oldfaced page numbers indicate ries (e.g., Tom, Dick, andHarry1


oldfaced page numbers indicate ries (e.g., Tom, Dick, andHarry1
oldfaced page numbers indicate
article on the topic.
:, ::::::: _
An attempt has been made
to include as many thematic
such as "research problems," are designed
to stimulate future scholarship; others,
such as"homosexuality, mandatory," seek
to throw some light into little-known but
interesting comers. For this reason, browsing through the Index may prove rewarding to a wide variety of users.
Titles of books, poems, short stories,
plays, and films generally do not appear,
but the names of their authors, directors,
stars, and the like will be found. The most
significant periodicals have been entered,
but others omitted. Names in run-on se-
ries (e.g.,Tom, Dick, andHarry1have been
omitted. Scholars' names have been entered if found in the text, but not from the
bibliographies or article signatures. Page
numbers flow together (e.g., 88-92] even
across articles, and a single page number
may cover references in more than one
article on the same page. The extent of this
Index and its inherent complexity have
precluded absolute uniformity of criteria
and standards for listing. Subheadings do
not appear under entries; if some of the resulting long strings of page numbers seem
formidable, at least they will reward patient researchers with aspects of the subject at hand which they might otherwise
never have encountered.
Abderrahman: 471
Abelard, Peter: 1006
aberration: 3,312-14
abnormality: 3-4, 665
abomination: 4-5,313, 1054
aborigines, Australian: 937
Abraham: 1229
Abrahamic religions: 5-7, 221-25,583-84,
648-49, 915- 17, 984, 1228-30, 1281; see
also Judeo-Christian tradition, Islam
Abse, Leo: 1402
abstinence: 221-22; see also asceticism,
abstract art: 701, 914-15
Abu Nuwas: 7-8,476,849, 1237
AcadCmie Fran~aise:156-57
Accursius: 686
Achilles: 8-9, 16,495-96, 551-52, 864,
995,1006, 1322
Ackerley, J. R.: 9, 1297
Ackerman, Gery: 335
Ackland, Valentine: 1383-84
ACLU-see American Civil Liberties
acolyte tales (chigo monogatari): 635
Acosta, Mercedes de: 405
Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome-see AIDS
acrobats: 1292
ACT UP (AIDSCoalition To Unleash
Power]: 847, 901
active and passive: 9-11, 204, 206, 23 132,347-49,354,361,376-78,393-94,
410,493-94, 557,619,678-79,683,
691, 794-97, 800, 807, 827, 929-31,
1036-40, 1121, 1143, 1156-58, 1174,
1190-91, 1201, 1204-07, 1289, 1309-10,
1330, 1333,1365
activism, gay: 11, 164, 470,487, 674,
835-47,927, 1259,1265,1348, 1402
actors and actresses: 218, 40405,634-35,
1025-27, 1290-1303, 1314-23
acute aggresion panic: 942
Ada, William of: 686
Adams, John: 122
addiction: 330-34, 1265
Adelsward Fersen, Baron Jacques dl: 1112,380,425, 1033, 1360
adhesiveness: 12-14, 1389
Adl, Mohammed el: 418
Adler, Alfred: 14,370, 736, 1075
adolescents: 308,341-44,361-63,370-71,
409-10,412,423,428, 433, 438, 454,
491-92, 514, 592, 597-98, 624, 750,
797,866,959-70,1083-86, 1095, 1099,
1163, 1197, 1204-1205, 1265, 1309-10,
1335, 1365, 1409-15; see also boys,
girls, youth, ephebes, pederasty
adoption: 128, 186, 718, 892
Adorno, Theodor Wiesengrund: 99-100,
1079, 1249
adult-adult homosexuality-see aridfaphilia, mutual
Adventists: 1067
advertisements, personal: 15, 258, 1034,
Advocate, The: 251,426, 738, 746,842,
Aelred of Rievaulx, St.: 240,355
Aeneas: 472
Aersdone, Jan van: 123
Aeschines: 8, 15-16,232, 683, 1172, 1205
Aeschylus: 8, 16,497, 1290
aesthetic movement: 16-17, 293, 187-88,
953-54, 1369
aesthetic paganism: 521
aesthetics-see beauty
Aethelbert of Kent: 688
affection: 492
Afghanistan: 17-19, 263, 962
Afonso IV-VI, kings of Portugal: 1029
Afranius, Lucius:
Africa, North: 19-22, 119, 161, 477, 796,
863,997, 1056, 1108, 1198
Africa, Sub-Saharan: 22-24, 57, 147, 162,
878,965, 1189
African-Americans-see black gay
African diaspora: 5 16
Afro-American religions: 396
Agata, Gaetano d': 994
Agathias: 504
Agathon: 16,293, 1290
age-differentiatedrelationships: 10, 15,
19-29, 58, 67, 204, 206, 261-62, 355,
361-63, 409-10, 421, 434, 438, 444,
463, 542, 597, 873, 937-38, 959-64,
964-70, 1085-86, 1095, 1153-54, 1198,
1289,1335-36,1406, 1410, 1413; see
also ephebes, gerontophilia, pederasty,
ageism: 15,24-26, 27-29, 230, 253, 270,
421, 71 1-12, 914, 1144-45
agent: 10
agents provocateurs: 95
aging: 24-25, 26-29, 141, 146,310,421,
711,717,892, 1214,1350
Agis 111, king of Sparta: 1244
Agni: 590
Agostinelli, Albert: 1070
Agrippina: 884
Aguiar, Asdrfibal de: 1030
Ahmed, Ejaz: 591
Ahrirnan: 5 17
Ail emperor of China: 216
AIDS (AcquiredImmune Deficiency
Syndrome]:29-32, 49, 69, 84, 97, 115,
125,145, 164,171, 193,208,266,269,
535,553, 5&, 568-69, 657, 667-68,
696-97, 723, 743, 747, 788,847, 870,
878,892,926,930,946,982,101 1,
1026, 1056,1146,1151, 1178, 1187,
1188-89,1214,1242,1264, 1284,1303,
1351-52,1354, 1372, 1381, 1401
Aiken, Loretta May--see Mabley,
Akademos: 11,1033
Akhenaten, king of Egypt: 351,436,486
AKOE (group]:847
Alan of Lille: 32-33, 795, 880
Alaska (USA]:940-41
Albania: 33,502
Albee, Edward: 789, 1299
Albertine complex:33-34, 1393
Albertus Majpus: 71, 74,529,684, 791
Albigensian heresy: 173,422, 528,602,
Alcaeus: 496,573
Alcibiade Fanciullo a Scola: 34, 21 1,
257,343,623,732-33,902, 1024, 1366
Alcibiades: 34,87, 293,985, 1018, 122728, 1291
Alcman: 995
alcohol and alcoholism: 3539, 108, 11012, 176, 198-99,243,278,330,332,
582,715-16,782-83, 1082, 1097, 122526, 1265, 1272-74
Alcuin: 795,966
Alden, David: 923
Aldington, Richard: 325
Aldyne, Nathan: 865
Aleixandre, Vicente: 1240
Aletrino, Arnold: 39,221,370,425, 513,
643,740,891, 1126
Alexander the Great: 39-40, 76,272,378,
496,904,917,920, 1107, 1198, 1333
Alexander Severus, emperor of Rome:
1118, 1306
Alexander VI, pope: 943
Alexandria (Egypt):40-42,207, 23839,
418,522-23,551,670,790,883,95557, 986-87, 982-83, 1304, 1307, 1367
Alfonso V, king of Aragon: 1238
Alfonso VI, king of Leon: 1238
Alfonso X (theWise), king of Castile and
Leon: 686,692
Algarotti, Count Francesco: 1278
Alger, Horatio: 42-43, 899
Alger, William: 441
Algeria: 19,21, 1390
Algiers: 21,213
Ali Pasha: 502, 1329
alienation: 450
allegations, false: 132-33, 181-82,231-32,
240,306, 1123
Allin, G. G.: 1088
Allport, Gordon W.: 1031
Allston, Washington: 43-45
Almeida, Pires de: 163
Almendros, Nestor: 406
Almod6var, Pedro: 404,1242
Alpine County (California):879
Alternative TV (band):1087
Altolaguirre, Manuel: 1240
Alyson Press: 159
Alyson, Sasha: 159
Amanullah Khan, king of Afghanistan:
Amazonia (SouthAmericaj: 45-46, 162
Amazons, American Indian: 46-47, 128,
amazons, classical: 47-48, 920, 1179,
American Bar Association: 840
American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU):
American Indians-see Indians, American
American Library Association, Gay Task
Force: 734
American Lutheran Church: 1060
American Psychiatric Association: 34950,576-77, 794,841,845, 1350
Amin, al-, caliph: 7,476
Ammianus Marcellinus: 688
Ammirato, Scipione: 1359
Amnesty International: 382
Amory, Richard: 1025
Ampelos: 319,
Amsterdam: 312,552,847,887-92, 1064
Amulet: 674
amyl inhalant-see poppers
Anabaptists: 1060
Anacreon: 379,496, 984, 1235
anal sex: 21,23,45-46, 48-50, 148-49,
173,237,266-67,324,590,678,859860,867,885,930-3 1,998,1054,1142,
1146-47, 1149, 1156-57, 1180, 1189,
Anandrynes (secretsociety): 948, 1097,
anarchism: 50-52, 117-18, 130, 162, 33435,344,437,484, 704, 729-31, 759,
772,1087-88, 1343, 1382
Andalusia (Spain):384-85,489-90, 64448,846, 1006-07, 1237-38
Andean cultures (South America): 52-54
Andersen, Hans Christian: 54-55
Andersen, Hendrik: 632
Anderson, Laurie: 1011
Anderson, Margaret: 55-56,407
Anderson, Patrick: 63
Anderson, Robert: 1399
Andrade, Miirio de: 163
Andrews, Julie: 400
Andrews, Terry: 1145
androgyny: 56-58, 105-06, 127-28, 143,
157, 199,243,319-20,347-49,351,
362,425,433,476,481-82, 492, 53032, 534, 590-91, 597, 609-11, 633-34,
650,801,868-69,871,923,961,97071, 1001, 1085-86, 1149, 1164, 117172,1194,1315,1394, 1397
androphilia, mutual: 25, 58, 61, 70, 242,
243-44, 350-51, 478, 491, 522, 832,
960,962, 964, 981,998, 1002, 1100,
Andros, Phil -see Steward, Samuel M.
Andrzejewski, Jeny: 1013-14
Angelakis, Andreas: 503
Anger, Kenneth: 403, 1346
Anglicanism: 59-60, 91, 95, 103-04,224,
228,241-42,357, 700, 726, 1062-64,
Anglo-Saxons: 60
Angola: 24, 1207
Angry Samoans: 1088
anilinctus: 48, 930-31
animal homosexuality: 60-63, 76, 14243, 1005, 1216, 1280
animism: 174
Anna, empress of Russia: 1135
anniversaries: 416
anonymous sex--see impersonal sex
Anselm, archbishop of Canterbury: 355,
Anselm of Laon: 290,422
Anstruther-Thomson, Kit: 703
anthologies: 63-64, 200, 218, 446, 503
Anthon, Kate Scott: 316
Anthony, St.: 828,956
Anthony, Susan B.: 924
Anthropological Research Group on
Homosexuality: 66
anthropology: 64-67, 126-27, 152-53,
433,435,460, 673-74,740, 881,93741, 1198, 1218, 1354, 1332; see also
tribal cultures
Antigonus of Carystus: 1417
Antinous: 67-68, 78,514,965-66,978,
1030, 1117
Antioch [Syria]:226
Antiochus (philosopher):883
anti-Semitism: 68-69, 100, 155, 648-49,
877-78, 957, 1155, 1170, 1404
antiwar movement: 270, 1400
Antonioni, Michelangelo: 1376
Antwerp: 124-25
Aphrodite: 875, 1017, 1153
Apollinaire, Guillaume: 5 1,627, 1031
Apollo: 867-68,920
Apollodorus of Carystus: 1002
Apollonius: 40
apologetic and advocacy: 69-71, 458,461
apostasy: 976
Apostles, Society of (CambridgeUniversity): 187-88,233,343,417, 661, 1254
apprentices: 445, 492, 808, 1335
Aprile, Giuseppe: 296
Apukhin, Alexei: 1136
Aquinas, St. Thomas: 71-72, 194,529,
621,684, 791, 813, 880, 959, 1018-19,
Aquino, Corazon, president of the
Philippines: 981-82
Arabian Nights: 176,266
Arabs: 7-8 19-22, 41-42, 176-77, 234,
471,308,476,612,698-99, 791,848850,1161,1195,1207, 1236-37, 1324;
see also Islam
Aragon, Louis: 282
Aragon: 692, 1195-96
Aragona, Tullia d': 1359
Arcadia: 72-73, 1108
Arcadie: 72-73, 839,949, 1034
Archilaus: 1227
Archilochus of Paros: 496
architecture: 122-23, 514,676,675-76,
archives: 135-36, 193, 409-10, 417, 62526, 735-736,889, 1364
Arci-gay (organization):625
Arenas, Reinaldo: 287
Aretino, Pietro: 73,808, 1105, 1292
Argentina: 381,385,390, 798, 846, 905
Argento, Dominick: 926
argot: 656-57,
argr: 60,688,810, 1156-58, 1275, 1336
Arguijo, Juan de: 1007
Arian heresy: 957
Ariosto, Ludovico: 920
"aristocratic vice": 74-75,423-24,8 15,
aristocrats: 11-12, 74-75, 179, 187-89,
206,216-17, 235-38, 262-63, 308, 314,
326-37, 345-46, 354-57, 365, 374-76,
377-78,379-82,423,480, 486,497,
526-527,691, 750, 812, 832, 851-52,
901,960-62,999-1000, 1069-71, 108385, 1111, 1135, 1141-42, 1146, 1149,
1153-54, 1206, 1234-35, 1243-45, 1305,
Aristogiton: 78, 497, 1235
Aristophanes: 35,75-76,266,293,347,
494,497-98, 961, 1001-02, 1017, 1179,
1248, 1290-91
Aristotle: 39, 71, 76-77, 142, 209, 442-43,
499,511, 790-91,985, 1018, 1158,
1161, 1171,1220,1244,1280
Armenia: 1373
army-see military, soldiers
Arne, Thomas: 1322
Arnold of Verniolle: 762
Arnold, Thomas: 1083
Arnould, Sophie: 1098
Arran, earl of: 1402
arrested development: 362,370
arson: 845
art: 16-17,32, 43-45, 77-82, 108-09, 12223,314, 471, 720, 824-26, 943-44,
1406; see also art, visual
art criticism: 1382"
art history: 1395
art, visual: 43-45, 57, 77-82, 125, 153,
160-61, 162, 165, 174-75, 199,208-09,
247, 250-51, 297,299,3 10-11,372-73,
380,454,471, 488, 490,495,497, 625,
767, 800, 807, 868, 909-12, 914-15,
961,993-95, 1023-28, 1106, 1178,
1230-31, 1270, 1278, 1349, 1363, 137273, 1381-84, 1493-95
Artaud, Antonin: 1375
Artemidorus of Daldis: 82, 329
Arthur, Gavin: 87, 1388
Article 248bis (Netherlands]: 886
artificial intelligence: 1328
Aryans: 595-97
Ascalon: 1171
asceticism: 82-84, 92-93, 221-22, 226-27,
359, 366, 482, 498, 700, 761-62, 82829, 954-59, 971-74, 977, 987, 1131,
Asch, Scholem: 1296
Ashbee, Henry Spencer: 166,734,904,
Ashbery, John: 161
Asian-Americans, gay and lesbian: 84-85
Asimov, Isaac: 1167
Aspinall, Michael: 927
Association for Social Knowledge (ASK):
Assyria: 234,377, 682, 800, 1373; see
also Mesopotamia
astrology: 85-87, 500, 790-91, 808, 1229
astronomy: 107,487,840
Athenaeus: 41, 87-88,209,501, 1273
Athenagoras: 194
Athens, ancient: 15-16,35, 75-76, 166,
497-98, 510, 683, 882-83, 904. 918,
985-86, 1000-02, 1054-55, 1172, 1205,
1234-35, 1244, 1273, 1313, 1362
Athens, modem: 502-03
Atherton, James: 926
Atherton, John, bishop: 613-14
Athletic Model Guild: 994, 1025
athletics: 25,88-91, 120-21, 131, 206,
362,453-54, 492, 864, 917-19, 1083,
1307-08, 1381
Atlanta (Georgia]:855
Atthis: 1153
Auber, Daniel: 921
Aubign6, Agrippa d': 1065
Aubrey, John: 103
AudCbert: 132, 1064
Auden, W. H.: 91-92,165, 188,320,334,
Augustine of Hippo, St.: 92-93, 86, 139,
194,221-22, 762,869, 883, 959, 917,
987, 1018-19, 1367
Augustinian order: 124
Auriol, Vincent: 465
Ausonius: 794
Austin, Alice: 995
Australia: 90, 93-97,305, 352, 532, 766,
847,854, 937, 968, 1201-03, 1257
Austria: 14,97-99, 121, 124, 151, 198,
304,365,374-76,430, 434, 472-73,
668-69, 686, 835, 847, 903, 1100-01,
1159-60,1364, 1374
authoritarian personality: 99-100, 726,
1079, 1079,1249
autobiography--see biography
auto-da-f6-see burning of sodomites
autoeroticism-see masturbation
Autolycus: 87
Avalle dlArco, Silvio: 296
aversion therapy: 95, 101, 437, 967
Axgil, Axel: 312
Ayappa: 590
Ayaz: 18
Azafia, Manuel: 102, 1241
Azande tribe: 22, 24, 965
Azevedo, Aluizio: 163
Azevedo, h a r e s de: 163
Azevedo, Odilon: 163
Aznavour, Charles: 860
Aztecs: 803-805
Ba'alat: 136
Babbage, Charles: 1322
Babilonia: 626
Babur, emperor of India: 18
Babylon(ia1: 86, 234,377,482, 500, 557,
761, 869; see also Mesopotamia
Bacchae: 319-20
Bacchus--see Dionysus
Bachardy, Don: 28,615
Bachofen, Johann Jakob: 65
"backrooms": 111,827,900,
Bacolod (Philippines]:980
Bacon, Francis: 81,103,989, 1162
Bad Brains: 1088
Baez, Joan: 859
Baffo, Giorgio: 1366
Baghdad (Iraq):7,476, 848
Bagoas: 378
Baha'i religion: 6 13
Bahia (Brazil):163-64,516,846
Bahr, Hermann: 1296
Bahrgebuhr, Frederick P.: 647
Bailey, Canon Derrick Sherwin: 59,10304,228,571,653-54,976, 1062, 1401
Bailey, Jim: 1321
Baines, Richard: 125, 769
Baiqara, Husain: 17
Baker, Ida Constance: 764
Baker, Thomas: 1293
Baker Memorial Library: 9 19
Bakker, Jim: 1068
Bakunin, Mikhail: 5 1, 704, 772
Bala (Basongye]tribe: 23
Baldwin, James: 104, 148,855, 906, 1301
Bale, John: 1293
Bali (Indonesia):1315
Balkans: 794
ballet--see dance
balls, drag: 5 18, 806, 1091; see also
mardis p a s and masked balls
Balsamon, Theodore: 202
Baltimore (Maryland):107, 1325
Balzac, Honor6 de: 105-06, 112,310,425,
531,902,948, 1295,1306
Bamberg (Germany):1199
Bandinelli, Baccio: 208
Bando Tamasabura: 1316
Bang, Herman: 106-07,400, 905, 1270,
Bangala tribe: 23
Bangladesh: 586
banishment--see exile
Banneker, Benjamin: 107,1162
Bannon, Ann: 4 16,908
Baptists: 1061-62
banquets--see symposia
baraka: 21
Baraka, Irnamu Arnir (LeRoiJones):
Barber, Samuel: 402,863,926
Barbette (Vander Clyde): 1318
Barbey dlAurevilly: 293
Barcelona (Spain]:603, 846, 1241-42
Barnabas, Epistle of: 955
Barnes, Djuna: 108, 115,907, 1346
Barney, Natalie: 108-09, 115, 165, 522,
907, 1009, 1327, 1346, 1377
Barnfield, Richard: 109,966, 1007
Baroja, Pio: 1240
Ban; James: 906
Barradas, Fran~oisde: 747
Barrett, Ellen: 229
Bany, James: 1314
bars: 37/96, 110-112, 121, 125, 130, 148,
155-56, 159, 176, 178,214,219,243,
286,291,333; 403,410- 11,426,468,
490, 518, 579, 598, 715, 746, 786, 806807,827,841-42, 844, 846, 860-61,
891,894-96, 899-900,914, 949, 1016,
1026,1087-88, 1089,1108,1144,1225,
1251-54,1289, 1347, 1366, 1414
Barthes, Roland: 105-06,112-13,950,
Bartley, William Warren, IIk 1399
Bartsch, Jiirgen: 854-55
Barwasser, Karlheinz: 1046
Basil the Great, St.: 829,957
Basil 11, Byzandne emperor: 182
Basil the Macedonian, Byzantine
emperor: 182
Basmanov, Feodor: 1134
Bassani, Giorgio: 904
Basques: 846
Bates, Katherine Lee: 158,863, 1009
bathhouses: 96, 98, 113-15, 125, 166,
193,214,3 10,408, 426,479,680, 746,
806,895-96,899-900,949, 1122, 1151,
Bithory, Erzskbet: 852
Batista, Fulgencio, president of Cuba:
Batman: 251
Batten, Mabel: 517
battery (legal): 721
Baudelaire, Charles: 682, 1368
Baudoin, Fran~ois:132
Baudri of Bourgueil: 795,966, 1006
Baudry, Andre 72,426,839
Bauer, Wolfgang: 1302
Baum, Terry: 1362
Bauman, Robert: 141,487
Bavaria {Germany):752-53
Baxt, George: 865
Bayezid I, sultan of Turkey: 1329
Beach, Sylvia: 115
beaches: 42,96, 115-17, 1108
Beaney, J. C.: 95
"beat" (Australian slang): 96
beat generation [literature):117-18, 11920,333,659,915, 1010,1348
Beatles, The: 859
beatniks: 117-20, 156,244,270-71,541,
Beaton, Cecil: 995,925
Beaumanoir, Philippe de: 687
Beaumont, Charles: 1164
beauty: 67-68, 120-21, 153-54,297,361,
397,411-12,428-29,477, 491,514,
844,866-67, 883,909-12, 913,961,
1262-63, 1277-79, 1363
beauty competitions: 120-21, 852, 918,
Beauvoir, Simone de: 1154
Bebel, August: 704,945, 1168,1211
Beccadelli, Antonio: 422, 1007, 1104,
1196, 1238
Beccaria, Count Cesare : 97-98,121-22,
198,359-60,388,601, 623, 730, 885,
1200, 1380
Beck, Julian: 52
Beckford, William: 122-23,379,421,966
Bedborough, George: 353
Beddoes, Thomas Love: 1008
Bedouin: 1228
Beer, Theodore: 433
Beerbohm, Max: 1319
Beethoven, Ludwig van: 921
behaviorism: 101
Behn, Aphra: 1293
BCjart, Maurice: 292
Belbeuf, Marquise de: 1361
Belfast (Ireland):614
Belgium: 123-25, 200-01, 846, 884, 903,
Belich, Sam Michael: 926
Bell, CLive: 153, 1404
Bell, Thomas: 5 1
Bell, Vanessa: 153,490, 1404
Bellas, Bruce: 994
Bellezza, Dario: 974
Bellincioni, Bernardo: 173
"beloved disciple": 125-26,229,355,
Bem, Sandra L.: 57
Bembo, Pietro: 1105
Benavente, Jacinto: 1240
Bendale, Edith: 764
Bendow, William: 1361
Benedict, St.: 829, 959
Benedict IX, pope: 240,943
Benedict, Ruth: 66, 126-27,313
Benedict, Moritz: 740
Benelli, Sem: 1296
Benin: 23,s 16
Benjamin, Harry: 1310-11
Benjamin, tribe of: 916
Benkert, Karl Maria--see Kertbeny,
K6roly MCia
Bennett, Arnold: 1297
Bennett, Michael: 1303
Benson, R. H.: 406
Bentham, Jeremy: 127, 141,360,599,
726,731,990-91, 1020-21, 1184
Bentinck, William: 1391
Bentley, Gladys: 147-48, 5 18,
Bentley, Ronald: 926
Beranger, Pierre Jean de: 241
Berbers: 1237
berdache: 46-47,49, 66-67, 127-29, 162,
192, 239, 337, 454, 497, 526, 532, 541,
593-95, 597, 939,940, 1218, 1313-14,
1336, 1342
Berenson, Bernard: 703
Berg, Alban: 923
Berg, Vernon: 696
Berger, Helmut: 1376
Bergler, Edmund: 129,370, 601, 1074,
1076, 1278
Berkeley, University of California at:
Berkman, Alexander: 5 1-52
Berlin: 98-99, 108, 110, 129-31, 152, 162,
376,473-474, 536-39,548, 614-15, 759,
767, 835-36, 838, 903, 1111, 1167-70,
1270, 1361
Berlin Society for Psychiatry and
Nervous Diseases: 450
Berman, Ed: 1301
Bernac, Pierre: 863, 1030-31
Bemal, Martin: 596
Bernard of Clairvaux, St.: 240,1285
Bernard of Pavia: 195
Bemard, Fritz: 968
Bemardino of Siena, St.: 196,409, 1104
Bernays, Martha: 43 1
Bemesque poetry: 131-32, 173-74,306,
1007, 1105
Bernhardt, Sarah: 1319
Bemi, Francesco: 131-32
Bemstein, Leonard: 858, 864, 926
Berossus: 869
Berrigan, Phillip: 1256
Berryman, John: 574
Bertinazzi, Carlo: 1294
Bertolucci, Bernardo: 404
Besant, Annie: 70 1
Beth Simchat Torah (New York]: 644
Bethe, Erich: 595, 495
Bkze, Theodore de: 132-33,224, 1064
Bibbiena, Bernardo Dovizi da: 33
Bible: 103-04,296-99, 896-98, 915- 17;
see also Old Testament; New Testament
bibliography: 133-36, 919
Bickerstaffe, Isaac: 1294
Bieber, Irving 1076
Big Boys: 1088
Bilac, Olavo: 163
Bilbao: 1242
Bilitis: 136-38, 1010; see also Daughters
of Bilitis
Bill of Rights: 122, 600, 1050
biography and autobiography: 138-42,
212,245-46, 245-46,395-96, 404-05,
465,478, 901, 997-99, 1046, 1162-63,
1254, 1308; see also memoirs
biology: 60-63, 76-77, 142-43, 143-47,
263-65,361-62,369-71, 421, 462, 492,
536, 541, 891, 913, 964-65, 1180-82,
1215-19, 1331-32, 1334, 1375
birds: 61, 142-43
Biren, Joan E. (JEB]:8 1, 995
bisexual liberation: 145, 1350
bisexuality: 35,39-40, 98, 101, 105-06,
117-20, 126-27, 138-42, 143-46, 15354, 155-56, 161, 175, 179-80, 185, 199,
206,208-09, 215,248-49, 252, 266,
283-84, 284,306-3 10,315-17,325-37,
356,399-406, 41 1, 427-28, 432-433,
525, 555, 558, 574, 673, 677, 757, 764,
769, 771, 786, 801, 818, 825, 855, 85961,872, 884,901, 920-27,931, 943,
960,964, 978-79,981, 1004-05, 1022,
1027, 1035-48, 1055, 1076, 1085-88,
1095, 1111, 1122-23, 1135, 1142, 116467, 1191, 1197-98, 1219, 1258, 1290,
1308, 1309-10, 1326-27, 1333, 1349,
1366, 1388, 1412
bisexuality, universal: 433, 677, 1198
Bithynia: 185, 978
Black and White Men Together (organization): 148,399
black gay Americans: 104, 107, 147-50,
302,335,398-99,516, 518, 711, 757,
767, 893, 908, 1042-43, 1164, 1341,
1385-86; see also Harlem
blackmail: 44, 106-07, 114, 150-52, 283,
326-37,487,356,365, 403, 547, 78788, 808, 810, 828, 882, 887-88, 945,
948, 1015-16, 1084, 1127, 1168, 1264,
1374, 1385
Blackstone, William: 255, 873, 1062
Blade, The: 1385
Blais, Marie-Claire: 193, 1089-90
Blanchard, Roger: 920
Blaser, Robin: 1245
blasphemy: 1286
Blavatsky, Helena Petrovna: 86, 140, 701
