Inside - St. Charles CUSD 303


Inside - St. Charles CUSD 303
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Instruction Matters
Volume 12 Number 3
Fall 2014
A Newsletter for the District 303 Community
istrict Enrollment:
Looking at the Big Picture
Declining Number of Students Prompts a Look to the Future
In two decades, District 303 has gone from explosive enrollment growth to a steady
decline in the number of students by grade level. This decline begins with the current
5th grade class and continues a downward trend through the current Kindergarten
The current middle and high school grades average 1111 students. The current high
school juniors are the largest class with
1170 students, while the smallest class
Grade Level
Number of Students
is the current 7th grade class with 1076
students. However, the picture begins to
5th Grade
change starting with the current 5th grade
4th Grade
class, as shown in the accompanying table.
3rd Grade
(All numbers as of Oct. 1, 2014)
The question in front of the District 303
community is: Is this trend temporary or is it
the new normal?
“continued on page 3...”
2nd Grade
1st Grade
Distinguished Alumni
'14 District ACT Score
BOE Summary
Greater St. Charles
Education Foundation
BOE Elections
Senate Bill 16
Capital Projects
Meet the New D303
Communications Corner
A Message from the Superintendent
Our Focus: Instruction Matters
I believe public education is one of the
pillars of America that make this country
and St. Charles great.
I came to St. Charles because this has always been a great
community. But there were issues that were distractions
from what really matters, such as boundary changes.
My grandparents are examples of the
belief that educating kids is our duty.
When they settled in Wisconsin, they
got together with their neighbors and
built a schoolhouse. The next step was
the most important part. They hired the
best teacher they could find because they knew education
was important and the instruction from that teacher to the
students was the key.
Together, we’ve turned the focus back to the students. The
question we ask a lot, and we must always ask is “What‘s
best for kids?”
Instruction Matters. It starts by hiring the best teachers we
can. Then we make certain those teachers are supported
by initiatives such as Instructional Support Coaches and
Professional Learning Communities. Our grounds and
maintenance staff makes sure our buildings are clean and
safe. Our Technology staff makes certain our students and
teachers have the best tools for learning.
It’s amazing to think about how far we’ve come from those
one room schoolhouses. Now schools are central
gathering points for our community. Schools are about
more than just books and learning. There’s transportation.
Food Service. Athletics. Music. The Arts. While all these
things are embedded in what our community expects us to
provide in the educational experience, we can sometimes
get distracted from what lies at the core.
A lot has changed in education over the years, but in St.
Charles we know, just as they did a long time ago,
educating kids is our duty.
And what matters most?
The Instruction Matters.
All those things certainly matter, but in St. Charles,
Instruction Matters most.
That’s what I think, let me know what you think.
It’s that simple for us. The most important thing that
happens in our District every day is when a teacher
interacts with students in the classroom.
Dr. Don Schlomann
Superintendent of Schools
St. Charles CUSD 303
D303 Seeking Nominations
for Distinguished Alumni
Nominations for the 2015 Distinguished Alumni Award are
being accepted through November 1. Nominations should
include the nominee's name, the nominating person's name,
current address, phone, e-mail, which high school the nominee
graduated from and what year, along with a letter detailing the
achievements and accomplishments of the nominee. Those
making a nomination should also include any materials in
support of their nominee.
Winners to Be Honored at GSCEF Jazz Event on
Feb. 21
District 303 in conjunction with the Distinguished Alumni
Award Committee and the Greater St. Charles Education
Foundation (GSCEF) are accepting nominations for the 2015
District 303 Distinguished Alumni Award. The award will be
given to selected nominees who have graduated from
District 303 and have demonstrated a high level of
achievement in their field of endeavor or in their contributions
to their community.
The 2015 recipients will be recognized at the Greater St.
Charles Education Foundation’s Jazz Event, which will be
held on February 21, 2015 at the Royal Fox Country Club.
Nominations can be mailed to: Distinguished Alumni Award
Committee, Attn: Jim Blaney, 201 S. 7th Street, St. Charles IL
60174, or emailed to
Class of '14 Matches Highest D303 ACT Score
Eight Students Have Perfect SAT Marks, 4 Named National Merit Semifinalists
District 303’s Class of 2014 earned an ACT
Composite score of 23.6, which matches
the highest ever ACT Composite score for
District 303 students. The Class of 2010
also earned a Composite score of 23.6.
The Class of 2014 posted the highest
District 303 scores ever in English (23.2),
Reading, (23.5) and Science (23.4). The
scores for the 2014 class are well above
the Illinois state averages: 2.9 higher in
English; 3.1 higher in Mathematics; 2.7
higher in Reading; 2.9 higher in Science;
and 2.9 higher for the Composite score.
