Luminox_company profile_new.compressed
Luminox_company profile_new.compressed
Luminox Bright Ideas Company Profile LED LIGHTING German technology Luminox Bright Ideas 1.CompanyOverview a)OurHeritage b)CompanyVision&Mission c)OurMotto d)OurStrength e)GroupOfCompanies 2.WhyUs TABLE OF CONTENT a)QualitySystemManagement b)Continuous Improvement c)SaveEnvironment 3.Products a) IntroductiontoLED b) Saving InLED c) ProductRange 4.OurAssociates a)OurEsteemedCustomers 5.ComparisonChart a)ComparisonChart 6.OurOrganisation a)OurOrganisation Luminox LED| Luminox Bright Ideas Sarvo since 1990 is committed to develop and supply products for a Green Planet. Today Sarvo Group provides wide solutions in water, Solar and Lighting fields. OUR HERITAGE Sarvo celebrated its Silver Jubilee in 2015 and as a part of a growing Rs. 1000 crore group, endeavors to serve its customers with innovative solutions for a better tomorrow. WEHELPYOUTOKEEP SAVINGENERGY… Luminox LED| Luminox Bright Ideas OUR VISION OUR MISSION To become Leader in proving and delivering energy saving and environment friendly products. To achieve our objectives in an environment of safety, fairness, honesty and courtesy towards our clients, employees, vendor & society at large. Luminox LED| Luminox Bright Ideas OUR MOTTO Luminox mottois toadhere HIGHEST QUALITYof Products,Prompt Deliveryand Reliability Luminox LED| Luminox Bright Ideas OUR STRENGTH We have powerful engineering technical strength and excellent quality management, with professional brand operation and advanced manufacturing facilities. The products gain popularity by the market with low energy consumption and environment protection. At present, we have four series of products in office lighting, commercial lighting, home lighting and outdoor lighting, which includes like down lamps, grille spot lamps, T5 and T8 tubes & fixtures' ceiling lamps, LED spot lamps, Flush mounted ceiling lamps, track lamps, electronic transformers, Meeting various needs of different customers. Through the efforts with the spirits of “ Keeping Enterprise Ahead “ and “ Keeping Innovation “ , Luminox LED has got some certificates about “CCC” , “CE” and The quality of the brand and outstanding enterprises are issued by the government. Based on our operating principle: to satisfy the greatest extent of our consumer’s needs; keep quality assurance, for common development. We always work for improving the brand competitiveness and providing customers with high quality products, perfecting the professional service for before-sale, in- sale. As a result of our high quality products and outstanding customer service, we have gained a national sales market. While we provide firstclass lighting products and set up first-class lighting products and set up first-class brand, also pay more attention to the interests of customers and worldwide environment protection. Luminox LED will do our best to make positive contributions in the development of lighting industry. Luminox LED| Luminox Bright Ideas INDOAUTOTECHLIMITED:Leading ManufacturerandOEMsupplierof autocomponents toMaruti,Honda, Yamahaetc. SARVO:WaterManagementand TreatmentSolutions. GROUP COMPANIES SHINEGUARD:OEMsupplierofAuto careproductstoMaruti,JCBand retail. DIVYAMKNITWEARSLTD: ManufacturerandExporterof SportsweartoEU,USAandAustralia TEHNOSPRING:OEMsupplierof Widerangeofspringsto Automotive,whitegoods and Electricalindustry. Luminox LED| Luminox Bright Ideas QualitySystem Management OurQualitySystemManagementhas beenawardedISO9001:2008Certified Company. Why US? Luminox follows strictQualityControl Assuranceprocedureandhaveproven