Bleibtreu-Ehrenberg, Gisela: 964-65,
Bleuler, Eugen: 1128
Bliss, Tamara: 926
Blitzstein, Marc: 924-25
Bloch, Iwan: 152-53, 433,458, 643, 1401
Blok, Diana: 995
Blondel, Maurice: 11
Bloolips: 1321, 1361
bloom, adolescent: 41 1,491,96 1
Bloomington (Indiana]:414-17, 664
Bloomsbury: 140, 153-54, 188,340,418,
490,661,698, 1254, 1404
Blount, Charles: 109
"b1owjobs"--see oral sex
Bloxam, John Francis: 327
Bliiher, Hans: 154-55, 343, 430, 438, 446,
537-39, 815,963,1083, 1112, 1333
Blunt, Anthony: 188,365,877
Boabdil, king of Granada: 489
Boadicca, queen of Iceni Britons: 385,
3 74
boarding schools-see public schools and
schools, boarding (non-British)
Boas, Franz: 65, 126
Boccaccio, Giovanni: 454,622, 1105
Bodenheirn, Maxwell: 155
Bodin, Jean: 1396
body language--see gesture and body
Body Politic, The : 63,193, 735,846,
1034, 1256
Boeotia: 1004
BoCtie, Etienne de la: 50, 832
Bogarde, irk: 405, 1376
Bogomils: 528, 762,812
Bogoras, Waldemar: 941, 1171, 1192
bohemianism: 96, 108, 110, 118-20,15556, 189-90,328, 476, 518, 899, 948,
971, 1159, 1252-53
Boiano, Vincilao: 131
BBhme, Jakob: 57
Boise, Idaho: 1015, 1348
Boisrobert, Fran~oisde: 156-57, 423
Bolivia: 1111
Bologna: 203, 625, 685, 689, 690-91,
Bolger, Ray: 1361
Bolsec, JQBme: 132
Bolton, Isabel: 906
Bonaparte, Marie: 1075
bondage: 1143, 1146-47
bonding-see friendship
Bonehill, Bessie: 1319
Bonheur, Rosa: 79,157
Bonhoeffer, Dietrich: 1059
Boniface VIII, pope: 241
Bonin, William G.: 855
bookburning: 735
Borghese, cardinal: 204
Boris, Prince: 1133
Bork, Robert: 1186
Bory, Jean-Louis:544
Bose, Miguel: 1242
Boston: 43-44, 85, 114, 158-59, 230, 299,
750,967, 1067
"Boston marriage": 159-60, 205
Boston Asian Gay Men and Lesbians
Boswell, John: 228, 556, 686
botany: 1340
Botelho, Abel: 1030
Botelho, Diego: 163
Botticelli, Sandro: 57, 160,325,410, 943,
Botto, Ant6nio: 978, 1008, 1030
Bouchard, Michel Marc: 1090
Bouilhet, Louis: 407-08
Bourdet, Edouard: 41 1, 1296, 1346
Boursicot, Bernard: 1315
Bousoiio, Carlos: 1241
Boussac de Saint-Marc, Andre: 1295
Boutilier v. Immigration ei, Naturalization Service: 577
Bowdler, Thomas: 2 11
Bowers v. Hardwick: 693,93 1, 1200
Bowie, David: 58, 860, 1321
Bowles, Jane: 161
Bowles, Paul: 161
bowling: 90
Bowne, Alan: 1300
Bowra, Maurice: 189
Boy George: 58,861, 1321
"boy loveu--see pedophilia, pederasty,
Boyd, Robert N.: 1046
Boyfrank, Manuel: 470
Boyle, Kay: 407
boys: 17-19, 22-24, 34, 42-43,45,67-68,
75-76, 124, 131, 142, 166-68, 187-89,
202-04, 227, 240,242, 266, 279-81,
291,299,308, 341-44,354-56,361-63,
372-73,377, 405,409-10,434, 438,
445,454, 484, 491, 582, 589, 597-98,
604,673, 691, 833, 851-56,866-67,
899,938, 943-44, 959-70, 975, 981-82,
998-99, 1083-85, 1095, 1121-22, 1124,
1142, 1149,1198, 1243, 1324,1329,
1333, 1335, 1344, 1410-1414; see also
youth, adolescents, pederasty,
ephebes, pedophilia
Bracegirdle, Anne: 1318
Bradford, William: 569
Bradley, Marion Zimmer: 1165
Brady, Maureen: 908
Brahe, Tycho: 67,514
Braly, Malcolm: 1046
Bram, Christopher: 1175
Brand, Adolf: 130, 161-62,263,437,669,
Brandeis, Louis D.: 1049
Brandes, Georg: 106-07
Brando, Marlon: 403
Brandt, Paul ("Hans Licht"): 629
Brantame, Pierre de: 367
Brazil: 45-47, 147, 162-64, 201, 796,846,
905,1027,1175, 1189,1207,1325
Brecht, Bertolt: 925, 1296, 1383
Breker, Amo: 877
Bresson, Arthur J.: 405
Brethren, Church of the: 1060
Breton, AndrC: 80,247, 281, 681
Breuer, Joseph: 43 1
Brewster, Henry: 1207
Breza, Tadeusz: 1013
Brian, J.: 405
Brice, Fanny: 1361
Bridges, Robert: 1322
Bridget, St.: 1268
Briggs Initiative: 845
Bright, Susie: 1027
Brines, Francisco: 1241
Brinham, George: 1212
Britain--see England
British Museum: 734
Britt, Harry: 1151
Britten, Benjamin: 91, 164-65, 863, 92324
Broch, Hermann: 98,381,903
Broekmans, Marlo: 995
Brongersma, Edward: 968
Bronnen, Arnolt: 1296
Bronski Beat: 861
Brooks, David Owen: 854
Brooks, John Ellingham: 165, 783
Brooks, Richard: 906
Brooks, Romaine: 80, 108-09, 165-66
brothels, male: 129, 166-68, 176, 214,
' 217,286,465,587,592,888,899,
1.055-57, 1204, 1329; see also prostitution
Broughton, James: 233
Brown, Arch: 405
Brown, Charles Brockden: 440
Brown, Forman: 906
Brown, Howard: 1349
Brown, Joe E.: 401
Brown, Norman 0.: 1022
Brown, Rita Mae: 453, 908, 1256
Brown, Slater: 278
Browne, Stella: 249
Browning, Oscar: 188
Brownshirts: 882
Bruant, Aristide: 1010
Bruce, Kenilworth: 1330
Bruce, Robert the: 345
Briicke, Emst: 431
Bruckner, Ferdinand: 1296
Brummel, Beau: 293
Brundage, James A.: 196
Brunelleschi: 325
Brunner, John: 1166
Brussels: 123-25, 292
Bryant, Anita: 845, 1350
"Bryher"-see Ellerman, Annie Winifred
Bucini, Pancrazio: 480
Buckingham, Bob: 418
Buckingham, George Villiers, duke of:
Buddhism: 83,118-20, 168-71, 174-75,
200,235,477, 509, 573, 587,591, 635,
buddy films: 40 1-02
Buero-Vallejo, Antonio: 1296
Buffalo (New York): 178
Buffon, G. L. L. de: 142
buggery: 94-95, 123, 171-73, 255-56,282,
373,383,528, 602,692, 741,812,827,
875,931,1173, 1342
Bullins, Ed: 1301
Bullough, Vem: 134,591
Bumke, Oswald: 547,1112
Bunch, Charlotte: 1179
Buiiuel, Luis: 404
Burchard of Worms: 195,223,973
Burchiellesque poetry: 173-74, 1007,
Burckhardt, Jakob: 427
Burg, B. R.: 997-99
Burgess, Anthony: 1167
Burgess, Guy: 365
Burke, Edmund: 724
Burma: 168, 174-75, 850
burning of sodomites: 123-24, 197-98,
687,690-92, 805,885, 1029, 1059,
Burns, John Horne: 176,906
Burroughs, William: 117-18, 212,333,
Burton, Sir Richard: 22, 176-77, 587-88,
874,976, 1235-36, 1323
Busch, Charles: 1301
Busching: 428-29
Buse, Franz: 627
Busi, Aldo: 625
business: 339-41
Bussy-Rabutin, Roger de: 1294
butch-fem[me]relationships: 10, 177-79,
236,273, 709-10,739, 1044-45, 1246,
Buti, Francesco da: 295
Butler, Lady Eleanor: 379,438,739
Butthole Surfers, The: 1088
Buzzcocks, The: 861, 1087
Byne (Boulton),Emest: 1319
Byng, Douglas: 1321
Byme, J. C. : 94
Byron, George Gordon, lord: 141, 179-80,
187,233,356-57,380, 410-11,502,
966, 1008, 1158,1278
Byzantine empire: 82, 180-83, 194, 202,
226-27, 683, 685,810, 883, 1195, 1206,
Cabanks, Auguste: 874
cabaret-see variety, revue, and cabaret
cabin boys: 799, 1174
Cadinot, Jean-Daniel:405, 1026
Cadmus: 1303
Cadmus, Paul: 80,402,1175
Caesar, Julius: 185,523,926, 1116
cafCs: 99, 893-94
Cage, John: 292,863
Caillavet, Henri: 430
Cain, James M.: 402,865,1376
Cairo: 42, 408
Calais [eromenos]:868
Calamites: 185-86,963
calamus: 185-86,412, 1388
Caldwell, Alice: 757
California [USA]:334-35, 694, 745-46,
842,845,854,879, 1046, 1088; see
also Berkeley; Los Angeles; San Diego;
San Francisco
Caligula, emperor of Rome: 982, 1116
Call, Hal: 1150
call boys: 981, 1054-58
Callirnachus: 40,500,524
Calvinism: 13233,224, 1064-65,1342
CambacQts, Jean-Jacques RCgis: 186-87,
Cambridge: 163, 187-89, 199,233, 283,
406,417-19,563-64,660-61, 768, 878,
1008,1254,1317, 1398-1400
Camden (NewJersey]: 199, 1388
Caminha, Adolfo: 163, 905, 1175
Cammelli, Antonio: 173
camp [humor):95-97, 116, 176, 189-90,
347,413,568,615; 675,850,1129,
Campaign Against Moral Persecution
Campaign for Homosexual Equality
Campbell, Michael: 951,1084
Campbell, Petec 263
Campbell, Roy: 1007
camps, concentration and forced labor:
Canaanites: 190-91, 234,368,493, 65354, 1172, 1194
Canada: 135, 192-94, 229,242,448, 594,
693,735,846,905, 1046,1068,108990,1257,1299,1349
Canler, Louis: 166
Cannon, John Dyson: 1255
canon law: 194-96,223,602, 683,685,
931, 1051, 1198-99
Cantarella, Eve: 1122
cantigos de amigo: 1006
Cantor, Peter: 197
Canute the Great, king of Denmark: 688
capability, universal, for homosexuality:
433, 501, 677; see also bisexuality,
universal; situational homosexuality
capital crime, homosexuality as: 18, 71,
98, 123-24,127, 129,158, 172,181,
197-98, 223, 255,290,311,355,408,
409,472, 602-03,684-85, 687-89, 805,
811,827, 885-87,899, 915, 948,957,
1029, 1059, 1173, 1231, 1237, 1268-69,
1342, 1366, 1374,1397
Capote, Truman: 198-99,402
Capri: 12, 328,380, 388, 1108, 1116,
Caracalla: 1118
Caravaggio, Michelangelo Merisi da: 79,
199,320, 966
Carco, Francis: 155
"carding": 148
cardplaying: 1326
Caribbean: 285-87, 998, 1187
Carlini, Benedetta: 831
Carlotti, Ugo: 437
Carmines, Al: 859,921,926, 1301
carnations: 41 1
Carney, William: 1145
carnival--see Mardi Gras and masked
Caro, Anibal: 1105
Carolina, Constitutio Criminalis: 472,
Carpenter, Edward: 63, 75, 118-19, 186,
199-200, 236, 239, 446, 418-19, 704,
758,868,935, 1008, 1192, 1313, 1388
Carpus: 185,412
Carpzov, Benedict: 1371
Carrington, Charles: 457
Carrington, Dora: 1254
Carrington, Steven: 1283
Carter, Jimmy, president of the United
States: 845
Carter, Lynn: 1321
Carthage: 20,92, 191,408,810,1304
cartoons--see comic strips
Carvic, Heron: 866
Casanova, Giacomo: 203-04,440, 1366
Case, Willem: 123
Casement, Sir Roger: 200-02, 614,877
Casper, Johann Ludwig: 792
Cassady, Neal: 659
Cassidy, Jack: 1028
castaways: 1414
Castellioli, Fray Luis: 603
Castiglione, Baldassare: 1104
Castile (Spain):489, 603, 692, 1237-38
Castillo, Bernal Diaz del: 804
Castlehaven, Mervyn Touchet, earl of:
Castlereagh, Robert Stewart, viscount:
486, 1374
castrati: 105-06, 202-04, 376-78, 802-03,
castration: 194, 202-04, 291,376-78, 409,
686-87, 689, 692, 81 1, 849, 852,85455,884,979,1029,1082, 1207, 1237,
1345; see also eunuchs, castrati
Castro, Fidel, president of Cuba: 286-87
Castro Street (San Francisco): 1151
casual sex: 577-80
Catalines: 23 1
Catalonia (Spain):385, 846
catamite: 204, 241,348, 377, 852, 944,
"catcher": 1039
Cathar heresy: 528, 602
Cather, Willa: 33, 205-06
Catherine the Great, empress of Russia:
304, 1135
Catholicism, Roman: 71-72, 95,99, 12324, 194-96,202-04, 221-25,239-42,
441,602-04,614, 943-44, 951-53, 95759, 970-71, 971-74, 979-80, 1012-13,
1059, 1211, 1237-43, 1350, 1379; see
also Christianity; monasticism
Cato the Elder: 303
cats: 1354
Catullus: 41, 185, 206-07, 924, 1006,
1123, 1206,1367
Cauldwell, David 0.:1311
causes of homosexuality-see etiology
Cavafy, Constantine P.: 42, 207,418,
502-03, 521-22, 1008, 1409
Cavalcanti, Giovanni: 397
Cavalieri, Tommaso de': 454, 808, 135960
Cavalli, Pier Francesco: 920
cave-dwellers: 307
Cecchi, Domenico: 409
celibacy: 82-84, 207-08,221-22,239-42,
Chesneau, Emilien: 976
Chess, Harry: 25 1
Chevalier, Julien: 425, 607, 1072
Chhatarpur, Maharaja of: 9
Chiang Ching: 1315
Chicago, Judy: 81
Chicago: 90, 114,213-15, 448, 470, 476,
837,843,853,855, 1252, 1347
Chicago, University of: 212, 1220
Chicherin, Georgii Vasil'evich: 670
"chicken": 142
Ch'ien Lung: 1315
child custody: 695, 713-14
children ( g e n e r a l b e e boys; girls; youth;
ephebes; adolescents; children (prepubic)
children of lesbians: 714
children (prepubic):370-71,377,394,
409, 463, 593, 597, 604, 892, 946-47,
964-70,981-82, 1095, 1329, 1354--see
also consent, age of; parents; pedophilia
Childress, Alice: 757
Chile: 905
China: 49, 84, 166, 168-69, 215-20,367,
485,633,777,956,998-99, 1007,1024,
Chizh, Vladimir Fiodorovich: 220-21,
793, 1072-73
Choisy, Fran~oisTimolCon: 1313
Chorier, Nicolas: 2 11, 902
choruses, gay men's: 861, 926
Christ-see Jesus of Nazareth
Christian V, king of Denmark: 31 1
Christian, Marc: 564
Christian, Meg: 720
Christian, Paula: 908
Christian Science: 1067
Christianity: 5-6, 59-60, 71-72, 79,83,
92-93, 95, 103-04, 125-26, 132-33, 15052, 194-96, 197-98, 202-04, 208, 22125, 226-31,239-42, 289-91,308-09,
31 1,320, 324, 354-57, 378, 396-97,
421-22, 432,436,446, 476,48 1-482,
777,793,809-13,845, 873-74,877-78,
879-80, 882-84, 896-98, 915-17, 94344, 954-59, 971-74, 982-83, 1002, 1012,
1018-19, 1058-69, 1073, 1093-94,
1118-19, 1131, 1146-47, 1157, 1169,
289-90,309, 944,955-56, 1059
CCline, Louis-Ferdinand:386
Cellini, Benvenuto: 139-40,208-09, 690,
Celts: 209,368,421, 596, 1194
censorship and self-censorship: 77,79,
86, 106-07, 124, 127, 130-31, 138-42,
177, 180, 189, 209-11, 241, 256-57,
623,680-81, 726,743, 808,858-61,
869,908,1023-25, 1028,1052,1163,
1283, 1290, 1297,1323, 1344, 1363,
Central Intelligence Agency (CIA]:787
Cephalos: 373
Cephalos, Constantine: 504
Cephidorus: 385
Cerha, Friedrich: 923
Cernuda, Luis: 212-13,381, 1241
Cervantes, Miguel de: 213, 1239
CCspedes, Elena de: 1242
Ceylon-see Sri Lanka
Chaeronea: 1004
Chalandritsanos, Loukas: 180
Challans, Mary-see Renault, Mary
Chambers, Jane: 1302
Chambers, Whittaker: 788
Chandler, A. Bertram: 1166
Chandler, Raymond: 865
Chang Pao: 998
Chantecleer. 1033
chanties--see sea shanties
Charcot, Jean-Martin: 431
Charlemagne, king of the Franks: 686,
Charles I of Anjou, king of Naples and
Sicily: 686, 1195
Charles IV,king of France: 345
Charles V, Holy Roman emperor: 472,
Charles IX,king of Sweden: 1268
Charmides: 87
Chamas, Suzy M.: 1166
chastity--see asceticism; celibacy
Chiitelet, Madame du: 1378
Chaucer, Geoffrey: 1007
Ch'en Wei-sung: 1315
Cheney, Russell: 782
Cheng-I: 998
Cherry Grove (Fire Island, New York):
1183, 1206,1231, 1251,1266,1281,
1285-87, 1342, 1372, 1379-80, 1387,
1395, 1418; see also Judeo-Christian
tradition; Abrahamic religion; Catholicism; Protestantism; Orthodox
Christianopoulos,Dinos: 502-03
Christina, queen of Sweden: 225-26,
Christmas: 869
Christopher St. (New York CityJ: 1349
Christopher Street: 63,25 1
Chrysippus: 372,867,926, 1094,1303
Chrysostom, St. John: 194,226-27, 298,
957, 1317
Chubb, Ralph: 227,1008
Church of England-see Anglicanism
churches, gay: 26,22731, 701,842,84546,1260
Churchill, Caryl: 1320
Churchill, Winston, prime minister of
Britain: 1173
Cicero: 231-32,442444, 573, 880, 1049,
Cieza de Leon, Pedro: 53
cinaedus: 1124
cinema-see film
Cinq-Mars, Henri de: 748
circles and affinity groups: 108-09, 115,
117-20, 153-54, 165, 187-89, 192,23234,328,376, 786,895
circumcision: 23435,35 1
Cities of the Plain: 1228-30
City University of New York: 1257
civil liberties: 121-22,320-23,4 18, 1349
civil rights movement, American: 148,
civil service, American: 321, 842
Civil War, American: 1384, 1388-89
civilization: 479-80,493
Clarac-Schwarzenbach,Annemarie: 789
Clarke, Arthur C.: 1165
Clarenbach, David: 487
class: 74-75, 150, 235-38,418,493, 742,
774, 1036, 1041-42, 1213-15, 1220-21,
1248-49, 1277, 1290, 1344, 1405-06;
see also aristocracy; working class
Classy, Ed: 214
Claudius, emperor of Rome: 1116
Clause 28 (Britain):743, 847, 1213
Cleisthenes: 1291
Cleland, John: 902
Clement of Alexandria: 41, 194, 238-39,
656,956,987, 1281, 1292
Clement V, pope: 422, 1286
Clement W,pope: 603
Clenny, David: 926
Cleornenes III, king of Sparta: 1244
clergy: 83,239-42, 289-91,374; see also
clergy, gay; monasticism; papacy;
patristic writers; Christianity; Protestantism; Buddhism
clergy, gay: 131, 139, 181-82, 187, 195,
227-31, 239.42, 283-84,289-90,39697,423-24,472,502,602, 604,686,
691,941,943-44,1029, 1063,1286
Clift, Montgomery: 243,405
Cline, Walter: 1198
Clinton, Kate: 1362
cliques--see circles and affinity groups
Clive, Kitty: 1319
clone: 243-44, 758, 1151
Close, Roberta: 164
closet: 149, 244-46, 251-54,366-67
"closet rights": 366
clothing: 243-44, 246-47, 293-294,335,
416-17, 1275, 1312-14, 1406
Coalition for Reform of the Law on
Sexual Offenses: 837
Coates, Paul: 78 1
COC (organizationJ:839,889-90, 949
cocaine: 1350
Coccinelle [Jacques-CharlesDufresnoyJ:
Cockettes: 1321
"cocksucking"-see oral sex
Cocteau, Jean: 81, 140, 247-48, 249, 465,
627,426,903,923, 1129, 1155,1175,
Code Napolkon: 124, 163, 186-87, 198,
286,303,305,388, 424,472, 806, 87475,876,886, 1029
Cody, John: 316-17
coffee: 330, 332
Cohen, Alfred J.: 905
Cohn, Roy: 574, 788
Coindreau, Maurice: 658
Coke, Sir Edward: 74, 172,368, 873, 880,
Coleridge, Samuel Taylor: 43, 1278
Colette: 248-49, 903, 951, 1085, 1361
Colle, Charles: 1294
college: 1254-57, 1413
Collin, Edvard: 54-55
Collins, Jess: 335
Colquhoun, Maureen: 487
Cologne: 155,468
Colombia: 846, 905
color symbolism: 249-50, 996-97
Colson, Jaime Gonzilez: 81
Columbia University: 117, 126,344,
658-59, 842-43, 900-01, 1252, 1255-56,
Combe, George: 12
comedy: 73, 75-76,277-78, 757, 1002-03,
comic strips: 250-51
coming out: 243-45,251-54,268-69,366,
413,415, 574, 674, 710, 717-18, 845,
860,947, 1223,1256, 1309, 1373,1411
commedia delllarte: 1317
Commodus: 1117
common law: 151, 172, 198,254-56,30405, 355, 507-08, 721-22, 931, 1049,
1233, 1401-03
communes: 270, 1179,1400
communications: 256-58, 1282.84, 137273
Communism: 51-52, 282, 286-87,305,
382,487, 704-05, 779-81, 788,838,
841, 951-53, 1035, 1137-38, 1170,
1211, 1348,1376, 1384
community centers, gay: 746,841, 1350
community, gay: 110, 258-60,340-41,
680-81, 719, 1016, 1257-60; see also
Community Homophile Association of
Toronto (CHAT]:846
composers: 164-65,384-85, 753-54, 92027, 1028, 1031-32, 1159-60, 1207-08,
1274, 1279-80
compulsory homosexuality-see
mandatory homosexuality
computer data bases: 135-36
computers: 1328
Comstock, Anthony: 21 1
comstockery: 825
Comte, Auguste: 1219
concentration camps-see camps,
concentration and forced labor
CondC, Louis I1 de Bourbon, prince de:
Condivi, Ascanio: 808
condom: 1146-47,1189-90
Cone, Etta: 80, 1246
confession: 971-74
conformism: 243-44
Confucianism: 217,633,667
Congo: 23,200-01
Congregationalists: 1065
Congress, U.S.: 576-77, 1386; see also
House of Representatives, Senate
Congreve, Hubert: 702
Conradin Hohenstaufen: 428, 1195
conscience: 435
consciousness raising: 96, 260-61, 728
consent, age of: 125,256,261-62,305,
312,361, 549, 886, 892, 963,964-70,
1013, 1169,1270,1289, 1415
consent, legal and general: 261-62,969,
conservatism: 99-100,262-63, 729, 1350,
conspiracy theow: 1032
Constans, emperor of Rome: 181, 1119
Constantine the Great, emperor: 683
Constantine V, Byzantine emperor: 182
Constantine Vm,Byzantine emperor:
Constantine MIByzantine emperor: 182
Constantine, L. L.: 969
Constantinople: 180-83,207,226; see
also Istanbul
Constantius, emperor of Rome: 1119
constitution, United States: 122,693
constitutional homosexuality: 71, 15253, 263-65,433, 437,499, 791, 116768, 1241; see also biology
construction workers: 1406
constructivism: 360; see also social
contagion: 265-66,286-87,370,435
contest literature: 266,494, 501, 798,
"contrary sexual feeling": 266,352, 826
convents-see monasticism
Cooper, George: 858
Cooper, James Fenitnore: 905
Cooper, Ronald Frank: 854
Copenhagen (Denmark):3 12
Copi: 1302
Copland, Aaron: 926
Corigliano, John: 925
Cornbury, Edward Hyde, lord: 899, 1313
Corcoran Gallery: 212
corerasty-see korophilia
Corinth [Greece]:1054
Corll, Dean Allen: 854
Cornell, Michiyo: 85
Cornell University: 875, 1256, 1387
Corona, Juan V.: 854
corophilia-see korophilia
Correggio, Antonio Allegi da: 966
Cortes: 804
Corvo, Baron-see Rolfe, Frederick
Cory, Donald Webster (pseud. of Edward
Sagarin):63, 134, 570-71, 820, 901,
Corydon: 862, 1367
Cosmico, Niccolb Lelio: 1105
Costanza, Midge: 845
Costello, John: 365
Cotgave, Randle: 454
Cotton, John: 158
Cotyttia: 1313
Cotytto: 1291
Council on Religion and the Homophile:
Council(s)on Religion and the Homosexual (CRHJ:841, 1151, 1415
counseling: 267-70,337, 1096, 1213-15,
1256, 1265, 1413
counterculture: 25, 118-20, 200, 270-71,
1151, 1253,1258
Counterreformation: 622-23, 1106, 1360
County, Waynenane: 1087
Couperus, Louis: 271-72, 904-05
couples (general) 150, 159-60, 177-79,
236-38, 272-77,354,398-99, 694, 71617, 750,770, 1039-40, 1063, 1181,
1222, 1271, 1336, 1347, 1375
Courbet, Gustave: 80
Courtenay, William: 122-23, 966
courtship: 474,492
Coutinho, C h a r a : 163
Coward, Noel: 277-78, 858, 1297-98
cowboys: 562,858, 1345, 1406
Cowell, Henry: 863
Cowley, Abraham: 298
Cox, Joan: 1165
Crabbe, George: 164, 923-24
Crane, Hart: 278-79, 5 19, 1009
Cranko, John: 292
Cratinus: 87
Craven, Arthur: 786
Crawford, Joan: 405
creativity: 1178, 1248-49
Crespin, Rtgine: 926
Crete: 87, 279-81,368, 454, 510, 918,
965,984, 1194, 1234, 1243-44, 1273
Crevel, Rent: 281-82,426
crime and criminology: 39, 121-22, 15052, 155-56,313-14,465, 562, 740, 899,
948,997-99, 1035-48, 1085-86, 109498, 1196, 1345, 1370-72, 1405; see also
murder; violence; police; prisons, jails
and reformatories; pirates; blackmail
crime, organized: 900, 1196, 1347
Criminal Law Amendment Act (British):
94-95, 152, 192, 256, 282-83, 507, 807,
criticism, literary: 17, 92, 112-13,213,
75 1,762-763,782, 1409
Critobulus: 1205
Croce, Benedetto: 1180
Crocker, Lester: 1142
Crompton, Louis: 127, 141, 1020
Cros, Antoine: 1368
Crosby, Bing: 858
cross-dressing--see transvestism
Crowley, Aleister: 283-84
Crowley, Mart: 1299
Crozier, Eric: 924
Cruikshank, Margaret: 141
cruising: 06, 110-12, 113-15, 116, 149,
284-85, 310, 467-68, 474, 577-80, 680,
888,1026, 1345, 1385, 1414
Cruse, Howard: 25 1
"crushes": 951
Cruz, San Juan de la: 1239
Cruz, Sor Juana Ints de la: 1239
Cuba: 285-87,380,406,723, 773,1212
Cubism: Jaco, 1246
Cueva, Beltrh de la: 641
Cullen, Countee: 147, 518
cult prostitution---see prostitution,
Culver, Cal-see Donovan, Casey
Cunard, Nancy: 407
cunnilinctus: 930
Cunningham, Merce: 292, 863
"cure": 101, 129, 437, 549, 826, 967,
Curry, Tim: 401
Curtis, Harold: 448
Curtis, Jackie: 1301
Curtis, Tony: 400-01
Cushman, Charlotte: 1319
custody of children: 947
Cybele: 291
Cyparissus: 867
Cyprus: 191, 1286
