fnato - MUNTR 2017
fnato - MUNTR 2017
S t udyGui de Fut ur eNor t hAt l ant i cTr eat y Or gani z at i on( NATO)2049 MUNTR2015 LETTER OF THE SECRETARY-GENERAL Dear Participants, My name is Nezahat Yeşim YARGICI, and I as the humble Secretary-General of Model United Nations Turkey 2015, would like to proudly welcome you to the MUNTR family, in the name of DirectorGeneral Tolga Öner and each and every member of our Academic and Organization teams. This year’s conference is built around the concept of change. Believing that change for the better can only be realized through appreciation of the past, we have set the theme of the conference as ‘Legacy and Reform’. After celebrating the successful story of a decade, MUNTR 2015 will be the 11th session of the conference. Starting a new decade, we feel the privilege of having space for creativity and change. We not only want to give you a better MUN experience, but a new and different one. Working day and night, our team wishes to create something more than a simulation, but a true platform of diplomacy amongst young people where new ideas and insights are welcomed; where the world is shaped by day and shaken by night. The Secretariat has been working relentlessly for the past 7 months in fulfillment of this aim, which this study guide is a result of. Before addressing the academic content, I would like to thank the members of the Secretariat, and in especial, the Under-Secretaries-General for Future NATO (2049), Mr. Yunus Can Aybaş and Mr. Derya Buğra Yarkın, whom, when put together are an epic duo. The Future NATO (2049) committee fulfills the Legacy and Reform theme of the conference, as the committee celebrates the 100th year of the foundation of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization, one of the most significant actors in the international political arena. I advise the delegates to read the provided timeline and factsheet and prepare for debates full of crises and brace themselves to shape their future. King Regards, Nezahat Yeşim Yargıcı Secretary-General of MUNTR 2015 LETTER OF THE UNDER-SECRETARY-GENERAL Fellow delegates, It is our extreme honour and pleasure to welcome you to the 11th annual session of Model United Nations Turkey Conference. Future North Atlantic Treaty Organisation is a unique committee simulated in 2049. The committee will simulate NATO in the year 2049 with regards to the event projected by the academic team, remarkably the Under-Secretaries-General Future NATO. We aimed to make this report to stimulate strategic thinking by identifying critical trends and potential discontinuities. The analysis starts from the current critical juncture in human history, which could lead to widely contrasting future. This document includes various economic projections that are based on the conjuncture which capital has been systematically favoured by the tax system vis-à-vis labour. Alongside the unique nature of Economics in 2049, the document projected the income inequalities and democratic governance as the game changers. We anticipated the rising trend of people-based framework to become a new force in both local and international force. This document will hopefully act as a guide to your research and discussions in the committee. With great pleasure, I wish you all a delightful and satisfying conference. Queries can be directed to us via aybas@muntr.org and yarkin@muntr.org. Regards Yunus Can Aybaş and Derya Buğra Yarkın Under-Secretaries-General Future NATO (2049) Introduction to the North Atlantic Treaty Organization A. Memberships With the accession of Bosnia and Herzegovina, Macedonia, Australia, Indonesia, Japan, New Zealand and Singapore in 2031 1. Albania in its 100th year the organization 13. Germany, Federal Republic of 2. Australia 3. Belgium, Kingdom of 4. Bosnia and Herzegovina 5. Bulgaria, Republic of 6. Canada has 34 member states. 26. Portugal (Portuguese Republic) 14. Greece (Hellenic Republic) 27. Romania 15. Hungary 28. Singapore 16. Iceland 29. Slovakia (Slovak Republic) 17. Indonesia 18. Italy (Italian Republic) 30. Slovenia, Republic of 19. Japan 31. Spain, Kingdom of 8. Czech Republic 20. Latvia, Republic of 32. Turkey, Republic of 9. Denmark, Kingdom of 21. Lithuania, Republic of 10. Estonia, Republic of 22. Luxembourg, Grand Duchy of 33. United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland 11. France (French Republic) 23. Netherlands 7. Croatia, Republic of 24. New Zealand 12. Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia 25. Poland, Republic of 34. United States of America B. Structure of the Organization i. Background Proclaimed in 1949 through the Washington Treaty, by the 1948 Treaty of Brussels parties, Belgium, Netherlands, Luxembourg, France, United Kingdom, and United States of America, Canada, Portugal, Italy, Norway, Denmark and Iceland; during its 100 years of presence in international arena, NATO has been an active figure in the maintenance of international peace and security. Having a look in its recent past, it is seen that the enlargement of the Organization is in a recess; with no Membership Action Plans pending. Yet, the Organization’s structure has gone through several changes in its military branch. In this section, the military alteration will be explained in details, while also mentioning political division’s activity. The Organization also continues its partnerships with non-member countries. ii. Overview As a result of the economic turmoil, the long lasting dominance of United States over NATO has come to an end as the US withholds the funding to the organization. Consequently, as an economic power in the organization Germany and with its accession Japan has filled US’s role as the main creditor. Also, at the same time, the US chose to adopt the role of a contributor rather than the decision maker. While in the 2020’s Russia has been an opposite pole of the NATO, with its process of becoming a socialist state, after Trotskian Kinetic Party (hereinafter referred to as TKP) came into power, the contradiction between the organization and Russian Federation faded in the 2040’s. Following the United Kingdom’s empty seat policy in UN Security Council, as result of the authoritarian rule of PR China in Hong Kong in 2047, NATO became a more significant power and aside from being a solely military cooperation, it also took initiative in the political arena. C. NATO Enlargement i. Asian States People’s Republic in China’s exertion of power in the autonomous state of Hong Kong and North Korea and growing military power in the Far East caused distress and concern in western politics; thus, NATO countries expanded the Washington Treaty, with an amendment called the Asian Cooperation Act (ACT), to include Asia-Pacific countries such as Japan, Australia, New Zealand, Singapore and Indonesia. The organization inclined its enlargement policy towards the Pacific and under the leadership of Japan, the Asian Cooperation for Greater Alliance which consists of Japan, New Zealand, Indonesia, Australia and Singapore, joined the Alliance in 2031. With this wave of enlargement, NATO renovated its target zone and instead of centering Latin American states and developing European countries, the organization turned to Far East. Consequently, the Alliance started overseas mission in a wider scope. ii. Bosnia and Herzegovina Between the years 2015-2030 the country ameliorated in aspects through passing of strict anticorruption laws and their execution, increasing civil participation to local governance mechanisms, enhancement of the rule of law. The NATO Membership Action Plan (hereinafter referred to as MAP) was fulfilled in 2024, leading Bosnia and Herzegovina’s accessions to the Alliance in 2025. Via NATO MAP and the privileges the Alliance offers its Members as well as the Members’ duty to maintain a certain standard in this area, the security within Bosnia and Herzegovina was able to remain steady. Yet, the remnants of the ethnic tensions in this former Yugoslavian country, with its unique constitutional design, began to signal a decrease in its functioning capacities. With the economy and the transparency improving; thus having their reflections on civilian life, the ballots and public polls still indicated a malcontent among the nation. Since 2028, the Croat population has been manifestly expressing their dissatisfaction. Croats all around the Country demonstrate against the government. Even the Croat Presidential Council members, analysts say, make separatist references. As of today, Constitutional reform calls occupy the agenda of the State. Legal experts propose a more centralized State, where the two main entities, namely the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina and the Republika Srpska, are to be abolished into cantons and the whole country is governed through a bicameral parliament and one president determined as a result of general elections. Another group of experts propose an alteration in laws and by-laws rather than making radical changes in the constitutional set-up. All in all, although Bosnia and Herzegovina has problems with regards to internal affairs, it is also known for being a contributing Ally, with her nation having a positive attitude towards the Euro-Atlantic aspirations; and with friendly neighbourly relations except for Croatia for allegedly Croatia supports the Croat movement within Bosnia. ii. Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia (hereinafter referred to as FYROM) mostly had the support of the members of NATO upon the matter of accession except for Greece who blocked the admission until 2018. Due to the political pressure of the United States on Athens in 2019, Greek governments took a step back and revoke its blockade which led to the start of the admission process for FYROM. After the two decades upon their membership, the country enhanced the rule of law and increased civil participation to local governance mechanisms. The NATO accession was fulfilled in 2034, leading FYROM’s accession to the organization. Via NATO MAP and the privileges the Alliance offers its Members as well as the Members’ duty to maintain a certain standard in this area, the security within FYROM was able to remain steady. iii. Military Structure In order to protect its own communication and information systems, during late 2020s, NATO started to work on the enhancement of its capabilities to deal with cyber-threats both the Organization and the Allied Members face on a contemporary basis. The most dramatic alteration in the Organization occurred in its military structure. Pursuant to the increasing tendency of Allied Members to include cyber commands as either in their armed-forces either as independent or sub-unified commands; the Organization began its work on structural reform. Cooperative Cyber Defense, residing in New Zealand after its accession, scheduled a series of training programs for Member-States. After the accession of the Asian Cooperation Act for Greater Alliance countries, yet another NATO Summit was held where the Allies confirmed their preparedness for the long-awaited reform; the Military Committee gathered to discuss the technicalities of such a formation. With the opening of the Headquarters, the North Atlantic Council issues a memorandum, emphasizing the political stance behind the reform: Allies shall offer their help to an Ally in case of a cyber-attack. Secretary-General of NATO refers to the memorandum as “an indication of the Alliance’s cooperative nature.” Although, the so-called evolvement of Article 5 has not been practiced yet; international lawyers currently discuss whether or not such a response would be in accordance with the explicit wording, an armed attack, of Article 51 of the UN Charter. iv. Civilian Structure a. Asian Cooperation Act for Greater Alliance As a result of the absence of United States from international arena, Russian Federation’s socialist struggles and the economic crisis hit European Union, PR China filled the place for a dominant country. PR China’s assertion of power in the region caused other states, led by Japan to feel the necessity to take collective action. After multilateral talks and Asian Cooperation Summit held in 2027, New Zealand Asian Cooperation Act for Greater Alliance was formed by five states; namely, Japan, New Zealand, Indonesia, Australia and Singapore as a military and economic organization. Following their foundation, NATO revised the Washington Agreement and member states joined NATO communally as a reaction towards the threat of PR China in the region. Currently, the Alliance serves as a military defence mechanism rather than an economic cooperation in the Pacific. b. Islam Confederation Arab League proved to be an insufficient organization after the polarization of the Shia and Sunni opposition. Soon after, League dissolved itself by 2020 completely after. With Jordan’s official recognition of ISIS as a sovereign state who was first in the world; received a wide range of criticism from the Europe and the United States. Yet, later on Saudi Arabia also recognized ISIS as a sovereign state. After the signing of Amman Treaty by Saudi Arabia, Jordan, Yemen, Kuwait and ISIS, Islamic Cooperation was found. The Confederation was shaped to be mostly an economic partnership, with political unity. Islam Confederation filled the place of Arab League without diverse sects of Islam, shaping as a Sunni cooperation, positioning itself against Shias. c. European Union The full-fledged recession that took its toll during the late 2010’s, made the dynamics of the European Union to change drastically. In the 2018 referendum, United Kingdom ascended from the Union while France suffered from economic depression. Germany granted significant amount of economic aid and investment insurance to France. United Kingdom’s departure and France’s waste away caused further economic turmoil and Germany became the sole funder and decision maker of the Union. Thus, the change in the dynamic of Europe and Germany’s role as the leader caused Germany to be granted a permanent seat in the UN Security Council. Following the crisis, in January, 2022 Sweden decided to end its partnership with European Union and soon after Finland followed. During the economic crisis, as a solution policy, Turkey had been accepted to the Union in order to enlarge the market. As a major outcome, investments and entrepreneurship of European Union in the Middle East increased to an undeniable measure. Furthermore, Europe became more involved with the Middle East politics and military activities in the region. However, as a result of the economic crisis, in the late 2020’s and early 2030’s, Christian Democratic parties rose all over the Europe, domination most of the national elections. The immigrant policy of the European Union continued its strict nature and the motto of ‘Fortress EU’ became a well-known an accepted. Also, following the immigrant practices, Islamophobia escalated among the European citizens and the following terrorist acts worsen the situation. d. NATO-EU Relations Germany, as the de facto leader of the Union mostly directs the relation between NATO and EU, since the UK absence from the Union. Upon its ascending from the Union, United Kingdom adopted controversial stances in the NATO which caused the relations between EU and the UK to escalate. With the accession of Asian Cooperation Act for Great Alliance members, NATO became more diverse than the Union rather than a reflection of it. e. African Union Since the early 2000’s, at the request of the African Union, NATO has been providing various forms of support to the African Union. By late 2020’s, economic and political imbalance in Africa escalated in a massive degree. NATO missions in the region were renovated and structured towards Somalia, Mali and Kenya (Somalia regulating since 2022, Mali and Kenya since 2024). Together with the United Nations, NATO carried out initiatives for settlement of development camps and medical supply to regions. With break out and spread of Red Horse disease, the region is under protection of NATO. African Union constitutes great importance for infected regions since both logistic and humanitarian aid is needed where the