CT-100 AX - Central Transport
CT-100 AX - Central Transport
CT-100 AX Effective June 13, 2016 Table of Contents Item Number and/or Topic Page Table of Contents ............................................................................................................................................................ 1 Index ................................................................................................................................................................................. 4 Tariff Revisions Summary Sheet ................................................................................................................................... 8 ITEM 010 — OVERVIEW AND DESCRIPTION OF THIS DOCUMENT .............................................................................................................................................. 9 ITEM 020 — LIST OF PARTICIPATING CARRIERS ........................................................................................................................................................................... 9 ITEM 100 —PUBLICATIONS INCORPORATED BY REFERENCE .................................................................................................................................................... 9 ITEM 110 — DEFINITIONS AND EXPLANATIONS OF TERMS, PUNCTUATION AND REFERENCES......................................................................................... 10 ITEM 111 – JURISDICTION ............................................................................................................................................................................................................... 12 ITEM 112 – RECOVERY OF FREIGHT CHARGE ............................................................................................................................................................................. 12 ITEM 120 — INVOICING OF ACCESSORIAL CHARGES — GENERAL RULES ............................................................................................................................ 13 ITEM 130 — MINIMUM CHARGES — ABSOLUTE MINIMUM CHARGE FLOORS ......................................................................................................................... 13 ITEM 155 — DISCLAIMER REGARDING CONTRACTS................................................................................................................................................................... 14 ITEM 162 — CALIFORNIA COMPLIANCE ........................................................................................................................................................................................ 14 ITEM 171 — BUMPING – APPLICATION OF CLASSES ─ ARTIFICIAL CONSTRUCTION OF DENSITY TO OBTAIN A LOWER CLASS .................................. 14 ITEM 174 — TARIFFS WITH MISSING ZIP CODES, POSTAL CODES AND/OR RATES (“HOLES”)............................................................................................. 14 ITEM 176 — CURRENCIES APPLICABLE FOR INVOICING AND PAYMENTS .............................................................................................................................. 14 ITEM 300 — ADVANCING OR PAYING CHARGES.......................................................................................................................................................................... 15 ITEM 310 — APPOINTMENT DELIVERIES --REQUESTS FOR TIME DEFINITE............................................................................................................................ 15 ITEM 345 — ARRIVAL NOTICE OR UNDELIVERED FREIGHT ....................................................................................................................................................... 15 ITEM 350 — UNCLAIMED OR ABANDONED FREIGHT — NOTICE AND DISPOSITION OF PROPERTY ................................................................................... 16 ITEM 360 — BILLS OF LADING, FREIGHT BILLS AND STATEMENTS OF CHARGES ................................................................................................................. 16 ITEM 361 — BILLS OF LADING ─ FAK OR “FREIGHT ALL KINDS” SHIPMENTS ......................................................................................................................... 18 ITEM 365 — MEXICAN SHIPMENTS — ADMINISTRATION FEE .................................................................................................................................................... 19 ITEM 381 — METHOD OF CANCELLING PAGES ............................................................................................................................................................................ 19 ITEM 385 — LINEAL FOOT RULE ..................................................................................................................................................................................................... 20 ITEM 395 — MINIMUM CHARGE — SHIPMENTS CONTAINING HOUSHOLD GOODS ................................................................................................................ 20 ITEM 397 — FLOOR LOADED FREIGHT .......................................................................................................................................................................................... 20 ITEM 398 — PICKUP OR DELIVERY SERVICE TO GROCERY WAREHOUSES ........................................................................................................................... 21 ITEM 399 — DELIVERIES TO FULFILLMENT CENTERS ................................................................................................................................................................ 21 ITEM 400 — BILL OF LADING CHANGES ─ CHANGE OF TERMS ON BILL OF LADING BY SHIPPER, CONSIGNEE, OR DESIGNATED THIRD PARTY ..... 21 ITEM 401 - CORRECTED BILLS OF LADING ─ THIRD-PARTY SHIPMENTS ─ COLLECTION OF CHARGES ......................................................................... 21 ITEM 410 — 3PL’S — SPECIAL TERMS, CONDITIONS AND REQUIREMENTS ........................................................................................................................... 22 ITEM 428 — HANDLING OF DOCUMENTS FOR CUSTOMS CLEARANCE ................................................................................................................................... 22 ITEM 430 — COLLECT ON DELIVERY (COD) SHIPMENTS ........................................................................................................................................................... 23 ITEM 450 — BASIS OF RATE EXCHANGE ...................................................................................................................................................................................... 24 ITEM 460 — OVERCHARGE AND DUPLICATE PAYMENT CLAIMS .............................................................................................................................................. 25 ITEM 470 — CONTROL AND EXCLUSIVE USE OF VEHICLE ........................................................................................................................................................ 26 ITEM 475 — COMPUTATION OF MILEAGE ..................................................................................................................................................................................... 26 ITEM 480 — CUSTOMS OR IN-BOND FREIGHT ............................................................................................................................................................................. 27 ITEM 485 — CUSTOMS ADMINISTRATION SURCHARGE ............................................................................................................................................................. 27 ITEM 487 — MULTIPLE CUSTOMS INVOICES TENDERED WITH SINGLE BILL OF LADING ...................................................................................................... 27 ITEM 488 – BORDER CROSSING – ADDITIONAL CHARGE (CUSTOMS FAILURE) ..................................................................................................................... 27 ITEM 490 — DELIVERY RECEIPTS – RETURN OF ......................................................................................................................................................................... 28 ITEM 495 — SPOTTED TRAILERS/CONTAINERS – SHIPPER LOAD & COUNT (“SLC”) – TERMS AND CONDITIONS............................................................. 28 ITEM 497 – SLC SHIPMENTS – BILL RECEIVED – FREIGHT QUANTITY DISCREPANCY .......................................................................................................... 29 ITEM 500 — DETENTION ─ VEHICLES WITH POWER UNITS — LABOR AND EQUIPMENT DELAY CHARGES...................................................................... 29 ITEM 500-05 — LABOR AND EQUIPMENT DELAY CHARGES ─ DETENTION ─ DUE TO CUSTOMS (US/CAN) ...................................................................... 31 ITEM 501 — LABOR AND EQUIPMENT DELAY CHARGES ─ DETENTION – VEHICLES WITHOUT POWER UNITS ............................................................... 32 ITEM 503 — DETENTION-PREARRANGED SCHEDULING OF VEHICLE ARRIVAL FOR LOADING OR UNLOADING .............................................................. 33 ITEM 510 — DISCOUNTS .................................................................................................................................................................................................................. 33 ITEM 512 — DISCOUNT APPLICATION ........................................................................................................................................................................................... 33 ITEM 512-01 MENARD’S UNLOADING FEE ..................................................................................................................................................................................... 34 ITEM 513 – DISCOUNT CANCELLATION DUE TO INACTIVITY ..................................................................................................................................................... 34 ITEM 515 — DISCOUNT CALCULATIONS ....................................................................................................................................................................................... 34 ITEM 520 — EQUIPMENT.................................................................................................................................................................................................................. 34 ITEM 540 – GUARANTEED SERVICE - EXPEDITING OF FREIGHT – TIME DEFINITE ................................................................................................................ 34 ITEM 550-01 — EXPORT AND IMPORT DOCUMENTARY INSTRUCTIONS .................................................................................................................................. 35 ITEM 560 — EXTRA LABOR LOADING OR UNLOADING .............................................................................................................................................................. 36 ITEM 561 — FERRY CHARGE — SHIPMENTS DESTINED TO SPECIFIED ISLANDS .................................................................................................................. 36 ITEM 562 — FORK LIFT AND/OR PALLET JACK SERVICE ............................................................................................................................................................ 36 ITEM 566 — INSIDE DELIVERY — HANDLING FREIGHT AT POSITIONS NOT IMMEDIATELY ADJACENT TO VEHICLE ........................................................ 37 ITEM 568 — HAZARDOUS MATERIALS ........................................................................................................................................................................................... 37 ITEM 570 — IMPRACTICABLE OPERATIONS ................................................................................................................................................................................. 37 ITEM 572 — SHIPMENTS RATED USING COMBINATION RATES ................................................................................................................................................. 37 1 ITEM 575-C — FUEL SURCHARGE PROGRAM - MINIMUM CHARGE .......................................................................................................................................... 38 ITEM 575-D — FUEL SURCHARGE PROGRAM – NET- .................................................................................................................................................................. 40 ITEM 578 — LOADING BY SHIPPER-UNLOADING BY CONSIGNEE ............................................................................................................................................. 44 ITEM 580 — MARKING OR TAGGING FREIGHT — CHANGING MARKING OR TAGS ................................................................................................................. 44 ITEM 597 — MAXIMUM WEIGHTS .................................................................................................................................................................................................... 44 ITEM 610 — MINIMUM CHARGE ...................................................................................................................................................................................................... 45 ITEM 611 — MINIMUM CHARGE-CUBIC CAPACITY AND DENSITY ............................................................................................................................................. 46 ITEM 640 — MIXED SHIPMENTS (EXCEPTION TO NMFC ITEMS 640 AND 645) ......................................................................................................................... 46 ITEM 645 — MIXED SHIPMENTS — TL OR VOL ............................................................................................................................................................................. 47 ITEM 647 — NOTIFICATION PRIOR TO DELIVERY ........................................................................................................................................................................ 47 ITEM 670 — OVER-DIMENSION, OVER-LENGTH OR OVER-WEIGHT FREIGHT ─ COMMODITIES OF EXTREME CONFIGURATION .................................. 48 ITEM 710 — PALLETIZED FREIGHT ................................................................................................................................................................................................ 48 ITEM 712 — PALLETS, ETC., RETURN OF ...................................................................................................................................................................................... 49 ITEM 714 — FCCOD FEE — FREIGHT CHARGE COLLECT ON DELIVERY FEE FOR SHIPMENTS DESTINED TO OFFSHORE POINTS ............................. 49 ITEM 720 — PAYMENT OF FREIGHT CHARGES, LATE PAYMENT FEES AND SERVICE CHARGES ....................................................................................... 50 ITEM 721 — RETURNED CHECKS, CHARGE FOR ......................................................................................................................................................................... 51 ITEM 740 — PERMITS — SPECIAL .................................................................................................................................................................................................. 51 ITEM 750 — PICKUP OR DELIVERY SERVICE ............................................................................................................................................................................... 51 ITEM 751 — PICKUP OR DELIVERY SERVICE AT LIMITED ACCESS LOCATIONS ..................................................................................................................... 52 ITEM 751-02 – PICKUP OR DELIVERY SERVICE AT CONSTRUCTION SITES ............................................................................................................................ 52 ITEM 751-05 — PICKUP OR DELIVERY SERVICE AT SPECIFIC HIGH COST AREAS ................................................................................................................ 53 ITEM 752 — PICKUP OR DELIVERY SERVICE AT MINES ............................................................................................................................................................. 56 ITEM 753 — PIER PICKUP OR DELIVERY SERVICE ...................................................................................................................................................................... 56 ITEM 754 — PICKUP AND DELIVERY CHARGE (AFTER 7:00 PM OR BEFORE 6:00 AM) ........................................................................................................... 57 ITEM 755 — PICKUP OR DELIVERY ON SATURDAYS, SUNDAYS OR LEGAL HOLIDAYS ......................................................................................................... 57 ITEM 756 — PICKUP OR DELIVERY SERVICE AT EXHIBITION LOCATIONS .............................................................................................................................. 57 ITEM 757 — LIFT-GATE SERVICE (Hydraulic/Mechanical Tailgate Lifts and other Loading or Unloading Devices) ....................................................................... 57 ITEM 758 — DELIVERIES TO MILITARY INSTALLATIONS ─ HOMELAND SECURITY FEE ........................................................................................................ 57 ITEM 759 — RESIDENTIAL DELIVERY and/or RESIDENTIAL PICKUP .......................................................................................................................................... 58 ITEM 759-01 – PICKUP OR DELIVERY SERVICE AT FARMS ........................................................................................................................................................ 58 ITEM 765 — PRECEDENCE OF RATES ........................................................................................................................................................................................... 58 ITEM 770 — PREPAYMENT OF CHARGES ..................................................................................................................................................................................... 59 ITEM 775 — PREPAYMENT OF CHARGES ON EXPORT SHIPMENTS ......................................................................................................................................... 59 ITEM 779 — LIABILITY LIMITS — GENERAL APPLICATION AND SCOPE .................................................................................................................................... 60 ITEM 780 — LIABILITY LIMITS — PROHIBITED OR RESTRICTED COMMODITIES ..................................................................................................................... 61 ITEM 781 — CLAIM FILING — MINIMUM ALLOWABLE CLAIM = $35.00 ....................................................................................................................................... 63 ITEM 782 — CLAIM FILING — FREIGHT CHARGES MUST BE PAID BEFORE CLAIMS ARE PROCESSED OR PAID .............................................................. 63 ITEM 783 — LIABILITY LIMITS — MAXIMUM LIABILITY LIMITS BY NMFC CLASSES OR EXCEPTION RATINGS .................................................................... 63 ITEM 784 — LIABILITY LIMITS — MAXIMUM LIABILITY PER SHIPMENT WHEN CLAIMANT HAS NO CENTRAL TRANSPORT PRICING PROGRAM ...... 65 ITEM 785 — LIABILITY LIMITS — TERMINATION OF CARRIER LIABILITY & APPLICATION OF WAREHOUSEMEN’S LIABILITY ........................................... 65 ITEM 786 — LIABILITY LIMITS — PALLET PROGRAM SHIPMENTS ............................................................................................................................................. 65 ITEM 787 — LIABILITY LIMITS — SPOT QUOTED SHIPMENTS .................................................................................................................................................... 65 ITEM 788 — CLAIM FILING — PROCESS AND REQUIREMENTS ................................................................................................................................................. 66 ITEM 789 — LIABILITY LIMITS — ITEMS WITH HIGH RISK ........................................................................................................................................................... 67 ITEM 790 — LIABILITY LIMITS — USED, RECONDITIONED, REMANUFACTURED OR REFURBISHED COMMODITIES ........................................................ 68 ITEM 810 — PROTECTIVE SERVICE AGAINST HEAT OR COLD .................................................................................................................................................. 68 ITEM 820 — RE-CONSIGNMENT OR DIVERSION .......................................................................................................................................................................... 69 ITEM 821 — REFUSED SHIPMENTS................................................................................................................................................................................................ 70 ITEM 822 — BLIND SHIPMENTS ...................................................................................................................................................................................................... 70 ITEM 830 — RE-DELIVERY ............................................................................................................................................................................................................... 71 ITEM 835 — DOCK PICKUPS — SHIPMENTS PICKED-UP BY CUSTOMERS AT CARRIER’S TERMINALS/DOCKS ................................................................. 71 ITEM 845 — REFERENCE TO PUBLICATIONS, ITEMS GROUPS, NOTES, RULES, ETC. ........................................................................................................... 71 ITEM 850 — RELEASED VALUE PROVISIONS ............................................................................................................................................................................... 71 ITEM 851 — APPLICATION OF RATES VIA INTERNATIONAL ROUTES (GATEWAYS) ............................................................................................................... 72 ITEM 855 — RETURN OF EMPTY SHIPPING CONTAINERS ......................................................................................................................................................... 73 ITEM 860 — RETURN TO ORIGIN OF UNDELIVERED SHIPMENTS ............................................................................................................................................. 73 ITEM 880 — SEALING OF TRUCKS ................................................................................................................................................................................................. 73 ITEM 885 — SHIPMENTS TENDERED AS A TRUCKLOAD ............................................................................................................................................................ 74 ITEM 894 – REPACKAGING FEE AND/OR RE-PALLETIZATION FEE ............................................................................................................................................ 74 ITEM 895 — SORTING OR SEGREGATING FREIGHT .................................................................................................................................................................... 74 ITEM 896 – RATE QUOTE ADMIN FEE ............................................................................................................................................................................................ 74 ITEM 897 — SPOT PRICING RULES AND CONDITIONS ................................................................................................................................................................ 74 ITEM 900 — STOPPING OF TRUCKLOAD SHIPMENTS FOR PARTIAL LOADING AND/OR PARTIAL UNLOADING ................................................................. 75 ITEM 910 — STORAGE ..................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 76 ITEM 915 — STORAGE CHARGES ON EXPORT SHIPMENTS AT BORDER POINTS — SUFFERANCE WAREHOUSES ........................................................ 77 ITEM 917 — UNLOADING AT SUFFERANCE WAREHOUSES ....................................................................................................................................................... 77 ITEM 920 — SUBSTITUTION OF SERVICE ...................................................................................................................................................................................... 78 ITEM 959 — TRANSFER OF LADING ............................................................................................................................................................................................... 78 ITEM 962 — TERMINAL HANDLING CHARGE — CROSS-DOCK CHARGE .................................................................................................................................. 78 ITEM 985 — VEHICLE FURNISHED BUT NOT USED...................................................................................................................................................................... 78 ITEM 987 — TRAILER DISPATCHED BUT NO FREIGHT TENDERED ........................................................................................................................................... 78 2 ITEM 988 — PALLET PROGRAMS ................................................................................................................................................................................................... 79 ITEM 990 — FREIGHT RECOVERY FROM FOREIGN CARRIER DOCKS...................................................................................................................................... 79 ITEM 992 — WEIGHING OR RE-WEIGHING .................................................................................................................................................................................... 80 ITEM 993 — WEIGHT AND INSPECTION PROCEDURES AND ADJUSTMENTS .......................................................................................................................... 80 ITEM 995 — WEIGHTS — GROSS WEIGHTS AND DUNNAGE ...................................................................................................................................................... 80 ITEM 996 — DETERMINATION OF FREIGHT CLASSES ................................................................................................................................................................ 81 3 Index 3 3PL’S ........................................................................................................................................................................................................................ 22 A ABANDONED FREIGHT ........................................................................................................................................................................................... 16 ABBREVIATIONS ..................................................................................................................................................................................................... 12 ABSOLUTE MINIMUM CHARGE FLOORS ............................................................................................................................................................... 13 ACCESSORIAL CHARGES ...................................................................................................................................................................................... 13 ADDITIONAL LIABILTY ASSUMPTION OR COVERAGE — INSTRUCTIONS FOR REQUESTING ......................................................................... 64 ADVANCING OR PAYING CHARGES ...................................................................................................................................................................... 15 ALLOCATION OF PAYMENTS ................................................................................................................................................................................. 50 APPLICATION OF ‘HIGH COST AREA’ CHARGES .................................................................................................................................................. 55 APPLICATION OF PAYMENTS ................................................................................................................................................................................ 50 APPLICATION OF RATES VIA INTERNATIONAL ROUTES..................................................................................................................................... 72 APPOINTMENT DELIVERIES................................................................................................................................................................................... 15 ARRIVAL NOTICE .................................................................................................................................................................................................... 15 ARTIFICIAL CONSTRUCTION OF DENSITY TO OBTAIN A LOWER CLASS .......................................................................................................... 14 B BACKSTRIPPING OF FREIGHT ............................................................................................................................................................................... 70 BASIS OF RATE EXCHANGE .................................................................................................................................................................................. 24 BILLING OF ACCESSORIAL CHARGES .................................................................................................................................................................. 13 BILL-OF-LADING CHANGES .................................................................................................................................................................................... 21 BILLS OF LADING .............................................................................................................................................................................................. 16, 21 BILLS-OF-LADING .................................................................................................................................................................................................... 18 BLIND SHIPMENTS .................................................................................................................................................................................................. 70 BOND CHARGES ..................................................................................................................................................................................................... 27 BORDER CROSSING – ADDITIONAL CHARGE (CUSTOMS FAILURE) ................................................................................................................. 27 BROKER/FREIGHT FORWARDER INFORMATION ................................................................................................................................................. 19 BUMPING ................................................................................................................................................................................................................. 14 C CALIFORNIA COMPLIANCE .................................................................................................................................................................................... 14 CHANGE OF TERMS ON BILL OF LADING BY SHIPPER, CONSIGNEE, OR DESIGNATED THIRD PARTY ......................................................... 21 CLAIM FILING........................................................................................................................................................................................................... 66 CLAIM FILING AND FREIGHT CHARGES................................................................................................................................................................ 63 CLAIM FILING LIMIT................................................................................................................................................................................................. 63 CLASSIFICATION ....................................................................................................................................................................................................... 9 COD .......................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 23 COLLECT SHIPMENT .............................................................................................................................................................................................. 11 COMBINATION RATES ............................................................................................................................................................................................ 37 COMMODITIES OF EXTREME CONFIGURATION .................................................................................................................................................. 48 COMPUTATION OF MILEAGE ................................................................................................................................................................................. 26 CORRECTED BILLS-OF-LADING............................................................................................................................................................................. 21 CORRECTED BILLS-OF-LADING ─ THIRD-PARTY SHIPMENTS ─ COLLECTION OF CHARGES ....................................................................... 21 CREDIT PERIOD ...................................................................................................................................................................................................... 50 CROSS-DOCK CHARGE .......................................................................................................................................................................................... 78 CURRENCIES APPLICABLE FOR INVOICING AND PAYMENTS ............................................................................................................................ 15 CUSTOMS ADMINISTRATION SURCHARGE .......................................................................................................................................................... 27 CUSTOMS OR IN-BOND FREIGHT .......................................................................................................................................................................... 27 D DECLARED VALUE SHIPMENTS............................................................................................................................................................................. 64 DEFINITIONS ........................................................................................................................................................................................................... 10 DELIVERIES TO FULFILLMENT CENTERS ............................................................................................................................................................. 21 DELIVERIES TO MILITARY INSTALLATIONS .......................................................................................................................................................... 57 DELIVERY RECEIPTS – RETURN OF ..................................................................................................................................................................... 28 DETENTION ................................................................................................................................................................................................. 29, 32, 33 DETERMINATION OF FREIGHT CLASSES FOR RATING PURPOSES .................................................................................................................. 81 DISCLAIMER REGARDING UNWRITTEN CONTRACTS ......................................................................................................................................... 14 DISCOUNT APPLICATION ....................................................................................................................................................................................... 33 DISCOUNT CALCULATIONS ................................................................................................................................................................................... 34 DISCOUNT CANCELLATION DUE TO INACTIVITY ................................................................................................................................................. 34 DISCOUNTS ............................................................................................................................................................................................................. 33 DISPOSITION OF PROPERTY ................................................................................................................................................................................. 16 DIVERSION .............................................................................................................................................................................................................. 69 DOCK PICK-UP” SHIPMENTS.................................................................................................................................................................................. 70 4 DOCK PICK-UPS ...................................................................................................................................................................................................... 71 DOCUMENTS FOR CUSTOMS CLEARANCE .......................................................................................................................................................... 22 DRIVER DELAY ........................................................................................................................................................................................................ 29 DUNNAGE ................................................................................................................................................................................................................ 80 E EMPTY SHIPPING CONTAINERS ............................................................................................................................................................................ 73 EQUIPMENT ............................................................................................................................................................................................................. 34 EXCLUSIVE USE OF VEHICLE ................................................................................................................................................................................ 26 EXPLANATIONS OF ABBREVIATIONS AND REFERENCE MARKS ....................................................................................................................... 12 EXPORT AND IMPORT DOCUMENTARY INSTRUCTIONS .................................................................................................................................... 35 EXTENDED CREDIT PERIODS (BEYOND 15 DAYS) .............................................................................................................................................. 50 EXTRA LABOR ......................................................................................................................................................................................................... 36 EXTREME CONFIGURATION .................................................................................................................................................................................. 48 F FAK EXCEPTION RATINGS ..................................................................................................................................................................................... 63 FCCOD FEE ............................................................................................................................................................................................................. 49 FERRY CHARGE ...................................................................................................................................................................................................... 36 FLOOR LOADED FREIGHT ...................................................................................................................................................................................... 20 FLORIDA ISLAND DELIVERIES ............................................................................................................................................................................... 36 FOREIGN TARIFFS .................................................................................................................................................................................................. 14 FORK LIFT SERVICE ............................................................................................................................................................................................... 36 FREE TIME ............................................................................................................................................................................................................... 30 FREIGHT BILLS........................................................................................................................................................................................................ 16 FREIGHT CHARGE COLLECT ON DELIVERY FEE ................................................................................................................................................. 49 FREIGHT CLASSES ................................................................................................................................................................................................. 81 FREIGHT RECOVERY FROM FOREIGN CARRIER DOCKS ................................................................................................................................... 79 FUEL SURCHARGE PROGRAM – MINIMUM CHARGE .......................................................................................................................................... 38 FUEL SURCHARGE PROGRAM - NET .................................................................................................................................................................... 40 G GOVERNING PUBLICATIONS ................................................................................................................................................................................... 9 GROSS WEIGHTS AND DUNNAGE ......................................................................................................................................................................... 80 GUARANTEED SERVICE - EXPEDITING OF FREIGHT – TIME DEFINITE ............................................................................................................. 34 H HAZARDOUS MATERIALS ....................................................................................................................................................................................... 37 HEAVY OR BULK FREIGHT-LOADING OR UNLOADING ........................................................................................................................................ 52 HIGH RISK DUE TO SUSCEPTIBILITY TO THEFT OR DAMAGE............................................................................................................................ 67 HIGH RISK ITEMS — LIABILITY LIMITS .................................................................................................................................................................. 