Village News - Montgomery Village
Village News - Montgomery Village
The Official Newsletter of the Montgomery Village Foundation Village News Montgomery Volume XLV, No. 15 photo by Mike Conroy August 7, 2015 Montgomery Village Foundation Board of directors President John driscoll (right) presents Wayne Mcgovern (left) with a Certificate of Appreciation for his many years of service on the Architectural review Board. REGISTER NOW! Limited space still available. Monday, Aug. 17 to Friday, Aug. 21 Camp Ages 5 to 7 9 a.m. to noon Ages 8 to 12 9 a.m. to noon Monday, Aug. 17 to Friday, Aug. 21 Ages 5 to 7 1 to 4 p.m. Ages 8 to 12 9 a.m. to noon MVF Board thinking green by Mike Conroy Before the Montgomery Village Foundation (MVF) Board of Directors meeting on July 23, residents, the Board, Committee on the Environment (COE) members and representatives from Paradise Energy Solutions gathered at Lake Marion Community Center (LMCC) to kick off the use of the solar panels installed on the center roof earlier this year. Paradise hosted an ice cream social to show off the technology and equipment used at the facility. About 300 solar panels were installed on the roof of LMCC, sending collected solar energy through nine inverters, helping to power LMCC. This project was approved by the MVF Board in 2014 and after permitting and installation, was ready for Pepco to turn on in mid-July. Through a Purchase Power Agreement with Paradise, MVF is projected to save $250,000 in energy costs over the next 25 years. Sticking to their strategic implegoal of identifying and imple menting green initiatives in the Village, the Board also reforestook action to begin a refores tation project on some MVFowned properties. For the last year, the COE has worked to reforestastudy and identify reforesta tion programs, and locations in the Village where a turf management program could be implemented. The committee recommended adding trees to 10 percent of the greenspace area of four key locations: North Creek Lake Park, the MVF Office, Apple Ridge Recreation Area and the CSAAC parcel. The suggested areas abut existing tree lines and would not only add trees, but reduce mowing space. The Board approved this proposal and instructed staff to engage with adjacent homeowners associations and identify assistance from outside agencies or organizations. the Environment and COE; and use of hand tools to perform work, among other standards. A new sign for the entrance to Hurley Park was approved. The project was awarded to Designs of the Times and is a budgeted 2015 reserve expense. The new entrance sign will replace the outdated and damaged sign with one that is similar to other newer entrance signs in the Village. The rest of the agenda items were related to architectural standards. The Board approved the Middle Village Design Study as well as clerical revisions to the Middle Village Community Criteria, including the Middle Village Homes Corporation suggestion to consider paint colors other than the original when exterior painting is updated. See BOARD page 6 LOOK InsIde Fall classes and programs— something for everyone! See insert MVF 2016 Budget schedule See page 7 save the date: MVFit-ness Fest Other AgendA IteMs Stemming from a tour of Lake Whetstone and a discussion of shoreline maintenance in February, the COE drafted, revised and recommended a document outlining maintenance standards for lakes, ponds and streams. The Board approved these standards, which include: preserving stream buffer width; pruning requirements; notification to the Maryland Department of See page 19 goshen UMC to host blood drive See page 16 2 Friday, august 7, 2015 Contents At Your Leisure ..................15 Architectural Standards ..... 11 Classifieds .........................26 Community Service ...........16 Homes Corporations..........12 East Village Echo ..........12 Heron’s Cove Condo .....12 Middle Village Voice ......14 Northgate News ............14 North Village View .........13 South Village Scenes ....14 Stedwick Signals ...........13 Whetstone Watch ..........12 In the News..........................5 Kids Page ..........................18 Letters to the editor..............5 Milestones .........................16 MVF Board Motions .............3 MVF Meeting Agendas ........2 MV Seniors ........................22 Neighborhood Noteboard ....2 President’s Message ...........3 Professional Directory .......25 Real Estate ........................27 Recreation .........................19 Services Around Town .......23 Visit MVF online at facebook: MontVillageMD twitter: @MontVillageMD You can now REGISTER ONLINE for MVF classes and programs. Visit www. montgomery to MontgoMery Village news MVF Meeting AgendAs JOInt AUdIt COMMIttee/ MVF BOArd BUdget MeetIng The joint Audit Committee/MVF Board budget meeting is scheduled for 7 p.m. on Thursday, Aug. 27 at North Creek Community Center, 20125 Arrowhead Road. Following discussion, the Audit Committee will forward their recommendation re: the 2016 Budget to the MVF Board, which will then approve the draft 2016 Budget for publication. MVF BOArd OF dIreCtOrs The MVF Board of Directors meeting is scheduled immediately following the Joint Audit Committee/MVF Board Budget Meeting on Thursday, Aug. 27 at North Creek Community center, 20125 Arrowhead Road. COMMUnICAtIOns COMMIttee The Communications Committee meeting is scheduled for 7 p.m. on Wednesday, Sept. 2 in the MVF Office, 10120 Apple Ridge Road. Note: All meeting agendas listed in this section are current as of the deadline date for this publication. The listings do not include every agenda item. This information is also available on the MVF website at www. For the most up-to-date information available, call the MVF Board/Committee Agenda hotline at 301-948-0110, then press 4. All meeting agendas are tentative and may be changed without notice. Share Your Milestones with the Village Send your birth, engagement or wedding announcements, achievements or other good news to or complete the Milestones form online at monday, aug. 17 at 5 p.m. mailed, faxed or typed due: friday, aug. 14 at 5 p.m. dIsPLAy Ads: due: friday, aug. 14 at 5 p.m. *preferred method of receipt nOrth VILLAge The North Village Homes Corporation meeting is scheduled for 7 p.m. on Thursday, Aug. 20 at the North Creek Community Center, 20125 Arrowhead Road. PArk PLACe I The Park Place I Condominium Annual Meeting is scheduled for 7 p.m. on Thursday, Aug. 13 at the Whetstone Community Center, 19140 Brooke Grove Court. sOUth VILLAge The South Village Homes Corporation meeting is scheduled for 7 p.m. on Wednesday, Aug. 26 in the North Creek Board Room, 20125 Arrowhead Road. stedWICk The Stedwick Homes Corporation meeting is scheduled for 7:30 p.m. on Wednesday, Aug. 19 at the Stedwick Community Center, 10401 Stedwick Road. thOMAs ChOICe COndOMInIUM The Thomas Choice Condominium meeting is scheduled for 7 p.m. on Monday, Aug. 10 in the Thomas Choice Party Room, 19401 Brassie Place. The Annual Meeting will follow. MULTIPLY YOUR ADVERTISINGIMPACT In addition to advertising in the bi-weekly Montgomery Village News, you can reach 40,000 Village residents by advertising in the Fall Fest Program. Reserve your space by September 21. To get your business noticed, contact Beto Benitez at 240-243-2359 or e-mail Copy & Ad Deadlines e-mailed or on disk due:* nOrMAndIe-On-the-LAke I The Normandie-on-the-Lake I meeting is scheduled for 7 p.m. on Wednesday, Aug. 26 at the NOL Office, 18740 Walkers Choice Road. ArChIteCtUrAL reVIeW BOArd The Architectural Review Board (ARB) meeting is scheduled for 5 p.m. on Wednesday, Sept. 2 in the North Creek Board Room, 20125 Arrowhead Road, to review residents’ requests for exterior modifications. The board requests that homeowners contact the Foundation if they plan to attend and if their contractors will accompany them. get started. COPy: hOrIZOn rUn The Horizon Run Condominium Annual Meeting is scheduled for 7:30 p.m. on Monday, Aug. 24 in the North Creek Board Room, 20125 Arrowhead Road. 50th AnnIVersAry COMMIttee The 50 Anniversary Committee meeting is scheduled for 7 p.m. on Tuesday, Sept. 1 at the MVF Office, 10120 Apple Ridge Road. th neighborhood noteboArd next issue Friday, Aug. 21 Attention writers: Copy is gratefully accepted electronically! Provide text on disk or e-mail to E-mail classifieds to classifieds@ See page 3 for more on how to contact us. D S AN SORTS N O P NT S IPAN EVEPARTIC GreThae t Pumpkin Race and Fall Fest ival al Saturday, Oc t. 11 nt and Reside of Realtor Village omery Montg r 35 years for ove mpus! west Ca ge Our Ne at Apple RidRoa d e Hill le Ridg 86 etown 10001 Appge, MD 208 Georg Villa ! tgomery a tour schedule om today to ownHill.c email us @Georget com ge Call or ownHill. | AppleRid .Georget -3000 at www le 301-963 us online Availab Visit edules Time Sch & Part | Full Age 4 ugh ! r day nts thro and you n for Infa nt Ope r smile... Enrollme hten you Mon 11 a.m. to 3 p.m . North Creek Comm unity Center 20125 Arrowhead Road Schedule Of Events 10:30 to Pumpkin Pie and " and let say "Hi Come Treat Baking Contest Regis tration Information and Ticket sales open; Face Painting and Crafts; Pump Tickets available for Carniv al Amusemen kin and Pump Pumpkin Race ts, kin Racer Kit Registration and Sales Check-in; Pump Trial Pumpkin Races; “45 RPM” kin Park and Garage; plays classic organized childre rock tunes; tailgat n’s games; pump 11 a.m. to e games; kin painting Food Booths Open 3 p.m. (cash sales); Show and Sale; Gaithersburg Fine Arts Assoc carniv al rides 11 a.m. to iation Art and games, face Shuttle Buses painting to parking (Churc 3:00 p.m. h of Jesus Christ MVF Office) of Latter-day 12:30 p.m. Saints and Pumpkin Racer Judging at Pump Most Innovative kin Park (categ ories: Best Decor Design, Funnie st, Scariest, Best Best Cartoon ation, Character, Best Animal Look-a Themed Racer -Like, Disguised). Pump and Driver Duo kin Racers must and Best to be judged. be in the Pump kin Park before 1 p.m. 12:30 p.m. Opening Rema rks, Pete Young , Vice President Montgomery Village Found ation Board of Directors Pumpkin Races Featured V.I.P. Pumpkin Challe nge Homes Corpo ration Community Group Challenge s Children’s catego and Organizations ry (ages 10 and Youth category under) ages (11 to 18) Open division Championship Race 3 p.m. The Great Pump kin Race Troph y presentation 11:30 a.m. 11 a.m. to 3 p.m. 11 a.m. to 12:45 p.m.* lik & Staff Drs. Ano Submissions received after the publication deadline will not be published in that edition. for the Pumpki n Race Open enSave itch e www.K Villag omery Montg sidents: Re FF O $500 -or- s nth 12 mo rest te No In cing Finan y and Kath Tassie y, Scarlet, na, Neal y, Silva , DDS — Cind Anolik M. D Steven , DDS, FAG B. Anolik Corey 0) te (80 ima ome Est Free In-H MHIC# 08 427-01 2673A VA# 270506 # 5545 DCRA 28743 Y NTGOMER PPORT MO FESTIVAL. U S O T D U L FAL PRO BLOOM IS OUNDATION’S 2014 OUR BOOTH AND SAY HELLO! VILLAGE F N AND MAKE SURE TO COME BY WW may register n sheeDCha VA, and -9700 in MD, nrealesta 301-548 Licensed Office: isesheeha -1021 www.den 301-509 nisesheeh Cell: -8640 e-mail:de 301-948 Home: -9664 301-548 Fax: us brig DON’T MI * Participants denise g Farm lle / kin rockvi Farm Blvd., g 402 Kin Suite 150 Md. 20850 le, Rockvil Division until 1:45 p.m. SS OUT ON NM W. BL OO MI THE FU V.C OM MontgoMery Village news Friday, august 7, 2015 Village News President’s MessAge serving the residents of Montgomery Village Combined effort yields success in the Village Montgomery The Montgomery Village News is the official newsletter of the Montgomery Village Foundation, Inc., and its Board of Directors. Its purpose is to disseminate news and information in accordance with the Editorial Policy of the Foundation. Publisher: MVF Board of directors Montgomery Village Foundation 10120 Apple ridge road Montgomery Village, Md 20886 Phone: 301-948-0110 FAX: 301-990-7071 MVF e-mail: MV News e-mail: MVF 24-hour Board Voice Mail: 301-948-0110, press 5 Office hours: The MVF Office, 10120 Apple Ridge Road, is open Monday Friday from 8:30 a.m. to 5 p.m. Director of Communications Mike Conroy, ext. 2331 Sales and Marketing Manager Humberto Benitez, ext. 2359 Communications Assistant Roz Price, ext. 2339 Graphic Designer Maria Pullifrone, ext. 2321 Sales and Marketing Assistant Charity Gutierrez, ext. 2342 Website: 24-hOUr MVF eMergenCy PhOne: 301-576-1204 800-215-1784 Articles appearing in the Montgomery Village News are presented as a community service. They do not necessarily represent the views of the Montgomery Village Foundation. The advertisements in the Montgomery Village News are not intended to be an endorsement by the Montgomery Village Foundation of any business or individual. MVF Board of directors Officers President John Driscoll Vice President Pete Young treasurer Beth-Ellen Berry directors Pamela Bort Ricardo Camacho Dennis Clark Scott Dyer Glenn Gargan Linda Moore Peter Webb executive Vice President David Humpton by John Driscoll MVF President In the world that is Montgomery Village, volunteers are the energy that moves us forward. As your President, I would like to personally thank all of those hardworking individuals. In today’s busy world, time is a precious commodity, and we have an extraordinary group of volunteers who generously donate their time. That generosity makes it possible for the staging of community events, and the productivity of our committees and our board. For example, take a look at the work done by the Committee on the Environment subcommittee on solar energy. Their diligence resulted in the installation of solar panels on the Lake Marion Community Center. On July 23 the Montgomery Village Foundation (MVF), in conjunction with Paradise Solar Energy, held a small celebration as the solar panels were put on line by Pepco. As with most of the activity in the Village, we work in a combined effort. All of our volunteers are supported by the MVF staff. Our staff is a part of the Village family, and work in concert with the volunteer corps to insure the success of our events. The events that distinguish us as a diverse and dynamic community, such as the July 4th Celebration, or the Fall Festival, could not happen without the extraordinary MVF boArd Motions hard work of the MVF staff. Our MVF staff does so many things to make our community better. From the overseeing of the building of the Whetstone Pool, to Architectural Review, to working with county and state representatives on the MV Master Plan, our staff provides our volunteers with the technical support they need. Also on July 23, the Montgomery County Planning Department approved the Working Draft of the Montgomery Village Master Plan. The next step in this long process is the public hearing on Thursday, Sept. 10, before the Montgomery County Planning Board. The meeting will be held in the third floor hearing room of the Council Office Building, 100 Maryland Avenue, Rockville. The time is yet to be determined. If you would like to view the Montgomery Village Master Plan, visit www.montgomeryplanning. org/community/montgomery_ village. Following the public hearing, the planning board will hold several work sessions on the Master Plan during October to discuss the community testimony as well as issues planning board members wish to address. At the conclusion of the work sessions, the plan will be revised per the planning board’s direction and transmitted to the county council and county executive. The county council will then hold a public hearing on the revised Montgomery Village Master Plan, possibly in January 2016. From what I have seen of the MV Master Plan, it strongly resembles our Vision 2030 Plan. This is our future, so please take the time to review, comment and attend the meetings. We have this opportunity to shape the Village for the next generation. As always you can contact me at JohnDriscoll235@yahoo. com. MontgoMerY ViLLAge FoUndAtion boArd oF direCtors Motion List July 23, 2015 1. Mr. Dyer moved to approve the minutes of the regular Board of Directors’ meeting held June 25, 2015 as presented. The motion was seconded and passed unanimously. 2. Mr. Clark moved to accept the Treasurer’s Report for the period ending June 30, 2015. The motion was seconded and passed unanimously. 3. Mr. Dyer moved to accept the Action List as presented. The motion was seconded and passed unanimously. 4. Mr. Dyer moved to approve the Standards for Montgomery Village Foundation Common Property Maintenance Around Lakes, Ponds and Streams. The motion was seconded and passed unanimously. 