Thobani speaks a public orum - UBC Library


Thobani speaks a public orum - UBC Library
Thobani speaks a public orum
by Ai Lin Choo and
Sarah MacNeill Morrison
About 300 people jammed into the Iron
Workers' Memorial Building last
Saturday to hear Dr Sunera Thobani, a
UBC women's studies assistant professor, speak at her one of her first public
forums since her controversial speech at
the Women's Resistance Conference in
Ottawa on October 1.
Thobani's speech responded to critics
who 'opposed her politics,' while condemning US attacks on Afghanistan. She
received three standing ovations.
'The attack against me [has] been
vicious, but what I want to make clear is
that these attacks are not personal. They
are an attack against the anti-war feminist movement,' said Thobani.
Thobani said that, in her opinion, US
attacks on Afghanistan were far from
humanitarian, but rather stemmed from
strategic oil interests.
'When the US sees Saudi Arabia, all
they see is oil. When they see
Afghanistan, all they see is the oil
pipeline that will make the central Asian
oil reserves available, she said. am
not the only one saying this. Many people in this room have been saying this
for a long time...What I'm trying is not
that new or radical.'
'The attacks of September 11 should ed,' she said.
Zeheri called the event 'tremendousbe treated as a crime against humanity...but what is the [Bush] administration ly successful' and said that a lot of peodoing? They are attacking Taliban tar- ple were anxious to get more involved in
gets, certainly, but they are also hitting the new anti-war movement
think people are feeling really frusciviilian targets,' she said.
Thobani has come under heavy criti- trated by some of the events that are
cism for her October 1 speech, in which going on and are looking for outlets to
she comdemned US foreign policy and get connected to some of these issues
US military retaliation for the
and to some of the mobilisation.'
Jen Metcalf, a second-year UBC Law
September 11 terrorist attacks in New
student who also attended the forum,
York and Washington, DC.
About 300 people who couldn't fit said that despite over-crowding, the
inside the already full building gathered atmosphere was 'really good.' She said
in a park across the street from the that almost everyone in the crowd
building, and speakers at the forum seemed to support Thobani.
'They kept the media out of the room,
repeated their speechs outside.
Corporate media crews also waited but I guess some of them got into the
outside after being refused entry to the park,' she said. 'It sort of contributed to
it being a non-hostile event, not having
Sima Zeheri, a member of the UBC the media there.'
Last Saturday's anti-war forum was
Social Justice Centre and an anti-war
activist, said that, in her opinion, one one of several anti-war protests that
reason that corporate media was exclud- have been planned.
This weekend, a city-wide demonstraed from the event was the 'irresponsition will be held outside the Vancouver
ble" coverage of Thobani to date.
'There was a fear that once again they Public Library on Saturday and a teachwould misrepresent the debates and dis- - in, organised by students, faculty and
cussions in that forum. Also, there was a staff from various institutions, will be
concern of safety. I think there's a lot of held at UBC's graduate centre Sunday
people who are involved in this anti-war morning.
activism in the refugee communities who
—with files from Alejandro Bustos
were feeling very vulnerable and target-
SPEAKING UP: Thobani's speech on Saturday
Bomb threats on campus
reach unprecedented number
by Sara Newham and
Hanley Mick
Since September 11, UBC has
received six bomb threats to various buildings on campus, as many
as the school usually gets in an
entire year.
The Henry Angus building has
been a target of several threats since
September 11. The first bomb threat
led to the evacuation of the building
for an entire day on September 24,
and students in classes were evacuated once again on October 2.
But Commerce students have not
been the only students affected by
the threats. For most of the morning
on September 28, the entire Faculty
of Arts was shut down after Campus
Security received notification about
a bomb in Buchanan at 6:40am.
Ironically, the Parking and
Security building was also evacuated
due to a bomb threat on October 15.
The RCMP uses information provided by callers to determine the
seriousness of the bomb threats,
said Jennifer Black, operations manager for UBC Campus Security.
'It's usually based on the type of
information they give, for instance
bomb location and the type of explosives.' she said, adding that voice
analysis is another technique used.
But after investigating, RCMP
decided that two of the bomb threats
received thus far did not put students and university staff at risk.
When the Chemistry building
received a bomb threat on October
2, the university decided to keep
classes running.
"The administrative assistant
and the director of the Chemistry
building decided not to evacuate,'
said Black. 'They had all their staff
check [the building] and a decision
was made not to evacuate.'
According to Black, another
building on campus received a
bomb threat that police decided not
to act on, but neither she nor RCMP
Staff Sergeant Hickman have details
on which building was targeted, or
when it happened.
According to Hickman, UBC usually receives five or six bomb threats
per school year and each fall, as
exams approach, there is some regularity with respect to the number of
calls received. He said that the
RCMP take the same precautions on
every bomb threat
°We take every bomb threat seriously,' said Hickman. 'We responded as quickly as we could [to each
incident], utilising all the resources
on campus.'
Hickman said that he was part of
a committee made up of members
of the university community, who
would be looking at the bomb
threats and examining ways to deal
with the repeated threats that UBC
has faced.
'We're just reviewing how
we're going to review [bomb
threats]," he said.
But though UBC has been targeted several times, SFU has not
recieved any bomb threats since
September 11.
According to Wally Simmons,
manager of security operations at
SFU, the campus has not received
any bomb threats in the last three
years, and the school has not made
any changes to its bomb threat protocol since the attacks in the US.
POWERFWE.R: Team captain: Stephanie Hume led the field hockey team to their third consecuive Canada West Championship after a four-game sweep of Canada WestTournament #3. Hume
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The Ubyssey: techno since 191
UBC to become more
by Sarah Tsang
After months of input from student
groups and university administrators, a new draft report announcing
several proposals to make UBC
more student-friendly has been
"We wanted to identify and
address the needs, wants and questions of prospective students in
order to create a sense of belonging
at UBC," said UBC First-Year
Coordinator Janet Teesdale. She
also said that the report, Building
a Campus Community: The
Community UBC, would not only set
the direction for the Student
Recruitment Office, which was the
original focus of the report, but
would also benefit current students.
The report identifies student citizenship as the key to "discovery,
transition, engagement and energy
of incoming and existing students."
