pvc dwv fittings
pvc dwv fittings
PVC-0308 EFFECTIVE MARCH 2008 Posi-Drain PVC DWV FITTINGS BOW PLUMBING GROUP CHAMPLAIN, NY USA Tel: 800.852.8527 Fax: 800.526.5668 e-mail: info@bow-group.com www.bow-group.com PVC-0308 pri c e li s t DESCRIPTION PVC SOLVENT WELD DWV MARCH 2008 - Page 1 ITEM DIMENSION CARTON SKID LIST PRICE 434043 1 1/4 50 10200 3.40 431130 1 1/2 100 10800 .91 431148 2 75 8100 1.22 COUPLING (Hub x Hub) 431155 3 50 1500 4.45 431163 4 35 1050 7.70 431171 6 3 324 25.04 REDUCER COUPLING (Hub x Hub) 434050 11/2 x 1 1/4 50 10200 4.15 431205 2 x 1 1/2 50 5400 2.68 431213 3 x 1 1/2 20 2160 8.54 431221 3x2 25 2700 6.55 431247 4x2 10 1080 12.99 431254 4x3 8 864 13.82 430249 1 1/2 100 10800 5.26 430256 2 25 5100 3.68 430264 3 25 1650 9.27 430272 4 10 960 17.84 431825 4x3 40 1920 11.35 431833 4x4 10 1080 14.92 REPAIR COUPLING (Hub x Hub) SEWER TO DWV ADAPTER (Hub x Hub) SEWER ADAPTER BUSHING (DWV Spigot to Sewer Hub) 433672 3x3 25 2700 10.62 433680 4x4 25 2700 5.94 CAST IRON ADAPTER (Soil Pipe Ferrule to DWV Hub) 431668 2 x 1 1/2 10 2040 9.33 431676 2x2 25 2700 8.15 433953 3x2 10 2040 12.56 431684 3x3 30 1080 14.60 431692 4x3 8 864 17.23 431700 4x4 10 660 25.54 4x4 10 480 19.41 1 1/2 x 1 1/4 2 x 1 1/2 3 x 1 1/2 3x2 4x2 4x3 6x4 100 150 30 30 10 10 5 20400 16200 3240 3240 1080 2040 540 3.47 1.66 7.97 3.65 13.88 7.09 36.73 CAST IRON ADAPTER (Soil Pipe Hub to DWV Hub) 433698 REDUCER BUSHING ( Spigot x Hub) 431577 431585 431593 431601 431775 431882 431791 BOW PLUMBING GROUP – USA Champlain, NY Tel: 800.852.8527 e-mail: info@bow-group.com Fax: 800.526.5668 www.bow-group.com © 2008 BOW Montreal, CANADA PVC-0308 pri c e li s t DESCRIPTION ITEM PVC SOLVENT WELD DWV MARCH 2008 - Page 2 DIMENSION CARTON SKID LIST PRICE 4x3 12 1152 7.76 1 1/2 (Short) 50 10200 2.70 REDUCER BUSHING (Spigot x Hub) (Style 2) 431783 TRAP ADAPTER (Spigot x Slip Joint ) 431999 431940 1 1/4 50 10200 4.80 431957 1 1/2 x 1 1/4 50 10200 2.81 431965 1 1/2 (Long) 50 5400 2.62 433847 2 x 1 1/2 DWV 25 5100 8.97 431262 1 1/4 50 10200 3.06 431270 1 1/2 x 1 1/4 50 20400 2.83 431288 1 1/2 50 20400 2.43 TRAP ADAPTER (Hub x Slip Joint) FEMALE ADAPTER (Hub x FPT) 433888 1 1/4 50 10200 6.13 431379 1 1/2 100 10800 1.82 3.06 431387 2 25 5100 431395 3 15 1620 8.26 431403 4 8 864 10.58 431411 6 6 288 35.54 FEMALE ADAPTER WITH PLUG & GASKET (FPT x Hub) 433763 1 1/2 100 10800 3.33 433771 2 25 5100 4.83 433789 3 25 1200 12.74 4 20 960 16.71 6 288 55.49 433797 434654 6 * no gasket FITTING CLEANOUT ADAPTER (Spigot x FPT) 433896 1 1/4 100 10800 3.06 431437 1 1/2 100 10800 2.09 2.94 431445 