Union will be mediator between outsider powers like NATO and the United Nations. By 2037, 1.4 billion people African people suffered from water scarcity, and 2/3 of the continent was living under water-stressed conditions. In the early 2040’s water crisis got even more serious and other that North African region, African states dissolved at the hands of war lords who controlled the underground water sources. In 2042, an epidemic showed itself with symptoms as high fever, dehydration and bloody nose which was called Red Horse disease which were spread through water. By 2042, %20 of the population was deceased from the epidemic and water scarcity. v. NATO-Cyber Defense Strategy NATO has been outsourcing most of its technological infrastructure after the inception of galaxy era in cyber defense industry where companies and governments outsource their information systems after 2020s. In mentioned years, Pakistan was the main outsourcer to NATO. Recent years, with the break out of Indian information industry, cyber-defense phenomenon turned its face towards Indian Peninsula. NATO Information Sources responsible from cyber security is mostly governed and regulated by the Central Office of the Alliance in Bombay. With the inclining tendency of global community towards technology and Internet for the past decades, NATO is inevitably countering wider range of cyber threats day to day. Confronting threats by the Alliance is regulated by establishment of an enduring cyber-defense infrastructure. Hence, struggling with cyber terrorism is another indispensable agenda of the Alliance after the recent cyber-attacks targeted towards several member states’ government information systems recently in 2045 causing NATO to recognize the issue as a top priority. The agenda was discussed numerous times in the Summit Declarations, Organization’s regular and ministerial meetings. Alliance, as a result of long lasting talks and debates over the issue, released a communiqué covering three critical functions for cyber defense; · Allies are committed to enhancing information sharing and mutual assistance in preventing, mitigating and recovering from cyber-attacks. · Nations are and remain responsible for the security of their communication networks which need to be compatible with NATO’s and with each other’s. · In case of a cyber-attack against the Alliance, member nations must act collectively and hold the right for demanding military and technological assistance as reaction to a possible cyberwar. In a case of war, consequence of choosing not to get involved in a collective movement is alienation by the Alliance of the member nation/s. In its 100th anniversary, the Alliance is getting prepared to hold a NATO Global Forum on Information Security and Cyber Terrorism on March 5, 2049. vi. NATO Cyber Defence Capability In order to consolidate previously mentioned functions of the Organization on the agenda cyber-defence, it carries out regular exercises such as the “Cyber Coalition Exercise”. The exercise is formed to implement cyber-defence strategies into Alliance’s entire mechanism. C. Current Agenda of the NATO i. Situation in the Middle East a) Kurdistan Kurdish minorities residing in Iraq constitute a great importance for the Alliance’s agenda on the Middle East. For over thirty years Iraqi Administration cannot hold its state. In late 2023, tensions were high in the region after oppression of the Iraqi government towards Kurdish districts. Protests met unidentified number of injuries and deaths. The degree of instability in the region caused alienation of the Kurdish residing regions from the entire community. With collapse of former authority in the region, Kobane region united with the Iraq’s Kurdish region and formed the state of Kurdistan on 29th February 2024. Although the incident met numerous criticisms from the international community, it still holds place in the region as an autonomous state of Kurdistan. b) Islamic State Threat of the Islamic State has been on the agenda of the Alliance since early 2010s. Escalating tensions in the Iraqi and Syrian common borders and International Communities’ inability in carrying weight over the territory left the Islamic State the opportunity to gain control. After ten years of informal authority over the borders, in 2021 June 9th Caliphate Ismail of the ISIS declared that the jihad has succeeded and the Islamic State will rest on its current borders. c) Iran’s Nuclear Activity After Iran repeatedly failed to meet the deadlines in Iran nuclear talks western countries unofficially walked out of the table in 2016 Iran accomplished the flight-testing of an intercontinental ballistic missile in the 2019. Consequently to Iran’s declaration, that Israel should "be wiped from the map" a new initiative was found in the early 2020s in order to control the nuclear activities with the cooperation of Iran. Iran failed to meet many requirements and even though there had been more testing incidents in 2028 and 2036, the tension ceased until 2040s. However, it had been reported that suspicious activities had been observed in the nuclear sites of Iran. ii. Collective Defense Collective defense, lying in the foundation and usual agenda of NAC, with its contemporary aspects have been covered under Civilian Structure, Partners with regards to the enhancement of collective defense mechanisms through the enhancement of the relations with non-NATO countries; and under Military Structure: NATO Allied Cyber Command with regards to the debates that the forces have triggered among international legal and political experts. Therefore, these aspects will not be re-stated in this section. As mentioned above, cyber defense is included in the core tasks of collective defence of the Alliance. iii. NATO Space Program NATO Alliance Space Forces for settlement of a cross-NATO Community of Interest (hereinafter referred to as COI) aims at bringing up to date solutions to NATO’s space capabilities requirements. Thus, NATO Space Program for 2020-2050 is structured to meet certain goals. These goals are centered on three critical functions; · Space capabilities for NATO outer forces · Awareness of NATO and non-NATO space assets and capabilities. · Preservation of NATO space capabilities in hostile environments. NATO space Program initiated on the leadership of Germany and the US by the NATO Science and Technology Organization. Latest development in the initiative is “NATO’s Mission Mars”. With this mission NATO sent fifty people from seventeen nations with racial diversion to Mars in order to start the colonization. Distance between two planets, Earth and Mars is 55 million kilometers and the estimated travel duration is two-hundred and fifty days. The colonials are expected to arrive at 12 December, 2049. iv. Situation in Afghanistan In 2014, the transition process was completed in Afghanistan and Afghan forces assumed full security responsibility when the International Security Assistance Force (hereinafter referred to as ISAF) mission was completed. A new, more combat non-combat mission called Resolute Support followed the ISAF initiative which was launched on 1 January 2015 to provide additional training and assistance in accordance with the Chicago Summit Declaration on Afghanistan. Following the withdrawal, two documents were necessary for the realization of leaving troops in post2014 era in Afghanistan: a Bilateral Security Agreement between the US and Afghanistan and a Status of Forces Agreement between troop contributors and Afghanistan; the former being problematic for several months. Yet, before the end of the Operation, the then new Afghan President Abdullah signed the Agreement, allowing NATO to leave its troops in the field for the aforementioned purposes. As of 2030, NATO continues to be in the field. Notable issues in Afghanistan’s current security and stability agenda, therefore, need the attention of the Organization. On September 11th, 2031, Taliban declared independence in Kandahar, Kabul. Afghan officials have expressed allegations against Pakistan of being in support of Taliban. The Government pursued their aim to stabilize the country; yet on March 5th, 2034, the Afghan armed forces lost control in Khost and Paktika. April 2039 in Afghanistan was a series of unfortunate events involving hundreds of civilian deaths and even more injuries during the clashes between governmental forces and the Taliban. The issue was brought before the consideration of the United Nations Security Council. Also, the North Atlantic Council has taken the situation to its agenda several time latest being February 2049. Currently, the unrest still continues. NATO has not abandon a peaceful, stable and prosperous Afghanistan goal which was set in 2012, Chicago Summit Declaration on Afghanistan. D. Timeline: 2015 - 2049 2015 and Anzacs were commemorated at Gallipoli. March The British and French had attempted to pass 17th March - Ukrainian Pro-Russian rebels through Dardanelles with an armada and occupy attacked Ukrainian government buildings in Istanbul to rule out the Ottomans. After naval Eastern Ukraine, severely wounding 2 officials. defeat of the “invincible Armada”, the British 21st March: The tension between ISIS and the had deployed thousands of Anzacs for a land Peshmarga rose over the Northern Iraq. US-led campaign. The war at the straits claimed around airstrikes continue over the region. 500,000 lives on both sides, resulting in Allies’ April retreat. Military experts mark the war as the first 23rd April - Catherine, the Duchess of one in which Mustafa Kemal demonstrated his Cambridge, gave birth to baby daughter, military genius, paving his way for future roles. Princess Mary Diane Henrietta of Cambridge. May Princess Mary became fourth in line for the 14th May - The mortgage crisis was experienced throne to the Commonwealth. on the Eastern Europe; Croatia was currently 25th April - WWI commemorations continued. stabilized Thousands from Australia and New Zealand However, according to critics, Eastern European flooded into Turkey and France for ceremonies. countries’ On its hundredth year, Turkish-Ottoman soldiers immensely. with government budgetary deficit intervention. was affected June global warming and environment protection 15th June - The leftist government of Greece and were taken into the agenda. their unorthodox view against austerity did not August bring success. Greece continued to experience a 15th August - Famous American novelist George big revenue hole and budget deficit. The debt- R. R. Martin, best known for the series of Game ridden nation’s EU-dependency has increased. of Thrones, died in a tragic plane crash. The July members of scenario team of the TV series and 14th July - Tension, once again, rose in the HBO show runners David Benioff and Dan Middle East. Following, Hamas’s rocket Weiss who were the only people, who knew the attacks, Israel started an immense retaliation to end of the series, were in the plane as well. cities. Civilian casualties were reported to be There were not any survivors. The sixth more than 15. forthcoming novel of Martin, The Winds of 25th July - The United Nations Summit on Winter was not complete yet. Besides millions Millennium Development Goals 2015 was held of readers and fans of the TV show, US, UK and during the General Assembly in New York. Iceland had declared one day of national Although the achievement of the 8 main goals mourning. Because of the sudden decrease in such as poverty eradication, universal primary the stock market values of HBO and Time education and promotion of gender equality Warner Inc., U.S. stock market had faced an were not at the aimed level, the progress made alarming fluctuation. since 2000 was found encouraging and world leaders discuss on a new strategy for a post2015 period. In addition to previous goals, 21st August - Greece under the leadership of Syriza, failed to achieve the budget goals once again. The alternative vision did not pay off until then. Greece started to plan for leaving the is said to be fueled by speeches of Emma European Union. Watson, UN Women Goodwill Ambassador and September Hillary Clinton, former Secretary of State and 22nd September - Greece exit plans did not work First Lady, and a long-time US feminist idol. due to the hole in the budget. The shaky The Seventh Ave. is now named Stanton Ave., finances of Greece did not have any other after Elizabeth Cady Stanton, a leading figure of creditor than EU. The electoral campaign for a the early women’s rights movement in America. sovereign and strong Greece was a hit for The march marked the beginning of fourth-wave Syriza. Yet, soon enough, Greece then became feminism, focusing on integrating men into the more EU-dependent ever than before. The struggle for gender equality. recession in Russia and surrounding region November affected Greece for the worse, in this sense. 16th November - US Federal Reserve stated that, October the interest rates could increase in the following 15th October - After somewhat three years of months. disintegrated feminist movements, a collective December protest against male hegemony took place in 18th December - Star Wars: Episode VII became Manhattan, NYC, fueled by increasing women the highest grossing movie of all time, beating murders and mass rapes happening all around Avatar which held the title for six years. the world. 2016 The march closed 46 blocks up to the Central January Park in Seventh Ave. making it the biggest 7th January - Lithuania lowered the retirement coordinated feminist march to date. The protest age to 55. February Apple Inc. betrayed the memory and efforts of 29th February - iPhone 8 was launched. As usual Steve Jobs. for iPhones, there were huge lines in shops. 11th March - Venezuela once again suffered However, new iPhone was not favored by the from civil unrest due to the financial state that majority of clients and accused of bringing Venezuela had been facing. Citizens gathered in nothing new. Millions of people demanded to front of the Venezuelan Ministry of Finance to return them before the day come to an end. protest the government’s action that led to the March fiscal deficit which has reached to 21% of the 3rd March - CEO of Apple, Nehra Mentessio GDP. The nature of the protests changed held a press conference and affirmed that Apple drastically when Venezuelan Riot Police was had introduced the iPhone 8 before it was called into action, and that day ended with 17 launched and the clients were aware the features protesters dead; according to the local sources. of the device thus Apple does not have such a 12th March - Stocks of Apple Inc. lost % 2500 responsibility and it would not retake any of the value in the stock market within a week. phones sold. Incidents were evaluated as a public scandal by 4th March - Protesters gathered in front of the the Apple Headquarters in New York and destroyed explanation was made by the firm after its hundreds of iPhones by throwing them to the former CEO. building. Executive board of Apple fired the April CEO after her statements; however the public 21st April - Prime Minister of South Africa anger did not cease. Lisa Jobs, the out of declared that they reached an agreement with 10 wedlock daughter of Steve Jobs, claimed the EU countries to take their waste materials and international community. No further garbage for next 50 years. Germany, UK, America, Eastern North America, Western France, Spain, Italy will pay a total 10 billion € Europe, and a partial transit everywhere else per year. Storing garbage had been a problem except Australia and South Eastern Asia. especially for crowded European countries since June the earlier years of the twenty first century. 