technologyandexpertisetomeet standardsupto entirecustomer satisfaction. Atthesametimewehavetakenbold stepstowardsourgoalofZeroDefect Policy.Ourexperienced professionals aresellversedinthetechnicaland commercialprocedures tomeetthe challengesinthedomesticandglobal market. Luminox LED| Luminox Bright Ideas WEARECOMMITTEDTO CONTINUOUSIMPROVEMENT OFTEAMS,SYSTEMS& TECHNOLOGIES CONTINUOUS IMPROVEMENT INNOVATIVECONCEPTS Luminox commits tocontinuous improvementofitsteams, systemand technologies. Wetryandachieve thisby: • Engaging in newer ideas and methodologies to enrich our process. LATESTTECHNOLOGY • STRUCTURED PROCESS Revising our policies and protocols for enhanced efficiency in our work flow and systems. EFFICIENTSYSTEM • Applying the latest technologies to simplify the functioning. • Having a structure process that enables us to listen to and incorporate team and customer feedback. Luminox LED| Luminox Bright Ideas SAVE Environment Taking care of the Environment is a responsibility that everyone should feel accountable for. Most of us are already aware of environmentally friendly processes such as recycling to minimise the amount of waste we produce and reduce our carbon footprint. However, a lot of people are unaware of new and upcoming technologies that we can use to help reduce carbon emissions. A good example of this is LED lighting, which provides many environmental advantages. LED lights are up to 80% more efficient than traditional lighting such as fluorescent and incandescent lights. 95% of the energy in LEDs is converted into light and only 5% is wasted as heat. This is compared to fluorescent lights which convert 95% of energy to heat and only 5% into light! LED lights also draw much less power than traditional lighting; a typical 84 watt fluorescent can be replaced by a 36 watt LED to give the same level of light. Less energy use reduces the demand from power plants and decreases greenhouse gas emissions. Luminox LED| Luminox Bright Ideas WhatisLEDTechnology ? LED Stands for Light Emitting Diode. It is a semiconductor device that emits light when a current is passed through it. LED technology is constantly evolving and found in a wide range of products in our everyday life. Typical applications over the years have been house hold appliances, telecommunications, signal technologies and indica tor devices, more recently white LED’s have allowe d the technology to be come a very efficient m odern light source. The development of White LED te chnology progresses at a rapid pace, the efficiency is constantly improving, quality of the light and colour of light also cons tantly im prove. Conseque ntly new applications for LED Lighting open up on a daily basis. INTRODUCTION TO LED LIGHT TypeofLEDTechnology Therearetwomajorelectrical components within aLED luminaire. 1. LEDLightEngine 2. Driver LEDLightEnginesareavailable inanumberofdifferent packages,weusethefollowing in ourLEDluminaires 1. SMDLEDPackages • SMDStandsforSurfaceMountedDevice, itisaverysmallLEDpackagethatis soldered andmounted directlytoaPCB (Printed Circuit Board).Thismakesthe technologyidealforedgelighting LED panelsandfortheLEDTubes.Weutilisea largenumberofsmallLED’stoensure uniformity oflight, withnolighthot (bright) spots. 