Bearspaw School Education Plan
Bearspaw School Education Plan
Bearspaw School 2015 - 2019 School Education Plan May, 2016 Year Two MESSAGE FROM SCHOOL PRINCIPAL After completing my second year as principal of Bearspaw School, it is very apparent that the students, the parents, the staff and the community all have active roles in making the school a very dynamic place to learn. This school has a rich history of student engagement, parent involvement, high standards and high satisfaction. We have a learning environment where students care for one another and treat each other with dignity and respect while at the same time challenging themselves as learners. In support of Rocky View Schools’ vision to ensure students are literate, numerate and are building 21st Century competencies, Bearspaw staff and students will have literacy and numeracy be at the forefront of our teaching and learning. Our school currently has many literacy and numeracy programs to ensure our students are exceling. Bearspaw School uses guided reading in our primary grades and literature circles in our higher grades to push our literacy focus. Programs such as Wee Read and Bear Reading enrich this focus and are only possible due to the commitment of our volunteers. We also engage our students in numeracy initiatives such as our Accelerated Math Program, Khan Academy, Mathletics and Caribou Math. Our school continues to create learners who are problem solvers, collaborators, innovators and strong communicators. They are self-directed students, globally aware and civically engaged and use project-based learning, flexible periods and an inquiry approach within their daily activities. At Bearspaw, we champion effort, attitude and teamwork and our students work hard toward that end each and every day. Brad Walls 2015-2016 Bearspaw School Education Plan 1 SCHOOL PROFILE: Principal: Address: Phone: Fax: Email: Brad Walls 253210 Bearspaw Road Calgary, Alberta T3L 2S5 403-239-9607 403-239-4053 Website: Grade Configuration: K-8 Student Population: 600+ No. of Teachers: 23 Full time 9 Part time No. of Support Staff: 19 Foundation Statements: Mission: Empowering learners through authentic and connected learning experiences. Vision: Together we learn, evolve and shine. Belief Statements: • • • • learning is the focus and reason for every decision we make learning should be positive, challenging and rewarding optimal learning happens in a safe and trusting environment when students, teachers and parents are supported and supportive of one another life-long learners are those who understand how they learn, take ownership for their learning, and are empowered to act on their learning 2015-2016 Bearspaw School Education Plan 2 Unique Features of our school include: Each and every school is unique. Bearspaw is unique because: • The design of the school is both functional and beautiful. • Students come to school prepared for learning. Both teachers and students can focus on learning as basic needs are met. • Many parents are highly involved. They value education and want Bearspaw School to be a great place for their kids. • Parents willingly volunteer hours of their time for the betterment of the school. • Friends of Bearspaw Fundraising Society is very successful at raising funds for school enhancements. • Parents are global thinkers and want their children to give back to those who need a hand up. • Staff members are lifelong learners and model the attributes we hope to nurture in the students. How do we define success for our students? Success for our students means that our students recognize their unique talents and abilities and choose to develop these traits through commitment and hard work. At the same time, the quality and depth of one’s character must also be developed. It is important that our students come to school to learn in an environment that respects individual differences and celebrates all accomplishments. Our students are successful when they take responsibility and act in their own best interest as well as the best interest of others. They are successful when their aspirations reflect sound values, when they can problem solve in an ethical manner and when they combine self-discipline with a passion for learning. Each and every student who attends Bearspaw School must be allowed to develop those skills that will allow him/her to become a responsible citizen of good character, capable of sound judgment. Only in an environment that encourages self-respect, empathy and resiliency can this be accomplished. What makes our school good and how do we know? Bearspaw School is a great school because there is a balance between academic achievement and the development of talents such as athletics and fine arts. Our students and parents in grades 4 and 7 have given very positive feedback on the accountability pillars survey. The RVS satisfaction survey clearly showed that parents are very happy with the school and the job we are doing educating their children. All learners are respected and viewed as contributors to the school community. Clear expectations and high standards urge students to be their best. Students take ownership for creating a school climate where people care for one another and share the responsibility of making Bearspaw a great place for everyone, including the staff, who are a dedicated and caring group of professionals. 