Bulldogs Everywhere Welcome New Staff


Bulldogs Everywhere Welcome New Staff
October - November 2012
Bulldogs Everywhere Welcome New Staff
From Superintendent Charles Glaes
Retirements, full day Kindergarten,
and increased enrollment kept our
principals busy this summer. Sixteen
new teachers were hired, the most in
over a decade. One of the principals
busily interviewing candidates, Ruth
Hook, was also new to the role, having
been promoted in June to replace
retiring Indian Lake principal Rick
Szabla. We are thrilled with the quality
and commitment of our new hires, and
pleased to be able to introduce them to
you in this issue of the Red & White.
This summer I enjoyed hearing
Vicksburg alumni reminisce about
some of their outstanding teachers
at the Vicksburg High School 50th
class reunion. Vicksburg Community
Schools has a long and proud tradition
of outstanding teachers, and I am
certain our current students will
one day also fondly remember their
excellent teachers. Not only are we
able to select from among the best
candidates available, but our training
and induction program for new staff
is widely recognized as a model. The
result of outstanding staff working
together in a warm and welcoming,
very supportive community is
an outstanding achievement and
accomplishment for our students.
Please take a few moments to be
introduced to our new staff, and join us
in welcoming them to our community.
New to the District
New Faces in the Transportation Department
Beckie Oswalt and Stacy Lightfoot joined the VAB staff late last year.
Ashley Eaton, Heather Stienbarger, & Becky Glenn.
Stacy Lightfoot is the District’s Student Information
and State Reporting Coordinator. She and her husband,
Mike, have two children (Matthew and Claire). Stacy has
an accounting degree from Davenport University. She has
worked as a retail manager, staff accountant and owned
her own accounting office for 6 years. In her spare time
she follows and enjoys all her children’s activities. She
likes to read, bike, cook, play games and the challenge
of Sudoku puzzles. Stacy notes that the entire staff is so
friendly and welcoming. She loves the fact that her new
job utilizes many facets of her experience and training.
Beckie Oswalt has been working in the district
for 15 years, with the past 10 years as the Computer
Technician at Indian Lake Elementary. In January of last
year she joined Tonya Nash in the Community Education
Department. “We are known as the ‘Office of Fun!’ My
goal is to add ‘Innovation’ to our department motto by
updating our calendar to be more interactive for families
and staff, and implementing our new on-line registration
and payment system for all of our community ed classes.
I am enjoying my job and the opportunities to work the
community events that our department offers.”
Cover Photo By Holley Cousins
On the Cover: Joey Fici, VCS Bulldog
AKA - Tristan Glenn
Heather Stienbarger is a new driver this year. She has a
4 year old daughter and is expecting another child. Heather
hails from Mendon. She is a certified nurse’s assistant and
has her CDL. In her spare time, Heather’s hobbies include
hunting, fishing, line dancing and spending time with family.
So far Heather reports that everyone she has met has been so
nice and believes she is going to fit right in!
Another new driver is Becky Glenn. Becky and her
husband, Ron, have four children; Jordan(18), Tristan(17),
Morgan(12) and Dylan(11). They love living in Vicksburg.
Becky had been in the banking industry for over 10 years
before deciding to make a career change. She enjoys
photography, softball and watching her children participate
in sports. Becky looks forward to working with children and
their families. So far she loves her new role!
Also joining the transportation team is Ashley Eaton.
She has a son, Conner, starting kindergarten at Sunset and
daughter Shyla, who is 3 years old. Ashley is a Vicksburg
Graduate. She has been in a variety of managerial positions
and is turning the page ready to start down a new path.
Ashley loves spending time with family and friends.
Additionally, she enjoys showing her dogs and riding
motorcycles to new places. Ashley says everyone has been
really kind and she is looking forward
Look for us on Facebook!
to building positive relationships with
Vicksburg Community Schools
students and their families.
2 / The Red & White / October - November 2012
Vicksburg Performing Arts
Vicksburg Community Schools present Rodgers’ &
Hammerstein’s classic Cinderella! The timeless enchantment
of a magical fairy tale is reborn! As adapted for the stage, with
great warmth and more than a touch of hilarity, the hearts of
children and adults alike still soar when the slipper fits.
Cinderella performs Friday & Saturday, November 2 & 3,
2012 - 7:30pm. Sunday, November 4, 2012 - 2pm. Tickets on
sale October 22, 2012. Making your reservations is easy and can
be done is several ways: 1. Stop by or call (321-1193) the PAC
Ticket Office, 2. See your favorite cast or crew member (they
will have vouchers, accept payment and turn in your order for
you – your tickets will be waiting for you at the Ticket Office
when you arrive for the show), 3. Stop by the Middle School or
Elementary building offices before October 30 (they will have
vouchers, accept payment and turn in your order for you – your
tickets will be waiting for you at the Ticket Office when you
arrive for the show).
Order early and save money!! Advanced tickets for
Cinderella are $12 for adults, $10 for seniors and $5 for kids up
to 12th grade. Day of performance tickets are $14 for adults,
$12 for students and $7 for kids. We are also offering a special
immediate family rate (minimum of 4 persons – maximum of
6) of $30 if you order before 11/1.
