Togo is seeking the support of the Green Climate Fund (GCF) for the
Togo is seeking the support of the Green Climate Fund (GCF) for the
READINESS INCEPTION DOCUMENT | TEMPLATE PAGE 1 OF 41 (Please submit completed form to Summary Country TOGO Date of Submission 07/06/2016 NDA or Focal Point contact details Name: AGRIGNAN Esso Sam Abdou Rassidou Position: Economist, National Focal Point for Green climate Fund Email: Tel: ( 00228) 90545596/ 90280426 /22 21 33 21 Togo is seeking the support of the Green Climate Fund (GCF) for the preparation of its readiness program through two components: i) capacity building of the National Designated Authority (NDA) and Focal Point for effective engagement with the Fund, and ii) development of a country strategic programme to facilitate the engagement with the Fund and the financing of upcoming cimate-smart projects. This support will enhance national ownership regarding access to Fund’s financing through not only developing technical capabilities of the NDA, but also strengthening the commitment of the actors in the public and private sectors, as well as of civil society organisations and various stakeholders on the priorities of the Fund through promoting a gender Summary of proposed approach (readiness Area 1). This readiness programm aims, through activities and timeline consultations and involvement of all stakeholders, to undertake an (please also include analytical review of existing policy documents such as the National overall objective of the grant, requested Adaptation Programme to Climate Change (NAPA), the national measures grant amount and appropriate for mitigation (NAMA), the national adaptation plan (NAP), expected timeline for Vision 2030, the Strategy for Accelerated Growth and Employment implementation) Promotion (SCAPE). The planned analysis and public consultations will (maximum 350 words) lead to a country strategic programme for the engagement with the Fund, and facilitate the identification of a portfolio of projects to submit to the Fund (readiness Area 2). The implementation of these two components will be facilitated by national consultants recruited for a period of 100 days distributed over ten (10) months, and international consultants recruited for a period of 45 days distributed over eight (09) months. The total amount of the grant for the planned activities is USD 300,000. The project will be conducted over a 12 months period between July 2016 and June 2017. READINESS INCEPTION DOCUMENT | TEMPLATE PAGE 2 OF 41 A. PROJET BACKGROUND & CONTEXT A.1 Assessment of strengths and needs of the NDA The Togolese Government, in ratifying the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC), is committed to make the changes necessary in the medium and long terms to mitigate emissions of greenhouse gases (GHG) and adapt to climate change. All studies conducted to date have shown the vulnerability of Togo to climate change especially in the sectors of Energy, Water Resources, Agriculture, Health, and on the Coastal Zones. Adaptation measures have been recommended in these areas, but the feasibility and viability of the proposed measures will require the mobilization of adequate financing, the strengthening of technological and human capabilities, and the implementation of education programs. The same studies also revealed the GHG mitigation potential in three priority areas: Energy, Agriculture, as well as Land Use, Land Use Change and Forestry. Realizing this potential for GHG mitigation implies strengthening the technical, financial and institutional capacities of all stakeholders. The technical, financial and institutional weaknesses observed to date have limited the access to climate funds, except funding for enabling activities. The National Environment Fund created in 2010 with the aim to channel climate funds both at national and international levels struggles to become operational because of these weaknesses. Enabling activities under the UNFCCC (national communications, NAPAs, Self- Assessment of Capacity Building needs for the Management of the Environment at Global and National Levels...) benefited from the support of multilateral implementing entities, including UNDP. Enabling activities aimed in particular at strengthening the institutional and operational capacities of key stakeholders. However, Togo still lacks technical, financial and institutional capacities required for direct access to international climate finance. Under the Adaptation Fund, Togo has identified in 2009 a regional implementing entity, the West African Development Bank (BOAD). More than six years later, no project has yet been accepted by the Adaptation Fund. This is partly due to insufficient capacity for generating bankable mitigation and adaptation projects. As part of the operationalization of the Green Climate Fund in Togo and to enable the country to benefit from this Fund, the Directorate of Environment within the Ministry of Environment and Forest Resources (MERF) was designated as the National Designated Authority (NDA) to interface between Togo and the Fund. The Directorate of Environment is responsible for the definition and implementation of strategies, programmes and plans dealing with environmental protection and management; it also has the mandate to propose national policy elements in the field of environmental protection and to ensure effective enforcement. In this context, initiatives such as consultation workshops were organized in collaboration with civil society oragnizations in order to inform and raise awareness on the Green Climate Fund. READINESS INCEPTION DOCUMENT | TEMPLATE PAGE 3 OF 41 In addition, discussions with some members of the GCF secretariat were initiated at COP 20 to expedite the engagement of Togo with the Fund. The Directorate of Environment, which is the NDA, has more than 50 staff. It comprises 15 officers dedicated exclusively to climate change and endowed with qualifications ranging from economy and environment to geography, rural development economics, environmental law, sociology and agronomy. The Directorate of Environment is the institution in charge of the implementation of the UNFCCC Convention ; it has managed GEF funds in the past, related to the implementation of enabling activities including NAPA, national communications, the NAP, etc. However, the limited command of climate finance justifies the low level of mobilization of resources dedicated to the fight against climate change. A.2 List of national climate change policies and initiatives The Government of Togo has developed several strategies, plans and programs related to climate change. The national strategic orientations are defined in the "Vision Togo 2030", under preparation, and in the "Strategy for Accelerated Growth and Employment Promotion" (SCAPE). The preparation of the document "Vision Togo 2030" has involved not only institutional partners, but also the civil society organizations active in the field of environmental protection and the fight against climate change. The SCAPE provides a medium-term development framework to achieve the General Policy Statement of the Government; it reflects the vision of the national authorities to make Togo an emerging country by 15 to 20 years, respecting human rights and the environment. Main strategies, plans, policies and programs focusing on climate change are as follows: - Togo has ratified the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) in 1995 and the Kyoto Protocol in 2004. Its Initial National Communication was submitted in December 2001. The Second National Communication was submitted in September 2011, and the third national Communication was submitted in December 2015 during the COP 21. - In 2005, Togo has prepared its National Strategy for the implementation of the UNFCCC which was updated in 2010. The national implementation of the UNFCCC and the Kyoto Protocol resulted in the creation of a National Committee on Climate change, awareness campaigns, training workshops and a series of actions on the ground covering inter alia reforestation and the adoption of new measures relating inter alia to energy saving and improved control procedures of technical visits of cars. - Togo has developed its NAPA, which was submitted to the UNFCCC in 2009. The priority areas, which are also the most vulnerable areas to climate change impacts, are: agriculture, water resources management, coastal zones, housing, and health. The implementation of the priorities contained herein allowed the development of three projects financed through GED LDFC funds. - Togo has launched the preparation process of its NAMA through the establishment of a READINESS INCEPTION DOCUMENT | TEMPLATE PAGE 4 OF 41 coordination team. This process will build on the mitigation studies conducted during the preparation of the National Communications and sectoral strategies., With the support from GIZ, Togo has began preparing its National Adaptation Plan (NAP), which should be delivered by 2017. The REDD + readiness process was also launched in September 2015 with the financial support of GIZ; it is expected to have a R-PP available by 2020. Finally, Togo has benefited from the support of French cooperation for the development of its Intended Nationally Determined Contributions (INDC). This document was submitted in late September 2015 to the UNFCCC. The approach adopted by Togo consists of implementing a portfolio of measures and projects in response to adaptation issues and national development priorities, keeping in mind that adaptation options which have potential impact on GHG emissions mitigation will be given priority, whenever possible. The analysis of collected data has allowed identify priorities, actions and funding requirements. The priority sectors are in order: fist: Energy; 2nd: Agriculture; 3rd: Human settlements and health; 4th: Water resources; 5th: Coastal erosion; and 6th: Land use, land use changes and forestry. The conditional target in terms of further reduction of GHG emissions based on the ambitious scenario is estimated at 20% compared to the "business as usual" scenario. The conditional target of total reduction would be 31.14% in 2030 in relation to SAM projections. The total financing requirement is estimated at approximately USD 3.54 billion for the period 2020-2030. At the sector level, it should also be noted: - The national investment program for the environment and natural resources (PNIERN) that was set in 2010. It is the national framework for the management of the environment and natural resources. Togo's Forest Policy and the National Forestry Action Plan were developed for the period 2011- 2019. - In the energy sector, a national action plan for renewable energy and energy efficiency was approved in August 2015. - The national development policy in the agricultural sector was validated in November 2012, and aims to provide Togo with a framing instrument for strategic actions to to be undertaken in the agricultural sector for the next ten years (2013-2022). Moreover, Togo was able to access some climate finance through international and multilateral institutions for implementing climate smart projects. The development of a GCF country programme will rely on the above mentioned documents, but also on the lessons learned