Anti-reflection coati n g
Anti-reflection coati n g
coating Anti-reflection OW TechnicalEditor Tonytarratt The supply of coated lenseshas now becomean everydayoccurrence,with the process when pr oducedfr om lenses- par ticular ly n o w b e i n g a p p l i e dto mo re a n d mo re spectacle coatingsfur theL it shouldbe noted that the w or d h ig h i n d e xm a te ri a l .B e fo red i scu ssing 'coatings'now coversa far wider range of applicationsthat was previouslythe case. been made aware of these added I n the ophthalmic context.'coatings' I originally meant only anti-reflection benefits. we now have to I coatings.However, I consider:Hard coatings,anti-reflec- Formationof reflections If we consider the lens and eye in comtion coatings, tinted coatings (mirror bination, we can see that they have coatings) and hydrophobic coatings. three external surfaces between Sometimes these are supplied indithem - front and back surfaces of the vidually, but they can be applied to the lens and the surface ofthe cornea. Uslens surface in successive layers, or ing this model, it can be shown that even in one continuousprocess. 'combined coating' is four different types of reflections are This type of formed, depending on conditions. now most evident when we are talking These reflections are: about hard and AR coating. Many coatings now combine the properties 1. Frontal reflections - some of the of a hard and anti-reflection coating, light incident on the front surfaceis sometimes with the added advantage reflected back towards an observof a hydrophobic or clean coat final 'top er - therefore degrading the coslayer - commonly known as a metic appearanceof the lens(es). coat'. An example of this type of reflection is that produced when a spectacle AR coating and reflections wearer is in front of a television AR-coating on lenses is used for two principal reasons- to improve the opcamera - the very bright studio lights are reflected from the spectatical performance and/or to improve cle lenses,thus obscuringthe wearthe cosmetic appearance.These are er's eyesbehind the lenses. to some extent the same thing - if we improve the optical performance of 2. Baclnvard reflections - some of the lens, we are quite likely to improve its appearance.The prescriber the light from behind the wearer probably is reflected from the back lens the will consider /dispenser surface onto the eye. This causes 6ptical aspects of applying such a disturbing refl ections, particularcoating whilst the end user - the ly in dusk conditions or when wearer - will see the final effect from driving at night, e.g.,where ambia cosmeticpoint of view - a reduction ent light levels are low and there in surface reflections which will enis a bright light source such as the hance the cosmetic acceptability of headlights from a car behind the the lenses, thus making them more driver. attractivewhen being worn. The wearer will not necessarily re3. Internal reflections - light is realise that the improved appearancealflected between the two lens surso means that there will be fewer ghost faces, internally. This can be reflections and an increase in transmitcausedby light from any direction. ted light, with the resultant improveIt is the cause of the multiple ment in contrast and visual acuity. Of 'rings' seen around the edge of course, if the dispenser has done a good job, then the user will have also some high minus lenses. 10 . hilp:llwww,,uk 4.Corneal reflections - caused by light being reflected from the surface of the cornea and then interactingwith the lens surfaces. The last three reflections cause ghost images and can lead to lowering ofvisual acuity, due to blurring and reduced contrast. They therefore diminish the optical performance of the lens. Reflectionnumber one would appearto be only a cosmetic problem, as it results in difficulty for an observer due to the frontal reflections. However, it does reduce the amount of transmitted light, which in turn reduces the efficiency ofthe lens. Surfacereflections The ability to reduce the loss of light, caused by these reflections, has become more and more important as the dispensing of high index lenses has shown a continued growth. This is because the surface reflections increase along with an increase of the index of the material. This increase in surface reflectivity is solely a function of the material index and cannot be affected by material design or composition, as can the