Vicksburg High School presents Postmortem. Actor manager
and playwright William Gillette, best known for his portrayal of
Sherlock Holmes in his hugely successful adaptation of Conan
Doyle, has invited his sister and the cast of his latest revival
of the play for a weekend at his magnificent pseudo medieval
castle on a bluff overlooking the Connecticut River. For entertainment Gillette has arranged a séance. Now the scene is set for
his greatest role. Someone is trying to murder William Gillette
and he suspects it is one of his guests. Intrepid, eccentric Gillette plans to solve the case himself a la Sherlock Holmes.
Postmortem performs Friday & Saturday, November 16
& 17, 2012 at 7:30pm and Sunday, November 18, 2012 at
2pm. Tickets on sale November 5, 2012 and making your
reservations is easy and can be done is several ways: 1. Stop by
or call (321-1193) the PAC Ticket Office, 2. See your favorite
cast or crew member (they will have vouchers, accept payment
and turn in your order for you – your tickets will be waiting for
you at the Ticket Office when you arrive for the show).
Order early and save money!! Advanced tickets for Postmortem
are $10 for adults, $8 for seniors and $5 for kids up to 12th
grade. Day of performance tickets are $12 for adults, $10
for students and $7 for kids. We are also offering a special
immediate family rate (minimum of 4 persons – maximum of
6) of $30 if you order before 11/1.
Future Bulldog at the one room school house during the Harvest Festival.
The Vicksburg Community Schools Foundation ever present at community events.
October - November 2012 / The Red & White / 3
Vicksburg High School
VHS Welcomes New Staff
Zach Wierenga joins the Vicksburg
High School as our new Special
Education teacher. Mr. Wierenga is
a graduate of Wayland High School
and earned his Bachelor of Education
and Master of Education degrees from
Western Michigan University. For the
past two years, Mr. Wierenga worked as
a Special Education and Social Studies
teacher at Mendon High School.
Mr. Wierenga and his wife
Melissa, who is also a teacher, reside in
Kalamazoo. They enjoy spending time
with their golden retriever, Waldo, and
being outdoors. Mr. Wierenga spends
his free time playing golf and following
the Tigers, Lions, Red Wings, and
Pistons. He thoroughly enjoys attending
any Detroit sporting events.
“Putting students first” is Mr.
Wierenga’s top priority. He firmly
believes all students can learn and says
“it’s my job to find the best way to reach
the needs of students in order for them
to reach their potential”. Mr. Wierenga
is excited to be a part of the VHS
Margo Staunton joins the
Vicksburg High and Vicksburg Middle
School staff as the new librarian in both
buildings. Mrs. Staunton had previously
worked in New York, Mississippi,
California, and Portage, Michigan.
She began her career as an elementary
teacher, and recently received a Master
degree in Library and Informational
Science from Wayne State University.
Mrs. Staunton, her husband, two
children, and dog Fozzy Bear reside in
Kalamazoo. They are an adventurous
family who enjoy backpacking, rock
climbing, and sailing. This past summer
they spent time in 16 different states!
Her highlight was seeing the South
Dakota High School State Rodeo finals
and Mt. Rushmore.
Mrs. Staunton is passionate in her
desire to instruct students regarding
electronic research skills such as
identifying search terms, database usage,
and accurate website usage in order to
From L to R: Amber Zigterman, Zach Wiergenga, Margo Staunton, Robert Russel.
provide students with a set of skills they
will utilize throughout their adult life.
Mrs. Staunton is excited about her new
position and is grateful for the warm
and friendly welcome she received.
Amber Zigterman joins the
Vicksburg High School staff as a new
Spanish teacher. Amber is originally
from Grand Rapids and earned her
Bachelor of Education degree from
Western Michigan University in 2009
with a Spanish major and English
minor. She previously worked for Grand
Rapids public schools and ClimaxScotts public schools.
Ms. Zigterman is currently working
towards her Master degree in the areas
of Latin American Literature, Medieval
Spanish Literature, and Linguistics.
Ms. Zigterman is very excited to be
a part of the VHS staff. She appreciates
the support she has received from
her fellow staff members. She firmly
believes in her students and tells them
“set the bar as high as it can go and go
from there”.
Robert Russell joins the Vicksburg
High School staff as a Seminar aide. Mr.
Russell’s responsibilities include working
with students on a daily basis to insure
homework completion, assessment
4 / The Red & White / October - November 2012
preparation, and other tier I and II
interventions. Mr. Russell is an Otsego
High School graduate and earned his
Bachelor degree from Grand Valley
State University in Secondary Education
with a group social studies emphasis.
In his spare time, Mr. Russell enjoys
hunting, fishing, camping, sports,
and history. He is passionate about
Michigan and America!
Mr. Russell’s top priority is to make
sure students come first and to help all
students reach their potential, even if
they don’t believe they can. Mr. Russell
has worked at Vicksburg High School
in the past and is excited to be back.