from major ongoing initiatives in the field of climate change, including: - The "Adaptation of agricultural production in Togo" project running for $ 5.3 million with IFAD technical support on LDCF funds; - The "Integrated Management of Land and Disasters in Togo Project ", with a budget of $ 16 million, with financial support from GEF / LDCF, the TerrAfrica platform, and technical support from the World bank (GFDRR funds); READINESS INCEPTION DOCUMENT | TEMPLATE PAGE 5 OF 41 - And the "Strengthening the role of conservation of the national system of protected areas in Togo" Project which enjoys financial support from UNDP, UEMOA, the GEF, and the Government of Togo. Based on these results and existing documents, the work will focus on collecting relevant information, reviewing plans and strategies at the national level, in order to prioritize investment opportunities which have a transformational dimension. It will also be about addressing the planning gaps and collecting required additional data in order to fill them. This process will allow having a relevant country strategic programme with a portfolio of projects eligible for financial support by the GCF. A.3 Key stakeholders to be involved & Proposed process for multi-stakeholder engagement Under the leadership of the Ministry of Environment and Forest Resources (MERF), the implementation of the UNFCCC allowed the gradual establishment of an institutional framework for managing climate change (CC), through which collaborate MERF, other public technical institutions, private actors and civil society organisations. The main components of this framework are the National Commission for Sustainable Development (being revitalized), and the National Committee on Climate Change. All other ministries and national agencies involved in national development, including the Permanent Secretariat of the SCAPE, will also play an important role in this collaboration framework. The integration of all these actors will effectively enhance country ownership of the "readiness" process and the consolidation of the institutional and technical capacity of a wide range of stakeholders on climate finance. These stakeholders include ministries active in priority sectors focusing on adaptation and mitigation (see previous section). GCF readiness activities will be coordinated by the MERF through the NDA, and supported by a "GCF steering committee" which will be a consultative framework for readiness activities, both for component 1 and component 2 of the program. The GCF steering committee will consist of key players involved in the development and implementation of climate change policies and projects, including: - The public sector: sectoral ministries concerned such as the Ministries of Industry, Economy and Finance, Mining, Energy, Agriculture, Livestock, Fisheries, Transport, Public works, Higher Education, Research, Development, Planning, etc. These ministries will play a big role in the development of projects for submission to the Green Climate Fund, and for the preparation of the country strategic programme, including the portfolio of projects. The economic unit of the Office of the President, as an integral part of the public sector stakeholders, will also be consulted for the readiness activities. - The private sector: It comprises employers, the union of large companies, the Administration Corporation of Free-Trade Zones, the Chamber of Industry and Commerce, the Energy and Electricity Company of Togo, the Transport Company of Lomé, the SMEs and SMIs Investment Guarantee Agency. These companies and agencies representing the Togolese private sector - and READINESS INCEPTION DOCUMENT | TEMPLATE PAGE 6 OF 41 projects sponsors - represent a real asset in the national GCF consultation process. - Research centers and universities: the University of Lomé, the "Institute of Advisory & Technical Support" (ICAT) and the "Togolese Institute of Agricultural Research" (ITRA) will also participate in training activities, given their role in science, technology and innovation. - Civil society and local actors: the NGO Friends of the Earth, Togo NGO Union, NGO Consortium on the Environment, African Network for the Protection of the Environment, International Centre of African Women for Development, Association for the Protection of the Environment and social Welfare, Association for the Promotion of Childhood and the Environment, the Union of municipalities of Togo, local authorities, etc. These organizations can play an important role in the definition and implementation of activities to be financed by the GCF. - Technical and financial partners: West African Economic and Monetary Union (UEMOA) and the West African Development Bank (BOAD) which is accredited by the GEF and the Adaptation Fund - have committed to accompany the eight member states of the Union, including Togo, in conducting feasibility studies for projects to be submitted to the GCF. These entities are also seeking accreditation by the GCF. The African Development Bank (ADB) accompanies Togo in protecting its coastline from the adverse effects of climate change. The United Nations System agencies are involved in the fight against climate change in Togo, including the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP), the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP), and the World Bank. The European Union and the German Cooperation Agency (GIZ) support Togo in developing its National Adaptation Plan, and are committed to strengthen the NDA through "readiness" process. To promote ownership and national commitment of all relevant actors towards the Green Climate Fund, a stakeholders consultation process will be conducted both through existing cooperation frameworks and conducting specific consultation activities: - At national level, the National Climate Change Committee serves as a consultation, steering and information sharing framework for this kind of process. However, the practice in Togo is to set-up a dedicated committee for all strategic development process. Thus, stakeholder engagement will be strengthened through the GCF steering committee, created by a ministerial decree. The meetings will be co-chaired by the General Secretariat of MERF and a member of the GCF Steering Committee. - The coordination team will also use existing forums such as workshops and exchange platforms, which the DNA is part of, in order to consolidate and strengthen the involvement of stakeholders. The NAP process, the Technology Needs Assessment project and other processes, in which the NDA is involved in the steering committees, will represent opportunities to enhance information on the GCF, its funding opportunities and its operating procedures. - At decentralized level, the consultation frameworks of Territorial Integration Plans in place under the "National Decentralised Action for Environmental Management Project" serve as relays for information sharing, as well as the National Climate Change Committee. READINESS INCEPTION DOCUMENT | TEMPLATE PAGE 7 OF 41 Under Component 1, the process planned for information sharing and stakeholders consultation in order to build the capacity of the national designated authority to fully carry out its duties includes the following activities: - Developing a strategic planning process in cooperation with the public sector agencies and other stakeholders, and providing information on the GCF, its functioning and funding opportunities through appropriate information channels all along the process; - Providing the NDA with capability to identify and assess the priority projects and programs and to carry out its no-objection task; - Developing and implementing a communication plan in direction of stakeholders through workshops, mass media, websites, TV and radio; - Conduct meetings of the GCF steering committee to inform on the results of the Readiness process (capacity building and strategy) and to ensure continuity of activities required beyond the GCF funded readiness program; - Further develop public-private partnership in order to better involve the private sector in activities related to the GCF. This partnership will be strengthened through the leadership of the Ministry of Environment and Forestry Resources, led by the Ministry of Economy and Finances; it will be conducted through consultations between the MERF, private sector representatives and the Ministry of Economy. The various sectoral ministries and the private sector representatives will also play a big role in the development of projects for submission to GCF. It should be noted that the State has a majority stake in the capital of most of big companies with a significant mitigation potential. For the preparation of the GCF country strategic programme, the process of stakeholders’ consultations will build on existing structures, in addition to a set of specific consultations. Three levels of participation / consultation are planned: i) the technical leadership of the NDA and the MERF daily; ii) consultation of the most active actors in the field of climate change, including through the National Climate Change Committee, and the GCF Steering Committee; iii) an extended circle of stakeholders involved in activities focusing onthe fight against climate change in Togo. The GCF country strategic programme will be prepared under the leadership of MERF whose mandate is to coordinate the development and implementation of government’s environmental, forest resources and climate change policy. The Director of the Environment, as the NDA, will lead the task of preparing the country strategic programme, but other entities within MERF will be involved in technical discussions, including: the Office of Forests Development and Exploitation, the national agency for environmental management, the Directorate of forest resources and the Directorate of studies and planning. The main stakeholders involved in the preparation of the GCF country strategic programme will be mobilized through the National Climate Change Committee and the GCF steering committee. The National Climate Change Committee will be informed / consulted at each of stage the country strategic programme preparation. It consists of representatives of ministries, public and research READINESS INCEPTION DOCUMENT | TEMPLATE PAGE 8 OF 41 institutions, civil society members and the private sector representatives. The GCF Steering Committee will be strongly involved in both the preparation and the implementation of the country strategic programme. Its members will be asked to provide technical recommendations and advice needed to conduct the project and to facilitate access to the collection of scientific and technical information. Similarly, the committee members will work to disseminate the project results in their respective departments and institutions to strengthen ownership and to ensure a future effective implementation of the GCF country strategic programme. The consultations for the preparation of the GCF country strategic programme will be done through two national workshops (one to launch the process and one to validate the country strategic programme) as well as various meetings of the two aforementioned committees. Women and young people will be actively involved, including in the