449 - Outword Magazine
449 - Outword Magazine
Volume 25 • Issue 2 • No. 449 January 26, 2012 • outwordmagazine.com Paula Deen: The Queen of Southern Cuisine page 10 Letters Thanks for the Cold Cash Dear Outword, On behalf of The Court of the Great Northwest Imperial Empire, Inc. (C.G.N.I.E.), I would like to thank you, and your staff for such hard work and the success of Drag Queens on Ice. Five-hundred-sixty-two dollars was raised for the La Kish Memorial Scholarship Fund. In these economic times, funds and sponsorships are harder and harder to obtain. One-hundred percent of the proceeds from November’s Drag Queens on Ice benefit the La Kish Memorial Scholarship Fund. Again, many thanks to you and your staff for all your hard work and for all you do in our community. Sincerely, Rich Jones La Kish Memorial Scholarship Fund lakishfund@cgnie.org Golf Tournament Supports NorCal AIDS Cycle DreMarr Events, Inc. is hosting the inaugural Peloton Charity Golf Tournament and Fun Walk to be held on Monday, March 19, at the El Macero Country Club in Davis. All net proceeds from the event will go towards the 8th Annual NorCal AIDS Cycle, a local Northern California charity cycling event. The event is broken down into two parts: first, is a four-person scramble full-round golf tournament. Check-in and reception will begin at 11 a.m., with a shotgun start scheduled at noon. The second part is a 5K (3.2 miles) Walk around the award winning El Macero Golf Course. Walk participants check-in is at 3 p.m. with the walk scheduled to start at 3:30 p.m. A fully catered awards banquet will immediately follow the day’s events at approximately 5 p.m. The cost for individual golfers is $175. Foursomes are $700. The cost for walk participants is $75 per person. A LETTERS continues on page 18 Outword Staff PUBLISHER Fred Palmer A RT DIRECTOR/ PRODUCTION Ron Tackitt GRA PHIC DESIGN Joy Culley Ron Tackitt EDITOR/OFFICE MANAGER Charles Peer editor@outwordmagazine.com A RTS EDITOR Chris Narloch CA LENDA R EDITOR Charles Peer CONTRIBUTING WRITERS Boyce Hinman Chris Narloch Bonnie Osborn Charles Peer PHOTOGRA PHY Larry Lauszus Charles Peer DISTRIBUTION Kaye Crawford ON THE COVER Food Network star, Paula Deen chats with Outword. A DVERTISING SA LES Northern California (916) 329-9280 Fred Palmer Charles Peer National Advertising Representative Rivendell Media (212) 242-6863 Outword Magazine Inc. Office 1722 J Street, Suite 6 Sacramento, CA 95811 PHONE: (916) 329-9280 FAX: (916) 498-8445 www.outwordmagazine.com sales@outwordmagazine.com ISSN # 1084-7618 United States Library of Congress Nat. Gay and Lesbian Chamber of Commerce Sacramento Rainbow Chamber of Commerce Nat. Lesbian & Gay Journalist Association Midtown Business Association Golden Gate Business Alliance 2 Outword Magazine January 26, 2012 - February 9, 2012 • Volume 25 • Issue 2 • No. 449 outwordmagazine.com Stay on top of your savings with S.T.A.R.T. is the automatic savings plan that lets you save at your own pace. Whether you want to go slow or fast, you decide how you want to save and how much. Reach $1,000 in savings and you’ll earn a $50 U.S. Bank Rewards Visa® Card. Keep the savings balance for a year, and earn another $50. With online tools to track your progress, S.T.A.R.T. makes it easy for everyone to save. branch usbank.com/START 800.720.2265 m.usbank.com Enrollment is required. A qualifying transfer from your Package Checking account to your Package Money Market Savings account must be scheduled and maintained. You must open and/or maintain an active U.S. Bank Package, including a Silver, Gold or Platinum Checking account AND a Money Market Savings account. A minimum deposit of $50 is required to open a Checking account and a minimum of $25 is required to open a Money Market Savings account. All regular account opening procedures apply. Certain conditions apply to U.S. Bank Packages. Credit products are subject to normal credit qualifications and approvals. Other conditions and restrictions may apply. Program is subject to change. See the S.T.A.R.T. Program Agreement for detailed information. The U.S. Bank Rewards Visa Card cannot be reloaded with additional funds, nor can it be used at an ATM. Terms and conditions apply and fees may apply to Rewards Cards. For complete terms and conditions see the U.S. Bank Rewards Visa Card Agreement available at www.myusbankcorporaterewards.com. Deposit products offered by U.S. Bank, N.A. ©2012 U.S. Bancorp. All rights reserved. Member FDIC. .com/usbank Remembering Brian Scott Case Brian was born on Tuesday, March 23, 1982 at Kaiser Permanente in Sacramento. He passed away all too soon in Los Angeles County Friday, January 13, 2012 at the age of 29. He was the proud son of Bill and late Sue Ellen Case. He always looked up to, and cared for his younger brother Kevin Case, and was honored to be an uncle to Avalina Case. Brian graduated from Encina High School in 2000 and attended college at Rio Americano. In addition, he received a diploma from American River College in 2011. Brian worked at CalPERS and was interested in pursuing a career with the state. Aside from his love for his family, and intelligence, he was also extremely hard working, and played a key role in the opening of Badlands Nightclub in 2006, in which he was employed until December 2011. In addition, he never missed an opportunity to get involved in gay rights events or volunteer his time. Brian had various hobbies and a passion for the outdoors, thoroughly enjoying camping, rafting and snowboarding. He loved riding his moped and the thrill of cruising on a motorcycle. Brian was a person who gave his love to others unconditionally. He loved and took care of his family, friends and his dog Otis. Brian was immensely caring, unselfish, sincere and genuine, which made him loved by so many. His smile, amazing blue eyes, and sincere love for others gathered a following of amazing people. Brian was a person that changed so many people and made his stand on this world. Now 4 Outword Magazine January 26, 2012 - February 9, 2012 • Volume 25 • Issue 2 • No. 449 that Brian has found peace, we are certain he will be missed by many. However, his calm nature, whole-heartedness, and love for others remains. His sincere heartwarming smile will forever be etched into our loving memories of him. As we say good-bye, there is no doubt his memory and our love for him will live on forever. Brian’s Celebration of Life Memorial Ceremony will be Tuesday, January 31 at 11 a.m. in the mezanine of Badlands, 2003 K St., outwordmagazine.com Expand Your Horizons at Sacramento Museum Day S acramento Museum Day, a popular Sacramento cultural tradition now in its 14th year, is designed to encourage all members of the community to experience the Capital City’s incredible wealth of art, history, science and wildlife -- at little or no cost. Twenty-eight Sacramento area museums will offer free or half-priced admission all day on Saturday, February 4. This hugely popular community event is presented by the Sacramento Association of Museums (SAM) and proudly supported by Umpqua Bank. Sacramento Museum event hours are Sacramento Museum Day 2012 is proudly supported by active and engaged community partners. In addition to title sponsor Umpqua Bank, other sponsors include FOX40, KSEG 96.9 FM, Outword