September 20, 1966 . E3 of Commissioners 6f {hé City of Opelika, Alabama, met in regular session on the above date'at 3:30 P.M. in the Commission Chamber in the Municipal Building. The Board Meeting called to order. Present and Presiding: T. K. Davis, Commissioners Present: Commissioners Absent: Thomas M. Jr. Botsford, Jr. and Elmer Mitchell None. Mr. Botsford moved that the Minutes of the Meeting held September 6, 1966, be approved as read. (4:! Mitchell. Seconded by Voting Aye: Voting Nay: Mr. Davis, Mr. Botsford, and Mr. Mitchell None. Mr. John Glenn representing the estate of Mrs. Lee James appeared before the Commission to ask that the City give a quit; Claim to a portion of Mrs. James property to aid in clearing title Deed to a portion of the property. The following resdlution adéption. Seconded ‘by was introducted by Mr. Botsford, who moved its Mitchell . Voting Aye£ Davis, Botsford, and Mitchell. Voting Nay: None. Be it resolved by the City of Opelika, Alabama, a Municipal Corporation, as fbllows: 1. execute City of Opelika, Alabama, a Municipal Corporation, quit claim deed conveying all of its right, title, claim, and interest in and to the property hereinafter described to Richard T. Moreman and Julia C. Moreman. The property here described which is the subject of the quit claim deed, is as follows: That the a the Northeast corner of Section 12, Township 19, North, Range 26 East, Opelika, Lee County, Alabama, run South 89 degrees 56 minutes West, 1008.2 feet to the point of beginning of a tract of land here described and conveyed: From said point of beginning continue South 89 degrees 56 minutes Wést, 83 feet; thence South 87 degrees 0 minute West, 195.5 feet, to a point on the Northeasterly margin of North 10th Street in Opelika, Lee County, Alabama thence South 5 degrees 06 minutes East, 90.0 feet to an iron pin on the Northeasterly margin of said Street; thence continue South 5 degrees 06 minutes East, along the Northeasterly margin of said Street, 261.7 feet; thence South 47 degrees 50 minutes East, 90.1 feet, the point of intresection of the Northeasterly margin of toNorth 10th Street with the Northerly margin of Renfro in the City of Opelika; thence run South 88 degrees Avenue 03 minutes East along the Northerly margin of Renfro Avenue, feet; thence North 5 degrees 39 minutes East, 60.0 14.5 feet; thence North 48 degrees 04 minutes East, 164.0 feet; thence North 01 degree 54 minutes East, 203.1 feet; thence North 01 degree 1 minutes Wést, 50.0 feet to the point of beginning, together with all improvements situated thereon, situated in Opelika, Lee County, Alabama. From f Approved and adopted by the City of Opelika, Alabama, a Municipal Corporation, this 22_ day of September, 1966. ATTEST: PRESIDENT, BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS OF THE CITY OF OPELIKA, ALABAMA, A MUNICIPAL CORPORATION. CLERK, 0'? TH' E cm OPELIKA, ALABAMA, A MUNICIPAL CORPORATION OF 1 September 20, 1966 32 Mr. William Samford 11 appeared before the Commission representing several Corporation requesting exemption of Ad Valorem Tax on addition to plant and equipment for these Corporation. First application being that of the Corporation. Ampex STATE OF ALABAMA APPLICATION FOR EXEMPTION OF AD VALOREM TAXES LEE COUNTY TO: Board of City Commissioners of the City of Opelika, Alabama Scaff, Plant Manager of Magnetic Tape Division Corporation, a corporation, said Ampex Corporation having its principal place of business at 405 Broadway, Redwood City, California, and said Magnetic Tape Division having its principal place of business at Shamrock Circle, Opelika, Alabama, and files this Application for Exemption 6f Ad Valoren Taxes as set out below, and states that said Corporation has made certain buiness expansions and building improvements on its property situated in Opelika,Alabama, County of Lee, a description of which property has heretofore been included in its application dated August 30, 1960, at the address of Shamrock Circle, Opelika, Lee County, Alabama, and said description is herein incorporated in this applicationCEB reference thereto; and machinery, equipment, furniture, fixtures, ect., have also been added and included and all of such additions, extensions, erections and betterments of the existing plant, involved as expenditure of not less than $50,000.00 in the past twelve—month period with the Division’s existing plant or factory and all buildings constructed from brick, concrete, steel and asbestos. Now comes E. A. of Ampex The article to be developed, perfected, and designed for productinn in said addition and expansion is to be magnetic tape manufactured from an application of iron oxide especially treated for impulse recording. The said building improvements and expansions and all of the equipment, machinery, furniture and fixtures will assist and improve themanufacture, procession, housing and sale of said tape. The building and installation of machinery, equipnent, furniture and fixtures, extensions and additions will be completed by October 1, 1966, and are owned by Ampex Corporation, having been installed, constructed and purchased at a cost of $430,124.77, of which $44,076.60 concerns buildings and additions to existing assets, and the remainder, $386,048.17 concerns new machinery and equipnent. Other facts and information filed with the State Department of Revenue are attached and marked ”Exhibit A" and made a part hereof, being incorporated herein by reference thereto. Ampex Corporation does now request the Board of City Commissioners of the City of Opelika, Alabama, to grant this application and exempt all City of Opelika taxes assessed for all City purposes, except for City School and School District purposes, on the above referred to additions and expansions to the existing factory or plant, and on all said works, machinery and other equipnent of said factory or plant, for a period not exceeding 10 years from October 1, 1966; except there shall be no exemption of the land en which said factories or plants are located or proposed to be located; and granting any and all other benefits provided or permitted by law, and especially by Title 51, Section 3, of the Code of Alabama 1940 (Recomp 1958). [:1 E. A. Scaff E. A. Scaff, Plant Manager, Magnetic Tape Division, Ampex Corporation I of do hereby my knowledge, state under oath that the foregoing is true to the best information and belief. [s] E. A. Scaff E. A. Scaff ATTESTED AND CORPORATE SEAL AFFIXED: By /s/ E. K. Scaff Scaff, Assistant Secretary,Ampex Corporation E. A. September 20, 1966 33 Subscribed and sworn to before me and given under my hand and official seal of office on this -20th day of September, 1966. [g] Nina Edwards Notary Public, State of Alabama, At Large Form ADV-500 (Revised 1959) Hon. Phillip J. Hamm Commissioner of Revenue State of Alabama Montgomery 4, Alabama ["1 Dear Sir: following data is respectfully submitted fdr your consideration in granting exemptions of ad valorem taxes, for state purposes, under provisions set forth in Section 6, Title 51, Code of Alabama 1940, The as amefided. Corporation, Ampex NAME: Date Organized: Location: a corporation. Place: 1945 Redwnod 401 Broadway Street, Redwood (Ampex Magnetic Tap Division City, California City, California of Ampex, Opelika, Alabama) Capitol Stock Authorized: Stock Issued: Name 9,451,036 Shares of Applicant, and Address Officers of the Directors: See MarvYn Highway, of Building: Brick, cement Cost of Building Additions: Opelika, Alabama. block and concrete. $44,076.60? Cost of Machinery & Equipment Additions: Number Articles to Skilled Employees: be produced: attached sheet marked Exhibit "AZ. Company and Plant