- Central Oklahoma - Mercedes
- Central Oklahoma - Mercedes
Central oklahoma section of the Sooner Star News april - may 2013 mercedes-benz club of america The newsletter is sponsored by Mercedes-Benz of Oklahoma City and G W & Son Auto Body. President’s Message Spring has sprung, at least my flowering trees think so as they have bloomed and are pushing out green leaf tips. This usually means I remove the hardtop on the SL and ride around enjoying warm sunshine in short sleeves. But not so fast, Mother Nature has blasted more cold air upon us and so the hardtop has not yet been propped up in the corner of the garage until next winter. Nice weather will be back and it is time to start getting the non-daily driver out and ready to roll. Especially since the MercedesBenz & Jaguar May Concours and Car Show is rapidly approaching. Some thoughts on the annual show follow. Your car must be in perfect condition to enter and join those of us who do enter. NO! The scale to determine value of vehicles is: #1 Excellent, #2 Fine, #3 Very Good, #4 Good, #5 Restorable, #6 Parts car. Guess what - most of the vehicles seen at car shows are #3’s. These cars may show wear and use and are nei- ther perfect nor flawless. You may see an occasional #1 or a few #2’s and even some # 4’s - all are welcome. There is no good reason not to join in the show but plenty of positive results with participation. The idea is to display your vehicle and let others enjoy seeing various years, models, and features, while knowing your entry and participation will benefit a worthwhile charity. It’s a great day in the park with food, drinks, and time to sit and talk to fellow members, friends, and those interested in the vehicles that bring us together. Can’t stay all day or your car refuses to budge on the morning of May 11, then stop by during the day, have lunch, see the cars, and plan on returning for the evening dinner at the MB showroom. After the meal there will be silent and live auctions for charity as well as awards for the Car Show. One last thought. There is a tremendous amount of auto knowledge present at this May event. This is a good time to sit and talk to your fel- low MB Club members about things relating to your vehicle and to talk to the Jaguar Club members to learn what makes a cat car purr. 2013 Events Calendar APRIL SATURDAY DRIVES April 6th: Cars & Coffee at the SW corner of Memorial Central Oklahoma Section - Visit our website at: http:www.mbca-okc.org & Penn. From 8:00 to 11:00am, gather with folks from All Club meetings start at 7:00 P.M. other area Car Clubs to show off and talk about their April 6th, First Saturday favorites. j & Coffee (Penn & Memorial) 8 to 11:00 Cars April 16thSanta Fe Cattle Company 732-0200 7101 SE 29th St., MWC April 20th Driving Event to Woolaroc For those who stay for Lunch, we’ll meet friends from the Club’s Eastern Oklahoma Section at Earl’s Rib Palace in Edmond. May 4th McPherson, KS College “Car Show” May 11th Jaguar/Mercedes Car Show May meeting cancelled May 18-- 21st StarTech April 20th: We meet at the Cracker Barrel at NE 122nd & I-35 at 8:30am for a drive up to Woolaroc Museum & Wildlife Preserve and later, for a tour of the Frank Phillip’s Home in Bartlesville. Woolaroc has picnic facilities for lunch and after the Museum tour, we’ll take a short June 18thIngrid’s Kitchen Restaurant drive on up to Bartlesville. The Phillips Petroleum Com946-8444 3701 N. Youngs Central Oklahoma Section - Visit pany Our Website MuseumAt: in Http:// town will also be open for us to visit. Jun 21-23 W107 Tech Sessions www.mbca-okc.org They are all expecting us and discounted prices have 943-3852 (at Hammer & Dolly) been arranged. We’ll take a scenic drive up on Highways 33 and 99 and a faster drive home via US 75 to July 16th Johnny Carinos Restaurant Tulsa and onto the Turner Turnpike. 