FOCUS 2011 Committee


FOCUS 2011 Committee
Aurélie Deyirmendjian
Sandrine Muradian
Alexia Demirdjian
Tamar Wartabetian
Gary Aharonian
Sandrine Muradian
Achren Verdian
Carol Aghajanian
Grégory Guerguerian
Vanessa Ketchedjian
Rafi Papazian
Geraldine Seuleusian
Vanessa Ketchedjian
Grégory Guerguerian
Angelina Najarian
Rafi Papazian
Carol Aghajanian
Sabine Bachian
Ioanna Deschamps
Zarouhi Odabashian
Stéphane Petrossian
Alex Basmagian (NY)
Grégory Guerguerian
Flora Hakobyan
Vadim Krisyan (NY)
Salman Munawar (NY)
Rafi Papazian
Geraldine Seuleusian
Achren Verdian
Lusiné Kerobyan
Ani Manoukian
FOCUS is a four-day event for young Armenian professionals from around the world to congregate and share their
international perspectives and to showcase the notable contributions and achievements of AGBU’s diverse programs.
This unique affair allows participants the opportunity to explore cosmopolitan cities around the world while meeting likeminded professionals and honoring the AGBU programs that have positively impacted generations of young Armenians.
FOCUS started in 2001, when alumni of Camp Nubar and the New York Summer Intern Program along with members
of the emerging network of Young Professionals came together for the first time to applaud the vision of AGBU on the
occasion of its 95th anniversary. Building on the impressive accomplishments of its premier weekend in New York that
summer, AGBU FOCUS has since evolved into a biennial affair uniting close to 2,000 young Armenians in New York
(2001, 2007), Montreal (2003), Miami (2005), and Chicago (2009). This year we welcome guests to Paris, France.
Each FOCUS weekend honors an AGBU program that has made significant contributions to the Armenian community.
The Organizing Committee pays tribute to these programs by launching pre-event fundraising efforts which have raised
over $150,000 to date, most recently honoring AGBU’s Scholarship Program, the Hye Geen Pregnant Women’s Centers
and the New York Summer Internship Program. AGBU FOCUS is proud to dedicate its 2011 fundraising campaign to
support the operations of the Armenian Virtual College—AGBU’s newest learning institute and the world’s first online
Armenian school.
Thursday, August 4
Perspectives, 19:00
Crystal Lounge, 51 rue Ponthieu, Paris 8e
Friday, August 5
Club Night, 23:00
1979 Club, 49 rue Berger, Paris 1er
Saturday, August 6
FOCUS on Art, 11:30
Galerie Matignon, 18 avenue Matignon, Paris 8e
Gala, 19:30
Cercle de l’Union Interalliée, 33 rue du Faubourg Saint-Honoré, Paris 8e
Sunday, August 7
Brunch, 11:30
Alcazar, 62 rue Mazarine, Paris 6e
Welcome to FO
An Interactive Communication Campaign
Our campaign gave you a peak into the lives of some of
our FOCUS guests over the past eight months. With the
use of digital media, through photographs and video we
set you on a journey ending here today.
First, the announcement—FOCUS 2011 will be held in
Paris! The images captured the reactions of individuals as
they heard the news and saved the date.
As the months passed and the buzz grew stronger, we met
new guests getting in touch and making plans. Are you going?
What shall we do there? Who will we see?...
Finally, they are All Together Now...
This strategy highlighted the global outreach and reality
of FOCUS and AGBU: we do not live “all together” all
year round, we are usually on our own when opening
emails, asking our friends to make plans and counting down to the long-awaited gathering.
We hope you liked our approach! Don’t hesitate to send us your best pictures from this weekend—they may be chosen for
the last part of the communication campaign: ENJOYING AGBU FOCUS 2011 IN PARIS!
Best regards,
The Communications Team
OCUS Paris
Chers Amis,
L’ensemble de l’équipe FOCUS vous accueille chaleureusement à Paris, la Ville Lumière!
Depuis 10 ans, des centaines de jeunes professionnels arméniens se réunissent régulièrement le temps d’un week-end afin de
participer à un événement unique leur permettant de se rencontrer, de networker, d’échanger des idées, mais également de
rendre hommage à un programme de l’UGAB. C’est la première fois qu’un tel événement a lieu en Europe, et nous sommes
aujourd’hui fiers de pouvoir partager cette expérience avec vous.