Cyrnus, 1305
Czechoslovakia: 173,389
Dada: 1161
daisy chain: 41 1
Dali, Salvador: 282, 743, 1240
Dallessandro, Joe: 1382
DalllOrto, Giovanni: 549
Damian, Peter: 195, 197, 223, 240, 28991,621,880,943
dance: 175, 291-92,3 14-15,755, 1029,
dandy: 246,292-94, 406-07,807, 1240
Dank, Barry: 1223
Daniel, Marc: 540
Daniel, Metropolitan: 1134
DIAnnunzio, Gabriele: 165
Dante Aligheri: 294-96, 621, 1007, 1105,
Dar'a: 699
Dardel, Nils: 1270
DArio, Rubkn: 1240
Darlan, Jean Fran~ois,French admiral:
Darnley, Henry, lord: 925
Darrow, Clarence: 853
Darski, Krzysztof: 1014
Darwinism--see evolution
Dashkova, Princess: 1135
Daughters of Bilitis: 96, 134-35, 137-38,
159,719, 781,840,842,900,1150
Davenant, William: 1293
David, king of Israel: 296-99,325, 910,
916,1006, 1295
David, Jacques-Louis:79
Davies, Ray: 860
Davis, Alan J.: 1042-43
Davis, Allison: 673
Davis, Bette: 399
Davis, Madeline: 178
Davis, Roger: 1361
Davydov, Bob: 863,1279
Day, Fred Holland: 80,299,966,994
Dazzi, Andrea: 1022, 1104
Deacon, A. B.: 940
Dead Sea: 1228
Dean, James: 40 1-02,405
death penalty-see capital crime,
homosexuality as
Debeuckelaere, Geert: 123
Debussy, Claude: 922
decadence: 106-07, 189-90, 299-303,34749,387-90,425,615,681,773,870,
971, 1012, 1125, 1184-85, 1330, 1369,
De Cecco, John: 272-75, 1034, 1151
decriminalization: 95, 99, 103-04, 12122, 124, 127, 186-87, 193, 215, 256,
303-06,312,388,487, 624, 685, 693,
729, 746, 841, 845-46, 886, 1210-13,
1380, 1401-03
deepthroating: 929
DeForrest, Michael: 906
De Gaulle, Charles, president of France:
degeneration: 301-303,370,668-69, 791
Deiter, Newton: 1284
Delaney, Samuel R: 148, 1164-65, 1167
Delaney, Shelagh: 402
Delannoy, Jean: 403
delinquency: 484
Della Casa, Giovanni: 306
Del Monte, Francesco Maria, cardinal:
Delphi [Greece):9 18
1 delusions: 942
Delvau, Alfred: 3 18
Delville, Jean: 79
DIEmilio, John: 843
democracy: 1234-35--see also social
Democratic Party [USA):487, 845,878,
1252, 1350,1385
demography: 306-10, 871, 1100
demons: 589
demonstrations, pickets, etc.: 842-44,
846,1271, 1349,1385
Demosthenes: 15
Demuth, Charles: 80,310-11,490, 5 19,
Denmark: 54-55, 106-07,304, 311-12,
657,688,770,846, 1025, 1059, 1156,
Dennis, Sandy: 403
Depardieu, Gerard: 402
depravity: 421
depression: 1097, 1265, 1347, 1414
deprivation model: 1046-47
Dermit, Edouard: 247
Des Barreaux, Jacques VallCe: 1369
Descartes, R e d : 733,989, 1162
Deschauffours, Benjamin: 1380
Desfontaines, Abbe 1380
Desgouttes, Franz: 545
Despenser, Hugh le: 346
detective stories-see mystery and
detective fiction
Detroit (Michigan):845
Deveau, Jack: 405, 1026
Devi, Shakuntala: 586,591-92
deviance and deviation: 3, 118-20,31214,577,673-75,791, 1224,1348
Devlin, Baron Patrick: 1184-85
DeWaere, Patrick: 402
D'Ewes, Simonds: 103,313
DIHalrnar, Augusto: 1240
Diaghilev, Sergei: 247, 292,314-15,670,
1030, 1136,1278
Diagnostic and Statistical Manual: 34950,554
Diaz, Porfirio, president of Mexico: 806
Dickinson, Emily: 315-17, 1009
Dickinson, Peter: 866
Dickinson, Goldsworthy Lowes: 188,
Dickinson, Violet: 1404
Dicks (band):1088
dictionaries: 3 17-18
Diderot, Denis: 3 17,358-59, 424,902
Diether, Paul Burger: 1270
Dietrich, Marlene: 247, 405, 858
differently-abled-see handicapped
digital stimulation: 5 18
Dignity (organization): 196, 224, 230,
242,944, 1069
dildo: 49, 930
Dilsner, Ludwig: 1296
Dio Cassius: 202
Diogenes the Cynic: 776, 985
Diogenes Laertius: 139,363
Dionysius, tyrant of Syracuse: 1195
Dionysius the Areopagite: 873
Dionysus: 291,318-20,348, 372, 765,
867,932,1290, 1314-15
Diot, Jean: 948
Diphilus: 87
diplomats: 376, 1387
disasters: 870
Disch, Thomas M.: 1165
Disciples of Christ: 1066
disco music: 860-61
discos: 111, 125, 291, 468, 860, 981
discrimination: 68-69, 96-97, 145, 148,
192,286-87, 320-23,339-41,379-82,
252-55, 598, 695, 711, 713, 891-92,
827-29, 1031, 1038, 1066, 1080, 1180,
1265, 1350, 1373; see also oppression;
homophobia; persecutions; prejudice
medical theories
disgust: 323-25, 446, 793
disorderly conduct: 1015
Divine (Glen Milstead): 401, 1322
Dmitriev, Ivan: 1135
documentaries: 405-06
Dodds, E. R.: 320
Dodge, Mabel: 108
Dodson, Betty: 777
Doe v. Commonwealth: 1050
Doerr, Tom: 674
Dogon tribe: 532
dogs: 191, 654
Dolan, Teny: 245
Dolin, Anton: 292,315
Dolls, The New York: 860, 1087
dominance and submission: 61, 76, 14849, 206,350, 465, 1036-42, 1085-86,
1094-98, 1121-22, 1143, 1155, 1204-07,
1289, 1336, 1355, 1373, 1406
Dominican order: 602,686,689,690,
Domitian, emperor of Rome: 1117
Donaldson, Stephen: vii, xii, 344, 842,
844, 900-01, 967, 1255-56, 1415
Donatello: 161,297,325, 1022
Dondukov-Korsakov, Mikhail, prince of
Russia: 1135
Dong Xian: 2 16
Donnay, Maurice: 1360
Donnell, Bruce: 925
Donovan: 859
Donovan, Casey: 405
Doolittle, Hilda (H.D.]: 325-36,335, 522
Doors, The: 859
Dorian Greeks: 595-97
Dornseiff, Franz: 656
Dorsey, Issan: 171
Doryphorus: 884
Dostoyevsky: 1131
Douct, Joseph: 229, 1069
Douglas, Lord Alfred: 187, 326-27,486,
873, 1008, 1390
Douglas, Lord John Sholto, marquess of
Queensbury: 326-27, 1390
Douglas, Mary: 5
Douglas, Norman: 327-28
Dover, Sir Kenneth: 189,495, 1305, 1363
Dovizi da Bibbiena, Bemardo: 1292
Doyle, Peter: 1388
drag-see transvestism; transvestism,
drag balls--see balls, drag
drag queens: 1312, 1314
drama-see theatre
dreams: 82,328-30,351,431-32, 800
Dreuilhe, Emmanuel: 32
Dreyfus, Alfred: 69,877
drugs: 111, 115, 117-18, 119, 198-99,
243,270, 283, 286,314, 330-34,465,
577,715,1057,1077, 1097, 1253,
1265, 1350,1382
Drummond of Hawthomden: 454
Drummond, Lewis A.: 1062
Drury, Allen: 906
"DryadU--see Doolittle, Hilda
DSM-III[R]-see Diagnostic and Statistical Manual
dualism, religious: 1417-18
Dublin (Ireland]:614
Dubois, RenC-Daniel: 1090
Du Bois, W. E. B.: 518
Dubsky, Mario: 8 1
Du Camp, Maxime: 407
Ducasse, Isidore-see LautrCamont,
Comte de
Duchamp, Marcel: 80,825,1382
Dudgeon, Jeff: 305, 614, 1051
Dukahz, Casirnir: 1025
Dumtzil, Georges: 1171, 1307
Duncan, Robert: 52,233,326,334-35,
Dunphy, rack 198
Dunton, John: 255
Duquesnoy, JQBme: 79, 124
Durdevic, Bartolomej: 1329
Diirer, Albrecht: 173,933
Durkheim, Emile: 1220
Duroc, GQaud general: 874
Durova, Nadezhda: 1135
Dunell, Lawrence: 42
Diisseldorf: 25 1
Dwight, Louis: 1343
Dyer, Charles: 1298
"dykeN:33536,374, 676, 1203
Dynes, Wayne R.: xiii, 135
dysphoria, gender: 336-37, 580-82, 131012
dystopias: 360
eagle: 143
Eagle, Morris: 1077
earthquakes: 870
East Coast Homophile Organizations
(ECHO):844, 900; see also Eastern
Regional Conference of Homophile
Easter Sunday rising (Ireland):201
Eastern Orthodox Church--see Orthodox Church
Eastern Regional Conference of Homophile Organizations (ERCHOJ:844,
Eastern Roman Empire--see Byzantine
Ebermeyer, Erich: 1407
Echo, nymph: 875
Eckhardt, Karl August: 546-47
economics: 306-10,339-41, 660-62,679,
1024-26, 1055-56, 1204-07, 1355-56
Eddy, Mary Baker: 1067
Edelston, John: 179, 187
Eden, William: 599
education: 154,321,334, 341-44,381-82,
Enrique IV,king of Castile: 489,640-41,
entrapment: 95, 192-93, 693,780, 842,
900, 1014-15
Eon de Beaumont, Charles dl: 353,464,
eonism: 353, 1313
Eos: 373
Epaminondas: 385, 1244, 1303
ephebes and ephebophilia: 58,67-68,
162, 206, 227,332,361-63, 363, 405,
421,490,496, 753, 808, 850-51, 93233, 960, 964, 1025, 1085-86, 1124,
1136,1243,1333, 1345,1388,1390,
epic: 479,495-96
Epictetus: 1251
epicureanism: 363-64, 986, 979, 1123,
Epimenides: 281, 1235
Epiphanius of Salamis: 528
Episcopalianism-see Anglicanism
Epperson, John: 1321
Erasmus: 187
erastes: 491, 1363
erasure: 86 1
Erauso, Catalina de: 1242
Erik XN, king of Sweden: 1268
Erikson, Erik: 573
Erlangen, University of: 999
Erlingsson, Magnus, king of Norway:
eromenos: 491, 866-68, 1363
Ersine, Noel: 456
Esbensen, Axel: 1270
Esenin, Sergei: 1137
espionage: 151, 188, 364~66,376,783,
787,877, 1100-01
Esquirol, Jean Etienne Dominique: 60708,791
essentialism: 1208, 1333
Estienne, Henri: 1326
Etherege, George: 1293
ethics: 101, 127, 168-71,245-46,366-68,
844,983, 1056
ethnology-see anthropology
ethnophaulism: 368-69, 619, 1249
ethology: 60-63, 76, 881
etiology: 263-65, 369-71, 680, 794, 891,
964-65, 967-69, 1215-19, 1331-32
Eton: 1083, 1293
Etruscans: 371-73, 1120
Etting, Ruth: 858
etymologies: 4, 60, 142-43, 172-73, 189,
455,475,477,674,872, 1086, 1093-94,
Eugene of Savoy: 374-76
Eulenburg, Prince Philipp zu: 365,376,
425,473, 478, 537, 555, 787,877,
1070, 1169,1340, 1360, 1387
eunuchs: 18, 182,202-04, 376-78, 502,
euphemism: 675
Eupolis: 1290
Euric, king of the Visigoths: 688
Euripides: 16,319-20,497, 61 1, 867,
Europe, Council of: 847
European Charter of Human Rights: 614,
European Court of Human Rights: 305,
European Court of Justice: 847
European Parliament: 847
Eurydice: 868,932
Evans, Arthur: 319
Evans, Jean: 906
evolution: 263-66,265,300-01,342,371,
435, 792, 1215-19, 1260
exclusive homosexuality and exclusivism: 145,310, 534, 557-559, 585, 606,
exegesis: 228-29
exemplar theory of history: 539, 1005
exhibitionism: 1147
exiles and Cmigrts: 35,43-45, 91-92, 104,
108-09, 115, 122-23, 124, 140-41, 151,
166, 179-80, 187-88, 286-87,309,32536, 334, 345,357,374-76, 379-82, 388,
410-11,426,432,457, 469-470, 615,
624,691-92, 762, 835, 903, 948-49,
975,1108, 1164, 1195, 1235, 1238
existentialism: 119-20
exogamy: 259,435,937
experimentation, sexual: 1348, 1332,
1335, 1411
exploitation, sexual: 624,969-70,981-82
exploration: 176-77,565, 1071-72
expressionism: 381, 535
extortion: 150
extramarital homosexuality: 1217
Eyde, Edith: 746
Eyen, Tom: 1322
Eysenck, Hans J.: 1076
Eysteinn, Archbishop: 1157
Ezekiel: 653
Faber, Doris: 1128
Fabius Valens: 378
Fag Rag: 159
fagbashing-see queerbashing
faggot: 374,383-84,529, 602, 675, 87172,1202,1403, 1410
Fahs, Ned: 334
Fairbanks, Douglas: 401
fairy: 384,1202,1397
fall of Rome: 870, 1124-25
Falla, Manuel de: 381,384-85,490, 1240
Falwell, Jerry: 845, 1068, 1350
families (general):717- 18
family patterns and sexual orientation:
582-84, 1215-19
famous homosexuals, lists of: 70,359,
fantasies, erotic: 386-87,848, 1023,
1143, 1146
fantasy (literaryksee science fiction
Farajallah: 760
Fargue, LCon-Paul: 637
Farinelli (CarloBroschi]: 803,862
farmhands: 1406
fascism: 100,387-90,390-91,480, 624,
"fascist perversion": 390-91, 404, 773,
882,1103, 1155
fashion: 129,243-44, 1278
Fassbinder, Rainer: 391-92, 404, 1175,
favorites (court]:215-16
Feast of Fools: 1316
Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI)
(USA):487,727,946, 1348,1385
Feldman, Maxine: 861
Felipe (Philip]II, king of Spain: 687,
fellatio: 21, 62,368, 589, 591,674, 9293 1, 1174; see also oral sex
Fellini, Federico: 402,979, 1376
female impersonation--see transvestism
female infanticide: 308, 1195
femininity: 346-47, 1044, 1336
feminism: 57, 144, 146, 160-61, 178-79,
908,922,981,991,1027,1094, 116566,1180-82, 1352, 1382, 1404-05
Fennely, Tony: 865
Fenwick, John: 187
Feodorova, Maria: 1136
Ferdinand, king of Aragon: 686, 1238
Ferdinand0 ID of Habsburg-Lorraine: 410
Ferenczi, Sandor: 392-94
Femandez, Dominique: 920
Femindez de C6rdoba, Gonzalo: 1239
Ferro, Robert: 1196
festivals: 416, 893, 1122
fetishes: 162,394-95, 1144, 1312
Fetting, Rainer: 81
Feuchtersleben, Ernst von: 791
Feyerabend, Paul: 1161
Fichte, Hubert: 395-96, 903
Ficino, Marsilio: 86, 160,343, 396-97,
410,442-444, 520, 807, 883,910, 989,
1021, 1105,1228, 1359-60
fiction--see novels and short fiction
Fidentian poetry: 397-98, 1105
Fidus (HugoHiippener]: 877
Fiedler, Konrad: 768
Fiedler, Leslie: 398-99, 799
Fiedler thesis: 398-99
Fielding, Henry: 1313
Fields, Annie: 160
Fierstein, Harvey: 1300
Filelfo, Francesco: 1104
Filiger, Charles: 966
film: 32, 106;07, 125, 130, 141, 190, 198,
199,211, 219, 226, 243, 257,292, 326,
391-92, 399-406,418, 537, 564, 592,
625, 728, 745, 853, 874, 905,952, 979,
980, 1025-26, 1046, 1165, 1169-70,
1175,1197,1242, 1252, 1270,1331,
1345, 1376-77, 1381-83, 1385
Finch, Peter: 404
Fini, Leonor: 8 1,531,911
Finiguerra, Stefano: 1105
Finkelhor, David: 582
Finland: 847
Finocchio, Joe: 1150
Firbank, Ronald: 189,406-07,904, 1297
Fire Island (New York): 469,899, 1109,
firemen: 562
First Amendment: 1232
First International: 5 1
Fiser, Ivo: 587
"fistingH-see handballing
Fitzgerald, F. Scott: 785
fixation: 370
Flagg, Jared: 44
"flaming": 412
Flanders, Ralph: 788
Flanner, Janet: 407
Flaubert, Gustave: 407-08, 1383
Fleck, John: 1322
Fleta: 686
Fleury (Abrahpm-JosephBenard): 1294
Fleury, ThCrtse de: 1098
Fliess, Wilhelm: 98,431,433-434, 945,
Florence: 78, 110, 155, 208-09, 233, 294,
297,325,328, 380,396-97, 408-11,
669,690, 702-03, 707-08, 753,807,
857, 883, 909-10, 1021-22, 1359-60
Florio, John: 600
"flower child": 270
flower symbolism: 3 10, 411-12, 1403
Flowers, Wayland: 1361
Fluvih, Armand de: 1241
Flynn, Errol: 405
Fogh-Andersen: 1310
folklore, gay male: 412-14, 458, 1173-74,
folklore, lesbian: 414-17
Fondazione Sandro Penna: 626
Fone, Byrne R. S.: 72
Fontaine, Joan: 402
Food and Drug Administration: 847
F ~ o t eSamuel:
Forberg, Friedrich Karl: 1325-26
Forbundet af 1948: 3 12, 1270
Ford, Charles Henri: 906
forensic psychiatry: 1073-74
forgery: 8 11
fornication: 222
Forster, E. M.: 9/33! 42, 140, 153, 188,
200, 404, 417-19, 698, 904, 924, 1405
Foster, Jeannette: 920, 1360
Foster, Stephen [composer):858, 863
Foster, Stephen Wayne (scholar): 1009
Foucault, Michel: 419-20, 522, 541, 544,
950, 1130, 1209
Fourier, Charles: 420-21, 704, 730, 991,
Fowler, Emily: 315
Fowler, Owen Squire: 13
Fox, George: 1061
France: 11- 12, 56, 72-73, 104-06, 108-09,
112-14, 115,22-23, 127, 140, 151, 15657, 157, 165, 172-73, 186-87, 192, 19798, 202, 208-09,247-49,251,28 1-82,
301,303,332-33,345,356,365,37475,379-80, 407-08, 419-20, 420-21,
477,490, 525, 543-45, 549, 681-82,
684,687, 747-48, 753-54, 785-86, 83133,837, 839, 846-47, 852-53, 856-57,
860,874-75,902-03, 915, 947-50,97071,989-91,993, 1015, 1024, 1064,
1069-71, 1084-85, 1098-99, 1110,
1129-30, 1148-49, 1154-55, 1213, 1285,
1294, 1300, 1343, 1360-61,1367-70,
1377-80, 1390
Franciscan order: 124, 604, 689,691,
Franco, Francisco, generalisimo of Spain:
389-90, 1242
Franco, Matteo: 1105
Franco, Niccolb: 73, 1105
Frank, Barney: 487, 1351
Frankie Goes to Hollywood: 861
Franks, Bobbie: 853
Fraser, Morris: 968
Frazer, Sir James: 65
Frederick lI (the Great), king of Prussia:
129,428-29, 526, 1278, 1378-80
Frederick 11Hohenstaufen, Holy Roman
emperor: 71, 195,427-28, 602, 658,
686,689, 1195
FREE (organizationJ:1256
Freedman, Mark: 450, 1080
freedom, sexual--see liberation, gay;
sexual liberty and the law
freemasonry: 425, 429-30, 779, 871, 971,
Frimiot, L. Memmius: 856
frequency-see incidence
Freud, Anna: 98,382
Freud, Sigmund: 14,82, 98, 129, 140,
154,326,392-93, 430-432,433-437,
458,510, 570, 643, 649-50, 655-56,
677, 699, 708, 867, 875, 945-46, 989,
1022-23,1075-77, 1102-03,1229
Freudian concepts: 264, 353, 432-37, 875,
1073, 1075-77, 1107, 1348
Freund, Kurt: 1003
Freundin: 1033
Freundschaft und Freiheit: 1033
Freyburg, Karl von: 8 1, 5 19
Friar, Kimon: 502
Friedan, Betty: 727
Friedel, Johann: 129, 473
Friedkin, William: 403
Friedlaender, Benedict: 162, 437-38, 537,
630,669, 758,963, 1168
Friedrich Wilhelm I, king of Prussia: 428
Friend, Albert Mathias: 381 658
friendship, female: 159-60,315-17,43842, 560-61,593, 739,951, 1044-45,
friendship, male: 8-9, 12-14, 45-46, 76,
155, 161-62, 168-71, 187-89, 213,39091,398-99,438,438,442-47,472,56062, 593, 799, 781, 950-51, 953, 108385,1191, 1342, 1411
Friendship and Freedom: 1033
Fritsch, Werner von: 548
Fritscher, Jack: 1027, 1145
Friuli: 951-52
Front dlAlliberament Gai de Catalunya
Front Homosexuel dlAction Revolutionnaire (FHAR):543, 846
frontier, American: 1343
Froriep, Robert: 792
"fruit": 447-48
Fry, Roger: 153,490
Fuchs, Hanns: 1296
Fuller, Henry Blake: 448,905, 1297
Fuller, Margaret: 441
functioning: 448-51, 1079-81
fundamentalism: 212,229,845
funnel effect: 146
Furie, Sidney J.: 402-03
Fusco, Domenico: 73
Fuseli, Henry: 43
Fu turs: 949
Gacy, John Wayne, Jr.: 855
Gadda, Carlo Emilio: 625
gag reflex: 929
Gage, Joe: 405, 1026
Gai Pied: 738, 949, 1034
Gai Saber: 1034
Gaia's Guide: 508
Gala, Antonio: 1242
Galdi, Vincenzio: 994
Gales, J.: 886
Galicia (Spain):471
Galileo: 733
Galton, Francis: 492
Games, Gay: 90,453-54, 919, 1381
GQmezQuintana, Manuel: 1242
Gandhi, Mahatma: 588
gangs: 1039-41
Ganymede: 78, 109,204, 208-09, 266,
280,332, 454, 551, 610, 769, 772, 808,
866,961,966,995, 1094,1239, 1293,
Gaozu, emperor of China: 216
Garbo, Greta: 226, 400, 405
Garcia-Gbmez, Emilio: 1241
Garcia Lorca-see Lorca, Federico Garcia
Garcilaso de la Vega: 53-54, 873
Garde, Noel 1.: 386
Garland, Judy: 405
Garnett, David: 490
Garrick, David: 1294
Gassendi, Pierre: 364
Gastone, Gian, grand-duke of Florence:
Gauguin, Paul: 627, 784
Gauls: 421
Gautama, Siddhartha (the Buddha): 16871
Gauthier, Theophile: 1306
Gaveston, Piers, duke of Cornwall: 345
gay: 384,455-56,676, 1403
Gay Academic Union (GAUJ:344,459,
900-01, 1034, 1257
Gay Activists Alliance (GAAJ:11, 674,
727, 844-45, 900-01, 1349
Gay and Lesbian Alliance Against
Defamation (GLAAD):1284
Gay Books BulletinlCabirion: 1034
Gay Community News (GCN): 159,
Gay Community Services Center (Los
Angeles): 746
"Gay is Good" slogan: 843
Gay, John: 1322
gay liberation-see liberation, gay
Gay Liberation Front (Denmark): 657
Gay Liberation Front (UKJ:927
Gay Liberation Front (USA):727,844,
900,1256, 1265,1349
Gay Media Task Force: 1284
Gay Men's Health Crisis (GMHC):847,
90 1
Gay News: 743,846
gay rights: 144-45, 148, 193,214-15, 22731, 320-23, 470, 697, 713, 845, 889-90,
1066, 1068, 1210-13, 1251, 1253-54,
1271, 1330,1386
gay rights laws-see law, protective
Gay Rights Association (N. Ireland): 846
gay studies: 39, 103-04, 127, 133-36,344,
456-61,473, 560, 562, 847,892, 91920, 1167-70, 1226, 1257, 1334, 133940, 1350, 1352-53, 1384; see also
research, scholarship
Gay Sunshine: 1034
Gay Sunshine Press: 1027
gay switchboards: 1087, 1414
gay towns-see Fire Island; West Hollywood
Gayellow Pages: 508
Gaznavi, Sana'i: 17
Gearhart, Sally M.: 1165
geese: 61
Geheeb, Paul: 1406
Gellert, Roger: 1297
Gellius, Aulus: 246
Gelug monastic order: 170
gemblakan: 598
gender: 56-58, 127-29, 143-47,25 1-54,
318-20,336-37,346-49, 461-64, 530,
594,673-74, 679,849,868, 871,94041, 1085-86, 1156-58, 1163-67, 117172, 1180-82, 1191-93, 1215-19, 1242,
1268, 1289,1292, 1309-14, 1335,1342,
1345, 1410
gender-differentiated homosexuality: 911,46-48, 67, 127-29, 177-79,336-37,
346-49,376-78,461-64,476-77,58082, 592-95, 608-11. 653-54, 678-81,
794-97, 807, 849,938-39, 840-41, 980-
81, 1038-40, 1085-86, 1090-91, 1114,
1167-68, 1171-72, 1191-93, 1196-97,
1218, 1288-90, 1306-07, 1309-23,
1312-14, 1335
gender dysphoria-see dysphoria, gender
"gender fuck": 464
gender studies: 461-64, 1314
Genesis: 482, 1228
Genet, Jean: 51,247,392,396,402,404,
426, 464-65, 543, 903, 1046, 1155,
1175, 1299,1321, 1383
genetics: 369-71, 458-59, 546, 1215-19,
Geneva (Switzerland):99, 132-33, 1064
Genji, prince of Japan: 635
Genshin: 170
Gentele, Goran: 921
gentrification: 467,476
geography, social: 110, 113-15, 115-17,
166-68,213-15,284-85, 467-469,47576, 680-81, 1107-09
George the Hungarian: 1133
George, Stefan: 334,343,381 469-70,
Georgetown University: 1257
Georgia [United States): 305,693, 789
Gerassi, John: 1348
Gerber, Henry: 214, 470-71, 837, 1033,
GCricault, Theodore: 471
Germain, Jean-Claude: 1090
German Friendship Association: 836
Germanic law--see law, Germanic
Germany: 100, 110-12, 114, 125, 133-34,
140, 161-62, 194,201, 251, 255,304,
404-06,425-26,427-28, 428-29, 437,
441,445-447, 457, 469-70, 471-74, 480,
483,546-50, 657-58, 666-67, 686, 688,
692, 728, 734, 759, 762-63, 767, 817,
826,834-38, 846,853-54, 876-78, 882,
885,889, 903-04, 91 1-12, 944-45, 949,
962-63, 966-67, 989-90, 999-1000,
1046, 1059-60, 1111-12, 1158-59,
1167-70, 1199, 1211-12, 1275, 1294-98,
1339-40,1373, 1377, 1386, 1393-95,
1406-07; see also Berlin
Gernreich, Rudi: 38 1
gerontology: 26-29
gerontophilia: 25, 58,421, 1333
Gerrold, David: 244, 1165
Gershwin, George: 858
Gerson, Jean: 777
Gervaise de Latouche, Jean-Charles: 424
Gesner, Johann Matthias: 521, 1228
gestalt therapy: 484
gesture and body language: 114,346-47,
474-75, 675-76, 888, 1363
Ghana: 23
ghazels: 999
Ghent (Belgium]: 124, 692
ghettos, gay: 145, 158-59, 467,475-76,
624-25, 680-81, 728, 1225-26, 1257-60,
Ghibellines: 689, 690
Ghulamiyya: 476-77
Gibbon, Edward: 22, 1124
Gibeah: 916, 1229
Gibran, Kahlil: 299
Gide, Andre 140,213,282,386,425,
477-78, 522, 640, 772, 788, 903,966,
1006, 1108,1295,1356, 1361, 1409,
Gielgud, John: 742, 1297
Gil de Biedma, Jaime: 1241
Gil-Albert, Juan: 1241
Gilbert, Felix Mendelsohn: 658
Gilbert, Sue: 316
Gilbert and George: 8 1
Gilbert and Sullivan: 857
Gilgamesh, epic of: 479-80,496, 80 1,
Gilles de Rais: 852
Gilman, Charlotte Perkins: 1179
Ginastera, Alberto: 925
Giner de 10s Rios, Francisco: 1240
Ginsberg, Allen: 117, 171, 173,333, 659,
1010, 1255, 1348, 1388
Giordano, Fra: 690
Giovanni, Domenico di: 173
Giovio, Paolo: 1022
girls: 476-77, 674, 712, 1095, 1336, 14091414
Girth and Mirth clubs: 913