350-0756 1608 Garth Brook’s Blvd, Yukon August 17th Saturday Drive ? Sept 28-Oct 4Lake Erie Tour Dec.17th Petroleum Club Christmas Party Maps and tour times will be available at our April Dinner Meeting on Tuesday, the 16th or by contacting Ed Hoag at 405-341-3578 or edhoag@cox.net Urgent--See page 7 about emails. Please send your email address to mfwilliams3@att.net. Website address: The Central Oklahoma Website address is: http://centralok.mbca.org/ Jeff Leatherock AMERICAN NATIONAL Office: 943-5657943-5657 COLLISION REPAIR & REFINISHING M.R. “BUD” NORMAN FOR FINE AUTOMOBILES 904 N. Miller - OKC, OK 73107 Fax: 943-3852 AUTO - HOME - LIFE - HEALTH 1000 W. WILSHIRE BLVD. SUITE 207 OKLAHOMA CITY, OK 73116-7031 2 BUS. PHONE: 405-848-3393 HOME: 405-842-6780 3 Central Oklahoma Section - Visit our website at: http:www.mbca-okc.org j Central Oklahoma Section - Visit Our Website At: Http:// www.mbca-okc.org 4 Sooner Star News Houston Henkes Owner The Sooner Star News is published bi-monthlybythe Mercedes-Benz Club ofAmerica, CentralOklahomaSection, Inc., as abenefit of MBCAmembership.Subscriptionsfornon-membersarenotavailable.Ratesforadvertising are available from the president, whose address and phone number are on the back cover.The editor reserves the rightto editallsubmitted material. Copy deadline is the 25th of the month for the next month’s issue. Phyllis Henkes Owner 722-1USA Permissiontoreprintanyoriginalarticleisherebyexpresslygrantedtoother MBCAsections.OpinionsexpressedarethoseoftheauthorsandnotnecessarilythoseofeitherMBCAortheCentralOklahomaSection.NeitherMBCAor theCentralOklahomaSectionsendorsesproductsorservices,butmay,asa partofourinformationalactivities,allowthemtobecitedinarticlesandnotices. 5708 N.W. Expressway - Okla. City, OK 73132 Thetradenamesandtrademarks“Mercedes-Benz,”“Mercedes,”andthethreepointedstarinacircle,areownedbyDBAGandareauthorizedforusebyits licenseeswhichincludeMBCA,exclusively.Itisnowpossibletoreceivenewslettersfromadditionalsectionsfor$15.00persection.Membershipintheadditionalsection(s)mustrunconcurrentwiththemembers’existingmembershipexpirationdate.ContacttheNationalBusinessOfficeforadditionalinformation. Asthenewslettereditor,Iwelcomeanyarticlesorsuggestionsforarticlesthatyou mighthave.Classifiedadsarefreetomembers,sotakeadvantage!Ifyouhaveacontributionforanupcomingnewsletter,pleasesubmittomebythe25thofeachmonth. Contact person: mfwilliams3@att.net, or snail-mail at Mary Williams, 916 NW 19th, Oklahoma City, OK 73106 or call me at: 405-525-0633 5 McPherson College Auto Show On Saturday May 4, 2013, the McPherson College Auto Restoration students will be sponsoring the 14th Annual C.A.R.S. (College Auto Restoration Students) Club Car Show on the grounds of McPherson College. The students work all year planning and soliciting donations and sponsors for the event. In recent years Mercedes-Benz Classic Center in Irvine California brought many interesting vehicles to the event. In support of past student’s shows, MBCA Sections and Members have made terrific showings at this event. Along with our Section, Club Members come from Eastern Oklahoma, Texas, Colorado, Wichita and Kansas City. Located 50 miles north of Wichita, McPherson, Kansas is not in a densely populated part of the country. That makes it enjoyable to drive up to the school, attend the Car Show and return to Central Oklahoma, all in one day. Or if you prefer not to be as hurried, a Holiday Inn Express and a Best Western are located a few blocks from the College in McPherson. This is an invitation to our Members and friends to attend and help our Section make another good showing at this annual event. Details of the May 4th drive and more information on the Show will be covered at our April 16th Dinner Meeting or by contacting me at 405-341-3578 or edhoag@cox.net. For more information on McPherson and the Auto Restoration Program, go to www.mcpherson.edu. Ed Hoag Welcome our new Members at the next meeting! Please patronize our supporters! I would like to thank Mercedes Benz of Oklahoma City and GW & Son Auto Body new members Shop for sponsoring our newsletter. They help offset the cost of publication and mailing of Carolyn Johnson – OKC our newsletter. We appreciate all of our adver- Jerry Schoenhals – Shattuck tisers who have supported our Club for many Jennifer Sudduth – OkC years--our Club would not be a success with- Belinda Cross – OKC out ALL of you. — THE EDITOR Welcome to Classified Advertising cENTRAL OKLAHOMA Section NEW--FOR SALE: 1990 560 SEC(Coupe) Pearl Black-Gray Leather. Everything works, carefully maintained, all service records. Nice body and excellent mechanicals. 