It contains several suggestions for
improving campus atmosphere,
such as "creating a visual identity
for the university," 'utilising a
buddy system or mentorship program; and 'facilitating regular
forums for community-building."
The importance of personal contact between students and university staff is stressed. One proposal
would have the UBC vice-president
of students and the AMS president
send out a monthly e-mail together,
'outlining, encouraging, and recognising student involvement and
The Community UBC Report also
suggests creating a 'UBC Day,' possibly to be held on the anniversary
of the 1922 Great Trek, the student
march which established UBC at
Point Grey. The day would attempt
to bring people together in celebration of the UBC community as a
Teesdale and Evan Horie—the
Alma Mater Society (AMS) vice-pres-
ident, academic and university
affairs—both say they are optimistic
about the proposals and excited by
the prospect of implementing the
report. Both admit, however, that
some obstacles will need to be overcome.
"It's not something that will just
happen overnight, but an ongoing
process," said Horie. "It's about
time we do something to fight apathy on campus."
'Community-building is everyone's responsibility," said Teesdale.
The Community UBC Project
began in February 2001 as a
restructuring of UBC's Student
Recruitment and Admission. Since
then, it has become a thriving forum
for student, faculty, and staff input
into community-building at UBC.
This past May and June, 76 people brainstormed and discussed
ideas for the project through focus
groups and e-mail questionnaires.
The participants represented many
different campus groups, including
faculties, graduate and undergraduate student government, student
services, Campus Security, fraternities and sororities, chaplains, UBC
Athletics, and UBC Housing and
"[It was] terrific to see lots of different students putting their heads
together to come up with ideas to
better the community," said Horie,
who also participated in the focus
The input generated from the
groups was documented in a draft
report and released at the end of the
summer. The document draws
heavily on background research that
linked community participation to
personal development, satisfaction
and graduation rates.
The Community UBC Report is
currently before the Campus
Advisory Board on Student
Development, which meets
this month.
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What transit cuts? Drunken party-goers speak their minds!
aturday night, downtown
Vancouver. Club-goers pour
off the #8 Fraser. Two
stretch limos pull up in front of the
Plaza and taxis swerve around frequently stopping buses and unpredictable pedestrians. Except for
Granville Mall, cars pack the roads.
It's the night of October 20—the
first Saturday night since
Vancouver's regional transit authority, Translink, cut four per cent of its
bus services, axed several remote
and low-traffic routes, and stopped
all bus service in Vancouver at
It's the usual mix of dub-hoppers, tourists and buskers on the
streets tonight. Transit schedules
might have changed, but so far nothing much is different from Saturday
nights of Vancouver past.
But what better way to find out
what has changed for bus riders,
than to hit the streets in search of
people willing to talk about how the
cuts affect their lives? And what better night to do it than Saturday
nter Michaela Good, a student at Douglas College. For
eople like her, the recent
transit cuts mean an earlier night
Tonight, Michaela is taking some
friends from out of town around
downtown Vancouver, snapping
with them near Gastown's
steam clock, and plans to take an
early bus home.
Michaela says she can understand Translink's decision to end
bus service earlier on week nights,
but worries about what will happen
if people don't have public transport
to get them home safely after a
weekend night of drinking.
"On the weekends, I think it
should go way later," she says. 1
think it would really cut down on
drunk driving would be way
easier for people to get home safely.'
Before this weekend, the latest
bus leaving downtown was the 10 to
UBC, which left downtown at
3:15ara. But last March; Translink,
facing a $40- to $50 million annual
deficit, voted to cut many of its services, including all night-owl routes.
acqueline Smith, a nurse at
UBC, stands in line in front of
the Commodore, which
tonight is celebrating Octoberfest.
She is surrounded by a sea of people
adorned with ridiculous-looking felt
hats with feathers in them.
Jacqueline took a limo downtown
tonight She doesn't usually take
limos—or so she says—but
Octoberfest is a special occasion.
Although she usually drives, she's
still concerned about Translink's
cuts to late-night service.
'I think it's really, really horrible
to stop [buses] at a certain point at
night," she says. "My boyfriend goes
out a lot when I'm working nights to
the clubs and he relies on transit to
get home, and if he can't it's the difference between $2.75 home as
opposed to $30 home."
'We have a certain budget to go
by when we're students and it's a
huge difference and it's horrible,'
she says.
And like Michaela, Jacqueline is
also concerned that the cuts to latenight service will be ''promoting
more drunk driving than anything_'
Mark Sherwood, Jacqueline's
friend, disagrees. He says that very
few people truly rely on the bus service, and that those few should be the
real priority. And for those who
don't truly rely on the bus? It doesn't
matter so much. Get rid of bus
routes, he suggests, and provide
more HandyDarts.
It's a business. The bus is a business—it doesn't have to make everybody happy," he says. If they're running a business, they can't afford to
say, 'We going to lose money continuously year after year to appease
every single person that wants to
take the bus.—
t 9:30pm, the Stone
Temple is dead—as usual.
hris, a well-muscled
bouncer at the club, doesn't seem
too keen on being interviewed about
his plans to get home.
Chris—who gets off work at about
2:30am—usually takes the bus to
and from the club. Since Monday,
he's been spending over $10 a night
to take a cab home. Not surprisingly,
he's pissed off about the recent cuts
to transit.
"They suck because I can't get
home unless I take a taxi," he says.
Later on in the conversation, he
adds that he doesn't think Translink
should be running the buses.
Tut it back to BC Transit," he
Shay Wilson, a Capilano College
student out celebrating her friend's
21st birthday, is standing in front of
the Blarney Stone. She, too, is frustrated with Translink.
Shay has a ride home tonight, but
the cuts to bus service have had a big
impact on her routine; she's been
forced her to change
her shift at work.
1 can't get to work
on Saturday mornings any more," she
says. 1 work at
Metrotown but I live
in Brentwood and
there's no bus that
gets to me to
Metrotown at 8:30
anymore, 'cause they
cut it in the morning.'
Shay complains
that even when she
can take a bus, the
rips are crowded
and people always
3 DRUNK CLUB-GOERS: Hey, they told us to have to stand. She
take their photo. SARAH MACNEILL MORRISON PHOTO wonders
by Laura Blue and
Sarah MacNeill Morrison
Translink's funding priorities.
1 think they should have spent
the money on more transit routes
instead of putting up $10,000 bus
shelters and those stupid electronic
transfer thinds," she says.
f course, not everyone
cares about transit cuts.