Gittings, Barbara: vii, 734, 841, 1349
Giusti, Giuseppe: 132
Glagolin, Boris: 1321
Glassco, John: 786
Glines, John: 1302
glitter rock: 860
Gloeden, Wilhelm von: 12, 79, 299,380,
480,911,966,994, 1025,1196
"glory holes": 1309
gnosticism: 172, 221, 481-82, 527, 544,
638, 670,955-56
goats: 61
God and gods: 57,318-20,350,443,454,
482-83, 514,482-83, 590-91, 804-05,
866-67, 883, 1019
God's purpose: 482-83,616, 1019
Godwin, William: 50
Goering, Hermann: 546, 1112
Goethe, Johann Wolfgang von: 446, 48384,666, 1294
Goffman, Erving: 1224
Gogol, Nikolai Vasilevich: 1135-36, 1295
Gold, Herbert: 773
',golden showers"--see urination
Goldman, Emma: 51-52
Goldschmidt, Richard: 370
Golif, Louis Le: 998
Golloway, David: 63
Gombrowicz, Witold: 1013
G6mez de la Sema, Julio: 1240
Gbmez de la Sema, Rambn: 1240
Gbmez-Arcos, Agustin: 1242
Gomorrah: 9 15
Goncourt brothers: 1368
G6ngora y Argote, Luis de: 1239
gonorrhea: 1187
Gonzaga, Federico: 73
Gonzilez, Felipe, prime minister of
Spain: 1213
Goodich, Michael: 621
Goodman, Paul: 52, 334-35,344, 484-85,
Gordon, Charles George: 485
Gorgol, Tadeusz: 1014
Gorky, Maxim: 391,670
gospels: 896-98
Gottschalk: 795
Gounod, Charles: 921
government: 50, 151-52, 185,303-06,
321,364-66,377-78, 486-67, 575-577,
598,624, 724-27, 729-31, 760, 779,
786-88, 841-42, 889,891-92, 1035-48,
1213-15, 1234-35, 1348, 1385
Goytisolo, Juan: 905, 1241-42
Grafenberg spot: 1054
graffiti: 487-89, 674, 1122, 1308, 1363
Graham, Clayton R.: 3 1
Granada: 384,489-90,647,743,1006,
Grant, Cary: 405
Grant, Duncan: 153,490-91,661, 1254
graophilia: 1333
Grasso, Sal: 1026
Gratian: 194,223,959
Graus, Hans: 853
Gravina, Gian Vincenzo: 802
Gray, Patrick: 631
Gray, Simon: 1298
Gray, Thomas: 1278
Great Britain-see England
Greece, ancient: 8-10, 15-16,40-41,4749, 75-78, 82-83, 86-88, 113, 120-21,
138-39,224,266, 279-81,302-03,308,
318-20,342-43,362-63,368,372, 419,
444,477, 491-501, 561, 650, 675, 748,
8 14, 866-70, 90 1-02! 909, 9 17-19, 93233, 96 1-61, 964-66, 1000-02, 1004-06,
1016-18, 1024, 1054-55, 1094, 1107,
1120, 1153-54, 1179, 1180, 1182, 119495, 1205-06, 1227-28, 1234-35, 124345, 1250-51, 1272-74, 1280, 1290-91,
1303-05, 1314-15, 1333, 1356, 1362-64,
1384,1393-95, 1410, 1417
Greece, medieval and modern: 179-80,
207, 656-57, 501-04, 847, 1213, 1373
Greek Anthology: 40,63, 133,500,50405,524,961,1006
Greek mythology-see mythology,
Green, Julien: 903, 1298
Green, Richard: 370-71
Greenberg, Clement: 1382
Greenwich Village (New York City): 91,
108,111, 120, 155,243,310,381,818,
844,859,899-900, 1252-53, 1349, 1361
Greer, Michael: 1361
Gregory of Nyssa, St.: 883
Gregory the Great, pope: 873, 972
Gregory W,pope: 289,943
Gregory IX, pope: 686
Greif, Martin: 386
Greig, Noel: 200
Gregg, Frances: 325
Gregory IX, pope: 602
Grier, Barbara: 134, 1360
Grierson, Francis: 505-06, 863
Griesinger, Wilhelm: 608
Griffes, Charles T.: 506-07, 863
Grillpaner, Franz, 1294, 1296
Grirnaud, Alfred de, Count dlOrsay: 293
Griswold v. Connecticut: 1050
Groningen (Netherlands):885
Gross, Hans: 473
gross indecency: 95,256,282,507-08
Grove Press: 21 1- 12
Griinbaum, Adolf: 1077
Griindgens, Gustav: 405, 1298
Grynszpan, Herschel: 949
Guadalajara (Mexico):807
Guaita, Stanislas de: 971
Guatemala: 905
Gudden, Bernhard von: 753
Guelphs: 689, 690
Gukrin, Daniel: 52, 236, 1405
Guevara, Che: 287
Guggenheirn, Peggy: 108
Guichard, Henri: 753
guides, gay: 490,508, 1324
Guillot: 422
guilt: 717-18, 782, 1023-24, 1097, 126466, 1310, 1406; see also Judeo-Christian tradition, penitentials
gulags: 1138
Gunnison, Foster: 843
Gunther, Archibald Clavering: 1318
Gunther, Hans F. K.: 546
Gurdjieff, George Ivanovich: 56, 764
Gustav(usJIII, king of Sweden: 921, 1269
Guyon, RenC: 508-10, 1289
Guyther, Anthony: 994
gymnasia: 78, 88, 120-21, 181,510-11,
867,909,913, 1122,1243, 1273
gynecophilia: 1333
gypsies: 369, 546-47
Gysin, Brian: 118
Haan, Jacob Israel de: 513-14, 905
Haannan, Fritz: 853
Habsburgs: 375
Hadith: 616-17
Hadrian, emperor of Rome: 67-68, 78,
504,514,965,978, 1030, 1117, 1236,
Hafiz: 514-16, 1262
Hague, The [Netherlands]: 271
Haigh-Wood, Vivien: 352
Haire, Norman: 3 18, 509
Haiti: 147, 516, 796
Hajjaj, Ibn al-: 848
Hakirn, Eleanor: 926
Halffter, Ernesto: 385
Hall, Ewen: 858
Hall, Radclyffe: 165, 178, 247, 380, 418,
516-17, 561, 904
Hall, Richard: 865
Hallam, Arthur: 1287
Halle, Felix: 1211
Halliwell, Kenneth: 851,933-34
Halsted, Fred: 405
Ham, son of Noah: 1277
Hamburg (Germanyj: 395-96, 627-28
Hamilton, Mary: 1313
Hamilton, Newburgh: 1293
Hamilton, Wallace: 299
Hammond, Charles: 167
Hammond, Harmony: 81
Hammond, Percy: 1320
Hampton, Christopher: 1298
handballing: 49, 49, 517-18, 1054, 1144
Handel, George Frederick: 298, 862, 926
handicapped: 720, 1058
Hannover (Germany):853
Hansbury, Lorraine: 148
Hansen, Joseph: 865,907
"hard-boiled" novels: 864-65
hardcore (music): 1088
Harden, Maximilian: 365,376, 1169
Hardy, Thomas: 784
harems, female: 17,308,377, 590, 1118,
1195, 1337
harems, male: 40,52, 183, 523, 1118,
Hari Singh, maharajah of Kashmir: 588
Haring, Keith: 488
Harlem (New YorkJ: 104, 147-48, 155,
310,518-19, 757,899, 1361
Harmodius: 78,497, 1235, 1273
Harms, Gottlieb: 627-28
Harris, Barbara: 1062
Harris, Frank: 1390
Harrison, Lou: 926
Harrow: 951,1083-84, 1271
Harry, Joseph: 273
Hart, Donn V.: 940
Hart, Herbert Lionel Adolphus: 1184-86
Hart, Lorenz: 858
Hart-Davis, Rupert: 140
Hartland, Claude: 141
Hartley, Marsden: 80, 108,310,363,490,
519, 785, 1009
Harvard University: 43, 158-59, 176,
351,782,840,843,914, 1152
Harvey Milk School: 1413
Hasan of Ali, vizier: 18
hashish: 332
Hassan 11, king of Morocco: 19
Hatch, Orrin: 878
Hatshepsut, queen of Egypt: 351
Havana (Cuba]:285-86
Hawarden, Viscountess Clementis: 995
Haxton, Gerald: 783
Hay, Hany (Henry]:381,384, 774,77981,839, 1150, 1348
Hay, James: 631
Hayek, F. A.: 360
Hayes, Billy: 1046
Hayley, William: 439
Hayward, John: 352
"head": 929
Head, Murray: 404
health-see medical
Heap, Jane: 55-56
Heard, Gerald: 38 1,615
Hebrew Ilanguage): 191
hedonism: 117-20, 153-54,359, 489,
Heiban tribe: 22
Heidegger, John James: 742, 766
Heidegger, Martin: 70
Heirnsoth, Karl-Giinther: 86, 552
Heine, Heinrich: 1000
Heinecke, Alfred: 994
Heinlein, Robert: 1167
Heliogabalus, emperor of Rome: 139,
240,272,337, 519-20, 904, 943, 1118,
Hellberg, Lillian: 1297
Hellenism: 40-41, 207,377-78, 495, 52022, 563-64, 1194-95, 1287, 1395, 1407
Hellenistic monarchies: 40-41,378, 52324
Hellman, Allan: 1270
Hellman, Lillian: 1297
Hemingway, Ernest: 115, 407, 524-25,
785,1197, 1246
Hemingway, Mariel: 404
Henri ID,king of France: 348,423, 52526,629,766,1065, 1126, 1306, 1360
Henry, prince of Prussia: 129,429,52627, 1294
Henry IV,Holy Roman emperor: 289,
Henry Vm, king of England: 172, 198,
224,241,355,692,741, 1062
Henry, George William: 1360
Hensley, Elmer Wayne: 854
Henze, Hans Werner: 320
hepatitis: 48, 1146, 1189
Hephaistion: 40
Hera: 867-68
Heracles: 496, 868, 995, 1243, 1304
Heraclides of Pontus: 87
Herberstein, Sigmund von: 1134
Herbert, John: 403, 1046, 1299
Herbert, Philip: 63 1
Hercules-see Heracles
Herder, Johann Gottfried von: 65
Herdt, Gilbert H.: 937-38, 1373
heresy: 103-04, 126, 171-73, 195, 197,
221-23,422, 527-30, 602, 686, 737,
762,805,812, 1059,1259, 1286, 139598
Herlihy, James Leo: 1331
Herman, Jerry: 1300
hermaphrodite: 56, 78,354,526,530-32,
590,608, 1164-67, 1202, 1289
Hermaphroditos: 530-31, 868
Hermes: 496, 776
hermits: 956
Herndndez Catd, Alfonso: 1240-41
Herodotus: 64, 234, 497-98, 1171-72
heroes: 8-9,479, 485, 866-68
herpes, genital: 1189
Herskovits, Melville: 5 16
Heruls: 596
Hervey, Lord John: 486
Herzer, Manbed: 1377
Hesiod: 300,496
Hesselschwerdt: 753
hetairai: 492
heterosexism: 534-35, 710, 1032, 1181
heterosexuality: 50, 113-14, 144, 148-49,
155,208, 251-54,306-10,3 15,347,
354,532-35, 578, 660, 770, 931, 1027,
1035-1037, 1042, 1054, 1085-86, 1095,
1189, 1197-98, 1309-10, 1313, 1388
heterozygote advantage: 1216-18
Hichens, Robert: 249,411
Hickock, Lorena: 1128
hierarchy: 1036-40
Hiero, tyrant of Sicily: 995, 1195
hierodule: 653-55
Highet, Gilbert: 652
Highsmith, Patricia: 401, 865
Hijra (Hinjra):532, 592, 1336
Hilali, Badru'd-din: 17
Hildebert of Lavardin: 795
Hildebrand, Adolph von: 768
Hiller, Kurt: 11,312,382,535, 548, 630,
643,731,820,837, 1170, 1185, 1211,
Himmler, Heinrich: 197, 546, 569-70,
Hincmar of Reims: 973
Hinduism: 57, 83, 200, 235, 532, 587-91,
Hipparchus: 1235
Hippias: 1235
hippies: 117-20, 156, 270-71
Hippocrates of Cos: 499-500, 535
Hippocratic Corpus: 535-36, 789-90,
Hippocratic Oath: 536
Hirschberg, Herbert: 1296
Hirschfeld, Magnus: 110, 130, 134, 15152, 152-53, 154-55, 162, 264, 267, 311,
361,365,386,390, 400,433,437, 450,
457,471,473, 510, 535, 536-39, 540,
548,556, 565, 581, 608, 628-39, 643,
650,660, 668, 734, 759, 787,826-27,
835-38, 944, 1033, 1103, 1126-27,
1154, 1167-70, 1211-12, 1264-65, 1270,
1306, 1313,1333, 1340, 1374, 1407
Hirschfeld Centre (Dublin]:614
Hiss, Alger: 788
historicism: 540
historiography: 58, 103-04, 138-42, 218,
385-86, 419-20,539-42, 709-10, 735,
857,908, 1004-05, 1208-10, 1275-76
Hitchcock, Alfred: 40 1
hitchhikers: 1095, 1309
Hitler, Adolf: 302,369,388,391, 734,
882,949, 1059, 1111-12,1170
HIV-see Human Immunodeficiency
Hobbes, Thomas: 1019
Hobhouse, L. T.: 725
hoboes: 120,456,542-43, 1085
Hobson, Laura Z.: 907
Hockney, David: 81,405
Hocquenghem, Guy: 543-44
Hoess, Rudolf: 548
Hoessli, Heinrich: 63,385,457, 521, 540,
544-45, 580-82, 660, 834
Hoey, Clyde: 787
Hoffman, Dustin: 403
Hoffman, William: 3 1, 69
Hofmann, Hans: 381
Hohmann, Joachim S.: 64
Hokke-shu (NichirenJBuddhism: 170
Holberg, Ludvig: 3 11
Holbrook, Hal: 1283
Holiness Code (Leviticus):653
Holland, Vyvyan: 1390
Holland--see Netherlands
Holleran, Andrew: 907
Hollywood (California):399-406
Holmes, Sarah: 415
holocaust: 69, 99, 197-98,473, 546-50,
Holroyd, Michael: 140, 154, 1254
Holy Roman Empire: 375,427-28,472,
692,943, 1199
Home, William Douglas: 1298
Homer: 8,396, 495-96, 550-52, 748,
1006, 1235,1367
"Homeric love": 965
"Homintern": 68, 430
Homologie: 1034
homophile: 552,839
homophile movement-see movement,
homophobia: 32-33, 36, 53-54, 62-63, 99100, 127, 129, 138-42, 148-49, 164,
194-96, 226-27, 227-31, 237-39, 25 1,
265-66, 268,354-57,399,402,437,
552-55, 598-99,601, 712, 743, 771-73,
813, 845, 861, 885-88, 942, 954-59,
1031-33, 1054-69, 1087, 1122, 1167,
1174, 1214,1289, 1341,1398, 1404
Homosexual Law Reform Society/
Albany Trust: 840
homosexuality, concept of: xi, 58, 12627, 144, 148-49, 237, 25 1-54,263-65,
263-67, 310, 433,556-60, 618, 675,
796-98, 93 1-32, 1036-40, 1167-69,
homosexuality, mandatory: 937-38, 962,
1166-67, 1410
homosexuality, models/paradigms/
typology of--see typology of homosexuality
homosexuality, term: 555-56,659-60,
673-75, 745, 891
Homosexuelle Initiative (HOSI; organization): 99, 847
homosociality: 445,560-62,830-31; see
also friendship, male; friendship,
female romantic
Hong Kong (China):219
Honorius III, pope: 3 11
Hooker, Evelyn: 449,459, 781, 841, 1129
Hoover, J. Edgar: 487,1385
Horace: 562-63, 1367
hormones: 462
Horne, Herbert: 161
Horney, Karen: 1355
Hornig, Richard 752
Horowitz, Paul: 32
Horowitz, Vladimir: 864
Horst, Horst: 1376
Horthy de Nagybinya, Nicholas,
admiral: 389
Horton, Edward Everett: 401
Horus: 350
Hosea: 653-54
Hosmer, Harriet: 80
Hospitaler order: 1285-86
Hot Peaches: 1362
House of Representatives, United States:
487, 1351; see also Congress
Houser, Jacob: 1033
housing discrimination: 321-22, 695
Housman, A. E.: 563-64, 1011, 1152
Houston [Texas):466, 854
Howard, Edward: 1293
Howard, Richard: 298
Howe, Mark De Wolfe: 160
Hoyos y Vinent, Antonio de: 1240
Huber, Richard: 42
Hudson, John Paul: 508,865
Hudson, Rock: 405,564, 1284
Hugh of St. Cher: 869
Hughes, Anne: 439
Hughes, Langston: 147, 518
Hughes, Thomas: 1084
Hughes, Will: 327
Huguenots: 1064-65
Human Immunodeficiency Virus (KNJ:
29-30, 1146, 1187-89, 1350
human rights: 697, 1329; see also civil
humanism: 396,1104
Humbert of Romans: 690
Humboldt, Alexander von: 43,565-66,
humor: 68, 131-32, 189-90, 250-51, 412,
415,566-69, 702, 848; see also comedy
Humperdinck, Engelbert: 506
Humphreys, Laud: 367,673,841,1222,
Hungary: 375,329-94, 659-60, 852
Hunt, George and Molly: 142 Hunt, Lester: 403, 1385
Hurles, David: 1027
Hurt, William: 402
hustlers--see prostitution
Huston, John: 243,403
Hutchinson, G. Evelyn: 1216
Hutter, David: 8 1
Hutter, Jacob: 1060
Huysmans, Joris-Karl: 293,301,425,611
hwarang: 667
Hyacinth: 867
Hyde, H. Montgomery: 140
Hyde, Louis: 782
hydraulic metaphor: 359,569-70
hyena: 62
Hylas: 1304, 868
hypocrisy: 567,570-72
Iambiichus: 883
Ibiza: 469
Ibn Ezra, Moses: 646
Ibn Gabirol: 646
Ibn Nagrilla, Samuel: 647
Ibycus: 379,497,573,984
Iceland: 688, 1156
icons, gay: 399,404-05
ideal types: 1332
identity: 56-58, 127-29, 143-47, 158, 24344, 244-46, 251-54,258-60, 267-70,
3 10,336-37, 462-463,503, 556, 573-75,
561-62, 673-74, 679-80, 710-11, 796,
822,844,940-41,1036-40, 1079, 108588, 1097, 1175-77, 1191-93, 1208-10,
1223, 1242, 1249, 1257-61,1269, 1289,
1309-10, 1336, 1350, 1409, 1411-12
Iemitsu, shogun of Japan: 635
Iglesia, Eloy de la: 1242
Ignotus, Auctor (Gerald Heard?): 1166
Igra, Samuel: 369
Iliad 8, 47-48, 280, 550-52
Illinois (USA):213-15,304,470, 840,
1233, 1349
immaturity theory: 575
immigration: 84-85, 193,309,379-82,
"imperial courts": 1091
impersonal sex: 111, 113-15, 116,421,
577-80, 895, 1326, 1350
importation model: 1046-47
impotence: 1097
imprinting: 463
incarceration-see prisons, jails, and
incarceration motif: 580-82
Incas: 52-54, 873
incest: 434-35,582-84, 682
incidence: 74-75, 146, 149,306-10,58486,720, 1042-43, 1095
i n c r e q ~of homosexuality, purported:
indecency-see gross indecency
indecent kxposure: 95,722
India: 9, 85, 119, 168-69, 174,200,305,
418, 485, 532, 586-93, 846, 851, 858,
1007, 1323,1336
Indiana (USA]:414- 17
Indiana University: 662-63
Indians, American: 46-47, 127-29, 162,
235,593-95, 1336, 1341
Indo-Europeans: 308,492,521,541,59597, 1090,1125, 1307,1417-18
Indonesia: 272,597-98, 846, 888, 1315
infamy: 599-600, 1029
infanticide: 308
Inge, William: 1299
"ingle": 600-01
inheritance: 694, 714
initiations: 45, 209,341-43,488, 492,
495,503, 937-38, 960-61, 998, 1038-39,
1099,1145,1335, 1337,1354, 1373
injustice collecting: 129, 601, 1076
Innaurato, Albert: 1300
Innocent ID,pope: 959
Innocent VJII, pope: 1395
Innocente, cardinal: 944
Inquisition: 162-63, 195,210,379,422,
601-06, 686, 689, 692, 805-06, 812,
1196, 1238,1286,1292,1365, 1374
insanity, moral: 606-08, 792
insemination, artificial: 946-47
Institute for Sex Research--see Kinsey
Institute for Sex Research
Institute for Sexual Science: 734, 838,
insurance: 697, 714
Integrity (organization):60, 230, 1063,
intergenerational-see age-differentiated
intermediate stages, sexual: 608-09, 62829, 1167-68, 1306
International Committee for Sexual
Equality: 552,839
Intemational Gay Association: 847
Intemational Gay Games-see Games,
interracial: 149-50, 162-64, 200-02,237,
398-99,404,434, 760, 893, 1042, 1097,
1207, 1309,1406
intertestamental literature: 103-04, 60910
interviewing: 663-64
intimacy: 1355
intonation: 676-77
intracrural sex: 589, 1333
inventors: 1161
inventor legends: 610,862,867,932
inversion: 155,266-67,3 13,352-53,39394,433, 478, 610-11, 676, 792, 796-98,
1072, 1171-72, 1312, 1333, 1345, 1403
Ioanou, Yiorghos: 503
Iolaus: 496,868, 1243
Iran: 198, 517,612-13, 618-19, 1006,
1142-43, 1417-18; see also Persia
Iraq: 1324
Ireland: 194, 200-02,209, 305,309,379,
613,739,846-47, 1341, 1344, 1389
Irenaeus of Lyon, St.: 172,958
irrumation: 10, 929-30
Irving, Washington: 43, 573
Isabel(1a)the Catholic, queen of Castille:
19,686, 1238
Isabella, queen of England: 345-46
Isaiah: 653
Isherwood, Christopher: 28, 91,363, 381,
402,614-15, 904,906
Ishtar: 377,479,495,653-55,682,800-01,
1054, 1172
Isidore, bishop of Seville: 373, 959
Islam: 5-6, 7-8, 17-22, 33, 4 1-42, 49, 113,
235,266, 291,332,489-490, 5 15, 58788, 592, 598, 612-13, 615-20, 683, 686,
777, 796, 962,965, 1006, 1132-33,
1142-43,1195, 1198, 1228,1236-37,
1261-64, 1278, 1329-30, 1335, 1356;
see also Arabs; Sufism; Abraharnic Religions
Israel, state of: 644, 846, 1063
Istanbul (Turkey) 1329-30; see also
Italian Association for the Recognition
of Homosexual Rights: 846
Italy: 12, 73, 108-09, 131-32, 135, 139-40,
160-61, 165, 173-74, 179, 202-04, 20809, 213, 272, 289-91, 294-96,306, 325,
396-98, 407,408-11, 417, 423, 427-28,
457-58,483, 490,549, 603, 620-26,
689,690, 733, 740, 767, 773, 794-97,
802,807,846,856,883,902,904, 920,
933,951-53,974-75, 1007, 1103-06,
1108, 1115-16, 1166, 1179-80, 1194-96,
1230-31, 1355, 1359-60, 1364-67,
Ivan IV (the Terrible), tsar of Russia:
Ivanov, Vyacheslav: 1315
Ives, Charles: 863
Ivo of Chartres: 195, 223
Ivy League: 382
Iwaszkiewicz, Jaroslaw: 1013
Jackson, Jesse: 148
Jackson, Moses: 563
Jackson, Peter: 1290
Jacob, G.: 172
Jacob, Max: 627
Jaeger, Gustav: 267, 532, 555, 629, 660,
Jahangir, emperor of India: 1323
Jahiz, al-: 266
Jahnn, Hans Henny: 395,627-28,903
Jahrbuch f i sexuelle Zwischenstufen:
133-34, 162,457, 537, 628-30, 668,
835,1033,1168, 1333
jails--see prisons, jails and reformatories
Jakarta (Indonesia):271
Jakobovits,Immanuel: 1063
Jam, The: 1087
James I, king of England: 103, 121,355,
374,630-31, 1091, 1356, 1370
James, brother of Jesus: 637,897
James, Alice: 160, 632
James, Henry: 160, 165,631-32, 702
James, Jimmy: 1321
James, P. D.: 866
James, Robert: 318
James, William: 631-32, 1078, 1246
Janet, Pierre: 1129
Janis, Elsie: 1360
Janissaries: 502
Janni, Gulgielmo: 81
Jansen, Wilhelm: 437
Jansson, Eugen: 1270
Japan: 49, 84, 112, 126, 169-70,266,522,
632-36,477, 815,822-24, 846,905,
913, 961-62, 965, 1007, 1024, 1147-48,
1149-50,1291, 1316, 1333
Jarman, Derek: 199
Jarry, Alfred: 63637
Java (Indonesia!: 597-98
Jay, Karla: 63
jazz: 117-20, 5 18
Jefferson, Thomas: 1343
Jehovah's Witnesses: 549, 1067
Jellinek, Georg: 820
Jenkins, Walter: 487
Jennings, Dale: 746, 780
Jerome, St.: 3 13,869
Jerusalem: 51 1, 1276-77, 1285
Jerusalem, Latin kingdom of: 195, 686,
Jesuit order: 124,224,228,241, 1149
Jesus of Nazareth (the Christ): 83, 12526,221, 229, 235,296,355,378, 570,
637-39, 896-97, 955, 1367
jewelry: 41 7
Jewitt, Sarah Orne: 160, 295
Jews-see Judaism; Judaism, Sephardic
JimCnez, Juan Ram6n: 722
JimCnez, Orlando: 406
JimCnez de Asfia, Luis: 1241
Jin Diyi, emperor of China: 21 7
Ji-shu (Pure Land] Buddhism: 170
Joan of Arc: 852, 921
Jo5o m,king of Portugal: 604, 687
Jocasta: 867
Jochelson,Waldemar: 1192
"jocker": 542-43, 1037-38, 1085-86
Johannesburg (South Africa): 854
Johansson, Warren: 901
John, Gospel of: 125, 637-38
John of the Cross, St.: 490
John the Apostle--see "beloved discipleu
John the Baptist: 638
John XU,pope: 240,943
John XXm, pope: 242,944
John, Elton: 860
John Jay College: 90 1
John Paul 11, pope: 944
Johns, Jasper: 1382
Johnson, Joe: 25 1
Johnson, Lionel: 326
Johnson, Lyndon B., president of the
United States: 487
Johnson, William: 188
jokes: 566-69
Jonathan, prince of Israel-see David
Jones, Ernest: 393, 1075
Jones, James: 906
Jones, T. C.: 1321
Jonson, Ben: 600,631, 1317
Joplin, Janis: 859
Jorgensen, Christine: 312, 1310
Joseph, patriarch of Israel: 916
Joseph II, emperor of Austria: 97-98
Josephus, Flavius: 638, 639-40,642
Jouhandeau, Marcel: 140,640,903
lournal of Homosexuality: 1034
journalism: 9, 106-07, 108, 151, 166-67,
376,407,490,555, 758, 781,841,84647,900, 1225-26, 1283, 1351, 1390
Joyce, James: 108, 115, 785
Juan 11, king of Castile: 489, 640-41, 645,
Jubilees, Book of: 609, 642
Judaism: 4-5,5-6,68-69, 190-91, 213,
432,434,436, 482, 546-547, 493, 524,
609,641-49, 654-56,682, 688, 740,
767,816-17, 853, 877-78, 896-97, 915-
17, 949, 959, 986-88, 982-83, 997,
1006-07, 1063, 1167, 1207, 1237-38,
Judaism, Sephardic: 644-48, 740
Judeo-Christian tradition: 5-6, 197-98,
221-25, 227-31,296-99, 432,435, 64849, 728, 897, 915-17,928, 954-59,
1228-30; see also Abrahamic religions,
Judaism, Christianity
Julius Caesar-see Caesar, Julius
Julius 11, pope: 241,943-44
Julius ID,pope: 241, 944
Jung, Carl Gustav: 57, 434, 531, 649-51,
Justinian, Byzantine emperor: 181, 197,
683,685,810,870,987, 1015, 1119,
Juvenal: 348, 651-52, 1104, 1123
juveniles-see boys, girls, youth,
children (pre-pubic)
Juventius: 206
Kabbala: 581,645,656
kabuki: 635,1291, 1316
Kabul (Afghanistan) 18
kadesh: 191, 486,533, 541, 646, 653-56,
682,916,1054, 1172,1276, 1336
Kadesh Barnea (Palestine):436, 654-56
Kahlo, Frida: 82
Kainis (Kaineus):531
Kains, Joseph: 753, 1295
Kaliarda 656-57
Kallman, Chester: 91-92,320
Kallmann, Franz J.: 459, 1331
Kamasutra: 586
Kameny, Franklin E.: 487,840-43, 125556,1349, 1385
Kampmann, Christian: 657
Karnran, king of Afghanistan: 18
Rang Xi [K'ang HsiJ: 217
Kansas City (Missouri): 843-44
Kant, Immanuel: 725,914,990
Kantorowicz, Emst: 330,381, 657-58
Kaposi's Sarcoma: 30,98
Kapparah, Rabbi Bar: 3 13
Karachi [Pakistan): 176
Kardiner, Abraham: 66
Karlinsky, Simon: 1295
Karsch-Haack, Ferdinand: 65,629
kat(h)oey: 1289, 1336
Katte, Lt. Hans Hermann von: 428