Z value (orAbb6 number) and material density / weight. The amount of light reflected from a lens surface is given by the formula: 12 l n ' -n l sr=l , I +nl tn where sr: surface reflectance n' = refractiveindex of lens material n = refractive index of the substance in which the lens is immersed for spectaclesthis is air and a = 1 from this formula,it canbe seenthatas the materialindex rises, i.e. [z'] becomes larger, [sr] will also increase' This meansthat the amountof surface reflectionwillrise. Using the aboveformula and some of the standard indices, which are widely available,we can calculatevaluesfor sr andthesecanbe conveniently convertedinto percentageloss at eachsurface: n 1.498 t.523 1.604 1.660 t.706 1.800 1.803 1.900 n'-n 0.498 0.523 0.604 0.660 0.706 0.800 0.803 0.900 does not cause any problem for the wearer - although ghost images can cause difficulty in certain conditions. However, we can see, from the table, that the reduction in transmitted light for the higher index materials does becomeincreasinglylarge. A loss of much over 10 per cent be comes questionable and over 12 or 13 per cent, would be considered unacceptable to most users. In fact, the = per centloss sr 3.974 0.0397 4.297 0.0430 5.380 0.0538 6.156 0.0616 6.807 0.0681 8.163 0.0816 8.207 0.0821 9.631 0.0963 n'+n 2.498 2.523 2.604 2.660 2.706 2.800 2.803 2.900 As we haveto considera lenstherewill higher figuresshownin the table 15 be light lostat both surfaces,but this is to 18percentreductionsin transmitted not just doublethe figure lost at the light, are equivalentto the sortsof levfirst surface.If we take the incident els found in cosmetictints appliedto light at the first surfaceas 100per cent manylensesthesedays. In additionto this high light loss,the and consideringthe light loss for a of reflectionsfor the lens appearance glassofn=l.800,wehavethefollowing: Incident light Percentlossot lst surfoce(S.l 63 per centof 100) light ironsmittedofterfirst surfoce Percenl lossot 2nd surfoce(8.163 per centof 91 .837) Lighttronsmittedihroughlens r00.000 -8.r 63 91.837 -7.497 84.340 oratotallossof15.66percent-assum- surfacesis disturbingto the wearer ing a 'clear'lens materialand reason- due to the higher level of reflectance, ably thin lens,where there is little or which meansthat ghost imagesetc. no light loss due to absorptionby the aremorenoticeable. For thesereasons,it is advisableto materialitself. Extra thick lenses,or provide anti-reflectioncoatingfor all a lower thosewith a tint, will exhibit with an index over,say,1.66 materials overalllighttransmittance. Ioble jor manufacturers to supply their high index and very high index lenses with an AR-coatingas standard. See graph for the reflectance curve of a high quality multi-AR coating (courtesy of Satisloh). This shows the reduction of reflections to an average of about 99.5per cent. MultiquartzZ-P 4 Ro/o 1 0 400 \ 450 500 550 600 650 700 Wavelengrth (nm) Reflectoncegroph for Muliiquorlz cooting produced by Sotisloh showing 99.5 per cent overoge Why coatingswork are causedby someof the Reflections incidentlight beingreflectedby the surfacesof the lens material,theoretically when the light doesnot strike the lens surfaceat right angles.This, aswe saw above,causesseveraltypes of reflection. If we interposea transparentlayerbe tweenthe light striking the lenssurface and that surface,we causetwo reflections - the first from the surfaceof the layerandthe secondfrom the surfaceof the lensitself.If the thicknessof the layer is made% of a wavelengththick, the 'out of phase', two reflectedrayswill be by % wavelength.This is becausethe ray,which is reflectedfrom the lenssurface,hasto travelthroughthe layer and then back again,- i.e., twice the distance. t: Lossesdue io reflection for o ronge of moieriols Moteriol cR39 SoectocleCrown lndex .498 523 light loss Lighl loss Totol per cent Per cenl of initiql lsl 2nd loss light tronsmitted surfqce sur{qce 3.97 4.30 3.82 4 . 1I 7.79 8.41 through lens 92.21 9r . 5 9 Polycorbonoie 568 4.89 4.65 9.55 Mid lndexCrown 604 f,.JJ 5.04 r0 . 3 7 90.45 89.63 HighlndexPloslic 660 6.16 s.78 I 1.93 88.07 DenseFlintGloss 706 .800 .803 .900 6.8r 13.15 86.85 8 . 