5. Mr. Dyer moved to direct staff to proceed with gathering input from adjacent homeowner associations regarding proposed areas for reforestation, and to continue looking for assistance and possible funding from outside agencies or organizations. The motion was seconded and passed unanimously. 6. Mr. Young moved to approve the proposed revisions to the Middle Village architectural criteria. The motion was seconded and passed unanimously. 7. Mr. Webb moved to approve the Middle Village Design Study. The motion was seconded and passed unanimously. 8. Ms. Moore moved to approve the revised Freestanding Shade Structure Guidelines. The motion was seconded and passed unanimously. 9. Mr. Dyer moved to award the project for the replacement of the William Hurley Park sign to “Designs of the Times” as a sole source contractor in the amount of $13,295, and to authorize additional funds of 10% for unforeseen conditions. The motion was seconded and passed (7-0) with all in favor except Ms. Moore who abstained. 10. Mr. Clark moved to accept the committee reports. The motion was seconded and passed unanimously. 11. Mr. Dyer moved to adjourn the regular meeting at 8:35 p.m. pursuant to Section 11B Real Property, of the Annotated Code of Maryland (Maryland Homeowners Association Act) to go into closed session for (iv) Consultation with staff, personnel, consultants, attorneys, board members, or other persons in connection with pending or potential litigation or other legal matters. The motion was seconded and passed unanimously. 3 4 Friday, august 7, 2015 MontgoMery Village news M oNt goMe r y Vil l age Calendar of Events sUndAy Sunday MOndAy Monday tUesdAy Tuesday WednesdAy Wednesday thUrsdAy Thursday FrIdAy Friday Village News Don’t Miss It! Aug. 12 29 sAtUrdAy Saturday 7 Fall Recreation Guide Summer MVFit-ness Fest Touch-a-Truck Camera Club 10 am – NCCC (pre-registration required) The MV Farmers’ Market runs every Saturday through October 31 9 10 11 Thomas Choice Condo 7 pm – TCPR (Annual Meeting) 16 12 Mvfit-ness Fest 6 to 8 pm – NCCC and Apple Ridge Ball Field 17 18 23 24 19 25 Horizon Run Condo 7:30 pm – NCBR (Annual Meeting) 31 september 1 th 15 Farmers’ Market 9 am to 1 pm Christ the Servant Lutheran Church 20 Village News 21 26 South Village HC 7 pm – NCBR 50 Anniversary Committee 7 pm – MVF Office 14 North Village HC 7 pm – NCBR 27 28 29 Farmers’ Market 9 am to 1 pm Christ the Servant Lutheran Church MVF Board 7:30 pm – NCCC 2 22 Farmers’ Market 9 am to 1 pm Christ the Servant Lutheran Church Joint Audit Committee/ MVF Board Budget meeting 7 pm – NCCC Normandie-on-the-Lake I 7 pm – NOLI Office 30 13 Park Place I Condo 7 pm – WCC (Annual Meeting) Stedwick HC 7:30 pm – SCC 8 Farmers’ Market 9 am to 1 pm Christ the Servant Lutheran Church Touch-a-Truck 9 am to noon - NCCC 3 Village News 4 Seniors in Action 10 am to 1 pm - SCC 5 Farmers’ Market 9 am to 1 pm Christ the Servant Lutheran Church ARB 5 pm – NCBR Communications Committee 7 pm – MVF Office MV Community Band 7 pm - SCC KEY: LMCC ............. Lake Marion Community Center, 8821 East Village Ave. MVF Office...... 10120 Apple Ridge Rd. NCBR ............. North Creek Board Room, 20125 Arrowhead Rd. NCCC ............. North Creek Community Center, 20125 Arrowhead Rd. All facilities are handicap accessible. SCC ................ Stedwick Community Center, 10401 Stedwick Rd. TCPR .............. Thomas Choice Party Room, 19401 Brassie Pl. WCC ............... Whetstone Community Center, 19140 Brooke Grove Ct. WHPR............. Walker House Party Room, 18700 Walkers Choice Rd. Calendar brought to you by the Montgomery Village Foundation 301-948-0110 Visit All information tentative and subject to change. MONTGOMERY VILLAGE NEWS Letters tO the edItOr POLICy 1. The Montgomery Village News Letters to the Editor section is a community forum for Montgomery Village residents and/or property owners. In addition, at the Editor’s discretion, the Montgomery Village News may print letters of appropriate interest to residents from others, including representatives of local schools, governments and businesses. Campaign letters are prohibited, except for Montgomery Village Foundation and Village homes corporation elections. The views expressed in the Letters to the Editor section are those of the authors of the letters and not necessarily those of the Montgomery Village Foundation (MVF) or its Board of Directors. 2. The Montgomery Village News will make every effort to publish all letters received during the weeks prior to publication. 3. Typed letters and e-mail must be received no later than 5 p.m. on the Monday prior to publication and distribution, while handwritten letters must be received no later than noon on the Friday, one week prior to publication. When a holiday occurs on a deadline Monday, Letters to the Editor must be received no later than noon on the subsequent Tuesday prior to the Friday publication and distribution. 4. Letters must bear the writer’s name, address and telephone number for verification purposes. The sole use of pen names, initials or the complete omission of a signature will eliminate a letter from consideration from publication. A request from the author to withhold the name or mark the letter anonymous will eliminate the letter from consideration. 5. All letters are subject to condensation or deferral to the next issue by the editor for space considerations, if absolutely necessary. Editor is to so indicate any condensations. 6. All letters may not exceed 300 words. Longer letters will be eliminated from consideration for publication in the Village news. As time permits, the writers may be notified and given the opportunity to shorten the letter for future publication. Letters exceeding 300 words which meet all other criteria of this policy may be published on the MVF website. 7. The Village News respects the privacy of individuals and residents; letters should not contain references to specific persons, except when endorsing candidates for MVF or Village homes corporation elections or referencing a previously published article with a byline. 8. Letters submitted by an author regarding the same topic must present new information or opinions; repetitive submissions and/or form letters submissions will only be printed once. 9. The Letters to the Editor section is not a forum for extensive debates; MVF encourages residents to use other avenues such as facebook and twitter for timely discussion. 10. All e-mail is subject to this policy. The e-mail subject line must read “Letter to the Editor.” • All e-mail letters must include the writer’s full name, address and telephone number for verification. • As with letters delivered to the MVF office in person or by the U.S. Postal Service, the Montgomery Village News will make every effort to publish all letters received prior to the publication deadline. 11. MVF retains the right to respond to letters to the editor addressing specific issues involving it in the form of editor’s notes or other methods at its discretion, and extends the same opportunities to homeowner or condominium association boards regarding letters specifically aimed at those boards. 12. The Director of Communications, in his/her sole discretion, reserves the right to withhold from publication of inflammatory, slanderous, libelous, or lewd material, or material which may be an invasion of privacy, material deemed in bad taste and inconsistent with Montgomery Village News editorial policy, or other language which opens MVF to potential legal liability, and limit the number of letters on a given subject when the number is so large it presents a problem. MontgoMery Village news Friday, august 7, 2015 in the news social security turns 80 Eighty years ago, on August 14, 1935, President Franklin D. Roosevelt signed the Social Security Act into law. The new law guaranteed a basic income for retirees and, at the time, the unemployed. Over the years, Social Security has expanded its safety net to provide benefits for retirees; people with disabilities and the chronically ill; and spouses and children of deceased workers. The agency has evolved to serve the needs of a changing America. Now, the Social Security Administration (SSA) is celebrating this historic anniversary by looking at both the successful past, and the path to an even brighter future. Social Security is there for you during all stages of life. Right from the beginning, unique Social Security number is issued to most newborns when an application is taken at the hospital. This allows the SSA to track your income over your working career and accurately calculate your retirement benefit. Disability benefits are provided to injured and chronically ill workers and their families. Survivor benefits are provided to widows, widowers and the minors of deceased workers. And Supplemental Security Income (SSI) is provided to those with low income and resources, and Extra Help with Medicare prescription drug costs for people who qualify. With decades of experience, Social Security has evolved to meet the fast-paced demands of the digital world. Creating an online my Social Security account, for instance, let’s you view your Social Security Statement, verify the accuracy of your earnings record and get estimates of future monthly benefits. Once you begin receiving Social Security benefits, you can use your online account to manage your record, including changing your address and phone number, checking your benefit information, changing your electronic payment method and obtaining an instant benefit verification letter or replacement SSA-1099/1042S. If you haven’t already, you can easily sign up for a my Social Security account at www.socialsecurity. gov/myaccount. The safe and secure online services allow you to apply for retirement, spousal, Medicare and disability benefits from the comfort of your home. You can quickly complete an online retirement application at www. Looking to the future, the SSA recently released Vision 2025, a strategic plan designed to help shape the future of Social Security service delivery and maintain clear communication with citizens. For more information about the vision for the next 10 years, visit www. The Social Security Administration is looking forward to the next 80 years with a renewed commitment to proudly serving Social Security customers throughout their lifetime, when and where they need us. See how Social Security has evolved over the years at www. HOME REMODELING BY 25 years of quality service in Montgomery Village CARPENTRY – PAINTING – DRYWALL BATHROOM REMODELING – TILE – WOOD & VINYL FLOORING WOOD ROT – PVC TRIM – STRUCTURAL REPAIR WINDOWS & DOORS – SIDING – ROOFING – INSULATION SMALL JOBS – FIXTURES – HOME REPAIR SERVICE 1-800-266-7505 to Letters the Editor Editor: In your Friday, July 24 issue, the MVF announced a “50 th Anniversary Logo Design Contest.” I am disappointed that there is no offer of payment for the new logo design. The MVF wants a nice looking logo, but appears unwilling to pay for it. Hiding that in a “contest” is detestable. Why? Resident assessments pay the MVF staff. The newspaper writers, editors, and printers get paid. The MVF pays the landscapers and pool cleaners. Why do you assume graphic design should be free? My son grew up in the village and spent four years in college, studying graphic arts. He worked jobs while in school and took on a large debt to pay for that education. He’s now a freelance professional who receives money for his efforts. The contest is an insult to his education, efforts, skills and the efforts and skills of other talented graphic designers. If the MVF wants to get a new logo that reflects what the community is all about, it should pay for a professional design. Ron Exler East Village Editor’s Note: The 50th Anniversary Logo Contest is one of the celebration activities being planned by the 50th Anniversary Committee. The contest is designed to engage Village residents and encourage participation and pride in the community. If an appropriate design or concept is not presented by community members, then the professional, trained and highly skilled MVF staff will create a celebration logo. However, given the number of submissions for the contest, and our faith in the Montgomery Village community, we don’t anticipate this being necessary. CAMP UPDATE tiny Feet Campers enjoyed one last Wacky Wednesday with special fun including confetti, water balloons, tie dye and Ledo’s pizza! From all of us here at Camp tiny Feet, best wishes to you during the 2015-2016 school year and we hope to see you again next summer! Dance with DeAnne DeAnne Post, Director B.S. in Dance, Kansas State University Member Cecchetti Council of America Beginning our 21st Season at the Dance Center inside Rocky Hill Middle School in Clarksburg, MD with “Open house/registration” on Saturday, Aug. 29, 2015 from 9 a.m. to noon Ballet • Pointe • Tap • Jazz for children ages 3 - 18 years OWNER OPERATED - INSURED - REFERENCES - MHIC: 41207 ADVERTISE in the Village News Call 301-948-0110, ext. 2359 or email Letters to the editor 301-972-6600 5 6 Friday, august 7, 2015 MontgoMery Village news in the news Board Continued from page 1 Freestanding Shade Structure Guidelines were modified to include neutral canvas colored metal or wood shade structures, seasonally, in back-toback house communities. The proposed architectural criteria for Walker’s Choice were tabled until further review by the South Village Homes Corporation. PresIdent’s reMArks Board President John Driscoll talked about volunteerism in the community. He noted that he had recently attended a Montgomery Village Rotary Club meeting and discussed the role of MVF, as well as answered questions about the master plan and development on the golf course property. Driscoll also recognized several resident volunteers who had recently finished service on MVF committees. He noted that Andwele Worrell stepped down from the Commercial Architectural Review Committee, and that Jeff Brush and Wayne McGovern stepped down after many years of service to the Architectural Review Board (ARB). He presented McGovern with a certificate of appreciation for his dedication to the ARB. eVP rePOrt Executive Vice President Dave Humpton gave the Board a brief overview of the status of the Montgomery Village Master Plan. Humpton acknowledged the prior work and planning by the Board and residents on the Vision 2030 plan as a great investment, noting that the Planning Department used a majority of the document as a starting point for the master plan. He encouraged the Board to endorse the master plan at the Thursday, Sept. 10 Planning Board hearing. Humpton touched on several aspects of the master plan, adding suggested areas for the Board to keep tabs on throughout the rest of the process. He noted the new zoning was the first time in county history that an entire master plan was rezoned, and that the overlay zone would help preserve unique community features, as well as help plan for the future of MVF-owned property. He believes the references to the Professional Center site need attention, making sure that any potential future changes to the Professional Center site be planned carefully with adjoining homes in the Whetstone Homes Corporation. He stressed the importance of making sure the proposed extension of Stewartown Road did not end up as a cut-through, and that the plan’s attention to trails and connectivity were a good move. Humpton also noted the master plan left the option for a new fire station and potential new elementary school sites. Humpton noted the golf course proposed zoning was in keeping with the concept plan endorsed by the MVF Board. treAsUrer’s rePOrt CFO Greg Snellings reported on MVF’s finances for the month of June as well as year-to-date (YTD). Snellings said Net Income for the month is $92,123 and YTD $865,334, both of which are favorable to the budget and mainly due to lower than expected Operating Expenses. Year-to-date Revenue was slightly unfavorable to the budget at $4,089,886, with Assessment Fees, Camps and Classes and Advertising as the driving factors. Previously opened staff positions helped keep YTD Operating Expenses at $3,385,106, which is about $292,000 favorable to the budget. The Balance Sheet shows just over $8.1 million of MVF’s assets in Cash and Investments, continuing the organization’s strong financial position. Snellings noted that investments were performing well given recent volatility in the market. He said the new investment strategy has produced a 1 to 1.5 percent favorable change for MVF. Snellings also said