Copts` News


Copts` News
15th Hathor 1730
24th November 2013
Copts’ News
Volume 1, Issue 164
Volume 2, Issue 77
“Jesus increased in wisdom and stature, and in favour with God and men.” - Luke 2:52
Find this issue online at
Next Issue:
22nd December 2013
Deadline for submissions:
15th December 2013
First Year Anniversary
of the Enthronement
of His Holiness Pope
Tawadrous II
The Coptic Orthodox
Diocese of Sydney
and It’s Affiliated
deacons and the
whole congregation would like
congratulate our beloved father,
His Holiness Pope Tawadros II
on the first year anniversary of
His Enthronement as Pope of
Alexandria and Patriarch of the
Holy Apostolic See of St Mark.
We pray that God may keep Him
on His seat for many years and
peaceful times and that He may
continue to guide His Church in
Purity and righteousness.
10th General Assembly of the World
Council of Churches in South Korea
The WCC stands for the World
Council of Churches formed in 1948
in Amsterdam. The Assembly that
met in Busan, South Korea was
its 10th Assembly. The Assembly
meets every 7 years. It was an
unbelievable experience attending
the 10th Assembly. More than 4,000
participated in the Assembly, coming
from al around the world. More than
340 churches with 17 confessional
families participated. Each morning
it commenced with opening worship,
Bible Study, and a Plenary to reflect
the WCC work. In the afternoon there
was a workshop, an Ecumenical
discussion, a business section and
closing prayer in the night time.
Read on page 4
A typical day at the WCC will
commence at 8.30am and conclude at
9.00pm in the night time. It was a very
hectic time at the Assembly.
delegation was strong. There were
six Bishops, four clergy and a number
of lay people, both men and women
and a number of youth. His Eminence
Metropolitan Bishoy led the delegation:
1. His Eminence Metropolitan Bishoy
of Demitta in Egypt, Head of the
2. His Grace Bishop Antonious Marcos
– General Bishop for Preaching, Based
in South Africa; 3. His Grace Bishop
Youannes, General Bishop of the
Bishopric of Social Services, based
Published by the Diocese of Sydney & its Affiliated Regions
WE warmly welcome HG at his
Read on page 12
24th November 2013
“He who has ears to hear, let him hear!”
H.H. Pope Tawadros II
From the good remarking in the
holy bible that there are some short
sentences which are repeated a
lot. One of the famous sentences
repeated in the holy bible; “He who
has ears to hear, let him hear!”
This sentence is repeated a lot in the
final book of the holy bible, which is
the book of Revelation and the church
chooses an important night between
the cross and the resurrection,
Apocalypse night, when we read the
book of revelation with the hymns. It
contains this sentence and we say it
with its melody.
But one of the most astonishing
things in the holy bible is this
sentence is repeated in the month of
Hatour, in our Sunday prayers. “He
who has ears to hear, let him hear!”
The month of Hatour is characterized
with the beginning of the Nativity
fast in it’s second half. So between
the nativity fasting, which starts in
the 16th of Hatour, and the end of
the Great Lent, the church starts
and ends with that sentence and
this is an astonishing matter. The
more astounding matter is that this
sentence is repeated in the first,
second and third Sunday from the
month of Hatour; and the forth
Sunday the church chooses the story
of the sad rich man. The church put
it before us in the 4th Sunday as if
the church tells us that here is a man
who had ears but he went sad after
then as he didn’t listen.
The church puts before us this image
and sentence, as it’s an important
one in our lives. Ears are one of the
principal organs in the human body
and it’s one of the five senses, and
sometimes when we arrange the
senses, we say; eyes, ears… but
some of the auditors prefer to start
with ears, and when we ask them
about the reason, they come with
a meaningful answer. The ears is
distinct from the eyes regarding two
important aspects; the eye doesn’t
work except in the presence of light,
there needs to be a degree of light
to see, but it doesn’t matter with
the ears, we hear in both light and
darkness; second point is that the
eyes see straight forward and it
can’t see what is behind it, thus
they work in one direction, but the
ears hear in all directions.
That’s why they say that man in
morning is an optical being; he
depends on his eyes, but in both
day and night, he is an acoustic
being, he listens. In night while
you are sleeping, your ears mostly
work. Someone wakes up due to
any sound, and other one doesn’t
easily wake up.
What is this precious sentence
that is put by the church at the
start of the nativity fasting, at the
end of the great lent too and read
in the book of Revelation that is
also repeated 10 times in the New
What we hear is not as important as
to whom we hear, as we hear a lot.
To whom you hear is a principal
point, it’s also important how we
listen. A person can appear not
to hear, and it’s not the truth. For
example some teens like to listen
to what they only like, i.e. “selective
hearing”, for example the father may
speak regarding a topic and the child
selects one word from it, and says
to him; “you said.” As the Egyptian
proverb goes, “some people listen
with only one ear”. That’s why these
ears can control your destiny as a
human being.
First point I want you to know that
we don’t mean here the substantial
listening, I mean the ear organ is
good, but we also mean here the
spiritual listening, listening from the
heart or the inner listening.
It’s clear to you that listening is
included to all man’s phases on
earth, starting from Adam & Eve as
they didn’t listen to God’s voice. Both
Adam & Eve heard God’s voice and
they had union with Him, but they
didn’t listen to Him with their hearts,
and then came the violation and the
disobedience, and humanity entered
in sin, and so the rest of the story.
Be attentive to 3 points: first do not
deceive yourself into believing that
you are a spiritual man. Many in their
spiritualties rely merely on ears, which
is not enough. The ear may hear, but
what does it lead to, what is the next
step? What can the rich man do
from what he heard? Nothing. That
is why St. James the apostle said
in his epistle in chapter 1: “So then,
my beloved brethren, let every man
be swift to hear, slow to speak, slow
to wrath.” And he continues saying;
“But be doers of the word, and not
hearers only, deceiving yourselves.”
Sometimes the church organizes
beneficial spiritual days, and people
come to attend, but these spiritual
days is meant to establish a true
change in people’s hearts, yet some
attend without any change at all. So
be doers of the word and not hearers
only, deceiving yourselves. It means
that someone may listen and deceive
himself in same time, which is a very
serious matter, that’s why do not
deceive yourself of being a spiritual
person, live the true faith and the
commandments. And your presence
with the commandments and your
listening to them is life.
Our Christianity stands on that,
“Behold, I stand at the door and
knock. If anyone hears My voice and
opens the door, I will come in to him
and dine with him.” It’s listening.
In the month of Hatour the church
also talks to us about the proverb
of the sower in the first and second
Sunday. Such repetition does not
reoccur again during the entire year.
This is because the ecclesiastical
Calendar depends on the agricultural
calendar and agriculture was the
main activity in Egypt in the past.