16 8.21 6.34 7.50 7.53 4 15.7 84.34 84.26 9.63 8.70 18.34 81.66 DenseFlintGloss DenseFlintGloss DenseFlintGloss It is normallyacceptedthat the light loss for CR39 and spectaclecrown 'r5.66 As the two rays are out of phasebYa andthey are a mustfor 1.8and above. It is. of course,now normalfor all ma- Yzwavelength,they will be mutuallyde OW May 2O1O.ll subsequently (in the mid 1950's)for high index glass spectaclelenses. However, there are now several variations on the original concept and the process can now be classified into the followingmethods. Most dependonthe dep Fig. 2: A schemoticshowingthe structureof o typicolhigh quolity muhi-ARcooting - courlesyof Leybold osifionon the lens surface of one or more alternating low and high refractive index layers of metal oxides. lNote: the following descrip tions give a general idea of the coating processesinvolved - they are not intendedto be definitive- but only to actasa guide. Different vaiastructive, i.e., they will eliminateeach tions of the processesare availableaccordingto the particular requireother,thusdesfoying the reflection. As this mutual desfuction takes mentsof the end user and the equip placefor onewavelength,the resulting mentavailable]. reductionin reflectionswill not be comprocess: plete.To overcomethis problem,multi- 1. Theoriginalevaporation layer AR coatings were infoduced. Under this process, the lenses are These are far more effective,eliminat- placedin a chamber,which is capableof ing reflectionsovera muchwider range havingthe air evacuatedto a very low of the spectrum.Final transmissionsof pressure,thus producinga high vacuup to about 99.5 per cent can be um.The chamberandthe materialto be used for the coatinglayer(s) are then achieved. SeeFigures1 and2 for imagesshow- heated - in the case of the coating iti!1 the effect of a good hydrophobic chemicals,to avery high temperahrre. This causesthe chemicalsto vaporise topcoat (1) and a schematic(2) showing a typical structure of a multi- into a gaseousstate.At the sametime layer coating - both courtesy of the lens surfaceis chargedelectrically, with respect to the remainder of the leybold. chamber.As the chamberis at a high vacuum,thegasmolecules cantraveldiManufacture AR coatings,initially introduced only rectly from the heating element onto for high index glassmaterials,cannow the lens surface,being attractedto this be suppliedto virtually all ophthalmic by the electricallychargeddifferential lens materials,both glass and plastic. betweenthe lensandchamber. To achievetheseresults.the earlier Traditionallythe methodof applyingan ARcoatinghasbeenby vacuumdeposi- coatingmachineshadto achieveavery tion andthis techniquehasbeenused high temperahrre,in order to evaposince its introduction by Zeiss in the rate the chemicals.This temperature 1930's- initially for opticalsystems,but would have damagedthe plasticslens Fig. l: Two imogesshowingo lenswifhour(L)ond with high super-hydrophobic cooiing(R)- courtesyof Leybold 12 . hW,I lvyv,optictl-Yotld,co,ul materials.Howevera newmethodwas introducedwhich overcamethis problem. 2. 2ndvariation- usinganelectron beamgun: Thesemachinesusea differentmethod of evaporation.This is achievedby meansof an electronbeamgun,which fires a chargedbeamat the chemicals, achievingevaporationat a much lower temperature.This, coupledwith the use of sophisticatedmicroprocessor control of pressure,temperahrreand evaporationrate,has enabledmanufacturersto producemachineswhich can depositsingle and multi-layercoatings on virtually anylensmaterial. 3. Magnetron sputtering A third methodof depositionis that of sputtering.In this processthe material to be deposited(in the form of a fixed targetwithin the vacuumcoatingchamber) is erodedby energisedparticles (normallypositiveions) striking its surface- the rate at which this takesplace beingcontrolledby magneticfieldsproducedby magnetronswithin the chamber.The resultantmaterialejectedfrom the target,beingdepositedon the lens surfaces.(Seeendnote1). Again,this methodcanbe carriedout at a much lower temperafure,making the processsuitablefor all typesof lens substrate. polymerisation 4. Plasma Polymerisationis basicallya chemical reaction where molecules (the monomers)arejoinedtogetherto form the polymel which then consistsof largerepeatedchainsof molecules. Plasmapolymerisationis a process wherethe chemicalsareevaporated into a gaseousstate (gasphasemonomers) within the vacuum chamber and are thenassistedbythe plasmaintoforming a polymer,which is depositedonto the subsfatesurface.This typeofprocessis used, for example,to depositthe hyasthetoplayerofan drophobic'coatings ARcoatedlens. 