that with the new Collections Policy in place and the pool season half over, MVF is seeing the benefits of these changes. The Delinquency Rate was reported at 8.8 percent, the lowest it has been since 2012; also for the third consecutive quarter, the rate has steadily declined. next MeetIng The next MVF Board of Directors meeting is scheduled for 7 p.m. on Thursday, Aug. 27 in the North Creek Board Room, 20125 Arrowhead Road. This is a joint meeting with the Audit Committee to review the 2016 MVF Draft budget. The meeting is open to the public and residents are encouraged to attend. The meeting begins promptly at 7 p.m. with Residents Time; a regular MVF Board business meeting will follow the joint meeting about the budget. MVF Financial reports - June 2015 OPerAtIng FUnd - stAteMent OF InCOMe & exPense June 2015 For the Period ended June 30, 2015 ytd Jun 2015 June 2015 Actual Budget Variance Actual Budget (Unfav) revenue: Assessments Assessment Fees Transfer Fees Disclosure Fees Advertising revenue Pool Memberships/Rental Fees Camps & Classes Management Fees Capital Contribution fee Other Income total revenue MVF BALAnCe sheet Variance Current Assets 494,094 1,725 3,225 14,909 19,231 37,425 60,823 73,967 14,167 18,611 738,177 494,066 7,506 3,886 13,718 16,364 17,288 53,472 73,580 11,103 13,924 704,908 29 (5,781) (661) 1,191 2,867 20,137 7,351 387 3,064 4,687 33,270 2,964,567 122,789 18,000 78,633 80,235 78,749 169,792 409,673 66,416 60,954 4,049,807 2,964,394 154,961 15,640 58,237 90,058 54,562 242,607 398,657 49,593 61,178 4,089,886 173 (32,172) 2,360 20,396 (9,823) 24,187 (72,815) 11,016 16,823 (224) (40,078) Cash & Cash equiv Investments due from reserves Assessment receivables Other receivables Current Assets gross Fixed Assets Accumulated depreciation Fixed Assets Other Assets Personnel Costs: Salaries & Wages Payroll Taxes & Benefits Personnel Costs Business Expenses Office Supplies Program/Maint Supplies Occupancy Office Expenses/Svc Contracts Equip Maintenance Vehicle Expenses Financial & Legal Insurance Printing Landscape/Maintenance Security Other Operating Costs Contribution to Reserves Contribution to CCF Purchases of Assets Other Equity Transfers Restricted Donations reserve/capital Operating expenses excess/deficit revenue Prior year (Unfav) 291,168 78,338 291,167 81,227 (2) 2,888 1,403,971 432,899 1,500,711 453,684 96,740 20,784 369,507 372,394 2,887 1,836,870 1,954,394 117,524 8,995 5,242 19,775 41,067 18,127 7,260 2,037 7,623 11,649 4,058 82,384 19,201 (147) 227,270 26,128 5,082 18,250 33,303 19,736 13,300 2,103 14,880 12,085 5,900 85,616 14,214 250,597 17,133 (161) (1,525) (7,764) 1,608 6,040 67 7,257 436 1,842 3,232 (4,987) 147 23,326 54,731 18,776 71,024 166,670 131,559 15,828 8,390 69,741 45,354 37,351 366,565 57,277 (152) 1,043,113 97,182 29,175 72,300 136,318 146,970 29,400 12,945 73,805 45,492 39,350 428,092 68,285 1,179,314 42,451 10,399 1,276 (30,352) 15,410 13,572 4,555 4,064 139 1,999 61,527 11,008 152 136,201 82,254 14,167 96,421 82,254 11,103 93,357 0 (3,064) (3,064) 493,525 66,416 (54,818) 505,123 493,525 49,593 543,118 0 (16,823) 54,818 37,995 693,198 716,347 23,149 3,385,106 3,676,826 291,720 44,979 (11,440) 56,419 664,701 413,060 251,641 2,423,784 5,705,546 375,818 763,100 89,208 9,357,455 13,321,902 (7,411,555) 5,910,347 1,898,205 5,797,060 114,174 725,125 74,043 8,608,608 12,647,225 (7,321,867) 5,325,357 44,811 53,242 15,312,613 13,987,208 due to Operating Payables deferred revenue Liab Liabilities 375,818 559,794 495,853 1,431,464 114,174 304,280 428,989 Undesignated reserves designated reserves equity 2,140,470 11,740,674 13,881,144 1,842,147 11,297,616 Liabilities & equity 15,312,613 13,987,208 Assets LIABILItIes & eQUIty Actual Budget 847,444 13,139,763 Operating Fund net Income 300,000 200,000 100,000 (100,000) (200,000) (300,000) (400,000) For complete details and explanations, please refer to the treasurer's report in the MVF Board meeting packet which can be found online at . MontgoMery Village news Friday, august 7, 2015 photos by Mike Conroy in the news Members of the MVF Board of directors, MVF staff, Paradise energy solutions and the Committee on the environment cut the ribbon signifying the start of use of solar panels on Lake Marion Community Center on July 23. schedule for 2016 MVF Budget Process Friday, Aug. 7 Delivery of 2016 budget books thursday, Aug. 27 Presentation of 2016 Proposed Budget 7 p.m. • Joint Audit Committee/MVF Board meeting • Audit Committee: Recommend forwarding 2016 Budget to MVF Board MVF Board Meeting • Opportunity for public comment on 2016 Budget • Approve draft 2016 Budget for Publication Friday, sept. 4 Village News • Publish draft 2016 Budget on MVF website • Publish draft 2016 Budget for 30-day public comment (if approved by MVF Board) thursday, sept. 24 MVF Board Meeting • Opportunity for public comment on 2016 Budget thursday, oct. 22 MVF Board Meeting • Adopt 2016 Budget • Set 2016 Assessment Rates November 2015 • Notify owners of 2016 assessments • Approval of 2016 Assessment Coupon bid All above referenced meetings will take place at 7:30 p.m. in the North Creek Board Room, 20125 Arrowhead Road, unless otherwise noted. MontVillageMD @MontVillageMD 7 8 Friday, august 7, 2015 MontgoMery Village news in the news 6th district Police talk crime and progress with residents think vintage photos for the annual Village Calendar About 50 Village residents attended a meeting on July 22 at North Creek Community Center to get an update on crime statistics in the Village and hear a number of presentations from police personnel and a representative from the Montgomery County State’s Attorney’s Office. Numerous questions were asked by those in attendance as well. Sixth District Commander Willie Parker-Loan noted that crime in general is up from last year in several categories including burglaries and assaults; however, he noted that by year end, with the exception of thefts from autos, he believes crime numbers would only be slightly up from the prior year. He noted that arrests were up as well for the year and that he thought his team was doing an excellent job. Before asking his 6th District team members to present, he asked 5th District Deputy Commander Bob Ravida to talk about body camera implementation in the county. Ravida mentioned that a pilot program had been initiated to test various types of cameras. He showed three types of cameras, one worn on glasses, one worn on the shoulder and one worn in the center of the chest. He mentioned that each had pros and cons, and that officers were providing feedback. Ravida is part of a state-wide commission that is developing rules that will be approved by the state next year before agencies in Maryland can fully Each year, the Montgomery Village Foundation runs a photo contest for our annual calendar, asking residents to highlight their favorite things about living in the Village. These photos usually showcase wildlife, recent events, parks, flower displays and snow scenes. For the 2016 calendar, and in celebration of Montgomery Village’s 50th Anniversary, we are looking to showcase some of the Village’s unique history through submissions of vintage and historical photographs. Residents are asked to submit photographs that may recall historical events or programs, early development of the Village, original Village landmarks or any other nostalgic and “uniquely Montgomery Village” scenes. With resident help, the final calendar will showcase the best of the Village over the last 50 years! The annual calendar contest requires photos that are at least 10”(w) x 8”(h) at 300 dpi (high resolution suitable for commercial printing) in JPG format. Photos must be received by 5 p.m. on Friday, Oct. 2. Two photos will be chosen to represent each month, one large and one small; each entrant can submit up to five photos for the contest. Photos can be e-mailed to, with the appropriate contest name in the subject line. Original photos or those on CD may be dropped off at the MVF Office, 10120 Apple Ridge Road. Please include name, address and phone deploy the cameras. He noted that citizens normally would be notified when the cameras are in use and that the evidence is saved and stored per evidence protocols. He said that the biggest cost of the cameras will be in redacting bystanders who are not part of a crime scene to protect their privacy. Ravida felt that the cameras were an important tool and would protect both the citizens and officers. Commander Parker-Loan introduced a representative from the gang unit, several detectives from the recently formed detective bureau of the 6th District, his deputy commander, and George Simms from the States Attorney’s Office. Several of them gave remarks during the evening. Community Police Officer Scott Zimmerman was in attendance and had brought along many giveaways and promotional materials with crime solving tips on them. Assistant States Attorney George Simms spoke about his agency’s close working relations with the police department and their effort to be proactive with community concerns, trying to address them before they become significant crime or community issues. Specifically, he mentioned the drug court and how it operated, noting that those convicted have to return to court regularly, as well as receiving drug testing and counseling. He noted that John McCarthy was working on S HILLELAGHS THE TRAVEL CLUB CANCUN, MEXICO Nov. 7-14 $1,349 Includes Air from BWI, 7 Nights All-Inclusive Resort with All Meals, Alcoholic Beverages, Entertainment, Transfers, Baggage and Handling. FLORIDA BY MOTOR COACH Jan. 8-19 $2,599 Includes Motor Coach from Rockville or Vienna. 11 Nights Hotel with Daily Breakfast, 2 Lunches and 3 Dinners. Sightseeing, Porterage. ROYAL CARIBBEAN CRUISES FROM BALTIMORE Jan. 24 - Feb. 3 - Western Caribbean - 10 Nights $715 Feb 3-13 - Eastern Caribbean - 10 Nights $725 Carolyn McKenna ● Shillelagh Travel Club 100 East Street #202 ● Vienna, VA 22180 Phone: 703-242-2204 ● Fax: 703-242-2781 the establishment of a mental health court because so many cases, especially minor crimes, involve people with mental health issues. McCarthy also noted that when charges of police officer misconduct or investigations after a shooting by an officer causing death are filed, a new procedure had been put in place to ensure that there were no conflicts of interest. Such cases or incidents would be investigated by the Howard County State’s Attorney’s Office, not the Montgomery County State’s Attorney’s Office. Sergeant Robert Perkins of the District Community Action Team mentioned that he had requested to be part of the team because he had lived in Montgomery Village. He noted that his team focusses on solving crimes generated from community complaints and that they have been very effective. The general manager of Heron’s Cove Condominium thanked the sergeant and his team for dealing with various crime issues in her community, saying that she was most grateful for their work. Parker-Loan also introduced two detectives who were investigating theft from auto cases. The commander said that this type of crime is up over 300 percent from last year. Detective Brandy Molacha said most of the crimes were being perpetuated by teenagers who were just taking advantage of unsecured vehicles. She asked residents to make sure that vehicle doors are locked and that nothing of value be left in a vehicle. She also said victims need to be present in court when the police arrest someone for theft from auto, so that the judges are aware of the impact to victims of such crime. Community Police Officer Scott Zimmerman provided home safety tips and encouraged those in attendance to contact him via e-mail at Scott.zimmerman@montgomery to set up an appointment for a security analysis of their home. Zimmerman also answered many questions before the community meeting ended. MontgoMerY ViLLAge Paper Carriers Village residents age 10 to 18 can visit or call 301-948-0110, ext. 2342 for more information number for identification purposes. For more information or questions, contact Director of Communications Mike Conroy at 301-948-0110, ext. 2331 or e-mail The 50th Anniversary edition of the annual calendar is expected to be delivered with a December issue of the Village News. CALendAr COntest rULes • Photos must be received by MVF by close of business on Friday, Oct. 2, 2015. • 35mm photographs must be in color and no smaller than 3” x 5” in size. • Digital photographs must be 300 dpi in JPG format. • Digital photographs must be at least 8” x 10” in size. • Digital photographs will not be accepted in print. • Original photographs will be returned to contributors after they are scanned; CDs, disks and other materials received will not be returned to contributors. • Entrants may submit up to five photographs. • Photographs must be of Montgomery Village scenes, seasons or events from the last 50 years. • All photographs are subject to the policies and by-laws set forth by the Montgomery Village Foundation, Inc., Board of Directors. MontgoMery Village news Friday, august 7, 2015 in the news the MArYLAnd-nAtionAL CAPitAL PArK And PLAnning CoMMission notiCe oF PUbLiC heAring PUbLiC heAring drAFt oF the MontgoMerY ViLLAge MAster PLAn An AMendMent to the 1985 gAithersbUrg ViCinitY MAster PLAn The following is information taken from the Recent News Summaries of the Montgomery County Police Department. The report is not a complete listing of every incident. ArMed rOBBery An armed robbery occurred near the intersection of Butterwick Way and East Village Avenue on Monday, July 13 at 4:45 p.m. The victim was assaulted by two suspects. Property was taken. Suspects: 2 B/M, ages between 20 and 30 years An armed robbery occurred at Ed DeSimon Park on July 18 at 2:40 p.m. The victim was assaulted by the suspects. Property and cash were taken. Suspects: 2 B/Ms, both age 18 resIdentIAL BUrgLAry A residential burglary occurred in the 18000 block of Walkers Choice Road on July 9 between 4:50 and 5 p.m. No forced entry; nothing taken. Insuring your life helps protect their future. Jane W Reilly Ins Agcy Inc Jane Warfield Reilly, Agent 19636 Club House Road, Suite 120 Montgomery Village, MD 20886 Bus: 301-948-6061 It can also provide for today. I’ll show you how a life insurance policy with living benefits can help your family with both long-term and short-term needs. We put the life back in life insurance. CALL ME TODAY. ™ State Farm Life Insurance Company (Not licensed in MA, NY or WI) State Farm Life and Accident Assurance Company (Licensed in NY and WI) Bloomington, IL 1311023 Pursuant to the Land Use Article of the Annotated Code of Maryland and Chapters 24A and 33A of the Montgomery County Code, the Montgomery County Planning Board of THE MARYLANDNATIONAL CAPITAL PARK AND PLANNING COMMISSION hereby gives notice that it will hold a public hearing on the Public Hearing Draft Montgomery Village Master Plan, being also an amendment to the 1985 Gaithersburg Vicinity Master Plan, as amended. When adopted, the Plan will also amend The General Plan (On Wedges and Corridors) for the Physical Development of the Maryland-Washington Regional District in Montgomery and Prince George’s Counties and the Master Plan of Highways and Transitways, as amended. thursday, september 10, from 7 to 9 p.m. at the Council hearing room of the Montgomery County Council building 100 Maryland Avenue, Rockville, Maryland The Plan makes recommendations for land use and zoning within the Montgomery Village Master Plan area as well as recommendations intended to improve overall circulation, pedestrian connections and the network of bikeways, community facilities, land use and environment for approximately 2,435 acres generally east of MD 355, south of Warfield Road, west of Woodfield Drive and north of the City of Gaithersburg. Copies of the Public Hearing Draft Plan are available online at or at the Commission's Montgomery Regional Office Building at 8787 Georgia Avenue, Silver Spring, Maryland, or at the Gaithersburg Public Library at 18330 Montgomery Village Avenue, Gaithersburg. The purpose of the public hearing is to provide an opportunity for all interested persons to express their views. Persons wishing to testify in person at the public hearing are requested to notify the Planning Department’s Public Information Line at 301-495-4605, or sign up to speak at the hearing using on-line registration at The Maryland-National Capital Park and Planning Commission encourages the involvement and participation of all individuals in the community, including those with disabilities, in