identification and preparation of projects for submission to the Fund. It should be recalled that the preparation of the existing national strategies was made taking into account the gender dimension, through regional consultative processes, using focus groups. So there is a real culture of women and youth participation and the new process will build on it. B. DETAILED PROJECT ACTIVITIES B.1 Detailed plan for strengthening the NDA Togo has requested technical and financial support from the GCF in order to enhance the capabilities of the Directorate of Environment (as NDA) to engage with the Fund, plan stakeholders coordination and design its strategy of interaction with the Fund. To this end, the following activities will be conducted during the project: Strengthening capacity of the NDA: The activities will enable the Directorate of Environment to effectively fulfill its role as NDA, including: improve his own knowledge of the Green Climate Fund and the one of other stakeholders in order to promote opportunities for generation of projects; clarify to stakeholders their respective role in engaging with the Fund; carry out the activities of the GCF steering committee and strengthen its awareness of the opportunities of the GCF for Togo. The NDA, with its enhanced capabilities, will be able to ensure effective engagement of all stakeholders in the process of definition of the country strategic programme. He will lead the process of multi-stakeholder consultations and define and operationalize a sound process of noobjection for the submission of projects to the Fund. The consultation / dialogue activities mentioned in the previous section will be conducted by the NDA with the support of consultants. The consultants (international and national) 1 will be recruited in order to provide technical assistance and practical advice to the NDA on the strategic priority areas for stakeholder engagement with the Fund. In addition to consultation/dialogue activities mentioned in the previous section, the two consultants will accompany the NDA in the following tasks: 1 100 days over the course of 10 months for the national consultant, 45 days over the course of 9 months for the international consultant. READINESS INCEPTION DOCUMENT | TEMPLATE PAGE 9 OF 41 - Contribute to the development of outreach and information tools on the GCF, the preparation of communication material, in collaboration with the communication unit of the MERF; - Encourage, through consultation meetings, potential implementing entities and project sponsors to submit projects to the GCF; - Define and operationalize a process of "no objection" to allow the DNA to analyze and validate the projects submitted to the GCF by national stakeholders, in line with national climate change priorities. In addition, the international consultant will be responsible for providing technical training to the NDA and the national consultant to promote greater ownership of the Fund's rules and procedures, and thus strengthen the commitment of Togo towards the Fund, even after the end of the Readiness programme. The international consultant will facilitate the following activities, in coordination with the NDA and the national consultant: a) Organize a launching workshop to inform stakeholders about the readiness program and GCF policies, priorities and investments framework. b) Organizing 1 meetingfor setting up a steering committee to assist the NDA in its coordination tasks across stakeholders (including key Sector Ministries, private sector, non-state actors, academia and other stakeholders); c) Organizing 1 inter-ministerial meeting to inform about GCF policies and investments framework, to build synergies and to inform ministries on the readiness program objectives and activities; d) Organizing 3 steering committee meetings, for review of proposals and projects development status; e) Mapping of relevant national, regional and international climate finance mechanisms ; f) Organizing 2 training sessions on climate finance, and project design and financing to strengthen the technical capacities of key actors (NDA team, Steering Committee, Government officials, project developers, representatives from CSO, academia, local government, private sector, etc.) in the context of the GCF procedures ; g) Developing a system for issuing calls for proposals, reviewing proposals and issuing recommandations (no-objections), including by continuously mentoring and coaching the NDA team and the steering committee on Fund related issues, specifically on how to coordinate and ensure multi-stakeholders engagement; h) Developing a projects/programmes database system for monitoring and communication purposes; i) Translation of meetings and workshops minutes from French into English (using GCF Secretariat translation services); j) Development of communication materials on GCF procedures for national stakeholders; READINESS INCEPTION DOCUMENT | TEMPLATE PAGE 10 OF 41 k) Development on the MERF’s website of a webpage dedicated to information on activities related to the Fund. NB. The detail of national workshops (02), meetings and training sessions is provided in the implementation plan and budget. The proposed budget for this component is approximately US $ 150 000. B.2 Detailed plan for developing the country programme The activities to be implemented for the preparation of the GCF country strategic programme include: a) Review of existing policies and strategies with the aim of identifying national priorities with regard to climate change (adaptation and mitigation); b) Organizing and facilitating 2 multi-stakeholders consultation workshops for private sector, civil society representatives, government and local government stakeholders and academia on priorities for engagement with the Fund, including the identification of priority areas for programming; c) Drafting the country programme; d) Organizing 4 Roundtables discussion on the draft country programme; e) Organizing a high level validation meeting of the country programme; f) Translation of the country programme and meeting minutes from French into English; g) Organizing a screening to identify a potential second NIE and modalities of supporting this institution in its application for accreditation with the GCF (meeting). The proposed budget for this component is approximately is US $ 150 000. C: LOGICAL FRAMEWORK C.1 Detailed log frame with implementation schedule Please provide detailed log frame including activity level. See Annex I. D: CONSULTANTS AND EXPERT SUPPORT D.1 Consultants Activity Area 1 In order to support the NDA in carrying out planned activities through Activity Area 1 (strengthening the NDA), the delivery partner will recruit some dedicated consultants: 1 senior international consultant (for 45 days over the course of 9 months) and 1 national expert (for 100 days over the course of 10 months) to support the implementation of activities mentioned in bullet points a, b, c, e, f, g and h in section B1. READINESS INCEPTION DOCUMENT | TEMPLATE PAGE 11 OF 41 1 communication specialist (for 50 days over the course of 10 months) to implement activity mentioned in bullet point j in section B1 ; IT firm for developing the webpage (for 2 months); Activity Area 2: In order to support the NDA in carrying out activities planned under Readiness Activity area 2 (Country programme), the delivery partner will procure the services of consultants and service providers to support the NDA: 1 International consultant (45 days over the course of 9 months) and 1 national expert (100 days over the course of 10 months) for zero drafting, peer reviewing, analyzing, and synthetizing. The full Terms of Reference for consultants are available in Annex. D.2 Procurement plan Please describe the different procurement packages and method of procurement used for each using the attached template. E: BUDGET E.1 Budget Please provide detailed budget using the attached template. Readiness_Proposal_ Budget_Template.xlsx READINESS INCEPTION DOCUMENT | TEMPLATE PAGE 12 OF 41 Annex I: Logical framework OUTCOMES PROJECT SUMMARY INDICATORS BASELINES EXPECTED TARGETS/RESULTS 1. 1.1 Capacity to coordinate across stakeholders and facilitate effective consultation and communication 1.1 The NDA has ability to work easily with stakeholders from government, private sector and civil society but is seeking additional support to better understand climate finance and the GCF investment framework. 1.1 NDA capacities have been strengthened and it can fully exercise its mandate by ensuring greater participation of stakeholders. NDA capacity to undertake Fund-related responsibilities and engage national stakeholders strengthened 1.2 Knowledge on climate and finance priorities strengthened 1.2 Knowledge of the NDA on climate finance is very limited and boil down solely to funding of enabling activities. 1.3 System for reviewing proposals and issuing recommendations (or no-objections) established 1.3 No experience of issuing no objection. However the NDA has experience in issuing certificates of compliance in environmental impact assessment process or notice of non approval in the CDM process. 1.4 Capacity and systems to monitor, evaluate and report on the activities of the Fund and other relevant finance mechanisms and institutions established 1.4. The DNA does not have a monitoring and evaluation and reporting system in place, except quarterly progress reports, and prepared annual and financial reports submitted to UNDP within the context of enabling activities. 1.5 Information, including in local languages, on procedures of the Fund to disseminated to country stakeholders 1.5 Existence of a dedicated team and a communication strategy; as well as a website in MERF. However, there is no web page dedicated to the GCF and there is little information in French on the GCF. 1.2 Knowledge of the NDA and stakeholders have improved, which facilitates the mobilization of more climate finance for Togo. 1.3 The NDA has defined a clear process to review and evaluate project proposals and give no objection, with the ability to manage the process satisfactorily. 1.4 The NDA has a database of climate change related projects and programs, with a process of monitoring and reporting in place. 1.5 A web page dedicated to the GCF is created in the MERF website and information on the Fund is available in French, as well as the minutes of the workshops. READINESS INCEPTION DOCUMENT | TEMPLATE PAGE 13 OF 41 2. Strategic framework for engagement with the Fund developed 2.1 Engagement of private sector, civil society, government and local government stakeholders on priorities for engagement with the Fund 2.2 Priorities for project and concepts to be developed for accessing the fund. 2.3 Country programming document developed and published in adherence with the initial guidance from the Fund 2.1 There is a culture of public consultations that will be enabled as part of the Fund consultation process. However, the NDA does not have the means to carry out the necessary consultations with all stakeholders on the priorities of the GCF. 2.2 The national strategic direction and investment priorities in the fight against CC are defined in SCAPE, the implementation strategy of the Convention, the PANA, the INDC, etc. On this basis, the priority concepts to be submitted to the Fund should be defined. 