5. Spincoating This is the latestmethodto cometo the market and is basedon spin hardcoat techniques,using sol-gel technology. For afull explanation of the technology '[nw cost, cominvolved see the article pact AR coating machines for Rx labo ratories' by Dr Peter Wilkinson in the March 2010 issue of Orncer Woru-o, pp12to14. The main benefit of the method, apart from cost considerations,is said to the better match of the AR coating to the lens substrate. Polymers such as CR39 and polycarbonate, are malleable, i.e., they are flexible when placed under stress.Their dimensions can change significanfly with temperature. On the other hand normal AR coatings using'ceramics' such as silica, are brittle and easily craze under stress.They have little ability to flex, or change dimensions,with temperature. This meansthatthe lens substratemay alter its shape with change in temperature, whilst the coating may not, thus resulting in crazing. The coatings applied by the sol-gel process (see Chemat review in this article) are made up of a super hydrophobic polymer matrix embedded with nano-sizeceramic particles. The polymer matrix has the ability to flex, matching thermal expansion and providing a chemical bonding and hydrophobicity, whilst the ceramic particles give the refractive index required to produce an AR or mirror coating. vs Oleophobic: Hydrophobic When the first easy care top coatings were introduced back in the late 1980's, they were loosely referred to as hydrophobic top coatings. Hydrophobic literally means'water-repellent' and the quality of a hydrophobic Otherconsiderations pieces has traditionally been coating informatop of The following two by the contact angle of a measured tion are supplied courtesy of Satisloh a lens. A higher conof water on drop and are taken from their coating processguide. tact angle (roundness of the drop of Top coating options: Ease-of-care water) equates to a better hydrophois perhaps the most important feature bicity. Traditional hydrophobics typiofAR coated lensesto the averagecus- cally have contact angles in the range of.97-104degrees. tomer. A naked AR coating is by nature will The newest generation of hydropho rough and hydrophilic, meaning it bic top coatings, referred to as super attract dirt and water and will be diffiproblem have a contact angle in hydrophobics, even cult to clean.Making the 10G112 degrees.More imthe range of worse is the fact that an AR coatedlens portant its ability to repel water is than will show the dirt more than a non-AR ability to repel a super hydrophobic's coatedlens. referred to as oleofingerprints, Fortunately, coating technology has oil and phobicity. fingerof removing The ease advancedrapidly and there are a numgeneration prints of newest from the ber of new chemical options available in AR resulted in a boom AR lenses has to make AR coating easierto clean than penetration of the US ophthalmic lens ever before. These chemicals are ap (hence plied on top of AR market. (Seeentry for Cotec for measthe term'top urement of contact angle). coating') inside of a vacuum chamber. SUPPLIERS materialfor review.Fulldetailsof their havekindlypresented Thefollowingcompanies orwebsites. productsand processes canbe foundfrsm their catalogues Chemat U K- e m a i l : Holdersof a world-widepatenton the applicationof multi-layerAR coating techniquesusing sol-geltechnology, Chematare the only companyat present to offer machinesfor this purpose. (See previous note regarding the process,describedin the articleby Dr PeterWilkinsonin the Marchissueof C H EM A L U X ' ' olv). Based in California with offices in Europe and China, they currently offer three sizes of the machine with capacities from 12 pairs to about 120 pairs per shift. This makes the machine (and technology) eminently suitable for the smaller laboratory that has a need to coat a small number of lenses per day, or for the large organisation that has the need to coat 1 4 o 1111p1 I lywy,optinl-world,rc,uh Chemolux 300 from Chemot - showing ils excellenl smoll fooiorinl small numbers of specials,such as colouredmirror coatings,where the use of vacuum coating machines wouldbeuneconomic. Three machinesare on offer. The Chemalux 100 multi-functionalspin coatingsystemis a table-topunit and is capable of doing AR coatings, scratch resistant coatings, mirror coatingsand/ or easy-cleancoatings in a compactspace.It is designedto enableretailersandsmalllabsto offer premiumcoatingsin-housewith an affordableinvestment. Throughputis up to 12 pairs of AR