the planning and review processes. In accordance with the requirements of Title II of the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990 (“ADA”), the Maryland-National Capital Park and Planning Commission (M-NCPPC) will not discriminate against qualified individuals with disabilities on the basis of disability in its services, programs or activities. M-NCPCC works to make its facilities and materials accessible and to hold public meetings in locations that are, likewise, accessible. M-NCPPC will generally provide, upon request, appropriate aids and services and make reasonable modifications to policies and programs for qualified persons with disabilities (e.g. large print materials, listening devices, sign language interpretation, etc.) For assistance with such requests, please contact the M-NCPPC Montgomery County Commissioner’s Office, at least a week in advance, at 301-495-4600 or at mcp-chair@mncppc-mc. org. Maryland residents can also use the free Maryland Relay Service for assistance with calls to or from hearing or speech impaired persons; for information, go to or call 866-269-9006. Written testimony may be submitted to: Chair, Montgomery County Planning Board, 8787 Georgia Avenue, Silver Spring, Maryland 20910. E-mail testimony may be submitted to THE MARYLAND-NATIONAL CAPITAL PARK AND PLANNING COMMISSION Gwen Wright, Director MVF Pools Fall schedule August 31 - september 7 Location Lake Marion Whetstone stedwick Aug. 31 – sept. 4 3:30 - 7:30 pm 3:30 - 7:30 pm 12 - 7:30 pm sept. 5 & sept. 6 12 - 7:30 pm 12 - 7:30 pm 12 - 7:30 pm Closed Open daily Open daily Open daily sept. 7 12 - 6 pm 12 - 6 pm 12 - 7:30 pm stedwick Pool Late Fall schedule september 9 - september 7 Weekday hours Closed 3:30 - 7:30 pm Mon & tues Weekend hours 12 - 7:30 pm sept. 27 12 - 6 pm 9 10 Friday, august 7, 2015 MontgoMery Village news saturdays thru Oct. 31 | 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. Buy Local. Buy Fresh. Christ the servant Lutheran Church 9801 Centerway road, Montgomery Village, Md 20886 Abundant grace Farm Vegetables, peaches, apples, pears, berries, herbs Allen’s Apiary Honey, creamed and finely granulated honey, beeswax candles, honey oatmeal soap LM Arnold Flowers Fresh cut flowers and bouquets Only nuts Honey roasted almonds, pecans and peanuts Pleitez Produce Bushdogs Maryland Crab cakes, Cream of Crab Soup, Maryland Crab Soup, shrimp cocktail and salad, various sausages, Smith Island Cake, Tropical Pound Cakes Canela Bakery Artisan breads, empanadas, danishes, cookies, European and Mexican breads Carolina squeeze Fresh squeezed lemonade with local berry puree diaz Berries & Veggies Tomatoes, peppers, peaches, strawberries, raspberries, red, black, tay and golden berries, broccoli, potatoes, beets, apples, spinach, snow peas, beans, summer squash, winter squash, sweet potatoes, turnips, pears, lettuce, cucumbers, watermelons, herbs, onions, garlic, shallots Freeman Fine Foods Master Freeman’s Anything Sauce holy Crêpes Food truck Sweet and savory crêpes and paninis Asparagus, arugula, beans, beets, cabbage, carrots, corn, cucumbers, herbs, peas, peaches, peppers, spinach, strawberries, tomatoes, watermelons Raffle Calendar Aug. 8 - Fetter’s Fruit Farm rights of Man Farm Organic Meats: goat, chicken, pork beef and eggs. Organic vegetables rock hill Orchard Milk, sheep’s milk cheese and flower bouquets Special Winery Dates the Jk Farm Elk Run Vineyards Valencia’s Produce Cove Point Winery Grass feed beef and lamb products Asparagus, beans, berries, broccoli, carrots, hanging baskets, herbs, leeks, lettuce, melons, okra, peas, peppers, pumpkins, zucchini tony Fetters Fruit Farm Apples, peaches, nectarines, plums, apricots, cherries, tomatoes, cucumbers, apple cider, pears, blueberries, blackberries, raspberries, grapes, strawberries, asparagus, peppers, cantaloupes, fruit butter, apple juice, sweet and spicy salsa, jam and jelly Sept. 5 and Oct. 31 Aug. 8, Aug. 29, Sept. 12, Sept. 26 and Oct. 10 Great Shoals Winery Aug.15, Aug. 22, Sept. 19, Oct. 17 and Oct. 24 • MontgoMery Village news Friday, august 7, 2015 ArChiteCtUrAL stAndArds Air conditioning information you should know by Presidential Heating and Air Conditioning Did you know that wellmaintained air conditioning units last longer, perform more reliably, and deliver better performance than those that are poorly maintained? PerFOrMAnCe The performance of your air conditioner will suffer if it is not properly maintained. An air conditioning service company will thoroughly check the condensate drains, coils, and coil fins to ensure everything is functioning properly. Clogged filters reduce AC unit performance, so change them once per month during cooling season. energy Use A poorly maintained air conditioner is inefficient. In fact, the Department of Energy found that replacing a dirty air filter with a clean one can lower your air conditioning unit’s energy use up to 15 percent. The money you spend on higher energy bills could be used to pay for AC maintenance instead. UnIt LIFe A routinely maintained air conditioning unit will last considerably longer than one that is neglected. When debris builds up in the filter, condenser, or coils, the air conditioning unit must work harder. Over time, this takes a toll on the air conditioner and causes the parts to wear out faster. rePAIr BILLs Basic AC maintenance, such as cleaning the condenser coils, replacing dirty filters, and inspecting for leaks, can prevent serious problems down the road. The cost of preventable AC repairs is typically much higher than the cost of having the unit thoroughly maintained every year. reLIABILIty air conditioning needs to be replaced. Over time, AC systems lose some of their operational effectiveness and have to work harder in order to keep the house cool, leading to energy bill increases. While repairs can temporarily fix this issue, the best way to deal with it is to get a new AC system. 2. Age: Is your air conditioner more than 10 years old? If so, you should definitely consider replacing it. Older air conditioners are typically very inefficient and simply do not work as well as newer models. By replacing your old air conditioner with an energy-efficient system, you can save money on your monthly electricity bills and keep your house more comfortable as well. 3. Uneven Heating and Cooling: When air conditioners age, they lose their ability to maintain an even temperature throughout the house. This causes some rooms to be hotter or colder than others, which can be irksome for homeowners. If you have noticed this problem occurring in your house, there is a strong likelihood that your air conditioner is failing and needs to be replaced. 4. Constant repairs: Older air conditioners have frequent mechanical problems that need to be repaired, ranging from refrigerant leaks to frozen coils. If this sounds like your AC unit, you probably need to replace it. By getting a new air conditioner, you will not only save money on repair costs, but also have a more reliable system that works when you need it to. Presidential Heating & Air Conditioning of Gaithersburg is a locally owned and operated HVAC service and repair specialist, with more than 32 years of experience. For more helpful, money-saving tips as well as regular inspection and maintenance programs, call Presidential at 301-670-0851 or visit www.PresidentialHeat Sparsely maintained air conditioning units are more likely to break down, requiring an AC technician to come to your home and fix it before it begins working again. To avoid dealing with the hassle and discomfort of a broken air conditioner, keep up with AC maintenance. FOUr sIgns thAt yOUr AIr COndItIOnIng UnIt MAy need tO Be rePLACed Air conditioners can run for years. But, like all appliances, air conditioning units eventually wear out and stop working as effectively. Here are a few of the signs that show that your air conditioning system may need to be replaced. 1. energy bill increases: Energy bills usually become more expensive during the summertime. However, if you’ve noticed a steady increase in your heating and cooling costs, there’s a possibility that your SAME DAY REPAIRS GOSHEN CROSSING 20050 Goshen Rd. Gaithersburg (MOST CARS) Under New Ownership Under New Management Garage Open Mechanics on Duty 301-977-3200 State Inspection 4995 $ AIR CONDITIONING REPAIRS OIL CHANGE & FILTER 19.95 $ SYNTHETIC OIL CHANGE 49.95 $ Up to 5 Quarts of Oil (Most Cars & Trucks) Up to 5 Quarts of Oil (Most Cars & Trucks) Coupons may not be combined with any other offer. Expires 9/30/15. Must present coupon at time of service. Coupons may not be combined with any other offer. Expires 9/30/15. Must present coupon at time of service. 11 12 Friday, august 7, 2015 MontgoMery Village news hoMes CorPorAtions Homes Corporations & Condominium assoCiations East VillagE Echo WhEtstonE Watch Whetstone Whales season wrap up by the Whetstone Board of Directors Another fantastic Whetstone Whales swim season has come to an end. Whetstone placed second overall in Division K, and will remain in the same division for 2016. In a strange season where it seemed to rain every Saturday morning, Whetstone won three dual meets but only lost its other two regular meets by mere points. The Manor Woods meet came down to a 7-point loss and the Somerset meet was lost by a single point! The Whales also enjoyed great success at this year's Relay Carnival where they pulled off a decisive win. Then again almost pulling off another big win in the Divisional Meet, they came in second place, only being beat out by Somerset in another very close score. Whetstone Whales hosted the Division K meet at Whetstone Pool this year. This was one of two significant MCSL events held at the pool since its opening last year. These large events where all six teams are brought together take a massive amount of planning and coordination by Team Reps and hard working volunteers. Except for a strange morning thunderstorm (couldn't let the season end without rain), the divisional meet was a huge success. Food sales, raffles and a silent auction all contributed to a successful and profitable swim meet. The Whales team plans to put in their bid for hosting Division K next year, as well. For those of you who may no longer frequent Whetstone Pool or haven't done so recently, the Whales Swim Team now proudly displays over 45 years of success in their brand new trophy case. The trophies were stored and forgotten about for many years, and it wasn't until renovations at the pool required the team to clean out the storage closet, Homes corporation and condominium association articles are provided by representatives or board members from the corporations and associations. The information and opinions provided within these articles do not necessarily reflect the views of the Montgomery Village Foundation, its Board of Directors, representatives or staff. Residents with specific questions or concerns about the information contained in these articles should contact their community manager or the author of the article. uncovering many of these gems that sat in boxes gathering dust. The trophies have been cleaned up and placed on display behind the attendant’s desk. The top shelf is home to some of the earliest awards dating as far back as 1969. For current Whale families and Whale Alumni, Whales Swim Team is asking for donations to go towards the purchase of this trophy case which was 100 percent financed by the team; please visit www.whetstone and select the "contact us" tab to send a message to the Team Representative and they will follow up with instructions on how to donate. LAke WhetstOne UPdAte Dredging operations have now begun on the lake after several weeks of equipment set up. This operation is expected to last into the early winter as they expect to remove approximately 20,000 cubic yards of silt from the bottom of the lake. Expectations are that anywhere from 20 to 30 dump truck loads per day will be loaded and hauled off. The last time Lake Whetstone was dredged was 1986. tree WOrk This year's batch of dead or dying trees is in the process of being taken down. Tree replacements will wait for an ideal planting season, typically in the spring. If you wish to see the street tree replacement plan, please visit our webpage at, go to the “Communities” menu and select “Whetstone” from the list of communities. The next Whetstone board meeting is scheduled for 7:30 p.m. on Thursday, Sept. 10 in the North Creek Board Room, 20125 Arrowhead Road. whetstone watch: for residents of the Courts, goshenside, Lakeside and the Ridges of whetstone. knowing who to contact by Scott R. Dyer East Village Homes Corporation (EVHC) contracts community management services through the Montgomery Village Foundation (MVF). Residents should use the following contact information for questions, requests, concerns or kudos, so that all correspondence is logged and tracked for response. For inperson contact, visit the MVF Office, 10120 Apple Ridge Road and ask for EVHC Community Manager April Steward; for mailed letters send to: Attn: East Village Homes Corporation, Montgomery Village Foundation, 10120 Apple Ridge Road, Montgomery Village, MD 20886; for e-mail correspondence send to eastvillage; call 301-948-0110, ext. 2344; message us through the EVHC facebook page at; or attend a scheduled EVHC Board of Directors meeting and speak during residents time. neW COrPOrAte seCretAry Liana Roberts recently became East Village Homes Corporation’s Corporate Secretary. Liana brings many years of customer service experience, specifically in property management. We are excited for her to join our team, working with Community Manager April Steward. MAIntenAnCe UPdAtes tree pruning in the estates – At the July Board meeting, EVHC awarded the Brickman Group the contract to prune 55 Pink Oak street lining trees, along Dry Ridge Road, within the Estates neighborhood. Lewisberry Drive safety improvements – Pedestrian safety and traffic calming improvements are scheduled to be completed by Montgomery County by the end of summer, in response to concerns raised by the EVHC Board of Directors. Changes along Lewisberry Drive include the installation of pedestrian crosswalks at Laurel Valley Lane and Fountain Valley Drive that will extend the width of the road. MCDOT will also install 3-foot by 3-foot “islands” on the curbs to narrow the road and insure that drivers slow down to all for pedestrian crossing. Additional pedestrian signage will be posted along Lewisberry Drive. trash rules and regulations – EVHC reminds residents that both Montgomery County and EVHC require all trash to be placed in “vermin-proof” containers. EVHC trash collection days are Tuesdays and Fridays, recycling collection is only on Fridays, and trash and recycling containers should be placed out after 7 p.m. the night before collection. BOArd MeetIng tUesdAy, sePt. 15 The next EVHC Board of Directors meeting is scheduled for 7:30 p.m. on Tuesday, Sept. 15 at Lake Marion Community Center, 8821 East Village Avenue. As always, these meetings are open to public, and each meeting begins with residents time for residents to ask questions or make comments; comments are limited to three minutes to allow time for all residents to speak. The agenda includes a review of the Draft EVHC 2016 Budget. COMMUnIty PICnIC sAtUrdAy, sePt. 19 East Village residents should mark their calendars for the East Village Homes Corporation’s Annual Community Appreciation Picnic. This year’s picnic will be held from 11 a.m. to 2 p.m. on Sat- urday, Sept. 19 at Lake Marion Community Center, 8821 East Village Avenue, rain or shine, with plenty of free parking and fun for all ages. Come for great food, activities, music and more! Don’t miss this opportunity to mingle with fellow residents, elected officials (EVHC/ MVF/County/State/Federal), MVF Community Management, our landscape contractor Brickman Group and other special guests including the Laytonsville District Volunteer Fire Department and the Montgomery County Police Department. eAst VILLAge COMMUnICAtIOns Sign up to receive e-mail communications (upcoming events, news, important notices, etc.) from East Village Homes Corporation by e-mailing and include the subject, “Register.” Also check out the EVHC facebook page by visiting www., or searching “East Village Homes Corporation;” be sure to “Like” our page to receive updates. Our Community Manager and the EVHC Board of Directors always want to hear from residents; if you have questions, suggestions or just kudos, please e-mail eastvillagehc@, or call 