WAHS June 2012 Newsletter
WAHS June 2012 Newsletter
Our Mission The Waterloo Area Historical Society’s mission is to foster an understanding and appreciation in children and adults of the pioneer farmers of Michigan, their family life, and their children’s schooling. Volume: 50 Issue: 3 OFFICERS PRESIDENT Mitch Planck VICE PRESIDENT Stewart Robinovitz TREASURER Arlene Kaiser w w Waterloo Area Historical Society 50 PO Box 37, Stockbridge, MI 49285 w Phone: 517-596-2254 w www.waterloofarmmuseum.org June 2012 Blacksmiths-Soldiers and Log Cabin Weekend There will be several pioneer crafts for all to participate in and experience. Please join us along with the Blacksmiths, the Civil War Soldiers, and Log Cabin Families. w TRUSTEES Christopher B. Kruger Ralph Schumacher Becky Zuccala Aaron Lewis Cathy Gillem John Ocwieja Steve Holzer What’s Next: Blacksmiths-Soldiers and Log Cabin Weekend June 23rd-24th Antique Tractor, Truck and Farm Equipment Show August 11th and 12th What’s Inside: Presidents Message..........Page 2 Waterloo Wisdom.............Page 5 Business Sponsors List......Page 7 Saturday June 23rd 10am to 5pm Sunday June 24th Noon to 5pm Admission $5. for Adults, $4. for Seniors 62+, $2. for Children 5-12, Under 5 and Members of WAHS are admitted Free. Music, Demonstrators, Hands-on Pioneer and Victorian Crafts. Concession is available. Page 2 Presidents Message Hi everyone, We’ve been busy getting the farm and school ready for the upcoming season, our 50th Anniversary season! School children have been touring the farm with our education program since the beginning of May and the farm and school open for regular tours starting on Friday, June 1st. Our Annual Meeting is scheduled for Saturday, July 7th and this brings up a request for help. We always have volunteer needs such as educational tour guides, shopkeepers, maintenance, cleaning, organizing, and a ton of other things. If you have interest and availability for a deeper volunteer involvement we also have upcoming board and committee chair vacancies. Call the farm at (517) 596-2254 or email us volunteer@waterloofarmmuseum.org for further info. • Publicity Chair: Which involves handling communications and publicity for WAHS. • Treasurer/Board Member: This seat will be open at the Annual Meeting. This is probably the position which requires the highest time commitment from the volunteer doing this work. It involves payroll for the docents, paying bills, depositing money, paying taxes, basically all our accounting needs. This person or persons (the position canbe shared) would be bonded and would have a weekly time commitment during the summer season with a bi-weekly to monthly need during the off season. • Secretary/Board Member: Taking notes at the monthly board meetings, also occasional correspondences. • Board Member-At-Large: This involves monthly meetings mostly, with other involvement occasionally. Steve Holzer recently came on to the board and is helping us evaluate a modern collection management system. We are working on other projects around the farm, keeping Ron Kaiser busy as always - stop out after we open and see what’s up. I hope to see many of you at the Annual Meeting and around the farm and would love to have our buildings bursting at the seams for this event. Regards, Mitch Planck President, Waterloo Area Historical Society Board