2.3 There is no country strategic programme with the Fund to date. 2.1 The NDA has conducted all the necessary consultations to inform stakeholders on the GCF priorities for investment. 2.2 The GCF country strategic programme is defined, including investment priorities and project concepts to be submitted to the Fund. 2.3 The GCF country strategic programme is developed and published to promote the mobilization of climate funds and attract new investors. READINESS INCEPTION DOCUMENT | TEMPLATE PAGE 14 OF 41 OUTPUTS 1.1 A process for supporting coordination across stakeholders and facilitating engagement (including periodic meetings / workshops) 1.2 Annual report on activities of the Fund and other relevant funding mechanisms and institutions in the country 1.3 Information materials on the operational procedures of the Fund in local languages (where relevant) and distribution lists of recipients 1.4 Capacity building & information sharing for NDA and relevant stakeholders 1.1.1 1.1.2 1.2.1 1.3.1 Write up of the coordination process, and convening schedule Meeting minutes and participant lists documenting engagement of at least 3 groups Electronic copy of the annual report, and details of public dissemination channels Links to electronic copies of presentations, information materials, climate and development information disseminated to distribution lists where relevant. 1.1.1 NDA drafted a coordination process in the inception report, including the "actors" such as the CC National Committee and the GCF Steering Committee. But there is not yet in place a platform to operationalize this process. 1.1.1 A coordination platform is in place, with a schedule of followup meetings for the implementation of readiness activities; the meetings were held as scheduled. 1.1.2 Each meeting / consultation workshop is always recorded with a signature list of participants. 1.1.2 Each meeting / Fund consultation workshop was recorded with a signature list of participants and minutes were prepared and circulated to participants for at least three groups. 1.2.1 The NDA is used to prepare annual reports for donors of projects it manages. The publication of annual and other information reports (on public consultation workshops for example) are available on the website of MERF. 1.2.1 The NDA has prepared annual reports, and disseminated electronic copies of reports on the website of MERF and during the public consultation workshops. 1.3.1 At each meeting or workshop organized by the MERF, presentations are given to participants at the end of the workshop; documents to validate are transmitted to stakeholders two weeks before the date of validation for comments. The reports are published on the website MERF. 1.3.1 In consultation meetings organized within the framework of this project, PPT presentations, documents and other supporting information documents were made available electronically on the website of MERF, and circulated to stakeholders at meetings. READINESS INCEPTION DOCUMENT | TEMPLATE PAGE 15 OF 41 1.3.2 2.1 Country programme, including elements provided in the Fund’s Initial Guidelines for Country Programmes 2.2 Summaries of meetings of multistakeholder engagement, including list of participants At least 3 information materials on the fund developed and disseminated to at least 500 people 1.4.1 Undertake dedicated capacity building activities (trainings, workshops) for NDA and other relevant stakeholders 2.1.1 Copy of country programme, completed using the initial guidance on country programmes prepared by the GCF secretariat 2.1.2 Background documentation on the programme, and links to public dissemination channels 2.1.3 Number of national structures interested in being accredited 2.2.1 2.2.2 Agendas and summaries from workshops convened as part of the country programme process Short note on lessons learned 1.3.2 No information materials prepared and disseminated to date on the Fund, outside the traditional channels used to inform, including radio, TV, and to a lesser extent the Internet. 1.4.1 The NDA has a good knowledge of the Green Fund and its priorities, but this is not the case of other stakeholders. Moreover, the NDA itself needs to strengthen its knowledge on the procedures of GCF. 2.1.1 No GCF investment policy framework for the country. 2.1.2 MERF website is the main information dissemination channel. 2.1.3 No national entity is accredited to date. 2.2.1 Agendas and workshop reports are made public for national and international events. 2.2.2 Best practices, learned knowledge and experience from 1.3.2 By the end of the project, at least three communication media / information on the Fund have been prepared and disseminated to at least 500 people. 1.4.1 NDA and other stakeholders have a better understanding of the Green Climate Fund, priorities and procedures. 2.1.1 GCF country strategic programme exists and is ready to be submitted to the Fund. 2.1.2 The GCF country strategic programme and the documents used for its preparation are available on the web page dedicated to the GCF website MERF. 2.1.3 At the end of the project, Togo hope to have identified at least one national entity willing to engage in the process of accreditation by the Fund 2.2.1 Agendas and reports of workshops held as part of the preparation of the country strategic programme were made READINESS INCEPTION DOCUMENT | TEMPLATE PAGE 16 OF 41 from country programming, and good practices in stakeholder engagement projects are available on the MERF web site and the appropriate channels, they are also disseminated to stakeholders. available. 2.2.2 At least two analytical notes were prepared on lessons learned on the process of preparing the country strategic programme and disseminated to stakeholders, in particular through the website of MERF. READINESS INCEPTION DOCUMENT | TEMPLATE PAGE 17 OF 41 Annex II: Implementation schedule IMPLEMENTATION SCHEDULE YEAR 1 OUTCOMES OUTPUTS INDICATORS ACTIVITIES Q1 NDA capacity to undertake Fundrelated responsibilities and engage national stakeholders strengthened 1.1 A process for supporting coordination across stakeholders and facilitating engagement (including periodic meetings / workshops) 1.1.1 Write up of the coordination process, and convening schedule Recruiting an international consultant, a national consultant, an IT company and a communications specialist. Organize a national workshop to launch the process readiness Organize a meeting to set up the steering committee and ensure information sharing for a shared knowledge of the contents of the GCF Arrange an interministerial meeting to inform on GCF procedures and investment framework, to build synergies and advise departments on the objectives and activities of Readiness Program Design a strategic planning and coordination process Meetings of the steering committee for monitoring the activities and results of the readiness project Mapping relevant instruments of national, regional and international climate finance Q2 Q3 Q4 READINESS INCEPTION DOCUMENT | TEMPLATE PAGE 18 OF 41 1.2 Annual report on activities of the Fund and other relevant funding mechanisms and institutions in the country 1. 3 Information materials on the operational procedures of the Fund in local languages (where relevant) and distribution lists of recipients 1.1.2 Meeting minutes and participant lists documenting engagement of at least 3 groups 1.2.1 Electronic copy of the annual report, and details of public dissemination channels Sharing the minutes, with participants list of stakeholders 1.3.1 Links to electronic copies of presentations, information materials, climate and development information disseminated to distribution lists where relevant. 1.3.2 At least 3 information materials on the fund developed and disseminated to at least 500 people Sharing information about the GCF to stakeholders through the appropriate information channels. Provide links to electronic files copies of presentations, media and information materials Develop and implement a communication plan and develop and distribute communication materials on the GCF Designing, producing and distributing communication materials Creating a the Togo GCF page on on Ministry of the Environment website Organize a training workshop on climate finance 1.4.1 Undertake dedicated capacity building activities (trainings, workshops) for NDA and other relevant stakeholders Preparation and dissemination of a semi-annual report and an annual report on the readiness program activities Organize a training workshop on the development of bankable projects Develop a call for proposals, evaluation of proposals received and no objection process READINESS INCEPTION DOCUMENT | TEMPLATE PAGE 19 OF 41 Strategic framework for engagement with the Fund developed 2.1 Country programme, including elements provided in the Fund’s Initial Guidelines for Country Programmes 2.1.1 Country Programme completed using the initial guidance on country programmes prepared by the GCF secretariat 2.2 Summaries of meetings of multistakeholder engagement, including list of participants 2.1.2 Background documentation on the programme, and links to public dissemination channels 2.2.1 Agendas and summaries from workshops convened as part of the country programme process 2.2.2 Short note on lessons learned from country programming, and good practices in stakeholder engagement Develop a program / project database for tracking and communication purposes Recruiting an international consultant and a national consultant Analysis of existing relevant policies and strategies Restitution of the results of the analysis and validation workshop of national priorities. Developing country strategic programme Organize consultations on the draft country programme Organize a workshop to validate the country strategic programme Screening to identify potential institution for accreditation Make publicly available reference materials used in the preparation of the country programme Dissemination of agendas and reports of workshops organized within the framework of the preparation of the country strategic programme Preparation and dissemination of at least two notes on lessons learned READINESS INCEPTION DOCUMENT | TEMPLATE PAGE 20 OF 41 PROCUREMENT PLAN The procurement plan will cover the implementation period. The implementing entity shall update the procurement plan throughout the duration of the project at least annually by including contracts previously awarded. All procurement plans, their updates or modifications shall be published on the website of the implementing entity. General Information Project Name: : Readiness and Preparatory Support Programme Executing Agency: Centre de Suivi Ecologique Country: Togo Grant Amount: 300,000 USD Date of First Procurement Plan: 09/06/2016 A. Grant Agreement Number: Date of updated Procurement Plan Process Thresholds, Review - Month Procurement Plan 1. Project Procurement Thresholds The following national process thresholds shall apply to procurement of goods and works Method Open Competitive / Full Tender Request for three quotations (RFQ) Procurement of Goods and Works Threshold > FCFA 15,000,000 (equiv. USD 25,000*) 1st case: >= FCFA 3,000,000 and < FCFA 15,000,000 (equiv. USD 5,000 - 