301-948-0110, ext. 2344. east Village echo: for residents of the downs, the reach, the estates, essex Place ii, Candle Ridge, Gablefield, Glenbrooke, Meadowgate, Ashford, holly Pointe and Wethersfield. hEron’s coVE condominium heron’s Cove Condominium annual meeting In accordance with Section 50206 of the Maryland Corporation and Association Code, notice is hereby given that a subsequent annual meeting will be held on Thursday, Aug. 27 at 7:30 p.m. at 19101 Mills Choice Road. Those members of the association present will constitute a quorum and a majority of those present will have the authority to decide any and all proposed actions. MontgoMery Village news Friday, august 7, 2015 hoMes CorPorAtions north VillagE ViEW Widening Wightman road by the North Village Board of Directors The Montgomery County Planning Department, part of the Maryland-National Capital Park and Planning Commission, presented the Working Draft of the Montgomery Village Master Plan to the Montgomery County Planning Board on Thursday, July 23. Pending the board's approval, a public hearing for the Montgomery Village Master Plan is scheduled for Thursday, Sept. 10, at which time community residents and property owners can testify about the plan. A public notice about the hearing will be sent when the date and location are confirmed. Your board of directors recommends that you take a look at this document, which is available online at www.mont montgomery_village. The biggest concern to your board of directors is that the Working Draft proposes that Wightman Road be widened to four lanes with a 100-foot rightof-way. It was thought that this option had been successfully defeated when an earlier attempt by the MidCounty Cor- ridor Study to widen Wightman Road under Alternative 4-Modified was rejected. But now, as proposed by the Master Plan Working Draft, this is again under consideration. The widening of Goshen Road is already approved as a Capital Improvement Project (CIP), the plan originally calling for a six-lane road that has since been reduced to four lanes. We note, however, that a footnote in the plan indicates that this may be seen as only an interim solution. As they widen Goshen Road, we know they must fix the intersection of Goshen Road and Wightman Road to provide safe and adequate turn lanes, and we believe that these changes should go only as far as the intersection with Montgomery Village Avenue. The problem with this proposed widening of Wightman and Goshen roads, and by implication, Brink Road, is that it will cause serious disruption to our established communities. Such disruptions were documented and rejected in the evaluation of Alternative 4-Modified to the MidCounty Corridor Study. Some key pages to note in the Draft Master Plan are: Pages 64 and 65 – Table 1 lists the proposed classifications for the Master Plan of Highways and Transitways (MPOHT) network within the Montgomery Village Master Plan area. Wightman Road is listed as a four-lane highway with a 100foot right-of-way. Page 66 – This page contains a map of the planned Village streets showing Wightman and Brink roads as planned fourlane arterials. Page 79 – This page contains a list of proposed Capital Improvement Projects, with widening Wightman Road listed as Number 2 out of 29 proposals. Now is the time to make your voices heard. The proposed Wightman Road right-of-way is only 5 feet narrower than that proposed in Alternative 4-Modified, and the noise, visual effect and traffic confusion will be just as bad. Effectively, this is Alternative 4-Modified in disguise—so we all need to oppose it vociferously and unanimously. Your board of directors will be working with our neighboring communities in an effort to modify or eliminate the Wightman Road enlargement and limit the Goshen Road widening. newly paved corner of Aspenwood Lane and Chadburn Place street PAVIng The repaving of the streets and parking areas in McRory and Salem’s Grant has been completed, and the results are very good as you can see from the photo above. Our contractor, Chamberlain Construction, also did an excellent job of painting the curbs and striping the parking areas. The project enhances the beauty and functionality of our communities. next MeetIngs Aug. 13, at 6 p.m. The next regular board meeting is scheduled for 7 p.m. on Thursday, Aug. 20 in the North Creek Board Room, 20125 Arrowhead Road. If you have any questions or want to report any problems, call Community Manager April Steward at 301-948-0110, ext. 2344. north Village View: for residents of essex Place, highland hall, Mcrory, Perry Place, Picton, Pleasant ridge and salem’s grant. The North Village Board of Directors is meeting to draft the 2016 budget on Thursday, stEdWick signals going on a vacation? never do this! by Michael J. Gronsky I never thought about this, because I am not a user of the many social networking sites like Facebook, Instagram and Twitter. But millions of individuals are. And a recent news report I saw stated that users post comments on their personal pages in advance of their vacations like “I can’t wait until next week when I’m in Bermuda for a whole month!” So when criminals view these postings, guess what they hear—“ca-ching!” And you return to a potentially burglarized house. Please wait until after you are back home to gloat about your wonderful vacation and post all the pictures of your adventures. Also, while you are gone, put the mail and newspaper on hold, and ask a trusted neighbor to watch your house for the Village News or any other publications or packages left at your residence. Take-out menus stuck in the front door are another clear indication of an unoccupied home. Put a timer on your lights, and ask your neighbor to walk around the house every few days to make sure all doors and win- dows are secure. Finally, give both family members and your neighbor a trip itinerary and a contact phone number in case of an emergency. Ok, now that all is in order, you can really enjoy your trip to Bermuda with peace of mind. Why dO PrIVAte PrOPerty MAIntenAnCe? Did you recently receive a Private Property Maintenance letter? Do not feel singled out, so did I (just so you know the program is fair). So, why do we do it? We do these inspections (hopefully) to bring small matters to your attention before they become much larger issues for you as a homeowner. These are the items we basically look for: noticeable peeling paint; cracking, splitting or rotted wood; missing or damaged shutters; broken or missing windows; split rail fences with missing parts or significant damage or wood rot or significant leaning; damaged or missing gutters or downspouts; and outside decks that are damaged or in disrepair. For landscaping and yard maintenance, we follow the county code on grass mowing which is that the grass not exceed 12 inches, and we ask that the yard (both front and back) be substantially free of any stored items. For “stored items” we mean things that are not seasonal. Like a couch in the backyard, and believe me, we have seen that and many more “interesting” items. next BOArd MeetIng The next Stedwick board meeting is scheduled for 7:30 p.m. on Wednesday, Aug. 19 at Stedwick Community Center, 10401 Stedwick Road. Residents time is the first order of business, which is your time to share any ideas, comments or concerns on the community in which you live. In the meantime, if you have an issue, please contact your Stedwick Homes Corporation community management team at 301948-0110, ext. 2326, or e-mail Until next time, folks… Stedwick Signals: for residents of Club hill, Clusters of stedwick I, II, III, Forest Brooke, Frenchton Place, the heights and The Ridges of Stedwick. Community Criteria for exterior features on all homes in Montgomery Village is available online at 13 14 Friday, august 7, 2015 MontgoMery Village news hoMes CorPorAtions middlE VillagE VoicE reserved Parking in effect for Middle Village by the Middle Village Board of Directors The Reserved Parking and Towing Policy was approved by the Middle Village Board of Directors and went into effect on August 1. Each home has been assigned one reserved parking space. The notices were sent last week. There were a small handful of spaces on Brassie Way that were reassigned to get them closer to the home entrances. The revised assignments were mailed earlier this week. Reserved parking hang tags will be mailed to each home within the next few weeks. The tag number will correspond to your assigned reserved parking space. To view the Reserved Parking and Towing Policy, please visit the Comsource website at www. grACe PerIOd FOr tOWIng In an effort to give some neighbors an opportunity to adjust to reserved parking, towing for Reserved Parking violations will not be enforced during the month of August. Towing will continue for all other vehicle violations. Effective Tuesday, Sept. 1, those parked in the incorrect reserved parking space will be towed without notice. All other parking violations are subject to towing as per the Parking Policy. nOn-COMMerCIAL VAns The Reserved Parking Policy language includes a change for non-commercial vans (cargo vans without factory installed windows on both sides and rear or without factory-installed seating for more than the driver). These vehicles are only permitted to park in the reserved parking space assigned to that owner. If they are parked in any other space, including unmarked spaces, they will be immediately towed without notice. This change will take effect on Tuesday, Sept. 1. If you have more than one cargo van, you must park the others on the street. seCUrIty Security On Demand (SOD) provides security services to Middle Village on a nightly basis. Feel free to introduce yourself to the guards when you see them in the community and share any security concerns. Please call 1-877-241-1265 to report loitering or trash dumping in the community, or if you need someone to walk you to your vehicle at night. There is a live operator 24/7 who can assist you. Please continue to call 911 in the event of an emergency. tree reMOVAL The board has approved tree removal and maintenance work northgatE nEWs Curb painting update by Jane L. Hatch The painting of curbs, fire lanes and reserved parking spaces began in Overlea on July 27. If the weather cooperated, Overlea should be completed by the time you are reading this. The board wants to thank the residents who helped by door knocking and reminders to neighbors about moving their cars out of the way. Great job! Painting will proceed in Dorsey’s Regard, McKendree II, McKendree I, Shadow Oak and Apple Ridge, in that order. The work is scheduled to be completed by the end of August. Mead Tree is on site removing dead, dying and otherwise problematic trees. McFall & Berry will be clearing debris out of all storm drains during August, per their contract. We want to be ahead of hurricane season. Some drains may need more than simple debris removal, at which point we bring in a contractor to flush them out. The board is waiting on additional bids for concrete work. A contract should be awarded in the next two months. The board made a report to the police on May 13 regarding speeding on Shadow Oak Drive. We were advised it was turned over to the Traffic Unit. We ask all residents not to speed on community streets. Finally, the International Space Station made a clear pass over us on Friday, July 31. It was visible for six minutes at 51 degrees, appearing first in the southwest sky. If you are interested in viewing the space station, you can sign up for viewing alerts at http://spot Just a fun note to end on. northgate news: for residents of Apple Ridge, Dorsey's Regard, McKendree I & II, Overlea, The Points, Shadow Oak and williams range. throughout Middle Village. The work is expected to be completed within the next two weeks by an arborist contractor, The Care of Trees. The primary focus will be on trees that are encroaching on homeowner property. BULk trAsh Bulk trash is becoming an increasingly troubling issue in Middle Village. The community pays additional money for trash pickup when prohibited items are dumped in the community. The excessive amount of trash that is cleaned from the community weekly is one of the items that will likely lead to an assessment increase in 2016, as hundreds of dollars are spent monthly because of dumping. Please call Comsource at 301924-7355 to report anyone you see dumping prohibited items in the community or putting bulk trash out other than on Monday or Thursday nights. The cleanliness of our community is the re- sponsibility of all Middle Village residents. Potomac Disposal will pick up bulk trash on Tuesdays and Fridays when they collect the regular trash at no additional cost to the community. Contact Potomac Disposal at 301-2949700 to inform them of bulk items such as furniture. Bulk pickups can also be scheduled online at www.potomacdisposal. com. trAsh COLLeCtIOn Trash is collected on Tuesdays and Fridays. You can place trash in your verminproof can with lid tightly closed after 9 p.m. on Monday for Tuesday’s pickup, and after 9 p.m. on Thursday for Friday’s pickup. Recycling is collected on Wednesdays. Place your recycling bin out by 7 a.m. on Wednesday morning for pickup. Please put your address on all recycle and trash cans. Any trash cans left out on non-pickup days that do not have addresses on them, will be removed and discarded. OnLIne ACCess Contact your landlord to obtain access to association information via the website if you are a tenant or want to receive community information via e-mail. You can view community documents, including parking regulations, at www. Contact Shirley Umali at 301-924-7355 if you have questions, or are an owner and want to register. next BOArd MeetIng There is no board meeting in August. The next meeting is scheduled for 7 p.m. on Tuesday, Sept. 22 in the Thomas Choice Clubhouse, 19401 Brassie Place. Middle Village Voice: for residents of thomas Choice west and Clubside. south VillagE scEnEs Parking changes during lake dredging by the South Village Board of Directors By now, residents in the area of Islandside Drive in Dockside, whose parking spaces have been affected by the lake dredging operations, will have received a pair of small yellow parking permit cards for their vehicles. During the dredging operation, we’re going to temporarily lose a number of spaces to make room for vehicles and equipment supporting operations at Lake Whetstone. Therefore, the usually tight parking conditions will pass a critical point. To make sure that residents get a fair-share chance at the available parking resources, the board has voted to protect residents and their guests by allowing vehicles with the displayed ID cards preferred access to the remaining parking bays. Vehicles originating outside that area and parked in the common parking bays (as opposed to private driveways) will be subject to towing and increased enforcement efforts during the dredging operations. In short, for the duration of operations, no parking pass means no parking in the designated bays. If you are a resident in one of the affected areas and have not received your parking pass, please contact Community Manager Andrea Mandato at 301-948-0110. WALkIng On BrOken gLAss In our case, it’s not an Annie Lennox cover from a 1990s nostalgia band. A number of residents have recently brought to our attention an increase in the amount of broken glass along some of the community pathways, mostly from broken liquor and beer bottles. While both South Village Homes Corporation (SVHC) and the Montgomery Village Foundation (MVF) try to police their paths, there are other public walkways (such as the pedestrian tunnel) that we don’t maintain. However, there should be no reason to have problems in the first place. Shards of glass create a hazard for the landscaping crews and residents alike (they can be ejected as dangerous projectiles during mowing operations), for walkers (especially women and children in the summer season of open shoes) and for animals and wildlife. There is no excuse for this kind of negligence. Trash receptacles are provided along the major MVF paths and packing your empty containers out is a basic sign of civilization. stAy InFOrMed ABOUt the MOntgOMery VILLAge ZOnIng ChAnges We are also part of the wider Montgomery Village community, which is undergoing substantial change and will for the next decade or so. Part of that process is the complete revision of the 50-year-old zoning code for the Village. In the last weeks, Maryland-National Capital Park and Planning has published