of Directors Page 3 “You can have your own opinion, but you can’t have your own facts.” J. Benjamin Honoring the Waterloo Area Historical Society Charter Members -AMrs. Wedell Abbott, Stockbridge Mr. Wm. Archenbronn, Munith Mrs. Hazel Archenbronn, Munith Mr. Roscoe Arnold, Dansville Mrs. Roscoe Arnold, Dansville -BMr. Milton Barber, Munith Mrs. Milton Barber, Munith Mrs. Dorothy Barnard, Lansing Mr. Robert Bassett, Chelsea Mrs. Vera Bassett, Chelsea Mr. Jesse Batchelor, Stockbridge Mrs. Martha Beatham, Stockbridge Dr. Sidney Beckwith, Stockbridge Mrs. Hattie Beckwith, Stockbridge Mrs. A.J. Boyce, Gregory Mrs. Mary Brown, Stockbridge Mr. Carl Burklund, Gregory Mrs. Carl Burklund, Gregory -CMrs. Sarah Caskey, Stockbridge Mr. L. Erston Clark, Gregory Mrs. Helen Clark, Gregory Marilda Clark, Pinckney Floris Clark, Pinckney Mrs. Ardie Collins, Stockbridge Mr. Max Cool, Stockbridge Mrs. Helen Cool, Stockbridge Mrs. Addison Cook, Jackson -DMr. Paul Dancer, Stockbridge Mrs. Ruth Dancer, Stockbridge Mr. Wm. Dancer, Stockbridge Mrs. Betty Dancer, Stockbridge Mrs. Ernestine DeWitt, Munith Mr. Forest Dixon, Munith Mrs. Norma Dixon, Munith Mr. Gerald Dixon, Munith Mrs. Angeline Dixon, Munith Mr. Lacerne Dixon, Munith Mrs. Lacerne Dixon, Munith -FMr. Ted Fay, Stockbridge Mrs. Olive Fay, Stockbridge Mrs. Leone Felton, Stockbridge Mr. Fred Ford, Munith Mrs. Pauline Ford, Munith Mrs. Evelyn Ford, Munith Mrs. Florence Frinkle, Munith Mrs. Jennie Frinkle, Munith -GMr. Casper Glenn, Stockbridge Mrs. Ethel Glenn, Stockbridge -HMr. Martin Hannewald, Stockbridge Mrs. Helen Hannewald, Stockbridge Mr. Harold Harr, Munith Mrs. Hazel Harr, Munith Mr. Lloyd Harr, Munith Mrs. Emily Harr, Munith Mrs. Mary Harr Methodist Home, Chelsea Mr. Thomas Howlett, Gregory Mrs. Thomas Howlett, Gregory -KMr. Norman Kaiser, Stockbridge Mrs. Wilma Kaiser, Stockbridge -LMr. George Liebeck, Munith Mrs. Marion Liebeck, Munith Mr. Lawrence Lindemer, Stockbridge Mrs. Rebecca Lindemer, Stockbridge -MMrs. Helen Malcho, Stockbridge Mr. Howard Marshall, Gregory Mrs. Irene Marshall(Clarence) Mrs. Lenora Milner, Stockbridge Mrs. Georgia Mitteer, Stockbridge Mr. Wesley Moeckel, Munith Mrs. Agnes Moeckel, Munith Mrs. Cora Moeckel, Grass Lake Mrs. Edna Mollenkoph, Grass Lake Mrs. Gladys Myers, Stockbridge Mrs. Irma Musolff, Madison -McMr. M.A. McCleer, Pinckney -NMrs. Ethel Neil, Stockbridge -PMr. Will Parks, Munith Mr. Curt Patterson, Stockbridge Mrs. Luella Patterson, Stockbridge Mrs. Pearl Powell, Stockbridge Miss Virginia Price, Munith Mr. W. Pyper, Gregory Mrs. Vira Pyper, Gregory -RMrs. Marion Ramsdall, Stockbridge Mr. Gorton Riethmiller, Olivet –Pres. Mr. Don Richards, Mich. Dept. Con.,Jackson Mrs. Maxine Roepke, Stockbridge Mr. Jas. Rowland, Stockbridge Mrs. Emma Rowland, Stockbridge Mr. Roy Russell, Chelsea -SMr. Keith Saxton, Stockbridge Sen. Thomas Schweighert, Petoskey, MI Mrs. Helen Mary Shellenbarger, Stockbridge Mr. Cephus Smith, Stockbridge Miss Emma Smith, Stockbridge Mr. Harold Smith, Stockbridge Mrs. Esther Smith, Stockbridge Mrs. Lulu Smith, Munith Honorary Mrs. Ida Schumacher, Grass Lake -TMrs. Albert Thuma, Stockbridge Mr. Norman Topping, Stockbridge Mrs. Margeret Topping, Stockbridge -WMrs. Harold Waltz, Munith Mrs. Edna Waltz, Stockbridge Mr. Wm. White, Ypsilanti Mrs. Charlotte White, Ypsilanti Mr. Jim Worden, Munith Mrs. Doris