Newsletter - The Dorcan Academy
Newsletter - The Dorcan Academy
News letter Issue No: 006 It has been a busy term for students and staff from The Dorcan Academy. We have hosted events within the school and taken students on field trips, of which you will find reports of in this newsletter. Some took place too late in the term to be included in this edition but you can read about them in our next newsletter. Namely our rewards trips, Year 7 camp and the recent news that two of our Year 8 students, Lauren Doble and Isabel Dawson, progressed through to the finals of the Aspens’ National Young Chef of the Year Award; Lauren going on to become overall winner. Well done girls! The English Department took Year 7, 8 and 9 students to a showing of the fantastic West End Show “The War Horse”. The Dorcan Academy held a Year 11 Design Technology and Art Show. There were practical work exhibits, an Art and Photography gallery as well as displays and presentations from the Dorcan Young Designer of the Year competition. Fun was had by all at the annual Dorcan Academy Olympics. Processions of the tutor groups started the proceedings, each tutor group donning their handmade banners. We hope you enjoy this edition of The Dorcan Academy Newsletter. Term 6: 2013/2014 Inside this issue: Message from the Head Teacher 2 Message from Governors 4 Charley Drewett Memorial 4 Goodbye and Hello 5 Burger Brunch A Summer Cream Tea 6 7 Ambassador Visits 8 Window into the Hotel Trade 9 Parents Evenings 2013-14 9 Flood Champions 10 War Horse Theatre Trip PE News Duke of Edinburgh Award 11 12 13 The Dorcan Academy Olympics 14 Kwik Cricket The James Dyson Foundation 16 17 DT, Art & Photography Show 18 Young Designer of the Year 19 A Tasty Option 20 Dorcan Masterchef 21 Mock Interview Day 22 Annual Summer Concert 23 SCITT 24 Working with Evil Twins Artwork 25 Tatenda reaches for the Stars 26 Techniquest Riveting Readathon Events for Dorcan Students Visit to Oxford University 27 28 29 30 Dates for your Diary 31 w ww .dor This has been another exceptional year for the school in so many ways, not only with outstanding success in the classroom but with an enormous range of achievements by our staff and students outside of school and the creation of many new opportunities as we moved into second full year as The Dorcan Academy. Please take some time to read about some of the more recent activities and successes that characterise Dorcan and make it such an outstanding school. Students and staff have continued to work hard throughout the year to build on our previous achievements and we were delighted that Mr Simon Rowe, Her Majesty’s Inspector praised us for our planning and improvements in January. Our data tracking indicates that this year’s examination results could be some of the best ever. However, there is much more to Dorcan than just examination success and I would like to thank all our staff, both teaching and support members, for their commitment and dedication over the year and the students for their fantastic effort and ongoing enthusiasm in and out of the classroom. This year we have had a smaller turnover in staff with a more stable budget situation. However, we still have a number of staff leaving at the end of the academic year. Mrs Moore leaves the English department after a year, as do Mr Tucker and Mrs Wright from the Science department. Miss Harper moves on from her cover supervisor post to train as a teacher. After several years of service to the PE department Mr Senior has been promoted to a post in Wiltshire and Mr Shuker, after successfully retraining, takes up a position in a primary school. Mrs Copestake also moves on from the maths team following a promotion locally and Miss Tanji has been promoted to a head of department role in Sri Lanka. It is a sign of our recent success that staff continue to be promoted to new posts and we wish them all every success and thank them for their service at Dorcan. Mr Matyla also leaves us after many highly successful years of service initially as a newly qualified teacher and then as a non-teaching Year Leader. He has decided to follow the teaching route and gained a position in a local school. Over the years Mr Matyla has made an impact on the lives of numerous young people at Dorcan both in the classroom and in his pastoral role, as well as through a wide range of extra-curricular trips and activities and also as a staff governor. I know that we will all want to thank Mr Matyla for his commitment and dedication during his time at Dorcan and wish him every success in his new role. Lastly, we say farewell to Mr Jackson who has been at Dorcan for the past 26 years. As a mathematician Mr Jackson has taught thousands of students over the years, not only improving their maths skills but also broadening their view of the usefulness of maths across a whole range of areas. Mr Jackson not only studied maths at university but also Russian and as part of his course spent time in Russia. This has not only led to him having an official KGB file but also to his enthusiasm to organise and run a huge range of trips and activities across Europe. w ww .dor Once again many students and staff have benefitted from a Mr Jackson trip from Romania to Poland and Finland to Moscow and we thank him for the time and dedication spent in writing bids and organising funding for these trips, often working with colleagues in five or six countries at the same time. As an Assistant Head teacher Mr Jackson has been an invaluable member of the school’s Senior Leadership Team. His skills and understanding have helped us vastly improve our ICT facilities and infrastructure in school. He has played a key role in understanding and implementing reforms around the curriculum as national legislation has changed. He has also been vital in developing new systems to monitor and track students’ progress and subsequently help the school towards even greater success in students’ attainment at GCSE. His ability with spreadsheets is legendary within the school and has enabled him to design our annual timetable to make it as efficient as