2015-2016 Bearspaw School Education Plan 3 RECENT ACHIEVEMENTS Bearspaw School is a dynamic learning community. Our vision statement, “Together we learn, evolve and shine,” continues to steer us to strive for new achievements and to build upon past successes. Our mission of empowering learners through authentic and connected learning experiences is evident in our daily work supporting students to grow and excel. The pervasive atmosphere of Bearspaw School is positive, supportive, and inclusive. Each day, students from kindergarten through grade eight are engaged in a wide variety of learning activities that include inquiry, allow for personal learning styles, and scaffold targeted supports. Our universal learning environment is dynamic and all adults in the building, in conjunction with parents, work to meet students’ diverse learning profiles. While student engagement and learning are our top priorities, at the heart of students’ success are healthy, trusting relationships that are built upon collaboration, caring concern, and active listening. Proactive planning for students’ success and creative problem solving for students’ needs requires a team approach. Collaboration between teams of teachers, educational assistants, learning support, administration, and parents empowers students to generate ownership of their learning through modeling and thoughtful decision making. This year, our flex block programming has expanded to grades seven and eight. Once a week, each grade seven class comes together for one block and has the opportunity to receive extra help or re-teaching, focus on individual programming, delve into inquiry projects, or work on building digital portfolios. The grade eight classes all access their flex block at one time, providing the extra bonus of being able to access several teachers from different disciplines for support. Our universal learning environment continues to provide students personal choice on many fronts. Various types of furniture throughout the building allow students to meet their learning needs by choosing an appropriate work space. Two stand-up desks were donated by a parent and we hope to be able to purchase more in the future. Our Spark for Learning program held most mornings in the Commons offers the opportunity for various classes and groups of students from different age groups to get moving, collaborate, and get their brains ready for learning. The atmosphere during this time is energizing. Our band 5,6, and 7/8 programs are a hallmark of the excellent student achievement and high academic standing of Bearspaw students. The Grade 6 and 7/8 ensembles attained Excellence and Superior, respectively, at the recent Red Deer College Festival of Bands representing our school with great pride. Considering the small size of the school, we also have a very competitive athletics department and have teams competing and succeeding at the top levels in the division. Leadership opportunities for all students continue to be an area of strength at Bearspaw School. Our leadership students in Grades 7 & 8 spearhead new initiatives such as “Fives For Fort Mac” and make ongoing contributions in many other classrooms by mentoring younger students with technology, communication, reading, and inquiry projects. As well, our Grade 3 referees and Grade 4 Champion Helpers make a genuine impact on the playground as they guide their peers to enact positive conflict resolution. Our use of Google Classroom and Google Drive have filtered throughout many grades and help students take ownership of their learning and to manage priorities and responsibilities. In conjunction with our use of the Parent Portal, such practices maintain open communication and connections with parents. In addition, our experience and skill assessing and reporting on student learning through outcomes-based assessments with CoSL have progressed and give ongoing feedback regarding student growth. Finally, our newly formed professional learning committee has helped to support our work in initiating the priorities of the RVS Literacy Framework. Extending from solid work that has been done in the past, PL opportunities this year have helped all grade level teams take stock of literacy resources, assessments, and strategies to continue to refine and develop excellent literacy instruction that supports student achievement across the curriculum. 