The woman working until
4:30am at the Pita Pit on Granville
lives close by and will walk home
tonight The trainee cashier at the 7eleven on Seymour and Georgia has
his car with him.
Kim Brunsden and Karlie Nelson
look very cold as they shiver outside
Richard's on Richards in one-shouldered, club-going shirts. They don't
really mind the cuts, they say, since
they're used to having bus service in
their neighbourhood end early and,
tonight, they'll get a ride home to
Surrey with Frankie, their designated
driver. Two very sober-looking SFU students, Kelsi Dillman and Heather
Koch, stand nearby. They drove out to
the clubs this evening and aren't really affected by the cuts either.
And the cuts, say Translink officials, are necessary.
The transit authority is required
by law to balance its budget Last
year, after the provincial NDP government at the time refused to collect a proposed vehicle levy, which
would have charged all Lower
Mainland vehicle owners $75 annually, the company had to re-examine
its finances.
Tr an slink
1444:T§ft Z194.
Ken Hardie says
that the 1:40am
bus cut-off time
was chosen based
on research conducted by
Translink late last
What we determined there is that
at 1:40am we're
going to catch the
major shift changes,
so most people
[working] will be
able to get home
using the bus,' he
says. 'The people who
would ordinarily
catch a later bus, the
vast majority of them
said that 'If the service
ends earlier, I'll find
another way home, or
I'll just go home earlier.—
More cuts may well
be pending. To overcome its $40- to $50 million annual budget shortfall, Translink will be
forced to cut a further 15
to 20 per cent of service,
to raise fares, or both.
Translink will be holding a series of consultation
meetings with bus riders to
help determine its course of
action. There will be a onehour forum at UBC this
Friday, starting at 12pm in
the SUB south lounge. Pat
Jacobsen, Translink chief
executive officer, will attend
to give information and take feedback.
We're out discussing with the
community a combination of things,"
Hardie says. °We can either further
might have a long walk ahead of you. SARAH MACNEILL MORRISON PHOTO
reduce service to be sustained by our
current funding or we can maintain
and improve service with additional
funding, and we want to find out
what people want to do.'
But people already criticise
Vancouver's present transit service,
claiming it is insufficient
ara Ralph waits outside the
Purple Onion in Gastown at
about 11:10pm. She got a
ride out this evening, but usually
doesn't bother going downtown because getting
around is such a hassle.
It's just too much of a
pain,' she says. "I don't
want to drive. It's too
scary now. There's going
to be so many more
drunk drivers on the
road because of the transit [outs]."
And she is not the
only one who thinks
cuts to service are irresponsible.
1 think it's dangerous. Already I don't
feel safe 'taking the
bus] because of how
infrequent they are,"
Langara student
standing outside the
Blarney Stone and
looking for somewhere less crowded
to go for the night
She takes the bus
to school and
around town occasionally, but
tonight she'll be
hailing a cab.
As a safety
issue, [the cuts
are] ridiculous,"
she says.
At about
midnight, Chad
Durnford, a
student at
Film School,
loiters around
a Granville Street bus
stop after an unexciting night
out at the clubs. He's waiting for the
#4 to take him home.
1 can't stay out too late because
I can't get a bus home," he says.
"It's too far to walk, and it's too
Chad is also disappointed by the
decision to cut bus service, but
stresses that Vancouver transit is
much better than it is in most other
Canadian cities, including his native
town of Cambridge, Ontario.
"It sucks on Fridays and
Saturdays because I want to stay out
'til, like, 2:00 or 2:30," he says, 'but
other than that, during the week, it's
Adam Saunders, a student politician at BCIT, agrees that the cuts
aren't so unreasonable. He smokes
outside the Blarney Stone, where his
girlfriend and some other friends
have dragged him this evening. He
has a car, so he isn't too affected by
the transit cuts, but he sympathises
with those who rely on the bus to get
them around. A couple of his friends,
he says, have lost their bus route to
school and are taking a $5 cab everyday while they look for a car.
But while Adam says he'd like
buses to be a service available for
everyone, a businessman's logic
underlies his opinions. He criticises
the former NDP government for not
running services more like businesses, and says he , believes that
some cuts to bus service are now
If the route's not making
money, I can understand that," he
says. 'You gotta make sure, number
one, it pays for itself, and then, number two, make sure it's there for
everyone who needs to use it'
"I think [George Puil, chair of the
Translink board] is doing an okay
job. He's got a tough job on his
hands,' says Adam.
t 2:05am, surprisingly few
people get off the last two
10 buses that pull into
the UBC bus loop. While the last bus
to campus is usually packed on
weekends, tonight no more than 40
people stumble off the two buses
David Summers steps off the bus
with his friend after a night at the
Wettbar. They stagger across the
UBC bus loop on their way home to
Place Vanier residence.
"Usually we come home later,
but the transit changed our schedule," he says. "Our itinerary has
been changed."
I'm not impressed at all," he
adds. 'After putting up with the transit strike all summer, [we] don't
need this. It's not cool.' +
de._ A
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Undefeated Birds score four wins to claim the top spot in CanWest and head to nationals
by Scott Bardsle
VICTORIA—In a gruelling four-game weekend,
the UBC women's field hockey team played at
the top of their game and never let up. The
Birds came out of Victoria with their third
straight Canada West Championship victory,
the third time they've won three in a row since
the league was founded in 1967.
Sweeping the final conference tournament
of the season with four successive wins, the
Thunderbirds finished the season with an
impressive 10-0-2 record. The team, now
ranked top in Canada, will compete in the CIS
National Championships in Toronto from
November 1-4.
The tournament's most symbolic game was
the Birds' final one, which came after the team
already had enough points to win Canada West
With nothing at stake, the T-Birds could have
easily been complacent like they were last year
when the conference-winning Birds lost their
final game 5-2. But the team played hard and
dominated the second half against the UVic
Vikes, the second-place team in Canada West
and UBC's arch-rivaL
'We knew yesterday that we'd won Canada
West, but to come out and beat UVic shows that
there's a reason we're number one, said
Thunderbirds captain Stephanie Hume on
UBC started the tournament on Friday
against Manitoba, traditionally the conference's weakest team. The Birds herded the
Bisons into a 4-0 win for UBC.
