The Beginner`s Guide to Security Cameras


The Beginner`s Guide to Security Cameras
The Beginner’s Guide
to Security Cameras
The Point of Security Cameras.................................................3
Uses for Security Cameras.......................................................5
Types of Security Cameras.......................................................6
Tips for placing security cameras.............................................9
Maintaining Security Cameras...............................................10
Security Companies Offering Security Cameras.....................11
A Word on Fake Security Cameras.........................................12
About SafeWise......................................................................14
Security cameras can be a powerful force against burglars.
Just the sight of security cameras might scare off an intruder,
because criminals don’t want to be seen or leave behind evidence. If your home is burglarized, security cameras can help
police identify and find the burglar, and retrieve your stolen
possessions. Aside from helping to prevent burglaries, security cameras can help you simplify your life and take control of
your home.
The Point of Security Cameras
If you already have a security system, it may seem redundant to also have security cameras.
After all, if a security system is supposed to keep out intruders in the first place, ideally, you
wouldn’t have to use cameras to catch any burglars. Unfortunately, intruders can still break
into your home, even when you have a security system. Beyond security surveillance, there are
many other uses for security cameras, such as seeing who’s at your door or checking up on kids
or pets. Let’s take a closer look at some of the instances in which security cameras have been
useful in theft cases.
Security Cameras at Work
In some cases, security cameras catch intruders right away, and in other cases it takes more
time and police investigation to catch an intruder. Here are a few examples in which home security cameras have proven useful in catching and preventing burglary:
Catch doorstep thieves
In December, a UPS worker in Texas was
caught on a security camera stealing an iPad,
which was a father’s Christmas gift for his
daughter. This savvy dad, had installed a camera to monitor his front door, and when he
later reviewed the footage, it was clear what
had happened. When UPS didn’t respond to
customer service calls, he posted the video on
YouTube, which got their attention, and ultimately, the iPad was returned.1
Nab burglars almost
When you have a live camera feed that alerts
you when it senses motion, you may catch
burglars in the act. One day, New York City
resident Levent Centiner was sitting at his office desk when he started receiving emails
with live images from his motion-activated
camera. Upon receiving the images, Centiner
called 911 and the burglar was caught then
and there. Centiner is now an open advocate
for everyone setting up security cameras in
their homes.2
Give solid evidence to the police
In March, security cameras helped crack a string of home burglaries in North Carolina. A thief had been breaking into homes
in the town of Wilson for over two months, stealing money,
jewelry, and flatware. Puzzled and frustrated, the police could
not find any clues, until one day a victim came forward with
surveillance footage. Once the police viewed the footage, they
were able to quickly arrest the culprit and solve the case. All in
all, the police reported that the burglar stole over $44,000 in
property before he was put behind bars.3
When it comes to home security, extra measures never hurt. Sometimes, a thief will completely avoid a home because of the dreaded security cameras and a home security system. Other
times, a more arrogant burglar might try to break into your home anyway, but with a full security camera setup that sends alerts to your phone, you’ll know about it immediately, you can
notify the police, and you’ll have video evidence in case it’s needed. Of course, there are other
uses for home security cameras besides break-ins, which will be discussed in the next section.
Uses for Security Cameras
There are two main situations where you’ll need a security camera: when you’re at home and
when you’re away. In both cases, there are a variety of ways that security cameras can make
life a little easier and safer.
When you’re home:
When you’re away:
You may not think you need security cameras Security cameras aren’t just for catching burwhen you’re at home, but you’d be surprised glars in the act— they can give you peace of
how useful they can be.
mind when it comes to your family, your kids,
• See who is at the front door from any room and your property by letting you see what’s
in your house. This is especially conve- going on at all times.
nient in the middle of the night or when
you’re not on the first floor.)
• Catch a burglar or intruder on tape while
they try to break in.
• Use it as a video baby monitor.
• Check on the pets while you’re away.
• Know what’s going on with all family members throughout the house, and monitor
areas that are off-limits, like the workshop
or cleaning supply closet.
• Know when the kids come home from
• Care more easily for an elderly family
member by setting up a camera in the area
where they spend the most time. You can
keep an eye on them from another room,
or while you’re away from home.
• Identify the creepy noise coming from
downstairs, without even getting out of
bed. If you hear suspicious noises in your
home, especially at odd hours, check the
cameras to see what is happening before
going directly to the source of the noise.
• See what’s going on if your alarm sounds
and you’re out; then determine whether
it’s a false alarm or something more serious.
• Keep an eye on the nanny or babysitter
while you’re away.
• Watch for any suspicious behavior around
your house. This may include strangers
that have been lingering or scoping out
your home.
• Check on the maintenance crew or anyone working on or around the home when
you’re not there.