183K miles $11500.00 Reliable, daily driver. Ted Riseling 918-527-2236 or tedriseling@sbcglobal.net Please send your email address to mfwilliams3@att.net. CHANGE For Sale--1983 500SEC AMG Dark blue on dark blue. Beautiful, great body and paint. No rust that I can find. Few upholstery problems. Wood faded some. Engine……I don’t know. Had jumped timing once. Good A/C and climate control. E-mail for more details and pictures. $2,000 as is. The more I fix it, the more it’ll cost. Mary ls getting tired of it blocking the drive! Your Email Address Is Needed! WHY OUR CLUB NEEDS YOUR EMAIL ADDRESS: Make a serious and reasonable offer, and it’s yours. Pete Williams, hwilliamsjr2@att.net We send you monthly reminders of upcoming Meetings and Events. That is all we use it for. We respect your privacy. NEW--FOR SALE: 1979 300D Body & new paint to original color, excellent. Original Palomino MB Tex interior, dash, very good, wood trim excellent. New AC compressor 134. Only 60k on rebuilt engine. Trans is shifting perfectly. Car drove from Portland Oregon to Tulsa and performed flawlessly. Joe Connors (918) 812-4117 or conrs1@Att.net We use a service from Constant Contact to do the “mailings”, but the only information they have is your Email address and first name. We respect your privacy. 7 Since our Newsletter is published bi-monthly, Emails are the only way to be up to date on Club activities. If you are not receiving these monthly reminders and wish to stay in touch, please Email your “address” to me. Our Mission: Rebuilding lives and neighborhoods…making homes safe, warm, Central Oklahoma Section - Visit our websiteand at: dry. http:www.mbca-okc.org j Our Vision: Bringing volunteers and communities together to improve the homes and lives of low-income, elderly homeowners in the Oklahoma City metro area. Formerly Christmas in April, the 501(c)(3) non-profit organization started working in Oklahoma City in 1992. What began as and still includes a blitz Work Day with 2,500 volunteers in the spring has evolved into a year-round program that includes emergency repairs and home modifications. That first year, we worked at 19 homes. Last year we celebrated our 20th Annual Work Day and, with the addition of year-round projects, were able to touch the lives of 347 individuals at 236 homes in our community. We received a total of 642 applicationsCentral (up fromOklahoma 425 the previous and ended with At: 61 Http:// on Sectionyear) - Visit Our Website our waiting list. Since 1992, we have worked at over 1,830 homes. www.mbca-okc.org Rebuilding Together OKC makes repairs that allow lowincome, senior homeowners to stay in their homes and keep safe, warm and dry. There is no cost to the client thanks to our many volunteers and donors. Our average client is a 72 year old widow with $1,150 a month income – and many survive on much less. They have typically been in their home over 20 years. Typical work includes replacing windows and doors, installing locks, repairing roofs, minor plumbing and electrical repairs, general cleanup, painting, building ramps, installing grab bars and handrails, and other accessibility modifications. Eligibility: Individuals must own and reside in the home, be 55 years of age or older, be financially unable to make repairs and live in the greater OKC area. For every $1 spent, Rebuilding Together OKC returns over $3 in goods and services to our community! We continue to improve living conditions so our seniors can stay in their homes as long as they want and age in place with grace and dignity. 