2 25 5100 431452 3 20 2160 8.29 431460 4 12 1296 13.62 431478 6 15 360 36.47 FITTING CLEANOUT ADAPTER WITH PLUG & GASKET (FPT x Spigot) 433078 1 1/2 100 10800 3.12 433086 2 25 5100 4.29 433094 3 15 1620 8.65 433102 4 10 1080 15.67 15 360 45.15 434027 6 * no gasket FLUSH ADAPTER BUSHING (Spigot x FPT) 433110 1 1/2 x 1 1/4 100 20400 3.89 433128 1 1/2 x 1/2 100 20400 2.94 BOW PLUMBING GROUP – USA Champlain, NY Tel: 800.852.8527 e-mail: info@bow-group.com Fax: 800.526.5668 www.bow-group.com © 2008 BOW Montreal, CANADA PVC-0308 pri c e li s t DESCRIPTION PVC SOLVENT WELD DWV MARCH 2008 - Page 3 ITEM DIMENSION CARTON SKID LIST PRICE 433136 1 1/2 60 6480 6.94 431866 1 1/2 50 10200 3.27 431320 433144 431338 431346 431353 433151 1 1/4 1 1/2 x 1 1/4 1 1/2 2 3 4 75 50 100 75 20 10 15300 10200 20400 8100 2160 1080 3.05 1.99 1.87 2.43 6.98 15.47 1 1/2 x 1 1/4 1 1/4 1 1/2 2 3 50 50 50 25 20 10200 10200 10200 5100 2160 2.34 3.70 6.56 7.33 12.41 UNION (Hub x Hub) PVC COPPER PIPE ADAPTER (Hub x Slip Joint) MALE ADAPTER (Hub x MPT) MALE FITTING ADAPTER (Spigot x MPT) 430728 433920 430736 430744 430751 NO HUB SOIL PIPE ADAPTER (No Hub Spigot x DWV Hub) 433961 430769 433979 430777 430785 2 x 1-1/2 2x2 3 4x3 4x4 60 50 25 10 15 6480 5400 2700 1080 1440 9.83 5.03 7.27 11.96 9.35 430165 430603 430629 430645 430660 430678 430686 1 1/4 1 1/2 2 3 4x3 4 6 50 50 25 25 20 15 5 5400 5400 1800 750 480 360 120 6.51 2.04 2.99 9.32 14.61 17.01 62.51 1 1/2 2 3 4 50 25 20 5 3300 1650 720 240 4.67 5.04 11.59 22.12 433169 433177 433185 433193 1 1/2 2 3 4 50 20 20 10 2400 2160 720 360 6.17 7.85 21.57 33.23 430819 430827 430835 434084 1 1/2 2 3 4 50 25 25 10 5400 2700 900 480 3.89 5.44 13.70 24.87 90° ELBOW (Hub x Hub) 90° LONG TURN ELBOW (Hub x Hub) 430702 430793 430801 430843 90° LONG TURN STREET ELBOW (Spigot x Hub) 90° VENT ELBOW (Hub x Hub) BOW PLUMBING GROUP – USA Champlain, NY Tel: 800.852.8527 e-mail: info@bow-group.com Fax: 800.526.5668 www.bow-group.com © 2008 BOW Montreal, CANADA PVC-0308 pri c e li s t DESCRIPTION ITEM PVC SOLVENT WELD DWV MARCH 2008 - Page 4 DIMENSION CARTON SKID LIST PRICE 431569 1 1/4 50 5400 7.84 431718 1 1/2 50 5400 2.49 3.86 90° STREET ELBOW (Spigot x Hub) 431726 2 25 2400 431734 3 25 900 9.57 431759 4 10 360 18.84 431767 6 5 120 87.06 4x3 10 480 19.78 431106 1 1/2 50 3300 3.32 431114 2 25 2700 5.68 431122 3 25 1200 14.90 1 1/2 2 x 1 1/2 X 1 1/2 2 3 4 25 25 25 10 5 2700 2700 1200 480 240 6.67 8.89 9.33 28.56 39.42 430058 3 x (1 1/2) SI 10 480 21.63 430066 3 x 2 SI 10 480 18.43 430074 3 x (1 1/2) HI 10 480 42.88 430108 3 x (2) HI 10 480 