Acoustic information applied to implement environmental
Acoustic information applied to implement environmental
Not to be cited without prior reference to the author ICES ASC 20-24 September 2005, Aberdeen, Scotland, UK ICES CM 2005/U:05 Session on Acoustic Techniques for Three-dimensional Characterization and Classification of the Pelagic Ecosystem (U) Acoustic information applied to implement environmental studies in the Baltic Andrzej Orlowski. Sea Fisheries Institute, ul. Kollataja 1, 81-332 Gdynia, Poland, Corresponding author: Abstract Since 1981, acoustic information, collected in a form of calibrated measurements of integrated echoes energy is applied in Sea Fishery Institute to observe the relationships among fish distribution and environmental factors. Data were collected during different seasons for each elementary distance units (EDSU) in standardized depth intervals to be compared to values of selected environmental parameters, measured parallel. Acoustic, biological and hydrological data were correlated in space and transferred to the complex data base, enabling 4D analysis of numerous factors, characterising wide range of the fish behaviour. Few methods and standards of comparisons are described to explain how to improve recognition of relationship between 3D spatial environmental gradients and fish distribution. Results of various case studies, including the influence of hydrologic and seabed characterising factors illustrate practical application and validity of the methods. Particular attention was given to indicate dependence of local fish biomass density on temperature structure in the sea. Keywords: acoustics, environment, marine ecosystem, Baltic. INTRODUCTION Understanding the functioning of marine ecosystem, especially in the context of fisheries science, demands quite strong enhancing of the data base describing spatial and temporal structure of main and critical abiotic and biotic factors in this area. Very attractive methods to survey marine ecosystems were based on satellite optical and infrared sensors (Yoder and Garcia-Moliner, 1993). Minimal depth penetration range resulting from high attenuation of electromagnetic waves limited their application to surface layers only. Due to very low attenuation in water – sound waves are most promising tools for complex observations of marine ecosystem in the scale adequate to its dimensions. In response of the gradients of physical properties (density and sound speed) acoustic waves are reflected and deflected. Application of the echo sounding afforded possibilities of localization of such areas of physical instabilities and gave an opportunity to estimate their effect on echo received. In a 1 consequence distribution of received echoes characterises 3D qualitative and quantitative components of the marine ecosystem (Clay and Medwin, 1977, Holliday, 1993, Orlowski, 1989a-b, Sherman, 1993). Echoes represent all types of acoustic instability of the media and in a case of the marine ecosystem are associated with seabed, fish and plankton organisms, gas bubbles, hydrologic gradients, and many other sources. Application of different frequencies and directional characteristics of acoustic systems enable detection of different spectra of the objects (Clay and Medwin, 1977, Holliday, 1993, Holliday and Pieper, 1995). Providing systematic surveys and additional processing of the data by computer give an opportunity to observe important ecosystem characteristics in an appropriate spatial and temporal scale (Jech and Luo, 2000, Kemp and Meaden, 2002, Massé and Gerlotto, 2003, Orlowski, 1989c, 1990, 1998, Peltonen et al., 2004, Socha et al., 1996, Szczucka, 2000). Results of interdisciplinary measurements, unified in space by acoustic localization of all elements can be easily collected in huge data base and visualized for better interpretation of analysed processes (Bertrand et al., 2003, Orlowski, 1989c, 1998, 2003a, 2003b.). The importance of such studies for widely understand fisheries is obvious (Barnes and Mann 1991; Helfman et al. 1997). The significance of results is very important for all marine scientists and ecologists causing reversible linkage in estimation of models and interpretations applied. The paper describes few case studies illustrating practical application of acoustic information to implement knowledge on selected elements of the Baltic Sea marine ecosystem. Examples are selected from two last decades of the author's research work at the Sea Fisheries Institute at Gdynia (Orlowski 1989a, 1989b, 1989c, 1996, 1997, 1998, 1999, 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003a, 2003b, 2004, Orlowski and Kujawa 2005). That period has been started in 1989 by publication of doctor’s of science dissertation titled “Application of acoustic methods for study of distribution of fish and scattering layers vs. the marine environment” (Orlowski, 1989). 