25,000* USD) 2nd case: < FCFA 3,000,000 (equiv. USD 5,000*) (Supply orders of less than FCFA 3,000,000 (including taxes) and works orders of less than FCFA 5,000,000 do not necessitate contracts. Payments shall be made against invoices) Single source /Shopping Direct contracting can be used only upon authorization of the Director General of the CSE and in the following cases: a) For exclusive right; b) For renewal of the procurement of additional supplies or works of identical nature; c) For additional contracts with the initial supplier for standardized equipment or spare parts that should match the equipment already in use ; d) For supplies, goods or works that have become necessary due to unfroseeable and external circumstances and aiming at supplementing supplies or works that have been subject to prime contract executed by the same successful bidder. * This is based on the following rate: USD 1 = FCFA 600. This is subject to change Method Intellectual services Threshold READINESS INCEPTION DOCUMENT | TEMPLATE PAGE 21 OF 41 Open Competitive / Full Tender Request for three quotations (RFQ) > FCFA 32,000,000 (equiv. USD 53,333*) 1st case: >=FCFA 5,000,000 and < FCFA 32,000,000 (equiv. USD 8,333 - 53,333* USD) 2nd case: < FCFA 5,000,000 (equiv. USD 8333*) (Intellectual service orders of less than FCFA 5,000,000 do not necessitate contract. Payments shall be made against bills of costs, cost estimates or invoices) Single source /Shopping Direct contracting can be used only upon authorization of the CSE’s Director General in the following cases: a) For exclusive right; b) For renewal of the procurement of additional supplies or works of identical nature; c) d) Forservices that have become necessary due to unfroseeable and external circumstances and aiming at supplementingservices that have been subject to prime contract executed by the same successful bidder. * This is based on the following rate: USD 1 = FCFA 600. This is subject to change Note: Exceptions for single source - Goods, works, services available from one supplier or contractor - Urgent need Disaster, force majeure Depending on its nature, any tender may be made an international tender regardless of its value 2. National Prior or Post Review 2. The following national prior or post review requirements apply to the various procurement and consultant recruitment methods used for the project. Procurement Method Procurement of Goods and Works Prior or Post Open competitive/Full Tender post Request for quotation (RFQ) Single source/Shopping post post Recruitment of Consulting Firms National consultant services post Comments READINESS INCEPTION DOCUMENT | TEMPLATE PAGE 22 OF 41 Procurement Method International consultant services Prior or Post post Recruitment of Individual Consultants Individual consultant services 3. Comments post Goods and Works Contracts Estimated ( 141,800) 1. The following table lists goods and works contracts for which procurement activity is either ongoing or expected to commence within the next 12 months. General Description Provision of hotel services for workshops and meetings of stakeholders including refreshment and hall rent/ Provision of workshops / meeting material Catering – meals, lunches, tea and coffee breaks etc. for participants attending smaller meetings Reimbursement of transport for participants attending meeting/workshop/training Communication Materials Media coverage for workshops and trainings DSA/Perdiem of international consultants Airfare tickets of international consultants Contingency Contract Value 14,000 Procurement Method Request quotation Prequalification of Bidders (y/n) for NDA office supplies and services Comments To use existing framework contracts n 42,000 Open competitive/Full Tender y To determined be 23,200 n for 7,000 Request quotation The events management firm will be procured for those tasks Refunds for transport/reimbursement for transport To be determined Request will be send to three graphic designer N Contract will be signed with national television which has the exclusivity for communicating official information Transportation cost will be distributed directly to other media staff invited to insure coverage of the activities 3,800 17,500 17,500 Single Source n N/A Request for quotation To be determined n n To be determined 13,200 Single Source NDA team Communication and Internet costs Advertisement Date (quarter/year) n 1,800 2,800 Request quotation for n To be determined Over duration project Over duration project Over duration project the of the of the of The DSA will be handled according to CSE’s payment/disbursement rules Request will be send to three travel agencies To be determined To use existing framework contracts Request will be send to 3 suppliers READINESS INCEPTION DOCUMENT | TEMPLATE PAGE 23 OF 41 4. Consulting Services Contracts Estimated ( 131,000) 2. The following table lists consulting services contracts for which procurement activity is either ongoing or expected to commence within the next 12 months. General Description Hiring international consultants to support NDA activities (Activity Area 1) Hiring international consultants to support design of country programme (Activity Area 2) Hiring national consultant to support NDA activities (Activity Area 1) Hiring national consultant to support design of country programme (Activity Area 2) IT Firm for the development of webpage Specialist communication Audit costs 1 QCBS Advertisement Date (quarter/year) International or National Assignment International Assignment Contract Value 27,000 Recruitment Method1 Open Competitive / Full Tender 27,000 Open Competitive / Full Tender International Assignment 25,000 Open Competitive National Assignment 25,000 Open Competitive National Assignment 6,000 Request for quotation National Assignment Request will be sent to 3 IT firms 14,000 Request for quotation National Assignment 6,000 Request for quotation National Assignment ToR will be sent to a short list of reputable consultant at national level ToR will be sent to reputable audit firms operating in the country Comments TORs will be published in CSE’s websites as well as on CSE’s network of partners TORs will be published in CSE’s websites as well as on CSE’s network of partners ToR will be sent to a short list of reputable consulting firm at national level ToR will be sent to a short list of reputable consulting firm at national level READINESS INCEPTION DOCUMENT | TEMPLATE PAGE 24 OF 41 Annex II: TOR for the recruitment of consultants TOR 1: INTERNATIONAL CONSULTANT IN CHARGE OF IMPLEMENTING ACTIVITIES UNDER ACTIVITY AREA 1 (STRENGTHENING OF NDA CAPACITIES) Call for expressions of interest: Recruitment of an international consultant for strengthening the capacities of the NDA and facilitating stakeholders engagement AMI No. 01/Readiness-TGO/UFC/CSE_Senegal/2016 Deadline for submission of application: xxxx Published: xxxx Number of consultant to recruit: 01 I. Context: The Green Climate Fund (GCF), established by Decision 1 / CP.16 of the United Nations Conference on Climate Change in 2010 in Mexico, is after the Global Environment Fund (GEF), the second Financial Mechanism of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC). The GCF finances in all developing countries parties to the UNFCCC; resilient and low carbon projects with a view to contributing to the global effort to reduce greenhouse gases. The areas of action of this fund focus on efficiency and energy production, adaptation activities to reduce climate-related vulnerability, sustainable forest management (including REDD+2), low-emission transportation and the design and planning of cities. It thus contributes to achieving the ultimate objective of the UNFCCC, that is to say, promote a paradigm shift towards sustainable development through a low growth trajectory in GHG emissions and resilient to climate change. In its initial phase, the Fund is organized thematically: funding windows for adaptation and mitigation, and the private sector facility (PSF), which remains a separate entity. Access to Fund resources will be through national, regional and international entities accredited by the GCF Board. The different modes of access can be used simultaneously. National ownership is to be at the heart of the approach of GCF. The Fund will seek to maximize the impact of its funding for adaptation and mitigation, and to seek a balance between the two, while promoting, socioeconomic and environmental co-benefits and gender mainstreaming. It will then encourage the participation of all stakeholders, including vulnerable groups and and the consideration of gender issues. At national level, the National Designated Authority (NDA) and the focal point will not only be responsible to direct fundings for the implementation of adaptation and mitigation activities, but also to act as an interface between the funds and countries. 2 Reduction of Emissions due to Deforestation and Forest Degradation READINESS INCEPTION DOCUMENT | TEMPLATE PAGE 25 OF 41 The Directorate of Environment of Togo, National Designated Authority (NDA) of the Fund, benefited from the "initial" Support Program of the Green Climate Fund. This support covers the development of an Investment Plan and the strengthening of institutional capacity, particularly in terms of country coordination mechanisms and multi-stakeholder consultations, but also to prepare Togo to design and implement projects and programs to submit to the fund. Both activity areas will strengthen the involvement of stakeholders and will also allow the development of a national program to develop a strategic framework for interaction with the Fund. It is in this context that the Focal Point of Togo seeks to recruit an international consultant to facilitate the implementation of Activity Area 1:“Strengthening NDA capacities”. The international consultant will be recruited for a period of forty five (45) days, over the course of 09months II. Purpose of the mission: The main objective of the mission is to facilitate the implementation of activities planned under Activity area 1. III. . Duties and Responsibilities: The consultant will be in charge to carry out the following tasks: - - - - Assist the NDA in organizing and facilitating a launching workshop to inform stakeholders about the readiness program and GCF policies, priorities and investments framework Conduct a mapping of relevant national, regional and international climate finance mechanisms, with the assistance of the national consultant Assist the NDA in organizing a workshop for setting up a steering committee to assist the NDA in its coordination tasks across stakeholders (including key Sector Ministries, private sector, non-state actors, Academia and other stakeholders); Assist the NDA in organizing and facilitating the inter-ministerial meeting to inform about GCF policies and investments framework, to build synergies and to inform the high level ministries on the readiness program objectives and activities, with the assistance of the national consultant Contribute to the preparation of semi-annual and annual reports on readiness activities, with the assistance of the national consultant Developing a system for issuing calls for proposals, reviewing proposals and issuing recommendations (no-objections), including