possible, saving the school many thousands of pounds. Indeed he has also helped several other schools with their timetabling problems. We wish Mr Jackson every success in his retirement which will no doubt be filled with more of his favourite pastime, fishing. He has not only fished at national level but also supported and encouraged young people to take up the sport and for many to achieve very high standards themselves. That dedication to supporting and helping young people to achieve and succeed runs throughout Mr Jackson’s career and I know that the thousands of students he has helped both in school and out of school will send him every good wish for the future. Though it is always sad to be losing staff, we appreciate the talents and commitment of all our staff and wish all those leaving every success in the future. At this point I am delighted to announce that we have been able to recruit specialist staff to replace all those leaving, ready for September and the new academic year. Friday 4th July saw the Year 11 prom at Hilton Hotel with the students turning out in their finery and looking fantastic! It was an opportunity for them to say farewell to school and to acknowledge the hard work that they have put in for their exams, supported by their parents and staff at school. Exams results are out on Thursday 21st August with students collecting their results in school between 11 am and 1 pm. I would like to take this opportunity to wish you and your families a restful and enjoyable summer break. The new school year, which promises to be equally exciting, begins with the Student Induction Day on Wednesday 3rd September. Further details are in the last headlines of the year and available on the school’s website. Dr Scott Sissons w ww .dor The Dorcan Academy Governors My name is Richard Vowles. I left Dorcan in 1986 vowing never to return, as I wasn’t a fan of school; yet here I am all these years later, a governor. Why? Because it’s fun as well as fulfilling, to help in the decisions that shape the future of our community and to give back to the place that prepared my wife, daughter and me for the big wide world. If this appeals to you please contact one of the governors at any of the Academy events or email us at Just do it, you won’t regret it! Dr R Vowles Governor Charley Drewett Memorial Following the tragic death of Charley Drewett, her year group decided to raise money for a lasting memorial. The decision was made to run an inter-tutor football tournament as this involved Charley’s love of football. Year 10 responded fantastically, raising £200 towards the cost and the Headteacher kindly agreed to pay the remainder of the costs of the memorial. Rob from Greenshave Services was commissioned to produce a wooden memorial, something that his company has done for many different occasions and Rob was sensitive to the need to reflect Charley’s love of sport. It was decided that a football would be the best representation of this. He duly sourced material suitable for the job and was able to create the memorial from one piece of tree trunk. Charley’s tutor group, 10R1, and their tutor, Mr Haynes, created the script to be put onto the plaque and this was produced on a hexagonal plaque to reflect the patterns that Rob was able to carve into the wood. The completed memorial was delivered to school on the 23 rd June, in time to be unveiled on Charley’s birthday the following day at a private event for friends and family at the school which celebrated Charley. The memorial is a lasting testament to Charley’s character and energy. Her year group miss her and were grateful for the opportunity to do something to ensure that she has a legacy at The Dorcan Academy. Mr Matyla Year Leader w ww .dor Goodbye and Hello! The Year 11 Prom was held on Friday 4th July at The Hilton Hotel. A fabulous two course supper was served in the lavish dining hall, following by dancing. The colour theme was Dorcan colours of gold and royal blue with tables decorated by balloons. Our students behaved impeccably and made all parents and staff very proud. The students all looked amazing and we had a magical night. All the staff at The Dorcan Academy would like to wish the Year 11’s the very best for the future. The Year 6 students are now ready to join The Dorcan Academy in September following their very successful Taster and/or Induction Days. They have taken part in activities to help them bond as a Tutor Group and to find out more about The Dorcan Academy and secondary school life. The students have all been given a task to complete during the summer holidays which they need to bring back to school with them on 3rd September. This will go towards their Tutor Group ‘Totem’. I have visited students in their primary school settings and spoken to all primary teachers and staff to find out as much about the students as possible before they start. The final Induction Day on 14th July was the first time that the whole of the year group attended together and was a huge success. This was followed by a parents evening later the same day which gave parents the chance to ask questions, meet their son or daughter’s tutor, order uniform, purchase a stationery pack and sample some of the excellent food that is available to all students on a daily basis. We look forward to the Year 6’s starting with us full-time in September. Mrs N Grace Year Leader w ww .dor Burger Brunch Year 9 students from The Hub hosted a tasty burger brunch recently. A massive “Well Done” to Braydon McRae-Dell, Brandon Baker, Jack Street and Sophie Choules for providing a delicious spread of burgers, potato wedges, salad and drinks. The students chose which teachers to invite and created invitations for them. The teachers came to The Hub during second break, where the students used their ‘pick your own burger menu’ to treat our guests to the burger of their choice. From preparing the table to grilling the burgers, each student put in a great amount of work and effort to show off their catering and cooking skills, which received many compliments from our invited staff. A big thank you to