2015-2016 Bearspaw School Education Plan 4 PRIORITY AREAS At Bearspaw School, we have 3 priority areas where we intend to allocate resources, time, and monies. The focus areas of supporting our safe and caring community; initiating and continuing work on the Rocky View Schools Literacy and Numeracy Framework; and building several flexible programming initiatives will be integral to supporting our past accomplishments as well as future challenges. Building and maintaining a community with a culture that is safe and caring for all members is a continuing priority for us at Bearspaw. Fostering positive, collaborative, and supportive relationships is the foundation upon which all other initiatives are established. To that end, we will allocate funds to host special guest performers to support community spirit; we will continue to use resources to maintain our Spark For Learning, Fun Friends, Rainbows Program, and Salvaging Sisterhood programs through our CDA; and related programs to support the inclusion of all children on the playground; and we will continue to fund a variety of Grade 7 & 8 options to appeal to the varied interests and skill sets of our older students. Putting time and effort into the many special events held throughout the year at Bearspaw goes a long way to supporting our uniquely safe and caring school. In addition, further developing our flexible programming options to meet the needs of our diverse learners is a top priority. Using our diversity profiles and collaborating closely with homeroom teachers, specialists, and learning support staff will assist in supporting an inclusive learning environment at Bearspaw School. Refining the structure and delivery of our new Flex Block programs for Grades 6, 7, & 8; understanding and using the new personal learning plans to meet student needs; and maximizing the use of resources we currently have (hardware, software, web based programs, texts, educational assistants, teachers, CDA) are essential in helping us move forward. Another initiative that is part and parcel of flexible programming is our move to support a Bearspaw one-to-one policy. We already have many students at the middle levels who bring their own devices; however, with the endorsement of our school council, we wish to formally become a one-to-one school. Bearspaw School’s top three priorities for the 2016/2017 school year have been thoughtfully considered in order to best support student engagement, inquiry, and balanced assessment practices. The work we have begun on the RVS Literacy & Numeracy Framework is a natural extension of the work previously done at Bearspaw. Instructional practices such as guided reading, benchmark assessments, literacy circles, content area literacy, Daily 5 centers and access to classroom library carts will now be refined and streamlined as we move forward to order new resources, redirect assessments to include running records and RVS Independent Reading Level and Comprehension Benchmark Assessment, and incorporate reader’s and writer’s workshop and book clubs into our instructional design repertoire. We also aim to move to more specific, targeted literacy intervention strategies for students in middle levels. 2015-2016 Bearspaw School Education Plan 5 W GOAL ONE: LEARNERS ARE SUCCESSFUL Performance Measure Learners are literate and numerate. § § § School Wide Strategies (AE) Percentage of students/FNMI students in who achieved the acceptable standard and standard of excellence on Provincial Achievement Tests (cohort) and Diploma Exams. (RVS) Percentage of students, parents, and staff who agree that students are literate and numerate. (RVS) Divisional performance measures to be identified by Literacy/Numeracy Task Group. (Pending) B-1.1 At Bearspaw School learners are literate and numerate. Most Responsible Persons: Learning Support Asst. Teachers Administrators Key GREEN – New initiatives /strategies that are being added or started YELLOW – Initiatives/Strategies that are continuing and working • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • RED – Initiatives/Strategies that are completed /finished or changed • • • • • • • • • Literacy/Numeracy Framework Initiatives - Daily 5, Wee Read, Bear Reading, Guided Reading, Literature Circles, Reading Buddies, Home Reading, Readers Theatre, Spelling Bee, Raz Kids,Subject specific vocabulary instruction (tier three vocabulary), Whole class instruction with Speech Language Pathologist for early skills development (Kindergarten) Benchmark Assessments (year end K-5) CTBS and Gates (Gr. 6 twice a year) Classroom library carts (yearly top-ups) Library (librarian reads stories K-3) Learning Commons reading areas, flexible spacing Early Literacy Program Volunteers (sight words, spelling work) GIFTS (Guest Instructors for Teachers and Students) Various writing programs (6 Traits, Barbara Mariconda…) Differentiated programming and accommodations Goal setting & reflection Numeracy Initiatives - Mathletics, Accelerated Math Program, Kahn Academy, Caribou Math, Pi Day, Square Day, Junior Achievement, Problem Solving Day and Journals, Math Manipulative Carts, Math Games and Centres, Mini Math Projects, Calgary Elementary School Math Contest) Mentorship Program iPads suites in classrooms (K-5), iPods, Chrome Books 1:1 Initiative for grade 8 In-class support for students Option classes FBES Research/cross-curricular projects, FLEX Projects Leadership opportunities for students (office duties, bulletin boards, assembly organization, tournament helpers, kiosk helpers, announcements, Sports Day, track & field duties, Champion Helpers, promoting school initiatives) Google Classroom Hot Lunch helpers Student fundraising initiatives Band Trip, Band festival, Quebec trip Champion Awards and Spirit of the Bear awards st 21 Century Portfolios SMARTboards Music literacy Blog posts 2015-2016 Bearspaw School Education Plan 6 GOAL ONE: LEARNERS ARE SUCCESSFUL Performance Measure Learners build st 21 century competencies (skills and knowledge). School Wide Strategies § (AE) Percentage of teachers, parents, and students who agree that students model the characteristics of active citizenship. § (AE) Percentage of students/FNMI students who achieve the acceptable standard and standard of excellence on provincial Student Learning Assessments (competency measures). (Pending) § (RVS) Percentage of students, parents, and staff who agree that st students are building 21 C competencies. B-1.2 At Bearspaw School, learners st build 21 century competencies (skills and knowledge) Most Responsible Persons: Teachers Administration Students Parents Learning support Asst. CDA Key GREEN – New initiatives /strategies that are being added or started YELLOW – Initiatives/Strategies that are continuing and working RED – Initiatives/Strategies that are completed /finished or changed Communicator, Collaborator, Information & Media Literate, Financially & Econonmically Literate (Ways of Working and Tools for Working) • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • Leadership classes (older students working with younger) Mentorship programming (as part of IPP enrichment) Student led assemblies Grade 4 Playground Supervisors Sports Day (run by grade 7 and grade 8) Buddy learning Flex programming (students joining other classrooms based on learning needs) Junior Achievement program Student led and teacher facilitated clubs (Pony, Knitting, Fun Friday, Running, Science) Extra Curricular Activities (sports teams) Gr 7/8 Mentorship program Media Smart (Passport to the internet) Teaching digital safety and correct practice Students are using technology as a tool (1:1program Gr 8, new Chrome books) Early Literacy programming Touch Chat (Learning Support Students) Visual Schedules Google Drive Digital Portfolios Student Agendas Morning announcements Commons T.V Google Calendars Bulletin Boards Plone / Class Homepage Friday Fan Out Week At A Glance (teachers) Digital sign in parking lot Classroom blogs Groupwork opportunities Read & Write For Google Chrome Imovie (learning support, options) Google Classroom New sound system in gym 2015-2016 Bearspaw School Education Plan 7 Self-Directed Learner, Globally Aware, Civically Engaged (Ways of Living in the World) • Key GREEN – New initiatives /strategies that are being added or started YELLOW – Initiatives/Strategies that are continuing and working RED – Initiatives/Strategies that are completed /finished or changed • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • Direct instruction around organization (ie. binders, lockers, hanging up coats in kindergarten) Study skill strategies Student goal setting (IPP’s in older grades and term goals, SMART goals) Google Calendars, Powerschool, Google Docs, Google Classroom Junior Achievement Life Skills REACH team consultation and programming SSIL team consultation and programming BEAR and WEE Read programming Home Reading programs Flex block (collaborative learning time) 21C learning portfolios (Gr 8) Extracurricular opportunities (Science club, writing contests) Terry Fox Run We Day Activities Earth Day activities (pitch in day) Remembrance Day (Mr. Gamble) Cultural presentations (parents and students)(HSIB Jump, Military museum) Fundraising for a cause (ie. Book collection for St. Lucia,Ft McMurray, Alzheimers, Toy drive, food bank ) Recycling Program Greenhouse (mobile greenstart gr4, tomatosphere space) Outdoor Education Wetlands Fieldtrips Quebec Trip, Band trip Composer Studies, music festivals, music field trips Artist studies Guest speakers (David Bouchard, Flying Bob) Monthly virtues Animal visits (wildlife rehab owls, ducklings hatched, Seniors for kids society Big sisters/brothers program Journey 2050 New Gr 7/8 options (Special Photos, Snack Attack, Improvisation, etc.) 2015-2016 Bearspaw School Education Plan 8 Critical Thinker, Problem Solver, Innovator (Ways of