by continuously mentoring and coaching the NDA team and the steering committee on Fund related issues, specifically on how to coordinate and ensure multi-stakeholders engagement Facilitate one training session on climate finance, financial engineering, with the assistance of the national consultant Facilitate one training session on development of bankable project, including preparation of budget and business plan, with the assistance of the national consultant READINESS INCEPTION DOCUMENT | TEMPLATE PAGE 26 OF 41 - Developing a projects/programmes database system for monitoring and communication purposes IV. Qualifications and experience required: The Consultant shall have the following skills and qualifications: - Hold a PhD or a BAC+5 (Engineering Diploma, Master) in Environmental Sciences, Economics sciences , Environmental Economics, climate finance, project management; Have a minimum of 05 years experience in similar missions; Good knowledge of international fiduciary standards and environmental and social safeguards (including Gender); Have a good command of project development; Have a good knowledge of financial engineering; Good computer skills (Word, Excel, Powerpoint); Being used to working under pressure; Good command of French and good knowledge of English. The expressions of interest, written in French, should be sent to the Climate Finance Unit of the Centre de Suivi Ecologique, no later than xxxx at xxxx xxh local time in Dakar and clearly marked the mention «AMI No. 01/Readiness-TGO/UFC/CSE_Senegal/2016 Call for expression of interest: Recruitment of an international consultant for strengthening the capacities of the NDA and facilitating stakeholders engagement The application should include: 1. A cover letter of two pages; 2. A detailed curriculum vitae; 3. A certified copy of the original diplomas, certificates or any other document justifying the training and experience. Applicants who are interest can obtain further information on the terms of reference from Monday to Friday at the address below: Email : or Address : Centre de Suivi Ecologique Rue Leon Gontran Damas, Fann Residence, Dakar, Senegal P.O. BOX : 15 532, Dakar-Fann, Dakar, Senegal Contact : +221 33 825 80 66 or +221 33 825 80 67 Fax : +221 33 825 81 68 READINESS INCEPTION DOCUMENT | TEMPLATE PAGE 27 OF 41 TOR 2: NATIONAL CONSULTANT IN CHARGE TO SUPPORT THE INTERNATIONALCONSULTANT FOR THE IMPLEMENTATION OF CAPACITY BUILDING ACTIVITIES OF THE DESIGNATED AUTHORITY Call for expressions of interest: Recruitment of a national consultant for supporting the international consultant for strengthening the capacities of the NDA and facilitating stakeholders engagement AMI No. 02/Readiness-TGO/UFC/CSE_Senegal/2016 Deadline for submission of application: xxxx Published: xxxx Number of consultant to recruit: 01 I. Context: The Green Climate Fund (GCF), established by Decision 1 / CP.16 of the United Nations Conference on Climate Change in 2010 in Mexico, is after the Global Environment Fund (GEF), the second Financial Mechanism of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC). The GCF finances in all developing countries parties to the UNFCCC; resilient and low carbon projects with a view to contributing to the global effort to reduce greenhouse gases. The areas of action of this fund focus on efficiency and energy production, adaptation activities to reduce climate-related vulnerability, sustainable forest management (including REDD+3), low-emission transportation and the design and planning of cities. It thus contributes to achieving the ultimate objective of the UNFCCC, that is to say, promote a paradigm shift towards sustainable development through a low growth trajectory in GHG emissions and resilient to climate change. In its initial phase, the Fund is organized thematically: funding windows for adaptation and mitigation, and the Assistance Fund to the private sector (PSF), which remains a separate entity. Access to Fund resources will be through national, regional and international entities accredited by the council of the Board for the fund. The different modes of access and modalities can be used simultaneously. National ownership is to be at the heart of the approach of GCF. The Fund will seek to maximize the impact of its funding for adaptation and mitigation, and to seek a balance between the two, while promoting, socioeconomic and environmental co-benefits and gender mainstreaming. It will then encourage the participation of all stakeholders, including vulnerable groups and and the consideration of gender issues. . At national level, the National Designated Authority (NDA) and the focus will not only be responsible to direct fundings for the implementation of adaptation and mitigation activities, but also to act as an interface between the funds and countries. The Togo through the Department of the Environment, National Designated Authority (NDA) of the fund benefited from the "initial" Support Program of the Green Climate Fund. This support covers the development of an Investment Plan and the strengthening of institutional capacity, particularly in terms of 3 Reduction of Emissions due to Deforestation and Forest Degradation READINESS INCEPTION DOCUMENT | TEMPLATE PAGE 28 OF 41 country coordination mechanisms and multi-stakeholder consultations, but also to prepare Togo to design and implement projects and programs to submit to the fund. Both activity areas will strengthen the involvement of stakeholders and will also allow the development of a national program to develop a strategic framework for interaction with the Fund. The NDA of Togo is seeking to recruit a national consultant to support the international consultant in facilitating the implementation of Activity Area 1: “Strengthening NDA capacities”. The national consultant will be recruited for a period of 100 days, over the course of ten (10) months II. Purpose of the mission: The main objective of the mission is to facilitate the implementation of activities planned under Activity area 1. III. Duties and Responsibilities: The national consultant’s tasks will be to: - - - - - - Assist the international consultant and the NDA in organizing and launching Facilitating a workshop to inform stakeholders about the readiness program and GCF policies, investments and Priorities Framework Assist the international consultant in mapping of relevant national, regional and international climate finance Mechanisms, Assist the NDA and the international consultant in organizing a workshop for setting up a steering committee to assist in the NDA ict coordination tasks across stakeholders (Including Key Sector Ministries, private sector, non-state actors, Academia and others stakeholders); Assist the NDA and the international consultant in the organizing and Facilitating inter-ministerial meeting to inform about policies and investments GCF framework, to build synergies and to inform the high level ministries on the readiness program objective and activities, Contribute to the preparation of semi-annual and annual reports on readiness activities, under the guidance of the international consultant Assist the international consultant in Developing a system for Issuing calls for proposals, reviewing Proposals and Issuing recommendations (no-objection), Including by Continuously mentoring and coaching the NES team and the steering committee on Fund related issues, SPECIFICALLY on how to coordinate and Ensure multi-stakeholder engagement Assist the international consultant in Facilitating one training session on climate finance, financial engineering, with the support of the national consultant Assist the international consultant in one training session on Facilitating development of bankable project, Including preparation of budget and business plan, with the support of the national consultant Assist the international consultant in Developing a projects / programs database system for monitoring and communication Purposes IV. Qualifications and experience required: The Consultant shall have the following skills and qualifications: READINESS INCEPTION DOCUMENT | TEMPLATE PAGE 29 OF 41 - Hold a BAC+5 (Engineering Degree, Master) in Environmental Sciences, Economics sciences , Environmental Economics, climate finance, project management; - Have a minimum of 05 years experience in similar missions; - Good knowledge of international fiduciary standards and environmental and social safeguards (including Gender); - Have a good command of project development; - Have a good knowledge of financial engineering; - Good computer skills (Word, Excel, Powerpoint); - Being used to working under pressure; Good command of French and good knowledge of English. The expressions of interest, written in French, should be sent to the Climate Finance Unit of the Centre de Suivi Ecologique, no later than xxxx at xxp.m. local time in Dakar and clearly marked the mention: «AMI No. 02/Readiness-TGO/UFC/CSE_Senegal/2016 Call for expression of interest: Recruitment of a national consultant for strengthening the capacities of the NDA and facilitating stakeholders engagement The application should include: 1. A cover letter of two pages; 2. A detailed curriculum vitae; 3. A certified copy of the original diplomas, certificates or any other document justifying the training and experience. Applicants who are interest can obtain further information on the terms of reference from Monday to Friday at the address below: Email : or Address : Centre de Suivi Ecologique Rue Leon Gontran Damas, Fann Residence, Dakar, Senegal P.O. BOX : 15 532, Dakar-Fann, Dakar, Senegal Contact : +221 33 825 80 66 or +221 33 825 80 67 Fax : +221 33 825 81 68 READINESS INCEPTION DOCUMENT | TEMPLATE PAGE 30 OF 41 TOR 3: INTERNATIONAL CONSULTANT TO ANALYZE NATIONAL POLICIES AND STRATEGIES TO WRITE THE COUNTRY PROGRAM DOCUMENT Call for expressions of interest: Recruitment of an international consultant to analyze the national strategies and policies and draft the country programme AMI No. 03/Readiness-TGO/UFC/CSE_Senegal/2016 Deadline for submission of application: xxxx Published: xxxx Number of consultants to recruit : 01 I. Context: The Green Climate Fund (GCF), established by Decision 1 / CP.16 of the United Nations Conference on Climate Change in 2010 in Mexico, is after the Global Environment Fund (GEF), the second Financial Mechanism of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC). The GCF finances in all developing countries parties to the UNFCCC; resilient and low carbon projects with a view to contributing to the global effort to reduce greenhouse gases. The areas of action of this fund focus on efficiency and energy production, adaptation activities to reduce climate-related vulnerability, sustainable forest management (including REDD+4) , low-emission transportation and the design and planning of cities. It thus contributes to achieving the ultimate objective of the UNFCCC, that is to say, promote a paradigm shift towards sustainable development through a low growth trajectory in GHG emissions and resilient to climate change. In its initial phase, the Fund is organized thematically: funding windows for adaptation and mitigation, and the Assistance Fund to the private sector (PSF), which remains a separate entity. Access to Fund resources will be through national, regional and international entities accredited by the council of the Board for the fund. The different modes of access and modalities can be used simultaneously. National ownership is to be at the heart of the approach of GCF. The Fund will seek to maximize the impact of its funding for adaptation and mitigation, and to seek a balance between the two, while promoting, socioeconomic and environmental co-benefits and gender mainstreaming. It will then encourage the participation of all stakeholders, including vulnerable groups and and the consideration of gender issues. At national level, the National Designated Authority (NDA) and the focus will not only be responsible to direct fundings for the implementation of adaptation and mitigation activities, but also to act as an interface between the funds and countries. 