50.14 430173 3 x (1 1/2) LI 10 480 14.96 430199 3 x (2) LI 10 660 16.27 430868 1 1/2 50 5400 3.67 430876 2 25 2700 4.88 90° STREET CLOSET ELBOW (Spigot x Hub) 434092 90° STREET VENT ELBOW (Spigot x Hub) 90° 3-WAY DOUBLE ELBOW (All Hub) 434175 434183 433219 433227 434191 90° SIDE INLET ELBOW (All Hub) 90° HIGH HEEL INLET ELBOW (All Hub) 90° LOW HEEL INLET ELBOW (All Hub) 60° ELBOW (Hub x Hub) 430884 3 25 900 17.35 430892 4 10 480 24.68 60° STREET ELBOW (Spigot x Hub) 433805 1 1/2 50 5400 7.33 433813 2 25 2700 9.91 433821 3 25 1200 23.23 433839 4 10 480 31.04 BOW PLUMBING GROUP – USA Champlain, NY Tel: 800.852.8527 e-mail: info@bow-group.com Fax: 800.526.5668 www.bow-group.com © 2008 BOW Montreal, CANADA PVC-0308 pri c e li s t DESCRIPTION PVC SOLVENT WELD DWV MARCH 2008 - Page 5 ITEM DIMENSION CARTON SKID LIST PRICE 434068 430918 430934 445957 430967 430975 1 1/4 1 1/2 2 3 4 6 50 50 25 25 20 6 5400 5400 2700 900 4800 144 3.67 1.87 2.88 7.88 13.55 57.20 434076 430991 431015 446021 431031 431049 1 1/4 1 1/2 2 3 4 6 50 50 25 25 5 5 5400 480 2700 900 420 180 5.18 1.89 2.90 7.57 12.27 70.06 431064 431072 431080 431098 434167 1 1/2 2 3 4 6 50 15 25 15 3 5400 3060 1200 540 144 2.68 3.32 8.51 12.99 78.12 45° ELBOW (Hub x Hub) new 45° STREET ELBOW (Spigot x Hub) new 22-1/2° ELBOW (Hub x Hub) 22-1/2° STREET ELBOW (Spigot x Hub) 431486 1 1/2 50 10200 7.57 431494 2 25 2700 8.11 431502 3 25 1200 12.76 431510 4 10 660 18.58 434514 430397 430405 445411 430421 430439 430454 430462 445478 445486 434522 430496 430504 434530 434548 1 1/4 1 1/2 2 3 4 6 2 x 1 1/2 x 1 1/2 2 x 2 x 1 1/2 3 x 3 x 1 1/2 3x3x2 4 x 4 x 1 1/2 4x4x2 4x4x3 6x6x3 6x6x4 50 50 25 20 5 2 20 20 30 25 5 5 10 3 3 2400 2400 1200 480 150 60 1920 1920 720 600 240 330 240 72 108 7.15 5.38 6.30 16.27 30.13 93.28 8.90 7.76 10.87 12.29 33.30 16.83 23.96 90.63 68.56 433235 3 25 450 21.60 430520 1 1/2 15 1620 12.17 430538 2 20 960 13.11 430546 3 10 360 33.78 430553 4 5 120 68.52 45° WYE (All Hub) new new new 45° WYE (Spigot x Hub x Hub) DOUBLE 45° WYE (All Hub) BOW PLUMBING GROUP – USA Champlain, NY Tel: 800.852.8527 e-mail: info@bow-group.com Fax: 800.526.5668 www.bow-group.com © 2008 BOW Montreal, CANADA PVC-0308 pri c e li s t DESCRIPTION PVC SOLVENT WELD DWV MARCH 2008 - Page 6 ITEM DIMENSION CARTON SKID LIST PRICE 430561 430579 430587 430611 430637 433854 2 x 1 1/2 3 x 1 1/2 3x2 4x2 4x3 6x4 30 18 15 5 5 2 1080 648 540 240 180 72 11.97 23.89 25.17 41.10 54.26 137.04 1 1/2 25 1200 7.65 DOUBLE 45° WYE (All Hub) LONG TURN TEE WYE (All Hub) 433243 433250 2 20 960 9.10 433268 3 10 240 22.08 433276 