Location: Type 20,900,000 Shares $386,048.17. Unskilled: 551 27 Magnetic Recording Tape. It is expressly understood and agreed that any commitment made office will not become effective until such time as a formal your petition containi the information as required by Title 51, Section has been submitte and approved, the proposed installation has been completed and a detailed description of the specific property to be exempted thereof) by 7, (including inventory of machines and equipment and the cost has been submitted, along with certified copies of any County and/or municipal degrees granting exemptions as to the same property. [8] Sworn to and subscribed before me E. A. Scaff this the 20th day of September, 1966. [s/ Nina Edwards Notary Public September 20, 1966 Egéi ‘ Eihibit ”A" Directors H. S. M. Burns James F. Coonan Richard J. Elkus Roy G. Lucks Henry A. McMicking Nathan W. Pearson Alexander M. Poniatoff A. E. Ponting Robert H. Ray William E. Roberts Dr. Frederick Seitz Officers William E. Roberts President and Chief Executive Officer ' Alexander M. Founder and Poniatoff Chairman of the card B. A. Olerich Vice President Henry A. McMicking Robert L. Pappas Vice President Vice Chairman of the Board Chairman, Executive Committee VI Herbert L. Brown Group Vice President and Treasurer Henry W. est, Jr. Vice PresYdent, Secretary and General Counsel William E. Bratton Vice President Assistant Treasurer Charles P. Ginsburg Vice President Assistant Secretary C. Guss Grant Group Vice President Scaff Assistant Secretary Arthur Harold E. Hjertberg Assistant Secretary James E. Brown Donald F. Flanigan E. A. H. Hausman Group Vice President Latter John N. Ronald H. Jackson Vice President Assistant Secretary Felix Probandt Assistant Treasurer Daniel J. Yomine Assistant Secretary Dr. Peter E. Axon Vice President Robert R. Grunsky Vice President Thomas E. Davis Vice President waiter P. Weber Controller w. A. Gross Robert J. Heismann Vice President Vice President Nathan W. Pearson Vice Chairman, Executive Committee CORPORATE OFFICES: The 401 Broadway following resolution adoption. was Street, Redwood City, California introducted by Mr. Botsford who moved its Seconded by Davis. Voting Aye: Voting Nay: Davis, Botsford, and Mitchell None. RESOLUTION verified Application for Exemption of Ad Valorem Taxes filed by Scaff, Plant Manager of the Magnetic Tap Division of Ampex Corporatioq The E. A. September 20, 1966 35 discussed and considered, and the following resolution was moved for adoption, seconded, and unanimously passed: was BE IT RESOLVED, that the Application for Exemption of Taxes by E. A. Scaff, as Plant Manager of the Magnetic Tape Division of Ampex Corporation, be and the same is hereby granted; and that the Board of City Cimmissioners of the City of Opelika, Lee County, Alabama, does filed grant to the said corporation all of the tax benefits, remittances and exemptions permitted pertaining to City purposes as provided in Title 51, Section 3, of the Code of Alabama 1940 (Recomp 1958); and this Board of City Commissioners of the City of Opelika, Lee County, Alabama, does specifically remit the taxes assessed for all City purposes, except for any school and school district, on all extensions or additions to the plant or factory of the Magnetic Tap Division of Ampex Corporation situated in the City of Opelika, Lee County, Alabama, as set out in said application, totaling $430,124.77, for a period of 10 years beginning October 1, 1966, the date of completion of said additions or extensions of said plant or factory. Provided that nothing herein shall authorize the exemption of the land on which said plant, industry or factory is located or proposed to be located. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that a certified copy of this Resolution be furnished to the Tax Assessor and Collector of Lee County, Alabama, and to the Magnetic TafiaDivision of Ampex Corporation. PROVIDED, HOWEVER, that the granting of this exemption is contingent upon the granting of such exemption by the state of Alabama, and Lee County, and should the Magnetic Tape Division of Ampex Corporation fail to obtain advalorem tax exemption from the State of Alabama within a reasonable time hereafter, the exemption herein granted shall be null and void. ADOPTED, and approved this 20 day of September, 1966. President of the card of Commissioners of the City of Opelika, Alabama ATTEST: City Clerk Also presented was request for exemption of Ad Valorem Ihxes from Perfection Plastics,Corporation. STATE OF ALABAMA APPLICATION FOR EXEMPTION OF AD VALOREM TAXES LEE COUNTY T0: BOARD OF CITY COMMISSIONERS OF THE CITY OF OPELIKA, ALABAMA Now comes M. E. Hickson, President of Perfection Plastics, Inc., a corporation, said corporation having its principal place of business on Williamson Avenue in Opelika, Alabama, and files this Application for Exemption of Ad Valorem Taxes as set out below and states that said corporation has made certain business expansions and building improvements on its property situated in Opelika, Alabama, and machines, equipnent, furfii— ture, fixtures, ect. have also been added and included and all of such additions, extensions, erections and betterments of the existing plant involved an expenditure of not less that $50,000.00 in the past twelve— month period and all constitutionq a part of and used in connection with said corporation’s existing plant or factory and all buildings constructed from steel, The brick, concrete and/or asbestos. articles developed, perfected and designed for production is said various items of blow molded and extruded plastic forms, designs, ect. produced for use by other business concerns. addition and expansion are The equipment, machinery, furniture and fixtures will assist and improve the manufacture, processing, housing and sale of said plastic items. The fixtures building have been $465,943.16. installation of machinery, equipneht, furniture installed, constructed and purchased at a cost of and and September 20, 1966 36 infonuation filed with the State Department of herto and marked Exhibit A and made a part hereof being incorporated herein by reference. Other facts and Revenue are attached Perfection Plastics, Inc. does now request the Board of City City of Opelika to grant this application and exempt all City of Opelika taxes and to remit all taxes except for all city purposes except for city school and school district purposes in the above reference to additions and expansions to the existing plant for a period not exceeding ten years from October 1, 1966; and granting any and all other benefits provided or permited by thereof especially by Title 51, Section 3, of the Code of Alabama 1940 (Recomp. 