia Paratori Cortés Chemist Coordinator Ozone Programme Department of Pollution Control National Commission for the Environment Comisión Nacional del Medio Ambiente (CONAMA) 254 Teatinos Street Santiago Chile Tel: + 56 2 240 56 60 Fax: + 56 2 240 5782 E-mail: Website: Mr. Per Henrik Pedersen Danish Technological Institute Center for Refrigeration and Heat Pumps DK-2630 Taastrup Denmark Dr. Roberto de Aguiar Peixoto Maua Institute of Technology - IMT Praça Mauá 01 São Caetano do Sul São Paulo - 09580-900 Brasil Tel: + 55 11 4239 3021 Fax: + 55 11 4239 3041 E-mail: 178 Dr. Marta Pizano de Márquez MBTOC Co-Chair Consultant Calle 85 No-20-25 Of. 202B Bogota Colombia Tel: + 57 1 634 8028 / 530 2036 Fax: + 57 1 236 2554 E-mail: Dr. Barbara Kucnerowicz Polak UNEP HTOC 05-520 Konstancin Jeziorna ul. Bielawska 36 D m. 69 Poland Tel: + 48 608 414 849 E-mail: Mr. Jose Pons Pons TEAP Co-Chair Medical TOC Co-Chair Spray Quimica C.A. Urb.Ind.Soco Calle Sur #14 La Victoria 2121 Edo Aragua Venezuela Tel: + 58 244 322 3297 / 321 4079 / 322 3891 Fax: + 58 244 322 0192 E-mail: Dr. Hans Porre Environmental Coordinator TEIJIN twaron bv Oosterhorn 6 9936 HD Farmsum Postbus 190 9930 AD Delfzijl The Netherlands Tel: + 31 596 64 84 14 Mobile: + 31 622 568 544 Fax: + 31 596 64 84 10 E-mail: Website: 179 Dr. Ian J. Porter MBTOC Co-Chair Principal Researcher Plant Pathology Primary Industries Research Victoria Department of Primary Industries Private Bag 15 Ferntree Gully Delivery Centre 3156 Victoria Australia Tel: + 61 3 9210 9222 Mobile: + 61 417 544 080 Fax: + 61 3 9800 3521 E-mail: Dr. John Pritchard AstraZeneca R&D Charnwood Bakewell Road Loughborough Leicester LE11 5RH United Kingdom Prof. Miguel W. Quintero Foams TOC Co-Chair P.U. R&D Development Leader Dow Europe GmbH Wolleraustrasse 15-17 Ch-8807 Freinenbach Switzerland Tel: + 41 55 416 87 00 Fax: + 41 55 416 87 01 E-mail: Prof. Ian David Rae Co-Chair Chemicals TOC TEAP Member 16 Bates Drive Williamstown 3016 Victoria Australia Tel: + 61 3 9397 3794 Fax: + 61 3 9397 3794 E-mail: 180 Prof. Dr. Christoph Reichmuth Federal Biological Research Centre for Agriculture and Forestry Institute for Stored Product Protection Koenigin-Luise-Str. 19 D-14195 Berlin Germany Tel: + 49 3083 04 2500 / + 49 3083 04 2501 Fax: + 49 3083 04 2503 E-mail: Mr. Jawad Rida National Concorde Est P.O. Box 921536 Amman 11192 Jordan Tel: + 962 6 566 9500 Mobile: + 962 79 553 2193 Fax: + 962 6 566 8500 E-mail: Dr. Jordi Riudavets Crop Protection. Entomology IRTA Ctra. Cabrils km 2 08348 Cabrils Barcelona Spain Tel: + 34 750 75 11 Fax: + 34 753 39 54 E-mail: Mr. Patrice Rollet Managing Director Avantec 26 Avenue du Petit Parc 94683 Vincennes Cedex France Tel: + 33 1 43 98 75 00 Fax: + 33 1 43 98 21 51 E-mail: 181 Dr. K. Madhava Sarma AB 50 Anna Nagar Chennai-600040 India Tel: + 91 44 262 689 24 Fax: + 91 44 421 709 32 Mobile: + 91 98 400 726 66 Dr. James D. Schaub Office of the Chief Economist U.S. Department of Agriculture Room 112-A Whitten Bldg 1400 Independence Ave. SW Washington DC 20250-3810 United States of America Tel: + 1 202 720 8022 Fax: + 1 202 720 1815 E-mail: Prof. Dr. Ulrich Schmidt Institute for Atmosphere and Environment