Object of Her Affection
Object of Her Affection
Marsian De Lellis P-6 CONTACT Marsian De Lellis 1920 Hillhurst Ave., #173 Los Angeles CA 90027 401.640.1651 hausofmarsian@gmail.com MarsianDeLellis.com Project Budget $49,000 Grant Request $5,000 501 (c)(3): Automata PAST GRANTS AWARDED 2014 Seed - Object of Her Affection Object of Her Affection Object of Her Affection, is an unconventional love story centered on a woman who desires intimate relationships with inanimate objects and her search for love that is just beyond her reach. In the Fall/Winter 2015, Marsian De Lellis will premiere Object of Her Affection through Automata in Los Angeles. De Lellis and director, Michele Spears will work on the actorly aspects of performance, engage with a composer, transition from mockups to fully realized puppets, collaborate with a set designer, and continue to fine tune the story. VIDEO SAMPLE Title: Object of Her Affection Artists: Marsian De Lellis Description: July 30, 2014 Marsian De Lellis, Object of Her Affection, 4 min video includes: Grandma, Marlin, and Libby excerpts from REDCAT's New Original Works performance on July 30, 2014 in Los Angeles. PROJECT P-6 lwb.ovett;* lovesiorycenleredon a womanwhodesiresiniimate is an unconveniional Obiectof HerAftection, relationships withinanimaieobjectsandherseafchior ovethatis iustbeyondher reach AndreaLowe,aftershe has Obiectof HerAflectionlallowslhe emoiionaljourneyot prclagonisl, relationships siadingwithherlirst tronr she reflectson her r.eaningful fallen a buildlng. n her lasi mom€nts, she attractsa bad-boyhuntingrife witha mysticalside,and alef love,a babyblanketDuringadolescence wall. As Andreaevolves,so do her desires In adulthood,sh€ becomesinfaiuaiedwith a controversial fiom monumental structures: a high-prolieslatuewho shediscovercis vacantlragic seekscornpanionship twin skyscrapers; a brldgewho cheatstand a crumblingtenemeniwho ullimaielyfails her. Andrcarurely HerGrandmolher funcuons as a carctaker, afd as the ouiside interactswithhumanswhoare uninteresting. changesAndtea. Throughherevolution, we seehoweachrelaiionship woflds viewson hercondition. relaliorshipbelweenobjectsand personalilies as Objectof HerAffectionexploresthe synesihetic and ways thal objectscan occupyr.ore than one lhey collldethroughthe eyes of an ObjectSexLral, abouthumanbelngs- fleshandblood'developlngintimale rneaning at anygiventime As a visuainarrative rcationshlpswith rnanimalethings,Objectaf Het AffectionEhowslhe dualityof objeclsas (in)/animale: to mos1. animaieandsentienlthroughthe ey€soi Andfea,whilethesesameobjecisappearinanimate in the news,Objectof HerAfectto, complicates ln a lime wherer.arriageequalityis so pfomin€nt notionsof sexualdiversityin locusingon a leadcha€clof with ObieclSexuaily (OS) Althoughsexua minoriileshave made recenlstrides,a secondarylier of othernessfestersoulsidelhe oversimpLilicalion, physical, normalization, of queeridentily.As an ernotional, and romantic desretowards and mainslreaminq inanimate oblects,oS explodestraditional caiegorization of sexualily.PeoplewilhoS don'tso mrch wanta placeat the iable,as theymaywanta relationship withone. ln 2014 writer, desiqner,and performer,lvlarsianDe Lellis collaboraiedwith direclorand cho€ographerlvliche6 Spearsover a flve week periodthal includeda residencyal Aulomalawith a NewOriginal weekendof viewings,iollowedby a shorter,mofepolished,showcasevefsiontor REDCAT'S De LeilisandSpearcworkshopped the overallstory- beal WorksFesiival.Duringthisleg of development, experlmenling withscaleand styleof mockuppuppels,sei pieces,and by beat;andlhe vrsualdramaturgy, LA Weekly,wtole costumes ln response lo ihe REDCATperlormances, "The piece, which questions on a cosmic level our aniflcial alivialebetween the anlmate ancl the inanimate, has lhe