1958). Commissioners of the /s[ M. Hickson E. Hickson, President of Perfection M. E. Plastics, Inc. I of my do hereby state under oath that the foregoing knowledge, information and belief. js/ is true to the best M. E. Hickson M. E. Hickson ATTESTED AND CORPORATE SEAL AFFIXED: BY: 5 Violet V. Perdue Violet V. Perdue, Secretary of Perfection Plastics, Inc. SubscriVed and sworn to before me and given under my hand and seal of office this the 30th day of September, 1966. official [5] Nina Edwards 5otary Public Honorable Phillip J. Hamm Commissioger of Revenue State of labama Montgomery, Alabama 36102 Dear Sir: The following data is respectfully submitted for your consideration in granting exemptions of ad valorem taxes for state purposes, under provisions set forth in sections 6-9, Title 15, Code of Alabama 1940, as ‘ amended. Inc., Perfection Plastics, NAME: DATE ORGANIZED: March 5, 1964 and Alabama Corporation PLACE: Opelike, Alabama 420 Williamson Avenue, Opelika, Alabama LOCATION: ZIP CODE 36801 CAPITOL STOEK AUTHORIZED: 1,000,000 shares STOCK ISSUED: 580,000 See attached sheet CORPORATE OFFICERS: SITE OF PLANT: 420 Williamson Avenue, Opelika, Alabama ‘ TYPE OF BUILDINGS: Butler Buildings OR RENT (X) THE BUILDING? ) ( ESTIMATED COST OF PMCHINERY AND EQUIPMENT: $465,943.16 DATES OF PLANT CONSTRUCTION: COMPLETION: START: NUMBER OF SKILLER EMPLOYEES: 46 UNSKILLED: 194 ARTICLES TO BE PRODUCED: Molded Plastic items DO YOU PROPOSE TO OWN It August 31, 1966 is expressly understood and agreed that any commitment made by become effective until such time as a formal petition, your office will not as required by Title 51 Section 7, has been submitted and approved, the proposed installation has been completed, and a detailed description of the specific property sought to be exempted (included inventory of machines and equipnent with the cost therof) has been submitted. along With certified copies of any County and/or Municipal decrees granting exemptions as to the same property. containing the information SIGNED: TITLE: Sworn to and subscribed before ls] M. E. Hickson President, Perfection Plastics, Inc., an Alabama corporation me Is] this the 20th day of September, 1966. Nina Edwards Notary Public September 20, 1966 The its following resolution was 87 introducted by Mr. Botsford who moved adoption. Seconded by Voting Aye: Voting Nay: Mitchell. Davis, Botsford, and Mitchell ' None. filed by and discussed M. E. Hickson, President of Perfection Plastics, Inc. was seconded considered and the following resolution was moved for adoption, andunamiously passed: The verified Applicationffor Exemption of Ad Valorem Taxes that the Application for Exemption of Ad Valorem by M. E. Hickson as President of Perfection Plastics, Inc. be and the same is hereby granted;;and that the Board of City Commissioners of the City of Opelika, Lee County, Alabama, BE IT Taxes RESOLVED filed grant to said corporation all of the tax benefits, remittances and exemptions permitted pertaining to'City purposes as provided in Title 51, Section 3 of the Code of Alabama 1940 (Recomp. 1958); and this Board of City Commissioners of the City of Opelika, Lee County, Alabama, does specifically remit does the taxes assessed for all City purposes except for school and school district purposes on all extensions, additionstmachinery,’ equipnent, furniture and fixtures of Perfection Plastics, Inc., situated in the City of Opelika, Lee County, Alabama, as set out in said Application totaling $465,943.16 for a period of ten years beginning October 1, 1966, providing that nothing heréing shall authorize the exemption of the land on which said plant or factory is located. BE IT that a certified copy of this Resolution to the tax assessor and collector of Lee County. to Perfection Plastics, Inc. FURTHER RESOLVED be furnished Alabama, and that the granting of this exemption is contingent upon the granting of such exemption of Lee County and the State of Alabama and should Perfection Plastics, Inc., fail to obtain ad valorem tax exemption from the State of Alabama and the County of Lee the exemption herein claimed shall be null and void. PROVIDED, HOWEVER, ADOPTED AND APPROVED this 20th day of September, 1965. ATTEST: President of the Board of Commissioners of the City of Opelika, Alabama w. F. Pearson, City Clerk of the City of Opelika, Alabama, a Municipal Corporation CERTIFICATE I, F. Pearson, the duly elected and acting City Clerk of the City of Opelika, Alabama, hereby certify that the foregoing Resolution is a true, correct and complete copy of a Resolution duly adopted by the Board of City Commissioners of the City of Opelika, Alabama, at an open meeting held on September 29, 1965, and recorded in the Minutes of Proceeding of said Board W. of Commissioners. this Signed under the seal of the City of Opelika, 20th day of September, 1965. W. F. Pearson, City Clerk of the City of Opelika, Alabama, Alsonpresented was an application Diversified Products Corporation. for municipal corporation. a 3 Mhnicipal Corporation exemption of Ad Valorem Taxes from STATE OF ALABAMA APPLICATION FOR EXEMPTION OF AD VALOREM TAXES LEE COUNTY TOzQ BOARD OF CITY COMMISSIONERS OF THE CITY OF OPELIKA, ALABAMA September 20, 1966 Forrest H. James, In, President of Diversified Products corporation, said Diversified Products Corporation, having its principal place of business at 309 Williamson Avenue, Opelika, Alabama and files this Application for Exemption of Ad Valorem Taxes as set out below, and states that said corporation has made certain business expansions and building improvements of its property situated in Opelika, Alabama, County of Lee, more particularly described as the premises located at 309 Williamson Avenue, Opelika, Alabama; and machinery, equip— ment, furniture, fixtures,etc. have also been added and included and all of such additions, extensions, erections and betterments to the existing plant, involved an expenditure of not less than $50,000.00 in the past twelve month period and all constituting a part of and used in connection with the Corporation’s existing factory or plant. Now comes a Corporation, The articles to in said addition equipment. be developéd, perfected and designed for production to be isometric and isotonic exercise and expansion are The equipment, machinery, furniture and fixtures will assist and improve the manufacture, processing, housing and sale of said items. The building and installation of machinery, equipment, furniture and fixtures, extensions and additions were completed October 1, 1966, having been installed, constructed and pruchased at a cost of $112,694.88. Other facts and information filed Revenue are attached hereto and marked with the State Department of "Exhibit A" and made a part hereof, being incorporated herein by reference thereto. Diversified Products Corporation does now request the Board of City ommissioners of the City of Opelika, Alabama, to grant this application andeexempt all City of Opelika taxes and to remit taxes assessed for all City purposes (except for City School and School District purposes) on the above referred to additions and expansions to the existing factory of plant, for a period not exceeding 10 years from October 1, 1966; except there shall be no exemption of the land on which said factories or plant are located or proposed to be located; and granting any and all other benefits provided or permitted by law, and especially by Title 51, Section 3, of the Code of Alabama 1940 (Recomp. 1958). [S] Forrest Forrest H. James, H. James, Jr., LJ Jr.iiI:;,I': Preéident of Diversified Products Corporation I of my do hereby state under oath that the foregoing knowledge, information and belief. is true to the best jsj Forrest H. J6mes, Jr. Forrest H. James, Jr. ATTESTED AND CORPORATE SEAL AFFIXED: BY: '5 J. Parrish Parrish, Vice Preéident Diversified Products Corporation Jay Subscribed and s.