everyone who turned up to the event and we look forward to hosting our next one at the end of this term. Mr Payne Cover Supervisor w ww .dor A Summer Cream Tea Year 7 in The Hub put on a cream tea recently. Before we had the cream tea we had to go through the recipes to find out how to make scones and shortbread. We looked at two recipes and highlighted the differences between both of them. Mrs Edmonds did a demonstration of making scones and shortbread. invitations to our parents and teachers and handed them out. Next, we wrote out On the day we went to the tech room and we got all our ingredients ready. The teachers helped us to cook them. At lunch, we came back to The Hub to set up. We laid all the tables out in a long line with a white tablecloth. We prepared the scones and laid the table. Luke, Troy and Ryan went to get the parents. Parents, teachers and students all ate their fill! It was a happy time. Students from The Hub “The table was all decorate d, it was lu sh!” ade erry m P r M d “Me an ones...” man sc w ww .dor Ambassador Visits During the summer term, Year 8 students worked in groups on a project to produce a ‘Guide to Dorcan’ for Year 6 students. The aim was to create a booklet and to visit some of our cluster schools to deliver it to Year 6 students. The booklet is an ‘everything you need to know’ guide written from the perspective of Dorcan students and will, hopefully, address some of the questions or worries that Year 6 students may have about moving into Year 7. The first stage of this process was for the groups of Year 8 students to design a questionnaire. Eleven Year 8 Dorcan students - our ambassadors - then visited Nythe Primary and Covingham Park Primary Schools. During the visits, the Year 8 ambassadors worked with groups of Year 6 pupils to fill in the questionnaires and to answer any questions about what it was like at The Dorcan Academy. The ambassadors then fedback the results of the questionnaires to their classes at Dorcan and this information will be used to inform the creation of their guides. The next stage was a second visit, adding Goddard Park Primary as well this time, with draft copies of the guides. We asked Year 6 to cast a critical eye over these drafts and tell us what they thought. The guides were returned to Dorcan, with the suggested points for improvements. Year 6 also had the opportunity to choose which of the guides they would like to receive. Once the guides have been completed, Dorcan will deliver the chosen guides to Year 6 pupils. This term is a busy one and we are hugely grateful to our partner primary schools and to everyone who has been involved in this project for affording us the time to visit and supporting us - thank you very much. A big well done to Year 8 for all of their hard work and for all of the effort they made when working on their guides, and to Year 8 ambassadors for their enthusiasm and impeccable behaviour when visiting the primary schools. They are: Megan May. Victoria Lawton Will Price-Rolfe Harry Frost Steen Osbourn Sophie Blackwell Josh Turner Lauren Doble Nola Ely Emily Peters Nathan Shaw Mrs Whatley Teacher of English w ww .dor Window into the Hotel Trade Students from The Dorcan Academy were invited on a tour of the Marriott Hotel. They visited various departments, were involved in making coffees and shown the correct way of making beds within housekeeping. The purpose of the trip was to show students the different jobs within the hotel business and what qualifications were needed to attain employment. A big thank you to Tony Martin from Zurich, Darren Howell from Intel and the Marriott Hotel. Mrs Koza Student Data Manager Parent Evenings 2013-14 Many thanks to all those who gave us feedback on the computerised booking system for parent evenings. It was encouraging that the vast majority of parents liked the opportunity to book appointments themselves (notwithstanding the annoying quirks of the system used!) and we will be looking to introduce a similar system of booking next year but with more refinements to take on board the points that were made. Further details will be announced later in the new academic year so please keep an eye out for them! Winner of the prize draw for completing the survey was… Deborah Richards. (The prize will be winging its way to her shortly!) Mr Jackson Assistant Head Teacher w ww .dor Flood Champions This week The Dorcan Academy’s Flood Champions delivered assemblies to their fellow peers in Years 7, 8 and 9. The assemblies aimed to increase students’ awareness of flood risk in their community. The Flood Champions provided information on flood risk in the UK and in Swindon’s East Locality, facts around flooding as a hazard, advice on what to do before, during and after a flood by performing a flood scenario, and awareness on the effects of flooding through a first-hand account delivered by one of the Champions. The Flood Champions hope the students who heard the assembly will put together an emergency grab bag, know how to behave in a flood, and sign up to the Environment Agency’s Flood Warning Direct Service. In March the Flood Champions had decided to deliver assemblies to their peers, and have been working together to research and collate the material required and to practice the assemblies. Since then the Flood Champions hope to do more assemblies in the next academic year to their peers and to cluster primary schools. During the first year of the Flood Champions, the group of champions have had a day with Wiltshire Fire and Rescue Service to develop their team work and communication skills and have raised awareness of flooding through social media and assemblies. The Flood Champions group at The Dorcan Academy was created as part of Swindon’s Defra Community Flood Resilience Pathfinder Project. Mrs May Year Leader w ww .dor War Horse Theatre Trip English students from Year 7, 8 and 9 set off in high spirits and with enough tuck stowed away for a three day hike. “War Horse” has the most amazing reviews and we were all keen to see why. The “New Theatre” is one of the smallest in the West End