Karen Deppe will be working
three days a week in the math lab at
Vicksburg High School. Mrs. Deppe’s
responsibilities will be delivering oneon-one support to all students in any
area of math. Mrs. Deppe spent part
of her career as an engineer working
in England, and is currently working
towards her Master of Education degree
from Western Michigan University.
Welcome new VHS staff!
Vicksburg Middle School
VMS Welcomes New
Teachers and Staff
instruct students regarding electronic
recently received her Masters in Library
information research skills such as
and Information Science from Wayne
identifying search terms, database usage,
State University in May of 2012.
and reliable and accurate websites in
Previously, Mrs.
order to provide them with a set of skills
Staunton had
which they will utilize throughout their
spent many years
adult life.”
in the classroom
Miss Emily Proctor, one of the
starting as a
youngest new members of the VMS
teacher in her
staff graduated last April from Western
home town,
Michigan University with a degree in
Hilton, New
Bachelor of Arts. Miss Proctor will be
York, a long term teaching math but is also certified to
substitute teacher teach 6-12 Grades in both Math and
in Gulfport,
Chemistry. “This is my first teaching
job, which is very exciting. I interned
and then a 3rd
at Galesburg-Augusta High School
New Middle School teaching staff (from L to R): Mrs. Gayle Perkins,
and 6th grade
in Math, specifically geometry. I did
Miss Emily Proctor, Mrs. Margo Staunton and Mrs. Stacy Jancasz.
teacher for Sierra
my pre-internship at Parchment High
School in a Chemistry classroom.”
Mrs. Stacy Jancasz has stepped in
Born in Quincy, Michigan, Miss
as VMS’s sixth grade Inclusion Teacher
have been in the Kalamazoo area for 15
Proctor is the youngest of three girls.
this year. Mrs. Jancasz is a familiar face
She is also the proud aunt to four nieces
here at VMS; in 2010 she completed
and nephews with another niece due in
her student teaching internship here
November. Emily enjoys traveling and
and graduated from Western Michigan
Mrs. Staunton and her family enjoy has been to most of the states in the
University that same year. She
backpacking, rock climbing, and sailing eastern half of the U.S. Family is very
taught 6th through 9th grade Special
and have most recently begun a new
important to her, so any extra time she
Education in Mendon for the past two
may have is spent with them on the
years before being hired in Vicksburg.
student from Belgium into their home.
As a first year teacher in Mendon, she
One of her favorite quotes is
was awarded Special Education Teacher
“Education is not the filling of a pail,
of the year for St. Joseph County.
Mrs. Jancasz is also newlywed! She
Continued On Page 7 ...
One area of her job that she is
and husband Trevor married this past
most excited to
July. Mrs. Jancasz enjoys shopping,
introduce to our
reading and spending time with her
students is the use
family and miniature schnauzer, Ula.
of technology. She
VMS is excited to have Mrs.
says, “technology is
Jancasz here as a teacher along with her
an integral part of
education philosophy. “My priority in
education is closing the gap between the 21st century. Every
day students are
highest and lowest achieving students.
expected to navigate
I believe all students are capable of
the cyber world to
learning. However, they may not all
locate information
learn the same way or at the same rate.
to answer
Having highly achieving students takes
their questions
effort of students, teachers, and home.
and complete
Accommodations should be made on
assignments. As
an individual basis for students who
the school library
need them in order to be successful in
media specialist,
VMS welcomes new Parapros (from L to R): Mr. Sean Mulhearn,
I am passionate
New Librarian Mrs. Margo
Mrs. Nancy Wolf, Mrs. Emily Huntington, Mrs. Judy Lewis and Mrs.
in my desire to
Staunton joins the VMS family. She
Nancy Blain.
October - November 2012 / The Red & White / 5
Indian Lake Elementary
New Indian Lake Staff
2012 – 2013
First and foremost, our new
leaders at Indian Lake are Ruth
Hook, Principal (formerly 3rd-5th
grade Instructional Consultant), and
Brad Geesaman, taking over Ruth’s
Instructional Consultant position
(formerly 5th grade teacher). We’re very
excited and enthused about our new
change of command!
Alyssa Thompson graduated from
WMU with a BA, then worked in Kids
Klub about 10 years ago. From there
she moved to Head Start in Three
Rivers, then on to Benton Harbor to
teach Pre-Kindergarten. Alyssa is now
joining Indian Lake staff as the new
B4K teacher. She has two daughters
ages 2 and 8. Alyssa is an advocate for
early childhood and believe that one
of her top priorities is making learning
fun and meaningful.”It’s important to
recognize that each child has their own
backgrounds and sense of values, and
we need to act upon those accordingly,
treating them equally and fairly.”
Devon Emmans will be wearing a
multitude of hats here at Indian Lake.
She begins the year as a Health Aide
sub, but also works part of the day in
the lunchroom and outside at recess.
Devon is a former Vicksburg student,
has attended classes at KVCC, and has
been a Kids Hope tutor. Her home is
filled with many pets including one dog
and six cats!