1. MATERIALS During the period 1981-2004 ships of Sea Fisheries Institute in Gdynia (RV "Profesor Siedlecki" and RV "Baltica") carried out series of research cruises, collecting acoustic, biological and environmental data in the southern Baltic. Three cruises (July 1981, August 1983, 1988) were conducted during the summer, two cruises (May 1983, May 1985) during the spring. Since 1989 all cruises have been carried out during the autumn (October 1989, 1990, 1994 - 2004), being the part of international ICES programme of the Baltic pelagic fish stock assessment. Each cruise lasted approximately two-three weeks, and had a potential to collect data from 1-2 thousands nautical miles of acoustic transect. Samples were collected continuously, and integrated every one nautical mile, 24h a day. The time distribution of samples in relation to the whole period 1981-2004 was quasi-homogeneous what gave a good base to estimate 4D characteristics of fish behaviour in the southern Baltic. In early eighties EK 38 echosounder and QMkII echo-integrator were used. Since 1989 EK400 and a QD echo integrating system were applied with proprietary software. In 1998 an EY500 scientific system was introduced to fulfil international standards of acoustic measurements, enabling research to continue. Both systems were using a frequency 38 kHz and the same hull-mounted transducer of 7.2˚x 8.0˚. Calibration has been performed with a standard target in Swedish fjords in 1994 to 1997 and in Norway from 1998 to 2000. Cruises were carried out in October and lasted 2 to 3 weeks, giving a possibility of collecting samples over 1 to 1.5 thousands of n.mi.(approximately 450 transmissions per nmi). Survey tracks of all cruises were on the same grid to obtain high comparability of measurements. 2 Biological samples were collected over the period from 1994 to 2004 by the same pelagic trawl, on average every 37 n.mi. of the transect. Fish observed during all surveys were mostly pelagic, herring and sprat (Clupeidae). Hydrographic measurements (temperature-T, salinity-S, and oxygen level-O2) were made by a Neil-Brown CTD system. These were mostly at sample haul positions, with a similar biological sampling space density. Each hydrological station was characterized by its geographical position and values of measured parameters at 2m depth intervals (slices). 2. METHODS AND RESULTS Application of acoustic measurements as the tool for 4D arrangement of data collected by biologists and oceanographers is given in Figure 1. Figure 1. Scheme of acoustically co-ordinated transfer and compiling common interdisciplinary data base on marine ecosystem. Due to limited sampling possibilities of each of three channels shown in Fig.1. survey strategy has to be well matched to spatial characteristics of the surveyed area. Geographical structure of the surveyed area has a significant influence on strategy of its sampling. Example of such a strategy applied in October 2004 is presented in Fig. 2. Sampling density is differentiated according to methods of research. Distance of one nautical mile was considered as an elementary unit (record) of the data base. For each record values of remain factors characterizing the biological and hydrological parameters were estimated. Enhancing the record length by depth structure of acoustic scattering Sv (z), biological and hydrological components, and by introducing time factor we 3 can produce 4D data base, called 4D-ABO, covering wide range of parameters. Due to limited possibilities of 2D sampling density of biological and hydrological parameters estimate of their values per each EDSU had to be done within some standardized statistical areas (ICES rectangles in the Baltic). Detail description of the methods applying acoustic sounding for producing 4D inter-disciplinary data base in the Baltic is given by the author in Orlowski, 1989a, 1989c, 1990, 1997, 1998, 1999, 2000, 2001, 2003a, 2003b, 2004, Orlowski and Kujawa, 2005. Figure 2. Area of research of R.V. Baltica in October 2004, sampled in a similar way since 1981. Geographical structure of basic components of 4D-ABO inter-disciplinary data base. 2.1. INFLUENCE OF THERMAL CONDITIONS ON FISH DISRIBUTION Temperature belongs to the factors of the first order from the point of view of fish horizontal and vertical distribution (Barnes, et al., 1991, Helfman et al., 1997). Variability of this factor is associated with the season of the year but from the fishery research point of view the most important is to correlate its instability to fish distribution anomalies. For the same season (month), the temperature can vary in very big range. The example of such a fluctuation is given in Figure 3. The patterns in the Figure 4 show strong fluctuations in depth structure, gradients, and absolute values of the temperature. Fish vertical distribution during the day-time strongly differs from the night-time one (Fig. 3). It means that the hydrological variability observed in Fig.3 will modulate independently day 4 and night vertical pattern of fish distribution. In Orlowski (1999) were introduced standards to characterize ranges of hydrological factors associated with fish night and day distributions. Figure 3. Average temperature-depth structure in the southern Baltic observed in October 1994-2004 in the southern Baltic. Figure 4. Night and day average depth