Worden, Munith -ZHulda Zehringer, Jackson Waterloo Farm Museum is celebrating 50 years in 2012 and we need YOU to make it wonderful! Volunteers are invaluable as active participants and supporters of a variety of projects and events on the farm, from special events like Pioneer Day to restoration and landscaping projects behind the scene. Special skills and talents appreciated! We are in the process of re-vamping our volunteer program and want to hear from you! Contact us at volunteer@waterloofarmmuseum.org for more information, including a volunteer application and list of opportunities Page 4 You are cordially invited to attend The 50th Annual Meeting of the Waterloo Area Historical Society Enjoy an afternoon of Music, Entertainment, Games, Prizes, Food and Drink. Please join us for this extra-special salute to our organization’s history! Blacksmith-Soldiers and Log Cabin Weekend , June 23rd and 24th, is approaching quickly. Because this is the 50th Anniversary of WAHS we are creating more things to see and do for each event this year. We are once again inviting Vendors and Demonstrators to show you how to create some of the Pioneer crafts that our ancestors once used on a daily basis. You will have the opportunity to try your hand at bonnet making, crafting wooden spoons, painting and fiber arts to name a few. Many Blacksmiths will be at the Museum creating works of art. Soldiers will be camped on the grounds and music will be heard around the farm. Sunday of the event is Michigan Log Cabin Day. There will be docents or maybe even a family in the log house all weekend to share stories and experiences of the Pioneer life. Tours of the 10 room Farmhouse are available with your admission. Please join us for an event filled weekend. “Don’t judge each day by the harvest you reap, but by the seeds that you plant.” J. Benjamin Saturday - July 7, 2012 1:00 PM to 4:00 PM Page 5 Waterloo Wisdom from John Benjamin Good Day Neighbor, Got a letter from cousin Otto who lives south of here. Here ‘tis---. Cousin John, I must report to you a great loss and near tragedy occurred in our community last week. Seems a local family has dealt with the nocturnal invasion of uninvited guests, spider and snakes, in their beloved three hole necessary. Custom was, first person out for the early morning commute would cause the evacuation of these unwanted intruders with the skillful yielding of a corn cob placed on a bent piece of #9 wire soaked with a few drops of kerosene. This instrument ignited and properly waved about through crooks, cracks and crannies, and used for extra protection from being accosted by one of these venomous creatures, was carefully waved under the three open portals. From drowsiness or anxiety, the earliest visitor that morning either placed a bit more of the flammable liquid on this ingenious invention, or placed it too close to or too long near some highly flammable materials. As you can imagine in a matter of minutes, this valuable structure was consumed as a towering inferno. Rumors abound about this family who hastily built from the ashes, a new structure with Bricks from the Beeman Brother in Waterloo. Cautiously new rules of engagement have been established for this precious new necessary. Any snakes are routed by loud thumping about the exterior and interior. Any spiders are dispatched by a Wet Rag