Magazine, the Sacramento Convention & Visitors Bureau, Sacramento Regional 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. (with the last guests admitted at 4 p.m.). New this year, 26 of the 28 museums will offer free admission whereas two destinations located in residential areas -- the Sacramento Zoo and Fairytale Town -- will offer half-priced admission to offset parking control and security costs. Sacramento Zoo is $5.50 for adults, $3.50 for children ages 2-11 and free for children under two; Fairytale Town is $2.25 for everyone and free for children under two years of age. Event coordinators suggest that guests plan to visit no more than two or three different museums on this special day in order to allow adequate time to enjoy the experience and to travel between individual sites. While shuttle busses will not be operating this year, several museums are within walking distance of each other and easily accessible via public transportation. Since some museums must limit the number of admissions for safety reasons, guests are asked to check out detailed Sacramento Museum Day information online at www. sacmuseums.org or by calling 916-808-7777 prior to the event. Transit and STAR 106.5 FM. Participating Museums for Sacramento Museum Day 2012 include: Aerospace Museum of California – California Automobile Museum - California Foundry History Museum – California State Military Museum – California State Capitol Museum – The California Museum – California State Indian Museum – California State Railroad Museum – Center for Contemporary Art – Crocker Art Museum – Discovery Museum Science and Space Center – Don & June Salvatori California Pharmacy Museum – Fairytale Town – Folsom History Museum – Governor’s Mansion State Historic Park – Heidrick Ag History Center (Woodland) – Leland Stanford Mansion State Historic Park – Museum of Medical History – Old Sacramento Schoolhouse Museum – Old Sacramento State Historic Park – Sacramento Children’s Museum – Sacramento Zoo – Sacramento Historic City Cemetery – Sacramento History Museum – Sojourner Truth Multicultural Arts Museum – Sutter’s Fort State Historic Park – Wells Fargo History Museum (Capitol Mall) – Wells Fargo History Museum (Old Sacramento). outwordmagazine.com Now is the time... to purchase or refinance your home! 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The film, Question 1, chronicles in “War Room” fashion the behind the scenes workings on both sides of the campaign (which very closely mirrored California’s Prop 8 battle) and includes emotional and revealing interviews with key proponent and opponent campaign operatives. As was the case in California, the ballot measure was narrowly approved by Maine voters, thus overturning legislation to legalize same-sex marriage in that state. forever. Fox and Nubile’s last documentary, Passing Poston, about a Japanese internment camp during WWII, aired nationwide in 2010 on PBS and screened in theaters across the nation to critical acclaim. The film was featured at the Crest Theatre for the Sacramento International Film Festival in March of 2008. “To be honest, I was shocked at how I was able to gain the amount of access to both A scene from the documentary Question 1. The film will have a free screening at the Crest Theatre on Feb. 1. Of special interest to Sacramento is the fact that the film also documents the controversial leading role of Sacramentobased campaign consultants Frank Schubert and Jeff Flint as referendum proponents. Schubert-Flint Public Affairs headed the 2008 campaign for Prop 8 here in California as they did in Maine and have since taken the lead in a national effort to outlaw same-sex marriage in other states. The film illustrates how the same tactics, strategies and issues (in particular the claim “that same-sex marriage would be taught to children in public schools”) that were used by Schubert and Flint in California were also used by them in Maine. Produced by Fly on the Wall Productions and directed by award-winning journalists Joe Fox and James Nubile, Question 1 chronicles the campaigns and the issues raised, but also tells the very human stories of various individuals who were connected on both sides of the divide, caught up in a cycle of events that would change their lives 6 Outword Magazine January 26, 2012 - February 9, 2012 • Volume 25 • Issue 2 • No. 449 sides of the campaign to repeal marriage equality in Maine and the degree that Frank Schubert and his company here in Sacramento was involved in that process,” said Fox. “I think this film will open a lot of eyes to those who attend this viewing February 1 as to what goes on behind the scenes in campaigns like this both in Maine, California and throughout the nation.” The screening on February 1 is free and will be at 6:30 p.m. at the Crest, located 1013 K St. After the screening there will be a Q&A session with the director and a panel discussion of the lessons learned from the California Prop 8 battle. Reservations are requested, please email: info@Q1-themovie. com. More information and a preview can be found at www.q1-themovie.com. The Crest showing is being supported in part by Equality Action NOW, Sacramento G&L Center, Sacramento Stonewall Democrats, Sacramento Rainbow Chamber of Commerce and Outword Magazine. outwordmagazine.com Join us in the Newly Remodeled Hyatt Regency, for a hip/chic nightclub experience! February 26, 2012 Hyatt Regency Sacramento Doors Open at 4 PM • LIVE FEED of Oscar® Broadcast • 20 Screen-Silver Screen Lounge Experience • FREE Champagne Toast • Fabulous Silent Auction • LIVE Musical Performances For tickets and more information: visit www.capcityaidsfund.org or call (916) 448-1110 Lounge Tickets: $75 Full Dinner Tickets: $125 ©A.M.P.A.S.® SPONSORED BY: outwordmagazine.com January 26, 2012 - February 9, 2012 • Volume 25 • Issue 2 • No. 449 Outword Magazine 7 Out & About What is Your Favorite Paula Deen Recipe? Asked at Outword’s Happy Hour at the Depot Monic Campos Macaroni and cheese; she makes it look delicious and soul filling. Julie Tait One of her cakes, probably tangerine. Mignon (en Francaise “cute”) Foster Mac & Cheese, because of the butter of course. 8 Outword Magazine January 26, 2012 - February 9, 2012 • Volume 25 • Issue 2 • No. 449 Jimmie Boslet Coconut Chicken Fingers with pineapple salsa. Oscar Bautista Chicken Pot Pie because I love the butter in the crust. Shavonne Wooten Buttercakes, they just taste so good! outwordmagazine.com Community Profile Steve Hansen: Giving Back and Moving Forward by Charles Peer S acramento’s most recent redistricting has resulted not in a “gay district,” but in a revised District 4 that more accurately represents the communities of interest that are centered in the Downtown, Midtown, Land Park and adjacent areas. A large portion of Sacramento’s LGBT population lives in those areas, giving what many hope will be the LGBT community’s best chance to elect an openly gay candidate. Somewhere between work and law school, he found the time to work with Equality California on many issues, including marriage equality. Reflecting back on that period he says it is one of the things that motivates him today. “Fighting for that, working for that, getting our 41 votes in the Assembly – which was a real hill to climb – and then seeing