EUROSPAR in Søhus, Denmark uses electronic shelf labels from


EUROSPAR in Søhus, Denmark uses electronic shelf labels from
EUROSPAR in Søhus, Denmark uses electronic shelf labels from
Delfi Technologies A/S.
EUROSPAR Søhus covers a store
area of 1000 m2 and employs 82
staff members.
The store has been in operation
since 1978 and is today the largest
SPAR store in Denmark.
“It is a time-saving solution that has reduced the number of complaints from our customers due to price errors.”
Thomas Rasmussen
Grocer, EUROSPAR Søhus, Odense
EUROSPAR is the latest addition to the family of SPAR chains. The SPAR chain is the largest chain of independent grocers with approximately 550 stores operating under the banners KWIK SPAR, SPAR, SUPER SPAR
and EUROSPAR. Denmark’s largest SPAR store is located in Søhus, a northern suburb of Odense. The store
opened in 1978 and exists today under the name EUROSPAR with a store area of 1000 m2 and a staff of 82
EUROSPAR’s solution
EUROSPAR Søhus has a solution
with more than 4,600 electronic
shelf labels of the model epop50 the smallest size of the electronic
shelf labels.
Electronic shelf labels at EUROSPAR
With Delfi Breece System, EUROSPAR now displays correct prices both at the shelf label and at checkout.
This helps to reduce the number of customer complaints related to price errors. The majority of EUROSPAR’s
customers are happy and satisfied with the electronic shelf label solution and the shift from paper labels.
SuperGros manages all stores in the
SPAR chain, which have installed
electronic shelf labels.
There is also great satisfaction among the employees. Thomas Rasmussen, who is grocer at EUROSPAR
Søhus, says:
The cooperation with SuperGros is
part of Delfi’s cooperation with the
partner EG Retail & Medie (formerly
IT Gruppen).
“Our employees are very satisfied with the shift to full graphic electronic shelf labels, especially on Monday
morning, when they can really feel a difference. Price changes and special offers are launched every Monday.
The previous solution with paper labels required us to print the labels and go through the entire store in
order to change the labels at the shelves. The fact that employees no longer need to do this manual work is
an extremely high satisfaction factor.”
Detail IT
Detail IT is a staff function under
SuperGros a/s, which carries the
merchants’ interests.
The EUROSPAR store previously spent 14-15 hours every week replacing paper labels and there was a lot of
waste because not all the printed labels were used. Today, EUROSPAR spends a maximum of 2 hours a week
managing the electronic shelf labels. This time can instead be used on other tasks in the store – e.g. serving
customers, product replenishment, etc.
SuperGros a/s is a wholesaler to the
grocery market and the kiosk and
convenience market, and is part of
the Dagrofa group.
Dagrofa owns both the largest grocery wholesaler SuperGros - the
country’s leading cash & carry chain
Dagrofa S-Engros and CateringEngros. It makes Dagrofa one of the
largest food retailers with over 6000
employees and revenue of more
than 23 billion DKK.
+45 70 222 555
+46 8 742 20 55
+47 32 78 12 11
Thomas continues:
“The employees are also very happy about the fact that they avoid all the complaints that were associated
with price errors. We spend less time on weekly price changes and have better control over the pricing now.
It is a time-saving solution that has reduced the number of complaints from our customers related to price
Breece System
With Breece System, stores can
eliminate pricing errors and reduce
times spent at checkouts, because
there will be 100% accuracy and
consistency between price indication
on the electronic shelf labels and the
It is possible to display everything
from product text and images to
barcodes and logos on the electronic
shelf labels.
Among several advantages, Thomas mentions that the electronic billing between EUROSPAR and SuperGros
now can be done immediately. Previously, the store was waiting with this task because it meant that the
store immediately had to replace the paper labels as a result hereof. But this is not necessary with the electronic shelf labels. At the same time, EUROSPAR also uses the solution to reorder products from SuperGros
directly at the shelves as it is possible to scan the ordering number directly on the electronic shelf labels.
Thomas Rasmussen explains the installation process:
“The installation process was simple and went smoothly. The store was open during the installation and we
could serve our customers simultaneously. I estimate the return on investment to be two years. It is a solution I will gladly recommend to other grocers.”
All the electronic shelf labels can be
updated at the same time without
affecting existing IT systems in the
Breece System provides retail chains
with competitive advantages and
enables up multiple daily updates on
pricing and product information.
It is a centralized solution that allows
the option of implementing central
updates at chain level with every
store involved. But at the same
time, it is also possible for each
store to make its own updates.
The solution can be implemented in
a store while it maintains its daily
operations and serves its customers.
Read more about the solution at
The Technology
Breece System uses electronic shelf
labels (epops) and Bounce Communicator from ZBD Displays Ltd.
The combination of hardware from
ZBD Displays Ltd. and the software modules, developed by Delfi
Technologies A/S ensures that the
solution integrates seamlessly with
existing retail systems and provides
a solution modelled precisely for
customer requirements.
+45 70 222 555
+46 8 742 20 55
+47 32 78 12 11
The choice of Delfi Breece System
Together with other selected grocers, EUROSPAR Søhus participated in a presentation in cooperation with
Detail IT where solutions with electronic shelf labels from different providers were presented.
SuperGros was looking for an improved solution to the already running model, which is a half graphical solution, which means that only the price indicated on the display can be updated. Full graphic solutions where
both price and text can be updated electronically had appeared on the market and had started to become
more cost-effective. It was these models Detail IT was looking for.
From the independent grocers’ point of view, it was of high importance to move completely away from paper
labels and it should therefore be a fully graphic solution and not a half graphical solution where a part of the
shelf label still consists of paper (segment displays).
Therefore the Delfi Breece System with full graphical electronic shelf labels was selected. EUROSPAR Søhus
was selected as a test store together with SuperBest Østerfælled Torv in Copenhagen. EUROSPAR Søhus’
previous solution consisted of paper labels throughout the entire store.
The paper labelling solution resulted in price errors due to the discrepancy between the price indicated on
the paper labels and the price indication at checkout. Price errors meant that many customers had to check
their receipt and in some cases go to the cashier in order to get money back or to return the goods.