so, even in the very back row, The Dorcan Academy still felt dangerously close when the bombs went off. Mr Coombes and seven very lucky Year 9 students, organised by Brad Sealey, Fletcher Payne, Saffron Warwick, Jess Trowbridge and Sam Bedwell bagged eight very salubrious stall seats (normally £62.50 each) while the rest of us trooped up to the roof. We settled quickly after Nathan Walter’s missing sweets were found. Matty bravely went up and down the very narrow row, twice to solve the mystery. (The sweets had been accidently eaten by Ms Smith, who was supposed to be keeping them safe. A case of mistaken identity, honest, Nathan). The show is amazing, mostly because of the horses. “Joey” lives and breathes as a real character, manned by puppeteers. When he enters the stage as a fully grown horse, it’s breathtaking which makes the cruelty of the war scenes unbearably poignant. We all had our tissues out. Miss Woodward was the first. All except Sophie Lovegrove. I don’t know how you managed it Sophie! I think we all learned about the real cost of war, the tragedy it causes and we all fell a little in love with “Joey”. Tobie: “You DID NOT see a gold Ferrari’. Rest of the coach: “Yes we DID”. Poor Tobie. As always, I was incredibly proud of our students and their behaviour. Ms Smith Head of English w ww .dor PE News Congratulations to the U16 Girls Football team who went through to the South West Regional Futsal Finals in Paignton on Sunday 25 th May after winning the Wiltshire competition. The girls demonstrated some great skill and commitment to work together against the opposition who were quite testing on the day. The team did Dorcan proud but unfortunately we will be not be progressing to the next round. Well done to the team involved: Charlotte Bailey, Jordan O’Donaghue, Katie Milne, Steph Houston, Rhiannon Brown and Amie Milne. A group of Dorcan girls played their first touch rugby match in a friendly away to Kingsdown on 14th May. Well done to Lauren Doble, Maisie Paget, Lucy Mullis, Jamie Kimber, Eleanor Fallon, Isabel Dawson, Beth Fowler, Sammy Toms and Alex Walker who were successful in a seven to five tries victory! We hope to begin a club from September now that all girls in Years 7 and 8 have received a term of teaching this year plus the popularity and request to do more. If you are interested in playing more rugby next year, speak to your PE teacher for more details. Mrs Gay Deputy Head of Physical Education Well done to the budding tennis stars who represented Dorcan at the Swindon School Games on Friday 27th June. The day began with an inspirational Opening Ceremony at Lydiard Park Academy which included speakers, dancers and a BMX roadshow. The teams then travelled to Delta Tennis Centre for the competition, where the boys team enjoyed the first experience of the competition setting. The girls team had more success as they reached the semi-finals and qualified to the next round at Marlborough College. At the South West competition the girls team played some fantastic tennis, showed great support for each other and finishing in 3rd position only narrowly missing out on qualifying for the next round. Well done to the following students for their involvement: Edison Smith, Isabel Dawson, Lauren Doble, Billie Jo Francis, Harry Frost, Ethan Easton, Kerys Hawker and Rob Hawkins. Miss Trigg Teacher of Physical Education w ww .dor Duke of Edinburgh Award Throughout Year 10 the bronze Duke of Edinburgh team have demonstrated excellent dedication and commitment to the award. Each student has given up their own time to complete the three sections of the award – volunteering, physical and skills. Through the award students have made a valuable contribution to the local community, broadened their own experiences, learnt new skills and had fun! To achieve her award Lauren Kirkland volunteered her time at Riding for the Disabled, trained regularly at North Wilts hockey club and developed her cookery skills. Jack Baker volunteered at Stanton Country Park, attended weekly trips to Next Generation Gym and completed a first aid course for his skills section. Stephanie Houston volunteered at her local youth centre, played regular football and also developed her cookery skills. These are just a few examples of the excellent work our students have been carrying out, there are many more experiences which will be shared at the presentation evening in October. Throughout the year the teams have been preparing to complete the final section of the award - the expedition. They completed a first-aid course, learnt camp craft and navigational skills. On a very cold teacher training day in March students put their planning and navigational skills to the test and completed a practice walk, followed by a practice two day and one night weekend expedition in the Marlborough area. On Saturday 21st June teams set off on their two day qualifying expedition. Within their groups they had planned their route, produced route cards, decided what they would cook on their stoves and where the rest stops would be. Each expedition team had decided on a group aim. The Duke of Edinburgh Assessors were very impressed with the high standards that the students demonstrated whilst on the expedition and passed all of the students! If you would like to begin or continue your own Duke of Edinburgh journey and complete either the Bronze or Silver Award next year please collect an enrolment form from Miss Trigg or Mrs Koza. If you would like any further information please contact Miss Trigg Teacher of Physical Education w ww .dor The Dorcan Academy Olympics Once again the PE Department and the rest of the school “played a blinder” for the Dorcan Olympics. The weather was fabulous and the staff and the whole of lower school had a wonderful day. Several old legends of the school were spotted officiating and helping the day run smoothly, namely David Knight and Tony Williams. The venue had a secure feeling to it which was provided by Mr Neads and Dr Sissons who, along with members of the local constabulary, acted as security staff. Mr Haskins, Mr Coombes and