placed on the ever useful #9 wire. Seems all is well that ends well. But this reminds me of a similar mishap in these parts a few years back. The mother was stung several times in a delicate area by bees who built their nest under the seat, unbeknownst to the family. In a rage to seek revenge of the painful attack on his dear wife’s delicate area, father went after these terrorist with flaming anger, sadly to the same results as in the previous tale. One must be careful when making that all important visit to those remote structures that are such an important part of our well being and daily lives. Sincerely, Cousin Otto Isn’t my cousin a great one for usin’ details and elaboratin’ on the English Language. Hope you enjoyed hearin’ from my family. I look forward to seein’ you at the next gatherin over at the Realy’s. I hear that there will be folks comin from all around to see the local blacksmiths showin their talents and hearin’ the stories of the boys back from the war. Best Regards, John Benjamin Page 6 WAHS Committee Chairs Committee Name Phone e-mail Collections Linda Tengman (517) 522-8109 gldorrtengman@aol.com Gardens Karen Lunsford (734) 498-2691 karen.lunsford@yahoo.com Gift Shop Nancy Wisman (517) 851-8087 no e-mail Educational Program Co-Director Marge McMeeking (734) 878-0580 rmcmeeking@bigfoot.com Insurance Dennis Petsch (517) 851-7760 petschd@panthernet.net Membership Deirdre Fidler (517) 522-4758 dfidler@umich.edu Newsletter Editor Jennifer Kaiser (571) 251-8897 pt101jen@gmail.com Private Events Co-ordinator Arlene Kaiser (517) 851-8745 roarkaiser@yahoo.com Publicity Chair April Gasbarre (734) 498-8251 april.gasbarre@gmail.com House Guides Dianne Moulton (313) 278-3701 mamdianne@aol.com Restoration & Repair Ron Kaiser (517) 851-8745 roarkaiser@yahoo.com Site Management and Development Ron Kaiser (517) 851-8745 roarkaiser@yahoo.com Public Safety & Security Christopher B. Kruger (517) 851-8273 stuntkrug@yahoo.com Webmaster Mitch Planck (734) 475-4261 mitch@brooks-planck.org Volunteer Coordinator Marie Brooks volunteer@waterloofarmmuseum.org WAHS Officers and Trustees Office Name Phone e-mail President Mitch Planck (734) 475-4261 mitch@brooks-planck.org Vice President Stewart Robinovitz (734) 475-7751 stew@umich.edu Treasurer Arlene Kaiser (517) 851-8745 roarkaiser@yahoo.com Trustee Christopher B. Kruger (517) 851-8273 stuntkrug@yahoo.com Trustee Ralph Schumacher (517) 596-2655 ralph.schumacher@hotmail.com Trustee John Ocwieja (517)851-4376 ocwiejaj@fnwusers.com Trustee Cathy Gillem (734)498-2135 no email Trustee Aaron Lewis (517) 784-6990 alewis@farmerstatebank.com Trustee Becky Zuccala (734) 475-7294 earthdancer@chartermi.net Trustee Steve Holzer (517) 579-8690 Steve@eM8s.net Waterloo Area Historical Society Membership Form A private nonprofit 501(c)3 organization, the Waterloo Area Historical Society works to fund all the operation expenses for the Farm and Dewey School. Donations are fully deductible to the extent of the law. Snip Snip CHOOSE ONE: - PLEASE CHECK HERE IF RENEWING - $15.00 SINGLE - $20.00 COUPLE - $20.00 FAMILY (Two adults + children under 18) - $40.00 CONTRIBUTING MEMBER - $50.00 BUSINESS - $200.00 INDIVIDUAL LIFE MEMBER Ages Sixty-two and over: - $10.00 SENIOR SINGLE - $15.00 SENIOR COUPLE - $150.00 SENIOR INDIVIDUAL LIFE MEMBER - I WOULD LIKE TO MAKE AN ADDITIONAL CONTRIBUTION