Second point, listen to the voice
of the commandment, I mean, the
whole Bible, along with the Sayings
of the Father that explain the
commandments. What matters is
not how much you read in the Bible,
rather how much you understand
and whether you will practice the
commandment or not. But beware do
not choose some commandments to
practice them and leave the rest of
the commandments. Many people
choose what suits them from the
Commandments or choose a part
of a commandment, which is is
completely unacceptable.
Make the voice commandment
always in the home, as mentioned
Deuteronomy: “You shall bind them
as a sign on your hand, and they
shall be as frontlets between your
eyes. You shall write them on the
doorposts of your house and on your
gates.” (Deuteronomy 6:8-9)
Thirdly, we listen to many voices:
Listen to the voice of your spiritual
father (father of confession) or to the
spiritual guide. It is assumed that
there is a strong spiritual relationship
between you and the father of
confession. The Spiritual father is full
of the Holy Spirit, thus we can listen
to his voice with Confidence, and
this is not his voice but the voice of
God. This relationship between you
and your spiritual father is not weeks
or months ago, but it is a relationship
of years. Listen to the voice of God
through the voice of your spiritual
The forth voice which we have to
listen to is the voice of nature, nature
is talking, it is created by God’s hand
therefore it is talking, the air is talking,
and trees all the nature is talking,
seas, the rivers, the firmament
showeth His handiwork. (Psalm 19:
Floods and epidemics are talking to
us, Sometimes people forget God
as in the days of Nineveh, therefore
these voices come to awaken the
man. Today, the world has become a
small village, thus we know any event
anywhere within a few seconds, thus
If you hear about any event of nature
anywhere consider it as a voice,
so pay attention only it could be a
message for you, nature is talking.
Some people record the song of
birds especially in the early morning;
it looks like a musical composition.
Another voice you have to listen to is
the voice of life, I mean the stories of
the lives of others. Every story helps
us to understand life more and more.
Therefore, it is useful for our children
in the teenage and youth to read the
memos or dairy of some notable
people, these give a kind of vision
and experience of life, so listen to
the voice of life through the lives of
Another voice : Listen to the voice
of the church fathers. The fathers
talked to us through their writings
and explanations, the early fathers
taught us how to rejoice in all the
commandment. It is of great benefit
to read biographies of fathers read
their writings, to know their teachings
and memorize their words, such as
the teachings of St. Athanasius the
Apostle, St. Gregory Nazianzus,
Saint John Chrysostom, St. Basil the
Great, St. Cyril the Great. Saints who
had been given us the teachings to
live and to illuminate the road for us
And finally listen to the voice of the
other, the people around you, he
could be a father or mother, brother
or sister, man or woman, listen.
Your father may advise you father
you, but you do not like it at the
time but after a while might say my
father taught so and so, there is it
is lovely phrases: I see further than
my father because he carries me
on his shoulders. I see further than
my father not because of my efforts
but because he carries me on his
shoulders. Therefore father and
mother and sisters and brothers love
you honestly, listen to their voice,
father and mother, brother or sister,
boy or girl younger or older than you
, listen to the voice of the other, since
God may talk to you through them.
“He that hath ears to hear, let him
hear.” (Matthew 11: 15)
Be Ready to listen to the voice
of God, Tell him, O Lord, I want to
hear and understand your message
to me every day, and I will not let
you go O Lord if you do not send
me a personal message, Lord, I am
waiting for your message. Help me
live your commandment and rejoice
in your presence in my life. Glory to
God, Amen
Copts’ News
24th Hathor 1730
Contemplation on the symbols of the Virgin Mary – as derived from the Holy Bible and the holy
Psalmody of Kiahk – who through divine conception bore Jesus Christ the son of God, and hence
became the Theotokos, Mother of God.
Symbols of the Virgin Mary, the Mother of God:
Noah’s Dove
Genesis 8: 6-12: “So it came
to pass, at the end of forty
days, that Noah opened the
window of the ark which he
had made. Then he sent out
a raven, which kept going to
and fro until the waters had
dried up from the earth. He
also sent out from himself a
dove, to see if the waters had
receded from the face of the
ground. But the dove found
no resting place for the sole of
her foot, and she returned into
the ark to him, for the waters
were on the face of the whole
earth. So he put out his hand
and took her, and drew her
into the ark to himself. And
he waited yet another seven
days, and again he sent the
dove out from the ark. Then
the dove came to him in
the evening, and behold, a
freshly plucked olive leaf was
in her mouth; and Noah knew
that the waters had receded
from the earth. So he waited
yet another seven days and
sent out the dove, which
did not return again to him
Hail to you O Mary the fair dove,
who gave birth to God the word
with whom we are united.In the
same way as the dove announced
a new creation after the flood
except those protected in the
Ark, so our lady the Virgin Mary
who carried Christ in her womb,
announced the good news to all
humanity. Through Christ was
salvation from sin; Through His
incarnation, His crucifixion and
death, and His holy resurrection
from the dead, Christ gave us
salvation from sin so that He
may raise us up with Him so that
we can sit at the right hand of
the Father and be glorified with
Him in His Second Coming and
the judgement of the world.
Like the dove which carried
the leaf of peace to Noah as a
symbol of God’s reconciliation
with man, likewise the Virgin
Mary is the dove of peace that
carried the Prince of Peace,
Christ our Lord, who through
His death reconciled us with
the Father, who hence lifted His
wrath away from us.
Also she resembles the dove
in her simplicity, purity and the
work of the Holy Spirit through
Jacob’s Ladder
Genesis 28: 10-15: “Now Jacob
went out from Beersheba
and went toward Haran. So
he came to a certain place
and stayed there all night,
because the sun had set. And
he took one of the stones of
that place and put it at his
head, and he lay down in
that place to sleep. Then
he dreamed, and behold,
a ladder was set up on the
earth, and its top reached to
heaven; and there the angels
of God were ascending and
descending on it. And behold,
the LORD stood above it and
said: “I am the LORD God of
Abraham your father and the
Published by the Diocese of Sydney & its Affiliated Regions
God of Isaac; the land on
which you lie I will give to you
and your descendants. Also
your descendants shall be as
the dust of the earth; you shall
spread abroad to the west
and the east, to the north and
the south; and in you and in
your seed all the families of
the earth shall be blessed.
Behold, I am with you and will
keep you wherever you go,
and will bring you back to this
land; for I will not leave you
until I have done what I have
spoken to you.”
O Ladder of Jacob
You held the Judge
And He dwelt in your womb
You gave birth to the Son of Man
You were likened to the ladder,
Which Jacob saw, rising up to
heaven, with the awesome God
standing above it
You have found grace and the
Lord is with you, you are the
ladder which Jacob saw, set
firmly on the earth and reaching
to heaven where the angels
descend upon it.
Jacob saw and spoke with God
who stood above the ladder.
In like manner the Virgin Mary
was the ladder that reconciled
the earthly with the heavenly,
through her Son, the only true
Mediator who reconciled us to
the Father through His blood
which opened for us the path
to heaven. The angels are
descending from God to us and
ascending to God carrying our
prayers to Him.