-rn to before me and given under seal of office day of September, 1966. the“ my hand and official [51 Nine Edwards Notary Public Honorable Philli J. Hamm Commissioner of Revenue L.) State of Alabama Montgomery, Alabama 36102 Dear Sir: The following data is respectfully submitted for your consideration in granting exemptions of ad valorem taxes or state purposes, under provisions set forth in Section 6-9 Code of Alabama 1940,‘ @51, as amended. Name Diversified Products Corporation Date organized February 23I 1962 Place lika, Alabama September 20, 1966 53S) Location 309 Williamson Avefiue, Capitol Stock Authorized $ ILOOOLDOO shares address of Name and Qpelika, “Alabama Zip Code 35801 Stock Issued 3 420(960 Forrest H. James, Jr. FPresident J. P. Parish, 111 - Vice President ifi charge of Manufacturin Calvin E. James - Vice President in charge of — applicant, officers of the company and/or all partners. Sales J. Silberman — Vice President in charge 6f Research & Develo ent Ira ("I Site of Proposed Plant of Buildings Type Do 309 Geor e R. Henderson — Secretar -Treasurer Williamson Avenuej Opelika, Alabama additions you propose to own ( ) Estimated Cost $15,484.81 or rent (X) the building? Estimated Cost of Machinery and Equipnent $97,210.17 Dates of Plant Construction: Number skilled Articles to Employees be producted Start October 1: 1965 Unskilled 81 Completion Segtembef-l—IlQBB 169 isometric and isotonic exercise equipnent It is expressly understood and agreed that any commitment made by office will not become effective until such time as a formal petition, containing the information as required by Title 51 Section 7, has been submitted and approved, the proposed installation has been completed, and a detailed description of the specific property sought to be exempted your (including inventory of machines and equipment with the cost thereof) has been submitted, along with certified copies of any County municipal decrees granting exemption as to the same property. and/or Signed: Title: 1‘] Sworn to and subscribed before me this the [5] ' OF [s/ Forrest H. James, Jr. 20th day of September, 1966 Nina Edwards Notary Public RESOLUTION ADOPTED BY THE BOARD OF THE.CITY OF OPELIKA, LEE COUNTY,AALABAMA CITY COMMISSIONERS ON SEPTEMBER 21, 1965 verified Application for Exemption of Ad Velorem Taxes filed by Jr., President of Diversified Products Corporation, was discussed and considered and the following resolution was moved for adoption} seconded and The Forrest H. JEmes, unanimously passed: IT RESOLVED, that the Application for Exemption of Taxes by Forrest H. James, Jr., as Ezesident of Diversified Products Corporation, be and the same hereby is granted; and that the Board of City Commissioners of the City of Opelika, Lee County, Alabama, does grant to the said corporation all of the tax benefits, remittances and exemptions permitted pertaining to City purposes as provided in Title 51, Section 3, of the Code of Alabama 1940 (Recomp 1958); and this Board of City Commissioners of the City of Opelika, Lee County, Alabama, does specifically remit the taxes assessed for all City purposes, except for any School and School District, on all extensions or additions to the plant or factory of Diversified Products Corporation, situtated in the City of Opelika, County of Lee, State ofAlabama, as set out in said application, totaling 8112,694;88 for a period of ten years beginning October 1966, the date of completion of said addition or extension of 1, said plant or factory. Provided that nothing herein shall authorize the exemption of the land ofi which said plant, industry or factory is located or proposed to be located. BE filed “I I BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that a certified copy of this Resolution be furnished to the Tax Assessor and Coblector of Lee County, Alabama, and to Diversified Products Corporation. September 20, 1966 40 PROVIDE, HOWEVER, that the granting of this exemption is contingent upon the granting(:37such exemption by the State of Alabama, and hhould Diversified Products Corporation fail t9 obtain ad valorem tax exemption from the State of Alabama within a reasonable time hereafter, the exemption herein granted shall be null and void. ADOPTED AND approved this 20th day of September, 1966. President of the Board of Commissioners of the City of Opelika, Alabama ATTEST: a ‘ City Clerk CERTIFICATE I, W. F. Pearson, the duly elected and acting City Clerk of the City of Opelika, Alabama, hereby certify that the foregoing resolution is a true, complete and correct copy of a resolution duly adopted by the Board of City Commissioners of the City of Opelika, Alabama, at an open meeting held on September 21, 1965, and recorded in the Minutes of Proceedings of said Board of Commissioners. Opelika,. Signed under the seal of the City of Corporation this 20th day of September, 1965. W. F. Pearson, following resolution adoption. was municipal City Clerk of the City of Opelika, Alabama, The a a municipal corporation introducted by Mr. Botsford who moved its ‘ Seconded by Davis. Voting Aye: Voting Nay: 1 Davis, Botsford, and Mitchell None. RESOLUTION verified Application for Exemption of Ad Valorem Taxes filed by Jr., President of Diversified Products Corporation, was discussed and considered and the following resolution was moved for adoption, The Forrest H. James, seconded and unanimously passed: IT that the Application for Exemption of Taxes Jr., as President of Diversified Products Corporation, be and the same hereby is granted; and that the Board of City Commissioners of the City of Opelita, Lee County, Alabama, does grant to the said corporation all of the tax benefits, remittances and exemptions permitted pertaining to City fiurposes as provided in Title 51, Section 3, of the Code of Alabama 1940 (Recomp 1958); and this Board of City Commissioners of the City of Opelika, Lee County, Alabama, does specifically remit the taxes assessed for all City purposes, except for any Schooldand School District, on all extensions or additions to the plant or factory of Diversified Products Corporation, situtated in the City of Opelika, County of Lee, State of Alabama, as set out in said application, totaling $112,694.88 for a period of ten years beginning October 1, 1966, the date of completion of said addition or extension of said plant or factory. Provided that nothing herein shall authorize the exemption of the land on which said plant, industry or factory is located or proposed to be located. BE filed RESOLVED, by Forrest H. James, BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that a certified copy of this Résolution be furnished to the Tax Assessor and Collector of Lee County, Alabama, and to Diversified Products Corporation. PROVIDE, HOWEVER, that the grantinggbf this exemption is contingent upon the granting of such exemption by the Stat? of Alabama, and should Diversified Products Corporation fall ‘* September 20, 1956 41 to obtain ad valorem tax exemption from the State of Alabama Within a reasonable time hereafter, the exemption herein granted shall be null and void. ADOPTED AND approved this 20th day of September, 1966. President of the Board of Commissioners of the City of Opelika, Alabama ATTEST: City Clerk [”1 CERTIFICATE I, W. F. Pearson, the duly elected and acting City Clerk of the City of Opelika, Alabama, hereby certify that the foregoing resolution is a true, complete and correct copy of a resolution duly adopted by the Board of City Commissioners of the City of Opelika, Alabama, at an open meeting held on September 21, 1965, and recorded in the Minutes of Proceedings of said Board of Commissioners. Signed under the seal of the City of Opelika, Alabama, Corporation this 20th day of September, 1965. a municipal + W. F. Pearson, City Clerk of the City of a municipal corporation Opelika, Alabama, Also presented was an application for exemption of Ad Valorem Taxes from Caststone Corporation as follows: STATE OF ALABAMA APPLICATION FOR EXEMPTION LEE COUNTY [“1 TO: BOARD OF OF AD VALOREM TAXES CITY COMMISSIONERS OF THE CITY OF OPELIKA, ALABAMA David M. James, Vice President of Caststone Corporation, corporation, said corporation having its principal place of business at a 1511 Old Columbus Road in Opelika, Alabama, and files this Application for Exemption of Ad Valorem Taxes as set out below and states that said corpo— ration has made certain business expansions and