Whaley Bridge - Tymbark Twinning Newsletter October 2007


Whaley Bridge - Tymbark Twinning Newsletter October 2007
Whaley Bridge - Tymbark
Twinning Newsletter
October 2007
Since the last edition of the newsletter in
April 2007, The Twinning Association have
had a coffee morning, a plant stall at the
Waterways Weekend, and hosted a party of
25 footballers from Tymbark. Each of these
events was successful, but only as a result of
people generously responding to last minute
pleas for help. During the year to September
2008, the Twinning Association will need
support – both practical and financial - at the
following events:
Christmas Evening – November 30th 2007
We will be raffling a Krakow Crib and need
people to sell tickets for half hour periods. If
you can volunteer, please phone Donna
Hodgson. Organisations and individuals are
also invited to design or make and display a
Krakow Crib – see separate letter.
Coffee Mornings
Mornings at the Mechanics Institute
–December 8, 2007 and August 30,
30, 2008
We will need cakes and biscuits, tombola
and raffle prizes and people to help on the
day. If you can help, please phone John
Waterways Weekend – June 2008
We will have a plant stall on at least one
of the days of this weekend, depending
on support offered in advance of the
event. If you can do a 1 or 2 hour slot,
please contact a committee member.
Days Of Tymbark 2008
It was agreed that, in the first instance,
places would be offered to people who
have not yet been to this event, with
other places allocated if available. If you
would like to go, please let Donna
Hodgson know, so that she can contact
you when an invitation is issued.
Visit to Tymbark 2008
A suggestion has been made that a group
may like to go and stay in Tymbark next
year. This would be less organised than
the Days of Tymbark event and more
like a holiday. Accommodation may be
at the hotel or with friends. If you are
interested in going, please contact a
committee member.
Footballer’s Visit to Tymbark
It is hoped that a return visit to
Tymbark by a Whaley Bridge football
team will take place next year. We have
received some funds from the Town
Council for this, but please keep an eye
out for future fundraising events. If you
have any ideas, please contact any
Committee member – see reverse for
Visit by the Tymbark Footballers – September 2007
The visit by the 25 footballers, coaches and translator Tomasz Zielinski, went very well. The
sun shone every day which really helped to enhance visits to Chatsworth, Manchester,
Southport, Buxton, the Hayfield Sheepdog Trials, as well as the football match with Whaley
Bridge Football team and canoeing at Buxworth Basin. Thanks to the generous donations of
goods, money and time by many individuals and companies, we were able to provide a full
programme of events which was enjoyed by all, despite not getting a grant from the EU.
Events were held The White Hart, The Railway, Whaley Hall, and The Bowling Club - all of
whom kindly allowed us to use their premises, so many groups of people in Whaley Bridge
became involved in the visit. Darryl Wainwright, manager of Whaley Bridge Football Team
hopes to make a return visit next year. Thank you all for your support!
Sky Europe has now ceased flying from Manchester, but their slots have been taken over by
central wings (www.centralwings.com) They are advertising exceedingly cheap flights at
present – eg Early December – single fares are from £9.99 – plus taxes and other costs, takes
the cost to £69 return – not bad, eh!
Twinning Association Officers for 2008
President: Anne Winter 734307
Chair: Donna Hodgson 733098
Vice Chair: Sarah Talbot 732965
Treasurer: Carol Andrew 732817
Minute Secretary: Anne Winter - see above
Membership Secretary:
Secretary Janet Winter
719377 (winter-ja@hotmail.com)
Publicity: Margaret Wilby 732237
Committee Members:
Stephanie Raybould 733540
Marion Oakes,
John Coverley 733127
Brian O’Hanlon 719377
If you would like to be on the committee,
please let Donna know, as spaces are still
At the AGM it was proposed that minutes of
meetings be sent out to keep members
better informed. If you would prefer NOT
to receive minutes, please notify Anne
Winter and she will take your name off the
list. Please let us have your email address, if
appropriate, so that we can send newsletters
and event notifications efficiently.
Membership fees for 2007/2008 are now
due. Please send £5 per family to Janet
Winter, 46 Buxton Road, Whaley Bridge, or
give to any committee member, or pay at
the December Coffee Morning.
Thank you for your continued support