appealing, clroll humor ancl structunl unity of a Davicl geclarisstory, ' De Lelliswas ableto leverageaddjiionallunding Withearlysuppofrfromthe HensonFoundation, TheAnnaSosenkoAssistTrust,Hatchfund, and REDCAT.De Lellls lromihe Cenlerfor Culiurallnnovalion, is currenllyprcparingtor the prenriereoi Objectot HerAffectionin fall / winler,2015 wilh a roundoI grani lncludlngthe Jim HensonFoundation / O NelllTheaterCentefResid€ncy.ln the and residencyproposals, cut run {rpto the premiere,De LellisandSpearswillUneiunelhe storywiththe additionoi someprcviously sequence: a weddingwiththe ElifelTowerlhatgoesdisastrousi and a origin scenes,includlnga nightmare of Andreas blankel. In the fext siory:a flashbackto lhe underbelly oi a sweatshopfromthe peGpective phasesol developmenl, De Lellisand Spearsplan to work on lhe actorlyaspeclsof ihe performance, engagewith a composerto score lhe show, transitionJrcm mockupsto fully realizedpuppets and witha set designerlo makelhe showtourable afterthepremiere. collaborale "ln Object ol Her Alteclion, unimately, I want to dramatize the universal development and lo6s ol rclationships we expe ence on our ioumey through life analmake OS relaaableto anyone who has expeienced love or loss." - MarsianDe Lellis &ry INCOME Grants ln-Kind Donatrons $20,000.00 $35,000.00 s5.000.00 $5.000.00 $2.000.00 $1,000.00 $2.000.00 $1.500.00 $2,500.00 ProiectGrantiAsk) JimHensonFoundation (Ask) JHF/ O'NerlBesrdency AssistT.ust{AsL) AnnaSosenho PuDoeteers FundiAskl ol AmericaEndowmenl Ans (Asl) Foundaton for Contemporary (Secured) AutomataBesidency (Ask) JHF/ O'NeillTheaterCenierResidencv Donaledlvaterias {Secured) s1.000.00 $12,000.00 $1200000 $1.200 00 00 $1,500 Halchfund{Asl) BoxOflice/Sales BoxOtfrce(2 weehends) s300.00 TOTALINCOME EXPENSE Shipping & Detail (Director. Prem|ere S.M.PerlofmerComposer) Premere - DesionerFees(So!nd,Liohts,Set) Residency Slipends(Dir,S.l\,1 Composer) , Perforrner, (200 Builders hrs) ShlDDlnqFslimatelor JHF Residencv AirlareandoroundtransDortation for coreiearn Set.Costume.andPuoDetMalerrals Addiilonal Rehearsal SDace{2 weeks) AdditionalShoo SDace(2weeks) StoraqeSDace(12months) L ohtinoFental Documentalion Blankl\,4edia & SioraoeDrives AdditionalEoulDmenl Residencv & VideoqraDhef - PhotoqraDher Premiere & Videoqraoher - Photoq|apher Marketinq Assistant lvlarketing Pfintlvlaierials & OnlineAds Bewards Crowdiundino Administalive FiscalSDonsor Expenses Ilale als Space& Olher CraflServices Pf6miereRehearsals Build $51,000.00 $9,000.00 $23,400.00 $6,400.00 s4.000.00 s4.000.00 $4.00000 $6,700.00 $2,700.00 $5,000.00 s500000 $1 40000 $4,400.00 $1.400.00 $600.00 $t.000.00 $1.460.00 s3,960.00 s1 400.00 $50000 $60000 $2 00000 $3,000.00 s600.00 $40000 $2,000.00 $3,000.00 $1.000 00 $54000 $1,540.00 $50000 $500.00 OTALEXPENSE $51,000.00 Budget Notes: This budgetfepresentsan expansivevisionincludinga premierein LA (witha 4 week rehearsa I period)and a 2-weekresidency. Residency expensesaccountlor $13.5k(or26%)olthe budget To be saie, Lhavebudgeted$4kior shippjng,althoughI am hoplng10makeihat numbermuchlower.I am in the prccessof weighingand measuringpieces,so I can get a betlerestimateon freighlratesfrom by PaulZaloom). Therearc a numberoi possibiliteslam shippingbrokersandcasemakers(recommended largerpiecesto be rnoreiransporiable lookinginto,including redesigning and rebuildlng Thrsyear, I have appliedto 100k ln fundingopporiunilies and plan to applyto morein 2015 For the workshoplwas ablelo laise$14kbelwe€ng€nts, crowdiunding, andcommissions. Wlth[/AP Fund, am in a muchbeiterpositionaftef havinggonethroughthe entireprocessonce,and withthe new supporiof &*&&f/t,t perfofmanceariisi, who constructsvisual l arsian De Lellis is a visual and interdisciplinary narraiives,speclacles,and installalions, centeredon