Johann Wolfgang Goethe University Faculty of Geosciences / Geography Altenhöferallee 1 D - 60438 Frankfurt am Main Germany Tel: + 49 69 798 402 58 Fax: + 49 69 798 402 62 Dr. Sally Schneider National Program Leader – Horticulture, Pathogens & Germplasm USDA ARS 5601 Sunnyside Ave Room 4-2218 Beltsville MD 20705-5239 United States of America Tel: + 1 301 504 1219 Fax: + 1 301 504 6191 E-mail: 182 Dr. Adam M. Sebbit RTOC Member Industrial Refrigeration and Cold Room Makerere University Dept. of Mechanical Engineering P.O. Box 7062 Kampala Uganda Dr. Joseph A. Senecal PhD Director Combustion Research Center Kidde-Fenwal Inc. Holliston MA 01746 United States of America Dr. Ronald S. Sheinson Head Combustion Dynamics U.S. Naval Research Laboratory 4555 Overlook Avenue SW Washington DC 20375-5342 United States of America E-mail: Dr. Jongmin Shin DAC Lab. LG Electronics 391-2 Gaeumjung-dong Changwon Kyoungnam Korea 183 Mr. Arnon Simakulthorn Thai Compressor Manuf. Co. Ltd 33/3 Moo 21 Suwintawong Road Saladang Bangnumprieo Chachoengsao 24000 Thailand Dr. Raj Bright Singh Medical Director The Chest Centre Z-232A Annanagar Chennai 60 040 India Mr. Candido Souza Lomba Neto Executive Director Associação Brasileira da Indústria do Poliuretano (Brazilian Foam Association) Rua Artur de Azevedo 2103 – conjunto 73 Pinheiros - 05404-015 São Paulo/SP Brazil Tel/Fax: + 55 11 3814 0569 Mobile: + 55 11 8114 2992 Dr. JL (Stappies) Staphorst Soil Microbiologist Plant Protection Research Institute Agricultural Research Council Private Bag X134 Pretoria 0001 South Africa Tel: + 27 12 808 8109 Fax: + 27 12 808 8299 184 Dr. Roland Stechert Medical Director Boehringer Ingelheim (Schweiz) GmbH Dufourstrasse 54 Postfach CH-4002 Basel Switzerland Prof. Aryadi Suwono Director Thermodynamic Research Laboratory URC Bandung Institute of Technology Jl. Tamansari 126 Bandung 40132 Indonesia Ms. Kristen Taddonio Manager Strategic Climate Projects 1200 Pennsylvania Ave. NW Mail Code 6202J Washington 20460 DC United States of America Tel: + 1 202 343 9234 E-mail: Mr. Akio Tateya Technical Adviser Syngenta Japan K.K. 21F Office Tower X 1-8-10 Harumi Chuo-ku Tokyo 104-6021 Japan E-mail: 185 Mr. Donald Thomson Member HTOC MOPIA2141-B Henderson Highway Winnipeg Canada MB R2G 1P8 Ing. Peter Tomlein PhD SZ CHKT (Slovak Association For Cooling And Air-conditioning Technology) Hlavná 325 900 41 Rovinka Slovakia Tel: + 421 2 4564 6971 Mobile: + 421 0905 400 922 Fax: + 421 2 4564 6971 E-mail: Website: Dr. Helen Tope Co-Chair Medical TOC Principal Consultant-Energy International Australia Director-Planet Futures Unit 2 9 Osborne Street Williamstown 3016 Victoria Australia Tel: + 61 414 563 474 Fax: + 613 9397 0341 Agr. Eng. (MSc) Alejandro Valeiro National Institute for Agriculture Technology (INTA) Salas y Valdez 1095- 4107 Yerba Buena Tucumán Argentina 186 Mr. Tan Pham Van Official Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment 83 Nguyen Chi Thanh Hanoi Vietnam Tel: + 84 9122 87998 Fax: + 84 4835 9221 E-mail: Dr. Daniel P. Verdonik Director-Environmental Programs Co-Chair Halons TOC Hughes Associates Inc. 3610 Commerce Drive Suite 817 STE 817 United States of America