Preliminary agenda of ALDA General Assembly 2016 and LADDER
Preliminary agenda of ALDA General Assembly 2016 and LADDER
ALDA General Assembly and related events Paris, 10th -13th May 2016 Internal agenda for the day 10th/11th and 12th morning v Tuesday 10th May Steering Committee of LADDER Project Venue: UNESCO – Room III (125, Avenue de Suffren) 09.00 – 12.30 Steering Committee 14.00 – 17.00 Steering Committee v Wednesday 11 May Steering Committee of LADDER Project Venue : UNESCO – Room III (125, Avenue de Suffren) 09.00 – 12.30 Steering Committee 14.00 – 17.00 Steering Committee v Wednesday 11 May ALDA Institutional Activities Venue: Council of Europe Office – Room I (55, Avenue Kléber) 14.00 - 17.00 ALDA Governing Board Venue: Foundation Charles Léopold Mayer for the human progress – Room J. Freyss (38, Rue St-Sabin) 14.00 - 16.00 ALDA Advisory Committee Venue: Espace Hamelin (13, Rue de l’Amiral Hamelin) 14.00 – 16.00 Meeting of the Delegates of the Local Democracy Agencies (LDAs) 16.30 – 18.30 ALDA Working Groups (in parallel) Meeting Point: Hotel Median Porte de Versailles (1, Boulevard Victor) 15.00 - 16.00 Induction day for new members Dinner in the Le Blavet Restaurant (only for GB members) 19.30 Dinner for LADDER Participants (next to the theatre) Free evening for other participants Venue: Théatre de l’Archipel (17, Boulevard de Strasbourg) 21.00 Theatre play in the framework of LADDER project (people are demanded to register due to the limited number of seats) v Thursday 12th May General Assembly Venue: La Convention – Room 1C (48, Rue de Javel – Paris) 09.00 Registration of participants 09.30 Mr. Oriano OTOCAN, Official opening and introductory words of the President of ALDA 09.45 Mr. Jean-Claude FRÉCON – Welcoming address, President of the Congress of Local and Regional Authorities of the Council of Europe 09.55 Election of the Chair of the General Assembly 10.00 Extraordinary General Assembly 10.20 Adoption of the agenda of the meeting of the General Assembly 10.25 Approval of the Minutes of the Montenegro General Assembly (22) 28 10.30 Presentation of the activity report 2015 (published document and PPT) 10.45 Approval of Moral Report 2015 (23) 21 and President Mandate Report 2012-2016 (PPT) 11.10 Approval of the Accounts, discharge of the Treasure, Reading of the auditor report 11.15 Approval membership fees 11.20 Coffee Break 11.45 Election of the new Governing Board, Election of the electoral committee Candidatures and voting procedure 12.10 Approval of the programme 2016 and budget Recommendations on Migration issues (23) 22 12.35 Presentation of Gianfranco Martini Scholarship 13.45 Presentation of the results of the elections of the Governing Board 14.00 Meeting of ALDA Governing Board and election of the Bureau