seemingly"weird"peoplethal jlluminaiesomethlng have touredthloughoutthe UnitedSlates, essentialabout conlemporaryliie. De Lellis'periormances MedicalPefornances and hls inslallations havebeenieaiuredjn ScarOf Wsibiliry: Canada,and Edlnburgh; A Jounal Of And ContenponryA,t (Universilyof MinnesotaPrsss),and l,VomenAnd Pertotmance: FeninistTheory(NewYorkUniversily Press). As an experimental theatraartist,De Lellisusespuppetryperfofming obiects,cutouts pop-ups, visualnarrativeform likefilmwith its own elaboratecostumes.and otherelementsto createa time-based inherentmetaphors Puryetry Intenational describesDe Lellis work as conlaining a strcng idiosyndatic persanalaesthetic',while The New Urbanitecteditshim wilh developing'a btand of eccent c adultpuppetry that ascillalesbeffleenadorable,abject,campy,and eanest'. lnspiredby labloidsand pop culture,De weirdpeopie,whosestoriesaresurprisingly relaiable.In hlsproduclions Lelliswfitesplaysaboutseemingly lookal the liingesof our form collldeswith content,lo seru€as bolh a commenlary and compasslonate Dlstinguished as "colottul,elaborate'and nightnarish"by lhe Scoisrranduringits run al the Fr nge,GrowingUp Linda,was an off-kilterook al the ficiiliousdaughlerot a lamousicecream Edinburgh mogu).Thrce l,TeekscelebratedLindatot ils "fusionof tashy and glam'. De Lellisinitiallydeveloped throughthe AtlanticCenierfor the Aris andperiormed excerpisal GrcwingUp Lindaas pan of a residency Coolidg€Comer Theatfefor the NewCityandJudsonChurch;lrad Cow(O ando);SpaceArk (Pasadena); Theaire and the Comedy Connection(Bosion);and PefishableTheatre and the Caffiage House (Providence). Fudgie'soeath,a neo-noirstand-alone sectionof liada showsthe demiseol Carvelthroughpop up bookswith live video amplificalion Waiermark(Orlando)noledlhat in Fudgie 'technobgymeets traditionalslorlellng to great effect". Fudgie has been performedin Baltirnore'sTransmodernFostival, Fes|valol AnimatedObjecis,StAnns warehouseLinksHall,the OrlandoFringe, Calgary'slnternational BEDCAT,andThe ParkTheatrc(Winnipeg). ln Brideaf wildenslein- The Musical,an agingsocialitegrowsfuf and clawsto recaplurethe game hunterhusband Describedas 'demented,touching,and inhercntly aitentionot her philandering strange"by Flavryill, Brldeis a we d and tragiclove storythal examineslhe makingof a monstrosity throughone woman'spersonalstruggle.As her marriagedissolves, she begrnsto reinvenihercelflhrough to becomemorefeline,whichonly turtherheightenher senseol dfasticmeasures- surgicalprocedures estrangem€nt.The herclne'sstory is loosey inspiredby labloidaccountsof ihe feal-liie"cat womar', JocelynWildenstein. Objectof Het Affectlbn, an unconvenlional lovestoryabouta woman Currenily,De Lellisis develaplng, altractedto inanimateobjectsand her searchlor love lhat is jusl beyondher reach.De LelJisrecently performed at Adomataand a showcaseai a luil workshopol Obleclin LosAngelesas parl ol a residency BEDCATtor the New OriglnalWorks Feslival.lA Woeklynatedthal Object"has the appealing,dtoll hunol anclstucturaluniff of a DavidSedais story." De Lellisis worklngon a iullpremi€fein the lall 012015at Automatawithan accompanying installalion in itsfrontwlndowdisplay. Ad De Lellisearnedan IVFAin PuppetryandTheaierDesignfrornCaArts a BFAin Perlormance irom The Schoolof the Art Insiiluteof Chicago,and has beenan Emerging Adist in the NationalPuppetry Conlerence at th€ EugeneO'NeillTheatre Center. As a visilinglecturer,he has presentedhis multimedia artist ta ks such as Object/ Fetlsh:Stagingthe Suspensbnof Disbeliefin EverydayL,ifeat l,'larylandInstilute Collegeof Art,The universityolConneclicut, ClubSapien(Calgary), and BryanlUnlversity.As an advocate puppetry,De LelilscoJounded the PuppeiSlamNetwork, for art and contemporary and currenilyserveson the boardof UNIIVA'USA.