The Ark of covenant
Exodus 25: 10-15 “And they
shall make an ark of acacia
wood; two and a half cubits
shall be its length, a cubit and
a half its width, and a cubit and
a half its height. And you shall
overlay it with pure gold, inside
and out you shall overlay it, and
shall make on it a moulding of
gold all around. You shall cast
four rings of gold for it, and put
them in its four corners; two rings
shall be on one side, and two
rings on the other side. And
you shall make poles of acacia
wood, and overlay them with
gold. You shall put the poles into
the rings on the sides of the ark,
that the ark may be carried by
them. The poles shall be in the
rings of the ark; they shall not be
taken from it”.
Exodus 37: 1-5 “Then Bezalel
made the ark of acacia wood;
two and a half cubits was its
length, a cubit and a half its
width, and a cubit and a half
its height. He overlaid it with
pure gold inside and outside,
and made a moulding of gold
all around it. And he cast for it
four rings of gold to be set in
its four corners: two rings on
one side, and two rings on
the other side of it. He made
poles of acacia wood, and
overlaid them with gold. And
he put the poles into the rings
at the sides of the ark, to bear
the ark.”
Continued next week
24th November 2013
10th General
Assembly of the
World Council of
Churches in South
in Cairo, Egypt; 4. His Grace Bishop
Angelos, General Coptic Bishop,
based in Stevenage in the UK; 5. His
Grace Bishop David, General Coptic
Bishop, based in New Jersey in the
USA; 6. His Grace Bishop Daniel of
Coptic Orthodox Diocese of Sydney,
based in Sydney, Australia; 7. Very Rev
Fr Yacoub, Coptic Priest of St Mary &
St Bakhoumis Church, New York in the
8. Rev Fr Bassilious Gad, Parish Priest
of ST Mary Zeitoun, Cairo, Egypt; 9.
Rev Fr Bishoy Helmi, Parish Priest
if St Anthony’s Church, Shoubra,
based in Cairo, Egypt; 10. Very Rev Fr
Shenouda Mansour, parish priest of St
Antonius & St. Paul, NSW, Australia,
and President of NSW Ecumenical
Council, based in Sydney, Australia;
11. Nun, Mother Antonia of St
Demaina Nunnery based in Egypt; 12.
Professor Dr Wedad Abbas, Professor
of Dogmatic Theology in High Coptic
Institute, Based in Egypt; 13. Professor
Isaac Agaban, Professor of Church
History in High Coptic Institute, Based
in Cairo, Egypt; 14. Dr Guirgis Saleh,
PhD in Comparative Theology in His
Coptic Institure based in Cairo; 15. Mr.
Rami, representing the youth in Egypt;
and 16.Mr. Bishoy Fr Michael Edward
of USA.
One of the most proud moments at
the 10th Assembly for the Coptic
community was when Professor Dr.
Wedad Abbas addressed the General
Assembly. She spoke elegantly and
confidently about the Coptic people.
The experience attending the WCC
in South Korea can be likened to the
message received in the Book of
Revelation, “…from all tribes…from
all nations…” coming together with
different languages, culture, traditions
and nationalities, all believing that
Jesus Christ is Lord, God and Saviour,
both clergy and laity, coming together
for the Glory of God!
The general Assembly went from 30
October to 6 Novermber 2013.
By Fr Shenouda Mansour.
The World Council of Churches
10th General Assembly was
held in Busan, South Korea
from October 30 to November
8, 2013. The Assembly is the
highest governing body of
the WCC and meets every
seven years. The WCC was
established at its 1st Assembly
in Amsterdam, Netherlands
(1948).Since then assemblies
have been in held in Evanston,
United States (1954); New Delhi,
India (1961); Uppsala, Sweden
(1968); Nairobi, Kenya (1975);
Vancouver, Canada (1983);
The 10th General Assembly of the World Council of
by Bishoy M. Mikhail
Harare, Zimbabwe (1998); and
Porto Alegre, Brazil (2006).
The Coptic Orthodox Church is
one of the founding members of
the WCC, having joined in 1948.
It should be noted that H.H.
Pope Shenouda III of Blessed
Memory served as one of the
WCC Presidents from 19911998. The delegation to the
Busan Assembly this year was
named by H.H. Pope Shenouda
just days before his departure
in March 2012 and ratified by
H.H. Pope Tawadros II following
his enthronement.
of the delegation included
H.E. Metropolitan Bishoy, H.G.
Bishop Antonios-Marcos, H.G.
Bishop Youannes, H.G. Bishop
David, H.G. Bishop Angaelos,
Shenouda Mansour, Fr. Yacoub
Ghali, Fr. Basillios Hanna, Dr.
Wedad Abbas, Mother Antonia
St. Demiana, Mr. Guirguis Saleh,
Dr. Ishak Agban, Mr. Ramy
Farouk and myself.
The theme of the 10th Assembly
was “God of Life, lead us to
justice and peace.” Discussions
resulted in statements on:
Religion and Rights of Religious
The Human Rights of
Stateless People
Reunification of the Korean
The Way to Just Peace
Affirming the Christian
Presence and Witness in the
Middle East
Situation of Abyei in South
Nuclear-Free World
Additionally, shorter documents,
labeled Resolutions or Minutes
were issued on:
A Minute on the Situation
in the Democratic Republic of
A Minute on the 100th
Anniversary of the Armenian
A Resolution on Urging
Improved U.S.-Cuba Relations
A Minute on Indigenous
A Minute on Climate
The General Assembly elected a
new Presidium to represent the
regions and Church Families.
This term, the presidents
are H.H. Karekin II, Supreme
Patriarch and Catholicos of All
Armenians (Oriental Orthodox
Family), H.B. Patriarch John X
of Antioch (Eastern Orthodox
Family), Archbishop Anders
Wejryd (Europe), Rev. Dr. Mary
Ann Plaatjies van Huffel (Africa),
Rev. Prof. Dr. Sang Chang
(Asia), Rev. Gloria Nohemy
Ulloa Alvarado (Latin America
and Caribbean), Bishop Mark
MacDonald (North America)
and Rev. Dr. Mele’ana Puloka
The new Central
Committee was elected with H.E.
Metropolitan Bishoy and H.G.
Bishop Youannes representing
the Coptic Orthodox Church.
It is the custom of the Orthodox
Churches to meet as one group
at the WCC assemblies. In fact,
the historic steps leading to the
theological dialogue between
the two families of Orthodoxy
started as meetings of the
delegates at WCC gatherings.
This started with the unofficial
consultations starting in 1964
and continued through Busan.
Each meeting is co-chaired by
a metropolitan from each family,
by tradition, a metropolitan of
the Ecumenical Patriarchate
and one of the Coptic Orthodox
This year was no
exception, with the first meeting
being held on November 1,
2013 in Busan, co-chaired
by Metropolitan Gennady’s
of Sassima and Metropolitan
Bishoy of Damiette.