67 HIGH THEFT/DAMAGE RISK ITEMS ....................................................................................................................................................................... 67 HOLIDAYS IN CANADA ............................................................................................................................................................................................ 10 HOLIDAYS IN THE UNITED STATES ....................................................................................................................................................................... 10 HOMELAND SECURITY FEE ................................................................................................................................................................................... 57 HOUSEHOLD GOODS ............................................................................................................................................................................................. 20 I IMPRACTICABLE OPERATIONS ............................................................................................................................................................................. 37 IN-BOND CHARGES ................................................................................................................................................................................................ 27 IN-BOND FREIGHT .................................................................................................................................................................................................. 27 INSIDE DELIVERY.................................................................................................................................................................................................... 37 INTERNATIONAL ROUTES (GATEWAYS) ............................................................................................................................................................... 72 INVOICING OF ACCESSORIAL CHARGES ............................................................................................................................................................. 13 ISLAND DELIVERIES ............................................................................................................................................................................................... 36 ITEM 110 .................................................................................................................................................................................................................. 10 ITEM 111 – JURISDICTION ...................................................................................................................................................................................... 12 ITEM 162 — CALIFORNIA COMPLIANCE ................................................................................................................................................................ 14 J JURISDICTION ......................................................................................................................................................................................................... 12 JURISDICTION ......................................................................................................................................................................................................... 12 L LABOR AND EQUIPMENT DELAY CHARGES ......................................................................................................................................................... 29 LAWSUITS AGAINST CARRIER .............................................................................................................................................................................. 66 LIABILITY...................................................................................................................................................................................................... 61, 62, 65 LIABILITY LIMITS ..................................................................................................................................................................................................... 63 LIABILITY LIMITS — GENERAL APPLICATION AND SCOPE ................................................................................................................................. 60 LIABILITY LIMITS BY CLASS ................................................................................................................................................................................... 63 5 LIABILITY LIMITS ON PALLET PROGRAMS............................................................................................................................................................ 65 LIABILITY LIMITS ON SPOT QUOTED SHIPMENTS ............................................................................................................................................... 65 LIFT-GATE SERVICE ............................................................................................................................................................................................... 57 LIMITATION OF CTII LIABILITY ............................................................................................................................................................................... 67 LIMITED ACCESS LOCATIONS ............................................................................................................................................................................... 52 LINEAL FOOT RULE ................................................................................................................................................................................................ 20 LOADING BY CONSIGNOR-UNLOADING BY CONSIGNEE .................................................................................................................................... 44 M MARKING OR TAGGING FREIGHT ......................................................................................................................................................................... 44 MAXIMUM CREDIT PERIOD = 30 DAYS .................................................................................................................................................................. 50 MAXIMUM LIABILITY PER SHIPMENT .................................................................................................................................................................... 65 MAXIMUM WEIGHTS ............................................................................................................................................................................................... 44 MENARD’S UNLOADING FEE.................................................................................................................................................................................. 34 METHOD OF CANCELLING PAGES ........................................................................................................................................................................ 19 MEXICAN SHIPMENTS — ADMINISTRATION FEE ................................................................................................................................................. 19 MILEAGE .................................................................................................................................................................................................................. 26 MILITARY INSTALLATIONS ..................................................................................................................................................................................... 57 MINIMUM CHARGE .................................................................................................................................................................................................. 45 MINIMUM CHARGE — SHIPMENTS CONTAINING A SINGLE HANDLING UNIT AND/OR HOUSHOLD GOODS .................................................. 20 MINIMUM CHARGE-CUBIC CAPACITY AND DENSITY ........................................................................................................................................... 46 MINIMUM CHARGES ............................................................................................................................................................................................... 13 MIXED SHIPMENTS ........................................................................................................................................................................................... 46, 47 MULTIPLE CUSTOMS INVOICES TENDERED WITH SINGLE BILL OF LADING .................................................................................................... 27 N NANTUCKET ISLAND .............................................................................................................................................................................................. 37 NOTIFICATION OF ARRIVAL OF FREIGHT ............................................................................................................................................................. 47 NOTIFICATION PRIOR TO DELIVERY..................................................................................................................................................................... 47 NOTIFICATION TO CUSTOMERS REGARDING SERVICE CHARGES ................................................................................................................... 50 O OFFSETTING CHARGES ......................................................................................................................................................................................... 50 OVERCHARGE AND DUPLICATE PAYMENT CLAIMS............................................................................................................................................ 25 OVER-DIMENSION FREIGHT .................................................................................................................................................................................. 48 OVER-LENGTH FREIGHT ........................................................................................................................................................................................ 48 OVERVIEW AND DESCRIPTION OF THIS DOCUMENT ........................................................................................................................................... 9 OVER-WEIGHT FREIGHT ........................................................................................................................................................................................ 48 P PALLET JACK SERVICE .......................................................................................................................................................................................... 36 PALLET PROGRAMS AND PALLET PROGRAM SERVICE GUARANTEED ............................................................................................................ 79 PALLETIZED FREIGHT ............................................................................................................................................................................................ 48 PALLETS, ETC., RETURN OF .................................................................................................................................................................................. 49 PARTIAL LOADING AND/OR PARTIAL UNLOADING .............................................................................................................................................. 75 PARTICIPATING CARRIERS...................................................................................................................................................................................... 9 PAYMENT OF FREIGHT CHARGES ........................................................................................................................................................................ 50 PAYMENTS – RESPONSIBLE PARTIES.................................................................................................................................................................. 50 PERMITS — SPECIAL.............................................................................................................................................................................................. 51 PICK-UP AND DELIVERY CHARGE (AFTER 7:00 PM OR BEFORE 6:00 AM) ........................................................................................................ 57 PICK-UP OR DELIVERY ON SATURDAYS, SUNDAYS OR LEGAL HOLIDAYS ...................................................................................................... 57 PICK-UP OR DELIVERY SERVICE .......................................................................................................................................................................... 51 PICK-UP OR DELIVERY SERVICE AT CONSTRUCTION SITES............................................................................................................................. 52 PICK-UP OR DELIVERY SERVICE AT EXHIBITION LOCATIONS ........................................................................................................................... 57 PICK-UP OR DELIVERY SERVICE AT FARMS ........................................................................................................................................................ 58 PICK-UP OR DELIVERY SERVICE AT HIGH COST AREAS.................................................................................................................................... 53 PICK-UP OR DELIVERY SERVICE AT LIMITED ACCESS LOCATIONS ................................................................................................................. 52 PICK-UP OR DELIVERY SERVICE AT MINES ......................................................................................................................................................... 56 PICK-UP OR DELIVERY SERVICE TO GROCERY WAREHOUSES........................................................................................................................ 21 PIER PICK-UP OR DELIVERY SERVICE ................................................................................................................................................................. 56 PRECEDENCE OF RATES ....................................................................................................................................................................................... 58 PREPAYMENT OF CHARGES ................................................................................................................................................................................. 59 PREPAYMENT OF CHARGES ON EXPORT SHIPMENTS ...................................................................................................................................... 59 PRORATING SPOT QUOTED SHIPMENTS ............................................................................................................................................................. 74 PROTECTIVE SERVICE ........................................................................................................................................................................................... 68 R RATE QUOTE ADMIN FEE ....................................................................................................................................................................................... 74 RATING OF BILLS WHEN ORIGIN/DESTINATION NOT INCLUDED IN TARIFF ..................................................................................................... 14 REBILLING FEE ....................................................................................................................................................................................................... 13 RE-CONSIGNMENT ................................................................................................................................................................................................. 69 RECOVERY OF FREIGHT ........................................................................................................................................................................................ 12 6 RE-DELIVERY .......................................................................................................................................................................................................... 71 REFERENCE MARKS .............................................................................................................................................................................................. 12 REFERENCE TO PUBLICATIONS, ITEMS GROUPS, NOTES, RULES, ETC. ......................................................................................................... 71 REFUSED SHIPMENTS ........................................................................................................................................................................................... 70 RELEASED VALUE ............................................................................................................................................................................................ 63, 68 RELEASED VALUE PROVISIONS............................................................................................................................................................................ 71 REMITTING PAYMENTS .......................................................................................................................................................................................... 50 REPACKAGING FEE AND/OR RE-PALLETIZATION FEE ........................................................................................................................................ 74 REPLACEMENT SHIPMENT POLICY ...................................................................................................................................................................... 66 REQUIREMENTS FOR FILING CLAIMS ................................................................................................................................................................... 66 RESIDENTIAL DELIVERY ........................................................................................................................................................................................ 58 RESIDENTIAL PICK-UP ........................................................................................................................................................................................... 58 RESTRICTED COMMODITIES ................................................................................................................................................................................. 61 RETURN OF EMPTY SHIPPING CONTAINERS ...................................................................................................................................................... 73 RETURN TO ORIGIN OF UNDELIVERED SHIPMENTS .......................................................................................................................................... 73 RETURNED CHECKS, CHARGE FOR ..................................................................................................................................................................... 51 RE-WEIGHING ......................................................................................................................................................................................................... 80 S SEALING OF TRUCKS ............................................................................................................................................................................................. 73 SHELTER ISLAND, NY DELIVERIES ....................................................................................................................................................................... 36 SHIPMENTS DESTINED TO OFFSHORE POINTS .................................................................................................................................................. 49 SHIPMENTS DESTINED TO SPECIFIED ISLANDS ................................................................................................................................................. 36 SHIPMENTS PICKED-UP BY CUSTOMERS AT CARRIER’S TERMINALS/DOCKS ................................................................................................ 71 SHIPMENTS RATED USING COMBINATION RATES .............................................................................................................................................. 37 SHIPMENTS TENDERED AS A TRUCKLOAD ......................................................................................................................................................... 74 SLC – SHIPPER LOAD & COUNT - SPOTTED TRAILERS/CONTAINERS — TERMS AND CONDITIONS ............................................................. 28 SLC SHIPMENTS – BILL RECEIVED – FREIGHT QUANTITY DISCREPANCY ....................................................................................................... 29 SORTING OR SEGREGATING FREIGHT ................................................................................................................................................................ 74 SPOT MARKET ........................................................................................................................................................................................................ 74 SPOT PRICING QUOTATIONS ................................................................................................................................................................................ 74 SPOT PRICING RULES AND CONDITIONS ............................................................................................................................................................ 74 SPOTTED TRAILERS/CONTAINERS ....................................................................................................................................................................... 28 SPOTTED TRAILERS/CONTAINERS – SHIPPER LOAD & COUNT (“SLC”) – TERMS AND CONDITIONS ............................................................ 28 STANDARD TRANSPORTATION SERVICES ............................................................................................................................................................ 9 STOP-OFFS ............................................................................................................................................................................................................. 75 STORAGE ................................................................................................................................................................................................................ 76 SUBSTITUTION OF SERVICE.................................................................................................................................................................................. 78 SUFFERANCE WAREHOUSES ............................................................................................................................................................................... 77 T TABLE OF CONTENTS .............................................................................................................................................................................................. 1 TARIFF REVISIONS SUMMARY SHEET.................................................................................................................................................................... 8 TERMINAL HANDLING CHARGE ............................................................................................................................................................................. 78 TERMS & CONDITIONS FOR 3PL's ......................................................................................................................................................................... 22 THIRD PARTY PAYOR SHIPMENT .......................................................................................................................................................................... 11 THIRD-PARTY LOGISTICS PROVIDERS - TERMS & CONDITIONS ....................................................................................................................... 22 TIME LIMIT FOR INSTITUTING LAWSUITS AGAINST CARRIER ............................................................................................................................ 66 TRAILER DISPATCHED BUT NO FREIGHT TENDERED ........................................................................................................................................ 78 TRANSFER OF LADING ........................................................................................................................................................................................... 78 U UNDELIVERED SHIPMENTS ................................................................................................................................................................................... 73 UNLOADING AT SUFFERANCE WAREHOUSES .................................................................................................................................................... 77 USED COMMODITIES .............................................................................................................................................................................................. 68 USED MACHINES/MACHINERY .............................................................................................................................................................................. 68 V VEHICLE FURNISHED BUT NOT USED .................................................................................................................................................................. 78 VEHICLES WITH POWER UNITS............................................................................................................................................................................. 29 VENUE ..................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 12 W WASHINGTON ISLAND DELIVERIES ...................................................................................................................................................................... 36 WATERBORNE TRAFFIC......................................................................................................................................................................................... 56 WEIGHING ............................................................................................................................................................................................................... 80 WEIGHT AND INSPECTION CHARGE ..................................................................................................................................................................... 80 WEIGHTS — GROSS WEIGHTS AND DUNNAGE ................................................................................................................................................... 80 WILL CALL SHIPMENTS .......................................................................................................................................................................................... 70 7 Tariff Revisions Summary Sheet This summary sheet lists changes made subsequent to release of Rules Tariff CTII 100-AW Effective April 18, 2016 to create this new version CTII 100-AX Effective June 13, 2016. Revision(s) Made Effective Date of Revisions Table of Contents Updated to show new items June 13, 2016 Index Updated to show new items June 13, 2016 Tariff Revisions Summary Sheet Revised sub-heading and contents to show tariff updates made subsequent to release of Rules Tariff CTII 100-AW to create CTII 100-AX. June 13, 2016 112 Recovery of Freight Charges – updated wording. June 13, 2016 162 California Compliance – New Item – shipments originating from and/or destined to the state of California will be subject to a charge of $5.92 per shipment. June 13, 2016 561 Ferry Charge – Remove reference to specific zip codes June 13, 2016 611 Minimum Charge Cubic Capacity and Density – Update cubic feet for range 901-960 Cubic feet. June 13, 2016 759 Residential Delivery and/or Residential Pickup – updated wording for bill of lading requirements. June 13, 2016 782 Claim Filing – updated wording. June 13, 2016 Item 8 Effective: June 13, 2016 Rule Central Transport Rules Tariff 100-AX Item ITEM 010 — OVERVIEW AND DESCRIPTION OF THIS DOCUMENT 010 Standard transportation services provided by Central Transport LLC (SCAC: CTII) include, at no extra charge, normal pickup service at origin during CTII’s regular business hours, transfer of shipments to a CTII Customer Service Center for loading onto linehaul equipment, over-the-road transportation of shipments to the delivering CTII Customer Service Center, transfer of shipments to a delivery truck, and normal delivery during Central Transport’s regular business hours at final destination at facilities with docks designed to receive freight shipments. Sometimes, a Shipper or Consignee may request and/or require optional/additional services beyond those normally associated with standard transportation services described above. The rules and charges contained herein are applicable whenever Central Transport provides such special services. This publication contains the descriptions and explanations of, and charges for, those special services that may be requested or required by the Shipper, Consignee, or Third Party Payor. All rules, charges, and provisions pertaining to the special services will apply to all shipments moving under pricing publications and agreements, including individual customer pricing programs and agreements that make reference to the Central Transport 100 Series Rules Tariff as a publication incorporated by reference or as otherwise applicable. Rules and Special Services each have Item Numbers assigned to them and are listed in the “Table of Contents” section of this publication. The services are listed in alphabetical order by title and/or key words. In some cases, several references point to the same Item Number. This format is intended to make it easier for users to find items of interest. All rules and special services provisions in this publication apply on shipments tendered on or after June 13, 3016 and are subject to change at any time. Any exceptions to these rules and provisions will be noted in specific account pricing program documents/agreements. This publication includes limitations of Carrier’s liability in Items 779-790. ITEM 020 — LIST OF PARTICIPATING CARRIERS The following motor carriers participate in this tariff: 020 Name and Address of Motor Carrier Central Transport LLC Standard Carrier Alpha Code (SCAC) Warren, MI CTII ITEM 100 —PUBLICATIONS INCORPORATED BY REFERENCE 100 This publication incorporates by reference the following described publications and by revisions and/or supplements thereto or successive issues thereof: CLASSIFICATION: (1) National Motor Freight Classification STB NMF 100 Series National Motor Freight Traffic Association, Inc., Agent, STB NMF 100 Series (2) Descriptive headings or individual listings published in this tariff corresponding to the descriptive headings or individual listings used in NMF 100 series will be understood to include all notes or other qualifying statements which appear in connection with such corresponding descriptive headings or listings in NMF 100 series. Where notes or other qualifying statements in NMF 100 series refer only to “classes” such reference will also be taken to refer to “rates” in this tariff. (3) The ratings or classes in connection with truckload (TL) do not apply. (4) When Classes 77 and/or 92 are referenced in this tariff, they mean Classes 77.5 and/or 92.5 respectively. DANGEROUS COMMODITIES TARIFFS: Code of Federal Regulations, CFR Title 49 Series. MILEAGE GUIDE: PC Miler. POINTS OF SERVICE: Central Transport LLC Service Guide (series). ZIP CODE DIRECTORY: US Postal Service Zip Code Directory issued by The United States Postal Service. NOTE: IN THE EVENT OF A CONFLICT BETWEEN THE TERMS OF THE Central Transport 100 RULES TARIFF AND ANY OF THE PUBLICATIONS LISTED IN THIS ITEM, THE TERMS AND CONDITIONS OF THE Central Transport 100 RULES TARIFF SHALL CONTROL. 9 Effective: June 13, 2016 Rule Central Transport Rules Tariff 100-AX Item ITEM 110 — DEFINITIONS AND EXPLANATIONS OF TERMS, PUNCTUATION AND REFERENCES The provisions of STB NMF 100 Series Item 110 will apply with the following additions/exceptions: The following general definitions will apply when such terms are used in this tariff or in tariffs governed by this tariff. Where different definitions are provided in Central Transport pricing tariffs for the same terms in connection with rates, ratings, rules, or other provisions, such definitions will take precedence: (1) "Automobile Parts" means parts of self-propelled vehicles used on streets or highways for the transportation of persons or property including parts for freight trailers used in connection with, or in combination with such vehicles. (2) "Bull Pen" means an area suitable for temporary holding of a carrier's trailer, unattended by carrier's employee or agent, or property owned, leased, or under control of the party tendering or receiving a shipment. (3) "Business Day" or "Business Hours" means that time during which the carrier generally conducts operations where the service is performed. These terms do not include Sundays or Holidays. Normal business hours are Monday thru Friday, 8:00 am – 5:00 pm. (4) “Container” means any box, crate, carton, rack, Gaylord, or other receptacle in which one or more commodities are shipped. (5) "Foreign Commerce" means commerce between any place in the United States and any place in a foreign country or between places in the United States through any foreign country, whether such commerce moves wholly by motor vehicle or partly by rail, express, or water. (6) “Holidays” mean: HOLIDAYS IN THE UNITED STATES: New Year's Day Independence Day Thanksgiving Day Memorial Day Labor Day Christmas Day HOLIDAYS IN CANADA: New Year's Day Dominion Day Civic Holiday (Only in the Province of Ontario) St. Jean-Baptists Day (Only in the Province of Quebec) Christmas Day Victoria Day Labor Day Good Friday Thanks Giving Day Boxing Day Or any other day generally observed as a holiday by the carrier at the point where service is performed. Whenever a Holiday falls on a Sunday, the following Monday will be considered as the Holiday. (7) “Incident” or “Occurrence” means one cause or one series of similar causes. (8) "Interstate Traffic" means traffic between any place in a state and any place in another state, or between places in the same state through another state, whether such traffic moves wholly by motor vehicle or partly by motor vehicle and partly by rail, express, or water. (9) "Intrastate Traffic" means traffic, moving from point of origin in one state to another point in the same state, that does not move outside the state while in transit. (10) "LTL" (Less-Than-Truckload); "AQ" (Any Quantity); "Truckload"; or "Volume", for purposes of determining the application of rules, where reference is made to the terms “LTL”, “AQ”, “TL” or “Vol.”, will be subject to the following: (a) In connection with class rated shipments: (1) Shipments subject to minimum weights of 10,000 pounds or less will be considered the equivalent to LTL or AQ. (2) Shipments subject to minimum weights of 20,000 pounds or more will be considered the equivalent to Truckload. (b) In connection with other than class rated shipments, use of the terms LTL, AQ, or Vol., shall be consistent with definitions in STB NMF 100 Series (See Item 110) and Exceptions to such rules published herein. (Continued on Following Page) 10 110 Effective: June 13, 2016 Rule Central Transport Rules Tariff 100-AX Item (Continued from Previous Page) (11) "Loaded to Capacity" or "Capacity Load" refer to the extent to which a standard truck is loaded with freight, each term meaning: (a) That quantity of freight which when loaded in or on a standard truck equals the maximum legal load carrying capacity of the vehicle authorized by Federal, State, or Municipal laws or regulations, or; (b) That quantity of freight which, in the manner loaded, so fills a standard truck that no additional article in shipping form tendered identical in size to the largest article in the shipment can be loaded in or on the truck or; (c) That quantity of freight which because of unusual shape or dimension or because of necessity for segregation or separation from other freight requires the entire capacity of a standard truck or; (d) That capacity of freight consisting of one article loaded in or on a vehicle when one additional article, weighing or more than the article loaded cannot be legally loaded because of the weight limitations of state or regulatory bodies. (12) "Mixed Shipments" constitute a single shipment as defined in NMFC Item 640, which consists of two or more commodities assigned different items and/or sub numbers in the National Motor Freight Classification 100 Series. (13) "National Motor Freight Classification" or "Governing Classification" means the National Motor Freight Classification STB NMF 100 Series, issued by National Motor Freight Traffic Association, Inc., Agent. (14) "Private Residences or Apartments" means the entire premises on which a dwelling for living is located, except, will not apply to that portion of the premises where commercial or business activity is conducted that involves the sale of merchandise or services to the walk-in public during normal business hours. (15) “Shipment” means the aggregation of all commodities shipped under a single bill of lading. (16) “Spot Quote” means any price quotation derived from a non-published tariff, scale, or pricing document or system that is subject to change on a daily basis due to lane balance, carrier need and/or other factors and is generally quoted verbally or in writing as a result of a verbal or internet pricing request and is valid for a period of 48 hours or less from the date and time issued. (17) "Standard Truck" or "Standard Vehicle" means a straight truck, semi-trailer, flatbed, low side or any vehicle container used to transport freight in the linehaul movement, with a length of not less than 35 feet measured along the center longitudinal line of the vehicle or container floor. (18) “Used Commodities,” are any commodities with prior use, including but not limited to restored, refurbished and remanufactured commodities as well as factory warranty returns. Also included are any commodities that have been set-up and operated, including any commodity that has been used for the commodity’s stated purpose or to demonstrate the performance or merits of a product (as an automobile, x-ray machine, lathe, television) to prospective buyers. All of these commodity types are considered “used commodities” under the Central Transport 100 Rules Tariff. (19) “Warehouseman’s Liability” means that except for its negligence, carrier is not liable for loss or damage to freight pending disposition. (20) “Payor’s Published Discount” means the base rate tariff specified in the pricing program, if any, published by Central Transport specifically applicable to customer’s shipments. If customer has no pricing program published by Central Transport, payor’s published discount means the Central Transport CT 500 U/C (Series) (default) tariff applicable to all shipments for which no specific Central Transport pricing is published. (21) “Shipper” means the party from whom the carrier received the shipment, or any parts thereof, for transportation at point of origin or any stop-off point, whether he be original shipper, or warehouseman, or connecting air, motor, rail, or water carrier with which the carrier does not maintain joint through rates, or other person to whom the bill of lading refers. (22) “Consignee” means the party to whom the carrier is required, by the Bill of Lading, or other instructions to deliver the shipment, or any part thereof, at destination or any stop-off points, whether he be ultimate consignee, or warehouseman, or connecting air, motor, rail, or water carrier with which the carrier does not maintain joint through rates, or other person to whom the Bill of Lading designates. (23) “Central Transport standard liability limits” means the limits set forth in Items 779-790 of this tariff. (24) Unless otherwise provided in carrier’s specific tariffs, a “SHIPMENT” consists of a quantity of freight tendered to a carrier by one shipper (shipper) at one place at one time for delivery to one consignee at one place on one bill of lading. (a) A “PREPAID SHIPMENT” is one for which the charges for transportation services rendered at the request of the shipper, including charges for any accessorial services performed at the request of the shipper, are to be paid by the shipper. Notwithstanding the shipper’s primary payment responsibility, both shipper and consignee are liable for payment of the carrier’s freight charges under the theory that both the shipper and consignee receive the benefit of the carrier’s services. Thus, if the shipper does not pay the charges within carrier’s payment terms for any reason, including insolvency, the charges may be reversed to the consignee and become the consignee’s responsibility for payment. (b) A “COLLECT SHIPMENT” is one for which the charges for transportation services, including accessorial services rendered at the request of the consignee, or requested by the shipper for the consignee, are to be paid for by the consignee. Notwithstanding the consignee’s primary payment responsibility, both shipper and consignee are liable for payment of the carrier’s freight charges under the theory that both the shipper and consignee receive the benefit of the carrier’s services. Thus, if the consignee does not pay the charges within carrier’s payment terms for any reason, including insolvency, the charges may be reversed to the shipper and become the shipper’s responsibility for payment. (c) A “THIRD PARTY PAYOR SHIPMENT” is one for which the charges for transportation services, including accessorial charges rendered at the request of the shipper and/or consignee are to be paid for by a third party. Third parties are often firms such as logistics companies (3PL’s), brokers or other intermediaries who provide services for/to shippers and/or consignees, but who have no contractual relationship with a carrier. Notwithstanding a third party’s primary payment responsibility, both shipper and consignee remain liable for payment of the carrier’s freight charges under the theory that all parties receive the benefit of the carrier’s services. Thus, if the third party does not pay the charges within carrier’s payment terms for any reason, including insolvency, the charges may be reversed to the shipper or consignee or both in succession if either fails to pay. It is a recognized risk to shippers and consignees dealing with third parties that, should the third party fail to pay a valid freight bill, the shippers and consignees remain liable for payment to the carrier. This is the case even if the shipper or consignee has already forwarded payment to the third party and third party fails to pay carrier. 11 110 (Cont.) Effective: June 13, 2016 Rule Central Transport Rules Tariff 100-AX Item EXPLANATIONS OF ABBREVIATIONS AND REFERENCE MARKS Abbreviation or Reference Mark 110 (Cont.) Explanation & ............. ............... .............. And AQ .......... ............... .............. Any Quantity ATA ........ ............... .............. American Trucking Association, Inc Agent Washington, DC COD ....... ............... .............. Collect on Delivery CTII ........ ............... .............. Central Transport CWT ....... ............... .............. 100 Pounds I/S ........... ............... .............. Iron or Steel KD .......... ............... .............. Knocked Down KDF ........ ............... .............. Knocked Down Flat LTL ......... ............... .............. Less-Than-Truckload MF .......... ............... .............. Motor Freight NMFC ..... ............... .............. National Motor Freight Classification — STB NMF 100 Series NMF or NMFTA ...... .............. National ............... Motor Freight Traffic Association Inc., Agent, Washington, DC NO .......... ............... .............. Number NOI ......... ............... .............. “NOI” (meaning “not more specifically described herein”) as used in this tariff in connection with articles or commodities, includes only articles or commodities that are embraced by the same NOI description in the governing tariff – the National Motor Freight Classification (STB NMF 100 series) O/T ......... ............... .............. Other Than PCF ........ ............... .............. Per Cubic Foot PC MILER .............. .............. Mileage Guide (Personal Computer) Sec ......... ............... .............. Section STB ........ ............... .............. Surface Transportation Board SU .......... ............... .............. Set-up TL ........... ............... .............. Truckload Viz .......... ............... .............. Namely VOL ........ ............... .............. Volume + ............. ............... .............. Addition (A) .......... ............... .............. Increase (B) .......... ............... .............. Increase and Reduction (C) .......... ............... .............. Change which results in neither increases nor reductions in charges (R) .......... ............... .............. Reduction 111 ITEM 111 – JURISDICTION Jurisdiction: Exclusive jurisdiction for all civil actions arising out of transportation services provided by Central Transport LLC including but not limited to actions arising from alleged damage to cargo and collection actions shall be either the state or federal courts in the State of Michigan. If any party files a legal action in contravention of the foregoing sentence, Central Transport shall be entitled to collect its reasonable attorney fees and costs associated with enforcing the foregoing sentence regardless of the ultimate outcome of the legal action. Shipper, consignee, thirdparty, ultimate debtor or any agent of any of these parties, by tendering freight to Carrier or by being a party to the same shipment transaction in any way whatsoever, hereby consents to the personal jurisdiction of the state and federal courts of the State of Michigan. Laws of the State of Michigan shall apply to all contract or service disputes relating to indemnity by Carrier. 112 ITEM 112 – RECOVERY OF FREIGHT CHARGE Recovery of Freight Charges: Pursuant to 49 U.S.C § 14101(b)(1), customers that participate in and benefit from Central Transport’s discount and/or pallet programs expressly waive the “18 months” provision of 49 U.S.C § 14705(a) and replace it with 72 months. 12 Effective: June 13, 2016 Rule Central Transport Rules Tariff 100-AX Item ITEM 120 — INVOICING OF ACCESSORIAL CHARGES — GENERAL RULES (Party Responsible For Payment) 120 Except as otherwise stated or provided for within specific items in this tariff, all accessorial charges will be billed (invoiced) to the party or parties that requested the services and thereby assume payment responsibility. For purposes of this rule, the “party primarily responsible for payment” is the following: Prepaid Shipments: 1. If no third-party is involved, all freight charges will be billed (invoiced) to the Shipper. Destination accessorial charges ordered on the bill of lading will be billed (invoiced) to Shipper unless stated otherwise. Charges for services requested by and performed for the Consignee will be billed (invoiced) to the Consignee. e.g. If Shipper states on bill of lading that a delivery appointment is required, it will be presumed that Shipper is assuming payment responsibility and the charge will be billed (invoiced) to Shipper. If an inside delivery is not ordered on the bill of lading but, Consignee requests inside delivery at time of delivery, the inside delivery charge will be billed (invoiced) to the Consignee. 2. If a third-party is the debtor, all accessorial charges ordered on the bill of lading will be billed (invoiced) to the third-party and all accessorial services not ordered on the bill of lading but requested by and performed for the Consignee will be billed (invoiced) to the Consignee. Collect Shipments: 1. If no third-party is involved, all freight charges will be billed (invoiced) to the Consignee. Accessorial charges will be billed (invoiced) to Shipper for services requested by and performed for Shipper and to Consignee for services performed for Consignee. 2. If a third-party is the debtor, all accessorial charges ordered on the bill of lading will be billed (invoiced) to the Shipper and all accessorial services not ordered on the bill of lading but requested by and performed for the Consignee will be billed (invoiced) to the third-party The general rule is that Carrier will invoice the party who requested the service. e.g., For a prepaid shipment for which a lift-gate delivery is required, the carrier will invoice the Shipper for the freight charges and either the Shipper or Consignee for the lift-gate charge depending on how and by whom the service was requested: If the Shipper ordered the service on the original bill of lading, then the Shipper will be invoiced for the service. If the service was not ordered on the bill of lading but later requested or required by the Consignee, then the Consignee will be invoiced for the service. If a shipment is Collect and a lift-gate delivery is performed for the Consignee then the Consignee will be invoiced. Regardless of which party is initially invoiced however, the Shipper, Consignee, and any Third Party remain jointly liable for all charges. In the event Shipper, Consignee, or Third Party primarily responsible for payment does not pay applicable charges within normal terms, the other parties shall remain liable for all charges. Rebilling Fee: In the event the originally invoiced party (debtor) fails to pay any charges and Carrier must bill another party, a charge of $25.00 will be added to the invoice to defray Carrier’s costs of re-billing, printing, mailing, and conducting related collection activities. ITEM 130 — MINIMUM CHARGES — ABSOLUTE MINIMUM CHARGE FLOORS When customer specific pricing programs provide for discounting of freight charges including the discounting of tariff minimum charges and such programs do not provide absolute minimum charge floors, discounted charges shall not be less than the absolute minimum charge floors provided by this item. The charges provided herein are Central Transport’s standard (default) absolute minimum charge floors. Except as otherwise provided in specific discount tariffs or contracts, the absolute minimum charge floors for US Intrastate, US Interstate, Canadian Intra-provincial, Canadian Inter-provincial, and US-Canadian International Traffic are as follows: 1. US Interstate and US Intrastate Absolute Minimum Charge Floors (Mileage-Based): * Direct Shipments (When both origin and destination are serviced direct) Tier One: 0-200 Miles……………..………………………………...……..…………$61.00 Tier Two: 201-500 Miles……………………………………………………..………… $76.00 Tier Three: 501-750 Miles……………………………………………………..………… $91.00 Tier Four: 751+ Miles…………………………………………………….…………$112.00 * Interline Shipments (Includes full-state coverage exceptions)………………………..……………$199.00 2. US-Canadian International Absolute Minimum Charge Floors: * Direct Shipments (When both origin and destination are serviced direct)…………………..………$149.00 * Interline Shipments (Includes full-state coverage exceptions)…………………………………..……$245.00 3. Canadian Inter-Provincial and Canadian Intra-Provincial Absolute Minimum Charge Floors: * Direct Shipments (When both origin and destination are serviced direct)…………………………..$198.00 * Interline Shipments (Includes full-state coverage exceptions)………………………………….........$280.00 13 130 Effective: June 13, 2016 Rule Central Transport Rules Tariff 100-AX Item ITEM 155 — DISCLAIMER REGARDING CONTRACTS 155 The rates and provisions named in this tariff and tariffs making reference to this tariff shall be applicable to all shipments and may not be negated or superseded by any claimed contract that is written or unwritten, promise, representation, or indicated understanding between the parties unless such is in writing and signed by Central Transport’s President or one of its Vice Presidents. No other representative of Central Transport is authorized to amend or supersede this tariff. Rates, rules, and regulations negotiated with Central Transport which are not contained in any applicable tariff, pricing confirmation page, or written contract will become effective only upon the effective date of such tariff, pricing confirmation page, or written contract between Central Transport and its customer, once such document is created. Retroactive publication of provisions shall not be made to reflect any claimed unwritten contract or agreement. Note: This item has no application in connection with Central Transport’s assessment of charges for providing additional services in the normal course of business. For example, if Central Transport performs a residential delivery service, then it has the right to bill and will bill the normal, published accessorial charge for providing the service. Central Transport is entitled to receive compensation for providing special services requested or required by shipper or consignee and will bill its published charges for such services whether or not shipper or consignee has authorized such charges in writing. Written authorizations for such charges are not required. ITEM 162 — CALIFORNIA COMPLIANCE 162 Shipments originating from and/or destined to the state of California will be subject to a charge of $5.92 per shipment due to higher operating costs, including but not limited to compliance with California state regulations. ITEM 171 — BUMPING – APPLICATION OF CLASSES ─ ARTIFICIAL CONSTRUCTION OF DENSITY TO OBTAIN A LOWER CLASS 171 (EXCEPTION TO ITEM 171 OF STB NMF 100 SERIES) “Bumping” is the declaration on the original bill of lading of an artificially higher weight for the purpose of causing a higher density that allows the article, piece, or shipment being “bumped” to qualify for a lower classification rating. “Bumping” may be performed under the provisions in Item 171, STB NMF 100 Series (NMFC) subject to the following conditions: (1) “Bumping” provisions may only be used for commodity items in the NMFC that assign classes based upon density and then only for those items that make specific reference to Item 171 in the NMFC. (2) Shipper may only “bump” to the next lower NMFC class or rating. “Bumping” to an exception or FAK (Freight All Kinds) class or rating is not permitted. If “bumping” is requested on shipments on which an FAK or exception rating is provided in customer specific pricing programs, the FAK or exception rating will not apply. Instead, the shipment will be classified and rated as provided in the NMFC. (3) When the provisions of this rule are utilized, shipper must declare his intent to “bump” at the time of shipment and he must show the following on the original bill of lading: (a) (b) (c) (d) (e) Actual Cube. Actual Weight. Density Group (NMFC Sub Item) Embracing the Actual Density. Declared Density. Declared Weight – Resultant Weight for Billing Purposes of the package(s) or piece(s) for which density is being bumped. ITEM 174 — TARIFFS WITH MISSING ZIP CODES, POSTAL CODES AND/OR RATES (“HOLES”) 174 How Freight Bills Will Be Rated When Tariffs Required By Customers Do Not Contain Zip Codes/Postal Codes Or Rates For Specific Combinations Of Origin And Destination Points: Whenever a customer’s pricing program published with Central Transport requires the use of any tariff other than Central Transport’s current Central Transport 500 U/C (Series) tariff (examples include “Foreign Tariffs” defined as tariffs not published by Central Transport such as private tariffs published by shippers, tariffs published by competitive carriers, tariffs published by rate bureaus and historic, prior version and expired tariffs including older versions of Central Transport’s own tariffs) and any such tariffs do not contain zip codes/postal codes or rates for some combinations of origin-destination points (i.e., if a tariff has “holes” in it for geographic reasons, because it has not been updated to include zip code/postal code changes, or for any other reason) then rating of shipments that were to be rated on such tariffs will instead be accomplished by applying a 70.0% discount to the current version of Central Transport’s Tariff CT 500 U/C (Series). Such shipments shall be subject to a minimum charge of $80.00. Note: These provisions pertaining to the application of a 70.0% discount subject to a minimum charge of $80.00 will apply only in connection with customers having published pricing programs covering shipments tendered. The provisions will not in any way apply to customers without published pricing programs. Shipments for customers without published pricing programs will be rated under Central Transport’s standard default pricing provisions. ITEM 176 — CURRENCIES APPLICABLE FOR INVOICING AND PAYMENTS Rates and charges named or provided in this tariff are in U.S. Currency for shipments moving wholly within the U.S.A. and for shipments moving between the U.S.A. and Canada. Rates and charges for Canadian Domestic Shipments are in Canadian Currency. 14 176 Effective: June 13, 2016 Rule Central Transport Rules Tariff 100-AX Item ITEM 300 — ADVANCING OR PAYING CHARGES 300 Unless otherwise instructed by the shipper or consignee, carrier will advance or pay charges for wharfage, handling, lumper service, usage, loading, or unloading at piers, wharves, dockside terminals, or warehouses; transportation charges from or to loading or unloading sites not accessible to carrier's vehicle; or transportation charges from or to points beyond carrier's scope of operating authority (1) Advancements or Payments are subject to a charge of 5% of the amount of charges advanced, but in no case less than $40.00. (2) Advanced or Paid amount and fee will be assessed to the paying party in addition to all other transportation charges. EXCEPTION ─ Freight imported for Canadian Customs Clearance at inland sufferance warehouses is subject to applicable inland sufferance warehouse (ISW) charges. Carriers will advance inland sufferance warehouse (ISW) charges, including all charges incidental to clearance of freight at a sufferance warehouse, inland sufferance warehouse storage charges, brokerage fees on export or bonded freight and warehouse or wharfage charges. Such charges will not be absorbed but will be in addition to the lawful freight charges accruing. The administration charge for the advancing of any of these charges shall be $8.05 PER SHIPMENT. Charges for inland sufferance warehouse clearance are payable by the party primarily responsible for payment of freight charges. ITEM 310 — APPOINTMENT DELIVERIES --REQUESTS FOR TIME DEFINITE 310 When Central Transport is requested to schedule an appointment for delivery of a shipment at a specific time prior to tender of delivery, a charge of $44.00 per delivery will be assessed and the charge will be invoiced to the party primarily responsible for payment of freight charges. Central Transport will provide a two-hour window for appointment deliveries scheduled prior to 12:00 noon and a three-hour window for appointment deliveries scheduled on or after 12:00 noon. Requestor may schedule multiple shipments of delivery at the same time and the charge will be assessed per delivery as opposed to a charge per shipment. A valid email address or phone number must be notated on the bill of lading at the time of Pickup. Central Transport will contact the party via phone, email, fax, or voicemail as appropriated to schedule the appointment. If the consignee refuses the shipment or is unable to receive the shipment, the appointment charges will still apply. ITEM 345 — ARRIVAL NOTICE OR UNDELIVERED FREIGHT 345 ARRIVAL NOTICE: 1. Actual tender of delivery at consignee's place constitutes the notice of the arrival of a shipment. 2. If the shipment is not actually delivered, notice of arrival will be given to the consignee not later than the next business day following the arrival of the shipment. (a) The notice will be given by telephone, if convenient and practicable, otherwise by mail or email. The notice, however transmitted, will specify the point of origin, the shipper, and the commodity and weight of shipment. (b) If the consignee's address is unknown to the carrier, the notice will be mailed to consignee at the post office serving the point of destination shown on the bill of lading. (c) In the case of notification by mail, the notice will be deemed to have been given (that is, received by the addressee) at 8:00 AM on the first business day after it was mailed. UNDELIVERED FREIGHT: 1. If freight cannot be delivered because of the consignee's refusal or inability to accept it, or because the carrier cannot locate the consignee, or if freight cannot be transported because of an error of omission on the part of the shipper, the carrier will make diligent effort to notify the shipper promptly that the freight is being held at its dock. Central Transport will issue a Courtesy Notice to shipper/consignee that allows two business days for delivery arrangements to be made. The purpose of the courtesy notice is to allow customers the opportunity to avoid storage charges and other charges by making prompt delivery arrangements. If delivery arrangements are not made promptly as required, storage charges will begin to accrue at 7:00 am on the morning of the 2 nd business day following issuance of the Courtesy Notices. 2. Undelivered shipments will be subject to applicable storage or detention charges. See Item 910. 3. On undelivered shipments, disposition instructions issued prior to tender of delivery will not be accepted as authority to reship or return a shipment or to limit storage liability. 4. If shipments remain unclaimed/undelivered, a second notice will be sent to shipper/consignee advising that after 15 days the freight will be subject to disposal or sale. 15 Effective: June 13, 2016 Rule Central Transport Rules Tariff 100-AX Item ITEM 350 — UNCLAIMED OR ABANDONED FREIGHT — NOTICE AND DISPOSITION OF PROPERTY 350 Definition: Unclaimed/Abandoned Freight — Freight that has not been accepted or claimed by the consignee and for which no disposition instructions has been provided by the owner. NOTICE AND DISPOSITION OF PROPERTY When carrier tenders freight at consignee’s place of business and such freight is refused or consignee is unable to accept delivery for any reason, such freight shall be deemed unclaimed/abandoned freight. For shipments where carrier has been directed to hold freight at its dock for pickup by consignee or other party and such freight is not picked-up within 15 days of such direction, it shall be deemed unclaimed/abandoned freight, regardless of whether or not carrier has issued a “Legal Notice of Undelivered Freight.” It is presumed that if carrier is directed to hold freight for pickup, the shipper/consignee giving such direction is aware of these provisions. Freight shall also be deemed unclaimed/abandoned whenever carrier cannot deliver the freight because it cannot locate the consignee or because of any errors or omissions on the part of Shipper. Carrier shall have a lien on all unclaimed or abandoned freight for all freight charges and storage and handling charges incurred and may sell or dispose of such property in order to satisfy or partially satisfy is lien. The following provisions apply: a. b. c. d. Arrival Notice: Except as otherwise provided herein, the carrier will promptly notify consignee of the arrival of shipments (see Item 345 — Arrival Notice or Undelivered Freight). Non-perishable Freight: Upon notification of arrival, if a shipment containing non-perishable property is unclaimed and delivery cannot be effected, the carrier will so notify the shipper and consignee, by mail, at the addresses shown on the bill of lading. Upon written instructions from the shipper, the carrier will return the shipment to the shipper, forward or re-consign it under a new bill of lading, or otherwise dispose of it, all at the shipper's expense. If no such instructions are received within 15 days after the date of mailing such notice, the carrier will dispose of it by public or private sale or disposal with no further liability to carrier. Perishable Freight: When a perishable shipment is delayed in the possession of Carrier, or is unclaimed, refused, or threatened with deterioration, Carrier shall have the right to immediately take such action as it deems reasonably necessary for the protection all parties in interest, including rerouting the shipment by other means of transportation, or disposal of the shipment, at public or private sale or disposal, absent instructions of Shipper to the contrary, without further notice to the shipper or consignee and with no further liability to carrier. Shipper & Consignee Remain Liable: No sale or disposal pursuant to this rule shall discharge any liability of lien to any greater extent than the proceeds thereof, less selling expenses if any, and the shipper and consignee shall remain liable, jointly and severally, for any deficiency. In all cases, Shipper and Consignee are responsible for all freight and storage charges regardless of freight disposition. ITEM 360 — BILLS OF LADING, FREIGHT BILLS AND STATEMENTS OF CHARGES Requests for Copies of Documents Carrier no longer accepts Section 7 provisions under any circumstances and Carrier’s bill of lading no longer contains Section 7 language. In general and to further clarify, if shipper uses a bill of lading other than Carrier’s Bill of Lading and signs Section 7, the signature will be invalid. 1. 2. Except as otherwise provided, carriers shall not furnish: (a) Bill of lading sets that consist of more than an “Original”, a “Shipping Order”, and a “Memorandum” per shipment. (b) More than one original freight bill on its own standard form and one duplicate thereof, exclusive of the consignee’s memo copy, per shipment. (c) More than one original and one copy of its statement of transportation charges on its own standard form. When Payor of freight or other lawful charges requires or requests, as a prerequisite to payment (any of the following): (See notes 5 and 6) (a) The return of any part of bill of lading sets or copies thereof, other than one shipper furnished copy (See Note 4), a charge of $4.00 for each such document or copy will be made or: (b) Copies of freight bills or statements of transportation charges in excess of the number specified in Paragraph 1 (b) and 1 (c) a charge of $4.00 for each such document or copy will be made or: (c) The preparation by the carrier of any forms requiring itemization, listing or description of single or multiple freight bills, for submittal with freight bills or statements of charges, a charge of 35 cents per line of itemization, listing or description (or portion thereof) subject to a minimum charge of $4.00 per page, per copy, will be made or: (d) Any forms or copies of forms, other than those described in Paragraphs 2 (a) and 2 (b) to be submitted with freight bills or statements of charges, a charge of $4.00 for each such form or copy will be made or: (e) That information now shown on the shipping order at time of shipment be shown on freight bills or statements of charges, a charge of $4.00 per shipment will be made. (f) That proof of delivery furnished in any form, a charge of $4.00 for each such document or copy will be made. (Continued on following page) 16 360 Effective: June 13, 2016 Rule Central Transport Rules Tariff 100-AX Item (Continued from previous page) 3. 360 Cont’d Bills of lading issued by carrier are subject to the following: (a) All rates, terms and conditions of the transportation service are subject to and governed by the carrier’s rules, unless a written agreement separate from the bill of lading is signed by an authorized representative of carrier and by an authorized representative of customer. (b) Carrier representatives authorized to sign a written agreement to terms and conditions specified in (a) above shall be: Vice Presidents President (c) No one else is authorized to negotiate rates and terms of service, including alterations to the bill of lading and its terms and conditions. (d) Bills of lading other than the carrier’s bill of lading, Uniform Straight bill of lading (as published in NMF 100 series), or shipper supplied bill of lading referring to classifications and tariffs applicable at the time of shipment, shall not be accepted. If carrier inadvertently accepts such Bill of Lading, the Bill of Lading shall serve the purpose of receipt for commodities and identification of delivery location only and shall not serve as a contract for carriage. The terms and conditions of the Uniform Straight bill of lading as published in NMF 100 series shall govern the movement of shipment. (e) Shipments are Collect unless otherwise marked. If neither “Prepaid” nor “Collect” is marked by shipper on the original bill of lading, shipment will be Collect. (f) The bill of lading contains Liability Limitation Election choices to allow shipper to request higher than standard levels of liability assumption by carrier in exchange for payment of an additional or higher than normal fee. (g) Carrier bill of lading does not contain “Section 7” language and does not allow “Section 7” (non-recourse) election by shipper. NOTE 1: Carriers are not obligated to furnish bills of lading containing information beyond that shown in the examples set forth in the NMFC. NOTE 2: Consignors may elect to have printed their own bills of lading, in which case, all requirements of Paragraphs 1 and 2 of this item must be observed. These forms may also contain such information as: (1) identification or location of shipper or consignee; (2) commodity description; (3) rates or classes; or (4) other information pertinent to the shipment. NOTE 3: On bill of lading furnished by carriers, freight bills and statements of charges issued by carriers, the Standard Carrier Alpha Code (SCAC) of the issuing carrier as shown in the Continental Directory NMF 101, ICC NMF 101 (or as amended), must be shown immediately adjacent to the carrier’s named on the document heading. The SCAC designation must be printed in upper case boldface type. NOTE 4: When, as a prerequisite to payment, the shipper furnished copy of bill of lading is to be returned, it must be clearly and prominently marked by the shipper with the specific instructions directing its return with freight bill. NOTE 5: The charges set forth in Paragraph 2 will not apply to: (a) Bank Payment Plans when documentations is limited to (1) deposit ticket(s) supplied by the bank; (2) supporting freight bills not in excess of the number set forth in Paragraph 1 or Note 3, the return of a copy of the Bill of Lading furnished by shipper. (b) Sight Draft Plans when documentation is limited to (1) sight drafts which do not require the carrier to provide information pertaining to the rating of the shipments(s) on the sight draft; (2) supporting freight bill(s) and statement(s) of charges not in excess of number set forth in Paragraph 1(c); (3) the return of a copy of the bill of lading furnished by shipper. NOTE 6: The provisions of Paragraphs 1 and 2 will not apply to shipments moving on United States Government Bills of Lading. NOTE 7: Shipments moving on Uniform Order Bills of Lading (Order Notify) will not be accepted. An “Order Notify” shipment is one where procedures include surrender of the original bill of lading before freight is released; usually associated with a shipment covered under a letter of credit. Order Notify shipments are relatively uncommon in today’s LTL industry. NOTE 8: When validation of Freight Bill is required as a prerequisite for payment of the freight charges and consignee fails to validate the Freight Bill at time of delivery thus requiring the carriers to resubmit the Freight Bill for validation, a charge of $13.00 will be assessed for that service, except on shipments moving on U.S. Government bills of lading. NOTE 9: Corrected bill of lading to change the freight charge collection status from prepaid to collect will not be accepted once the shipment has been delivered. (Continued on Following Page) 17 Effective: June 13, 2016 Rule Central Transport Rules Tariff 100-AX Item (Continued from Previous Page) 360 (Cont.) ITEM 361 — BILLS OF LADING ─ FAK OR “FREIGHT ALL KINDS” SHIPMENTS 361 For his own protection and to allow for proper application of rates, the shipper must identify the specific commodity or product on the bill of lading for all transportation moving under FAK or “Freight, All Kinds” rates. It is insufficient and unacceptable, for example, to describe freight on the bill of lading as “FAK 85 Freight.” If the shipper fails to identify the specific commodity or product, Central Transport will not be liable for any damages to or destruction of the commodity or product resulting from it being on the same trailer with other freight that is either incompatible or is prohibited by federal, state or local laws and regulations from being co-loaded on the same trailer with the product or commodity moving under the FAK (“Freight, All Kinds”) rates. 18 Effective: June 13, 2016 Rule Central Transport Rules Tariff 100-AX Item ITEM 365 — MEXICAN SHIPMENTS — ADMINISTRATION FEE 365 For shipments ultimately destined to points in Mexico, Central Transport requires the following: (1) (2) Consignor must provide broker/freight forwarder information on the original bill of lading at time of shipment. Each shipment must be initially consigned to a U.S. Destination Address. This may be a distribution center, broker warehouse or other point that carrier may deliver the freight to. The ultimate destination in Mexico should be noted in the body of the bill of lading. When broker/freight forwarder information is not provided on the original bill of lading, an administration fee of $25.00 (U.S. Dollars) will be applied to the freight bill in addition to all other applicable charges. When broker information is not provided, carrier incurs additional administration costs. Lack of broker information also causes delays; loss of transit times and customer relationship issues with ultimate consignee’s who do not receive their shipments when expected. ITEM 381 — METHOD OF CANCELLING PAGES 381 When revised pages amend this publication, the cancellation of prior pages will be effected by means of this rule. A revised page will not show a cancellation notice except when a cancellation notice is necessary because of suspension, rejection, or other reason. Revisions of each page will be published in numerical sequence. Except where a specific cancellation is shown on a revised page, a revised page cancels any and all non-cancelled revised or original pages, or non-cancelled portions thereof, which bear the same page number (SEE EXCEPTION). EXAMPLES: 1ST REVISED PAGE 10 will have the effect of canceling ORIGINAL PAGE 10; 45TH REVISED PAGE 12 will have the effect of canceling 44TH REVISED PAGE 12; 13TH REVISED PAGE 4-A will have the effect of canceling 12TH REVISED PAGE 4-A and 11TH REVISED PAGE 4-A. EXCEPTION: When a specific cancellation on a prior revised page accepts a previously filed page wholly or in part, this rule does not have the effect of canceling such excepted previously filed page or portion thereof. 19 Effective: June 13, 2016 Rule Central Transport Rules Tariff 100-AX Item ITEM 385 — LINEAL FOOT RULE A. 385 Any shipment that: a. weighs 20,000 pounds or more or b. occupies 1700 cubic feet or c. occupies more than 20 lineal feet of trailer/container space is subject to the following minimum rate conditions: i. Shipment will be rated at $2.50 per mile, subject to minimum charge of $500.00 and a maximum charge of $5,000.00 ii. Central Transport’s Standard Less than Truckload (LTL) Fuel Surcharge will apply. iii. Fuel Surcharge will apply as follows: A. Shipments exceeding 20 lineal feet of trailer/container space but less than 28 lineal feet of space will be subject to Central Transport’s (LTL) Less than Truckload Fuel Surcharge. B. Shipments occupying 28 lineal feet of trailer/container space or more will be subject to Central Transport’s (TL) Truckload Fuel Surcharge. Precedence of Rates: If more than one rate rule or provision from this tariff could be applied to the same shipment, the rule or provision that produces the highest rate will apply. For example, if a shipment is subject to the cubic capacity provisions of Item 611 of this tariff and those provisions produce a higher charge than the provisions of this Item 385 then the provisions of Item 611 shall take precedence over the provisions of this Item 385 and charges produced by application of Item 611 provisions shall apply. If carrier receives two or more shipments from one shipper, at one origin, destined to one or more consignees at the same delivery address, during one calendar day, which if combined would result in application of this item, then the shipments in aggregate will be considered as one shipment subject to the provisions of this item. Any article, pallet or package that cannot have other freight loaded on top of it, either physically or by shipper’s instructions, will be considered to be nine (9) feet in height when calculating cubic feet for application of this item MILEAGE: Miles will be determined according to mileage in PC Miler. Each vehicle or trailer loaded to capacity will be subject to the 20 lineal feet - $2.50 per mile charge above. OVERFLOW: When the rate per mile or minimum charge is applied, the charge for that portion of the shipment loaded into the last trailer or vehicle (not loaded to capacity) will be rated as a separate shipment. MEXICO: Each vehicle or trailer loaded to capacity will be subject to the applicable provisions herein so far as the portion of movement within the United States to or from the border gateway point is concerned. Then, in addition, the applicable charges from Central Transport Tariff 799 will be applicable for the Mexican portion of the movement and the total applicable charge will be calculated as a combination of rates. If the otherwise applicable rate and charge produces a higher charge than the rate per CWT or minimum charge, the otherwise applicable rate and charge will apply. DISCOUNT NON-APPLICATION – Shipments subject to the rate per mile or minimum charge in this item will NOT be subject to any otherwise applicable adjustments or discounts. Shipments subject to re-consignment: That portion of the freight charges from the re-consignment point to the final destination will be subject to the rate per mile, subject to a Minimum Charge of $200.00. If the otherwise applicable charge produces a higher charge the provisions of this item will NOT apply. ITEM 395 — MINIMUM CHARGE — SHIPMENTS CONTAINING HOUSHOLD GOODS 395 Household Goods — The minimum charge for shipments of Household Goods or Personal Effects, as described in NMFC Items 100200 and 100262, will be as follows: 1. 2. If occupying less than 50% of a PUP trailer, apply Class 150 rates from CT 500 U/C (Series) with a 55% discount regardless of payor’s published discount. The minimum charge for an LTL shipment of household goods or personal effects will be rated at actual class, at 500 pounds less the payor’s published discount. If occupying 50% or more of a PUP trailer, the minimum charge will be $2.00 per mile per vehicle used but not less than $650.00 per shipment per vehicle used. 397 ITEM 397 — FLOOR LOADED FREIGHT Any shipment of 10 or more cartons , rolls, drums, pails, and/or bags tendered loose ‘on-the-floor’ shall be subject to a ‘Floor-loaded’ accessorial charge of $100.00. This fee is in addition to all other applicable rates and charges. 20 Effective: June 13, 2016 Rule Central Transport Rules Tariff 100-AX Item ITEM 398 — PICKUP OR DELIVERY SERVICE TO GROCERY WAREHOUSES 398 A fee of $75.00 per shipment shall be assessed to any shipment picked up or delivered to a grocery warehouse and/or food service distributor (which includes food service, grocery, drug and general retail). This fee is in addition to all other applicable rates and charges. 399 ITEM 399 — DELIVERIES TO FULFILLMENT CENTERS When Carrier makes a pickup or delivery at a fulfillment center or fulfillment warehouse (i.e. Amazon.com), an additional charge of $50.00 shall apply per shipment. This charge may be imposed by the Carrier due to extraordinary driver delay and will be in addition to all other applicable rates and charges. ITEM 400 — BILL OF LADING CHANGES ─ CHANGE OF TERMS ON BILL OF LADING BY SHIPPER, CONSIGNEE, OR DESIGNATED THIRD PARTY 400 CHANGES TO SHIPMENT TERMS (PREPAID TO COLLECT OR VICE VERSA, OR ADDITION OF THIRD PARTY) A. Prior to Delivery: $8.00 a. Change freight terms from Prepaid to Collect b. Change freight terms from Collect to Prepaid c. Change terms to Third Party (for a named Third Party on original BOL) d. Add a Third Party Bill To not named on original Bill of Lading e. Changes to freight bill by Carrier due to missing or incomplete bill of lading information, including but not limited to missing weight, missing class or NMFC Item, etc. f. When a corrected bill of lading is issued for ANY reason not named above B. After Final Delivery: $20.00 a. Change freight terms from Prepaid to Collect b. Change freight terms from Collect to Prepaid c. Change terms to Third Party (for a named Third Party on original BOL) d. Add a Third Party Bill To not named on original Bill of Lading e. Changes to freight bill by Carrier due to missing or incomplete bill of lading information, including but not limited to missing class or NMFC Item, etc. f. When a corrected bill of lading is issued for ANY reason not named above missing weight, The shipper or consignee or designated third party must provide proper documentation including specific authorization and acceptance of the original and additional freight charges. Requests to change the description, weight, pieces, dimensions, or classification of the shipment commodity after final delivery has been made will not be accepted. ITEM 401 - CORRECTED BILLS OF LADING ─ THIRD-PARTY SHIPMENTS ─ COLLECTION OF CHARGES When a party other than the shipper or consignee is shown on the bill of lading and/or shipping order as the payor of the freight charges and such party is not a bank or freight payment plan, such party's name and address must be clearly shown in the body of the bill of lading and shipping order at the time of original tender. The shipper and consignee remain liable for any unpaid freight charges. PREPAID: Shipments subject to the provisions of this item will be accepted only when the shipper and/or third party has established credit with the carrier and shipper guarantees to pay all lawfully accrued charges if the third party fails to do so within the time allowed under the credit regulations of the Surface Transportation Board. Shipments made subject to the provisions of this item must be billed as "Prepaid". COLLECT: Shipments subject to the provisions of this item will be accepted only when the consignee and/or third party has established credit with the carrier and consignee guarantees to pay all lawfully accrued charges if the third party fails to do so within the time allowed under the credit regulations of the Surface Transportation Board. 21 401 Effective: June 13, 2016 Rule Central Transport Rules Tariff 100-AX Item ITEM 410 — 3PL’S — SPECIAL TERMS, CONDITIONS AND REQUIREMENTS The provisions contained in this item govern Central Transport’s business relationships with 3PL’s (Third-Party Logistics Providers) in connection with generic pricing programs published for those companies. A ‘generic pricing program’ as contrasted to a ‘client-specific pricing program’ is one established for a 3PL for general application to a broad range of possible shippers and commodities unknown to Central Transport prior to tender of freight. For such cases this tariff item contains the terms, conditions and requirements applicable to such shippers, consignees, shipments and commodities. 1. PROHIBITED COMMODITIES: The following types of commodities shall not be tendered to carrier: Commodities described in Central Transport 100 Tariff, Items 780, 789 and 790. 2. PACKAGING: All shipments must be palletized and packaged in accordance with NMFC guidelines. 3. APPLICABLE RULES TARIFF: All freight tendered to carrier shall move under the current National Motor Freight Classification (STB NMF 100 series) and the current Central Transport 100 Rules Tariff. 4. INDEMNIFICATION FOR FREIGHT CLAIMS: 3PL agrees to indemnify, defend and hold carrier harmless from and against all freight loss or damage claims arising out of services arranged for by 3PL for which liability exceeds limitations stated in either the National Motor Freight Classification and/or Carrier’s applicable Rules Tariff and/or for which packaging requirements are not met. 5. PAYMENT FOR TRANSPORTATION: In the event 3PL invoices shippers for transportation services and in turn receives payment for transportation services, 3PL shall pay carrier as follows: 410 A. Payments: 3PL assures that all payments due to carrier providing transportation shall be paid not later than THIRTY (30) days following receipt of the motor carrier’s invoice. B. Covenant of Trust: 3PL covenants and represents that 3PL shall segregate and maintain all amounts due motor carrier for transportation purchased from the motor carrier by sequestering those funds immediately as the funds of the carrier and such funds shall be the funds of the motor carrier and not of the 3PL and shall be treated in a manner similar to the interline trust fund doctrine. ITEM 428 — HANDLING OF DOCUMENTS FOR CUSTOMS CLEARANCE 428 Carrier will at the request of the shipper, and without assuming any liability, transport documents required for customs clearance providing such papers are tendered at the same time as the shipment. 