coatingsper day,with a coatingcycle of 7 minutesper side.Dimensionsof the compactunit are 23in " 27in " 2lin. The next machinein the range is the Chemalux300.With a capacityof up to 35 pairs of AR coatingsper day, this machinehas a very small foot- I I I t print of only 25in , 25in x 60in high, making it easy to install in even the smallest laboratory. The 300 can produce, AR, flash mirror and EZ-Clean coatings, with a processing time of about one hour (coating cycle only 5 minutes per two sides). The unit is fully automatic, with touch screen operation and has a simple and reliable electromechanical structure, making itvery easy to maintain and repair. The PLC (microcomputer) control system integrates automatic high pressure water washing with precise multi-layer spin-on coating. The machine applies the AR coating two surfaces at a time, pair by pair. Flash mirror coatings can be applied with a simple touch of the command screen. largest machine in the range, the Chemalux 600, is a multi-station coating system that cleans and coats eight lenses simultaneously, making it suitable for those laboratories who require a greater output capacity. It is designed to produce scratch resistant coatings, AR coatings, plus flash mirr or and EZ-cleancoatings. It is controlled by a microprocessor, using a colour touch screen panel for ease of operation. The system is capable of accepting a fully automatic lens loading and unloading mechanism to make it an inline fully automatic coating system. Throughput is up to 15 pairs per hour, with a coating cycle of 8 minutes per side. As would be expected, the machine has a large footprint- 53 in x 40 in ^72in. Chemalux also produce three pieces of peripheral equipment of interest to the coating laboratory. The first is the Chemalux TC-2 Super hydrophobic coater. This is able to deposit the super-hydrophobic layer onto any shape of lens - uncut, edged or even still in the frame. This has the benefit of allowing the lens to be edged first, thus avoiding the problem of slippage whilst edging. It is also possible to re-apply a hydrophobic layer to a lens once the original coating has been worn out. Process cycle time is 7 minutes, with a capacity of up to 3 pairs oflenses per cycle. The second machine is the iMirror TintCoater, specially designed for fast production of quality flash mirror coating on tinted lenses within the op 16 . hllqI lY,nmptktl-vorld,co,ul The Durolesl conlocl ongle meosuring system from Coiec tician's practice. The system also does normal lens tinting. The bench-top machine offers fast heat-up time and has an overflow channel to catch spilt chemicals. Its coating curer drawer holds up to four pairs of lenses for thermal curing at temperatures up to 250'C. The coater module has a spin speed of 0 to 150 rpm and a coating 'universal' uring device. The Duratest system is specially designed for the ophthalmic industry and offers easy handling, precise measurements and data storage, which allow the user to controlthecontactangleonbothcoated and uncoated lenses. Special quality control for ultrahydrophobic coatings, such as Duar- cycletime of 5 to 10minutes. alon,is possiblewith precisemetering Final piece of equipment in the current range is the Chemalux GPS spectrophotometer. The instrument can be coupled with the Chemalux coating 'tune' the colour of the resystems to sultant coatings. It is used to monitor and control the coating operation (AR and mirror) to ensure colour consistency during the coating cycle, adjusting operating parameters if necessary. In addition, the GPS is a useful tool for tuning the system to make a desired colour lens by lens. The spectrophotometer is based on fibre optic technology coupled to a reflectance probe and fibre optic light source; the device measures the reflection of the coating and the resultant reflection spectra is used to determine the colour of the coating. The CCD technology used is combined with the reflection probe to produce reflection spectra simultaneously. Measurementtime is 30 secondsand the device covers a range from 400 to 800nm. precision of 0.1'. The device is designed for use within the laboratory or in production control. Features of the system include: tr Fast and easy control of contact angle and surface energy I Intuitive software providing different measuring methods tr Easy documentation of results in protocols and video image I Optional use with laptop or PC tr High quality