Once the floor was opened for
remarks, I took the opportunity
to address the delegates and
Read on page 9
24th Hathor 1730
Copts’ News
Establishment of New Churches in the Diocese of Sydney &
Affiliated Regions during the Period 2012 - 2013
1-St Mary & St Karas Coptic Orthodox Church – Port
2-St Peter & St Paul Coptic Orthodox Church – Illawarra
Macquarie - NSW
On the 2nd March 2013, His Grace Bishop Daniel officially On 3rd of March 2013 HG Bishop Daniel prayed the First Holy Mass
commenced the service in Port Macquarie. The new church in St Peter & St Paul Coptic Orthodox Church – Illawarra.
is named after St Mary & St Karas Coptic Orthodox Church .
Accompanying His Grace Bishop Daniel is the Very Rev Fr Tadros
Simon, the General Vicar of the Diocese of Sydney & its Affiliated
Regions, and the Very Rev Fr Shenouda Mansour, Parish priest of
St Antonious & St Paul Parish at GUILDFORD
3- St Mary, St Anthony & St Paul Coptic Orthodox Church in
Orange- NSW
On 30th of Marsh 2013 HG Bishop Daniel prayed the First Holy
Mass in the New church of St Mary , St Anthony & St Paul Church
in Orange together with Rev Fr Amonious El Anba Paula Parish
priest of St John the Baptist & St Elijah the Prophet- Dubbo & Rev
Fr Mark Bassilly Parish priest of St Mark - Arncliff .
4-St Mary & St George Coptic Orthodox Church – Townsville QLD
On 13th of April 2013 HG Bishop Daniel prayed the First Holy Mass
in the New church of St Mary, & St George Church in Townsville
together with Very Reverend Father Augustinos Nada Parish priest
of St Mark’s Church - Arncliff.
5- St Mary & St Kyrillos , the Pillar of Faith Coptic Orthodox
6- Pope Cyril VI & Archdeacon Habib Guirgis Coptic Orthodox
church – Cairns - QLD
Church –Ramsgate
On 17th of May 2013 HG Bishop Daniel prayed the First Holy Mass
in the New church of St Mary & St Kyrillos , the Pillar of Faith Coptic On 25th of August 2013 HG Bishop Daniel prayed the First Holy
Orthodox church – Cairns – QLD together with Very Reverend Father Mass in the New church of Pope Cyril VI & Archdeacon Habib
Augustinos Nada Parish priest of St Mark’s Church - Arncliffe
Guirgis Church in Ramsgate.
Published by the Diocese of Sydney & its Affiliated Regions
24th November 2013
7- St Mary & St Moses the Strong Coptic Orthodox Church –
Bundaberg - QLD
HG Bishop Daniel blessed the Purchase of St Mary & St Moses the
Strong Coptic Orthodox Church –Bundaberg - QLD
8-The Altar of Archangel Michail in Archangel Retreat house –
Entrance – NSW
HG Bishop Daniel blessed the purchase of Archangel Retreat
House – Entrance – NSW
9- Consecration of the Altar of St George & Anba Makar in St
Mary, St Bakhomious & St Shenouda Church - KIRRAWEE .
On 17th of October 2013 HG Bishop Daniel, together with HG
Bishop Agathon, Bishop of Brazil Consecrated the Altar St George
& Anba Makar in St Mary, St Bakhomious & St Shenouda Church KIRRAWEE .
We pray for their continual success in the Almighty Lord God and Saviour Jesus Christ.
Students spare ch$nge… Changing
the lives of Coptic Orphans
Tuesday 23th October 2013.
Article By M. Nicola
On Thursday 17th October,
2013, the students at St Mary
and St Mina’s Coptic Orthodox
College received a different type
of lesson; a life changing one.
Some high school students
at the College are taking on
extra-curricular activities, by
volunteering their time to be part
of a Social Welfare Group, which
specifically looks at avenues
where students can help the less
fortunate, especially in Egypt.
Over the past few months,
students have had presentations
from speakers from Voice of
the Martyrs, raised hundreds
of dollars to send to pastors
in Nigeria, raised funds for
Bibles for those who can’t
access them, written letters to
Christians in prison in Pakistan,
signed petitions to change the
Constitution in Egypt, and most
recently had Coptic Orphans
Sydney representatives Nevine
Iskander and Amir Shehata
come to the College.
Nevine and Amir, came to the
College to present to students
a lesson that would truly leave
them changed forever. After an
engaging and informative game
that demonstrated to students
the vast differences in living
and working standards between
Egyptian kids and Australia kids,
the students were stunned by
how tough and cruel life can
truly be for Coptic Orphans.
Following this, the students
witnessed firsthand just how
harsh this reality is, when they
watched an emotional video
about what Coptic orphans in
Egypt experience on a daily
While there was great sadness
and regret in some students
minds, Nevine and Amir, quickly
showed them signs of hope.
Since the establishment of
Coptic Orphans in 1988, Coptic
Orphans has touched the
lives of over 30,000 children in
Egypt, one life at a time. Nevine
explained, that while some
people looked at the problem
as impossible to fix, Coptic
Orphans look at the problem
They have provided employment
opportunities where needed,
tuition for students, payed for
students University placement,
helped women get married,
trained widowed women in
a stable vocation, but, most
importantly, connected the
western world with the east.
Countries like Australia, USA,
Canada and UK can now
personally change the lives of
Coptic Orphans, one orphan at
a time.
And that was the lasting message
that gave hope to students at
St Mary’s and St Mina’s, that,
with their spare change, they
can change the lives of Coptic
Orphans, one Orphan at a time.
The students left their social
lesson, reinvigorated, charged
and ready to make a difference.
They had kindly donated a
cheque for $265 to Nevine and
Amir to use towards a building
project in the most needed areas
in Egypt. They also left with a
personal challenge by Coptic
Orphans … to raise funds to
build a roof for Marina’s house; a
Coptic Orphan in Egypt; and to
Pray unceasingly for all Coptic
Students will be doing various
activities through this term to
raise this money, as well praying
and thinking about their fellow
brothers and sisters in Egypt.
We would like to thank Coptic
Orphans, as well as Amir and
Nevine, for taking the time to
change the lives of students at
St Mary and St Mina’s College,
who in turn will try and change
the lives of Coptic Orphans…
one Orphan at a time.
Copts’ News
24th Hathor 1730
St Mary and St Mina’s Yr 5 and 6 Camp
By Bishoy Ayad and Daniel Guirguis
On the 28th of September 2013,
years 5 and 6 went on a camp
for the weekend. We attended
the mass then at 8am began our
adventure. We got onto the bus
all excited and ready for fun. We
were head counted and then we
were off. In the bus we were
talking about our favourite video
games and toys. We arrived at
our campsite called Wedderburn
Christian Campsite at around
10am. We chose our cabin and
unpacked until we were called
into our meeting hall to discuss
the rules.
After our little meeting we had
brunch which was provided
by our very nice parents and
servants. When we finished our
brunch we began our first activity
called the flying fox. It was so
much fun and it was more fun
as we had a competition - who
had the most girlish scream. To
our surprise most of the winners
were boys.
who we should follow and how
we could be leaders.