7th June: South Africa would be free to decide on how to reactor to produce energy from garbage. the use the garbage. Members of the Union will share the building 27th April - Joseph Stiglitz, Nobel Award costs. Proposal of South African delegate was winning economist and former chief economist accepted with unanimity. South Africa will lead of the World Bank, issued a sequel book for the process. The Reactor was expected to “The Price of Equality” named “Killed by support the economic developments and provide Wealthy”. The book strongly criticizes the an alternative and cheap energy source for the possible transatlantic trade and investment Continent of Africa. partnership, the adoption of such treaty which August enables the partnership will be a capital 4th August – Lithuania raised minimum wage to punishment given to the emerging market, 500 Euro. specially which need the foreign capital flow on 5th August - 2016 Summer Olympics were their economies. initiated in Rio de Janerio, Brazil. Since the very May first tournaments began, the absence of zealous 9th May - The transit of Mercury impressed spectators had been a matter of concern. In this hundreds of millions around the world, the regard, the Vice President of the organization inspiring incident was observed clearly in South Saidento Esraora made a public statement: “Our African Union decided to build a united and puissant nation will surmount this side to…” yet right at this point, the electricity challenge with utmost enthusiasm and alacrity of the whole state went off and there was for the future of Brazil!” In the aftermath of the designated to be an unidentified blackout for 15 statement, citizens of Cachoeiro de Itapemirim minutes. Interior Security officers along with and Juiz de Fora protested the government for Rio police were alerted by the rumors regarding misplacing the priorities of the nation and the possibility of stolen ballot papers; however, negatively affecting the public welfare. During no official clarifications were made. the protests, a former Turkish candidate for presidency Ekmeleddin İhsanoğlu caught attention due to his electoral campaigns in the middle of an internal crisis. Together with the citizens, the most frequently chanted slogan was “Bread for Ekmeleddin, not for millionaires in Rio!” 7th August - The State Government for Rio De Janeiro made a declaration on the escalating Olympics dilemma by pointing out that “The Brazilian Government has always prioritized the benefit and well being of each and every single resident of Brazil. For those who unfortunately could not benefit from the magnanimity of Brazil, we are always on your 2017 January 15th January – Islamic Corporations and Banks requested to restructure in their investment program and debts in EU, such like in 2009 Dubai debt crisis. It is expected to follow by rising debts, as capital flow to EU declined. February 1st February – Lithuanian capital Vilnius was hit by protests against the government. Protesters gathered in the streets to protest President Albertas Agnes. Protest was organized following the allegations of corruption and allowances in sex trafficking by Albertas Agnes. Lithuania, for long, had been suffering from sex trafficking. Henceforth, it reached the climax in instability combined with US interest rate the last decade. Protesters demanded increased decision. employment for youth and wanted the state to 8th March – Croatia’s credit rating was take more responsibility. downgraded to BBB-. Lithuania’s credit rating 6th February - Hollywood star Angelina Jolie was also downgraded. adopted her 14th children from world’s poorest 14th March – Following the hole in credits country Micronesia. Jolie named the 18 month following Islamic banking debt problem, the baby boy “Dolphy”. fears grow over debtor countries like Lithuania 14th February – Lithuanian protests were and Croatia. fuelled, once again, by the Wikileaks documents 17th March - The Swiss franc surged by %21 that claim that Albertas Agnes have relations against the euro in the last year. The devalued with the major organizations involved in sex Polish Zloty and Hungarian Forint raised Swiss trafficking. Franc (CHF)/ Euro parity to record highs. 29th February - Vilnius Stock Exchange (VSE), April hit record low. With the rising interest rates in 12th April - European Union ordered Lithuania, EU, CNN reported that foreign investment fled Latvia and Croatia to reduce their budget to US from Lithuania. deficits. 27th February - - US interest rate reached 1.1% 14th April - Croatian Youth unemployment rates March had reached the decade high, 49.5%. The 6th March – Polish Zloty and Hungarian Forint reactions experienced the decade’s record lowness against throughout the country. the US Dollar. This was following the political to government formed protests 19th April- NBA Playoff Finals were played export partner of Latvia followed by Lithuania. between Utah Jazz and Cleveland Cavaliers. Furthermore, Lithuania is also the biggest Legendary player of Utah, LeBron James scored import partner of Latvia as well. 34 points against his former team. While 24th May - 4kids Entertainment announced that Cleveland won the match with 124-122, Rudy famous Japan anime Pokémon would be Gobert from Jazz was chosen MVP. featured again with new characters. 25th April – The economic obstacles made June Croatia miss the goals of being a Eurozone 21st June - The intertwined European Union was Country. shaken by the fragile economies of Eastern 26th April - An oil painting of Dutch master European countries. Vincent Van Gogh is discovered in a basement July in London, with an estimated worth of $320 1st July – European Union ordered Lithuania, billion. The painting was donated to the Latvia, Poland and Croatia to reduce their National Gallery. budget deficits. May 8th July – Critics issued their concerns towards 2nd May – Lithuanian election resulted with the the heavily indebted in Eastern Europe, Latvia victory of Christian Democrats, mostly led by and Croatia. Homeland Union, following the failure of Social 11th Democrats in the previous term. Grynauskaite resigned from her seat, following May 18th – Latvia was hit hard by the the allegations and the criticism of the Christian continuing sanctions to Russia and Political Democrat-led parliament. Her position was crises. To be noted, Russia stands as the main July – Lithuanian President, Dalia replaced by his deputy, till the state-wide 15thJuly – Lithuanian stock exchange faced election. record lows, whereas the public worry on the 14th July - After the announcement of a new economic future of Lithuania was on the rise. season of Pokémon, people started to discuss the 20th July – The parliament of Croatia hosted theories about the series. According to the intense debates and allegations over corruption theories, Pokémon world was a dystopia that of the existing government. symbolizes world after an unknown disaster. 22th July - Theories on Pokémon drew the There were a few adults left on the world. international Pokémon and Thousands of parents protested that they did not catch wish their children to watch the cartoon. Same Pokémon under the guise of championships. reactions were voiced in 2001, when the episode Motto of the Team Rocket was the focal basis of named ‘Electric Soldier Porygon’ induced the theory; “Prepare for trouble! Make it epileptic attacks on children. Sources of the double! To protect the world from devastation! theories were a Turkish website called ‘Ekşi To unite all peoples within our nation! To Sözlük’ where users freely share their ideas on denounce the evils of truth and love! To extend anything. our reach to the stars above!” It’s claimed that 25th July – Latvian debt rose to the 10 year Team Rocket was the only ones who knew highs. about the truth, and government made them look 27th July - 4kids Entertainment announced that like terrorists. they step back and a new season of Pokémon were governments used mutated the animals children to community will not be featured. into discussions. 30th July - Following the elections in Lithuania, 7th Andrius Kubilius of Homeland Union took the considered the austerity measures, for the first seat of Prime Minister. time. Vilnius stock exchange hit record low. December – Lithuanian parliament August 2nd August - ICJ decided on the dispute between 2018 China and Japan over the islands between two January countries, was settled in favor of China. The 1st January – 2017 Values show that, the main appeal for the decision was declined, and import and export partner of Lithuania, Latvia Japanese officials were infuriated over the experienced “biased” opinion of the court. Following the declaration of numbers, Latvian September stock market response was a downfall. 6th September- NASA announced its latest 18th September: Following Iran’s decade of research that indicates an unexpected and success in the space studies including sending a extraordinary change on the angles of the primate to outer space and other living planets’ orbits. Experts had stated their predicts organisms, Iran managed to send the Safir- ةمأال on a possible solar eclipse in 6 months that رخف16 (Nation’s Pride) missile-led satellite might last up to 12 hours differing from the into the orbit which was considered to be able to regions to region, because of the movements of provide Mars. communication with the military. December 2nd January – The yearlong values had shown 5th December – Lithuanian credit rating was immense budget deficit in Lithuania. downgraded to “junk”. a massive outer-space trade reduction. connection and 11th January – Lithuanian public debt reached January 29th – European Union warned Latvia 88% of its GDP. and Croatia to reduce the budget deficit. 18th January - Andrius Kubilius unveils new February reforms and regulations to Lithuania. 8th February – Strikes hit the debt-ridden state of 19thJanuary – Nobel winning economist Jean Lithuania. Due to the strike, crippled economics Tirole, issued a warning to the French Republic. of Lithuania lost its productivity. As things He pointed out that deregulated shadow banking stand, Lithuania was perceived to be in a debt system would be sore for the French in the next trap. financial instability. 9th February - The Winter Olympics commenced 23rd January – Latvian credit rating was in Pyeongchang, South Korea. downgraded. 11th February – EU condemned Lithuania on the 25th January – Croatian youth unemployment “severe irregularities” in their budget deficit. rises, which also is a pushing factor in budget 15th February – Croatian GDP reduced by %2. deficit. Economist fear Croatia to be the next The austerity measures did not work as Lithuania. expected. 28th January - Director of NASA stated that the 22nd February – ECB issued a press release solar eclipse was expected to occur within the which dismisses the opinion on disintegrated last week of February. The eclipse is expected to Eurozone and several countries to leave be seen by the northern parts of the north Eurozone. hemisphere, namely the Nordic countries and 27th February - 8 Israeli Soldiers in an armed United Kingdom. vehicle were killed by a rocket during the clashes in the Lebanese border. Israeli sources "This is a victory for Africa. Finally we realised blamed Hezbollah for the attack. that other countries, other continents will not March help us to shape our future. It is our future and 1st March - Lithuanian Parliament accepted we have to shape it ourselves, without any harsh austerity measures. help." However no explanation was made to 2nd March – Lithuanian streets filled with clarify where the energy would be used or how protests against austerity measures. the countries would share it. The reactor was 8th March - The leader of Lebanese Hezbollah, named as ‘Hope Reactor’ by international Hassan Nasrallah was killed in an airstrike community. conducted 18th March – Euro continued to shrink against by the Israeli Airforce with assumedly the quarter of his command during a dollar and pound. meeting. 29th March – EU and IMF made a joint financial 14th March - President Andrius Kubilius assistance to Lithuania of 3 billion USD, yet not declared that, bailouts were not needed for the as a loan. survival. April 16th March: Cape of Good Hope Garbage 21st April - A group of activists made a gigantic Reactor was opened with the biggest ceremony graffiti on the Red Square, Russia. On the 330 of the continent's history. PM of the South meters long square, beginning from State African Republic cut the ribbon with his 53 Museum to the St. Basil’s Cathedral, “From African colleagues. "I am more than happy to Russia, with Love” is written with huge letters see our continent united and following one which can only be read through birds eye, with a common aim." PM D. Bagrienos Yeark said. rainbow background. The activists, who were clearly trying to give a message regarding the 21st April - The caliphate for the ISIS, al- intense pressure towards LGBT citizens, had Baghdadi, had been declared to be KIA by the been searched for throughout the country. The Australian Air Force officials. The person most activist group of approximately 250 people likely to succeed al-Baghdadi in his post was could not be detected because of a cyber attack Hishamuddin Ismail, a former Iraqi diplomat. towards the central surveillance camera system Ismail was regarded as more of a moderate of Moscow on the night before. The graffiti had compared to al-Baghdadi, mostly known for his been erased by the municipality workers’ hard views on prioritizing the ISIS’s development as work of three and a half hours. Support for the a state. activist group throughout the world had been the top subject in social media for the following weeks. May 10th May – Protest reached their climax, in Lithuanian capital Vilnius. 14th April – Lithuanian borrowing cost reached 31st May – Prime Minister of South African to a new record, which made nearly impossible Republic was nominated for Nobel Peace Prize. for government to operate. Local African press named him as ‘Second 15th April - Brigades subordinated to Hezbollah launched long-range missiles into settlements in northern Israel, killing 4 civilians and wounding 8 according to Israeli government’s claims. Yet the independent news sources claim that the casualties are from the military. Mandela’ because of his efforts to unite the continent. June 14th June – Germany-led, EU bailout package accepted by Lithuania but it was to be applied with austerity measures. 18th June – UK hosted anti-EU protests, and 15th July - All members of the African Union affiliated propagandas. The public opinion expressed their deep grief and regrets. The became a pushing force for EurExit. continent was mourning for the week. High 25th June - On the tenth anniversary of his expulsion risk was the reason behind cession of death, Michael Jackson was remembered; European countries on garbage burning reactors. massive concerts were held in Paris, Tokyo, August London, New York, Moscow, Cape Town, 8th August – ECB created a bond buying policy Brasilia, Istanbul, Sydney and Mumbai with 3.5 from Lithuania, Latvia and Croatia. Such action million tickets sold and 200 million people is designed to reduce the cost of borrowing. watching the live broadcasts at home. 14th August – EU finance ministers declared a July new list of austerity measures to be applied in 8th July - FIFA World Cup, organized in Russia, Lithuania. ended with the final game played between 15th August – Lithuania growth rates shows that, Argentina and Italy at the massive Zenit Arena Lithuania is in a bigger recession than it in St. Petersburg. A victorious Argentinean team projected. captain, Lionel Messi raised the Cup. 17th August - Marvel movie, Avengers 3: 10th July - 27 workers were killed in garbage Infinity Gauntlets becomes the highest grossing expulsion in the garbage reactor known as 'Hope movie of Marvel and second highest one Reactor' during transportation of the garbage overall, after the Star War’s new installment. from port. 21st August - Société Générale announces that it will no longer buy the most risky subprime mortgages and mortgage-related securities. September laws to limit CO2 emissions and to focus on 1st September - Lithuania reduces more jobs and substitution of traditional energy resources with spending as it vows to stay in Eurozone. environmentally friendly ones. 4th September - Europa Partnersa leading 17th September – Fitch, Standard and Poor’s and subprime mortgage lender, filed for bankruptcy Moody’s Investor Services downgraded over protection. 300 bonds backed by second-lien subprime 5th September – Lithuania delays banks stress mortgages in EU. tests. 