Governor Schwarzenegger veto it, was one of those things that galvanized me and One of the principal architects and luck, I was able to work hard and reminded me that we all have an advocates of the revised district was people gave me opportunities. I feel opportunity to make a difference and like one of the best ways to pay that we have to do it in the way that is Steve Hansen, an openly gay forward is by giving back.” candidate who is now running for right for us. I feel that running for Hansen grew up in St. Paul, the District 4 City Council seat. His the City Council is my way at this Minnesota and joined the Minnesota point in my life to make a difference campaign is well underway, having already garnered the endorsement of National Guard when he was 17 to and to give back.” help pay for college and learn more the Sacramento Stonewall Hansen believes that the biggest issue facing Sacramento is the economy. “We don’t compete very well in this region and a lot of our great people and jobs have left to go to the suburbs; Elk Grove, Rancho Cordova and Folsom. I think that until we figure out how to do a better job of retaining those good people and good jobs in the city we will have a hard time getting out of this slump.” Steve Hansen in his Alkali Flats home playing with his dog Oreo. To do that he about the world. He was in the guard feels we need to diversify our Democrats, The Victory Fund, and most recently, the Sacramento Police for two and a half years, was offered economy. “We’ve been very reliant on an ROTC scholarship and was Officers Association. the government sector and the nominated for West Point by his He has been campaigning and construction sector,” he said. “Once Congressman. “Because of DADT, I organizing tirelessly since he first the real estate slump hit, construction made his announcement for the seat, didn’t see myself as being able to be came to a virtual halt and then State in the army as a career and not be and has raised over $50,000 of the budgets started crashing, and who I was, so I decided not to pursue because we were so reliant on those estimated $150,000 he projects he will need to win the primary in June. the ROTC scholarship after one two sectors we’ve been hit hard. I see semester,” he said. Outword was fortunate to pry him fixing the economy by diversifying it He moved to Sacramento for a job and attracting what I would call away from that campaign and to talk right after graduating from Gonzaga ‘knowledge base jobs.’” with him about his goals and in 2002. He currently works for ambitions. Hansen believes that another big Genentech where he is a senior Hansen’s reasons for running for problem we are facing right now is regional manager for the biotech the position are rooted in his early our aging infrastructure. “Our sewage life. “The long and short of it is, I was company, with a focus on health care and water treatment plants and in the Government Relations Office, systems are and will continue to be a poor kid. I feel like I’ve been very focusing on public policy issues. blessed to be where I am right now major challenges,” he said. “Our While at Genentech he attended and I think this is a way for me to capital investment program right give back. My parents divorced when the University of the Pacific, now is funded to replace those pipes I was three, I have a brother who has McGeorge School of Law, taking every 600 years, but they fail on an classes at night while working days. average of every 100 years. We need autism, neither of my parents went Following law school he passed the to college and yet, I’ve been more to find a smart way to upgrade our bar exam on his first try, and plans successful than I could have ever infrastructure while not hindering dreamed when I was a kid. Whether are for Senate President pro Tem Darrell Steinberg to officiate at his it was the people who are around HANSEN swearing in. me, the society we have, or dumb continues on page 18 outwordmagazine.com Love, hope, success, family, security. Stephanie Slagel CLU, Agent Insurance Lic. #: 0C34763 6130 Fair Oaks Blvd, Suite E www.stephanieslagel.com Bus: 916-485-4444 Fax: 916-485-5629 1101022 January 26, 2012 - February 9, 2012 • Volume 25 • Issue 2 • No. 449 Some things we all have in common. There’s nobody like me to protect the things we all value. Like a good neighbor, State Farm is there.® CALL ME TODAY. State Farm, Home Office, Bloomington, IL Outword Magazine 9 Paula Deen: The Queen of Southern Cuisine by Chris Narloch P aula Deen, who recently turned 65, appears to have more energy and ambition than most people half her age. The silver-haired celebrity chef presides over a culinary empire that includes cookbooks, television shows, restaurants and a new food line with some 200 items. Life hasn’t always been sweet tea and sunshine for the famous Southern chef, however. Deen survived the death of both her parents when she was still in her early 20’s and subsequently battled agoraphobia before emerging as one of the biggest stars on The Food Network. I spoke with her by phone recently, from her home in Savannah, Georgia, and we talked about her current tour (which brings her to Sacramento’s Community Center Theater on Friday, February 3), as well as her son’s new show and some of her obstacles along the road to food, fame and fortune. Hi Paula, this is Chris out in California calling to interview you. How are you? Where are you? I’m in my bathroom… Is that where you conduct all your interviews? Yes, it is. I’m fortunate enough to have a bathroom that has a sofa and chairs, a t.v. and a coffee table. It’s like my little den, and I hold all my meetings here, and all my interviews. I love my bathroom. I can’t get out of my bathroom. We are very excited here in Sacramento that you are coming to our Community Center Theater, where the ballet and the opera perform … I don’t have to sing do I? Let’s get that right off the plate. I was hoping there might be a song and dance portion, Paula … No, honey, you wouldn’t want to hear me sing. Not even in the shower? No, you’d have to go to the ear doctor. So if you aren’t singing and dancing, tell our readers a little bit of what they can expect that night. I imagine it will be some cooking, some storytelling, and a lot of Paula. It’s like I come visitin’. Sort of like you’re in my living room and we’re getting to know each other. I’m sure they’ll be a cooking demo, but the most important thing that will happen is getting to know each other. I love talking with the crowd. And hopefully, there’ll be a crowd … Sort of a live version of one of your TV shows? Yes, in a way, but I always tell people, if you’re coming thinking you’re going to walk out with a Julia Child culinary degree, you’re not. Didn’t you learn a lot of recipes from your grandmother? You didn’t 10 Outword Magazine exactly go to the Julia Child culinary academy either. (Laughs) No, Julia got to train in Paris. I got to train at my grandmother’s house, and I wouldn’t trade it for anything. Did your grandmother live to see your January 26, 2012 - February 9, 2012 • Volume 25 • Issue 2 • No. 449 great success? She did not live to see my restaurant, but she knew that I had a restaurant front … I’ll never forget the day I figured out what I was going to do with my life. I