22 Effective: June 13, 2016 Rule Central Transport Rules Tariff 100-AX Item ITEM 430 — COLLECT ON DELIVERY (COD) SHIPMENTS 430 Unless otherwise provided in carrier's tariffs, collect on delivery (COD) shipments will be accepted subject to the following provisions and charges: Sec. 1: Shipments must be tendered on "Uniform Straight Bill of Lading," "Straight Bill of Lading Short Form," or "Straight Bill of Lading" bill of lading forms as shown in the NMFC. The letters "COD" must be stamped, typed, or written on all such bills of lading and shipping orders immediately before name of consignee, or "COD" in red letters at least one (1) inch in height with thickness of stroke 1/4 inch thick or greater must be stamped or printed across the face of all bills of lading and shipping orders. Only one COD amount may be shown and may not be subject to change dependent upon time or conditions of payment. The name and street and post office of shipper and consignee must be shown on bill of lading and shipping order. On Straight Bills of Lading Short Form, there must be shown in the space provided for this purpose or in the lower left hand corner of space provided for "description of commodities, special marks, and exceptions," the following information: Collect on Delivery, $__________________________ and remitted to: ___________________________________________________ Street _____________________________________________________ City ____________________________ State ____________________ Zip COD Charge to be paid by: Shipper _____________ Consignee _____________ Sec. 2: Each package must be plainly marked, labeled, or tagged by shipper showing letters COD, and the name and address of shipper and consignee in accordance with Item 580 of the classification. Sec. 3: COD packages will not be accepted on the same bill of lading with packages other than COD and only packages covered by one COD bill may be tendered on one bill of lading. Sec. 4: If shipper desires to forward invoice or collection papers, they must be securely attached to the shipping order copy of the bill of lading and the shipping order must show the following information: "Attached invoice (or invoices) to accompany shipment to destination." Sec. 5: COD shipments will not be accepted or receipted for when billed to one firm or person, with instructions to collect charges from another firm or person. Sec. 6: COD shipments will not be accepted for transportation subject to inspection or trial by consignee, or when bearing instructions to make partial delivery. Carriers are responsible to deliver the shipment in accordance with the bill of lading contract. If, for any reason, upon presentation for delivery, COD payment is refused by the consignee, carriers are responsible for the disposition of the shipment only in accordance with the bill of lading contract and tariff provisions as applicable. Carriers are not responsible, in such circumstances, to seek or remit the COD amount to the shipper or owner of the commodities. Sec. 7: Intoxicating beverages may be handled COD only under the provisions provided by State Laws of the State in which the point of destination is located. (See Section 389 of Title 18 of the United States Code Annotated). Sec. 8: The amount of COD bills for COD shipments must be collected at the time such shipments are delivered to the consignee. Sec. 9: Only the following forms of payment will be accepted in payment of COD amounts: (1) cash, up to a maximum of $250.00, See Note (2) bank cashier's check; (3) bank certified check; (4) money order; or (5) personal check of the consignee when so authorized in writing or by endorsement on the bill of lading and shipping order by the shipper. All checks and money orders shall be made payable to the shipper. The carrier will accept checks and money orders only as the agent of the shipper and the carrier's responsibility is limited to the exercise of due care and diligence in forwarding such checks and money orders to shipper. NOTE: Limit on amount of cash that will be accepted does not apply when consignee, or his agent, at carrier’s terminals, picks up COD shipments. Sec. 10: The charge for collecting and remitting the amount of bills for COD shipments will be collected from the consignee, except that such charge may be prepaid by the shipper, providing notation to the effect is made by the shipper on the bill of lading and shipping order. Collection or remitting charges for freight or other lawful charges due the carrier shall be paid to the carrier and must not be included in the checks or money orders made payable to the shipper. Sec. 11: Upon collection of a COD bill, carrier collecting same shall remit each COD collection directly to the shipper or other person designated by the shipper as payee, promptly and within ten (10) days after delivery of the COD shipment to the consignee. If the COD shipment moved in interline service, the delivering carrier shall, at the time of remittance of the COD collection to the shipper or payee, notify the originating carrier of such remittance. The delivering carrier shall maintain a record of all COD shipments received for delivery in such manner and form as will plainly and readily show the following information with respect to each shipment: (1) Number and date of freight bill (2) Name and address of shipper or other person designated as payee (3) Name and address of consignee (4) Date shipment delivered (5) Amount of COD (6) Date collected by delivering carrier (7) Date remitted to payee (8) Check number or other identification of remittance to payee. (Continued on Following Page) 23 Effective: June 13, 2016 Rule Central Transport Rules Tariff 100-AX Item (Continued from Previous Page) 430 (Cont.) Sec 12: Charges — The charges to be assessed at origin or destination (depending upon whether prepaid or collect) for collection and remitting the amount of each COD bill collected on shipments consigned to COD as prescribed herein will be 10% of COD, but in no case less than $100.00. (a) Carrier will, upon written request from the shipper, change the status of a COD shipment by increasing, reducing, or canceling the amount of the COD, subject to the following provisions: (1) The request must be received by the delivering carrier in time to accomplish the change requested prior to effecting delivery of the shipment; (2) A charge of $100.00 per shipment will be made for increasing, reducing, or canceling the COD amount. Such charge will be in addition to the COD collection fee, if any, and must be guaranteed by the shipper in writing. (b) Carrier will, upon written authorization from shipper, change the form of payment of COD amounts to accept consignee's personal check when such form of payment was not originally authorized, subject to an additional charge of $15.00 per shipment. If request is received after the shipment has been tendered for delivery and refused by consignee, the shipment will also be assessed the applicable redelivery charge as provided in carrier's tariffs, in addition to the charge for changing the form of acceptable payment. Consignor must guarantee payment of the charge for changing the form of payment and the redelivery charge, if any. Sec. 13: COD Shipments of explosives designated as "Class A and dangerous explosives" referred to in the Hazardous Materials Tariff (HMT) will not be accepted. ITEM 450 — BASIS OF RATE EXCHANGE For purpose of determining the rates of exchange for shipments between the United States and those countries listed the following will apply: CANADA The rate of exchange quoted for New York funds by the Bank of Montreal, in the last of each month will govern for the period from the first to the fourteenth (inclusive) of the following month; similarly, such quotations at noon on the fourteenth will govern for the period from the fifteenth to the last day (inclusive) of such month. Should the governing date fall on a Saturday, Sunday, or Canadian or United States legal holiday, the quotation at noon of the preceding day will govern. MEXICO The rate of exchange in effect on Monday of each week as quoted by Banco De Mexico will govern for shipments picked up for the period Monday through Sunday of each day subsequent to and including the effective date of the quote. Should the governing day (Monday) fall on a day where no exchange rate is quoted by Banco De Mexico, the exchange rate in effect for the preceding quoted day will govern. During any base period as defined above, if the daily exchange rate differs from the base rate by plus or minus two or more percent, the daily rate of exchange will then become the applicable base rate for the remainder of the period. The governing data for the application of the rate of exchange for shipments between the U.S. and those countries listed above will be the date of the pickup of the shipment. 24 450 Effective: June 13, 2016 Rule Central Transport Rules Tariff 100-AX Item ITEM 460 — OVERCHARGE AND DUPLICATE PAYMENT CLAIMS PROCEDURES GOVERNING PROCESSING, INVESTIGATION AND DISPOSITION: Application: The provisions set forth herein govern the processing of claims by Central Transport for overcharges and duplicate payments for the transportation of property in interstate or foreign commerce by Central Transport. Definitions: (a) “Overcharge,” means an overcharge as defined in Sections 204a (6) and 406a (6) of the Interstate Commerce Act. It also includes duplicate payments as defined in paragraph (b), (b) “Duplicate Payment” means two or more payments for transporting the same shipment. i. In the event customer has open freight bills, duplicate payments shall be applied against open freight bills. ii. When one or more payments is not in the exact amount of the applicable tariff rates and charges, and there are no open freight bills, refunds shall be made on the basis of the excess amount over applicable tariff rates and charges. (c) “Claimant” means any shipper or receiver, or its authorized agent, filing a request with Central Transport for the refund of an overcharge and/or duplicate payment. Filing and Processing of Claims: (a) A claim for overcharge or duplicate payment shall not be paid unless filed in writing or electronically communicated by using Central Transport’s standard form for presentation of overcharge claims (when agreed to by the carrier and shipper or receiver involved) with the carrier that collected the transportation charges. The collecting carrier shall be the carrier to process all such claims. When a claim is filed with another carrier that participated in the transportation, that carrier shall transmit the claim to the collecting carrier within fifteen (15) days after receipt of the claim. If the collecting carrier is unable to dispose of the claim for any reason the claim may be filed with or transferred to any participating carrier for final disposition. (b) A single claim may include more than one shipment provided the claim on each shipment involves (1) the same tariff issue or authority or circumstances, (2) single line service by the same carrier, or (3) service by the same interline carriers. The ICC Termination Act of 1995 amended the Interstate Commerce Act by adding 49 U.S.C. 13710 (a)(3)(B) as follows: “If a shipper seeks to contest the charges originally billed or additional charges subsequently billed, the shipper may request that the Board determine whether the charges billed must be paid. A shipper must contest the original bill or subsequent bill within 180 days of receipt of the bill in order to have the right to contest such charges. Central Transport Specific Exceptions and Methods of Payment: (a) In all cases of claims filed with Central Transport for overcharges and/or duplicate payments and shipper or receiver (debtor) of the specific shipments involved has open invoices with Central Transport that are past pay terms, Central Transport will offset amounts determined due in such cases against outstanding amounts receivable from shipper or receiver (debtor). (b) If a shipper or consignee (debtor) wishes to contest a freight bill he must do so within 180 days of its receipt of the freight bill. For purposes of this tariff and for claims filed with Central Transport, shippers or consignee’s (debtor’s) receipt of the freight bill shall be deemed to be the earlier of the actual date of receipt or 10 days after the delivery date of the freight. Claim Filing – Minimum Allowable Claim = $10.00: Overcharge and Duplicate payment claims for less than $10.00 will not be honored. Administrative costs of filing and following-up on such claims would normally exceed the amount of recovery for the customer. Carrier’s position is that filing and processing such claims is not economically prudent for any of the parties. Thus, if such claims are received by Carrier they will be declined pursuant to this item and considered closed. 25 460 Effective: June 13, 2016 Rule Central Transport Rules Tariff 100-AX Item ITEM 470 — CONTROL AND EXCLUSIVE USE OF VEHICLE (Exception to NMFC Item 595) 1. 470 Control of Vehicle: Except as provided in Paragraph 2 of this item, no shipment is entitled to the exclusive use of the vehicle in which it is to be transported and the carrier has the control of the vehicle with the unrestricted right to: (a) Select the vehicle for the transportation of a shipment (b) Transfer the shipment to another vehicle (c) Load other freight on the same vehicle (d) Remove locks or seals applied to the vehicle 2. Exclusive Use of Vehicle: When the exclusive use of a vehicle is provided by the carrier at the request of shipper or consignee, the following provisions will apply: (a) Charges will apply to each vehicle used to transport shipment. (b) The request must be given in writing or placed on the bill of lading and shipping order, and when bill of lading and/or shipping instructions prohibit the breaking of locks or seals or the co-loading of additional freight, such instructions will be considered as a written request for exclusive use service. (c) The vehicle will be devoted exclusively to the transportation of the shipment, without the breaking of locks or seals, except as provided below. (d) In the event a lock or seal has been removed from a vehicle, the carrier will immediately relock or reseal the vehicle and will notate the accompanying papers with the new lock or seal number and the reason for removal of the original lock or seal. No freight will be added to the vehicle except at the instruction of the shipper or consignee. (e) Charges will be computed at the rates and weight applicable to the shipment without reference to this item subject to a minimum charge based on 20,000 pounds at the 20,000-pound Class 100 rate. (f) Charges are to be paid or guaranteed by the party requesting the services and non-recourse stipulation on the bill of lading may not be executed. (g) When the shipper or consignee makes the request for exclusive use of vehicle after the shipment has been receipted for and is in possession of the carrier, the carrier will, if possible, intercept the shipment and convert it to exclusive use of vehicle service over as much of the route as possible. The party making the request must confirm in writing and must guarantee charges. Such written verification will be preserved by the carrier and be considered part of the bill of lading contract. Charges will be assessed as provided in Paragraph E from the point of origin to point of destination. (h) Stop-off for partial loading or partial unloading will not be permitted on shipments transported under provisions of this item. ITEM 475 — COMPUTATION OF MILEAGE (Exception to NMFC Item 595) 475 Mileages shall be computed from the point of loading to the points of unloading by the shortest practical direct highway miles, and shall be ascertained by compilation of mileages as shown in the PC Miler, and reissued thereof or by the computerized version of the same. EXCEPTIONS to the shortest practical direct highway mileages: 1) 2) 3) When stopping in transit to load or unload part lots enroute is to be performed, the mileage to be used to determine the charges is the aggregate of the mileage from the origin point of the shipment to the final destination via the stop-off points. Mileages required by the order of loading or unloading and as specified on the bill of lading shall be used to determine the applicable charges. If after receipt of the shipment by the carrier and while enroute, the shipper requests stopping in transit in a different order of unloading or loading than as received and specified on the bill of lading the aggregate mileage of the new route of movement shall apply. Additional labor required to unload, shift around, or reload the freight to accomplish out-of-sequence deliveries will be charged per Item 560, which charges shall be in addition to all other charges. If the route of movement by virtue of the content of hazardous materials, or because of being overweight and/or over dimension, the closing or prohibition of use of bridges, tunnels, or highway sections requires a longer route prescribed by the Public Authority, charges based on mileages of the required longer route shall apply. 26 Effective: June 13, 2016 Rule Central Transport Rules Tariff 100-AX Item ITEM 480 — CUSTOMS OR IN-BOND FREIGHT 1. 480 Shipments moving under United States Customs Bond for U.S. Customs clearance at a point in the United States will be assessed a charge of $3.25 per hundred (100) pounds subject to a minimum charge of $95.00 and a maximum charge of $180.00. (a) Such charges shall be in addition to all other applicable charges. (b) On shipments requiring the use of more than one trailer, each trailer shall be considered a separate shipment for the purpose of applying this item. $ 3.25 -- per 100 pounds $ 95.00 -- Minimum Charge $180.00 -- Maximum Charge per shipment 2. Linehaul charges on shipments requiring U.S. Customs clearance at a point other than the final destination will be assessed on the basis of rates and charges applicable from the point of origin to the point of U.S. Customs clearance, plus the rates and charges applicable from the point of U.S. Customs clearance to the final destination. 3. Freight moving in bond may not be included in the same shipment on the same bill of lading and shipping order with freight not moving in bond. 4. Shipments while moving under United States Custom Bond will not be accorded stopping in transit or split pickup or split delivery privileges. 5. Shipments waiting U.S. Customs clearance will be subject to the applicable detention charges or storage charges. Detention charges, if any, will be assessed against the party responsible for the linehaul charges. For the purpose of applying storage rules and charges in connection with shipments moving under U.S. Customs Bond, notification to the Deputy Collector of Customs that a shipment is available for customs inspection will constitute tender of shipment for delivery. 6. Each IT Permit (Immediate Transportation Permit) issued for movement of an in bond shipment will be considered as a separate shipment, and must be accompanied by one bill of lading and shipping order. The provisions of this paragraph will not apply to truckload shipments moving in bond between steamship company piers or wharves or when such shipments are delivered to a U.S. Customs Bonded Warehouse. 7. Shipments tendered in a vehicle sealed by or at the instructions of the shipper, or as required by competent authority, will be rated as a truckload shipment. On shipments cleared enroute by U.S. Customs, and movement beyond, such clearance does not require a seal, normal rates and charges shall apply to the beyond point. 8. Shipments moving from the United States under a TIR Carnet issued by the originating carrier are subject to a charge of $98.00, which will be in addition to all other lawfully applicable rates, and charges (including the In Bond Charges herein applicable). 9. When necessary for carriers to purchase and apply "high security red in-bond seals" for shipments moving under United States Custom Bond, a charge of $36.00 per seal will be assessed. Carrier will not be responsible for equipment or tools necessary for removal of high security red in-bond seals. ITEM 485 — CUSTOMS ADMINISTRATION SURCHARGE 485 Whenever Central Transport handles shipments that cross the U.S. ─ Canadian Border, a customs administration fee will apply. The fee applies to shipments moving in either direction. Specifically, for shipments moving northbound from the United States to Canada the fee will be $22.00 and for shipments moving southbound from Canada to the United States the fee will be $22.00. The fee will apply in addition to all other applicable charges. ITEM 487 — MULTIPLE CUSTOMS INVOICES TENDERED WITH SINGLE BILL OF LADING 487 In cases where the shipper tenders multiple customs invoices on a single bill of lading, carrier will create a separate Pro Number for each customs invoice and rate according to the shipment information provided on the original bill of lading. Example: One (1) Bill of Lading Five (5) Customs Invoices Central Transport will copy the original bill of lading and create an additional four (4) shipments to ensure that each customs invoice has a one-toone bill of lading counterpart. Central Transport will rate each shipment separately and assess all applicable customs clearance charges as defined in this tariff. ITEM 488 – BORDER CROSSING – ADDITIONAL CHARGE (CUSTOMS FAILURE) When, through no fault of the Carrier, Carrier must make one or more extra stops in an attempt to either locate a broker that will handle Customs Clearance for a shipment or to clear the shipment through either U.S. or Canadian Customs, a charge of $200.00 per shipment will be applied. The party responsible for freight charges will also be responsible for this charge. This charge will apply in addition to all other applicable charges. 27 488 Effective: June 13, 2016 Rule Central Transport Rules Tariff 100-AX Item ITEM 490 — DELIVERY RECEIPTS – RETURN OF 490 Delivery receipts not returned to Central Transport within five (5) days of delivery date will be considered delivered clear. ITEM 495 — SPOTTED TRAILERS/CONTAINERS – SHIPPER LOAD & COUNT (“SLC”) – TERMS AND CONDITIONS Spotted Trailers/Containers Central Transport may spot trailers/containers at agreed upon locations at the request of its Customers. All spotted equipment is to be unloaded on a first-in first-out basis (FIFO) within forty-eight (48) hours of trailer placement. Customers will assume responsibility and liability for all equipment spotted at their facilities. When shipments are delivered by Central Transport to the consignee by spotting a trailer at the consignee’s location, the consignee is required to notify Central Transport of any exceptions to the freight within 24 hours of trailer being unloaded. In the event Central Transport is not notified within this 24 hour time period, Central Transport will not be liable for any loss or damage to the freight. Sufficient notification will be either the return of the original delivery receipt or a faxed copy of the delivery receipt with sufficient description of the loss or damage received by the destination terminal. Delivery receipts not returned to Central Transport within five (5) days of the spotted date will be considered delivered clear. Central Transport will have no claims liability for these shipments. Shipper Load & Count (SLC) The following provisions apply to all shipments involved, referred to or referenced as “Shipper Load and Count” or “SL&C” Shipments: 1. Bills of lading will be endorsed “Shipper Load & Count” or “SL&C.” Shipments with bills of lading not endorsed in such manner but later found to be “SL&C” shipments will also be subject to this Item. 2. Carrier will count the freight when Carrier processes the shipment through Carrier’s first handling. “First Handling” shall be defined as the first physical manual/mechanical processing of the freight after pickup and actual count of a shipment by Carrier (head loads and solid (full) loads may not be handled or counted until time of delivery). 3. Unitized shipping units, such as shrink wrapped pallets, which are received by Carrier intact and delivered in like condition will be considered to be one “piece” and Carrier will not be responsible for interior package/carton count. 4. Any exceptions observed at the first handling will be reported verbally by Carrier to Shipper and then by fax or letter to Shipper and will be the responsibility of the Shipper. Once Carrier has performed a count at first handling, Carrier becomes responsible for the count from that time forward. Carrier must notify Shipper of any exceptions within 48 hours of first handling. 5. Exceptions found after the first handling will be the responsibility of the Carrier. 6. When overages are found at the first handling, Carrier will contact Shipper for instructions. 7. Carrier will handle LTL Shipper Load & Count (SL&C) shipments and check Shipper’s count at the first facility where it is economically feasible (this may be the origin, origin dock, first break-bulk, secondary break-bulk(s), destination dock, or in some cases, final destination). 28 495 Effective: June 13, 2016 Rule Central Transport Rules Tariff 100-AX Item ITEM 497 – SLC SHIPMENTS – BILL RECEIVED – FREIGHT QUANTITY DISCREPANCY 497 If a Shipper Load and Count (SLC) shipment is received and checked in by carrier as NO FREIGHT, Over or Partially Short, an administrative Charge of $45.00 will apply. ITEM 500 — DETENTION ─ VEHICLES WITH POWER UNITS — LABOR AND EQUIPMENT DELAY CHARGES (Also referred to as: DRIVER DELAY) This item applies when Central Transport’s vehicles/trailers with tractors or other power units including ‘straight trucks’ (as well as the driver) hereinafter referred to collectively as ‘vehicles’ are delayed or detained (through no fault of Central Transport) either on the premises of shipper (shipper) or consignee, or as close thereto as conditions will permit, or on other premises designated by either of them, hereinafter collectively referred to as ‘premises’ subject to the following provisions: General Provisions: (a) This item applies only when vehicles are delayed or detained at the pickup or delivery premises and only when such delay or detention is not attributable to the carrier. (b) The detention charges due the carrier will be assessed against the shipper in the case of loading and against the consignee in the case of unloading, irrespective of whether linehaul charges are prepaid or collect. When detention charges are attributable to others who are not parties to the bill of lading, the party responsible for the payment of the freight charges will be held responsible for any accrued detention charges. NOTE: At those marine terminal facilities where Federal Maritime Commission detention charges apply, carrier charges pursuant to this rule will be assessed to the party responsible for the payment of the freight charges to the extent such charges exceed those of the Federal Maritime Commission. When carrier’s employee assists in loading, unloading, or checking the freight, this item will apply whether or not the power unit is actually detained. (c) (d) Nothing in this item shall require a carrier to pickup or deliver freight at hours other than carrier’s normal business hours. However, this shall not be construed to restrict carrier’s ability to accept pickup and delivery schedules at hours other than its normal business hours. Definitions: The following general definitions will apply when the below terms are used in this item: “Vehicle” means straight trucks or tractor-trailer combinations used for the transportation of property. (a) (b) “Loading” includes furnishing carrier with bill of lading, forwarding directions, or other documents necessary for forwarding the shipment. “Unloading” includes: (c) i) Surrender of the bill of lading to the carrier on the shipments billed “To Order.” ii) Payment of lawful charges to the carrier when required prior to delivery of the shipment. iii) Notification to the carrier that vehicle is unloaded; and iv) Signing of the delivery receipt. (d) “Premises” means the entire property at or near the physical facilities of shipper, consignee or other designated party. (e) “Site” means a specific location at or on the premises of shipper, consignee, or other designated party. (f) “Normal Non-working Periods” means meal, coffee, and rest breaks. (g) “Pallet” means Pallets, platforms, shipping racks, or skids with or without standing sides or ends, but without tops. Computation of Time: (a) Commencement and Termination: i) The time per vehicle stop shall begin when Central Transport’s driver notifies a representative of shipper, consignee, or other designated party at the premises of pickup or delivery of the arrival of the vehicle for loading or unloading. Upon such notification, the representative of shipper, consignee, or other designated party may enter the time of arrival onto the carrier’s detention record or may stamp or mark the bill of lading or delivery receipt with time of arrival. If the representative refuses to enter the time or fails to stamp or mark the bill of lading or delivery receipt, then Central Transport’s employee will enter the time and it will be binding upon each party. Alternatively, Central Transport may use other records it maintains to determine free time and delay time. ii) Time shall end upon completion of loading or unloading except as provided for in Paragraph (c) of this section. Ending of time will also be marked by receipt by the driver of a signed bill of lading or signed Delivery Receipt. Time of completion may be recorded in the same manners outlined above for recording time of commencement. (Continued on Following Page) 29 500 Effective: June 13, 2016 Rule Central Transport Rules Tariff 100-AX Item (Continued from Previous Page) 500 (Cont.) (b) Prearranged Scheduling: i) Subject to the provisions of Item 503, and upon reasonable request of shipper, consignee, or others designated by them, Central Transport will, without additional charge, enter into a prearranged schedule for arrival of the vehicle for loading or unloading. When Central Transport enters into a prearranged schedule for the arrival of the vehicle for loading and/or unloading and carrier is unable for any reason to maintain such schedule, then carrier and consignee, or other party designated by them have the option to agree to a mutually convenient and promptly alternative arrival time or in the event such agreement cannot be reached, ii) To compute detention time against shipper, consignee, or other party designated by them from carrier’s actual arrival time subject to an extension of 15 minutes for each 15 minutes, or fraction thereof, the vehicle is delayed beyond the originally scheduled arrival time; in no case shall such extended free time exceed 60 minutes. iii) If carrier’s vehicle arrives prior to scheduled time, time shall begin to run from the scheduled time or actual time loading or unloading commences, whichever is earlier. (c) Conditions Governing the Computations of Time: i) Computations of time are subject to and are to be made within the normal business hours at the designated place of pickup or delivery. If carrier is permitted to work beyond this period, such working time shall also be included. ii) When through no fault of Central transport, the loading or unloading of a vehicle with power is not completed at the end of normal business hours at the designated place, shipper, consignee, or other party designated by them shall have the option: (a) To request that the vehicle without power remain at its premises. However, free time will cease immediately at the time request is made and detention charges for vehicle without power will be applied; or, (b) To request that the vehicle with power be returned to carrier’s premises. At that time computation of any remaining free time shall cease. That portion of shipment in Carrier’s possession shall be subject to storage charges. When the vehicle is returned to the premises of shipper/consignee, computation of any remaining free time shall resume. That portion of a shipment that is redelivered shall be subject to redelivery charges. (d) When carrier’s employee interrupts loading or unloading by the taking of any normal non-working periods, any such time will be excluded from the computation of free time, or will be excluded from the computation of time in excess of free time. Free Time For Loading or Unloading of Freight: (a) (b) Free time per vehicle stop shall be as follows: When Actual Weight (in Pounds) is: Free Time (In Minutes Per Vehicle) Will Be: 1 to 1,000 lb 1,001 to 2,500 lb 2,501 to 5,000 lb 5,001 to 10,000 lb 10,001 to 20,000 lb 20,001 to 40,000 lb 40,001 and over lb 15 30 60 90 120 180 240 free minutes free minutes free minutes free minutes free minutes free minutes free minutes When a vehicle with power is changed to a vehicle without power at the request of the shipper, consignee, or any other party designated by them the free time and detention charges will be applied as follows: (1) If the change is requested and made before expiration of free time for a vehicle with power, free time will cease immediately at the time the request is made, and detention charges for vehicles without power will immediately commence with no further free time allowed. (2) If the change is requested and made after expiration of free time for a vehicle with power, free time and detention charges will be computed on the basis of a vehicle with power up to the time the charge was requested. In addition thereto, the vehicle will immediately be charged detention for vehicles without power with no further free time allowed. (c) When a vehicle is both unloaded and reloaded, each transaction will be treated independently of the other, except that when loading is begun before unloading is completed, free time for loading shall not begin until free time for unloading has elapsed. (d) Loading or unloading at more than one site at or on the premises of shipper, consignee, or other designated party shall constitute one vehicle stop. (e) When multiple shipments are received from one shipper or delivered to one consignee at one time in one vehicle, free time shall be computed on the aggregate weight received or delivered. Charges: If loading or unloading of freight is delayed beyond the free time shown above, the following charge provisions will apply: A minimum charge of $75.00 per vehicle for the first hour or fraction thereof beyond free time; and An additional charge of $17.00 per vehicle for each 15 minutes or fraction thereof beyond one hour of delay. 30 Effective: June 13, 2016 Rule Central Transport Rules Tariff 100-AX Item ITEM 500-05 — LABOR AND EQUIPMENT DELAY CHARGES ─ DETENTION ─ DUE TO CUSTOMS (US/CAN) LOADED OR PARTIALLY LOADED VEHICLES DETAINED FOR UNITED STATES OR CANADIAN CUSTOMS CLEARANCE (Applicable only in Canada and at U.S. and Canadian border crossing points) When through no fault of the carrier, loaded or partially loaded vehicles are detained at the United States or Canadian Customs offices or at inland truck sufferance warehouses in Canada, or at the carrier’s terminal as the case may be, for the purpose of clearing customs, charges after the expiration of free time (Note A), will be assessed as follows: SHIPMENTS REQUIRING PROTECTIVE SERVICE (Note B) For each 24 hours or fraction thereof $60.00 SHIPMENTS REQUIRING PROTECTIVE SERVICE (Note B) (a) Shipments requiring Protective Service half due to or awaiting inspection to clear customs will be assessed a charge of $180.00 per vehicle per day or fraction thereof. (b) When through no fault of the carrier a shipment requiring protective service is held Saturdays, Sundays or Holidays (Note C) no free time will be allowed and the following charges will be assessed in addition to the assessment of charges. (1) Saturdays (other than holidays)……………………………………$86.00 (2) Sundays and holidays (Note 3)…………………………………….$86.00 Note A – Free time will be 24 hours computed from the time shipments are made available for clearance. Saturdays, Sundays and Holidays will not be included in the computation of free time, but will be included in the assessment of charges. Note B – Charges will be assessed against the consignee irrespective of whether the linehaul charges are prepaid or collect. Note C – In the application of this rule, the following days will be considered holidays: HOLIDAYS IN THE UNITED STATES New Year’s Day Memorial Day Independence Day Labor Day Thanksgiving Day Christmas Day HOLIDAYS IN CANADA New Year’s Day Victoria Day Dominion Day Labor Day Civic Holiday (Applicable only in the provinces of Quebec) Good Friday St. Jean-Baptists Day (Applicable only in the province of Quebec) Thanks Giving Day Christmas Day Boxing Day Whenever a Holiday falls on Sunday, it shall be considered as falling on the following Monday. 31 500.05 Effective: June 13, 2016 Rule Central Transport Rules Tariff 100-AX Item ITEM 501 — LABOR AND EQUIPMENT DELAY CHARGES ─ DETENTION – VEHICLES WITHOUT POWER UNITS (TRAILER RENTAL) DETENTION – VEHICLES WITHOUT POWER UNITS – SPOTTING OR DROPPING TRAILERS: This item applies when Central Transport’s vehicles without power units are delayed or detained on the premises of shipper, consignee, or on other premises designated by them, or as close thereto as conditions will permit, subject to the following provisions: General Provisions: (a) Subject to the availability of equipment, carrier will spot empty or loaded trailers for loading or unloading on the premises of shipper, consignee, or on other premises designated by them, or as close thereto as conditions will permit. (b) Loading or Unloading will be performed by shipper, consignee, or other party designated by them. When carrier’s employee assists in loading, unloading, or checking the freight, the detention provisions governing vehicles with power units will apply. In the case of spotting for loading the bill of lading must show “Shipper Load and Count”. (c) Carrier responsibility for safeguarding shipments loaded into trailers spotted under the provisions of this item shall begin when loading has been completed and possession thereof is taken by the carrier. (d) Carrier responsibility for safeguarding shipments unloaded from trailers spotted under the provisions of the item shall cease when the trailer is spotted at or one the site designated by consignee. (e) The detention charges due the carrier will be assessed against the shipper in the case of spotting for loading and against the consignee in the case of spotting for unloading, irrespective of whether charges are prepaid or collect (f) Nothing in this item shall require a carrier to pickup or deliver spotted trailers at hours other than carrier’s normal business hours. This shall not be construed as a restriction on carrier’s ability to accept pickup and deliver spotted trailers at hours other than its normal business hours. Computation of Free Time: (a) Commencement of Spotting and Free Time: (1) Spotted trailers will be allowed 24 consecutive hours of free time for loading or unloading. For trailers spotted for unloading, such time shall commerce at the time of placement of the trailer at the site designated by consignee, or other party designated by consignee. For trailers spotted for loading, such time shall commence when the trailer is spotted at the site specifically designated by the shipper or a party designed by shipper. (2) When any portion of the 24 hour free time extends into a Saturday, Sunday, or Holiday, the computation of time for such portion shall resume at 12:01 AM on the next day which is neither a Saturday, Sunday, or Holiday. (3) Free time shall not begin on Saturday, Sunday, or Holiday, but at 8:00 AM on the next day which is neither a Saturday, Sunday, or Holiday. (4) When a trailer is both unloaded and reloaded, each transaction will be treated independently of the other, except that when unloading is completed, free time for loading shall not begin until free time for unloading had elapsed. (b) Termination of Spotting and Notification: (1) Consignor, consignee, or other party designated by them shall notify carrier when loading or unloading has been completed and the trailer is available for pickup. The trailer will be deemed to be spotted and detention charges will be accrued until such time as the carrier receives notification. Notification by telephone if convenient and practical, otherwise by email or mail, shall be given by shipper, consignee, or other party designated by them at their own expense, to carrier or other party designated by carrier for the purpose of advising such carrier or other party that the spotted trailer has been loaded or unloaded and is ready for pickup. If notification is by telephone, carrier may require written confirmation. (2) When a spotted trailer is changed to a vehicle with power at the request of shipper, consignee, or other party designated by them, the free time and detention charges will be applied as follows: (i) If the change is requested and made before the expiration of free time for a spotted trailer, free time will cease immediately at the time the request is made, and detention charges for vehicles with power will immediately commence with no further free time allowed. (ii) If the change is requested and made after the expiration of free time for a spotted trailer, free time and detention charges will be computed on the basis of a spotted trailer up to the time the change was requested. In addition thereto, the vehicle will immediately be charged detention for a vehicle with power with no further free time allowed. (Continued on Following Page) 32 501 Effective: June 13, 2016 Rule Central Transport Rules Tariff 100-AX Item (Continued from Previous Page) (c) 501 (Cont.) Prearranged Scheduling: (1) Subject to the provisions of Item 503, and upon reasonable request of shipper, consignee, or others designated by them, carrier will, with additional charge, enter into a prearranged schedule for the arrival of trailers for spotting. (i) If carrier’s vehicle arrives later than the scheduled time, time shall begin to run from actual time spotting commences. (ii) If carrier’s vehicle arrives prior to scheduled time, time shall begin to run from scheduled time or actual time spotting commences, whichever is earlier. Charges: (a) General Detention Charges: After the expiration of free time, charges for detaining a trailer will be assessed as follows: (1) For each of the first and second 24-hour periods or fraction thereof (Saturdays, Sundays, and Holidays excepted) $65.00 (2) For each of the third and fourth 24-hour periods or fraction thereof (Saturdays, Sundays, and Holidays excepted) $90.00 (3) For the fifth and each succeeding 24-hour period or fraction thereof (Saturdays, Sundays, and Holidays included) $125.00 (b) Delay in trailer pickup charge: No additional charge will be made for picking up trailers spotted under this item when such pickup can be performed within 30 minutes after arrival of driver and power unit at premises of shipper, consignee, or other party designated by them. When delay of more than 30 minutes is encountered, detention charges for vehicles with power will commence from the time of arrival as specified in item 500. (c) Strike interference charge: When, because of a strike of its employees, it is impossible for shipper, consignee, or other party designated by them to make available for movement by carrier any partially loaded, or empty trailers detained on their premises, a detention charge of $50.00 per day or fraction thereof, per trailer or $25.00 per day or fraction thereof, per pup-trailer will be made following expiration of free time. Saturdays, Sundays, or Holidays shall be included after the 4th day of charges. ITEM 503 — DETENTION-PREARRANGED SCHEDULING OF VEHICLE ARRIVAL FOR LOADING OR UNLOADING 503 Upon reasonable request of shipper, consignee, or others designated by them and subject to the provisions contained herein, carriers will, without additional charge, prearrange schedules for arrival of vehicles, for loading and unloading shipments governed by Item 500 and Item 501. 1. Request for prearranged scheduling may be oral or in writing. 2. Prearranged schedules for arrival of vehicle for loading or unloading may be a one time or continuous basis mutually agreeable to all parties. Any party to the agreement may terminate continuous prearranged scheduling agreements with not less than 24 hours notice prior to the effective date of such cancellation. 3. The scheduled time for arrival of vehicle for unloading should be prior to the time storage charges would begin to accrue. If arrival for unloading is not so scheduled, storage charges will be assessed as provided in applicable tariff. ITEM 510 — DISCOUNTS 510 When reference is made to this tariff as a governing publication, discounts will only apply on one shipment per day from one shipper to one consignee at a single address. If shipper elects to tender additional shipment(s) to the same consignee at the same address on one calendar day the discount provided will not apply on the second and succeeding shipments. In the case of shipments moving under any pallet program where there is maximum number of pallets or maximum weight allowed, tenders of additional pallets or weight as outlined above on one calendar day, the additional pallets and/or weight will move under Central Transport’s standard base rate tariff CT 500 U/C (Series) at actual class with a 50.0% discount applicable. ITEM 512 — DISCOUNT APPLICATION 512 When a percentage discount is published which is not shown on the freight bill and requires the shipper to file a letter, or the carrier to automatically calculate and pay the discount, payment of the discount will be made only on those shipments for which carrier has received and processed payment within 60 days of the shipment date. In the event the claimant disagrees with the discount application, they may submit records to the carrier for additional discount within 120 days of the end of the month being claimed. Central Transport Specific Exceptions and Methods of Payment: (a) In all cases of file for discounts or allowances with Central Transport shipper or receiver (debtor) of the specific shipments involved has open invoices with Central Transport that are more than 60 days old, Central Transport will offset amounts determined due in such cases against outstanding amounts receivable from shipper or receiver (debtor). 33 Effective: June 13, 2016 Rule Central Transport Rules Tariff 100-AX Item ITEM 512-01 MENARD’S UNLOADING FEE 512-01 An unloading allowance fee of $1.00 per CWT will apply on any LTL shipment delivered to a Menard’s Distribution Center or Menards Retail Store in addition to all other transportation charges. ITEM 513 – DISCOUNT CANCELLATION DUE TO INACTIVITY 513 When reference is made to this tariff as a governing publication, the following will apply: In the event Carrier receives no shipments rated under the pricing provisions provided to Customer for a period of 90 days, Central Transport shall consider their pricing program obsolete. After 90 days of inactivity shipments will move under Central Transport’s standard base rate tariff ITEM 515 — DISCOUNT CALCULATIONS 515 When reference is made to this tariff as a governing publication, the following will apply: (1) Discounts will be calculated from linehaul charges only. (2) If freight charges are not paid within the time specified in 49 CFR 377.203, or as otherwise provided, the freight charges will be recalculated subject to penalties up to and including full removal of any discounts previously allowed. ITEM 520 — EQUIPMENT 520 A carrier's obligation to accept commodities for shipment shall be subject to the suitability of his equipment and to requirements of ordinances or laws limiting or regulating the transportation of the property or use of equipment. ITEM 540 – GUARANTEED SERVICE - EXPEDITING OF FREIGHT – TIME DEFINITE GUARANTEED SERVICE IS NOT OFFERED. 