Katz, Jonathan Ned: 1302
Kautilya: 589
Kawaguchi, E.: 171
Kawabata Yasunari: 636
Kazantzakis, Nikos: 28 1
Kelley, Leo P.: 1165
Kelly, Raymond: 937
Kemp, Lindsay: 1321
Kempf, Edward J.: 941-43, 1267
Kenna, Peter: 1302
Kennedy, Liz: 177
Kenya: 24,305
Kepner, Jim: vii, 735
kept boys: 741, 1054-58
Kerouac, Jack: 117, 658-59, 1348
Kertbeny, Kkoly Mkia: 4, 267,373, 411,
532, 548, 555, 629,659-60, 676, 1072,
Key West (Florida) 469, 1109
Keynes, John Maynard, lord: 140, 153,
188,340, 490, 417,660-62, 901, 1398
Khartoum (Sudan):485
Khatib, Ibn al-: 489
Khayyam, Omar: 515,612, 1006
khlysty: 1135, 1137
Khomeini, ayatollah: 198, 619, 878
Khronas, Yiorghos: 503
kin selection theory: 1216-17
King, Billie Jean: 88
King, Martin Luther: 1061
King James Version: 63 1
kings--see royalty
Kinks, The: 860
Kinsey, Alfred C.: 459, 510, 534, 559,
570, 584-86, 609, 662-66, 1216, 1334
Kinsey Institute for Sex Research: 66266, 734
Kinsey Reports: 74, 129, 144, 146, 149,
238,253, 264,329,346,361,584-86,
662,664-66, 685, 709, 777, 881, 1348,
Kinsey scale: 584-86
Kinsman, Gary: 1087
Kipling, Rudyard: 1397
Kirkup, James: 1008
Kirkwood, James, Jr.: 865
Kirsch, John: 1217
Kitchen, Dennis: 25 1
Kitchener, Horatio Herbert: 757
Klare, Rudolf: 547
Klein, Debbie: 1362
Kleist, Heinrich von: 666-67, 1294, 1374
Kliuev, Nikolai: 1137
Klumpke, Anna Elizabeth: 157
Knesset: 644
knights: 263,308,354-55,812, 814-15,
Knowles, John: 95 1
Knox, John: 1064
Koch, Martin: 1270
Koestler, Arthur: 3 18
Kiinig, Ralf: 25 1
Koop, Everett: 1351, 1354
Kopay, David: 88
Koran: 6 17
Kornaros, Thetnis: 503
korophilia (corerasty]:493, 964, 1085,
1153-54,1244, 1333
Korea: 667,961, 1056, 1291
Kiirner, Theodor: 1318
Kotzebue, August von: 1294
Koukoules, Mary: 503
Koumandareas, Menis: 503
kouros: 78
Kozlov, Piotr: 1072
Krafft-Ebing, Richard von: 98, 163,220,
369-70,458, 534,608,629, 650,66869, 793,964,976, 1072, 1143,1354,
Kramer, Larry: 31, 69, 907
Krasheninnikov, Stefan: 1192
Krauss, Friedrich S.: 488
Kray, Ronald: 853
Kreis, Der : 63, 80, 755, 838, 1033
Kretschmer, Emst: 913
Krishna: 59 1
Krishnamurti: 701
Kristallnacht: 949
Kropotkin, Peter: 5 1, 704
Krupp, Alfred: 537
Krylenko, Nikolai: 1138
Kuhn, Thomas S.: 420,1160,1332
Kukai: 169-70,635
Kulturkreis: 541
Kupffer, Elisir von: 63,446, 669-70, 1296
Kutschinsky, B.: 970
Kuzmin, Mikhail: 42, 670-71, 904, 1007,
1136-37, 1295
Kyd, Thomas: 768
Kynaston, Edward: 1294, 1317
labeling: 208,556, 673-74,675, 1223,
labor unions: 892,928, 1212
Labouchere, Henry: 167,507
Labouchere Amendment: 95,256,28283; see also Criminal Law Amendment Act
Labour Party [UK]: 1212-13
Lacan, Jacques: 875,1077
Lacenaire, Pierre Franqois: 852
Lacey, E. A.: 1008
Lachkvre, FredCric: 1148
The Ladder: 63,134,719,840, 1034,
Lafitau, Joseph Franqois: 192, 950
Lahr, Bert: 858, 1361
Laistner, M. L. W.: 658
Lait, Jack: 1385
Laius (Laios],king of Thebes: 372, 612,
867,926, 1094, 1290, 1303
lambda: 413,674,900,997, 1177
Lambda Rising bookstore: 1385
Lampedusa, Giuseppe di: 1376
Lampridius, Aelius: 1315
Lancaster (Pennsylvania]:3 10
Landowska, Wanda: 864
language and linguistics: 142-43, 171-73,
368-69,412, 415,461-62, 600-01, 65657, 674-77, 1156-57, 1200-04, 1290,
1325-26, 1340-41, 1352-53, 1360, 1403
Lapathiotis, Napoleon: 503
Larkin, Christopher: 403
La Rue, Danny: 1321-22
Lartet, Edouard: 1387
latent homosexuality: 434, 677-78, 1332
Lateran Councils, Third and Fourth: 649,
Latin (language]:398, 797-98
Latin America: 10, 45-46, 52-54, 127,
162-64,390,474-75, 678-81, 758, 79698, 846, 874, 905, 1056, 1086, 1225-26,
Latini, Brunetto: 294-96, 621
Laughton, Charles: 381,405
Lautmann, Riidiger: 549
LautrCamont, Comte de (IsidoreDu-
casse]: 637, 681-82, 1010
lavender: 249-50
Law, Bernard, Cardinal: 230
law, American-see law, United States
law, British--see common law
law, Buddhist monastic: 168-71
law, canon-see canon law
law, common-see common law
law, European--see European Court of
Human Rights
law, feudal and royal: 172, 197, 255, 599,
602, 685-87
law, GermanicJTeutonic and German:
130, 194, 255,304, 687-89, 944-45,
1029; see also Paragraph 175
law, Indian: 588-90
law, Islamic: 618
law, major traditions in: 50-52, 121-22,
171-73, 181-82, 197-98, 254-56,30306, 682-85, 686-97, 1231
law, municipal: 321,689-92, 695
law, national and state--see entries for
those jurisdictions
law, natural: 195
law, protective (for homosexuals]: 193,
215,321-23,430,487,695, 729,84447, 891-92, 900, 1061, 1271, 1350,
law reform: 94-95, 99, 121-22, 124-25,
127, 130, 186-87, 193, 198, 256,30306, 31 1-12, 320-23, 410,424, 470, 472,
474,487, 684, 693, 886, 874-75, 945,
1013, 1061, 1066, 1136-37, 1211-13,
law, Roman: 194-95,599, 1122,128 1
law, United States: 122, 198,255,30305,320-23, 577,692-698, 705-07, 72122, 1014-16, 1048-51, 1232-34, 1342,
Lawrence, D. H.: 153, 199,418-19,441,
698-99, 764
Lawrence, T. E. ("of Arabia"): 365,699700, 1094
Leadbeater, Charles Webster: 17, 228,
Leal, Ralil: 1030
Lear, Edward: 567,702, 1278
Lear, Norman: 1383
learning theory: 37
leather: 29, 41 1, 758
Lecomte, Raymond: 365,376, 1169
Lee, Vernon: 328,380,702-03
Lees, Edith: 352
Leexow, Karl Franz von: 758
Lefebvre: 124
left, gay: 5 1-52, 703-05, 727-28, 779-81,
843-44, 927-29, 1252-53, 1256
legal defense funds: 1350
legal philosophy: 1048-51, 1183-86
legal procedure: 705-07
Legg, W. Dorr: vii, 919, 1348
Legman, Gershon: 250
Le Guin, Ursula: 57-58, 531, 1164, 1167
Leibniz, Gottfried Wilhelm: 989
Leiden, University of: 233
Leigh, John: 1294
Leitsch, Dick: 841
Lemeshev, Sergei: 1138
Lemmon, Jack: 400-01
Lempicka, Tamara de: 80
Lenbach, Franz von: 767
Lennox, Charlotte: 439
Lenin, Vladirnir Ilich: 772, 1137
Leno, Don: 1317
Lenoir, Bruno: 948
Leo MI pope: 223,290
Leo XIpope: 944
Leo XIU, pope: 72
Leonardo da Vinci: 57, 79, 140, 161,70708,690,970, 1128, 1162
Leopardi, Giacomo: 625
Leopold, grand duke of Tuscany: 388
Leopold, Nathan, and Loeb, Richard: 853
Leopoldina, empress of Brazil: 163
lesbianism: 5, 7, 15, 24-26, 46-48, 55-56,
61, 77-82, 84-85, 88-90, 94-99, 106,
108-09, 112, 115-17, 121, 126-27, 130,
136-38, 140-41, 146-48, 157-59, 161,
163-64, 172-73, 177-79, 196-97,20506, 219-20, 225-26,229, 236, 247-49,
251-54, 258-61, 272-77,310,315-17,
325-36,335-36, 340, 342, 351-53, 357,
359,373,380,393,395, 404-05,407,
41 1,414-17, 421,425,434, 438-442,
449-50,467,471,473, 489,493-94,
517-18, 524, 556-57, 560-62, 589, 590,
598, 632, 634, 636, 683, 694-95, 70821, 739, 746, 750-51, 757, 764, 789,
795, 802, 806, 81 1, 818, 825, 830-31,
852, 858-59, 861, 868, 882, 888, 890,
892,894-95, 899-901,901-09, 91 1,
923-24, 930, 940-41, 948-49, 955, 971,
973,980, 991, 995, 1009-10, 1015,
99,1109, 1121, 1127-28,1135-38,
1148, 1154-55, 1155, 1166-67, 1173,
1176-79, 1187, 1201, 1203-04, 1207-08,
1225-26, 1242, 1244-47, 1248, 1256,
1268, 1284,1325-27, 1332,1335,1360,
1386, 1377,1342, 1344, 1352, 1375,
1385, 1396, 1409-15; see also korophilia; parthenophilia
lesbian separatism-see separatism,
Lesbos (island):342,368, 496, 932, 1153
Leslie, C. R.: 44
LCtinois, Lucien: 1368
Leto, Pomponio: 1105
Lettermen, The: 859
Levetzow, Karl von: 1296
Levi, Judah ha-: 646
Levin, James B.: 299
Levin, Meyer: 906
Lkvi-Strauss, Claude: 45, 112
Levita, Benedict: 8 11
Levites: 528, 655-56
Leviticus: 4-5, 197,313, 641, 653, 682,
917,983, 1276, 1418
Levy, Robert I.: 938,940
lewdness, open or public: 721-22
Lewis, Edith: 205
Lewis, Wyndham: 153
Lex Julia de adulteriis: 1123
Lex Sca(n)tinia:683, 1119, 1122
Leyland, Winston: 1151
Leyland Publications: 1027
Lezama Lima, Jost: 286, 722-23, 905
Li Yu: 218-19
Liang Jianwen, emperor of China: 217
Libanius of Antioch: 226, 1273
Liberace: 723
Liberal Catholic Church: 228
liberalism, classic: 723-27, 729, 1210-13,
liberation, gay: 96-97, 148, 193, 260-61,
366-67, 455, 534, 681, 727-29, 774,
844, 900-01, 927-29, 1155, 1251-53,
1255-57, 1271, 1349 1400-01, 1403
libertarian perspectives: 50-52, 262-63,
729-731, 1017
libertinism: 34, 355-56, 364, 527, 732-34,
liberty, sexual--see sexual liberty
libraries: 625, 734-36
Libya: 20
Licht, Hans (Paul Brandt): 629
Lichtenstein, Ulrich von: 472
Lietz, Hermann: 1406
Lifar, Serge: 315
lifestyle: 14, 117, 159-60, 243-44, 270-71,
292-94, 409-11, 473, 534, 624, 736-39,
Lim, Alfredo: 981
Lima (PeruJ:846
Lindsay, Alexander: 63 1
Lindsay, John V.: 900
linguistics-see language
Linton, Ralph: 1257
Lippmann, Walter: 1247
Lira, Jack: 8 17
List, Herbert: 994
Little Review: 55,825
"Little Richardu-see Penniman,
Liu Zun: 2 17
Liviera, Giambattista: 398
Livy: 3 19
lizards: 61
Llangollen, ladies of: 379, 438,739
Llorente, Antonio: 605
Lloyd, Constance: 1390
Lloyd, Harold: 40 1
Locke, John: 573,724, 730, 990, 1177,
Locri: 1194
Lodge, Thomas: 438
loitering: 468, 693, 739-40, 1015
Lombroso, Cesare: 140,300, 740
Lommel, Uli: 853
London: 56, 74, 110, 123, 153-55, 166-67,
233,277-78, 293,325,326-27,354-58,
418,432, 740-43, 812, 827, 846, 850,
853,855,857, 1055,1063, 1109, 120203, 1413-14; see also England
London Gay Teenagers Group: 1413-14
London, Jack: 456,542
Long Beach (California):745
Long Yang: 2 16
Longus: 902
"looksism": 914
Lopez, Mel: 981
L6pez de Hoyos, Juan: 213
Lopotova, Lydia: 661
Lorca, Federico Garcia: 286,385,389,
490,743-44, 1240-41, 1297
Lorde, Audre: 148
Lorenz, Konrad: 61
Lori, Andrea: 131
Loring, Katherine: 160
Los Angeles: 171, 228-229,405,448,460,
615, 735, 744-47, 779-81,839, 842,
845,855,919-20,1016, 1025, 1284,
Los Angeles, University of California at:
Los Angeles Times: 746
Lost Generation: 1246
Lot: 7,610, 617,916, 1229
Loud, Lance: 1087
Louis IX, king of France: 687
Louis XIII, king of France: 423,747-48,
Louis XIV,king of France: 29 1,423, 754,
Louis XV, king of France: 1379
Louis, Murray: 292,402
Louys, Pierre: 136-37, 425, 1010, 1242
love: 278, 296-99,396-97,463,479,492,
748-50, 1344
Lovejoy, Arthur 0.:541
lover (term):496,750, 1414
Lowell, Amy Lawrence: 158,750-51,
Lowzow, Wenche: 487
Loy, Tana: 85
Lozang, Tsongkhapa: 170
LSD (lysergic acid diethylamide-25): 119,
Lucanus, Marcus Annaeus: 920
Lucas, Henry Lee: 854
Lucian of Samosata: 751-52, 902, 1163,
Lucie-Smith, Edward: 471
Lucilius: 562
Lucretius: 363-64, 569,749, 986, 1123
Ludlam, Charles: 1301, 1322
Ludwig 11, king of Bavaria: 752-53, 922,
Luke, Gospel of: 637-39, 955
Lully, Jean-Baptiste: 753-54, 857, 920,
Lulu (ElNifio Farini): 1318
Lumet, Sidney: 403
Luna, Alvaro de: 640-41, 1238
Lushington, Franklin: 702
Luther, Martin: 472, 1059-60, 1356
Lutheran Church in America: 1059
Lutheranism: 223-24,229,311, 1059-60
Luxorius: 1006
Luynes, Charles dlAlbert de: 747
Luziana (entertainer): 1361
Luzio, Alessandro: 73
Lvov, Pavel, prince of Russia: 3 14
Lyautey, Marshall Louis: 21
Lycophron: 8
Lycurgus: 28 1,960, 1234, 1243
Lydon, John-see Rotten, Johnny
Lyly, John: 444, 1217
Lynch, Lee: 416
Lynes, George Platt: 755,994
Lynn, Elizabeth A.: 1165
Lyon (France):420-21,425
Lyon, Phyllis: 840, 1150
Mabley, Jackie "Moms": 147, 518, 757
Macaroni Club: 293
MacCown, Eugene: 282
MacDonald, G. B.: 254
Macdonald, Sir Hector: 201, 757-58,
MacDonald, William: 854
MacDowell, Edward: 863
Mack, Gustave: 1015
Macedonia (Greece): 15,39-40, 76
Machado, Manuel: 1240
Machiavelli, Niccolb: 110,410, 1104-05,
machismo/macho: 88-90, 110-12, 148,
236-38, 243-44,413, 678-79, 758-59,
795-96, 1036-38, 1088, 1403, 1405; see
also masculinity; manhood, loss of
Machover, Karen: 346
Mackay, John Henry: 5 1, 704, 730,75960, 903, 962-63, 967
Mackenzie, Compton: 904
Mackenzie, Ronald: 1297
Maclean, Donald: 365
MacNeill, Eoin: 201
Macnish, Robert: 12
Madagascar: 22,67
Marathus: 1307
Mader, Donald: 186
Marbod of Rennes: 795
Madrid (Spain):603,743,846, 1240
Marca, Cornelius a: 1292
Madsen, Scott: 89
Maecenas: 1367
March, Ausias: 1238
Marcus, Frank: 1298
Maga'im: 644
Marcus Aurelius, emperor of Rome:
Magee, Brian: 1158
Maghrib: 19-22
magic: 283,941, 1171, 1191-93, 1354,
Marcuse, Herbert: 70, 1022, 1076
Marcuse, Max: 3 18
1336, 1395-98
Magnani, Anna: 407
Mardi Gras and masked balls: 97, 147,
214,291, 742,765-67, 893-95,949,
Magnus, king of Sweden: 1268
Mahayana Buddhism: 169-71
1313, 1317
Mahmud the Ghaznavid, sultan: 18,
MarCes, Hans von: 79, 767-68,911
Marie Antoinette, queen of France: 440
mahu: 938-39,1313, 1336
Maier, Karl: 838
marijuana: 119, 270-71, 286,330,332,
Maine, Charles E.: 1166
Marina, St.: 1313
Makos, Christopher: 89
Marino, Giambattista: 1007
Malanga, Gerard: 1382
male impersonation--see transvestism
Marius, Simon: 454
Mallarmt, Sttphane: 469
Mark, Secret Gospel of: 638,955
Malzberg, Barry: 1166
Mark Antony: 231-32
Mamluks: 33,42,760-61, 962
Markevitch, Igor: 3 15
Marnmen, Jeanne: 80
Markland, George Herchmer: 192
Manaseina, Natalia: 1136
Markopoulos, Gregory: 403
Mandelstam, Osip: 1326
Marlowe, Christopher: 110, 125,355,
Mandeville, John: 65
732, 741, 768-69, 1007, 1293
manhood, loss of: 149, 202-04,206, 226marriage, heterosexual: 308-09,769-70,
27,435, 1038-39, 1085-86, 1096, 1202
marriage, homosexual: 46-48, 128, 159Manichaeanism: 92-93, 221, 528, 761-62,
60, 218, 272-77,416, 593-94, 694, 770,
Manila (Philippines):981
941,946-47, 1043-44, 1063, 1123-24,
1192, 1271,1275
Manilius: 563
Maniotis, Yiorghos: 503
Marseilles (France):1194
Mann, Klaus: 381, 762-63, 903, 1279,
Marshall, John: 1384
1296, 1298
Mars-Jones,Adam: 32
Mann, Thomas: 165,381, 404,437, 762,
Marston, John: 1293
763-64, 1366, 1376
Martial, Marcus Valerius: 246, 249, 770Mansfield, Katherine: 764-65, 1361
71,1006, 1104, 1121, 1123-24, 1149,
Mantegazza, Paolo: 458, 976
1236, 1325
Mantegna, Andrea: 933
Martin, David: 855
Mantua (Italy):933
Martin, Del: 840, 1150
Manuche, Cosmo: 1293
I Martin, Robert A.-see
Manuel, lung of Portugal: 1029
Manyoshu: 634
Martinez, Nicolb: 803
Maoism: 391
Martinez Sierra, Gregorio: 1240
Map, Walter: 240, 8 12
Martinez Sierra, Maria: 1240
Mapplethorpe, Robert: 8 1,212,995
Martini, Virgilio: 1166
Marais, Jean: 247, 249, 1376
martyrdom: 1145, 1391
MaraB6n, Gregorio: 1241
Marvin v. Marvin: 694
Marx, Karl: 51, 771
Marxism: 74-75, 112-13, 130-31, 188,
260,286-87,305, 704, 771-75, 780,
927-29, 1032, 1101-03, 1210-11, 1356
Mary, queen of England: 1392
Maryland (USA):107
masculinity: 88-90, 110-12,236-38,27475, 291-92, 444, 561, 597, 678-79, 758,
795, 799, 814, 929-30, 937-38,997-98,
1036-38, 1085-86, 1096, 1155, 1248-49,
1333, 1375, 1405; see also machismo;
manhood, loss of
masochism: 465, 1143-46, 1329, 1355,
1373, 1406; see also s/m scene
masochism, psychic: 129
Masood, Syed Ross: 4 18
masquerades-see mardi gras and
masked balls
Massachusetts (USA):158-60, 750,879,
1063, 1065,1349, 1385
Massignon, Louis: 5-6
Massilia (Marseilles]:1194
Massirno, Pacifico: 1104
Massine, Lkonide: 3 15
Masson, Jeffrey Moussaieff: 1077
Masters, William H. and Johnson,
Virginia E.: 776
masturbation: 7,21,45, 71, 83, 169, 181,
192, 196, 235, 241,317-18, 353, 358,
662,775-79,875,955, 1023, 1142,
1146, 1155,1333, 1342
masturbation, hysteria over: 777
matelot: 997-98
mateship (Australian):94
mathematics: 107, 1328
Mathurin, Jean-Thierry: 856
Matlovich, Leonard: 696, 845
Matos, Gregario de: 163
Matou, Michael: 1321
matriarchy: 1357
Mattachine Society: 159, 228, 430, 459,
471, 746, 774, 779-82, 839, 841-42,
900, 1150, 1214, 1253, 1255,1348,
Matteo: 690
Matthew, Gospel of: 637-39, 1093-94
Matthiessen, F. 0.:782, 1346
Maugham, Robin: 784
Maugham, W. Somerset: 33, 141,328,
783-85, 877, 1289
Max, Edouard de: 1295
Max' Kansas City: 1088
Max Spohr (firm):1053
Maxey, Wallace de Ortega: 228
Maximin: 1009,966
Maximum Rock er) Roll: 1088
Maxwell, Gavin: 1324
May 1968 events (France):543
Mayans: 804
Mayer, Eduard von: 669
McAlmon, Robert: 326,5 19,524,785-86
McCarthyism: 100, 148, 152, 193,23132, 365,381, 403, 487, 576, 658, 696,
704, 779, 786-88, 816, 839, 906, 1101,
1164, 1348, 1385
McClave, Stephens: 1400
McClung, Isabelle: 205
McClure, Sam: 205
McConnell, Vicki P.: 866
McCullers, Carson: 407, 788-89, 1299
McDonald, Boyd: 1027
McDonald, Gary J.: 253
McGee, Brian: 1283
McIlvenna, Ted: 841
McIntosh, Mary: 1113
McNeil, John: 228
MDC, Dave: 1088
Mead, Margaret: 66, 126-27,313
Meagher, John F. W.: 249
medical problems: 29-32, 48-50, 235,
330-31,517, 715, 930-31, 1097, 114647, 1186-90
medical theories: 95, 143-44,265-67,
576,619,709, 740,777,789-94,826,
841, 1072-75, 1081-83, 1137, 1241,
Medici, Catherine de': 423
Medici, Cosimo de': 325, 883, 1104
Medici, Giovanni de': 73
Medici, Lorenzo de': 883, 1021
Medici family: 396,409, 808
medieval Latin poetry: 794-96
Mediterranean homosexuality: 58, 14849,503,592, 623,678, 691,796-98,
893,952, 997-98, 1036, 1086, 1196,
1289, 1309,1336, 1341
Meeker, Richard--see Brown, Forman
Mehmed [Mohammed)11, the Conqueror, sultan of the Ottoman empire:
182-83, 1329
Mehmed (Mohammed)IV,sultan of the
Ottoman empire: 1329
Mei Lan-fang: 1315
Meigs, Mary: 1090
Meiji period [Japan]:634
Melanesia: 522, 597, 937-40, 962, 965,
1335, 1373, 1410
Melbourne (Australia):96
Melchiorites: 1060
Meleager: 40, 500, 504
Melville, Herman: 398, 798-99, 905,
Melzi, Francesco: 708
memoirs: 32, 56, 109,208, 208,477-78,
1393, 1347; see also biographies and
Memphis (Tennessee):1062
Men of All Colors Together (organization): 399
MCnage, Gilles: 156,306
Menander: 363, 1002
Mendes, Catulle: 902
Mennonites: 1060
Menotti, Gian-Carlo: 402, 863, 926
Menshikov, Alexander: 1135
Mepsche, Rudolph de: 887
Mercedarian order: 1239
merchant marine--see sailors
Meredith, H. 0.:417
Meres, Francis: 769
Merezhkovsky, Dmitri: 951
Merle, Robert: 1167
Merlini, Francesco: 904
Merlo, Frank: 1393
Merrill, George: 200, 419
Merrill, Stuart: 5 1
mescaline: 283
Mesoamerica: 678-81
Mesomedes: 67
Mesopotamia: 307,376-77,479-80, 486,
496, 682, 799-802, 1006
Messiaen, Olivier: 1030
Metastasio, Pietro (Pietro Trapassi]: 862,
Methodism: 1065
methodology: 557-60-see also gay
studies; historiography; typology
Metrodorus: 363
Metropolitan Community Church
(MCC):95, 224, 229, 746, 842, 845-46,
Mettrie, Julien Geoffroy de La: 359, 364
Meun, Jean de: 795
Mexico: 381,678-81, 803-807, 846, 854,
Mexico City: 605, 805-07
Meyer, Eduard: 655
Meyerbeer, Giacomo: 204
Miami (Florida]:845
Micas, Nathalie: 157
Michael ID,Byzantine emperor: 182
Michaels, Dick: 842
Michals, Duane: 8 1
MichCa, Claude-Fran~ois:792
Michelangelo Buonarrotti: 79, 86, 164,
208, 297,362, 402,
454, 707, 807-09, 910, 943, 1007, 1296,
Michener, James: 18
Michigan (USA]:507
Micronesia: 937
Middle Ages: 32-33, 71-72, 113-14, 123,
125, 155, 194-96, 197, 202, 210, 22223, 239-41, 266, 289-91,308-09,311,
345-46,348, 421-22, 444, 454,471-72,
557,570, 601-03,621, 686-92, 741,
749, 791, 794-96,809-14, 857, 902,
909,933, 943, 954, 966, 971-74, 98788, 1006-07, 1103, 1109-10, 1133-34,
1156-58, 1186, 1230-31, 1243, 1259,
1281, 1285-87, 1312, 1335, 1395-98
midrashim: 642
Mieke (entertainer): 1361
Mieli, Mario: 543, 927
Mikulski, Andrzej: 1013
Milan (Italy):121, 626, 846
Milestone, Lewis: 401
military: 363, 485,495, 548, 550,561,
695-97, 814-17, 841-42, 845, 892, 96061, 1055, 1083-84, 1111-12, 1149-50,
1172-75, 1234-35, 1243-45, 1285-87,
1309, 1347,1373, 1402, 1405; see also
soldiers, sailors, navy
Milk, Harvey: 406,487, 817-18, 845, 928,
Milk, Harvey, School--see Harvey Milk
Mill, John Stuart: 434,660, 73 1, 1021,
1184, 1403
Millay, Edna St. Vincent: 818-19, 899,
Miller, Isabel: 908
Miller, Vsevolod: 1171
Miller, William: 1067
Millions of Dead Cops (band):1087
Min: 350
Minanojo: 1316
Mine Shaft, The: 900
Mineo, Sal: 401
minions: 204, 231,423,524,631,818820
Minnesota {USA):1349
Minnesota, University of: 1257
Minnow, Newton: 1283
minorities: 1031
minority, bisexuals as a: 145
minority, homosexuals as a: 269,334,
385-86, 429-30,433,444, 535, 720,
726-27, 738, 781,820-22, 834, 927-29,
1208-10, 1253, 1260
Minos, king of Crete: 279
Minusio (Switzerland):669
mirror stage: 875
Mirza, Huseyn: 18
Mishima Yukio: 170, 633, 636, 822-24,
905,1149, 1302,1409
Mishnah: 642
misogyny: 169,438,1288, 1403
Mis$ssippi Gulf Coast [USA):892-96
Missouri Synod Lutheran Church: 1060
Mitchinson, Naomi: 1167
Mitropoulos, Dimitri: 864
Mitterand, Fran~ois,president of France:
Mizer, Bob: 994, 1025
Mizi Xia: 2 15
Moberg, Vilhelrn: 1271
Model Penal Code: 840,1402
models of homosexuality-see typology
of homosexuality
modernism: 207,314-15,351,417-19,
824-26, 1008, 1246-47, 1382, 1404
Moeller, Monique: 968
Moix, Ana Maria: 1242
Moix, Terenci: 1242
Molay, Jacques de: 1285
Moll, Albert: 163,386,458,537, 540,
826, 1077,1126
mollis: 826-27
"molly": 541-42,356, 827
molly houses: 110, 742, 827-28
Molina, Tirso de: 1239
Moltke, Count Kuno von: 1169
Mommsen, Theodor: 38 1,658
monasticism: 83, 123-24, 131, 139, 16871, 174-75, 182,208,209, 239-41, 28990,343,359-60,472,477,503,638,
689,828-31, 856, 902,956-57,959,
1197, 1284
Monette, Paul: 32, 865, 907
money: 1091, 1355-56
Money, John: 262,461
monkeys-see primates
Monnier, Adrienne: 115
monogamy: 738, 1351
monomania, erotic: 79 1-93
Monroy y Silva, Crist6bal de: 1292
Montaigne, Michel de: 50, 140, 831-32
Monteiro, Arlindo Camillo: 1030
Montesquieu, Charles de Secondat,
baron: 65,358-59, 724, 990, 1019
Montesquiou-Fezensac,Robert de,