building improvements on its property situated in Opelika, Alabama, and machines,m, niture, fixtures, ect., have also been added and included and all of furadditions, extensions, erections and betterments of the existing plantsuch involved an expenditure of not less than $50,000.00 in the past twelve— month period and all constituting a part of and used in connection with said corporation's existing plant or factory and all buildings constructed from steel, concrete and/or aluminum. Now comes The articles developed, perfected and designed for production in said and expansion are various concrete and exposed aggregate construction materials. The Equipnent, machinery, furniture and fixtures will assist and improve the manufacture, processing, housing and sale of addition said items. The fixtures building have been $174,146.00. [WI installation of machinery, equipnent, furniture installed, constructed and purchased at a cost of and and Other facts and information filed with the State Department of are attached hereto and marked Exhibit A and made a part hereof beingRevenue incor— porated herein by reference. Caststone Corporation does now request the Board of City Commissioners of the City of Opelika to grant this application and exempt all City of Opelika taxes and to remit all taxes except for all city purposes except for city school and school district purposes'in the above reference to additions and expansions to the existing plant for a period not exceeding ten years from October 1, 1966; and granting any and all other benefitsjprovided permitted by thereof especially by Titie 51, Section 3 of the Code of or Alabama 1940 (Recomp. 1958). [s] David M. James David M. JEmes, Vice President September 20, 1966 42 state under oath that the foregoing is true to the best knowledge, information and belief. I of my do hereby [s/ David David M. James M. James ATTESTED AND CORPORATE SEAL AFFIXED: David M. James David M. James, Secretary of Caststone Corporation BY: 5 Subscribed and sworn to before me and given under Seal of Office this 20th day of September, 1966. my hand and official [51 Nina Edwards Notary Public Phillig J. Honorable Commissioner of Revenue Hamm State of Alabama Montgomery, Alabama 36102 Dear Sir: The following data is respectfully submitted for your consideration in granting exemptions of ad valorem taxes, for state purposes, under provisions set forth in Section 6—9 , Title 51, Code of Alabama 1940, as amended. Caststone Corporation, Name Date organized Location Place December 18I 1963 1511 Old Columbus Road, Zip Code 36801 Stock Issued____¢____ 352 000 Forrest H. James, Jr., President, and David James, Vice President & Secretary-Treasurer, Cason Galloway, Vice Preéident, 1511 Old Columbus Road, Opelika, Alabama Name and the company and/or all partners. Site of Proposed Plant Type ggelika= Alabafla Ogelika, Alabama Capitol Stock Authorized $100 000 ___L___ address of applicant, Officers of Corporation an Alabama 1511 01f Columbus Road, M. Opelika, Alabama of Buildings ConqreteI steel and aluminum Estimated Cost $99,204.00 Do you propose to Own (X) or rent ( ) the building? Estimated Cost of Machinery and Equipnent Dates of Plant Construétion: Number Skilled Articles to Employees $34,942.00 Stock ~840,000.00 Start Completion Auggst 31: 1966 Unskilled 13 25 be Produced Various concrete and exposed gggregate construction Materials. It is expressly understood and agreed that any commitment made by your office will not become effective until such time as a formal petition, containing the information as required by Title 51 Section 7, has been submitted and approved, the proposed installation has been completed, and a detailed description of the specific property sought to be exempted (including inventory of machines and equipment with the cost thereof) has been submitted, along with certified copies of any County and/or municipal decrees granting exemptions as to the same property. Signed Title Sworn to and subscribed before me [s[ David M. lanes Vice President, Caststone Corporation, an Alabama Corporation this the §0th [5] day of September, 1966 Nina Edwards Notary Public The following Resolution adoption. was introducted by Mr. Botsford who moved its September 20, 1986 Seconded by 43 Mitchell. Votinnyé::iDavis;»BotéforddafidfMitbhell Voting Nay: None. RESOLUTION verified Application for Exemption of Ad Valorem Taxes filed by James, Vice President of Caststone Corporation, was discussed and considered and the following resolution was moved Eor adoption, seconded and unanimously passed: The David M. IT that the Application for Exemption of Ad Valorem by David M. James as Vice President of Castshone Corporation be and the same is hereby granted; and that the Board of City Commissioners of the City of Opelika, Lee County, Alabama, BE Taxes RESOLVED filed does grant to said corporation all of the tax benefits, remittances and exemptions permitted pertaining to City purposes as provided in Title 51, Section 3 of the Code of Alabaga 1940 (Recomp. 1958); and this Board of City Commissioners of the City of Opelika, Lee County, Alabama, does specifically remit the taxes assessed for all City purposes except for school and school district purposes on all extensions, additions, machinery, equipment, furniture and fmxtures of Caststone Corporation situated in the City of Opelika, Lee County, Alabama, as set out in said Application totaling $174,146.00 for a period of ten years beginning October 1, 1966, providing that nothing herein shall authorize the exemption of the land on which said plant or factory is located. BE IT that a certified copy of this Resolution to the tax assessor and collector of Lee County, to Caststone Corporation. FURTHER RESOLVED be furnished Alabama, and that the granting of this exemption is conthe granting of such exemption by Lee County and the State of Alabama and should Caststone Corporation fail to obtain advvalorem tax exemption from the State of Alabama and the County of Lee the exemption herein claimed shall be null and void. BRQVIDED, HOWEVER, tingent upon ADOPTED AND APPROVED this 20th day of September, 1965. ATTEST: President of the Board of Commissioners of the City of Opelika, Alabama W. F. Pearson, City Clerk of the City of Opelika, Alabama, 6 Municipal Corporation CERTIFICATE I, W. F. Pearson, the duly elected and acting City Clerk of the L’ity of Opelika, Alabama, hereby certify that the foregoing Resolution is a truE, coerect and complete copy of a Resolutio duly adopted by the Board of ity ommissioners of the City of Opelika, labama, at an open meeting held on September 29, 1965, and recorded in the Minutes of Proceeding of said Board of Commissioners. this Signed under the seal of the City of Opelika, 20th day of September, 1965. a municipal corporation, A F. Pearson, ity Clerk of the City of Opelika, Alabama, a Municipal Corporatinn Mr. Davis stated this was the time and place set to receive bids on .Prisoners.mea1é for the month of October, November, and December. The following bid being the only bid was opened and read: W. Corner Cafe 3 .44% Mr. Davis moved Seconded by Voting Aye: that the business be awarded Botsford. Davis, Botsford, and Mitchell per meal to Corner Cafe. September 20, 1966 44 The f?llowing Declaration of Vacation and Petition Vacatlon was presented to Commission: for Assent to THE STATE OF ALABAMA VACATION OF PUBLIC ALLEY LEE COUNTY I. C. Jones, KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENT, that the undersigned Canon Motor Co., a partnership composed of C. M. Canon, Sr., Charles M Canon, Jr., and David W. Canon, and Robert Timms, Albbrt Timms, Wilson Timms, Conrad L. Cloetta, J. E. Rice, Jones