Janice Sokolowski-Perkins’ duties
this year are as a Special Education aide
at Indian Lake. Janice and her husband,
John, live in Vicksburg on a farm. They
have four children, two have graduated,
one is a senior and the youngest
attends Indian Lake. Janice attended
Portage Public Schools, classes at
KVCC and Southern New Hampshire
University. She loves reading, knitting,
doing crossword puzzles, fishing and
genealogy. Janice is excited about
working with the Indian Lake team
of staff and students. She wants to
promote a helpful and nurturing
Pictured L-R: Alyssa Thompson, Ruth Hook, Devon Emmans, Brad Geesaman,
Janice Sokolowski-Perkins, Jennifer Feasel, & Michael Schimp
environment for all kids.
Jennifer Feasel, formerly a Health
Parapro, moved to her new position
as Technology Support last January.
Jennifer is married to Mark and they
have three sons, Jason 20, Tyler 19,
and Kyle 9. Rounding out the family
are two cats and a dog. In her spare
time she loves to read and fish! Before
moving to Michigan five years ago,
Jennifer was a State employee for the
Dept. of Revenue in Phoenix, Arizona.
She feels that all children can learn if
given the right tools that fit. Making
sure all children receive the best
education is a top priority.
Michael Schimp started last
year mid-year working with our Title
One team of teachers, and this year
returns full time to Indian Lake. He’s
a Vicksburg graduate and his parents
own the local hardware store in town.
He graduated from Olivet Nazarene
University with a BS in Elementary
Education and loves working with
students. He strives everyday to be a
positive role model, and to ensure that
students feel safe and confident.
Sarahann Prince is our newest
third grade teacher here at Indian Lake.
Sarahann is married to Tim and they
have two children, Samantha, 6; and
Kameron, 4. Sarahann graduated from
6 / The Red & White / October - November 2012
Aurora University and taught second
grade in Chicago, and then moved to
Georgia where she taught Kindergarten
and third grade while working on
her Masters degree in Instructional
Technology. Sarahann believes that
every child can learn and she looks for
different ways to help each child grow
academically, socially and academically.
In her spare time, Sarahann loves
hiking, camping and traveling with her
Julie Hughes attended WMU
and has taught at the Middle School,
Tobey Elementary and Indian Lake.
She returns to Indian Lake as one of
our Kindergarten teachers. This is
her fifth year with VCS and she feels
blessed to work with such wonderful
people, and really enjoys teaching the
younger grades. There is nothing like
the excitement of a Kindergartner
entering the classroom and seeing
how much they grow that first year.
When not at work, Julie and Dan keep
busy with their five children – Allyson
(17), Tyler (15), Rebecca (15), Lexie
(13), and Elizabeth (6). Her daughters
play softball all year long and her son
wrestles so she’s always going to sporting
events, but somehow manages to find
time to scrapbook!
Indian Lake Elementary
Pictured L-R: Sarahann Prince, Julie Hughes, Krista Wilson, Audrey Fleet, Shannon Brink,
& Angie Vreeman
Krista Wilson thinks family is the
most important thing in life. She has a
younger brother, Alex, who is a senior
at CMU, and a large extended family
(107) including her parents who have
been married 26 years! She graduated
from CMU with a degree in Elementary
Education, and this is her first year
teaching. Her focus is to create a safe
and comfortable learning environment
where her students are encouraged to be
better than they believed they can be.
Audrey Fleet has been hired for
our third section of Kindergarten at
Indian Lake. She hails from Lowell,
Michigan. The oldest of three children,
her younger sister is married and lives in
Washington, and her younger brother
attends Olivet College. She attended
CMU, graduating in December 2010,
and worked in Lowell the last year as
an interventionist for Kindergarten
and first grade. Audrey enjoys running,
Zumba, reading, scrapbooking,
watching movies and spending time
with her family. She loves working with
children and wants them to find the joy
of learning and the ability to express
themselves. She believes that education
is about finding out what works for
each person.
Shannon Brink joins Indian Lake
Elementary as a Special Education
Aide. She graduated from Ferris State
University with a Bachelor’s in Criminal
Justice-Law Enforcement. Shannon
has a four month old son, Trent, and
he is her main focus, but she likes to
read and watch “Criminal Minds” on
TV. She believes that higher education
is a top priority for all students as a
means of getting ahead in life. Shannon
looks forward to an exciting year ahead
working with the staff and students at
Indian Lake.
Angie Vreeman called Indian Lake
home for the last four years as a Health
Aide, noon supervisor, and many other
duties too numerous to mention! This
year she joins our Title One team of
teachers. Angie is married to John, and
together they have two sons, John in
7th grade and Scott who is a junior at
VHS. Angie graduated from Kalamazoo
Christian HS and Hope College, and
started working at Discovery Center
Preschool. During that time she went
to WMU and graduated with a BS in
Science . Last year she coached Girls
on the Run and also completed in a
Triathlon in Ludington. Angie’s goal
as an educator is to make sure every
student feels involved and valued by
seeing that their individual needs are
being met. She feels it’s important not
only to educate and encourage learning,
but also to help students develop and
build their own personal character.
