Strategies - Sold Sign Blog
Strategies - Sold Sign Blog
13 Brilliant Strategies for Creating Your Best Year EVER! I P RESENTED BY : V ERL W ORKMAN “What is the value of increased knowledge if our actions and behaviors are not altered as a result of that knowledge?” — Verl Workman t’s time to make a choice! We’ve seen some tough times and we can’t do business the way we used to. So are you going to sit back and long for the “Good ‘Ol Days” and watch your business crumble around you—or are you going to embrace the changes, adopt the new technologies you need to be successful and THRIVE in today’s market? If so, this session is exactly what you need to get a “smack in the attitude” and learn how to get your systems crankin’ for you. Let’s get fired up and polish off your sales skills — and watch your business take off for 2013! 1532 Charter Oaks Circle Sandy, UT 84093 USA (801) 410-0466 ▪ (775) 254-2424 fax Presented by Verl Workman ______________________________________________ ______________________________________________ ______________________________________________ ______________________________________________ ______________________________________________ ______________________________________________ Build a Plan! ______________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Elements of a Good Business Plan Put it in writing! Goals for business and personal A c t i o n Pl a n Wo r ks h e e t S p e n d t i me w o r ki n g o n y o u r b u s i n e s s SWOT I d e n t i f y 4 p i l l a r s o f i n c o me 1532 Charter Oaks Circle Sandy, UT 84093 USA (801) 410-0466 ▪ (775) 254-2424 fax Presented by Verl Workman Are you in Sales? “Success isn't a result of spontaneous combustion. You must set yourself on fire.” ~ Arnold H. Glasgow “If you work just for money, you'll never make it. But if you love what you are doing, and always put the customer first, success will be yours.” ~ Ray Kroc U s e U p - Fro n t Ag re e me n t s 1. Establish agenda 2. Give prospect & non-selling professional a chance to ask questions 3. Provides that each sales call will have a result 4. Give both prospect & sales person the opportunity to say no if there’s not a good fit 5. Includes an agreement on time frame 1532 Charter Oaks Circle Sandy, UT 84093 USA (801) 410-0466 ▪ (775) 254-2424 fax Presented by Verl Workman What is your Unfair Competitive Advantage? __ “Motivation is what gets you started. Habit is what keeps you going.” ~ Jim Rohn 1532 Charter Oaks Circle Sandy, UT 84093 USA (801) 410-0466 ▪ (775) 254-2424 fax Presented by Verl Workman Go Paperless! ___ For produ ct det ai l s, speci al de al s and di scount pri ci n g vi si t : w w w.Pi n n a c l e Q u e s t . c o m or Verl ’s bl o g: w w w.p q p i p e l i n e .c o m 1532 Charter Oaks Circle Sandy, UT 84093 USA (801) 410-0466 ▪ (775) 254-2424 fax Presented by Verl Workman Prospecting Tools __ _____________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________ Public is confused Distressed properties make up 24% of market Great opportunity to create clients for life Less than 5% of agents involved Banks focus on short sales over foreclosures now 1532 Charter Oaks Circle Sandy, UT 84093 USA (801) 410-0466 ▪ (775) 254-2424 fax Presented by Verl Workman _______________________________________________ _______________________________________________ _______________________________________________ _______________________________________________ get your head in the Cloud _______________________________________________ _______________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________ Top Applications in the Cloud _____________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________ Google Drive Google Voice _____________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________ “We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence, therefore, is not an act but a habit.” ~ Aristotle 1532 Charter Oaks Circle Sandy, UT 84093 USA (801) 410-0466 ▪ (775) 254-2424 fax Presented by Verl Workman Notes Resources and Web Links www.Obeo,com A BOUT P INNACLE Q UEST C ONSULTING G ROUP T he P i n na cl e Q u es t Co n s ul ti n g Gr o up a ss i st s i n d i vid ua l s a nd co mp an ie s i n b ui ld i n g e f f ect i ve b u si n e ss s tr a te g ie s, i mp le me n t i n g p o wer f ul tec h n o lo g y so l ut io n s, a nd e st ab l i s hi n g s tra te gi c co mp et it i ve ad v a nt a ge s t h ro u g h co ac h i n g, se mi n ar s a nd p ri v a te co n s u lt at io ns . T he P Q tea m i s p as s io na te ab o u t r eal e st ate te c h no lo gie s, s al es a nd tea m wo r k a nd b r i n g nea r l y 4 0 ye ar s o f c o mb i n e d tea m e xp e rie n ce to he lp t hei r c lie n t s a c hi e v e t he ir o b j ec ti v e s… a nd b e yo nd . 1532 Charter Oaks Circle Sandy, UT 84093 USA (801) 410-0466 ▪ (775) 254-2424 fax Special Offer available only to today’s event attendees! Get started now for just $199! . . . and then just $199 a month for five months. Pinnacle Quest is offering a special program for agents & brokers who attended today’s presentation. Now you can get started in Verl Workman’s “Getting REAL Results in an eCrazy World” group coaching program for just $199 down and then just $199 a month* for five months thereafter! By joining our coaching program today, you’ll receive the following value-added bonus items, valued at over $1,300, absolutely FREE!* • Dave Beson LetterWriter Series, which includes LetterWriter, LetterWriter Plus and eLetterWriter (Retail Value: $297)* Please select your CRM (or select MSWord if the others don’t apply to you): RealtyJuggler • • • • • Top Producer Agent Office Respond MSWord eOmni Terri Murphy’s Pre-Listing Package (Retail Value: $149) Obeo HomeSite with StyleDesigner (Retail Value: $149) Access to recordings of all 10 coaching sessions (Retail Value: $497) Four additional high-impact recorded seminars with Verl Workman (Retail Value: $396) PQ Bounce Back Pass (Retail Value: Priceless!) Name _____________________________________ Company Name ___________________________________ Cell Phone ______________________ Office Phone ______________________ Fax ______________________ Street Address__________________________________ E-mail Address ________________________________ City _________________________________________________ State _________ Zip ____________________ Please charge my credit card: q $199 plus five monthly payments* of $199 -or- q $997 for payment in full Credit Card Number _________________________________________ Exp Date __________CVV Code____ ____ q American Express q Visa q MasterCard q Discover Signature ____________________________________________________ Order Date _____________________ The “Getting REAL Results in an eCrazy World” group tele-coaching program is backed by Verl Workman's personal, 100% Iron-clad, Money-back Guarantee. Once you have attended all of the sessions and completed all the assignments, if you are not completely satisfied, we will refund every penny of your investment in coaching. * Your first monthly payment will be processed thirty days after your initial deposit is processed and subsequent payments will be processed every 30 days thereafter. Your Special Bonus items, including Dave Beson LetterWriter Series, which is a digital download, will be sent to you once the required five monthly payments have been paid. Or, pay $997 upfront and save an additional $197, PLUS we’ll send all of your bonus items to you immediately. For office use only: Sales Rep:__________________________ Event Name:________________________________________________ Square? q 1532 Charter Oaks Circle • Salt Lake City, UT 84093 • O: 801-410-0466 • F: 775-254-2424 • www.VerlW