19th September – UK decided to go a 7th September – Lithuanian Mortgage market referendum to decide its future in EU, in 2019 crashed. August. 14th September – A second Germany-led, EU 30th September - Société Générale liquidated bailout package accepted by Lithuania. two hedge funds that invested in various types 15th September – Lithuania imposed property of mortgage-backed securities. tax in bid to avoid default. Emergency tax was October to be collected through water bill. 1st October - The major rise of Swiss Franc 16th September - University of East Anglia shook the Eastern European mortgage markets. published a report on global warming. The Small European Countries, especially the ones report warned the global community on a 1 in East Europe that were not in Eurozone did not degree Celsius increase in a decade, possible ice have free zones in the Arctic for a month annually predominated by foreign banks. Hence, these during in banks borrowed in Euros or Swiss Francs to Antarctica. Scientist called politicians to enforce avoid the risk of local currency fluctuations. 2030s and partial meltdown a comparative banking sector and The loans were the common fashion during the he stated that he would not despair or give up on era of 2008-2016 however, the valued local the 'Hope Reactor'. He called upon all African currencies valued with the anticipation of engineers and scientists over the world to work Eurozone being the nearest future. However, on the reactor and develop its safety. with the rising dollar and shaky economies felt 25th November – European Commission stated short. that the second wave of EU debt crises is 5th October - Bosnia and Herzegovinian spreading over EU. finalized 26th November -The European Commission its anti-corruption and law enforcement regulations. made a statement regarding the economic trends 14th October – US Dollar continued to gain in the European Union. Despite being in the value over Euro. decennial of the strenuous global economic 20th October: - 53 workers were killed in the crisis in 2008, the Commission did not depict a African garbage reactor burning, just two positive scenario. This time, however, the issue months after the previous expulsion. The Times, was designated to be originating from debts the most popular newspaper of South Africa therefore named as the EU Debt Crisis. The headlined the expulsion as "NO HOPE ANY Commission explicitly declared that the second MORE". wave of the European Union Debt Crises is November spreading swiftly and prescribed to have 1st November - Opposition parties of Africa had devastating economic complications in the been questioning the necessity and safety of the region. reactor. South African Prime Minister faced 29th November – Lithuanian Budget deficit huge reaction in parliament. In press conference skyrocketed, the nation well-known for being a debt-free country, now was on the verge of a Société Générale's share price and in bearish debt crisis. speculation. 30th November - The Lithuanian Minister of 15th January – Lithuania accepted the 3rd Bailout Finance package from EU. Elzbieta Markuniene warned the Lithuanian citizens to follow the economic 21st January – Euro rebounded from the decade guidelines published by the Ministry in order to long parity of EU/USD. emancipate the nation from the claws of the EU 19th January - Banca Monte dei Paschi di Siena Debt Crisis. Lithuanian Budget, which was halted redemptions on three investment funds. known to be debt-free, now possesses a 21st January - Following the terrible financial skyrocketed deficit and carries the nation to the record and immense youth unemployment, verge of a debt crisis. Croatia gets an IMF payout. December 22nd January – Latvia annual economic data 21st December - The economic growth of showed that, the country was also in a debt European Union decreased. trade. Latvian economy was based on trade 2019 volume with neighbouring country. The weak January finance and mortgage sector made Latvia import 5th January – The Sun published, on Sunday the crises from its trade partners. August 7, an article in which it announced 23rd January - Croatia accepted a new bailout Société Générale's imminent bankruptcy. package from EU. 6th January - The rumour of Société Générale's 24th January - On the 15th anniversary of its imminent bankruptcy gathered pace, notably on inception, Facebook owner Mark Zuckerberg social networks, resulting in a spectacular fall in announced that the social network now has 2 billion users, making it the largest human Liquidity Enhancement Conduit to purchase database ever created. highly rated assets from existing special purpose 29th January – Croatia adopts new waves of vehicles. austerity measures. April February 1st April – EU, as a whole, is now on the verge 21st February – Croatian workers started a of the biggest debt crisis. The debt crises fuelled nationwide strike. in Eastern Europe hit other EU economies hard. 27th February - Protests in Vilnius and Riga Countries turned into crossfire of petrol bombs and teargas experienced a hard process. EU economic as people vent rage over crucial austerity vote system was still the biggest question. According 28th February - BNP Paribas, France’s largest to economists, French was also about to be the bank halted redemptions on four investment next in the domino. funds. 19thApril - Société Générale's abroad branch March declared its Bankruptcy. 1st March – Croatia, Latvia and Hungary 20th April – French economy experienced a experienced a credit downgrade. downfall. 4th March – Germany and France creates a “EU 25thApril – The bankruptcy of the Société Survival” fund for further bailouts. Générale created a deep concern in EU and US 16th March - Fitch Ratings downgrades local market. The hedge funds, and derivate loose banks amongst Europe. immense values. 29th March – BNP Paribas and Société Générale 27thApril - Swedish scientist had started a new announced plans for an $80 billion Master projection aiming to enable human body to grow like Italy, Spain and Ireland its organs in case of a lost. The DNA codes that 19th May – EU branch of Lazard declared were believed to still exist are activated during bankruptcy. the growing process of embryo in uterus would 20th May – Following the bankruptcy of Lazard be investigated. It was stated that if this research pressure built upon the US market. US shadow succeed, transplantation of organs would be no banking system was claimed to be on the brink more a need and life time of human would of collapse. increase at least 20 years. June 29thApril – BNP Paribas, declared that they 15thJune – New York stock exchange hit its liquidized their remaining hedge funds. lowest following the rise of unemployment. 30thApril – French youth unemployment raised Weakened Europe is currently threatening to the high, as the concerns rise. future of US. May August 5th May – The financial crisis hit shadow 7th August – UK referendum ended with a banking, EU officials said; the debt crisis was decision to exit EU. Officials say, UK Will under control, in terms of commercial banks. depart EU However, the ill-regulated shadow banking Council of Europe. system created a major blow down. September 12thMay – With the financial crisis in EU, 17th September - Lithuania introduced six-day Scandinavian countries experienced a major working week and increases the age of shift in Gini index. The nationwide income retirement. equality trend of Scandinavia burst down. 20th September – Lithuania adopted harsher however still be a member of austerity measures. 25th September – Lithuania GDP decreased by 21st October %27. Lithuania experienced a 1930s Great interest rate, fractionally, in 7 months. Depression Style recession. November 30th September – According to economist the 27th November – US Government decided to crisis was worsened by austerity. create a common fund for banks October 29th November – US decided to decrease its 1st October – US experienced flow in investment social policies in next 5 years. banking and shadow banking. The capital flow December halted in some assets. 4th December - US hosted protests, many in 3rd October – Fitch downgraded ratings of democrat states, towards the decrease in social derivate products of many shadow banking policies. corporations. 14th December - Latvia experienced heavy 15th October – US financial system experienced economic austerity policies, however economist hard times. Dow Jones Industrial Index hit low project that Latvia, with the new bailout from as unemployment reaches to peak. The non-farm EU, is about to find a way out from the debt payrolls data was disaster. trade. 17thOctober – Local mortgage lenders filed 2020 bankruptcy in several states of US. January 19th October – The investment bank, Lazard 15th January – US recession was controlled by filed bankruptcy the lowered interest and bailout package. US 20th October – Following the bankruptcy of Senate passed a bill for the regulation of shadow Lazard, credit flow decreased immensely. banking. US FED decided to lower the 21st January – Lithuania recorded a positive with the record debt-to-GDP ratio, possible growth which pumped hope to the global changes on interest to attract foreign investment economy. might end up with default. February 7th March – Several Japanese local banks filed 22nd February – Japanese inflation hits 1.7%. bankruptcy. However the country was prepared to the global government requested a long-term loan from credit crisis. The interest rate in Japan IMF. skyrocketed. According to the critics, with the 27th March – Japan accepted a large loan from current debt-to-GDP ratio, Japanese government IMF. IMF and Japan created a long-term crisis is on the verge of default. strategy including the decrease of social March policies, actions to raise demand to public goods 4th March - Japanese Nikkei Index hit its lowest, and also policies to tackle demographics whereas debt-to-GDP ratio hit record high. challenge. Public debt reached immense numbers. The April foreign investment was considered to be the key 4th April – Japanese Government decided to set for Japanese economy. Japan had one of the the interest on 2.7% where the long-lasting highest median age on the world in 2020. The policies to push forward inflation halted. Japanese investors were limited due to the age Officials declared that, the country will create a factor. Indeed, Japanese citizens tend to spend 20 year program to redistribute Japanese welfare the savings, rather than creating. In respect from old to young. thereof, thefate of Japan in monetary means is mostly dependent on foreign investment. Thus Following these, Japanese May 19th July - The XXXII Summer Olympic Games 5th May – Japanese Central Bank pumped dollar started in Tokyo with controversy as a group of to the market, helped raise the credit flow. Cypriot athletes were attacked as they arrived at June Narita International Airport, leaving two of 6th June – Japan created a ten years development them wounded and unable to compete. The three plan for Economic Growth. attackers were captured on the spotted and 14th June – US started Quantitative Easing as turned out to be Turkish extremists who interest rates are down to lower levels. conducted the attack in protest of the unification 17th June – Japan decided to take austerity moment in Cyprus. Both Greek and Turkish measures. athletes carried the flag of Cyprus during the 18th June – Austerity measures were protested in opening ceremony as a sign of sympathy for the Japan. Thus the protests were not full of tension, wounded compared to the ones observed in EU. tightened the security forces July Olympic Village. athletes as Japanese authorities around the 5th July – Though, the common doomsday scenarios, Japan indeed created a way out of the August economic discontent. In the short run Japanese 9th August - Fears of a deepening of Europe's policies aim to stop the budget deficit. With debt crisis prompted the world's leading central systematic revenues, the debt-to-GDP ratio banks to pump US dollars into the financial reduction was second on the list. However, system, in a coordinated action designed to Japan boost market confidence. Federal Reserve, ECB declared that they Quantitative Easing as an option. will consider and Swiss National bank took such operation. 25th August – Lithuania hailed the rebirth of a 4,000 delegates attended with around 2,500 nation as EU and IMF agreed to release loans. media representatives. Lithuanian government said it is a 'new day for 17th November – European Council decided to Greeks' after creditors agreed to redraft package, adopt demand-raising policies throughout the freed up funds and cut debt mountain. EU. September December 21st September – Croatian economy accepted a 21st December – Croatian economy started to last bailout package, with new set of austerity recover. The reason Croatia was involved in measures. Thought, the public opinion was crisis, also became the reason for survival. against Raised demand among EU fueled the economy austerity measures, local politics handled the issue well. of Croatia. The youth unemployment decreased. October 14th October – Latvian economy started to 2021 recover. Non-EU member, customs union January members of EU, most remarkably Turkey raised 14th January - US government, Working Group demand for trade recovered the trade gap of for the Financial Crisis, created a new Latvia. regulatory November Officials of working group declared that the 15th - 16th November - The ninth meeting of success of Quantitative Easing will only be Group of 20 Summit was held in Brisbane, the reached with strong regulations and institutions. capital city of Queensland, Australia. Near approach to Shadow Banking. February fiscal policies inside EU. EU decided to create 17th February - Deputy-Chief Economist of new guidelines and further increased the Working Group for the Financial Crisis, Derin political pressure over fiscal policies. Akşit stated that the financial crisis was a May “whale washed up onto the shore”. According to 6th May - Eurozone hauled out of 2 year him, recession by Germany and France. EU wide crisis unanswered. was inevitable, However, with scary and knowledge, growth rate reaches 0.5%. equipment and cooperation, world did not fail to 22nd May – EU demand increasing policies address the crisis. He said that “if you play your created excess demand over the continent. EU cards well, you can make a whale even walk” trade once again heathen up. 26th February: Meryl Streep received the June Academy Award for Best Actress; making it her 9th June - Caliphate Ismail of the ISIS declared fourth Oscar as Leonardo DiCaprio was that the jihad had succeeded and the Islamic nominated and lost for the 11th time. State would rest on its current borders. March 17th June - Latvia and Lithuanian exports rose to 25th March – Germany led ECB issues that they pre-crisis values. were set to start a quantitative easing after July common decision on fiscal policies. The QE July- Eurozone unemployment rate decreased. was planned to be a short term process. EU was now considered to be in a recovery era April August 19th April - European Commission issued a press 15th August - Head of state of North Korea, Kim release. Release was focused on the perception Jong-Un died. There was a suspicion that the leader of North Korea died of testicular cancer, insurgency themselves but had refused to be treated for it because it continue that way”. would “lessen his manhood”. There happened to 6th September - Chinese Communist Party be no heir for the leading position so North spokesman declared Pyonyang annexed after the Korea fell into turmoil about who would “victorious willpower” of the Chinese soldiers. succeed him. Thousands of people tried to flee 11th September - On the 20th anniversary of 9/11 to South Korea, and hundreds were shot dead by of 2001, the terrorist attacks al-Qaeda upon the the North Korean border patrol. The turmoil was U.S.; a large memorial service was held in 9/11 also raised in Pyonyang, the capital, heavy Memorial Museum and many other cities of clashes between the army and the insurgents U.S. and several other counties, in remembrance were reported. of those who lost their lives. Terrorism and all 9th August - Richard Starkey, better known by terrorist his stage name Ringo Starr, died at the age of international community once more. 83; leaving Sir Paul McCartney the only November surviving member of the Beatles. 