When the talk finished we had
an activity called danger island
where we played gross but
fun games. When we finished
we had our campfire with
marshmallows. At the end of
the night at our campfire we
tried to make the fire as big as
we could which was so much
fun. We then went to our cabins
where everyone wanted to sleep
except my cabin where everyone
but me wanted to stay awake. It
took about an hour and a half for
them to be quiet when I actually
got to sleep.
When I woke up it was about
6:15am and I asked one of the
boy’s in my cabin to play with his
cards then another boy followed
him and then another one came
until we couldn't move on my
bed. When everyone woke up
we had a beautiful breakfast
which was milo cereal with
corn flakes and some toast with
We then had lunch. After lunch
we did archery. It was very hard Later on that day we played more
as the arrow kept slipping out of basketball with our servants, we
the bow.
had some ice cream and then
we went on the bus to make
After archery we went to our our way back to church which
cabins and changed into our I almost missed because I was
swimming costume then we offered more ice cream. On the
played in the pool for about bus we had a few talks about
an hour and had a water fight. games and Christ. We also had a
Later on we went to our cabins pillow fight in the back of the bus
to change into our clothes so and then we finally got to church
we could play basketball which where we met our parents that
we finished playing at about 6 we missed very much and also
o'clock. After that one of the our loved ones.
servants gave us a lesson on
Fulfilling our Promise to Marina… a
Coptic Orphan
Tuesday 12th November, 2013.
Article by M. Nicola
When Sydney’s Coptic Orphans
Iskander and Amir Shehata last
came to St Mary and St Mina’s
College, they left the students
of the Social Welfare Group with
a challenge; to raise $285 to
build a roof for Marina, a Coptic
Orphan in Egypt.
On Thursday 7th November,
students at the College fulfilled
Students organised a waffle,
pancake and organic juice day,
where students donated all the
materials necessary to make and
sell delicious waffles, pancakes
and organic juice, in the hope
of raise the money needed to
build Marina a roof for her one
bedroom home.
After cooking and selling every
last waffle and pancake and
slurping every juice, the students
were ecstatic to learn that they
had collected $370. With their
Published by the Diocese of Sydney & its Affiliated Regions
previous donations, that made a suffering of their disadvantaged
grand total of $643!
brothers and sisters in Egypt
and helping them to truly live
With that amount, students the verse, “I was hungry and
didn’t just help build one roof you gave Me food; I was thirsty
for Marina’s house, but raised and you gave Me drink; I was
enough to build another roof a stranger and you took Me in;
for another Coptic Orphan and 36 I was naked and you clothed
a little to spare for other needs Me; I was sick and you visited
Students were also lucky to have Me; I was in prison and you
Japanese students on exchange came to Me”. Matt 25:35 – 36.
for a cultural experience
that day, which added to If you would like to personally
the value of the experience. donate your time or money
to any similar cause, whether
By continuously immersing through the College or straight
the students at St Mary and St through with Coptic Orphans,
Mina’s in these events, students please don’t hesitate to contact
are growing to realise just how the College at 9597 4833 or
lucky they are as citizens in email Mary Nicola at m.nicola@
Australia and to be Christians in or directly at
a protected country like this. It is the Coptic Orphans website at
also allowing them to share in the .
Annual Celebration for
& The Feast of the Consecration of the Church
St Mary & St Mina’s Cathedral, Bexley, invites the Doctors,
Pharmacists, others in the medical profession & all the beloved of
St Cosman & St Demian the physicians to attend its annual dinner
in commemoration of the feasts of the physicians St Cosman
& St Demian and the 11th Anniversary of the Consecration of
St Mary & St Mina’s Cathedral, Bexley by the hand of the triple
Thrice H H Pope Shenouda III
Venue: St Mary’s College Hall
Vesper: 6:pm 6:00 pm
Dinner: 7:pm 7:30 pm
When: Saturday 30th November 2013
Cost: $50
RSVP: Limited places, book your ticket
by 16 / 11 / 2013
Mob 0413 531 761
In loving memory of Manal Botros
It is very difficult without you by our side,
but your sweet memory is never far from our hearts.
Neither can they die any more: for they are equal
unto the angels; and are the children of God,
being the children of the resurrection.
Luke 20:36
Rest in peace our precious Manal, until we
meet again.
1st November, 1963 – 1st December, 2011.
24th November 2013
St Mark’s Coptic Orthodox College
Valedictory Liturgy and Parent Luncheon
On the last Friday of Theot- 12 Parents. It was a wonderful the Liturgy and at the Luncheon, the school of their choice.The
okos Term the College held the event where the parents with the parents were honoured for parents had the opportunity to
Valedictory Luncheon for Year their children prayed together in selecting St Mark’s College as receive an award and to hear the
words of appreciation from their
child. The Office Bearers delivered outstanding addresses and
touched all those who were in
attendance. Mrs Maha Ramzy
replied eloquently with her address on behalf of the parents
and Mrs Vaitsas as the Year 12
Mr El-Orabi visited the College
and spoke to our students
about the plight of the citizens in
Egypt and how lucky we are as
a community to live in a country
like Australia. In the past Mr El-
Patron, spoke about her experiences with Year 12 with great
sincerity and warmth. In all, it
was a family atmosphere and an
emotional event.
On behalf of the College I would
like to extend my sincerest
gratitude to the Year 12 Parents
for making St Mark’s the school
of their choice and for giving us
the opportunity to contribute
to the spiritual, social and
academic life of their children.
God bless you and I thank you
for being such caring and loving
parents. The College has been
Mr El-Orabi Visits St Mark’s College
Orabi was the Foreign Minister
for Egypt and he mentioned
what the role entailed. He has
thirty five (35) years experience
in the diplomatic service and it
was an honour to have him at
the College.
Mr El-Orabi was overawed by
the respect and attention that
he received from the students
and was highly appreciative of
the College Community. I would
enriched with the presence of
your children and your influence
upon them.
On behalf of the College
Community we wish Year 12
the very best for the HSC
like to thank Mr El-Orabi for his
attendance and to the Australian
Egyptian Council Forum for
organising his visit.
Bishop Antonios Morcos Visits St Mark’s College
His Grace Bishop Antonios
Morcos visited the College and
addressed the students at a
special assembly. His role and
title is the Bishop for African
Affairs and he spoke to the
students about helping the poor
and the needy of Africa and how
we can all play a role in changing
their lives. He was impressed
with Nadine Nada (12SG) who
introduced Him to the students
and mentioned her recent visit schedule to be with us. God
to Africa to do missionary work. bless Him for all His good work
I would like to extend our with the people of Africa.
gratitude to His Grace for
Mr Rekouniotis
making the time from His busy
Head of College
St. Mark’s Coptic Orthodox College
‘To Live Is Christ’
Enrolling Now for 2014 Kindergarten to Year 11
Contact Mrs Sidhom on 9825 6768
A Message from St Shenouda Monastery- Sydney Australia.