a draft zoning code for the Montgomery Village area. If you haven’t been able to make one of the public meetings, you might consider participating by first informing yourself about what is being proposed, which can be found online at www.montgomery gomery_village. sChOLArshIP OPPOrtUnItIes At MOntgOMery COLLege If you or someone you know wants to attend Montgomery College and is worried about funding, there are new scholarship programs from the MC Foundation and WDCE Maryland under the terms of the Maryland Community Fellow Program. Scholarship funding may be as high as $9,000 per academic year. There are a number of individual programs, with deadlines starting Monday, Aug. 10. For more information, Gloria Bonilla, Advisor, Office of Advancement and Community Engagement, 40 West Gude Drive #110, Rockville, MD 20850, call 240-567-4367 or e-mail gloria.bonilla@mont south Village scenes: for residents of Center Stage, Dockside, Grover's Forge, Hamptons, Millrace, Nathan's Hill and Walker's Choice. MontgoMery Village news Friday, august 7, 2015 At YoUr LeisUre ease on down the road with “the Wiz” at the Arts Barn In partnership with ANKH Repertory Theatre and The Finest! Performance Foundation, Inc., Arts on the Green presents “The Wiz,” a modern musical version of “The Wonderful Wizard of Oz” by L. Frank Baum. The show runs now through Sunday, Aug. 23, with performances on Fridays and Saturdays at 8 p.m. and Sundays at 2 p.m. at the Arts Barn, 311 Kent Square Road, Gaithersburg. Admission is $22, $12 for children 14 and under. This show is appropriate for ages 7 and older. “The Wiz” is a retelling of Baum’s “The Wonderful Wizard of Oz” in the context of African-American culture with a dazzling, lively mixture of rock, gospel and soul music. This timeless tale turned modern musical tells the story of Dorothy, a restless Kansas farm girl who is transported by a tornado to a magical world of Munchkins, witches and a yellow brick road. On her way to the Emerald City to meet the Wizard of Oz, she encounters the Scarecrow, Tin Man and Cowardly Lion— friends who help her battle the Wicked Witch of the West and eventually learn that there really is “no place like home.” The 1975 Broadway production won seven Tony Awards, including Best Musical, and in 1978 was released as a feature film starring Diana Ross, Michael Jackson, Lena Horne and Richard Pryor. The musical is known for Ross’ rendition of the show-stopping “Ease on Down the Road.” “Radiates so much energy you can hardly sit in your seat...great fun,” says The New York Post. silver spring/takoma Park seasonal Walk The Seneca Valley Sugarloafers Volksmarch Club is sponsoring a seasonal, selfguided Silver Spring/Takoma Park walk now through Wednesday, Sept. 30. The 5km/10km Silver Spring trails, rated 2A, are on sidewalks through downtown Silver Spring’s retail area and residential areas. The 6km/10km Takoma Park trails, rated 2A, are on sidewalks through the south end of Silver Spring and into Historic Takoma Park. The 10km has one steep hill and includes the border crossing into Washington, D. C. Create additional distance by combining individual loops. It is suitable for strollers and for wheelchairs. Walkers must register for the walk at the “Start Box” at Safeway, 909 Thayer Avenue, Silver Spring. This walk is for daylight hours only. The walk is free; Volksmarch credit is $3. Restrooms are available in Safeway, Whole Foods and other places noted in the walking instructions. Pets are allowed but must be leashed at all times during the walk; walkers must clean up after pets. Pets are not allowed in the shops or other buildings unless otherwise noted. For more information, contact Maribeth Evans at 301-9465496 or e-mail gammie0612@ kehilat shalom to hold annual yard sale Kehilat Shalom will be holding its annual yard sale on Sunday, Aug. 9 (rain date Sunday, Aug. 16), from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. Spaces are available to rent to sell your items, or you may donate goods to Kehilat Shalom to sell to benefit the congregation. Kehilat Shalom is located at 9915 Apple Ridge Road. To arrange to drop off donated items or to find out how to rent a space, call 301-869-7699 or e-mail Arts on the Green is the City of Gaithersburg’s premier center for the performing and visual arts. Join us before the show and enjoy wine by the glass, Flying Dog beer and non-alcoholic beverages in a bistro setting. The Pub is open one hour before the show and during intermission. For tickets and information call 301-258-6394 or visit www. dance with deAnne to hold open house Dance with DeAnne is hosting an open house on Saturday, Aug. 29, from 9 a.m. to noon at Rocky Hill Middle School, 22401 Brick Haven Way, Clarksburg. Directed by DeAnne Post, the program offers dance lessons in the Cocchetti graded system of ballet, the Al Gilbert style of tap, numerous styles of jazz and popular preschool combo classes for dancers ages 3 to 18 years, for beginner to advanced level. All classes are held at the Dance Center located inside Rocky Hill Middle School, which provides dancers with mirrors, barres and wonderful hardwood flooring. Classes begin the week of September 14 and continue for 30 weeks until the end of May 2016. Stop by during “Open House/On-Site Registration” to meet new classmates, work a dance puzzle, see scrapbooks of past years, challenge yourself on the “Ballet Wheel” and watch videos of past recitals. Students will receive a free gift when registered. Bring along a friend or neighbor to share in the fun! For more information, call 301-972-6600 or visit www. facebook: MontVillageMD Twitter: @MontVillageMD Now Hiring: Lead Teachers and Teacher Assistants. Visit our website for details and forms. Here at Li’l Village, we are creating an environment of learning, exploration and discovery…and we are excited to be doing it in Montgomery Village. From infancy through five years old, Li’l Village will be a place where your child can enjoy the experience of learning and socializing. Our curriculum will serve to enrich the mind and invigorate the body. We are designing our innovative new space to engage your child and energize their learning environment. Please visit so you can meet our staff and have a tour. 19429 Watkins Mill Rd. Montgomery Village, MD 20886 301.527.0207 * Free T-Shirt: present this ad at time of tour / one (1) t-shirt per child, per household / while supplies last 15 Friday, august 7, 2015 MontgoMery Village news CoMMUnitY serViCe MiLestones goshen United Methodist Church Blood drive Goshen United Methodist Church, 19615 Goshen Road, Gaithersburg, is hosting a Blood Drive on Saturday, Aug. 22 from 9 a.m. to 2:30 p.m. The blood drive will be administered by the American Red Cross and double red cell donations will be accepted for blood types O+, O-, A- & B-. Residents interested in donating blood should call 1-800-733-2767 or visit www. (enter Sponsor photo submitted by Bob Hydorn 16 ID "Goshen UMC Gaithersburg MD") to register. For eligibility concerns, call the Red Cross at 1-866-236-3276. Donors are reminded to bring a photo id, and eat iron rich foods and drink extra water in advance of their appointment. For more information or questions, contact Shanita Young at or David Hull at David.Hull@ Former Montgomery Village Foundation Board of directors President Bob hydorn was recently named to the Montgomery College Board of trustees by Maryland governor Larry hogan. Clerk of the Court Barbara Meiklejohn (right) presents hydorn (left) with and official proclamation. hydorn was installed on the board on July 21. Village student selected as summer intern at the kennedy Center Village News Montgomery Share Your Good News With The Village Send your birth, engagement or wedding announcements, achievements or other good news to or complete the Milestones form online at The John F. Kennedy Center for the Performing Arts selected Montgomery Village native and Catholic University of America student, Maria Rodriguez, for its prestigious, nationally recognized internship program. From June 1 through August 7, Rodriquez interned in the Kennedy Center’s Public Relations Department. This fall, Maria will be a senior at Catholic University of America in Washington, D.C., pursuing a Bachelor’s in History with minors in Medieval Studies and English. She previously interned with CenturyLink, Inc., a telecommunications company in Monroe, Louisiana, as their business strategy intern, responsible for conducting research. Last spring she studied abroad at the University of Oxford’s Jesus College. The Kennedy Center Public Relations Office works closely with local, national, and international media outlets, including print, radio, television and the variety of artists that appear at the Kennedy Center. As the Public Relations intern, Maria assisted the Ken- nedy Center press representatives for ballet, dance, theater, jazz, comedy and Millennium Stage by compiling press lists, drafting press reports, pasting up articles and working with various media outlets that come to the Kennedy Center for press events. Maria was also responsible for promoting the internship program by drafting individual press releases for each of the 35 summer interns at the Kennedy Center. Following her Kennedy Center internship, Maria will work on her senior thesis for the remainder of the summer, and then return to Catholic University of America to complete her undergraduate degree. This year, she will return as an Arts & Entertainment editor for her university’s student newspaper, The Tower. Call 301-948-0110, ext. 2359 MontgoMery Village news Friday, august 7, 2015 MiLestones SHARE YOUR GOOD NEWS WITH THE VILLAGE Village News Montgomery Send your birth, engagement or wedding announcements, achievements or other good news to or complete the Milestones form online at Montgomery Village News Milestones Submission Form For Montgomery Village News issue date: ____________ Birth Announcements Engagement & Wedding Announcements Bride’s Information Groom’s Information Bride’s First Name_______________________ M.I.____ Last Name___________________________________ Complete Address_______________________________ __________________________________________ Employer______________________________________ Employment City, State________________________ Job Title_____________________________________ Years of Service_______________________________ Volunteer Work/Hobbies/Sports/Etc.________________ __________________________________________ College Name__________________________________ Year Graduated_______________________________ Field of Study and Degree_______________________ High School____________________________________ Year Graduated________________________________ Awards/Achievements___________________________ __________________________________________ Bride’s Mother’s First Name_______________________ M.I._____ Last Name__________________________ Bride’s Father’s First Name_______________________ M.I._____ Last Name__________________________ Maid/Matron of Honor First Name___________________ M.I._____ Last Name__________________________ Groom’s First Name_____________________ M.I.____ Last Name___________________________________ Complete Address_______________________________ __________________________________________ Employer______________________________________ Employment City, State________________________ Job Title_____________________________________ Years of Service_______________________________ Volunteer Work/Hobbies/Sports/Etc.________________ __________________________________________ College Name__________________________________ Year Graduated_______________________________ Field of Study and Degree_______________________ High School____________________________________ Year Graduated________________________________ Awards/Achievements___________________________ __________________________________________ Groom’s Mother’s First Name______________________ M.I._____ Last Name__________________________ Groom’s Father’s First Name______________________ M.I._____ Last Name__________________________ Best Man’s First Name___________________________ M.I._____ Last Name__________________________ Engagement Date_______________________________ Wedding Date__________________________________ Wedding Location_______________________________ Honeymoon Location____________________________ Address Where Couple Plans to Reside______________ __________________________________________ Contributor Information Required for Publication* First Name___________________________ M.I._______ Last Name______________________________________ Address________________________________________ __________________________________________________ Telephone______________________________________ Email (optional)__________________________________ * Please note that not all information is guaranteed to be included in any article in the Montgomery Village News. The Montgomery Village News does not guarantee that all submissions will be published. The Montgomery Village News is not responsible for any errors or omissions. The Montgomery Village News will print milestone events and photographs at no charge for Montgomery Village residents.* Information can be provided on this form and dropped off at the Foundation at 10120 Apple Ridge Road, Montgomery Village, MD 20886. Information can also be emailed to or faxed to 301-990-7071. Announcements should be received at the Foundation by the deadline date of the specific Montgomery Village News issue requested for publication (see page 2 of this issue for deadlines). Publication dates are available online at under Press Room, then Village News, or by calling 301-948-0110, ext. 2331. Child’s First Name______________________ M.I._____ Last Name_____________________________________ Date of Birth____________________ Gender________ Length/Weight___________________________________ Mother’s First Name___________________ M.I.______ Mother’s Last Name_____________________________ Father’s First Name____________________ M.I.______ Father’s Last Name_______________________________ Address________________________________________ Hospital Name & Location (City, State) ___________________________________________________ Achievement Announcements First Name___________________________ M.I._______ Last Name______________________________________ Address________________________________________ Achievement (provide details)______________________ ___________________________________________________ School/College Name and Location__________________ _________________________ Grad Year____________ Company/Employer ______________________________ Name of Organization Presenting the Award____________ ___________________________________________________ Send your digital photos to! Anniversary Announcements Wife’s First Name_____________________ M.I._______ Last Name____________________________________ Husband’s First Name__________________ M.I._______ Last Name____________________________________ Address________________________________________ ____________________________________________ Anniversary Date________________________________ Number of Years Married__________________________ Children’s Full Names (those without last names will not be printed) ____________________________________________ ____________________________________________ ____________________________________________ ____________________________________________ ____________________________________________ Number of Grandchildren__________________________ Description of How Anniversary Couple Met ____________________________________________ ____________________________________________ ____________________________________________ Where Couple Was Married________________________ ____________________________________________ Wife’s Employer/Location__________________________ ____________________________________________ Husband’s Employer/Location______________________ ____________________________________________ Plans for Celebrating the Anniversary________________ ____________________________________________ ____________________________________________ 17 Friday, august 7, 2015 MontgoMery Village news Kids PAge Your ad here! Call 301-948-0110, ext. 2359 to sponsor the MV Kids Page TODAY! MV Kids learn about Piggy Banks by Maria Pullifrone Piggy banks are typically made of ceramic or porcelain. the general use of piggy banks is to store loose change in a cute, decorative manner. Modern piggy banks are not limited to the likeness of pigs, and may come in a range of animal shapes, sizes