4 5 120 39.26 433284 2 x 1 1/2 x 1 1/2 25 1200 9.99 433292 2 x 1 1/2 x 2 25 1200 10.92 10.99 433300 2 x 2 x 1 1/2 25 1200 433318 3 x 3 x 1 1/2 20 720 19.04 433326 3x3x2 25 600 14.59 433334 4x4x2 5 240 24.35 433342 4x4x3 5 180 29.66 433359 1 1/2 25 1200 7.66 433367 2 20 720 9.98 COMBO TEE WYE (Wye & 1/8 Bend All Hub) 433375 3 15 360 24.75 433383 4 5 180 57.85 11.02 433391 2 x 2 x 1 1/2 25 1200 433409 3x3x2 25 600 16.26 433417 3 x 3 x 1 1/2 25 900 19.11 433425 4x4x3 5 180 44.63 434209 1 1/4 50 4800 5.62 430017 1 1/2" 50 2700 3.52 430025 2 15 1620 5.18 SANITARY TEE (All Hub) 430033 3 20 480 13.27 430041 4 10 300 23.10 433706 6 4 96 100.87 434670 2 x 1 1/2 x 1 1/2 20 2160 4.55 433474 2 x 1 1/2 x 2 25 2400 5.51 434688 2 x 2 x 1 1/2 20 2160 4.58 434696 3 x 3 x 1 1/2 35 840 8.42 434704 3x3x2 20 480 9.91 23.94 434225 4 x 4 x 1 1/2 10 480 434712 4x4x2 4 288 21.62 434720 4x4x3 5 240 29.37 430298 1 1/2 50 2400 9.08 430306 2 25 1200 7.70 433714 3 25 900 23.96 434266 4 10 360 31.73 VENT TEE (All Hub) BOW PLUMBING GROUP – USA Champlain, NY Tel: 800.852.8527 e-mail: info@bow-group.com Fax: 800.526.5668 www.bow-group.com © 2008 BOW Montreal, CANADA PVC-0308 pri c e li s t DESCRIPTION ITEM PVC SOLVENT WELD DWV MARCH 2008 - Page 7 DIMENSION CARTON SKID LIST PRICE 434555 1 1/2 50 2400 9.49 434563 2 20 1920 10.34 431643 3 25 600 17.22 434613 4 10 360 44.95 SANITARY TEE (Spigot x Hub x Hub) 434571 2 x 2 x 1 1/2 25 2700 8.10 434589 2 x 1 1/2 x 2 25 2400 7.83 434597 2 x 1 1/2 x 1 1/2 25 2400 8.63 434605 3 x 3 x 1 1/2 10 480 18.00 431635 3x3x2 25 600 17.00 434621 4x4x2 5 240 27.14 6.39 TEST TEE (Hub x Hub x FPT) 433722 1 1/2 50 5400 433730 2 20 2160 7.85 433748 3 25 900 15.67 433755 4 10 300 29.14 TEST TEE WITH PLUG (Hub x Hub x Plug) 432013 1 1/2 45 2970 8.90 432021 2 25 1200 10.28 432039 3 25 750 19.65 432047 4 10 360 30.89 433524 3 10 360 31.66 433532 4 5 180 40.99 1 1/2 25 2400 7.20 10.57 2 WAY CLEANOUT TEE (All Hub) DOUBLE SANITARY TEE (All Hub) 430314 430322 2 25 1200 430330 3 5 240 29.55 430348 4 5 180 47.52 430355 2 x 1 1/2 25 1200 7.97 430363 3 x 1 1/2 10 660 16.96 434795 3 x 3 x 2 x 1 1/2 10 480 15.92 430371 3x2 15 540 17.84 430389 4x2 5 330 39.31 430447 4x3 5 240 40.33 434332 2 25 900 17.97 434357 2 x 1 1/2 x 1 1/2 x 1 1/2 25 1200 19.78 434365 3 5 240 38.84 434373 3x2x3x3 5 180 38.45 3 x (2) SI 10 240 32.73 DOUBLE FIXTURE TEE (Hub x Hub x Hub x Hub) TEE W/90° RIGHT AND LEFT INLETS (All Hub) 430181 BOW PLUMBING GROUP – USA Champlain, NY Tel: 800.852.8527 e-mail: info@bow-group.com Fax: 800.526.5668 www.bow-group.com © 2008 BOW Montreal, CANADA