optics for excellent video images E Economic pricing whilst retaining all necessary functions The Duratest is fully automatic when measuring the contact angle, detecting the drop surface interface automatically by image processing. Additional options allow the manual setting of the measuring points and the completely manual measurement ofthe contact angle. The software also contains an evaluation module for measuring surface energy by comparing contact angles of two known measCotec uring liquids. Time dependent contact angle Within their large range of coating Cotec measuring with freely selectablecycle equipmentand consumables, offer the Duratestwhich representsa times and detection of roll off angle newgenerationofcontactanglemeas- are also available. Benefits of the system are stated to be easy handling, precise measuring, flexible use, software supported, easy data management, live video image and an economicprice. DACVision DAC Vision offer a variety of generic high-purity chemicals, hydrophobic and super-hydrophobic top coats,and an assortmentof spareparts and consumables for vacuum deposition equipment.InadditionDACalsoengineer advancedprocessesto improve and developtreatmentslike Greenof AchromaticAR with hydro or superhydro top coat. [,ens treatment chemicalsinclude silicon dioxide, titanium and zirconium oxides (grey and white), magnesium fluoride, silicon and chromium siliconmonoxides,plusaluminiumoxideandindiumtin oxide. Top coat treatment can be customised to fit chamber size and desired coating thickness.These treatmentsare smoothandabrasionresistant over time and provide excellent hydro and super-hydro properties. DAC list one hydrophobic'pill' and threesuperhydrophobicsi I Boxer ond BoxerPro from Leyborq Leybold The company tcybold have been dealingwith all aspectsof vacuum technologyfor over 150years.Ernst Leyboldand Wilhelm Carl Heraeus laid the foundationsfor the present day company.Very early on these two inventors dealt with the potentials of vacuum technologyand in 1967the companiesof l,eyboldand Heraeusmergedto form the precur. SHP040- coats40lenssurfaces sorof today'sLeyboldOpticsGmbH. with an 8nmthick top coatlayer Followingon from the long tradi. SHP060- coats60surfacesto tion of dealingwith lenscoating,Leysamethickness bold now offer an extensiverangeof . SHP100 - coats100surfacesto coating equipment, including masamethickness chinesand systemsfor '3D coating' . SHP150 - coats140surfacesto (items with complex geometries) samethickness and 'Web coating' (flexible substrates, including such things as Three AR processesare offered packagingfilms). , Diopside- green AR formula with For the ophthalmicmarket, their top hydrophobic layer, Native rangeincludesthe Boxersystem,suitgreen with super-hydrophobictop ablefor Rx andstockproductionquanlayer and Delight - achromaticAR tities.A superiorion sourcetechnoloformulawith top super-hydrophobic gy, powerful vacuum pump, single layer. quartz monitor,high-powered electron Consumables listedinclude,boats, beam evaporatorin the centre of the liners (bothin molybdenum)and fil- chamberand a highly efficient'Meissamention guns and kits. A range of ner trap' (Seeendnote2) arecombined crystals(gold,silverand alloy),plus to give optimum performance. a rangeof spareparts are alsolisted This medium-sized coating solu. in the catalogue. tion guarantees easy handling, as DAC canalsooffer a rangeof serv- well as simple maintenance;it offers ices, including trouble shooting, a wide range of manufacturing maintenance,engineering,training processes, e.g., it is capable of proandcoatingprocessdevelopment. ducing broadband AR coatings on mineralglassor absorptioncoatings on sunglasslenses.The monolithic design allows for a larger coating areawith reducedfloor space. The Boxer is availablein three versions,eachwith a differentcapacity: BoxerLight- 110/130pairs per eighthours Boxer-220/ 230pairspereight hours BoxerPro- 250/260pairsper eight hours Featuresandbenefitsinclude: Cubiccoatingchamberwith straightsidesensuring: Easymaintenance Optimisedcoatinggeometry Quickremovalof chambershield Simpleclick fixing of substrate carrier Multiple hardwareoptions including: Heatingsystemfor mineral substrates Mark II or LION ion source Pumpupgrades(Turbo,Roots) A second systemfrom kybold is the CCS Series- a designthat can grow alongside the expansion of a business, allowing, as it does, for physical spaceand production adaptations. To