was 42 years old, and I was backed into a corner. One of those times in your life when you wake up and the bridge looks better than the day ahead. I would lie in bed and try to think of how I could financially take care of myself, and my children. I came up with this little catering business called The Bag Lady, and I had these two sweet, precious sons still living at home with me. They were like 19 and 21, and I pimped them out on the street delivering my food. But before that, I told my grandmother what I was planning to do, and she said, “Have you lost yo’ damn mind?!” I will never forget that. Grandma didn’t bite her tongue, sounds like? No, she didn’t bite her tongue about anything. She was a fighter and a worker, but she knew what I was in for because she had been in the food business her whole adult life. In addition to building your business, you also had to fight to overcome panic attacks and agoraphobia. Tell me about that. Was cooking your therapy? Oh my god, my kitchen was my sanctuary. I could get in there, and I would forget about being frightened. But it was hard. I went on a 20-year ride with agoraphobia. I was a functioning agoraphobic. Some days I was fine, and some days I couldn’t do anything. But I had always been very outgoing, and I eventually came back to the girl I was before tragedy struck. Tell me about your son Bobby’s new show. It’s called Not My Mama’s Meals, and he shoots the show in New York. Bobby eats a lot of fish, fowl and vegetables. When I watched his show I got emotional because it is so good. We get a lot of requests from people to lighten up because of the diabetics out there who watch my show. People just love my food, but it’s not the kind of thing you can eat every day. Bobby calls my kind of food “Sunday food” so he’s taking “Sunday food” and turning it in to “Monday food” by cutting fat and calories. His show is incredible, and I am so proud of him. Paula’s own show is called Paula’s Home Cooking and airs on the Food Network. What she’s fixin’ to do is show you the joy of Southern style cooking, so tune her in, or better yet, watch her live at the Community Center Theater at 7 p.m. on Friday, Feb. 3. For tickets call 916-808-5181 or visit Tickets.com. To see some of Paula’s amazing recipes and to enjoy her Southern hospitality, visit www. foodnetwork.com/paulas-homecooking. outwordmagazine.com I Hate Valentines Day Improv Is Full of Comedy & Heart & present The Crackpot Crones, Terry Baum (a slightly world-renowned lesbian playwright) and Carolyn Myers (a pioneer funny feminist), use sketch comedy and improvisation to blaspheme the gospel of True Love and wallow in self-pity for the enjoyment of all who find the current feverish celebration of romance to be just too much of a bad thing. Tuesday, Feb. 14 at 8 p.m. & Sunday, Feb. 19 at 5 p.m. at The Dark Room, 2263 Mission St., SF. For tickets, call 800-838-3006 or visit CrackpotCrones.com. Placido Domingo in Live Broadcast of The Enchanted Island The Metropolitan Opera’s Live in HD season continues on Wednesday, February 8, at 6:30 p.m., with an encore presentation of The Enchanted Island, featuring music by Handel, Vivaldi, and Rameau and co-starring Placido Domingo as Neptune. Live broadcasts resume on February 11, at 9 a.m., with Wagner’s Gottdammerung. Other upcoming Met broadcasts in local movie theaters include Massenet’s Manon and two operas by Verdi, Ernani and La Traviata. For a complete list of dates, times and participating theaters, visit www.metoperafamily.org. FRIDAY•FEB 3•7PM The Girls Are Still Absolutely Fabulous in New Special Tickets: Convention Center Box Office (916) 808-5181 • tickets.com • 1-800-225-2277 Community Center Theater One is not enough, sweetie darling! So Patsy and Edina are returning for another Absolutely Fabulous special on Logo! Jennifer Saunders, Joanna Lumley and Julia Sawalha are back, this time trying to promote a career for a talentless singer - and you can also, no doubt, expect more boozing and drugging, more old lady thieving and more of Saffy getting adjusted to life outside jail. The second of three new 20th Anniversary Specials will have its U.S. premiere Monday, February 6, at 10:30 p.m. on Logo. outwordmagazine.com January 26, 2012 - February 9, 2012 • Volume 25 • Issue 2 • No. 449 Outword Magazine 11 Bay Area Theaters Are on a Roll L ocally, you have until February 5 to see Sutter Street Theatre’s production of The Musical of Musicals or Runaway Stage’s take on The Wedding Singer, but if musicals aren’t your cup of tea, check out Tom Stoppard’s drama Arcadia, courtesy of Big Idea Theatre on Del Paso Blvd., and playing through February 4. Over in the Bay Area, two fascinating plays opened recently. Both Berkeley Rep’s Ghost Light and the American Conservatory Theater’s Humor Abuse are worth taking a trip out of town. Ghost Light Written by Tony Taccone and directed by Jonathan Moscone, this haunting show conjures an imaginary world based on the historic assassination of George Moscone, the director’s father. Ghost Light is a poetic collage of fiction and memory. When Jon was a boy, his father was shot – and suddenly their lives were part of history. Years later, when staging a production of Hamlet, the son must confront his buried feelings about a crime that shocked the nation. Presented on Berkeley Rep’s intimate Thrust Stage, Ghost Light runs through February 19. Visit www.berkeleyrep.org. Humor Abuse Following the success of Bill Irwin’s Scapin, in 2010, American Conservatory Theater (A.C.T.) welcomes another Pickle Family Circus alumnus to its stage with Humor Abuse, Lorenzo Pisoni’s celebrated one-man show co-created with director Erica Schmidt. 12 Outword Magazine January 26, 2012 - February 9, 2012 • Volume 25 • Issue 2 • No. 449 Danforth Comins as Loverboy and Christopher Liam Moore (right) as Jon Moscone star in the world-premiere production of Ghost Light, written by Tony Taccone and directed by Jonathan Moscone. Photo courtesy of kevinberne.com In this poignant and funny stage memoir filled with stupendous physical feats, Pisoni takes audiences under the big top with the incredible true story of growing up as the youngest member of the Pickles. You can run away and join the circus with Lorenzo Pisoni (at least for 90 minutes or so) until February 5, at A.C.T. in San Francisco. Visit www.act-sf.org. outwordmagazine.com Fridays Are a Drag Is a Dragilicious Good Time by Matthew Burlingame Sac Ballet Dances Cinderella Plus Les Ballets Trockadero L overs of dance, rejoice. February appears to be (unofficial) wo years ago Ronnie Scharffer, Promotions Manager at Dance Month in Northern California, with appearances by Badlands, was brainstorming a hot new draw for the bar. The Michael Flatley’s Lord of the Dance as well as the Moscow result was Fridays Are A Drag (FAD), a once a month show Festival Ballet – both coming to Three Stages in Folsom. with a different cast each month that provides the community something unique with each show; the program is now celebrating its two year anniversary. T “We wanted to create a classic monthly drag show featuring the best local performers as well as top-name entertainment,” explains Scharffer. To make the program a success, he knew he must find the right people to help run the new program. He turned to