T-Birds' forward Giovanna Piccone was a
goal-scoring machine, knocking it in the goal
from a pass from right wing early in the game.
She sent it in again after the Bison defence
deflected a shot from Mo O'Connor later, then
hitting in a cross from the left wing and, finally, whacking a short-corner pass straight
between the goal posts.
The players were happy with the score and
their performance, but aware 'that they didn't
play to their full potential.
"We could play better, said Hume. °For
our first game we played well, but we can do
'In patches they played quite well. If they
played a couple of games like they did in those
patches, we would have had a very good game.
As it was, I think Manitoba left us off a little...We can play much better, coach Hash
Kanjee said.
Saturday's first game against Calgary was
much more competitive. T-Bird Stephanie
Smith got an early goal, but play deadlocked in
the first half, with neither side able to capitalise
on the few scoring opportunities they created.
Smith made another goal in the second half.
With the help of some impressive goaltending
from Emily Menzies the Birds kept their 2-0
lead over the Dinos.
'Overall we played okay,' defender Laura
Balakshin said. 'We came out hard, but as the
game wore on we slacked off a little bit. That's
something we need to work on for nationals.'
'Calgary played really, really well; you've got
to give them credit' Kanjee said. 'A 2-0 win for
us may be a little deceptive.'
That afternoon, UBC played the Alberta
Pandas, who played a much , more physical,
aggressive game than the Birds were accustomed.
The two teams each played hard, but it was
UBC who came out of the half ahead, after
Piccone scored on a cross pass. The Pandas
regained momentum in the second half, scoring on a short corner to tie the game 1-1. It took
awhile for UBC to come back, but in the last ten
minutes, the Birds raised their intensity. With
scarcely a minute left, forward Stephanie Quinn
slammed the ball into the net from a right cross
for UBC to win 2-1. With three points for the
win, the Thunderbirds had secured their place
as Canada West champions.
"[Alberta] put us'on our heels and good on
them. The response to being 1-1 was not all that
great We still struggled [but] the last ten minutes was very good,' Kanjee said.
The Birds final, albeit anticlimactic, game
against Victoria on Sunday went well for the
team. Midway through the first half, Mo
O'Connor made the pass to start a short corner,
the Vikes deflected it, and O'Connor caught the
deflection and scored.
UBC dominated the second half, keeping
the ball firmly rooted in the Vikes half. But the
Birds could only get one more goal on the
scoreboard, when Balakshin slammed the ball
straight in the net on a short corner.
But the Birds' largely injury-free weekend
was marred just minutes before the tournament ended. In a UVic charge on UBC's goal, a
Victoria player hit a ball hard that unfortunately met the face of UBC's Alisa Carey. Carey left
the field to go to hospital. The injury visibly
shook the Birds on-field and the Vikes scored.
The match ended 2-1.
The Birds had won, and they had played
hard against the Vikes even though the game's
outcome was irrelevant
'The whole team played really well this
weekend and the whole team came into this
tournament knowing what we wanted to do
and we did it We went on undefeated and it
Rugby Birds wip
by Rob Nagai, Kate Ingram and
Duncan M. McHugh
HELLO! A brief moment of snuggling during an intense
Men's Ice Hockey
I fatdil
lit Liam
team just can't get a
Having travelled all
e way to Cowtown, the
Thunderbirds tied . the
Calgary Linos and. lost
922. The winless Birds
returns home to play
gasimtche7v2n on Friday
en's Soccer
Mott) -ra filosr HEALTHY
3-3- 3 is a very even record.
It is also the current record
of the. UBC men's soccer
team. They travelled for
three days this weekend,
beating Saskatchewan 3-1,
then the losing 0-1 to
Women's Soccer
t sst,ohme r iesa
place. Thprov.:dlio'fn:°rgh1113
nssst Albferta;ba
1 tisetaargkanie
eff %tic'
Canada proved too In
thenext day whe n they
to Saskatchewan- Thi/of
got worse yesterday, whe n
they gave Regina itsst
game of the season—a tie. 4.
The women's rugby team started off the
Canada West Championship tournament
with its best game yet
The Birds' first game against Victoria
on Friday was an exciting game of raw
intensity, with both teams stepping up to
match the other's drive. It was a great
game for UBC, which has been struggling this season after losing one of its
best players, Cheryl McKay, last year.
The final score, 5-5, showed how much
the Birds have improved since their first
game of the season, a 27-0 loss.
"The girls are playing high level rugby
and really showed what they are made of
today,' said coach Spencer Robinson on
Despite the tie, UBC dominated the
game, keeping the play mostly in UVic's
end. Co-captains Sabrina Celms and
Teresa Jackson said that all the forwards played extremely well and were
instrumental in holding the team
together, although Jackson thought that
the team could have been stronger
The next morning the Thunderbirds
were up against the Lethbridge
Pronghorns. It was here that UBC really
came into its own, dominating the field. In
the end the T-Birds managed four tries and
shut out the Pronghorns 24-0. Teamwork
was decisive in the UBC victory.
'The handling was strong, but also
the support play. Everyone's work rate
stayed high. They were looking for the
ball, offensively and defensively,' said
Robinson. 'To me, the most important
score is the zero for Lethbridge. That
means we kept working on defence. That
was a big thing today.'
As the Thunderbirds' first victory of
the season, the game also boosted the
players' confidence.
'[It feels] so good, so good,' said
Celms. -We've improved every game and
it's showing and it's good to finally put
filAti t i-2161-1 Ohio?
Great varieties
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Live and Teach in Japan!
ET Pr ogramme.
A MACHINE! UBC forward Giovanna Piconne lead Can West in scoring with eight goals
and was named CIS athlete of the week
was great,' Hume said.
The team's numbers are impressive. Six
UBC players—Laura Balakshin, Alisa Carey,
Stephanie Hume, Stephanie Jameson, Mo
O'Connor and Stephanie Quinn—were named
to the conference's 11 player all-star team. TBirds Smith and Piccone led the Canada West
in scoring with eight goals each. UBC finished
with 32 points in 12 games—eight points ahead
of the closest competitor, UVic.
But the field hockey team's competitiveness
a win on.'
After the big win against Lethbridge,
an excited UBC went out to its next game
of the day against last year's Canada
West champions, the Alberta Pandas.