achieve this, new components can be added to the machine to OW May 2O1O.17 increasevolume. Featuresandbenefits of the systeminclude: tr Fully automatedprocess n Easyand comfortablemachine handling and operation D Easymaintenance n Compactfootprint ! Ergonomicchambershieldings n Quick pumpdown time ! Modificationof process parametersto customer requirements ! MultiJayer AR coatingfor both organic and mineral substrates ! Remoteanalysisvia modemand datarecording The CCSsystemis availablein three versions - CCS ljsht" cawcl;V 4*72 pairsper eighthours,CCSLight P (64to 96 pairs) and the CCS PRO (726/182 pairs).Eachof thetwo smallermachines canbe upgradedbysimplyaddingcomponentsto increasecapacity. The Syrusfimily from I-eyboldoffers a hrghly efficient system for coating largebatches.In classicalmassproduction, asin k laboratories,the Syrusofthat fersanexceptionalcost-benefitratio is achievedby anintelligentmodularde slgn. In ion-assistedcoatingas in conventionalsingle or multiJayerproces$ es,this systemis saidto offer optimum qualityataneconomiccostperlens. This systemis availablein two versions - Syrus III with a capacity of 450/550pairs per eight hours and the Syrus 1350.witha capacityof 650/800 pairs. SL501 comprises a multistage cleaning process,followed by thermal cured dip coating with a primer stagefor speciallens materialssuch as polycarbonate.Two different lacquers can be used for index matching. Following the success of the release of the High Index K process, Satisloh'sR&D department has developeda new process- Ioncote K+ for high index and 1.5 index substrates. This is said to outperform majormarketbenchmarks.The main Satisloh characteristicsof the new process Combining the 120 years of experi- are increased abrasion resistance, ence of SatisVacuumand Loh Opti- together with an improved top coat cal machinery, Satisloh, headquar- (Satin)life span. tered in Switzerland, supply complete solutions for ophthalmic and The Satisloh high performance precision optical manufacturing,in- lens coatingconsistsof: Dip coatlacquer- DN1500and cluding vacuum coating equipment DN1600 and accessories.The companyhas a AR coating- Ioncote K+ - with worldwide presencein 19 countries antistaticpropertiesand long life through more than 13 subsidiaries cleanability and 10agents. Superhydrophobiccoating- Satin The latest offering from the company, showcasedat Mido 2010,is a Over the last forty years, Satisloh new high index process- IoncoteK+ and the new cleaningand hard coat- have developed many AR coating ing system SL501. This systemfits stack designs.As the sophistication in with Satisloh's range of box and controllability of vacuum chamcoaters and proprietary coating bers has improved,it has beenpossiprocessesfor hard coating,AR coat- ble to develop unique designs with ing and top coating. This ensures specifichardness,refractiveindices, that the companycan offer the mar- optical and mechanicalperformance ket a full packageof top performing parameters.The current options include: coatingprocesses. For those wising to add a coating system to their operation, Leybold offers the Minil"ab and Easylab. These are complete turnkey solutions priced and engineeredspecifically for all sizesof lab. They can be configured around either the CCS design,or for those with a larger capacity requirement,the Boxer family can be incorporated.These setups can include back-sidespin hard coaters. Featuresandbenefitsinclude: /'o Personalised processesadjusted to customers'needs o Optimisedphysicalspace o Easy-tousesoftware o Remoteanalysisvia modemand datarecording . Hydrophobiccoatingsmay be appliedinchamber r Cubic chamberproviding: . Excellentgeometriccoatingon lenses o Quick exposureand removalof protectivechamberliners r A click-in mechanismexchanges the substratesquickly and easily o Easymaintenance 18 . ln$I luw,oplicol-uorld,to.ul The I 200-DLFhigh volumebox cooterfrom Solisloh MultiquartzZ-P Performance - ML Ioncote K-HL Easy-coat Multicote The coatings are applicable to low and high index substrates and offer the following benefits: I Superior abrasion resistance, exceeding market benchmarks I Excellent durability of layer package in accelerated ageing tests I Cosmetically and optically superior performance through index matching of the lacquer The range of consumables includes a range oflacquers and primer and various substances for vacuum coating, plus Satin super hydrophobic top coat. The range