Thinking) • • • • • • • • • • • Inquiry and project based learning Enrichment programming (accelerated math programming) Options (programming, woodworking, robotics, Maker Space Mania) New Gr 7/8 options (Models, Comedies, Breakfast Adventures) Flex projects Fine Arts Programming (music, band, jazz band, art, options) Cub Choir Talent Show Theme Days (ie. Pi Day, Crazy Hat Day, Square day) Problem Solving Day G.I.F.T.S : (i.e.: Bricks for Kids, Building Bird Houses) 2015-2016 Bearspaw School Education Plan 9 GOAL ONE: LEARNERS ARE SUCCESSFUL Performance Measure Learners take ownership of their learning. § § School Wide Strategies (RVS) Percentage of students, parents, and staff agreement that students take ownership for their learning. (RVS) Percentage of staff that use balanced assessment practices to support student learning. B-1.3 At Bearspaw School learners take ownership of their learning. Most Responsible Persons: Teachers Administration Students Parents Learning Support Asst. CDA Key GREEN – New initiatives /strategies that are being added or started YELLOW – Initiatives/Strategies that are continuing and working RED – Initiatives/Strategies that are completed /finished or changed • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • Powerschool portals and Google Calendar/Classroom Goal Setting – smart goals – assessing goals; reporting goals Self Advocacy – asking for help/ accommodations leading to success Metacognition – understanding themselves as learners Self Assessment – tracking, checklists, rubrics, short term/ long term goals Feedback / formative assessment– peers, teachers, self, learning support assistants Taking risks Reviewing work after it has been assessed Digital Portfolios; clarify divisional expectations Reflecting on contents of digital portfolio Teaching specific conflict resolution strategies Learning problem solving strategies Preparing for Learning - materials and mind set Accepting negative and positive consequences Accepting differences in learning styles Teaching sportsmanship Teaching and practicing collaborative communication skills Seven Habits (Stephen Covey) Developing love and ownership of learning outside of school– participation in clubs, teams, and instrument lessons Extracurricular clubs at school (science club, horse club, girls’ group, mentorship, knitting club, boys’ club) Self-guided practice – independent study and practice Khan Academy, Mathletics, Caribou Math, Science Challenges Content area contests are communicated Home Reading programs Menu learning – multiple ways to represent (choice) Flex projects for grades four, five, six Flex blocks for grades seven, eight Language used on assessment tools is consistent “Student In Good Standing” system ensures accountability Read & Write For Google is being learned and used Flexible / Accessible spaces in building for learning Technology available for individual sign out (Chrome books, Mac books) 2015-2016 Bearspaw School Education Plan 10 GOAL TWO: LEARNERS ARE ENGAGED Performance Measure Real world, hands on learning experiences engage learners. § § § (RVS) Percentage of students and parents who believe teachers help students learn through engaging practices. (RVS) Percentage of students, parents, and staff who agree students are engaged in learning. (RVS) Percentage of staff that understands and use inquiry and project-based learning School Wide Strategies B-2.1 At Bearspaw School, real world, hands on learning experiences engage learners. Most Responsible Persons: Learning Support Asst. Teachers Administration Support Staff • • • • • • • • • Key GREEN – New initiatives /strategies that are being added or started YELLOW – Initiatives/Strategies that are continuing and working RED – Initiatives/Strategies that are completed /finished or changed • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • 2015-2016 Bearspaw School Education Plan Band Trip, French Trip, Field Trip Experiences Instructional design supporting hands-on learning (long houses, boat building , boat races) GIFTS (Guest Instructors for Teachers & Students) Special Event Days - problem solving day, Pi day, Ceilidh in the commons, fun day Participation in Inter-School Athletics Authentic performance tasks Concerts, Jazz band, Talent Show, Cub Choir Science fairs, labs, pond studies, egg hatching, plant growing Inquiry based learning, flex projects, research projects, option classes Center Based Learning, Imagination Playground Student Vote Portfolios Blogs Leadership program, mentorship program Museo Kits Assembly videos Library Electronics Kits, lego, little bits iPads Teacher collaboration, student collaboration - google Artifact presentations Pen-pals Math manipulatives Readers theatre Read-a-thon Photography contest entry, yearbook cover contest, district arts day Art experiences/classes such as sculpture, clay recycling Mentorship and life skills programming Grade. 