Alberta controlled the ball early on
and it was clear that the Pandas' size
made a difference in the scrums. By the
ten-minute mark, Alberta had scored its
first try and made the conversion for
seven points. Despite being down, the
Birds battled on in a very physical match.
The Birds were able to hold the
Pandas for most of the game, but that
was the best the they could hope for. Late
in the second half, the Pandas broke the
Thunderbird defence to score another
try. The game finished 12-0 for Alberta.
Were the Birds outmatched? "Sizewise, yeah, but heart, no wayl' exclaimed
Jackie Small, 'But [Alberta] played a
great game and they deserved [the win].'
On Sunday, UBC went into its second
game—a very rainy, windy game—
against Lethbridge. Although UBC had
defeated the Pronghorns 24-0 in their
first match-up, the battle for the fourteam tournament's bronze medal was
The first half went scoreless. Neither
side broke a lot of ground on the muddy
field and both had trouble moving the
ball out wide.
Going into the second half, Robinson
changed the Birds' strategy, but to no
avail. Lethbridge quickly scored a try on
a fast break, but failed on the conversion. Down by five, the Birds got the ball
to within ten metres of the Pronghorn's
end zone. The T-Birds pressed continuously, but couldn't break through the
Pronghorn defence.
Despite some great efforts, the Birds
were unable to capitalise on their best
chances. Lethbridge took the game 5-0
and the bronze medal with it
-We had just a couple of lapses where
they were able to take advantage of that,
but overall I'm proud of the way that we
played,' Celms said. •3
The Japan Exchange and Teaching Programme
is most impressive of all. After a match, even
Free Information Session
Tuesday, October 23
12:30pm to 2:00 pm
B226, Buchanan Building
after a 4-0 win against Manitoba, the players
look back on their performance and dwell on
what they could have done better. The players
continuously push themselves to play better.
'We've been winning a lot, but we haven't
felt very good as a unit, as a team, as individuals. We haven't felt like we've been playing to
our potential,' Menzies said after the game
against Calgary, 'But we worked hard, we
talked to each other, we used a lot of skilL' 4'
The Government of Japan invites university graduates to
participate as Assistant English Teachers or Coordinators of
International Relations in a one-year, cultural exchange
programme beginning July 2002.
Applicants must be a Canadian citizen, have a Bachelor's
degree by July 2002, and be under the age of 40.
o p ayoffs for football team.,
Denenfeld would score again, making.
a 33-yard field goal with 4:33 left in the
The UBC football team was eliminated third quarter and cutting the Calgary lead
from post-season play Friday night after. down 10-6. The Dinos widened the gap
dropping an 1 8.-13 decision In the Calgary slightly early in the fourth, 11-6.
Dinos in front, of 1000 fans at
But then quarterback Rob Kenney and
Thunderbird Stadium. The loss left. UBC the LT13C offence heated up. Starting from
with a 1-6 record. It is also the first time their own 35-yard line, the T-Birds
the Birds have missed the playoffs since
marched down the field and capped it off
with a Nathan Funk touchdown A
The game also marked the return to TDenenfeld conversion put the Birds up 13Bird Stadium for former UBC head coach
11 with. 11:02 left in the game. It looked
Dave Jolmson, now the Dinos defensive like the Birds could pull off an upset
cocirdinator. It was Johnson's first time
But it was never meant to be. A 44-yard
back since 1998 when he led UBC to an 8touchdowns run by Lukas Mayer gave the
2 season. Johnson: Was then fired in the
Dinos an 18-13 lead with 9:40 left in the
off-season after a fight between him and
fourth quarter_ UBC's offence, and its
members of his coaching stad. M
hopes, were finally silenced by a Calgary
Johnson,kaentWays beenadored by his interception with 1:32 left.
players. Curren Tpird, Matt. Lyons
s tough. We worked really hard in
destrihedt44S10 . -the most enjoyable the off-season, but never really
coacht eirei hadeS
clicked...,We got it going in spurts, but
The coach described his homecoming that's never enough,' said. dejected Allby simply saying. "It feels frickilk good.':
Canadian. linebacker Javy Glatt after the
still love my former kids who we game.
played against:, he added.
Kicker. Leon Denenfeld, who was perShawn Olson, the Thimderbirds quar, fect on his only two field goal attempts
terbacic from 19962000, also returned, was disappointed.
but this;
aa Calgary Coach.:01son;
'It's•tough. The [defence) was real
one of, the great legends of. Thunderbird good, and it was one or two plays which
foqtb4.t. found the win bittersweet
killed us.'
crnh't have mixed feelings and it's
Denenfeld felt the season had been a
definitely a great sensation getting the tough one. "Rob Kenney stepped up, and it
win, but it was to to look over and see
was real tough on him to play this season
some former teammates feeling so right after Shawn Olson. We're a young
down,' Olson
team, with heart Next year, who knows!
On the field, The Birds qu.i.cldy fell
behind when Jimmy Hartley kicked a first Chamberlain Friday's loss was even more
-quarter 28-yard field goal ,to put Calgary emotional. It was his last home game..
'I'm so disappointed. I was positive
up 3-0. The Dinos offence clicked again
when Vancouver native„ and current we'd come out with a better effort. We
Dino, Jeff Williams scampered into the,. lacked discipline, and there is no way we
should've lost this season to some of the
Birds end zone to give Calgary a 10-0 lead
teams that we did,' he said.
with 5:30 to go the half
UB C got on the scoreboard late in the
It has definitely been a lacklustre seahalf when Leon i3 enenfeld made the son for the young Thunderbirds. They end
longest field goal 'Cif: his young , Idcicing. the season with a 1-6 record. The. Birds
career from 39 yards out to cut the lead to will go on to play one more game next
Saturday in Alberta. +
Application forms available from:
UBC Career Services
Consulate General of Japan/Tel: (604) 684-5868, ext 223
Deadline: Postmarked by November 23, 2001
Irish Writers Visit UBC
Robert Welch
Critic and Novelist, University of Ulster
Contemporary Irish Writing
7:30pm, Tuesday, October 23
in PWIAS Conference Room
Tale of Two Cities: Belfast and Dublin in Contemporary
Irish Writing
10:00am, Wednesday, October 24th
Panel Discussion in PWIAS Conference Room
Thomas Kilroy
Playwrigh4County Mayo
True Brother of a Company: Yeats, Joyce, Wilde - Literary
Tradition and Contempoary Irish Writing
10:00am, Thursday, October 25
Panel Discussion in Green College Coach House
The An to Iris' h Playwrights
5:00pm, Thursday, October 25
in Graduate Student Centre Penthouse
These visitors are 2 of 10 eminent Irish Writers at UBC,
October 23 -27,
Pleace Clip and Save'. RFE PUBLIC I EC
Duncan M. McHugh
Ai Lin Choo
Sarah MacNeill Morrison
Ron Nurwisah
Scott Bardsley
Julia Christensen
Laura Blue
Mc Fensom
Hywel Tuscano
Alicia Miller
Graeme Worthy
The Ubyssey is the official student newspaper of the
University of British Columbia. It is published every
Tuesday and Friday by The Ubyssey Publications Society.