longtime friend and local well known drag performer Johnathan Cameron, aka Taryn Thru-U to be the public Derek Berr, Mini Gaga, Cher impersonator Chad Michaels and various cast members of RuPaul’s Drag Race. While FAD has no regular performers, there are a number of return performers. Cameron makes note of Susie Belluchi, who En pointe with Les Ballets Trockadero de Monte Carlo. constantly makes new costumes and changes her look, wanting the crowd to see Here are two other not-to-be-missed dance Les Ballets Trockadero de Monte Carlo something new each time. He also mentions events you can take your valentine to — Sac Returning after a rapturous sell-out Ballet’s Cinderella and Les Ballets appearance in 2010, Les Ballets Trockadero Trockadero de Monte Carlo. de Monte Carlo remains one of the most popular dance troupes in the United States. Cinderella The fact that men dance all the parts – Not seen in Sacramento since 1997, the heavy bodies delicately balancing on toes as world’s most beloved fairy tale returns just swans, sylphs, water sprites, romantic in time for Valentine’s Day weekend to princesses or Victorian ladies – enhances, inspire and captivate ballet fans. rather than mocks, the spirit of dance as an Seen in major capitals throughout the art form, delighting and amusing novices world, Ron Cunningham’s Cinderella is the and aficionados alike. perfect family entertainment to make you One night only, Thursday, February 9 at fall in love all over again. the Mondavi Center in Davis. Visit www. Plays February 9-12 at the Community mondaviarts.org. Center Theater. Visit www.sacballet.org. Left to right. Do Me Moore, Zamorah Pussy, Taryn Thru-U, Loose Lips La’Qua and Susie Belluchi face of the event in the role of Hostess. Brett Anderson rounds out the program’s staff. Cameron was surprised by the overwhelming success of the program from both regular attendees of the show as well as from local businesses and performers. While the show itself is not a charity event, performers often donate their tips to local causes. In January, the tips were donated to help with the funeral cost for Badlands employee Brian Case who passed away Jan. 13. The program has pulled in a number of nationally known performers including outwordmagazine.com Zamorah Pussy, a new queen who “grabbed the audience by the balls the first time she performed. She works for Depot/Badlands and will be a staple for the show in the future,” he states. “For me, the best part has been working with such great people,” says Cameron. “The audience and the staff are incredible.” Cameron, a transplant from Baypoint, CA, began doing drag eight years ago after a ten-year professional dance career. Since then he has reigned as Empress 32 of FRIDAYS continues on page 19 January 26, 2012 - February 9, 2012 • Volume 25 • Issue 2 • No. 449 Outword Magazine 13 Entertainment by Chris Narloch Albert Nobbs & Joyful Noise Plus Tornado Alley 3D at IMAX 2 011 was a banner year for women in film. Hopefully, 2012 will be the same. Currently gracing the silver screen in Sacramento are movies featuring performances by Glenn Close, Dolly Parton, Queen Latifah, Kate Winslet and Jodie Foster. Albert Nobbs We haven’t seen much of Glenn Close on the big screen in the past few years. The star of Fatal Attraction, The Big Chill and Dangerous Liaisons moved to the own making. Mia Wasikowska, Aaron Johnson and Brendan Gleeson join a prestigious, international cast that includes Jonathan Rhys Meyers, Janet McTeer, Brenda Fricker and Joyful Noise The best I can say for this painfully uplifting and contrived gospel choir catfight between Dolly Parton and Queen Latifah is that I am still a fan of both women even after seeing them reduced to having a public food fight at a restaurant in one of the movie’s most unfortunate scenes. Latifah plays a new choir director who gets the position Parton wanted after the latter loses her husband (Kris Kristofferson) — he has a heart attack while leading their church choir, at the very start of the movie. Fans of Kristofferson are urged to get to the theater on time. Everyone else should buy the soundtrack and skip the movie. Tornado Alley 3D Mia Wasikowska and Glenn Close in a scene from Albert Nobbs. small screen recently to play the deliciously ball-busting bitch Patty Hewes on Damages. Now, Close is back on the silver screen with a highly acclaimed star turn in Albert Nobbs, as a woman who pretends to be a man in order to work and survive in 19th century Ireland. Thirty years after donning men’s clothing, Close’s character finds herself trapped in a prison of her Pauline Collins. Rodrigo Garcia directs from a script that Glenn Close, along with Man Booker prizewinning novelist John Banville and Gabriella Prekop, adapted from a short story by Irish author George Moore. Albert Nobbs opens January 27 at the Crest Theatre. Visit www. thecrest.com. I can’t wait to see this movie, which documents filmmaker Sean Casey’s personal quest to capture the birth of a tornado with a 70mm camera. Casey and a group of very driven (some would say mad) scientists traverse the severe weather capital of the world and literally surround tornadoes and the supercell storms that form them, gathering the most comprehensive severe weather data ever collected. Described as “a breathtaking journey into the heart of the storm,” Tornado Alley 3D allows viewers to experience the relentless strength of nature’s elemental forces and reveals the beauty and NOBBS continues on page 18 Where We’re Born Opens KOLT’s 2012 Season S acramento’s critically acclaimed theatre company, KOLT Run Creations, has announced its first full season. Named “Revelations: 2012,” the season features three exciting productions — all by female playwrights. The season begins with Lucy Thurber’s intense, poignant play, Where We’re Born, the story of Lilly, a scholarship student, who returns to her rural hometown on a break from college to spend time with her beloved cousin Tony, his longtime girlfriend Franky and their misfit friends. As they drink, smoke and while away the time, bonds are cemented and dissolved as Lilly confronts the 14 Outword Magazine idea that sometimes, in order to leave home, you have to destroy it. Time Out Chicago raved, “Thurber’s play is an aching, truthful portrait of small-town volatility,” and Chicago Theater Beat proclaimed, “It’s a heartbreaking story of the one who got away. Where We’re Born is an unforgettable poignant dramedy.” Where We’re Born stars local favorites Jessicah Neufeld, Brian January 26, 2012 - February 9, 2012 • Volume 25 • Issue 2 • No. 449 Harrower, David Chernyavsky, John Young and KOLT Executive Director Kelley Ogden with Producing Director Lisa Thew directing. “This play embodies that nexus between growing beyond a place or people you once belonged to and yet not having found the place you do belong. It’s about forging an identity,” says Thew. “It’s a story I think we most know well and I am incredibly excited to bring it to the stage.” Following Where We’re Born, KOLT will present Rachel Axler’s KOLT continues on page 18 outwordmagazine.com It’s A RECORD! AND A GOOD ONE AT THAT CONGRATULATIONS TO THOSE WHO HAVE COMMITTED TO GIVE BACK TO THEIR COMMUNITY. THE PEOPLE BELOW HAVE REGISTERED TO PARTICIPATE IN THE AND BREAK You c an supp or