34 540 Effective: June 13, 2016 Rule Central Transport Rules Tariff 100-AX Item ITEM 550-01 — EXPORT AND IMPORT DOCUMENTARY INSTRUCTIONS INFORMATION ONLY 550-01 IMPORT TO CANADA FROM THE UNITED STATES: EXPORTER IN UNITED STATES: The following documents must be made out by the exported and accompany the shipments: (1) (2) Shipper’s Export Declarations, Department of Commerce Form 7525-V (Rev. July 1962), in duplicate, properly executed. Three copies of Canadian Customs Invoices properly executed and signed. Export shipments to Canada that require no validated export license and which are valued at less than $250.00 require no Shipper’s Export Declarations. Where it is desired to take advantage of this exemption, the probill or other bill accompanying the shipment must bear the following legend: “Exempt from the filing of Shipper’s Export Declarations under Sec. 30.1 (b), Foreign Trade Statistics.” Further, where a shipment is valued at over $250.00 but the value of commodities is the shipment classified under a single Department of Commerce Schedule B number does not exceed $250.00, the above exemption also applies if the bill is endorsed with the same statement, except the citation would be “Sec. 30.55 (h). IMPORTER IN CANADA: The importer should furnish a Customs House Broker in Canada with Customs Power of Attorney to be filed with Canada Customs at Port of Clearance advising broker the name and location of importer’s bank. If importer has a sales tax license not filed at Port of Entry he must request the Collector of Customs at Port where the sales tax license is on file to notify Collector of customs at Port of Entry, that he has sales tax License and the number of same. Duty, sales tax and excise taxes must be paid in cash or by sight draft and arrangements made with Customs House Broker about payment of same. Commodities, the import of which is prohibited under Canadian Customs Regulations must be accompanied by import permit. Copies of Customs Entries will be mailed to importer by the Customs House Broker the same day as commodities are cleared. Originally the entry fees as charged by Customs House Brokers are in accordance with the schedule set forth by the Dominion Chartered Customs House Brokers Association. EXPORTER IN UNITED STATES: Document Requirements for Canadian Customs: The Exporter must supply three copies of the Canada Customs Export Entry Form B-13 to the Canadian Customs. Document Requirements for United States Customs: (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) When the merchandise is of Canadian origin, three copies of the Commercial Invoice (shipper’s ordinary invoice) must be furnished to the U.S. Customs. When the merchandise is of Canadian origin and the value of the merchandise is over $500.00 and the merchandise is subject to an ad valorem rate of duty, three copies of the Special Customs Invoice Form 5515 should be furnished in addition to the Commercial Invoice (shipper’s ordinary invoice). When the merchandise is of U.S. origin, three copies of the Commercial Invoice (shipper’s ordinary invoice) marked with a notation “U.S.A. Goods Returned” or “Country of Origin U.S.A.” is required. In addition to this, a U.S. Customs affidavit Form 3311 executed by the U.S. exporter who has acknowledged that the merchandise originated in the U.S.A. and was exported from the U.S.A. should be furnished. Also any export documentation, such as a copy of the Canadian Customs B-1 import entry, freight arrival notice, or other document that will enable the U.S. Customs to locate the corresponding record of exportation at the U.S. Port of Exit should be furnished. On merchandise that is of U.S. origin and is valued over $500.00 Declaration of Foreign shipper must be furnished, in addition to the invoice requirements. On merchandise that is other than U.S. origin must be properly marked with the “Country of Origin”, unless exempt under U.S. Customs regulations, and should provide a packing list and commodities of Canadian manufacture that are not marked “Made in Canada”. All shipments would be accompanied by one copy of the Bill of Lading for Customs purpose. IMPORT TO UNITED STATES FROM CANADA: IMPORTER IN UNITED STATES: Importer should contact Customs Broker for handling ─ shipments are cleared at Port of Entry by Customs Broker. 35 Effective: June 13, 2016 Rule Central Transport Rules Tariff 100-AX Item ITEM 560 — EXTRA LABOR LOADING OR UNLOADING 560 1) When requested by the shipper or consignee, extra labor will be furnished by the carrier for loading or unloading. At each location where extra labor is used, the charge therefore will be $50.00 per man for each hour or fraction thereof, less than 8 hours subject to a minimum charge based on four hours at the listed rate per hour. For each hour thereafter, the charge per man-hour will be $75.00. Time shall be computed from the time the extra labor arrives at the place of the pickup or delivery until loading or unloading is completed. This charge will be in addition to all other charges and will be assessed against the (1) shipper if the extra labor is used for loading and against the (2) consignee if the extra labor is used for unloading. Extra labor will not be furnished unless requested by shipper or consignee. 2) Carrier’s records must be maintained and kept available at all times and must show as to each vehicle containing shipments on which extra labor is used: a) Name and address of shipper and consignee at whose place of business freight is loaded or unloaded. b) Identification of vehicle tendered for loading or unloading. c) Number of extra people used and the number of hours or days each person was used. 3) The provisions of this item do not obligate the carrier to furnish extra labor, if such labor is not available at the point of loading or unloading. 4) The provisions of this item will not apply to extra labor furnished on Sundays or Holidays. On such days, apply the charges provided in Item 754 (Pickup or Delivery Service ─ Sundays or Holidays). NOTE: Charges for extra labor for unloading shall be assessed against the shipper if requested by the shipper and so noted on the Bill of Lading. ITEM 561 — FERRY CHARGE — SHIPMENTS DESTINED TO SPECIFIED ISLANDS 561 Shipments originating from or destined to island zip codes shall be subject to an up-charge of 5.0% of the net linehaul charges subject to a minimum up-charge of $100.00. ITEM 562 — FORK LIFT AND/OR PALLET JACK SERVICE 562 Item removed 04/18/2016. 36 Effective: June 13, 2016 Rule Central Transport Rules Tariff 100-AX Item ITEM 566 — INSIDE DELIVERY — HANDLING FREIGHT AT POSITIONS NOT IMMEDIATELY ADJACENT TO VEHICLE (1) When requested by shipper or consignee and carrier’s operating conditions permit the carrier may move shipments or portions of shipments from or to positions beyond the immediately adjacent loading or unloading positions defined in Item 750 (Pickup or Delivery Service). (2) Service under this item will be provided to floors above or below the level accessible to carrier’s vehicle only when elevator or escalator service is available and labor, when necessary to operate same, is provided without cost to the carrier. (3) When service is provided under this item, a charge of $8.50 per CWT (subject to a minimum charge of $85.00 and a maximum charge of $275.00) will be assessed (in additional to all other freight charges). This charge will be applied to each portion of a shipment picked-up or delivered by separate vehicles as if each portion of the shipment were a separate shipment. (4) When shipments are accorded split pickup, split delivery or stopped in-transit for partial loading or unloading, the charges will apply to each stop separately wherever the service is performed. 566 The charges provided in this item will be in addition to all other lawful charges and will be billed to the party for whom the service was provided or applicable third-party pursuant to provisions of Item 120 of this tariff. ITEM 568 — HAZARDOUS MATERIALS 568 (1) Hazardous materials means a substance or material, including a hazardous substance, hazardous waste, marine pollutant, or elevated temperature material which has been determined to be capable of posing an unreasonable risk to health, safety, and property when transported in commerce and which has been so designated and/or commodities described in the Hazardous Materials Regulations of the U.S. Federal Government’s Department of Transportation and published in the Code of Federal Regulations (49 CFR). (2) When freight contains commodities described in the Hazardous Materials Regulations as Hazardous, Central Transport will transport such shipments subject to an additional charge of $23.00 per shipment. ITEM 570 — IMPRACTICABLE OPERATIONS 570 Pickup or delivery service will not be performed by the carrier at any site from or to which it is impracticable to operate vehicles because of: (a) (b) (c) The condition of roads, streets, driveways, alleys, or approaches thereto; Inadequate loading or unloading facilities; Riots, acts of God, the public enemy, the authority of law, the existence of violence, or such possible disturbances as tending to create reasonable apprehension of danger to person or property. ITEM 572 — SHIPMENTS RATED USING COMBINATION RATES 572 Shipments Destined to: Alaska, Mexico, Hawaii, Puerto Rico, Guam, U.S Virgin Islands, and Other Offshore Points All shipments handled by Central Transport destined to points located in Alaska, Mexico, Hawaii, Puerto Rico, Guam, the U.S. Virgin Islands, and other offshore points, shall be rated using ‘combination rates.’ No shipments to any of the aforementioned points shall be rated on ‘through rates’ regardless of whether such rates appear in individual rate base tariffs or not. Shipments to points listed above are served in combination with other carriers whose rates are not discounted. Such rates plus any administrative fees are from points of interchange to final destinations are added to Central Transport’s charges for the portions of movements from origins to the interchange points and then any applicable fuel surcharges and accessorial charges are added to determine total charges for shipments destined to such points. Example: Assume a shipment is tendered to Central Transport in Chicago, IL with final destination in San Juan, Puerto Rico. The shipment will be rated using a combination of rates as follows: 1. Charge from Chicago, IL to Jacksonville, FL (or other point of interchange) will be determined. 2. Charge from Jacksonville, FL (or other point of interchange) to destination in San Juan, Puerto Rico will be determined. 3. Charges determined in steps 1 and 2 will be added together to yield a subtotal and any applicable fuel surcharges and accessorial charges will be added to the subtotal. The result will be the total charge applicable to the shipment. Rates & Charges for the movement of freight beyond interchange points are available from Central Transport upon request. Quotations provided by Central Transport for shipments destined to any points outlined herein reflect rate and charge calculations as described herein. Note: Combination rates do not apply to points located on Martha’s Vineyard or Nantucket Island, MA. Such points, although ‘offshore’ in a sense, are typically considered part of the contiguous United States and rated using ‘through rates’ however, shipments to such points are subject to ‘High Cost Area’ charges pursuant to Item 751-05 of this tariff. 37 Effective: June 13, 2016 Rule Central Transport Rules Tariff 100-AX Item ITEM 575-C — FUEL SURCHARGE PROGRAM - MINIMUM CHARGE Shipments using Central Transport Fuel Surcharge program will be subject to a minimum fuel surcharge based on the Diesel Fuel Index as described below. Central Transport Minimum Fuel Charge Translation Table When the U.S. National Average, West Coast or California Diesel And the Fuel Index Minim um (Dollars/Gallon) is: Fuel But Less Surcharge At Least: Than: is: 1.10 1.15 $0.60 1.15 1.20 $1.19 1.20 1.25 $1.36 1.25 1.28 $1.54 1.28 1.29 $1.60 1.29 1.30 $1.66 1.30 1.31 $1.72 1.31 1.32 $1.83 1.32 1.33 $1.89 1.33 1.34 $1.95 1.34 1.35 $2.01 1.35 1.36 $2.07 1.36 1.37 $2.15 1.37 1.38 $2.25 1.38 1.39 $2.31 1.39 1.40 $2.42 1.40 1.41 $2.48 1.41 1.42 $2.60 1.42 1.43 $2.66 1.43 1.44 $2.72 1.44 1.45 $2.78 1.45 1.46 $2.84 1.46 1.47 $2.90 1.47 1.48 $2.96 1.48 1.49 $3.07 1.49 1.50 $3.13 1.50 1.51 $3.19 1.51 1.52 $3.31 1.52 1.53 $3.37 1.53 1.54 $3.43 1.54 1.55 $3.55 1.55 1.56 $3.60 1.56 1.57 $3.66 1.57 1.58 $3.78 1.58 1.59 $3.84 1.59 1.60 $3.90 1.60 1.61 $4.02 1.61 1.62 $4.08 1.62 1.63 $4.19 1.63 1.64 $4.25 1.64 1.65 $4.31 1.65 1.66 $4.43 1.66 1.67 $4.49 1.67 1.68 $4.55 1.68 1.69 $4.67 1.69 1.70 $4.73 1.70 1.71 $4.78 1.71 1.72 $4.90 1.72 1.73 $4.96 1.73 1.74 $5.08 When the U.S. National Average, West Coast or California Diesel And the Fuel Index Minim um (Dollars/Gallon) is: Fuel But Less Surcharge At Least: Than: is: 1.74 1.75 $5.14 1.75 1.76 $5.20 1.76 1.77 $5.26 1.77 1.78 $5.32 1.78 1.79 $5.37 1.79 1.80 $5.43 1.80 1.81 $5.55 1.81 1.82 $5.61 1.82 1.83 $5.67 1.83 1.84 $5.73 1.84 1.85 $5.79 1.85 1.86 $5.85 1.86 1.87 $5.91 1.87 1.88 $5.96 1.88 1.89 $6.02 1.89 1.90 $6.08 1.90 1.91 $6.14 1.91 1.92 $6.20 1.92 1.93 $6.26 1.93 1.94 $6.32 1.94 1.95 $6.38 1.95 1.96 $6.44 1.96 1.97 $6.50 1.97 1.98 $6.55 1.98 1.99 $6.61 1.99 2.00 $6.67 2.00 2.01 $6.73 2.01 2.02 $6.89 2.02 2.03 $6.85 2.03 2.04 $6.91 2.04 2.05 $6.97 2.05 2.06 $7.03 2.06 2.07 $7.09 2.07 2.08 $7.14 2.08 2.09 $7.20 2.09 2.10 $7.26 2.10 2.11 $7.32 2.11 2.12 $7.38 2.12 2.13 $7.44 2.13 2.14 $7.50 2.14 2.15 $7.56 2.15 2.16 $7.62 2.16 2.17 $7.68 2.17 2.18 $7.73 2.18 2.19 $7.79 2.19 2.20 $7.85 2.20 2.21 $7.91 2.21 2.22 $7.97 2.22 2.23 $8.03 2.23 2.24 $8.09 (Continued on Following Page) 38 When the U.S. National Average, West Coast or California Diesel And the Fuel Index Minim um (Dollars/Gallon) is: Fuel But Less Surcharge At Least: Than: is: 2.24 2.25 $8.15 2.25 2.26 $8.21 2.26 2.27 $8.27 2.27 2.28 $8.32 2.28 2.29 $8.38 2.29 2.30 $8.44 2.30 2.31 $8.50 2.31 2.32 $8.56 2.32 2.33 $8.62 2.33 2.34 $8.68 2.34 2.35 $8.74 2.35 2.36 $8.80 2.36 2.37 $8.86 2.37 2.38 $8.91 2.38 2.39 $8.97 2.39 2.40 $9.03 2.40 2.41 $9.09 2.41 2.42 $9.15 2.42 2.43 $9.21 2.43 2.44 $9.27 2.44 2.45 $9.33 2.45 2.46 $9.39 2.46 2.47 $9.45 2.47 2.48 $9.50 2.48 2.49 $9.56 2.49 2.50 $9.62 2.50 2.51 $9.68 2.51 2.52 $9.74 2.52 2.53 $9.80 2.53 2.54 $9.86 2.54 2.55 $9.92 2.55 2.56 $9.98 2.56 2.57 $10.04 2.57 2.58 $10.09 2.58 2.59 $10.15 2.59 2.60 $10.21 2.60 2.61 $10.27 2.61 2.62 $10.33 2.62 2.63 $10.39 2.63 2.64 $10.45 2.64 2.65 $10.51 2.65 2.66 $10.57 2.66 2.67 $10.63 2.67 2.68 $10.68 2.68 2.69 $10.74 2.69 2.70 $10.80 2.70 2.71 $10.86 2.71 2.72 $10.92 2.72 2.73 $10.98 2.73 2.74 $11.04 575-C Effective: June 13, 2016 Rule Central Transport Rules Tariff 100-AX Item (Continued from Previous Page) Central Transport Minimum Fuel Charge Translation Table (Continued) When the U.S. National Average, West Coast or California Diesel And the Fuel Index Minim um (Dollars/Gallon) is: Fuel But Less Surcharge At Least: Than: is: 2.74 2.75 $11.10 2.75 2.76 $11.16 2.76 2.77 $11.22 2.77 2.78 $11.27 2.78 2.79 $11.33 2.79 2.80 $11.39 2.80 2.81 $11.45 2.81 2.82 $11.51 2.82 2.83 $11.57 2.83 2.84 $11.63 2.84 2.85 $11.69 2.85 2.86 $11.75 2.86 2.87 $11.81 2.87 2.88 $11.86 2.88 2.89 $11.92 2.89 2.90 $11.98 2.90 2.91 $12.04 2.91 2.92 $12.10 2.92 2.93 $12.16 2.93 2.94 $12.22 2.94 2.95 $12.28 2.95 2.96 $12.34 2.96 2.97 $12.40 2.97 2.98 $12.45 2.98 2.99 $12.51 2.99 3.00 $12.57 3.00 3.01 $12.63 3.01 3.02 $12.69 3.02 3.03 $12.75 3.03 3.04 $12.81 3.04 3.05 $12.87 3.05 3.06 $12.93 3.06 3.07 $12.99 3.07 3.08 $13.04 3.08 3.09 $13.10 3.09 3.10 $13.16 3.10 3.11 $13.22 3.11 3.12 $13.28 3.12 3.13 $13.34 3.13 3.14 $13.40 3.14 3.15 $13.46 3.15 3.16 3.16 3.17 $13.52 $13.58 When the U.S. National Average, West Coast or California Diesel And the Fuel Index Minim um (Dollars/Gallon) is: Fuel But Less Surcharge At Least: Than: is: $3.17 $3.18 $13.63 $3.18 $3.19 $13.69 $3.19 $3.20 $13.75 $3.20 $3.21 $13.81 $3.21 $3.22 $13.87 $3.22 $3.23 $13.93 $3.23 $3.24 $13.99 $3.24 $3.25 $14.05 $3.25 $3.26 $14.11 $3.26 $3.27 $14.17 $3.27 $3.28 $14.22 $3.28 $3.29 $14.28 $3.29 $3.30 $14.34 $3.30 $3.31 $14.40 $3.31 $3.32 $14.46 $3.32 $3.33 $14.52 $3.33 $3.34 $14.58 $3.34 $3.35 $14.64 $3.35 $3.36 $14.70 $3.36 $3.37 $14.76 $3.37 $3.38 $14.81 $3.38 $3.39 $14.87 $3.39 $3.40 $14.93 $3.40 $3.41 $14.99 $3.41 $3.42 $15.05 $3.42 $3.43 $15.11 $3.43 $3.44 $15.17 $3.44 $3.45 $15.23 $3.45 $3.46 $15.29 $3.46 $3.47 $15.35 $3.47 $3.48 $15.40 $3.48 $3.49 $15.46 $3.49 $3.50 $15.52 $3.50 $3.51 $15.58 $3.51 $3.52 $15.64 $3.52 $3.53 $15.70 $3.53 $3.54 $15.76 $3.54 $3.55 $15.82 $3.55 $3.56 $15.88 $3.56 $3.57 $15.94 $3.57 $3.58 $15.99 $3.58 $3.59 $3.59 $3.60 $16.05 $16.11 When the U.S. National Average, West Coast or California Diesel And the Fuel Index Minim um (Dollars/Gallon) is: Fuel But Less Surcharge At Least: Than: is: 3.60 3.61 $16.17 3.61 3.62 $16.23 3.62 3.63 $16.29 3.63 3.64 $16.35 3.64 3.65 $16.41 3.65 3.66 $16.47 3.66 3.67 $16.53 3.67 3.68 $16.58 3.68 3.69 $16.64 3.69 3.70 $16.70 3.70 3.71 $16.76 3.71 3.72 $16.82 3.72 3.73 $16.88 3.73 3.74 $16.94 3.74 3.75 $17.00 3.75 3.76 $17.06 3.76 3.77 $17.12 3.77 3.78 $17.17 3.78 3.79 $17.23 3.79 3.80 $17.29 3.80 3.81 $17.35 3.81 3.82 $17.41 3.82 3.83 $17.47 3.83 3.84 $17.53 3.84 3.85 $17.59 3.85 3.86 $17.65 3.86 3.87 $17.71 3.87 3.88 $17.76 3.88 3.89 $17.82 3.89 3.90 $17.88 3.90 3.91 $17.94 3.91 3.92 $18.00 3.92 3.93 $18.06 3.93 3.94 $18.12 3.94 3.95 $18.18 3.95 3.96 $18.24 3.96 3.97 $18.30 3.97 3.98 $18.35 3.98 3.99 $18.41 3.99 4.00 $18.47 4.00 4.01 $18.53 AND 4.01 ABOVE SEE NOTE NOTE A: The Minimum fuel charge amount will increase $0.059 for every one-hundredth-point increase to the EIA Fuel Index above 4.01. For example, when the index is at least 4.01 but less than 4.02, the Minimum fuel charge will be $18.59. EXAMPLE: If the US National Average Diesel Fuel Index is 2.926 and the West Coast Index is 3.051 and the California Index is 3.097 then the Minimum fuel charge applicable to shipments moving within the respective geographic areas as outlined above are $12.16, $12.93 and $13.16 respectively. 39 575-C (Cont.) Effective: June 13, 2016 Rule Central Transport Rules Tariff 100-AX Item ITEM 575-D — FUEL SURCHARGE PROGRAM – NETShown below are the fuel surcharge percentages that Central Transport will apply to net freight charges. The surcharges are dependent on shipments' origins and destinations and based on the U.S. National Average, West Coast or California Diesel Fuel Index as applicable, published by the Energy Information Administration (EIA) of the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE). The fuel indices are updated and available after 4:00 PM Eastern Central Time each Monday by telephone at (202) 586-6966 or at the DOE website http://tonto.eia.doe.gov/oog/info/wohdp/diesel_detail_report_combined.asp. The fuel indices provided by the DOE are the industry standards used by most transportation companies. Central Transport’s applicable surcharges become effective on the Wednesday immediately following each Monday unless Monday is a Holiday and then the fuel index is available from the DOE on Tuesday and Central Transport’s surcharges become effective on the immediately following Thursday. Central Transport's Fuel Surcharges vary geographically as follows: 1) Surcharges applicable to shipments moving within the State of California (Intrastate) are based on the California Fuel Index. 2) Surcharges applicable to shipments moving within or between all other states within the West Coast Petroleum Administration for Defense District (PADD) as defined by the EIA are based on the 'West Coast' Fuel Index. This includes but is not limited to shipments moving between California and the other states in the West Coast PADD on an interstate basis. The West Coast PADD is defined as the geographic area consisting of the states of Alaska, Arizona, California, Hawaii, Nevada, Oregon and Washington 3) Surcharges for all other shipments are based on the U.S. National Average Diesel Fuel Index. Central Transport Fuel Surcharge Translation Table When the U.S. National Average, West Coast or California Diesel Fuel Index (Dollars/Gallon) is: At Least: 1.10 1.15 1.20 1.25 1.28 1.29 1.30 1.31 1.32 1.33 1.34 1.35 1.36 1.37 1.38 1.39 1.40 But Less Than: 1.15 1.20 1.25 1.28 1.29 1.30 1.31 1.32 1.33 1.34 1.35 1.36 1.37 1.38 1.39 1.40 1.41 1.41 1.42 1.42 1.43 1.43 1.44 1.44 1.45 1.45 1.46 1.46 1.47 1.47 1.48 1.48 1.49 1.49 1.50 1.50 1.51 1.51 1.52 1.52 1.53 1.53 1.54 1.54 1.55 1.55 1.56 1.56 1.57 1.57 1.58 1.58 1.59 1.59 1.60 1.60 1.61 1.61 1.62 1.62 1.63 1.63 1.64 1.64 1.65 1.65 1.66 1.66 1.67 1.67 1.68 (Continued on Following Page) When the U.S. National Average, West Coast or California Diesel Fuel Index (Dollars/Gallon) is: Then The LTL Fuel Surcharge Percentage is: 0.50% 1.50% 1.80% 2.10% 2.20% 2.30% 2.40% 2.60% 2.70% 2.80% 2.90% 3.00% 3.20% 3.30% 3.40% 3.60% 3.70% And the TL Fuel Surcharge Percentage is: 1.00% 3.00% 3.60% 4.20% 4.40% 4.60% 4.80% 5.20% 5.40% 5.60% 5.80% 6.00% 6.40% 6.60% 6.80% 7.20% 7.40% At Least: 1.68 1.69 1.70 1.71 1.72 1.73 1.74 1.75 1.76 1.77 1.78 1.79 1.80 1.81 1.82 1.83 1.84 3.90% 5.00% 5.10% 5.20% 5.30% 5.40% 5.50% 5.70% 5.80% 5.90% 6.10% 6.20% 6.30% 6.50% 6.60% 6.70% 6.90% 7.00% 7.10% 7.30% 7.40% 7.60% 7.70% 7.80% 8.00% 8.10% 8.20% 7.80% 10.00% 10.20% 10.40% 10.60% 10.80% 11.00% 11.40% 11.60% 11.80% 12.20% 12.40% 12.60% 13.00% 13.20% 13.40% 13.80% 14.00% 14.20% 14.60% 14.80% 15.20% 15.40% 15.60% 16.00% 16.20% 16.40% 1.85 1.86 1.87 1.88 1.89 1.90 1.91 1.92 1.93 1.94 1.95 1.96 1.97 1.98 1.99 2.00 2.01 2.02 2.03 2.04 2.05 2.06 2.07 2.08 2.09 2.10 2.11 40 But Less Than: 1.69 1.70 1.71 1.72 1.73 1.74 1.75 1.76 1.77 1.78 1.79 1.80 1.81 1.82 1.83 1.84 1.85 Then The LTL Fuel Surcharge Percentage is: 8.40% 8.50% 8.60% 8.80% 8.90% 9.10% 9.20% 9.30% 9.40% 9.50% 9.60% 9.70% 9.90% 10.00% 10.10% 10.20% 10.30% And the TL Fuel Surcharge Percentage is: 16.80% 17.00% 17.20% 17.60% 17.80% 18.20% 18.40% 18.60% 18.80% 19.00% 19.20% 19.40% 19.80% 20.00% 20.20% 20.40% 20.60% 1.86 1.87 1.88 1.89 1.90 1.91 1.92 1.93 1.94 1.95 1.96 1.97 1.98 1.99 2.00 2.01 2.02 2.03 2.04 2.05 2.06 2.07 2.08 2.09 2.10 2.11 2.12 10.40% 10.50% 10.60% 10.70% 10.80% 10.90% 11.00% 11.10% 11.20% 11.30% 11.40% 11.50% 11.60% 11.70% 11.80% 11.90% 12.00% 12.10% 12.20% 12.30% 12.40% 12.50% 12.60% 12.70% 12.80% 12.90% 13.00% 20.80% 21.00% 21.20% 21.40% 21.60% 21.80% 22.00% 22.20% 22.40% 22.60% 22.80% 23.00% 23.20% 23.40% 23.60% 23.80% 24.00% 24.20% 24.40% 24.60% 24.80% 25.00% 25.20% 25.40% 25.60% 25.80% 26.00% 575-D (Cont.) Effective: June 13, 2016 Rule Central Transport Rules Tariff 100-AX Item (Continued From Previous Page) Central Transport Fuel Surcharge Translation Table (Continued) When the U.S. National Average, West Coast or California Diesel Fuel Index (Dollars/Gallon) is: But Less At Least: Than: 2.12 2.13 2.13 2.14 2.14 2.15 2.15 2.16 2.16 2.17 2.17 2.18 2.18 2.19 2.19 2.20 2.20 2.21 2.21 2.22 2.22 2.23 2.23 2.24 2.24 2.25 2.25 2.26 2.26 2.27 2.27 2.28 2.28 2.29 2.29 2.30 2.30 2.31 2.31 2.32 2.32 2.33 2.33 2.34 2.34 2.35 2.35 2.36 2.36 2.37 2.37 2.38 2.38 2.39 2.39 2.40 2.40 2.41 2.41 2.42 2.42 2.43 2.43 2.44 2.44 2.45 2.45 2.46 2.46 2.47 2.47 2.48 2.48 2.49 2.49 2.50 2.50 2.51 2.51 2.52 2.52 2.53 2.53 2.54 2.54 2.55 2.55 2.56 2.56 2.57 2.57 2.58 2.58 2.59 2.59 2.60 2.60 2.61 2.61 2.62 2.62 2.63 2.63 2.64 2.64 2.65 (Continued on Following Page) Then The LTL Fuel Surcharge Percentage is: 13.10% 13.20% 13.30% 13.40% 13.50% 13.60% 13.70% 13.80% 13.90% 14.00% 14.10% 14.20% 14.30% 14.40% 14.50% 14.60% 14.70% 14.80% 14.90% 15.00% 15.10% 15.20% 15.30% 15.40% 15.50% 15.60% 15.70% 15.80% 15.90% 16.00% 16.10% 16.20% 16.30% 16.40% 16.50% 16.60% 16.70% 16.80% 16.90% 17.00% 17.10% 17.20% 17.30% 17.40% 17.50% 17.60% 17.70% 17.80% 17.90% 18.00% 18.10% 18.20% 18.30% And the TL Fuel Surcharge Percentage is: 26.20% 26.40% 26.60% 26.80% 27.00% 27.20% 27.40% 27.60% 27.80% 28.00% 28.20% 28.40% 28.60% 28.80% 29.00% 29.20% 29.40% 29.60% 29.80% 30.00% 30.20% 30.40% 30.60% 30.80% 31.00% 31.20% 31.40% 31.60% 31.80% 32.00% 32.20% 32.40% 32.60% 32.80% 33.00% 33.20% 33.40% 33.60% 33.80% 34.00% 34.20% 34.40% 34.60% 34.80% 35.00% 35.20% 35.40% 35.60% 35.80% 36.00% 36.20% 36.40% 36.60% When the U.S. National Average, West Coast or California Diesel Fuel Index (Dollars/Gallon) is: At Least: 2.65 2.66 2.67 2.68 2.69 2.70 2.71 2.72 2.73 2.74 2.75 2.76 2.77 2.78 2.79 2.80 2.81 2.82 2.83 2.84 2.85 2.86 2.87 2.88 2.89 2.90 2.91 2.92 2.93 2.94 2.95 2.96 2.97 2.98 2.99 3.00 3.01 3.02 3.03 3.04 3.05 3.06 3.07 3.08 3.09 3.10 3.11 3.12 3.13 3.14 3.15 3.16 3.17 41 But Less Than: 2.66 2.67 2.68 2.69 2.70 2.71 2.72 2.73 2.74 2.75 2.76 2.77 2.78 2.79 2.80 2.81 2.82 2.83 2.84 2.85 2.86 2.87 2.88 2.89 2.90 2.91 2.92 2.93 2.94 2.95 2.96 2.97 2.98 2.99 3.00 3.01 3.02 3.03 3.04 3.05 3.06 3.07 3.08 3.09 3.10 3.11 3.12 3.13 3.14 3.15 3.16 3.17 3.18 Then The LTL Fuel Surcharge Percentage is: 18.40% 18.50% 18.60% 18.70% 18.80% 18.90% 19.00% 19.10% 19.20% 19.30% 19.40% 19.50% 19.60% 19.70% 19.80% 19.90% 20.00% 20.10% 20.20% 20.30% 20.40% 20.50% 20.60% 20.70% 20.80% 20.90% 21.00% 21.10% 21.20% 21.30% 21.40% 21.50% 21.60% 21.70% 21.80% 21.90% 22.00% 22.10% 22.20% 22.30% 22.40% 22.50% 22.60% 22.70% 22.80% 22.90% 23.00% 23.10% 23.20% 23.30% 23.40% 23.50% 23.60% 575-D (Cont.) And the TL Fuel Surcharge Percentage is: 36.80% 37.00% 37.20% 37.40% 37.60% 37.80% 38.00% 38.20% 38.40% 38.60% 38.80% 39.00% 39.20% 39.40% 39.60% 39.80% 40.00% 40.20% 40.40% 40.60% 40.80% 41.00% 41.20% 41.40% 41.60% 41.80% 42.00% 42.20% 42.40% 42.60% 42.80% 43.00% 43.20% 43.40% 43.60% 43.80% 44.00% 44.20% 44.40% 44.60% 44.80% 45.00% 45.20% 45.40% 45.60% 45.80% 46.00% 46.20% 46.40% 46.60% 46.80% 47.00% 47.20% Effective: June 13, 2016 Rule Central Transport Rules Tariff 100-AX Item (Continued From Previous Page) 575-D (Cont.) Central Transport Fuel Surcharge Translation Table (Continued) When the U.S. National Average, West Coast or California Diesel Fuel Index (Dollars/Gallon) is: At Least: 3.18 3.19 3.20 3.21 3.22 3.23 3.24 3.25 3.26 3.27 3.28 3.29 3.30 3.31 3.32 3.33 3.34 3.35 3.36 3.37 3.38 3.39 3.40 3.41 3.42 3.43 3.44 3.45 3.46 3.47 3.48 3.49 3.50 3.51 3.52 3.53 3.54 3.55 3.56 3.57 3.58 3.59 3.60 3.61 3.62 3.63 3.64 3.65 3.66 3.67 3.68 But Less Than: 3.19 3.20 3.21 3.22 3.23 3.24 3.25 3.26 3.27 3.28 3.29 3.30 3.31 3.32 3.33 3.34 3.35 3.36 3.37 3.38 3.39 3.40 3.41 3.42 3.43 3.44 3.45 3.46 3.47 3.48 3.49 3.50 3.51 3.52 3.53 3.54 3.55 3.56 3.57 3.58 3.59 3.60 3.61 3.62 3.63 3.64 3.65 3.66 3.67 3.68 3.69 Then The LTL Fuel Surcharge Percentage is: 23.70% 23.80% 23.90% 24.00% 24.10% 24.20% 24.30% 24.40% 24.50% 24.60% 24.70% 24.80% 24.90% 25.00% 25.10% 25.20% 25.30% 25.40% 25.50% 25.60% 25.70% 25.80% 25.90% 26.00% 26.10% 26.20% 26.30% 26.40% 26.50% 26.60% 26.70% 26.80% 26.90% 27.10% 27.30% 27.50% 27.70% 27.90% 28.10% 28.30% 28.50% 28.70% 28.90% 29.10% 29.30% 29.50% 29.70% 29.90% 30.10% 30.30% 30.50% And the TL Fuel Surcharge Percentage is: 47.40% 47.60% 47.80% 48.00% 48.20% 48.40% 48.60% 48.80% 49.00% 49.20% 49.40% 49.60% 49.80% 50.00% 50.20% 50.40% 50.60% 50.80% 51.00% 51.20% 51.40% 51.60% 51.80% 52.00% 52.20% 52.40% 52.60% 52.80% 53.00% 53.20% 53.40% 53.60% 53.80% 54.20% 54.60% 55.00% 55.40% 55.80% 56.20% 56.80% 57.00% 57.40% 57.80% 58.20% 58.60% 59.00% 59.40% 59.80% 60.20% 60.60% 61.00% When the U.S. National Average, West Coast or California Diesel Fuel Index (Dollars/Gallon) is: At Least: 3.69 3.70 3.71 3.72 3.73 3.74 3.75 3.76 3.77 3.78 3.79 3.80 3.81 3.82 3.83 3.84 3.85 3.86 3.87 3.88 3.89 3.90 3.91 3.92 3.93 3.94 3.95 3.96 3.97 3.98 3.99 4.00 4.01 4.02 4.03 4.04 4.05 4.06 4.07 4.08 4.09 4.10 4.11 4.12 4.13 4.14 4.15 4.16 4.17 4.18 4.19 (Continued on following page) 42 But Less Than: 3.70 3.71 3.72 3.73 3.74 3.75 3.76 3.77 3.78 3.79 3.80 3.81 3.82 3.83 3.84 3.85 3.86 3.87 3.88 3.89 3.90 3.91 3.92 3.93 3.94 3.95 3.96 3.97 3.98 3.99 4.00 4.01 4.02 4.03 4.04 4.05 4.06 4.07 4.08 4.09 4.10 4.11 4.12 4.13 4.14 4.15 4.16 4.17 4.18 4.19 4.20 Then The LTL Fuel Surcharge Percentage is: 30.70% 30.90% 31.10% 31.30% 31.50% 31.70% 31.90% 32.10% 32.30% 32.50% 32.70% 32.90% 33.10% 33.30% 33.50% 33.70% 33.90% 34.10% 34.30% 34.50% 34.70% 34.90% 35.10% 35.30% 35.50% 35.70% 35.90% 36.10% 36.30% 36.50% 36.70% 36.80% 36.90% 37.00% 37.10% 37.20% 37.30% 37.40% 37.50% 37.60% 37.70% 37.80% 37.90% 38.00% 38.10% 38.20% 38.30% 38.40% 38.50% 38.60% 38.70% And the TL Fuel Surcharge Percentage is: 61.40% 61.80% 62.20% 62.60% 63.00% 63.40% 63.80% 64.20% 64.60% 65.00% 65.40% 65.80% 66.20% 66.60% 67.00% 67.40% 67.80% 68.20% 68.60% 69.00% 69.40% 69.80% 70.20% 70.60% 71.00% 71.40% 71.80% 72.20% 72.60% 73.00% 73.40% 73.60% 73.80% 74.00% 74.20% 74.40% 74.60% 74.80% 75.00% 75.20% 75.40% 75.60% 75.80% 76.00% 76.20% 76.40% 76.60% 76.80% 77.00% 77.20% 77.40% Effective: June 13, 2016 Rule Central Transport Rules Tariff 100-AX Item (Continued From Previous Page) 575-D (Cont.) Central Transport Fuel Surcharge Translation Table (Continued) When the U.S. National Average, West Coast or California Diesel Fuel Index (Dollars/Gallon) is: At Least: 4.20 4.21 4.22 4.23 4.24 4.25 4.26 4.27 4.28 4.29 4.30 4.31 4.32 4.33 4.34 4.35 4.36 4.37 4.38 4.39 4.40 4.41 4.42 4.43 4.44 4.45 4.46 4.47 4.48 4.49 4.50 4.51 4.52 4.53 4.54 4.55 4.56 4.57 4.58 4.59 4.60 4.61 4.62 4.63 4.64 But Less Than: 4.21 4.22 4.23 4.24 4.25 4.26 4.27 4.28 4.29 4.30 4.31 4.32 4.33 4.34 4.35 4.36 4.37 4.38 4.39 4.40 4.41 4.42 4.43 4.44 4.45 4.46 4.47 4.48 4.49 4.50 4.51 4.52 4.53 4.54 4.55 4.56 4.57 4.58 4.59 4.60 4.61 4.62 4.63 4.64 4.65 Then The LTL Fuel Surcharge Percentage is: 38.80% 38.90% 39.00% 39.10% 39.20% 39.30% 39.40% 39.50% 39.60% 39.70% 39.80% 39.90% 40.00% 40.10% 40.20% 40.30% 40.40% 40.50% 40.60% 40.70% 40.80% 40.90% 41.00% 41.10% 41.20% 41.30% 41.40% 41.50% 41.60% 41.70% 41.80% 41.90% 42.00% 42.10% 42.20% 42.30% 42.40% 42.50% 42.60% 42.70% 42.80% 42.90% 43.00% 43.10% 43.20% And the TL Fuel Surcharge Percentage is: 77.60% 77.80% 78.00% 78.20% 78.40% 78.60% 78.80% 79.00% 79.20% 79.40% 79.60% 79.80% 80.00% 80.20% 80.40% 80.60% 80.80% 81.00% 81.20% 81.40% 81.60% 81.80% 82.00% 82.20% 82.40% 82.60% 82.80% 83.00% 83.20% 83.40% 83.60% 83.80% 84.00% 84.20% 84.40% 84.60% 84.80% 85.00% 85.20% 85.40% 85.60% 85.80% 86.00% 86.20% 86.40% When the U.S. National Average, West Coast or California Diesel Fuel Index (Dollars/Gallon) is: At Least: 4.650 4.660 4.670 4.680 4.690 4.700 4.710 4.720 4.730 4.740 4.750 4.760 4.770 4.780 4.790 4.800 4.810 4.820 4.830 4.840 4.850 4.860 4.870 4.880 4.890 4.900 4.910 4.920 4.930 4.940 4.950 4.960 4.970 4.980 4.990 5.000 But Less Than: 4.660 4.670 4.680 4.690 4.700 4.710 4.720 4.730 4.740 4.750 4.760 4.770 4.780 4.790 4.800 4.810 4.820 4.830 4.840 4.850 4.860 4.870 4.880 4.890 4.900 4.910 4.920 4.930 4.940 4.950 4.960 4.970 4.980 4.990 5.000 Then The LTL Fuel Surcharge Percentage is: 43.30% 43.40% 43.50% 43.60% 43.70% 43.80% 43.90% 44.00% 44.10% 44.20% 44.30% 44.40% 44.50% 44.60% 44.70% 44.80% 44.90% 45.00% 45.10% 45.20% 45.30% 45.40% 45.50% 45.60% 45.70% 45.80% 45.90% 46.00% 46.10% 46.20% 46.30% 46.40% 46.50% 46.60% 46.70% See Note A And the TL Fuel Surcharge Percentage is: 86.60% 86.80% 87.00% 87.20% 87.40% 87.60% 87.80% 88.00% 88.20% 88.40% 88.60% 88.80% 89.00% 89.20% 89.40% 89.60% 89.80% 90.00% 90.20% 90.40% 90.60% 90.80% 91.00% 91.20% 91.40% 91.60% 91.80% 92.00% 92.20% 92.40% 92.60% 92.80% 93.00% 93.20% 93.40% See Note B NOTE A: The LTL fuel surcharge percentage will increase one-tenth of one percentage point for every one-hundredth-point increase to the EIA Fuel Index above 5.00. For example, when the index is at least 5.00 but less than 5.01, the LTL surcharge will be 46.8%. When the index is at least 5.01 but less than 5.02, the LTL surcharge will be 46.9%. NOTE B: The TL fuel surcharge percentage will increase six-tenths of one percentage point for every one-hundredth-point increase to the EIA Fuel Index above 5.00. For example, when the index is at least 5.00 but less than 5.01, the TL surcharge will be 93.6%. When the index is at least 5.01 but less than 5.02, the TL surcharge will be 93.8%. DEFINITION OF LTL (Less Than Truckload): An LTL shipment is any shipment rated as 19,999 pounds or less except as noted below. The LTL Fuel Surcharge will apply to any such shipment. DEFINITION OF TL (Truckload): A TL shipment is any shipment rated as 20,000 pounds or greater or any shipment moving on an exclusive use basis or any shipment subject to Capacity Load Rates (Item 390). The TL Fuel Surcharge will apply to any such shipment. EXAMPLE: If the US National Average Diesel Fuel Index is 3.326 and the West Coast Index is 3.420 and the California Index is 3.459 then the LTL Fuel Surcharges applicable to shipments moving within the respective geographic areas as outlined above are 25.1%, 25.1% and 25.4% respectively. 43 Effective: June 13, 2016 Rule Central Transport Rules Tariff 100-AX Item ITEM 578 — LOADING BY SHIPPER-UNLOADING BY CONSIGNEE 578 Rates subject to provisions that shipper is to load and/or consignee is to unload the shipment are subject to the following additional provisions: (1) At time of shipment, the shipper must endorse on the bill of lading and the Shipping Order: (a) Loaded by Consignor; (b) To be Unloaded by Consignee; or (c) Loaded by Consignor and to be Unloaded by Consignee, as the application of specific rates may require (See Paragraph (d)); (d) When the Bill of Lading and Shipping Notation as required in this item is inadvertently omitted, shipper and/or consignee must furnish with proof satisfactory to the carrier within 60 days from the date of date of delivery that loading and unloading was actually performed in accordance with the provisions of this item except for the absence of the notation required in Paragraph 1. (2) The complete loading and/or unloading service of the freight, including the count thereof, must be performed by the shipper and/or consignee at his expense without any assistance from the carrier. The carrier's employee and power unit are to be released while loading and/or unloading is performed. At carrier's option, the carrier's employee and power unit may remain during loading or unloading but will render no assistance in loading or unloading. (3) The complete loading service includes the loading of the freight into or on the carrier's vehicle and the stowing and arranging thereof. Any temporary blocking, flooring or lining, racks, standards, strips, stakes or similar bracing, dunnage or supports not constituting a shipping carrier, container or package, or a part of the vehicle when required to protect and make shipments secure for transportation must be furnished and installed by the shipper. (4) The complete unloading service means that the consignee must remove the freight from the position in which it is transported in or on the carrier's vehicle. (5) On mixed shipments, when any portion of the freight is required to be loaded by shipper, and/or unloaded by consignee as a condition precedent to the application of the rate, the entire shipment must be loaded and/or unloaded by the shipper or consignee otherwise the rate will not apply and rates otherwise published will be assessed. (6) In event the shipment is stopped off for partial loading or partial unloading, the party or parties tendering or receiving any portion of the shipment will be subject to the requirements as to loading or unloading. (7) If the shipper or any party tendering any portion of the shipment refuses to perform the loading, or if the consignee or any party receiving any portion of the shipment refuses to perform the unloading, the rate will not apply and rates otherwise published will be assessed. (8) In any circumstance where the Shipper, its employees, or its agents load some or all of the freight, the Shipper shall indemnify and hold Central Transport LLC, its employees and agents harmless from any and all claims or damages, including but not limited to attorney fees, arising from or relating to the loading of such freight. In any circumstance where the Consignee, its employees, or its agents unload some of or all of the freight, the consignee shall hold Central Transport LLC, its employees and agents harmless from any and all claims or damages, including but not limited to attorney fees, arising from or relating to the unloading of such freight. This paragraph applies in any circumstance where the activities described in this paragraph were undertaken regardless of whether such activity were undertaken voluntarily or in exchange for consideration. ITEM 580 — MARKING OR TAGGING FREIGHT — CHANGING MARKING OR TAGS 580 The provisions of Item 580 of the NMFC will apply; however, carrier will, at the request of the shipper or consignee, change or alter, according to instructions, the markings or tags on any packages or pieces of freight. When requested to remark or retag shipments as above or for re-consignment, distribution or any other purpose, Central Transport shall perform such service and assess a charge of $3.00 per piece, subject to a minimum charge of $45.00 (See Item 820, Note 7). ITEM 597 — MAXIMUM WEIGHTS (1) 597 SHIPMENTS TENDERED IN EXCESS OF MAXIMUM WEIGHT RESTRICTIONS: Except as specifically provided for in individual items, shipments in excess of a stated maximum weight will be rated at the truckload or volume provisions applicable, and weights in excess shall be rated as a separate shipment. (2) No vehicle may be loaded in excess of that quantity of freight that can be transported from origin to destination in or on such vehicle because of weight or size limitations of federal, state or municipal laws or regulations. For such shipments apply Item 670. 44 Effective: June 13, 2016 Rule Central Transport Rules Tariff 100-AX Item ITEM 610 — MINIMUM CHARGE (1) (2) (3) 610 Except as otherwise specifically provided in this item, Item 611, or in tariffs governed hereby, the minimum charge for a shipment subject to class or commodity rates shall be as shown in the applicable tariff. The minimum charge on any LTL or AQ shipment containing Class A or B Explosives as described in Tariff ICC ATA 111 Series will be the charge for 7,500 pounds at the Class 200 Scale 5,000 pound Rate (See Paragraph (a)). (a) The minimum charge will not apply on shipments for which "Exclusive Use of Vehicle" is requested. Commodities described in the following items of the NMFC are subject to minimum charges provided below: NMFC ITEM NUMBER: MINIMUM CHARGE: 2010....................... ............... when shipped loose subject to a minimum charge as for 10,000 pounds; 14830, Sub 2 ........ ............... when shipped loose subject to a minimum charge as for 10,000 pounds; 18060, Subs 2 and 3 ............. are subject to a minimum charge to be not less than for 1,000 pounds each; 30240...... .............. ............... when shipped loose subject to a minimum charge as for 10,000 pounds; 32060, Sub 1 ........ ............... when shipped loose subject to a minimum charge as for 10,000 pounds; 32100, Sub 2 ........ ............... when shipped loose subject to a minimum charge as for 10,000 pounds; 32600, Sub 2 ........ ............... when shipped loose subject to a minimum charge as for 10,000 pounds, subject to NMFC Item 32602; 35155 .................... ............... only in connection with pieces weighing each less than 20 pounds when shipped loose subject to a minimum .............................. ............... charge as for 10,000 pounds; 35160..................... ............... only in connection with pieces weighing each less than 50 pounds when shipped loose subject to a minimum .............................. ............... charge as for 10,000 pounds; 53560, Subs 1 and 2 .............. when shipped loose subject to a minimum charge as for 10,000 pounds; 57300, Sub 1 ......... ............... the actual weight is subject to a minimum charge of 2,500 pounds each; 86500 and 86514 ... ............... will be subject to a minimum charge of 4,000 pounds at the Class 100 rate; 87100..................... ............... when shipped LTL will be subject to a minimum charge of 5,000 pounds at Class 100 rate for each shipment. 89990, Sub 1 ......... ............... when shipped loose subject to a minimum charge of 5,000 pounds at Class 100 rate for each shipment; 100240 and 100272 ............... in shipping vans, boxes or crates exceeding 400 cubic feet displacement, but not longer than 16 .............................. ............... ............... feet, when shipped LTL will each be subject to a minimum charge of 6,000 pounds at the Class 100 .............................. ............... rate; 108820 and 108822 ............... ladders or ladder sections, steel, NOI, exceeding 24 feet in length, LTL will be subject to a minimum charge .............................. ............... ............... of 1,000 pounds at Class 100 rate for entire shipment; 116020, Sub 2 ....... ............... when shipped TL loose, other than when having value only for reconditioning or salvage, subject to a .............................. ............... ............... minimum charge as for 5,000 pounds at the Class 250 rate for each vehicle used; 137400 and 137454 ............... will be subject to a minimum charge of 4,000 pounds at the Class 100 rate; 146250, Sub 1 ....... ............... when shipped LTL in packages or loose with actual weight subject to a minimum charge of 2,500 .............................. ............... ............... pounds each at the Class 100 rate; 147220................... ............... when shipped LTL at actual weight subject to a minimum charge as for 5,000 pounds each at the Class 100 .............................. ............... ............... rate; 155100 and 155132 ............... when contents of storage tank equal or exceed 1/3 of tank capacity in gallons, the provisions for .............................. ............... ............... such products in barrels shall apply, actual weight of the contents and tank to be charged for, subject .............................. ............... to TL minimum weight 30,000 pounds. When the contents do not equal 1/3 of tank capacity the .............................. provisions of Item 422 of NMFC will apply; 165330................... ............... when shipped LTL loose subject to a minimum charge as for 10,000 pounds; 170530, Sub 1 ....... ............... when shipped loose subject to a minimum charge as for 10,000 pounds; 188520, Sub 1 and 188522 .... subject to a minimum charge of 2,500 pounds each at the Class 100 rate. When not KD .............................. ............... ............... will be separately subject to the minimum weight of 2,500 pounds each; 189540, Sub 1 ....... ............... when shipped LTL, actual weight subject to a minimum charge of 4,000 pounds each at the Class 100 rate; 189570, Sub 1 ....... ............... subject to a minimum charge as for 500 pounds each. The minimum charge shall not be less than the charge for 100 pounds at the applicable rate. 45 Effective: June 13, 2016 Rule Central Transport Rules Tariff 100-AX Item ITEM 611 — MINIMUM CHARGE-CUBIC CAPACITY AND DENSITY 611 DEFINITION: CHARGE: Less than 660 cubic feet: rule does not apply Cubic Capacity ‐ Individual handling units within a shipment with a height lower than 51 inches will have their cubic capacity calculated at a height of 51 inches. Individual handling units within a shipment with a height greater than 51 inches will have their cubic capacity calculated at a height of 108 inches. 661 - 720 cubic feet: upcharge of $62.00 721 – 780 cubic feet: upcharge of $124.00 781 – 840 cubic feet: upcharge of $186.00 841 – 900 cubic feet: upcharge of $248.00 901 – 960 cubic feet: upcharge of $310.00 Greater than 960 cubic feet: upcharge of $372.00 CONDITIONS: (1) The cubic capacity of the shipment will be determined by totaling the cubic feet of each packaged unit in the shipment in accordance with NMC 100 Series, Item 110, Sections 8 (a) and (b) except as provided bellow: (a) Individual handling units within a shipment with a height lower than 51 inches will have their cubic capacity calculated at a height of 51 inches. Individual handling units within a shipment with a height greater than 51 inches will have their cubic capacity calculated at a height of 108 inches. (b) Shipments on non-unitized freight that are loaded in such a manner that determining the total cube of each package/handling unit is impractical, or shipments tendered in such a manner that they cannot be transferred, will have the cube calculated on the linear dimensions of the entire shipment. (2) The provisions of this item are not applicable in connection with shipments subject to: (a) Capacity Load or Exclusive Use of Vehicle provisions in this or otherwise applicable tariff(s). (b) Where the Capacity Load charges produce lower charges than the actual class rates applicable. (c) Rates stated in units per mile or per piece of linehaul equipment, e.g. rates in cents per mile, per "van", "standard trailer" or "vehicle". (3) Shipments subject to the provisions of this item will not be subject to any otherwise applicable discounts, reductions, or allowances. (4) If carrier receives two or more shipments from one shipper, at one origin, destined to one or more consignees at the same delivery address, during one calendar day, which if combined would result in application of this item, then the shipments in aggregate will be considered as one shipment subject to the provisions of this item. Overflow freight will be charged as a separate shipment and so rated. ITEM 640 — MIXED SHIPMENTS (EXCEPTION TO NMFC ITEMS 640 AND 645) In Connection with class rated shipments and LTL commodity rated shipments the following will apply: (1) (2) On mixed shipments of differently rated commodities (commodities subject to different rates), alternation of charges resulting from the application of rates provided for different weight groups is to be determined by applying the lower of the charges resulting from: (a) The rate applicable to the actual weight of each article in the mixture; or (b) The actual weight of each article in the mixture at the rate provided for each article on the higher weight group that would apply for the aggregate weight of the shipment, plus a charge for deficit weight at the lowest rate applicable to any article in the shipment. The term deficit refers to the additional shipment weight necessary to meet the minimum requirements for use of the rate provided for the next higher weight group. Maximum Percentage of Mixture (a) When rates provide for a maximum percentage of an article that may be included in the mixed shipment and a greater percentage is included, the rates will apply on the restricted article, up to the allowable percentage. The excess over the allowable percentage for any article is to be rated as a separate shipment. (b) When there are two or more differently rated commodities subject to the same maximum percentage restriction, the allowable percentage shall consist of the lowest rated article or commodities necessary to make up the percentage. (c) When percentage limitations are separately provided on different commodities, rates will apply on each article up to and including the allowable percentage. 