PVC-0308 pri c e li s t DESCRIPTION PVC SOLVENT WELD DWV MARCH 2008 - Page 8 ITEM DIMENSION CARTON SKID LIST PRICE 433599 3 x (2) SI 15 540 24.74 3 x (2) SI 15 540 24.74 LEFT SIDE INLET TEE (All Hub) RIGHT SIDE INLET TEE (All Hub) 433607 CAP (HARD) (Fits Over Sch 40 Pipe) 432526 1 1/2 120 12960 3.86 432534 2 25 10200 6.42 432542 3 25 2700 11.12 432559 4 25 2400 15.88 433987 6 5 480 40.12 100 20400 1.71 THREADED PLUG WITH GASKET (MIPT x Square Head) 432690 1 1/2 432708 2 75 15300 1.75 432716 3 25 5100 3.40 432724 4 35 3780 5.02 432732 6 *no gasket 20 1920 16.69 CLOSET FLANGE - ONE PIECE (Flange x Hub) 432229 4x3 9 972 7.92 433862 4x4 10 1080 9.01 4x3 25 2700 9.22 4x3 10 1080 9.63 CLOSET FLANGE (Flange x Hub - With Test Plug) 432245 CLOSET FLANGE (Flange x Spigot) 432237 CLOSET FLANGE - ADJUSTABLE RING (Metal Ring x Hub) 432195 4x3 25 1200 15.51 433870 4x4 10 1080 21.95 4x3 15 1440 20.77 CLOSET FLANGE (Metal Ring x Spigot) 432203 BOW PLUMBING GROUP – USA Champlain, NY Tel: 800.852.8527 e-mail: info@bow-group.com Fax: 800.526.5668 www.bow-group.com © 2008 BOW Montreal, CANADA PVC-0308 pri c e li s t DESCRIPTION ITEM DIMENSION PVC SOLVENT WELD DWV MARCH 2008 - Page 9 CARTON SKID LIST PRICE 5 540 27.40 OFFSET FLANGE - ADJUSTABLE (Metal Ring x Hub) 409623 4x3 FLUSH FIT CLOSET FLANGE (With Knockout Test Plug) (Fits Over 3" DWV Pipe or Inside 4" DWV Pipe) 432260 4x3 25 900 14.75 4x3 25 1200 15.24 FLUSH FIT CLOSET FLANGE (Without Test Plug) 432252 RETURN BEND - Hub x Hub (No Cleanout) 431916 1 1/2 25 2700 5.39 431924 2 10 1080 10.34 431932 3 10 480 28.75 431973 4 5 240 56.81 P-TRAP - SOLVENT WELDED JOINT (With Cleanout) 432294 1 1/2 15 1080 11.15 432310 2 (CAP DESIGN) 10 960 18.90 15 1620 6.75 P-TRAP - SOLVENT WELDED JOINT (No Cleanout) 434738 1 1/2 434746 2 10 1080 8.88 434753 3 10 360 30.87 434761 4 5 180 70.38 1 1/2 10 1080 13.31 432377 1 1/2 x 1 1/4 or 1 1/2 20 1320 14.72 432385 1 1/2 25 1200 14.72 P-TRAP - Hub x Slip Joint (No Cleanout) 434399 L.A. STYLE P-TRAP WITH UNION (No Cleanout) ADJUSTABLE P-TRAP WITH UNION - Hub x Hub (No Cleanout) 434415 1 1/4 20 2160 25.13 432419 1 1/2 15 1620 8.63 432427 2 10 960 18.76 1 1/2 25 1200 16.57 P-TRAP WITH UNION JOINT - Hub x FPT 434423 BOW PLUMBING GROUP – USA Champlain, NY Tel: 800.852.8527 e-mail: info@bow-group.com Fax: 800.526.5668 www.bow-group.com © 2008 BOW Montreal, CANADA PVC-0308 pri c e li s t DESCRIPTION ITEM PVC SOLVENT WELD DWV MARCH 2008 - Page 10 DIMENSION CARTON SKID LIST PRICE 1 1/2 8 864 27.33 DIMENSION CARTON SKID LIST PRICE 433631 1-1/2" 12 433649 2" 8 433656 3" 4 433664 