27th November – The global financial crisis September regarded to be finalized. The era of 2017-2021 2nd September - Heavy armored vehicles with hosted the second wave debt crisis. In contrary hundreds of infantry forces of the Chinese Army to the first wave, the crisis has shown the critic crossed the North Korean border. Chinese role of shadow banking. The ill-regulated officials were particularly unhappy about the system of shadow banking created a hole of chaos in North Korea after Kim Jong-Un’s death public welfare loss. In response to gap of claiming that they will “put an end to the regulation, EU created new sets of regulation. acts were if these condemned incidents by the The new system was led by the economic Akşit. Derin Akşit, was previously the regional powerhouse Germany. France, on the other side, expert of IMF. Thus, following the scholar role elected a far-right government. The unity in EU that proposed by Princeton, the young Turk once again achieved. Following the exit from relocated back to US. He won the 2021 Nobel the EU-wide debt crisis, EU invited member Economics Prize, for his regulatory approach. states to create “Guidelines for Fiscal Policies”. Japanese economy was shocked hard however Economies had a consensus that the monetary the plan of Japan accepted to be a smart one by union needed fiscal regulations as well. For Economist. Japan creates a 10-Year plan, which having an effective monetary policy, the new is obviously painful for politics. However, such guidelines would assist nations to achieve plan made Japan to avoid the crisis. Meanwhile, business cycles and fiscal policies. Thought, the Japan lost the political gamble with China, idea of a fiscal union is now regarded as a following the crisis. China gained political soft- distant utopia. EU officials declare integration power among the region. with US policy, in economic terms as the key December future policy. Thought on the other side of the 11th December - Sparked by the essay of Atlantic, US declared a Quantitative Easing Gokhberkov Ekinchevic “Feeding the Rich”, program. Thought with the raised money supply thousands of Swedes gathered in Stockholm. and the insured economic corporations, the The protests took a bitter turn when the second wave was controlled faster. The protesters attacked banks, shouting “People will economic success of US Government was prevail!”. The riot police responded with brute credited to young Deputy-Chief Economist of force when the protesters ran for the parliament. Working Group for the Financial Crisis, Derin However, outnumbering the police, Swedish protesters got a hold of the parliament building announces new elections to be held in a week to and the streets around it. Tens of people were appease the protesters. left heavily injured as a result of the final 24th December - Swedish elections were attempt by the riot police to escape from the grip cancelled after only 9 percent turnout. Cancelled of the protesters. The essay heavily criticizes the elections were widely celebrated across Sweden. unequal distribution of wealth in the capitalist 26th December - Swedish armed forces moved world, and calls the people to stand up and take to recapture the parliament. After four hours back what is theirs by right instead of “feeding filled with sounds of gunshots and explosions them to the rich”. the parliament was captured. 14th December - Thousands of heavily armed 27th December - Over 7 million people protested police stormed the parliament, which had been the violent recapping of the parliament which invaded by the protesters for the last four days. ended in 47 Swedes losing their lives. People After 14 hours of clashes between the insurgents attacked the police and public buildings. Tens of and the police, the police had to retreat when police and military troops deployed in the streets hundreds of Swedes drove their cars towards the put down their weapons and joined the police, after the parliament occupiers asked for protesters. help on Twitter and shared photos of police 30th December - After 3 days of turmoil within brutality. Sweden, the protesters occupied many of the 15th December - Swedish Prime Minister public institutions including the parliament and Matthias publicly the royal palace. The king and the royal family apologizing for the deaths of 4 occupiers and the were on vacation in Monaco, and announced escalation of events. The Swedish Cabinet that they would not be going back to Sweden Ericksen resigned after because of security issues. The protesters agreements with Saudi Arabia void, recalled the received wide support and had not met any US mission from Riyadh. resistance since the events during the recapture April of the parliament. Public forums started to 29th April - Samsung Galaxy X was released by. discuss and decide on domestic matters then. The device had a built-in projector that allows 2022 hologram phone calls which was the first of its January kind. 14th January - Sweden decides to end its all 23rd July - FIFA World Cup kicked-off, partnership with NATO. Swedish government organized in Qatar, the first Islamic country to issued a written press release. Press release ever host the event. stated that the Swedish vision evolved and it had May not any rooms for NATO anymore. The newly 1st May - Thousands gathered in the streets of reformed socialist state exited NATO. Finland to celebrate the International Workers February Day. Following the EU debt crisis, Finland had 24th February - Jordan officially recognized ISIS lost it’s equally distributed wealth trend. as a sovereign state, first in the world; receives Celebrations turn into protesters. wide range of criticism from the Europe and the 5th May - Swedish Revolution sparked the United States. protest. Once again, thousands brought the book March of Gokhbherkhov Ekinchev to the street and 3rd March - Saudi Arabia recognized ISIS a read them for a day, in the Helsinki Square. sovereign state. Secretary of the State for the 16th May: The motto of “Revolution, Equality United States of America declared all trade and Socialism” echoed in the streets of Helsinki. June August 2nd June - Protestors marched to the Parliament. 4th of August - Sweden decided to exit from On their way, two protestors were shot dead. European Union. Following the revolution 3rd June - Helsinki Chief of Police resigned Sweden started to work on forming a socialist following the death of two protestors. state. Following these, public forums around the 4th: country had a consensus to secede from June - Finnish Prime Minister Jönnick Sechkutlae resigned, due to massive protests. European Union. 27th June: Finnish Parliament dissolved. Protest September continued in the streets. 17th of September - Finland decided to exit from July European Union. Following the revolution 4th July - Elections end with the victory of the Sweden created a socialist state. The newly Socialist Party. Thousands singed along the founded Socialist regime decided to secede from streets. According to locals, with this very last European Union. step Finland will experience the utmost welfare. October 17th July - Experts argue that, the ideas of 21st Socialism and Equal distribution of Wealth Scandinavian states, European Council meets to begin to spread in whole Scandinavia. Mr. discuss the new neighborhood policy. Lately, Okyanus Akın stated that, “With the dynamics EU on the grounds, it is fair to say Norway could be experienced socialist revolution and seceded the next domino.” from EU. October countries - Following located in the exit of Scandinavia November the Amman Treaty, binding the states in a 5th November - US Vice President visited newfound Greece. According to local press the agenda was Confederation was set to be mostly an economic the objection of Greece to FYROM’s accession partnership, with political unity in the second to NATO. plan. This was also considered to be a strategic December move to increase the recognition of ISIS as a 15th December - NATO meet in US “Islam Confederation”. The sovereign state Headquarters. After the meeting, Speaker of 9th January - Russian gini index rose to high NATO, Aifra Gury declared that more concrete levels. steps will be taken for the accession of FYROM. February 2023 11th February - German Chancellor Klimmt January admitted that Germany was not expecting 5th January - Russian writer, Gokhberkhov Turkey to fulfill its 2023 goals despite all the Ekinchevic published “Feeding the Rich”. Book efforts; and stressed that a third train station in was a critique of Russian Economy. Ekinchevic Istanbul can ultimately be the “Germany’s argued that the state of Russia, a true plutocracy, downfall”. now become the land of wild capitalism. He 12th February - Polar cold swept over North argued that every second in Russia, the poor America. Over 4,500 flights were cancelled in became poorer and the rich became richer year the US thus-far. Some states recorded lowest by year. temperatures, North Carolina as low as -16 7th January - State representatives of Saudi degrees Celsius, breaking it historic record of - Arabia, Jordan, Yemen, Kuwait and ISIS signed 14 in 2014 and -12 in 1884. In Montana and 9th April - Following the internment of Saskatchewan, 87 were reported frozen to death. Gokberkhov Ekinchevic. Millions rallied to 14th February - Gokhberkhov’s book sparked the streets. Protestors, according to experts, bring a revolutionary spirit. According to non-formal new level to wilderness of protests. Dozens of figures, at the time, the richest %1 of Russians police cars were burned. More than 14 owned Economy. protesters were killed. Local Revolution leader Thousands ran to streets. Russian government, said it was going to be a bloody one, but more best known for its authoritarian governance, than that, a glorious one. now faced protests of courage. May March 15th May - Thousands marched to the prison 17th March - Russian protest reached its climax, where 14 protestors died during clashes with police. prepared tents and camps around the prison. Russian people were protesting the designed According to claim they will not leave until the plutocracy over Russia. Russian protest were to release of Ekinchevic. bring back socialism to Russia, but this time June with fair standarts. 1st June - On the 15th day of the “siege” to April release Gokhberkhov Ekinchevic, protestors 8th April - Protests in Russia continued. The were attacked crucially on 4:00 am. The attack famous Rich, was regarded as a cruel and inhumane in Gokhberkhov Ekinchevic, a Chechen, arrested international area. European Council and other for betraying the homeland. several regional organizations condemned the 20% writer of the of Russian Feeding the Gokberkhov was taken. Protestors police’s tactical attack to protestors. Following the heavy casualties the protestors pulled back declared that they gained control over the the “siege”. prison. August 4th November - Gokhberkhov Ekinchevic stated 14th August - After publishing five books that that the revolution has started. He claimed that it target adults, J.K. Rowling admitted into failing was the “Red Alert” for plutocracy. This time as a sovereign author and she since returned into Russia will experience true, just and real writing a sequel to the commercially and socialism. critically successful Harry Potter series. The plot revolution was vocalized as “Red Alert IV” was yet to be announced, however it was known where IV refers to the 4th of November. Following that the series would take place after somewhat- his statement the 2024 90 years further from the original series, January chronicling the teenage years of one of the 5th January - Gokhberkhov Ekinchevic, claimed granddaughters of the deceased protagonist, to control a part of the army for the sake of the Harry Potter. revolution. 15th August - Protest continued to the February government in Russia. The Russian Government 29th February - Rojava region united with the stated that the rebels are just threat to the Iraq’s Kurdish region and formed the state of sovereignty and unity of Russia. Kurdistan under a protocol signed by both. This November move 3rd November - Well-equipped protestors marched through the prison where Gokhberkhov was kept. Following daylong clashes, protestors got a lot of criticism from the governments of Turkey, Iran and the IS, with all three defining this step “unacceptable”. However, the news got massive public support 4th March - Turkish Prime Minister Fatih all around the world. Türkyıldız accused Germany of having an March agenda of raising dissent in Turkey, called the 2nd March - Turkish heavy armor units were citizens to “spoil this game”. gathered at the Hatay border. 7th March - Gokhberkhov Ekinchevic led IBM-launched Traffic and GPS Programme Russian Protestors to the Parliament Building. Ptolemy was made mandatory for all vehicle According to local claimed revolutionaries won drivers in the city of New York. The programme the control over Parliament. was able to predict the heavy traffic calculating 29th March - Gokhberkhov Ekinchevic declared citizens’ regular movement and routes would that, the new Socialist Republic of Russia was draw alternate routes for the driver. The Mayor now established. The first supporting act came introduced the city regulation as a ‘true from Sweden, the pioneer of socialism in the revolution which will make sure all New decade. Trotskian Kinetic Party, as the vanguard Yorkers will be in time for work’ while critics party, became the legislative party of the State. called the regulation ‘massive violation of April privacy and a method to keep tabs of every 14th April - Norwegians gathered in the streets. citizen’ whereabouts’. Country experienced a rapid fall in terms of 3rd March - Pro-Kurdistan protests in Turkey equality. Norwegian growth rates fell. However, received heavy response from the police. the return of capital grew to be immense Thousands of people were injured by the police numbers. assault. 15th April - Thousands marched to the Kvadraturen, the old part of the city of Oslo. Leader of the Revolution, Tålga Øner was to Israel, and warned Israel to “stop acting like a invited to the Parliament. spoilt kid”. 16th April - Following the statement of Tålga November Øner in the Norwegian Parliament dissolved. 5th Country will host a new election in one month. celebrations, a psychologically deranged person 23th April - Prime Minister Dhamla Dahlin named Paul Lock blew himself up near the resigned following the recent development. English Parliament wearing a Guy Fawkes :May mask. 2nd May - Norwegian elections took place. The December election was a massive victory for the radical 5th December - On the 10th anniversary of left wing. Norway now became one of the Nelson socialist services were held across the globe, in honor of oriented political centers in Scandinavia. November - Mandela’s During death, Bonfire Night commemoration the late President of South Africa. 4th May - Russian Head of State Ekinchevic 2025 ordered the burning of all police vehicles and January the purging of the police institution. People will 1st January - The experiments progressed in the be protected by each other with the help of the African Union-sponsored laboratories ended up Russian military. successfully. July Adanech produced 100% synthetic food as 11th July - Iran Head of Staff Said Asra declared nutritive as the natural foods, named as that they have shot down a drone that belonged "Nelsonic Foods" to honor Nelson Mandela. It Biogenetic expert Prof. Ms. came up that the experiments had been continuing for 20 years. Energy needing of the million copies worldwide, placing it second in labs was provided by Hope Reactor for last 7 the list of best-selling video games of all times, years. Miss. Adanech stated that their next goal only behind Tetris. would be reduce the expense and start mass production. After it, the food would be shared February among the Union members according to their 21st February – GINI index of Brazil rose in last population. 