and colors. Many piggy banks have a rubber plug located on the underside that can be removed to get the money out. some incorporate electronic systems which calculate the amount of money deposited. some piggy banks have no opening besides the slot for inserting coins, so you will have to smash the piggy bank with a hammer when you want to get the money out. hamm from t oy ory st PIGGY BANK WORD SEARCH? rf Wilbu Majapahit terracotta piggy bank, 14 th /15 th century tr o w u l a n , e a s t J a v a . (Collection of national Museum of Indonesia, Jakarta) See how many times you can find the words: Penny, nickel, dime and Quarter in this piggy bank. ro m WHY A PIG? C ha b 18 e rlotte’s W Because they’re adorable? Um, no that’s not why. In english, the word “pig” can refer to two things: the animal and earthenware, which is used to make pottery. People often saved money in kitchen pots and jars made of pig, called “pig jars.” By the 18th century, the term “pig jar” had evolved to “pig bank.” As earthenware was replaced by other materials, such as glass and plastic, the name gradually began to refer specifically to the shape of the bank, instead of what it was made out of. MontgoMery Village news Friday, august 7, 2015 reCreAtion rental Facilities in the Village Looking for space to hold your party, celebration or sports practice? Look no further than Lake Marion or North Creek community center. Montgomery Village residents who pay the Designated User fee are able to rent these centers for their non-alcoholic private parties or functions. Lake Marion has a wood-floored room that can be rented for parties with a maximum capacity of 85 people. There also is a full-size gymnasium available for rent at Lake Marion. north Creek is a tile-floored L-shaped room that may be divided into two smaller rooms with a maximum capacity of 125 people. We are currently accepting rental requests for functions to be held through September 2015. Fees for these facilities begin at $50 per hour and require a $250 security deposit. Requests must be submitted at least three weeks in advance. Potential renters can obtain a copy of the “Procedures on the Private Use of Facilities” and the “Private Rental Request From” from the MVF Office, 10120 Apple Ridge Road or online at Please remember that all functions must be non-alcoholic, and that the renter must be present the entire length of the rental. For more information, contact Elijah Davis at 240243-2361 or e-mail Children’s dance Whether you’re new to ballet or a continuing student, we invite you to join Youth Ballet with Denise Sayer right here in Montgomery Village! Denise is an experienced instructor, holding a certification from the internationally recognized Cecchetti Council of America. Dance education provides your child with movement, strength building, flexibility, poise, confidence and coordination. All classes stress learning to move and dance within the individual’s abilities and are taught with an emphasis on good technique, correct use of the body and of course, lots of fun! Argentine tango New Village residents Viviana and Isidoro Levinson are excited to bring a new social dance class, Argentine Tango. This wonderful couple were born and raised in Argentina and have been teaching this style of dance for over 20 years. This beginner level class is for those who have never taken Tango before or for people with little Argentine Tango experience. Through the 10-week course, dancers will focus Classes are held on Saturdays, Sept. 19 to Nov. 14 at North Creek Community Center, 20125 Arrowhead Road. For more information or to register, call 301-948-0110, e-mail Melanie Maggi at mmaggi@mvf. org or visit www.montgomery neW on open and close embrace, pivots, ochos, la cruzada, rocksteps and more! Classes will be held from 7 to 8 p.m. on Wednesdays, Oct. 7 to Dec. 16 at North Creek Community Center, 20125 Arrowhead Road. For more information or to register, call 301-948-0110, e-mail Melanie Maggi at or visit www. -ness FREE & FAMILY FRIEND LY ! Lake Marion 8821 East Village Avenue 85 people max.* Wednesday, Aug. 12 6 to 8 p.m. North Creek Community Center 20125 Arrowhead Road and Apple Ridge Ball Field 20101 Swallow Point Road Come out to enjoy fresh air and exercise! The whole family is invited to participate in this popular event. Make your way from station to station while completing fitness activities including a jog/walk, fitness challenge, yoga, Zumba® and other activities. Choose to complete any or all of the stations. Those who attempt at least 7 of the 10 activities will be rewarded with a prize! Completing all stations should take about one hour. Healthy refreshments will be available. north Creek 20125 Arrowhead Road 125 people max.* *Please note: there is a maximum of 75 people allowed per rental during pool season. Pre-registration is strongly encouraged but not required. To register, visit the MVF Office, 10120 Apple Ridge Road, or call 301-948-0110. For more information or to volunteer at the event, contact Lauren Hydorn at 240-243-2314 or e-mail 19 20 Friday, august 7, 2015 MontgoMery Village news reCreAtion kids invited to “touch-A-truck” on saturday, Aug. 29 Calling all kids, kids-at-heart and those simply fascinated by large trucks and machinery! Montgomery Village will be hosting a free, family-friendly “Touch-A-Truck” event from 9 a.m. to noon on Saturday, Aug. 29 at North Creek Community Center, 20125 Arrowhead Road. A wide variety of unique vehicles, heavy equipment and trucks will be available for kids to climb on, honk horns, “drive” and explore. Corporate Sponsor Brickman Landscaping will have several trucks and staff on site as well as many other local service companies. Families are encouraged to check out the trucks and ask questions about how they work and types of work they might perform. Equipment operators will be stationed with their respective vehicles. For more information, call 301-948-0110 or visit www. sPOnsOrs WAnted! Touch-A-Truck is great advertising for your business and -ness FEst a wonderful way to show your support for the youth in our community. If your business would like to participate in this awesome family event, contact Melanie Maggi at 240-243-2338 or e-mail, or Beto Benitez at 240-243-2359 or e-mail Join Village residents on Wednesday, Aug. 12 from 6 to 8 p.m. at North Creek Community Center and Apple Ridge Ball Field for the third annual summer MVFit-ness Fest! Participants will enjoy a variety of fitness activities to include tennis games, a shuttle run, team sports skills and more! Make your way from station to station and complete events to earn a reward. This free event is open to all ages and abilities. Completing all stations will take approximately 45 minutes and refreshments will be available. Pre-registration is strongly encouraged, but not required. To register, visit the MVF Office, 10120 Apple Ridge Road, or call 301-948-0110. 30-Minute Core on trial Instructors Nancy Brouillette and Tara Smith are teaming up again this September to offer residents a speedy, no hassle, high-energy workout designed to strengthen and shape your hips, thighs, glutes and abdominals! Designed for all fitness levels, this 30-minute workout involves much more than endless sit-ups. Not sure if this class is for you? Try this class for two weeks at a reduced rate and join the remainder of the session if you liked it! 30-Minute Core on Trial is scheduled for 7 to 7:30 p.m. on Tuesdays and Thursdays, Sept. 29 through Oct. 8 at Stedwick Community Center, 10401 Stedwick Road. The full session runs through Dec. 17. For more information or to register, call 301-948-0110, e-mail Melanie Maggi at mmaggi@mvf. org or visit www.montgomery discount Amusement Park tickets May north Creek drop-In participants enjoyed a variety of fun and furry special guests on Wednesday from Pony to go! Animals included bunnies, ducks, guinea pigs, chickens, goats and a 3-month-old miniature donkey named May. this petting zoo was just one of the many fun events campers did this week to wrap up their summer program! The MVF Department of Recreation, Parks and Culture, in conjunction with the Maryland Recreation and Parks Association, is selling discounted tickets to area amusement parks at the Foundation Office, 10120 Apple Ridge Road. Payment for these tickets must be made in person at the office in cash or credit card (Visa, MasterCard or Discover) only. The Foundation will not accept faxes or telephone calls for amusement park ticket sales. busch gardens – Adult $57 Dorney Park – Adult $42, Jr./Sr. $34 dutch wonderland – All Ages $35 Hershey Park – Adult $49.50, Jr./Sr. $37.50 Kings dominion – Adult $44; Summer Days (through August 14) $37 six Flags America – Special Days (through August 23) $33 Zumba® with heidy Achieve long-term health benefits while having a blast in one exciting hour of calorie-burning, body-energizing movements meant to engage your whole body and keep you fit. The routines feature fast and slow rhythms combined with resistance training to tone and sculpt your body and burn fat—it’s exercise in disguise! Classes start back up on Wednesday, Sept. 2 and are held on Wednesdays from 6:15 to 7:15 p.m. at Lake Marion Community Center, 8821 East Village Avenue, and from 9 to 10 a.m. on Saturdays at Stedwick Community Center, 10401 Stedwick Road. Register for the full fall session or drop in for just $6 per class! For more information or to register, call 301-948-0110 or visit www.montgomeryvillage. com. Introduction to Meditation Taught by experienced yogini Maria Doherty, this workshop is perfect for those who want to deepen their meditation practice or those wish to learn more about the great benefits of meditation. This two-hour workshop will take participants through seated guided meditation, mindfulness meditation, meditationin-motion yoga practice and more. Suitable and beneficial for all adults. Please bring a yoga mat and blanket. This workshop is scheduled for 1 to 3 p.m. on Saturday, Sept. 19 at Stedwick Community Center, 10401 Stedwick Road. For more information or to register, call 301-9480110, e-mail Melanie Maggi at or visit www. Six Flags Great Adventure – Hurricane Harbor $30 water Country UsA – All Ages $40 Check with the amusement park directly for operating schedules. For more information, call 301-948-0110. MontgoMery Village news Friday, august 7, 2015 reCreAtion M rs . Hufnagel Readi a Goo ng Book d Learn about the Creative Playtime teachers with these fun flowers. Zem M s. Has 6 dren chil Grand ing Cook aking B and Has Visite 25 Sta d tes Pl th ayin eR g ain in an H Te as b ac e 14 he en Ye r fo a ar r s P We Un enn nt t ive Sta o rsi te ty Biki with ng t Famil he y Has 2 n e Childr ming Swim Ca Arts and Crafts mp ing Coffe Exper e t Ms. Me la nie G th oin eB g ea to ch ing Kayak g Hikin Tau Pre-scght for 3 hool Years Lo ca ves t L he un r a LET’S PLAY! try PICKLEBALL day! thursday, sept. 10 5 to 7 p.m. stedwick Community Center 10401 stedwick road Free Come see what the Pickleball hype is all about! The game is a combination of badminton, tennis and ping pong. It’s never been easier to meet new friends, socialize and learn a new sport! With larger paddles than ping pong but a smaller court than tennis it’s never been easier to get out and get active! A learning and enrichment program for 3 & 4 yr. olds MVF’s recreational and supplemental educational program for preschool-age children, under the direction of Kathi Hufnagel. Enhance your child’s social, emotional and physical development. Your child will explore reading, writing, science, math, music, drama, movement, crafts, nature and playtime. Whetstone Community Center Creative Playtime 3’s An introductory preschool-age recreational program providing a gentle atmosphere of acceptance as well as development of social, emotional and physical skills without pressure. Using tools such as colors, shapes, numbers, the calendar and the weather, children are exposed to basic skills essential to school success. Creative Playtime 4’s Provides an atmosphere allowing more time to delve into subjects of interest. Activities are based on themes, such as cooking, science, math, language enrichment, art, music, literature and social studies. Children develop the cognitive, physical and social skills essential to kindergarten success. Creative Playtime 3’s No. 4008.401 Mondays and Wednesdays 9 a.m. to noon Sept. 9, 2015 to May 11, 2016 (No class Sept. 14, Sept. 23, Nov. 2, Nov. 25, Dec. 11 to Jan. 1, 2016, Jan. 18, Jan. 25, Feb. 15, March 25 to April 4) $1,496/Residents: $187 due at registration (non-refundable tuition deposit for May 2016) $187 due on Sept. 1, Oct. 1, Nov. 1, Jan. 1, Feb. 1, March 1, and April 1 $1,800/Non-residents: $225 due at registration (non-refundable tuition deposit for May 2016) $225 due on Sept. 1, Oct. 1, Nov. 1, Jan. 1, Feb. 1, March 1, and April 1 Creative Playtime 4’s No. 4008.402 Mondays, Wednesdays, Fridays 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. Sept. 9, 2015 to May 11, 2016. (No class Sept. 14, Sept. 23, Oct. 16, Nov. 2, Nov. 25, Nov. 27, Dec. 11 to Jan. 1, 2016, Jan. 18, Jan. 25, Feb. 15, March 25 to April 4) $2,056/Residents: $257 due at registration (non-refundable tuition deposit for May 2016) $257 due on Sept. 1, Oct. 1, Nov. 1, Jan. 1, Feb. 1, March 1, and April 1 $2,464/Non-residents: $308 due at registration (non-refundable tuition deposit for May 2016) $308 due on Sept. 1, Oct. 1, Nov. 1, Jan. 1, Feb. 1, March 1, and April 1 Now Available Register online at Payment plan available. • • • • Non-refundabletuitiondepositforMay2016isdueatregistration. Childrenmustbetoilet-trainedbythefirstdayofclass. Childrenmustbethreeyearsold(fortheCreativePlaytime3’s) or four years old (for the Creative Playtime 4’s) by Sept. 1, 2015. Allsuppliesareincluded. Whetstone Community Center | 19140 Brooke Grove Court 21 22 Friday, august 7, 2015 MontgoMery Village news MV seniors MOndAy Seniors in Action Fall Session Arts and Crafts 10 a.m. to noon Work side-by-side with other members while you each explore your creative side Aug. 31 to dec. 18 No meetings: Sept. 7, Nov. 26 or Nov. 27 Book discussion group 10 to 11 a.m. - third Monday each month Fall session sept. 21: “Only Time Will Tell” by Jeffrey Archer (fiction) Oct. 19: “Red Square” by Martin Cruz Smith (mystery) Seniors in Action Fall session Kicks off Monday, Aug. 31 at Stedwick Community Center, 10401 Stedwick Road. New programs have been added to our daily programming for the fall season! Join us for a free Open House from Monday, Sept. 14 to Friday, Sept. 18. Register at any SiA program or at the MVF Office, 10120 Apple Ridge Road, today! neW! Pickleball 11 a.m. to noon Fall Trip Mark your calendars now for our fall trip on Wednesday, Oct. 7 to Toby’s Dinner Theatre to see “Ragtime!” Bus departs from Stedwick Community Center, 10401 Stedwick Road, at 9:30 a.m. Registration can be done at any Seniors in Action program or at the MVF Office, 10120 Apple Ridge Road. $40/member, $50/non-member. Pickleball is a racquet sport that combines elements of badminton, tennis and table tennis. Join the game with your SiA friends every Monday! tUesdAy Light Cardio Workout 9 to 10 a.m. Work out with exercise videos, light weights and resistance bands. neW! seated/standing tai Chi NEW Join instructor Marcy, as she takes you through controlled and low impact movements of Tai Chi. Pickleball Join MVF staff and other pickleball enthusiasts for fun on the court playing this sport that combines tennis, badminiton and ping pong. With specialized lines drawn just for pickleball, players use a paddle and plastic ball to volley over the net. Beginners and skilled players are welcome to join in! Pickelball is scheduled from 11 a.m. to noon on Mondays (weather permitting). WednesdAy sIA games / social hour 10 a.m. to 1 p.m. Enjoy a variety of card and board games, conversation and refreshments. thUrsdAy Light Cardio Workout 9 to 10 a.m. NEW Work out with exercise videos, light weights and resistance bands. Seated/Standing Tai Chi Experienced instructor Marcy will lead you through the movements of Tai Chi to work on balance and muscle control. Tai Chi will be held on Tuesdays. The time is to be announced. sIA games / social hour take 2 10:15 a.m. to noon Enjoy a variety of card and board games, conversation and refreshments. FrIdAy Caring hands Community Outreach 11 a.m. to noon – second Friday each month sept. 11: Monthly Planning Meeting For more information, contact Lauren Hydorn at 240-243-2314 or e-mail Brown Bag Lunch & Bingo noon to 2 p.m. Bring lunch and