Better Homes and Gardens
Better Homes and Gardens
i,l S c B GC .,-{.r--.-, r,--\a At iL LLjtjt 4:.n i 3 ; MAK€*LFERS HOUSECALLSzlzrn Steplzen Sahzt-Onge Elegant TLtrn Inthisemptyliving room,contributing editorSteohen SaintOngesawa diamond in the rough.A coolnew colorscheme, classic furniture, andglam accessories givethe polish. sPace BYJOANNASMITH PHOTOSKELLER+ KELLER dl|F**'.#ff@ the vacantstart... the plan of attack... the full finale! ! Furnitureselectionincomplete r Empty room seemscavernous r Palewallcolor is uninspired r Paintgreenwallsblue r Rearrange andaddto furniture r Softenwood floors with a sisalruq r Newwood furniturebringswarmth r Metallicshimmeraddsdepth r Silkdrapesandshadesfilter naturallight HOMESAND 66 IUIYzoogBETTER GARDENS MA K E GV E R S Posh and polished "rhisis not your standard,boring formal living room," saysStephenof the high-style space.Before,the room was bare and lackeda styledirection."The homeowners made great furniture choices-the sofa and chair-butwere hesitant to take the room to the next level," he says.Stephenpainted the walls steelyblue,dressedthe windows in tailoredRomanshadesand silk window panels,and added wood furniture for warmth. Faux crystal lamps and a metallic framed mirror provide an affordable dose of glamour. "There's sparkle throughout the room"'he says' conttnueo on page 7t 68 IUTYzooS BETTERHOMESANDGARDENS HANGTIME Thesesilkdrapes maylook pricey,but Stephenboughtthem for lessthan $4o apiece.Theyrejust longenoughfor a small puddleof fubricto form at the bottom. Drapes, FU'RAL DONE NrcHT Stephenaddeda chairand ottoman slipcoveredin a subtleyellowfloral to add'trown-up sophistication" to the livingroom.Chairand ottoman, FEELINGBLUE "Bluepaintcanfeel cold,but this shade doesn't,"Stephensays. "And it coveredthe wholewallin one Moore, coat!"Benlamin JamestownBlue, STEPHEI{5 FABRIC FORIIULA Thetracesof bluein the sofuandchair upholsteryinspiredStephen'spalette. The softyellowfloralbuildson the neutralplatformandaddsa large-scale patternto counterthe smallones. w ILLUMINATING "Theroom hasa little Ai| ^f -1, u^11,,,,,^^i sNlP tn if " Stenhen >dy), L rdr/r > LU Lrrc lampbase stacked-ball TAKE A SHINE (i vpr nirf r rrp frrmp< makeanelegant qtaitrmcnt qtenhtrn suggests mixing differentsizesfor a vanectooK. "I wanted to introclucea strongvisual contrast to the blLrecolor rrndsoft ftbrics," Stephensavs.Sohe brought in r.vood tonesin additionalfurniture.The mix of classicpiecesshrrrea c1:rrk finisl-r,echoingtl-remahogan-usofa legs."You can mix and match d i f f e r e r rst n l e so f w o o di n a r o o m . Just be sureall the furniture share simple,cleanlines,"Stephensays. "Yotr'lIget a built-over-tilnefeeling." For a different look, he recommencls sw-irpping the h:rrdbackchairsfor upholsteredslipperchairsor it chaiselounge.0 Rtr buviit,g ittlttntrutiott .seayLge l8li. B H G. ccc','sie r h€ n a1. ke'-tYf;i's BETTER H O f u l EA 5 N DG A R D E N S 71 de@ SOMEPRODUCTS SHOWN EDITORIALLY IN BETIER AND GARDENS'MAGAZINE CANBEOBTAINED LOCALI FORMOREINFORMATION DEALER LOCATIONS, CONTACT MANUFACTURERS LISTED. INDEPENDENCE PLAY PagesU-22: ReginaCharboneau-Regina's Table at Twin Oaks;888/846-6556; Pate r7: cones, Galvanized box-IKEA; for retail locations;800/434-4532;ikea. com (all items do not appear on Web site). Page18:apron, "cookie" trays-Dick's Restaurant Supply; 8oo 1294-7598; Papers on hot dogs-Cash and Carry Warehouse; sticks-World Markeq 8oo/267-8758; (products vary by location). Condiment bowls-Crate & Barrel; 8ool967-6696t (product