7 years. The inequality hit Brazil. Further stated, 'Nelsonic Foods' would be the remedy of Africa's food problem. 17th February - Youth Anatolian Community 4th January - Latin American, as a whole, Government (GAZI) was established as an growth rate slowed according to perimeters, alternative right movement. The political parties however the financial results were good. The have center-right ideology. High rank officials economic perimeters recorded a growth, in include economists with good reputations and financial terms. former 17th January - Economist argued that, the political environment 2027 election could be a financial crisis of 2017-2022 had affected Latin major blast for the party. America as well. Growth rates went down. March However the economics perimeters showed that 14th March - Meney Angel de Lucas issued his finances were well. first book “I am a Lion! I swear”. Book argues 19th January - Elder Scrolls 7: Valenwood, a that the rural areas of Brazil are deeply poor and highly anticipated video game developed by hit by the inequality. The return of capital Bethesda again, was released and considering exceeded the growth. the pre-orders, it was expected to sell about 93.8 diplomats. Thus, considering the 28th March - Mars One, the first manned published “Is it true?” The book is based on the mission to Mars, arrived to Mars with four rising trend of inequality. The book accepted as astronauts on board. Their landing on Mars was the sequel of “Capital In Twenty First Century”. broadcasted around the World with more than It investigates the return of capital and the 300 American growth rate. According to Meney, the trend of astronaut, Harold Kane ‘HKI’ Ingberg, became rising economic trend of socialism, fuelled with the first human to walk on the planet. His words Gokhberkhov during the landing were ‘I am looking upon a Scandinavia, is the answer for the Latin brand new horizon for all mankind’. America. Currently, as things stands, the April economic data proves the claims of Meney. 3rd April – Brazil hosted minor protests. 15th January – Brazil hosted widespread protest. Economically less-developed cities are the main The protest was retaliated harshly by the police areas that protests take place. forces. According to local reports 5 were dead May and 14 were dead. As things stand the protests 25th May: Bosnia and Herzegovina signed the are not going to stop in the near future. Washington Treaty and became a member to Currently the richest %1 of Brazil held more NATO. than %25 of the total wealth in Brazil. The million people watching. Ekinchevic in Russia and socially unequal state is experiencing a big 2026 revolution. January 23rd January – The revolution spread to 8th January - Meney Angel de Lucas, remarkable Argentina. According to interviews with the for his revolutionary view in Latin Economics, protesters, Argentina was hosting the second held their stand. The day remarked the first wave of the revolution. glimpse of the resistance February 23rd July - After a silent decade without a new 15th February – Brazilian protests continued. product since the iPhone 8, addressing as the The state lost its political authority over the ender of the brand which had been exposed to country. The nationwide protests spread over huge criticism of clients because of highly many parts of the country. expensive price besides bringing nothing new 27th February – Brazilian Parliament decided to that the older models; Apple introduced the go for an early election on July. iPhone C, symbolizing ‘Century’ in its 100th 28th February – The protests continued despite anniversary of foundation. Being the first phone the early election decision. with an artificial intelligence, new Iphone could 19th April - NASA launched Spacecraft Galaxia, respond to vocal questions of the client as a US’s first manned mission heading to Mars. The human operator and may bend till 180-angle and spacecraft was set to arrive in Mars in late 2027. understands the mood of user from the pulse and 14th July – The election resulted with the victory adjust its theme besides the music kind and the of the conservatives. Millions went out to streets tone of voice. iPhone C draw international for protests. According to locals, the arranged community into great excitement however the election results were nothing but a fictional lie. launch date was not announced. 15th July - Protesters gathered around the 28th July – Argentina hosted wild protests. The Parliament of Brazil. Police retaliation was hard clashes were deadly. The death toll reached 14. however; the protesters outnumbered the police 30th July – Brazil experienced the 15th day of the as they encompassed the facilities. Protesters resistance, Meney Angel de Lucas, lead protesters march towards the parliament. He September said that, the day remarked the first day of free 1stAugust – The new government of Brazil put and socialist Brazil. forward its ambition to rely on a socialist system August much like China. The new constitution was 14th August – Brazil experienced a post- planned to be based upon special trade zones for revolution election for the first time for a long compatibility within the 21st century economic duration of its existence. It was resulted with the dynamics. The constitution limits parties with victory of the Socialist Party, which won the their ideology, and creates a de-facto single election with the campaign of Meney. Meney party state. was most famous for his sparking books that 11th December - The election resulted in the created Argentina. victory of the Socialist Party. The party board Brazilian Parliament takes its first decision for a announced on internet that the new constitution Presidential Election in August 14th. During the based on socialist values and its political revolution 154 were reported dead and many program will be enacted in 6 months. the revolution among wounded. 15th August – Meney Angel de Lucas elected as 2027 the president of Brazil. In his first speech, the January president promised the evolution of a socialist 5th January – Protests started in Peru as the state however he exclusively remarked that the revolution in Latin America spread to Peruvian economic realities of the 21st century. The soil. The remarkable death of a female protester nation is on the verge of a historical turning when she fell of a bicycle made the protests point. named as “Bicycle Revolution”. Protests were retailed highly. According to the locals, the remarked that Brazil would commence the revolutionary spirit becomes the unifying force process as quickly as they could. to diverse demographics of Peru. March 24th January - A year after its introduction, 7th March - Youth Anatolian Community iPhone C was launched without a pre- Government (GAZI) became the governing announcement. Thousands of people rushed into party in Turkey. The election was a total shops and 6 million were sold in a day. As surprise since it was the success of a newly Apple Inc. announced from its web site, the established party. Now, this young government design belongs to Steve Jobs, the founder of the has a major challenge to achieve the long waited firm. economic boom. February 21st March - As part of the cheerful election 14th February - Two thousand teenagers majorly results from the US, Germany and Italy initiated a complications in Brazil, the new government major Valentines’ Day protest and performed distributed bread and fresh water up to 80% of numerous protests for all the single people all the Brazilian suburbs. Although the smile on around the world. Soon after, CNN reported that Brazilians’ faces seemed everlasting, their 14 May will be celebrated as the Singles Day common anticipation was towards a continuous and the protests ended with no further monetary support to supply them. One Brazilian disagreement. young man Davi dos Santos in Sao Gonçalo 17th February – Brazil decided to nationalize the commented on the situation as: “We don’t want petrol revenue. President Meney’s speech bread to eat; we want money to buy it and ourselves!” long waiting economic 22nd March – Revenue (IUBS) in the quarterly publication of the Petrol organization, Biology International, indicated were that the recent increase in emission of chemicals nationalized. Government issued that several into the natural habitats may cause genetic sectors will be under the control of the changes and mutations in animals and that the government. ongoing process may disrupt the ecological April balance. 2nd April - Washington Bullets and Seattle 11th – May Paraguay hosted wild protests. SuperSonics played the final match of the NBA June season. The magnificent confrontation was the June 1 – A Turkish politician was sent to the limelight of all the basketball fans in the globe Supreme Court by the parliament for the crime considering the fact that the teams also played of corruption. Notable amount of people in the the finals exactly 50 years ago. As the capital Ankara and Istanbul went out to the commemoration of the event, the stars of 1977 streets to celebrate the decision. including Jack Sikma, Bob Dandridge and Fred 2nd June – Argentine declared their new regime Brown watched the game in the very first row as and the Washington Bullets won the exhaustive nationalize the revenue from the natural match and elated its spectators. reserves. 13th April – Uruguay hosted wild protests. 11th June - Air Asia Executive Director and May Chief Executive Officer Aireen Omar made a 3rd May - The reports published by the public statement in religious and traditional International Union of Biological Sciences outfits sensationally announcing that she is Nationalization Companies and Brazil Act was Petroleum Oil signed. reserves people’s democracy, and decided to determined to “seek the eternal happiness and 21st August – Argentina hosted the march to attain the beauties of lives by emancipating from parliament. Parliament decided to go for an the claws of the world of mortality”. In her election on 11th of December. speech, Omar clarified that she will spend the 29th August - Neuroscience professors of rest of her life in Sri Karumariamman Temple University and donated 3 hundred million reserves of Air experiment on the impacts of being exposed to Asian Airlines to international organizations. low radioactive emissions from tablets, PCs and Her explanation substantiated the reasons televisions. Their prescriptions emphasizing behind the gradual downturn of flights and negative neuronal progression in children momentary between cancellations of pre-scheduled of 0 and Chicago 6 concluded consternated their parents. flights. According to the report, the possibility of July aggressive 19th July – Uruguay protests developed to the distress and anger is 70% higher than that of a new wave of Bicycle Revolution. European non-technological child. In this regard, Apple, scholars defined the period as Latin American Samsung, Microsoft and other pioneers of Spring academically in many lecterns in Europe. screen technology congregated in order to August review their technologies and reconsider the 27th August – Argentina fuelled with the submissions of the report. revolutionary spirit of the Brazil. The revolution September gained pace as it remarked the march of 15th September- Argentina passed a constitution protestors to the strategic points in the state. much similar to Brazil. Government followed behavior mainly the model of China and Brazil. uncontrolled 22nd October – Uruguay parliament was dissolved. The revolutionaries gained the 2028 January political control over the state institutions. 12 January - The first female president of November United States Jade Judğe brought about another 15th November - The transitional revolutionary innovative solution to the interminable queues government which seized control over the state of identity verification and search for ancient declared that Uruguay is quite determined to serial numbers. Within six months, Judğe take concrete steps to make possible a socialist assured complete transition to comprehensive government, with the principles of 21st century identity cards as the major objective of Latin socialism. Comprehensive Identity Project (CIP). Along December with the paperback form of the cards, CIA has 17th December – Paraguay protests led to the progressed towards the development to a decision of an early election. massive virtual identity network which is 31st December - New pixel technology was expected to boost the speed of online shopping, introduced to the monitoring sector by the online bank proceedings and transportation Japanese R&D engineers and technicians. The systems. futuristic development suggests smaller pixels to 27th January – Socialist government was alleviate the process of vision while enabling declared to be established following the adjustments for optically conflicted persons. elections in Paraguay. February production process of a robot which has a 7th February - Trotskian Kinetic Party declared difficult production phase. Unfortunately, the their support to the Bicycle Revolution. company will only be able to supply the whole March Europe within 5 to 7 years. 19th March – Chinese Communist Party declared 25th June – Uruguay declared that they would their support to the Bicycle Revolution. nationalize their revenue in 4 years. April July 22nd April - Chile becomes the next wave of 27th Bicycle Revolution. developments in Latin America created the May needed solidarity and development. 19th May – US states that they are concerned August with the uprisings in Latin America. 22nd August – Mexican Government started June heavy investigation on probable provocateur 10th June - The European Union reviewed The institutions which may trigger massive public Robot Valet (RAY) which was initiated in movements in Mexico, as inspired by the Düsseldorf Airport in 2014 and decided to Bicycle Revolution. Mexican President stated expand its usage all around the European region that, Mexico would be the fortress of democracy by designating the technology as mandatory in in Latin America and that there was no room for the airports of all members. The CEO of Serva reckless anti-democratic revolutions in Mexico. Transport Systems, which is the company of the system’s origin, censured the EU of not preinforming the company in order to accelerate the July - Meney declared that the September February 12th September – China declared that a new 29th trade and partnership treaty was signed between distribution policy. Brazil and China. March 23rd September - Starbucks officially initiated 14th March – Argentine and Brazil signed a the sales of intelligent cups which is capable of cooperation treaty. identifying the ingredients and nutritional value April of the liquid inside. As the users are highly 19th April - A new species of herb was impressed, the designers announced that they discovered in Russian Tundra as the scientists are thriving for further versions and sonic classified it under “berries”. The berry was capabilities. claimed to be the cure for many diseases and a October preventive of cancer in some cases.. Therefore it 27th October - US declared her support for the was named after the leader Gokhberkhov Mexican Government’s anti-revolution policies. Ekinchevic, as Gokberry. November May 16th November – Brazilian socialism proved to 19th May - Brazil commenced its 5-year be self-sufficient for equality in its first period. economic development plan. February – Brazil adopted wealth June 2029 January 21st January – EC convened. The Council decided to take transparency moves. 21st June – Argentina adopted 3-year economic development plan. July this move, the NATO adapted itself to the newly 25th July – Uruguay signed a cooperation treaty rising threat of China. A counter-missile system with Brazil. was also agreed upon to be built in these September countries. 18th September – Brazil achieved 0.15 Gini July coefficient. 