Cette année, nous avons choisi de mettre à l’honneur l’ «Université Virtuelle Arménienne» élaborée par l’UGAB, qui permet de
transmettre la culture et la langue arméniennes à toute personne qui souhaiterait se familiariser avec elles. Ce fut notre choix
car les jeunes professionnels arméniens se doivent d’être, à l’image de ce bel outil, innovants, créatifs et orientés vers le futur
afin de pouvoir continuer à rayonner à travers le monde.
Innovation, créativité, fun, amour de Paris : ces mots clés, que vous devriez ressentir tout au long du week-end, ont été la
ligne directrice des membres du Comité organisateur du FOCUS 2011 de l’UGAB, que je remercie chaleureusement pour
l’enthousiasme et le dévouement dont ils ont fait preuve tout au long de la préparation de ce week-end et sans lesquels nous
n’en serions pas là aujourd’hui.
Notre reconnaissance va au Central Board ainsi qu’aux amis de l’UGAB pour leur support continu et leur engagement depuis
de nombreuses années en faveur de FOCUS.
Chaleureux merci enfin à vous de participer à ce FOCUS 2011 pour célébrer l’identité, la jeunesse et l’héritage arméniens…
mais également Paris et ses secrets extraordinaires!
Très amicalement,
Aurélie Deyirmendjian
Dear Friends,
The FOCUS team warmly welcomes you all to the City of Light! We are very excited to host AGBU FOCUS in Europe for the first time ever
and we are proud to be able to share this experience with you.
Following a decade of successful gatherings, hundreds of young Armenian professionals worldwide have geared up for a spectacular
weekend of uniquely tailored events, allowing our peers a venue where they can meet, network and exchange ideas while paying tribute to
one of AGBU’s newest programs.
This year, we honor the achievements of the Armenian Virtual College—AGBU’s pioneering learning institute and the world’s first online
Armenian school, which promotes Armenian studies in the globally dispersed diaspora and beyond. We firmly support this effort and believe
that the creation of such modern, resourceful and forward thinking tools is key to perpetuating our Armenian heritage throughout the world.
Innovation, creativity, fun, and love of Paris—these key words have become a mantra for the Organizing Committee in preparing AGBU
FOCUS 2011. We hope you will see this in every element of our weekend. I would like to express our heartfelt thanks to the entire FOCUS
team whose enthusiasm and dedication have made this weekend possible. As always, we are most grateful to the AGBU Central Board and
AGBU supporters for their continued encouragement and unwavering commitment throughout the years.
We thank you for taking part in FOCUS 2011 to celebrate Armenian heritage, identity and youth, and invite you to discover Paris and its
amazing secrets!
Best wishes,
Aurélie Deyirmendjian
Armenian Virtual College
he Armenian Virtual College is AGBU’s newest learning institute and the world’s first
online Armenian school. Launched in June 2009, the College is an accredited distancelearning program that utilizes state-of-the-art technologies to facilitate Armenian studies
across the world, with the distinct goal to make Armenian education available to everyone
and everywhere. It is a full-scale academic institution equipped with virtual classrooms,
effective student-teacher communication, peer-to-peer collaboration, and an authentic university
environment. The Armenian Virtual College has been granted accreditation by the National
Academy of Sciences in Armenia and currently offers various levels of instruction in Armenian
history, language and culture in six languages—Armenian (Eastern & Western), English, Russian,
French, and Spanish.
As technology has become a necessary component in learning, social networking and business,
AGBU has recognized the need to keep up with the ever-changing needs of the Armenian
community and has turned to the Virtual
College as a key element in addressing
the need to provide access to formal
education to anyone, regardless of their
age, background and location. By utilizing
the internet as its main conduit and offering
courses in multiple languages, the College
not only reinforces the educational
objectives of AGBU but also widens their
reach to beyond the Armenian community,
making it possible for anyone interested in
Armenian studies to participate.
A glimpse of an Armenian Architecture class in session.
The Virtual College currently offers instruction in language,
history, fine art, architecture, music & literature.