Two students from St. Charles East High
School had a perfect score on the critical
reading test, two students had perfect
scores on the mathematics test, and two
students had perfect scores on the
chemistry subject test.
One student from St. Charles North High
School earned perfect scores on the
mathematics and reading tests, as well as
the subject area tests in mathematics and
literature. The other student earned a
perfect score on the mathematics subject
Eight students from the District 303 Class
of 2014 posted perfect scores on the SAT
College Entrance Examination.
The SAT is generally used as the entrance
examination by colleges and universities
on the East and West coasts of the United
States. By state law, the ACT is taken by all
high school juniors while participation in
the SAT is a decision made by individual
As for the Class of 2015, four members of
District 303’s Class of 2015 were named
semifinalists in the National Merit
Scholarship Competition. From St.
Charles East, Austin Born, Iva Gramatikov,
and Benjamin Nichols move to the next
phase of the National Merit selection
process, as will St. Charles North’s Tegan
Keigher. National Merit Finalists are
named in the spring.
Looking at the Big Picture
“Declining enrollment is a trend often seen in
communities as they mature,” said Dr. Don Schlomann,
District 303 Superintendent of Schools. “A period of rapid
growth is followed by a decline and then a leveling off.
Additionally, the economic downturn in 2008 may have led
people to stay in their current homes longer than they had
planned. In many cases, the kids in those neighborhoods
have almost fully progressed through our schools. Will
those soon to be empty-nesters sell their homes to young
families with school age kids leading to a rise in enrollment
numbers again?"
...continued from front cover
Step two will be to make determinations about what the
facility needs might be based on the enrollment projections.
Part of this second stage will be to factor in the retirement
of bonds in 2017 that might present an option for financial
The final step of the process will be to answer this question:
How should the District 303 community use facilities most
efficiently, and are those facilities located where the students
are located?
These questions will be the focus of a select committee
of community members charged to develop and estimate
what District 303 can expect in the future regarding student
enrollment. This committee, made up of developers,
business leaders, community planners, and realtors will
begin a three-step process in late October to address
these questions. District 303 Administration will use their
feedback to begin the formulation of a “Big Picture” for the
District regarding enrollment.
This three-step process is expected to take a year before
recommendations are presented to the Board of Education.
“These are things we need to discuss,” Schlomann said. “But
we also need to keep in mind there are a lot of unknowns,
such as the economy, revisions to the state pension system,
and future legislative action such as Senate Bill 16, which
could impact the direction the District takes in the future.”
Schlomann continued. “The goal of this process is to gather
information for the Board to use in their decision making
In the first step of the process, the committee will hear
presentations from the communities that make up District
303 about their visions for growth.
“There have been times when I’ve been
playing that you cannot wipe the smile off
of my face.” - Ryan Carney
From Wild Rose to SXSW
District 303 Alum Ryan Carney
From the following list of stringed musical instruments, pick the biggest and most
obnoxious one: violin, viola, cello, or bass.
In the 3rd grade music class at Wild Rose School in 1987, Ryan Carney had that
choice and picked the bass. It was his first step on a journey that has led to
membership in Antony & The Tramps, a band to which Carney contributes by
playing the cello. He describes the band’s sound as “Jimi Hedrix meets Paul Simon”.
Carney and his bandmates just recorded their first album and have added an
impressive list of events to their growing (60 shows in the last 14 months) resume.
The list includes, the Kentucky Derby and the South by Southwest Music Festival in
Austin, TX which is the largest and most diverse annual music festival in the
Prior to graduating from St. Charles High School in 1997, Carney’s interest in music
was fueled by Thompson Middle School Orchestra teacher Mr. Adrian Anderson
and in high school by current East High School Orchestra teacher Mr. Ben Oswalt.
“I wasn’t one of the popular kids in high school,” Carney remembers, “but the other kids knew I was playing in the Jazz Band and
some of the other kids invited me to be in their band. I got to meet a much larger group of kids. Music is important for a lot of
reasons, among them it can be a great vehicle for social acceptance.”
Carney works by day as a healthcare advisor for Dell computers, and he uses much of what he learns through music in both of his
careers. “Music education is essential to developing creativeness. The creativity of music has filtered into the other aspects of my
For a music sample from Antony & the Tramps, visit
BOE Action Summary
The BOE approved the budget for fiscal year 2014 - 15.