line varies).Galvanizedtray-IKEA (see previous). Page zo: glass dish, marker in orange-IKEA (see previous).Drinkingglasses-World Nilarket(see previous). Cake stand-Martha Stewart N4acys; 8ool289-6229t plates, galvanizedcontainers,table runner-IKEA (see -37T; previous). Labels-Paper Source; 8881727 Food bagsfor chips-Packing 5 pecialty Stores; 20 61762-054c. Page22: pie plate-IKEA (see previous). OUTSIDE-INRUGS Pageu8: wall color (Daffodil #69oi)-SherwinWilliams; White bench-Pottery Barnt 8881n 9-5i76; potterybarn. com. Storage bins, "Sweet PeaStorage Boxes"Hable Constructiont 2i4228-5942i'ha6leconstruction. com. Umbrella stand, "Marianna"-Ballard Designs; 8o o fi67 -zV 5; ballard d m. SOME LIKEIT WHITE Pages39-4.S location finder-Santa Barbara Location Seruices;8oy565{562; Page39: plants, containers, glass orb-Rolling Green t',tursery;3to/559-8656;rollinggreennurserycom. Potted boxwoods-botanik; 8o5i565-383r. Page4o: pillar holder-West Elm;866/937-8356; (see previous). Page 42: bowl, Victoria Hagen-Target Stores; Fern, porcelain cylinder, cawed tray-Rolling GreenNursery(see previous). Lacqueredoval boxes-West Elm (seeprevious). Classic stripe pillow-Pottery Barn; 888lnq-17 6;'Tang" pillow-Z Gallerie; Yellowsilk pillow-John Robshaw; ztzl594-6oo6; Page4.S fern container, white washed bowl-Rolling Green Nursery (see previous).Vase-botanik (see previous)."Kameki" rattan stool-Pier r lmports; 80 oI 447- 437i I m. A PLACEIN THE SUN Page58: all items-antique, discontinued,or ner<nn:l hplnnoino Page 6o: fubric for sofu & chair, Carnival (Cornflower)-Calico Corners; 8oo/2r3-6366; (product line varies). All other items-antique, discontinued,or personalbelonging Fage 6z: ceramic lamp, "Rise and Fall"-Marston & Langinger,1r7Mercer St., New York, NY 1oot2; z t4 965-o 434 marston-and-langingencom. I88 IUTYzoog BETTERHOMESAND GARD€NS ELEGANT TURN Pages66-71:designer-StephenSaint-Onge; Painter-Topcoat Finishes; topcoatf FurniturecoordinatorDeForgeBrothers; Page68: sofu,#18t192,loungechair, com. Round side table, #o333o24-Butler SpecialtyCo.; Silk drapes,rods-Linens'n Things;for a retail location; 866i568-2378; (products vary by location).Sisalrug mirror-The ChristmasTree Shops; 888/287-3232; for retail locations; "Lyon" cocktailtable, #r8U-Harden Furniture;315/245rooo;, Page71:throw pillows,silk drapes,rods-Linens'n Things(seeprevious).Romanshades-Bed Bath& Beyond;800/462-3966; (product line varies). Mirror, clear glass lamps, shades, baskets,sisal rug artwork-The Christmas Tree Shops (see previous). Sofa, #r8y'r92-Hallagan Mfg Co. (see previous). Paint, "Jamestown Blue," from the Aura collection-Benjamin Moore & Co.;for a retail location: fforal slipcovered chair, ottoman-C.R. Laine (to the trade);"Lyon" cocktail ta6le, #1817, sideboard-Harden Furniture (see previous). Wooden chair, #AT57ooWS FanbackSide ChairAmesbury ChaiG8oo/892-o678; INSTANTOASIS Pages75-81: Better Homes and Gardens Westhaven Canopy gazebo, Better Homes and Gardens Bali lsland 4-piece conveEation set furniture-Walmart stores nationwide;for locations call 8oo/88r-9r80 or go to;to place an order go to Red 6tagare, blue ceramic stools, tableware-Pier 1 lmportsi Sool 447-437r; Vineyard'all-weather area rug (lerra Cotta/ Natural)-_Home Decorators Collection;8Vl5y-8539;'French Quarted chandelierHomArt; 888/346-6278; Small wire and wicker table-Home lnteriors; 'Cabana Stripe' by Sunbrella fubric-Calico Corners; 8oo I 28-6366; HIS,HER5,THEIRS Pages82-88: landscape architect-Cynthia Cash, 5424 Newport St.,Baton Rouge,LA 