We are an autonomous, democratically run student organisation, and all students are encouraged to participate.
Editorials are chosen and written by the Ubyssey staff.
They are the expressed opinion of the staff, and do not
necessarily reflect the views of The Ubyssey Publications
Society or the University of British Columbia.
The Ubyssey is a founding member of Canadian University
Press (CUP) and adheres to CUP's guiding principles.
All editorial content appearing in The Ubyssey is the property of The Ubyssey Publications Society. Stories, opinions, photographs and artwork contained herein cannot
be reproduced without the expressed, written permission
of The Ubyssey Publications Society.
Letters to the editor must be under 300 words. Reese
include your phone number, student number and signature
(not for publication) as well as your year and faculty with all
submissions. ID will be shacked when submissions are
dropped off at the editorial office of The Ubyssey, otherwise verification will be done by phone.
"Perspectives" are opinion pieces over 300 words but
under 750 words and are run according to space.
"Freestyle? are opinion pieces written by Ubyssey staff
members. Priority will be given to letters and perspectives
over freestyles unless the latter is time sensitive. Opinion
pieces will not be net until the identity of the writer has
been vedfied.
It is agreed by all persons placing display or classified
advertising that if the Ubyssey Publications Society fails to
publish an advertisement or if an error in the ad occurs the
liability of the UPS wit not be greater than the price paid
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value or the impact of the ad.
Room 24, Student Union Building,
6138 Student Union Boulevard,
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email: feedback@ubyssey.bcca BUSINESS OFFICE
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advertising: (604) 822-1654
business office: (604) 822-6681
fax: (604) 822-1658
Fernie Pereira
Karen Leung
Shalene Takara
Daryl %me is the dinner coordinator. Ron Nunvisah is
the inappropriate comments coordinator. Hywel Toscana
is empower tools coordinator. Alicia Miller is the 18th-centur• costume coordinator. Scott Bardsley is our Arrowroot
cookie coordinator. Nic Fensom is the Stussy coordinator.
Svea Vilcander is the sweater coordinator. Sarah Tsang
coordinates our chorus line. Richard Lam used to be our
urge mammal coordinator, but he gave the jab to ex-funny
bat coordinator Courtney Bannon- Dan Silverman is the
staff ad coordinator. Natasha Norbjerg is the before b
except after, coordinator. Graeme Worthy is our massage
coordinator. Jesse Marchand is the Lego coordinator.
Alejandro Bastes is our logo coordinator. Tessa
Richardson is our diction coordinator. Janet Yuen is the
Innis' coordinator. Adrian Burros is the Atari coordinator.
Amanda Farman is our magazine coordinator. Ales Licker
is our airy magartuo coordinator. Ai Lin Choo is the AMS
propaganda coordinator. Sarah MarNedl Morrison is the
office. squirrel and worm handles Duncan McHugh is
our leaky ceiling coordinator. Julia Christensen is our
Harlequin romance coordinator. Laura Blue is the Tetris
University .
Wes Agreement Number 0732/41
Hallowe'en. the easy way!
We here at the Ubyssey have a bittersweet relationship with Hallowe'en. On the one hand,
there's the good parties and the free candy,
which is awesome. In this respect, Hallowe'en is
much less of a hassle than Christmas, what with
the buying-all-the-gifts-and-stuff-when-all-youwant-is-candy.
But unlike Christmas, which only requires a
little bit of dress up every now and then,
Hallowe'en means having to find a creative or
elaborate costume, a costume which serves as a
gauge of your ingenuity and worth as a person.
It can be very stressful.
With this in mind, we have come up with a
list of easy and affordable Hallowe'en costumes which are sure to make you the hit of
the party or the neighbourhood trick-or-treating circuit.
Dr Sunera Thobani
Affix a sign to chest. Sign should read
AMS VP Administration Mark Fraser
Affix two superfluous nipples. Dress up like
a poor man's Prince William. Affix vacant grin
to face.
Snack Attack staff
Find 'kerchief. Put over head. Play Ani
DiFranco. Explain for the 16th time that there
are no more chicken fajitas.
Pendulum staff
Bathe in patchouli. For men, grow beard; for
women, effect an Australian dialect; for really
old men, wear muscle pants and develop an
intense love for Phish. Get really into Jerry.
Ubyssey photo editor Nic Fensom
Slow it down. Put on some Stiissy. Avoid
combs. Do not tie shoelaces. Smell clean but
look like you spent the night in PhotoSoc. Pepper
conversation with •stokin" and 'chomp.'
UBC Vue-President, Students, Brian Sullivan
Find a bow tie. Wear it proudly. That's about
all we can think of.
That flute-playin' guy
Grow hair and beard very long. Buy flute.
Smile at all those ungrateful UBC sons-of-bitches
who don't know what it's like to actually work for
a living
Phi Gamma Delta Beta...pledge
Frost the tips of your hair. Wax neck. Wax
t'aint (they all do it). Apply sideburns with thin
black eyeliner. Buy muscle shirt two sizes too
small. Become total asshole.
First-year Totem girl
Wear pyjama pants to class. Look as though
you have a permanent pregnancy scare. Talk
about your brother floor...a lot Go for the bedhead. Carry your caf card on your key chain,
which you carry around your neck Drink Malibu.
Premier Gordon Campbell
Fill circulatory system with a thick black
sludge which resembles tar, but is not tar. Gain
some charisma. Use it only for evil.