t t hi s effor t by goi ng to WWW.NORCALAIDSCYCLE.ORG and registering as a cyclist or crew member or by donating to one or more of our participants! OUR KEY SPONSORS AS OF 1/15/2012 2012 Raymond Allen Vivek Anand Marcus Anzelone Jessica Archer Susan Ashdown Steve Ball Larry Barker Randy Beach Doug Bearden Nicola Beatts Lucinda Begbie Valerie Bellnap Larry Bellnap Susan Ariana Benham Luis Bermudez Alisha Berthelot Christina Bingen Tami Boles Diana Boswell Robert Boucher Travis Bowman Rachel Breault Jeremy Brehl Brian Breitbard Shannon Brincat Nancy Buck Brian Buckle Robert Burdge Wade Carlson Isaac Ceja Karen Chaney, DC Christine Chu Rob Clemons Diane Coleman Alejandro Contreras Kay Cooper Joy Culley Jorge d’Argence John Dayton Deanna Delgado Ericka Dennis Miguel Diaz David Do James Douglas Jennifer Dove Mike Driscoll Guy Dutcher Michael Edwards Daniel Edwards Pamela Ervin Paula Estrada Taylor Facha Michael Farmer Susan Farrington Joaquin Feliciano HAVE OUR NORCAL Suzanne Fellows James Fink Emily Fisher Shaun Fitzgerald Amanda Flamm Jason Flamm Jana Flynn Neil Flynn Helen Fong Randall Frease Donald Freeman Sara Freid Joan Fuquay Rhonda Gage Lynn Gerner Michael Gimple Anthony Gonzalez Jon Green Martin Gregory William Gruenloh Nicole Gunkel Edward Hakari Norman Hamilton Brandon Handy Jonathan Handy Cassie Hansen Kathryn Hart Richard Hassman Miguel Hernandez Kiara Hill Peter Hokama Michael Holau Raven Hoopes Hauoli Isa Sony Iverson Deb Jackline Jhabari Jacobs Bettina Jacobson Adele James Douglas Jaso Jacqueline John Warren Jones Zayne Jones Brian Kaiser Julie Kennedy Kristien King John Knox Shawn Kreb Emanuele Kuhn Dena Lawton Debbie Lean Renee LeFebvre AIDS HELPED REGISTRATION Michael Lepore Charles Levine Jenny Lightfoot Frank Lilly Sandy Lindblad David Link Elizabeth Loud Alex Luchini Phil Luckscheider Nelle Lyons Michael Madsen Enrique Manjarrez Tara Marion Cary Marsengill Patrick Marsengill Chris Matthews Melanie Matthews Doug McCalla Jim McCann Kelly Mccoy Lucas McElwee Mike McKenney DB McPeek Michael Mello Hurley Merical Karen Merick Fitzgerald Miller Jerry Mitchell Alicia Mittleman Gayle Monroe Peter Montgomery Deborah Morey Jessica Morey-Collins Bill Mullinax Denise Nelson Sandré Nelson Brian Nichols Bryan Nih William Ogas Christopher Olsen Eric Olsen Barbi Olson Michael Olvera Chris Packey Janet Parker Susan Peters Janet Peterson Stacey Powell Steven Purcell Samuel Ramirez Ana Ramirez Kristen Rank Vanessa Raudales Shara Reed US CYCLE TO RECORD! John Reed Rene’ Reis James Reynolds Manny Rios Angelita Rivera Benjamin Rizzo John Roberts Bronwyn Roberts Rosemary Romero Heather Rowan Jeremy Rowan Jacob Rowe Glenn Rowe Michael Ruiz Coral Sage Edward Serrano Jason Shaw Andre Shaw LaRae Shaw-Meadows Peter Simpson Craig Spatola Patricia Stone Clarmundo Sullivan Travis Teeters Mike Tentis Paul Terry Ron Tibbs Bradley Tompkins Wensy Trujillo Rick Tsuchida Emily Tsuchida Anthony Vasquez Diane Verhines Marjorie Wally J Brian Washman Damian Weber David West Paul Weubbe Ashley Wheeler La Vonda Williams Nicole Wilson Gary Wilson Dennis Winger Gabriel Winn Marly Witt-Michaels Diane Younger Robb Yount Mark Zampella Heather Zoller TOTAL: 217 Business Directory ACCOUNTING FRITZ RUSSELL, CPAS Jason Russell, CPA Lic. 99177 Jason@fritzco.net 916-966-9366 ADULT STORES L’AMOUR SHOPPE 2531 Broadway, 916-736-3467 SUZIES 5134 Auburn Blvd., Sac., 916-332-1051 4177 Florin Rd., Sac., 916-429-8440 ANTIQUES & SHOPS www.outwordmagazine.com 57TH STREET ANTIQUES – 855 57TH ST. 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FreshSF.com HEAD HUNTERS 1930 K St. Info: 916-492-2922 HeadHuntersOnK.Com MERCANTILE SALOON 1928 L St., Sac, 916-447-0792 CHIROPRACTORS CHANEY CHIROPRACTIC & REHAB 1614 X St., Ste. B, 916-326-4466 www. ChaneySportsChiro.com HEALING TOUCH CHIROPRACTIC Dr. Darrick Lawson, www.FixMyBack.com Midtown, 2020 Capitol Ave., 916-447-3344 CIVIL RIGHTS CA COMMUNITIES UNITED INSTITUTE www.calcomui.org b.hinman@calcomui.org COUNSELING BRUCE GUNN, M.F.C.C. Lic. MM19480, 418 Alhambra Blvd., 916-443-7171 www.safediscovery.com TAYLOR’S KITCHEN 2924 Freeport Blvd., 916-443-6881 ZOCALO 1801 Capitol Ave., 916-441-0303 ZocaloSacramento.com BODYWORK BALANCE Robert Head, 916-764-6014 BodyworkBalance.net THE BODY CAFE Brian McClure, CMT, 916-833-3517 EYEGLASSES MEN’S CLUBS FINANCIAL PLANNING MORTGAGE STYLEYES 23rd & J, 916-448-2220 Styleyes.biz MIDTOWN FINANCIAL Al Roche, 1330 21st St., Ste. 201, 916-447-9220 MidtownFinancial.net FITNESS ELITE FITNESS & PERFORMANCE 1770 36th St., 877-334-8338 efitnessperformance.net URBAN FITNESS & WELLNESS 2525 J St., 916-492-2525 UrbanFitSac.com FLORISTS RELLES FLORIST 2400 J St., 916-441-1478 801 Howe Ave., 916-920-4911 RellesFlorist.com HAIR TRENDSETTERS 1221 21st St., 916-455-0514 www.Trendsetters.net HEARING UNIVERSITY AUDIOLOGIC ASSOCIATES Deborah Powell, M.S., 1325 Howe Ave., Ste. 101, 916-927-3137 HEATING & AIR PERFECTION HOME SYSTEMS 916-481-0658 HotCold.com HIV/AIDS SERVICES CARES 1500 21st St., 916-914-6305 CaresClinic.org INSURANCE STATE FARM INSURANCE Stephanie Slagel, 916-485-4444 StephanieSlagel.com WESTERN HEALTH ADVANTAGE 888-227--5942 WesternHealth.com INVESTMENTS WELLS FARGO ADVISORS Camille Wojtasiak, MBA, CFP, 916-491-6303 home.wellsfargoadvisors.com/camille. wojtasiak LANDSCAPING DEMETRE LANDSCAPES 916-648-8455 LIBRARIES LAVENDER LIBRARY 1414 21st St., 916-492-0558 LavenderLibrary.com MASSAGE BODYCORPS MASSAGE Kevin Wendt, 916-712-8093 SacramentoMaleMassage.Blogspot.com STEVE’S 1030 W. 2nd St., Reno 775-323-8770 www.StevesReno.com IMORTGAGE Brad Bauer, 916-746-8410 OPTOMETRY CAMERON YEE, O.D. 6407 Riverside Blvd., 916-395-0673 DrCameronYee@aol.com PET SITTING GO FETCH 916-505-4375 GoFetchPetSitting.com GRATEFUL DOG 430 17th St., 916-446-2501 GratefulDogDayCare.com PR & MARKETING OUTWORD MEDIA•MARKETING•EVENTS Fred Palmer, 916-329-9280 OutwordMedia.com WRITEAWAY COMMUNICATIONS SERVICES Bonnie Osborn, 916-212-9110 bonnie@writeawaycommunications.biz PSYCHIATRY EMPATHY THERAPY Dr. Mark Chofla, 2618 J St., Suite 2 916-760-8197 EmpathyTherapy.com REAL ESTAT E COLDWELL BANKER Mark T. Peters, 916-341-7794 www.MarkPeters.biz BETTER HOMES & GARDENS Joan Dunn, 916-716-5584 joan@joandunn.net LYON REAL ESTATE Jim Sours, 2801 J St. 916-541-9775, www.JimSours.com REIKI Carol, 916-538-9787 NRGize@safe-mail.net SPAS BLUE SKY DAY SPA 4250 H St., Ste 1, 916-455-6200 BlueSkyDaySpa.com FACE & BODY EMPORIUM 5050 Folsom Blvd., 916-455-5050 FaceAndBodyEmporium.com SPECIALTY MARKETS TAYLORS MARKET 2900 Freeprt Blvd., 916-443-6881 TAX SERVICES KILLICK FINANCIAL SERVICES 2321 Lloyd Ln., 916-486-8985, fax: 481-3224 THEAT ERS CALIF. MUSICAL THEATRE www.californiamusicaltheatre.com LIST YOUR BUSINESS! Directory of Advertiser listings are free for all advertisers - or $15 per issue Boys of Summer Get Ready for Gay Ski Week KATE MACKENZIE, C.S.W. Lic. LCS13330, 1731 I St., 916-447-0350 NICOLA SIMMERSBACH, PsyD, M.F.T. Lic. MFT33458, 902 21st St. 916-952-8594 www.drnicola.net DENTISTS MADDERRA DENTAL Dr. Garrett Madderra, MadderraDentistry.com 2020 Hurley Way, Ste. 290, Sac., 916-929-0969 2370 Market St., S.F. 415-552-9200 DINING/BEVERAGES ERNESTO’S 1901 16th St., 916-441-5850 HAMBURGER PATTIES 1630 J St., 916-441-4340 LUCCA RESTAURANT & BAR 1615 J St., 916-669-5300 16 Outword Magazine The snow in