Village Place Newsletter - Village Place Community Association


Village Place Newsletter - Village Place Community Association
Village Place Newsletter
Village Place Community Association * 2000 Dairy Ashford, Suite 590 * Houston, Texas 77077
As a reminder, this will be the last issue of the Village Place
Newsletter sent as mass “snail mail”. Only about a dozen
President: Rich Purtell; 281-496-1365
residents have requested continuation of the postal service
distribution. This represents less than 3 percent of our
Keith Alverson;281-531-7952
total VP population. This newsletter as well as future
Treasurer: Don Trapnell, 281-558-4816
newsletters will be posted on the VP website. Those few
residents requesting newsletter distribution by the USPS
Director: Connie Mannke;281-497-8228
will continue to receive the newsletter in a hard copy
format. As I mentioned in previous newsletters the print
Secretary: Bradley Ottosen,
and postage savings to VP are significant. For those of
Director-Security: Geoff Emerson 281-589you that have not registered on our website I would
encourage you to do so.
Tom D’Ambrosio-281-531-8238
Our annual Fourth Of July Party will be held as usual at the
Village Green. The Wheels Parade for the kids will
commence at 4: 00 PM. The parade begins at the corner of
Long Pine and Woodlodge and ends at the Village Green
Clubhouse. Be sure and have your children,
Non Board Members and Committee Members
grandchildren and any adults that feel like children lined
up and ready to go by 4:00. As in the past any nonManagement Company and Club House Rental –
motorized vehicle (bicycle, wagon, stroller or similar
Cindy Yeglin 281-493-5400
mode of transport is welcome). If possible they should be Architectural Control decorated in a holiday theme. A Grand Marshal and a
Rich Purtell 281-496-1365, Don Trapnell 281-5584816
Constable will lead the parade. We will begin serving B
Social/Children’s Events – Mary Hacopian 281B Q and side dishes at 4:30PM. Guests and property
584-0441, Janice Stokes 281-433-5231, Amber
owners or residents of properties not current on
Reese 281-556-5056
association fees will be charged $7.00 per person. There
Newsletter – Dianne Davison 281-759-4149
will be a moon walk for the kids, swimming activities and
Women’s Club – JoKatherine D’Ambrosio 281snow cones just to mention a few of the activities Tables
531-8238; Sylvia Paredes at 281-496-5140
and chairs will be set up under a tent for your dinning
Constable Dispatcher:
pleasure. This is a great opportunity to meet your
neighbors or just renew old acquaintances.
VP Board Members
(1) Although it is several months away it is time to begin thinking about the annual Home
Owners Association meeting scheduled for October 11. As usual there will be opportunities for
those of you that are interested to run for a board position. If you are interested in supporting
your community and are willing to expend 4 or 5 hours a month, “through your hat in the ring”.
I receive many calls and emails from residents concerning various issues related to the overall
appearance and safety of Village Place. Recently many of these have centered around two
(1) The conditions of our sidewalks and driveways Yard debris and trash many of our sidewalks
and drives are 30 to 35 years old and are suffering like many of us from old age. Sidewalk and
driveway repairs are the responsibility of the property owner with the following exception; in
situations where City utilities (water lines, storm drains, etc) are near or under the sidewalk the
City will repair or replace damaged sections of sidewalk or driveway. If a City utility is not the
culprit the property owner is responsible. The damaged sidewalks not only are unsightly, but
may also constitute a potential legal liability to the property owner in the event of damage or
harm to an individual or an individual’s property. It may be possible as a group to receive a
discounted rate for the replacement of the sidewalks. If you are interested the message board on
our website presents an excellent opportunity to start the process. About 10 years ago I
coordinated a group rate for sidewalk repair and was quoted a discount of about 15%.