Inc., a corporation and D. M. of the owners of the property abutting on the here— Rancher, Jr., being after described alley in the city of Opelika, Lee County, Alabama, do hereby declare, consent and agree that said alley, more particularly described as follows, to—wit: all I_J at the point where the Southerly margin of 2nd intersects the Easterly margin of 15th Street in Commence Avenue the city of Opelika, Lee County, Alabama; run thence Southerly albng the East margin of 15th Street for 195 feet, to the point of beginning of the alley to be here described: from said point of beginning run thence Easterly parallel with 2nd Avenue for 400 feet to the Wésterly margin of 14th Place; thence Southerly, along the Wésterly margin of 14th Place, for 10 feet; thence Wésterly parallel with 2nd Avenue for 400 feet, to the Easterly margin of 15th Street; thence Northerly,_along the Easterly margin of 15th Street for 10 feet to the said point of beginning. Being that certain 10 foot alley running Easterly and Westerly through to center of Block D of the McLaren survey, be vacated, discontinued, abandoned and annulled so as to destroy the force and effect of any dedication by map, plat or otherwise and to divest any andall right of the public, including any right which may have been acquired by prescription or otherwise, in said alley hereby vacated. of Commissioners of the City of Opelika is hereby petitioned to assent, consent and ratify this vacation and that a certified copy of the resolution of said Board so consenting, assenting, and ratifying said vacation be furnished to the undersigned for recording as required by law. The Honorable Board GIVEN under the hands and seals of the undersigned 8th day of August, 1966. on l.___1- this the (Seal 18/ J. C. Jones J. C. Jones CANON MOTOR COMPANY L§j C. M. Canon, C. M. Canon, Sr. - BY Sr. Partner ls/ Charles M. Canon Charles M. Canon — Partner 13/ David W. Canon David W. Canon - Partner ls] Robert Timms Robert Timms /s/ Albert Timms Albert Timms [31 Wilson Timms Wilson Timms ls/ Conrad L. Cloetta Conrad L. Cloetta 15] J. E. Rice J. E. Rice Jones By As js/ iis Inc. J. C. Jones Pr951dent JL, September 20, 1966 45 ATTEST: Isl As Mrs. J. C. Jones its Secretary jsj D. M. Rancher, A. M. RENCHER, JR. Jr. THE STATE OF ALABAMA LEE COUNTY I, 41g] Carl E. Maye , a Notary Public in and for said County and State, hereby certify that J. C. aes whose name is signed to the foregoing instrument, and who is known to me, acknowledged before me, this day that, being informed of the contents thereof, he executed the same voluntarily on the day the same bears date. Given under my hand and seal of office this the /s/ Carl E. Maye — Lee Notary Public 10 day of August, 1966. Lounty, Alabama THE STATE OF ALABAMA LEE COUNTY I, [s[ Mirle Welcher , a Notary Public in and for said County and State, hereby certify that C. M. Canon, Sr., Charles F. Canon, Jr., and David W. Canon, whose names as partners of Canon Motor Co., are signed to the foregoing instrument, and who are known to me, acknowlegded befope me this day that, being informed of the contents thereof, that as such partners and with authority executed the same voluntarily for and as the act of said partnership. full Given under my hand and seal of office this the 8th day of August, 1966. Is] Mirle Wélcher Notary Public — Lee County, Alabama THE STATE OF ALABAMA LEE COUNTY I, [s[ Margie Crawford , a Notary Public in and for said County State, hereby certify that Robert Timms, whose name is signed to the foregoing instrument, and who is known to me, acknowledged before this day that, being informed of the contents thereof, he executed the same voluntarily on the day the same bears date. V and Given under my hand and seal of office this the 6th me, day of September, 1966. [s/ Margie Crawférd Notary Public THE STATE OF ALABAMA LEE COUNTY I, (s( Margie CrawfordI a Notary Public in and for said County and State, hereby certify that Alabert Timms, whose name is signed to the foregoing instrument, and who is known to me, acknowledged before me, this day that,being informed of the contents thereof, he executed the same voluntarily on the day the same bears date. Given under my hand and seal of office this the 6th day of September, 1966. 1§j Margie Crawford Notary Public THE STATE OF SOUTH CAROLINA FAIRFIELD COUNTY I, [5‘ Rebecca A. Hanahan‘ a Notary Public in and for said County September 20, 1966 46 State, hereby certify that Wilson Timms, whose name is signed to the foregoing instrument, and who is known to me, acknowledged before me, this day that, being informed of the contents thereof, he ececuted the same voluntarily on the day the same bears date. and office this the Given under my hand and seal of 12 day of September, 1966. (31 Rebecca A. Hanahan Notary Public THE STATE OF TEXAS CAMERON COUNTY I, Is) A. Sessa , a Notary Public in and for said County and state, hereby certify that Gonrad L. Cloetta, whose name is signed to the foregoing instrument, and who is known to me, acknowledged before me, this day that, being informed of the contents thereof, he executed the same voluntarily on the day the same bears date. 3 office this the Given under my hand and seal of 26th day of August, 1966. 415/ A. Sessa Notary Public THE STATE OF ALABAMA LEE COUNTY I, ls] Notary Public in and for said Rice, whose name is signed to the foregoinginstrument, and who is known to me, acknowledged before me, this day that, being informed of the contents thereof, he executed the same voluntarily on the day the same bears date. Carl E. Maya County and State, hereby certify that Given under my hand and seal , a J. W. of office this the 10 day of August, 1966. [5] Carl E. Maye Notary Public - Lee County THE STATE OF ALABAMA LEE COUNTY I, [51 Carl E. Maxe , a Notary Public in and for said County and State, hereby certify that James C. Jones, Sr. whose name as President and Warner Mae Jones whose name as Secretary of Jones, Inc., a corporation, are signed to the foregoing instrument, and who are known to me, acknowlegded before me, this day that, being informed of the contents thereof, they as such officers and with full authority executed the same voluntarily for and as the act of said corporation. office this the Given under my hand and seal of 10 day of August, 1966. Is] Carl E. Maya Notary Public - Lee L ounty, Alabama THE STATE OF ALABAMA LEE COUNTY I, [s[ Janice Edwards County and State, hereby , a Notary Public in and certify that D. M. Rancher, and who is known for the said Jr., whose name is signed to the foregoing instrument, to me, acknowledged me this day that, being informed of the contents thereof, he executed the same voluntarily on the day the same bears date. before Given under my hand and seal of September, 1966. Is] office this thé 17th day of Janice Edwards Notary Public - Lee County, Alabama September 20, 1966 The its following Resolution adoption. Seconded by was 47 introducted by Mr. Botsford who moved Mitchell. Voting Aye: Voting Nay: Davis, Botsford, and Mitchell None. THE STATE OF ALABAMA RESOLUTION RATIFYING VACATION LEE COUNTY WHEREAS, a aes, J. C. declaration of vacation has been signed and executed by Canon Motor Co., a partnership composed of C. M. Canon,Sr., C. M. Canon, Jr. and David w. Canon, and Robert Timms, Albert Timms, Wilson Timms, Conrad L. Cloetta, J. E. Rice, Inc., a corporation, and D. M. Rencher, Jr., abandoning and vacating a public aes, thereof, in the City of Opelika, ”Alabama, follows: more alley or portion particularly described as at the point where the Southerly margin of 2nd intersects the Easterly margin of 15th Street in the City of Opelika, Lee County, Alabama; run