the Sierra may be sparse, but there is plenty of it in Utah and Mammoth, not to mention skiing, dance parties, cabarets, drag shows, and yes, beach parties with hunks like these! It all happens at Elevation Utah (Feb 23 - 26) and Elevation Mammoth (Mar. 14 - 22). Visit www.utahgayski.com or www.mammothgayski.com or www.tomwhitmanpresents.com. January 26, 2012 - February 9, 2012 • Volume 25 • Issue 2 • No. 449 outwordmagazine.com Calendar Jan. compiled by Charles Peer Choreographies Graduating Master of Fine Arts candidates Kevin O’Connor and Folawole presents two new works. O’Connor’s is a work fused with live vocal, music, dance and aerial rope circus arts in an examination of what community means in contemporary society. Feb. 16 - 26. Vanderhoef Studio Theatre, Mondavi Center, UCD. theatredance.ucdavis.edu Outword for a night of very fun Bingo and to support worthwhile causes, this month for the Sacramento Gay Men’s Chorus. Eight games, $15. Come early for ARCTIC INFERNO It’s cold outside, but the DJs will cocktails and dinner and to be heating the dance floor up into get a great seat, first game at 7 an inferno with hot men and hot p.m. Hamburger Patties, 1630 VETS FOR WORLD PIZZA J S. Info: 916-441-4340 dancing. Wear all blue and beat The LGBT Sacramento Valley OutwordMagazine.com the cover before 10 p.m. FACES, Veterans are hosting a fun night of pizza and camaraderie, and all 2000 K St. Info: FACES.net vets and active duty are invited to join them. $10. 5:30 - 7:30 p.m. AUBURN REC AREA HIKE Giovanni’s Pizza, 6200 Folsom Get some exercise on a Blvd. Info: saclgbtveterans.org moderately easy hike in the canyons of the American SIERRA SNOWSHOE HIKE River, near Auburn. Some Strap on your snowshoes for a nice scenery, without the snow. scenic 5 - 6 mile hike in the Wear good traction footwear and VALLEY BEARS MEETING Sierra mountains. Location will dress in layers. G&L Sierrans. be determined by where the snow Join the Sacramento Valley Bears Info: 916-737-2151. for their monthly meeting. Say hi is. Sign up by Tuesday, Jan 24. G&L Sierrans. Info: hiking_fool@ to old friends and make some CAST A SHADOW ON SPRING new ones! 7:30 p.m. Lavender mac.com The Capital City Squares and Library, 1414 21st St. Info: Prime 8’s LGBT spring dance, SacBears.org COLLAGE featuring caller Bronc Wise from A group for folks aged eight and New Mexico, with afternoon older with one or more parents (2:30 - 5 p.m.) and evening that are LGBTQ. Come and play dancing (7 - 10 p.m.) CUMC, games, make friends and plan fun DRAG QUEEN BINGO Join Hamburger Patties and activities. 2-4 p.m. Sac G&L Center, 1927 L St. Info: 916-5142251 colage.org facebook.com/ colage.sacramento Saturday, 28 Feb. Wednesday, 1 Thursday, 2 Saturday, 4 5265 H St. Info: 916-789-1929 IAGSDC.org/CapitalCity SACRAMENTO MUSEUM DAY Enjoy free admission to the Crocker Art Museum and free or reduced admission to more than 25 other museums in the Sacramento region as part of Sacramento Museum Day. The Crocker will also feature free spotlight talks, art activities, and more. For more information, visit sacmuseums.org ESPERANZA MEANS HOPE A moving and emotionally charged play with original music about the journey of a songwriter who battles domestic violence, and a father and a community she once considered family. Free. 7 p.m. Sac City College Student Center, 3835 Freeport Blvd. Info: facebook.com/ events/295192807193167 RHYTHM METHOD Sacramento County Supervisor Phil Serna and his band Rhythm Method will have you dancing the night away at this benefit for La Raza Galleria Posada and WEAVE. 7:30 p.m. Sutter Club, 1220 9th St. Info: brownpapertickets.com/ event/222734 CALENDAR continues on page 18 Why RCC is One of Northern California’s Fastest Growing Chambers . . . • Sacramento’s BEST Networking Mixers… FREE, at a trendy new location each month! • Professional Development Workshops & Educational Forums • Free Listing in Our Online Member Directory • Professional Networking with 1,000+ Chamber Members and Event Attendees • Advertising Opportunities in Our Monthly E-Letter • Multi-Chamber Networking Events • Discount Group Health Insurance with Western Health Advantage • Smart, Savvy, Fun Business Owners and Professionals! Call Us or Join Online Today! RainbowChamber.com 877-RCC-RCC4 Toll Free / 916-266-9630 outwordmagazine.com January 26, 2012 - February 9, 2012 • Volume 25 • Issue 2 • No. 449 Outword Magazine 17 Letters continued from page 2 Hansen continued from page 9 portion of all registrations fees will be donated to the NorCal AIDS Cycle and are tax deductible. For more information or to register for either event, prospective participants may visit www.dremarrevents.com/ GolfTournament.html. The registration deadline is Sunday, March 11, 2012. Preregistration is required and space is limited. our economy at the same time.” the power of some of our planet’s most Hansen also believes that the core mission of extreme – and least understood – weather any city government should be maintaining phenomena. the public’s health, safety and welfare. “We Now playing on the enormous screen at need to make sure people have a safe place to the Esquire IMAX on K Street in live,” he said “Our police force is a lot smaller Sacramento. Visit www.imax.com/ than a population our size would require, but sacramento. we have really smart people in the Sacramento Carnage Police Department that are working hard to This title slipped into Sacramento without keep us safe and we can’t afford to much fanfare, despite having a famous compromise public safety.” director (Roman Polanski), and a starry cast Running as an openly gay candidate, he is that includes Kate Winslet, Jodie Foster, often asked about issues that are important to Christoph Waltz and John C. Reilly. the LGBT community and believes that there The film is a big-screen adaptation of are three key issues facing the community: how we deal with our youth, how we deal with Yasmina Reza’s Tony Award-winning play, our families and what we are doing for aging God of Carnage. LGBT people. The aforementioned quartet of actors “We have a lot of homeless LGBT youth and portrays the parents of young boys who have I would like to see our social service providers had an altercation on the playground, become culturally competent in dealing with LGBT youth,” he said. “Rather than create new prompting the adults to meet for a civilized discussion of the events. Of course, all hell agencies to address this problem, we need to breaks loose, and the parents end up work with the ones that we have so that they can better address the unique needs of LGBT behaving more childishly than their youth. offspring. “So many of my friends now have kids,” he Carange is now playing at the Tower said. “Sometimes when those kids go to school Theater. they have to navigate a different world and sometimes they get bullied. We need to work hard to make sure that it is a safe world for them.” continued from page 14 The situation our seniors are facing is also important to Hansen. “A lot of them are single dark comedy about parenthood called and social security doesn’t cut it. We need to start planning and implementing programs for Smudge which the New York Times called our LGBT seniors, as well as all of our seniors.” “creepy and funny, precise and