Mr Neads (he was everywhere!) were kept busy presenting the medals and being ably supported by Mrs Hardcastle, Mrs Curtis and Mrs Pitts, who kept them supplied with the medals. Sue Woolford once again laid on a great spread of food with limited resources and showed how creative our catering staff can be by feeding hundreds of students, staff and parents with only a BBQ and some hot flasks. w ww .dor Another reason the event was such a success was that it was administrated so efficiently. Mr Shuker and Mrs Hamilton practically had steam coming out of their ears while they were taking in and processing all the results so quickly. Mr Sharp and Mrs Matyla were like Radio 2 disc jockeys - making announcements, commentating and playing music from the parents and from the era of senior staff members. Mrs Farrow’s ‘media team’ were busy taking photos, some of which you can see in this newsletter, and Mrs Farrow commented that she thought the students were very well behaved throughout the whole day. This is something that the PE Department would also like to highlight. Well done to everyone who took part in the events, tug of war, and subject challenges, you were a credit to your tutor groups and school. Mr Needham Teacher of Physical Education w ww .dor The Dorcan Academy hosts U13 Kwik Cricket at County Ground A squad of fifteen Year 7 and Year 8 boys went to the Swindon Cricket Ground as The Dorcan Academy hosted a Kwik Cricket Tournament on the 26 th June. We were joined by some really good teams from Ridgeway, Isambard and Commonweal Schools. There were six teams in all as Ridgeway and Dorcan both brought enough players for two sides. Exciting games were played under the darkening skies and we were just able to complete the competition before the storms hit. It was a dramatic conclusion to a thoroughly enjoyable event. “You get to enjoy playing for a team” Robert Friend Year 7 Isambard were victorious overall and the two Dorcan teams came in 6th and also an excellent 3rd place! Almost all of our players are new to cricket and have been learning the game in lessons and our Tuesday after-school Cricket Club on the Astro. “All the teams were competitive but showed sportsmanship” Connor Law Year 7 Thank you to all the parents who helped with transport and supported our players. Massive thanks also to Andy Grayson, our Cricket and Rugby Consultant Coach. Andy works with our students in lessons and after school to enhance their development and provide guidance to the PE staff. He also secured the use of the Cricket Ground, which is a fantastic facility to give the boys their first competitive experience in cricket. Congratulations… “It’s a good day out” George Edwards Year 7 Kurtis Knee, Robert Friend, George Edwards, Conor Law, Anthony Green, Stuart Green, Josh Harkness, Yusuf Paswal, Toby Antal, Jamie Adams, Thomas Ruddle, Thomas Freeman, Troy Lonsdale, Jacob Pile and Daniel Light Mr Senior Teacher of Physical Education w ww .dor “It was fun and there was good teamwork” Thomas Ruddle Year 7 The James Dyson Foundation Year 8 students were invited to take part in The James Dyson Foundation as an introduction to their Engineering option in Year 9. A Dyson design engineer visited The Dorcan Academy and challenged the students to solve a problem by designing a solution. Once designed, the students prototyped their ideas using card and a wide range of Dyson parts and then had to pitch their ideas to the rest of the class. This was a great opportunity for them to have an insight into the whole design process at Dyson and discover creative solutions to everyday problems. Mr Thomas DT Teacher w ww .dor DT, Art and Photography Show - Shining a Light on the Future As part of the drive to showcase the creative talent here at The Dorcan Academy the exhibition included a wide range of products from Graphics, Textiles, Food, Engineering, Resistant Materials, Art and Photography – from highly practical products to the delightful and fun. The range of the students creativity and imagination was impressive, with parents and governors acting as the client providing useful feedback. All of this year`s work was showcased at the exhibition, which was a chance for everyone to see and experience the range of work we carry out. The show was attended by students, staff, parents and governors with refreshments prepared and served by students on our catering course. Mr Haynes Deputy Head of Design and Technology “I had a fantastic D&T food teacher, he recognised this was my thing encouraged me to be creative and to take risks with my culinary designs”. “Thanks for sending me an invite, the designs, art and photography pieces looked great. Are they for sale?” Year 11 parent Year 11 Food Student “I thought the project was fun, I found working with electronics challenging but interesting”. Year 11 student w ww .dor Young Designer of the Year 2014 Aimed at students in both Key Stage 3 and 4 this project challenges our students to design a new product. This challenge places creative design skills in a real world context, helping students to apply learning across the curriculum. Besides the chance for students to see their ideas developed, there was a variety of prizes to be won and the top twelve ideas publically exhibited at the end of year celebratory DT, Art and Photography exhibition. With over one hundred initial entries the design challenge provided the opportunity for enterprise with students learning from leading industry experts from Nationwide, Zurich and TE (Tyco Electronics). This growing annual design challenge is becoming an important benchmark of design talent here at The Dorcan Academy with the prizes ranging from Acer Iconia 7inch 8GB Tablets to £20 Amazon vouchers. The winning design was the `Advice Mirror` from Tammy O`Brien – Year 9. Tammy remarked “I am both pleased and surprised to have won, my mum will be so proud”. Finalists – Edmund Dadge Year 8; Tia Reeves and Emily Haskins both Year 7; Ben Yeats, Year 9; Lauren Baldwin, Year 9; Georgia Ashworth Year 8; Alex McDougall, Year 8; Lewis Ockwell, Year 8; Sophie Lovegrove, Year 9; Jasmine Fuller, Year 9; Travis Carrigan, Year 8; James Fry and James Foggin both Year 10. Judges commented “Original and creative design ideas come from having a wealth of experience, so it’s good to see Dorcan students get off Facebook, putting down their remote controls and getting out and about visiting places, talking to new people outside their age group and coming up with some fab ideas, I’m impressed!”