UBC Wargamers Club member
Wear a black trenchcoat. Carry small wellpainted figurines, a cardboard box full of cards
and obscure polyhedrons called 'dice.' Wince
when you see sunlight
Look cold and tired and wet and hungry after
that long trek from B-Lot.
Underground staff member
Cover yourself with mud and look dejected,
as if you'd just suffered a crushing defeat in an
intense soccer match. And you just realised that
your paper is not funny. At all. ••
Down with the racist witch hunt against Sunera Thobani!
by Marto Carpenter
Professor Sunera Thobani's unexceptional observation that -from
Chile to El Salvador, to Nicaragua
to Iraq, the path of US foreign policy is soaked in blood' has provoked
a storm of hysteria from the capitalist media and politicians intent
on demonising all opposition to
their war abroad and repression at
home. Thobani's office has reportedly received numerous death
threats and, amidst the racist outcry, she has even faced criminal
investigation by the RCMP for 'hate
crimes!' This alone illustrates how
the central purpose of the capitalists' 'hate crime' legislation is to
attack leftist opponents of racism
and war.
We of the Spartacus Youth Club
defend Sunera Thobani against
this campaign of vilification,
which is part of the drive against
immigrants and working people
in the wake of the September 11
attack on the World Trade Centre.
While the destruction of a building containing thousands of workers was an indefensible act of
indiscriminate terror, the capitalist rulers in the US and Canada
are using this as a pretext to whip
up racism against immigrants
and other minorities, especially
Muslims—all to divide working
people and shore up their bankrupt system. The government's
'anti-terror' crusade has already
provoked a series of threats and
physical attacks against Arab and
Islamic people
and institutions, including the firebombing of a
mosque in
Montreal, as
well as a Sikh temple in Hamilton.
Not to mention the draconian
new 'anti-terrorist' laws and proposals to ban students from countries like Iran and Iraq from taking chemistry or biology courses.
to Yugoslavia in the 1990s—has the
blood of workers and peasants on
its hands. And today, the Canadian
ruling class has joined with its senior partner in Washington as
bombs rain down on Afghanistan.
As revolutionary Marxists, we
recognise that the enemy of the
workers and oppressed in this
country is the
capitalist class
right here at
home and call
for the defence
of Afghanistan
against imperialist attack. And while Osama bin
Laden is today's designated
'enemy,' the fact is that the Islamic
'terrorists' of today are the 'freedom fighters' bought, trained and
paid for by the US imperialist
rulers in their in their and-communist drive to overthrow the Soviet
Union during the 1970s and
1980s. Uniquely, we Trotskyists
called to hail the Soviet Red Army
in Afghanistan, saying this could
lay the basis to extend the gains of
the October 1917 workers' revolution to the Afghan people—like education for women and freedom
from the stifling veil. The horrors
The ultimate target
repressive measures is the integrated working class, which
uniquely has the social power to
lead a struggle against racist capitalism. We say: down with
Ottawa's terror scare—full citizenship rights for all immigrants!
To Thobani's statement, we
would add that Canadian imperialism too—from Korea in the 1950s
of Taliban rule in Afghanistan
today are the direct result of the victory of that imperialist-backed anticommunist jihad.
Many students have come to
Sunera Thobani's defence and are
opposed to the war. But the social
democratic organisers of various
demonstrations and meetings both
on and off campus since
September 11 have pushed impotent calls for 'peace,' seeking to
pressure Canadian imperialism to
'oppose the drive to war,' even as
the Canadian military engages in
its biggest mobilisation in decades.
The bombing of Afghanistan
has nothing to do with eradicating
'terrorism' and everything to do
with the US rulers and their Allies
asserting their global dominance
militarily and, most importantly,
economically. Ultimately, the only
way to end imperialist war is by
sweeping away the capitalist system that spawns it, through socialist revolution, and that is the task
to which the Spartacus Youth Club
is dedicated. •:•
—Mario Carpenter is a fourthyear Arts student and a member
of the Spartacus Youth Club
he heating power of fir
at the ScotiabanIcDance Centre
until Nov. 10
Although self-described as a 'multi-media show ignited by
the insights of 400 youth,' Fire...where there's smoke is
more like therapy for those affected by the many aspects
of violence.
Fire uses dance, drama, video, and music to return to
the confusing, and lonely struggles of youth. It's high
school all over again: low self-esteem, bullying, racism,
mixed messages, peer pressure, homophobia, arguments
with parents, after-school fights and even rape. The work
is based on three years of workshops in schools across BC,
exploring issues of violence. Fire's authenticity stems
from the raw honesty captured from the real stories of
400 youth who the company spoke to.
The cast which brings these stories to life also has an
impressive level of dance training. Each performer is
given solo material that highlights his or her strengths,
but the piece demands that all performers are both strong
dancers and actors. Fortunately, they all prove to be multi-
talented artists who more than rise to the challenge.
Particularly charming, due more to her delivery than
the role itself is Erin Matthews in her animated depiction
of a girl nicknamed 'Nothing.' Performers Seika Boye and
Walter Kubanek are equally eye-catching in their scenes.
Not only can Boye facilitate difficult choreography, she
also seems to put her soul into every action.
Choreographer Judith Marcuse's sense of innovation also
shows through in David Cox's aggressive tap solo. His solo
is more than just entertainment; it embodies the frustration, aggression and confusion so common in violence
and in youth.
Later, a stylish powerful monologue by Clarence
Sponagle nearly steals the show. His scene, depicts a
young gay male who faces bigotry in the classroom, but
triumphantly manages to reclaim the word 'fag' with wit
determination and pride. Sponagle's talent creates an
authentic character that is an excellent role model for
young people.
The poignant duet between Walter Kubanek and Vienna
Poon also demonstrates how dance can often say things
where words fall short In this case, it is how a past rape
continues to haunt a woman in the present day.