count: 293,832-33,949,1070
Monteverdi, Claudio: 920
Montherlant, Henry de: 426, 833-34,
1085, 1298
Montreal (Canada):192-93, 1089
Moorcock, Michael: 1165
Moore, G. E.: 153,417,991
Moore, Marianne: 325
Moore, Paul, Jr.: 60, 229
Mootangs: 667
Moral Majority (group):1062
morals--see ethics
Morante, Elsa: 904
Moravia, Alberto: 904
Moravians: 1060
Morcom, Christopher: 1327-28
Moreau, Gustave: 79
Morel, BCntdict Auguste: 791, 1340
Moreno, Marguerite: 249
Moreti, Francesco: 410
Mori Ogai: 634
Mori Rammaru: 635
Morla Lynch, Carlos: 1241
Mormons: 224,230, 1066-67
Morocco: 21-22, 161, 1323
morophilia: 1406
Morris, Mark: 292
Morris, William: 954
Morrison, Jim: 859
Morrissey, Paul: 1382
Mortirner, Lee: 1385
Mortimer, Roger: 346
Moschus: 1195
Moscone, George: 487,8 18
Moses: 436, 655
Moses the Hungarian, St.: 1133
Mossi tribe: 22-23
Motello, Elton: 1087
mothers, lesbian: 7 18-19
Motion Picture Production Code: 399
motion pictures-see film
motorcycle clubs: 1144
Mott, Luiz: 604
Moussaye, Marquis de la: 375
movement, bisexual: 145
movement, gay/homophile/homosexual:
11,27,39, 72-73,84-85, 89-90, 95-97,
111, 124-25, 127, 130-31, 133-35, 140,
145, 148, 160, 164, 193,214-15, 22731,270-71,311-12, 340,366-68,381,
426-27,434,437,447, 459,464,47071,473,487,491,535,552,540, 625,
669-70, 674-75, 681, 704, 719, 727,
746, 758, 779-82, 796:'807, 834-48,
896,900-01, 91 1,919-20, 927-29, 94950, 962-63, 967, 1010-11, 1014, 1016,
1053, 1073-74, 1089, 1126-27,1150-51,
1155, 1167-70, 1173, 1225,1242,125153, 1255, 1255-57, 1259-60, 1348,
movement, pederastic: 759,901, 962-63,
movement, pedophilic: 967
movie houses, gay: 1026
Mozart, Wolfgang Amadeus: 920
Mudd Club: 1088
Mudie, Major James: 95
mujun: 7-8,848-49 1024
mukhannath: 849-50,1133
Miiller, Karl Otfried: 1244
Mumps (band]:1087
Munich (Germany]:391,767
Munro, H. H. (Saki]:567,850-51
Miinzer, Thomas: 1060
Murasaki Shikibu (Lady]:634-35
murder: 95, 151, 164,346, 401,408,487,
503,520,548-49,553, 743,753,768,
846,851-56, 933-34, 949, 1112, 1212,
Murdoch, Iris: 904
Muret, Marc-Antoine: 379,856-57, 106465
Murger, Henry: 948
Murnau, Friedrich W.: 404
Murray, Billy: 858
Murray, Dian: 999
Murray, Natalia Danesi: 407
Murray, Stephen 0.: 1334
Murry, John Middleton: 764
music, popular: 147-48, 190, 857-62, 863,
1010-11, 1087-88, 1242
music, women's: 720
musicals: 1028
musicians: 296, 625, 720, 862-64, 920-27,
1087-88; see also composers; music,
popular; music, women's; punk rock;
Musil, Robert: 98, 903
Musonius Rufus: 83,986, 1123,125 1
Musset, Alfred de: 425, 902
Mussolini, Benito, leader of Italy: 368,
387-90, 549
Mussorgsky, Modest: 921
Mwanga, king: 23
Mykonos (Greece]:469,502
mystery and detective fiction: 864-66
mysticism: 1261-64
mythology, classical: 8-9/47-48! 78, 18586,279-80,291,318-20,372-73,412,
434,454, 530-531, 539, 866-69, 875-76,
932-33, 1021, 1075, 1094, 1106, 1313
mythology, non-classical: 54, 136, 175,
350,479-80, 517, 590, 804
mythology, private: 227,247
myths and fabrications: 70, 195, 265-66,
Nacke, Paul: 740,875
Nader, George: 1165
Nafzawi, al-: 849
Nag Hammadi (Egypt):48 1
Nagid, Samuel ha-: 646
Najmajer, Marie von: 99
Nakamura, Hirohiko: 170
Nakamura Unaemon: 1316
NAMBLA-see North American ManBoy Love Association
nameless sinlcrime: 255,873-74
Names Project: 32, 1178
Namsadang: 667,1291
Naomi: 916
Naples (Italy]: 176, 458, 796, 1196, 1238
Napoleon Bonaparte, emperor of France:
151, 186-87, 874-75
Napoleon III, emperor of France: 388
Napoleonic Code-see Code Napoleon
Narcissus and narcissism: 4 12, 433-34,
Nardi, Peter M.: 1226
Nashe, Thomas: 600
Nasrullah, arnir of Afghanistan: 18
National Committee for Sexual Civil
Liberties: 841
National Gay Task Force (NGTF]:727,
845,901,1284, 1349, 1385
National Institutes of Mental Health
National Planning Conference of
Homophile organizations-see North
American Conference of Homophile
National Socialism-see Nazism
nationalism: 875-79
Native Americans-see Indians, North
nature and the unnatural: 32-34, 60-63,
195-96, 222,239,359,478,494,498,
533, 732, 879-881, 983, 1001, 1215-19,
nature-nurture debate: 263-65, 463,
1208-10, 1215-19
Navratilova, Martina: 88
navy: 487, 696, 860,997-99, 1172-75,
1346; see also sailors
Nazario: 25 1
Nazism: 152, 242,302,380-81,387,39091,404-05,432, 446,469, 472-73, 537,
546,688, 838, 882, 886, 888, 911-12,
945,949, 996-97, 1059, 1067, 1102,
1111-12, 1137-38, 1170, 1212, 1241,
Nechaev, Sergei: 5 1
Neill, A. S.: 1103
Nelson, Charles: 907
Nemesianus: 794
Neon Leon: 1087
neoplatonism: 221,396-97, 882-84, 933,
986-87, 1118-19
Nepos, Cornelius: 368
Nerciat, Andrea de: 948
Nerciat, Charles de: 1294
Nero, emperor of Rome: 378,472, 884,
514,920,978-79,1117, 1275, 1315
Nesor, Dave: 405
Netherlands: 39, 271-72, 303,379,473,
603,884-92, 513-14,552, 629, 835,
839,847, 898-99,904-05, 949, 963,
967-69, 1064, 1126-27, 1173, 1374,
networking: 1257-61
Neuburg, Victor: 283
Neugebauer, Franz Ludwig von: 530,629
New Age religion: 384
New Guinea: 937-38,962
New Haven colony (America]:1065,
New Hebrides: 940
New Mexico (USA]:1234
New Museum of Contemporary Art:
New Orleans (Louisiana):147, 198, 89296, 1343
New School for Social Research: 126,
38 1
New South Wales (Australia):95-97, 847
New Testament: 125-26, 221,347,499,
541,609-10, 637-39, 879, 896-98, 95455, 1093-94
New York City: 42-43, 90, 91-92, 104,
111, 108, 114-15, 117, 129, 147-48,
155,16 1, 198,205,229,233,243,243,
249,278-79, 287,310,334,344,381,
384,405,407, 459,466-67, 476, 484,
518,674,720, 727,803, 818,821,84142, 844-45, 847, 857, 898-901, 905,
914-15, 1015-16, 1027, 1088, 1109,
1232-33, 1251-53, 1255-57, 1284,
1346-47, 1349 1381-83, 1385, 1387,
New York State (USA):305, 713
New York Times: 456, 1255
New York University: 900, 1256
New Zealand: 693,847
Newlin, Jon: 896
Newman, Paul: 402
Newport (RhodeIsland): 487, 1173, 1346
Newton, Sir Isaac: 1281-82, 1378
Nicholas II, pope: 686
Nicholas V, pope: 603
Nichols, Beverly: 1390
Nicoladoni, Joseph: 98
Nicolson, Harold: 140, 901, 1141
Nicolson, Nigel: 140
Nicomedes IV,king of Bithynia: 185,
514,523,926, 1116
Nieberding: 1211
Niemoller, Martin: 1059
Nietzsche, Friedrich: 301,320,419, 990,
1126, 1206,1395
Nigeria: 846
Night of the Long Knives: 39 1,404, 882
nightclubs-see bars
Nijinsky, Vaslav: 3 14-15
Nikolais, Alwin: 292,402
Niles, Blair: 518, 905
Nilsen, Dennis: 855
Nilssen, Gosta Adrian: 1270
Nimmo, H. Arlo: 939
Nin, Anais: 1027
Nin Frias, Alberto: 1240
Nineveh: 479
Nixon, Nicholas: 32
Nobel Prize: 478
Noble, Elaine: 487,879, 1349
Nogent, Guibert de: 290
Noguera, Gary: 63
Noh drama: 635
Nokes, James: 1294
Nonnus of Panopolis: 867,1006
Nordau, Max: 302
Norden, Eric: 1167
Norfolk (Virginia]: 1174
Norfolk Island (Australia):94
normal: 3-4, 449, 458, 534, 575, 790
Norman, Karyl: 1320
Norris, Senator David: 614
North Africa-see Africa, North
North American Conference of Homophile Organizations (NACHO):843-44,
847,962,967, 1057,1256, 1349, 1415
North American Man-Boy Love Association INAMBLA): 159,963,967
Northern Territory (Australia):95
Norway: 312,487,687,847, 1156, 1212
Noth, Martin: 653
Nott, Peter: 1063
Novarro, Ramon: 405
novels and short fiction: 31-34,42-43,
54-55, 102, 104, 105-06, 106-07, 108,
117-18, 124, 147-48, 161, 162-63, 176,
198-99, 205-06, 213, 218-19, 247-49,
271-72, 281-82,327-28,350,395-96,
398-99, 400-404,406-07, 407-08,41719,439-40,448,464-65, 477,483-84,
503,518,52A1544,615,625,722,78385, 789, 798-99, 822-823, 833,848,
850, 864-66, 901-09, 934, 950-54, 97071,978-79, 1013,1023*27,1046, 106971, 1084-85, 1089-90, 1107, 1115-16,
1122, 1129-30, 1136-37, 1141-42, 1145,
1147-48, 1153-55, 1163-67, 1239-42,
1245-47,1250,1265,1290, 1308,1345,
1377, 1383-87, 1389-91, 1392-93,
1404-05, 1409
Novello, Ivor: 1297
Nubia: 22
nude in art: 78-80, 299,372-73,480, 768,
808,877,909-12,993, 1363
nudity: 231,281, 480,372-73, 492, 728,
909-12, 918, 1107, 1122, 1235, 1243,
1324, 1363
Nuevo Mundo: 846
Nugent, Bruce: 147,518
Numa Praetorius--see Wilhelm, Eugen
NWHK (organization]:889
Nystriim, Anton: 1270
obesity: 913
obituaries: 447, 750
objectification, sexual: 120,366-68, 9 1314,990,1180
OIBrian, Richard: 1301
obscenity: 117-18,209-12, 517,846, 904
occult: 283-84, 700-02,970-71
O'Connor, John Cardinal: 230, 1350
Oda Nobunaga: 635
O'dett (comedian): 1360
Odysseus: 496
Odyssey: 550-52
Oedipal complex: 435-36
Oedipus: 867, 1303
Offenbach, Jacques: 1317
offensive behavior: 96
OIFlaherty, Wendy: 586
Ogden, C. K.: 127
OfHara, Frank: 914-15, 1011,1252, 1278
OfKeefe,Georgia: 80
old people-see aging
Old Testament: 5-6,296-99, 436, 482,
583-84, 653-56, 609-610, 682, 653-56,
915-17, 1155-56, 1276, 1313
Olivia Records: 861
Olivio, Robert: 1382
Olympia -Press: 457, 1053
Olympic games: 88,454, 917-19, 995
Oman: 24,850
Ombrosi, Luca: 410
ONE, Inc., and ONE: 134,211, 344,460,
471,615, 735, 746, 781, 839, 900, 91910, 1033, 1226, 1348
OfNeill, Eugene: 3 10
onnagata: 1291, 1316
Onomacritus: 1243
Onomarcus: 87
Ontario (Canada): 192-93,846
opera: 164-65, 202-04,310, 753,~802-03,
862-63, 920-27, 933, 1011, 1274, 1322,
Opffer, Emil: 278
Oppenheim, Meret: 80
oppression: 145, 150-52, 181-82, 192-93,
268,286-87,320,379-82, 712, 728,
775,844, 885-88,927-29, 1085-86
oral sex: 237-38, 276,323,493, 589,591,
859, 929-31, 937, 1146-47, 1174, 1201,
133, 1346, 1410; see also cunnilingus;
fellatio; irrumation
Oranienburg/SachsenhausenConcentration Camp: 130
ordination: 229,242
Oresme, Nicole: 1356
Orestes and Pylades: 868
Orff, Carl: 924
organists: 242,863-64
organizations, homosexual--see movement, homosexual
orgasm: 36 1
orgies: 310-11,319,405,411, 943, 1273
Orgone Institute: 1102
orgy rooms: 114, 895, 1026; see also
orientation, sexual: 58, 143-47, 251-54,
263-65, 265,320-23, 433, 494,498-99,
530,556-57,573-75, 610-11, 674, 676,
863-64, 93132, 1003,1022, 1036-40,
1097-98, 1112-15, 1167-68, 1097-98,
1215-19,1312,1334,1410, 1412
Origen of Alexandria: 956
origin myths--see inventor legends
Orioli, Pino: 328
OrlCans (France]:687, 692
Orlova, Aleksandra: 1279
Orpheus: 610-11, 862, 868, 932-33, 1007,
Orthodox Christian Church: 180-83,
222,226-27,241,957, 1068; see also
Byzantine empire
Orton, Joe: 22, 141, 402, 743, 851, 93334, 1298
Orwell, George: 1356
Osborne, Clarence: 968
Osbome, John: 1298
ostracism: 435
Oswald, Richard: 400
Otoro tribe: 22
Otto I (the Great), Holy Roman emperor:
Ottoman Empire: 365,375,1373; see
also Turkey
Otway, Thomas: 1293
Otway, Travers: 1297
Ovid, Publius: 284, 530, 580, 867
Owen, Robert: 704
Owen, Wilfred: 934-35
Oxford University: 91, 109, 187-89,32627,351,953-54, 1008, 1271, 1384,
Ozerov, Vladislav Aleksandrovich: 1295
Pabst, G. W;: 400
Pachomius, St.: 956-57
Pacific cultures: 937-40, 1336
Pacino, Al: 404
Padua (Italy]:325,343, 1366
Paedophile Information Exchange (PIE):
page boys: 263,354-55, 812,815, 961-62,
Paget, Violet--see Lee, Vernon
Pagsanjan (Philippines]:981, 1324
Pai Hsien-yung: 219
pain: 1143-46
Paine, Stanley: 605
painting-ee art, visual; nude in art
Pakistan: 586, 588
Paksoos: 667
Palazzeschi, Aldo: 41 1, 625
Paleolithic: 307
Paled-Siberian peoples: 939, 940-41,
1170-72, 1191-93
balermo (Sicily]:1196
Palestine: 5-6, 5 13, 915-17
Palm Springs (California]:469
Palud, Pierre de la: 195
Pan: 868
Pan Yue: 217
Panama: 1373
Pancrates: 67, 514
Pangborn, Edgar: 1165
Pangborn, Franklin: 40 1
panic, homosexual: 434, 677,941-43
pansies: 41 1
Pantaenus: 238
papacy: 240-41,311,385, 602-04,622-23,
689,943-44, 1286
Papandreou, Andreas, prime minister of
Greece: 502, 1213
Papanikolaou, Mitsos: 503
Papeete (Tahiti):938
Papua (New Guinea]: 1354
paradigm (general]: 1161
paradigm shifts: 354-58, 419-20,775,
paradigms of homosexuality-see
Paragraph 175 (German penal code): 99,
130, 151-52, 196,242, 256,304,391,
434,472-73, 535,537, 546, 608, 629,
684,835, 882, 944-45, 997, 1199, 1211
paranoia: 432, 434, 696, 945-46, 1097,
1167, 1229
parents (general]:251-54, 717-18, 1411
parents, lesbian and gay: 717, 946-47
Paris: 11, 51-52, 55-56, 80-81, 104, 105,
108-09, 112, 115, 123, 132, 155, 15657, 164-66, 185, 201, 211,233, 248-49,
407,419-20, 421-27, 431,469,524,
753, 755, 785-86,812,856, 947-50,
970-71, 1014-15, 1069, 1286, 1346,
1390; see also France
Parker, Jay: 1042, 1046, 1085,1373
Parker, Karen: 1362
Parker, Robert: 866
Parker, Theodore: 1066
Parker, William: 134
Parmenides of Elea: 984, 1195, 1205
Parmigianino, I1 (Francesco Mazzola):
Parnok, Sofia: 1327
Parsis: 1417
parthenophilia: 361, 1153-54, 1333
"particular friendships": 403, 950-51
Parvati: 532, 590
Pasolini, Pier Paolo: 404, 625, 904, 95153,974, 1008
passive: 9-11, 15-16,377-78,444, 520,
619, 688, 849, 1037-38, 1085-86; see
also active and passive
pastoral: 72
Patai, Raphael: 916
Pater, Walter: 17, 161, 187, 521, 703,
953-54, 1389
pathic: 10, 156, 1085-86, 1117, 1309
patriarchy: 710,712-13, 1179, 1181
Patrick, Robert: 1300
patristic writers: 41, 71,221-22, 954-59,
Patroclus: 8-9, 16, 551-52, 495-96, 868
Patterson, Rebecca: 316
Patzer, Harald: 1244
Paul of Tarsus, St.: 202,235,683,873,
Paul of Thurn and Taxis: 753
Paul II, pope: 241,943
Paul VI, pope: 242,944
Paulin, Thieny: 856
Paulinus of Nola, St., 794
Pavia, I. Leo: 629
Pavlov, Ivan Petrovich: 101
Peacock, Thomas Love: 1008
Pears, Sir Peter: 164, 923
Pearson, Carol Lynn: 32
Pecora, Elio: 974
Pedanius Secundus: 1275
pederasty: 7-8, 9-12, 15-25,33-34, 40-43,
52, 58, 67-68, 70, 75-76, 87-88, 103,
105-06, 120-121, 129-30, 131-33, 13839, 142, 162-63, 165, 166-68, 170, 176,
179-80, 187, 194,204,206, 209, 212213,216-1 7,226-28, 231-32, 242, 252,
263,266, 279-81,283,308,312,319,
421,426,433-34,438, 448,454,472,
477-78,483-84, 486, 488, 491-502, 504,
510-11, 514-15,520,523-24, 542, 551,
562-63,573, 587-88, 592, 597-98, 610,
623,635, 675,683, 730, 744, 748-49,
752,771-72, 790, 797,800, 814,83233, 866-68, 870, 898, 909, 918, 932-33,
953, 959-70, 974-75,981.83, 984-86,
998, 1000-02, 1005, 1017, 1024, 1030,
1099-1100, 1115,1117, 1122, 1142,
1149-50, 1168, 1194-95, 1198, 1205,
1227-28, 1234-37, 1243-45, 1261-64,
1269, 1271, 1303-05, 1309, 1323, 1329,
1335, 1363,1365, 1384, 1390, 1402,
1407, 1410
pedophilia: 58, 101, 125, 227, 242, 361,
405,434,491, 544, 597, 888, 959-63,
964-70, 981-82, 998, 1004, 1082, 1048,
1333, 1397--see also pederasty
Pedro I, king of Portugal: 1029
Peel, Robert: 122, 256, 282, 742
Peisistratus: 28 1, 1235
PCladan, JosCphin: 57,301,425, 531, 903,
Pelagia, St.: 1313
Pelops: 866-67, 995
penis: 143, 201, 234-35,362, 929-30,
1054, 1308-09
penis envy: 1077
penitentials: 104, 194, 197, 209, 223,
239-40, 613, 81 1,971-74
penitentiary: 1036; see also prisons, jails
and reformatories
penology-see prisons, jails and reformatories
Penn, William: 1012, 1061, 1342
Penna, Sandro: 974-75, 1008
Penne, Luca da: 957, 1281
Penniman, Richard ("Little Richard"):
Pennsylvania (USA):198,303-05,310,
325,1061, 1012, 1342
Pennsylvania, University of: 325
Pentecostalism: 1067
Pentheus: 1291
Pepy II Neferkare, king of Egypt: 350-51,
Perceau, Louis: 977
Percy, Jocelyn, bishop of Clogher: 614
Perez, Antonio: 975, 1238
Perini, Gherardo: 1360
Perbn, Juan Domingo, president of
Argentina: 390
Perrenot, A.: 885
Perry, Troy: 229, 1069, 842, 845
persecutions: 123-25, 129-30, 148, 18182, 226-27, 286-87,379-82, 601-04,
690-91, 787, 805, 886-88, 927-29, 967,
1126-27, 1173, 1253, 1366, 1373
Pershing Square (Los Angeles]: 746
Persia, ancient: 35, 39-40, 63, 378, 379,
493,682,917, 962, 1417-18
Persia, medieval: 127, 515, 850,988,
1024, 1094; see also Iran
Peru: 52-54,201,603,846,873, 1363
Perugia: 621,690
perversion: 3 13, 534, 668, 976-77, 79 1,
1022, 1099
Pessoa, Fernando: 68, 977-78, 1008, 1030
Pet Shop Boys: 861
Pttain, Henri Philippe, premier of Vichy
France: 549
Peter Leopold of Habsburg-Lorraine:409
Peter the Chanter: 195,686, 869
Peter the Great, tsar of Russia: 1135
Peters, Fritz: 56, 906
Petronius Arbiter: 78,332, 902, 978-79,
1124, 1276
Petropoulos, Elias: 503, 657
Peurifoy, John: 787
Peyrefitte, Roger: 12, 72, 242, 403, 426,
833,944,950, 1084
Peyser, Joan: 926
PCzard, AndrC: 295
Pfuel, Ernst von: 666-67
Phaedrus: 166, 1325
phallic worship: 590
phallus: 351, 590
Philadelphia (Pennsylvania): 114, 25 1,
310,843-44, 1042-53, 1061, 1349
Philemon: 1290
Philip II, king of Spain-see Felipe 11
Philip IV, the Fair, king of France: 241,
422,687,812, 1285
Philippe of OrlCans, prince of France:
Philippines: 939, 979-82, 1056, 1314,
Philippus: 504
Philips, Katharine: 438
Philistines: 235,296
Philo Judaeus of Alexandria: 6,41, 74,
197,239, 642, 879, 955, 982-83, 986,
philosophy: 71-72, 127,358-61,363-64,
366-68,396-97,419-20,420-21,73133, 882-84, 983-92, 1000-1002, 115155, 1158-59, 1161-62, 1227-28, 1269,
1250-51, 1378-80, 1398-1400, 1417
Philostratus: 139
Phoenicians-see Canaanites
phone and computer sex: 387,992-93
photography: 32, 82, 299,380,480, 755,
993-95, 1003, 1025, 1049,1146
phrenology: 12-14, 1389
pianists: 863-64
Picano, Felice: 865, 907
Picasso, Pablo: 3 15, 627, 1246
Pidansat de Mairobert, MathieuFran~ois:948, 1098
Pierce, Charles: 1321
Pierrugues, Pierre: 3 18
Pieterse, Monica: 968
Pignatelli, Marianna, countess of
Althann: 802
Pilgrims (religious group): 1065
pillory: 379, 742, 1200
Pilsudski, Jbzef, president of Poland :
389, 1013 *
Pindar: 138-39,362,497, 866-67, 918,
995-96, 1303
Pinel, Philippe: 607
Phiera, Vergilio: 287
pink triangle: 130, 250, 413,473, 548,
882, 945, 996-97, 1177
Pinter, Harold: 934
pirates: 19, 285,309, 561, 997-99, 1173,
1343, 1373
Pisa (Italy):690
Pisander of Cameiros: 867
Pisani, Ugolino: 1292
Pisis, Filippo de: 8 1
"pitcher": 1037
Pius II, pope: 241,944
Pius IV,pope: 687
Pius V, pope: 599,944
Pius XIpope: 196
Plaine, William: 1065
Plant, Richard: 549
Plascencia, Juan de: 98 1
Plaskin, Glenn: 864
Platen-Hallermund, August von: 380,
473, 515, 999-1000, 1009, 1160, 1259,
1270, 1366
Plato: 8, 62, 76, 244, 280-81, 293,342-43,
364,373,396,396-97, 442-443,493,
498-99, 51 1, 531-33, 541, 748, 867-69,
871,879, 882-83,954, 955, 985, 988,
1000-02, 1017- 18, 1205, 1227-28, 1280,
1303, 1306, 1333, 1352, 1384
"Platonic love": 396-97, 883
Plautus: 1002-03, 1291
Playboy: 841
plethysmography: 1003-04
Plotinus: 883, 986-87
Plummer, Kenneth: 968, 1209
Pliischow, Wilhelm von: 480,994
Plutarch: 62, 139,385,494,539, 960-61,
1004-05, 1304
Pneurnocystis Carinii (PCP):30
poetry: 7-8, 11-12, 109, 131-33, 147-48,
173-74, 179-80, 185-86, 206-07, 21213, 217, 278-79, 294-96,315-17,32536, 334-35,397-98, 423, 425-26,438,
518,524,545,621,625,681,722, 743,
749-51, 768, 770-71, 785, 797, 818,
848,914-15, 934-35, 974-75, 977-79,
995-96, 999-1000, 1005-12, 1021-22,
1028, 1104-05, 1110-11, 1123, 1132-33,
1136-37, 1142-43, 1148-49, 1152-54,
1190-91, 1237, 1240-42, 1245-46,
1261-64, 1270, 1286-87, 1304-05, 1307,
1326-27, 1367-70, 1377, 1387-91
Pohl, Frederick: 1165
Poirier, Jean: 1300
Poland: 304-05,389, 1012-14, 1231, 1274
police: 95-98, 110-12, 114, 117, 118, 12930, 150-52, 192-93, 230, 562, 600, 690,
693, 780, 806-07,839, 827, 844, 888,
899-900,948, 1014-16, 1057, 1094,
1232, 1251-53, 1308-09, 1329, 1346-47,
1374, 1414
political clubs: 896
political theory: 50-52,262-63,334,38790, 724-27, 729-31, 771, 875-79, 101621
politically correct sex: 10-11
politics and politicians: 15-16, 102, 148,
185-86, 231-32,374-78,387-91, 48687, 817, 845, 896, 900, 1125-27, 117980, 1210-13, 1234-35, 1349-51, 1386
Poliziano (Politian], Angelo: 160, 933,
1007,1021-22, 1104
Poll, Christabel: 96
Polycrates: 379, 5 11, 1235
polygamy: 307-08
Polymnus: 867
polymorphous perverse: 144,264,394,
Polynesia-see Pacific cultures
Pompeii: 372,488,1122,1145
Ponorogo (Indonesia]:597-98
Ponse, Barbara: 1223
Ponsonby, Sarah: 379,438,739
Pontano, Giovanni: 1104
Pontormo, Jacopo: 79
Poole, Wakefield: 405
Pop Art: 1382
Popper, Karl: 1160
"poppers": 333, 1350
pornography: 29,89,121, 150,193,21112, 257-58,311-12,361,387, 405, 848,
969-70, 990, 992-93, 1010, 1022-28,
1053, 1165,1175, 1283,1351, 1369,
Porphyry: 883
Porter, Cole: 402, 858, 1028
Porter, Eugene: 1095
Porter, Katherine Anne: 789
Portland [Oregon):845
Portman, Brett: 52
Portugal: 123, 162,379,678,687,692,
977-78, 1028-30
Posada, Guadalupe: 806
Poseidon: 866-67, 996
Potiphar; 916
Pougy, Liane de: 109
Poulenc, Francis: 863, 923, 1030-31
Pound, Ezra: 55, 109, 115,325,351, 750,
Pound, Louise: 205
poverty: 970
power: 465
Power, Tyrone: 405
Prados, Emilio: 1240
Praetorius, Numa (Eugen Wilhelm): 629,
Prague [Czechoslovakia]: 173
Praunheim, Rosa von: 405-06, 728
prehistoric: 307, 492
prejudice: 68-68, 99-98, 127, 552-55,
1031-33, 1079, 1180-82; see also
authoritarian personality; homophobia; stereotyping
Prelati: 852
Preminger, Otto: 403
Presbyterians: 1064
Presley, Elvis: 859
press, general-see journalism
press, gay: 15, 97, 130-31, 134-35, 258,
502,626, 719, 807, 835, 842, 949-50,
1029-30, 1033-35, 1226, 1290, 1350
press, underground: 15, 119,257,949
presses and publishers, gay and lesbian:
81-82, 130-31, 256-57, 1027, 1051-54
Pretor, Alfred: 1084
Priapus, St., Church of: 777
Prichard, James Cowles: 605, 792
Prichard, Matthew Stuart: 351
PRIDE (organization): 746
Prieto, Gregorio: 8 1