This interactive virtual learning community
bridges the gaps in the current educational
environment—bringing Armenian courses to those in the diaspora and beyond who do not have
access to Armenian schools, allowing individuals to supplement their mainstream education
with expert instruction and complementing the curriculum of existing schools through multimedia
Armenian education anytime anywhere!
resources. In fact, several day schools
and Saturday schools are already using
courses from the Virtual College to
enhance their current curriculum, and over
a thousand students from over 35 countries
and spanning multiple generations (17-82
years of age) have already accessed the
virtual classrooms since its launch.
This unique project was initiated by Dr.
Yervant Zorian, Member of the AGBU
Central Board and Chairman of AGBU’s
Silicon Valley Chapter, in response to the
need for an educational program that
better addresses the current demands of
the Armenian diaspora. The technology
and multimedia course content have
been based on the writings of renowned
topic experts in Armenia and reinforced
by international pedagogic experts in
online learning, in direct collaboration
with scientists and engineers at Yerevan
State University’s Center for Information
Technology Education and Research.
A student taking advantage of convenient virtual learning.
Dr. Yervant Zorian presenting the launch of the Armenian
Virtual College to a capacity audience gathered in Aram
Khachaturian Concert Hall in Yerevan, Armenia (2008).
The AGBU Armenian Virtual College
celebrated its second anniversary in June
2011 and with your help will continue to thrive and grow in its mission to overcome educational
barriers that have plagued the Armenian diaspora for decades. What better way to honor our
heritage and preserve our identity than to leave a legacy of knowledge about our rich history,
language, arts, and culture for generations to come.
stablished in 1906 in Cairo, Egypt, AGBU is the
world’s largest Armenian non-profit organization.
Headquartered in New York City, AGBU preserves
and promotes the Armenian identity and heritage through
educational, cultural and humanitarian programs, touching
the lives of some 400,000 Armenians in 41 countries
In addition to publishing the biannual AGBU News
magazine with the largest distribution in the history of
the diaspora, AGBU administers close to 150 Districts,
Chapters, Young Professionals groups, centers and offices;
31 weekly and extension schools; school alumni groups;
a scholarship program; 35 choral, dance, musical and
theatrical ensembles; 15 publications in six languages;
11 summer camps, four intern programs; youth trip to
Armenia; an online virtual college, an art academy; four
medical centers; two radio shows; a research center; and
dozens of scouting and athletic programs.
AGBU also supports vital programs in Armenia, such as
the American University of Armenia, three Senior Dining
Centers, three Children’s Centers, an Ultrasound Center, the
Armenian Philharmonic Orchestra, as well as projects with
Holy Etchmiadzin. Recognizing the importance of reaching
out to Armenians in Karabakh, AGBU has expanded its
presence in the region to include the Karabakh Chamber
To learn more about AGBU and its many programs or to
become a member, please visit
Nazar & Artemis Nazarian
Aris Atamian
Arnaud Attamian
Avedis & Rita Demirdjian
Yervant & Melissa Demirjian
John H. Doumanian
(In honor of Heratch & Sonya Doumanian)
Vahé & Huguette Gabrache
Berge & Vera Setrakian
Sinan & Angele Sinanian
Yervant & Rita Zorian
Ara & Sylva Aharonian
Raffi & Taline Bachian
Vahe & Sandra Balouzian
Alex & Anne Demirdjian
Sarkis & Seta Demirdjian
Nazareth & Nila Festekjian
Stephen & Arda Haratunian
InterAudi Bank USA
Aleen Keshishian & Thomas Troyer
Denis Ketchedjian
Toros & Gacia Mangassarian
Levon & Anush Nazarian
Hratch & Helga Sarkis
Sam & Sylva Simonian
Bedros & Houry Vanlian
Jack & Anita Anserian
Carol Aslanian
Rita Balian
(In memory of Varktess Balian)
Philip & Nora Balikian
Sten & Carmen Bergman
Ohannes & Annie Beudjekian
Kevork & Cecile Keshishian
Hagop & Eranica Kouyoumdjian
McGraw-Hill Companies
Lynn D. Mahlebjian
Shant & Ani Manoukian
Guy Markarian
Haroutune & Shake Mekhjian
Berge & Evelyn Papazian
Stephane Petrossian & Sabine Bachian
Tigrane Petrossian & Katia Petrossian
Vasken & Sossy Setrakian
AGBU Young Professionals of Toronto
Nadeem & Randa Akda
Ignacio Balassanian
Eric & Talene Baroyan
Serge Bedrossian
Craig & Arda Berberian
Jean-Jacques & Sylvia Damlamian
Alicia Demirjian
Aurélie Deyirmendjian
Vasken & Anahid Kassabian
Serge Kassardjian
Vanessa Ketchedjian
Zare & Maro Makasjian
Richard E. Mikaelian
Arthur & Christine Muratyan
Richard & Martha Saraydarian
Lara Setrakian
Seth & Sarah Setrakian
Sponsored by
A Sincere Note of Gratitude Is Extended to…
The AGBU Central Board of Directors, for its steadfast support of the vision of FOCUS and for investing in our generation
and those to come.