Vicksburg Middle School
Continued From Page 5 ...
but the lighting of a fire,” by William
Butler Yeats. Miss Proctor adopts that
philosophy in the classroom and says,
“We need to make sure that we are not
just filling them up with information
and hope they remember, but to get
them excited about school and my own
subject area of mathematics.”
Though Emily is a newcomer
to our facility she is enthused about
her new position and states, “I have
greatly enjoyed my time here so far, and
everyone has been very welcoming and
helpful. I work with a great department
and they have been very kind to give
me advice, tips, and ideas to implement
into my own classroom.”
Mrs. Gayle Perkins returns to VMS
in a full-time capacity this year. She will
be teaching both Sixth Grade English
Reading class as well as Eighth Grade
Science this year. Graduating in 1999
with a degree in English from Western
Michigan University, Mrs. Perkins went
back to school after getting married and
having her son and received a BS in
Education from WMU after interning
at Sunset Lake. She also enjoys tutoring
students in ACT prep.
October - November 2012 / The Red & White / 7
Sunset Lake Elementary
New School Season
Brings Fresh Faculty to
Sunset Lake
not busy with
her husband
and two sons,
you might find
her camping,
September is a time for new
beginnings…a new school year, new
reading or on
sporting events, a new season and new
the beach.
faces or familiar faces in new positions at
Sunset Lake.
Trayers (aka
Emily Kirk is teaching third grade.
Leslie Linton)
Emily grew up in Battle Creek and
has changed
attended Michigan State University
her name,
graduating with a degree in special
building and
education. She loves to cook and bake
position. Leslie From L to R – Fred Stull, Sabrina Graham, Tim Pratt, Leslie Trayers,
and attend live theater. She has wanted
has worked in
Dawn Klingerman
to be a teacher since the fourth grade
various positions
worked on the literacy team. She has now
and her top goal is to help each of her
in Vicksburg; most recently as the B4K
landed her dream job as a kindergarten
students achieve more than they ever
teacher at Indian Lake. This year she will
teacher. Sarah enjoys watching her
thought possible.
be teaching Sunset’s begindergartners.
students absorb new knowledge and she
Michelle Mater and Dawn
Leslie ‘s top priority is to give her
plans to make each one enjoy learning
Klingerman have joined the Sunset
students the building blocks needed to
and love school! In her free time, Sarah
literacy team. Michelle worked for the
be successful in the future. She is excited
engages in photography, hiking and
City of Portage for 12 years where she
to be back at Sunset where she herself
special times with her family.
lives with her husband, two teenagers,
went to elementary school. She and her
Tamara Young returns to Sunset
foster son and lab-mix dog. Michelle
husband live nearby with their dog, Kirby.
this fall after starting mid-year last year.
She enjoys
After previously working in the health
working in
care field, she is now taking on duties in
her garden
both the lunchroom and the office. Her
and traveling
family consists of 3 children, 3 dogs and
with her
12 chickens. She loves to spend time with
her family, scrapbook, camp, take photos
and read. Tamara states that getting an
Graham has
extra hug from students is a highlight of
been at Sunset
her day.
for nearly a
Tim Pratt has taken on a new role at
year. She did
Sunset. He has moved from health aide in
her student
the classroom to evening custodian. The
teachers appreciate all of his hard work
with Mrs.
keeping the building clean.
Zach Wierenga is working part-time
and then
as a special education teacher sharing his
From L to R – Michelle Mater, Emily Kirk, Jamie Masco, Sarah King
worked as a
time with the high school.
parapro. She is excited about taking on
When asked for their initial
enjoys vacationing with her family,
the challenge of special education teacher
impressions of their school community,
gardening, reading and watching the
and hopes to instill the joy of learning in
all of the staff above had positive remarks
Detroit Lions. She says she has always
her students as well as empowering them
including: “It’s great to love coming
wanted to work in the schools system and to seek out educational opportunities
to work!” “Vicksburg is an amazing
looks forward to watching students learn
on their own. Sabrina’s hobbies include
community.” “The atmosphere of
and grow.
traveling, playing sports, reading, cooking
VCS is one of the reasons I took the
Dawn has previously worked for
and laughing.
position here.” “I couldn’t ask for a better
Vicksburg Schools as an aide at Indian
Sarah King is also returning to
Lake. Her goal is to make a difference in
Sunset in a new position. In the past, she
And “I am looking forward to a great
education by setting a good example and
completed her student teaching here and
year.” Aren’t we all?!
building self confidence. When Dawn is
8 / The Red & White / October - November 2012
Tobey Elementary
Tobey Elementary
Mrs. Stauffer taught 2 years in Lakeview
college at Indiana University and Andrews
University for her master’s degree. She hasa
Tobey Elementary has had many
Tobey as her dream job. Her goal is to
worked with diverse backgrounds and has
new smiling faces showing up all
give her students as many opportunities
been involved in teaching and tutoring
over the school. Several new staff
as possible to be successful. She is a firm
for over 20 years. Mrs. Klinedist is an
members have been hired to work with
believer that all students can learn and
advocate for student success. She believes
the students at Tobey in a variety of
that it is her job to create a safe, secure,
different jobs. Some of the new staff is
in building on strengths and working
truly new to Vicksburg; however most
fair, and consistent environment where
with the whole child and family. She has
of them have been in the Vicksburg
learning can grow. She said that the
enjoyed everyone that she has met so far
district for years.
entire staff has been very welcoming and
and feels such warmth. Mrs. Klinedist
encouraging and it
knows that this is going to be a great year!
is clear that all of the
Jill Treat is a new face to Tobey,
Tobey teachers love
although she is not new to the district.
children. She is very
Mrs. Treat is coming to us from Indian
excited to be a part of Lake where she taught for 7 years. Mrs.
the team!