primates: 60-63,307
Primo de Rivera, JosC Antonio: 389, 1241
prince-and-pauper syndrome: 9, 1405
Princeton University: 381
printing: 256-57
prisoners of war: 9, 18-19,376,494
prisons, jails, and reformatories: 10, 52,
93-94, 105, 124, 146, 149, 238, 286-87,
356,359-60,362,402,419,448, 450,
465, 542-43, 574,697, 768, 830, 853,
858-59,934, 1024, 1035-48, 1085-86,
1097, 1138,1179-80,1197, 1309, 134344, 1337, 1373, 1390
privacy: 324,350, 592, 680, 685, 693,
722,817, 931, 1048-51, 1309, 1372,
private presses: 1051-54
Procopius: 688
promiscuity-see impersonal sex
prostate: 1054
prostitution: 15-16, 19-22,28, 53, 75,
114-15, 125, 129, 146, 151, 155, 16668, 206, 217,237, 243, 249, 261,286,
406,409-10, 421,433,465, 477, 493,
498, 503, 548-49,592, 598, 615, 622,
683,689, 712, 742, 800-802, 804,844,
849,851, 860, 893, 899, 930, 948-49,
962,970, 981-82, 1014, 1054-58, 1087,
1108, 1117,1119,1124,1174, 1198,
1202, 1204,1221, 1258, 1270,1289,
1309,1324,1329, 1337, 1342, 1366,
1414-15; see also prostitution, sacred
prostitution, sacred: 53, 191,351,436,
486,493,653-55,916, 1054, 1172,
1194, 1418; see also kadesh
protCg6s: 339; see also minions
Protestantism: 59-60, 95, 103-04, 123-24,
132-33,223-24, 228-31, 241-42, 306,
379,472,477, 1058-69, 1268, 1282,
Proudhon, Pierre-Joseph: 50
Proust, Marcel: 33, 247, 291,293,478,
61 1,632,425, 722, 903, 949, 1069-71,
1240, 1278
Provincetown (Massachusetts):159,469,
proxemics: 475
"prushun": 542
Prussia: 129-31, 198,428-29,472
Prynne, William: 1317
Pnhevalsky, Nikolai Mikhailovich:
1071-72, 1136,1162
Psellus, Michael: 883
pseudohomosexuality: 677-78, 941-43
psychiatry: 220-21, 266-67,349-50,36971, 431-436, 446,448-51, 534, 575,
677, 696, 791-94,841-45, 945-46, 97677, 1072-75, 1081-83, 1096, 1143,
1248, 1254,1259, 1266-67, 1283, 1347,
psychoanalysis: 14,36-37, 129,329-30,
346,369-71,392-94, 430-436,441,567,
575,609, 610, 643-44, 677, 749, 794,
841,875, 1022-23, 1075-77, 1078,
1101-03,1126, 1156, 1160,1248,1348
psychology: 99-101,361-63, 432-433,
448-49, 484, 554, 964-65, 968-69, 94546, 1073, 1078-81, 1086, 1129-30,
1197-98, 1247-49, 1264-66, 1332, 1405,
psychopathology: 668-69, 1072-75
psychosurgery: 95
psychotherapy: 101,261,267,369-71,
392-94, 583, 649-51, 716, 728, 1072-75,
1078, 1081-83, 1096, 1147, 1213-14,
psychotherapy, compulsory: 369-70
Ptolemies, kings of Egypt: 40-41
Ptolemy, Claudius, of Alexandria: 86,
79 1
puberphilia: 361, 964, 1414
puberty: 45, 251-54,361,377,463,394,
Public Health Service (USAJ:576-77
public opinion: 96,358-61, 690, 752,
1081, 1168-70, 1'247-49, 1332
public schools (British): 187-88,326,343,
355,383, 511, 561, 614-15, 951, 988,
990, 1008, 1083-85, 1146; for nonBritish, see schools, boarding
public sex: 324,844,888, 1147
pubs-see bars
pueri delicati: 1124, 1307
Puerto Rico (USA): 1343
Puig, Manuel: 402, 798, 905
Pulci, Luigi: 1105
punk: 1038-41, 1085-86
punk rock: 52,291,861, 1086-87
Puritans: 158, 1065
Pushkin, Aleksandr Sergeyevich: 1007
Pyrrho: 986
Pythagoras: 379,984, 1195
Quakers (Religious Society of Friends):
198,224,229,1012,1061, 1342
quarantine: 286
Quebec (Canada]: 192-93,846,905,
Queen, Ellery: 865
queen: 1038, 1085,1090-91, 1202, 1336,
"queens' tanks": 1038
Queensland (Australia): 95
queer: 673,675,1091
queerbashing: 860, 1088, 1097, 1290,
Quennel, Peter: 180
quilting 32, 1178
Quinn, Aidan: 32
Qumran: 83,638
Rabearivalo: 1007
Rabelais, Fran~ois:86
racha: 897, 1093-94
Rachilde [Marguerite Aymery Vallette):
racism: 148-50, 71 1, 1042
Radbruch, Gustav: 836, 1211
radical faeries: 1397
radicalesbians: 1179
radicalism-see left, gay
Radiguet, Raymond: 247
radio: 125,257, 426,448, 1290
Rado, Sandor: 144,1076
raerae: 938
Raffalovich, Marc-AndrC: 370, 425, 457,
643, 740, 1340, 1353
Rage, Christopher: 405, 1026
Rahman, Abd al-, king of Afghanistan:
Raile, Arthur Lyon: 1384
railways: 542-43
Rainey, Ma: 147,518,858
Rama VI, king of Thailand (Siam):1289
Ramakrishna: 59 1
Ramdohr, F. W. B. von: 472
Ramone, DeeDee: 1087
Ramones, The: 861, 1087
Ramsay, John: 631
Rand, Lou: 865
Randall, Marta: 1166
Randall, Tony: 926
rape crisis centers: 1094, 1096-98
rape of females: 1094-96
rape of males: 18-19, 149,206,261,350,
403,409,435, 454,494, 588, 682-83,
685-86, 697, 699-700, 800, 851-55,
866-68, 915-16, 998, 1040-42, 1085,
1087, 1094-98, 1122, 1147, 1202, 1205,
1229,1290,1303,1329,1337, 1344,
1366, 1373
rape trauma syndrome: 1086, 1094-97
Raphael Sanzio: 943
Rath, Ernst vom: 949
Rattigan, Terrence: 1297-98
Ratzinger, Joseph Cardinal: 230, 944
Raucourt, Frangoise la: 1098-99, 1294
Rauschenberg, Robert: 1382
Read, Brian: 1008
Real, Mart: 604
RCaw, Tallement des: 748
Recciswinth, king of the Visigoths: 689
Rechy, John: 907, 1025
reciprocity, sexual: 9-11, 237-38, 1040,
1289, 1309,1335
recruitment: 1099-1100, 1413
Redfem, June: 8 1
Redford, Robert: 402
Redl, Alfred: 365,487, 787, 1100-01,
Redon, Odilon: 933
Reed, Lou: 860, 1087
Reeves, Tom: 52
Reformation, Protestant: 132-33,354-55,
1058-60, 1064-65
reformatories and reform schools-see
prisons, jails and reformatories
Regino of Priim: 973
Reich, Wilhelm: 208,391, 570, 773,
Reid, Anthony: 227
reincarnation: 168-69, 532, 581, 591
Reise, Jay: 926
Reiss, Albert J.: 1221
Reitman, Dr. Ben: 214
religion (general):168-71, 227-31, 234-35,
432,435-36,384,395-96, 465, 593-94,
597, 732, 796, 804-05, 831, 841, 98688, 1058-69, 1171-72, 1191-93, 1344,
1354, 1413
Renaissance: 73, 78-79, 121, 131-32, 13940, 160-61, 173-74, 208-09, 241,309,
325,343,354-55,364,372, 379,39697,409-10,423,438, 444-45, 51 1, 520,
539,622,690-91,749, 883434,856,
902,909-10,920,943-44, 966, 1005,
1007, 1021-22, 1103-06, 1359-60, 1364
Renault, Francis: 1320
Renault, Mary: 40,904, 1106-07, 1291
RenC Guyon Society: 510
Renoir, Jean: 1376
Repgow, Eike von: 129
Rtpide, Pedro de: 1240
Republican Party [USA):263, 487, 78788,878, 1351, 1385
research needs: ix, 123, 133-36, 146-47,
175,310,371, 541,553-54,574, 623,
677,831, 1048, 1086,1175, 1310,
1331-32, 1375, 1412
research problems: xii, 69-71, 133, 136,
141-42, 146-47,251-52,367-68/461,
967-69, 997-99, 1048, 1412
Residencia de Estudiantes (Madrid):1240
resorts: 159, 469, 1056, 1107-09, 1196,
Rettilbeini, Rognvaldr: 688
Reuvens, J. E.: 1374
Reve, Gerard: 272, 905
Revolution, French: 424, 703, 1141, 1380
Rex: 1027
Reynolds, Burt: 403
Rhadamanthus: 280
Rhode Island (USA):1346
Rhodes, Cecil: 363, 877
Rhum (clown): 1360
rhyming slang: 1203
Ribeiro, Domingos Firminio: 163
ricchione: 794-96
Rice, Anne: 1027, 1145
Rich, Adrienne: 1010
Rich, Penelope: 109
Richard I, king of England: 355, 1109-10,
Richard of Devizes: 155,355, 741, 8 12
Richardson, Frank M.: 874
Richardson, Samuel: 440
Richelieu, cardinal: 156,423, 748
Richmond, Len: 63
Richter, Sviatoslav: 1138
Rigby, captain: 355
Rimbaud, Arthur: 155, 164,425,503,
1010,1110, 1368
rimming: 48,930,1189, 1286
Rinuccini, Ottavio: 933
Rio de Janeiro (Brazil):164, 846, 1325
Rios, Fernando de 10s: 1240
Ritsos, Yiannis: 503
ritual: 591, 597, 888, 937-38,960-61,
1040, 1337, 1354, 1410; see also
Rivas Cherif, Cipriano: 102
Roback, Abraham: 368
Roberts, Pudgy: 1321
Robertson, Pat: 1068
Robigalia: 1122
Robinson, Tom: 861, 1087
Rocco, Antonio: 34,211,343, 733
Rocco, Pat: 405
Rochester, John Wilmot, earl of: 355,
733, 1007,1111, 1293
rock (& roll) music: 118,859-61, 1087-88
Rocke, Michael: 409
rococo: 9 10-11
Rode, Leon de: 124
Roditi, Edouard: 921
Rodman, James: 1217
Rodwell, Craig: 901, 1253
Rofes, Eric E.: 1265
Rogers, Adrian: 1062
Rogers, Carl R.: 267-68
Rohm, Ernst: 391,404,446,547,656,
882, 1111-12, 1376
role models: 386, 709, 712-15, 8 14
role, sexual and gender: 9-11,49, 57-58,
149-50, 177-79, 231-32, 235-38, 27477,333,336-37,347-49,361-63,37678, 461-64, 494, 503, 594, 618-19, 674,
678-79, 710, 796-98, 814, 882,884,
929-31, 940-41, 1036-40, 1085-86,
1096, 1112-15, 1121-22, 1156-58,
1163-67, 1219, 1221, 1226, 1248-49,
1269,1312,1335, 1365, 1410
Rolfe, Frederick ("Baron Corvo"): 406,
1008, 1115-16, 1366
Rolling Stones, The: 859-60
Romains, Hippolyte: 251
Roman Catholicism-see Catholic
Roman emperors: 67-68, 139, 180-81,
1116-19, 1275, 1281
Romania: 126
Romanina, La: 802-03
Romans: 499,533,879,897
Romanticism: 179-80, 212- 13,301, 446
Rome, ancient: 9-10, 67-68, 79, 82, 113,
139, 180, 185, 202, 206, 209,231-32,
29 1,300,302-03,308, 3 19, 348, 362,
363-64,371-73,377-78, 419-20, 444,
488,491, 514, 519-20, 523, 562-63,
683,752, 770-71,807, 826, 870, 88384, 902, 929, 954-55, 958, 965-66, 97879, 1002-03, 1006, 1036, 1055, 1086,
1094, 1116-24, 1195, 1206, 1275-76,
1280, 1291,1307, 1313, 1315, 1354,
1367, 1373
Rome, medieval and modern: 43, 164,
165, 188, 199, 204,225,325,379-80,
402, 943-44, 95 1-53
Rome, Peter de: 1026
Rbmer, L. S. A. M. von: 272,457-58, 629,
891, 1126-27, 1335
Romero Murube, Joaquin: 1240
Rondeaux, Madeleine: 477
Roosevelt, Eleanor: 1127-28
Roosevelt, Franklin D., president of the
United States: 1346, 1385
Roosevelt, Theodore, president of the
United States: 1197
Rorem, Ned: 863,925, 1031
Rorschach test: 1129-30
Rosai, Ottone: 41 1
Rosales, Luis: 1241
Rose, Sir Francis: 80, 1246
Rose, Jon: 96
Rosebery, Archibald Philip, earl of: 486
Rosenbaum, Julius: 1171
Rosenberg, Harold: 244, 1382
Rosicrucianism: 971
Ross, Robert: 140,327,935,1390
Rossetti, Christine: 1009
Rossman, Parker: 968
Roswitha of Gandersheim: 471
Rotten, Johnny: 1087
Rotterdam (Netherlands]:887
Rouen (France]:156
rough trade-see trade
Rousseau, G. S.: 233
Rousseau, Jean-Jacques: 140, 724
Roussel, Raymond: 1129-30
Rowse, Alfred L.: 189
Royalle, Candida: 1027
royalty: 17-18, 23-24, 39-41, 97-98, 139,
215-17, 225-26, 296-99,345-46,35051,376-78,421-23,427-29, 486,489,
514,520-21, 523,525,604, 747, 752,
819-20, 851, 884,920, 1109-10, 111619, 1135, 1237-39, 1268-69, 1329,
Rozanov, Vasily Vasilievich: 290, 748,
Rudolf II, emperor of Austria: 97
Rule, Jane: 404, 908
Rumi: 515, 849, 1006, 1132-33, 1262,
runaways: 1055, 1214, 1414
rural: 469
Russ, Joanna: 1165-66
Russell, Ada: 750-51
Russell, Bertrand: 837, 1398-99
Russell, Craig: 1321
Russell, Charles Taze: 1067
Russia: 220, 249, 292, 304,314-15,365,
772,904, 940-41,974, 1068, 1071-72,
1130-32, 1133-38, 1170-72, 1212,
1279-80, 1326-27
Rustin, Bayard: 148, 1138-39
Ruth: 916
Rwanda: 23
Rydberg, Viktor: 1270
Ryder, Mitch: 860
Saba, Umberto: 974
Sabisch, Christian: 63
SQ-Carneiro,Mhio de: 978
SHo Paulo (Brazil):846
Sacher-Masoch,Leopold von: 1143
Sackville-West,Vita: 140, 901,905,
1141, 1404
Sacred Band (Thebes]:8 14, 1303-04
sacrilege: 194-96
Sadatoki, Hojo: 170
Sadger, Isidor: 98,370, 1354
Sade, D. A. F. de: 360,364,424,681,902,
948,952,990, 1024, 1052,1141-42,
1143, 1228, 1374
Sa'di: 515
sadism: 227,465,979, 1143-46, 1329,
1373; see also s/m scene
safe sex: 3 1, 115,405, 1026, 1144, 114647, 1351
Sagan, Leontine: 400
Sagarin, Edward-see Cory, Donald
SAGE (group):26-27
Sagitta-see Mackay, John Henry
Saikaku Ihara: 635-36, 815, 905, 1024,
sailors: 15-16, 142, 163,278,307,310,
356,487, 562, 745-46, 799, 893, 99799, 1013, 1172-75, 1187, 1197, 1309,
1343, 1337
Sainctes, Claude de: 132
St. Denis, Ruth: 1193-94
Sainte-Beuve, Charles Augustin: 232
St. Louis (Missouri): 147,351
Saint-Mkry, Moreau de: 440
St. Paul [Minnesota):845
Saint-Pavin, Denis Sanguin de: 423,
1007, 1148-49
St. Petersburg (Russia]: 1136, 1279
Saint-Saens, Camille: 22, 862-63, 921,
Saint-Simon, Claude de: 747
saints: 21, 125-26, 127, 139
Saki--see Munro
Sakibhava cult: 59 1
Saladin: 1285
Salai: 708
Salazar, Adolfo: 1240
Salinas, Pedro: 1240
Salrnony, Alfred: 38 1
Salome (artist]:8 1
Salvian: 64-65,300, 1125
samizdat: 508, 1138
Samos (Greece]:379, 1235
samurai: 170, 263, 815, 961-62, 965,
1148,1149-50, 1266, 1335
San Antonio, Juan Francisco de: 98 1
San Diego (California):230
San Francisco: 90, 114, 117, 137-38, 149,
171,233, 243,334-35,406, 420, 453,
466-67,476, 487,777, 780, 782, 81718, 839-845, 870, 1016, 1057, 1088,
San Pedro (California):745
Sandfort, Theo: 362, 969
Sandow, Eugene: 121,994
Sansone, Tony: 994
Santayana, George: 159, 991
Santesson, Nils: 1270
Santi, Piero: 41 1
Santos-Dumont, Alberto: 163
Sappho: 137, 139,206,342, 373,396,
493,496, 522, 748, 868, 995-96, 1006,
1084, 1153-54
Sarduy, Severo: 287
Sargent, John Singer: 702
Sarton, Mary: 908
Sartre, Jean-Paul: 70, 244, 426, 465, 991,
Sassoon, Siegfried: 935
satiation: 1155-56
satire: 7-8, 75-76,397-98, 752, 978-79
satyrs: 868
Saul, king of Israel: 296-97
saunas-ee bathhouses
Saussure, Ferdinand de: 112
Savater, Fernando: 1242
Savonarola: 690
Savoy, Bert: 1320
Saxon, Lyle: 894
Saxons, ancient-ee Anglo-Saxons
Sayers, Dorothy L.: 864
Saymari, al-: 777
Scacco, Anthony: 1046, 1095
Scandinavia, medieval: 10,311,348,8 10,
1036, 1086, 1156-58, 1267-68, 1336
Scandinavia, modem: 111-12, 967, 1059,
1267-71,1325; see also Denmark,
Sweden, Norway
scapegoat: 684, 8 11
Schau, Jens Michael: 657
SchQer, RenC: 544
Schiller, Friedrich von: 483, 1294
schizophrenia: 1229
Schlesinger, John: 404
Schmeer, Josefine: 1319
Schmitt, Gladys: 298
Schober, Franz von: 1159
scholarship: ix-xii, 69-71, 133-35, 192-93,
234,344,380-81,456-61, 464, 541,
747, 774, 847, 919-20, 1226, 1250,
1271, 1332-37; see also research needs,
research problems
scholasticism: 71-72, 1281
schoolboys: 588
schools, boarding (non-British]:98, 122,
359-60, 448, 588,598, 833, 1084-85,
1197, 1310, 1337, 1406-07;for British
see public schools
schools, general: 321,355,361-63,691,
983-92, 1083-85, 1254-57, 1373, 1413
schools, public (British)-see public
Schopenhauer, Arthur: 990, 1156,115859
Schorer, Jacob van: 734, 889
Schreker, Franz: 923
Schrenck-Notzing, Albert Freiherr von:
370,458, 1073
Schubert, Franz: 98, 862, 1159-60
Schulman, Sarah: 908
Schur, Rick: 1372
Schutte, Wolfgang U.: 1377
Schweitzer, Jean-Baptistevon: 771
Schwinge, Erich: 547
science: 103, 107,437, 565,881, 116063, 1287-88, 1327-29
science fiction (sf)and fantasy: 57-58,
531, 752, 1163-67, 1357
Scientific-Humanitarian Committee: 39,
69, 98, 130, 158, 162, 234, 304, 376,
394,400, 434, 437-38, 457, 473, 535,
537,540, 608, 628-30, 684, 835-36,
838, 889, 944, 1167-70, 1211, 1270,
Scola, Ettore: 388
Scortia, Thomas N.: 1165
Scotland: 255,304,847,855, 1008, 1064
Scott, Bruce: 842
Scott, Sarah: 439
scouting: 1413
Scroffa, Camillo: 343,397-98
sculpture: 48,67, 78-79, 125,208-09,
372-73,497, 514,531, 909-12
Scythians: 48, 64,332,368,497, 500,
536, 1170-72
sea shanties: 1172, 1343
seafaring: 1172-75-see also sailors
"seafood": 1174-75
Searle, Alan: 784
Sebastian, St.: 240, 1145
Secret Gospel of Mark 638
security clearances: 841-42
seduction: 370,409,890
Seefeld, Adolf: 853
self-esteem: 88-90,385-86, 598, 675,
Sellin, Emst: 436, 655
semantics: 373-74,976-77
semen: 590,937-38, 1026
Semerano, Giovanni: 1022
semiotics: 112, 129, 243-44, 284-85,468,
674,676, 1177-78
Senate, United States: 365,403, 487,
576, 786-88, 1385; see also Congress
Seneca: 884,979
Senegal: 23
sensibility: 108, 440-441, 1178
Sension, Nicholas: 1342
separatism, lesbian: 47-48, 1166, 1178-79
Sephardic Judaism-see Judaism,
Septimius Severus, emperor of Rome:
202,238, 1118
Sergent, Bemard: 209, 521,595-97, 965
Sergius and Bacchus, Sts.: 1313
Serrault, Michel: 1300
Seth: 350
Settembrini, Luigi: 625, 1179-80, 1196
Seville: 603,605,686
Sewall, Richard: 3 16-17
sex education: 1351, 1413
sex negative, sex positive: 522, 1182-83
Sex Pistols, The: 861, 1087
sex research and sexology: 39, 60-61,
115, 152-53,352-53, 662-66, 668-69,
1054, 1215-19
sex toys: 1144, 1146
sexism: 1180-82
Sexuaalinen Tasavertaisus (SETA):847
sexual liberty and the law: 1183-86, 1356
sexually transmitted disease (STD]:2932, 214, 579, 715, 930-31, 1146-47,
1183,1186-90, 1350
Sgricci, Tommaso: 410-11
Sha'ar Zahav (San Francisco]: 644
Shadwell, Charles Lancelot: 953
Shaffer, Peter: 1298
Shairp, Mordaunt: 1297
Shakespeare, William: 34, 109,327,355,
454,1007,1190-91, 1292
shamanism: 54, 127-29, 239, 346, 384,
497,654, 667, 939, 940-41, 1171-72,
1191-93, 1309, 1313, 1314, 1336
Shams al-Din: 1132
shanties-see sea shanties
Shapiro, Al: 25 1
Shapiro, Susan: 348
Shaw, Anne Howard: 924
Shaw, Peggy: 1362
Shawn, Ted: 292,1193-94
Shearer, Mike: 1027
Sheeler, Charles: 3 10
Sheen, Martin: 1283
Sheldon, Alice: 1166
Shelley, Percy Bysshe: 50, 1008
Shelley, Pete: 861, 1087
Shenatir, Zu: 85 1
Shepherd, William: 448
shepherds: 94,454
Sherman, Martin: 1300
Sherwood, Bill: 32,404
Sherwood, Robert: 243
Shi Pei Pu: 1315
Shilts, Randy:-245
Shingon Buddhism: 170
Shiva: 532,590
Shively, Charley: 159
Shively, Donald: 1316
Shockley, Ann: 908
shoes: 416-17
Shochiku Revue: 1316
Shu'ayb, Abu: 17
Siam-see Thailand
Siberia: 939-41, 1191-93, 1336
Sicily: 35, 283, 427,480, 603, 690, 996,
1000, 1153,1194-96, 1304, 1367
Sidney, Henry, earl of Rodney: 1392
Sidney, Philip: 109
Siemsen, Hans: 903
Siena [Italy):690-91
Sienkiewicz, Henryk: 884
Siff, Ira: 926, 1321
Silleto, Violet: 1377
Silver, Fred: 1362
Silverberg, Robert: 1165, 1167
Simmel, Georg: 446
Sirnonides: 573, 1235
Sinatra, Frank: 243, 859
singers: 202-04,378, 920-27, 932-33,
1087-88, 1242
Singh, Runjeet: 588
Singopoulos, Alexander: 207
Sinistrari dlAmeno, Ludovico: 873
Sisin(nJe:350-51, 486
sissy: 370-71, 674, 1196-97, 1361, 1403
"sissy films": 401, 1197
Sisters of Perpetual Indulgence: 1321
situational homosexuality: 93-94, 146,
265-66,306-07,359-60, 542, 560-62,
812,908, 997-99, 1035-48, 1135, 116667, 1173-75, 1197-98, 1324, 1333,
1335, 1343,141 1
Siwa Oasis (Egypt]:1198
sixteenth-century legislation: 1198-1200
Sixtus IV,pope: 241,943
sixty-nine: 930
Skanda: 590
skinheads: 244,1088
Skinner, Francis: 1399
skoptsy: 1135
slander: 682, 800
slang: 25, 96, 142-43, 171-73,313-14,
335-36,368-69, 383-84, 447-448, 475,
656-57,675-76, 786, 795, 1000, 108586, 1089, 1174, 1196-97, 1200-04, 1318
Slater, Don: vii, 1348
slavery: 10, 19, 105, 147, 166, 206, 232,
285,376-78,444,523-24, 962,1002,
1054, 1086,1091, 1097,1121-22, 1145,
1157, 1195,
1204-07,1275, 1329, 1333, 1343
sleeves, cut: 216
Slonczewski, Joan: 1166
s/m scene: 250, 293,s 17, 1143-46, 1156,
1177, 1354-55
"smashes": 951
Smenkhkare, prince of Egypt: 351
Smith, Adam: 340
Smith, Bessie: 147, 518, 858, 1319
Smith, Chris: 487
Smith, Jack: 403
Smith, Joseph: 1066
Smith, Morton: 898, 955
Smith, Patti: 861, 1087
Smith, Robertson: 435
Smith, Timothy dlArch: 186, 227, 1008,
1353, 1405
Smith, William Benjamin: 1281
Smith-Rosenberg, Carroll: 440
Smollett, Tobias: 902, 1278
Smyth, Dame Ethel: 863, 922, 1207-08
social construction theory: 419-20, 460,
522,541,556,1208-10, 1259, 1334
social democracy movement: 704, 772,
1059, 1168-70, 945, 1210-13
social psychology: 99-100, 462-64, 67374, 1247-49; see also psychology
social separation: 1257-61
social work: 1213-15
socialism: 199-200,426, 704-05, 1210-13
Society for Human Rights: 470, 837,
Society for Individual Rights (SIR):841,
Society for the Study of Sex Psychology:
Socinians: 1060
sociobiology: 263-64,306-10,370, 56 1,
881, 1215-19
sociolinguistics: 675-76
sociology: 306-10, 312-14, 419-20,461,
466,475-76, 673-74, 736-39, 968-69,
1035-48, 1085-86, 1197-98, 1209,
1219-27, 1258, 1332, 1412
Socrates: 34-35, 139, 166,358,498, 985,
1161, 1205,1227-28, 1244
"Socratic love": 35,359,397-98, 1359
Sodom and Gomorrah: 5-6, 74, 104, 227,
228,448, 481-82,609-1 1, 616, 639-40,
642,655, 675, 683, 691, 869, 915-16,
971,1119,1228-30, 1277, 1292, 1387
Sodoma (G.A. de' Bazzij: 669,707, 1034,
sodomy: 121-22, 192-93, 197-98,223,
31 1,355,357,360,373,378,422, 472,
502, 533, 557, 675, 684-85, 690-93,
804, 885-87, 973,990-91, 1230, 123132,1268,1286,1342,1366, 1386
Soft Cell: 861
softball: 90
Solanas, Valerie: 1382
Solarius, Martin: 1065
soldiers/warriors: 17-18, 46-48, 170, 182,
185, 192, 279-81,296-99,307-09,35051, 361-63, 372, 374-76, 377, 403, 421,
428-29, 446,470,485,492, 502, 514,
520,526, 548, 550, 562,696, 789, 81415, 868,948,960-62,964-65, 1055,
1094, 1122, 1135-36, 1149, 1156-57,
1198, 1234-35, 1243-44, 1266, 1304,
1309, 1329, 1336, 1347, 1373, 1384,
1388, 1406
solicitation: 15, 95,693, 806, 899, 123234
solidarity: 414-15, 1405
Solomon, Rosalind: 32
Solomon, Simeon: 79, 531,954
Solon: 281,496, 1205, 1234-35
Soloviova, Polyxena: 1136
Solzhenitsyn, Aleksandr Isayevich: 572
Somov, Konstantin Andreevich: 671
songs: 277-78,920-27, 1087-88, 1173
Sophocles: 87,497, 1290, 1303
Sorbonne (University of Paris): 422
sorcery: 688, 1395-98
Sorolla, Joaquin: 966
Sotades: 61 1
Sotadic Zone: 22, 176, 1235-36
Soto de Kojas, Pedro: 1239
Sotomayor, Alvarez de: 933
Souck (Sourques],Jeanne-FrangoiseMarie: 1098
Soukaz, Lionel: 544
South Africa: 24, 854, 1106
South America-see Latin America
South Australia: 95
South Carolina (USA]:43
Soviet Union: 242, 286, 301,380, 391,
772,837-38, 940-41, 1102, 1210-12;
see also Russia
Sozzini, Fausto: 1060
Spain: 51, 102, 123,212-13,251, 285-86,
384-85,389-90, 469, 471,489-90, 601,
603, 644-48, 678, 743, 770, 794, 797,
810,846, 905,975, 980-81, 1207, 1213,
1236-43, 1343
Spark, Muriel: 406
Sparta: 35,281,814,960-61, 1234,124345, 1273, 1304, 1313, 1335
Spartacus International Gay Guide: 508
Spear, Alan: 487, 1349
Spears, Steve J.: 1302