. “It’s always good to see original design challenges in schools as the pressure for students to follow academic subjects is immense, the entries are of such a high standard I cannot pick a clear winner”. One of our jobs as D&T teachers is to make our subject relevant, develop links with real life manufacturing and design companies and to show students that there is a whole world of opportunities out there in terms of career progression. A big thank you to all the business mentors, school governors and teaching colleagues who were prepared to get on board with such enthusiasm. Mr Haynes Design and Technology w ww .dor A Tasty Option - A New Subject on The Menu Catering is a relatively new subject at The Dorcan Academy. Key Stage 3 students work through a variety of international dishes and by the time students reach the end of Year 9 they can all cook healthy nutritious main meals with confidence. Whilst some will go on to study the subject at GCSE others have the opportunity to continue cooking as an after school activity. “I like cooking and I like singing, but the cooking club and Glee club have to be the best after school clubs at Dorcan! It really is the best fun ever and Mr Haynes rocks…” Chloe, Year 7 The international cooking activity has strong cross curricular links with Global Learning and MFL departments, with students learning cooking skills whilst communicating in the language of their country of choice. Dorcan supports the value of extracurricular activities alongside classroom based studies. The food department has established some excellent links with Swindon College as the Dorcan Master Chef competition has become the culinary event of the year supported by both students and parents. One year 9 parent remarked “Once again I was blown away with the quality of catering from the class this week. Some of the products will not look out of place in a 5 star hotel”. Catering has gone from strength to strength and is already established as a popular year 9 option and extracurricular activity. It’s hard to imagine a time when there was no catering at all. Mr Haynes Deputy Head of Design Technology w ww .dor Dorcan Master Chef 2014 Thank you to everyone who entered the Dorcan Master Chef Competition. We received some fantastic, innovative entries focusing on a variety of themes which made picking the winners very challenging. Year 7/8 category winners Teigan Young and Jessica Hendry delighted the judges with their spin on a beefburger takeaway theme, with a cake made out of sponge and icing. Teigan said “I found it quite challenging, but I enjoyed every minute of it, I am proud of what I have accomplished, this is the best thing I have ever made”. Jessica remarked “It was challenging, but also really fun. The dish we presented was delicious and looked professional”. “I was so pleased and proud to hear that Jessica and Teigen were the competition winners today. They have loved the experience and are feeling very happy with themselves. Thank you Mr Haynes”. (Jessica`s Mum) The other winners included Carly Bohane, Molly McCusker, Chloe Crawford, Lauren Reynolds, Jack Powdrill and Justin Mayhew. The students remarked “We had a great time, I have learnt a lot and enjoyed the occasion, It was a challenge to get the main and dessert finished on time but we practiced quite a lot and in the end it was a fab experience. We were competing against much older students but we still held our own against some very good teams. We all worked well and enjoyed the experience. We will be back next year to compete again.” The standard has got even better since last year, “I didn’t think it could get even better but they have all stepped it up, you have certainly inspired a generation with this competition.” Steve Matthews, Swindon College Chef. A big thank you to judges Steve Matthews from Swindon College and Vicki Brown. Mr Haynes Deputy Head of Design Technology w ww .dor Mock Interview Day On Wednesday 15th May the Dorcan sports hall hosted dozens of interview tables, as Y11 came through for a series of mock interviews with adult volunteers from the local community. Students submitted professionally presented CVs and covering letters, which we read in advance of each interview. I found myself acting as the manager of a music shop, pharmacy, a primary school headmistress and even joinery! The students’ interests were far-reaching and our conversations ranged from their impressive live performances, to what wood would be best for making a snooker cue. All of them rose to the challenge of holding an intense and focused conversation with a stranger and were able to justify their choices and decisions admirably. I was extremely impressed by their thoughtfulness and confidence. This was a good opportunity to meet the students in a formal setting, dressed smartly and nervous, but also impressive and keen. In the break, discussion buzzed, as we commented favourably on students’ performance. It was a great way to showcase excellence. An important part of the process was the feedback debrief offered after each interview; it was particularly interesting to discuss students’ performance with them and get an insight into how self-aware many of them were, as well as offering constructive criticism, which will hopefully support them in their future applications. In an increasingly competitive society and job market, the opportunity to test oneself in an interview situation may prove invaluable and the students clearly treated it as such. Two governors participated as interviewers, alongside representatives from across Swindon, once again demonstrating the strength of community collaboration which Dorcan embodies. Thank you to the