As you can see, whether you’re home or away, security cameras can be used for more than just
catching burglars.
Types of Security Cameras
There is a wide variety of security cameras, and each one serves a different purpose. From fixed
cameras to pan and tilt cameras, night vision cameras to motion detection cameras, there are
security cameras for nearly every scenario.
When researching security cameras, keep in mind that many will have compound features, for example: “outdoor, night vision, pan and tilt cameras” or “fixed, dome IP cameras.” The list below
will help you understand your options and pick the right camera for you.
Here are the most common security cameras featured on the market today:
Basic or Fixed
Security Camera
Pan and Tilt or Pan- Wireless Camera
Tilt-Zoom Camera
A fixed camera is a general
purpose camera that does
not move, change direction,
or zoom.
Pan and tilt cameras can be
adjusted quickly, change direction, or zoom, and can
even lock in on and follow a
moving object that shouldn’t
be in an area—depending on
the model you buy. Pan and
tilt cameras have the ability to
spin and angle up and down
due to a motorized interior
mount. Many security companies allow you to remotely
control where the camera
looks from your smartphone
or other web-enabled device.
These days, most security
cameras are wireless. Wireless surveillance cameras
connect to your security system through an internet connection and are very easy to
set up. Usually, you can customize your wireless security
cameras and control them
from a smart phone or computer. The benefit of wireless
security cameras is that they
do not have to be wired into
the home to communicate
with the alarm system.
Night Vision Camera Exterior or Outdoor Camera
Motion Detection
Night vision cameras use infrared technology to illuminate poorly lit areas and record footage at night.
Exterior cameras often have
night vision elements and are
weatherproof. These cameras are important for observing who is at the door without opening it, seeing what
is going on outside the home,
or viewing your front or back
Motion detection cameras
can start recording—or start
taking pictures—when they
sense movement, so you
don’t record hours of useless
footage. Some motion detection cameras, like some pan
and tilt cameras, can lock in
on a moving object and follow it.
Dome Camera
IP Camera, Netcam,
or Webcam
Hidden or covert cameras,
also known as nanny-cams,
can be concealed in secret
places (bookshelf, cookie jar,
centerpiece, etc.) and used
to spy on or catch behavior
that might be hard to detect
otherwise. The cameras can
allows you to keep an eye on
your babysitter or watch the
kids when they are home
alone to make sure everything is alright.
These cameras are domeshaped and often used indoors. Some dome cameras
have infrared lighting and
can be designed to be tamper-proof. Dome cameras
are commonly pan-tilt-zoom
capable and, because of the
tinted dome that shields the
camera, most people are unable to tell if the camera is
currently facing them or not.
An Internet Protocol camera
is a digital video camera that
can send and receive data
via a computer network or
broadband connection. Most
cameras with this capability
are called webcams— however, the names ‘IP Camera’ or
‘Netcam’ are generally used
when talking about surveillance cameras specifically.
Once you’ve looked over the list and you’ve got your options
all laid out, think about why you’re looking into security cameras and what purpose a camera would fulfill. Many times,
cameras will have compound features, and if you’re getting a
camera for security purposes there are a few that stand out as
being especially useful. Cameras with motion detection, the
ability to view a live feed remotely, and email and text alerts
tend to work best to help prevent burglaries.
Tips for placing security cameras
If you’re installing security cameras yourself, it’s easiest to buy wireless cameras. Since there
are no wires or cables to worry about, it’s a snap. Also, with most wireless cameras, you can remotely view footage from a smartphone or other internet connection. With that in mind, here
are some common places where people put security cameras in their home:
Back and front
Areas of high foot Bedrooms
Burglars often ransack master
Many people put cameras
at their front door, but then
they neglect the back door.
According to famous jewel
thief Walter T. Shaw, burglars
will often favor breaking into
the back door rather than
the front. Shaw says that,
“The No. 1 way into a home is
through the French doors or
sliding doors in the back.” So,
he is puzzled when he sees
homes that only guard the
front door with security cameras. He goes on, “I went to
a guy’s house yesterday—his
$5 million mansion—and he
had [security cameras] only in
the front of the house. What
burglar is only going to go to
the front?”4
Inside your home, you’ll want
to place cameras in areas of
high foot traffic, places where
an intruder would have to
walk through to access other
parts of the house, such as
hallways, entryways, and living areas.
Point your
camera in the
right direction
Make sure to place your cameras at the most effective
angle. Cameras with motion
sensors will better detect motion when an intruder walks
past it and not directly toward it. That’s why hallways
and entry points are great
places to put cameras.
bedrooms first, so it’s a good
idea to put at least one camera in there. Additionally, if
you want to use cameras to
keep an eye on your kids or
an infant, put cameras in the
kids’ rooms. Imagine being
able to cook dinner, work at
your desk, or watch TV in another room, while being able
to easily check on your sleeping baby or children from
your smartphone.