Tel: + 1 443 253 7587 Fax: + 1 410 536 5016 Mr. Ken Vick Marcotte Consulting Inc. 10104 East Franklin Ave. Glenn Dale Maryland 20769 United States of America Tel: + 1 301 262 9866 Mobile: + 1 301 204 2399 E-mail: Website: Mr. Paulo Vodianitskaia Advisor Environment and Governmental Relations Whirlpool S.A. Rua Dona Francisca 7200 CEP 89219-900 Joinville SC Brasil 187 Mr. Shigeru Wakana DOW Kakoh K.K. Japan Tel: + 81 289 76 0377 Fax: + 81 289 76 1592 Mr. Bill Walter Manager-Industry Relations Government and International Relations Carrier Corporation 6304 Carrier Parkway Bldg. TR-4 Syracuse NY 13221 United States of America Tel: + 1 315 432 6267 Dr. Adam Wanner Joseph Weintraub Professor of Medicine Pulmonary/Critical Care Division University of Miami P.O. Box 016960 (R-47) Miami FL 33101 United States of America Mr. Mark Weick Senior EH&S Global Product Leader The Dow Chemical Company 1605 Joseph Drive Midland Michigan 48674 United States of America 188 Mr. James Wells Consultant MBTOC member Environmental Solutions Group, LLC 1415 L St. Suite 460 Sacramento 95814 California United States of America Tel: + 1 916 443 2793 Fax: + 1 916 443 2793 E-mail: Ms. Kristine Whorlow Chief Executive Officer National Asthma Council Australia 1 Palmerston Crescent South Melbourne VIC 3205 Australia Mr. Robert T. Wickham P.E. Principal Wickham Associates 9 Winding Brook Dr. Stratham NH 03885 United States of America Tel: + 1 603 772 3229 Mr. David J. Williams Global Technology Leader Blowing Agents Honeywell Buffalo Research Laboratory 20 Peabody Street Buffalo NY 14210 United States of America Tel: + 1 716 827 1407 Mobile: + 1 716 400 8887 Fax: + 1 716 827 6275 189 Mr. Eduardo Willink Quarantine Entomologist Estación Experimental Agroindustrial Obispo Colombres William Cross 3150 4101 Las Talitas Tucumán Argentina Tel/Fax: + 54 381 4276561 - Ext. 154 E-mail: / Prof. Ashley Woodcock North West Lung Centre University of Manchester Manchester M23 9LT United Kingdom Tel: + 44 1612 91 2398 Fax: + 44 1612 91 2398 / 5020 E-mail: Mr. Mitsuru Yagi Manager Technical Department-Nohmi Bosai Ltd. Manager Fire and Environment Protection Network (Halon Bank of Japan) 4-7-3 Kudan-Minami Chiyoda-ku Tokyo 102-8277 Japan Tel: + 81 3 3265 0235 Fax: + 81 3 3265 9228 E-mail: Dr. Masaaki Yamabe Research Coordinator Environment & Energy AIST (National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology) Tsukuba Headquarters (Central 2) 12300Umezono 1-1-1 Tsukuba Ibaraki 305-8565 Japan 190 Dr. Nee Sun Choong Kwet Yive Senior Lecturer Department of Chemistry University of Mauritius Reduit Mauritius Tel: + 230 454 1041 Fax: + 230 465 6928 E-mail: / Dr. You Yizhong Journal of Aerosol Communication 225 Juqian Road Changzhou Jiangsu P.R. 213003 China Mr. Allen Wentao Zhang Insulation Materials Manufacturing Leader Owens Corning Asia Pacific Owens Corning (China) Investment Co. Ltd. 11F Huaying International Hotel No. 9 Jinluan Lane Huaihai Rd. Nanjing Jiangsu China 191 192 Intergovernmental Organizations & Non-governmental Organizations Ms. Rebeckah Freeman Adcock Director - Government Relations, Crop Protection, Chemicals & Input Security Public Policy Division American