play Bingo with friends. The Seniors in Action program offers convenient and affordable activities to seniors 55 years and older, Monday through Friday. For more details on any Seniors in Action activity, contact Lauren Hydorn at 240-243-2314 or e-mail Free for siA members, $2/non-members. Pre-registration is required; forms available at any SiA activity or the MVF Office, 10120 Apple Ridge Road. MontgoMery Village news Friday, august 7, 2015 serViCes AroUnd town SERVICES AROUND TOWN “Tree work is what we do. Peace of mind is what we sell!” We go out on a limb for you. JACKSTRAW, INC. Landscape & Tree Services 301-977-9200 • Expert Pruning or Removal of Large Trees • Custom Pruning of Ornamental Trees & Shrubs • Tree & Shrub Restoration • Emergency Storm Services • Stump Grinding • Firewood Splitting (your wood, your home) • Cabling • Chips for Mulch dan himmelfarb Company • Remodeling • Consulting • Caulking • Wood Trims • Insulation MhIC #18344 since 1971 • Kitchens ePA Lead-safe renovator • Roofing radon remediation • Carpentry • Painting All Work guaranteed • Grouting • Electrical Fully Licensed, Bonded & Insured • Masonry • Bathrooms repairs and remodeling 301-774-4004 • Leak Diagnostics • Termite Damage • Structural Repairs • Doors & Windows • Welding/Fabrication • Prep Home for Sale • Pressure Washing • Skylights • Concrete • Gutters/Covers • Ceramic Tile • Patios/Walls • Drywall Serving Montgomery Village Residents for over 30 Years Licensed & Insured MD Tree Surgeon License #219 Commercial & Residential SPECIALIZING IN HARDSCAPES Member Maryland Arborist Association & The Tree Care Industry of America Reach 40,000 residents in Montgomer y Village. Call 301-948-0110, ext. 2359 Village News Montgomery Please Note: Every exterior modification must meet established ARB application and approval requirements regardless of whether modification or replacement material has been approved in concept in the past. Also, MVF does not take responsibility regarding claims and services advertised in the Montgomery Village News. LANDSCAPE DESIGN AND INSTALLATION • CUSTOM STONEWORK PATIOS • WALKWAYS • WATER FEATURES • RETAINING WALLS GRADING AND DRAINAGE • SPRING CLEAN-UPS/MULCHING MHIC LIC. 79864 301 - 252 - 391 7 23 24 Friday, august 7, 2015 MontgoMery Village news serViCes AroUnd town FOUR SEASONS Electrical Services from Professional Local Family Firm Licensed & Bonded residential Since 1976 HOME IMPROVEMENT CO., INC. MHIC #129630 DC #3006 VAHIC# 2705 – 082387A Commercial 301-258-8300 Follow trunnell electric on facebook for electrical tips and ideas for your home are you facing – 877-462-7555 or – 301-429-7400 ROOFING & GUTTER SYSTEMS SIDING & TRIM WORK WINDOWS & DOORS 100% DECKS & PORCHES Satisfaction Guaranteed! Financial Options *For Qualified Applicants - Affordable Plans - Low Easy Payments Maintenance Free Solutions - No More Leaks or Rotten Wood - Lifetime Warranties Fair Pricing Policy Ask Your Neighbors About Us Your Montgomery Village Home Exterior Specialists! (301) 948-2678 Over 700 Home Improvements In Montgomery Village! Mon.-Fri. 8:30am-6:00pm Sat. 9:00am-1:00pm Vinyl Replacement Windows • All types of Windows Lifetime Windows LIFETIME • Energy Saving • Tilt-In for Easy Cleaning • Bow & Bay Windows • Double Hung guaranteed for life • Sliding Doors WA R R A N T Y O N PA R T S & CALL LABOR 301-990-3862 Call now! 301-948-0110, ext. 2359 Please note: Every exterior modification must meet established Licensed • Bonded • Insured TES! ESTIMATES! FREE ESTIMA 7845-F Airpark Rd. Gaithersburg, MD 20879 Advertise your Services in the Village News ARB application and approval requirements regardless of whether modification or replacement material has been approved in concept in the past. Also, MVF does not take responsibility regarding claims and services advertised in the Montgomery Village News. Call Now! 301-948-0110, ext. 2359 MontgoMery Village news Friday, august 7, 2015 ProFessionAL direCtorY PROFESSIONAL DIRECTORY ACCOUNTING/TAXES Patrick J. Smith CPA, MST Tax Returns • Individual • Business IRS Problem Resolution & Representation FREE CONSULTATION • 301-774-2796 HARDWARE STORE OPTOMETRISTS VETERINARIAN TW PERRY 8101 Snouffer School Road Hardware, Power Tools, Paint,Seasonal Supplies, Building Materials & More! MONTGOMERY VILLAGE EYE CENTER Gabriela Miller, O.D. Kristy Bennett, DVM Montgomery Village Animal Hospital 19222 Montgomery Village Ave. | 301-840-9600 CHIMNEY & STOVE LEGAL ADVISORS SHERWOOD FOREST, INC. Stove Installation, Cleaning & Repair Rees Broome, PC CSIA Certified Chimney Sweeps • Dryer Vents Community Counselors Residential & Commercial Condominium and homeowner 13030 Old National Pike, Mt. Airy association legal advisors for 35 years 301-829-3588 • 888-244-6349 Dues collection, covenant enforcement, contract review, meetings, board training and community governance DENTISTS Steven M. Anolik, D.D.S. Corey B. Anolik, D.D.S. Cosmetic and Restorative Dentistry 19221 Montgomery Village Ave. Suite C-23 301-948-8838 CAPITAL DENTISTRY Affordable & Caring Dentistry for Children and Adults Preventive, Whitening, Restorative, & Implant Services 301-222-0152 | OPHTHALMOLOGISTS MARYLAND EYE INSTITUTE Farhad Naseh, M.D. Sara Tavassoli O.D. Eye Exam • Optical Boutique • Low Vision Care Day & Evening Hours 301-869-4070 ORTHODONTISTS ORTHODONTICS Chris E. Tsintolas, D.D.S., M.S. Specialist in Orthodontics for children and adults 903 Russell Ave., Suite 101 Serving the Community Since 1987 | 301-948-7513 301-330-2200 | PROFESSIONALS Advertise here and reach 40,000 residents in Montgomery Village. Four-lines for one year, Only $400! Additional lines for $4 PHYSICAL THERAPY Rock Physical Therapy Associates, P.C. 19201 Montg. Vill. Ave., Suite A-11 Day-Evening-Saturday Hours per line per issue. Call 301-948-0110, ext. 2342 e-mail 301-948-2414 | Day & Saturday Hours 301-840-2208 | We accept most insurance and payment plans 19644 Club House Rd, Suite 810 301-740-7500 YOUR LISTING YOUR LISTING see yOUr LIstIng here! Call 301-948-0110, ext. 2342 e-mail 4 Lines—$400 for the whole year Call 301-948-0110, ext. 2342 e-mail Eye Exams • Glasses • Contact Lenses • Emergencies PODIATRISTS Lakeforest Foot and Ankle Center Dr. Michael L. Michetti, P.A. Dr. Brent E. Tabor Dr. Jason M. Weber PNC Bank Building 702 Russell Ave., Suite 103 | 301-948-3668 LOOKING FOR PROFESSIONAL MEDICAL SERVICES? SEARCH OUR ADVERTISERS FIRST. YOUR HEALTH – YOUR WELLNESS Mend ∙ Treat ∙ Strengthen ∙ Maintain ∙ Recover 25 26 Friday, august 7, 2015 MontgoMery Village news CLAssiFieds serVICes OFFered heLP WAnted FOr rent reCOrdIng seCretAry MILestOne generAL COntrACtOrs, InC. sPAnIsh LessOns/ tUtOrIng rOOM And PArkIng sPACe tOWnhOUse FOr rent MVF is seeking recording secretaries for evening Board and committee meetings. Perfect for those who want to earn a little extra pay or for anyone who has an interest in the community. Salary is per meeting, commensurate with experience. Good writing skills a must, and prior experience a plus. Send letter of interest and résumé to: roz Price, MVF, 10120 Apple ridge road, Montgomery Village, Md 20886, or e-mail P: 301-793-9478 E: Professional teacher – All levels. PhD in Spanish, Native speaker. Reasonable prices. 301-330-5040 – ariel_ferrari End-unit townhouse, having a room and a parking space to share, $700/month plus 1/4 utility expenses. Contact Tom @ 240.686.6095 or tplanck1@ Large, nice 3 level townhouse, 4 BR 3.5 BA w/basement. Located in Gaithersburg $1680+utilities. Call 301-7608525. dAyCAre AssIstAnt Looking for an assistant for family daycare in Montgomery Village. Start September, must speak English, pass a background check and enjoy working with small children. For more information call 301987-9087 Residential/Commercial Painting, Drywall Repairs, Gutter Cleaning, Kitchen, Basement/ Bathroom Remodeling, Fence, Decks & more! Licensed and Insured. MHIC#128392 dOggIe dAyCAre In home/onsite care. Up to 25 lbs. Limited space available. Early arrivals, late pickups OK. P: 301-943-3415 mmetu. PIAnO tUnIng And rePAIrs WOrk Low prices, professional concert tunings, any piano. Free repair estimates, 30 years of experience. Call Stan Hitt Tuning Service at 240-423-4285. hOUsekeePer Provide cleaning/organizing services in homes and offices. 14 years experience. References upon request. Contact Etelvina 301-366-3603 or yOUr Ad here Reach 40,000 residents in Montgomery Village. 301948-0110, ext. 2359 or e-mail CLASSIFIED AD MUsIC PIAnO LessOns All ages, all levels. Professional pianist, experienced teacher. M.A. degree in Performance & Teaching from St. Petersburg Conservatory of Music Russia. 301-540-6601 a Classified Advertising Order Form MOndAY, AUGUST 17 terms & Conditions: 1. MVF reserves the right to: a. Reject advertisements that do not adhere to local, county, state and federal laws. Issue date(s) this ad is to run: b. Reject advertisements that compete directly with Foundation programs, events, classes, products and services. Please check the appropriate Section for your ad: c. Reject advertisements that are inflammatory, slanderous, libelous, lewd or For Sale Garage Sale House for Sale Child Care House for Rent Lost & Found (FREE to Village Residents) Help Wanted Giveaway (FREE to Village Residents) include other language deemed inconsistent with the Foundation’s mission and policies. has been published. Other __________________________ Services 2. No cash refunds or credit adjustments will be made after the advertisement 3. No credit adjustments will be made after 30 days of publication of the original incorrect insertion. 4. The Village News is not liable for any additional costs resulting from the recurring insertions of the original incorrect advertisement if the error has not Submit a photo of your lost pet at no additional charge. been reported to the Village News in writing by the advertiser within 30 days of publication of the original incorrect insertion. Title: 5. Every effort will be made to afford advertising position requested. Failure to comply with position request will not result in make-good or refund of payment. Body: 6. The Village News assumes no liability if for any reason it becomes necessary to omit an advertisement. 7. The Village News is not liable for delays in delivery and/or non-delivery in the event of natural disaster, action by any government or quasi-government entity, fire, flood, insurrection, riot, explosion, embargo, strikes whether legal or illegal, labor or material shortage, transportation interruption of any kind, Classified Rates: $10 for 20 words or less and 40 cents for each additional word. Phone numbers count as one word. deadline: 5 p.m. Monday prior to issue date Payment due: $____________ Payment MUst accompany Classified Advertising Order Form. Remit by charge card, cash or check made payable to the Montgomery Village Foundation. work slowdown, or any condition beyond the control of the publisher affecting publications or delivery in any manner. Timely delivery of the Village News shall be defined by the end of Monday immediately following the Friday publication date. 8. Advertiser agrees to indemnify, defend and save harmless the Village News and MVF from any and all liability for content including text, illustrations, representatives, sketches, maps, trademarks, labels or other copyrighted matter, Credit Card Number: _________________________________________ Exp. Date: ____________ 3-digit V-code: __________ Visa MasterCard Discover or advertisements printed or the unauthorized use of any person’s name or photograph arising from the publisher’s reproduction and publishing of such advertisements pursuant to the advertiser’s or agency’s order. The Village Name: ________________________________________ Telephone: ( ____ )__________________ Address: __________________________________________________________________________ News reserves the right to reject, discontinue or omit any advertising or any part thereof at any time. This right shall not be deemed to have been waived by acceptance or actual use of any advertising matter. City: _______________________________________ State: ________ ZIP: ___________________ 9. No cancellations accepted after publication deadline. MontgoMery Village news Friday, august 7, 2015 reAL estAte Larry Perrin Properties Larry Perrin, Realtor® ¡ Se habla español ! 301-983-0601 COMING SOON at $250,000 Mongomery Village Townhouse 3BR, 2.5BA, Full Basement Selling Your Home? FREE HOME VALUE ESTIMATE! For Sale $199,995 19549 Brassie Place Montgomery Village 3BR, 2.5 BA Larry Perrin, Realtor® 301-983-0601 This Promotion is not intended to solicit currently listed properties. Homeowners discounts dAVe VIdMAr serving gaithersburg 301-948-6868 Advertise your real estate services with us. reach 40,000 residents in Montgomery Village. State Farm Fire and Casualty Company Home Office: Bloomington, Illinois Call 301-948-0110 ext. 2359. 877-462-7555 301-429-7400 ADVERTISE in MV Call 301-948-0110, ext. 2359 or e-mail 27 28 Friday, august 7, 2015 MontgoMery Village news Since 1983, selling the most important homes ... yours! Licensed in MD, DC, VA 1000 More Than 975 Homes Sold in Montgomery Village Alone! e-mail: office direct line ...Call Dede today: 301-258-7757 x 604 • 301-921-2604 For Sale WHETSTONE $389,000 Nicely renovated 4 BR, 2.5 BA Goshenside home. Granite counters & cherrywood cabinets in kitchen, refinished hardwood floors, new lighting, fresh neutral décor, updated baths – bonus room upstairs perfect for den, office, extra bedroom – front porch and backyard paver patio with built-in seating wall – finished basement w/new carpet and tons of storage – excellent value! REDUCED! WHETSTONE Woodburn model with beautiful screened porch & hdwd floors, 4 BR, 2.5 BA, 1st floor FR w/wood-burning fireplace & slider to porch – table-space kit., formal LR & DR, big foyer – full basement w/tons of storage. $619,000 Stunning end unit townhome w/garage, 3 BR, 3.5 BA, 2 fireplaces. Finished basement walks out to flagstone patio – main level deck – BR-level laundry. Many upgrades including granite, hardwood and stainless. Excellent commuting location for DC. Under Contract ACT UNDER CONTR THE POINTS $399,500 Seriously upgraded house w/new hardwood floors – new granite counters, stainless appliances, sink, fixtures, lighting & flooring in kitchen – new carpet – newer windows & sliding glass doors – updated basement w/new flooring & lighting – new baths w/designer tile & custom features – beautiful corner lot w/landscaping & mature trees – 4BR, 2FB, 2 car garage – wonderful home! ACT UNDER CONTR ACT UNDER CONTR COURTS OF WHETSTONE $429,000 This Montreal model has been upgraded & renovated throughout! Solar panels – 4 BR, 2.5 BA, 1st fl. FR w/fireplace & new carpet – reconfigured kitchen has center island & custom cabinets, fin. basement w/wine cellar & craft room – refinished wood floors. STEDWICK REDUCED! WASHINGTONIAN TOWER $155,000 Perfect location smack dab between Downtown Crown and Rio Washingtonian Center – 1 BR, 1 BA condo with excellent amenities and all utilities included – walk out the door to excellent new restaurants, movie theatres, Kohls, Target, Pier 1 – ideal for someone who wants a small local place with great commuting choices – tons of parking – priced to sell! $360,000 SHORT SALE ALEXANDRIA, VA Must See Sold WHETSTONE Fantastic 4 BR, 3.5 BA Fairview model in Goshenside of Whetstone – updated kitchen with granite counters, dbl oven, custom cabinets, tile backsplash, pantry. THE POINTS $394,500 Beautifully improved rambler in The Points – 4 BR, 2FB, updated kitchen and baths, windows and doors replaced, new carpet, fresh paint – cul-de-sac location. COURTS OF WHETSTONE $412,500 Delightful contemporary SFH w/exceptional sunroom addition w/skylights and gorgeous view of backyard and stone patio. 4 BR, 3.5 BA. Fin. basement. WHETSTONE $412,500 Wonderful 5 BR, 3 full BA, upgrades include granite counters and stainless appliances. New carpet, hardwood floors, updated windows, 1st floor BR, full BA. WHETSTONE $535,000 Spectacular! Renovated & reconfigured Baltimore model full of improvements – kitchen w/upgraded appliances, two ovens, cabinets & center island. $275,000 Updated brick end unit in Clusters II in Stedwick – 4 BR, 2 full baths, 2 half baths with renovated kitchen including stainless steel appliances, new counters & fixturesnew carpet & fresh paint – huge basement! $411,000 Coming Soon! SHADOW OAK 3 Br townhome A donation from each sale goes directly to Children's Miracle Network local hospital - Children's National Medical Center in Washington, D.C.