Year 10 Careers team who helped to run and make the event a success again this year. Miss Ryan Governor w ww .dor Dorcan Second Annual Summer Concert On Wednesday 3rd July The Dorcan Academy Music Department hosted its second annual summer concert. It was well supported and a really successful evening that brought together the different music department ensembles, dancers and soloists. Groups included the Dorcan Steel Band, the Glee Club, Guitar Club and a host of solo performers. There was also a spot for the GCSE Music class, which offered a first opportunity to perform in front of an audience. Such was the success of the event we had a full hall, which is a testament to the increasing participation of students. That said, I am still looking for more performers to give myself an even bigger problem next year! I look forward to our next Summer Concert where we will have an added Samba group to include in proceedings! All the ensembles still welcome new members and there are still a couple of guitar club spaces for September, at a cost of only £18 for every 10 weeks. Mr Driver Deputy Head of Expressive Arts w ww .dor SCITT The Dorcan Academy has been the lead school for the SCITT since the scheme began in 2003. This year sees the end of the current format of the SCITT and a new start in September as part of the Swindon Teaching School. The SCITT Manager Mr Bryn Harrison has written about the SCITT and a recent trainee, who starts full time teaching at Dorcan in September, has shared her experience. The Swindon SCITT is a course for training secondary school teachers. The course started back in 2003 and was set up primarily to improve the recruitment of teachers in shortage subjects for the children of Swindon. It is a partnership with Swindon secondary schools and the University of Bath and we are now just completing our 11 th year. The lead school in this partnership is The Dorcan Academy and the school has supported the SCITT course in numerous ways. Over the years we have trained many Swindon residents who had a desire to become secondary school teachers. The subjects we offer are: Design and Technology, English, Computer Science, Mathematics, Modern Foreign Languages and Science. The course is 36 weeks long and the majority of that time is spent in schools developing teaching skills. The trainees gain two qualifications on successful completion of the course, Qualified Teacher Status (QTS) and a PGCE qualification. Over the last ten years 215 trainees have successfully completed the course with 197 gaining teaching posts after training. Of those 197, 107 have gained their first job in the eleven Swindon secondary schools and this is having a significant impact on pupils’ learning across the town. Bryn Harrison SCITT Manager Dorcan is also delighted that one of this year’s SCITT trainees, Michelle Ross has not only successfully completed the course but has also obtained a post working in the English department at school. I have been a trainee teacher in the English department this year through the Swindon SCITT organisation. I have had a fantastic experience and received a huge amount of support from my department and the wider school. The students here are polite and have made me feel very welcome. I knew on my first day that there was something special about The Dorcan Academy; therefore I am pleased to be able to return in September to embark on my teaching career. Thanks Dorcan! Miss Ross (English SCITT Trainee) w ww .dor Working with Evil Twins Artworks As part of our Media Diploma we set out to advertise a games development club that was going to take place within the school. In Swindon, there is seemingly no such thing as a student development program within the games industry. Yes, you can study Games Development at college. Yes, you can teach yourself invaluable games development skills with a little help from the internet. But where do you go if you want to speak and work with established industry insiders? The answer was handed to me when I heard that my Media teacher, Mrs Farrow, had managed to set up a meeting with James and Mark Carroll, the co-founders of local games development company Evil Twin Artworks. We discussed our aims and they evaluated our ideas. As well as this they allowed us to go hands on with a project of their own, “Victory at Sea”. The thing that really stood out for me was how a development, so seemingly solid, was happening right in front of me. The club consisted of a combined effort to make a game using a program called Scratch. James and Mark were at hand to help students with various parts of the project’s development, such as designing in-game assets and mixing music for the soundtrack. I explained to Mark that I am interested in games writing and the session after that he approached me and asked if I wanted to write a few promotional blogs that would be posted on their website. Fast forward, a little over six months and I have written various lines of dialogue, blogs and press releases for Evil Twin Artworks’ “Victory at Sea” - and hopefully will continue to work with them on future projects. After college, where will I find myself? Currently, I do not know the answer to that, but what is clear is that Evil Twin Artworks and The Dorcan Academy have helped me to get a foothold in the games industry, through them I now have more chance than ever to pursue the path I want to take. James Clements Ex-Dorcan Academy student w ww .dor Tatenda reaches for the stars! It’s a hot June lunchtime and Tatenda, our outgoing Head Girl, arrives at my office fresh from her final Physics exam ready to talk about the previous year and her future plans. A year since Tatenda was appointed Head Girl; she has recently been awarded a place at Clifton College, a top south-west independent school. We talk about her time at The Dorcan Academy and how she has changed in the five years since she joined us. “I have so much more confidence in myself,” she tells me. “Being at Dorcan, being Head Girl, has been great. Applying for the position along with so many really good people and then getting the