The majority of the complaints regarding trash have been related to storage of trash and yard
refuge curbside for lengthy periods. Our trash pickup on Saturday is usually completed by early
afternoon. Some residents have missed the Saturday pickup and as a result their trash and yard
refuge is curbside 3or 4 days until the Wednesday pickup. As a courtesy to your neighbors
please keep your trash and yard debris stored in a non-obtrusive manner. Putting yard refuge out
the night before pickup is acceptable. HOUSEHOLD TRASH PICKUP IS BACK DOOR,
Rich Purtell
VP HOA President
Dianne Davison
Re/Max Westside, 15119 Memorial
Lakeside Place Specialist
Office: 281-925-3055 Cell: 281-433-3360
Proudly serving Village Place in all your real estate needs!
Check out our neighborhood web site:!
Village Place Women’s Group
Meets 4th Thursday of each
month. Sign up for Email
Join VP Women’s Club Leadership Committee.
We need two or three women to help plan future meetings. I have been active in the planning for
seven years now and will continue on because of the wonderful, close friendships I have
made. Also, I enjoy knowing our neighbors. These women are a diverse, cool bunch of women
including housewives and mothers, engineers, nurses lawyers artists, etc etc.
We began the VP Women’s Club after 9/11 because we realized how important a community
is. Our VP group has supported each other in some tough times (my own bout with cancer), as well
as supporting the community, such as year end parties for Piney Point Elementary. Best of all, we
do what women do best, we share our stories and lots of laughter. Sylvia has been there for us,
leading the way during all of it. Especially the laughter part, as anyone who has joined us for happy
hour at Pang Tai’s knows.
Now we need support to keep the meetings and events going. Please email or call me so we can get
together and plan the rest of the year’s events.
Jo Katherine
Hosted by: Carole Strachan
Location:Vine Wine Room
12420 Memorial Drive
Thursday, June 28, 6:30p.m.
“Unique Wines from Everywhere” Come enjoy a glass of wine, relax with old friends or
meet new ones. This is a great opportunity to get to know your neighbors of Village
Place and try some new and interesting wines in comfortable elegance.
Check out our neighborhood web site:!
4th of JULY BBQ and Parade!
Kids Parade! Wheels Parade!
4:oo p.m. Meet at the Corner of Long Pine and Woodlodge. Nonmotorized bikes, wagons, strollers etc. Decorate in the Holiday
Theme! We will gather together and then have a Wheel Parade to
the Club House! Moonwalk, Swimming and Plenty to do!
Be there!! All invited!! Fun to be had by All!!
BBQ at 4:30 at Club House
Come join us at the Club House after the kids
wheel parade for BBQ and side dishes! Take a
break and stop in for some good BBQ with your
friends and neighbors. This is a great way to
meet your community. $7.00 charge for guests.
VP Calendar –monthly.
3rd Thursday 7:00 p.m. – Monthly Board Meeting, Club House
4th Thursday 7:00 p.m. – Monthly Women’s Club Meeting
There has been very little in Village Place to report this Month. One traffic
stop. There was a rash of burglaries of motor vehicles in the area and an arrest was
made on west Ella. The constables also arrested three suspects from a robbery and
shooting at Fuddruckers on Kirkwood. This was a direct result of the HPD radios
that we helped purchase for them.
There were some reports of “home assessors” going around and attempting
to enter homes. Do not let anyone you do not know into your home. Assessments
are not done in the home. Make sure anyone that comes to the door has proper
credentials. Remember it is also against neighborhood policy to permit any door
to door solicitations.
Check out our neighborhood web site:!
Yard of the Month
Congratulations to the Busby
Family located at 1302 Riverview
Court. Thank you Sallie and Ken
for keeping such a beautiful yard!
Village Place Web Site UP and RUNNING!
This is such a great web site for the neighborhood! It is
very easy to log on and activate. There are so many
features this web site has. And after this news letter it will
be the best place for information on Upcoming events,
Neighborhood News, and Information. It will grow and
expand as we need it and possibly providing names for
baby sitters, Mothers support Network, Remodeling
Recommendations etc. Log on to:
Village Place
2000 Dairy Ashford
Suite 590
Houston, TX 77077
Phone: 281-493-5400
Time Dated Material, please deliver ASAP!