distribution of Sv (z) as an average for period 19942003 in the southern Baltic. Characteristic points were associated with cumulative empirical distribution of given factor at fish main depth (25%, 50%, and 75% - quartiles), weighted by sA. Values of TF25%, TF50% TF75%, SF25%, SF25%, SF75%, and O2F25%, O2F50% O2F75% for years 1989-2004 are shown in Figure 5. Example of strong temperature pressure on herring distribution in the southern Baltic is given in Figure 6. Comparison of herring distribution was made against the temperature one at the 5 Figure 5. Acoustically determined temperature, salinity, and oxygen level limits, characterizing day and night distribution of fish biomass for years 1989-2004 in the southern Baltic. Figure 6. Comparison of herring distribution and temperature structure of area in spring 1983 and 1985. 6 depths characteristic for day-time (50m) and night-time (20m). Presence of very cold waters (< 3ºC) in 1985 reduced drastically the biomass of herring in the Polish EEZ from 217 thousands t in 1983 up to 10.7 thousands t in 1985. Similar phenomenon was observed for the autumn, when absence of warmer water in the Polish EEZ was directly correlated to decrease of the total biomass in the area. Illustration of that relationship is given in Figure 7. Total biomass of fish is quite strongly correlated in the period 1989-2001 to the temperature at fish main depth during the day-time. Detail analysis of this phenomenon is published in Orlowski (2003b). 2.2. CHARACTERIZING DIEL CYCLE OF THE FISH Diel cycle of fish is one of the most fundamental processes regulating fish biological condition (Helfman et al., 1997). Activity patterns of fish represent its response to widely understand environment. In a consequence research on characterizing diel cycle of the fish can strongly improve the knowledge on interactions between the fish and surrounding marine ecosystem. Acoustic methods are one of the most effective to provide observations of fish and fish schools in incomparable big space volumes, as it is shown by Aoki and Inadaki, 1992, Bertrand et al., 2003, Cassini et al., 2004, Castillo et al., 1996, Fréon et al.,1996, Gauthier and Rose, 2002, Massé, 2003, Orlowski, 1997, 2000, 2001, Pelotonen et al., 2004, Pieper et al., 2001, Szczucka, 2000, Tameshi et al., 1996. On the other hand detail knowledge on diel cycle of the fish can strongly minimize the errors in estimating their scattering properties. Application of data collected in 4D-ABO data base give the chance to estimate many single or cross-correlated characteristics of the marine ecosystem. One of the first steps has to be made by complex visualization of the cycle over environmental background. The example of such visualization is given in Figure 8. The measurements were carried out during lasting two days experiment at south Gotland Deep, in which integration of echoes was provided along the sides of the square track The process of construction of visualization is described by Orlowski (2003) and the experiment is characterized in detail in Orlowski (2005). It can be easy seen from Fig. 8 that few different phases of fish behaviour (clupeoids) can be differentiated. The phases are closely related to characteristic time and spatial limits. Each phase gives different pattern of the echoes. Diel cycle characteristics can be expressed by time dependent functions describing average values of basic factors joint with fish vertical migrations, as depth, temperature, salinity, and oxygen level. One of the most useful for approximation of those periodic relationships are trigonometric polynomials (Clay and Medwin, 1977). Their application for this purpose was introduced in Orlowski (1998). In Figure 9 are given examples of mathematical models of diel variability of fish main depth and temperature at fish main depth. Models are estimated on the basis of the 4D-ABO October data base for consequent years 1989-2003. 7 Figure. 7. Regression between temperature at fish depth during the day and total biomass of fish in the Polish EEZ for period 1989-2000 and 1989-2001. Figure 8. TDS visualization of diel cycle of fish distribution (sv) in area 4 x 4 nmi in south Gotland Deep in October 2001. Diagrams of average temperature, salinity and oxygen level are enclosed below. 8 Figure.9. Diel cycle of clupeoids characterized by approximation curves expressing relationship between time of a day and fish main depth (left panel), and temperature at fish main depth (right panel) for period 1989-2003, and for each single year. Diel dependence of main depth of the fish on time of the day seems quite regular over the period investigated. Pattern averaged over the period 1989-2003 has a regular quasi-sinus shape associated with the variability of light factor (position of the sun). Time dependence of the temperature at fish main depth (centre of gravity of scattering strength) is strongly influenced by vertical structure of the temperature (Figure 9, right panel), significantly variable from year to year (Fig. X). It possible to distinguish the years of clearly regular differentiation between day and night () and