1st July- Japan, Australia, New Zealand, December Singapore and Indonesia signed Washington 11th December – Paraguay started 5-year Treaty and became the latest members of the economic development plan. NATO. NATO with this move, claimed to enlarge its activity range. 2030 September March 17 September - UN’s Sustainable Development 11 March - 5 years after Voyager Space Probe’s Goals’ energy had depleted, NASA received a signal Secretary-General Hüseyin Kağan İmamoğlu from the probe that is outside the solar system declares that with 3 out of 11 SDGs fulfilled, the that reads “HELLO”. Goals were a failure. İmamoğlu calls upon a UN June reform to make sure that such a failure will 14th June - NATO countries expanded the never be repeated. Yet, it was voiced in the Washington Treaty, with an amendment called media that it was not quite certain whether the the Asian Cooperation Act (ACT), to include notification made by Mr. İmamoğlu was taken Asia-Pacific countries such as Japan, Australia, seriously by the organs of the UN to be carried New Zealand, Singapore and Indonesia. With to the current agenda. deadline was reached. The UN This is the first terrorist attack in France since 2031 March the Charlie Hebdo incident. 1st March - The newcomers in Asia-Pacific to 18th March - A video was sent to the preeminent the enhanced NATO system started building the news agency around the world. A new terrorist missile defense system called the “Martyr”. The group called themselves as El-Jihadi vileh missile system is mainly due to the tension houdud; between the NATO and China in the region. undertook the responsibility of the Concorde July Attack. 11thJuly: Taliban declared independence in threatened the whole world. “We will bring the Kandahar, war inside your homes. You will live what you Kabul. Afghan officials have Jihad without Borders (JWB) The masked man in the video expressed allegations against Pakistan of being make Middle East live for centuries.” he said. in support of Taliban. 19th March - France called the UNSC to have an immediate meeting concerning the terrorist acts. 2033 April March 1st April – Regardless of the extraordinary 16th March - A bomb exploded in the Place de la security measures taken by EU, a bomb attack Concorde (Concorde Square) in Paris. 37 people occurred in Trafalgar Square, London. 120 were killed including the suicide bomber tourists who came to visit National Art Gallery woman. None of the known terrorist groups died. After couple of hours Borderless Jihadists took of made declared that this ‘little joke to UK’ was European Union declared national mourning. just a beginning. Neither the location of the the responsibility. All members group nor the identity of the terrorist on the KGB started to work in their headquarters video could be defined. constituted within Pentagon. 3rd April - Second meeting of UNSC on the June JWB issue was remained functionless. Because 15th June - JWB featured a video in which the of the absence of a target no opponent steps same man stated; “You won’t manage to find us, could be taken. UNSC called upon all security neither tomorrow. We went into your capitals, agencies of the UN members to work together to we went into your most secured squares. We find the location of the perpetrators. will strike you again, in an unexpected time. In May the name of Allah, nations of Middle East will 14th May - A series of bomb attacks occurred at stand as they deserve.” Works of collective the same time in USA, Russia and China in the intelligence unit could not reach a result. biggest squares of capital cities. Almost 500 July people died at total. Leaders of the countries 21st July - According to the report of WHO, made a joint statement in Moscow where 223 of psychological diseases increased over the world the deaths happened to condemn the attacks and after the attacks of JWB. A similar situation had state that these three powerful countries beside seen after 9.11 attacks in Western countries. the all nations of world would fight together Researchers against this threat. Contrary to expectations, no Islamophobia would reach a level like never video was featured by JWB. before. 18th May - Collective units of the intelligence agencies throughout the world, notably CIA and and experts affirmed that and a reliable ally; and that Japan will begin to 2034 form an army that pertains to that trust. January 17th January: FYROM signs the Washington 2035 Treaty. March February 5th March - The Afghan armed forces lost 1st February: FYROM became a legal member control in Khost and Paktika. of NATO. May August 26th May - Anti-aging physicians in the 28th August - The anti-vaccination movement University of Utah significantly progressed in continued to spread, especially among radical preventing the shortening of telomeres in DNA religious thereby proving the likelihood of (the region of groups. WHO Director-General warned the world: “Once extinct diseases may the mutate and comeback if we offer hosts so deterioration) increasing life spans. easily.”. July September 7th July - NATO declared that, the new vision 2nd September - On the 89th anniversary of the will signing of the Japanese Instrument of Surrender, participation of female personnel at all levels of the United States of America declared that the Operational caution against Japan having an army has been particularly in decision-making lifted. Japanese Prime Minister Sengaku stated August Japan’s happiness to be regarded as a powerful 16th August - NATO published the document chromosome encourage that states Planning protects for and the it from increased Operations “NATO’s new vision of peace processes.” The document included the framework of the new Daniel Radcliffe were injured. London police NATO model of peace process. Along with the got alerted. changes in the Militaristic and Diplomatic 26th January - Funeral of the Doctor Who cast changes, was held with the participation of 750,000 fans NATO underlined the under- representation of women in peace processes. of the show. Honorary funerals over world held. November BBC Television announced that the 75-year 13th November - The United Nations journey of the Doctor had finished. Investigation Development Program (UNDP) published new of police continued. international criteria for assessing GDP values. February The previous economic determinants such as 3th February - Doctor Who bomber was captured total economic activity, level of production, and and according to the police reports, the overall income were replaced by socially perpetrator was a eighty year old man who integrated measures such as public health, level stated in his testimony that he had been of unemployment, and life expectancy thereby watching the series since he was five, he loved significantly altering the composite principles of the series that much and he did not want the United Nations Human Development Index. series to continue when he died because of pancreas cancer. After the testimony he was 2036 hospitalized. January May 25th January - In its 75th anniversary, the TV set 7th May - NATO reports show that NATO of British TV ‘Doctor Who’ was bombed. 13 directly funded 3,000 independent institutions to people from cast including the 25th Doctor defend the status of Woman all around the March globe. 8th March - NATO Secretary General’s Special Representative for Women, Mrs. Ilayda Eskitaşçıoğlu underlined NATO’s continued 2037 February support for gender Equality in the special event 9th February - In their first 5 years, 'Nelsonic of NATO for the celebration of World Woman Foods' reduced dead caused of famine to 17% in Day. She stated that, “Gender Equality is a Africa. International food authorities such as collective duty and NATO made its own duty.” World She underlined that NATO remarked last 30 Food Council, World Health Organization with cooperation of UN World year as the pioneer of Gender Equality.” Food Programme, stated in Cape Town that with May this invention, lifetime of humanity on earth got 17th May - ISIS hosted the largest Friday Prayer longer at least 1,000 years. in recorded history. March June 10th March - Artificial blood is produced by 15th June - NATO issued a guideline paper for Swedish scientists to be used in post operation “sexual and gender-based violence in conflicts”. treatments. This new is accepted as revolution in NATO’s work on gender equality gained pace medicine. over the last decade. September 15th September - NATO created a Guideline for the Institutions to protect public. 2038 August 1st August - NATO established a gender issues November cell at the Joint Analysis and Lessons Learned 5th November - The World Health Organization Centre. (WHO) approved the distribution of mini October EPIAPREVS 5th October - NATO declared that they will Computers) for epilepsy sufferers to obtain employ 500 Gender Advisors by the end of relief from attacks via computers that interfere 2039. the brain signals in case of a potential seizure. November 13th November - The new game of the Call of 15th November - NATO developed a new code Duty franchise comes with an apparatus that of conduct for personnel. It covered the shoots non-lethal plastic bullets at the player, in standards of behavior expected of all personnel an effort to improve the realism of the game. on NATO operations, integrating the gender First reports showed that the game was a huge perspective. hit among teenagers. (Epilepsy Attack Preventing 2040 2039 May April 13th May - Saudi Arabia, Iraq, United Arab 17th of April - Afghanistan hosted bombings in Emirates, Kuwait and Iran minimized their rate several cities involving hundreds of civilian of consumption to 15 million barrels per day, deaths and even more injuries during the clashes which corresponded to 20% of the production between governmental forces and the Taliban. rate in 2015. The Emir of Abu Dhabi made the biggest investment of the last century by purchasing 80% of the renewable energy companies while sharing 20% of its land for the 2042 development of renewable energy stations. February 18th May - The five pioneers of oil production 13th February - WHO announces that the had a meeting in Kuwait. outbreak in DR Congo was not Ebola, but a disease. The new virus is to be called “The Red 2041 Horse Virus” because the incident was first October reported in a horse ranch, where 16 horses had 2nd October - A new Ebola outbreak had been died. reported in DR Congo. The virus claimed 32 April lives in the past week; and according to the eye 4th April - FAO organized a World Food witnesses, the patients die much faster compared Summit for the fourth time in its history and for to any previous outbreaks. the first time in a different city than Rome, in December Cape Town, with cooperation of 19th December - DR Congo Ebola Outbreak Food Programme (WFP) and World Food claimed more than 7000 lives in the past month. Council (WFC). Agenda item of the summit WHO declared the situation as a health would be the 'Nelsonic Foods'. Nelsonic Foods emergency and asked the UN Member States to were called as the invention of the century. deploy medical staff and financial aid to the 7th April - Red Horse Virus was seen all region. throughout Africa, which did not coincide with UN World the normal incidence rate of the disease; thus bringing out the possibility of the disease being human made, said WHO. 19th April - Red Horse claimed over 29,000 human made. The virus was discovered to be lives. waterborne. May August 25th May - World Food Summit held in Cape 3rd August - Markets, state institutions, and aid Town with 1500 participants from all over the depots were raided by angry mobs and gunmen world and in Africa led by the warlord nicknames Big government representatives. Agenda item of the Zum; in an effort to secure clean drinking water Summit was the “Nelsonic Food”, as declared after news that the virus being waterborne was mouths ago. Inventor, Ms. Adanech drew huge heard. attention during the sessions. The report of the September Food Summit was announced with a press 8th September - UNSC met to discuss the Red conference. Almost all governments demanded Horse Virus Outbreak in Africa, which claimed the formulas and methods of Nelsonic Food, 117,000 lives. Burkina Faso’s Head of State especially India which was in trouble with its Nelson Ikfud was heard at the meeting, and world’s stated that all state institutions were shut down consisting most both crowded the and NGOs increasing population. However, African authorities and and that the country is on brink of extinction. scientists refused to share this information with November any of them. 28th November - Red Horse related deaths July amount up to 198,000 people. African countries 11th July - WHO confirmed, according to the lab decided tests done on the Red Horse Virus, that it was underground for water; the easiest available to initiate untainted water source. campaigns to dig December out of Red Horse disease and water shortage in 4th December - NATO announced that in order the region. Further enlargement of the project to keep up with the Chinese space programme, will target Mali and Kenya. Red Cross will also NATO will launch its own space programme be involved in the field for medical aid. that will be based in Australia. April 23rd April - European Commission Head, Jorge Andre de Suarez, reported that the European 2043 January Union has been receiving unusually high 31st January - Red Horse Virus has claimed number of migrants from Africa; the estimated 251,000 lives. UN Secretary General İmamoğlu number of illegal immigrants crossing the declared the disease “the biggest humanitarian border since the outbreak is over 4 million. crisis of our times”. June February 1st June - Serenity Genetics and Pharmaceutical 4th February - United States President John Co. owner and CEO Seçkin Kutlu made a press Wilkinson claims that the Red Horse Virus was statement, claiming that his company had no most likely linked to the Serenity Genetics and relation or information about the Red Horse Pharmaceutical Virus; and condemned the US President for Co., according to the investigations of the CIA. putting the blame on him. March July 23rd September - NATO gave start to African 3rd July - Another book by the famous activist, Development the and the ruler of Socialist Russia, Gokhberkhov Development Camp in Somalia after the break Ekincevic was banned in 8 countries including Missions by initiating Turkey; as the book was claimed to be “aiming 2044 to spark anarchy”. January August 5th January - ICC’s prosecutor prepared a case in 16th August - Due to climate change, Asian rice which Serenity Genetics and Pharmaceutical fields faced with tragic drought. With the Co. owner and CEO Seçkin Kutlu is held declining efficiency in these fields, 20 thousands responsible for the Red Horse Outbreak, and to farmers lost their jobs. Asian governments had be tried for crimes against all humanity. to pay more than a billion dollars of March unemployment insurances. 11th March - Red Horse Virus claimed 873.000 September lives. Governments of Sierra Leone and DR 14th September - Casualties linked to the Red Congo collapsed. Horse Virus was estimated to be 440,000. May November 28th May - Red Horse related deaths exceeded a 3rd November - The government of Burkina million. WHO Director Dr. Helena Stavrous Faso collapses because of the Red Horse Virus’s resigned. terror. The country has suffered 193,000 August casualties from the outbreak, with the total 30th August - NASA declared that a group of number at 605,000. testing human subject would be sent to Mars to live there for 10 years. After the discoveries of Curiosity Lander in 2012 and first steps of mankind on it, Mars seemed as the second chance of human being to live if the Earth become uninhabitable. Testing group would February built buildings, grow plants and open artesian 17th February - Chinese Communist Party’s wells to have water; in other words start a new General Assembly met. civilization. 18th February - During the General Assembly, a November Hong Kong activist shot Hong Kong Chief 24th November - Nigeria celebrated finding a Executive to dead. The activist was tackled huge pool of drinkable water underground, down immediately. Following the upset event, which can very well mean that Nigeria is safe General Assebly postponed. 