46 640 Effective: June 13, 2016 Rule Central Transport Rules Tariff 100-AX Item ITEM 645 — MIXED SHIPMENTS — TL OR VOL 645 (EXCEPTION TO NMFC ITEM 645) Different commodities, subject to truckload or volume commodity rates, shipped at one time by one shipper to one consignee at one destination on one bill of lading as a mixed truckload or volume shipment will be charged for as follows: Section 1: Assess the straight TL or VOL commodity rate applicable to each article in the shipment. (a) The applicable minimum weight will be the highest provided for any article in the shipment. (b) Any deficit in the minimum weight will be charged for at the lowest rate applicable to any article in the shipment. Section 2: When the aggregate charge upon the entire shipment is made lower by considering the commodities as if they were divided into two or more separate truckload or volume shipments, the shipment will be charged for accordingly. Section 3. When the total charge on the shipment is lower by applying the TL or VOL rate and minimum weight or actual weight, if greater, for one or more commodities and the LTL rate and actual weight for the remainder, such charge will apply, subject to the following: (a) The LTL rates to be assessed are those that would apply if the LTL portion were considered as a separate shipment. (b) The weight of the portion assessed LTL rates may not be applied towards the TL or VOL minimum weight. (c) The LTL rates will be subject to truckload packing requirements. Section 4. When rates provided for a maximum percentage of an article that may be included in the mixed shipment and a greater percentage is included, the rates will apply on the restricted article up to the allowable percentage. Commodities which exceed the allowable percentage will be subject to the following: (a) When there are two or more differently rated commodities subject to the same maximum percentage restriction, the allowable percentage shall consist of the lowest rated article or commodities necessary to make up the percentage. (b) The excess is to be rated as a separate LTL shipment or as a separate TL shipment, whichever produces the lowest charge. (c) The weight of the portion in excess of the maximum percentage may not be applied towards the applicable TL or VOL minimum weight. (d) Any deficit in the minimum weight will be charged for at the mixed TL or VOL rate. Section 5. Where different TL or VOL rates and minimum weights are provided on the same article included as a mixed shipment, the lowest charges that can be computed by the use of any such rate and its accompanying minimum weight for that article will be used to determine the charges for the entire shipment. Section 6. This provision will not apply to commodities when their transportation at the same time in the vehicle is prohibited by Federal, State or Municipal Regulations. ITEM 647 — NOTIFICATION PRIOR TO DELIVERY 647 NOTIFICATION OF ARRIVAL OF FREIGHT When Central Transport is requested by any party to notify the consignee or any other party upon arrival of freight at its delivery terminal or to contact consignee to give notification of pending delivery prior to delivery of a shipment, a charge of $44.00 will be assessed and billed to the party primarily responsible for payment of the freight charges. A valid email address or phone number must be notated on the Bill of Lading at the time of pickup. Central Transport will contact the party, if convenient and practical, otherwise by email, fax, or voicemail. 47 Effective: June 13, 2016 Rule Central Transport Rules Tariff 100-AX Item ITEM 670 — OVER-DIMENSION, OVER-LENGTH OR OVER-WEIGHT FREIGHT ─ COMMODITIES OF EXTREME CONFIGURATION (1) 670 OVER-DIMENSION OR OVER-WEIGHT TL/VOLUME FREIGHT: Shipments which contain commodities, any one of which when loaded on a standard vehicle exceeds Federal, State or Municipal weight regulations or exceed, one or more of the following dimensions; HEIGHT: WIDTH: LENGTH: 8 feet 6 inches 8 feet 6 inches 44 feet 6 inches will be transported subject to the following conditions and minimum charges: (2) (a) Arrangements for transporting over-dimension or over-weight freight provided above must be made with the originating carrier before shipment or any portion thereof is tendered for transportation. (b) Such shipments as are accepted will be subject to freight charges based on 150% of the otherwise applicable charges computed without reference to this item. (c) Where regulations or laws of any Federal, State or Municipal government or any subdivision thereof, require use special highway permits and/or the pilot cars or escort service carrier, carrier will upon request of the shipper or consignee, and as agent for them, engage third persons to perform this service. All charges of the third persons must be paid by the shipper or consignee and are in addition to all other lawful charges in the tariff. Such charges may be advanced by the carrier and billed to the shipper or consignee at actual cost of the service plus a 15 percent service charge. These charges shall be in addition to all other applicable charges and shall be shown separately on the freight bill. (d) Shipments requiring overweight bonds or over dimensional permits the actual cost plus a 10 percent service charge of the bond or permit for each state or city shall be added onto the freight bill subject to a minimum charge of $58.00 for each bond or permit. When the permit specifies route of the movement that shall be used in transporting the shipment, all tolls or fees paid by carrier for the use of bridges, ferries, tunnels or highways shall be in addition to all other applicable charges and shall be shown separately on the freight bill. (e) Where regulations or laws of any Federal, State or Municipal Governments or any subdivision thereof, require use of a designated route because of an over length, overweight or over width load, mileage and charges will be figured via the designated route. (f) Where regulations or laws of any Federal, State or Municipal government prohibit the movement of an overweight load over the most practical route, mileage and charges will be computed over an alternate route selected by the customer paying the freight charges. In the absence of a route selected by the customer, carrier will route the load and mileage will be computed over the carrier-selected route. OVER-LENGTH LTL FREIGHT: (a) Over-length LTL Freight means LTL Freight commodities or packaging that exceeds 12 feet in length. (b) When carrier agrees to handle over-length freight, shipments containing one or more articles that exceeds12 feet in length, but are less than 20 feet in length will be subject to a charge of $150.00 (in addition to all other applicable charge. Shipments containing articles that equal or exceed 20 feet in length will be subject to a charge of $500.00 (in addition to all other applicable charges). Note: The charge applies per shipment, not per piece. Thus a shipment consisting of five 14 foot flagpoles would be assessed the same charge as a shipment of one 14-foot flagpole ($150.00). (3) COMMODITIES OF EXTREME CONFIGURATION: When one article constituting a shipment or part of a shipment requires 16 or more lineal feet of space to load and exceeds 2 feet in height and 2 feet in width, that shipment will be subject to an upcharge of $500.00. Fuel surcharge will not apply on upcharge amount. ITEM 710 — PALLETIZED FREIGHT 710 (1) Except as otherwise specifically provided, when shipments are tendered to carrier and transported in or on pallets, platforms, racks, reels, skids or shipping containers, such pallets, platforms, racks, reels, skids shipping carriers or containers constitute an integral part of the shipments and are to be delivered to and receipted for by the consignee(s) named on the bill of lading covering the loaded movement. (2) Any request or provision noted on the Bill of Lading or Shipping Order at the time of shipment requesting the return of these pallets, platforms, racks, reels, skids or shipping carriers or containers (See NOTE) shall be deemed to be for information purposes only, and it will not be binding upon the carrier to accomplish or comply with such request or provision to complete the contract of carriage. NOTE: This item will not apply on marine type or intermodal containers designed for highway use on wheels. 48 Effective: June 13, 2016 Rule Central Transport Rules Tariff 100-AX Item ITEM 712 — PALLETS, ETC., RETURN OF 712 Except as specifically provided, carrier will not perform free return of pallets, platforms, racks, reels, skids or shipping carriers or containers (See Note). NOTE: - Will not apply on marine type or intermodal containers designated for highway use on wheels. ITEM 714 — FCCOD FEE — FREIGHT CHARGE COLLECT ON DELIVERY FEE FOR SHIPMENTS DESTINED TO OFFSHORE POINTS All shipments destined to offshore service points including but not limited to, Alaska, Hawaii and Puerto Rico, on a Collect basis, will be subject to application of a $20.00 “Freight Charge Collect on Delivery Fee.” In view of this fee on collect shipments, shippers of freight destined to offshore points are encouraged to ship on a prepaid basis to avoid the fee as such shipments are exempt from the fee described in this Item. This fee is not to be confused or misconstrued as a conventional COD fee that carrier would charge when engaged to collect funds for shippers pursuant to shippers’ invoices for goods. Pursuant to provisions outlined in Items 110 and 720 of this tariff, shippers (shippers) and other parties are liable jointly and severally for all charges if the consignee or other party primarily responsible for payment fails to pay. In such cases, additional charges including all collection costs and attorneys' fees may also be applicable. Hence, for example, if a shipper tenders a shipment on a collect basis to Puerto Rico and the charges are not collectible from the consignee, then the shipper will be responsible for payment of all charges. Section 7 provisions provided on some Bills-of-Lading shall have no application and will not be honored. 49 714 Effective: June 13, 2016 Rule Central Transport Rules Tariff 100-AX Item ITEM 720 — PAYMENT OF FREIGHT CHARGES, LATE PAYMENT FEES AND SERVICE CHARGES (1) Credit Period: Unless otherwise provided, Central Transport’s credit period is 15 days and begins on the day following presentation of the freight bill. It includes Saturdays, Sundays and legal holidays. Freight charges must be paid within the 15-day credit period. If payment is not made within the 15-day credit period, service charges will be applied. (2) Extended Credit Periods: When the credit periods are extended for more than 15 days (up to a maximum of 30 days) by published tariff rules as authorized by the Code of Federal Regulations (49 CFR § 377.203) and the Debtor fails to make payment within the authorized credit period, service charges and late fees will be applied. The maximum credit period allowed by federal regulations is 30 days. (3) Remitting Payments: When remitting freight charges, Debtor must enclose with remittance, one copy of carrier supplied freight bill. Notwithstanding this requirement, payments may be allocated pursuant to provisions of paragraph (4) of this Item. (4) Allocation of Payments: When freight is tendered to Carrier subject to provisions of this rules tariff, Debtor authorizes Carrier to allocate payments and credits in a way that is most favorable to or convenient for Carrier. Authorization is granted in consideration of credit terms extended by Carrier and grants Carrier full discretion as to how payments are applied. For example, Debtor authorizes Carrier to apply payments and credits to oldest balances before Carrier applies them to more recent freight charges. (5) Notification to Customers Regarding Service Charges: Pursuant to requirements in 49 CFR § 377.203 associated with the establishment of service charges, Central Transport does by this item establish service charges as described below and does hereby notify Debtors of the following: (1) The purpose of the service charges is to prevent a Debtor who does not pay on time from having free use of funds due to the carrier. (2) Central Transport does not sanction payment delays; and, (3) Previous failure to pay requires adequate assurances that Debtor will pay as agreed before credit will be extended in the future per 49 CFR § 377.203 (e)(3)(ii)©. (6) Late Payment Fee and Service Charges (a) Late Payment Fee: Payment of all charges listed on the original Carrier invoice that have not been received within 31 calendar days of the date of invoice issued by Carrier, or within a time period agreed to within a written contract, will be considered a late payment. Late payments may be assessed a Late Payment Fee of $50.00 per invoice ($100.00 per invoice for Pallet Program shipments, see Item 988), together with removal of all discounts. This late payment fee is in addition to all other lawful, freight and accessorial charges. NOTE 1: This paragraph is only applicable to the nonpayment of original, separate, and independent freight bills and does not apply to the aggregate balance due claims sought for a collection on any past shipments by a bankruptcy trustee, or any other person or agent. NOTE 2: This paragraph shall not apply to instances of clerical or ministerial error such as non-receipt of carrier's freight bill, or a shipper's payment check lost in the mail, or a carrier mailing the freight bill to the wrong address. NOTE 3: This paragraph shall not apply in any way to a charge for transportation service if the carrier's bill-of-lading independently provides that the shipper is liable for fees incurred by the carrier in collection of freight charges on that transportation service. (b) Service Charges: When the Debtor of the freight charges fails to make payment within the applicable credit period, the following will be assessed on the day following the last day of the authorized credit period on each unpaid freight bill, in addition to all other lawful freight and accessorial charges as provided in applicable tariffs: The greater of a charge of 50% of the unpaid balance or removal of the discount provided and subject to a minimum charge of $123.00. (7) Responsible Parties: Shippers, Consignees, Third Parties and Agents for Shippers or Consignees, holders of bills of lading and owners of property moved by Carrier are jointly and severally liable for freight charges and collection charges in accordance with the Rates, Classifications and Rules Tariffs that have been established by the Carrier, each of which is available from the Carrier upon request. Such parties are responsible: (a) For all unpaid charges on account of a shipment pursuant to the bill of lading contract, tariff or other contract covering the shipment regardless of whether all parties are listed or “in privity” of the contract under which the shipment moved; and, (b) To pay and/or indemnify Carrier for all claims, fines, penalties, damages, costs and other sums, including attorneys' fees, which may be incurred by carrier by reason of any violation of the shipment contract/tariff or any other default of the shipper, consignee or their agents. Example: Under this paragraph, Carrier is entitled to recover all of his costs, including attorneys' fees, of collecting delinquent freight bills. Carrier is also entitled to seek payment from any of the parties listed above when the party initially responsible for payment fails to pay. (8) Offsetting Charges Not Allowed: Debtor shall not offset from or delay the payment of lawfully established transportation charges due Central Transport as a result of any overcharge claim, charge-back, duplicate payment, or loss and/or damage cargo claim. A formal claim shall be filed and processed separately. 50 720 Effective: June 13, 2016 Rule Central Transport Rules Tariff 100-AX Item ITEM 721 — RETURNED CHECKS, CHARGE FOR 721 Checks received in payment of freight charges that are returned to Central Transport by banks because of insufficient funds or any other reason not the fault of Central Transport will be subject to a charge of $52.00 plus any service fee assessed by the bank. This charge will be in addition to all other applicable charges. ITEM 740 — PERMITS — SPECIAL 740 When Federal, Dominion, State, Provincial, or Municipal laws or Regulations require the securing of special permits prior to or during the transportation of shipments, the following will govern: When special permits are required, the securing of such permits shall be accomplished by or at the expense of the shipper or consigned. If secured by the carrier, the cost of special permits and any telephone or telegraphic expense incurred by carrier in securing and arranging for special permits shall be added to the carrier’s freight bill, in addition to a service charge of $58.25 for each shipment. In the event any subdivision of government makes it mandatory for a carrier to furnish a bond as condition precedent to the issuance of a permit, such bond will be furnished by the carrier at the expense of shipper or consignee. ITEM 750 — PICKUP OR DELIVERY SERVICE 750 Except as otherwise provided, rates in tariffs governed by this tariff include one pickup and loading and one delivery and unloading or one tender for delivery of a shipment by the carrier (See Item 570 for Impracticable Operations), during business hours (See Items 751, 752, 753, 754, 755, 756, 757, and 758) for special pickup or delivery service at one site, subject to the following provisions: 1. PLACEMENT OF VEHICLE FOR LOADING: At the request of the shipper, the carrier will furnish and place a vehicle at the loading site designated by the shipper to pick up a shipment there tendered for transportation. 2. PLACEMENT OF VEHICLE FOR UNLOADING: The delivery of a shipment by the carrier to the place of delivery specified on the bill of lading will include the placing of a vehicle at the delivery site designated by the consignee. 3. LOADING BY CARRIER: (See Note B, Paragraph (a)). Freight tendered for loading shall be so situated by the shipper as to be directly accessible to the vehicle, or it shall be immediately adjacent to a parking space suitable for carrier to place its vehicle for loading (See Note A and Item 566 - Inside Delivery - Handling Freight at Positions Not Immediately Adjacent to Vehicle). Carrier will furnish only one person per vehicle for loading, be it the driver, helper or any other carrier employee. 4. UNLOADING BY CARRIER: (See Note B, Paragraph (b)). Freight will be unloaded at the delivery site immediately adjacent to the delivery vehicle (See Note A and Item 566 - Inside Delivery Handling Freight at Positions Not Immediately Adjacent to Vehicle). Carrier will furnish only one person per vehicle for unloading, be it the driver, helper or any other carrier employee. 5. RESTRICTIONS ON LOADING OR UNLOADING BY THE CARRIER: (See Note B, Paragraphs (a) and (b)). (a) Except as provided in Item 895, Loading or unloading Services do not include assembling, packing, unpacking, dismantling, inspecting, sorting or segregating freight. (b) Loading or unloading service does not include furnishing by the carrier of rigging or special loading or unloading equipment such as platform vehicles (other than two wheeled hand trucks), winches, cranes, jacks, blocks or falls, chain falls, or other special equipment used in loading or unloading, the shipper or the consignee, as the case may be, shall furnish same and the necessary labor to operate such equipment at its expense, carrier's employee may use hand trucks or four wheeled hand carts, and hand or electrically operated pallet jacks (non-riding type) when furnished by the shipper or consignee. (c) Loading or unloading service does not include opening of packages or unitized shipments including shrink-wrapped or banded freight on pallets or skids. 6. LOADING BY CONSIGNOR OR UNLOADING BY CONSIGNEE: (See Note B, Paragraphs (a) and (b)). The shipper or consignee may elect to waive the loading or unloading of freight by the carrier as provided in this item by performing at his own expense the loading or unloading of the shipment on or from the carrier's vehicle. 7. WAIVER OF DELIVERY RECEIPT: When shipper or owner has made written arrangements with the carrier, freight, consigned to construction sites (or other places where no representative of the consignee is present or available to receipt for the shipment), will be delivered and unloaded by the carrier and left unattended at the place designated. (Continued on Following Page) 51 Effective: June 13, 2016 Rule Central Transport Rules Tariff 100-AX Item (Continued from Previous Page) 750 (Cont.) 8. HEAVY OR BULK FREIGHT-LOADING OR UNLOADING: (See Note B) When freight (per package or piece) in a single container, or secured to pallets, platforms or lift truck skids, or in any other authorized form of shipment: (a) WEIGHS 100 LBS. OR LESS, the carrier will perform the loading and/or unloading. (b) WEIGHS MORE THAN 100 LBS., BUT LESS THAN 500 LBS: (1) The carrier will perform the loading and/or unloading where the shipper and/or consignee provides a dock, platform, or ramp directly accessible to the carrier's vehicle. Not applicable when the freight exceeds 8 feet in its greatest dimension or exceeds 4 feet in each of its greatest and intermediate dimensions. (See paragraphs (b) 2 and (d)). Where the shipper and/or consignee does not provide a dock, platform or ramp, the truck driver, on request, will assist the shipper and/or consignee in loading and/or unloading. (2) The carrier will perform the loading and/or unloading where the shipper and/or consignee provides a dock, platform, or ramp directly accessible to the carrier's vehicle if such freight (1) exceeds 8 feet but does not exceed 22 feet in its greatest dimension, or (2) if it does not exceed 10 feet in its greatest dimension and does not exceed 5 feet in its intermediate dimension and does not exceed 1 foot in its least dimension. When the shipper and/or consignee does not provide a dock, platform, or ramp, the truck driver, on request, will assist the shipper and/or consignee in loading and/or unloading. (c) WEIGHS 500 LBS. OR MORE, the shipper will perform the loading and the consignee will perform the unloading. On request of shipper or consignee, the truck driver will assist the shipper or the consignee in loading or unloading. (d) EXCEEDS 8 FEET IN ITS GREATEST DIMENSION OR EXCEEDS 4 FEET IN EACH OF ITS GREATEST AND INTERMEDIATE DIMENSIONS, the shipper will perform the loading and the consignee will perform the unloading. On request of shipper or consignee, the truck driver will assist the shipper or the consignee in loading or unloading. The provisions of this paragraph will not apply to the extent provisions are published in paragraph (b) 2 of this item. NOTE A: (a) Freight shall be deemed to be immediately adjacent to a space suitable for carrier to place its vehicle for loading or unloading if separated there from only by an intervening public sidewalk. (b) If a parking space suitable for carrier to place its vehicle for loading or unloading is occupied or city ordinance prevents its use the nearest available parking space may be used. (c) When two or more shipments are placed by the shipper as close as practicable to a parking space suitable for carrier to place its vehicle for loading all such shipments will be considered as immediately adjacent thereto even though the shipment or shipments that were closest to such parking space were picked up first by the same or different motor carriers. (d) When shipper assigns two or more carrier designated spaces in its shipping room or loading platform where outgoing freight will be assigned spaces as close as practicable to a parking space suitable for carrier to place its vehicle for loading, all such assigned and designated spaces will be considered immediately adjacent to such parking space. NOTE B: (a) Loading, by definition in this item, includes stowing and counting of the freight in or on the carrier's vehicle. Unloading, by definition in this item, includes the counting and removing of the freight from the position in which it is transported in or on the carrier's vehicle. ITEM 751 — PICKUP OR DELIVERY SERVICE AT LIMITED ACCESS LOCATIONS 751 When carrier makes a pickup or delivery at a location with limited access, the following charges will apply: $100.00 charge per shipment in addition to all other applicable rates and charges. Limited Access Locations include but are not limited to the following: schools, churches, camps, prisons, fairs carnivals, commercial establishments not open to walk-in public during normal business hours, individual mini-storage units and locations where deliveries requires smaller than standard trailers, including but not limited to straight trucks. In the case of delivery, such charges above will include an initial telephone notification to make delivery arrangements only if carrier is provided the correct telephone number of the consignee. For service at zip codes 10001-10099 and 10101-10292, there will be an additional charge (additional to all other charges including those noted above) of $200.00 pursuant to Item 751-05. To clarify, if a shipment is destined to a school in Manhattan, NY for example, there will be a Limited Access Charge as noted above plus a High Cost Area Charge of $200.00 pursuant to Item 751-05. This sort of scenario could occur in connection with pickup and/or delivery service at any of the points listed in Item 751-05. ITEM 751-02 – PICKUP OR DELIVERY SERVICE AT CONSTRUCTION SITES When carrier makes a pickup or delivery at a construction site, an additional $100.00 charge per shipment shall apply in addition to all other applicable rates and charges. 52 751-02 Effective: June 13, 2016 Rule Central Transport Rules Tariff 100-AX Item ITEM 751-05 — PICKUP OR DELIVERY SERVICE AT SPECIFIC HIGH COST AREAS 751-05 Section 1: GROUP A — SUBJECT TO $60.00 CHARGE (See Section 4 in this Item for Application of Charges): An additional ‘High Cost Area’ charge of $60.00 shall apply as specified in Section 4 on all shipments picked-up or delivered at the zip codes shown below. This $60.00 ‘High Cost Area’ charge will also apply to all shipments picked-up or delivered at other zip codes shown below and on following pages in this section (data below is sorted first by state, then by zip code): Zip Code City Name 20001-13 20015-17 20022-24 20026-27 20029-30 20032-33 20035-47 20049-53 20055-71 20070 20071 20073-78 20074 20076 20080-82 20081 20088 20090-91 20097-99 20201-04 20206-08 20210-24 20226-33 20235 20237-42 20244-45 20250-51 20254 20260-62 20265-66 20268 20270 20277 20289 20299 20301 20303 20306-07 20310 20314-15 20317-19 20330 20332 20336-38 20340 20350 20355 20370 20372-76 20380 20388 20388-95 20391 20398 20398 Washington Washington Washington Washington Washington Washington Washington Washington Washington Washington Navy Yard Washington Navy Yard Washington Washington Navy Yard Washington Navy Yard Washington Washington Gas Washington Washington Washington Washington Washington Washington Washington Washington Washington Washington Washington Washington Washington Washington Washington Washington Washington Washington Washington Washington Washington Washington Washington Washington Washington Washington Washington Washington Washington Washington Washington Washington Washington Washington Washington Navy Yard Washington Washington Navy Yard Washington Washington Navy Yard State DC DC DC DC DC DC DC DC DC DC DC DC DC DC DC DC DC DC DC DC DC DC DC DC DC DC DC DC DC DC DC DC DC DC DC DC DC DC DC DC DC DC DC DC DC DC DC DC DC DC DC DC DC DC DC Zip Code City Name 20401-16 20418-29 20431 20433-37 20439-42 20444 20447 20451 20453 20456 20460 20463 20468-70 20472 20500-10 20515 20520-44 20546-55 20557-60 20565-66 20570-73 20575-81 20585-86 20590-91 20593-94 20597 20599 56901 56920 State Washington Washington Washington Washington Washington Washington Washington Washington Washington Washington Washington Washington Washington Washington Washington Washington Washington Washington Washington Washington Washington Washington Washington Washington Washington Washington Washington Washington Washington DC Post Office DC DC DC DC DC DC DC DC DC DC DC DC DC DC DC DC DC DC DC DC DC DC DC DC DC DC DC DC DC 03496 03497 *No Associated City* *No Associated City* NH NH 08230 08411 Ocean View *No Associated City* NJ NJ (Continued on Following Page) 53 Effective: June 13, 2016 Rule Central Transport Rules Tariff 100-AX Item (Continued from Previous Page) — PICKUP OR DELIVERY SERVICE AT SPECIFIC HIGH COST AREAS – GROUP A Zip Code City Name 10301 10302 10303 10304 10305 10306 10307 10308 10309 10310 10311 10312 10313 10314 12408 12982 12983 12986 12989 12996 13026 13305 13327 13870 13960 14554 Staten Island Staten Island Staten Island Staten Island Staten Island Staten Island Staten Island Staten Island Staten Island Staten Island Staten Island Staten Island Staten Island Staten Island *No Associated City* *No Associated City* Saranac Lake Tupper Lake Vermontville Willsboro Aurora Beaver Falls Croghan *No Associated City* *No Associated City* *No Associated City* State Zip Code City Name NY NY NY NY NY NY NY NY NY NY NY NY NY NY NY NY NY NY NY NY NY NY NY NY NY NY 23301 23307 23308 23310 23310 23313 23313 23316 23336 23337 23337 23342 23347 23350 23354 23354 23359 23389 23395 23396 23398 23401 23404 23405 23405 23407 23410 23412 23414 23415 23416 23417 23418 23419 23420 23421 23422 23423 23426 23427 23441 23480 23482 23483 23486 23713 (Continued on Following Page) 54 Accomac Birdsnest Bloxom Bay View Cape Charles Bellehaven Capeville Cheriton Chincoteague Chincoteague Wallops Island Temperanceville Eastville Exmore Franktown Hadlock Hallwood Harborton Horntown Oak Hall Silver Beach Keller Locustville Johnsontown Shadyside Mappsville Melfa Modest Town Nelsonia New Church Oak Hall Onancock Onley Oyster Painter Parksley Pungoteague Quinby Sanford Saxis Tasley Wachapreague Wardtwon Wattsville WillisWharf Nassawadox 751-05 (Cont.) State VA VA VA VA VA VA VA VA VA VA VA VA VA VA VA VA VA VA VA VA VA VA VA VA VA VA VA VA VA VA VA VA VA VA VA VA VA VA VA VA VA VA VA VA VA VA Effective: June 13, 2016 Rule Central Transport Rules Tariff 100-AX Item (Continued from Previous Page) 751-05 (Cont.) Section 2: GROUP B — - Removed Effective September 10, 2008 (MS and LA zips). Section 3: GROUP C — SUBJECT TO $300.00 CHARGE (See Section 4 in this Item for Application of Charges): An additional ‘High Cost Area’ charge of $300.00 shall apply as specified in Section 4 to all shipments picked-up or delivered at the MA Zip Codes shown below (Sorted in Ascending Order by Zip Code). Zip Code City Name 02535 02539 02552 02554 02557 02564 02568 02573 02575 02584 State CHILMARK EDGARTOWN MENEMSHA NANTUCKET OAK BLUFFS SIASCONSET VINEYARD HAVEN WEST CHOP WEST TISBURY NANTUCKET MA MA MA MA MA MA MA MA MA MA Section 3: GROUP D — SUBJECT TO $200.00 CHARGE (See Section 4 in this Item for Application of Charges): An additional ‘High Cost Area’ charge of $200.00 shall apply as specified in Section 4 to all shipments picked-up or delivered at the New York Zip Codes shown below (Sorted in Ascending Order by Zip Code). Zip Code City Name State 10001-10099 New York 10101-10292 New York NY NY Section 4: APPLICATION OF ‘HIGH COST AREA’ CHARGES: Charges shall be applied based on whether shipment origin, destination or both are ‘High Cost Area’ zips. If a shipment is picked-up at a ‘High Cost Area’ zip and also delivered at a ‘High Cost Area’ zip then a fee shall apply at both origin and destination (with some exceptions as indicated below). Referring to zips listed on previous pages of this ITEM in Group A, Group B. Group C or Group D, subject to charges of $60.00, $160.00 and $300.00 respectively, the following fees shall apply to applicable shipments depending on origins and destinations: If Shipment Origin has a zip code or postal code in: And, Shipment Destination has a zip code or postal code in: Then, the applicable ‘High Cost Area’ Fee shall be: Group A Group A $120.00 Group A Group C $360.00 Group A Group D $260.00 Group A All Points not in A,C or D Group C Group A $360.00 Group C Group C $600.00 Group C Group D $500.00 Group C All Points not in A, C or D $300.00 Group D Group A $260.00 Group D Group C $500.00 Group D Group D $400.00 Group D All Points not in A, C or D $200.00 All Points not in A, C or D Group A $60.00 All Points not in A, C or D Group C $300.00 All Points not in A, C or D Group D $200.00 All Points not in A, C or D All points not in A, C or D 55 $60.00 $0.00 Effective: June 13, 2016 Rule Central Transport Rules Tariff 100-AX Item ITEM 752 — PICKUP OR DELIVERY SERVICE AT MINES 752 Any shipment picked-up from or delivered to mines (See Note A) will, in addition to all other applicable charges, be subject to the following charge: $79.00 per vehicle used NOTE A: The term "mines" means the site of any pit, excavation shaft, shaft or deposit at which coal, ore or minerals is, has been or will be extracted. Such site or "mine" shall include the entire property upon which the mine is located, and delivery to any facility (such as mine warehouses, mine deposits, mine supply houses, mine tipples or similar receiving facilities) located on such property will be considered as delivery to a mine. On shipments involving stop offs, charges apply to each portion of the shipments delivered to a mine. ITEM 753 — PIER PICKUP OR DELIVERY SERVICE 753 General Provisions: Rates and charges in tariffs governed hereby do not include pickup, delivery, loading or unloading service at piers, docks, transit sheds, steamship terminals, or wharves on export, import, coastwise, or intercostal traffic. Pickup or delivery service on such traffic, which includes loading or unloading charges of the longshoremen, stevedores, or public loaders shall be subject to the rates and charges below and shall be in addition to all other charges applicable to the shipment. All charges below applying on export shipments must be prepaid. Loading and unloading services at piers, docks, transit sheds, steamship terminals, or wharves are performed by longshoremen, stevedores, or public loaders at rates and charges on file with the Federal Maritime Commission. When the Customer makes arrangements directly with the terminal operator or the piers, docks, transit sheds, steamship terminals or wharves for payment of the pier charges, the charges below shall not apply. The notation, shown below, must be placed on the bill of lading by the shipper: "Arrangement made with pier operator to bill shipper or consignee directly for pier loading or unloading charges." LTL or AQ shipments consigned to one consignee at one port may, upon arrival or prior to arrival at Central Transport’s terminal serving the port, be divided into separate shipments for delivery to piers, docks, transit sheds, steamship terminals, or wharves. These shipments shall be assessed charges based on a combination of charges applicable to and from the port city involved. The revised billing shall be sent to and paid by the party requesting this service. This service will not be given if delivery has been made according to original billing. Charges named herein will not apply when shipment(s) is delivered in trailer(s) without transfer of the lading to the ocean carrier(s). The receipt of the trailer(s) by the ocean carriers shall terminate Central Transport’s delivery service and liability. Charges below will not apply when shipment(s) is received in trailer(s) without the transfer of lading from the ocean carrier(s). The receipt of the trailer(s) by Central Transport shall constitute the beginning of Central Transport’s service and liability. When freight can only be loaded or unloaded by the terminal operator through use of "rigging or special equipment," Central Transport will advance the charges of the terminal operator necessary to effectuate the loading or unloading of its vehicle. All advanced charges shall be collected from the Customer. All shipments, for export, not directly consigned at origin to an export pier dock, pier terminal, transit shed, or wharf will be subject to the re-consignment or diversion charges published in Item 820 herein. Additional charges assessed to Central Transport by port terminal operators for services rendered on shipments moving for export and/or import via marine port terminals will be advanced under the provisions of Item 300, herein. Such charges will not be absorbed by Central Transport and are in addition to the lawful charges otherwise accruing to the shipment. Charges: Shipments picked up at or delivered to U.S. Ports or Piers will be subject to an additional pickup or delivery charge of $8.85 per CWT, subject to a minimum charge of $89.00 per shipment. 56 Effective: June 13, 2016 Rule Central Transport Rules Tariff 100-AX Item ITEM 754 — PICKUP AND DELIVERY CHARGE (AFTER 7:00 PM OR BEFORE 6:00 AM) 754 A requested pickup or delivery required after 7:00 PM or before 6:00 AM on a weekday (Monday thru Friday), will be subject to a Flat Charge of $125.00. This charge will be in addition to all other applicable charges. ITEM 755 — PICKUP OR DELIVERY ON SATURDAYS, SUNDAYS OR LEGAL HOLIDAYS 755 When requested to perform pickup or delivery on Saturdays, Sundays or Legal Holidays, Central Transport shall arrange to perform such service at an additional charge of $125.00 per hour, subject to a minimum charge based on four hours per person. ITEM 756 — PICKUP OR DELIVERY SERVICE AT EXHIBITION LOCATIONS 756 Pickups from and deliveries to all exhibitions locations such as Cobo Hall and McCormick Place, as examples, will require that the freight charges always be "PREPAID". Any additional charges would be covered by the rules of 'Detention with Power', except the charge will be $19.00 per 15 minutes after the expiration of Free Time as shown below: WEIGHT IN POUNDS: 1 – 2,499 2,500 – 4,999 5,000 – 7,499 7,500 – 9,999 10,000 – 19,999 20,000 ─ & Over FREE TIME IN MINUTES: 30 60 90 120 180 240 Each shipment picked-up or delivered at McCormick Place, Chicago, IL; O'Hare Exp. Center, Chicago, IL, Rosemont Horizon, Rosemont, IL or any other exposition center will be subject to a charge of $15.00 each in addition to all other applicable charges, including those noted above for driver and equipment delays beyond free time allowed. The charges will be invoiced to the party primarily responsible for the freight charges. ITEM 757 — LIFT-GATE SERVICE (Hydraulic/Mechanical Tailgate Lifts and other Loading or Unloading Devices) 757 When requested or when shipments require Carrier to provide and employ vehicles equipped with hydraulic/mechanical tailgate lifts (lift-gates) such shipments will be subject to the following provisions: The charge will be $6.15 per CWT, subject to a minimum charge of $150.00 and a maximum charge of $275.00. Charges will apply in addition to all other freight charges. Charges for this service shall be assessed against and paid by the party that requested the service or, payment must otherwise be guaranteed by the Shipper, or Third-Party responsible for payment. 1. Carrier is not obligated to perform such service when suitable vehicles equipped with such devices and operators are not available, or when such equipment is not available through a contractor or rental agency. 2. Provisions of this rule shall not be construed as obligating the carrier to provide such service if, for any reason, the carrier finds it impracticable or unsafe to provide the service. 3. Service will only be provided at locations that are deemed safe and accessible to the delivery vehicle. ITEM 758 — DELIVERIES TO MILITARY INSTALLATIONS ─ HOMELAND SECURITY FEE A fee of $100.00 per shipment shall be assessed to all shipment delivered to military installations. This fee covers increased costs of dealing with security checkpoints and delays, security escorts, stops and inspections. 57 758 Effective: June 13, 2016 Rule Central Transport Rules Tariff 100-AX Item ITEM 759 — RESIDENTIAL DELIVERY and/or RESIDENTIAL PICKUP 759 The provisions of this item apply when the shipper and/or consignee of a shipment are/is located at a private residence, apartment building, home, estate, hereinafter referred to collectively as “residence” or “residential”. (1) Bill of Lading Requirements: On shipments requiring residential delivery, shipper shall state on the bill of lading the name, full address and telephone number of the party to contact to arrange for delivery. (2) Notice of Arrival: Before pickup or delivery is attempted, carrier will make arrangements for pickup with shipper and provide consignee with a notice of arrival by telephone and will reach a mutual agreement about delivery. Arrangements for delivery will include the following: (a) (b) (c) Notice that freight is immediately available. Residential delivery and or pickup will be accepted for delivery and/or pickup on Wednesdays or Fridays. Determination of delivery requirements including, but not limited to, lift gate service (Item 757), inside delivery (Item 566) and/or any other required service. If any additional services such as these are required, normal charges for those services will apply in addition to the residential delivery charge. (3) Dock Pickups: If, upon carrier giving consignee “Notice of Arrival”, consignee chooses to pickup the shipment at Carrier’s terminal/dock, he may do so however, such pickup must be performed in a timely manner (within 24 hours of notification). If freight is not picked-up within 24 hours following notification, storage charges will be applicable pursuant to Item 910 of this tariff. (4) Charges: (a) When pickup or delivery is requested at residences, Central Transport shall perform such service at a charge of $7.95 per CWT, subject to a minimum charge of $98.00 and a maximum charge of $395.00) in addition to all other applicable freight and accessorial charges. (Note: The charge will include the telephone call to arrange for delivery and the charge for “Notification Prior to Delivery” defined in Item 647 will not apply). (b) As noted in (3) above, storage charges will be applied if consignee elects to pickup freight at carrier’s terminal/dock but fails to do so within 24 hours following notification that the freight is available for pickup. Storage charges will be applied pursuant to Item 910 of this tariff. (c) For service at Manhattan, NY zip codes 10001-10099 and 10101-10292 and other “High Cost Pickup and Delivery Areas”, there will be an additional charge (additional to all other charges including those noted above) of $200.00 pursuant to Item 751-05 (High Cost Areas). (d) When, through no fault of the carrier, consignee is unable to accept delivery as previously scheduled, renotification charges (Item 647) and re-delivery charges (Item 830) will apply in addition to all other applicable charges. Payment (Collect Shipments): (a) For residential delivery shipments tendered on a collect basis, payment in full for freight and all other applicable charges will be due and payable at time of delivery in the form of cash, certified cashier’s check, money order or, in some cases, certain credit cards. (b) Delivery will not be made without proper payment. If delivery is attempted and payment not made or if delivery arrangements are delayed through no fault of carrier, shipments could become subject to additional charges for storage, re-notification, re-delivery and other possible fees, all of which will be due and must be paid at the time of any future redelivery. ITEM 759-01 – PICKUP OR DELIVERY SERVICE AT FARMS 759-01 When Carrier makes a pickup or delivery at a farm, an additional $100.00 charge per shipment shall apply in addition to all other applicable rates and charges. ITEM 765 — PRECEDENCE OF RATES Rates, either class or commodity, specifically designated as applicable only to shipments, that have immediately prior or immediately subsequent transportation via rail or air, specifically designated as assembly or distribution, or those specifically designated as applicable only to shipments having prior or subsequent transportation by water carrier in containerized service, must be applied on such shipments to the exclusion of all other rates not so designated. 