4" 3 428805 3" 4 429209 4" 3 DRUM TRAP - Hub x Hub (With Cleanout) 432773 FOR PVC SOLVENT WELD DRAIN WASTE & VENT DESCRIPTION ITEM BACKWATER VALVE (PVC-DWV Hub X Hub) PVC SEWER KIT (2 Adapter Bushing Included) please call bow customer BACKWATER VALVE (PVC-DWV Hub X Hub with 16" Extension ) 429308 3" 1 429407 4" 1 service for current pricing PVC SEWER KIT (PVC-DWV Hub X Hub with 16" Extension ) (2 Adapter Bushings Included) astm d2665 428300 3" 1 429100 4" 1 NOTICE: BOW Plumbing Group Inc. procures some NSF International-Certified items from NSF International-Certified suppliers as necessary to assure inventories adequate to meet the immediate needs of our customers. In compliance with NSF certification agreements, the name of the manufacturer and trade/model designation under which an item is NSF InternationalCertified will be provided upon request. BOW PLUMBING GROUP – USA Champlain, NY Tel: 800.852.8527 e-mail: info@bow-group.com Fax: 800.526.5668 www.bow-group.com © 2008 BOW Montreal, CANADA CONDITION OF SALES PRICES: Prices are subject to change without notice. All catalogue prices shown are list. TERMS: 2% 30 days, net 45 days from date of invoice. Interest rate of 1-½% per month will be applied to overdue accounts. FREIGHT: Freight is prepaid on orders totaling $2500.00 net. All products except ABS Pipe may be combined. MINIMUM ORDER: The minimum order is $250.00 net. BROKEN CARTONS: BOW will automatically ship full carton quantities. BACKORDERS: All backorders are shipped unless otherwise indicated on the packing slip. Additions to backorders are not accepted. RETURNED GOODS: All returns must be approved in advance and require a “Returned Goods Authorization”(RGA#) issued by BOW Customer Service. Shipping instructions are provided on the Returned Goods Authorization Form. Returned goods are subject to a minimum 25% restocking charge. No returns are allowed after six (6) months from date of invoice. ORDER FULFILLMENT OR BILLING ERROR: Customer must notify BOW Customer Service of any error in filling or invoicing of an order within ten (10) days of receipt to preserve claim for adjustment. DAMAGED OR MISSING GOODS: All shipments are FOB BOW warehouse or other designated warehouse. Delivery to the carrier constitutes delivery to the customer. Customer must note on Bill of Lading or Freight Bill any damaged or missing goods and must file claim with the carrier. BOW PLUMBING GROUP CHAMPLAIN, NY USA Tel: 800.852.8527 Fax: 800.526.5668 e-mail: info@bow-group.com www.bow-group.com
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