Spellman, Francis Cardinal: 242
Spencer, Colin: 1300
Spender, Stephen: 188
Spenser, Edmund: 443
Sperr, Martin: 1302
Spicer, Jack: 52,334
spies-see espionage
Spillane, Mickey: 865
Spinoza, Benedict: 989
Spitzer, Robert: 350
Spong, John S.: 1063
sports-see athletics
Sporus: 378,884
Spungen, Nancy: 1087
Spurzheim, Johann: 12-13
squires: 308, 812,815
Sri Lanka (Ceylon):200, 1324
Stack, Peter: 1321
Stadion, Emmerich: 1318
Stafford, Harry: 1388
Stalin, Joseph: 391, 1212
Stanley, Julia: 415
Stapledon, Olaf: 1165
statistics of homosexuality--see incidence; demography
Stavorinus, John: 587
Stearn, Jess: 1348
Stefani, Mario: 1366
Stein, Gertrude: 80,334,380, 519, 825,
907,924, 1278, 1347
Stekel, Wilhelm: 98, 458
Stella, Frank: 199
Stephen, Leslie: 1404
stereotype: 68-69, 74-75, 84-85, 88-90,
116, 148-49, 177-79, 198-99, 291-92,
401,447,463,467,475,518,674, 814,
1031, 1114, 1144, 1167, 1180, 1196-97,
1220, 1247-49, 1284, 1312, 1382
Steuben, Friedrich Wilhelm von: 527
Stevens, Wallace: 915
Stevenson, E. I. Prime- :458,905, 1250,
Stevenson, Richard: 865
Steward, Samuel M. ("Phil Andros"):
1025, 1145,1347
M.: 1166
Stewart, Rod: 860
Stieglitz, Alfred: 299, 5 19
stigma: 259-60,268,321, 517, 712, 718,
1097,1156-57, 1224,1330
Stiller, Mauritz: 107,400, 1270
Stimpson, Catherine R.: 1010
Stirner, Max: 51,437,. 730
Stockholm (Sweden):*1269
Stoddard, Charles Warren: 1150
stoicism: 221,363-64,499,882,979,
985-86, 1123, 1280, 1250-51, 1417
Stokaert, Jan: 124
Stokvis, Benno: 891
Stonewall Rebellion: 111,511,580,674,
842,900, 1015,1034,1256,1251-54,
Stout, Rex: 864
Strachey, Lytton: 140, 154, 188,417,
490,661,1254, 1295
"straight": 119,313-14,455
Strato of Sardis: 500, 504, 794, 961, 1006
Strattis: 1290
Strauss, Bodo: 1302
Strauss, Richard: 922
Stravinsky, Igor: 9 1,315
Stricker, Der: 472
Strindberg, August: 1295
structuralism: 112
Stuart, Robert Pringle: 94
"stud broad": 1044
Studds, Gerry: 487, 1351
student groups: 124, 187-88,344,842,
1255-57, 1415
Student Homophile League (SHL):344,
842,844,900-901,1255-56,1349, 1415
students: 98, 122, 155-56, 187-89,34144,355,484,983-93,1109,1254-57,
1349, 1413; see also schools
Students for a Democratic Society (SDS):
727-28, 1400
stuprum: 1122
Sturgeon, Theodore: 1164, 1166
Sturm und Drang: 483
Stuttgart (Germany):291
subculture: 95-96, 98-99, 124-25, 129-31,
159-60, 163-64, 192-93, 214-15,40911,423-27,458,473,475-76,490,62223,691,737,741, 743,745,795,812,
846,888-90, 899-900,948-49, 1014-16,
1029, 1031, 1035-48, 1054-58, 1079,
1087-88, 1099, 1170, 1174-75, 1209-10,
1225-26, 1250, 1257-61, 1269, 1345,
1347,1365-66, 1384,1406,1412
submission--see dominance and
submission; s/m scene
Subuktagin: 18
Sudan: 24,485
Suetonius: 139,920, 1116-17, 1124,
Sufism: 119,332,515, 965, 1132-33,
1142, 1261-64, 1329
suicide: 151, 279,282,448,485,549,
782, 789, 817-18,824, 867, 884, 934,
978-79,1041,1087, 1097,1264-66,
1324,1347,1374,1385, 1414,1417
Sullivan, Harry Stack: 1082, 1266.67
Sullivan, Mark: 52
Sulu Archipelago (Philippines):939
Summerhill School: 343
Summers, Montague: 1293
Suppti, Franz von: 1322
Supreme Court (USA):304-05,577,693,
Suraj-ud-Dowla: 588
surgery: 1310-11
surrealism: 5 1, 247,28 1-82,381, 637,
Susa, Conrad: 925
Sutherland, Alistair: 63
Swaggart, Jimmy: 1068
Swales, Martin: 1077
Sweden: 225-26,304,3 12,770,1059,
1156, 1212, 1267-71,
Swedenborg, Emanuel: 106,531
Swinburne, Algernon Charles: 186, 1009
switchboards-see gay switchboards
Switzerland: 122, 132-33,304,326,83839,967, 1060, 1064
Sybaris (Italy):1228
Syberberg, Hans Jiirgen: 922
Sybilline Oracles: 609
Sydney (Australia):93, 96-97,228, 701,
Sylvester: 860-61
symbols: 674
Symonds, John Addington: 75,140,185,
189,352,357,363, 457-58, 507, 521,
850,951, 1084, 1008, 1271-72, 1353,
1366, 1404-05
Symons, Scott: 905
symposia: 87-88, 110,372, 1235, 1244,
1272-74, 1363
synagogues, gay: 644
syndicalism: 387
syphilis: 368, 1159, 1187-88
Syracuie (Sicily1: 1195
Syria: 234
Szasz, Thomas: 271
Szymanowski, Karol: 863,923, 1013,
taboo: 7,48-50, 110, 130-31,323-24,329,
434-35, 441, 516,566, 675, 873-74,
1094, 1253,1290,1323, 1348, 1375
Tacitus: 64, 139, 197, 255, 596, 687-88,
810,882,978-79,1116, 1124, 1156,
Tahiti: 938
Taiwan: 2 19
Takahashi, Mutsuo: 170,636, 1007
Takarazuka Revue Company: 634,1316
Talmud: 642, 1276-77
Tamassia, Arrigo: 266,313,611, 740
tamizdat: 1052, 1138
"Tandem": 3 11
Tangier(s)(MoroccoJ:21-22, 108, 161,
1108, 1324
Tantalus: 995
Tantrism: 532, 587, 591
Taoism: 119
Taormina (Sicily):380, 1196
Tardieu, Ambroise: 163
Tam, Pauline Mary: 1377
Tarnovskii, Veniamin Mikhailovich: 793
Tasmania (Australia):95
taste: 236, 1011, 1178, 1277-79
tastemakers: 1278-79
Tatchell, Peter: 1213
Tatian: 955
Tatius, Achilles: 266, 501, 901
Tavel, Ronald: 1301
Tavern Guild: 841, 1151
Taxil, LCo: 151, 1015
Taxmoruw: 517
Taylor, Jeremy: 224
Tchaikovsky, Peter 1.: 863, 1136, 127980
Tchelitchew, Pavel: 81, 381
teachers: 321, 334-35, 341-44, 588, 695,
tearooms-see toilets
Teiresia-see Tiresias
Teleki, Michael Albert: 506
Telemachus: 496
teleology: 482, 983-92, 1158, 1280-82
telephone-see phone and computer sex
Telesio, Bemardino: 989
television: 31-32,251,257-58,399, 842,
1282-84, 1372-73
Tellier, Andre: 1330
temperance: 110
Templars, order of: 240,422, 529, 655,
686-87, 812, 1285-86
tennis: 1307-08
Tennov, Dorothy: 749
Tennyson, Alfred, lord: 1008, 1286-87
Terence: 1002
Terrell, John: 858
territoriality: 110, 115-16, 1354
Tertullian: 957
Tesla, Nikola: 1162, 1287-88
Thadani, Giti: 586,590
Thailand: 126,508-09,1027, 1056,128890, 1324, 1333, 1336
Thaletas: 280, 1243
Thamyris: 610
Thatcher, Margaret, prime minister of
Britain: 1063
Theadorakopoulos, Loukas: 503
theatre: 16,31,33-34, 73, 104, 107, 108,
175, 188, 21 1, 219, 243, 247,277-78,
319,448,464,477, 483-84, 503, 598,
625,634-35, 667, 741-43, 783-84, 789,
833,915, 933-34, 1002-03, 1090, 109899, 1144, 1148, 1155, 1190-91, 1239,
1242, 1253,1290-1303, 1314-23,1345,
1386, 1389-91, 1393-94
Thebes (EgyptJ:35 1
Thebes (Greece):87,319,814, 867, 99596, 1244, 1303-04
Theocritus: 40, 500, 524, 1006, 1123,
1195,1304-05, 1367
Theodosius the Great, emperor of Rome:
511,987, 1119,1281
Theognis: 497, 1006, 1273, -1305
theology: 32-33, 71-72, 132-33
Theosophy: 86,119,228,283,334,505,
Theravada Buddhism: 168-69
Theron of Akragas: 996
Theseus, king of Athens: 279, 1235
Thesiger, Wilfred: 1324
Thing, Miss: 25 1
third sex: 200, 250,377,437,437, 835,
Third World: 970, 1183, 1357
Thistlethwayte, Robert: 187
Thomas, Brandon: 400
Thomas, Ward: 906
Thompson, Clara: 1267
Thompson, David: 1162
Thompson, J. Eric: 804
Thomson, Virgil: 924, 1246
Thoreau, Henry David: 171,1009
Thorp, Roderick: 865
Thorsell, Eric: 1270
Thorwaldsen, Bertell: 79
Thoth: 350
Thrace [Greece]:932
Thurman, Wallace: 147
Tiberius, emperor of Rome: 380, 111617, 1275
Tibet: 170-71, 1072
Tibullus: 1123, 1307
Tifashi, al-: 849
Tiger, Lionel: 446, 561
Tilden, William: 88, 1307-08
Tilley, Vesta: 1319
Timarchus: 15-16,683, 1172
Time: 845
Times Square [New York City]: 403
Tin Pan Alley: 858
Tindall, R. W.: 969
Tiptree, James--see Sheldon, Alice
Tipu Sultan, maharajah of Mysore: 588,
85 1
Tiresias: S l , 868
Tissot, S. A. D.: 318,358
Titus, emperor of Rome: 920, 1117
Tobias, Herbert: 994
toilets: 96, 116, 579, 592, 888,894, 930,
934,1308-09, 1222, 1414
Toklas, Alice B.: 907, 924, 1246
Tokyo: 632-36
Toledo, Council of: 489
Tolson, Clyde: 487
Tolstoy, Leo: 1136
Toltecs: 804
Tom of Finland: 25 1, 1027, 1087, 1144
tomboys: 674
Tomlin, Lily: 1320, 1362
Tomoemon: 1316
Tonner, Waldemar: 505-06
Toole, Otis: 854
Toronto (Canada):85,90, 192-93,448,
735,846, 1256
Torquemada, Tomds de: 603
Torroella, Pere: 1238
torture: 121-22, 602-04, 887, 1286
Toulouse (France):686
tourism: 286, 3 12, 388, 502, 624, 892-96,
900,981-82, 1056, 1108-09, 1196,
1207, 1242, 1289, 1323, 1364
Tournier, Michel: 903
Tovar, Juan de: 975
Townsend, Larry: 1025, 1355
Townsend, Peter: 363,860
Townsend, Prescott: 159
toys, sexual: 1144
trade: 236-37,310,326-27,362, 403, 79597,930, 1026, 1147, 1175, 1221,130910, 1336, 1346
tragedy: 16,479, 867
Trajan, emperor of Rome: 1117
transmigration of souls-see reincarnation
transsexual: 312, 336-37,349,403-04,
590,592, 941, 1135, 1192-93, 1289,
1310-12, 1345
transvestism: 18, 22, 96, 164, 177-79,
192, 196, 214, 225-26, 267, 291,33637,349,351, 353,356, 461, 464, 47677, 503, 523, 591-92, 598, 694, 795-97,
804, 806, 849, 920-21, 938-41, 980,
1003,1029,1038, 1191-93,1217, 124243,1252, 1289,1312-14, 1336, 1345,
transvestism in entertainment: 110, 121,
214,291,400-01,464, 525, 857, 85961, 894,920-21, 939, 980, 1088, 131422, 1347
Trapassi, Pietro--see Metastasio
Traubel, Horace: 5 18, 1388
travel and exploration: 176-77,327-28,
407-08,514, 1182, 1279, 1322-25,
1357; see also tourism
Trefusis, Violet Keppel: 901, 1141
Tremblay, Michel: 193, 1091-92, 1299
Trent, Council of: 140, 777
Tress, Arthur: 8 1,995
tribade: 373, 1325-26
tribal cultures: 22-24, 45-47, 54/64-67,
127-29, 145,434-35, 532, 561,593-95,
937-40, 962,964-65, 1145, 1218, 1324,
"trick": 1326
Trickster: 532
Trifonov, Gennady: 1138
Trilling, Lionel: 270
Troilus: 8
Trojan War: 550
Trotsky, Leon: 1137
Trotskyism: 282,773
troubadours: 749,1006,1029
Troubridge, Una, lady: 165, 178, 517
Troxler, Allen: 1400
Troyana, Alina: 1362
truckers: 1309,1406
Truex, Ernest: 40 1
Truman, Harry, president of the United
States: 365, 1385
Tsunayoshi, shogun of Japan: 635
Tsvetaeva, Marina: 1326-27
Tswana: 24
Tucker, Donald: 1046,1373
Tuke, Henry Scott: 966
Tunisia: 20, 408
Turberville, George: 1134
Turenne, Henri de la Tour dlAuvergne,
vicomte de: 375
Turin {Italy/:140, 626, 846
Turing, Alan: 1162, 1327-29
Turkey: 19-21,33, 182-83,380,382, 407,
501,850, 1007, 1046, 1094, 1329-30,
1373; see also Ottoman Empire
"turn out": 1038, 1085
Turner, Frederick: 1167
Tuscany [Italy):408-11
Tusquets, Esther: 1242
Tutu, Desmond: 1063
Twain, Mark: 398, 905, 1405
twilight men: 1330-31
twins: 264,459, 1331-32
Tyler, Parker: 906
Tynan, Kenneth: 1300
Tyndale, William: 378
typology of homosexuality: 361-63,55760, 624, 794, 1121, 1332-37; see also
adolescent experimentatiow age-differentiated homosexuality; mdrophilia,
mutual; ephebophilia; gender-differentiated homosexuality; paradigm shift;
situational homosexuality
Tyrtaeus: 28 1,1244
Udall, Nicholas: 1083, 1292
Uganda: 24-25
Ugrino: 627
Ullerstam, Lars: 421
Ulrichs, Karl Heinrich: 130, 234, 336,
380,457,471,521,532, 540,545,555,
558,580,660, 668, 771, 834-35, 891,
Unamuno, Miguel de: 1240
unconscious: 431,458
underworld: 341; see also crime and
unions-see labor unions
unisexual: 1340-41
Unitarian-Universalism: 224,228, 106566
United Church of Christ: 1067-68
United Fruit Company [entertainment
group): 1362
United Kingdom--see England and
United Kingdom; see also Scotland,
Wales, Ireland
United Methodist Church: 1065
United Nations: 842
United States: 11,29-32,42-45, 55-56,
84-85, 88-90,91-92, 104, 107, 108-09,
110-11, 115, 117-18, 118-20, 122, 12627, 129, 141, 146-50, 158-60, 161, 165,
171, 176, 177-79, 198-99,205-06,21112,228-30, 235-38, 235-38,243, 25025 1,255, 258-60,260-61, 270-71,27277, 278-79, 299,309-11,315-17,32023,325-26,334-35,351-52,
41 1,414-18,435 436,440-41,447-48,
453,459,466-471,484, 487, 503,527,
542-43, 553, 575-77, 593-95, 692-98,
708-21, 723, 725, 727-29, 738-40, 750,
755, 779-82, 785-88, 789, 798-99,81618, 820-21, 837, 839-45, 853-55, 858861,892-96, 898-901,905-08, 914-15,
919-20, 940-41, 967, 980, 992-93,
1024-27, 1034-48, 1059, 1061-63,
1065-69, 1084-88, 1091, 1094-98,
1127-28,1138-39, 1150-53, 1163-67,
1173-75, 1187-90, 1193-94, 1196-97,
1220-27, 1245-47, 1250-57, 1266-67,
1282-84, 1297-1302, 1307-08, 1319-22;
1325, 1341-52, 1361-62; 1373, 1381-89,
1392-93, 1400-01, 1406, 1411, 1416
unnatural---see nature and the unnatural
utanianism: 555,966, 1017, 1352-53
urbanization: 124
urination, erotic: 250, 93 1, 1144, 1308,
Urning: 668,891
USSR-see Soviet Union
usury: 172,529,983,1355-56
utilitarianism: 127
utopianism: 72, 145,421,438, 520, 728,
872,991, 1182, 1356-57
Uvarov, Sergei: 1135
Uzielli, Gustavo: 1022
Vacano, Emil Mario: 1318
Vaccaro, John: 1301
Vacha, Keith: 141
Vachell, H. A.: 1084
Vacher, Joseph: 853
Vachet, Pierre: 510
vagrancy: 745
Valencia (Spain]:603-04, 686-87, 1238
Valentino, Rudolf: 405
Valla, Lorenzo: 989
Valle, Adriano del: 1240
Vambery, Arminius: 1323
Vanbrugh, John: 1293
Vancouver (Canada) 90, 193,846
Vandals (tribe]:8 10
Vanden, Dirk: 1025
Vanguard (group):1057, 1415
Van Vechten, Carl: 310,448,518
Varchi, Benedetto: 131,397, 1359-60
variant, sex: 1360
variety, revue, and cabaret entertainment: 110-12, 1360-62
Varley, John: 1166-67
Varro: 979
Vasari, Giorgio: 139, 1230-31
vase painting, Greek: 78, 143,454,474,
497,909,932, 1024, 1273,1362-64
Vasily II,prince of Russia: 1134
Vassar College: 8 18
Vassi, Marco: 1025
Vatican Council 11: 196
Vatsyayana: 587
vaudeville: 187-88
Vaughan, C. J.: 1084, 1271-72
Vedanta: 615
Vega, Lope de: 1292
Veidt, Conrad: 1298
Veldeke, Heinrich von: 472
Vendidad: 1418
venereal disease-see sexually transmitted diseases
Venice [Italy]: 125-26, 155, 179,306,315,
335,380, 423,445, 525, 691, 742, 910,
1060, 1115, 1173,1364-67
Veniero, Lorenzo: 73
Venus: 910
Verdenal, Jean: 35 1-52
Vereniging Martijn: 967
Vergerio, Pier Paolo: 306
Vergil: 72, 98, 109,385, 562, 862, 1006,
1118, 1123,1367
Verlaine, Paul: 155,301,425,469, 50506, 600, 949, 1110, 1367-69
Vennandois, Count de: 423
Vemiolle, Arnold of: 528
Verres: 23 1
Verrocchio, Andrea del: 707
Vestris, Madame (Lucy Elizabeth
Bartolozzi]: 1318
Vettori, Francesco: 1104
Viau, ThCophile de: 423, 1148, 1369-70
vibrators: 930
vice squad (morals squad]: 1014-16
Vice Versa: 746
Vichy regime (France]:426,545
Vicious, Sid: 1087
victimless crime: 1370-72
Victoria [Australia):95
Vidal, Gore: 865, 907, 1165
video: 399, 1026, 1283, 1372-73
Vidocq, Fran~ois-Eugene:166
Vienna (Austria):98-99, 129,375, 430,
433,835,847, 1170, 1374
Viereck, George Sylvester: 1009
Vietnam: 380, 843-44, 1212, 1252, 1385
Vignali de' Buonagiunti, Antonio: 902,
Vigo, Jean: 400
Village People, The: 860
Villamediana, Count of: 1239-40
Villena, Luis Antonio de: 1242
Villette, Marquis de: 1098
Villon, Fran~ois:155, 173,422
Vincineau, Michel: 125
Vining, Donald: 141, 1347
violence: 151, 178, 197-98,376-77, 403,
441,465, 548-49, 553,598, 851-56,
882, 1040-42, 1085-86, 1094-98, 1151,
1251-54, 1264-66, 1290, 1310, 1351,
1373-75, 1382, 1394, 1398, 1413
Virginia (USA]: 1050, 1343
virginity: 82-84, 1413
Visconti, Luchino: 391, 404,925, 1303,
Vishnu: 590-91
Visigoths: 194, 197, 689,810, 1029, 1236
visual art-see art, visual; photography
Vitalis, Ordericus: 348
Vitry, Jacques de: 422
Vivien, Renee: 109, 502, 1009, 1377
Voeller, Bruce: 845
Vogel, Bruno: 903, 1377
Voight, Jon: 403
volleyball: 90,416
Voloshin, Max: 1326
Voltaire: 122,241,318,358-59,385, 424,
Voragine, Jacobus of: 870
Vordtriede, Werner: 334, 658
Voudon religion: 5 16
Waddell, Tom: 453-54,1381
Wagner, Jane: 1362
Wagner, Richard: 752,922, 1330
Wagner, Robert, Jr.: 900
Wajid Ali Shah, maharajah of Oudh: 588
Walbrook, Anton: 1298
Wales (UKJ:256,345, 739
Walker, Alice: 908
Wallace, Mike: 1283
Walpole, Horace: 1278
Walsh, David 1gnatii;s: 487, 1385
Walter of Chatillon: 1006
Wandervogelbewegung: 963
Wang Xizhi: 21 7
Wangenheim, Gustav von: 391
Ware, John: 96
Warhol, Andy: 81, 190, 403, 825, 1252,
1301,1322, 1349,1381-83
Warner, Arthur Cyrus: vii, 841
Warner, Sylvia Townsend: 1383.84
Warren, Edward Perry: 1353,1384
Warren, Patricia Nell: 89, 907
Warren, Samuel D.: 1049
warriors---see soldiers/warriors
Warsaw (Poland):1014, 1274
Washington, D.C.: 107, 147, 152,471,
1384-86, 1388
Waste Land, The: 352
"water sports"-see urination, erotic
Waters, John: 401
Watson, James: 400
Waugh, Evelyn: 188, 406
weasels: 62
Weaver, Lois: 1362
Webber, Andrew Lloyd: 1301
Webber, Melville: 400
Weber, Bruce: 81,89,363
Weber, Max: 70, 1332
Wedekind, Frank: 3 10,400, 1296
Weekley, Frieda von Richthofen: 698
Wei Ch'ang-cheng: 1315
Weihrauch, Anna Elisabet: 903, 1386
Weil, Brian: 32
Weimar (Germany]:483
Weimar, Melchior: 132
Weinberg, Martin: 26
Weininger, Otto: 98
Weinrich, James D.: 1218
Weissmuller, Johnny: 994
Wellcome, Syrie: 783
Welles, Paul: 1166
Welles, Sumner: 487, 1385
Wellhausen, Julius: 641
Wellman, William: 401
Wells, H. G.: 1356
Werther, Ralph: 141
Wesley, John: 1065
William of Auvergne: 873
William of Malmesbury: 348
William of Moerbeck: 791
William Rufus, king of England: 354,
Williams, Raymond: 879
Williams, Roger: 1061
Williams, Tennessee: 36, 141, 402,925,
1299, 1392-93
Williams, Wayne Bertram: 853,855
Williams, William Carlos: 310,325,785
Williamson, Cris: 720
Willson, Henry: 564
Wilrnot, Eardley: 94
Wilson, Angus: 904
Wilson, Edward 0 . : 370
Wilson, Harold, prime minister of
Britain: 1212
Wilson, Lanford: 1300
Wilson, Paul: 968
"wimp": 1197
Winckelmann, Johann Joachirn: 67,80,
380,446,502,521,911,953, 1108,
1278, 1393-95
wine: 332
Winkler, John J.: 1334
Winsloe, Christa: 400, 903, 951, 1085,
Winston, lady: 1027
Wisconsin (USA]:487, 723,786,845,
witchcraft: 688, 1059, 1395-98
witchhunts-see persecutions
Wittgenstein, Ludwig: 99,382, 991,
Wittig, Monique: 903, 1165-66
Wittman, Carl: 728, 1400-01
Wolfe, Susan: 4 15
Wolfenden Report (Britain]:104, 152,
193,256, 283, 304, 402, 685, 693, 726,
742,840, 1074, 1371, 1401-03
Wollheim, Richard: 1185
women's names used for male homosexuals: 1202, 1403
Wonderwoman: 25 1
Wood, Thelma: 108
Woodberry, George Edward: 1009
Wooden, Wayne: 1042,1046, 1085, 1373
Woolf, Leonard: 1404-05
Woolf, Virginia: 140, 153, 419, 901, 904,
1208, 1404-05
West, Benjamin: 43
West, Mae: 1297, 1320
West Hollywood [California]:467,487
West Side Discussion Group [WSDG):
Western Australia: 95, 97
Westphal, Karl Friedrich Otto: 266-67,
369-70, 555, 608, 61 1, 658, 668, 1072
Wettstein-Adelt, Minna: 99
Whale, James: 404
Wherry, Kenneth: 787
Whig history: 539
Whistler, James McNeil: 165
White, Andrew Dickson: 457,877, 1387
White, Dan: 8 18, 1151
White, Edmund: 32, 907
White, Minor: 994
White, Patrick: 905
White, T. H.: 1383
White House, The: 842-43,845
Whitman, Walt: 12-14, 171, 185-86, 199200,278-79,363,412, 457,478,487,
505,507, 636, 704, 869, 899,978,
1009, 1272, 1384,1387-89, 1405
Who, The: 363,860
Wicca: 1397
Wichita (KansasJ:845
Wicker, Randy: 841-42
Wieners, John: 335
Wikner, Pontus: 1269
Wilafrid Strabo: 795
Wilberforce, William: 1065
Wildblood, Peter: 456
Wilde, Oscar: 17, 50, 69, 140, 187, 189,
233,247, 256, 282-83, 293,301,32627, 357,380, 402, 41 1,477, 502, 50607, 513, 568, 783, 822, 857, 873, 922,
933,935,948,954, 1008, 1295,138991,1405
Wilder, Billy: 400-01
Wilder, Thornton: 773
Wilhelm 11, emperor of Germany: 365,
Wilhelm, Eugen (Numa Praetorius]: 629,
Wilhelm, Gale: 907, 1346
Wllhelm, Kate: 1166
Wilkinson, Francis: 93
William 111, king of England: 355, 139192
Woollcott, Alexander: 567
Woolley, Monty: 1028
working class: 9, 74-75, 177-79, 198-200,
235-38, 282,309,356, 418, 542, 623,
674,808,851, 1025,1041-42, 1122,
1174-75, 1309-10, 1387-88, 1405-06,
1344, 1414
World Health Organization: 306,350,
World League for Sexual Reform: 537,
World War I: 9, 154,201,365, 851, 93435, 1346
World War 11: 548, 816, 886, 904, 906,
1150, 1173,1347
Wundt, Wilhelrn: 1078
Wratislaw, Theodore: 1008
wrestling: 405
Wright, Cuthbert: 1009
Wright, Orville and Wilbur: 1162
Wright, Richard: 104
wrist, limp: 475
Wrockaw (Poland): 1014
Wu, emperor of China: 216
Wylie, Philip: 1166
Wyneken, Gustav: 343, 966-67, 1406-07
Wynne, John: 1166
Xango religion: 5 16
Xavier, St. Francis: 170, 1149
Xenophanes of Colophon: 984
Xenophon: 1205, 1227-28,1244
Xi Kang: 217
Xirgu, Margarita: 1242
Yale University: 228, 782, 1257
Yemen: 851
Yevreinova, Anna: 1136
yoga: 590
York, Michael: 403
Yoshida Kenko: 635
Yoshimitsu, shogun of Japan: 635
Yoshizawa Ayame: 1316
Young, Allen: 63
Young, Donna 1.: 1166
Young, Ian: 52, 135, 1008
Yourcenar, Marguerite: 68, 207, 514,
youth: 24-26, 118-20, 122, 162, 204,25154,265-66,306-10,312,341-44,36163,372-73,409-10,421,444, 484,49192, 514, 624,674, 712, 844, 959-64,
964-70, 978-79, 98 1-82, 1025, 1036,
1055, 1083-85, 1085-86, 1095, 1173,
1176, 1227-28, 1254-57, 1333, 1350,
1363, 1409-15; see also boys, girls, adolescents, ephebes, children (pre-pubic]
Yturri, Gabriel: 832
Yiian Mei: 1007
Yukon (Canada):193,846
yuppies: 467
Yusuf HI, king of Grenada: 489
Yusupov, Feliks Feliksovich, prince of
Russia: 926
Yiizgiin, Arslan: 1330
Zacchia, Paulus: 79 1
Zaleucus: 1194
Zamrak, Ibn: 489
Zamyatin, Evgeny: 1356
"zaps": 845
Zeami: 635
Zeffirelli, Franco: 404, 925, 1303
Zeig, Sande: 1166
Zen Buddhism: 170
Zend Avesta: 1418
Zenge, Wilhelmine von: 666
Zeno of Citium: 986, 1417
Zerash: 85 1
Zeus: 78, 280,318-19,454, 866,868-69,
961,996, 1094,1363
Zhou Xiaoshi: 217
Ziegler, Alexander: 903
Zinovieva-Annibal, Lydia: 670, 1137
Zohar: 656,988
Zoroastrianism: 221, 528,493, 612, 642,
682,917, 1281, 1417-18
Zoyara, Ella (Omar Kingsley): 1318
Zschokke, Heinrich: 545
Zukor, Adolph: 400
Zulus: 22
Zumarruga: 805
Zurich (Switzerland):368, 1060
Zuylen de Nyevelt, Hklene de: 1377