Projected revenue is $189.5 million while projected
expenditures are $189.9 million. The slight budget deficit of
$400,000 is due to two factors: The first factor is Debt Service.
The Debt Service Fund has a deficit due to the tax abatement,
which will be covered by the accumulated fund balance
specific to Debt Service. Second, the Tort Fund has a deficit due
to the fact that its fund balance was exceeding the
recommended amount; therefore the related tax levy was
reduced to decrease the fund balance.
BOE to Meet at Sites Around the District
The BOE approved a proposal to continue to conduct Board
of Education Regular meetings at various schools around the
District. The meetings will alternate between the District
Administration Building and school sites. The September,
November, January, March and May meetings will take place at
schools sites on a rotating basis.
Lacrosse Added as an IHSA Sport
The cost to the District is projected to be $75,000 to cover the
costs at both high schools annually. To phase in the overall cost
to the District, each participant will pay $400 for the program
the first year and decrease that amount over the next four years
until the $100 amount that other athletes pay for their sport is
Changing Our World...One Ukulele At A Time
“Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the
world. Indeed, it is the only thing that ever has.” --Margaret Mead
& Wil d R o s e
3rd grade
You probably can think of some things you’d like to change about the world. It can be done
with things like ukuleles. The Greater St. Charles Education Foundation and our Distinguished Alumni work together to supply educational resources that school budgets can’t.
The GSCEF gave ukuleles to three grade schools in D303.
The GSCEF also gave out $50,000 in college scholarships, e-books for LRC’s and technical
equipment (such as Robotype 3-D printers) for the two high schools. But don’t look down
your nose at ukuleles.
An intuitive teacher wrote a simple but heart-felt grant request. The process for distributing the money raised by the GSCEF--more
than $1.3 million so far. She saw how the simple little music-maker delighted some of her students and inspired them to learn
more. Those little ukuleles changed the world a little bit. And maybe a lot for a child or two.
You can join the foundation as a board member. Or if you want to help change the world
and have some fun at the same time...Join to celebrate new inductees of the
Distinguished Alumni Hall of Fame at the 20th Annual Jazz Event, February 21, 2015,
located at the Royal Fox Country Club. The event is the foundation’s largest fundraising
effort featuring a live and silent auction with dinner and dancing for adults and
performances by the high school jazz bands. You might even hear a ukulele.
For more information
Deborah Mulrooney
or visit our website
2015 District 303 BOE Elections
Three seats to be contested
Nominating petition forms for the
April 7, 2015 Board of Education election
in Community Unit School District 303
are now available. Forms are available
online through the office of the Kane
County Clerk’s website:
A school board candidate’s petition
must be filed in the Kane County Clerk’s
Office, 719 Batavia Ave., Building B (North
Entrance), Geneva IL 60134 no earlier
than Monday, December 15, 2014 and
no later than Monday, December 22,
2014. Three seats on the seven-member
Board of Education will be filled by the
results of the April 7 election. Candidates
elected will serve four-year terms which
will expire in April, 2019.
To be eligible to serve, a school board
member must be, on the date of
election, a citizen of the United States, at
least 18 years of age, a registered voter,
and a resident of the State of Illinois and
District 303 for at least one year
immediately preceding the date of the
election. The Board of Education election
is nonpartisan and board candidates do
not run under political party affiliation.
Illinois Law requires that any candidate
seeking election to a Board of Education
must file:
• Nominating petitions signed by at least 50 voters residing within the District.
• Statement of Candidacy.
• Statement of Economic Interest
• Loyalty Oath – which is optional.
Important dates for candidates
December 15 – First day that prospective
candidates may file nominating papers
December 22 – Last day to file
nominating petitions and last day for
candidates to file receipt for Statement of
Economic Interests.
February 5 – Last day to file a declaration
of intent to run as a write-in candidate.
April 7- Election Day
For additional information, visit the
websites of the following organizations:
Kane County Clerk’s Office
Illinois State Board of Elections
Illinois Association of School Boards
Illinois Senate Bill Would Cut State
Funding in D303
Senate Bill 16 Awaiting Action in Illinois House
Last July, an Illinois Senate committee
was asked to make suggestions on how
to improve public education funding in
Illinois, which has remained unchanged
since 1997. The result of the task force
was the creation of Senate Bill 16 (SB16).
If enacted into law, SB16 will make
sweeping changes in how the state funds
education. SB16 does not increase the
level of education funding, but changes
the way in which limited state funding
is apportioned among school districts.
All state funding, with few exceptions,
would be combined under one funding
Generally, school districts with higher
assessed property values, such as District
303, will receive much less state funding.
