Silgan White Cap Italia S.r.|. a socio unico
Silgan White Cap Italia S.r.|. a socio unico
Rifti'Resister CERTIFICATE OF APPROVAL Thisisto certifythat: SilganWhite CapltaliaS.r.l.a sociounico Via Boscofilill, 311A,84091 Battipaglia(Salerno) Italy hasbeenauditedby Lloyd's Register Assurance, Quality andfoundto meetthe requirements setout in: BRcGlobalStandardfor Packagingand PackagingMaterials lssue5, July2015 Announced Andhas attained;:Jlï?llJrïrliT * appricabre ro Manufactureof Metal Twist off@ and PTclosuresthrough the processstepscoating,printing,forming and compound curing,includingthe manufacturingof the compound. Approval CertificateNo: KLN4002084 BRCSiteCode: 1739933 A u d i t o rN o : 1 0 8 0 5 8 AuditDate: 27 April2016 Certificate lssueDate: 27 Mav2016 Re-Audit DueFromDate: 31 March2017 To Date 27 April2017 Certificate Expirv: 09 June2017 lssued by:Lloyd's terDeutschland GmbH Forand on behalfof: Lloyd'sRegister Limited QualityAssurance Visit www.brcdirectorv.comto validate ceÉiÍicatê authenticity.lf you would like to feed back comments on the BRC Global Standardsscheme or the auditprocessdirectlyto us, or calÍthe TELL BRC hotline+44 (O)207717 SgSg. LRDeutschland GmbH,Adolf-Grimme-Allee 3, 50829Kóln,Deutschland, Handelsregister Nr. B 34587 Forand on behalfof '1TrinityPark,Bickenhill Lane,Birmingham,B3T 7ES,UnitedKingdom