Treat lives in Vicksburg with her husband.
Kristen Glerum
She has five children, one grandchild and
will be teaching first
has hosted 5 exchange students in the past
grade this year. This
several years. Mrs. Treat likes to spend her
will be Mrs. Glerum’s spare time reading, cooking and spending
first year teaching in
time with her family. She graduated from
Vicksburg, but she
WMU and Cornerstone University. She
has been a Bulldog
believes that every child is capable of
Tobey Elementary new staff; from L to R: Ellen Klinedinst, Kristen for a long time; she
learning and deserves the instruction to
Glerum, Jill Treat, Amy Stauffer, Not pictured, Karen Russon
is coming to us from
help them reach their goals. Mrs. Treat is
very excited to be the upper elementary
Karen Russon is the first new face
IC at Tobey and says that everyone has
you will see when you enter the office at
been helpful and friendly.
Tobey. She is the new office aide. Mrs.
but she is super excited to now be a
Although not new to Tobey, Mrs.
Russon is married and has two children
Taylor and Mrs. Gebben have new
that attend the Vicksburg schools. Rachel
positions at Tobey. They are now both
is in middle school and Patrick is in
teaching kindergarten. Mrs. Tibbetts also
2nd grade at Tobey. Mrs. Russon enjoys
has a new position, she is now the lower
camping with her family, projects around
elementary IC
the house, movies and Cedar Point Trips.
Our Tobey family continues to grow
Mrs. Russon has been a stay at home
with new students and staff! We are ALL
mom for the past 8 years, but has done a
looking forward to a great year of “The
lot of volunteering at Tobey . She said she
have a trusting nurturing relationship with
Tobey Way!”
knew it would be a great place to work!
Mrs. Russon believes elementary school is
want to excel and learn!
very important. It creates a solid base for
further education. Students need to know Ellen Klinedinst
is the new school
school is for learning but is a lot of fun too!
psychologist at Tobey.
Amy Palmer-Stauffer is the new
Mrs. Klinedinst is
resource room teacher joining the staff
so thrilled to be a
at Tobey. Although Mrs. Stauffer is new
part of Vicksburg
to Tobey, she is certainly not new to the
Community Schools
Vicksburg area. She is a 2006 graduate
that she drives from
of VHS. After graduation she attended
Granger, Indiana
Hope College where she received her
each day. She lives
degree in special education – learning
in Granger with her
disabilities. Mrs. Stauffer is married and
three children and
loves to spend time with her husband
Tobey Elementary Interns; from L to R: Kristen Logan, Tabby
several pets. Mrs.
camping. She also likes to read and play
Reynolds, Allison Wehner, Jill Novosel, Abbie Brooks
card games. Before coming to Tobey,
October - November 2012 / The Red & White / 9
Community Education
Musical Theatre - Beginning October 22
we will take enrollments for new students
(children not in 2012-13 first session
classes) who would like to join our everpopular dance program. Students will be
placed into classes that have openings.
This will be the last time we can add new
students to the program for this school
year due to recital routines and costumes.
Classes are offered to 3 year olds through
High School Students. Please visit www.
vicksburg-community-schools.org (see
Important Enrollment Information at
the top of this page) for specific class
offerings and registration information, or
call Beckie at 321-1022 for more info.
Sanchin Ryu Karate
Location: Indian Lake Elementary Gym
Dates: November 19 -January 21 (no
classes when school is not in session)
Karate for Kids! (ages 4-14) - Students
will be trained with proven ageappropriate techniques that are necessary
for kids to protect themselves from
attackers. This program is set in a fun, yet
structured, environment which will give
your child a positive outlook on learning
a martial art. We focus on healthy
attitudes versus perfection!
Time: 6:00-7:00 p.m.
Fee: $24 (8 weeks)
Karate for Families! (a Parent AND
Child program for all ages)
Set in a fun, non-competitive and
Please visit www.vicksburgcommunityschools.org, click on After School
Programs and Services, and scroll down to the Class Offerings link. Complete
the registration process by including your name, address, phone, email address
and then choose your classes. You can also register with cash or check (payable to
Vicksburg Schools) by mail or in person at the Vicksburg Community Education
office located at 301 S. Kalamazoo Ave. (Old Elementary School), PO Box 158,
Vicksburg, MI 49097. Payment must be received before your registration is
guaranteed. Please mark your calendar. Minimum enrollments are necessary to
cover expenses. No classes during holiday vacations or when schools are closed
due to bad weather. You will only be notified if a class is cancelled (due to low
enrollment) or filled. No refunds after the second class has been held.
informative atmosphere, this program
allows parents to learn alongside their
children. Size and stature are not an issue!