Farm Bureau Federation® 600 Maryland Avenue SW Suite 1000W Washington DC 20024 United States of America Tel: + 1 202 406 3663 -Office Mobile: + 1 202 445 9630 Fax: + 1 202 406 3604 E-mail: Mr. Karim Amrane PhD Vice President - Policy & Technology Air-Conditioning and Refrigeration Institute 4100 North Fairfax Dr. Suite 200 Arlington VA 22203 United States of America Tel: + 1 703 524 8800 Fax: + 1 703 524 9011 E-mail: Mr. Daniel A. Botts Director Environmental & Pest Management Division Florida Fruit & Vegetable Association/Crop Protection Coalition P.O. Box 948153 Maitland 32794 - 8155 Florida United States of America Tel: + 1 321 214 5200 Fax: + 1 321 214 0210 E-mail: 193 Mr. Reginald Brown Florida Tomato Exchange / Crop Protection Coalition 800 Trafalgar Court Suite 300 Maitland 32751 Florida United States of America Tel: + 1 407 660 1949 E-mail: Mr. Todd Brown McQuay International W7433 Sylvester Rd. Holmen 54636 WI United States of America Tel: + 1 608 526 2418 Mobile: + 1 952 818 4718 E-mail: Mr. Kevin Bryla Vice President Communications & Public Affairs Trane One Centennial Avenue P.O. Box 6820 Piscataway 08854-6820 NJ United States of America Tel: + 1 732 980 3017 Fax: + 1 732 980 6143 E-mail: Mr. David B. Calabrese Esq. Vice President Government Relations Association of Home Appliance Manufacturers 1111 19th St. NW Suite 402 Washington D.C. 20036 United States of America Tel: + 1 202 872 5955 Ext.310 Fax: + 1 202 872 9354 E-mail: 194 Mr. Didier Coulomb Director of the IIR/ Directeur de l’IIF International Institute of Refrigeration (IIR) Institut International du Froid (IIF) 177 Boulevard Malesherbes 75017 Paris France Tel: + 33 1 4227 3235 Fax: + 33 1 4763 1798 E-mail: Website: Mr. James G. Crawford The Trane Company 6200 Troup Highway Tyler Texas 75707 United States of America Tel: + 1 903 509 7273 E-mail: Mr. Julian de Bullet Director of Industry Relations McQuay International 479 Baldwin Road 22630 Front Royal Virginia United States of America Tel: + 1 703 395 5054 Fax: + 1 763 509 7693 E-mail: Ms. Hilde Dhont Daikin Europe NV Zandvoordestraat 300 Oostende B - 8400 Belgium Tel: + 32 595 586 26 E-mail: 195 Mr. Tony Digmanese York/Johnson Controls Inc. 631 S. Richland Ave. MC361P York 17403 Pennsylvania United States of America Tel: + 1 717 771 7017 Fax: + 1 717 771 7297 E-mail: Mr. Kevin Fay Alliance for Responsible Atmospheric Policy 2111 Wilson Blvd. 8th Floor Arlington Virginia 22201 United States of America Tel: + 1 703 243 0344 Fax: + 1 703 243 2874 E-mail: Mr. David Ferguson AGC Chemical Americas Inc. 201 Water Ridge Parkway Suite 400 Charlotte 28217 NC United States of America Tel: + 1 704 329 7603 E-mail: Mr. Kyle Gilley Lennox International 2100 Lake Park Blvd. Richardson 75080 Texas United States of America Tel: + 1 972 497 6218 Fax: + 1 972 497 5268 E-mail: 196 Mr. Daniel D. Haley President Haley & Associates 50 F St .NW Suite 900 Washington DC 20001 United States of America Tel: + 1 202 879 0839 Fax: + 1 202 626 8899 Mr. Dan Hayashi Chairman Environment and Technology Committe of Japan Fluorocarbon Manufactures Association Hongo-Wakai BLDG 2-40-17 Hongo Bunkyo-Ku Ku 113-0033 Tokyo Japan Fax: + 81 3 5684 3373 