4 Reduction of Emissions due to Deforestation and Forest Degradation READINESS INCEPTION DOCUMENT | TEMPLATE PAGE 31 OF 41 The Togo through the Department of the Environment, National Designated Authority (NDA) of the fund benefited from the "initial" Support Program of the Green Climate Fund. This support covers the development of an Investment Plan and the strengthening of institutional capacity, particularly in terms of country coordination mechanisms and multi-stakeholder consultations, but also to prepare Togo to design and implement projects and programs to submit to the fund. Both activity areas will strengthen the involvement of stakeholders and will also allow the development of a national program to develop a strategic framework for interaction with the Fund. The NDA of Togo is seeking to recruit an international consultant for the development of a country programme. The international consultant will be recruited for a period of forty five days (45) over the course of nine (09) months. II. - Purpose of the mission The main objective of the mission is to support the NDA in the analysis of national strategies and in facilitating consultations with stakeholders in order to identify priority investment areas for the formulation of a country program. III. Duties and Responsibilities: The Consultant is responsible for analyzing existing strategies and policies, but also to prepare a country program. He will have to: Review national strategies and policies Attend the DNA in the consultative process at the national level to identify priority areas for investment Provide guidelines for prioritizing interventions, taking account of the GCF policies and priorities Develop a draft country program Conduct interactions with various stakeholders at the national level to collect comments on the country program Facilitate the validation workshop of the country program Produce semi-annual report and annual report on the implementation of Activity area 2 . IV. . Qualifications and experience required: The Consultant shall have the following skills and qualifications: - Hold a PhD or BAC+5 (engineering degree, Master) in Environment, Environmental Economics, Project Management, Finance, Management, Marketing & Communication, economics etc .; - Have experience of at least 7 years in a similar mission; READINESS INCEPTION DOCUMENT | TEMPLATE PAGE 32 OF 41 - Good knowledge of Climate Policy in West Africa in general and Togo in particular; Have good knowledge in the field of adaptation and mitigation projects; Have knowledge of aspects related to the coordination and impact of climate policies on other national policies; Have good computer skills (Word, Excel, Powerpoint); Be used to working under pressure, manage priorities and to work in teams; Mastering French and have good knowledge of English; Have excellent analytical skills; Have good communication skills The expressions of interest, written in French, should be sent to the Climate Finance Unit of the Centre de Suivi Ecologique by the xxxx to xxh local time in Dakar and clearly marked the mention "AMI No. 03 / Readiness-TGO / UFC / CSE_Senegal / 2016 Call for expressions of interest: Recruitment of an international consultant to analyze the national strategies and policies and draft the country programme The application should include: 1. A cover letter of two pages; 2. A detailed curriculum vitae; 3. A certified copy of the original diplomas, certificates or any other document justifying the training and experience. Applicants who are interest can obtain further information on the terms of reference from Monday to Friday at the address below: Email : or Address : Centre de Suivi Ecologique Rue Leon Gontran Damas, Fann Residence, Dakar, Senegal P.O. BOX : 15 532, Dakar-Fann, Dakar, Senegal Contact : +221 33 825 80 66 or +221 33 825 80 67 Fax : +221 33 825 81 68 READINESS INCEPTION DOCUMENT | TEMPLATE PAGE 33 OF 41 TOR 4: CONSULTANT NATIONAL IN CHARGE TO SUPPORT THE INTERNATIONAL CONSULTANT IN ANALYSIS OF STRATEGIES AND NATIONAL POLICIES AND THE DEVELOPMENT OF A COUNTRY PROGRAM DOCUMENT Call for expressions of interest: Recruitment of a national consultant to support international consultant in the analysis of national strategies and policies and drafting the country programme document AMI No. 04 / Readiness-TGO / UFC / CSE_Senegal / 2016 Deadline for submission of application: xxxx Published: xxxx Number of consultants to recruit: 01 I. Context The Green Climate Fund (GCF), established by Decision 1 / CP.16 of the United Nations Conference on Climate Change in 2010 in Mexico, is after the Global Environment Fund (GEF), the second Financial Mechanism of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC). The GCF finances in all developing countries parties to the UNFCCC; resilient and low carbon projects with a view to contributing to the global effort to reduce greenhouse gases. The areas of action of this fund focus on efficiency and energy production, adaptation activities to reduce climate-related vulnerability, sustainable forest management (including REDD+5), low-emission transportation and the design and planning of cities. It thus contributes to achieving the ultimate objective of the UNFCCC, that is to say, promote a paradigm shift towards sustainable development through a low growth trajectory in GHG emissions and resilient to climate change. In its initial phase, the Fund is organized thematically: funding windows for adaptation and mitigation, and the Assistance Fund to the private sector (PSF), which remains a separate entity. Access to Fund resources will be through national, regional and international entities accredited by the council of the Board for the fund. The different modes of access and modalities can be used simultaneously. National ownership is to be at the heart of the approach of GCF. The Fund will seek to maximize the impact of its funding for adaptation and mitigation, and to seek a balance between the two, while promoting, socioeconomic and environmental co-benefits and gender mainstreaming. It will then encourage the participation of all stakeholders, including vulnerable groups and and the consideration of gender issues. At national level, the National Designated Authority (NDA) and the focus will not only be responsible to direct fundings for the implementation of adaptation and mitigation activities, but also to act as an interface between the funds and countries. 5 Reduction of Emissions due to Deforestation and Forest Degradation READINESS INCEPTION DOCUMENT | TEMPLATE PAGE 34 OF 41 The Togo through the Department of the Environment, National Designated Authority (NDA) of the fund benefited from the "initial" Support Program of the Green Climate Fund. This support covers the development of an Investment Plan and the strengthening of institutional capacity, particularly in terms of country coordination mechanisms and multi-stakeholder consultations, but also to prepare Togo to design and implement projects and programs to submit to the fund. Both activity areas will strengthen the involvement of stakeholders and will also allow the development of a national program to develop a strategic framework for interaction with the Fund. The NDA of Togo is seeking to recruit anational consultant for the implementation of certain activities. The national consultant will be recruited for a period of one hundred (100) days, spread over ten (10) months II. - Purpose of the mission The main objective of the mission is to support the international consuiltant and the NDA in the analysis of national strategies and in facilitating consultations with stakeholders in order to identify priority investment areas for the formulation of a country program. III. . Duties and Responsibilities: The Consultant is responsible for supporting the international consultant in the analysis of existing strategies and policies, but also in the drafting of a country program. He will have to: - Support the internationanl consultant in reviewing national strategies and policies Assist the DNA and the international consultant in the consultative process at the national level to identify priority areas for investment Support the international consultant in providing guidelines for prioritizing interventions, taking account of the GCF policies and priorities Contribute to the development of a draft country program Assisst the International consultant in conducting interactions with various stakeholders at the national level in order to collect comments on the country program Assist in the organization of the country program validation workshop. Assist the international consultant in producing semi-annual report and annual report on the implementation of Activity area 2 IV. III. Qualifications and experience required: The Consultant shall meet the following skills and qualifications: - Hold a bac+5 (engineering degree, Master) in Environment, Environmental Economics, Project Management, Finance, Management, Marketing & Communication, economics, etc .; Minimum 5 years experience in similar activities Have good knowledge of Climate Policy in West Africa in general and Togo in particular; READINESS INCEPTION DOCUMENT | TEMPLATE PAGE 35 OF 41 - Have good knowledge in the field of adaptation and mitigation projects; Have knowledge of aspects related to the coordination and to the impact of climate policies on other national policies; Good computer skills (Word, Excel, Powerpoint); Being used to working under pressure, manage priorities and team work; Have a good command of French and a good knowledge of English; Have excellent analytical skills; Have good communication skills The expressions of interest, written in French, should be sent to the Climate Finance Unit of the Centre de Suivi Ecologique by the xxxx to xxh local time in Dakar and clearly marked the mention AMI No. 04 / Readiness-TGO / UFC / CSE_Senegal / 2016 Call for expressions of interest: Recruitment of a national consultant to support international consultant in the analysis of national strategies and policies and the drafting of the country program" The application should include: 1. A cover letter of two pages; 2. A detailed curriculum vitae; 3. A certified copy of the original diplomas, certificates or any other document justifying the training and experience. Applicants who are interest can obtain further information on the terms of reference from Monday to Friday at the