8 DONATIONS OF AUCTION ITEMS NEEDED FOR CAR SHOW CHARITY FUNDRAISER On Saturday, May 11th, 2013, your Club and the Jaguar Club are holding the annual Spring Concours/Car Show at the Parks across the street from the two Dealerships in Downtown Oklahoma City. Though it always a fun opportunity to show off our cars, the main purpose of this annual Event is to benefit a local charity. This year the Clubs have selected Rebuilding Together OKC to benefit from our show. Please visit its Website at www.rebuildingtogetherokc.org to see why we are so excited about this year’s Show. Now is the time to Register (page 11) to show your favorite Mercedes-Benz, to plan to come Downtown for a free lunch in the Park, and/or best yet, to sign up for the Awards Dinner and Auction Saturday evening. Call Paul Rodesney at 405-720-6019 or Jack Finks at 405-324-6125 and they will reserve a place for you. Quality donations for the “Silent Auction” are needed. The most popular items are “car oriented” and should be much better than a “garage sale item”. If you have something nice to contribute, please call Paul or Jack by no later than Monday, May 6th. A pick up can be arranged at your convenience. Paul says that most of the corporate donors that have been helpful in past years cannot help us this year. So please give some serious thought to providing a good quality auction item. Of course, you can also help out our Club and Rebuilding Together OKC in one or all of these four ways: Register and show your Mercedes-Benz. Attend the Awards Dinner & Auction. Come down to the Park for a “free” Lunch. Contribute one or more items for the Silent Auction. Please save the date, May 11th and plan on joining your Club in this fun and rewarding activity. 301 West 15th Edmond, OK 73013 405.341.6030 800.341.6030 9 REGISTRATION INFORMATION 10th’s Reception will be held at the Jaguar dealership and is Central Friday, OklahomaMay Section - VisitHospitality our website at: http:www.mbca-okc.org included in your registration. A light buffet meal will be served during the registration and hospitality gathering. j The May 11th Show Registration Fee of $30.00 includes entry of ONE Jaguar or entry of ONE Mercedes-Benz vehicle to the show, car show packet, and a souvenir photograph of your registered vehicle. Additional vehicles may be registered in the show for $25.00 each. A Registration Form is on the next page and may be used for pre-registration to avoid any late fees. Saturday Night’s Awards Dinner will be held at the Mercedes-Benz dealership, across the street from the Show Site in Downtown Oklahoma City. Cost for the dinner will be $35.00 per person. Dress is casual. Cocktails and hors d’oeuvres will be served in the showroom prior to the Awards Dinner at 6:00 p.m. Dinner will be served at 6:30 p.m. Central Oklahoma Section - Visit Our Website At: Http:// www.mbca-okc.org The Show Venue – Jaguar Park and Mercedes-Benz Park, Downtown, OKC ‘Jaguar Park and Mercedes-Benz Park’ are located in the original Automobile Alley of the Roaring 20’s in Downtown Oklahoma City and sit directly across the street from the Jaguar and Mercedes-Benz dealerships at 1125-1225 N. Broadway Avenue. We will show along the street or in the parks as directed by Club Marshals. This location affords the opportunity to drive the new cars at the dealerships throughout the day. Like previous years, we will combine the Jaguar and Mercedes-Benz Clubs for the show. All day Friday and Saturday morning, the dealership has arranged for a great wash and detail area in the lot just west of the service area. Registration will be at the Jaguar dealership on Friday evening (5:30 to 8:00 p.m.) and at the “Show Site” on Saturday morning (9:00 to 10:00 a.m.). If you have some spare time while downtown, you can drive through Historic Bricktown and find a myriad of dining and entertainment venues. While in Bricktown don’t miss the opportunity to cruise the canal in Bricktown’s very own riverboats, take a Water Taxi cruise, or visit the Bass Pro Shop. While downtown, you might plan to visit the Oklahoma City Museum of Art or the Oklahoma City National Memorial and Museum. 