2. COBLEDPackages • COBStandsforChip OnBoard, these compacthighfluxdensitylightsources deliveruniform highqualityillumination without pixilation orthemultipleshadow effectcausedbyLEDcomponent based solutions, enablingboth diffusedand directional lampreplacements forawide rangeofapplications. Luminox LED| Luminox Bright Ideas BenefitsofLEDLighting • LEDLightingSystemsprovidesignificant savings,typicallytheenergyreductionon a lightingcircuitcanexceed50% • LEDlightinghasanaveragelifespanof 50,000 hours withminimalLumen Depreciation.Thismeanstheoutput ofthe LEDdoesnot deterioratewithtime. Thereforegivingamaintenancefreelighting systemandheavilyreduced maintenance INTRODUCTION TO LED LIGHT andre-lampingcosts. • LEDLightingprovidesinstantfulloutput light,unlikefluorescentandDischarge lightingthattakestimeto“warm”uptofull lightoutput • LEDTechnology isnotsusceptibleto switchingcyclesanddoes notdeteriorate whenswitchedconstantly. • Thisabove twokey pointsmeanthatthe LEDLightingistheperfecttechnologytobe usedinconjunction withlightingcontrols. Luminox LED| Luminox Bright Ideas BEFORE SAVING IN LED LIGHT(OFFICE LIGHT) AFTER 1 Present Light Watt (36w x 2) + 24w Choke 96 2 New LED Panel Light (36W) 36 3 Lux Level increase (%) 25% 4 Wattage Save Per Light 60 5 Hour Used Per Day 12 6 Number of Light 200 7 Saving In KWH 144 8 Saving Per Month @ Rs. 8.50/- 31824 9 Annual Saving (Rs.) 381888 Luminox LED| Luminox Bright Ideas BEFORE SAVING IN LED LIGHT (INSPECTION TABLE & SHOP FLOOR) AFTER 1 Present Light Watt (36w x 1) +12w chowk 48 2 New LED Light Watt (T8 18W 4Feet) 18 3 Lux Level increase (%) 25% 4 Wattage Save Per Light 30 5 Hour Used Per Day 20 6 Number of Light 200 7 Saving In KWH 120 8 Saving Per Month @ Rs. 8.50/- 26520 9 Annual Saving (Rs.) 318240 Luminox LED| Luminox Bright Ideas • • • • PRODUCT RANGE • • • • • • • • • • • • CLASSICSTANDARDLED BULBS ULTRASLIMLED DOWNLIGHTS SURFACEMOUNTEDLED PANELS TWIN-COLOURSLIMLED DOWNLIGHTS STANDARDOFFICELED PANELS T5/T8LEDTUBELIGHTS LEDBAYLIGHTS LEDHIGHBAYLIGHTS LEDSTREETLIGHTS GARDENLEDLIGHT PRODUCTS CABINETLEDLIGHTS LEDSTRIP TheNewCOBDOWNLIGHT SERIES TheNewCOBDOWNLIGHT SERIES DOWNLIGHTLEDSERIES ELEGANCIASERIES DECORATIVELIGHTS Luminox LED| Luminox Bright Ideas OUR ESTEEMED CUSTOMERS Luminox LED| Luminox Bright Ideas ComparisonChart:LEDVSFLT/CFL Lights EnergyEfficiency&Energycosts LifeSpan(average) INPUTWattsofelectricity used LightOutput inlumens LED LightEmitting Diodes(LEDs) 50,000hours 20Watts 1800Lumen Fluorescent Fluorescents TubeLights(FTLs) 8,000hours 50Watts 1800Lumen Powerunits fordaily12hours and 25Days(Unitformonth (KWHr)= WattxHours xdays) 6units permonth 15unitspermonth AnnualElectricity Cost (Unit rate@10Rs(Hydal+ Generator)) Rs720 Rs1800 AnnualRepaircostforstarter choke tube Annualcost AnnualSavings CostofLEDTUBE CostRecovered in Rs0 Rs200 Rs720 Rs1280 Rs1000 9.3Months Rs2000 Environmental Impact LightEmittingDiodes(LEDs) Fluorescents TubeLights(FTLs) Contains theTOXICMercury No Yes- Mercuryisverytoxic toyourhealth andtheenvironment Carbon DioxideEmissionsfor10 tubes 200Kg/year 475Kg/year Lowerenergyconsumptiondecreases:CO2emissions,sulfur oxide,andhigh-levelnuclear waste. Important Facts LightEmittingDiodes(LEDs) Fluorescents TubeLights(FTLs) UVRayemission Nil Sensitivitytolowtemperatures None Sensitivetohumidity On/offCycling Turnsoninstantly HeatEmitted No NoEffect Yes VeryDurable- LEDscanhandlejarring and bumping 1watt Minute Yes- maynotworkundernegative10*Cor over50*C Yes Yes- canreducelifespandrastically No- takestimetowarmup FailureModes Nottypical Durability NotVeryDurable - glasscanbreakeasily 10watts Yes- maycatchonfire,smoke,oromitan odor Luminox Bright Ideas BranchOffice Add.:316,Sector-24,Faridabad, Haryana-121005INDIA Tel:+911294022333+911294022333 REACH US DelhiOffice X-32, Okhla IndustrialAreaPhase-II, NewDelhi- 110020. Mobile:+91- 9953599432 GurgaonOffice Add.:2007,Sector-45,Gurgaon, Haryana-122003INDIA Mobile.:+919811211859 ,Website: Luminox LED|