4 champion helpers Junior Achievement Fundraising for Charities 11 GOAL TWO: LEARNERS ARE ENGAGED Performance Measure Innovative and effective practices enrich learning. • • • (AE) Percentage of teachers, parents and students indicating that their school and schools in their jurisdiction have improved or stayed the same the last three years. (RVS) Percentage of staff satisfied that professional learning has positively impacted their instruction and/or effectiveness. (RVS) Percentage of students who feel connected, confident, and resilient (SOSQ data). School Wide Strategies B-2.2 At Bearspaw School, innovative and effective practices enrich learning. Most Responsible Persons: Learning Support Asst. Teachers Administrators Learning Specialists • • • • • • • Key GREEN – New initiatives /strategies that are being added or started YELLOW – Initiatives/Strategies that are continuing and working RED – Initiatives/Strategies that are completed /finished or changed • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • Literacy/Numeracy Framework Initiatives - Wee Read, Bear Reading, Guided Reading, Literature Circles, Reading Buddies, Home Reading, Readers Theatre, Raz Kids Band Trip, French Trip, Field Trip Experiences Authentic learning opportunities, differentiated instruction at all levels, Universal Learning Environments, Inquiry based learning, flex projects and periods, Play based learning, hands-on, project based learning, experiential learning, game based learning, selfdirected learning, Nature based learning (bringing the outdoors in) Multimodal literacies Innovative and balanced assessment practices (alternatives to traditional assessment methods) eg: Recording (Band playing tests) CoSL- 3 way conferencing, Goal setting and reflection, PowerSchool portals, digital portfolios, Assistive Technology -text to speech, Touch Chat, Read/Write Google Learning commons, Little Bits, Sphero, 3D-Printing/Pens Mathletics, Kahn Academy, Caribou Math, Jr. Achievement Options (gr. 7/8) Mobile devices and other digital technology (Osmo) Interactive whiteboards Remind App Chromebooks, Google Apps (Drive) showcasing work for the public, work displays playday, leadership opportunities students as experts/student educators Boys and Girls Club, Grandparent Program Spark Training Science Competition Additional Clubs (knitting, running, horse club, science club, etc.) Mentorship Program Sports teams Creative Arts Performances (Flying Bob, etc.) Celebrations (Square Day, Sports day, pep rallies, Ceilidh in the commons, talent shows, Farewell, Terry Fox) 2015-2016 Bearspaw School Education Plan 12 GOAL TWO: LEARNERS ARE ENGAGED Performance Measure Partnerships enhance and fuel learning. § § School Wide Strategies (AE) Percentage of teachers and parents satisfied with parental involvement in decisions about their child’s education. (RVS) Percentage of staff and parents who agree that the schools build meaningful relationships with home and partnership with the community. B-2.3 At Bearspaw School partnerships enhance and fuel learning. Most Responsible Persons: Students Teaching Staff Administration Support Staff Learning Specialists Community Volunteers Parent Volunteers • • • • • • • • • Key GREEN – New initiatives /strategies that are being added or started YELLOW – Initiatives/Strategies that are continuing and working RED – Initiatives/Strategies that are completed /finished or changed • • • • • • • • • • • • • • GIFTS - Guest Instructors for Teachers and Students. Community engagement and use of Bearspaw School’s facilities, Bearspaw Historical Society Partnership with Bearspaw Community Centre (partnership and access) Friends of Bearspaw Education Society (FBES) Volunteers - BEAR Reading, WEE Read, Boys and Girls Club, Junior Achievement, School Council, FBES, Grandparent Program, Coaching, classroom volunteers Leadership - Student mentors/leaders assisting with math and reading within classrooms, SPARK for Learning, Hot Lunch Helpers, Staff Coaching Writing Clubs, pen-pals Rainbows Program with CDA Partnerships the Learning Center & classrooms, classrooms & CDA and Administration School clubs Recycling Parent Communication - Blogs/curricular letters home/Friday Fan-Out, Plone – School Website - Calendar Google Classroom Meet the Teacher, Kindergarten Orientation, New family Orientation CoSL- 3 way conferencing, Goal setting and reflection, PowerSchool portals, digital portfolios Band Trips/Camps/Tours, French Trip, Field Trip Experiences IPP Meetings REACH (SSIL) Team/Collaboration Cross Grade Activities (Big Buddies) Volunteer Tea PL Days, communities of practice, staff meetings, grade team meetings, levels meetings RVS Learning Specialists, MST, SMART Specialists, Custodial support, Lunch Ladies supervisors Grade 5 Hep B vaccinations 2015-2016 Bearspaw School Education Plan 13 W GOAL THREE: LEARNERS ARE SUPPORTED Performance Measure Learners feel well, safe, valued, and