OLR Newsletter - Our Lady of the Rosary, The Entrance


OLR Newsletter - Our Lady of the Rosary, The Entrance
Term 3 Issue 14
Celebrating Community
18th September 2013
OLR Newsletter
Our Lady of the Rosary Catholic Primary School, The Entrance
Ph: 4332 5594
Fax: 4334 5599
Email: olrte@dbb.catholic.edu.au
Website: www.dbb.org.au/schools/olortheentrance
© Our Lady of the Rosary Catholic School, The Entrance
News from the REC
As Bishop David Walker prepares for retirement, we pray for a bishop to take his place
as spiritual leader of the Diocese of Broken
God, eternal shepherd,
Who governs your flock with
unfailing care,
Grant in your boundless fatherly love
a pastor for your Church
who will please you by his holiness
and to us show watchful care.
Through Christ our Lord.
Congratulations to the children who received
the gift of the Holy Spirit through the
Sacrament of Confirmation recently. They were
beautifully prepared and Bishop David was
impressed with the reverence they displayed.
Thank you to all who made it such a special
day for them, especially Mrs Allen!
Over the past two weeks Year 4 and Year 5
have had liturgies for Reconciliation. Thank
you to Fr Bill and Fr Shaju for coming to school
so that the children could receive this
The feast of Our Lady of the Rosary falls on
the last day of the school holidays, Monday 7th
October. We will mark this very special day
for our school by having a liturgy where we
pray the Rosary together on Tuesday 8th
October at 2:15pm in our School Chapel.
Please bring your Rosary beads and join
October is the Month of the Rosary and our
usual Rosary for children at lunchtime on
Mondays will be held daily during this time.
All students are very welcome to come to the
School Chapel at the beginning of lunch to
pray for their own intentions, and the intentions
of our community.
Liz Starling - Religious Education Co-Ordinator
Material in the newsletter is not to be reproduced without the permission of the School Principal.
Mass & Devotions in Ordinary Time
OLR The Entrance Church
Sunday Masses Saturday Vigil 6:00pm Sunday 8:00am & 9:30am
Weekday Masses Monday -Thursday 9:00am Friday 11:45am
Saturday 9:00am
Sacrament of Reconciliation Saturday 9:30am & 5:00pm
Liturgy of the Hours Saturday 8:40am
Rosary Monday-Thursday 8:35am Friday 11:20am Saturday 9:30am
Cenacle Wednesday 9:30am
Christian Meditation Group Friday 10:30am (Muldoon Room)
Important Upcoming Dates for your Calendar
Wednesday 18th September
Friday 20th September
Monday 7th October
Tuesday 8th October
Thursday 10th October
Friday 11th October
Friday 25th October
– CCC Netball Gala Day – Baker Park
– School concludes for Term 3
– Long Weekend – School closed
– School resumes for Term 4
– Mark Taylor Shield Cricket game – Sydney
– Waratah Shield Cricket Gala Day - EDSACC
– Staff Development Day – No School for Students
From the Principal
Our Lady of the Rosary Spring Fete
THANK YOU to all the families and friends who supported our school’s SPRING FETE last
Sunday! Thank you to the many, many volunteers who assisted in the lead up to the Fete
and then on the day. Your contribution was vital in making the Fete the huge
success that it was. Special thanks must go to our Fete Coordinator, Terrie
Bradshaw, who worked tirelessly for many months in organising the day. Terrie
was ably assisted by the Fete Committee consisting of Colleen Casey, Sue
Batten, Kylie Hetherington and Aneesa Bayley-Hobden and we thank them
sincerely for all their time and efforts with the Fete. All financial
indications are that this was a very successful fete, financial details are published in the P & F
section of this Newsletter
Today we had the draw for the fabulous prizes from the Games Stall at last Sunday’s OLR
Spring Fete:
The lucky winners were:
Mini-Golf Prize – Deadeye Darts Package – Domenic (4 Bue)
Dart Game Prize – Deadeye Darts Package – Lennox (1 Red)
Beanbag Toss Prize - $100 Timezone Voucher – Sam (2 Red)
Netball Prize - $100 Timezone Voucher – Ryan (1 Blue)
Basketball Prize - $200 Lakehouse Restaurant Voucher – Jackson (phone no. supplied)
Footy Passing/Cricket Prize – 2 X NRL Grand Final Tickets – Chase (3 Blue)
Congratulations to all our winners and a special thank you to one of our dads – Mr Patrick
Byrne and his assistant Mrs Ashley Wardrop for their efforts, enthusiasm and wonderful
support of our school. Their support is very much appreciated.
The celebration of the Sacrament was conferred by Bishop David Walker last Saturday week
in our Parish Church here at OLR. We congratulate all the students of our school and parish
who received the sacrament and we thank all those who prepared them for their journey in
Summer Uniform
I ask that all students be in full Summer School Uniform by the first day of next term –
Tuesday 8th October. If the weather begins to get warmer before the end of this term,
parents are free to have their children wear the Sumer Uniform before this date.