Mr. J. N. Charles Kassangana Representative International Council of Environmental Law (ICEL) 6293 Dagenais #.8 Montreal Canada H1G1M8 Tel: + 1 514 373 7218 E-mail: Ms. Han Liwei American Standard RM 201 Tower B Beijing COFCO Plaza No. 8 Jianguomennei Dajie Dongcheng District 100005 PRC Beijing China Tel: + 86 10 65264 120 Ext.168 E-mail: 197 Mr. John Mandyck Carrier Corporation 1 Carrier Place 6034 Farmington Connecticut United States of America Tel: + 1 860 674 3006 Fax: + 1 860 674 3139 E-mail: Mr. Richard Marcus RemTec International 1100 Haskins Road Bowling Green 43402 OH United States of America Tel: + 1 419 867 8990 Fax: + 1 419 867 3279 E-mail: Mr. Janos Mate Political Consultant Climate Campaign GreenPeace International 5106 Walden St. Vancouver Canada V5W 2V7 Tel: + 1 604 327 0943 E-mail: Mr. Dave Modi American Standard One Centennial Avenue Piscataway 08855 New Jersey United States of America Tel: + 1 732 980 6392 E-mail: 198 Mr. Jeff Moe Vice Chairman Environmental Policy Council Trane 2701 Wilma Rudolph Blvd. 37040 5846 Clarksville Tennessee United States of America Tel: + 1 931 221 3770 Mobile: + 1 931 216 6008 Fax: + 1 931 648 5901 E-mail: Mr. Darcy Nicolle Carrier Corporation Avenue de Cortenbergh 75 B-1000 Brussels Belgium Tel: + 32 2 739 4901 Fax: + 32 2 732 9770 E-mail: Mr. Marc Paquin Executive Director Unisféra Tel: + 1 514 527 2636 E-mail: Website: Mr. Mohammed Rida Derder Law Fellow 2302 Wisconsin Ave. NW Suite 300B Washington DC 20007 United States of America Tel: + 1 202 338 1300 Fax: + 1 202 338 1810 E-mail: 199 Dr. Joseph Mark Steed P.O. Box 4591 Greenville DE 19807-4591 United States of America Tel: + 1 302 559 8807 E-mail: Mr. Dave Stirpe Alliance for Responsible Atmospheric Policy 2111 Wilson Boulevard 8th Floor Arlington Virginia 22201 United States of America Tel: + 1 703 243 0344 Fax: + 1 703 243 2874 E-mail: Mr. Scott J. Stone Policy Analyst Institute for Governments and Sustainable Development 2300 Wisonsin Avenue N.W. Suite 300B Washington DC 20007 United States of America Tel: + 1 202 338 1300 Fax: + 1 202 338 1810 E-mail: Mr. Tim Vink Honeywell International Haasrode Research Park Grauwmeer 1 B-3001 Heverlee (Leuven) Belgium Tel: + 32 16 391 338 Fax: + 32 16 391 277 E-mail: 200 Mr. Charles Welch Executive Director The Ozone Hole Inc. P.O. Box 431 Pocono Pines 18350 PA United States of America Tel: + 1 570 8070821 E-mail: Mr. Tom Werkema Arkema Inc. 2000 Market St. 19103 PA Philadelphia United States of America Tel: + 1 215 419 7851 Fax: + 1 215 419 7057 E-mail: Ms. Pamela Wexler Esq. Advisor US Stakeholders Group on MDI Transition 1819 Lamont St. NW Washington DC 20010 United States of America Tel: + 1 202 332 2386 / + 1 202 332 2386 E-mail: Mr. James Wolf Vice President and Chairman Trane Environmental Policy Council Trane Suite 408 5622 Columbia Pike Falls Church VA 22041 United States of America Tel: + 1 703 820 2039 Fax: + 1 703 820 2053 E-mail: 201 202 Industry & Observers Mr. Mike Allan Bussiness Development Group Arysta LifeScience North America Corporation 15401 Weston Parkway Suite 150 Cary NC United States of America Tel: + 1 415 254 5711 Fax: + 1 209 588 9622 E-mail: Mr. Deepak Asher Group