thence Southerly along the east margin of 15th Street for 195 feet, to the point of beginning of the alley to be here described: from said point of beginning run thence Easterly parallel with 2nd Avenue for 400 feet to the Wésterly margin of 14th Place; thence Southerly, along the Westerly margin of 14th Place, for 10 feet; thence Wésterly parallel with 2nd Avenue for 400 feet, to the Easterly margin of 15th Street; thence Northerly, along the Easterly margin of 15th Street for 10 feet to the said point of beginning. Being that certain 10 foot alley running Easterly and Wésterly through to center of Block D of the McLaren Survey. Commence Avenue it WHEREAS, is shown to the satisfaction of the Board of Commissioners of the City of Opelika, Alabama, that the executing said declaration are the only owners abutting said alley parties or portion thereof, and that the same is not necessary for ingress and egress to AND the public; NOW THEREFORE, be it resolved by the Board of of the City of Opelika, Alabama, a Municipal Corporation, Commissioners that the vacation of said alley or portion thereof in the City of Opelika, Alabama, described as follows: at the point where the Southerly margin of 2nd intersects the Easterly margin of 15th Street in the City of Opelika, Lee County, Alabama; run thence along the East Margin of 15th Street for 195 feet, to Southerly point of beginning of the alley to be here described; the from said point of beginning run thence Easterly parallel with 2nd Avenue for 400 feet to the Westerly margin of 14th Place; Commence Avenue thence Southerly, along the westerly margin of 14th for 10 feet; thence Westerly parallel with 2nd AvenuePlace, for 400 feet, to the Easterly margin of 15th Street; thence Northerly, along the Easterly margin of 15th Street for 10 feet to the said point of beginning. Being that certain 10 foot alley running Easterly and Westerly through to center D. of the MbLaren Survey. of Block be and the same reSpects. This the is hereby assented to, consented to and ratified in all day of September, 1966. /S/ T. K. Davis, Jr. President of Board of Commissioners of The City of Opelika, Alabama ATTEST: City Clerk I, W. F. Pearson, Clerk of the City of Alabama, a Municipal Corporation, do hereby certify that the aboveOpelika, and foregoing, is a true and correct copy of a resolution adopted at a regular meeting of the Board of 48 September 20, 1966 Commissionersjof the City of Opelika, Alabama, held on the____day of September, 1966, at 3:30 P.M. O’clock, Central Standard Time, at the Municipal Building in Opelika, Alabama, at which meeting the above res— olution was, upon motion duly made and seconded, unanimously adopted by a vote of said Board of Commissioners. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed the seal day of September, 1966. of the City of Opelika, Alabama, this the City Clerk Mr. Botsford moved that Richard Ward be carried on the payroll in the Light and Power Department at the rate of $.75 per hour effective September 16, 1966. Seconded by Voting Aye: Voting Nay: Mitchell. Davis, Botsford, and Mitchell None. Mr. Botsford moved that Lbs. R. T. Meadows Sr. be appointed as a member of the City Board of Education to a term expiring April 1, 1971. Seconded by Voting Aye: Voting Nay: Mitchell. Davis, Botsford, and Mitchell None. Mr. Davis moved that the City Commission recommend to the Board of County Commissioners that Mr. J. Z. Fuller be reappointed as a member of the Lee County Hospital Board. Seconded by Voting Aye: Voting Nay: Botsford. Davis, Botsford, and Mitchell None. The following resolfition was moved adoption. its Seconded by Voting Aye: Voting Nay: introducted in writing by Mr. Davis who Mitchell. Davis, Botsford, and Mitchell None. RESOLUTION ESTABLISHING A REVISED SYSTEMATIC HOUSING CODE COMPLIANCE PROGRAM the City of Opelika, Alabama has adopted certain codes regulating the construction and occupancy of buildings within the City of Opelika, Whereas Alabama; and with the provisions of all codes is necessary for the public health, safety and general welfare of the citizens of Opelika, Whereas, compliance Alabama; and Whereas, a planned and systematic procedure must be orderly and equitable enforcement of the codes: established for the NOW, THEREFORE, the following revised plan for code enforcement is hereby adopted and supercedes the program adopted the 7th day of April 1964. Furthermore, the Building Inspector is hereby directed to carry out this plan and issue monthly reports to the City Commissioners outlingingthe progress of the preceding month with respect to this program. Such reports shall be in the fonn of the attached reporting form, which form is attached As Exhibit ”A". Plan of Enforcement The objectives of the City of Opelika, Alabama is to complete the inspection of and bring into compliance all deficient dwelling units 1. within the City by October 1974. 11. The City is hereby divided into eight neighborhoods, which neighborhoods are delineated and numbered on the map attached as Exhibit September 20, 1966 49 IIBII I priority for inspection 111. The forth are set in each neighborhood Exhibit "C". and compliances the attached schedule: on iv. The Building Inspector is directed to maintain official and accurate records of inspections, violation notices issued, compliance actions and all correspondence necessary to administer the program and in particular those notices regarding code violations and necessary corrective actions. The following persons have been appointed as members of the Housing Board of Adjustments and Appeals. The duties of this board are as defined in Southern Standard Building Code, Part IV Housing and Meetings shall be scheduled for the consideration of Appeals. V. James R. McLure - Dr. Jim Bruce — Earl Peacock Realtor Physician - Architect James Darden Harold.Swindall Building Supply General Contractor VI. In addition to the enforcement work which shall be conducted in priority schedule outlined in Section 111, the staff of the Building Insggctor shall during the next twelve months, concentrate on the inspection of buildings which are vacant and clearly recognizable as being in a state of delapidation or disrepair. This shall be done on a community-wide basis. Notices of violation of the codes shall be issued and the owners shall be required to demolish structures which are beyond repair and maintain the lots in a "rake-clean” condition. accordance with the VII. utilities department is directed to notify the (Enforcement requests for utility connections. Such connections shall not be made until the structure has been inspected_for compliance with all codes, and approved for occupancy by the Building Inspector. The Official) 1 I of all VIII.The Building Insggctor is directed to notify the Executive Director of the Housing Authority of the need for relocation housing for those families who are found to be living in substandard dwellings. Building Inspector shall upon the publication of new model codes, Commission of said new edition. At the end of one the Citizens Advisory Committee shall submit to the City Commission year a written evaluation of the codes enforcement program along with IX. The notify the City recommendations Adopted for this the improvement. 