TO SUPPORT WAHS IN THE AMOUNT OF $_______________. NAME ADDRESS CITY ST ZIP EMAIL PHONE Please make checks payable to: The Waterloo Area Historical Society Mail to: WAHS Memberships P.O.Box 37, Stockbridge, MI 49285 - I AM INTERESTED IN VOLUNTEERING AT THE MUSEUM, PLEASE CONTACT ME. Page 7 Company Name City Phone THE ABBOTT & FILLMORE AGENCY INC Stockbridge (517) 851-7777 ACCURATE TREE REMOVAL & TRIMMING Grass Lake (734) 475-7162 ADISKA FAMILY DENTAL Stockbridge (517) 851-8008 ALLEN COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY Fort Wayne, IN (260) 421-1223 ANN ARBOR BICYCLE TOURING SOCIETY Ann Arbor BRAMLETT HARDWARE & HEATING CO Gregory (734) 498-2715 CASKEY-MITCHELL FUNERAL HOME, INC Stockbridge (517) 851-7755 CERTIFIED TRACTOR & AUTO REPAIR INC Gregory (734) 498-3282 CHELSEA MILLING CO (JIFFY MIXES) Chelsea (734) 475-1361 CHEALSE ROD AND GUN CLUB Chelsea (734) 475-7910 COMPLETE OUTDOOR SERVICES Pickney (571) 304-4854 DARWIN STAINED GLASS & ANTIQUE SLOT MACHINES Chelsea (734) 475-9730 J. Benjamin DEWEY BUILDERS Gregory (734) 498-2201 FARMERS STATE BANK OF MUNITH, STOCKBRIDGE, GRASS LAKE Munith (517) 596-2311 FORTUNE HIGH TECH MARKETING (Ruthi Mund) Blaine, MN (612) 875-1188 FRIZZINI PHOTOGRAPHY Gregory (734) 498-2335 G.L. MILLIKEN PLASTERING Chelsea (734) 475-9437 “Famous last words, are often repeated.” WAHS Business Sponsors GEe Farms Nursery and Greenhouse Stockbridge (800) 860-2874 Geri Phelps Accounting Grass Lake (517) 536-4733 GLADSTONE PHOTO Mason (517) 676-9090 GRASS LAKE DENTAL CENTER Grass Lake (517) 522-5018 GREENWOOD ACRES Jackson (517) 522-8600 HANNEWALD LAMB COMPANY Stockbridge (517) 851-4718 HEYDLAUFFS APPLIANCE Chelsea (734) 475-1221 K & D KITLEY EXCAVATING Munith (517) 596-2186 KAISER EXCAVATING Stockbridge (517) 851-8745 LESSER FARMS & ORCHARD AND THE HAPPY PEASANT Dexter (734) 426-0606 McCLEER, McCLEER, & McCLEER INC, CONSULTING ENGINEERS Gregory (734) 498-2271 MILL POND BREAD Chelsea (734) 475-7088 PATHWAY LANDSCAPE-TODD SCHRAY Grass Lake (517)745-6350 POST HARDWOODS, INC Hamilton (517) 206-0637 RANSOM’S FOOD CENTER Stockbridge (517) 851-7005 REED BARBERING Grass Lake (517) 522-3457 THE RIGHT STEP THERAPY SERVICES Grass Lake (517) 914-0800 SAFETY SYSTEMS INC Jackson (517) 782-9463 SPARTAN BARRICADING INC Holt (517) 694-1500 SSB BANK Stockbridge (517) 851-7733 THE STAGE STOP RESTAURANT Stockbridge (517) 851-7666 STOCKBRIDGE AUTO CARE Stockbridge (517) 851-7047 STOCKBRIDGE AREA AMBULANCE SERVICE Stockbridge (517) 851-7943 THE SUN TIMES NEWS Stockbridge (517) 851-7833 TRACY GRAPHICS Stockbridge (517) 851-7470 WILD SANITATION Stockbridge (517) 851-7695 WATERLOO GARDENS B&B Chelsea (734) 433-1612 WATERLOO HUNT CLUB Grass Lake (517) 522-5325 THOMAS WORTH - PROFESSIONAL SURVEYIOR Jackson (517) 788-9806 PLACE POSTAGE HERE WATERLOO AREA HISTORICAL SOCIETY P O BOX 37 Stockbridge, MI 49285 We’re on the web! www.waterloofarmmuseum.org WAHS Events for 2012 June 23rd-24th - Blacksmiths-Soldiers and Log Cabin Weekend August 11th and 12th - Antique Tractor, Truck and Farm Equipment Show October 14th - Pioneer Day December 1st and 2nd - Christmas on the Farm WAHS Board Meetings - held the third Monday, January through November, 7pm. Locations TBA Let your speech be always with grace and seasoned with salt. Mrs. J. Benjamin 50
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