Time: 7:00-8:00 p.m.
Fee: *$48 (8 weeks)
* Pay for the first two members of the
family ($48) and other family members
are free during this time period only. A
family is defined as mother, father, and
their children under the age of 18.
Karate for Adults and Teens! (ages
14 and older) Specifically designed to
address personal-protection concerns,
this program instructs a broad range
of strikes, combinations, footwork
and defense tactics. Receive specialized
training on how to deal with, get out
of, and counter a multitude of grabs
and attack scenarios. Practicing many
techniques and tactics will equip you
with the confidence you need to defend
yourself against any type of attacker.
Time: 8:00-9:00 p.m.
Fee: $24 (8 weeks)
Zumba combines Latin rhythms and
easy-to-follow moves to create an
10 / The Red & White / October - November 2012
exciting fitness program. You will want
to work out, love to work out and get
hooked on Zumba! New and improved
routines, including a hard-core option,
will feature interval training where fast
and slow rhythms and resistance training
are combined to tone and sculpt while
burning fat.
Location: Sunset Lake Elementary Gym
Days: Monday and Wednesday*
Dates: November 5 – December 12
(no classes when school is not in session)
Time: 6:00-7:00 p.m.
$60 for both days/week, $30 for
one day/week (6 weeks)
*Wednesday includes and extra 15
minutes of strength training, please bring
hand weights
Busy Bodies (Aerobics) - A safe and
effective exercise program. Classes are
designed to accommodate the needs
of exercisers of all ages from beginners
through advanced. Classes begin with
a warm-up period and end with a
stretching segment. The Busy Bodies
“C”ombination class offers a 50/50
combination of aerobic exercise and
Community Education
body sculpting. It’s a great balance of the
three basic components of overall fitness:
aerobic movement, muscle conditioning
and stretching. A monthly newsletter on
fitness and health tips is included in the
registration fee.
Location: Tobey Elementary Gym
Days: Tuesdays and Thursdays
Dates: November 13 - January 24 (no
classes when school is not in session)
Time: 6:00-7:00 p.m.
Fee: $72.25 (9 weeks)
with a see-touch-do method that all kids
can succeed with, learn from, and love!
Watch your child reach a brand new level
of confidence and potential with this
engaging, award-winning program.
Location: Classes held at all three
Dates: October 11 – December 6 (no
classes when school is not in session)
Time: 3:45 – 4:45 p.m.
Fee: $80 for 8 week session
Young Rembrandts – Drawing
Classes for Kids - A different kind
of learning – a powerful kind of fun!
Young Rembrandts teaches drawing
Mad Science – NASA: Future Space
Academy - Explore the Earth, Moon,
Mars and beyond! The Academy of
Future Space Explorers takes children on
Vicksburg District Library
Age: 3-5 yrs.
Wednesdays 10:15-11:15 a.m.
Oct. 3, 10, 17, 24, 31
Nov. 7, 14, 28
Tweens After School Hangout
4-5 p.m. Thursdays, October 4, 11, 18,
November 1, 15 Head to the Library after
school on Thursdays! We’ll have video
games, Legos, a craft, space and supplies
for homework, and more! Come with
your friends to hang out and have a voice
in your own adventure.
Vicksburg District Library is open
Monday through Thursday 10 a.m.-8:30
p.m., Friday and Saturday 10 a.m-5 p.m.
and on Sunday from 1-5 p.m. September
through May
Attention Teachers and Parents: DID
YOU KNOW that the Library has free
resources to help with homework, school
projects and papers? We can help! If you’re
interested in learning more about how
you can take advantage of FREE tools
and information sources at the Library or
from home, please call us or email us at
Children’s Programs
Story time season continues through
the month of November. Parents and
guardians can bond with their little ones
while enjoying fun and age-appropriate
songs, stories, rhymes and activities
Toddler Time
Age: 19 mo.-3 yrs.
Mondays 10:15 a.m.-11 a.m.
Oct. 1, 8, 15, 22, 29
Nov. 5, 12, 26
Baby Time
Age: Infants-19 mo.
Tuesdays 10:15 a.m.-10:45 a.m.
Oct. 2, 9, 16, 23, 30
Nov. 6, 13, 27
Library Lions
Teen Programs
Tuesday, October 9, 3-4 p.m.—
Karaoke Contest
We will celebrate Carry a Tune Week with
a Karaoke Contest. Come to the library
and try out our new karaoke CDs.
Tuesday, October 16, 3-4 p.m.— Ping
Pong Ball Golf
Use Legos and other blocks and craft
supplies to create your own golf course
and challenge your friends to a game of
ping pong ball golf on your personally
designed golf course.
Thursday, October 25, 4-5 p.m.—
Special Event: Halloween Party
We will celebrate Halloween with a
costume contest, games and other fun
activities. Come and enjoy the scary fun.
This program is open to ages 9-18.