20 day of September, 1966. /s/ T. K. Davis, T. K. Davis, Jr. Jr. Chief Executive Approved as to form and #15] Carl E. content. ne City Attorney II ' ATTEST: s W F. Pearson ity Clerk GENERAL INSPECTIONS BUILDING CODE FOR THE MONTH OF Permits issued H H -~Total Since October 1, 1965 Inspections made Total since October 1, 1965 Violation notices issued Total since October 1, 1965 Violation notices satisfied Total since October l, 1965 Stop orders issued Total since October 1, 1965 Certificates of Completion Issued___ Total Since October 1, 1965 PLUMBING CODE FOR THE MONTH OF Permits issued Inspections made Total since October 1,1965 _Total sincer October 1, 1955 otal since October 1, 1965 Violation notices lssuea Violation notices satisEH—'_'-—Total Since October 1, Stop orders issued Ibtal since 1965 October 1, 1965 September 20,‘1966 Certificates of Completion issued___Total sincer October 1, 1965 ELECTRICAL CODE FOR THE MONTH OF Total Total Total Total since October 1, 1965 since October 1, 1965 since October 1, 1965 Violation notices issued since October 1, 1965 Stop orders issued Certificates of Completionisseued___Total Since October 1, 1965 Permits issued Inspection made HOUSING CODE FOR THE MONTH OF Permits issued Inspections made Violation Notices issued Violation notices satisfied Stop orders issued Certificates of Completion issued Total since October 1, 1965 Total since October 1, 1965 Total since October 1, 1965 Total since October 1, 1965 Total since October 1, 1965 Total since October 1, 1965 OTHER CODES FOR THE MONTH OF Permits issued Inspection made Violation notices issued Violation noitces satisfied _ Stop orders issued Certificates of Completion issued Total since:0ctober 1, 1965 Total since October 1, 1965 Total since October 1, 1965 Total since October 1, 1965 Total since October 1, 1965 Total since October 1, 1965 HOUSING CODE STRUCTURES Total since October 1, 1965 in non—compliance with Total since October 1, 1965 Housing Code Total since October 1, 1965 Non—Compliance carry over Total requiring compliance Total since October 1, 1965 Actions (1) plus (2) Total since October 1, 1965 Brought into compliance Total since October 1, 1965 Razed or eliminated Total compliance actions Total since Octoberl, 1965 completed (1) plus (2) A. Inspected B. (1.) (2.) (3.) C. (1) (2) (3) Found DWELLING UNITS A. B. C. Total since October 1, 1965 Inspected with non—compliance Found in (1) Total since October 1, 1965 Housing Code Total since October 1, 1965 over Non—compliance carry (2) compliance requiring Total (a) Total since October 1, 1965 Actions (1) plus (2) Total since October 1, 1965 compliance into Brought (1) Total since October 1, 1965u eliminated or Razed (2) (3) Tctal compliahce actions Total since October 1, 1965 completed (1) plus (2) Mr. Botsford moved that in the Light Virgie Nell Mathis be carried on the payroll at the rate of $240.00 a month. and Power Department Seconded by Davis. Voting Aye: Voting Nay: Davis, Botsford, and Mitchell” None. Mr. Davis moved in the that Chief William J. Trussell be refunded Informus fee amount of $25.00. Seconded by Voting Aye: Voting Nay: Mitchell. Davis, Botsford, and Mitchell None. Mr. Botsford moved that payment of the following bills Seconded by Davis. Voting Aye: Voting Nay: Davis, Botsford, and Mitchell None. GENERAL FUND INVOICES PAID SEPTEMBER FOR AUGUST, 1966 6, 1966 be approved. 51' September 20, 1966 Alabama Gas Corporation Alabama Office Supply American Lending Library, Inc. Atco Chemical Company The Baker & Taylor Company Benefic Press Blackburn Oil Company, Inc. Blackmon Pure Oil Drs. Bruce & Brantley Cain Electronic Service Camera Cottage Center Chemical Co. Central Pharmacy Cities Service Oil Company Columbus Linen Service Columbus Paper Company Corner Cafe Cowin Equipment Company, Inc. Dorn’s Auto Parts Dorrough Pest Control tn Dorsey & Son Doubleday & Company Dudley Hardware Company East Alabama Auto Parts Economy Auto Stores Encyclopeadia Britannica Press Michael E. Farr Fingerprint Equipment Laboratories Fusion Rubbermaid Corporation Gil Hébard Guns The Glove Corporation Jack Godfrey Grady’s Tire & Auto Service Mifflin E.A.Em$ey Houghton Hunter Electric Motor The H. R. Interstate Sam Company Jbllit and Supply LCompany Company, Inc. Huntting Rubber Products, Inc. V Labco Manufacturing Company Lazenby's Firestone Dr. William D. Lazenby Lee County Hospital Life Wbrld Library Light and Power Department Lowndes Manufacturing Company Mack Electric Supply Icompany Masters Launderette A. C. McClurg and Company Melson Tractor Company Montgomery Small Motor Repair Company Moore-Handley, Inc. Murray Brothers Welding Company National Cash Register Company National Fire Protectio Association National Rag and waste ompany, Inc. Opelika Auto Supply Company, Inc. Opelika Concrete Products Opelika Hardware Company Opelika Ice Company Opelika Lumber Company Opelika Mop Company Opelika Pharmacy Opelika Radiator Starter and Generator Service Opelika Tire and Retreading Company The Palmer Chemical and Equipment Company Pepperell Service Station Peyton's Auto Service Petersofis Post Publishing Company Pure Oil Raco Sinclair Service Station Company Ragland Brothers ompany Scott Builders Sufiply, Inc. Scholastic Bood Services Sinclair Refining Company 6.47 120.23 33.00 401.75 5.04 20.85 21.00 35.00 18.00 196.61 1.49 58.00 15.40 7.81 1.92 386.45 591.25 17.35 59.40 6.00 12.96 25.84 9.00 89.69 1.98 65.00 128.70 4.50 93.68 20.00 219.03 126.13 l55.04 3.47 46.00 158.80 7.23 208.50 58.80 603.31 28.13 10.00 5.99 6.74 96.38 107.80 19.38 68.15 3.45 56.78 582.77 320.87 7.00 76.95 26.00 82.50 227.65 11.25 3.72 24.00 169.86 50.00 5.95 54.20 115.33 28.50 .l.50 14.00 9.50 148.06 98.16 1.35 160.42 25.49 2.29 84.00 September 20, 1966 52 Hal Smith Texaco Service Station Winston Smith T. Southern Bell Telephone Company\ Standard .Oil Company $ Strick's Wheel Alignment Service Tatum Mdtor Company Texaco, Inc. Thompson Tractor Company Turner Tire Service Vulcan Materials Company Water Wbrks Board Wéstern Auto Associate Store Wood Marine Bills Light . Alabama Power Company Andy's Cafe J. W. Brooks Cain Electronic Service Canon Motor Company - Corner Cafe Iron orks Davis Dyar Supgly Company, Inc. Dorn’s Auto Parts Dudley Hardware Company Duro East Corp. East labama Auto Parts Fulle? Ford Company L General Electric Supply Company ' General Fund Graybar Electric Supply Company Fred Greene Lazenby's Firestone Company Mack Electric Supply Company Matthews Electric Supply Company Moore Handley Inc. Mowbray Engineering Company Murray Brothers Welding ComEany Columbus 12. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21, 22. 23. 24. 25 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 31. 32. 33. 34. 35. 36. 37. 38. 39. 40. 41. 42. 43. 44. 45. 48. 47. 48. 49. National Cash Register ompany Opelika Concrete Company Opelika Ice Company Opelika Lumber Campany Opelika Plumbing Supply Company Opelika Radiator Starter and Generator Service The Pitney Bowes R. T. And E. Corporation Radio Hospital Sherwin Williams Company Hal Smith’s Texaco Service Station Winston Smith T. Southeastern Testing Laboratory Inc. Southern Bell Telephone Company Souther Electronics Corporation Strick’s Wheel Alignment Service Tatum Motor Company Temple and Son w. J. H. 0. Westinghouse Electric Company Electric Supply Company Pauline Woods Wbod Marine $ Mr. Mitchell Seconded By Voting Aye: Voting Nay: moved that the meeting be adjorned. Botsford. Davis, Botsford and Mitchell None. 5.50 65.85 200.76 37.40 5.75 54.23 17.70 39.55 672.84 177.75 2,152.13 .75 40.62 10,275;64 Paid September 6, 1966 Addressograph Lmltigraph Corporation J. E. Akin Alabama Office Supply rJan-[pany ' Central Pharmacy . 33:00 25.00 5.08 44,149;26 17.25 1.00 80.37 20.55 4.00 4.50 52.21 15.45 19.85 .70 131.04 .60 1.68 1,479.35 235.20 486.77 155.00 50.12 1,631.10 3,184.75 268.98 15.50 3.50 470.42 1.50 24.00 11.52 33.52 10.50 39.00 2,937.00 568.60 2.04 3.50 .30 16.03 185.05 3.52 2.00 15.23 4,737.59 45.00 1,894.55 25.00 30.30 63,128.55 September 20, 1966 (“’1 Associate Commissioners ATTEST: City ['7 rk 53