58 765 Effective: June 13, 2016 Rule Central Transport Rules Tariff 100-AX Item ITEM 770 — PREPAYMENT OF CHARGES (1) No shipment will be accepted when the linehaul transportation charge is partially prepaid, partially collect. (2) Freight charges must be prepaid on all shipments consigned to or in care of Trade Shows, Traveling Shows, Chautauqua’s, Fairs or Exhibitions. (3) When combinations of rates and/or charges are applicable, combinations of rates and/or charges will be computed over the points of actual interchange (points where the freight will be physically interchanged from one carrier to another) and must be prepaid through to destination (See Note A). 770 NOTE A: Not applicable on shipments moving under Government bills of lading, nor on shipments to or from points in Canada. ITEM 775 — PREPAYMENT OF CHARGES ON EXPORT SHIPMENTS All charges on shipments for export (except shipments moving on government bills of lading or on shipments destined to points in Canada) transported on rates named in tariffs governed by this tariff must be prepaid. 59 775 Effective: June 13, 2016 Rule Central Transport Rules Tariff 100-AX Item ITEM 779 — LIABILITY LIMITS — GENERAL APPLICATION AND SCOPE Central Transport, like other LTL carriers, assumes a stated level of liability for loss and/damage to shipments it handles. Central Transport’s rules and provisions addressing liability limits, prohibited articles, used articles and a description of the process and requirements for claim filing are included in Items 780 through 790 of this tariff or as otherwise provided in customer-specific contracts or other customer-specific tariffs or pricing agreements. It is important for customers of Central Transport to read and become familiar with all of the content of Items 780 through 790 as liability limits vary depending on attributes of shipments including but not limited to type of commodity, NMFC classes, exception ratings, type of pricing program (pallet program, spot-quotes, other), risk of theft or damage and whether commodities are new or used, reconditioned, remanufactured or refurbished. Definition: ‘Used Commodities’ — are defined as any commodities with prior use, including but not limited to restored, refurbished and remanufactured commodities as well as factory warranty returns. Also included are any commodities that have been set-up and operated, including any commodity that has been used for the commodity’s stated purpose or to demonstrate the performance or merits of a product (as an automobile, x-ray machine, lathe, television) to prospective buyers. Stock transfers and returns to vendors of new and unused commodities (overstocks) do not fall under this definition. General Application of Central Transport Liability Assumption: In general Central Transport’s liability assumption applies exclusively to commodities for which Central Transport has specifically agreed to handle for each specific customer and for which Central Transport has entered into contractual agreements to handle or otherwise established customerspecific pricing for. It is understood by Shipper and Carrier that Carrier’s pricing established for Shipper is based on its analysis of risk associated with the type of commodities that Shipper would normally tender to carrier and that Carrier’s liability assumption, if provided under terms other those specifically stated herein, shall extend to those commodities only. If Shipper tenders to Carrier any other commodity or type of commodity not revealed to carrier during pricing negotiations and carrier inadvertently accepts such shipment for handling, Carrier’s liability assumption on such items shall not ever exceed the liability limitations provided by provisions of this tariff. Examples: 1) A Shipper who is a manufacturer of automotive parts has negotiated with Carrier to handle its outbound shipments of commodities it manufactures and its inbound shipments of raw materials used to manufacture its products. Shipper and Carrier have agreed to a standard liability limit of $10.00 per pound per piece subject to a $100,000.00 maximum per incident for handling these types of commodities. Carrier’s liability applies to these types of commodities only. If Shipper tenders to carrier a shipment of plant equipment (let’s say a large stamping press) whether it be new or used, carriers liability limit of $10.00 per pound does not apply to this shipment. Rather, Carrier’s liability limits as stated in this tariff will apply. If the shipment consists of a used piece of equipment such as the stamping press example, carrier’s liability will be $0.10 per pound as providing by Item 790 of this tariff. 2) A Shipper who manufactures wheelbarrows and has negotiated a pricing arrangement with Carrier to handle wheelbarrows at $8.00 per pound diversifies by purchasing a power tool manufacturing company and begins shipping power tools. Central Transport’s $8.00 per liability limit will not apply to the power tools. In the absence of any further pricing negotiations to establish an agreed upon liability limit for power tools, Central Transport’s liability limit on power tools would be as provided by Item 789 of this tariff for commodities with high risk of theft or damage (maximum of $2.00 per pound per piece unless otherwise further limited by other provisions). The term package as used in this item means any primary shipping package authorized by the provisions of individual tariffs or classification items. When a number of packages have been unitized, strapped or otherwise fastened together, or contained on pallets, platforms or skids, or have been over packed in an additional complying package, the carriers liability will be determined by separately multiplying the invoice value times the weight of each individual package lost or damaged and not on the basis of the weight of the total number of packages unitized, strapped or otherwise fastened together or contained on pallets, platforms or skids, or over packed in an additional complying package. INCIDENTAL OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES: IN NO EVENT SHALL CENTRAL TRANSPORT ITS AFFILIATES OR ITS INTERLINE SERVICE PROVIDERS BE LIABLE IN ANY WAY FOR ANY INDIRECT, SPECIAL OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO LOST BUSINESS OR LOST PROFITS. 60 779 Effective: June 13, 2016 Rule Central Transport Rules Tariff 100-AX Item ITEM 780 — LIABILITY LIMITS — PROHIBITED OR RESTRICTED COMMODITIES (SUBJECT TO NOTES 1-7) Section 1. PROHIBITED COMMODITIES: The following commodities will not be accepted for shipment nor as premiums accompanying other commodities. If any of the commodities, as described in the list below are inadvertently accepted, Central Transport shall not be liable for any loss or damage to any such commodity. The Consignor, or its agent, agrees to defend, indemnify and reimburse Central Transport for any physical harm, damage or liability that may result in any way from the transportation of any prohibited commodity listed in this Item. If the foregoing indemnification is not applicable for any reason, then Central Transport shall be subject to a maximum liability of $0.10 per pound per piece in the event of loss or damage to any shipment. 1 2 3 4 Agricultural Products including but not limited to: roots, fresh fruits or vegetables, fresh meats, fresh milk, fresh eggs, eggs hatching, live domestic or wild animals, furs, hides (green or wet), nursery stock (including live trees, shrubs, flowers (fresh and cut), etc.) Articles of Extraordinary Value, including Collectibles (anything with an invoice value over $10 per pound) Articles, or parts thereof, the transportation of which is prohibited in interstate, intrastate or international commerce, or the transportation of which into or out of a district, territory, state, or subdivision thereof is prohibited by the laws of such district, territory, state, or subdivision thereof 5 Asbestos Bank Bills, Coins (monetary, deeds, currency, drafts, notes, valuable papers, postage stamps, revenue stamps (see Note 2), letters (with or without stamps affixed see Note 1), tickets (all types such lottery, toll, gaming and other tickets)) 6 Carbon Black 7 Corpses or Cremated Remains 8 Explosives (Divisions 1.1, 1.2, 1.3, 1.5) These divisions include Gun Powder 9 10 Fully assembled Automobiles, Trucks, Trailers, Buses and Chassis Hazardous waste, Hazardous Group of Miscellaneous Hazardous or Poisonous Materials which includes Etiological Agents/Infectious Substances, PCB's, materials containing Paraquat or Cyanide, universal waste, biological products, diagnostic specimens, blood and related products/components, medical waste, radioactive materials 11 Jewelry, all types including costume, novelty and other Jewelry, Sterling Silver articles or ware, precious stones (metals or articles manufactured by them) 12 Machinery New and or Used, Uncrated 13 14 Mattresses Museum Exhibits or articles of Antiquity (see Note 3), original works of art or sculptures, including reproductions from an original authenticated by the artist, limited edition (see Note 4) 15 Perishable Food Items 16 Poison (Class 2.3 (Poison gas), Class 6.1 (Poisons with Hazard Zone Designations A,B,C, or D), Class 7 (Yellow Label Radioactive Materials), Poisonous and/or Infectious Substances 17 Goods sold by a non-merchant as defined by the Uniform Commercial Code (UCC) 18 Single pieces or Packages because of their height, length, width, or weight, exceed the capability of freight containers (trailers) 19 Tanning Beds or Booths, Vending Machines, Video Gaming Machines including gambling, coin or card operated and video arcade games. 20 Beer, Wine, Liquor, any Alcoholic Beverages 21 Assembled Guns Note: Prohibited is defined as “commodity that the carrier has determined not to handle under any pricing arrangements” Note: Shippers are instructed that regardless of statements expressed or placed on a bill of lading by shipper relative to declared value, declared value pricing is not available for prohibited commodities. SHIPPERS REQUIRING AN ALTERNATIVE VALUATION LEVEL AT OTHER THAN TEN (10) CENTS PER POUND ARE INSTRUCTED TO FOLLOW THE INSTRUCTIONS SET FORTH IN ITEM 783. (Continued on Following Page) 61 780 Effective: June 13, 2016 Rule Central Transport Rules Tariff 100-AX Item (Continued from Previous Page) 780 Section 2. RESTRICTED COMMODITIES: The following commodities are restricted. If any of the commodities, as described in the list below, are accepted they shall be subject to a maximum liability of $0.10 per pound per piece in the event of loss or damage to any shipment. 1 Ammunition (cartridges, projectiles, primers, fuses) 2 Appliances (including but not limited to refrigerators, freezers, ovens, dishwashers, trash compactors, washers, dryers, wine and beverage coolers) 3 Artificial Plants or Trees, shipped loose – not enclosed in packaging 4 5 Articles that is contaminating to other cargo Articles that, because of their size or weight, must be given special handling. Articles that must be given special handling are handling units that exceed 3500 pounds, have a length exceeding 12 feet, or a height exceeding 90 inches. 6 Bakery Carts, Bun Racks and/or Serving Wagons 7 Gun parts and or components 8 Computers, computer monitors and other items described by NMFC 116030, digital memory devices 9 Fireworks 10 Granite, Marble or Stone in dimensions greater than 16" x 16" x 2" 11 Household Goods 12 Household Mirrors NMFC 137385 13 Light Bulbs or Tubes, incandescent, fluorescent and other types 14 Machinery, New or Used, Crated 15 Signs including Neon and non-neon, Statues over 48” high 16 Spas, Hot Tubs 17 Surfboards, Boating Group under NMFC 18 Switchboards 19 Television sets: large screen, LCD, plasma, projection, flat panel, high definition (HDTV) 20 Temperature controlled shipments requiring protection from heat or cold including protection from freezing or melting 21 Tires, loose 22 Tobacco and tobacco products including “Electronic Cigarettes” 23 Windshields Note: Restricted is defined as “commodities that the carrier has determined not to handle, unless specifically reviewed and approved by the Pricing Dept. Note: Shippers are instructed that regardless of statements expressed or placed on a bill of lading by shipper relative to declared value, declared value pricing is not available for prohibited commodities. SHIPPERS REQUIRING VALUATION LEVELS AT OTHER THAN TEN (10) CENTS PER POUND ARE INSTRUCTED TO FOLLOW THE INSTRUCTIONS SET FORTH IN ITEM 783. (1) Excess Liability Assumption: If a shipper desires to tender a shipment requiring carrier liability in excess of $10.00 (US$) per pound per piece or $2.00 (CAN$) per pound per piece, shipper should see Item 783, paragraph (4) of this tariff for applicable charges. The maximum TOTAL LIABILITY ASSUMPTION available will be the lesser of (a) $25.00 (US$) for shipments originating in the US or $17.00 (CAN$) per pound per piece for shipments originating in Canada or (b) $100,000.00 (US$) per incident or $20,000.00 (CAN$) whichever is lower for shipments originating in the US or Canada respectfully. Total Carrier liability assumption is the sum of carrier’s standard liability assumption plus any excess liability assumption. Section 4. Freight Liable to Damage Other Freight or Equipment: Carriers are not obligated to receive freight liable to impregnate or otherwise damage other freight or carrier’s equipment. Such freight may be accepted and receipted for subject to delay for suitable equipment or may, for lack of suitable equipment, be refused. Note 1: United States Mail will be accepted when the shipper and consignee are United States Post Offices. Note 2: Except U. S. Internal Revenue Distilled Spirits Stamps, which will be accepted in truckload or volume Shipments only. 62 Effective: June 13, 2016 Rule Central Transport Rules Tariff 100-AX Item ITEM 781 — CLAIM FILING — MINIMUM ALLOWABLE CLAIM = $35.00 781 Cargo Claims for less than $35.00 will not be honored. Administrative costs of filing and following-up on such claims would normally exceed the amount of recovery for the customer. Carrier’s position is that filing and processing such claims is not economically prudent for any of the parties. Thus, if such claims are received by carrier they will be declined pursuant to this item and considered closed. If a cargo claim is filed for more than $35.00, however Carrier liability is deemed to be less than $35.00; such claim(s) will be declined pursuant to this item and considered closed. ITEM 782 — CLAIM FILING — FREIGHT CHARGES MUST BE PAID BEFORE CLAIMS ARE PROCESSED OR PAID 782 Cargo claims will be denied if freight charges for subject shipment are not paid or claimant account receivables are not current. ITEM 783 — LIABILITY LIMITS — MAXIMUM LIABILITY LIMITS BY NMFC CLASSES OR EXCEPTION RATINGS 783 In conjunction with Item 780 of this tariff Central Transport’s maximum liability limits vary by NMFC Class or Class Exception Rating and are set in accordance with the scale shown below based on freight classification. Unless otherwise provided, commodities with an invoice value exceeding the limitations shown below in Column B, relative to the corresponding NMFC Class or Class Exception Rating shown below in Column A, will be considered to be of excessive value. Commodities of excessive value, if accepted for transportation, will be considered to be released at the value per pound per piece shown below in Column B, subject to a maximum liability of $100,000.00 (US$) or $20,000.00 (CAN$) per incident as provided in Item 780. Column A NMFC Class or Class Exception Rating 50 55 60 65 70 77.5 85 92.5 100 110 125 150 175 200 250 300 or higher Column B Maximum Liability Per Pound Per Piece $0.50 $0.80 $1.00 $1.60 $2.60 $3.40 $5.20 $5.60 $6.00 $6.50 $7.00 $8.00 $8.60 $9.50 $9.70 $10.00 Note: When FAK (exception) ratings are involved, calculations will be based on the lower of the rated or actual class. (1) Central Transport’s liability for loss or damage to any commodities for which the freight charges are determined by NMFC Class or Class Exception Ratings including FAK (Freight All Kinds) ratings is limited to the lesser of: (a) Invoice value of the commodities damaged or lost (b) Limited liability provisions of the bill of lading (Central Transport standard liability limits) (c) Applicable limited liability provisions/released value provisions of the NMFC subject to the maximums by NMFC Class or Class Exception Rating as shown above in this Item, unless a higher value is declared on the original bill of lading and additional charges are paid pursuant to provisions contained in paragraph (5) of this Item below. (2) Carrier reserves the right to not assume higher liability limits than its standard limits (See Items 780 and 787of this tariff stating carrier will not assume higher than standard liability for prohibited commodities and spot-quoted shipments respectively). (3) Central Transport’s entire liability to its customers for damages and shortages in any way related to movement of freight shall not exceed the greater of the shipping charges for the shipments involved or ten (10) percent of the debtor’s total freight charges for the immediately preceding twelve (12) months. Declared Valuation Charges (Excess Liability Assumption): When shipper requires carrier liability assumption higher than its standard maximums per pound per piece, shipper must obtain approval prior to tender of shipment from Central Transport’s Claims Department in writing. When a request is made and approval granted, the following charges will apply: (4) INCREASE LIABILITY ASSUMPTION BY: CHARGES TO BE APPLIED: $5.00 per pound per piece over carrier standard $10.00 per pound per piece over carrier standard $15.00 per pound per piece over carrier standard Any higher levels or special circumstances Undiscounted freight charges + 50% Undiscounted freight charges + 100% Undiscounted freight charges + 150% Contact Central Transport Claims Department for Consideration (Continued on Next Page) 63 Effective: June 13, 2016 Rule Central Transport Rules Tariff 100-AX Item 783 (Cont.) (Continued from Previous Page) INSTRUCTIONS TO SHIPPERS REQUESTING TO MOVE DECLARED VALUE SHIPMENTS AT HIGHER THAN STANDARD CARRIER LIABILITY LIMTS: (1) Submit request by contacting Central Transport’s Claims Department using the following contact information: Central Transport Attn: Claims Dept. P.O. Box 33299 Detroit, MI 48232 (586) 939-7000 Fax 586-467-1756 cs.claims@centraltransport.com You must obtain a written authorization accompanied by an acceptance log number from the Central Transport’s Claims Department prior to tendering the shipment for pickup. (2) The acceptance log number must be written on the original bill of lading. (3) (4) If the acceptance log number is not shown on the bill of lading the shipment will move under Central Transport’s standard liability limits. Central Transport is not, under any circumstances, an insurance company or insurance provider. Central Transport does not sell insurance coverage on cargo it transports. Central Transport does assume liability up to the limits stated herein for cargo it handles. In addition and in exchange for higher transportation charges, Central Transport will assume higher levels of liability up to but not beyond its stated maximums. The rules and charges herein govern how customers must make requests for such additional carrier liability assumption and what the additional charges will be for such higher levels. (5) When Central Transport handles shipments in connection with other carriers (either air, motor, water or rail), Central Transport’s maximum liability in the event of loss or damage will in no case exceed the maximum liability of the other carrier. For example, if a carrier’s maximum liability is limited to $100.00 per shipment, the maximum carrier liability of that carrier and Central Transport will not exceed $100.00 for the shipment. (6) When carrier performs a cross-dock service on behalf of a customer to load containers for subsequent movement with a water carrier, liability for any claims shall be limited to $0.10 per pound per piece or actual loss, whichever is less. Missing, Incomplete or Incorrect Commodity Descriptions on Shipper Completed Bills-of-Lading: If Shipper or Shipper’s Agent has elected to supply and complete his own bill of lading or to complete a Uniform Straight bill of lading or a bill of lading form provided by carrier for shipper completion and fails to provide a freight description or a complete freight description or describes the freight incorrectly on the bill of lading (misrepresentation) or uses a description of ‘FAK’ or ‘Freight All Kinds’ or other language that does not properly identify the commodities shipped and then subsequently files a claim for shortage or damage, Carrier’s liability will be determined as follows: (7) (a) Failure to provide a description or providing an incomplete description: In cases of incomplete or missing descriptions, Carrier’s liability will be limited to the lesser of its maximum liability per pound per piece for NMFC Class 50 freight and any other limitations that may be applicable. (b) Freight is described incorrectly (misrepresentation): Carrier shall be absolved of any freight claim liability. Falsification of freight descriptions by shippers for purposes of securing lower pricing or for any reason whatsoever shall void the bill of lading Contract of Carriage and release Carrier from freight claim liability. For example, if a shipper tenders a crate of expensive alloy assemblies described as ‘scrap iron’ and later files a claim for loss or damage, the carrier shall have no liability and claim will be denied. (c) Freight is described as ‘FAK’ or ‘Freight All Kinds’ with exception class provided but no further description: i.) If shipment is a total loss (meaning freight was lost or stolen and not available for determination of actual class), Carrier’s liability shall be limited to its maximum liability per pound per piece for NMFC Class 50 freight. ‘FAK’ exception ratings are established for rating purposes only and have no direct bearing on the actual class of specific shipments. ‘FAK’ ratings are normally established based on the weighted average class of a multiple number of shipments and therefore the ‘FAK’ rating does not imply the actual class of a specific shipment. An ‘FAK 70 rating,’ for example, could apply to actual classes 50 through 125. Thus, without a specific commodity word description on the bill of lading as required by Item 360 of the NMFC, Carrier’s liability will be limited to its maximum liability per pound per piece for NMFC Class 50 freight. ii.) If shipment is not a total loss, Carrier’s liability will be based on the lower of the rated or actual class. If actual class cannot be determined then Carrier’s liability will be based on Class 50. NOTE: In any of the scenarios described above where Carrier’s liability is based on NMFC Class 50, Carrier’s liability may be further limited by other limitations described in this tariff if applicable. For example, if shipper fails to provide a commodity word description and a damage claim is filed and it is determined that the commodity shipped is ‘used’ or ‘other than new’ then Carrier’s liability may be limited to $0.10 per pound per piece by Item 790 of this tariff. 64 Effective: June 13, 2016 Rule Central Transport Rules Tariff 100-AX Item ITEM 784 — LIABILITY LIMITS — MAXIMUM LIABILITY PER SHIPMENT WHEN CLAIMANT HAS NO CENTRAL TRANSPORT PRICING PROGRAM 784 A maximum liability of $1,000.00 per shipment will be applicable if, at the time of shipment, the claimant does not have a published pricing program (contract or tariff), does not have a spot pricing agreement in effect with Central Transport or was not listed as the shipper, consignee or third party on the original Bill of Lading. Other limitations pertaining to specific types of shipments (e.g., pallet programs) may be applicable in addition to this maximum limitation. Such other limitations may reduce the maximum liability to less than that provided herein. See Item 783, paragraph (3) for further provisions that may be applicable. Shippers requiring valuation levels other than those set forth above are instructed to follow the instructions set forth in Item 783. ITEM 785 — LIABILITY LIMITS — TERMINATION OF CARRIER LIABILITY & APPLICATION OF WAREHOUSEMEN’S LIABILITY 785 Carrier’s standard liability shall terminate and become that of a warehousemen whenever freight is being held in its possession for disposition for any of the following reasons: (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) Freight has been tendered for delivery but has been refused by the consignee. Freight has arrived at the delivering terminal for pickup by consignee but consignee has not claimed the freight. Freight has arrived at delivering terminal and “notice-of-arrival” or “on-hand” notice has been given to consignee for whatever reason involving unclaimed or abandoned freight. Any act or omission of shipper, consignee, or owner of the freight prevents delivery. Final delivery point is being determined due to re-consignment or diversion. ITEM 786 — LIABILITY LIMITS — PALLET PROGRAM SHIPMENTS 786 Shipments moving under any Pallet Program rating structure will be limited to a maximum Carrier liability for loss or damage of $1.00 per pound per piece subject to a maximum liability of $2,500.00 per shipment. Shipper is advised that other liability limit provisions contained in this tariff may also be applicable and such provisions may further limit Carrier’s maximum liability, except that CTII 100, Item 783-Maximum Liability Limits By NMFC Classes or Exception Ratings, will not apply. When more than one liability limit Item applies to the same shipment, the lowest applicable maximum limit will prevail. Declared Valuation Changes for Pallet-Rated Shipments (Excess Liability Assumption): When shipper requires carrier liability assumption higher than its standard maximums per pound per piece on “per pallet” rated shipments, shipper must obtain approval prior to tender of shipment from Central Transport’s Claims Department in writing. When a request is made and approval granted, the following charges will apply (charges will apply per pallet for all pallets in subject shipment): INCREASE LIABILITY ASSUMPTION BY: CHARGES TO BE APPLIED: $5.00 per pound per piece/max $50k per occurrence 50 cents per pound. $10.00 per pound per piece/max $50k per occurrence 100 cents per pound. Any levels higher or special circumstances Contact Central Transport Claims Dept. for consideration. SHIPPERS REQUIRING VALUATION LEVELS AT OTHER THAN $1.00 PER POUND PER PIECE OR A LOWER MAXIMUM IF OTHER LIMITATIONS APPLY ARE INSTRUCTED TO FOLLOW THE INSTRUCTIONS SET FORTH IN ITEM 783. ITEM 787 — LIABILITY LIMITS — SPOT QUOTED SHIPMENTS 787 Shipments moving under any Spot Quote rating structure will move at a liability limit of $0.50 per pound per piece subject to a maximum liability of $5,000.00 per shipment. Shipper is advised that other liability limit provisions contained in this tariff may also be applicable and such provisions may further limit carrier’s maximum liability. When more than one liability limit Item applies to the same shipment, the lowest applicable maximum limit will prevail. SHIPPERS REQUIRING VALUATION LEVELS AT OTHER THAN $.50 PER POUND PER PIECE OR A LOWER MAXIMUM IF OTHER LIMITATIONS APPLY ARE INSTRUCTED TO FOLLOW THE INSTRUCTIONS SET FORTH IN ITEM 783. 65 Effective: June 13, 2016 Rule Central Transport Rules Tariff 100-AX Item ITEM 788 — CLAIM FILING — PROCESS AND REQUIREMENTS 788 In the event a freight claim needs to be filed, forms can be obtained directly from our web site www.centraltransport.com under Manage Shipments/File Claim. Claims for damages valued at $500.00 or more require an inspection to be made prior to filing using the Cargo Loss And Damage Claim Long Form. Inspection by Central Transport LLC or an independent agent will typically be performed within 20-48 hours after receipt of request. Inspection will include examination of the damaged merchandise and the shipping container. The inspection will be limited to a factual report and normally be accompanied with pictures. A written record of Inspector’s findings will be made in duplicate with a copy of the report given to the consignee. The inspection report is NOT a claim. To expedite the claim process it is the responsibility of the claimant to file a cargo claim within prescribed time limits and to respond back immediately to any requests from Central Transport LLC for supporting documentation. The claim will be concluded based on facts determined during the investigation. Prior to submitting your claim, be sure to include all required information: The claim must be submitted in writing Must specify a dollar or determinable amount Reason for claim (loss or damage) Pro number and bill date Claimant name, address, telephone and fax number Original Shipper’s Copy of the Bill of Lading Copy of Delivery Receipt (not applicable on a complete shortage) Verification of paid freight charges Only one shipment (pro) per claim The majority of claims are concluded within sixty (60) calendar days. All claims will be acknowledged within thirty (30) days from receipt of claim. Payment on paid claims will be processed within thirty (30) days from acceptance of liability. A letter will be sent on any claim that is declined or requires additional information. If claimant sent in incomplete information or has additional information, a rebuttal letter should be sent to the examiner who declined the claim or requested additional information. This letter should clearly indicate why the claimant believes claim payment should be reconsidered and/or include any evidence or documentation not previously submitted. Rebuttal letters will be acknowledged within in ten (10) days from receipt. Always refer to the assigned claim number when corresponding with an examiner. Send all correspondence to: Central Transport Attn: Claims Dept. P.O. Box 33299 Detroit, MI 48232 Phone: 586.939.7000 Fax: 586.467.0756 Email: cs.claims@centraltransport.com TIME LIMIT FOR FILING A CLAIM: The time limit for filing a claim is nine months from delivery or the date the shipment should have reasonably been delivered. TIME LIMIT FOR INSTITUTING LAWSUITS AGAINST CARRIER: Lawsuits instituted against carrier shall be instituted no later than two years and one day from the day when carrier gave written notice to claimant that it disallowed its claim or part thereof. When suits are instituted after this time period, carrier shall have no cargo claim liability. REPLACEMENT SHIPMENT POLICY: Any freight charge reimbursement in connection with claims will be based on the original freight bill. Any freight bill for a replacement shipment is considered a new freight bill for a new shipment and should be treated as such and paid by debtor. Reimbursement of freight charges or fraction thereof will only be reimbursed to the debtor. The freight charge for a shipment is part of the cost of the goods. Sometimes the freight charges are even born directly into the cost of the goods. Therefore if a replacement shipment were to move without charges the customer could receive a double reimbursement (payment in the claim amount and non-payment of the replacement bill). In view of the above, payments of freight charges are expected for all replacement shipments. If a customer makes a second shipment to replace a shipment involved in an over, short or damage situation, the replacement shipment is considered a new and independent shipment. If a customer thinks reimbursement of charges is merited in connection with a replacement shipment, then such should be stated on or amended to the freight claim based on the original freight bill. Central Transport will fully investigate claims filed for concealed, shortage or damage. These claims will be handled based on the individual merits of each. Delivery notations such as “Subject to Inspection” are not delivery notations and these delivery receipts will be considered clear and without exception, In the event damage occurs while in possession of Carrier, and repair, etc. is required, claimant must provide carrier with an itemized bill documenting the necessary work. The following compensation will be provided to claimant for cost of repair, etc., which includes reasonable overhead cost. Maximum allowable hourly rate: Professional (Licensed or Certified) $50.00 per hour, Non-Professional (All non-licensed or certified) $20.00 per hour. CENTRAL TRANSPORT Specific Exceptions and Methods of Payment: In all cases of claims filed with Central Transport for and shipper or receiver (debtor) of the specific shipments involved has open invoices with Central Transport that are more than 60 days old, Central Transport will offset amounts determined due in such cases against outstanding amounts receivable from shipper or receiver (debtor). 66 Effective: June 13, 2016 Rule Central Transport Rules Tariff 100-AX Item ITEM 789 — LIABILITY LIMITS — ITEMS WITH HIGH RISK 789 CENTRAL TRANSPORT LIMITS ITS LIABILITY ASSUMPTION FOR SPECIFIC NEW COMMODITIES IDENTIFIED WITH HIGH RISK DUE TO SUSCEPTIBILITY TO THEFT OR DAMAGE THIS ITEM APPLIES ONLY TO NEW COMMODITIES (FOR USED COMMODITIES SEE ITEM 790 OF THIS TARIFF). In general, commodities which are subject to released or declared value provisions in the National Motor Freight Classification, or any subsequent classification applicable to released valuation rates which are in effect on the date of issuance of a bill of lading, shall be considered to be released to the lowest released or declared value stated therein, unless a higher value, as provided for in the classifications, is declared on the bill of lading and a higher rate or additional fee charged as provided for in Central Transport’s Rules Tariff 100 series or other tariffs, schedules or statements of terms, conditions and/or rules. Notwithstanding the general rule above and in addition to that rule, the specific commodities listed herein are considered by Central Transport to be released to a maximum value of $2.00 per pound per piece even if the NMFC has no specific released valuation provisions for them. These commodities, in exception to any provisions in the NMFC or other tariffs or declarations by shippers on Bills-of-Lading shall never move at a valuation higher than $2.00 per pound per piece. Carrier’s maximum liability on these items may be further restricted depending on NMFC Class or Class Exception Rating (See Item 783 of this tariff). Other Items in this tariff may limit carrier’s maximum liability further depending on circumstances (see Items 783, 784, 786 and 787). 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. Air/Water Heating/Cooling Units including, but not limited to, furnaces, air conditioners, hot water heaters, heat exchangers, etc. Automotive Components Bicycles Building Materials including, but not limited to, flooring (carpet, hardwood flooring, tile, etc.), any wall-board, windows, doors, siding, gutters, etc. Cloth/Fabric Clothing Dampers, Louvers and Shutters Electronic Products, Consumer and Office, including Copy Machines, TV sets of conventional CRT Tube construction and size (does not include large screen and HDTV sets prohibited by Item 780 of this tariff), Audio Equipment, etc. Engines – all types Fireplaces and fireplace inserts and decorative doors Flowers, artificial Footwear Furniture, office or household, set-up (SU) only. Knocked-down (KD) furniture in packages, boxes or crates is not subject to this item Generators and Motors Ladders Light Fixtures Lockers Motorcycles Motorized Vehicles (shipped in a unauthorized crate – see NMFC item 245) - including but not limited to scooters, motorcycles, ATV, go carts, motor bikes, golf carts, etc… Novelties Poles/masts including flag poles, light poles, sailboat masts, etc. Power Tools Recorded Media, CD’s, DVD’s, Video Games, Video Tapes Safes Satellite TV Dishes (Satellite TV Dish Antennas) Scooters, motorized or non-motorized Tool Chests/Tool Boxes Trailer Frames Wheels and components, Alloy and custom types including, but not limited to, aluminum, wheels, rims, spinners, etc. Dental, Hospital or Medical Supply Group NMFC 56400 Any and all tenders of above commodities to Central Transport shall imply shipper’s knowledge and acceptance that such commodities are considered released to a valuation not to exceed $2.00 per pound per piece. Carrier’s rules tariff containing these provisions is available by request and on Central Transport’s website at www.centraltransport.com. Shipper is further advised that when more than one liability limit Item applies to the same shipment, the lowest applicable maximum limit will prevail. SHIPPERS REQUIRING VALUATION LEVELS AT OTHER THAN $2.00 PER POUND PER PIECE OR A LOWER MAXIMUM IF OTHER LIMITATIONS APPLY ARE INSTRUCTED TO FOLLOW THE INSTRUCTIONS SET FORTH IN ITEM 783. 67 Effective: June 13, 2016 Rule Central Transport Rules Tariff 100-AX Item ITEM 790 — LIABILITY LIMITS — USED, RECONDITIONED, REMANUFACTURED OR REFURBISHED COMMODITIES — INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO MACHINES/MACHINERY, AUTOMOBILE PARTS, ELECTRICAL/ELECTRONIC EQUIPMENT, VEHICLES AND VEHICLE PARTS, FURNITURE AND HOUSEHOLD GOODS 790 Central Transport will not accept shipments of “used”, “reconditioned”, “remanufactured” or “refurbished” commodities unless the shipper releases them to a value not exceeding ten (10) cents per pound per piece. (1) Shipments of used machines or machinery must be crated to protect all surfaces and protrusions. Uncrated machinery will not be accepted. If uncrated machinery is inadvertently accepted, carrier shall assume no liability for damage, loss or destruction to the machinery. Shippers are advised of this and instructed to package all shipments in accordance with packaging requirements of the NMFC. (2) If a shipment is inadvertently accepted without the declaration of released value, it will be considered released to a value not exceeding ten (10) cents per pound per piece, and charges assessed on that basis. Carrier's liability will be ten (10) cents per pound per piece. This liability limitation is applicable to any shipment or part thereof consisting of “used”, “reconditioned” “remanufactured” or “refurbished” commodities. A corrected bill of lading will not be accepted to change the released value once the shipment has been accepted by the carrier. (3) Failure of the shipper to provide an accurate commodity description including the terms “used”, “reconditioned”, “remanufactured”, “refurbished” or “other than new” shall not alter application of this item. Any article determined to be “used”, “reconditioned”, “refurbished” or “other than new” shall be subject to the limitations stated herein regardless of the commodity description appearing on the bill of lading. (4) Commodities to which provisions of this item apply include but are not limited to the following commodities and their components: Machinery Group (NMFC Items 114000 — 133454) Automobile Parts Group (NMFC Items 17800 — 20252) Electrical Equipment Group (NMFC Items 60500 — 63561) Vehicles and Vehicle Parts (NMFC Items 188500 — 193100) Furniture and/or Household Goods SHIPPERS REQUIRING VALUATION LEVELS AT OTHER THAN TEN (10) CENTS PER POUND ARE INSTRUCTED TO FOLLOW THE INSTRUCTIONS SET FORTH IN ITEM 783. ITEM 810 — PROTECTIVE SERVICE AGAINST HEAT OR COLD 810 Central Transport does not currently offer a protective service from heat or cold. Carrier reserves the right to refuse pickup of freight that requires protection from heat or cold because of their perishable nature. Carrier will have NO liability if it inadvertently accepts a shipment that requires protection from heat or cold, even if a “Protect from Heat or Freezing”, and/or other instruction is noted on the freight or bill of lading. Carrier will not be responsible for any damage to shipments if said damage is the result of excessive heat or freezing 68 Effective: June 13, 2016 Rule Central Transport Rules Tariff 100-AX Item ITEM 820 — RE-CONSIGNMENT OR DIVERSION 820 A request for the re-consignment or diversion of a shipment will be subject to the following definition, conditions and charges: 1. DEFINITION OF RE-CONSIGNMENT OR DIVERSION: For the purpose of this rule, the terms “Re-consignment” and “Diversion” are considered to be synonymous and the use of either will be considered to mean: (a) A change in the name of the shipper or consignee that impacts pickup or delivery. (b) A change in the place of delivery within original destination point. (c) A change in destination point. (d) Relinquishment of shipment at point of origin (See Note 5) (e) Instructions received by the originating carrier prior to receipt of shipment (See Note 6) 2. CONDITIONS: (a) Requests for re-consignment must be made or confirmed in writing. The carrier must be satisfied that the party making the request has the authority to do so. Conditional or qualified requests will not be accepted. Carrier will not accept disposition instructions printed on the bill of lading, shipping order, shipping label or container as authority to reship, return or re-consign a shipment. (b) Carrier will make diligent effort to execute a request for re-consignment, but will not be responsible when service is not performed. (c) All charges applicable to the shipment whether accrued or accruing must be paid or guaranteed to the satisfaction of the carrier before re-consignment will be made. (d) Only entire shipments, not portions of shipments, may be re-consigned. (e) Instructions for re-consignment of C.O.D. shipments will be accepted only from the shipper. (f) Marking or Tagging (See Note 7) 3. CHARGES: Re-Consignment As Defined In Section 1 Will Be Subject To The Following Charges: If Re-Consignment Results In A Change And Re-consignment Occurs: (See Note 3) Prior To Tender Of Delivery In The Name Of The Consignor Or Consignee With No Change In Place Of Delivery $47.00 (per shipment) In The Place Of Delivery Within Original Destination Point (See Notes 1 And 9) $47.00 (per shipment) In The Destination Point (See Note 2) Published tariff rates to and from re-consignment point but not less than the published through rate from original point of origin to ultimate destination. (See Notes 4 and 8) Charge per 100 lbs $7.50/CWT After Tender Of Delivery $47.00 (per shipment) Subject to a minimum charge per shipment of: $75.00 And subject to a Maximum charge per shipment or per vehicle if more than one vehicle is used to transport the shipment of: $585.00 Published tariff rates to and from re-consignment point but not less than the published through rate from original point of origin to ultimate destination NOTE 1 Includes points and places within the Commercial Zone of the original destination as defined in the Code of Federal Regulations Title 49, Part 372, Subpart B or as otherwise defined by carrier and which points are subject to the same linehaul rate as the original billed destination point. NOTE 2 Includes points and places other than those defined in Note 1. NOTE 3 The provisions governing re-consignment “prior to tender of delivery” will only apply when carrier receives the request for re-consignment: (a) Before shipment has been loaded on delivery vehicle (in cases where shipment is transferred to city delivery vehicle for delivery); or (b) Before shipment has been dispatched for delivery (in cases where shipment is not transferred to city delivery vehicle for delivery). NOTE 4 If the change in destination point is requested and instructions are received in time to effect the requested change at the origin terminal of the originating carrier the charge will be $47.00 per shipment in addition to the applicable tariff rate from point of origin to the new destination. NOTE 5 Where a request is made by shipper, before a shipment has left carrier’s terminal at point of origin (includes points and places as defined in Commercial Zones as specifically defined and points and places as defined in MC-37 by Interstate Commerce Commission) for return of a shipment to the original place of shipment, or delivery thereof to another carrier at point of origin, or relinquish possession thereof to shipper or to another carrier at carrier’s terminal such service is performed, will be subject to the following charges: Per CWT: $5.25 Minimum Charge: $47.00 Maximum Charge: $530.00 (per shipment and/or per vehicle if more than one vehicle is utilized) (Continued on Next Page) 69 Effective: June 13, 2016 Rule Central Transport Rules Tariff 100-AX Item (Continued from Previous Page) 820 (Cont) NOTE 6 Upon instructions received by the originating carrier prior to receipt of shipment at point of origin accompanied by a through bill of lading covering the shipment, the carrier will accept the shipment when tendered by the party in possession of the shipment and then execute the bill of lading. Such shipment will be subject to a charge of $47.00 per shipment. NOTE 7 Shipments moving under the provisions of this item that require marking or tagging in order to comply with the provisions of Item 580 of the NMFC or when carrier is specifically requested to do so by the shipper or consignee will be marked or tagged at a charge of $3.00 per package or piece of freight so marked or tagged, subject to a minimum charge of $45.00 (See Item 580 of this tariff). NOTE 8 (“WILL CALL” or “DOCK PICKUP” SHIPMENTS) ─ When shipper or consignee