Head Corporate Finance Gujarat Fluorochemicals Limited ABS Towers, 2nd Floor Old Padra Road Vadodara 390 007 Gujarat India Tel: + 91 265 308 1111 Fax: + 91 265 231 0312 E-mail: Mr. James Bair Vice President North American Millers’ Association 600 Maryland Ave. SW Suite 825 West Washington DC 20024 United States of America Email: 203 Ms. Magda Lidia Bauta Soles Head of Branch Implementation Support International Cooperation and Assistance Johan de Wittlaan 32 The Hague 2517JR Netherlands Tel: + 31 70 416 3379 Fax: + 31 70 416 3228 E-mail: Mr. Ken Brash Director Nordiko Quarantine Systems Pty Ltd. Level 2 403 Pacific Highway Artarmon 2064 New South Wales Australia Tel: + 61 2 9906 5552 Fax: + 61 2 9906 1874 E-mail: Web: Mr. W. Caffey Norman Patton Boggs LLP 2550 M Street NW Washington 20037 DC United States of America Tel: + 1 202 457 5270 E-mail: Ms. Michelle Castellano P.O. Box 100 San Luis Rey 92068 CA United States of America Tel: + 1 760 433 9550 E-mail: 204 Mr. Jorge Dieguez Regulatory Affairs Manager Fluoroproducts - Europe, Middle East and Africa 2 Chemin du Pavillon Geneva 1218 Switzerland Tel: + 41 227 175 633 E-mail: Mr. Yuichi Fujimoto Consultant Environment, Technology and International Cooperation 17-7 Sakaigi-Honcho Hodogaya-ku Yokohama 240-0033 Japan Tel: + 81 45 741 7505 Email: Ms. Maureen Hardwick Secretary and Legal Counsel International Pharmaceutical Aerosol Consortium 1500 K St. NW Suite 1100 Washington 20005 District of Columbia United States of America Tel: + 1 202 230 5133 Fax: + 1 202 842 8465 E-mail: Mr. Osami Kataoka Senior Manager International Affairs Japan Refrigeration and Air Conditioning Industry Association Kikai Shinko Bldg. 201 5-8 Shibakoen 3-Chome Minato-ku Tokyo Japan Tel: + 81 333 432 1671 Fax: + 81 333 438 0308 205 Mr. Rabinder Nath Kaul Vice President SRF Ltd Block-C Sector-45 Gurgaon 122 003 Haryana India Tel: + 91 124 435 4400 Fax: + 91 124 435 4500 E-mail: Mr. James A. Losey Skadden Arps Slate Meagher & Flom LLP 1440 New York Ave. NW Washington DC 20005 United States of America Tel: + 1 202 371 7204 Fax: + 1 202 661 9004 E-mail: Mr. Timothy Maniscalo Manager Public Affairs 9330 Zionsville Road Bldg 308 Indianapolis 46268 Indiana United States of America Tel: + 1 317 337 4359 Fax: + 1 317 337 4880 E-mail: Dr. David McAllister Product Leader Fumigants P.O. Box 2200 West Lafayette 47906 United States of America E-mail: 206 Mr. David Mueller Fumigation Service and Supply Inc. 16950 Westfield Park Rd. Westfield IN 46074 United States of America Tel: + 1 317 896 9300 Fax: + 1 317 867 5757 E-mail: Website: Mr. Tsutomu Odagiri Secretary General - Japan Industrial Conference on Cleaning (JICC) Director - JICOP Denkosha Bldg. 2-10-4 Shiba Minato-ku Tokyo 105-0014 Japan Tel: + 81 3 3453 8165 Fax: + 81 3 3453 8167 E-mail: Mr. Akira Okawa Deputy Secretary General Japan Industrial conference for Ozone Layer and Climate Protection Hongo-wakai Bldg. 2-40-17 Hongo Bunkyo-ku 113-0033 Tokyo Japan Tel: + 81 3 5689 7981 Fax: + 81 3 5689 7983 E-mail: Mr. Patrick Rock Legal Adviser Boehringer Ingelheim GmbH 1661 Crescent Place N.W. No. 510 Washington DC 20009 United States of America Tel: + 1 202 719 1039 Fax: + 1 202 719 1021 E-mail: 207 Mr. Sandeep Sood Global Business Head Gujarat Flurochemicals Ltd. Marketing and Sales Inox Towers 17 Sector-16A Nodia 201301 Uttar Pradesh India Tel: + 91 120 306 3655 Fax: + 91 120 306 3611 E-mail: Mr. Bert Veenendaal Senior Technical Advisor Rappa Inc. Observer 104 Fieldstone Dr. La Porte 46350 Indiana United States of America Tel: + 1 219 362 4450 Fax: + 1 219 326 6047 Mr. Cristobal Vignal International Consultant Founding Member of the UNEP OzonAction Team 4370 Ariette Av. Montreal QC Canada H4B2E9 Tel: + 1 514 482 1205 Fax: + 1 514 944 1855 E-mail: Mr. Eddy J. E. Williame Director Overwinningstraat 41 Wilrijk 2610 Belgium Tel: + 32 830 22 40 Fax: + 32 828 17 10 E-mail: 208 Nobel Laureates and Other Distinguished Members of the Ozone Community Dr. Richard E. Benedick Ambassador Ret. Joint Global Change Research Institute Pacific Northwest National Laboratory 8400 Baltimore Ave. Suite 201 College Park MD 20740 United States of America Tel: + 1 (301) 314 6771 Fax: + 1 (301) 314 6719 E-mail: Dr. Shigeru Chubachi Doctor of Science Meteorological Research Institute-Japan Tsukuba Ibaraki 305-0052 Japan Prof. Dr. Paul Josef Crutzen Max Planck Institute for Chemistry Department of Atmospheric Chemistry P.O. Box 3060 55020 Mainz Germany Tel: + 49 (0) 6131 305 333 Tel/Fax: + 49 (0) 6131 305 511 209 Ms.Liz Dowdeswell Former Executive Director UNEP 315 - 77 Avenue Road Toronto Ontario Canada M5R 3R8 Tel: 1.416.922.3537 E-mail: Dr. Omar E. El Arini Honorary Chief Officer Multilateral Fund 11 Ezzat Salama Str. Nasr City Cairo Egypt Tel: + 20 12 249 1238 / + 202 2274 8565 Fax: + 20 2 2274 8565 E-mail: Dr. Mohamed El-Ashry Former Chief Executive Officer and Chairman Global Environment Facility UN Foundation U.S.A. Tel: + 1 202 887 9040 E-mail: Ms. Ingrid Kokeritz Senior Research Fellow IKZ Environment Consulting Sweden E-mail: 210 Prof. Mario Molina Institute Professor Professor of ChemistryProfessor of Earth, Atmosphere, and Planetary Sciences Massachusetts Institute of Technology M.I.T. 54-181477 Massachusetts Avenue Cambridge MA 02139 United States of America Tel: + 1 617 253 5081 Fax: + 1 617 258 6525 Mr. Frank Pinto International Expert in Environment/Climate Change 20 Dalewood Dr. Hartsdale 10530 NY United States of America Tel: + 1 914 217 0413 E-mail: Prof. F. Sherwood Rowland Department of Chemistry University of California Irvine California 92697-2025 United States of America Tel: + 1 949 824 6016 Fax::+ 1 949 824 2905 / 8571 Mr. Antonio Sabater de Sabates Alberes 18 Planta baixa 08017 Barcelona. Spain Tel: + 34 616 446 288 E-mail: 211 Dr. Klaus Toepfer Former Executive Director for UNEP Grune Muhle 52 Hoxterg 37671 Germany Fax: + 49 5271 951 568 E-mail: Dr. Mostafa K. Tolba President International Centre for Environment and Development (ICED) 23 Fawzi El-Ramah St. Mohandessin 12411 Cairo Egypt Tel: + 20 2 304 6032 / 304 6034 Fax: + 20 2 304 6033 E-mail: Dr. Robert T. Watson Chief Scientist and Senior Advisor for Sustainable Development The World Bank United States of America 212 The Ozone Secretariat P.O. Box 30552-00100 Nairobi, Kenya Tel: + (254 20) 762 3848 Fax: + (254 20) 762 4691 / 2 / 3 E-mail: Web: /