2047 will be the from further Red Horse infections. end date of the Hong Kong Agreement between December UK and China. Hong Kong plans to secede from 31th December - Red Horse Virus related deaths China. The propaganda to secede is being led by were estimated to be 1.4 million. Vision 2047 organization. 24th February - Nnamdi Azikiwe International Airport in Abuja, capital of Nigeria, was hit by a 2045 terrorist attack. 671 people were killed and only January 11th January and 18 survived the attack. Survivors claim that Pharmaceutical Co. owner and CEO Seçkin masked persons deployed tube-shaped gas Kutlu canisters and people started dropping dead. was - Serenity captured in Genetics an operation in Switzerland, by the cooperation between Swiss 25th and Austrian SWAT teams. responsibility for the attack in Abuja in a video February - Boko Haram assumes in which they claim that the gas was weaponized Red Horse bioagent. March 29th of March - Protests reached their climax. 8th March - Chinese police declared the name of Chinese Police retaliated the protestors. Protests the activist who shot Hong Kong Chief left behind dozens of death and wounded Executive, as Bilg Ec Hu. It is further declared behind. that Bilg Ec Hu was linked to Vision 2047. April 15th March - Protests begun in China. Protesters 3rd April - Total dead count for the Red Horse cursed Bilg Ec Hu and demanded a death Virus passes 2 million. penalty for him. 14th April - Chinese Police take special security 19th March - Bilg Ec Hu penalized to death. measures to secure Tiananmen Square. Execution decided to be open to public, and will 15th April - Thousands came to watch the death take place at 15th of April Tiananmen Square of Bilg Ec Hu. Bilg Ec Hu was hanged to death. will host another historical occasion. 16th April - European states condemned China 25th March - Protests started in Hong Kong. The for using death penalty. protests were fuelled by Ece Tsao Fu, leader of 17th April - Major Protest started in Hong Kong. Vision 2047. Following the protests police shot It is considered that the protests are the last Ece Tsao Fu to death alongside 4 other stand of Hong Kong People. protester. 18th April - Chinese additional police forces 26th March - Death of Ece Tsao Fu fuelled arrived to Hong Kong. protest in Hong Kong. Thousands shouted “Ece 19th April - Police scattered the protesters and of March”. Following the chant, revolutionary imposed a Curfew for a month. movement named themselves “Ece of March”. May July 1st May - International Workers' Day celebrated 15th of July - Johannes John Moonhead, famous “gloriously” in China. Millions chanted for the hair artist died from Diabetes mellitus. success of Communist Party and Cursed Vision August 2047. 17th of July - Germany was attacked by cyber- 2nd May - Chinese forces withdraw from the terrorist organization “Policy of Truth”. Policy Island of Hong Kong. Chinese government of Truth declared that, Germany the modern declared that new Chief Executive of Hong enforcer of imperialism and de-facto leader of Kong as Deh Beh Yau. NATO shall take their dirty hand off from the 27th May - US declared that Chinese actions web. The attack was towards Germany’s were breaches of Human Rights. government sites. June September 7th June - Islamic Confederation convened at 3rd September - Boko Haram terrorist group Riyadh. Organization discusses the ways to deployed a Red Horse canister at the Farmer’s enhance the economic cooperation inside the Market in Lagos, Nigeria’s most populous city. organization. 293 people are reported dead. The windy 21st of June - NATO summit gathered in Berlin. weather contributed to the low number of NATO created a Cyber Defense framework for casualties compared to the indoor attack in the second half of the century. Abuja. 28th June - Trial of Seçkin Kutlu for crimes 18th July - Two years of success for the NATO- against all humanity with the creation of Red Red Cross Coalition on the development of Horse Virus commenced in the Hague. African States under threat of Red Horse gave birth to enlargement of the project to Mali and collective movement is alienation by the Kenya. Alliance of the member nation/s. “ Two camps started regulating synchronously. For the camps, medical and November logistic aid is aimed at further improving to an 13th November - Red Horse related deaths were extensive humanitarian aid program. estimated at 2.4 million. Government of Gabon October collapsed. 17th of October - NATO meets on the agenda of December Cyber Defense. Organization decides upon the 3 21st December - US tri-state area consisted of critical functions of Cyber defense as: “Allies India, Michigan and Ohio attacked by the Cyber are committed to enhancing information sharing -terror group Policy of Truth. Group used an and mutual assistance in preventing, mitigating augmented EMP. Currently electric based and recovering from cyber-attacks. Nations are products are disabled. CIA experts announced and remain responsible for the security of their that the effect of EMP is not permanent, thus the communication networks which need to be tri-state area is not currently functioning. CIA compatible with NATO’s and with each other’s. expectation was a 3 day non-electricity status. In case of a cyber-attack against the Alliance, 24th December - The effect of EMP ended. US member nations must act collectively and hold tri-state area consisted of India, Michigan and the Ohio. right for demanding military and technological assistance as reaction to a possible cyber-war. In a case of war, consequence of choosing not to get involved in a 2046 rumors were claiming that it was “Policy of January Truth”. 14 January - In an interview the ISIS leader, 25th February - Jade Judge, President of United Caliphate Hishamuddin Ismail, stated that Red States, made a press statement. She stated that Horse Virus was the best thing that ever US will not let “Twisted Ideologies” and happened to infidels; and congratulated Boko “Motivation Haram. Homeland. She introduced a new version of the February Patriot Act, the Dilligency Act. 24th February - One of the “Statue Cruises” was March bombed by an American Citizen. The bombing 4th March - Jade Judge, President of the US, was conducted as a suicide bombing. Suicide stated that Jihad without Borders ()الجهاد بال حدود Bomber was John Century. According to was behind the attack. Thought, the affliation is tracked phone records, the aim of John Century not yet recorded. Jihad without Borders claimed was bombing Statue of Liberty. Bombing left to be located in Islamic State. Jihad without 146 dead and 14 wounded left. The Massive Borders introduced to the Gloval stage at 2033, death toll was due to the effectiveness of with their first global attacks. As inferred from homemade bomb. Yet, the affiliations of John the name of the organization, it is established to Century are not clear. According to some press spread Islam to whole world. sources, John Century was a leftist inspired by 12th March – Model United Nations Turkey the 21st Century Socialism. Other sources claim Conference convenes as the biggest youth that, John Century had some links with some gathering of the year in EU with over 5000 Radical Islamist Organizations. Lastly, public of Violence” spread in the participant. Secretary General Ali Ismail Yarkın, 31th April - Red Horse Virus claimed 3.2 million made the opening speech. lives. Hundreds of people in the Sub-Saharan April Africa die from dehydration rather than drinking 1st April - Jade Judge, President of the US, possibly contaminated water. invited NATO for an emergency meeting. May Meeting was decided to take place at Berlin 1st May - International Workers Day celebrated. NATO HQ, on the 4th of April. Gokhberkhov Ekinchevic, state that “A new day 4th April - NATO convened, Jade Judge insisted rises, brighter than ever”. He added that “We for an operation towards Jihad without Borders are, in this very day, glorious than ever before (JWB). Yet, the European countries objected. however, we shall spread our glory to our NATO did not reach any consensus. The end brothers”. communique was a condemnation of the 2nd May - Democrat Leader Mark Satriani, bombing of Statue of Liberty. Speaker of the Parliament, stated that there is 28th April - Jade Judge, president of the US, not proved link between the attack and JWB. stated that JWB will ‘sooner or later be June punished’. She stated that “Sword of Justice 4th June - Republicans introduce the “Diligence never misses, and US is, indeed, the sword of Act” bill. Justice”. 5th June - Diligence Act bill came with a 29th April - Following the inspiring speech of massive debate. Thousands voice different the President, Republican led protests begun. opinions. Million marched in US to protest JWB. 14th June - Famous TV commentator Ahmad Hitwill and Ermine Thorson claimed “Diligence Act” is the oasis of totalitarianism in the world 2047 of free thought. They claimed such action January braches the private life principles. Diligence Act 1st January - The agreement between UK and includes great power for wire tapping and online China for Hong Kong expired causing China to investigation. have full power over Hong Kong. July 2nd January - Chinese government passed a law 4th July - Diligence Act passed. Republicans that every house in Hong Kong to have a accepted this as a major victory. Chinese Flag and Chinese Coat of Arms in their 5th July - Jade Judge welcomed US citizens to a homes. The necessary flags can be reached at new, secure day. She claimed that, US citizens the Chinese merchandise depot, for free. are now living in the most secure country. 5th January - Chinese government declared that September English is not an Official Language. 17th September - Jade Judge, in an interview 19th January - UNSC convened at New York. stated that it is not a far option to bring justice The debate was on China and therefore China, and crackdown terrorist in abroad soil. as being a part of a dispute, did not have chance November to vote. Yet, the resolution to condemn China 7th November - Boko Haram terrorists attacked was vetoed by Socialist Russian Republic. Nigeria’s underground water drills. The attack Gokhberkhov Ekinchevic declared that even was unsuccessful; as this was a foreseeable though our relation with China experienced ups attack, and downs, we will not permit imperialistic Nigeria deployed all its special operations forces around the drilling areas. forces to act against 21st January - United Kingdom declared that April China breached the International Law and 7th April - Mission 49 made a public poll for the became a threat to international peace and future of Macau. Polls ended with result of %78 security. Prime Minister stated that they will of the participants choose to be a part of China. bring the Issue to the next meeting of the 29th April - ICC found Serenity Genetics and UNSC. Pharmaceutical Co. owner and CEO Seçkin 25th January - United Kingdom declare that they Kutlu innocent on all accounts. People around will not attend future meetings of the Security the court were enraged by the decision and were Council for a “considerable time”. This is the hardly calmed by the police. second time of Non-Disturbing Abstention May policy used in the UNSC. Previously, nearly a 8th May - Macaun Executive decides to go for a century ago, USSR used such procedure to referendum in the region for the future of protest ROC representation in the UNSC. Macau, in May 1st.. February 14th May - Seçkin Kutlu applied to a US court to 6th February - A new NGO, Mission 2049 was sue former president of the US, John Wilkinson established in Macau. Mission 2049 were for his remarks accusing Kutlu of creating the established to create a fully Chinese Macau. As Red Horse Virus. it is well known 2049 remarks the end of the April agreement between UK and China. 14th April - UK Prime Minister, Frank Ramsey 9th February - Cameroon Prime Minister Julius claimed that China uses threats and other illegal Okonkwo blamed the Western states of “leaving techniques to Macauan community. Africa to perish”. 15th April -Qin Gon Jin, President of China, discovery is considered as the biggest medical stated that China’s success is well envied breakthrough in 21st century. abroad. October May 14th October - Red Horse deaths reached 6 1st May - The International Workers Day million mark. Celebration doubled, as Macau voted for being a part of China. Legal process will start in 2049. 2048 2nd May - Frank Ramsey, Prime Minister of January United Kingdom stated that China built an 7th January - NATO’s first ever space shuttle empire of fear. He stated that, the new Chinese launch was cancelled because of suspicions of a “Empire” is built on fear and tyranny. cyber attack. If correct, NATO’s cyber defense June will have failed for the first time in 99 years of 3rd June - Tuberculosis bacteria mutated and the organization’s existence. rapidly spread in India. Officials of Indian April Health Ministry reported 2,000,000 deaths took 7th April - World Health Day Celebrations at the place in last 3 months caused by mutated WHO Office in Switzerland were heavily tuberculosis. protested by a crowd of hundreds of thousands August of people, because of their ill-rated efforts 4th August - American scientist Ray Kurzweil against the Red Horse Virus. declared that he went through an operation June within Kurzweil Industries, and received a 30rd June - Boko Haram deploys canisters of mechanic, augmented heart transplant. This Red Horse bioagent during the Modern Nigeria Party’s gathering. All 479 people were reported started to use nano boron element as a primer dead in a matter of minutes. energy resource. August December 25th - Biggest horse racing event in 3rd August - Japanese Minister of Defense the world history takes place in Manchester. The Yagami Raito stated that the Martyr system horse DBY and Jockey Sir Y.C.A. Smith won detected and successfully engaged 2 missile the race and the grand prize of 1,000,000 USD. launches from China. Chinese missiles turned out to be only for test purposes, without any 2049 destructive effect. January 19th August - Red Horse claimed 7.8 million 1st January - Macau officially became a part of lives since the outbreak. China. Thousands celebrated in Macau .Macau December became a Private trade zone in China. 12th December - Testing group of NASA was 25th January - Afghanistan bombings was completed. 50 peoples from 17 different nations brought before the consideration of the United and different professions would leave the planet Nations Security Council. Also, the North 6 months later with necessity devices to use in Atlantic Council has taken the situation to its Mars. Distance between two planets is 55 agenda several time latest being January 2049. million kilometers and the travel would last 250 Currently, the unrest still continues. days. 31 January - Red Horse claimed its 9 millionth 14th December - With the new developments in victim. chemical laboratories, 6 countries in Europe February 4th: February - Nezahat Yeşim Yargıcı, Turkish International Law Professor becomes the first female Secretary-General of the United Nations, replacing Mr. İmamoğlu who retires due to old age. Nezahat Yeşim Yargıcı is best known for her diplomatic attitude, authoritative approach and leadership skills. The Prime Minister of Turkey, Damla Manav was the first to congratulate the newly appointed SecretaryGeneral. 5 February - ISIS leader Ismail stated that they withdrew their UN application because of the gender of the new UN Secretary General. 25th February - NATO Secretary General, Derya Buğra Yarkın, invited NATO to convene at 2nd of March. March 2nd March - NATO Summit Convened at Antalya. Ant al y a, Mar c h2015 Or gani s edbyt heModel Uni t edNat i onsofTur k ey Undert hedi s c r et i onoft heS ec r et ar i at S ec r et ar yGener al : Nez ahatYeş i m Yar gı c ı Cont entbyUnderS ec r et ar i esGener al :YunusCanAy baş&Der y aBuğr aYar k ı n Gr aphi cDes i gn: ÖmerFar ukTaps ı z Web: www. munt r . or g EMai l : i nf o@munt r . or g