A reminder that all uniform items are available from our school’s Uniform Shop.
Material in the newsletter is not to be reproduced without the permission of the School Principal.
Staff Development Day
A Staff Development Day has been planned for Friday 25th October. This day will be a
Pupil Free Day for students. The staff will be spending time developing their own spirituality
as well as supporting their continued development of the school’s Catholic Mission Goal of
supporting students learning of the Religious Education Curriculum.
Parents are asked to make alternative child care arrangements for this day. As always, the
School will assist parents with these arrangements if there are difficulties. If child care for
the day is a problem, please contact the Office.
Our Kindergarten Red Teacher Stef Dobb will be taking the first 9 days of Term 4 as Long
Service Leave. We wish her all the best as she spends some time with her family and will welcome her back on Monday 21st October. Mrs Louise Bailey will be teaching Kinder Red during
this time.
Social Justice Statement
The Australian Catholic Bishops have released the 2013 Social Justice Statement. We celebrate
Social Justice Sunday on 29 September. This year’s Social Justice Statement is titled: ‘Lazarus
at our Gate: A critical moment in the fight against world poverty’.
The Statement urges all Australians to focus on our obligation to help the world’s poorest and to
work to combat poverty wherever it is found. Although progress has been made over the past
decade in the fight against extreme poverty, one billion people still live on less than $1.25 per
day, and 20 per cent of the world’s poor live in countries near Australia.
For further details about the Social Justice Statement, visit the Australian Catholic Social Justice
Council website (www.socialjustice.catholic.org.au) or call (02) 8306 3499.
NAPLAN results delay
Due to an identified an error by ACARA in the placement of the national average markers on the
Years 5 and 7 NAPLAN Student Reports for Language Conventions, there will be a delay in the
delivery of the student reports. ACARA is working closely with Test Administration Authorities
(TAAs) in every state and territory to ensure correct reports are distributed.
This matter will result in the delay of the distribution of student reports, most probably to the week
of 13 October. Reports will be distributed to parents once they are received here at school.
Good News
I received two notes from parents recently that I would like to share:
“I just wanted to let you know how much I enjoyed coaching the School’s Year 5/6 Girls Oztag
Team. The girls are true examples of the OLR community by the way they behaved, played and
supported each other on the day. Well done girls.”
“I just wanted to express my thanks and congratulate Mrs Louise Bailey and Mrs Julie Costello on
the Year 3 excursion.. I have never been on an OLR excursion and I had a most enjoyable day.
The students were amazing and the day well planned. Please pass on my sincere thanks to the
Thank you to the parents who took the time to pass on these thought.
As this is the last Newsletter of Term3, I would like to wish you all a wonderful school
holiday period and trust you will have a wonderful time with your children!
David Fletcher - Principal
Material in the newsletter is not to be reproduced without the permission of the School Principal.
Mem Fox’s Ten Read Aloud Commandments
Last Newsletter, I mentioned Mem Fox’s ‘Commandments’ for parents when reading aloud to
their children. Here are the next two:
7. Look for rhyme, rhythm or repetition in books for young children, and make sure the
books are really short.
8. Play games with the things that you and the child can see on the page, such as letting
kids finish rhymes, finding the letters that start your child’s name and yours— remembering that it’s never work, it’s always a fabulous game.
This term eighteen children participated in the ICAS English competition
and we congratulate all children on their efforts, especially the following
YEAR 3 – Monique Devries
YEAR 4 – Joshua Attard
Fran Kane - Assistant Principal
Chaplaincy News
WHO DO WE WORSHIP? We have seen and heard so many of our religious, sporting
and celebrity figures fall from grace in recent times. Surely there is a lesson in this for all of
us when it comes to putting people on pedestals and worshipping their status or
success. This has proven to be destructive even back to Old Testament times as we were
reminded in Sunday’s Readings at Mass. The Israelites took to making an idol of gold in the
shape of a young bull as a ceremonial focus around which they chanted, cheered, danced and
prayed in thanksgiving but it was shattered when they were challenged by Moses and Joshua
to choose between fidelity to the idol or fidelity to God and so there was division and a
split. We can so easily fall into the trap of following the ‘idols of gold’ which form our values
and occupy our attention and time excessively. Amidst all the bad news stories of ‘fall from
grace’ in the media there was one which inspired me this morning about an Australian, Robert
Hoge, who was never on a pedestal throughout his life but has grown through the challenges
of severe birth deformities to become an inspiration to all those who will hear his story. He will
talk about his published memoir, ‘Ugly’ on Australian Story Tonight and I hope some of our
older children get to see his very inspirational story.
THANK YOU: I’m sure there have been many expressions of
gratitude to those who worked so tirelessly and generously at the
Fete on Sunday and thank God the weather was wonderful!