Tuesday, October 30, 3-4 p.m.— Light
Bulb Art
Use paint and other art supplies to design
creatures from old bulbs.
a voyage of discovery. This eight week
adventure will teach children all about
the planets, rockets, living in space and
much, much more. Each week will be
filled with unique hand-on activities,
amazing demonstrations, and fun
educational take homes along with a
NASA journal for further explorations.
This is an experience that is truly out of
this world!
Location: Classes held at all three
Dates: November 20 – December 11
(no classes when school is not in session)
Time: 3:45 – 4:45 p.m.
Fee: $58 for 4 week session
Tuesday, November 6, 3-5 p.m.—Food
and a Movie
Learn easy recipes to make healthy snacks.
Enjoy the snacks as you watch a movie on
the library’s big screen.
Tuesday, November 13, 3-4 p.m.—Silk
Screen T-shirt
Create your own t-shirt using a simple silk
screen process. The library will provide all
of the supplies including the t-shirts.
Tuesday, November 27, 3-4 p.m.—Wii
Browse through our selection of Wii
games and enjoy some free play on the big
Adult Programs
Book Discussion Group will meet
Thursday, October 4 from 9-10 a.m. Meet
us in front of the fireplace with coffee &
muffins and to discuss the books of Lee
Child. Please call the library at (269) 6491648 to learn more about this month’s
selection. Books for discussion are kept
behind the circulation desk.
The Ladies Library Auxiliary will meet
on Friday, October 5 at 1 p.m. The
meeting will feature speaker Judy Clady.
Bring donation items for domestic assault
Knit Wits will meet Thursday, October
18 from 9-10 a.m.
October - November 2012 / The Red & White / 11
The Back Page
Calendar of Events
Bubs73 Foundation is a solid supporter of
the community tailgate celebration
It Was A Great Night To
Be A Bulldog
On Friday, September 7, the
community came together to celebrate
the 4th Annual Community Tailgate
gathering before the football game
between Vicksburg and South Haven.
Lots of fun, food and fellowship were had
by over 1,000 attendees.
The tailgate celebration was made
possible due to the funding support of:
Angel’s Crossing Golf Course, Vicksburg
Community Schools Foundation,
Bronson Vicksburg Immediate Care
Center, Chapman Memorial Church,
Bubs 73 Foundation, Vicksburg Historical
Society, Vicksburg Lions Club, Vicksburg
Rotary Club, Fred’s Pharmacy, BrioLife
Photography and Miller Catering.
Oct. 2 PTSO Meeting IL - 6:30 pm
5 Homecoming Dance
HS – 9:00 pm
8 Walkin the Dawgs - HS 1 pm
Elem. Early Release
HS/MS Late Start
8 Board of Education Meeting
SL – 7 pm
9 MEAP Testing Window
9 SL PTA Meeting 6:30 pm
10 District XI Marching Band
Festival - Stadium - 3 pm
12 Main Street Revue - HS 8 pm
13 Main Street Revue - HS 8 pm
14 Great Gospel Sing-Out –
HS - 7:30 pm
16 HS Parent-Teacher
Conferences - 5 pm
17 District XI Marching Band
Festival - RAIN Date
Stadium - 3 pm
18 ATYP Parent Meeting MS - 7 pm
19 7th and 8th Grade Dance MS - 2:45 pm
23 HS Marching band
Concert - HS - 7 pm
25 6th Grade Activity Party MS - 2:45 pm
25 VHS and VMS Fall Choir
Concert - HS - 7 pm
27 Bandathon - MS - 9 pm
28 SL PTA Fall Festival - 2 pm
Break the Grey Event HS - 6 pm
Cinderella -HS - 7:30 pm
Cinderella -HS - 2:00 pm
Book Fair -MS - 8 am
Vicksburg Community Schools
301 S. Kalamazoo Ave. • P.O. Box 158
Vicksburg, MI 49097
5 Financial Aid Workshop HS - 6:30 pm
6 Book Fair - MS - 8 am
6 MS Parent Teacher
Conferences - 4 pm
6 PTSO Meeting IL - 6:30 pm
6 MS Honors Band - HS - 7 pm
7 Book Fair - MS - 8 am
7 MS Parent Teacher
Conferences - 4 pm
8 Book Fair - MS - 8 am
8 Tobey Parent Teacher
Conferences - 5 pm
8 IL Parent Teacher
Conferences - 5:30 pm
8 SL Parent Teacher
Conferences - 5:30 pm
9 Book Fair - MS - 8 am
Elem. Early Release
HS/MS Late Start
12 Board Meeting - Tobey -7 pm
13 SL PTA Meeting - 6:30 pm
15 Tobey Parent Teacher
Conferences -5 pm
15 IL Parent Teacher
Conferences - 5:30 pm
15 SL Parent Teacher
Conferences - 5:30 pm
16&17 Postmortem - HS - 7:30 pm
17 Project Graduation
Craft Show - SL -9 am
18 Postmortem - HS - 2 pm
20 Sports Awards - HS - 7 pm
22&23 Thankgiving Break
No School
HS - High School • MS - Middle School
SL - Sunset Lake • IL - Indian Lake
PAC - Performing Arts Center
Non-Profit Org.
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