This is an attempt by the state legislators
to provide greater equity among school
districts across the state. The Bill does not
address the current issue of unfunded
obligations to school districts that has
occurred in recent years.
The Illinois State Board of Education has
calculated the amount each school
district would receive next year if SB16,
as written, becomes law. District 303
would lose 78 percent of its state funding
or $7.9 million per year. The $7.9 million
cut will be phased in over a four-year
period. In the first year, District 303
would lose $1.2 million in state funding;
$3.2 million in year two; $5.6 million in
year three; and the full amount, $7.9
million in year four.
Of the 862 school districts in Illinois, St.
Charles District 303 is 9th on the list in
terms of those that will experience the
largest reduction in state funding, and
yet at an $11,922 per pupil expenditure,
the District already operates essentially
at the State average of $11,842.
While we always seek to improve
efficiency in our District without
impacting the classroom, a loss of $7.9
million means cuts would have to be
made. Just as a reference point, with an
average cost per teacher in District 303 of
$60,000 per year, $7.9 million is equal to
132 teachers.
The solution is not to take from some to
give to others, but rather for the State to
fully fund education, rather than ranking
50th in the nation in education funding.
What can you do?
SB16 has already passed the State
Senate. Residents in the District 303
attendance area (depending on where
you live) are served by State Senators
Karen McConnaughay, Jim Oberweis, and
Dave Syverson; and State
Representatives Mike Fortner, Kay
Hatcher, and Timothy Schmitz.
It is expected that SB16 will be voted on
by the House sometime in November,
following the fall election. If you are
concerned about the dramatic effect it
will have on District 303, please contact
your Illinois Representative and voice
your opinion on this important
education bill.
Capital Projects
Among the capital improvement projects completed this
summer was the installation of air conditioning at Corron
Elementary, Norton Creek Elementary, and Wild Rose
Elementary. All 12 District 303 elementary schools are now air
Other projects completed this summer were the resurfacing
of the running tracks at both St. Charles North and St. Charles
East High Schools. The resurfacing of the playgrounds at
Norton Creek Elementary, Wild Rose Elementary, and the
tennis courts at St. Charles East High School.
The brand new air conditioning unit at Norton Creek
Also, the mobile classroom building at St. Charles North High
School was relocated to St. Charles East High School.
Meet D303's
New Principals for 2014-15
Amanda Clark
Winter, Here It Comes Again!
Our Procedures for Weather-Related Closures
Last year was a challenging winter for everyone, and it
seems like it just ended. However, the leaves are changing
and it is time to start planning for the next winter.
Ms. Clark made the move to
District 303 after serving as
Director of Special Programs
in Oswego District 308. She is
also a parent to two District
303 high school students.
When it comes to weather-related school closures, safety is
the prime consideration. The basic question we ask is if it is
safe for students and staff members to travel to school.
Corron Elementary
Amy Stuckey
The primary notification system for a weather-related
closure is the ParentLink phone notification system.
ParentLink allows us to send phone messages to the
parents of our students. Closing information will also be
posted on the District website, the District’s Twitter
and Facebook pages, and the School Closing Center.
Ms. Stuckey was a Reading
Specialist in Indian Prairie
District 204 prior to coming
to Fox Ridge. Her desire to
become an educator comes
from great teachers she
encountered as a student.
Starting this year, District 303’s weather-related closing
information will also be available on the D303 mobile app.
Here’s a tip for area businesses who need to know if school
is closed, get the app and you’ll get the notification even if
you don’t have students in District 303.
Fox Ridge Elementary
Jarrod Buxton
Mr. Buxton comes to Lincoln
after serving the students
at Haines Middle School as
a 6th grade Language Arts
teacher. He earned his degree
in education from Indiana
Stay Informed!
Lincoln Elementary
Communications Corner
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A Newsletter for District 303 Community
201 S. Seventh Street
St. Charles, IL 60174
Postal Patron
Please note: Because District 303 mails
its publications by postal route, some
individuals who do not live in District 303
may receive this mailing.
Calendar of Events
Monday, November 10
Board of Education Meeting- St. Charles North H.S.
Monday, January 12
Board of Education Meeting- Munhall
November 24-25
Parent-Teacher Conferences
Monday, February 9
Board of Education Meeting- Administration Building
November 26-28
Thanksgiving Break
Monday, March 9
Board of Education Meeting- Richmond Intermediate
Monday, December 8
Board of Education Meeting- Administration Building
Sunday, May 24
High School Graduation
December 22-January 2
Monday, June 1
Winter Break
Last Day of School (If no emergency days are used)