imaginative” The question of the repeal of Prop 8 in 2012 in April and May. KOLT’s final production of is another issue that Hansen is often asked 2012 is Caryl Churchill’s feminist classic, about, and he is optimistic, while Vinegar Tom which opens in October. acknowledging that it may be a long battle. “I Where We’re Born will run from Feb. 3 would love to get married some day and to have kids. I would love to be a father,” he said. — 26 on Fridays and Saturdays at 8 p.m. and Sunday performances at 2 p.m. on Feb. 19 “I support the repeal of Prop. 8, as soon as and 26. All shows will be at the Ooley possible, whether through the courts or through the ballot. We are anxiously waiting Theater, 2007 28th Street in midtown for the 9th Circuit Court’s decision on the Sacramento. All tickets are $20 general constitutionality of Prop. 8, which I believe is admission ($15 college students w/ valid ID) our best hope now for restoring the marriage and can be purchased online at www. rights of gay and lesbian couples.” KOLTRunCreations.com. Sacramento has never elected an openly gay Where We’re Born is not recommended for candidate, and Hansen acknowledges that he younger audiences, due to mature language may have additional hurdles to jump. “Being confident in yourself, is a real benefit in public and themes. life, or any part of life, and I think voters appreciate someone who is able to be relaxed and open about who they are,” he said “I am really proud to be a part of our LGBT community here in Sacramento.” Hansen’s goal is to win the election through what he sees as a traditional tried and true campaign. “The way you win elections in Sacramento is by getting out and talking to people. Talking and listening to people repeatedly is the biggest thing.” Unlike many candidates and politicians, Hansen acknowledges that he is not a perfect person and that he won’t please everybody. “I’ve been around politics for a long time now, and I’ve seen a lot of things that I just don’t really care for,” he said. “When I chose to do this I decided to myself that I could do this in a way that felt right for me, or I could do it the way I’ve seen a lot of other people do it and not feel good about it. We’re moving forward, and I think the community will feel good about what we are doing, and hopefully, Jessicah Neufeld in a promotion shot for we will win.” Where We’re Born, Lucy Thurber’s intense, To learn more about Hansen, visit his Web poignant play that opens KOLT Runs Creations’ site at Steve4Sacramento.com 2012 Season. Photo by Terri Brindisi. January 26, 2012 - February 9, 2012 • Volume 25 • Issue 2 • No. 449 Freedom To Marry: Pressing On to Marriage Equality Dear Outword, At the close of 2011, our supporters turned $105,585 in donations into $205,585 through the Freedom to Marry Board Challenge. We’ve already hit the ground running and are investing those donations in smart campaigns developed with your input through the Freedom to Marry Grassroots Survey. We are launching innovative public education campaigns (including targeted outreach to communities of color) that will reach every state. Also we are ratcheting up our federal campaign to overturn the so-called Defense of Marriage Act. Freedom to Marry is leading the way on every track of our Roadmap to Victory national strategy, and with you on our side, I know we will have the volunteers, advocates and leaders that we need to get the job done. We did great things together in 2011, and we’re going to wow them together in 2012. Find out how at FreedomToMarry.org Evan Wolfson Freedom to Marry Become a Railroad Museum Volunteer If meeting new people while helping to communicate the fascinating history of the West, the Gold Rush and the important heritage of railroading is of interest to you, consider becoming a California State Railroad Museum or Old Sacramento State Historic Park volunteer. Applications are being accepted now for volunteer positions in early 2012. A background in history is not required, just a commitment and willingness to participate in this worthwhile experience. An example of the variety of programs available for trained volunteers include serving as docents or museum tour guides, participating in hands-on interactive educational programs for school groups, helping with weekend steam train operations, track construction restoration and maintenance, or even conducting much needed clerical work. Interested volunteers can download an application at www.parks.ca.gov/ CapitalDistrict or call 916-324-7593. 18 Outword Magazine Nobbs continued from page 14 Calendar continued from page 15 Sunday, 5 HH SUPERBOWL PARTY It’s more fun when you watch with friends, so come root for your team on the big screen, and stick around after the game for RWB. 3 p.m. Head Hunters, 20th & K Info: HeadHuntersOnK.com Ruthless! The Musical When you are spoofing Broadway musicals, like Gypsy and Mame, and movies such as The Bad Seed and All About Eve - how can you go wrong? Well STC’s production of this laugh riot, featuring Michael RJ Campbell as Sylvia St. Croix, proves that you can’t. Through Feb. 19 at Sacramento Theatre Company, 916-443-6722 SacTheatre.org KOLT Thursday, 9 ARTIST MEET & GREET Live demonstrations. 6 - 8 p.m. Kennedy Gallery, 1114 20th St. Info: 916-446-1522 kennedygallery.net Friday, 10 LOVE BITES And so did the 80s, so pull out your acid washed denim and neon ankle socks for this riotous concert by the L&G Chorus of SF. 7:30 p.m. Mission Cultural Center, 2868 Mission St., SF. Info: 415-779-5428 www.lgcsf.org BEER, BRATS & BEETHOVEN Food, beer-tasting and entertainment to benefit the Sacramento Philharmonic. 7 - 9 p.m. $25. Sacramento Art Company, 2110 K St. Info: 916-732-9045 www. sacphil.org Saturday, 11 JAMMIN’ JO’S VAL’S DANCE She’s dusted off the turntable for a night of dancing to your favorites with finger foods and a free CD. $20. 7 p.m. Club 21, 1119 21st St. Info: JamminJo.com outwordmagazine.com Fridays continued from page 13 Sacramento’s Imperial Court (CGNIE), hosted and performed at hundreds of events and worked hard to better our community by donating lecture time at several local colleges and universities. “I feel that you have to give back when you can,” says Cameron who also designs and creates costumes for high schools and college programs both locally and in the Bay Area. “No one should ever feel alone. When I came out, there were people in Sacramento who took me under their wings and made me feel loved and important and when I contracted HIV, they comforted me. “Many people in our community are my family; they are the support group I need to get through the daily grind. But moreso, it’s about identity: I came out in Sacramento and Taryn was born here. The day you forget where you come from is the day you forget what is important.” Up next for the Fridays Are A Drag program is a special performance by drag sensation Jackie Beat. As to the direction FAD will head over the next several years? “The sky’s the limit,” says Cameron confidently. Fridays Are A Drag is free and is presented every third Friday of the month at 8 p.m. at Badlands, 2003 K St., 916-448-8790, sacbadlands.com outwordmagazine.com January 26, 2012 - February 9, 2012 • Volume 25 • Issue 2 • No. 449 Outword Magazine 19
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