10 Central Oklahoma Section MERCEDES-BENZ CLUB OF AMERICA SPRING CAR SHOW May 11, 2013 Pre-Registration cut-off date is May 3, 2013. Please return your completed Registration Form and payment (payable to MBCA) to: Mercedes-Benz Club of America C/o Paul Rodesney 7328 NW 111th Street Oklahoma City, OK 73162 REGISTRATION: NAME ___________________________________ ADDRESS_________________________________ CITY____________________ST____ZIP________ PHONE#_____________ CELL #_______________ MBCA SECTION____________________________ VEHICLE REGISTRATION: Registration Fees VEHICLE #1 $30.00 ___________ ADDITIONAL VEHICLES $25.00 ___________ LATE FEE (After May 3rd) $10.00 ____________ VEHICLE 1: MB MDL _¬¬_____YR___ COLOR________ AWARDS DINNER VEHICLE 2: MB MDL ______YR___ COLOR________ (PER PERSON) VEHICLE 3: MB MDL ______YR___ COLOR________ $35.00 ____________ TOTAL REMITTED: $ _______________ Awards by Class, Age and for “People’s Choice” HOLD HARMLESS AGREEMENT Exhibitor agrees that by entering the vehicle(s) described above: (1) Exhibitor has in force liability insurance for each vehicle, (2) Exhibitor will provide proof of such insurance on demand by COJA/MBCA, (3) Exhibitor indemnifies and holds harmless COJA, Jaguar Clubs of North America, Mercedes-Benz Club of America & Jaguar/Mercedes-Benz of Oklahoma City, their officers, agents, employees, volunteer show workers, or assigns for any acts or omissions which may result in damage or injury to Exhibitor’s property that occurs during or results from Exhibitor’s participation in this event, and (5) Exhibitor, by participating in this event, assumes the risk of any and all such damage or injury. Owner’sSignature_____________________________________________ Date___________________________________________ InsuranceCarrier________________________________________________________________________ Policy #______________________________________________________________________________ 11 Mercedes-Benz Club of America, Inc. Central Oklahoma Section Pete and Mary Williams, Editors 916 N.W. 19th Street Oklahoma City, Oklahoma 73106 Central Oklahoma Section - Visit our website at: http:www.mbca-okc.org Address corrections: M. B. C. A. 1907 Lelaray Street Colorado Springs, CO j 80909-9959 Regional Director, South Central Region Gene Jurick, 6008 Bracknell Drive Parker, TX 75005 Directors of Ph: (h) 972-461-1981, or gjurick@tx.rr.com Officers, Central Oklahoma Section Central Oklahoma Section President: Jack Finks (405) 324-6145 or jackinok@hughes.net Bill Nash (405) 478-7677 Vice President: Paul Rodesney Bobbye Van Horn (405) 340-5919 (405) 720-6019 or rodesney@cox.net Ken Wells (405) 760-2414 Secretary: Masood Khan Mary Williams (405) 525-0633 (405) 340-2130 or masood-k@cox.net Charles Woods (405) 359-2821 Central Oklahoma Section - Visit Our Website At: Http:// Treasurer: Ed Hoag Tom Davis* (405) 340-0993 www.mbca-okc.org (405) 341-3578 or edhoag@cox.net *Lifetime honorary director Membership Chair: Bill Nash (405) 478-7677 or wjnash@cox.net Mercedes-Benz Club of America Membership Application Call National Office at 800-637-2360 to Join by Phone Full Name _____________________________________________________ Associate Member’s Name ______________________________________ Street Address _________________________________________________ City ________________________________ State ____ Zip ___________ Home Phone ( ) _________________ Business ( ) _________ Member’s Occupation __________________________________________ Mercedes Cars Now Owned__________________________________ (list year and model) Email address ____________________________________________ I hereby apply for membership in the Mercedes-Benz Club of America. _____________________________________________ Date _______ I hereby apply for membership in the Mercedes-Benz Club of America New Rates Membership dues are $49 annually, $95 for two years, or $139 for three years. The dues include six issues of The Star each year, plus your local section’s newsletter. Make your check payable to MBCA, and mail it along with the application to Mercedes-Benz Club of America, Inc. National Business Office 1907 Lelaray Street Colorado Springs, CO 80909 Current MBCA members: Feel free to give this application to potential members!
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The Sooner Star News is published bi-monthlybythe Mercedes-Benz Club
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