If you want to keep an eye on
your kids while you take care
of work around the house, set
up a camera in the playroom.
You can periodically check on
them from your smartphone,
no matter your location, for
peace of mind.
Security cameras should be placed in areas where there’s
enough light to get a good, focused shot. Although, night vision
cameras can help you see footage in dark areas they’re usually
grainy or difficult to see.
Maintaining Security Cameras
Like anything else in your home, cameras require a little bit of maintenance and care. They
don’t need a lot of attention, but you don’t want to set up your cameras and then forget about
them, either. Check your cameras periodically to make sure they’re working properly and to
make sure they have a clear line of sight. Here are some tips for making sure your security cameras work to the best of their ability:
Keep them clean
Try to wipe down your video camera lenses on a regular basis,
ensuring they don’t get covered with dust or debris. A camera
with blurry vision is less helpful than a clean one. You want
to keep your lenses sharp, so the police will be able to clearly
identify someone if they break into your home.
Mind trees and bushes
With outdoor cameras, be aware of the trees, bushes, or other
items or furniture around your home that might obstruct the
vision of the cameras. A camera may be in a good location
when you set it up, but you need to make sure to keep the
camera’s line of sight clear.
Beware of elements
When placing cameras outside, make sure to use outdoor
cameras that have been weatherproofed. If your home sees
some heavy rain or a snowstorm, check your cameras and
make sure they’re still working properly and that nothing is
covering the lens.
Check batteries regularly
If you have motion sensor cameras, they will only record when
motion is detected, thus saving energy, and you won’t have to
sort through hours of useless footage. Still, be aware of your
camera’s battery life and change them out when needed.
Follow simple steps to take care of your cameras and they’ll
last a long time, and be in top-notch shape in case you need
them for spotting intruders.
Security Companies Offering Security
For quick reference, here’s a list of security companies that offer various security cameras:
• Fixed indoor camera
• Pan and tilt indoor camera
• Fixed indoor camera
• Indoor pan and tilt camera
• Outdoor camera
• Fixed indoor wireless camera
Protect America
• Pan and tilt indoor camera
• Offers security cameras but • Indoor/outdoor camera
do not specify which kind.
with intercom
Protection 1
• Fixed indoor camera
• Fixed indoor camera
• Outdoor/indoor camera
• Fixed indoor camera
• Pan and tilt indoor camera
Smith Monitoring
• Outdoor night vision camera
• Indoor night vision camera
• Indoor fixed camera
• Indoor pan and tilt camera
. . . a word on fake security cameras
Fake cameras may scare potential burglars away by giving the impression that intruders are
being watched. They’re a cheap alternative to actual cameras, but a fake camera may not give
you the same peace of mind as a functioning camera.
The perks of a fake camera
Of course, a real camera is better than a fake one, since you’ll have real help on the way and
real camera footage if something goes awry. But if you can’t afford a real camera or if you can’t
afford as many cameras as you’d like at first, you can use some fake gadgets as a temporary fix.
After all, it’s better to have a fake camera system than none at all.
Choosing a fake camera
Although the whole point of buying fake security components is to save money, you don’t want
to buy the cheapest fake security camera available because it will look just that: cheap and
fake. Spring for a good-looking model and ask yourself if you would be tricked by it, if so it’s
likely to trick potential intruders as well.
Placing a fake camera
Savvy thieves may be able to tell the difference between fake and real security equipment, so
it’s a good idea to place fake cameras amidst your real ones to make it look like your home is
more fortified. If it looks like most of your security system is legitimate, a thief probably won’t
want to take any chances.
In a pinch, fake security cameras may scare off burglars, and it’s especially useful as a temporary fix or to bolster your existing security system components. Just remember: there are a lot
of smart thieves out there, so take the time choosing a fake security camera that will really fool
At SafeWise, we hope to help you find the security cameras that best suit your family and lifestyle. Check out for more details on specific security companies and to compare
security companies side-by-side. If you have additional questions about security cameras, we’d
be happy to help: email
Photo Credits:
1. “Razor - NIght Vision” by diveofficer:
2. Hidden Smoke Detector Camera image used with permission, courtesy of TechPro Security Products:
*All other images licensed under creative commons or we bought them off random people on the internet.
About SafeWise
At SafeWise, we’re on a mission to help make your home and community safe. We save your
time and sanity through our resources and honest reviews of safety and security products—so
you can quickly and easily get the information you need and protect yourself, your family, and
your community. Browse our website for in-depth home security tips, and check out our blog
for up-to-date safety news and quick security tips.
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