Good News.
A New Land for St
Shenouda Monastery.
Dear Brethren, We lift our hearts
with praises to God for granting
us with a new Land (Lot 5)
located just opposite to Car
Parking Area (opposite to Lot
9) which is very handy/closer to
the Monastery.
A Land of
25 Acres consists of a beautiful
double story House and a big
This Land with its surrounding
is necessary to allow for the
Privacy of the Monks. This new
Land will enable the Monastery
to expand and do many activities
for our large Community.
We paid already the deposit and
in need of $200,000.00 by the
end of December 2013.
We need all your support
for buying the Land as well
as starting the new Project.
You can donate directly to: “The
Coptic Orthodox St.Shenouda
Monastery Trust”. Westpac
May Our Gracious Lord Jesus
Christ reward you All with the
Heavenly Rewards. Amen.
Bishop Anba Daniel.
Copts’ News
24th Hathor 1730
The 10th General
Assembly of the
World Council of
was recognized to make the
first comments. I started by
congratulating three of our
patriarchs for their enthronement
anniversaries in the month of
November: H.H. Ecumenical
Constantinople (November 2,
1991), H.H. Catholicos Karekin
II (November 4, 1999) and H.H.
Pope Tawadros II of Alexandria
(November 18, 2012).
I then noted a bittersweet
anniversary, namely 20 years
since the last meeting of
both families of Orthodoxy in
Chambery, Switzerland. It was
20 years to the date, November 1,
1993 when the joint commission
issued its Proposals for Lifting
Anathemas. This was a followup to the Agreed Statements of
1989 and 1990. I called on the
delegates and the churches not
to give up on the remarkable
progress of our dialogue,
which reached the conclusions
that both families have loyally
Orthodox Christological faith
and that the anathemas on
councils and fathers previously
condemned should be lifted. I
took this opportunity to ask
for new efforts to continue the
dialogue to fruition.
The subsequent remarks from
by Bishoy M. Mikhail
theologians and clergy all
led to a positive reception of
the comments and a desire
to restart the process. H.E.
Metropolitan Bishoy, who is
co-chairman of the dialogue
made a recommendation that a
solution could be an invitation
from the Ecumenical Patriarch
to convene the joint commission
in Chambesy to address any
concerns of each church, not
to restart the dialogue, but to
openly address any and all
concerns in an effort to resolve
or answer any outstanding
questions. H.E. Metropolitan
Gennadios promised to take
the suggestions and concerns
to H.H. Ecumenical Patriarch
Bartholomew for his input and
The 10th General Assembly
was once again an opportunity
for the 345 member churches,
million Christians from 110
countries to gather in prayer
and conversations. It is an
opportunity to share our rich
heritage and traditions as one of
the oldest churches in the world,
as well as a chance to learn
more about Christians from
around the world of different
backgrounds and traditions.
General Bishop for Mid Cairo Churches
& Secretary of the Holy Synod
23RD OF November 2013– 3RD OF
December 2013
Holy Mass St. Mary
& St Mina Cathedral
Holy Mass, &
Priests’ Conference
Anba Abraam
Church – Long Point
Arrival EK414
St Mark’s Festival
General Meeting &
Tasbiha Archangel
Michael &St
Bishoy Church
Mount Druitt
General Youth
Meeting St
Antonious & St
Paul Church –
General Youth
Servants & SS
Servants Meeting
St Mary & St
Mercurius - Abou
Sefein Church
Holy Mass &
Priests’ Seminar
– Church Rites St
Mark’s Church ARNCLIFFE
Visiting St.
Shenouda the
Monastery –Putty
Holy Mass St.
Shenouda the
Monastery - Putty
Travel to
Melbourne by
Travel to Cairo
from Melbourne
By EK407
11:00 Visitation
‫تدعـو لجـنة البـر بسـيدنى جـميع افراد الشـعب المحب للمسـيح‬
"‫لحضور حفلهـا الســنوى "ترانيـم على اضـواء الشـموع‬
of calling heaven home of
the Sweet Angel Geraldine
Megahid, the wife of William
Megahid, will be held during
the holy mass of Sunday the
8th of December 2013 at St
George Church at Kensington,
My Dearest Gerry, I miss you
very much and miss your
lovely smile, I hope that our
loving father and Lord Jesus
will let me join you in heaven,
so we will be forever together.
Darling, you are now enjoying
eternal peace, glory and
happiness, and the company
of the angels and saints. You
never stopped supporting,
blessing us and praying for
and with us.
Darling you are and will remain
in my heart until we meet
again, I enjoy your company.
God Bless You Darling.
Thank you for having me as
your Husband
Published by the Diocese of Sydney & its Affiliated Regions
3102 ‫ ديســمبر‬8 ‫الذى سـيقـام يـوم االحـد المـوافق‬
‫ فى تمام السـاعة السـادسـة مسـاءا بقاعـة‬
The Orion Centre 155 Beamish Street, Campsie
‫و التذاكـر متوفـرة فى جـميع الكنائس و يمكن شـرائها على البـاب‬
‫تـعـال و ادعـو االخـرين ليشـاركونا افـراح عيد الميــالد المجيــد‬
‫الـرب يعـوض محبتـكم و كـل عـام و انتـم بخيـر‬
The Needy Christian Fund, Sydney
Invite you to the annual “Carols by Candle Light”
On Sunday 8 December 2013 at 6.00pm
At the Orion Centre, 155 Beamish St, Campsie
Tickets are available in all churches and for sale at door
Come and enjoy the celebration of Jesus’ Birth
Have a happy and blessed Christmas
24th November 2013
When tomorrow starts without
me, and Iam not there to see.
If the sun should rise and find
your eyes, all filled with tears
for me. I wish so much you
wouldn’t cry, the way you did
today, while thinking of the
many things we never got to
I know how much you love me,
as much as I love you...And
each time that you think of me,
I know you will miss me too...
But when tomorrow starts without me, please try to understand...
An angle came and called my name and took me by the hand,
and that I’d have to leave behind those things I dearly love...
But as I turned to walk away, a tear fell from my eyes. For all of
life, I’d always thought I didn’t want to die. I had so much to live
for, so much yet to do, it seemed almost impossible that I was
leaving you.
I thought of all the yesterdays, the good ones and the bad. I
thought of all the love we shared and how much fun we had. If
I could relive yesterday, just even for a while, I’d say goodbye,
then kiss you till I saw that special smile...
But then I fully realized, that it could never be, cause emptiness
and memories would take the place of me. And when I thought
of all those things I might miss come tomorrow, I thought of you
and when I did, my heart was filled with sorrow...
But when I walked through Heaven’s gates, I felt so much at
home. When God looked down and smiled at me from Hid great
and golden throne He said “This is eternity, and all I’ve promised
you. Today your life on Earth is past, but here it starts a new.
I promise no tomorrow, but today will always last and since
each day is the same, there’s no longing from the past. But you
have been so faithful, so trusting and so true, though there were
sometimes you did some things you shouldn’t do...