708o8:zz5h66r7o3. Landscape installation/maintenance*Landry's Landscape,lnc.; 22y75u-9r7; Garden furniture and cushions-Restoration Hardware;8oo/9ro-9836; Lanterns-Yacht BasinOutdoor Lantern,Copper Lantern Co.,LagniappeLighting 5o4/834-o85o; FLORALFIREWORKS Pagesl01-1o4 angelonia,verbena suter4 lobeliaProven Winners;,zonal geranium,salvia-SimplyBeautiful; Pentas,vinc4 dwarf umbrella palm-at garden centers nationwide. Tasmanian Tiger Spurge'-Bluestone Perennials; 8oo/852-5:43; Dwarf umbrella; Galvanizedcontainers-hardware or craft stores.Sap buckets-antique stores or auction Web sites. BEAUTY Pagesri4-116: Neutrogena Ultra-sheer Dry-Touch Sunblock SPF85, Neutrogena Fresh Cooling Body Mist Sunblock-mass market retailersnationwide; Continuous Protection Sunblock Spray SPF7q Aveeno Continuous Protection Sunblock for Face SPF7o-mass market retailers nationwide; Tropic Sunscreen SPF8o-mass mark€tretailers Boat Sport ScalpSpray-massmarketretailers Effects Active ContinuousSpraySPF45-CVS Pharmacy stores;866I428-TJ27 t; Pagerr8:LubridermDaityMoistureSPF15Lotionmassmarketretailers nationwide; Avon AnewDial-A-Glow Anti-Aging Moisturizer SPF15Avonrepresentatives; MissionProduct skincareline-specialtystores;missionproducLcom. SUMMER'S PARADISE Pagerz8-r1: landscape designer-EricGalloway, Hinsdale Nurseries, Rd., T2ooS.l\,ladison Willowbrook, lL 60527:63obz3-r4n; PLAY SQUEEZE Pagesr3z-r37landscape design& constructionEricFenmore, FrontPorchCr€ations,38oo East CoastHwy.,SuiteC,CoronaDelNlar,CA92625; <45otJrontporchc 949I 673Pagesr3z-r3: all items-antique,discontinued, or personal belonging Pagesr34-r35:wire basketon counterwith oranges andlimes-Crate& Barrelt8ool967-6696i (productlinevaries).Orange throw on sofu,"RichardNixon"-JonathanAdler; 8VI 287-t9to; jonathanad Pagesr36-137: greenembroiderednapkinson table-Anthropologie; for a catalogor to placean order;8oo[o9-u5oo;'x,' yellowreversiblethrow-JonathanAdler benches, (seeprevious). Greenenameltray-Crate & Barrel (seeprevious). GREATLAKEESCAPE Pagesr38-r43:architect-FredWilson,AlA,Robert Zuber,projectmanager, andMethiasMortenson, l\,lorgante-Wilson ArchitectsLTD,2834CentralSt., Evanston, lL 60201; 847h3z-tool morgantewilson. com.Builder-BertucaRRContractoE,r93N.Paw PawSt.,Coloma,lvll49q8;2691468-5667. Landscaper-Harbert MarketandGardenCenter; 2691 4693c8c; Pages138-139: exteriorpaint(Yellow)-Benjamin tvloore; 888/236-5562 Windows-MarvinWindows& Doors;8881537-8268i Topiaries, watermelon,nuts-Sawyer GardenCentet: 269| 426-881 o; sawyergardenc€nter. com.Allotheritems-antique, discontinued, or personalbelonging Pager4o-r4r: (r) sohs-Crate & Barrel;8oo1967(productlinevaries). 6696; Coffeetable,wire basket-MarcoPolo 26914696272.Floorlamp-Anne GrubbInteriors,Winn€tka, lllinois.(2) Cupboardhardware-Restoration Hardware; for moreinformation;8oot62ioo5; Sink,fuucet-Kohler Co.; 8oo/456-4537; Toaster-WilliamsSonoma; 8oo/54r-2233; G) All items-antique, discontinued, or a personal belonging. Hanginglightfixture-Anne Grubb lnteriors:Winnetka.lllinois.Tablecover-Lovell& Whyte;2691 Sunflowers-N,'!useum of 469-5900. Contemporary Art FarmersMarket,Chicago(held Tuesdays, June10throughOctober28,9 amto 5 pm); Chairs-Furnitureby Lloyd Loom:7781865-2585; Pagesr4z-r43:sink-KohlerCo.(seeprevious). Countertop-TileWe(ks;841432-0697; tilewerks. com.Throw-Judith RachtGallery; 2691 469-to8o. Pillows-Pomegranate HomeCollection: 269| 469444. Chair-Lovell&Whyte(seeprevious). Bedding-TheLandof Nod;8oo/933-99o4
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