post gave me a boost. The school placed me in a position of trust. You’re representing the school all the time, so I had to carry myself. I thought about how I communicated with younger students and parents constantly – they have to trust you.” Tatenda thinks the combination of responsibilities in school and volunteering in the community helped to convince her new school to offer her a place. “My predicted grades are all A* and A, which helped; but they know that because of my other commitments, I’m likely to push through and work hard.” So what is Tatenda’s new school like? “It’s very different. It’s a boarding school, so it’s going to be a whole new experience. I visited the school (and others) and I liked Clifton the best. It has beautiful old buildings and a long history of traditions that have built up. Inside the school is very welcoming and comfortable. It’s a well-known school, so I hope the reputation will help me when I apply to university. I’ll have a chance to meet new people and my new tutor knows all about applying for medicine, so she can help me.” What about leaving home at sixteen? It’s a big step and Tatenda relishes the challenge. “I’m ready to make the next step and become independent,” she insists.”I like the idea of change and doing something completely new.” What is your number one memory of Dorcan? “When I stood up in front of parents to give a speech and one of the parents told me he wanted his daughter to be like me. I felt I had inspired him. And also Mr Gregory chasing me down the corridor to tell me I had an A* in my Maths mock. The teachers here WANT you to do well.” What advice can you give to younger students at Dorcan? “Grab EVERY opportunity as it comes. For instance, I didn’t do D of E and now I wish I had. Apply yourself and be proud of what you achieve!” I thank Tatenda for all she has done for the school and wish her well on the next step of her journey, which turns out to be getting herself ready for Prom, our big goodbye to a wonderful Year 11! Mrs Aplin Associate Head Teacher w ww .dor Techniquest On Tuesday 24th June, Mr Gregory and Miss Messam took twenty three Year 8 pupils to Techniquest at Cardiff Bay. As you can see from the pictures, lots of fun and learning was had by all as we experienced the hands on exhibitions, completed the puzzles and games and took part in a Mathemagics Show. All pupils behaved exceptionally well and were a credit to The Dorcan Academy. Mr Gregory Teacher of Maths w ww .dor RR14 Riveting Readathon During the last few months students from Year 9 at The Dorcan Academy, Kingsdown and Highworth Warneford schools have been taking part in the Riveting Read 2014 project. The students have worked their way through five of the newest novels for young people, chosen by the librarians from each of the schools. The books included were “ Heroic” by Phil Earle, “The 5 th Wave” by Rick Yancey, “Hostage Three” by Nick Lake, “Infinite Sky” by C.J. Flood and “Monkey Wars” by Richard Kurti. After reading all the books the students attended an event hosted at Kingsdown School to choose a winning title. The students entered into lively discussions and debates on the five titles. They worked in mixed groups to make presentations on how these books might be made in to films and what chapters would make great scenes. Well done to Mia Simmonds for her dedication in the preparation of the group presentation and to Daniel Singleton for the lively opening of his presentation! It was a close run contest this year with the dystopian novel “The 5th Wave” just beating “Hostage Three” to be the students choice as this year’s winning title. The event was a fantastic success and it was great to see students from each of the schools discussing literature! It gave all the students an opportunity to read books from genres that they would not have normally selected. Well done and thank you to all the Year 9 students that took part. Mrs Hardcastle Learning Centre Manager w ww .dor w ww .dor Visit to Oxford University At the beginning of the year a group of students were invited by Miss Bansal to take part in a number of sessions with Cressida Ryan, the school liaison officer from Oxford University. In the first session we were introduced to the Oxford University life and briefed on certain aspects of what the sessions would entail. We were also approached about producing a prospectus entry that would be presented to other schools at Merton College. The second session included problem solving skills and thinking skills which encouraged us to deliberate more, and during the third session we learnt the basics of ancient Greek and got the opportunity to extend our vocabulary. The last session focused on improving our debating and presentation skills. The sessions concluded with a visit to Oxford University, where we presented our prospectus entry to the other schools and members of the University, took a tour of the college grounds, ate a fantastic lunch and saw the other group’s presentations. The sessions and final appearance provided an excellent experience, including speaking to a large audience of mainly strangers. Overall, we would highly recommend this trip for anyone wishing to learn about universities in a more detailed way. Krishna Mistry and Emily-Jane Sheppard (Year 10) w ww .dor Dates for your Diary Term 1 Starts for students 3 September 2014 Information Evening Year 11 15 September 2014 Information Evening Year 10 16 September 2014 Open Morning 23/24/25 September 2014 Open Evening 25 September 2014 European Day of Languages 26 September 2014 Year 10/11 Science Holland Trip 21-24 October 2014 Meet your Mentor Day 22 October 2014 Term ends 22 October 2014 Term 2 starts 3 November 2014 Youth Festival of Literature 10-14 November 2014 Presentation Evening 20 November 2014 Christmas Concert St Paul’s Church 12 December 2014 Term ends (non uniform day) 19 December 2014 DETAILS OF ALL THESE EVENTS TO FOLLOW w ww .dor The Dorcan Academy St. Paul’s Drive Swindon, Wiltshire SN3 5DA Telephone: 01793 525231 Facsimile: 01793 431461 Email: Head Teacher: Dr S Sissons PhD BSc w ww .dor