But you have been forgiven, and now at last you’re free. So come
and take me by the hand and share My life with Me..”
So when tomorrow starts without me, don’t think we’re far apart,
for every time you think of me, I’ll be right there in your Heart....!
R.I.P Joseph Gilada
by Peter Chrysologos
And whoever says to his brother,
‘Raca!’ shall be in danger of the
But whoever says, ‘You fool!’ shall
be in danger of hell fire (Mt 5:22)
But whoever says, “Raca!” to his
brother will be liable to the council .
“Raca, “ brothers, is not a word but
an expression
of mockery and an insult which
customarily arises from the winking
of the eyes, or the twitching of the
nose, or the clearing of the throat, in
such a way that one’s will provides
the affront while the substance of
insult is not revealed.” But God,
who observes our wills, sees our
desires, and judges our expressions,
forces the
one who mocks his brother to face
judgment before the council of the
saints, since the ridicule leveled at
just one
has brought insult to all, and the
condition of a member extends
to the whole body, and the body’s
pain reaches
the head.” Thus whatever ridicule
a person has inflicted upon one
individual, upon a brother, the
mocker will
notice and lament that it has made
its way right into the heavenly
council and up to God.
But whoever says, “You buffoon!”
will be liable to the fire of Gehenna
(V.22). What the angry person
concealed in
his breast, and what the mocker
kept shut within his throat, the
foulmouthed person expressed
with his voice,
and, since the affront is uttered in
the open, is assigned to the fire of
Gehenna. For hidden faults, the
judgment is
determined by the sentence of the
Savior, so that the justice of the
We are pleased to announce that the Annual Family Conference of
the Diocese of Sydney will be held at:
Wollongong Surf
Leisure Resort
FromThursday 1 May 2014 at 2:00 PM to Sunday 4 May 2014.
Rooms will be available for booking with church representatives of
the conference committee from
Sunday 1 December 2013.
judgment may be established by
virtue of an
examination of the circumstances;
but a sin in the open has an obvious
and fixed punishment.
But perhaps someone says: how is
it that something that is spoken has
such great force, that the one who
You buffoon! to his brother is
condemned to the worst penalty? It
has such great force, brothers, it has
such great
force, because Christ is in the
brother, and Christ is the Wisdom
of God.? Therefore, whoever says:
You buffoon!
to his brother has called the
Wisdom of God a buffoon ...
To these remarks the listener will
reply: “So who will be able to be
saved?” Who, brothers? The one,
of course, who
is sinless in his heart and in his
tongue. Listen to what the prophet
says: “Lord, who will dwell in your
tent, or who
will rest on your holy mountain?”
Continued Page 12
Copts’ News
24th Hathor 1730
“The righteous will shine forth as the sun in the
kingdom of their Father” (Matthew 13:43 )
Colonel Naguib Iskander Ibrahim
(19/10/1915 – 05/11/2013)
Departed to the heavenly joy on 05/11/2013 and
awaiting the resurrection of life :
The beloved father, grand-father and great-grandfather:
The husband of the beloved late Mrs Helena Hemaya Ibrahim, father of Dr
Samy Iskander husband of Dr Nagat Iskander, father of Mrs Viola Farah
wife of the late Dr Boshra Farah, father of Mr Samir Naguib husband of
Mrs Seham, father of Mrs Mervat Farah wife of Mr Zakaria Farah, grandfather of Mrs Ann Hanna wife of Mr Richard Hanna, grand-father of Maria
in Jerusalem, grand-father of Dr Sami Farah, grand-father of Mr George
Farah husband of Mrs Lydia Farah, grand-father of Miss Rafy Farah,
grand-father of Mr Simon Farah, great-grand-father of Timothy, Marianne,
Gloria and Danielle Hanna.
The family would like to express their heartfelt thanks to all those who
offered their condolences, prayers and support. We also thank HH Pope
Tawadros II, HG Bishop Daniel of Sydney and HE Metropolitan Abraham
of Jerusalem for their prayers and condolences. We also thank all our fathers the priests who partook in the funeral prayers on
11/11/2013 with a special thanks to the beloved priests of St George Church, Kensington and St Mary and St Mina Cathedral,
Bexley for their prayers and support.
The Forty-Day Requiem Holy Liturgy will be prayed on Sunday 15/12/2013 at St George Coptic Orthodox Church Kensington,
Beloved Gedo Naguib, we miss you very much. You were the blessing in our midst and a source of peace to all of us. The
treasured memories we have together will never part our minds. You were a living Bible and a great example of love, kindness,
humility, faithfulness and the love of praise and the saints. You loved everyone and everyone loved you. You had the sweet
aroma of the Lord Jesus. You accepted sickness and pain with thanksgiving and patience and were granted a place with the
saints and angels in the presence of the Lord Jesus. Please remember us in front of the throne of grace until we meet again.
With love from your children, grand-children and great-grand-children.
)43 :13 ‫حينئذ يضئ االبرار كالشمس في ملكوت أبيهم (مت‬
‫أنتقل لألمجاد السمائية علي رجاء القيامة‬
.‫ نجيب إسكندر ابراهيم‬/‫الوالد الحبيب العقيد‬
2013 /11 /5 --- 1915 /10 /19
‫ ســمير‬.‫ فيــوال فــرح زوجــة المرحــوم الدكتــور بشــري فــرح وم‬.‫ نجــاة وم‬.‫ ســامي إســكندر وزوجتــه د‬.‫زوج المرحومــة الوالــدة الحبيبــة هيالنــة حمايــة إبراهيــم ووالــد د‬
‫ زكريــا فــرح وجــد كل مــن الصيدالنيــة آن وزوجهــا ريتشــارد حنــا بنقابــة المهندســين وماريــا‬.‫نجيــب وزوجتــه المحاســبة ســهام والمحاســبة مرفــت فــرح وزوجهــا م‬
.‫ ليديــا والمحاســبة رافــي فــرح وســيمون فــرح بالجامعــة وتيمــي وماريــان وجلوريــه ودانيلــه‬.‫ جــورج فــرح وزوجتــه م‬.‫ ســامي فــرح وم‬.‫بأورشــليم ود‬
‫االســرة تشــكر جميــع مــن تفضلــوا بتقديــم واجــب العــزاء وتخــص بالشــكر قداســة البابــا المعظــم االنبــا تاوضــروس الثانــي ونيافــة الحبــر الجليــل االنبــا دانيــال أســقف‬
‫ وجميــع االبــاء الكهنــة الذيــن شــاركوا فــي الصــالة وتتقــدم بشــكر خــاص لألبــاء‬.‫ســيدني وتوابعهــا ونيافــة الحبــر الجليــل االنبــا إبراهــام مطــران القــدس والشــرق االدنــي‬
.‫كهنــة الشــهيد العظيــم مارجرجــس بكنســجتون واألبــاء كهنــة كنيســة الســيدة العــذراء مريــم ببكســلي الذيــن الزمــوا وســاندوا االســرة‬
‫ أثنــاء القــداس األلهــي الســاعة الثامنــة والنصــف بكنيســة الشــهيد العظيــم‬2013 -12 -15 ‫وتقيــم األســرة ذكــري االربعيــن لروحــه الطاهــرة يــوم االحــد الموافــق‬
.‫مارجرجــس بكنســجتون بســيدني‬
-:‫آحب من لنا في الوجود بابا نجيب‬
‫ ومثــاالً فــي المحبــة‬،‫ كنــت أنجي ـالً مقــرؤاً ومســموعا ً للــكل‬.. ...‫ ذكــراك العطــرة التفارقنــا‬...‫ كنــت البركــة والفرحــة فــي وســطنا وســالما ً يهدينــا‬.. .. ‫وحشــتنا يابابــا‬
‫ كنــا نشــتم فيــك رائحــة المســيح الذكيــة فهنيئــا لــك‬.‫ أحببــت الــكل فأحبــك الــكل‬.. .. .‫والوداعــة واألتضــاع والوفــاء ومحبــة الصــالة والتســبيح والعشــرة مــع القديســين‬
.‫الوجــود فــي حضرتــه وهنيئــا لــك المجــد واالكاليــل التــي تســتحقها علــي جهــادك وتقبلــك كل األالم بأبتســامة هادئــة شــاكرة‬
...... ‫أذكرنا أمام عرش النعمة حتي نلقاك‬
....... ‫أوالدك وأحفادك وأوالد أحفادك‬
Published by the Diocese of Sydney & its Affiliated Regions
24th November 2013
Christina and Marcus Ghabriel.