Our countless donors and sponsors, who have encouraged us with their generosity and inspired us to further our mission of
unifying Armenian youth from around the world and educating our peers about the far-reaching efforts of AGBU.
Yervant Zorian and the team behind the Armenian Virtual College, for their vision in pioneering this unique institution that
makes Armenian studies a possibility for thousands around the world. Through their efforts, we now have a dynamic repository
of knowledge about our rich history, language, and culture that will continue to grow and be accessible into the future.
Daniel and Catherine Kurkdjian, for granting us the opportunity to hold our Gala event this year at the beautiful and
exclusive Cercle de l’Union Interalliée.
Jany and Danielle Jansem and their daughter Noémie, for graciously giving us the opportunity to hold our FOCUS on Art
event this year at the remarkable Galerie Matignon and so kindly contributing to the Armenian Virtual College cause.
Michel Sabbagh and Sona Attamian, for their tireless efforts and assistance throughout the year.
Anita Anserian, for her unsurpassed commitment and love for AGBU, and for her never-ending energy and support each
and every day.
All core Members of Young Professionals (YPs) groups around the world, for their enthusiasm in promoting FOCUS and
strengthening the growing network of Armenian professionals, and to Kim Yacoubian, our YP Liaison, whose dedication
helped unify many global YPs for this occasion.
The AGBU Central Office and AGBU Paris office staff for graciously assisting us throughout the year in all tasks big and
small: Alex, Flora, Hrag, Ioanna, Jenna, Lusine, Salman and Zarouhi—a warm thank you.
Ani Manoukian, for her extraordinary way of inspiring and motivating people and for her coaching and constant support
during the past months.
Sevag Kalaydjian for generously acting as our photographer during the weekend.
All the volunteers that made FOCUS in Paris so special, especially Marcel Kabanda (Rwanda), for sharing with us his vision
for Perspectives; Ardag Basmadjian, who brought musical energy to the team and participated patiently in some of our
meetings; Vahan Meguerditchian, who helped us in all the last minute issues; all the influencers who spread the news to all
their contacts and all our FOCUS models: Gayanee, Zela, Alexia, William, Haig, Rafi, Laurie, Waren, Sophie, Anais, Gohar,
Suzi, la Cariole, Luna....
Our parents, friends and family who supported and advised us patiently on this journey over the past year, not to mention our
employers who unknowingly gained ‘unofficial’ sponsor status, when we dealt with incessant e-mails during business hours,
occupied meeting rooms to make sponsorship calls, walked out of meetings to take ‘urgent’ FOCUS calls.
The supportive and flexible staff of the Lutetia, the Crystal Lounge, the 1979, the Cercle de l’Union Interalliée, Alcazar and
Imprimeries Roques.
Paris, which is so oh la la, so petite that it is almost pas possible to find a place accommodating 180 ‘brunchers’, within budget.
Gmail, which stored over 10,000 e-mails and shared documents for the organization of the event.
All the participants for making this extraordinary week-end a reality!
FOCUS 2011 Committee
*Photo credits: Grégory Guerguerian, Vadim Krisyan, and Rafi Papazian.
Printed by Imprimerie Roques
AGBU FOCUS, 55 East 59th Street, New York, NY 10022
UGAB, 11 square Alboni, 75016 Paris, France |