A special thank you to all the children who entered their art for the
Art Show to raise money for Sormistha, our sponsored child in Bangladesh.
We had many admirers pass through the Art Show and raised $158.00 from donations.
(‘FLOATS’ -Ice-cream Sodas @ $1 each)
Thursday at lunch for 3-6 (Primary) and Friday at lunch for K-2 (Infants).
Blessings, Kay Taylor
Material in the newsletter is not to be reproduced without the permission of the School Principal.
Canteen News
Samara D, Danielle R,
Michelle B, Samara D.
Tracey J.
Joanne D-D, Laureen S,
Jo D-D, Kathy C,
Sara Jane R.
Sarah Jane R, Melissa C
Term 4
Kristie K, Candice M,
Danielle H, Lisa W
Suellen G, Nicki R.
Sharon S, Christina S,
Genevieve S.
Joan C, Jade J,
Judy D
A BIG THANK YOU to all my volunteers this term. Without your help, the Canteen would not
be the success it is. New Rosters have now gone home, please look in your child’s bag for
yours. Please note that, for privacy reasons, we will only publish first names and the initial of
the surname in the newsletter.
Also a big thank you to one of our suppliers, Cresthaven Fruit Market.
Not only do they supply us with high quality produce, they were very
generous in their donations to the Fete. Remember to support them.
A reminder that hot Morning Tea items are only supplied at Morning Tea and cannot be
ordered as part of a lunch order.
Enjoy your break.
Healthy Eating
Sue MacSween
Canteen Co-Ordinator
Year 6 Fundraiser Movie Night
Adventures in Zambezia (G)
Friday 18th October
6.30pm in the MPR
$2 per person or $5 per family
Material in the newsletter is not to be reproduced without the permission of the School Principal.
OLR P&F News
FETE News- As you all know our Fete was a GREAT success. We were blessed with fine
weather, as we watched the stormy clouds circle us all day. A great day was had by thousands
of people eating delicious food, watching enjoyable entertainment, playing fun games, having
their faces painted, getting coloured hair extensions, purchasing plants, craft and having lots of
fun on the rides.
My thank you goes out to all the parents and carers who were at the school at 5.30am helping
us set up for the day. To all the parents, grandparents and carers who volunteered during the
day and to all the parents and carers who helped clean up after the event. Thank you to the stall
coordinators for your enthusiasm in helping me for the months leading up to the fete. To my committee this fete was a team effort and without you ladies I wouldn’t have been able to organise it
all. Thank you to David, Fran, Tracy, Lucy and all the staff for your patience and support. As this
is my last year as a parent at OLR, I hope the tradition that has been going on for many years of
holding an OLR Biannual Fete keeps going.
The winners of the raffle were 1st prize Mary Gillard, 2nd prize Helen Bell, 3rd prize James Higgins
and 4th prize Matt Taperell. CONGRATULATIONS. I’m sure you are all waiting to know how
much money we raised last Sunday,
I can proudly say that we have BROKEN the OLR school Fete RECORD
by raising just over $25,000. What a great effort.
Thank You to our school community for making OLR Fete the success it was.
Terrie Bradshaw 2013 OLR Fete coordinator
Parish News
Mental Health Week 6th—9th October. An opportunity for all the community to come together to
pray for the Mentally Ill. Mass will be offered in the Church at Our Lady of the Rosary on Sunday
13th October at 2pm. All are welcome.
OLR Staff Relay for Life Team
“Walk all Night to Join the Fight”
This year we have a staff team participating in the Relay for Life. We are walking
for those we love who have lost their battle with cancer, for those who have
fought the hard fight and survived, and for those who bravely continue to fight.
If you would like to make a
donation or buy a Raffle
Ticket, please see
Tracy in the school office.
Donations over $2 are Tax
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Our Lady of the Rosary Catholic Primary School, The Entrance
We are required by law to record all absences for children enrolled in our school with an accompanying
My child ____________________________________of class__________ was absent from
on the following date/s: __________________________________________________________
Please sign below to indicate that your permission was given for this/these days absent.
I ________________________________ verify that my child was absent from school with my
permission on the dates above.
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Material in the newsletter is not to be reproduced without the permission of the School Principal.
First Class Free
For all Accounting and Taxation
*All Taxation Returns
* Company Formations
* Superannuation
* Bookkeeping Services
* Business Advice
* Tax Planning
* ASIC & ATO Compliance
* GST/IAS lodgements
Phone: 02 43 255085
Fax: 02 43 255086
Rodd: 0418 210 668 or
Lisa: 0404 233 358
PO Box 921, Gosford NSW 2250
*$10 will be donated to OLR Shelly
Beach for every 2012 Tax Return
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Material in the newsletter is not to be reproduced without the permission of the School Principal.
Material in the newsletter is not to be reproduced without the permission of the School Principal.