address below: Email : or Address : Centre de Suivi Ecologique Rue Leon Gontran Damas, Fann Residence, Dakar, Senegal P.O. BOX : 15 532, Dakar-Fann, Dakar, Senegal Contact : +221 33 825 80 66 or +221 33 825 80 67 Fax : +221 33 825 81 68 READINESS INCEPTION DOCUMENT | TEMPLATE PAGE 36 OF 41 TOR5 : RECRUITMENT OF AN IT FIRM TO CREATE A WEB PAGE Call for expressions of interest: Recruitment of an IT firm to create a web page AMI No. 05 / Readiness-TGO / UFC / CSE_Senegal / 2016 Deadline for submission of application: xxxx Published: xxxx Number of Firm to recruit : 01 I. Context The Green Climate Fund (GCF), established by Decision 1 / CP.16 of the United Nations Conference on Climate Change in 2010 in Mexico, is after the Global Environment Fund (GEF), the second Financial Mechanism of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC). The GCF finances in all developing countries parties to the UNFCCC; resilient and low carbon projects with a view to contributing to the global effort to reduce greenhouse gases. The areas of action of this fund focus on efficiency and energy production, adaptation activities to reduce climate-related vulnerability, sustainable forest management (including REDD+6) , low-emission transportation and the design and planning of cities. It thus contributes to achieving the ultimate objective of the UNFCCC, that is to say, promote a paradigm shift towards sustainable development through a low growth trajectory in GHG emissions and resilient to climate change. In its initial phase, the Fund is organized thematically: funding windows for adaptation and mitigation, and the Assistance Fund to the private sector (PSF), which remains a separate entity. Access to Fund resources will be through national, regional and international entities accredited by the council of the Board for the fund. The different modes of access and modalities can be used simultaneously. National ownership is to be at the heart of the approach of GCF. The Fund will seek to maximize the impact of its funding for adaptation and mitigation, and to seek a balance between the two, while promoting, socioeconomic and environmental co-benefits and gender mainstreaming. It will then encourage the participation of all stakeholders, including vulnerable groups and and the consideration of gender issues. At national level, the National Designated Authority (NDA) and the focus will not only be responsible to direct fundings for the implementation of adaptation and mitigation activities, but also to act as an interface between the funds and countries. The Togo through the Department of the Environment, National Designated Authority (NDA) of the fund benefited from the "initial" Support Program of the Green Climate Fund. This support covers the development of an Investment Plan and the strengthening of institutional capacity, particularly in terms of 6 Reduction of Emissions due to Deforestation and Forest Degradation READINESS INCEPTION DOCUMENT | TEMPLATE PAGE 37 OF 41 country coordination mechanisms and multi-stakeholder consultations, but also to prepare Togo to design and implement projects and programs to submit to the fund. Both activity areas will strengthen the involvement of stakeholders and will also allow the development of a national program to develop a strategic framework for interaction with the Fund. The NDA of Togo is seeking to recruit an IT firm for the developement of a webpage. The IT Company will be recruited for a period of 60 days. II. Purpose of the mission: The main objective of the mission is to create a web page to highlight the various activities of the Togo Readiness Programme, but also to share information related to the Green Climate Fund. III. Duties and Responsibilities: As part of this mission, the company that will be chosen will be responsible for: - Designing the webpage, taking into account the graphic Charter of the Green Climate Fund website and the one of the MERF website; Developing a platform for administration, to allowing to manage and update the web page; Presenting the product to the NDA and to the steering committee, for validation before delivery Make the final tests in relation to the IT of the NDA website Provide a technical report on the product developed. IV. Qualifications and experience required of the firm Basic training: Developer (+4 years at least); Excellent knowledge of VISUAL STUDIO and SQL Server Web environment Professional experience: at least 3 to 5 years in the field of design and implementation of IT management applications especially in the field of monitoring and evaluation indicators; Ability to work in multidisciplinary teams and good ability to establish harmonious human relations; Good organization and availability; Knowledge of working methods of the environmental sector in general, and the Green Climate Fund in particular; Ability to work in French and English. The expressions of interest, written in French, should be sent to the Climate Finance Unit of the Centre de Suivi Ecologique by the xxxx to xxh local time in Dakar and clearly marked the mention "AMI No. 05 / Readiness-TGO / UFC / CSE_Senegal / 2016 READINESS INCEPTION DOCUMENT | TEMPLATE PAGE 38 OF 41 Call for expressions of interest: Recruitment of an IT firm to create a web page" The application should include: 1. A cover letter of two pages; 2. A detailed curriculum vitae; 3. A certified copy of the original diplomas, certificates or any other document justifying the training and experience. Applicants who are interest can obtain further information on the terms of reference from Monday to Friday at the address below: Email : or Address : Centre de Suivi Ecologique Rue Leon Gontran Damas, Fann Residence, Dakar, Senegal P.O. BOX : 15 532, Dakar-Fann, Dakar, Senegal Contact : +221 33 825 80 66 or +221 33 825 80 67 Fax : +221 33 825 81 68 READINESS INCEPTION DOCUMENT | TEMPLATE PAGE 39 OF 41 TOR6: RECRUITMENT SPECIALIST IN COMMUNICATION Call for expressions of interest: Recruitment of a communication specialist AMI No. 06 / Readiness-TGO / UFC / CSE_Senegal / 2016 Deadline for submission of application: xxxx Published: xxxx Number of Firm to recruit : 01 I. Context The Green Climate Fund (GCF), established by Decision 1 / CP.16 of the United Nations Conference on Climate Change in 2010 in Mexico, is after the Global Environment Fund (GEF), the second Financial Mechanism of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC). The GCF finances in all developing countries parties to the UNFCCC; resilient and low carbon projects with a view to contributing to the global effort to reduce greenhouse gases. The areas of action of this fund focus on efficiency and energy production, adaptation activities to reduce climate-related vulnerability, sustainable forest management (including REDD+7), low-emission transportation and the design and planning of cities. It thus contributes to achieving the ultimate objective of the UNFCCC, that is to say, promote a paradigm shift towards sustainable development through a low growth trajectory in GHG emissions and resilient to climate change. In its initial phase, the Fund is organized thematically: funding windows for adaptation and mitigation, and the Assistance Fund to the private sector (PSF), which remains a separate entity. Access to Fund resources will be through national, regional and international entities accredited by the council of the Board of the fund. The different modes of access and modalities can be used simultaneously. National ownership is to be at the heart of the approach of GCF. The Fund will seek to maximize the impact of its funding for adaptation and mitigation, and to seek a balance between the two, while promoting, socioeconomic and environmental co-benefits and gender mainstreaming. It will then encourage the participation of all stakeholders, including vulnerable groups and and the consideration of gender issues. At national level, the National Designated Authority (NDA) and the focus will not only be responsible to direct fundings for the implementation of adaptation and mitigation activities, but also to act as an interface between the funds and countries. The Togo through the Department of the Environment, National Designated Authority (NDA) of the fund benefited from the "initial" Support Program of the Green Climate Fund. This support covers the development of an Investment Plan and the strengthening of institutional capacity, particularly in terms of 7 Reduction of Emissions due to Deforestation and Forest Degradation READINESS INCEPTION DOCUMENT | TEMPLATE PAGE 40 OF 41 country coordination mechanisms and multi-stakeholder consultations, but also to prepare Togo to design and implement projects and programs to submit to the fund. Both activity areas will strengthen the involvement of stakeholders and will also allow the development of a national program to develop a strategic framework for interaction with the Fund. The NDA of Togo is seeking to recruit an international consultant for the developement and implementation of a communication plan. The communications specialist will be recruited for a period of 50 days over the course of 10 months II. Purpose of the mission: The main objective of the mission is to develop a national communication strategy, including a communication plan, for the Togo Readiness Program and to support the NDA in distributing communication materials on the Green Climate Fund. III. Duties and Responsibilities: As part of this mission, the communication specialist who will be selected will be responsible for: - Define a vision and clear objectives for information and communication efforts to deploy; Identify target audiences; Develop a communication strategy, including a communication plan; Assist the NDA and the Steering Committee in the implementation of the communication plan; Prepare monthly reports on communication activities; Prepare notes on the lessons learned, in collab oration with the national consultant; IV. Qualifications and experience required: - Bac+5 in communication or marketing with professional experience of at least five (5) years in communication, particularly in the area of environment and climate change Having experience of at least two similar missions; Having expertise in communication for development; Being fluent in French with a good knowledge of English The expressions of interest, written in French, should be sent to the Climate Finance Unit of the Centre de Suivi Ecologique by the xxxx to xxh local time in Dakar and clearly marked the mention "AMI No. 06 / Readiness-TGO / UFC / CSE_Senegal / 2016 Call for expressions of interest: Recruitment of a specialist in communication» The application should include: READINESS INCEPTION DOCUMENT | TEMPLATE PAGE 41 OF 41 1. A cover letter of two pages; 2. A detailed curriculum vitae; 3. A certified copy of the original diplomas, certificates or any other document justifying the training and experience. Applicants who are interest can obtain further information on the terms of reference from Monday to Friday at the address below: Email : or Address : Centre de Suivi Ecologique Rue Leon Gontran Damas, Fann Residence, Dakar, Senegal P.O. BOX : 15 532, Dakar-Fann, Dakar, Senegal Contact : +221 33 825 80 66 or +221 33 825 80 67 Fax : +221 33 825 81 68