respected. § § School Wide Strategies (AE) Percentage of teachers, parents, and students who agree that students are safe at school, learning the importance of caring for others, learning respect for others and are treated fairly at school. (RVS) Percentage of students, parents, and staff who agree that learning environments are caring, safe, and respectful and promote wellness. B-3.1 At Bearspaw School, learners will feel well, safe, valued and respected. • • • Most Responsible Persons: Students Teaching Staff Administration Support Staff Community Volunteers Parent Volunteers Key GREEN – New initiatives /strategies that are being added or started YELLOW – Initiatives/Strategies that are continuing and working RED – Initiatives/Strategies that are completed /finished or changed • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • GIFTS - Guest Instructors For Teachers and Students Self-Advocacy Problem Solving Meetings – with teacher, CDA or administration Leadership Opportunities - Middle School Leadership Conference participation, Grade 4 Champion helpers, mentorship program, buddies, student hosted assemblies, Kindergarten to pre-school, new family student led tours Morning greeters by staff (bus loop, front doors, classroom doors) Spark for Learning, Boys & Girls Club, Big Brothers and Sisters Champion Awards & Spirit of the Bear awards Talent Show, Concerts Extracurricular activities – Fine Arts, Athletics & Academic Inclusive for all sports Theme Days (PJ days, Anti-Bullying Days, Ceilidh in the Commons, Pi Day, Square Root Day) Hour Zero, Fire Drills, Evacuation Drills, OH&S Discipline Cycle, Pod Meetings to outline rules, expectations, issues Parent visibility through volunteerism Calm, caring and approachable office staff Highly visibly supervisors on duty Age appropriate open and honest communication Student work on bulletin boards Cross-programming of complex learners Grandparent program Goal setting, self-evaluation and reflection, positive feedback Kindergarten Celebration, Grade 8 Farewell Student Showcase in Commons (Long Houses, Great Canadian, Gr.7 Interactions and Ecosystems, Circus) WE Day, Fun day, Caroling in the commons, Spirit week, Clubs: Knitting Club, Let’s Talk Science, Horse Club, Friday FunClub, Pottery Club CDA - Classroom Codes of Kindness, Virtues Program, Popcorn Parties, Student Morning Announcements Bearspaw Community Lifestyle Centre programs (Movie Days, Girls Group) Staff role-modeling Charitable Fundraisers – $5 for Fort McMurray and Terry Fox Run Parent Caring Committee 2015-2016 Bearspaw School Education Plan 14 GOAL THREE: LEARNERS ARE SUPPORTED Performance Measure Learning is accessible, individualized, and challenging. § § § School Wide Strategies (AE) Percentage of teachers, parents, and students satisfied with the overall quality of basic education. (RVS) Percentage of students and staffs who agree that they have appropriate technical and learning supports to meet student needs. (RVS) Percentage of parents and staff who agree that students with special needs are meeting their learning goals. B-3.2 At Bearspaw School, learning is accessible, individualized and challenging. Most Responsible Persons: Students Teachers Learning Support Asst. Administrators Learning Specialist Key GREEN – New initiatives /strategies that are being added or started YELLOW – Initiatives/Strategies that are continuing and working RED – Initiatives/Strategies that are completed /finished or changed • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • Authentic learning opportunities, differentiated instruction at all levels, Universal Learning Environments, Inquiry based learning, flex projects and periods Early Literacy Program, guided reading, leveled classroom libraries Student choice in how they demonstrate their knowledge Accelerated math program Student involvement in IPP goals where appropriate Learning spaces are flexible, alternative furniture Strategic deployment of human resources Small group instruction Technology Learning support classroom with specialized spaces/equipment Rockyview Reads program (BEAR Reading, WEE Reading) Consistent access to REACH, MST, COPE, speech services, family liaison services Touch Chat communication technology MANDT training Sparks for Learning program Literature Circles Assistive Technology Option Plone Site and Google Classroom Individual goal setting….tracked and monitored Portfolios Online Textbooks Accessibility to home reading books Raz Kids, Mathletics, Caribou Math, Khan Academy, Splash Math, Dollars for Sense, Let’s Talk Science Competition, Calgary School Elementary Mathematics Contest, Journey 2050, Square Day, Pi Day, Problem-Solving Day Mentoring program Peer Tutoring Mount Royal Math Challenge Buddies Mentorship Programs One-to-one Initiative with grade eight students 2015-2016 Bearspaw School Education Plan 15 GOAL THREE: LEARNERS ARE SUPPORTED