the years of low day and night differences. In the Figure 10 approximation of empirical relationships between the time of a day fish and fish main depth (left panel), and temperature at fish main depth (right panel) for the spring time and the summertime are shown. The patterns were calculated for the period 1983-1985 (spring season) and for period 1989-2003 (autumn). During the spring diel fish vertical migrations are much stronger that during the summer. The variability of temperature at fish depth is much stronger during the summer. If we consider the average pattern of diel dependence of environmental factors at fish depth as the standard pattern a comparison of each year characteristic to that standard can be made and analysed. Such comparisons between functions of the 1994-2004 period and 2004 are given in Figure 11. 2.3. CHARACTERIZING RELATION SEABED-DEMERSAL FISH The new method applied for acoustic bottom classification was introduced for this purpose (Orlowski and Kujawa, 2005b). Previously the author introduced application of multiple echoes for evaluation of seabed. The main intention of the method presented below is to simplify classification procedure by limiting the output to one-parameter values. 9 Figure 10. Spring and summer dependence of diel cycle of clupeoids characterized by approximation curves expressing relationship between time of a day and fish main depth (left panel), and temperature at fish main depth (right panel) 10 Figure 11. Approximation curves modelling diel dependence of temperature, salinity, and oxygen levels at fish characteristic depths (upper depth limit, main depth, lower depth limit) for period 1994-2004 and 2004. The parameter is defined as a hypothetical effective angle Θ corresponding to received seabed echo. The angle is defined as below: arc cos (Θ’/2) = ( 1 + c(τs - τ1)/d) –1 where: Θ’/2 τs τ1 c d - parameter characterizing acoustic seabed properties, superposition of all seabed echo time components, component dependent on pulse length, sound speed, bottom depth Comparing the values of Θ’/2 within regular statistical rectangles of the surveyed area and the values of bycatch of fish available from 4D-ABO data base we can generate relationship between those two factors. In Figure 12 are given patterns of statistical correlation between bycatch of herring, sprat and cod and seabed classes, characterized by Θ’/2 intervals. 11 It is quite easy to realize that bycatch (percentage) of pelagic fish does not show any correlation over differentiated by Θ’/2 values bottom areas. Cod as a typical demersal fish shows very clear and strong correlation to the seabed type. Figure 12. Bycatch of pelagic (A -herring and sprat) and bottom fish (B-cod) in the areas characterized by Θ’/2 parameter. 3. CONCLUSIONS Selected examples of methods and results obtained show how application of acoustic data can effectively improve understanding functioning of the marine ecosystem. The most important part of this process is producing acoustically co-ordinated transfer and compiling common interdisciplinary data base on marine ecosystem (4D-ABO). Value of this data base is higher when data are collected by similar time and spatial strategy and technical means. Each new parameter included to the data collection strongly enhances the range of possible analyses. Relations and trends between environment and distribution of life organisms in 4D structure can be estimated and formulated by mathematical models for further comparisons and multidimensional modelling. Analyses of case studies presenting selected applications indicate very wide range of possible characterization of the marine ecosystem by acoustically produced 4D database (4D-ABO) 12 describing the distribution of life organisms and environmental gradients and limits. In examples shown following elements of marine ecosystem dynamics were characterized: - depth geographical structure of marine life organisms, year, season, and diel dynamics of biological cycles in relation to environmental factors, environmental pressure on horizontal distribution of fish, comparisons of defined standards of fish behaviour for determined periods and areas, association of fish species to seabed characteristics. A lot of similar studies were made by other scientists cited in this paper. Application of acoustic information to describe 4D functioning of the marine ecosystem can be significantly improved if normalization of standards, functions and magnitudes characterizing its elements can be precisely determined and kept by other researchers. It can significantly improve comparability and allow significantly enhance a possibility of supplementing joint data bases produced in 4D-ABO format. The significance of this fact does not need any discussion. REFERENCES Aoki I., Inagaki T., 1992. Acoustic observations of fish schools and scattering layers in a Kuroshio warm-core ring and its environs. Fisheries Oceanography, Vol.1, No 1, pp. 137-142. Barnes, R. S. K., Mann, K. H., 1991. Fundamentals of Aquatic Ecology, Blackwell Science Cambridge, 270 p. 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