or its agent elects to accept a shipment at carrier’s terminal/dock located at re-consignment point, the re-consignment charges shown below will be assessed. These charges apply only to shipments actually re-consigned and do not apply to shipments consigned by original bill of lading to carrier’s terminals/docks for pickup by shipper, consignee or an agent for either party (See Item 835). Per CWT: Minimum Charge: Maximum Charge: $1.75 $15.00 $175.00 (per shipment and/or per vehicle if more than one vehicle is utilized) NOTE 9 When a request is received to re-consign a shipment to another site within the same continuous plant property not intersected by more than one public thoroughfare, and the request is received prior to tender of delivery, a re-consignment charge of $45.00 per shipment will be assessed. When the request is received after tender of delivery the re-consignment charge will be: Per CWT: Minimum Charge: Maximum Charge: $3.00 $45.00 $400.00 (per shipment and/or per vehicle if more than one vehicle is utilized) NOTE 10 When consignee or its agent re-consigns a shipment moving on a through bill of lading to a consolidation facility, the charge will be the published tariff rate to the re-consignment point plus $47.00 per shipment. NOTE 11 (“BACKSTRIPPING” OF FREIGHT) ─ When a request is received to re-consign, divert or otherwise change the final point of delivery or relinquishment of a shipment from that which is listed on the original shipper’s bill of lading and performance of that change requires that the freight be unloaded from a trailer to effect the change, the following charges will be applied on that quantity of freight which must be unloaded and reloaded; Per CWT: Minimum Charge: Maximum Charge: $1.50 $22.50 $200.00 The unloading/loading charges will be assessed separately for unloading and reloading and shall apply in addition to all otherwise applicable freight charges and all otherwise applicable accessorial charges accruing as a result of the re-consignment/diversion of the freight. This charge will apply in addition to the applicable re-consignment/diversion charge. ITEM 821 — REFUSED SHIPMENTS 821 Once a shipment is shipped all parties associated with the shipment have an obligation to accept delivery and mitigate any discrepancies. If a shipment is refused a Central Transport Call Agent will contact the shipping party and/or debtor. At that time the shipment in question will officially be placed On Hand and the Carrier’s liabilities will be converted to that of a Warehouseman. The liability of a warehouseman, as defined on our On Hand notice, is the actual value of the freight damaged or fifty cents ($0.50) per pound based upon the actual weight of the articles affected, whichever is lower, subject to a maximum of $5,000 per shipment. Note – carrier will have no monetary liability for undamaged freight. If proper disposition is not received within 48 hours of refusal, the goods will be returned to the original shipping location. Movement of undamaged freight is subject to further transportation charges. If freight is refused upon return and remains unclaimed within 10 days of the date of our initial On Hand Notice it will be disposed of by sale or auction in accordance with 49 CFR 1005. Note – refusal of partial shipments requires additional approvals. Refusal of partial Handling Units (HU) is not permitted. ITEM 822 — BLIND SHIPMENTS 822 ‘BLIND SHIPMENT’ SERVICE IS NOT PROVIDED BY CENTRAL TRANSPORT 70 Effective: June 13, 2016 Rule Central Transport Rules Tariff 100-AX Item ITEM 830 — RE-DELIVERY (1) When for whatever reason, consignee cannot or will not accept shipment upon initial attempted delivery; Carrier will redeliver the shipment at a charge of $75.00. This charge is in additional to all other applicable rates and charges. (2) 830 In connection with shipments to private residences, this item will apply only after the carrier has reached agreement with consignee or shipper regarding the date and time (approximate) of delivery of the shipment and the carrier, through the fault of the consignee, is unable to effect delivery as scheduled (See Note 2). GENERAL EXCEPTIONS NOTE 1: This charge will apply to each portion of the shipment tendered or delivered by separate vehicles or on different days as if each portion of the shipment was a separate shipment. NOTE 2: The term “private residence” also includes apartments, churches, schools, camps, and other such locations, and shall apply to the entire premises, except will not apply to that portion of the premises where commercial or business activity is conducted that involves the sale of services, products or merchandise to the walk-in public during normal business hours. ITEM 835 — DOCK PICKUPS — SHIPMENTS PICKED-UP BY CUSTOMERS AT CARRIER’S TERMINALS/DOCKS 835 Various circumstances occur where customers desire to have Carrier hold freight at its terminals/docks for pickup by customers. Central Transport’s policy is to accommodate customers in this regard pursuant to the following rules and conditions: (1) When original Bills-of-Lading consign shipments to Carrier’s Terminals/docks for pickup by customers, Central Transport will notify customers of the freight’s arrival and availability for pickup upon its arrival at the destination terminals/docks. (2) Following the “Notification of Arrival” customers must pickup the freight from carrier’s terminals/docks within 24 hours in order to avoid additional charges. (3) If customers pickup the freight within the 24-hour period following notification, no additional charges will be applicable. (4) If customers fail to pickup the freight within 24 hours of notification, storage charges will begin to accrue on the freight pursuant to Item 910 of this tariff. (5) When shipments are originally consigned to consignees’ residential addresses but, during the process of making delivery arrangements, consignees agree to pickup freight at Carrier’s terminals/docks these same provisions apply (See Item 759). Such arrangements for dock pickups are not considered re-consignments and no re-consignment charges are applicable. (6) When shipments are actually re-consigned and customers wish to pickup the freight at points of re-consignment, they may do so but reconsignment charges are applicable pursuant to Item 820 of this tariff. (7) When freight is picked-up at carrier’s terminals/docks for any other reason (e.g., after a failed delivery attempt, consignee location is inaccessible, etc.) the provisions of this item will apply. Such shipments may be subject to storage charges, re-notification charges, redelivery charges and/or other charges for services performed in addition to freight charges due and payable. ITEM 845 — REFERENCE TO PUBLICATIONS, ITEMS GROUPS, NOTES, RULES, ETC. Where reference is made in this tariff to Classifications, Tariffs, Items, Groups, Notes, rules, etc., such references are continuous and include supplements to and successive issues of such Classifications or Tariffs, and also successive issues of such Items, Groups, Notes, Rules, etc. 845 ITEM 850 — RELEASED VALUE PROVISIONS Freight moving under released valuation provisions, via carriers participating in this tariff, will be charged for at the class rate, minimum charge, accessorial charge and rules applicable to traffic not moving under released valuation provisions, providing specific released valuation provisions are not published in tariffs in which the carrier participates. 850 71 Effective: June 13, 2016 Rule Central Transport Rules Tariff 100-AX Item ITEM 851 — APPLICATION OF RATES VIA INTERNATIONAL ROUTES (GATEWAYS) (Applies only where specific reference is made hereto) Except as otherwise provided, rates named in this tariff will apply only via the following Numbered Routes (Gateways) between the United States and Canada. ROUTE GATEWAY 1 Buffalo, NY – Fort Erie, ON Niagara Falls, NY – Niagara Falls, ON Lewiston, NY - Queenston, ON 2 (See Note C) Detroit, MI – Windsor, ON 3 (See Note B) Port Huron, MI – Sarnia, ON 4 (See Note E) Alexandria Bay, NY – Ivyles, ON 5 (See Note E) Rooseveltown, NY – Cornwall, ON Ogdensburg, NY – Prescott, ON 6 All gateways between the States of Maine, New Hampshire, New York and Vermont, on the one hand, and, on the other the Province of Quebec. 7 Not used 8 Sault Ste Marie, MI – Sault Ste. Marie, ON Note A – Rates published for application via Gateway 2, will also apply via Gateway 3, except on traffic originating at, interchanged at or destined to Detroit, MI in conjunction with Blenheim, ON or points subject to the following Ontario Postal Codes NOL, NON, NOP, NOR, N7L thru N7M, N7S thru N7V, N8H, N8M, N8N thru N8Y, N9A thru N9J, N9V, N9Y. Note B – Rates published for application via Gateway 3, will not apply on traffic originating at, interchanged at or destined to Detroit, MI in conjunction with Blenheim, ON or points subject to the following Ontario Postal Codes NOL, NON, NOP, NOR, N7L thru N7M, N7S thru N7V, N8H, N8M, N8N thru N8Y, N9A thru N9J, N9V, N9Y. Note C – Rates on shipments which are acid, corrosive (caustic), explosive, flammable, radioactive or which have materials which have a flash point (Note D) of 100 degrees Fahrenheit and below as described in Code of Federal Regulations, CFR Title 49 series, will not apply via the Detroit, MI – Windsor, ON gateway. In lieu thereof, class or commodity rates applicable via other gateways will apply. Note D – Flash point means the minimum temperatures at which a substance gives off flammable vapor, which in contact with spark or flame, will ignite. Note E – When rates are published for application via Gateway 4, they will also apply via Gateway 5. When rates are published for application via Gateway 5, they will also apply via Gateway 4. 72 851 Effective: June 13, 2016 Rule Central Transport Rules Tariff 100-AX Item ITEM 855 — RETURN OF EMPTY SHIPPING CONTAINERS (Applies only where specific reference is made hereto) 855 (1) The charges or rates making reference to this item are applicable only when the commodities named are transported in or on shipping containers for lift trucks that are furnished and owned by the shipper or consignee. (2) The charges or rates making reference to this item are applicable only when the shipment is loaded on the trailer by the shipper and unloaded by the consignee. (3) The charge or rates making reference to this item are applicable only when the transportation is performed by the carrier in or on one loadcarrying unit (trailer). (4) The provisions of Item 390 (Overflow) and Item 900 (Stopping in Transit) will not apply. (5) (A) The charges or rates making reference to this item include the return of empty shipping containers for lift trucks (See Paragraph B) to original point of origin (See Paragraph 5 (D)), provided such shipping containers for lift trucks are loaded on a vehicle utilized on an inbound movement from the original origin, at the same dock when delivery is made. Rates or charges making reference to this item will also apply when empty shipping containers are loaded on a vehicle utilized on the inbound movement from the original origin, at another dock or location within the confines of the same plant where delivery is made, provided the additional movement(s) is (are) performed at a charge of $32.00 for each movement of the trailer. At the consignee's request the carrier may spot the inbound trailer and immediately pick up a previously loaded trailer of empty shipping containers for lift trucks and return to original point of origin (See Paragraph 7). (B) Shippers must certify the following on the bill of lading when the shipment is tendered to the carrier. "The commodities described are to be transported under charges which include the return of the empty shipping containers to original place of shipment." _________________________ (Signature of Shipper) (C) The return of empty shipping containers must be in reverse direction (to original place of origin) in a trailer utilized on inbound movement via the same carrier. Bill of lading must certify the following: "The shipping containers described are being returned to the original place of shipment under charges assessed against the loaded movement." ________________________ (Signature of Shipper) (D) "Origin" is defined as the shipper's plant site from which the trailer was originally loaded. (6) Detention provision-free time exceptions: When the driver and tractor stay with the trailer, 45 minutes free time will be allowed for the loading of equipment after tender of trailer to shipper for loading. 90 minutes free time will be allowed after tender of trailer to consignee at destination to unload and to reload trailer with empty shipping containers for lift trucks. 45 minutes free time will be allowed after tender of trailer for the unloading of empty shipping containers for lift trucks at original point of origin. (7) Charges or rates apply whether or not consignee chooses to return empty shipping containers. (8) Also applies on equipment of interior packaging forms, trays or devices when contained within the shipping containers that they are intended to equip. ITEM 860 — RETURN TO ORIGIN OF UNDELIVERED SHIPMENTS 860 Undelivered shipments that are returned to the initial shipper will be subject to applicable rates and charges in effect from the point of return on the date of return. ITEM 880 — SEALING OF TRUCKS 880 Except as otherwise provided in Item 470 (Control and Exclusive Use of Vehicle) or in individual rate items, all Seals or Locks applied to vehicles may be removed at the option of the carrier over whose line such vehicle is moving, for the purpose of adding or transferring freight for better utilization of equipment or for the purpose of inspection of lading, stowing or equipment. 73 Effective: June 13, 2016 Rule Central Transport Rules Tariff 100-AX Item ITEM 885 — SHIPMENTS TENDERED AS A TRUCKLOAD 885 Except on shipments for which exclusive use of vehicle is requested, when a shipment is tendered to carrier and bill of lading is so marked "Tendered as a Truckload", the applicable truckload rate will apply at the actual or a minimum weight, whichever is greater, and the truckload rate will not alternate with the less-than-truckload rate. Such shipments will be entitled to privileges, normally afforded in rules and regulations pertaining to truckload shipments, and will not be governed by rules and regulations pertaining to less-than-truckload shipments. When shipment is tendered to carrier, under bill of lading marked "Tendered as a Truckload" and shipment has begun its movement to destination, a corrected bill of lading will not be accepted to remove the truckload application. ITEM 894 – REPACKAGING FEE AND/OR RE-PALLETIZATION FEE 894 When Shipper (Consignor) tenders freight to Carrier and Carrier deems the freight was insufficiently packaged, Central Transport will re-secure and/or re-shrink wrap the freight at a charge of $30.00 per handling unit. This charge will also apply when Central Transport has to re-palletize freight. This charge will be in addition to all other applicable charges ITEM 895 — SORTING OR SEGREGATING FREIGHT 895 When requested to sort or segregate a shipment by marks, brands, sizes, flavors or other distinguishing marks, Central Transport shall perform such a service at charge of $1.85 per CWT subject to a $92.00 Minimum charge. This charge is in additional to all other applicable rates and charges. In the event of obviously extraordinary requirements in terms of time, other arrangements may be made and additional charges may be applicable. ITEM 896 – RATE QUOTE ADMIN FEE 896 When Consignor calls the Central Transport’s Rate Quote Dept, the Quote Number assigned by Carrier must be written on the original Bill-of Lading at time of pickup. . Should the Consignor fail to indicate Rate Quote Number and an Invoice Correction request is submitted to apply the Rate Quote, an administrative fee of $39.00 will apply. ITEM 897 — SPOT PRICING RULES AND CONDITIONS 897 Definition/Perspective: “Spot Pricing” quotations are generally price quotations that cover one shipment or several shipments moving during a relatively short period of time. They differ from published pricing programs that remain in effect for extended periods of up to a year or more. Spot quotes are provided in response to requests from customers who shop for low prices in the “spot market.” The spot market exists because carriers are willing to offer aggressive pricing to attract freight to their low volume and unbalanced traffic lanes. Because carriers’ needs change frequently, spot quotes are normally valid for only short periods of time. A customer that calls for a quote on one day and finds the price very attractive might call a week later and find the carrier no longer offering spot quotes on the lane at that time or maybe quoting a price much different than the price of a week earlier. That’s the nature of the spot market. In order to quote the lowest possible prices in this market, carriers normally reduce their bundle of services below that provided at no additional cost under more compensatory pricing programs. For example, a carrier might not offer daily service on a low volume lane. Thus, in connection with offering a low price, he doesn’t commit to a fixed transit time. The shipment will move when equipment is available. Customers receive a basic “no-frills” service package for a low price. Rules and Conditions: (1) Consignor must write the Quote Number issued by Carrier on the original bill of lading for the Spot Pricing Quotation/Agreement to apply. If it is not written on the bill of lading, the quote will not apply and otherwise applicable rates will apply. (2) Carrier’s liability shall not exceed $0.50 per pound per piece subject to a maximum of $5,000.00 per incident. (3) Prorating: If the actual shipment parameters (weight, pallets, cube) exceed any of the stated parameters provided by the shipper in obtaining the quote, the additional amount of pallets, weight or trailer space will be prorated at whichever factor has the greatest affect on the charges. For example if shipper is quoted for one pallet, 5,000 pounds but actually ships two pallets 5,500 pounds, the rate quoted will be doubled (two pallets versus one produces the highest prorated charge) and shipment will be rated accordingly. (4) Shipments moving under spot quotes/agreements will move when equipment is available and carrier is not committed to standard or fixed transit times. Transit time is not guaranteed and will depend solely on availability of equipment. (5) Fuel surcharges will be applied at the rates in effect at the time of shipment pursuant to Item 575 of this tariff. (6) Unless otherwise noted in specific quotations/agreements, carrier’s normal rules and accessorial charges apply in their entirety. Any special and/or additional services beyond normal transportation services provided under these rules will be charged for at standard prevailing rates provided herein. (7) Spot Pricing Quotations (Quote Numbers) are valid for 48 hours from the date issued and/or shown on any pricing agreement issued. 74 Effective: June 13, 2016 Rule Central Transport Rules Tariff 100-AX Item ITEM 900 — STOPPING OF TRUCKLOAD SHIPMENTS FOR PARTIAL LOADING AND/OR PARTIAL UNLOADING GENERAL APPLICATION: Except as otherwise provided herein, shipments subject to truckload rates and truckload minimum weights, received from one shipper at one point at one time for one consignee at one destination and covered by one Bill of Lading, may be stopped for partial loading and/or partial unloading, subject to the following provisions: 1. 2. STOP-OFFS PERMITTED: A. After initial pickup stop at origin and prior to final delivery stop at destination, a shipment may be stopped for the purpose of picking up or delivering component parts of a single shipment at origin, at points enroute to destination, or at destination. B. Pickup or delivery service may be performed at additional loading or unloading sites at origin, destination or intermediate stopoff points within the continuous plant property or premises of the party receiving the service provided the pickup or delivery sites are not intersected by more than one public thoroughfare. A vehicle transfer charge of $85.00 will be assessed for each transfer of a vehicle from one loading or unloading site to another. Pickup or delivery service between loading or unloading site separated by more than one public thoroughfare will be governed by other stop off provisions in this term. LIMITATIONS: A. B. C. D. 3. STOP-OFF CHARGES: A. 4. Except as provided in Paragraph 1B. each stop-off is limited to one placement of the truck in accordance with Item 750 (Pickup or Delivery Service). Stop-offs for partial loading or partial unloading will not be permitted on shipments moving “COD”, “In Bond”, nor on which Section 7 of the Bill of Lading has been executed. The substitution of freight for that originally loaded or any exchange of contents at a point or place of stop-off is prohibited All of the component parts of a shipment must be loaded and in transit before any stop is made for partial unloading. Except as provided in Paragraph 1B each stop for either partial loading or partial unloading, but not both on the same shipment, will be subject to a stop-off charge of $85.00 per stop excluding the stops for initial pickup and final delivery. LINEHAUL CHARGES: Linehaul charges will be determined as follows: (a) Except as otherwise provided below, shipments will be rated as if the entire shipment moved from each place where any portion of the shipment is picked up at each place where any portion of the shipment is delivered and the highest of such charges will apply to the entire shipment. In determining charges apply rates in effect on date of shipment from point of origin. (b) Distance or mileage rates based on the distance or mileage from point of origin to point of destination, or in the event of stop off shipments, the total miles from the original point of origin to the first stop at which any portion of the shipment is partially loaded or unloaded, and hence from stop to stop to final destination, as set for in PC Miler. (c) If the total distance from initial origin to final destination via the stop off point or points exceeds 115 percent of the shortest mileage from initial origin to final destination, that distance in excess of 115 percent will be charges for at the rate 234 cents per mile. All mileages shall be computed by use of PC Miler. The greatest mileage between any point of loading and any point of unloading will determine initial origin and final destination. 5. PREPAYMENT OF CHARGES: All charges must be prepaid by shipper and only one freight bill will be issued for the entire shipment. However, charges may be collect when they are guaranteed by the shipper and so noted on the Bill of Lading at the time of shipment. All charges to be collected from consignee at final destination. 6. FAILURE TO DELIVER STOP-OFF FREIGHT: When Bill of Lading requires stop-off to unload a component part of the shipment and carrier is unable during business hours to effect delivery of such freight at the point of place of stop-off, that undelivered portion of such shipment shall then be subject to rules and regulations governing unclaimed freight, storage and redelivery of freight, to the extent that such services are applicable. 7. MARKING OR TAGGING SHIPMENTS: Except where shipment consists of identical packages or pieces, or where the various lots of freight comprising the shipment are of such nature as to be easily identified and segregated, each piece or package in any shipment stopped for partial unloading must be plainly and durably marked, stenciled or tagged by shipper in such manner that each lot of freight intended for delivery at a particular point or place of stop-off will be readily distinguishable from all other freight in the shipment. 8. STOP-OFF HANDLED IN SEPARATE VEHICLES: For carrier’s convenience, any portion of the shipment may be picked up, transported, or delivered, in separate trucks and all portions of the shipment need not be transported through the stop-off point. (Continued on Following Page) 75 900 Effective: June 13, 2016 Rule Central Transport Rules Tariff 100-AX Item (Continued from Previous Page) 9. SHIPPING INSTRUCTIONS a. b. c. d. e. Arrangements for any stop-off service provided in this item must be made with the carrier before shipment, or any portion thereof, is tendered for transportation. The entire portion of shipment to be picked up must be available for pickup at time of tender. The shipper must tender the part lots in the order required by the carrier. The party or parties authorized and designated by the shipper to accept or tender freight at a point or place of stop-off may be the same or other than the billed consignee. The Bill of Lading shall designate the following: 1. Stop-off point or points and places 2. The weight, quantities, marking and description of commodities to be loaded or unloaded 3. The name and address of the party authorized to tender freight or to accept freight for unloading at point or place stop-off. ITEM 910 — STORAGE 910 Freight held in carrier’s possession by reason of an act or omission of the shipper, consignee, or owner or for custom clearance or inspection, and through no fault of the carrier, will be considered stored immediately, and will be subject to the following provisions: (1) Storage charges on freight awaiting linehaul transportation will begin at 7:00 A.M. the day after freight is received by the carrier. (2) Storage charges on undelivered freight will begin at 7:00 A.M. on the first business day after notice of arrival has been given, as provided in Item 345, except no charges under this item will be made when actual tender of delivery is made within the next business day after such notice of arrival has been given, nor on the date the shipment is actually delivered. The term “first business day” means Monday through Friday, excluding Saturdays, Sundays, and Holidays. (3) Although storage charges will begin on the first business day after notice of arrival, once charges have been accruing all subsequent time, including Saturdays, Sundays, and Holidays, will be applied when calculating charges. (4) When the carrier has been given instructions at the time of shipment (such notation on the bill of lading, shipping label, or container) or prior to giving notice of arrival that the consignee will not accept freight on the date that freight is set to deliver, storage charges will begin accruing at 7:00 A.M. the first business day of arrival at the carrier’s delivering terminal. (5) Freight stored in Carrier’s possession will be assessed a daily charge of $2.75 per CWT., subject to a minimum daily charge of $45.00 and a maximum daily charge of $200.00 or fraction thereof per shipment. (6) Storage charges under this item will end when carrier is enabled to deliver or transport the freight as a result of action by consignee, shipper, owner, or Customs Official. Charges will not apply after 7:00 A.M. on the day the freight is delivered or transported. (7) When storage is being provided for a shipment, liability is that of a warehouseman rather than a common carrier. 76 Effective: June 13, 2016 Rule Central Transport Rules Tariff 100-AX Item ITEM 915 — STORAGE CHARGES ON EXPORT SHIPMENTS AT BORDER POINTS — SUFFERANCE WAREHOUSES 915 Shipments stored or held in or on the premises of the carrier at border crossing points, for any purpose of the shipper, consignee or owner, or for Customs clearance or inspection and through no fault of the carrier, will be subject to the provisions outlined in Item 910 of this tariff, except the free time allowed will be 48 hours after notice of arrival and the charges will be as follows: 1. STORAGE RATES: Per CWT. each 24 hour period $1.00 MINIMUM CHARGES Per shipment per 24 hour period $12.00 Per shipment per storage period $31.50 MAXIMUM CHARGES: (Per shipment or per vehicle) First 24 hours or fraction thereof $70.92 Second 24 hours or fraction thereof $94.45 Third and each succeeding 24 hour period or fraction thereof $145.46 2. SHIPMENTS SENT TO A PUBLIC WAREHOUSE (SUFFERANCE WAREHOUSE): Charge per CWT $2.75 Minimum Charge Per Shipment $21.50 Maximum Charge Per Shipment or Per Vehicle Used $371.88 ITEM 917 — UNLOADING AT SUFFERANCE WAREHOUSES 917 This item covers shipments moving from points in the United States into Canada for Canadian Customs Clearance at a point in Canada beyond the border. (A) Shipments from points in the United States to points in the provinces of Alberta, British Columbia, Manitoba, Ontario, Quebec and Saskatchewan will be assessed a charge payable in U.S. funds of $30.00 per shipment. (B) Shipments to Manitoba, Ontario and Quebec will be assessed a charge payable in U.S. funds of $0.90/CWT subject to a minimum charge of $15.00. 77 Effective: June 13, 2016 Rule Central Transport Rules Tariff 100-AX Item ITEM 920 — SUBSTITUTION OF SERVICE 920 Unless the shipper directs that the rail service shall not be performed, the motor carrier parties hereto may, at their option, substitute rail service for their actually available services via highways for which such motor carriers have lawful operating rights as common carriers via motor vehicle. ITEM 959 — TRANSFER OF LADING 959 (1) When shipments subject to truckload or volume rates cannot be picked up with the vehicle to be used in transporting the shipments over the highway, and the carrier is required to render pickup service with a different vehicle, such shipments will be subject to the charges in Paragraph 4 in addition to all other such applicable charges. These charges will be collected from the shipper. (2) When shipments subject to truckload rates cannot be delivered with the vehicle used in transporting the shipment over the highway, the carrier will notify the consignee of this fact in the manner provided for in Item 345 (Arrival Notice or Undelivered Freight). If the consignee requests the carrier to render delivery service with a different vehicle, such shipments will be subject to the charges in Paragraph 4 in addition to all other such applicable charges. Unless the bill of lading is endorsed to show prepayment of these charges they will be collected from the consignee. (3) When shipper or consignee requests that shipments subject to truckload rates be picked up or delivered on a vehicle other than the vehicle used in transporting the shipment over the highway, the charges in Paragraph 4 will apply. Unless the bill of lading is endorsed to show prepayment, the charges will be collected from the party requesting the service. (4) Each vehicle required for original pickup and/or final delivery will be considered a separate transfer. The charge for the weight on each vehicle will be $1.87 per 100 pounds subject to a minimum charge of $271.00. ITEM 962 — TERMINAL HANDLING CHARGE — CROSS-DOCK CHARGE 962 When carrier receives a shipment or shipments from an interline carrier or agent at carrier’s terminal and customer or another carrier picks up the shipment or shipments at the same terminal a charge of $1.00 per hundred weight, subject to a minimum charge of $10.00 per shipment, will be assessed. This is in addition to all other applicable charges. To clarify, this is a “cross-dock” charge for shipments for which carrier does not perform any other services; i.e., no pickup, no linehaul, etc. ITEM 985 — VEHICLE FURNISHED BUT NOT USED 985 When carrier upon receipt of a request to pick up a truckload or volume shipment or to furnish a vehicle for the exclusive use of a shipper, has dispatched a vehicle for such purpose and due to no disability, fault or negligence on the part of the carrier, vehicle is not used, a charge of $159.00 per day or fraction thereof, per vehicle, will be assessed against the shipper making such request. Accrual of these charges will terminate when carrier is notified that vehicle will not be used. ITEM 987 — TRAILER DISPATCHED BUT NO FREIGHT TENDERED 987 When carrier upon receipt of a request to pickup an LTL shipment has dispatched a trailer or straight truck (vehicle) for such purpose and due to no disability, fault or negligence on the part of the carrier, no freight is tendered (for whatever reason), a charge of $45.00 will be assessed against the party making such request. 78 Effective: June 13, 2016 Rule Central Transport Rules Tariff 100-AX Item ITEM 988 — PALLET PROGRAMS 988 Definitions, terms, process and rules Applies on shipments which are rated under the following pallet programs: CT Pallet and customer Specific pallet programs. Program Rule: 1. This program is not subject to alternation with rates that may be provided in any other tariff or agreement. 2. Actual pallet count must be noted on Bill of Lading in the left hand column instead of the total loose pieces. The actual piece count can be written elsewhere on the B/L. 3. Pallet pricing applies on palletized dock-to-dock shipments only. For the purposes of this program, “pallet” will be defined as any type of handling unit which has been designed to be handled by a standard fork lift. Freight must be enclosed in protective packaging and secured to the pallet. 4. If pallet count is not indicated on the B/L and/or if shipment is outside the Pallet Program rules or territory, the following rate will apply : A. CT Pallet Program: Central Transport CT 500 U/C (Series) rate base, courtesy default discounts and minimum charges.. 5. Pallet rates apply to pallets not exceeding 48” (L) x 48” (W) x 51” (H) (height inclusive of pallet) in any dimension. If pallet exceeds 48”x 48” x 51” in any dimension, each pallet will be billed and charged at 175% of the otherwise applicable “per pallet” rate. However, if a shipment is moving in next day lanes, the maximum height allowed is 96”. If a shipment contains any pallets with any dimension exceeding 96”, the entire shipment will be subject to standard LTL rates and rules and will not be accepted under the Pallet Program. Shipments of Household Goods (NMFC 100200) which exceed maximum pallet dimensions of 48” (L) x 48” (W) x 51” (H) (height inclusive of pallet) will also be subject to Central Transport 100 (series) Item 395. 6. Maximum pallet weight is 2,500 pounds. If the weight of a pallet exceeds 2,500 pounds, each pallet will be billed and charged at 175% of the otherwise applicable "per pallet" rate. When shipment consists of more than one pallet and the weight of each pallet is not shown on the B/L, the method for determining average weight per pallet shall be to divide the total weight of the shipment by the number of pallets to get the average weight per pallet 7. Pallet rates will apply on individual shipments consisting of 1-6 pallets. Each individual pallet above 6 on a single shipment will be rated at 200% of the applicable Pallet Rate. For example, if a shipper tenders 7 pallets on a single shipment, shipper will be invoiced for 6 pallets at the applicable rate and for 1 pallet at 200% of the applicable pallet rate. Pallet rates will not apply on shipments which contain over 8 pallets. 8. Any individual shipment with a TOTAL WEIGHT OF 20,000 POUNDS OR MORE or OCCUPYING MORE THAN 20 LINEAL FEET OR MORE will be subject to Central Transport 100 (SERIES) ITEM 385 and rated at $2.50 per mile plus Central Transport Truckload fuel. For rates on shipments of more than 20 lineal feet, or 20,000 pounds or more, please call our Volume Quotes Department at 586-467-1900. 9. Carrier’s liability for cargo loss and damage will be equal to the actual value not to exceed $1.00(US Funds) per pound per piece subject to a maximum of $2,500 (US Funds) per shipment for U.S. origin shipments and not to exceed $1.00 (Canadian Funds) per pound per piece subject to a maximum of $2,500 (Canadian Funds) per shipment for Canadian origin shipments. Also see Item 786. 10. Pallet rated shipments will be subject to all rules and accessorial charges contained in Central Transport 100 (series) Rules Tariff (including, but not limited to, COD Fees, inside delivery, lift gate charges, fuel surcharge, appointment, etc.) with the exception that Items 395 Household Goods (except as noted) and 611 Cubic Capacity are not applicable to ‘per pallet’ rated shipments. 11. Pallet rates and charges apply to outbound prepaid, inbound collect and third party shipments for which the accredited participant is responsible for the freight charges. Pallet Rates and Charges apply between Central Transport Direct Service Points. However, the origin state or province must be a state or province included in the Pallet Program. This program does not apply to outbound collect shipments or Blind Shipments. Inbound rates are listed by the applicable Origin State. 12. CT Pallet rates are available by visiting www.centraltransport.com. Rates shown apply from origin state to destination state. Pallet rates are stated in U.S. funds, except those between Canadian points, which are stated in Canadian Funds. 13. Terms and conditions and prices subject to revision and future rate increases without notice. ITEM 990 — FREIGHT RECOVERY FROM FOREIGN CARRIER DOCKS When requested by customer, Central Transport will at its option pickup freight from any carrier’s dock to complete linehaul and/or delivery of freight previously tendered to that carrier. Customer must provide Central Transport with a bill of lading to pickup freight from other carriers’ facilities. Bills-of-Lading must clearly identify freight and address of facility at which freight is to be recovered. A fee of $40.00 per shipment will be charged. This charge applies to each original carrier’s pro involved regardless of whether or not shipments are consolidated by Central Transport. The charge will apply in addition to all other applicable linehaul and accessorial charges. This charge is still applicable if Central Transport makes a recovery attempt but is unable to recover the freight or if Central Transport chooses to decline the freight at the other carrier’s facility. This charge does not apply to freight received from advance carriers and handed-off to Central Transport in the normal course of business. 79 990 Effective: June 13, 2016 Rule Central Transport Rules Tariff 100-AX Item ITEM 992 — WEIGHING OR RE-WEIGHING 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) 992 Carrier will verify the weight of any shipment, or weigh trailer loaded and empty on request of either the shipper or consignee. If the weight verification or weighing loaded and empty takes place within the plant confines of shipper or consignee the charge will be $30.00, and time spent will be counted as part of the 2 hours free time allowed for loading or unloading as provided in Section 3 Item 500 (Detention). The charge for weighing or weight verification will not apply if detention charges in the amount of $42.00 or more are assessed. If the weight verification or weighing loaded and empty is designated to take place at a location other than Paragraph 2 the charge will be 154 cents per mile for the miles in excess of the miles from origin point to destination point of shipment, plus $32.00. When Central Transport is requested to re-weigh a shipment and/or provide a certified scale ticket as a pre-requisite to payment of freight charges, Central Transport will provide such services at a charge of $18.00, subject to reasonable availability of a public scale. This charge is to be paid by the party requesting the service. ITEM 993 — WEIGHT AND INSPECTION PROCEDURES AND ADJUSTMENTS 993 In accordance with standard industry practice and pursuant to proper bill of lading requirements; shipment weights, commodity descriptions, and freight classifications are to be correct and must accurately reflect the shipments product and handling characteristics. Carrier maintains the right to inspect all freight it is tendered and may adjust shipment weight and/or classification to insure that carrier invoices are based on accurate freight characteristics. NO ADDITIONAL FEE will be charged when freight characteristics are determined to be incorrect and changed via the inspection process. However, carrier will make the necessary changes to weight and class and ANY applicable increase in freight charges WILL be added to the invoice and billed accordingly. Carrier will perform necessary inspections to ensure proper shipment characteristics are utilized for invoicing purposes. When changes are deemed necessary, carrier will document such changes on the invoice and will provide weight or class change certifications as support. Weight corrections will be made when the actual weight is determined to be greater than the weight stated on the shipper bill-of-lading. ITEM 995 — WEIGHTS — GROSS WEIGHTS AND DUNNAGE (1) Unless otherwise provided, charges shall be computed on actual gross weights, except when estimated weights are authorized such estimated weights shall be used. Gross weights include the weights of any pallets, platforms, racks, skids or other materials constituting a shipping carrier, container or package. Gross weights also include materials not parts of these items used to protect or secure shipments (See (3) below). (2) Any temporary blocking, flooring or lining, racks, standards, strips, stakes or similar bracing, Dunnage or supports not constituting a shipping carrier, container or package, or a part of the vehicle, when required to protect or make shipments subject to other than LTL or AQ classes or rates secure for transportation, must be furnished and installed by the shipper, except that upon request of shipper such materials will be furnished or installed by the carrier subject to the following provisions: (a) When the carrier furnishes materials, the cost thereof will be paid by the shipper upon presentation of an invoice from a supplier independent of the carrier covering such materials used on the involved shipment. (b) The labor charge for installation of shipper or carrier furnished material will be at the rate of $20.00 per hour or fraction thereof, for each worker. When material, not a part of the pallets, platforms, racks, shipping carriers, containers or packages, NOI or skids, is used to protect top of lading, or to secure the load to the pallet, platform, racks, shipping carriers, containers or packages, NOI or skids, such weight shall be included in the gross weight. 80 995 Effective: June 13, 2016 Rule Central Transport Rules Tariff 100-AX Item ITEM 996 — DETERMINATION OF FREIGHT CLASSES 996 In accordance with standard industry practice and pursuant to proper bill-of-lading requirements; shipment weights, commodity descriptions, and freight classifications are to be correct and must accurately reflect the shipments product and handling characteristics. Carrier maintains the right to inspect all freight it is tendered and may adjust shipment classification to insure that carrier invoices are based on accurate freight characteristics. Carrier will perform necessary inspections to ensure proper shipment characteristics are utilized for invoicing purposes. When charges are deemed necessary, Carrier will document such changes on the invoice and/or will provide class change certifications as support. For the purpose of rating, carrier will utilize freight classes provided by the shipper on the bill of lading. However, when inspection of a shipment reveals material inaccuracies between information contained on the bill-of-lading and actual shipment characteristics including but not limited to incorrect weight, missing/incomplete commodity descriptions, and/or oversized packaging, Carrier will modify the classification of the shipment to properly reflect actual shipment characteristics. When Class modification is necessary due to shipment inspection, carrier will employ procedures below to determine appropriate classification for rating purposes based on a shipment’s density. Classification determined under this procedure will be applied in lieu of classification determined under the national Motor Freight Classification STB NMF 100 Series. The following table has been adapted from the NMFC Commodity classification Standards Board Density guidelines. Density (pounds per cubic feet) will be determined by dividing a shipment’s weight (including all packaging and pallets) by its total cube (length x width x height). Calculated shipment density will be reviewed against the table below to determine the appropriate corresponding freight class for shipment rating purposes. Class corrections will be made when the actual class of a shipment is determined to be higher than 3 classes from the class stated on the shipper bill-of-lading. For example, stated class 50 and density class 55, 60 and 65 will be considered class 50 for rating purposes while stated class 50 and density class 70 will be considered class 70 for rating purposes Minimum Average Density (in pounds per cubic foot) Class 50 pcf or greater 50 35 pcf but less than 50 pcf 55 30 pcf but less than 35 pcf 60 22.5 pcf but less than 30 pcf 65 15 pcf but less than 22.5 pcf 70 13.5 pcf but less than 15 pcf 77.5 12 pcf but less than 13.5 pcf 85 10.5 pcf but less than 12 pcf 92.5 9 pcf but less than 10.5 pcf 100 8 pcf but less than 9 pcf 110 7 pcf but less than 8 pcf 125 6 pcf but less than 7 pcf 150 5 pcf but less than 6 pcf 175 4 pcf but less than 5 pcf 200 3 pcf but less than 4 pcf 250 2 pcf but less than 3 pcf 300 1 pcf but less than 2 pcf 400 Less than 1 pcf 500 81