Performance Measure Student-centered decisions propel achievement. § School Wide Strategies (RVS) Percentage of students, parents, and staff who agree schools have a student-centered focus. B-3.3 At Bearspaw School, student centered decisions propel learning. Most Responsible Persons: Students Teaching Staff Administration Support Staff Community Volunteers Parent Volunteers • • • • • • • • • • Key GREEN – New initiatives /strategies that are being added or started YELLOW – Initiatives/Strategies that are continuing and working RED – Initiatives/Strategies that are completed /finished or changed • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • Band Trip, French Trip, Field Trip Experiences GIFTS (guest instructors for teachers and students) CoSL- 3 way conferencing, Goal setting and reflection, PowerSchool portals, digital portfolios, Literacy/Numeracy Framework Initiatives - Daily 5, Wee Read, Bear Reading, Guided Reading, Literature Circles, Reading Buddies, Home Reading, Readers Theatre, Opportunities to join extra-curricular (sports, clubs, fine arts, chess, cheer club, BOAT races) School options Open-ended projects, Inquiry projects, flex projects, flex periods, flexible work spaces, learning commons Communication tools – touch chat, sign language Center based programs – choice Leadership opportunities – MC, assemblies, Grade 4 Champion helpers, sports day, Spark, mentorship Student initiatives – cheer club, bake sales, We Day Contests (anti-bullying video contest, writing and math contests) Life Skills – recycling, cooking, green house, deliveries Environmental initiatives – recycling programs Accelerated programming (math) Collecting data to help support students with individualized programs IPPs – written and tracked by students IPPs – setting goals is supported by staff with student and parent involvement Strategic deployment of human resources Individualized/differentiated instruction Team meetings, SRG meetings, transition meetings, class list meetings SPARK for learning, flexible timetabling, body breaks Staggered eating at recess PL planning committee Vetting technology and apps as needs change Instructional design and assessment Budgeting and purchases, Resource selection, classroom set up Student recognition (Champions) Google Classroom SCRUM FBES 2015-2016 Bearspaw School Education Plan 16 BUDGET HIGHLIGHTS Certificated Staff Support Staff Services & Supplies Other Contingency TOTAL EXPENDITURES 2014/15 $2 727 963 $539 068 $128 746 $2 500 TBA $3 398 277 2015/16 $2 717 549 $623 867 $87,727 0.00 0.00 $3 429 143 2016/17 $2 898 568 $643 541 $132 096 0.00 0.00 $3 674 205 2014/15 2015/16 2016/17 SCHOOL FEES Mandatory Fees Kindergarten Fees Grade 1 – 4 Instructional Resource Grade 5 – 8 Instructional Resource $25.00 $105.00 $105.00 2014/15 Complimentary Course Fees • Band • Fine Arts • Leadership • French as a Second Language • Construction Projects • Digital Photography • Drama • Foods • Tech Wheel • Paint/Draw • Sewing • Sports Development • Design & Structure • Digital Video • Outdoor Education Extra-Curricular Course Fees $20.00 $20.00 $0.00 $10.00 $20.00 $10.00 $5.00 $20.00 $20.00 $20.00 N/A $20.00 $10.00 $10.00 $5.00 $25.00 $105.00 $105.00 2015/16 $20.00 $20.00 $0.00 $10.00 $20.00 $10.00 $5.00 $20.00 $20.00 $20.00 N/A $20.00 $10.00 $10.00 $5.00 Sports – Track & Field, V-Ball, B-Ball, Badminton Plug in Fees RVS Plug in Fees RVS Field Trips Majority provided by Parent Council - FBES Majority provided by Parent Council FBES Cost recovery of about $2200/trip/every two years 6.00 Cost recovery of about $2300/trip/every two years $6.00 Quebec Field Trip Other Fees: Locks 2015-2016 Bearspaw School Education Plan $25.00 $105.00 $105.00 2016/17 $20.00 $20.00 $0.00 $10.00 $20.00 $10.00 $5.00 $25.00 $20.00 $20.00 N/A $20.00 $10.00 $10.00 $5.00 Plug in Fees RVS Majority provided by Parent Council FBES Cost recovery of about $2300/trip/ever y two years $6.00 17 2015-2019 SCHOOL EDUCATION PLAN (Year One) APPROVAL FORM Expectation: The plan was made in keeping with system parameters and in consultation with staff and the advice of School Council. There has been consultation with: Yes Date(s) School Staff X May 11th & May 20th, 2016 School Council X May 18th, 2015 I, (Principal), certify that the proposed School Education Plan was developed in consultation with staff and with advice from the School Council and according to the other parameters, guidelines and expectations outlined by Rocky View Schools. Principal Signature May 25th, 2016 Date School Council Chair Signature May 25th, 2016 Date Subject to monitoring and review, I approve in principle the proposed School Education Plan based on the certification above. Digitally signed by 4756484e316d527066326f372b4e413d3d DN: b734756484e316d527066326f372b4e413d3d Date: 2016.07.25 15:14:31 -07'00' Superintendent of Schools July 25, 2016 Date 2015-2016 Bearspaw School Education Plan 18