Uncle of Lillian Ghabriel, wife of
Dr. Maged Ghabriel and Uncle
to Aghathon Hanna. Brotherin-law of Yvonne Tadros, wife
of Tadros Tadros and Irini
Gozman, wife of the late Fawzi
Gozman and Deacon Bahgat
Hilmi husband of Georgette
Huddled together from the
unfortunate rain, 2013 HSC
Graduates from various parishes
gathered at the Huntley’s Point
ferry wharf for the inaugural
COYA & FOCUS HSC Graduates
anticipation was in the air as they
waited for the John Cadman III
to dock. Even before they got
on board new friendships were
being made.
Once on board, the graduates
filled the air with laughter and
flashes from cameras. There
was even a group of the youth
immediately showing their COYA
Spirit posing for a “YMCA” Style
photo spelling out C-O-Y-A with
their arms.
We were blessed by the
attendance of Fr Bassilious
Gad, Fr Youssef Fanous and Fr
Bishoy Botros. Fr Youssef gave
the graduates an encouraging
contemplation about keeping
their Christian integrity and
beliefs as they tertiary studies
and the big wide world! He
emphasised the importance
of striving to be ambassadors
for Christ and to be the shining
example of His way.
Then came the Buffet Dinner!
The youth were invited to a
satisfying spread of Breads,
Veges…not to mention the
steady supply of soft drink! The
all ate and were filled (no pun
intended) and so the best way
to begin the digestion process
was to get up and pose for more
photos and brave the light rain
to view the beautiful Sydney
Harbour from the top deck of
the ship.
With the microphone unattended
on the middle deck, soon the
COYA and FOCUS servants
heard and witnessed the singing
and musical talents of the
youth as each was coaxed by
their friends to brave the public
stage and display their musical
abilities. A spontaneous Ice
breaker then broke out and we
learnt more about each other;
what parishes we are all from,
our future ambitions as well as
the Apple and Android followers
amongst us. Laughter and
smiles all round!
As the John Cadman III
approached the wharf for
gathered once again so that
COYA and FOCUS can present
to them the 2014 plans for
these services and what the
HSC graduates can expect; fun
events and more opportunities
to gather together in the spirit
of fellowship with their brothers
and sisters from all the parishes
across the diocese.
Unfortunately, at 9:30pm, the
docking of the John Cadman III
at Huntleys Point wharf signalled
the end of an awesome cruise.
The youth reluctantly filed off the
b oat, quickly exchanging phone
numbers and social media
information to ensure the new
faces they met and enjoyed a
wonderful night will continue to
be in contact in the months and
years to come.
COYA and FOCUS thank God
first for blessing this event. We
also thank our beloved Fathers
for attended with us. Many
thanks go to the COYA and
FOCUS servants who toiled
to make the night the success
it was. However, the biggest
thanks goes to each and every
one of the HSC Graduates who
attended the cruise and made it
the memorable night it was…we
look forward to seeing you at all
the future events.
"I have fought the good fight,
I have finished the race, I have
kept the faith." (2 Tim. 4:7)
Deacon Emile Mikhail Hanna
peacefully returned to the arms
of our loving Lord, Jesus Christ
God and Saviour on 12/11/13.
The funeral service was held
at St. Antonious and St. Paul's
Church, Guildford on Friday
He was the loving uncle of
Rev. Fr. Suriel Hanna and his
wife Val Hanna. Emile was the
husband of the late Eugenie
Hanna, the nephew of the
late Zakaria Geries and family,
Michael Geries and family, his
brother Alfred Mikhail Hanna
- husband of Mary Hanna, his
sister Widad Hanna, wife of
late Joseph Daniel, his sister
Yvonne Hanna, wife of the late
Samir Attia. His daughter Diana
Nosir, wife of Dr. Mourad Nosir
and their children - Daniel,
Matthew, Andrew, Maree and
Julie. His daughter Rosemary
Hanna and her children -
On behalf of the family, we
would like to sincerely thank
H.H. Pope Tawadrous, H.E.
(Bohaira), H.G. Bishop Daniel
(Diocese of Sydney and
its affiliated regions), H.G.
Bishop Aghathon (Brazil) and
Bishop Daniel (St. Shenouda
Monastery)and to the council
of Priests for the diocese
of Sydney. We also extend
our appreciation to Rev. Fr.
Serapim Sidaros (St. Mary
and St. Bishoy, Adelaide). To
all our beloved monks from
St. Shenouda Monastery and
to the deacons who attended
his funeral. Furthermore, we
would like to thank everyone
who visited him both at home
and in hospital.
We extend an invitation to
all our beloved family and
friends to attend his 40th
day remembrance mass on
Saturday 14/12/2013 at St.
Antonious and St. Paul's
church, Guildford from 8.00 am
- 10.30 am. The family will be
happy for you to join us after
the mass in order to remember,
and celebrate the life of a loving
brother, father, grandfather and
friend - Emile Mikhail Hanna.
Continued from 10
The answer is: “The one who
speaks the truth in his heart, and has
uttered no
deceit with his tongue.” The abuse
that flows from the tongue is by no
means inconsequential, brothers;
for it is
the tongue that makes the martyr,
the tongue that furnishes the
crown of martyrdom; it is also the
tongue that makes the blasphemer,
the tongue that casts one down to
destruction through denial.