As Kubanek moves slowly and cautiously
to interact with fellow dancer Poon, he stands
close and begins to carve the space around
her. There is suspense at every moment. Poon
is unable to trust him at first, but when she
finally does, it is a release for her and the
audience. Marcuse's choreography in this
heartfelt duet shows her mastery of the language of movement
Fire, unlike your ordinary dance performance, doesn't end when the performers take
their bows. After the performance, Marcuse
leads a discussion with the audience. She
sparks the talk with a question to the audience
about what images seemed real, and soon the
audience begins to reveal its own stories, perhaps providing more fuel for the next installment of Fire. +
News Meeting
at 12:30
at 1:30
Come to SUB Room 24 and settle the score
Surplus Equipment Recycling Facility
e come
Free Stuff
Three Ring Binders - two per Student Card
Pencils - two per Student Card
Diskettes - two per Student Card
Pentium Computers
P-75 to 120, 32 Meg. RAM About 1 Gig HD
10 to chose from. All priced at $50 including
KB & Mouse. Monitors start at $10
Lots of cheap furniture:
Desks, Chairs, Tables, Filing Cabinets, Shelves
Computers, Printers, Monitors, Parts, Cables
Open every Wednesday from Noon `til 5pm
Task Force Building, South West of the
Hospital on Health Sciences Mall
november 5 - 9, 2001
eferendum 2001
We are informing all students that a three question Referendum will take place the week of November the 5th .
The questions that will be asked are:
1) Do you support an increase to your annual AMS fees of $12.00, to be implemented over four years in $3.00 increments, to create a
Services & Safety Development Fund, which will be used to improve, protect and expand such AMS Services as:
• Tutoring
• Joblink
• Safewalk
• Speakeasy
• Events
• New Safety Initiatives
2) Do you accept the proposed amendments to the AMS Bylaws as presented ?
3) Do you support Differential Tuition?
Look for more information on the upcoming Referendum in the next issues of the Ubyssey, on the SUB Communication boards, or visit:
Funds are available for any student at large to form a No committee against the Referendum. This committee must consist of five members.
To qualify for a total of $1,000 in funding, you must submit to the elections committee a petition for funding on which must appear the signatures
and student numbers of at least 500 active members. If you would like to apply, please drop off your petition do Paramjit in SUB Room 238.
Bring your student card to vote.
a message from the elections committee
at the Vancouver Art Gallery
until Jan. 20
by Ron Numisaih
We re cI n m:)\-ed r
in : a
of 4
,it's e
s ,happens.
Aprte . that is
you wik.:4,
relevant) ( ,r force
which it:ofvpri does).
:::.1.41,:::4 while,:4..:Cti'qr will
or stun y; . into
exhibit?' etween
does both.
of Vancouver
is made up of
in private collecworks c,
e been a curator Grant Arnold
s They would've
and Diana
zens of homes
had to expire
hundreds of
and sift thp,-;
works. The ..theme of passion and
logic is also an immense undertaking and has been one of the central
themes of every artistic movement
in the 20th century. One of the
exhibit's shortcomings is that only
a few of the works directly negotiate this duality.
Tucked away in a nook is Anna
Hunt's -Farnsworth.' At first
; 'leo 0 10.7,s
glance it lookslike an
Impressionist . painting, but on
closer inspection the work is in
fact meticulously stitched by the
artist. Or take the example of an
untitled work by well-known artist
Robert Rauschenberg. He conblues thd order of pixellated dots,
photos and . Madges together in a
seeming ran om manner: in
essence,r i the perfect balance
between .order and chaos.
A number of these works don't
deal with the theme directly but are,
nonetheless, engaging. Liz Magor s
oic like a
KD=The„ Original' looks
backpack, but if y, on the
floor, you'll see che,:se powder and
macaroni. Kraft Dip r,r the myste
rious "KD- in questic n? qr take the
perplexing work''
MacLeod's `Study ip"
which resembles t cartoonish
eyes. The work is amusing and simply begs to be stared at, examined
and pondered.
Ultimately, this exhibit isn't a
complete success. The Vancouver
Art Gallery set out to put together
an extremely ambitious exhibit,
but fella bit short. It might have
been better served with something
more tightly focused, instead of
with a collection of all these works
under one banner.
Following up on the successful
and critically acclaimed These
Days, Between Passion and Logic
nonetheless is an important exhibit
that shows the vibrancy and history
of Vancouver's contemporary art
scene. •
by Sven Vikander
What do Daguerre, Larry Clark and Andy Warhol have
in common? They all have work in the Vancouver Art
Gallery (VAG)'s extensive exhibit of photography, Sun
Pictures to Photoconceptualism.
Over 300 photographs, taken between 1844 to
1981, are shown at the exhibit, exemplifying almost
every major photographic movement to date. The
large number of featured photographs makes it impossible to review every piece (buy the catalogue for under
$20; it's an informative and well-written read), but
some are more striking than others.
Much of the earlier work is interesting in a historical sense—the pieces are among the first photographs
ever taken. Many are lacking in artistic quality and
originality; however, the raw wonder people must
have felt at the novelty of photography gives integrity
and depth to these pieces.
The first photographers saw the world
through the extremely clear lenses of realism, and works like Samuel Bourne's
"Vishnu Pud and Other Temples, Benaresdemonstrate this clarity. Bourne's piece
successfully captures the hustle and bustle
of life around the Indian temple while, a
the same time, lends a kind of dream-like
feel to the far-off place.
By the 1930s, the art of photography
was becoming more varied and the camera was being used in ways that were not
initially considered. A good example of
this is Andre Kertesz's piece, 'Distortion
#40, in which a nude's body is warped to
echo a Salvador Dali painting.
In contrast to this were photojournal-
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ism and documentary. Given the newsroom's necessity for accurate information, and photography's ability
to capture instantly a thousand words, the two were
natural companions. Arthur Felig (a.k.a. -Weegeel,
who took brutal tabloid pictures of newsworthy events,
and Thomas Annan, who documented Glasgow's
urban shims, are both worth examining.
By the 1960s, 'street photography' came into
vogue; instead of reporting, photographers poetically
captured images of daily life. My favourites are those
by Lee Friedlander, who seems to have viewed the
world as a series of photographs, snapping only those
which showed some 'absurdist serendipity'—those
everyday moments when you see something and
think, °What a coincidence. That looks really unique.On a more graphic level, Larry Clark's photos display social taboos. From the 1970s and 1980s, Clark's
photographs document drug addiction, teen sex and
more. They are not technical wonders, but their subject matter and brash honesty make them compelling.
Spanning such a large period of time was a bold
undertaking for the VAG. Although it is the largest
gallery in Western Canada, it is usually known more
for quality than for quantity. Fortunately, this exhibit
doesn't lack for either.