of equipment currently on offer includes three coating machines - the 120GDLF box coater and the SP200 sputter coater,plus the MC-380. The 120GDLF is a high volume box coater equipped with a state-of-the-art diffusion pump and is capable of providing consistently high quality AR coatingsin a very short processtime. Optionally, two 120GDLF s can work in a parallel configuration. The system deposits anti-reflection and/or mirror coatings on organic and mineral substrates via a thermal evaporation process. It offers multiple process applications according to the material being coated and is suitable for Rx lab or stock lens production. Features of the machine are: n Hot processfor mineral lenses E Six sector dome or a flipover system for double side processing I Extendable mask system E Ion assisteddeposition I Electron beam gun with a shutter I Multi nozzle venting system for reduced venting times E Evaporation optimised by digital sweeper control tr Powerful pump system with one diffusion pump (two molecular pumps on request) Benefitsare: cycle time of 15 minutes for four lenses with double-sidecoating. The flipover Consistent(uniform)ARcoatings system is fully automatic and the maHigheststocklensproductivity chine can accommodate lenses from Fasttechnologywith low process 50 to 75mm diameter. Substrates of times CR39,polycarbonate,high index, phol,owestcostperlens tochromic and mineral (in up to 1.9) ProvenSatislohprocesses can be handled. The machine offers Easyjobandprocessset-up ease of use and low maintenance, due to a single reactive sputtering source. The 120GDLFcan handle CR39, It is possible to change between difpolycarbonate,high index, acrylic, fering coating types and materials, e.g, photochromicand mineralglassup to from AR coating organic materials to n =1.9.Capacitiesare from 324lenses AR coating mineral lenses,or to mirror (51mm)to 126(80mm)for the six-sec- coating.The operator simply choosesa tor domeand252to 96for the flipover different process on the touch screen; system. no otherchanges are necessary. The MC-380is also a box coaterof similar general design to the 1200DLF, but is produced for lower throughput rates. It can handle the samelensmaterialsandthe capacities are120to 45 (51mmto 80mm)for the three-sectordomeand42to 32 (48mm to 66mm) for the flipover system (without top heaters). Production rates are fast, with 44 lenses being coatedin about50minutes. In the Iab-38GH version, the system is coupledwith an integratedultrasoniccleaningunit andpreparation and degassingfacilities.Two or more MC-Lab-380-H units can be arranged in a parallelconfiguration,sharingthe ultrasonicsystem. Featuresof the combinedsystemare: I Hot processfor minerallenses (requiresheateroption) I 3-sectordomeor flip over system I Extendablemask system I Ion assisteddeposition I Electronbeamgun with shutter I Pumpsystemwith powerful molecularturbo pump (1900l/s) I Touch screenoperatorterminal I Fully automatedcleaning, includingbaskettransportation I Six tanks,cleaningand rinsing under a flow box I 'Slowlift-out'forlensdrying I Degassing oven The third system,the SP-200 sputter coater,is designedto especiallysuit smallbatches,continuousflow coating and rush orders. It has a verv fast Three configurations are available: . Single side AR coating (one hour retail concept) - applies backside AR and hard coating . Auto-flip AR system with W cured hard coat (wholesale laboratory concept) - applies double sided AR and backside hard coating o Auto-flip AR system with thermal cured hard coat (wholesale factory concept) applied double sided AR and integrated double-sided hardcoat. Although this review does not specifically deal with hard coating machinery, mention should be made of the Magna-spin. This is a spin coating system for front-side factory hard coated lenses. It uses [fV cured lacquers, with three versions being available - suitable for CR39, high index, tintable and polycarbonate substrates. Endnotes (l ) Meissner Trop When pumping o chomber from olmosphere, the moior residuol gos componeni is woler vopour. A Meissner trop is, e s s e n t i o l l yo, c o i l o f l u b i n g t h r o u g h w h i c h o liquid / gos cryogenflows to moinioin o low surfoce iemperolure. (2) Mognetron A mognetron is bosicolly o microwove generotor in which eleclrons, generoted by o heoted cothode, move under the c o m b i n e d f o r c e o f e l e c l r i co n d m o o n e l i c fields. OW Mav 2O1O. 19